Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - The Daily Cardinal

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The Deer Cardinal accidentally gets sex column questions, so he helps out DEER CARDINAL

University of Wisconsin-Madison



SPRUCE UP YOUR SPUDS FOR TURKEY DAY There’s more than one way to say and cook the illusive Thanksgiving potato

Complete campus coverage since 1892






Tuesday, November 24, 2009

UC tuition hike draws attention to fiscal woes By Ariel Shapiro The Daily Cardinal

isabel Álvarez/cardinal file photo

Security was tight for President Barack Obama’s education speech at Wright Middle School in Madison.

In 46 years since Kennedy assassination, presidential security efforts have evolved By Josh Hilgendorf The Daily Cardinal

President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Madison’s Wright Middle School only weeks before the anniversary of former President John Kennedy’s assassination on Nov. 22, 1963—46 years ago Sunday— provides a look at the evolution of presidential security. Obama arrived at the Dane County Regional Airport at 12:22 p.m. and briefly met with a group of local government officials, including Gov. Jim Doyle and Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, before entering his presidential limousine, according to Joel DeSpain, public information officer

for the Madison Police Department. In anticipation of Obama’s arrival, bomb-sniffing dogs searched all cars parked at the airport and snipers were positioned throughout the area, DeSpain said. When Kennedy arrived at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, in 1963 before proceeding toward Dallas Business and Trade Mart for a luncheon speech, the airport was locked down much like the Dane County Airport. However, unlike during Obama’s visit to Madison, spectators from the general public were allowed to greet Kennedy upon his arrival, according to Philip Melanson in his book “The Secret Service: The Hidden History of

an Enigmatic Agency.” The details of Kennedy’s motorcade route were made public three days before his arrival by Dallas newspapers. By contrast, the details of Obama’s route were never made public prior to his arrival. The closure of Fish Hatchery Road at Carver Street was the only information made available to the public before Obama arrived, according to an MPD news release. DeSpain said MPD worked closely with the Secret Service days in advance to plan the route. The Obama motorcade proceeded

Because of financial pressures, the University of California Board of Regents approved a plan Thursday to raise tuition by 32 percent over the next year, the most drastic response yet to the recession by a state university system. According to UC spokesperson Steve Montiel, because California cut its funding to the system by over $800 million, the tuition hike comes as a necessary means to preserve education in the state. “The state has not been able or willing to fund full enrollment,” Montiel said. “You have to increase revenue or else the quality is going to suffer.” Montiel said although the entire country has been hurt by the recession, California is in particularly bad shape. “There are very few degrees of freedom that the [California] Legislature has,” UW-Madison public affairs and applied economics professor Andrew Reschovsky said. “That is augmented by the fact that you need a two-thirds vote to

approve any tax increase, meaning it’s very difficult to solve fiscal problems.” State universities across the country have seen a decrease in state funding, including UW-Madison. However, because Wisconsin’s financial situation is not as severe as California’s, the effects have not been as great. “We have increased tuition by 5.5 percent for the last three years,” UW System spokesperson David Giroux said. “In this current downturn, we have been able to work with the state to avoid those kind of precipitous cuts and dramatic tuition increases.” UW-Madison has also implemented the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates, which increases tuition over a fouryear period for both in-state and out-of-state students. This increase is separate from the 5.5 percent across-the-board increase Giroux mentioned, which applies to all four-year UW System schools. Before implementing major tuition increases, Montiel said UC california page 3

Donation station

security page 3

150 students turn out to discuss diversity issues By Ryan Hebel The Daily Cardinal

UW-Madison junior Marie Tapp only budgeted food for about 20 students when she pitched the idea of a diversity forum to her house fellow two weeks ago. Instead, about 150 students showed up at Smith Hall Monday night. Tapp said she intended the forum to address broad topics of race and diversity at UW-Madison, but articles published last week in The Daily Cardinal and The Badger Herald’s opinion sections brought out a larger and more energized crowd. “We obviously can’t solve this issue all in one night, but we want to have a progressive discussion. We understand that people are upset, and we want to find a

way to solve this issue of diversity on campus, or this lack of diversity on campus,” Tapp said. “We obviously can’t solve this issue all in one night, but we want to have a progressive discussion.” Marie Tapp junior UW-Madison

Hosted by Students for the Oneness of Humankind, the event clustered students into small groups that debated several topics, such as the role of race in admissions, the value of diversity in education and solutions to diversity problems on administra-

tive and student levels. House fellow Ashley Saffold, who helped organize the event, said she hoped the controversial opinion articles could act as a launching point for more students to interact and “constructively and collectively move forward.” “It turned out to be positive, I guess I could say ... It definitely ignited students to wake up and realize that this campus does need to change,” Saffold said. Junior Trisha Pedone said the event acted as a conduit for a healthy discussion of race and provided her some new perspectives. Freshman Deonate Brown said he was pleased his group’s conversations focused on individual experiences rather than diversity page 3

ryan hebel/the daily cardinal

UW-Madison senior Mallory Popp donates blood at the UW Business School Blood Drive in Grainger Hall Monday afternoon.

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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tODAY: showers hi 54º / lo 41º


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

‘The Couple’: A forced spectator’s journey

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 119, Issue 55

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erin kay van pay hail to the v.p.

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WednesDAY: showers hi 45º / lo 35º






an, there’s nowhere to sit! Maybe I should have come to class earlier... oh, wait, there’s a spot. OK, cool. OK, not cool at all, actually. Shit! I’m sitting behind The Couple! Alright, play it casual. Just ignore them, you’ve seen this more than once. And they’re not even touching yet... woah, that’s strange for them. Maybe they’re in a fight today, but then again, what can a couple that can’t keep their hands off each other for more than a spoken sentence fight about—who wants to spoon who more?! Or maybe he’s mad because he’s not getting any, but that couldn’t be the case either because of the copious amount of public display of—oh my God... it’s begun. It always starts with the Head to Shoulder Graze. OK, don’t stare, just get out your notebook before it gets too steamy. Is this what “necking” is,

Grandma? You’re right, Grams, necking is very immoral, and no one should ever do it, ever, or at least not in front of a 200-person lecture hall, in the THIRD ROW CENTER. Just take your mind off it. What section are we doing today... no. NO. Reproduction. Reproduction in lions. THE WORST KIND! “Lions have the ability to copulate about 40 times in a span of 24 hours.” Please, please don’t apply this to your life, guys, I really can’t stand to see it today, I—oh, no. Hand Tenderly in Hair. Hand Tenderly in Hair warning! See this everyone?! Petting. He is petting his girlfriend, and she is scrunching up her nose in response. Wow, how freaking adorable of her. No, don’t lean closer to her. She doesn’t deserve this attention, all she is doing is resembling a rabbit! Is that what gets you going, man?! I guess this is Zoology, but for God’s sake, leave your animal fetishes at home! Oh. My. Fricking. Eskimo Kiss. How precious. I have no words for this. I did not enroll in 100-level Zoology to see two people rub their noses together. What is this, the Hallmark channel? Are we in a Christmas spe-

cial here, people? Oh, did he just whisper something funny to you, Tori Spelling? He must be hilarious because you’re giggling like a fifthgrader at a Truth or Dare party. Wait a minute! Just because he made a joke does not mean you have to put your hand on his thigh! There are much better ways to reward humor that don’t involve passionate caressing! I don’t feel so well. All this SecondHand Intimacy is too much to handle. Is it wrong for me to be even more disgusted because they both have medically incurable acne? A public love fest is one thing, but a public love fest that contains the exchange of bodily fluids in the form of face grease is a completely different story. What! They stopped? Holy crap, they must be breaking up because there’s just no other explanation for this behavior. Now I can finally relax and maybe listen to this lecture. Oh, for the love of all things holy, I think she just put her face in his lap! What?! DO THEY NOT COMPREHEND THAT THEY ARE STAINING DOZENS OF INNOCENT, OR AT LEAST DECENT MINDS?! I JUST

WANT TO SCREAM, “NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR FELLAT— ” OK, she was just getting Chapstick from her backpack. But still! Now there’s only one thing that can happen, only one God-forsaken thing! I-I can’t take this anymore. It’s been what, thirteen weeks? Thirteen long, oily and intimate weeks. If I see those two pairs of gruesome, puckering and dehumanizing lips come within three centimeters of each other, I am bolting! Or vomiting, I haven’t decided yet. Shit, he’s going for it. I feel faint! I’m going to leave! I-I-... This public service announcement made possible by The Daily Cardinal: In-class PDA is not acceptable. Not only is it inherently wrong and unappealing visually and mentally, but the effects of Second-Hand Intimacy can also have detrimental consequences on innocent observers and passersby, and as relayed in this account, can include everything from nausea to fainting. Please, stop. No, seriously, stop. I need to get a good grade in this class and I can’t do that when there are two people copulating directly in front of me. Thanks, from all of us, but mainly me, the V.P. at evanpay@wisc.edu.

ASK THE DEER CARDINAL Life is hard. The Deer Cardinal is here to help. Editor’s note: Even though our sex columnist Erica Andrist is extremely qualified to answer all questions about intercourse and similar topics, a couple of sex-related questions ended up in the Deer Cardinal’s mailbox. Faced with a dilemma, we decided to do the responsible thing and let the Deer Cardinal answer the questions, despite Erica’s superior intellect and lack of antlers or wings. Please take the answers with a grain of salt, as they were made by a hybrid deer-cardinal who may or may not have been drunk at the time. Hi there DeerI have a really strange problem that I’m not sure how to deal with. My foreskin has never retracted. Not only is this awkward when it comes to sex, but it’s leading to what I can only assume is a concentrated cluster of bacteria. How do I deal with this? -Terribly Irritated Penis

Monamaloola T.I.P.! You’re lucky this e-mail was FOREwarded my way. I’m the FOREmost expert on foreskins, and can give you a few TIPS on how to handle this situation. Your first option is to perform an at-home circumcision. This may sound difficult, but there are several tried-and-true methods to snip the tip. However, when people hear that the deed involves either purchasing three Slap Chops or creating a miniature penis-sized guillotine, most people seem to shy away. If you’re one of the trillions of Wisconsin residents without insurance, however, you’re desperate. My top suggestion is to take pride in your foreskin and treat it with the same reverence you treat your penis and testicles. You know how you spend at least three minutes scrubbing each of them in the morning, while ignoring most of your back and legs? Give Tippy that same

respect. Know how your Johnson is named Lieutenant Dan and your balls are named Chuck Woolery and Richard Dawson? Why not name your foreskin TIP O’Neil? To sum up, don’t let that little flap get in your way. Just think of it as a cool new hat for your other head! Deer CardinalI’m sure you’ve gotten this question before, but what is the best way to pleasure a woman? I keep hearing about the legendary clitoris, but let’s be real, no one knows where that is, right? Does it even exist? -Screwed Up Coastie Kid What up, S.U.C.K.-er! Like the Loch Ness Monster or Dick Cheney, the clitoris is most likely an unsubstantiated myth, with little to no scientific evidence backing its existence. I know in my

years of swinging with the ladies, I’ve certainly never found it, and I’m a freakin’ Casanova. You should see me, S.U.C.K., when I take a lady to bed there’s plenty of feather ruffling and antler grabbing. Did I mention I’m a 10-pointer? Cuz I totally am. Given that the clitoris doesn’t exist, your best bet is to rub your partner’s down feather, slowly moving toward her antlers for a true deer-cardinal climax. Happy hunting! Want to write to the Deer Cardinal about something other than sex? Because that would probably be a good idea. Write to him at deercardinal@dailycardinal.com.

© 2009, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398

wants to hear from you!

$1000 for 1000 words Essay Contest

For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an e-mail to edit@dailycardinal.com.

The Sixties plus 50: War, racism and sexism ignited campus demonstrations in the decade that began a half-century ago. Space was the new frontier and worries about the earth gave birth to the environmental movement. How far have we come, how far do we have to go in 2010 and beyond?

DEADLINE: Nov. 30, 2009. E-mail editor@dailycardinal.com


security from page 1 toward Wright Middle School with State Patrol vehicles at the front and back of the procession. Every cross street along the route was blocked by an MPD vehicle for a brief period as Obama passed. In addition, portions of the West Beltline Highway were shut down and police officers were positioned in residential driveways along the route, DeSpain said. More than 100 MPD officers assisted along the motorcade route or were positioned at the school. Much like the planning for Obama’s visit, the Secret Service and the Dallas Police Department meticulously scouted the motorcade route before Kennedy’s arrival in Dallas. Traffic was stopped at intersections, and police officers were placed on all overpasses. Yet, according to Melanson, the planning team made a major mistake. They left a sharp turn in the route that slowed Kennedy’s vehicle to a crawl at the assassination location. Because Kennedy was riding in a convertible with the top down—

diversity from page 1 generalizations about race, a possible sign the articles have facilitated discussion on campus. “I’m the only AfricanAmerican in my [first-year program] group, and I was telling them about the article, and they were like, ‘Yeah, I don’t think that’s right,’ and I said I think it’s going to help us, I think it’s going

california from page 1 tried to ease its financial problems by making across-the-board cuts to teaching assistants’ and professors’ salaries. According to the UC Board of Regents report, the initiative will not apply to students whose family income is less than $70,000 per year. Thirty-three percent of the increased revenue will go toward financial aid, but the higher tuition still puts a UC education out of reach for many students. UC-San Diego junior Jennifer Lien said many students will have to drop out because of the new costs. Sarah Breiner, a UC-Santa Cruz freshman, added that her “roommate is not able to attend here next year because of the increase.” According to Lien and Breiner, students across the UC system are in an uproar. “It was pretty impressive to see students marching together and caring about their education, considering we [are] a pretty apathetic generation,” Breiner said. “It was very democratic the way

compared to Obama’s closed-in limousine—Secret Service expert Vince Palamara indicated that up to six motorcycles were supposed to flank Kennedy’s vehicle. But only four nonflanking motorcycles were employed. In preparation for Obama’s arrival, DeSpain said MPD locked down Wright Middle School and the surrounding property once students were inside at 8:15 a.m. There was no unauthorized access to the school following the students’ arrival until Obama left the premises. Similarly, the Trade Mart in Dallas was checked and locked down while Kennedy was en route. According to Melanson, because U.N. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson was harassed while visiting the city in October 1963, Dallas police employed rigorous security precautions to prevent any incidents. However, Melanson said Secret Service agents and Dallas police failed to sweep certain buildings along the motorcade route, including the book depository authorities charge was used by Lee Harvey Oswald to assassinate Kennedy. to bring us together.” UW-Madison vice provost for diversity and climate Damon Williams sat in with one small group and later said there’s no “magic bullet” when it comes to improving diversity at UW-Madison. “With how much effort we put into this, the outcomes are not sufficient ... I think looking forward it’s not a matter of try harder, it’s a matter of do better.” people were addressing it.” The reaction from students and professors in the UC system has drawn nationwide attention and increased concerns about whether something similar could happen at UW-Madison. What many current UW-Madison students do not know is that, to some degree, it already has, though not during the current recession. Former UW-Madison Chancellor John Wiley, currently the director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, said he recalls tuition being raised 16 percent in the 2003-’04 school year and again by 14.1 percent in 2004-’05. However, Wiley said “our Board of Regents is very student-oriented, very concerned about the levels of tuition we already have, and they are reluctant to raise the tuition any higher than is necessary.” “Public school tuition used to be affordable for families in middle or lower income ranges, but they are being priced out,” Wiley said. “It would be one thing if financial aid or grants went up to keep pace with it, but that’s not happening.”

California vs. Wisconsin

32 percent

University of California tuition increase over the next year

5.5 percent

UW System tuition increase last year (not including UW-Madison’s Madison Initiative for Undergraduates)

16 percent

UW-Madison tuition increase in 2003-’04 school year

14.1 percent

UW-Madison tuition increase in 2004-’05 school year

Tuesday, November 24, 2009




UW-Madison students eligible to receive H1N1 vaccine Young adults and schoolage children are now eligible to receive the H1N1 vaccine, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced Monday. The increase allows people from six months to 24 years of age to get vaccinated. Prior to Monday’s expansion of eligibility, the vaccine was limited to pregnant women, medical personnel and caretakers of infants. The expansion makes the vaccine available in Wisconsin to the original target group outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“We’re pleased that we are able to expand the group even further today, as we know that vaccine is one of the most successful tools in protecting the health of people in our state,” state health officer Seth Foldy said in a statement. According to University Health Services Executive Director Sarah Van Orman, Wisconsin received an additional vaccine shipment last week. Van Orman said students can receive the vaccine during walk-in appointments. “We are going to provide students with lots of opportunities to

get in the next couple of weeks, pending supplies,” she said. Van Orman said H1N1 cases at UW-Madison have dropped considerably in the past two weeks. “The cases are down again significantly this week, which is good news, but again we know that this is fairly unpredictable, so we think this is a good time for people to really think about getting vaccinated,” she said. Van Orman said students can receive the vaccine Dec. 4 at the SERF between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. —Hannah Furfaro

Student-athlete leads Thanksgiving food drive By Kayla Torgerson The Daily Cardinal

A UW-Madison student-athlete and founder of the Red and White Hunger Fight recently led the second annual campuswide Thanksgiving food drive for families in need throughout the area. Michele Dalton, a UW-Madison junior and a goalkeeper on the women’s soccer team, said she was inspired to organize the Red and White Hunger Fight because of her experience running a similar food drive in high school. “I was just given charge of the food drive in high school. I didn’t really know what to do, and it wasn’t my first choice [of assignments],” Dalton said. “But it turned out to be a huge success compared to other years and one of my best high school experiences.” This year, the Red and White Hunger Fight raised $1,500 and collected thousands of pounds of

food. However, Dalton said this year was not quite as successful as last year. “I think it has a lot to do with the economy. People are less likely to get involved or to donate their time and money,” Dalton said. “But during our end-of-the-year meeting we will discuss the drive, and hopefully next year and the years after that it will continue to become more successful.” Dalton connected with a variety of organizations on campus, includ-

ing the Morgridge Center for Public Service, the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, UW Homecoming and the Wisconsin Students Public Interest Research Group to reach as many UW-Madison students as possible. Dalton said she plans to pass down the traditions of the organization when she graduates. “The Red and White Hunger Fight will hopefully be here for years after I am gone,” Dalton said.





Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Potatoes peel under pressure Thanksgiving side feels heat to perform, variety puts it ahead of the game By Sara Barreau THE DAILY CARDINAL

It’s almost time for turkey with all the trimmings, including the root staple—potatoes. Whether you imagine whipped pillow-like clouds laden with pads of butter and rich gravy or sweet and savory hunks of sunsetcolored sweet potatoes nestled in a marshmallow blanket, it is a side that refuses to be denied. Classic recipes are nothing to turn up your nose at, but what harm is there in turning up the heat and bringing something new to the Thanksgiving table? This holiday, impress your family with some trendy spuds that will knock their socks off, while still being simple to make. Green Chili Mash This variation on a classic is perfect for those who like their turkey with a little side of a kick in the teeth. Rinse and peel two and a half pounds of Yukon Gold potatoes with cold water, place in a Dutch oven, and add enough water to cover the potatoes. Boil just until fork tender and drain. Add a few tablespoons of butter, one-quarter cup of sour cream and a few splashes of milk or heavy whipping cream to the pot. Mash the ingredients by hand; then transfer the potatoes to a large bowl. Add two or three fresh, diced, deseeded green chili peppers (start with two and test the heat, add more as desired) and a few cloves of chopped garlic. Using a hand mixer, whip the potato mixture on low for several minutes or until fluffy, adding small amounts of milk or cream as needed. Add salt and pepper to taste. Roasted Baby Red Potatoes Maybe forgoing the green bean casserole is forbidden, but that does not mean it has to be the center attraction. These roasted vegetables are scandalously appetizing and— shhh, don’t tell—they are sort of healthy. Rinse and scrub one and a half pounds of baby red potatoes in cold water. Cut into quarters and

place in a large storage bag. Cut up a variety of vegetables roughly the same size as the potatoes. Don’t be shy here. Onions, zucchini, peppers and squash all make great sidekicks. Add these vegetables to the potatoes. To the bag, add about one quarter cup of olive oil (enough to coat everything), salt, pepper, chopped garlic, and very small amounts of dried thyme, rosemary and oregano. Seal the bag and shake until the mixture is well coated and the seasonings are distributed. Spread the vegetables onto a cookie sheet in a single layer. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are fork tender and golden brown. This side dish also makes a great base for sunny side up eggs the next morning.

Sweet Potato Fries Untraditional in nearly every way, sweet potato fries add an element of fun to a traditional turkey dinner. If the turkey is taking a dip in the deep fryer, save on some calories by baking the fries instead. Rinse and gently scrub three large sweet potatoes. Cut in half, lengthwise, then cut into strips, one-quarter inch thick. Fill a Dutch oven with about two inches of vegetable oil and heat on medium. To tell when the oil is ready, dip the end of a wooden spoon in it. If tiny bubbles surround the spoon immediately, the oil is hot enough. Carefully place one half of the potatoes in the oil and cook for about five

minutes, or until they are floating and have developed a golden crust. Remove them from the oil and drain on paper towels, seasoning with salt and pepper immediately after. Do the same with the rest of the potatoes. If baking, preheat the oven to 400 degrees and bake for about 25 minutes, or until golden on the outside. Parmesan and Wild Mushroom Gratin This playful Italian-inspired gratin pairs well with an oven-roasted turkey but holds its own as a vegetarian main dish. Add three tablespoons of butter to a medium sauté pan on medium heat. Add half a diced onion. Cook until the onions are nearly

translucent. Add one and a half pound of wild mushrooms—Shitake, Oyster and Portobello work very well for this—along with one-quarter teaspoon each of thyme and oregano. Cook on medium heat for five minutes then add one-quarter cup of white wine. Cook until the wine dissolves. Add one cup of soup stock and cook and mushrooms take on a deep color and are soft, reducing the heat as needed to prevent scorching. Meanwhile, rinse and peel five pounds of Yukon Gold potatoes. Slice them thinly. Place one quarter of the potatoes in a 9x13 inch baking dish. Top with one quarter of the mushroom mixture and about three-quarters cup of parmesan cheese mixture (two thirds parmesan and one quarter white cheddar). Repeat, pouring any

reserved liquid over the potatoes to submerge them. Bake about 90 minutes until bubbly and golden. Allow the gratin to cool for 15 minutes before serving. Curried Sweet Potato Mash Yukon Golds and Russet potatoes are often first thrown into the pot for mashed potatoes, but this sweet and spicy alternative uses savory Indian spices to take side dishes to the next level. Rinse and peel three to five sweet potatoes. Cut into one half inch chunks. Place in a pot and cover with water. Boil until fork tender. Drain. Add three tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of yogurt, two teaspoons of curry powder, one-quarter teaspoon each of cumin, coriander and turmeric, and mash. Transfer to a large bowl. Using a hand mixer, whip on low until the mixture is fluffy, adding very small amounts of milk or soup stock as needed. Citrus-salt Rubbed Baked Potatoes Citrus flavors put the “C” in classy for this energized side dish. Rinse and scrub enough potatoes for everyone at the dinner table to have one or two. Just pray for leftovers so you can enjoy them again. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine one-third cup of sea or kosher salt with the zest of a lemon and half an orange. Add one teaspoon of fresh dill and mash the ingredients together. A mortar and pestle would come in handy here, but fear not if you don’t own one. Place the ingredients in a small storage bag and go over them lightly with a rolling pin. This brings out the intensity of the dill and incorporates the flavors into the salt. Coat the potatoes with a very light layer of butter and rub with the salt mixture. Bake for about an hour, or until fork tender.

French fries fight for title of number one spud By Kyle Sparks THE DAILY CARDINAL

With several contenders in the battle royale of french fries, comparisons are need to show those who rise into the spotlight. Those with burnt ends or soggy stature are left in the darkest corners of the basket, doomed for the alley dumpster. How, then, can one determine the titan of taters? It’s all about form. Straight-cut fries The wild card of fries, straight-cuts span the spectrum of probabilities. Even within the same restaurant these can vary widely in appearance and quality. However, the straight-cut’s diversity proves there’s no one perfect route to tastiness. Whether McDonald’s or Big Red’s Steaks, a quality straight-cut can present itself in numerous forms, just like the way a full house or straight flush can materialize through myriad avenues. However, just as in cards, at times the river runs a little too soft and other times the flop comes up too, um, floppy. Their thinner frame makes them

the most successful when confronted with a lack of crunch. Whereas other forms require a firm shape to uphold flavor, straight-cuts can do well with a little bend. However, their inconsistency stacks the odds against them and prevents them from ever really cashing in on the pot. They’re probably the most prevalent fry, but that prominence requires that they settle for mediocrity to give them the most consistent success rate. Steak fries Few appetizers are more appealing than potato wedges; but at the point where a wedge becomes a fry and Shakey’s mojo potatoes become steak fries, the added mass can’t come around fast enough to connect with the heater. It’s not just the raw potato center that makes this fry a massive strikeout, but its inability to deliver on its ambitious size is a Bobby Crosbysized bust. There’s something to be said for going big or going home, but sometimes when you swing for the fences you end up on your butt after completely whiffing on the curveball.

Crinkle-cut Often referred to as bowling fries for their prevalence in bowling alleys, crinkle-cuts mirror the risk/reward nature of their namesake. Sure, there are times when the fries come out nice and crispy and knock down all ten pins, but all too often these fries are hastily prepared with little effort and end up getting tossed in the gutter. It’s easy to attribute their nickname to a purely geographical cue, but in reality the bowling moniker is probably most fitting for suggesting you’re better off doing something else instead. Waffle fries If french fries are like football, then consider waffles fries Pittsburgh’s steelcurtain defense. The webbed anatomy acts like a fishnet, trapping every bit of flavor and allowing little running room for variance. They’re impressively consistent in their approach, and hold no prisoners of condiments. They rarely go for the big play, but are visibly dominant for the entire game. They hold their ground with reckless abandon while they let the meal’s main course

take the offensive, rendering them an almost flawless sidepiece. Curly fries High-flying and bounding with flavor, curly fries spring ahead of the competition. Although Arby’s and Hardee’s are often maligned for their ambitious menu choices, they get one thing right, and that’s their choice of fries. Roast beef and veggie-loaded cheeseburgers aren’t par for the fastfood course, and it’s hard to argue their upper-class take on lower-class food is not best represented in curly fries. Whereas most restaurants take the high-percentage shot, curly fries embody Mike D’Antoni’s “7 Seconds or Less” mentality. They’re not afraid to launch a bunch of three-balls, but ideally they capitalize on fast-break slam dunks. Curly fries are a meal in themselves, and it takes a certain amount of audacity in the main course to attempt to top them. It’s easy to see why Arby’s and Hardee’s are such loose cannons with their main courses, but with fries like these, who can blame them?

Claire excited to share family traditions CLAIRE WIESE chocolate e’claire


don’t know about you, but I’ve been counting down to Thanksgiving break since week three of school. I love this holiday, and you probably do too. Around this time of year, most of us can’t get turkey, stuffing, family or maybe even Christmas songs off our minds. One great thing about Thanksgiving is that it brings up completely different memories from each person you ask. The only common denominator may just be the consumption of turkey. The one tradition I always bring up is Christmas cookies. Yes, my family makes Christmas cookies every Thanksgiving. This may sound weird at first, but we go all out—making six batches, freezing most of them for December 25. Of course, a few have to be set aside for the college students to take back to hungry roommates. But I don’t just love eating cookies. As cliché as it is, I love this tradition for the time I spend with my family, and the unchanging dynamics that present themselves year after year. We form a sort of haphazard assembly line that shifts depending on what’s happening with the oven. First, my grandmother mixes and rolls out the dough, carefully using way too much flour with every new rolling. My older cousins and I start cutting the cookies. My secret is to make the biggest cookies I can, so there’s a greater chance of getting one later, before they go into boxes on their way to someone else’s house. After the dough is sufficiently cut into holly, stockings, Santas and angel silhouettes, my mom and aunt take over frosting. They took these jobs originally to save their tiny children from burning themselves on just-outof-the-oven cookies. Since the youngest is now 17, they grab their places only by habit. Once we find the delicate balance between cooled cookies and fresh frosting, the decorating can begin. This is my favorite part. By now, all of the cookies are either in or just out of the oven, and everyone sits down in front of their own sheet of wax paper. Colored sugar flakes, sprinkles and specialty decorations line the middle of the table. We won’t be done until the holly leaves have at least three different colors, the angels are blue and the stockings resemble Packer and Badger paraphernalia. Later in the afternoon, I reluctantly help pack them into holiday-themed tins to be frozen for a few weeks. I grab a few to put in the tin I’ll take back to school with me, and sneak another cookie when no one is looking. Overall, I look forward to Christmas cookies every year almost as much as my Grandma’s pumpkin pie. It’s the special thing that sets my family apart from my friends, and I’m grateful for the familiarity when coming home. Whether your tradition is grabbing the head of the table before your father does, eating more of your mother’s sausage stuffing than turkey or watching the Packers win, I hope it serves as a much needed break from papers, tests and stress. Happy Thanksgiving. Share your family traditions with Claire at crwiese@wisc.edu.

arts A rewarding, unconventional ‘Education’ dailycardinal.com/arts


Clever, realistic and well developed, “An Education” investigates how to acquire diverse types of knowledge, and examines how much one person can sacrifice in pursuit of it. In 1961 London, 16-year-old Jenny (Carey Mulligan), is a brilliant yet bored student preparing to apply to Oxford. A beautiful girl with lofty standards, she has high school suitors who could never hope to measure up to her abilities (one helplessly bumbles over a simple French phrase she coyly mentions). Enter David (Peter Sarsgaard), a cultured but uneducated man twice her age, who offers her a ride home one day. A relationship blossoms between them as David opens up a new world to Jenny, taking her to chamber concerts, jazz clubs and art galleries.

Director Lone Scherfig takes this coming-of-age love story in a lighter fashion, and the film’s characters oddly don’t seem to dwell on this fact.

Despite her intellect, Jenny’s surprising naïveté is evident in her dream of being whisked away from the bourgeois bore she perceives to be her life. This dream is partially fulfilled when David handily persuades Jenny’s parents that he can both guide their daughter cul-

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

turally and assist her financially. Jenny’s parents ultimately decide that this sort of education may be more beneficial to Jenny than any school could provide.

are questions that are presented but not answered, by the film. Though these greater questions are left unanswered, general thematic elements conclude with no loose ends, which takes away some of the realism the first half of the film tried so hard and achieved. Mulligan gives a stunning performance as the impressionable Jenny, emitting a dazzling wit and Audrey Hepburn-like charm. A close second is Sarsgaard as the



slyly cultured, borderline creepy David, whose eagerness to expose Jenny to high culture—among other things—does not waver. Although the film’s second half cleans up a bit too nicely, its convictions are nonetheless powerful. And though most characters had the best of intentions, it’s unclear whether any of them were right.This resonating ambiguity manages to leave the right questions unanswered. Grade: AB

Mulligan gives a stunning performance as the impressionable Jenny, emitting a dazzling wit and Audrey Hepburn-like charm.

dialogue. Revelations made in the film are definitively surprising, as opposed to the context clues that are usually present in the “twists” of contemporary film. The film’s principal exploration is that of its title, the definition of an education. Is it obtained through an academically rigorous courseload? Worldly travels and cultural experiences? Making the wrong choice and living with the consequences? These

Take one glance at the couple, and their wide age difference is more than apparent, which might sound alarms in most parents’ heads today. Director Lone Scherfig however, takes this coming-of-age love story in a lighter fashion, and the film’s characters oddly don’t dwell on this fact. “High Fidelity” author Nick Hornby’s screenplay adaptation from Lynn Barber’s memoir was occasionally far-fetched in this way: Jenny’s parents give an unreasonably supportive reaction to meeting their 16-year-old daughter’s 30-something boyfriend. More often than not, however, the screenplay trusts that its audience has a certain amount of maturity, and can deduce the film’s narrative subtext. In many movies today, certain plot elements are prepared by seemingly subtle details in dialogue, gestures, props or setting. Here, the viewer makes discoveries alongside Jenny through these kinds of visual cues, despite little enforcement from the

Jenny’s parents decide that David (Peter Sarsgaard) can give Jenny a better education than any university. Here, thirty-something David teaches 16-year-old Jenny the many uses of a banana... in bed.


Underground hip-hop would be doomed without Doom JUSTIN J. STEPHANI j.j. dilla


ver the last 10 years, music transformed in just about every way possible to expand its embrace with new personalities. While other genres

continue to explore new sonic depths, however, hip-hop remains somewhat static. Any underground or gangster rapper who finds success invariably becomes drawn toward the light of the mainstream market, leading to an industry lacking a clear motive more often than coming off genuinely inspired. Many rappers have looked to this trend as a fresh source of inspiration, but the best hip-hop artists of the


Doom wears a mask as an homage to Marvel Comics’ Dr. Doom. Or perhaps it’s to conceal his true identity, renowned rapper Lil Jon.

decade tend to ignore the industry on their most successful work. In the case of my rapper of the decade, the industry can be used as an unspecified evil protagonist in relation to an elaborate penpersona that disregards the line between fact and fiction. If a lack of ingenuity and inspiration is the plague of hip-hop, then the savior of the game is MF Doom. If there is any rapper, or any musical artist for that matter, who would never betray their style or sound, it is Doom. If there was ever any rapper you could rely on for album after album of intricate rhymes and arrangements, it is Doom. And if there was ever a hip-hop artist who stood against all things mainstream, it is Doom. Born in London, he was raised in Long Island, N.Y. as a part of KMD. He performed locally until his brother, a fellow group member, was fatally hit by a car. Following this, KMD attempted to release a dark album with an even cruder cover, but the group floated apart as the album went unreleased because of its graphic nature. Doom, depressed and dejected, fell into isolation and poverty for years. According to every online biography, he was “recovering from his wounds” and “swearing revenge against the industry that so badly deformed him” during this time. Sound like a comic book? Absolutely. He took on a new persona and adorned a mask—and to this day has yet to perform or be photographed without a stocking or mask covering his face— after finding inspiration in Marvel

Comics’ Dr. Doom. At this point, Doom’s underground recognition was growing and after a successful comeback release in 1999, he went instrumental. From 2001 to early 2006, he released 10 albums in his Special Blends series of instrumental productions under the name Metal Fingers. After crafting his trade behind the soundboards, he moved behind the mic and put a voice to his sound. With seven stellar albums from 2003-’06 under his belt (under the names of King Geedorah, Viktor Vaughn, Doom, Danger Doom, MF Doom and Madvillain), he made his mark on the industry. Although individual pieces of work from this period stand out, an album with Madlib called Mudvillainy and the lighter, more conventional The Mouse and the Mask, it’s Doom’s consistency and ingenuity that leaves the strongest impression with listeners. However, his flow can be consistent to a fault and his rhyme patterns are articulate and reliable if not boring with precision. He lyrically paints a dreary picture of the world that rejected him, with himself as the super-villain. The production follows suit; like grime being played through an old LP player, there are enough fuzzy layers to each eerie track to prevent over-thinking and encourage an organic feel. Best of all, the “character” he dons while performing is just who he is. He has the story and body of inspired work to back it up, and from this comes a distinctive angle and utterly unique

sound that could only come from the perversely inspired. In the world of rap, where the losers are the breadwinners and the winners are unknown absolutists who don’t get paid, Doom is the super-villain. Underground rappers must hate to respect him. Mainstream rappers must be embarrassed to acknowledge him. His ominous sound is mechanical and indestructible across his entire body of work, and if you get a guest spot on one of his tracks, it’s legitimizing and comforting, even though nobody will mention it. The worst part of it is that if anybody deserves to be a star in the rap game, it should be the villain. It’s the one who doesn’t conform to other’s standards. It’s the one who disregards the sensible advice of others. And most of all, it’s the one who is so blinded by determination and conviction in their style that they cannot function any other way. True to his comic book roots, Doom walked away from a traumatic experience transformed into an unwavering force. Seeping his persona into every inflection of his music, he inches closer to rap game domination with every track. Although it’s not what he seeks, it’s what the public deserves. You know, just like Batman. And if none of that interests you, don’t forget the best part: his identity remains concealed from the public, which should be cool enough to persuade you anyway. Send Justin your vote for the best rapper of the decade at jstephani@wisc.edu.

comics 6


New Moon. Mars has two moons, and one of them is going to crash into it. dailycardinal.com/comics

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tying your shoes

Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu

Angel Hair Pasta

By Todd Stevens ststevens@wisc.edu

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Sid and Phil Classic

By Alex Lewein alex@sidandphil.com

The Graph Giraffe

By Yosef Lerner ilerner@wisc.edu

Charlie and Boomer

By Natasha Soglin soglin@wisc.edu

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com Poof! ACROSS

1 America’s bird 6 Bone under a bracelet 10 Farm soil 14 Sagacious sorts 15 Lowest high tide 16 Barney’s boss 17 Magical phrase 19 Adjusts for romantic effect, as lights 20 Sight from Turkey 21 Daring deed 23 Beefeater product 24 Uneducated guess 26 French painter Rousseau 27 Uneaten morsels 29 Kind of furniture 32 “Gimme a ___” 33 False front? 36 “American Pie” destination 38 Magical phrase 41 Wrap brand 42 Crunch producer 45 ___-letter days 48 Undergrad course, briefly 50 Ogler 51 Rinse out 53 Electrolocation users 56 The three little kittens’ reward

57 Site of many a protest 60 Ring-tailed animals 62 Patina, essentially 63 Magical phrase 66 A Great Lake 67 Speedy breed of steed, for short 68 Certain abstract paintings 69 100 cents, in Cape Town 70 “I ___ man with seven ...” 71 “Harper Valley P.T.A.” singer Jeannie C. ___ 1 2 3 4 5


Massage target? Helpers from abroad Hot health drink Air bag, of a sort Apostrophe followers, often 6 Click open 7 Where cattle graze 8 Moniker 9 Point of culmination 10 It may be found in a stew 11 Latke ingredients 12 Venerate 13 Involving otherworldly practices

18 “___ a Peach” (Allman Brothers album) 22 “Friends” character 23 Red state grp. 25 Skier’s asset 28 Backups 30 “The Splendid Splinter” Williams 31 “Ghostbusters” director Reitman 34 Sunlight blockers 35 What some use to ply their craft? 37 Scottish tongue 39 Archipelago part 40 Anomalous 43 Time off 44 “But I heard him exclaim, ___ he drove ...” 45 Illicit smoke 46 City southwest of Ithaca 47 Capital on the River Liffey 49 “Iliad” wife 52 Broke, in a sense 54 El, pluralized 55 Flavor 58 “Rolez” watch, e.g. 59 Days of ___ 61 African antelope 64 Animal known for its righting reflex 65 Rooting section?

Wasington and the Bear

By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com

opinion dailycardinal.com/opinion

Editorial Cartoon

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

By John Liesveld opinion@dailycardinal.com



view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.

time for diversity debate is now


Complexities of diversity require campus dialogue By the MultiCultural Student Coalition GUEST COLUMN

As the MultiCultural Student Coalition, we felt compelled to respond to Andrew Carpenter’s piece “Race Deserves No Place in University Admissions.” Carpenter states in his article, “by focusing on the color of their skin rather than just their achievements, the University administration implants the idea that there might be something different about minority students: they might not be as smart.” While we agree with Carpenter’s notion that, “We need to show that we believe race has nothing to do with a student’s potential,” we also need to understand there are multiple components of diversity that extend beyond race as defined by color. Our working definition of “diversity” is formulated under a broader understanding and is inclusive of: race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender, age, ability, international, and socio-economic status, in addition to variety in thought processes. Encompassing the above characteristics, we also agree all students should have access to equal education in their preparation for and throughout college; although we acknowledge this right, it is not reality. There have been numerous reactions to Carpenter’s editorial. We, too, were impacted by the assumptions and calls to action. We now aim to provide a sense of justice to all students, faculty, staff and administration on campus by presenting factual responses to misrepresented university policies, individualistic opinions about campus climate, and the lack of ownership of white privilege. The University’s policy on race is defined by Chapter 36.12 of the Wisconsin Statutes, stating that, “no student may be denied admission to, participation in or the benefits of, or discriminated against in any service, program, course or facility of the UW System because of the student’s race...”. In addition, race cannot be an overriding factor for school admissions programs, as was determined by the 2003 Supreme Court decision. “A student’s race is

never, on its own, a deciding factor,” says former Provost Patrick Farrell, and current professor in the School of Engineering. Furthermore, the University of Wisconsin- Madison application explicitly states that it is optional to check the race box. The University does acknowledge that Plan 2008, a continuation of the Madison Plan and Design for Diversity, was not successful. Reassessments have led to the implementation of the Inclusive Excellence framework, which is “the idea is that excellence should be measured by how well campus systems, structures, and processes meet the needs of all institutional citizens, regardless of socio-economic status, race, gender, or other characteristics,” says Dr. Damon Williams, Chief Diversity Officer and Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate. Distortions about the history of education, as it pertains to majority and minority groups, is explicitly seen in articles such as the one printed in the Badger Herald. In it Jaimie Chapman states, “maybe minority students don’t really care about the reason for their admission so long as they get admitted.” We feel it is brash to make assumptions regarding groups that one does not identify with, underrepresented or not, as it omits the histories of underrepresented groups. Its absence is perpetuated within our educational framework and policies, which widens the educational achievement gap. Further, the operational system in which these students are expected to excel has not changed to reflect the growing diversity. Thus, students are forced to function within a biased educational environment. This is one of the fundamental building blocks of white privilege. In publishing his opinion, Carpenter failed to acknowledge his own privilege and the benefits that he receives on a daily basis. “White privilege refers to the concrete benefits of access to resources and social rewards and the power to shape the norms and values of society that whites receive, unconsciously or consciously, by virtue of their skin color

in a racist society.” In Carpenter not acknowledging this privilege, he devalues all claims made in his article. He exercises his privilege to choose to speak and be addressed as an individual, rather than the representative of a group. This perpetuates an “us versus them” dichotomy. Such a dichotomy allows members of the dominant group to lie as singular members of their community, while members of underrepresented groups are viewed as a collective. It is a dangerous declaration to assume students practice “colorblindness” and believe it is possible. Efforts to achieve “colorblindness” undermines the celebratory qualities of being a person of a given group, while simultaneously depriving that person of being wholly his/herself. It is hypocritical to state that students are “actively seeking out and love [to] interact with” new and diverse groups of people, while they are also “unsettled with the idea of minority students sitting next to them in lecture...” Students cannot be conscientiously turning a blind eye to race, if they are in fact unnerved by the factors Carpenter correlations with race. Although the intention of “colorblindness” is to show how color is not as important as other characteristics, this mind-frame strips minority students of a part of their cultural identities. As the MultiCultural Student Coalition, we recognize there are failures in the educational system. We also know there are efforts being made to address diversity disparities on campus and to provide tangible solutions. Focusing the discussion of diversity around Inclusive Excellence, rather than “colorblindness”, is a more productive discourse on how to ensure all students have an equally successful and satisfying experience here at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This guest column was written by Andreall Moore, Antonio Garcia, Bekah Blocker, Danielle Harris, Kerry McNellis and Lena Marx of the MultiCultural Student Coalition. We welcome all feedback. Please send responses to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

n Nov. 17, 2009, The Daily Cardinal published the opinion column “Race deserves no place in university admissions.” Over the past several days we have witnessed a significant reaction to the article by students on campus, and it is obvious the article sparked a dialogue regarding issues of diversity at UW-Madison. Opinion columnist Andrew Carpenter had a right to express those views, views held by other students on campus, though we do genuinely realize that the wording of his article may have offended many students in its language. And Andrew deserves credit for being willing to take ownership of those views and defend himself publicly about such a topic.

For many students on campus, these issues are not abstract discussions about enrollment levels or socioeconomic backgrounds.

Yet we must still point out that we do not agree with the opinions expressed in the article: Those are the opinions of the writer and do not represent the views of The Daily Cardinal Editorial Board or this newspaper as an organization. We have seen confusion since last week about Andrew’s position at the paper and want to clarify that he is a staff member offering his own viewpoints; as a newspaper we do not share his sentiments in the

least. However, we do believe the article and others have touched off a debate on campus about what the nature of diversity is and how students view issues of race, ethnicity and the complicated ways students confront these issues. For many students on campus, these issues are not abstract discussions about enrollment levels or socioeconomic backgrounds, but deeply personal realities that speak to how they live every day. These are not and should not be discussions reduced solely to questions of race, but should look at the way people often avoid these questions, including UWMadison administrators. The campus’ newest diversity program, “Inclusive Excellence,” seeks to do just that: come up with a way for the campus as a whole to discuss the issues of diversity and how few have been able to establish just what that means on campus. So let us know how you feel about these issues, and let’s see if we can find an answer to them, if there is one to be found. We want all readers of the campus newspapers to realize that we actively seek out a range of opinions and look forward to a greater level of debate on this topic in the ensuing weeks. In particular, when we return to print next week we will be kicking off Diversity Week on The Daily Cardinal opinion page. It is our hope that this will continue the dialogue that has begun and lead to healthy progress on this serious and important issue.

sports 8



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Men’s Basketball

Women’s Basketball

Badgers welcome undefeated UWGreen Bay after close win Sunday By Mark Bennett THE DAILY CARDINAL


Trevon Hughes had 24 points in Wisconsin’s 64-61 win over Arizona. The Badgers held on for the win despite a foul-filled second half.

No harm, many fouls: UW takes win over Arizona By Justin Stephani THE DAILY CARDINAL

An emphatic dunk by junior forward Keaton Nankivil came just in time to seal a 64-61 Badger victory against Arizona last night in the first round of the Maui Invitational. Free throws, foul trouble and senior guard Trevon Hughes headlined the sloppy victory, as Hughes scored 24 on an inefficient 7-of-19 from the field and 8-of-14 at the charity stripe. Nankivil added 12 points and eight rebounds in limited time, while senior guard Jason Bohannon netted 10 points, with five coming on free throws. Freshman forward Derrick Williams led the Wildcat offense with 25 points on an efficient 6-of-7 from the field while being active in the paint and taking advantage of Wisconsin’s foul trouble throughout the second half. The Badgers jumped out to an early 13-0 lead, yet they were anything but perfect in doing so. A bank-in 3-pointer from Hughes, an off-balance jumper off the dead spot of the rim from Taylor and shots taken after one or two passes were all present in the opening seven-minute stretch, but shots were falling and they were playing Wisconsin defense, which is head coach Bo Ryan’s recipe for success. However, after the Badgers dominated the opening stretch, officiating on both sides of the ball controlled the flow and direction of the game, and foul trouble immediately set in, forcing UW to go to unconventional threeguard lineups for most of the game. The Badgers could not regain control of the game or the comfortable double-digit lead they held with Nankivil, freshman forward Ryan Evans and junior forward Jon Leuer sitting the last five minutes of the first

half with three fouls each. Meanwhile, an active defense held the Badgers in check long enough for Arizona’s offense to hold the deficit around 10 until halftime. With the Badgers up by eight entering the second half, fouls continued to change the complexion of the game. Arizona’s only senior, guard Nic Wise, was whistled for two quick fouls against Hughes to give him four and keep him off the floor. To keep it balanced, Leuer and Nankivil received their fourth fouls in the first three minutes of the second half. The Wildcats clawed back into the game in the ensuing dogfight using their speedy perimeter defenders to prevent the Badgers from comfortably running a set offense, while the lack of size inside left the Badgers’ interior defense vulnerable to Williams’ athleticism. In the end, the Badgers made just enough free throws—despite a poor 17-of-29 overall performance—to hold on to a slim lead nearly throughout. A Hughes 3-pointer with 5:07 left gave UW a couple more minutes of life before free throws carried the scoring load until Nankivil’s dunk dropped in the dagger. Hughes proved his worth, taking over the offense whenever necessary and leading the Badgers’ early surge. However, he was unable to keep the offense under control when Arizona amped up the pressure, and he struggled at times from the line. He showed up just enough to lead the team to a victory, but in the end, it was the defense that simply prevented the Wildcats from matching the Badgers’ lackluster performance. Wisconsin now faces Gonzaga Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. Central in the semifinals of the Maui Invitational.

The Wisconsin women’s basketball team found itself in an odd position Sunday: trailing for most of the game. At one point, the Badgers were down by as many as 15 points against Cleveland State. However, the team remained poised and tough as they battled back down the stretch, taking the lead with under two minutes to play, and securing a 70-68 victory. “I give our team a lot of credit,” UW head coach Lisa Stone said. “We’re growing up quickly.” The team hopes to carry over that impressive victory as they take on in-state rival University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Tuesday night at the Kohl Center. Last season, Wisconsin handed the Phoenix their first loss of the year with a 5947 victory in Green Bay. In 2008, Wisconsin swept all three in-state rivals, claiming the unofficial title as the best team in the Wisconsin. Having already taken care of the University of WisconsinMilwaukee, the Badgers now turn their attention to Green Bay. “Being the big university in the state, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to sweep the state,” junior guard

Alyssa Karel said. “They’re going to bring their best at us too, so we can’t take any of these games lightly.” Despite returning just one starter from last season, the Phoenix are already off to a 3-0 start and are the pre-season favorites to claim the Horizon League Title. “Being the big university in the state, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to sweep the state.” Alyssa Karel junior guard UW women’s basketball

And why not—the Green Bay women’s basketball team has won that league the last ten years in a row. In addition, the Phoenix have compiled a stunning 32 straight winning seasons, the third longest streak in the NCAA. “They’ve dominated their league since its existed,” Stone said. Green Bay’s average margin of victory so far this season is 14, winning each of its first three games by at least 10 points. Additionally, four Phoenix players are averaging

double-figure point totals on the season. However, the Badgers can also claim four players averaging over ten points per match. Karel currently leads the team with 11.7 points per contest. Following closely behind her is junior forward Tara Steinbauer, who is not only averaging 11 points per game, but also 7.7 rebounds on the season. In addition to the upper-class strength of the Badgers, the strong sophomore and freshman classes have played a big role off the bench. One player in particular who has performed exceptionally well so far for Wisconsin is freshman guard Taylor Wurtz. In just her first three collegiate games, Wurtz has averaged 8.7 points and four rebounds per game. Wurtz has also scored in double figures the last two games, and sunk the game-winning basket in the team’s win against Cleveland State. However, this performance is one that was certainly expected by coach Stone. “I’m not at all surprised with Taylor,” Stone said. “She’s a player that wants to get better. The sky’s the limit and she’s nowhere near where she’s going to be.”


Borland, Clay bring home All-Big Ten honors 12 UW players honored on allconference squad By Ben Breiner THE DAILY CARDINAL

Last week Wisconsin head coach Bret Bielema argued that three of his players deserved the three big individual awards in the Big Ten; Offensive Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year and Freshman of the Year. Two out of three isn’t bad. Sophomore running back John Clay accepted the Offensive Player of the Year award and linebacker Chris Borland won Freshman of the Year.

Clay was the league’s top runner, with over 120 yards per conference game, and finished with 13 touchdowns. He is the third Wisconsin player to earn the award, the others being Brent Moss, who won in 1993, and Ron Dayne, who took it on the way to winning the Heisman Trophy in 1999. For Borland, the path to this award was not as easy. Early in the year he made an impact on special teams, blocked one punt and came in on defense as a pass rusher. He stepped in when starting linebacker Mike Taylor went down with a knee injury, and finished with the most tackles on the team in conference play. Borland had a knack for big plays with three fumble recoveries, five forced fumbles and an


interception to go along with his blocked punt. Bielema’s third candidate, senior defensive end O’Brien Schofield, did not win Defensive Player of the Year, but had to settle for being named first team All-Big Ten by both the media and coaches. In addition to Schofield and Clay, junior offensive lineman John Moffitt was also named to the AllBig Ten first team. Junior tackle Gabe Carimi, senior tight end Garrett Graham and junior strong safety Jay Valai were also given first or second team All-Big Ten honors. Five other Badgers received honorable mention All-Big Ten honors including junior quarterback Scott Tolzien and senior safety Chris Maragos.


John Clay (left) emerged as the driving force behind the Wisconsin running game, while Chris Borland (right) had a breakout year as one of the top playmakers on the Badger defense.

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