University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892 l
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Opinion: Like clockwork, racial erasure hinders students of color’s experiences tor releases a statement apologizing for the act, OPINION EDITORS followed by the university Diversity has become publishing a statement a phenomenon where condemning and apoloinstitutions feel the need gizing for said act. to advertise and, at times, Despite it only being a even glorify their members week since the homecomof color. Be it at universiing video was released, ties, corporations, or even it seems as though it’s amongst elements of popualready old news. lar culture, it is a buzzword In a matter of days, the used by white-majority cycle has shifted to the organizations to tout their next big football game or so-called care for marginmidterms season. alized populations. Incidents spark outBut heterogeneity cries from students as is more valuable than a soon as they take place, number in a report or a but after an apology is scale of melanin embedreleased and the univerded in marketing photos sity promises to do bet— diversity of race, ethter, the indignation dies nicity, gender and backdown — until the cycle grounds fosters growth starts again with the next and innovation, tolerance insensitive act committed and knowledge. on campus. True diversity, not docSomehow the world tored numbers or disproimmediately moves on; portionate representation, but, students of color do GRAPHIC BY MAX HOMSTAD must be a value embednot — and cannot. At this ded into each and every point, they cannot afford decision, rather than as a Students of color struggle finding a sense of belonging on campus, especially with the university’s lack of systemic change. to sit quiet and hope the mechanism for marketing university’s action-steps or upholding societal standards. diversity of Badger athletes is a 12 percent gap in terms of per- • Last spring, a “Make America will work out. With this being said, the great, given they are respected ceived safety between students White Again” and “Mass It’s time for the university to stop University of Wisconsin- as more than just bodies slinging of color and white students, immigration is white genoapologizing and promising that Madison has always championed balls across a field or court. and a 20 percent gap in feeling cide” stickers were plastered there won’t be a next time, knowing its actions to further inclusivity Delegating POC-specific spac- respected on campus. on campus light posts. there certainly will be. Until real, and acceptance of its students of es like the Multicultural Student Beyond these everyday feelings systemic change happens, people of color here on campus. Center or Multicultural Learning of prejudice and microaggresFrustrations from exclusion color will never really feel as if they Despite having a 70 percent Community is great, given that sions, there have been an unac- and such past incidents recently belong to UW-Madison. white student body, it seems as other common spaces are not ceptable magnitude of shocking came to a boil with the release of though the university aims to then, by default, “white” spaces. incidents in recent years. a video by the student homecomovercompensate for its lack of a Yet, only half of the narrative ing committee. truly diverse population. is consistently being told — one • In 2000, a Daily Cardinal Promoting “Home is Where True diversity, not By sensationalizing stu- of great strides towards accepreporter discovered that UW WI Are,” the video attempting to doctored numbers dents of color — whether this tance and welcoming. had photoshopped the face embody UW only included white or disproportionate be through repeatedly craftWhile we would hate to disof a black student into the students, ignoring students of ing involved Badgers of color credit triumphs on campus — as cover photo for the 2001-2002 color altogether. representation, must be as poster children, the battle of there are multiple tremendous application booklet. Reflecting on what makes a value embedded into overly PC culture, or the many identity-based student organizaMadison and the university a each and every decision. other examples of parading tions and safe spaces available • In 2016, a Sellery resident great community, the video diversity — these students don’t — students of color should feel posted photos of Adolf Hitler failed to show any predominantfeel included, they feel used. comfortable in all spaces, not and swastikas on his dorm ly-minority student organizajust the ones with their identity room door. tions, multicultural events or jammed into its title. inclusivity-based spaces. This Time and time again, stuThe university’s webpage • In 2017, the sacred fire circle video should have been a cel- dents of color are ignored as for diversity even states, “The at Dejope Residence Hall was ebration of all Badgers — not members of this community — Despite it only being University of Wisconsin– vandalized with the words just the ones who fit into the uni- effectively erased from a sense of a week since the Madison fulfills its public mis“Columbus Rules 1492.” versity’s expectations of a tradi- belonging. Instead of aiming to homecoming video was sion by creating a welcoming tional student. tick the boxes for a photo-op or and inclusive community for • In 2018, a student filed a It is not enough that the attempt ing to fix issues after the released, it seems as hate-bias complaint due to homecoming committee intend- fact, notions of equality must be though it’s already old people from every background — people who as students, facthe inclusion of two UW ed to include underrepresented embedded into every decision, news. ulty, and staff serve Wisconsin alumni’s names in various student organizations. It is not especially at the university-level. and the world.” spaces in Memorial Union enough that it was merely a techKavitha is a junior studying Yet, everyday phenomena — despite the fact that they nical fluke that certain bits did sociology and political science, and numerous incidents occurwere members of a student not make it into the final cut. with a certificate in educational When considered in isola- ring on campus embody a failure society that took on the name Until diversity and respect for policy. Sam is a senior studytion, streamlining woke termi- to live up to these commitments. Ku Klux Klan. all members of this campus are ing journalism, with certificates nology or requiring ethnic studThe 2016 campus-wide inherent and embedded in the in development economics and ies courses oversimplifies aims Climate Survey found dispari- • Also in 2018, student Ali process, intent will never make environmental studies. of equality and welcoming — ties in perceptions of campus cliKhan expressed frustration up for the damaging outcomes. What are your thoughts on the especially when we continue to mate along the lines of race. For over a political science class Yet, it unfortunately isn’t recent homecoming video and alienate, exoticise and frankly, example, 65 percent of students titled “Terrorism” which surprising that these situations past racially insensitive events manipulate, students of color. of color reported “frequently” Khan found “neocolonialist” happened and continue to hap- on campus? Do you think the Scholarship programs for stu- feeling welcome on campus, and greatly simplified the pen. Such exclusions and micro- University should be enacting dents of color are fantastic, given compared to 87 percent of white concept of Jihad in a “oneaggressions are so common to further substantive measures to that they serve the populations students and 73 percent of interdimensional, single-faceted, this campus that once a new incorporate and respect students that need it without tokenizing national students. and inherently violent” way. incident takes place, it is almost of color? Send all comments to recipients. Taking pride in the In the same thread, there was like clockwork. The perpetra-
By Kavitha Babu and Sam Jones
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
news 2
Thursday, October 10, 2019
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 129, Issue 8
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Robyn Cawley Erin Jordan News Team Campus Editor Defang Zhang College Editor Dana Brandt City Editor Allison Garfield State Editor Jessica Lipaz Associate News Editor Will Husted Features Editor Sonya Chechik Opinion Editors Kavitha Babu • Sam Jones Arts Editors John Everman • Lauren Souza Sports Editors Nathan Denzin • Jared Schwartz Gameday Editor Joe Rickles Almanac Editors Haley Bills • Jordan Simon Photo Editors Kalli Anderson • Will Cioci Graphics Editor Max Homstad Multimedia Editor Ethan Huskey Science Editor Alberto Kanost Life & Style Editor Colleen Muraca Copy Chiefs Emily Johnson • Haley Mades Copy Editor Grace Hodgman Social Media Managers Miriam Jaber • Zoe Klein Special Pages Kayla Huynh • Justine Spore
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Editorial Board Robyn Cawley • Erin Jordan • Kavitha Babu • Sam Jones
Board of Directors Herman Baumann, President Jennifer Sereno • Don Miner • Scott Girard • Josh Klemons • Barbara Arnold • Robyn Cawley • Erin Jordan • Ignatius D. Devkalis • Nick Dotson
City offers cancer support for WOC By Allison Garfield CITY NEWS EDITOR
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month — and to mark the occasion Public Health Madison and Dane County is urging women of color to be screened for breast cancer. One in eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. While breast cancer rates for white women have generally stabilized over the past few years, a disparity remains in breast cancer diagnoses and deaths for black women, according to Public Health Madison and Dane County. The Wisconsin Well Woman Program is tackling the issue headon, providing free breast and cervical cancer screenings for individuals with limited income and little or no health insurance. The WWP, housed by Public Health Madison and Dane County, determines women’s eligibility, connects them to healthcare providers and tracks their results, according to program coordinator Kari Sievert. If a woman has an abnormal screening result, someone will follow up to make sure any additional services are provided. Public Health Madison and Dane County has been coordinating the WWP since it was established in Wisconsin almost 25 years ago. The program itself receives federal funding, as it’s a part of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Sievert has worked with WWP for over 20 years and has been able to identify important trends and changes throughout her time with the program — mainly in
communities of color. While the incident rate for breast cancer rate is the same regardless of race, Sievert stated that black women are 42 percent more likely to die from breast cancer than white women. They’re also more likely to be diagnosed at later stages. “Unfortunately, [women of color] can experience delays in treatment, which can make a big difference in the overall outcome,” Sievert added. “It’s upsetting but important for people to know.” Typhanny Greene has experienced these disparities first hand, more than most. Born and raised in Madison, Greene, 42, works as an Administrative Assistant at East Madison Community Center. She has a grown-up son and a normal life. Then, last year, her mother passed away from uterine cancer. And, that same year, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Additionally, Greene’s sister was diagnosed with cervical cancer in her 30s. Fortunately, after a couple of operations and 20 rounds of radiation, Greene and her sister are now cancer-free. However, by the time their mother was diagnosed, her cancer was already Stage IV. “You’re given this range: between 40 and 50 [years old],” Greene said. “If I’d waited closer to 50, I’d probably be dead. Luckily, because of what I was going through with my mom, I went in right away.” The entire transpiration of events put things in perspective for Greene — not just in how she
women now shifting back into the Well Women Program because the premiums for coverage have gone up,” Sievert said. “Women can’t afford it, which is disappointing.” Since then, Greene made it her mission to inform as many as possible on the risks of going without breast and cervical cancer screenings. Last Saturday, with the Well Woman Program, she hosted the first African-American Breast Cancer Awareness Brunch. Greene just received her six month “all clear” and said that she has a lot to look forward to — she’s particularly excited about the possibility of one day being a grandma herself. But she will make sure that the next generation is prepared for the possibility of cancer. “There are women in their 20s and 30s getting cancer,” Greene said. “[Doctors] aren’t going to suggest you get a mammogram in your 20s, but if you know something is wrong, if you know the signs, if you’re checking on a monthly basis, you could end up saving your own life.”
WWP offers free cancer screenings for the underserved population.
Campus canine visits relieve students’ stress By Maya Muschitz STAFF WRITER
Walking into a library and being greeted by a swarm of dogs may seem unusual to most people. Yet, with midterm season in full swing, these furry friends have become a staple study break for University of WisconsinMadison students. Dogs on Call, a local organization that brings therapy dogs to destinations across the state, visits the campus often, usually around midterms and finals season, when students’ stress and anxiety levels
are at their peak. Students agree that the visiting dogs help them relax and unwind during stressful periods. Senior Kaitlin Schwarz loves dogs and tries to go to as many Dogs on Call events as she can. “It’s great just to be able to pet the dogs and get that stress relief,” she said. The use of emotional support and therapy animals has been on the rise recently, but UW has followed the trend for a while. Dogs on Call — founded by a group of dog-loving friends in
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wanted to live, but on how others went about living too. “I wondered how many of my friends or my neighbors or people I see on a daily basis are not going and getting checkups because they’re worried about health insurance,” Greene said. “They’re worried copays, bills, debt, credit, all those things.” Sievert hopes the Well Women Program will relieve some of those stresses. While healthcare options largely impact trends within the WWP, Sievert explained that if a woman is diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer through the program and if she is a U.S. citizen, she would be eligible for Wisconsin Well Women Medicaid. All treatments would be covered. Sievert noted there was a decrease in the number of women enrolling in the WWP when the Affordable Care Act was introduced. It was a good thing — ACA provided more coverage at the time. “Unfortunately, what we’ve been seeing in the last year or so is
The use of therapy animals is a rising trend that many UW-Madison students and staff can take part of during visits from Dogs on Call.
Wisconsin in 1999 — has been coming to UW-Madison since 2009 when Kelli Hughes, a campus librarian, heard of the organization through another sinceretired librarian. Around the same time the university had started offering a variety of events during finals season that focused on stress relief, Hughes added. And Dogs on Call does just that — help students relieve stress. “It’s just so busy [in the libraries] and we feel like, even though obviously we don’t have finals ourselves, we feel the stress and the energy of people just struggling to keep it together,” Hughes said. Dogs on Call used to only come to College Library, but the organization has expanded their efforts and are now found outside the libraries too — including residence halls and the University Bookstore, where freshman Stephanie Brotherson attended earlier this semester. “One of my favorite things, besides food, is if there are dogs. I’m like, yes!” she said. For students with dogs at home, these visits can also mitigate their animal’s absence and serve as an additional motivator to push through school and make it home, Hughes added. “I think people see finals as what’s between them and going home or going to the next thing. So having the dogs kind of reminds
them that that’s just right around the corner,” she said. “It reminds them of being home, for people that grew up with a dog.” Stress and anxiety are only a few of the many health problems therapy dogs are used for. Dogs on Call helps comfort people in a variety of different settings — from hospitals to college campuses. While therapy dogs are wildly popular — there are roughly 500 thousand across America — the science behind them is complicated. These dogs are shown to significantly improve patients’ conditions suffering from a wide range of ailments, but researchers are still unsure why or how they do. To students, Dogs on Call has become a huge source of stress relief. Every time they’re on campus, huge crowds to pet the four-legged visitors are expected, even when stress levels aren’t at their highest. Students can find Dogs on Call events by going to their website calendar and looking for “Student Visits.” Visits are more frequently scheduled around finals and midterms, but can be found throughout the semester. “I have to go every time, because dogs,” Brotherson said. “I came to the bookstore to get my textbooks and saw the flyer for the next Dogs on Call. So I obviously had to come back.”
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Slow Food partnered with F.H. King for a three-course meal for their Family Dinner Night.
Slow Food pairs sustainability, togetherness By Will Husted ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
In the busy life of a student there is little chance for pause, reflection and community. Yet, on Monday evenings during the school year you can hear Jamal Moussa, Family Dinner Night co-director, announce the menu for the night in the Crossing basement to a silent crowd of around 100 hungry attendees. Slow Food UW has been inviting campus and community members to their family dinners since 2009. The dinners feature
a three-course meal made from local, seasonal and sustainable ingredients for $5 a person. Aiming to be the antithesis of fast food, Slow Food proudly cast a snail as their logo. Part of Slow Food’s mission is providing good, clean, fair food for all. At both Family Dinner Nights and their more casual, weekly café guests who cannot afford the price of a meal can use the Pay it Forward Program. Operated through donations, the program ensures that finances are not a barrier for people engaging with the
Slow Food environment. “The community sense of eating meals I think is really important,” Keidl said. “That’s one thing I really like about FDN and what makes it a little different from Cafe is that everyone eats at the same time so it is a lot about the family aspect of eating, sharing a meal, sharing the conversations.” This week, Slow Food UW partnered with F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture to create a menu featuring ingredients including pumpkin, kale, cauliflower and
two full bushes of aronia berries from F.H. King’s one acre farm near Eagle Heights. “Our tuition pays for it. I just learned that,” Moussa said while squeezing handfuls of aronia berries for dessert that evening. The impetus for the collaboration was a spark in the mind of F.H. King farmhand and FDN intern Claire Widmann. “I feel like it kind of makes a lot of sense if part of Slow Food’s mission is sourcing from local farms that we have groups of students on campus growing food,” Widmann said. “It was almost in due time that we worked together to make a meal.” Both student organizations emphasize the importance of creating sustainable food systems. Moussa believes that by going to an event such as a Family Dinner Night, students may begin to change the way they think about buying food locally.
“It was almost in due time that we worked together to make a meal.”
Claire Windman intern F.H. King and Family Dinner Night
“My whole thing is just trying to teach people that, ‘Hey, you can cook sustainably for cheap’ by doing different things like going to
the farmer’s market,” Moussa said. FDN co-director Olivia Keidl tells a similar story to Moussa in reflecting on her first venture to Slow Food.
“I like the family aspect
of eating and the meals. Then the next semester after that I started working here.”
Olivia Keidl co-director Family Dinner Night
“I started coming to FDN my freshman year first semester and it was really cool because I wasn’t super into food or anything about Slow Food, local, sustainable, cooking nothing,” Keidl said. “Then I came here freshman year and I really got to try a lot of new things and learn a lot about that.” For Keidl, the importance of Family Dinner Night goes beyond the education element of the evening. “I like the family aspect of eating and the meals. Then the next semester after that I started working here,” Keidl said. “It’s just a giant family.” The time at the beginning of the week to be with friends and eat food you can feel good about has a familial root with Moussa. “My dad had a saying that goes, ‘A family that eats together stays together,’’’ Moussa said. “When I think food, I think family.”
Evers issues first four pardons following Netflix docu-series protagonist Dassey’s public request for clemency By Michael Parsky STAFF WRITER
Gov. Tony Evers granted pardons to four ex-convicted felons Monday, issuing Wisconsin’s first executive pardons in more than nine years. This action came less than a week after a convicted felon featured on a popular Netflix docu-series petitioned for clemency. After an eight-year drought under former Republican Gov. Scott Walker, Evers reinstated the pardon process in June and created a body that reviews clemency applications and makes recommendations at the governor’s instruction.
While recent pardons from the executive office may raise hope for those previously convicted, Evers remains ambiguous regarding commutations for those currently incarcerated. The last commuted sentence of a Wisconsin state prisoner occurred in 2001. “I believe in forgiveness and the power of redemption,” Evers said in a press release. “People who have taken responsibility for their mistakes and who have worked to improve their lives and communities deserve a second chance.”
The governor’s decision also comes less than a week after lawyers representing convicted felon Brendan Dassey filed a clemency application, petitioning for a future pardon or commutation of his life sentence. Dassey appeared as a featured subject on the popular Netflix docuseries, “Making a Murderer.” While recent pardons from the executive office may raise hope for those previously convicted, Evers remains ambiguous regarding commutations for those currently incarcerated. The last commuted sentence of a Wisconsin state prisoner occurred in 2001. Evers’ spokeswoman Melissa Baldauff told the Wisconsin State Journal earlier this summer that the governor would not be considering commutations “at this time.” The Wisconsin Constitution grants the governor authority to pardon individuals convicted of a felony. Pardons do not expunge a criminal’s record, but it serves as a formal act of forgiveness by the state that restores certain rights lost, including the right to hold public office, according to the press release. Governors from both political parties have traditionally used their pardon powers, a Wisconsin State Journal article argues. The Walker administration, however, elected not to. In June, Evers signed Executive Order #30, which re-established the state’s Pardon Advisory Board. The board assists Evers in deciding whom to pardon.
Ex-felons who completed their prison sentence at least five years prior and have not committed any crimes since are eligible to submit a clemency application to the board for review.
“I believe in forgiveness and the power of redemption ... People who have taken responsibility for their mistakes and who have worked to improve their lives and communities deserve a second chance.” Tony Evers Governor Wisconsin
Conflict presents itself to Dassey, whose lawyers submitted an application on his behalf for a pardon or commutation last Wednesday, despite current statute, which prevents the Pardon Advisory Board from reviewing applications from felons who are still serving time. A jury found Dassey and his uncle, Steven Avery, guilty in the 2005 rape and murder of photographer Teresa Halbach. Dassey was sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of parole in 2048. “Historically, 100 percent of pardons and commutations go to offenders who fully admit guilt and fully accept responsibility. This also applies to offenders who seek parole release,” UW-Madison Law School Professor Kenneth Streit said.
Dassey’s representatives, on the contrary, argue the opposite. The official pardon application asserted Dassey was “subjected to a uniquely and profoundly flawed legal process,” and by “his prison conduct and his gentle, patient insistence on his own innocence, Brendan has shown himself to be the rare person who is worthy of clemency.” The only direct linkage between Dassey and the murder was his confession. Dassey testified in his original trial and said his confession was “made up.” His lawyers believe police officers took advantage of his mental incapacity and manipulated Dassey during interrogation to coerce a positive confession. The fame associated with Netflix’s “Making a Murderer” docu-series further complicates the matter by introducing pop-culture and public opinion into the fold. Celebrity Kim Kardashian West expressed her support for Dassey’s clemency over social media last Friday. This may add pressure onto the Evers’ administration to consider the application despite Dassey’s recent denial from the U.S. Supreme Court last year. Streit believes, however, that the high-profiled nature of the case is negligent and that judges “will do everything possible to declare that decisions will not be influenced by the media and popular opinion.” Evers told the Wisconsin State Journal that his administration will handle Dassey’s pardon request “just like we do any communication we receive.”
The four men Evers pardoned this last week — Eric Pizer, 38, Kevin Sorenson, 36, Rev. Mwangi Vasser, 40, and Steven Nichols, 62 — committed crimes ranging from substantial battery to selling illegal narcotics. But Evers and the Pardon Advisory Board publicly vindicated them of their past transgressions. “A pardon can profoundly impact a person’s life by offering them an official grant of forgiveness,” Evers said in a press release. “Mr. Nichols, Mr. Pizer, Mr. Sorenson, and Rev. Vasser have paid their debt to society, made amends, and contributed to their communities. I believe they deserve a second chance.”
The fame associated with Netflix’s “Making a Murderer” docu-series further complicates the matter by introducing pop-culture and public opinion into the fold.
According to a Journal Sentinel article, the Pardon Advisory Board received 210 clemency applications since their re-establishment in June. The board will review 10 more cases in its scheduled Oct. 14 meeting.
4 • Thursday, October 10, 2019
Snapper’s Row: A week in photos
A kid gets to ride the Zamboni between periods during a women’s hockey game on Oct. 4.
Vibrant flowers bloom and show off their vibrant colors during a lovely day in October.
Slow Food-UW prepares everything for their Family Dinner Night meal on Oct. 7 at The Crossings.
Badger football players get pumped up at the home game against Kent State on Oct. 5.
Junior Maddie Posick celebrates her first career goal as a Badger women’s hockey player on Oct. 4.
The Wisconsin Homecoming Committee blows up Bucky Badger to be displayed on Library Mall in preparation for a week of homecoming activities on Oct. 7.
Students begin to gather decorations in honor of the beginning of the fall season.
special pages
Thursday, October 10, 2019 • 5
Falling into autumn
An introvert’s dream
Fall is, and will always be, my favorite season. Leaves turn a striking sunset orange. Weekends filled with apple picking and pumpkin carving. Sweaters and cardigans frolic back to wardrobes. But nothing will ever compare to the sound of fall — or, more accurately, the lack of noise. Streets are saturated with students throughout September, leaving little room to move around campus without bumping into distracted walkers who are incapable of migrating at an appropriate pace. Filled with the excitement of a new year, students are eagerly — and vociferously — catching up with their friends. Music is reverberating throughout East Campus Mall, and walks home from the bars are filled with fascinating conversations that are often too intimate for their volume. But as the cold settles in throughout October and November, students start to skip classes and replace a night out with a movie and a warm blanket. Sidewalks become a little less crowded, and boisterous greetings are replaced by quietly chattering teeth and silent treks across the isthmus. A calm comes with the cool, and there are not many better gifts or us anxious, claustrophobic students. - Ethan Levy
31 Nights of Halloween When Autumn comes around the corner, I’m decked out in sweaters, Halloween
socks and a cup of tea in my hand. This season is my absolute favorite, but what makes it so special is Halloween. Nothing gets me more excited than having movie marathons that revolve around a specific theme. The classic 13 Nights of Halloween previously hosted by ABC Family was never enough for the inner witch in me. I began creating my own 31 Nights of Halloween film list to go beyond the classic “Hocus Pocus” and “Casper” films that grazed the TV. Instead, I added popular horror films like “Get Out,” Tim Burton classics and feel-good fall movies to make sure that there are no repeats. There is nothing better than creating this list and partaking in it with your closest friends to avoid that midterm paper for a class. Feel free to procrastinate just a little and pick a film from the list. Make sure to snuggle up in a warm, fuzzy blanket with some hot cider and candy. - Lauren Souza
Sweater weather
I love the fall because colder weather means being able to show off my favorite fall clothes and sweaters that are normally hidden with my giant coats in the winter. I also love that crisp fall air. I am from Minnesota, so the cold is not an issue for me and being able to enjoy those beautiful blue-sky fall days with a little chill in the air gets me excited for the big holidays that are coming up. Plus, I really like a giant scarf and jacket combo. - Colleen Muraca
One happy camper
When people think of fall, they think about all of the trees donning their vibrant leaves, the chill of a Saturday morning farmers’ market, or pumpkin carving and apple picking. While I eagerly await all of those things to roll out every year, one of the most underrated things to do in the fall, and likely my favorite thing, is to go out on a walk or hike. You can keep it local and take a stroll through the Arboretum or along the Lakeshore Path, or if you have access to transportation, I strongly recommend heading out to Devil’s Lake near Baraboo (take the Balanced Rock Trail along the eastern bluff of the lake — I promise you can’t go wrong with the views you’ll have). Wherever you go, and for however long, the temperatures will be perfect for a walk, and the colors of fall will surround you all the while. It’s a great opportunity to disconnect from the stress of life and of college and to simply exist in the moment. Not to mention, it’s a chance for you to sneak in some exercise, and it’ll certainly be more enjoyable than running inside on a treadmill. - Samantha Nesovanovic
almanac 6
Thursday, October 10, 2019
In wake of striking accusations against Trump from anonymous whistleblower report, some still want to be friendly By Nick Rawling STAFF WRITER
On Wednesday, an anonymous report leaked to the press exposed President Donald Trump as a war criminal. The mysteriously leaked U.N. investigations revealed that after saying in 2015 “with the terrorists, you have to take out their families,” Trump backed out of peace talks and escalated violence in Afghanistan. According to the report, under his administration’s direction, the United
States and its allies killed at least 70 Afghani civilians in the month of September alone and have killed more Afghani civilians than the Taliban this year. When asked whether she would hold the president to account for the deaths of dozens of innocent people, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “the polls show that violations of the Geneva Conventions actually aren’t all that important to the American people right now.” “This president wants us to impeach him for
using our military to blow noncombatant poppy farmers to smithereens. We’d be falling right into his trap!” Talk show host Ellen Degeneres said that regardless of whether the leaked report leads to an impeachment of Trump, she looks forward to sitting next to him at a Cowboys-Redskins game 10 years from now. “Look,” she recently explained to reporters, “it may be true that our president belongs in the Hague for crimes violating the conventions of war,
but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends with him, right?” As some call for impeachment, the ultimate decision on whether to remove the president lies with Nancy Pelosi, who has said she needs more time to consider whether to act. “Now that my Democratic congress has secured a much-needed increase for our military budget for the fourth year in a row, we’re focusing all of our energy on protecting Joe Biden and his blatantly corrupt failson.”
Bucky Badger publicly comes out as a furry By Alleyson Fergot STAFF WRITER
Late last week the news no one wanted came out. Bucky Badger is, in fact, a furry. During a recent interview with the Big Ten Network, Badger decided to come out. “At one point the line between mascot and furry became muddled. I realized that this wasn’t just a shitty hobby I picked up so I could get attention from drunk students at football games, but that Bucky Badger was my fursona.” Reactions from Madison students so far have been mixed. While the campus furry club, Wisconsin Organization of Furries (WOOF), has commended
Badger’s courageousness, other students weren’t as accepting. “I just don’t understand why Bucky would feel the need to confess this. I won’t ever be able to look at him the same way.” said sophomore Jessica Walsh. Around the nation, fans have been burning Badger merchandise. A student-led fire was arranged on Bascom Hill following the news. “Who knows what the hell a ‘Teach Me How To Bucky’ shirt means now!?” asks Brad Miller, one of the fire’s main organizers. “Is it something sexual? I can’t have my family think I’m caught up in some weird fetish group. I might have to transfer schools. Screw you
Bucky! You ruined UW-Madison for me!” While the campus has been processing the revelation, Chancellor Rebecca Blank has decided to put Badger on temporary leave. The decision comes from fear that the safety of both Badger and fans has been put at risk. Additionally, the Big Ten Network will no longer be streaming any UW-Madison events where Badger may appear. ESPN will announce their decision whether or not to cut ties with the school later this week. B a d ge r ’s r e p s h ave n o t responded to the Daily Cardinal’s request for a comment.
Seasons By Anupras Mohapatra STAFF WRITER
There’s seasons all around us as the leaves turn pretty colours But there’s seasons in our heart too There’s the springtime in our hearts where joy blooms We look around and see cute flowers and we close our eyes to see pretty colours The shades of love make us smile at night, like the glorious green trees in plain sight Then comes the summer of our hearts, hot and humid Our hearts and minds both encounter mirages The beautiful sights of spring are in the past, yet the summer plays tricks on us Makes us believe in fiction and chase the lost cause The ones we love make us perspire like the sun, cruelly beating down on us The pretty colours start melting away Then comes the autumn of our hearts, frigid and gloomy The pretty colours now turn to dust The green leaves in sight turn dry and brown as the lover’s long gone Taking away the light and turning life black and white
Bucky runs from all the haters.
Dumb baby wearing ‘I will change the world’ t-shirt accused of not knowing anything about poverty, climate change or humankind’s inherent evil
The winter of our heart ends the year, cold and callous Like the aftermath of a snowstorm, our heart is shattered and our mind’s in tatters We seek the same light of love, the same pretty colours that made us smile at night We live in delusion, chasing the mirages that fooled in the summer Holding onto to the light that consumed and then left us in monochrome The year comes to an end and we promise to ourselves “Not again, not again” But like every resolution, it is a big fat lie As spring time comes, we give it yet another try Hoping some day the wrongs lead to a right. -A.M.
Stupid, ignorant baby tries to defiantly prove that he is in fact capable of keeping his head off the ground during tummy time. By Haley Bills ALAMANAC EDITOR
AnunsuspectingFacebook-user faces much controversy following a post of her baby boy wearing an “I will change the world” t-shirt. After inexplicably going viral, the post attracted much more hate than positivity regarding the mother’s optimist outlook for her son’s life. Among the many comments saying that the post was offensive toactualhumanrightsactivistswere brutal remarks such as “goo goo, gaa gaa isn’t going to fix the wage gap” and “I bet he can’t even lift his head
off the ground during tummy time.” A few even went as far as trolling the post with parody photos. Some of the most popular included a goldfish claiming to be able to single handedly put an end to credit card fraud and a rotting sidewalk hotdog with a speech bubble containing the words “I know the cure for the common cold.” But the Facebook mom didn’t go down without a fight. Retaliating at the top of every hour with a new photo of her baby wearing an additional article of “I will change
the world” clothing, Facebook soon became the battlegrounds of a type of war far too complex for human understanding. Forces backing the Facebook mom were small but mighty. Their motivation stemming from their “never-ending and unconditional love” for the world’s youth, the army of mostly stay-at-home parents were adamant in their efforts for “a better future.” But the opposing troops remained stubborn in their fight to suppress “stupid shit” from “clogging” their
“innocent Facebook toilet bowl.” Though neither side of the battle shows sign of letting up, the Facebook baby seems to be quietly involved with the startup of an international campaign to end cyberbullying. Though literally buried in a heap of controversial clothing, the initiative’s legal documents are somehow smudged with banana puree and spit up … Will the answers to this complex human conflict lie in the stubby hands of a young-babe-turned-war-hero?
“There’s seasons all around us.”
We’re always looking for more funny and insightful writers with fresh takes on topics ranging from the UW campus to international news. We accept and encourage creative submissions as well! Any and all submissions are more than welcome. You can send your submissions and any comments or questions to All articles featured in Almanac are creative, satirical and/or entirely fictional pieces. They are fully intended as such and should not be taken seriously as news.
Thursday, October 10th, 2019 • 7
It’s on the Lock
by Max Homstad
Bunny Kappa Sandwich
by Lyra Dark
Today’s Crossword Puzzle Across 1. “Now I understand!” 4. ‘70s-’80s Pakistani leader 7. Young __ 10. “__ was wrong” 13. “Fat chance, laddie!” 14. It’s a gift, some say 15. Hires, in a way 17. Great lake with the smallest surface area 19. Walk with attitude 20. Home to most Cockneys 22. Geometry line 23. Loss indicator 24. Bar intro? 25. Bar light 27. Kabuki cousin 30. Maker of the game Dig Dug 33. One of the Jackson 5 34. Locks in the stable? 35. Hirohito, e.g. 38. Rink highlight 39. Skips, as stones 40. Long distances: Abbr. 41. Divest 42. Macaulay Culkin’s acting brother 43. Morse “T” 44. Scope 45. Garb named for a French aerialist 50. Steadily growing business segment 53. Referee 54. Guard, for one 55. Important key (and key to this puzzle’s theme) 56. NFLer Manning 57. Ranch closing? 58. Spanish capital? 59. Mariner’s dir. 60. Present mo. 61. Gave the go-ahead Down 1. “I’m __ Cowhand” 2. Former capital of French Indochina
Today’s Sudoku
3. Insurance giant 4. Concentrates (on) 5. Likes a lot 6. Strike __ 7. __ Major 8. Where the paper is processed 9. __ Island 10. A coach might flash one 11. Like a line, briefly 12. Sabra’s home: Abbr. 16. Got grayer, perhaps 18. Fleet runner 21. 1944 Pulitzer-winning journalist 26. Summers abroad 27. Not 28. __ about 29. Word on a towel 30. Just open 31. Three-time Emmy-winning sitcom
32. Mimicked 33. Onetime Kremlin dweller 34. Swamp gas, essentially 36. Descendants of Esau 37. Like some friends 42. Compares favorably with 43. Obedient 44. Extra dry 46. Conquered congers 47. Mercutio’s friend 48. Euro predecessor, briefly 49. Religious council 50. Mazatlán mealtime, maybe 51. Actor Byrnes et al. 52. Singer Winans 53. Fr. title56. ‘’--- Kleine Nachtmusik’’ 57. ‘’No ifs, --- or buts!’’ 58. Catcher’s protector 59. ___-fi
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
To get in contact with any of our artists, please email us at:
8 • Thursday, October 10, 2019
‘The Balance’ tour shows nostalgic sound By Emily Knepple STAFF WRITER
Catfish and the Bottlemen brought the ballroom to life this past Friday as they headlined the Rave in Milwaukee. Touring for their new album ‘The Balance’ the setlist illustrated their new sound, giving fans a sense of nostalgia as they showcased their past hits. Kicking off with the first single off the album, “Longshot,” which was the band’s highest- charting song to date, it sets the tone for what would be an hour and fifteenminute long indie-rock show that left you with no voice by the end of the night. Being a longtime fan of the band, I had hoped their setlist would include a few of my alltime favorites, all songs from their first two albums. To say Catfish and the Bottlemen have grown as a band would be an understatement. Having seen them in 2017, their development is clear, they aren’t messing around. Each song they played required attention from their audience and the band chose to ignore some of their slower songs. This decision gave neither the audience or the band a break, inciting loud yelling and singing enough choruses to make your legs hurt the next day from how much jumping you actu-
Catfish and the Bottlemen grace MKE with their presence, proving they don’t mess around. ally did. It didn’t take long for me to quite literally feel the music, I broke a sweat as soon as they stepped on stage and didn’t stop until getting fresh air after the show. I stand behind the statement that Catfish and the Bottlemen are one of the best live bands in their genre. Van McCann, the frontman, rarely let the exhaustion catch up
to him. Each member caters to the other and it’s clear there’s a sense of trust that exists between the four of them. They present themselves on stage as a unitedone force and that’s evident in the music they produce. Each song has a bass-riff or a drum solo that will blow you away. “Cocoon,” a song from their
first album, The Balcony, illustrates their capabilities as musicians. When the first guitar note hit the crowd, everyone felt it. Hands were up and heads were nodding while most screamed back the lyrics to the band, who openly welcomed the praise. The first time I saw them was at a small venue in Brooklyn, NYew
York City. I was interested to see how their sound would cater to a different crowd because I’ve gathered from other artists that concertsshows in bigger cities can be their best performances. Going into the show, I was skeptical. The demographic of those in attendance ranged from young to old. While in the pit, I spotted a boy, no older than 13, and his mother. Once the show started, it became clear that what were mosh t-pits in New York City were head nodding and a collective jump-around in the midwest. Concert go-ers seemed more content staying one spot and singing back the lyrics, rather than creating a sense of chaos (that can often be exhilarating.) However, it proved to be no issue for the band. Catfish and the Bottlemen treat every show like it’s their last, or maybe their first. They bring 110% to the stage each night and that’s one of the main reasons I admire them. They know their craft, and it helps that they’re good at it, too. I haven’t stopped talking about the show since and the high I left with. I often end recent conversations with the encouraging words of ‘go see them’ and I mean it. If given the chance, don’t pass up on a night of exceptional live music and you just might find yourself a fan for life.
‘Joker’ presents nuanced character study of social isolation, mental illness By Dominic LeRose SENIOR STAFF WRITER
One of the most anticipated films of 2019 and without a doubt the most controversial, the infamous Clown Prince of Crime has gotten yet another film. This time in “Joker,” a stand-alone film dedicated solely to the character examination of this iconic villain. Ever since “Joker” — directed and co-written by Todd Phillips — premiered last month at the Venice Film Festival where it won the top prize, the film has generated a tremendous amount of controversy due to the way many feel that the film could inspire mentally-ill individuals or internet-community members known as incels to commit violent acts. While those concerns are valid, “Joker” isn’t trying to idolize psychopaths and inspire any killing sprees. What Phillips does is rather examine the societal phenomena and issues that fragment society and leave several individuals, especially those with mental illnesses, behind. Joaquin Phoenix stars as Arthur Fleck, an aspiring stand-up comedian who exists as a clownfor-hire in the crumbling city of Gotham. Arthur spends almost all of his life in solitude, being violently harassed by those on the streets and is completely disregarded by society. Suffering from childhood trauma and a neurological condition that causes uncontrollable laughter, Arthur is pushed too far and eventually falls down a spiral of brutal violence. Playing the role of such an iconic comic book character, especially after the late Heath Ledger’s earthshattering portrayal in 2008’s “The Dark Knight,” is a daunting challenge for any actor. Luckily, Phillips assigns one of the world’s greatest
actors to take on the role, leading to one of the most unsettling and astonishing performances you’ll ever see. The depths that Joaquin Phoenix took and executed as an actor become overwhelming to the viewer. Losing as astounding 52 pounds to give this psychopathic character a diseased skeleton look, Phoenix masters every subtle nuance and move that Arthur takes, bringing this character to life. Phillips, known for making raunchy comedies like “The Hangover,” excels as a director who makes it clear that he not only has a vision but that he can reach heights as a creative artist. He creates not only an intimate character study about the horrors of social isolation but depicts a universal story about societal fragmentation and mental illness, one that can hit audiences and stay with them. From a technical standpoint, “Joker” is jaw-dropping. The film captures the alienation of Arthur and his harsh environment with a stunning noir style. Rich cinematography and an inviting score make the film impossible to turn away from. Much of the controversy surrounding “Joker” is its violence. While there are indeed moments of violence, the real horror is the reasoning behind its occurrence. The transformation of Arthur Fleck into the Joker is truly discomforting, not only because of the heartbreaking reasons that lead him to violence but because of how society specifically shaped him unintentionally. Is society to blame for the violence and hopelessness caused by so many killers? It’s a troubling thought, but one that can’t be ignored. Surrounding the other dialogue “Joker” is creating, there’s much to
speculate as to how this film will connect to future DC Comic films. “Joker” will most likely be met with criticism for a while before finally
being appreciated years later. In a time where everyone is quick to point fingers and criticize without giving enough time to analyze what
exactly they’re criticizing, many will miss what “Joker” is trying to get at and express. Final Grade: A+