University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892 Since 1892
Weekend, January 26-29, 2017 Monday, September 25, 2017
+SPORTS page 8
Diamonds in the rough
+ARTS, page 5
New student tight regent, ends key System forge emerging relationship up on offense +SPORTS, page 8
By Nina Bertelsen NEWS MANAGER
Ryan Ring is a UW-Eau Claire junior studying finance and political science. He will be confirmed by a vote in the state Senate later this fall.
Ryan Ring has been involved in student government ever since seventh grade, and when he arrived at UW-Eau Claire in 2015 he settled into committees on the student government association before working his way to a student senate position. But now, Ring has a more prestigious seat — not through student government, but appointed by the governor. Succeeding former UW-Whitewater student James Langnes III, the first-generation college student will be confirmed next
month by the state Senate as the next student regent. The Board of Regents — the governing body for the UW System — has 18 regents, 16 appointed by the governor. Two of those are students. Ring first became interested the position when the board visited his campus last fall — in fact, Ring said UW System President Ray Cross gave him advice on how to apply for the position and pointed him to the application. “It was honestly just like any other job I’ve applied for,” Ring said. A week after he received a
call from the governor’s office, they issued a press release announcing his appointment and his schedule quickly filled with meetings across the system. In the months following, Ring has already begun developing a relationship with the UW System Student Representatives and their president, UW-Stevens Point student John Peralta. According to Peralta, UWSSR’s relationship with the Board of Regents is mostly “handshakes and verbal agreements” but he hopes to set a precedent for the body to have
Trice and Ford: Bradenton Brothers more influence in the system. This
Declining enrollment, program cuts at two northern UW schools By Noah Habenstreit ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
Students graduating from UW-Superior this year will be leaving a far different school than the one they applied to. Those students saw at least 20 programs suspended and a number of faculty members laid off since 2013 — and some fear the situation will fail to improve, as UW System special assistance to the university ended this year. UW-Stevens Point is now facing similar problems. Earlier this
month, the university said that amid declining enrollment and in the face of diminished support from the state government, it would eliminate programs, cut staff positions and invest in ways to bring more students to campus. Some UW campuses have been able to weather the storm of state budget cuts better than others, and both UW-Superior and UW-Stevens Point have struggled to stay afloat.
Two-year budget boosts UW System funds The 2017-19’ biennial budget adds over $100 million in new funds for the UW System. See page 2 for more on how the money will affect students. + Graphic by Laura Mahoney
schools page 2
Council remains the only shared governance body not to endorse UW diversity statement By Maggie Chandler COLLEGE NEWS EDITOR
The Associated Students of Madison are the only governing body on campus that has not endorsed UW-Madison’s institutional statement on diversity, according to Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims. Sims presented the institutional statement on diversity at the Student Council meeting Tuesday. He said he hopes ASM will support the resolution this time after the body did not take it up last year. In the fall of 2016, Sims presented the resolution to the body and said that overall it was a “great conversation” and students seemed supportive. However, after the presenta-
includes pursuing a relationship with the student regent. Last year, UWSSR endorsed a list of students to fill the position and presented it to the governor’s office — Ring’s name was not among them. Peralta said while the group was disappointed they plan to put forward a list of names again before the next appointment process. Ring believes his position should continue to be appointed by the governor but still serve as a student voice to help regents “keep an ear to the ground.”
tion, many students were angry with administration’s reaction to the noose incident, saying that Chancellor Rebecca Blank’s statement was inappropriate. Although she called the costume offensive, Blank said free speech protected the person’s right to wear it. Sims said after the noose incident it was clear to him that ASM would not support the resolution. “Let me just say I did not go to that meeting nor do I think students were in the mood to try and endorse this statement on our student principles,” Sims said. “There was a bit of a disconnect. Some dissonance between what the statement suggested and what had played out over the last two or three days
during that time period.” Prior to the noose incident, former ASM Chair Carmen Goséy said she liked that shared governance groups were committing to diversity, but was critical of the resolution. “It’s very easy to say that you’re committed to diversity and inclusion, but what are you doing to commit to that?” Goséy said. ASM Chair Katrina Morrison said the noose incident was “one of many factors” for why the resolution wasn’t taken up. Although the body wanted to see action from administration, many saw it as just words, she said. “I can say that we’ve learned our lesson,” Sims said. “I think people are listening more in ways that perhaps they weren’t before.”
ASM sued for violating Council bylaws during divestment vote last spring By Maggie Chandler COLLEGE NEWS EDITOR
Three UW-Madison Jewish students are suing the Associated Students of Madison’s Student Council for violating ASM bylaws by acting on legislation that would have required the university to divest from Israeli companies on the same day it was brought forth last year. The petitioners, Ori Etzion, Hilary Miller and Sari Mishell, want to nullify the vote and passage of the divestment legislation at the April 26 meeting. “The legislation voted upon was dramatically different than the version publicized before the meeting and, therefore, it had not been publicly noticed as required by the bylaws and open meeting
laws,” the complaint stated. ASM Rep. Denzel Bibbs is the only member of the 23rd session required to attend the upcoming hearing. Vice Chief Justice of Student Judiciary, Ben Smith, said this was because Bibbs was the only one who was involved in writing and amending the legislation and still holds a position on ASM. As the respondent in the case, ASM Chair Katrina Morrison must produce “all written documentation and communication in relation to all discussions, public and private,” relating to the divestment legislation. The hearing will take place at 8:30pm on Monday, Oct. 2. Vice Chief Justice Ben Smith will act as the presiding justice.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.” “…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
news 2
Monday, September 25, 2017
Body cameras have chance to become part of MPD uniforms
Some things never change Unlike the architecture of the Humanities Building, some campus institutions — like The Daily Cardinal — are timeless. This reader enjoys their copy in 1981. + The Daily Cardinal
Walker signs two-year budget into law, increases UW funding By Lilly Pice STATE NEWS EDITOR
Gov. Scott Walker officially signed the 2017-’19 state budget Thursday in Neenah, ending a months-long stalemate over the $76 billion document.
“Families in Wisconsin deserve better than a budget that continues to delay road projects, limit healthcare access and takes funding away from local schools.” Jennifer Shilling D-La Crosse state Sentate
The UW System will receive a slight funding boost. Although it doesn’t recover the $250 million slashed from the university’s coffers in the last budget, this is the first budget in eight previous budgets the university did not receive cuts. The budget allocates a bump in funding for the state’s public universities by over $100 million and adds an additional $31.5 million in money tied to the performance of each university in a series of metrics. Metrics require schools in the system to perform against a set of criteria that will determine their share of state funding. On Wednesday, Walker partially vetoed 99 provisions in the budget. He rejected universities’ ability to choose their own rating metrics. , saying schools would choose metrics that would not be challenging to meet. UW System faculty will also see a two percent wage increase each year of the two-year budget starting in July. “We asked for reinvestment in the UW System and are grateful our message was heard by the members of the committee,” said UW-Madison Chancellor
Rebecca Blank earlier this month. “We’re also pleased to see employee compensation increases accelerated by the committee today, which will help us attract and retain talent.” The spending blueprint also distributes money for construction at each UW System campus, requires faculty report how many hours they spend teaching and continues a tuition freeze for in-state students. The freeze is expected to save the average student $6,311 over four years, according to Walker. Though tuition will be frozen for it’s fifth straight year, housing costs and student fees will rise. “This budget proves you can provide more money for our schools and lower property taxes at the same time,” Walker said in a statement. UW campuses across the state will start new construction projects using $60 million granted by capital budget. At UW-Madison, new parking garages will be built, while Lathrop Drive and Bascom Hill will see renovations. One provision that was originally removed from the budget by the Joint Finance Committee and then put back in last minute would require UW System faculty and professors to monitor and report their workload. The aim, Walker said, is to hold faculty accountable and have records of teacher workload to show taxpayers their money is well spent. Blank, however, is concerned that the provision wouldn’t account for the time professors and faculty spend out of the classroom to research or assist their field in other areas of Wisconsin. Under the budget, the system will receive $1.5 million each year to create and run the Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership that will issue grants for objective political research relevant to the state and require the system
to spend $500,000 a year on speakers at campuses other than UW-Madison. It’s expected that the center will focus on scheduling conservative speakers to balance the number of liberal speakers often booked. Also under the budget, Board of Regents will get $5 million to grant campuses that are competitive in increasing high demand degree programs. On Wednesday, Walker struck part of the provision that allows the regents to choose the definition of “high demand.” Republicans are calling this budget one “we can all be proud of,” that has both “historic K-12 education funding” and the promise of keeping taxes low. Democrats, however, say
“We asked fot reinvestment in the UW System and are grateful our message was heard by members in the committee.” Rebecca Blank chancellor UW-Madison
the budget is “rigged” and “hurts families.” “Families in Wisconsin deserve better than a budget that continues to delay road projects, limits healthcare access and takes funding away from local schools,” state Senate minority leader Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse, said in a statement. Thursday’s passage officially kicks in the new funding levels throughout the state. Since the budget was months late due to disagreements between Assembly and Senate Republicans over transportation funding and other issues. Now that the 2017-’19 budget is finalized, it’s expected Walker will soon announce his re-election bid to serve a third term as governor of Wisconsin.
The Madison community could be one step closer to seeing bodyworn cameras on its police officers, despite privacy concerns that have raised contention among citizens and lawmakers in the past. If approved in next year’s capital budget — which lays out how the city will fund upcoming and existing projects — a $123,000 proposal would purchase nearly 50 bodyworn cameras for Madison Police Department officers on the North Side of Madison. The project, sponsored by Ald. Paul Skidmore of District 9, would act as a pilot program for MPD. If it proved viable for officers on the North Side, citywide implementation would be the next step, although how much that would cost is still unclear. While body-worn cameras are widely used by law enforcement around the country, the idea has previously been a hard sell in Madison. A similar surveillance program was proposed in 2015, but was shot down by city council in a 19-1 vote.
While many city lawmakers at the time said body-worn cameras could pose risks for illegal immigrants, Skidmore called that idea “irrational.” “The opposition was purely political,” Skidmore said. “We wouldn’t use footage for [immigration status concerns]. The camera is amoral — neither good nor bad — it just records what’s out there,” Skidmore said. MPD Lt. Kelly Donahue told The Daily Cardinal that public concerns about body cameras extend beyond targeting illegal immigrants. In previous discussions about implementing the cameras, she said, the community has voiced concerns over videos being made available through public records requests — though they would likely be subject to the same agency discretion rules that protect sensitive information. Police could also develop protocols around when the cameras shouldn’t be used, Skidmore said, like in sexual assault and domestic abuse cases. The capital budget will be finalized in late November.
UW-Stevens Point’s incoming 2017 class is the smallest since 2008. schools from page 1 Although both schools are in the northern part of Wisconsin, the state’s most rural region, not all schools there have felt the same impact — UW-Eau Claire, UW-Stout, and UW-River Falls all reported record or near-record enrollment this year. For UW-Superior, the situation is nothing new. The school faced a $4.5 million shortfall in 2014, partially due to debt from two large building projects. It has trimmed that deficit to roughly $2 million — with significant help from the UW System, which sought to offset state budget cuts and declining enrollment numbers. But earlier this year, that assistance ended, and UW-Superior will need to rely more on tuition from students to fund its programs. That may prove challenging. Jeremy Nere, the new director of admissions at UW-Superior, said that the high school populations in northern Wisconsin and northern Minnesota, where the university does much of its recruiting, have declined significantly, leading to an enrollment problem. “We were happily surprised [this year] — we actually were up 3 percent in total headcount. But a lot of that had to with growth in our online and growth in our graduate programs,” Nere said. “Unfortunately, with that traditional high school student population … it’s declining.” State budget cuts have impacted UW-Superior’s ability to recruit students, Nere said, and they have weighed just as heavily on UW-Stevens Point, which saw a $9 million decrease in state funds over the past two budgets — a loss of over 25 percent of the school’s total state funding.
Those cuts and the school’s declining enrollment contributed to the university’s decision to eliminate programs, likely including its entire Geography and Geology Department. A spokesperson for UW-Stevens Point did not respond to requests for comment. Despite the challenges both schools face, there are some reasons to be optimistic. The 2017-19 biennial budget, recently signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker, provides for a $100 million increase in funding to the UW System, with the stipulation that a larger portion of the money must go to smaller and less wealthy universities, such as UW-Superior and UW-Stevens Point. And additionally, both schools’ administrations say they’re working hard to make the tough choices necessary to improve their schools in the long run. UW-Stevens Point Provost Greg Summers told the Stevens Point Journal that the cuts would make the university a “stronger but smaller institution.” UW-Superior Chancellor Renee Wachter said earlier this year that after the flurry of program eliminations and staff layoffs over the past few years, she is hopeful that the university will not need to make more cuts, having trimmed the deficit by more than half. In 2016-17, overall enrollment increased at UW-Superior for the first time in seven years, and the admissions office is working on creative solutions that will keep the UW System’s smallest school from getting any smaller. “Budget constraints will always impact [recruitment],” Nere said. “We have to get creative with what we’re doing and how we’re marketing … the more we can do that, the better.”
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 127, Issue 8
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
Monday, September 25, 2017
UW-Madison professor talks public health
News and Editorial Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Andrew Bahl Madeline Heim News Team News Manager Nina Bertelsen Campus Editor Lawrence Andrea College Editor Maggie Chandler City Editor Gina Heeb State Editor Lilly Price Associate News Editor Noah Habenstreit Features Editor Sammy Gibbons Opinion Editor Madison Schultz • Samantha Wilcox Editorial Board Chair Jack Kelly Arts Editors Ben Golden • Samantha Marz Sports Editors Ethan Levy • Ben Pickman Gameday Editors Ben Blanchard • Bremen Keasey Almanac Editors Ayomide Awosika • Patrick Hoeppner Photo Editors Cameron Lane-Flehinger Brandon Moe Graphics Editors Amira Barre • Laura Mahoney Multimedia Editor Jessica Rieselbach Science Editor Maggie Liu Life & Style Editor Cassie Hurwitz Copy Chiefs Sam Nesovanovic • Haley Sirota Justine Spore • Sydney Widell Copy Editors Brigihid Hartnett • Erin Jordan Elizabeth Schrelber • Arielle Simon Social Media Manager Jenna Mytton Special Pages Amileah Sutliff • Yi Wu
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Dear Ms. Scientist, How is pepperoni made? Bonnie P.
Photo courtesy of UW-Madison
The Health Sciences Learning Center at UW-Madison, home to Patrick Remington’s office. By Maggie Liu the daily cardinal
As the field of medicine expands, so too does the field of public health. Public health is the marriage of health and community. It studies how the community and environment influence the quality of life or the people who live there. Public health is an incredibly broad field, ranging from considerations of poverty, urban planning, safety measures and preventative care. While the traditional healthcare field tends to treat symptoms and illnesses after they happen, public health seeks to root out the risk factors and determinants of those illnesses and find a way to reduce or even prevent them from arising in the first place. Patrick Remington, the Associate Dean of Public Health at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH), is an expert in public health, having dedicated most of his career to it. At UWSMPH, they have weaved public health into the research and service missions at the school. His area of expertise is public health surveillance. He researches and investigates determinants of public health issues, meaning that he and similar researchers are the ones who call attention to and provide evidence for issues that need fixing. “It’s important to have good healthcare, it’s important to be educated and have healthy behaviors, but these are all influenced a lot by the conditions in which we live, the built environment, the physical environment, policies, rules and laws. Public health tries to shape our environments and our communities so that people can live long and healthy lives.” In the past, public health has focused on improving living environments and healthy behaviors, but in recent years, more and more evidence indicates that the root causes of many health problems are fundamental factors like poverty, lack of education and unemployment. “We’ve been adding the concept of health equity, so not just having long and healthy lives, but long and healthy lives for all,” Remington said. “We really see that today, that having no hope because of
being born in [poverty] or ending up in this situation by your circumstance, that with hopelessness, comes poor health,” Remington added. “Fundamentally, people have pain … often coming from social circumstance.” In Wisconsin, a model for measuring population health has been developed, called Health Outcomes. It measure how long and how well people live by monitoring four factors: Health behaviors, healthcare access, social determinants, and built and physical environments. Social determinants include factors like education, job availability, living wages and supportive communities. These social determinants are particularly important, as they are heavily related to poverty rates, which in turn influence the quality of life for the population. Built and physical environments look at whether the community has qualities like access to safe places to exercise or access to healthy and affordable food. Here in Madison, public health is also a matter of great importance. Madison and Dane County as a whole have interesting mixtures of rural, suburban and urban populations. In particular, Remington said, the urban areas of Madison are challenged with high rates of obesity, poverty, challenges in finishing school and finding jobs. “The report on the Race to Equity that was published a number of years that showed that right here in Dane County, we have some of the biggest disparities between whites and blacks for educational outcomes, of jobs and income and also health outcomes, right here in our own county.” A public health debate recently arose with a specific provision in the newly proposed Wisconsin state budget. Part of the budget proposes to remove the right of the government to use condemnation to construct new pedestrian and bike paths. Condemnation allows the government to legally take private property for public use, provided that compensation is given to the private party. Without this power, the cost of constructing new
sidewalks and bike paths could rise, as well as possibly causing new projects to be cancelled. ”[Bike paths and sidewalks] are absolutely proven to improve health and safety… It’s not good public policy, it should’ve been debated, and we should’ve been able to compare the cost and benefits of such a policy,” Remington said. “Childhood obesity rates, adult obesity rates, cannot be confronted without making the hard decisions in some communities that it takes to put in a sidewalk or a bike path.” While there are many issues still to be addressed in public health, the advances and progress that public health investment has brought cannot be ignored. The massive anti-smoking campaign started several decades ago has been a huge triumph for public health. Smoking rates have gone down dramatically since it was implemented, as the public became more educated. “I think the gains from reducing smoking have been tremendous,” Remington said. Remington also mentioned an exemplary public health in the small town of Algoma, Wis. It’s certainly not a town that would be featured on any travel brochure, but the close community ties and overall population health have marked this small Wisconsin town as an excellent example of proper implementation of public health policy, despite the challenges that face small rural towns like Algoma. “This little community has figured it out. From their schools, to their employers, to their religious and civil organizations, they have threaded health throughout all their doings.” While every city faces different challenges, this success story is an indication that public health policy can and does work when done right. “We want to make the easy choice, the healthy choice, so that people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle don’t find obstacles … so that we achieve the public health aim of building societies so that all people can live long and healthy lives.”
Beef comes from a cow, pork comes from a pig, but what animal makes a pepperoni? Pepperoni is a combination of beef and pork (sometimes just beef) that is cured. Curing is a process of drying meats and taking the moisture out using salt, sugar and nitrates. The salt creates a chemical environment where water is drawn out by osmotic pressure, which is just water moving out of the meat membrane. Sugar is added to balance out the flavor of the salt. Nitrates are added to preserve the meat and prevent spoiling. Nitrates prevent the growth of bacteria. The reaction of nitrates with the meat causes the distinct reddish hue most pepperoni has. Nitrates are made out of oxygen and nitrogen. When the nitrogen interacts with the oxygen proteins in the meat the color change is initiated. Brighter red pepperoni means more nitrogen preservative was used during production.
Dear Ms. Scientist, How is Jell-O made? Clyde B. Jell-O is made from gelatin, water, sugar (lots of it!) and food coloring. The one ingredient that is most mysetrious to most people is probably gelatin, which is made from collagen. Collagen is a type of animal protein that is long, fibrous and tightly packed together. It’s typically found in the bones and skin of animals. Companies making gelatin generally boil the bones and skin in water to extract and loosen the collagen fibers. The loosened collagen is then cooled in water, allowing it to tighten up again. However, because there is water in the collagen during the cooling, it doesn’t completely stiffen up, giving the gelatin the “wiggly” or “wobbly” consistency. For vegetarians and vegans, never fear! You can still get your jelly fix. There is vegan jelly out there called agar-agar, which is instead made from algae, seaweed or other plants. Similarly to regular gelatin, the plant material is also boiled to extract the agar. Although agar-agar is only recently becoming popular in the US as a food option, many Asian countries have been making and eating agar-agar or agarlike jelly for a long time.
Ask Ms. Scientist is written by Maggie Liu and Jordan Gaal. Burning science question? Email us at
4 • Monday, September 25, 2017
Americans consume 146 billion cups of coffee per year. Today’s Sudoku
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Eatin’ Cake
Eggs 2.0
By Dylan Moriarty
By Tommy Valtin-Erwin
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
First in Twenty
By Angel Lee
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
55 British title
23 Cabbie’s quests
1 “Tat-tat” preceder
57 ____ out a living
26 It’s hot off the presses
5 ___-arms
59 Extreme bliss
27 Ill-mannered young’un
10 “___ Island” (2008 film)
62 Secret Service concern
28 Coke, e.g.
14 Mouse manipulator
66 Dr. Seuss classic
30 “Prima Ballerina” artist Edgar
15 Very practical
68 Needle-nosed fishes
32 Reply of the accused
16 “... and make it fast!”
69 Young buck in the third year
34 Slick-road peril
17 Company picnic event
70 First-class
36 Come to terms
20 Church songbook
71 ____ and nays
38 “If all ___ fails ...”
21 Beauty school subject
72 A way to catch fish
39 Parasitic leaping insect
22 “Fat chance!”
73 Release, as lava
40 Russian leader before 1917
24 Helm heading, sometimes
42 Prayer book selection
25 Atlantic catch
1 Babe the slugger
43 Visit by a medic
26 “America’s Got Talent” network
2 Like a fireplace floor
48 Most urgent
29 “Holy Toledo!”
3 Six years, for U.S. senators
50 Fork-tailed flier
31 Country’s economic stat
4 Sports venue
52 Long-limbed, as a model
33 Cupid, to the Greeks
5 Type of stew
53 Psychic glows
35 Geometry calculation
6 Absorbed, as cost
54 Where to hear an aria
37 Chin crease
7 Almost, in poems
56 Extreme severity
41 Act cautiously
8 Pool owner’s headache
58 Drinks with fizz
44 Ramp alternative
9 Preparing to drive
45 Wrapped garment
10 Drug agent
46 On the ocean
11 Writer Asimov
61 City on the Yamuna River
47 “What ___ I tell you?”
12 Introduction to economics?
63 Defeat decisively
49 Small denomination
13 Floor it
64 Hamlet, by nationality
51 Corn serving
18 Ill at ___ (uncomfortable)
65 Type of duck
52 Asian language
19 Thoroughly soak
67 Hem, but not haw
60 Fuel brand with green and white stations
University Housing values diversity and is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Wynton Marsalis provides old tunes with a fresh sound By Christian Memmo THE DAILY CARDINAL
A sustained air of anticipation filled Overture Hall on Saturday night where, mere feet from the stage, jazz legend Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra (JLCO) tuned and tested an array of iconic orchestral elements. Roughly 2,000 attendees erupted into applause as the lights dimmed to greet the opening act: The Badger High School Jazz Ensemble, based out of Lake Geneva. The group performed two brief renditions of the big band jazz style, featuring solos from the bells of trumpets, saxophones and gentle touches of the piano. The group holds a boastful record of three trips to New York City, where the Essentially Ellington jazz competition selects 15 bands from a national pool to perform. Matching the tenacity of the ensemble, the crowd followed in traditional jazz concert fashion, tossing a flurry of hollers, whoops and cheers to the end of each solo. The brief, 20-minute opening act demanded the adoration of jazz patrons in the hall that night, and they earned it. The five-minute turnaround between acts was sufficient in rendering the audience restless as, moments later, the JLCO and Mr. Marsalis himself took to the stage with little grandeur or extravagance needed, enveloped in a deafening coat of applause; after all, their reputation precedes them. Marsalis, a nine-time Grammy award-winning artist and Pulitzer recipient, did not take a frontman position at the center of some spotlight. Rather, he placed himself on the high bandstand beside the accompanying brass section. The renowned composer, performer and conductor has been remarkably active in
the jazz scene since the 1980s, attending Juilliard and subsequently joining the incomparable Jazz Messengers led by Art Blakey. In the years to come, he would play alongside fathers of contemporary jazz, including Sonny Rollins, Dizzy Gillespie, Herbie Hancock and Ron Carter. He would go on to establish a jazz program at Juilliard’s Lincoln Center, write five books and earn the George Foster Peabody award. The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra he tours with manages to effortlessly meet Marsalis’ threshold of talent. If not for their masterful fluency in advanced jazz improvisation theory, the woodwind section is comprised solely of multiinstrumentalists capable of approaching varying jazz styles through use of alto, tenor, baritone and soprano saxophones, as well as the flute, clarinet, bass clarinet and tuba. The 15-man ensemble performs with a powerful vigor and frightening meticulosity; each member a real-time, improvising cog in a well-oiled machine. Where one would expect a cacophony of jumbled sound, there is a surprising fluidity in which the group utilizes the music itself to queue the next soloist in. The concert’s repertoire was slightly different than the conventional concert. Instead of featuring music from Marsalis’ compositions or covers of typical standards, the entirety of Saturday’s show consisted of pieces personally arranged by varying members of the ensemble; music ranged from the ragtime stomp of Jelly Roll Morton, to the cool, clean sounds of Duke Ellington, to the hard bebop of Sonny Rollins. These arrangements were constructed with tenacious efforts from the mem-
bers. For example, bassist Carlos Henriquez injected flavors of Caribbean-flared Latin jazz to Duke Ellington’s The Far East Suite, whereas trombonist Chris Crenshaw’s rendition of Rollins’ Freedom Suite interjected a bold and boisterous brass section to back up the rhythmic and domineering percussion. Between the short set of songs, Marsalis offered insight into the background, inflections and mindsets of each piece. The occasional anecdote in his travels with Rollins or joke toward Milwaukee-based pianist Dan Nimmer’s reticent soloing style breathed an additional tier of levity to the night within a crowd that was already active, engaged and entertained by the ensemble’s stunning form. By the time the concert ended, Marsalis and company were greeted with a standing ovation and affectionate cheers. In response, drummer Marion Felder, saxophonist Walter Blanding, Henriquez and Marsalis remained onstage, topping the performance off with a lighthearted, cool jazz depiction of another Ellington piece. The horns faded out as they walked off stage-left, the rhythm queueing into a comfortable tacet. To brand the performance a success would be an understatement, as Marsalis and the JLCO have performed enough to shave the art of jazz down to a science of soul and emotion rather than notated accuracy and rigidity. With the audience still cheering and applauding, the house lights emerged and the main act’s formidable sounds coursed its way through the thousands of tapping feet, snapping fingers and humming mouths that once again dispersed into the muggy, Madison evening.
Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra created a masterful, fluid sound.
Lizzo created an accepting space in her set for audience members.
Lizzo empowers audience through self-love anthems By Sammy Gibbons THE DAILY CARDINAL
The only person who could possibly feel themselves while wearing a sweater in the balmy heat of this confused Wisconsin weather is none other than empowering Midwest-raised rapper, Lizzo. Entering the stage wearing a fuzzy red heart on her chest, she went full-force from the beginning to end of her set, belting near-flawless anthems of feminism and body positivity. The bold artist managed to electrify the audience in a venue seemingly mismatched with the vibes of rap music — the Wisconsin Union Theater in Memorial Union, a place that typically holds lectures given by distinguished academics and the like. Lizzo had a different type of crowd, wedging themselves against the stage and squeezing into aisles simply to stay standing and be able to bop freely to the jams. The audience made it work though, and people were up and flailing limbs all around, despite the limitations brought by chairs. DJ Sophia Eris, who does production for Lizzo, opened the show with her nonstop flow of beats, sampling from a variety of music and immersing the audience in the energy to come for the next 90 minutes. She was obviously having a great time, playing around with pieces of music and encouraging the audience to yell profanities about President Trump along with her. The crowd may not have caught Eris’ bait right away — there was minimal grooving despite the musician’s prompts — but shortly after she left the stage, more people filled the room and the anticipation for Lizzo’s fun hip-hop excellence was palpable. Lizzo and Eris — who backed up the wordsmith — strutted on stage with her two backup dancers, referred to as The Big GRRRLS — who rocked leotards and fishnets, embracing and shaking all their curves. Their apparent confidence in themselves was infectious and made me want to whip my hair around and sing about feeling “good as hell.” The rapper treated the audi-
ence to almost every song from her latest EP, Coconut Oil, including the second track and go-to pump-up banger, “Phone.” After the tune, she chatted with the crowd a bit and said she had loved Madison the couple times she had previously played here. She then asked if, because Madison was so great, she could play a track off her 2015 hit album, Big Grrrl Small World, and soon, the soft opening notes of “Humanize” leaked from the speakers. After making sure concertgoers were “turning up,” she chose three of them to join her and “twerk” on stage. The three took over the stage as Lizzo got other audience members chanting their names. Lizzo played another tune, “Deep,” off of the fairly new EP, as well as a single she dropped just a couple weeks ago, “Love Hurts.” She also played the first song she ever released, “Batches & Cookies,” featuring Eris. This came along with another oldie off of Big Grrrl Small World, “En Love,” which got everyone in the seats standing and shouting, “I think I’m in love with myself ” and dancing to every bass drop as if no one was watching. The artist is known for releasing hits that preach feminism, black power and embracing one’s body, and this trend of self-love was consistent throughout her set. The audience of all shapes, colors, sizes, genders, etc. were happily in a cohesive space of releasing their worries about their identities with help from the inspiring artist. She tied up her set — a little too soon after she started, it seemed — with jams filled with these messages, such as the song “Worship,” which demands for the singer to be treated like royalty by someone lucky enough to have her attention, and her hit single “Good as Hell,” where she again talks about feeling good about herself, infecting the crowd with the same sentiment. “I wanna say things that make people feel good,” Lizzo said, out of breath between energetic songs. “I write it to better my life, but moments like this is [when it] pays off.”
opinion 6
Monday, September 25, 2017
College students should not fear their faults, but embrace vulnerability SIMRAN JAIN opinion columnist
Free speech is a pillar of our country’s ideals and morals, not something that is selectively applicable.
Free speech can’t become selective, instead must be assured for all ideologies view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
ree Speech is not, and cannot, be selective. This is an idea often, and ironically, overlooked by State Sen. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater. On Wednesday, Nass released a statement condemning the ideas presented by UW-Madison student Eneale Pickett in a video the student released to promote his clothing line, Insert Apparel. The video portrays a scene in which two police officers wearing pig masks hang a black man using an American flag. Later in the video, the same two police officers can be seen running from a black man, who is dragging a sledgehammer behind him. The promotion concludes with a shot of Pickett holding a bloodied pig mask and a machete, depicting the decapitation of one of the police officers. “This vile and racist antipolice video is clearly a direct threat to the brave men and women that serve behind the badge,” Nass said in his statement. “UW-Madison must immediately hold these students accountable and that should include an investigation
by the police and the Wisconsin Department of Justice.” The Daily Cardinal condones no violence, such as that depicted in Pickett’s video or any other kind, but we do take issue with the nature of Nass’ statement. Nass’ statement comes just over two months after he signed on as a cosponsor of Assembly Bill 440, an even more concerning alternative to the Campus Free Speech Act. These bills are supposedly meant to promote expression and speech on UW System campuses, but in actuality would stifle discourse at universities across the state. The Republican senator’s statement on Wednesday is hypocritical, as it illustrates his commitment to free speech only when said speech aligns with his beliefs — something that has become common for Nass over the last year. In December 2016, he threatened funding to UW-Madison over a class titled “The Problem of Whiteness.” The class is meant to help students “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to
help dismantle white supremacy,” according to UW-Madison’s African Cultural Studies department’s website. To Nass, though, the class wasted the money of Wisconsinites “to advance the politically correct agenda of liberal administrators and staff.” It’s ironic how quick he is to advocate for free speech until said speech goes against his own beliefs. Nass also criticized The Men’s Project, a group at UW-Madison which aims to promote reflection and discussion on the meaning of masculinity, as allegedly being a “war on men” — a further example of his hypocrisy. As advocates of complete and total free speech for all, The Daily Cardinal recognizes Nass’ right to make the aforementioned statements, yet we cannot let the blatant hypocrisy of said statements go unnoticed. If the senator were a true advocate of free speech, he would not be condemning a college student because of a video he produced. Rather, he would recognize Pickett and his right to create and share said video. After all, Senator, we cannot be selective of what speech is free. Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage. Please send any questions or comments to
oesn’t it seem like everyone around you has their life so much more figured out than you do? I know I’m supposed to be much more confident about everything I’m doing today and will do tomorrow, but I’m not. I’m not sure if I’ll have friends or not, I don’t know if I’ll get the best grades or not, I don’t know if I’ll join the student organizations I should or not. I am trying so hard to be in love with the “college experience” that I can’t let myself believe for even two seconds that I’m just a little lost and just a little scared. College for most of us means a new city with new people, on top of pursuing education or preparation at an exceptionally challenging level. There isn’t only workload, but the social, economic and involvement pressure of these four years that simply drops on us, all at once. However, it seems almost impermissible to show my struggles with these heavy responsibilities outside my choice of music and my wandering mind. Most people feel overwhelmed with the pressure of seeming like they are living their best lives and having everything sorted out. This transparent contest that everyone seems to participate in has no prize other than feeling disappointed and sleep-deprived. Being vulnerable is okay. People need to know that they are not alone in their feelings of vulnerability and confusion. The person next door might seem like she or he is always studying, going out and doesn’t want to be bothered, but actually is trying just as hard to do college right as you are. It is always important to keep in mind some core ideas when you are feeling down or are comparing yourself to others. First, every individual here is different and will have different versions of an ideal life. Second, being
by yourself for a few hours isn’t sad, but actually healthy. And third, you are not required to get it right on the first try. This only means you don’t need to feel obligated to seem impressive to everyone around you, sitting in your room for a while is actually quite a comfortable experience, and you are bound to fail at life a few times. I wish there wasn’t such a stigma around not feeling like you’re having a good time because while college is boasted as the best four years of your life, it is also the first major change in lifestyle most of us experience. Living by ourselves and making our own choices — going out or staying in, doing laundry, joining certain student organizations, staying up late or sleeping early, choice of what to eat — it’s all on us for the first time. People try to dismiss the importance of these basic decisions, not realizing just how happy one can be if they eat healthy, wear completely clean clothes, don’t have a hangover on a Sunday and speaking out loud that they’re confused. We go to school on a big campus. Sometimes it can be easy to feel lost. Nevertheless, there are so many people and resources willing to help. Who knows, the person drinking coffee right next to you could turn out to be a future friend. You’ll never know if you don’t start up a conversation with them. There is a certain degree of shame in admitting that you’re not entirely on track, whether emotionally or academically. The efforts to avoid coming off as confused overpower the efforts that could and should be invested in finding your likes and interests, whatever they might be. Simran is a freshman intending on majoring in journalism. What are your thoughts on vulnerability on campus? Have you ever felt pressured to act a certain way, or feel a certain way? Please send all questions and comments to
Student should not worry about showing weakness or vulnerability.
almanac Indecent Exposure: Introductions
Monday, September 25, 2017
Anna Welch, smiling candidly. She knows that her readership is eagerly awaiting her next installment for the sex column.
Sydney Thomas preparing to give you lecture you about the birds and the bees, and the importance of using lube right.
Ayden Prehara, the human, not the dog, smiling about the one time he bit into a Pizza Roll that wasn’t too hot on the first bite.
Ayden suggested we write this like a Tinder bio and that makes me so nervous I can barely type. Hello amazing readers of The Daily Cardinal, I am so giddy to be back from the rainy green isle and ready to dish about all things sex and relationships, with no less than the two funniest, most knowledgeable weirdos I know. I had the pleasure of writing this column for a year and a half under the title Between the Sheets before passing the torch to my girl Sydney Thomas who finessed Sex with Syd. We’re back with the addition of Ayden Prehara —he’s too cool for me and you — and we’re ready to expose all things perfectly indecent. We plan to leave no sexual stone unturned, but please, for the love of lube, if you have a topic you’re dying to get your eyes on, hit us up at A little about me: I feel like my identity as a Cancer pretty much says it all, but I’ll say more for the heck of it.
Majors: Journalism and Gender and Women’s Studies.
Hey y’all, I am so excited to jump into this semester back with The Daily Cardinal and our newly revamped (2017 DJ Earworm-esque, if you will) mashup of Between the Sheets + Sex With Syd + whatever name feels right to Ayden. We are here to give you three voices and three different opinions on all things sexy happening on and around our campus. The goal is to give a diverse range of opinions on a plethora of topics to have you all feeling entertained and that much more knowledgeable after reading every column. A little bit about me? Oh please, all you had to do was ask!
Hey folks! By now you get the drill, my two best friends and I are undergoing a mission to get UW-Madison to talk about sex like it hasn’t been done before, and I’ve never been more excited! We already have a plethora of ideas bopping around our heads of topics to cover, but like Anna said, if there’s something you’ve been dying to learn more about, please let us know! Shout out Anna and Sydney for taking me under their wing as we embark on this sexy mission.
Major: Gender and Women’s Studies and
Major: Gender and Women’s Studies with a
Community Nonprofit Leadership
Occupation: Waitress/Bartender (best
Loud, proud dog account entrepreneur
certificate in LGBT Studies.
believe I am always simultaneously spreading my sex positive knowledge on the side).
Occupation: Program Coordinator at Sex Out Preferred emoji: The three little heart cluster (makes any mundane text sound light and unassuming).
Occupation: I’m currently a Sex Out Loud Preferred emoji: Eyeball (you know the Biggest Goal as a Sex Educator: Program facilitator. All I want is to have a hand in making sex and pleasure one). topic that is not only accessible to my community, but Preferred emoji: The purple-hands-up- Biggest Goal as a Sex Educator: asomething that just feels natural to talk about! The more lady, or as I call her, “What Are You Gonna Do? Girl.”
Biggest goal as a Sex Educator:
Equipping everyone with the knowledge of the true size, shape and location of the clitoris in the hopes that some day clitorises will get the attention they deserve.
To make sex a less taboo topic in the public sphere. The more we normalize these conversations, the more knowledge we ALL carry, the safer (and better) sex we are all having.
Favorite trashy snack: It’s definite-
ly Dill Pickle Lays.
Favorite trashy snack: Hot cheetos. Favorite podcast: The Skinny Hands down. Give me that fire. Confidential Him & Her (they gives great life Favorite podcast: Two Dope Queens tips + amazing tips on building a brand and is an all-time fav, but right now I’m vibing so hard with the femmey goodness that is Glowing Up.
Sex supply you won’t shut up about: I will never stop telling people about the
powers of lube, specifically Oasis brand Silk water-based lubricant. It’s safe to use on and in any orifice and won’t stain your sheets like a silicone lube might. The wetter the sex the better the sex, y’all.
growing businesses).
Sex supply I won’t shut up about: Lube, Lube, Lube, Lube, Lube. And again, lube.
we know what gets us going, the more we can know exactly how we want to protect ourselves and the sooner we can be having the best sex of our life!
Favorite trashy snack: Pizza Rolls
(the first bite hurts so good — I refuse to wait long enough for that to cool).
Favorite podcast: My Favorite
Murder! (try it, it’s less creepy than it sounds).
Sex supply I won’t shut up about: By now y’all already know that lube
is the absolute key for better sex, so now we just need to think about the delivery. A Woman’s Touch on Madison’s east side has a hands-free lube dispenser that had me absolutely shaken to my core (think automatic soap dispenser, but for sex)! Has science gone too far? You tell me.
That’s us! Like we mentioned, the three of us have oodles of sexual educational knowledge to write about, but we would rather know what you all want to read! This can be as simple as “I want to know more about vibrators!” or “my partner did x and that made me feel, what do I do?” You have the questions, we have the answers — email us at
Were your ideas suppressed as a child? Never had a voice at the dinner table? Older brothers and sisters squashing your every attempt at opinionated banter? The Almanac Desk has your solution. With a twice-weekly publication and a 10,000-unit circulation around Madison, the Almanac is the best place in Wisconsin to convey your ideas. 350-word submissions can be sent to for consideration. Remember — the best way to change things is to write about them and ensure that your friends who matter read it.
sports 8
Monday, September 25, 2017
Year after year, UW consistently out-performing low recruiting rank UW recruiting ranking according to 247 Sports
Unopinionated To the untrained eye, there is a considerable lacuna between Wisconsin football’s on-field success and its recruiting achievements. While many of its peers atop the college football heap — and even various schools that haven’t come close to equaling its consistently impressive year-to-year performance — continue to compile recruiting classes chock-full of four and five-star recruits, the Badgers have continued to plod along, gladly focusing on in-star talent and unheralded prospects whom many other traditional powers overlook. According to 247Sports, UW has signed three five-star recruits in program history (to put that in context, Alabama
“The Badgers have continued to plod along, gladly focusing on in-star talent and unheralded prospects whom many other traditional powers overlook.” reeled in five of them in their 2017 class alone). Its highest finish in recruiting rankings has been 31st, and in 2017 it came in behind several programs it would have little reason to fear on an actual football field: Kentucky, North Carolina, Pittsburgh and even Maryland, my home state (fear the turtle indeed). To some, it’s a confusing situation: How could a team that has enjoyed such unmitigated success over the past two decades continue to trail behind so many programs? One factor that is continually blamed for the lack of flashy
2013: 40
30 40 50 60
2014: 32
2015: 41
2016: 35
2017: 39
2018: 32
2012: 65
70 80 90 0
recruiting splashes is the stringent academic policies that often handicap UW recruiters. The university tends to be less forgiving to potential commits with poor academic records, occasionally preventing coaches from going all-in on some top athletes (this is often cited as a reason for the last two head coaching changes this decade). A closer look, however, eases many of the concerns about Wisconsin’s perpetually mediocre finishes in recruiting rankings historically and recently. The most obvious consolation is that clearly, top-ranked commits don’t always pan out. Coaching deficiencies, poor scheme fits, injuries and a slew of other reasons often prevent many of the so-called “best” prospects in the country from reaching their putative potential. Clearly, Wisconsin’s coaching staffs have a knack for finding diamonds in the rough and developing players into bonafide stars. A 2015 analysis by Fivethirtyeight that surveyed a decade of college football teams’
UW’s top recruit each year since 2012 2018: Jack Sanborn (national recruiting rank300) 2017: Kayden Lyles (207) 2016: Cole Van Lanen (146) 2015: Arrington Farrar (285) 2014: Jaden Gault (121) 2013: Corey Clement (153) 2012: Dan Voltz (99)
506070 success relative to expectations of a given incoming class found that UW was by far the most successful program in the country at getting the most out of its recruits. When considered in tandem with the Badgers’ robust walk-on program that has produced a plethora of stars in the college and pro levels, this explanation helps allay any fears caused by the stubbornly unimpressive rankings every National Signing Day. Furthermore, recruits are beginning to take note, and
“UW has signed three fivestar recruits in program history (to put that in context, Alabama reeled in five of them in their 2017 class alone). Its highest finish in recruiting rankings has been 31st.” Wisconsin has started to attract the type of athletes it used to struggle to bring in. This year’s freshman class is a strong indica-
tor of this progress: True freshmen have seen the field a significant amount thus far, and it isn’t a result of a dearth of experienced players worthy of snaps. They aren’t just from Wisconsin either; Jack Coan, Danny Davis, Jonathan Taylor and Adam Bay hail from New York, Ohio, New Jersey and Arizona, respectively. While the coaching staff certainly has not deviated from its longtime strategy of focusing on the Badger State talent pool first and foremost, they have shown an ability to bring in top talent from other states too. Current recruiting efforts give reason for hope as well. Wisconsin continues to make forays into regions that have generally not been kind to its recruiting efforts. Its 2018 class boasts five commits from Michigan alone, a state that has traditionally been dominated by Michigan and Michigan State. It continues to compete for offensive tackle Logan Brown, the second-rated recruit in the Wolverine State. The Badgers have also been in the top five
Total five-star recruits in program history 40 35
OSU: 65
30 25 20
UM: 17
15 10 5 0
Iowa: 7 UW: 3
for various other top prospects, including the top tight end in the
“A 2015 analysis by Fivethirtyeight that surveyed a decade of college football teams’ success relative to expectations of a given incoming class found that UW was by far the most successful program in the country at getting the most out of its recruits.” nation in 2018. While there is still room to improve, it is clear that Wisconsin’s recruiting is headed in the right direction. It can be easy to take a look at the numbers and despair over the lack of commits in the upper echelon of recruiting ranking lists. But at the end of the day, with its proven ability to coach up prospects and to identify future stars, the Badgers are headed in the right direction. As long as they continue to do so, the future remains as bright as ever.
A notable recruit from each class since 2012 2017: Jonathan Taylor (national recruiting rank371) 2016: Quintez Cephus (718) 2015: Alex Hornibrook (not ranked) 2014: D’Cota Dixon (901) 2013: T.J. Watt (941) 2012: Vince Biegel (147)