University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892
Weekend, October 20-23, 2016
+OPINION, page 10
neglect of shared governance
Blank talks biennial budget, campus climate with Student Council By Nina Bertelsen THE DAILY CARDINAL
Leadership from both ends of State Street are playing tug of war with funding for higher education. (from left to right, state leaders Scott Fitzgerald, Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, Gov. Scott Walker and university leaders Rebecca Blank and Laurent Heller.)
Funding, performance may be tied in 2017-’19 budget Story by Andrew Bahl and Madeline Heim The state’s biennial budget might seem complicated, but it has very real effects for the students, faculty, administration and staff that make up the UW System. In the last round, they were forced to absorb a $250 million cut that changed the experiences of students across the state. As the next budget looms, follow The Daily Cardinal’s series on what it could hold for key UW players. Follow the series for our next installment Nov. 13, detailing the changing landscape of student debt
throughout the UW System. As UW System chancellors scramble to mitigate effects of recent budget cuts, Gov. Scott Walker and the Republicancontrolled state Legislature are considering a new source of critical state support: tying a portion of the funding for Wisconsin’s 26 state universities to performance. The performance-based funding model uses a series of metrics to determine how much money schools receive. Walker has hinted that potential measures could include graduation rates, the number of students entering certain high-demand fields and the amount of debt graduates take on. More than 30 states already use some form of performance-based
funding, either in their four-year or two-year institutions. The amount of money tied to performance metrics varies by state, with many tying 5 percent or less of their higher education budget to those measurements. Others go much further— every dollar given to public universities in Tennessee is based on institutional performance, for example. Details of a potential performance-based funding system won’t be announced until Walker unveils his budget in January. “I will propose an increase in funding for the UW System, and it will be connected to performance metrics,” Walker wrote in an op-ed in August. “Over the past few years,
The biennual budget and campus climate are concerns for many students, and Chancellor Rebecca Blank addressed university administration’s efforts on these issues at Wednesday’s Associated Students of Madison Student Council meeting. For the past five of six biennial budgets, the Wisconsin state Legislature has cut funding to the UW System. “Every year we don’t reinvest is a year we fall behind,” Blank said. The UW System is sponsoring a statewide campaign using the phrase, “It’s time to reinvest in the University of Wisconsin” to gain support for increased higher education funding this session. Blank said she thinks the funding increase requested by the Board of Regents is “reasonable,” of which approximately 30 percent is expected to be allocated to UW-Madison. Over the past few years faculty, staff, class offerings and building upkeep have suffered due to the decrease in funding, Blank said. Additionally, the previous biennial budget included no money for building maintenance. Blank explained that if a steam pipe breaks, or other maintenance issues arise, it takes money away from education to fix that. Blank also addressed campus climate, specifically the new Our Wisconsin program.
“Lori [Berquam] and I are both extremely committed to this program,” Blank said, adding that after getting survey feedback she hopes to tweak the program and eventually offer it to all incoming freshmen. “Talking about diversity, learning to work and live with a group of people with different experiences and backgrounds is not just a nice thing to do because we’re all pleasant people,” Blank said. “It is an absolutely mandatory thing that everyone needs to learn in order to be educated for the 21st century.”
“Every year we don’t reinvest is a year we fall behind.” Rebecca Blank chancellor UW-Madison
She added that employers have shared concerns about Wisconsin students’ exposure to diversity. Some have questioned if graduates have the necessary tools needed to work at global companies. “You can only do so much if you’re going to do it well,” said Blank of the current objectives to improve inclusion on campus. “I’m going to try to pick a set of high impact things and do them well and then look around and say, ‘What’s next?’”
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Madison student arrested for sexual assault A UW-Madison student was arrested for two counts of seconddegree sexual assault Monday. 20-year-old Alec R. Cook is accused of strangulation, battery and false imprisonment of a 20-year-old female student.
He was released on a signature bond after a court appearance Wednesday, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. Cook was acquainted with the victim before the alleged assault. The incident reportedly occurred
Oct. 12 in Cook’s apartment in the 500 block of N. Henry St. around 11:30 p.m. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, Cook’s lawyer said the interaction with the student
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Petition signatures could force recall election for ASM member An Associated Students of Madison Student Council representative could face a recall election for his seat if a petition circulated on social media gathers enough signatures. Kenneth Cole, a representative for the College of Letters and Science who was elected to the council last spring, was the subject of a petition started by fellow council member Katrina Morrison. Those who have signed the petition agree that students in the College of Letters and Science “should have
the opportunity to vote in a recall election of Representative Kenneth Cole.” As of roughly 8 p.m. Wednesday, the petition had already garnered 310 signatures, according to ASM Vice Chair Mariam Coker. She said about 250 of those signatures are from students currently in the College of Letters and Science. “For anyone who feels compelled to sign the petition, I would urge that you reach out to me individually and personally about any
concerns that you might have,” Cole said. The petition will need 750 signatures to achieve the recall vote, Coker said. Cole is also in danger of losing his spot on ASM’s Student Services Finance Committee due to too many unexcused absences, according to SSFC Chair Colin Barushok. Cole issued no comment for his unexcused SSFC absences. Nina Bertelsen and Peter Coutu contributed to this report. —Madeline Heim
UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank took questions from Associated Students of Madison’s Student Council members.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”