Weekend, December 1-4, 2016 - The Daily Cardinal

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University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Weekend, December 1-4, 2016


Fall in UW’s research ranking


+OPINION, page 6

+ALMANAC, page 4

Have an economic meal!

‘Watchlist’ site targets liberal instructors By Madeline Heim THE DAILY CARDINAL


The website Professor Watchlist catalogues instructors across the nation who have allegedly voiced liberal agendas in the classroom.

Two years ago, UW-Milwaukee doctoral student and lecturer Stephanie Baran attended a conference where she spoke about the effects racism, sexism and classism have on capitalist practices. She was not yet teaching at UW-Milwaukee, and the ideas were not ones she came up with on her own—they came from other, senior scholars even more wellversed in the field. But about two weeks ago, Baran found herself chronicled along with nearly 150 other faculty and staff from universities across the country on a website titled Professor Watchlist, a catalogue of professors and instructors with “radical agendas.” Initiated by the conservative group Turning Point USA, the site’s mission is to “expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative

students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.” Each listing includes a short summary of the actions the instructor has allegedly performed, as well as an occasional photo. Turning Point USA’s UW-Madison chapter president Justin Lemke did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Baran’s summary notes her 2014 reference to racism as an enabler of the capitalist system. “It appears that the people who are on the list aren’t exactly opposing free speech,” Baran said. “But the people who are placed on this list are having opinions, backed up usually by fact, that are in opposition to the thinking or values held by the folks that think this website is a good idea.” Criticism of professors is not new, especially given the perception of colleges and universities as liberal bastions. Wisconsinites have seen attempts

to dictate what a professor should and should not teach, including most recently in July when state Sen. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, threatened to alter UW System funding over an assignment of an article on gay sex to a summer class. No UW-Madison professors have appeared on the website yet, but Chad Goldberg, a sociology professor who was an outspoken critic of the Republican legislature’s decision to pull tenure from state statute, said the list has the potential to “chill the exercise of academic freedom on university campuses.” “Without academic freedom, teachers and researchers can’t fulfill their professional responsibility to sift and winnow fearlessly in search of the truth,” Goldberg said. Besides Baran, the only other UW System instructor appearing on the list is Beth Lueck, a professor

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Students request free tampons, pads be provided in university bathrooms By Noah Habenstreit THE DAILY CARDINAL

Four students met with UW-Madison Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf Wednesday to request the school offer free feminine hygiene products in Bascom Hall restrooms. Jordan Madden, the President of UW’s Accessible Reproductive Healthcare Initiative, along with Associated Students of Madison Vice Chair Mariam Coker, ASM Coordinating Council member Mara Matovich and freshman ASM representative Evan Pelke, used the meeting to stress the benefits of providing free and accessible menstrual products in campus bathrooms. “I’ve encountered so many people on this campus … that think that tampons and menstrual products should be just as accessible, if not more so, than condoms, toilet-

ries and many of the other items that people have available at their disposal,” Madden told the The Daily Cardinal.

“We need to push for these rights that women deserve.” Mariam Coker vice chair Associated Students of Madison

Earlier this year, Brown University became one of the first schools in the country to provide free tampons and pads in their bathrooms. Madden and Coker said they are confident that the success at Brown can be replicated at UW-Madison. “I’m very, very hopeful,” Coker said. “This is something that people are definitely talking about and

definitely interested in. It’s just a matter of time.” Madden said his long-term goal is for feminine hygiene products to be free and accessible in all campus bathrooms by 2018. The main challenge, he said, is working alongside administration to determine the details for funding the project. “A lot of the research I’ve been doing is to calculate the net cost of this initiative,” Madden said. “[The provost] said she is on board and willing to provide us with the resources and data to make these calculations.” Coker said this sort of initiative is especially important now, “at a time when women’s health is being compromised.” “This is the time to take a stand, and this is the stand we’re taking,” Coker said. “We need to push for these rights that women deserve.”

Water well near campus reaches contamination threshold A well that pumps more than 750 million gallons of water near the UW-Madison campus has reached a “critical contamination threshold” of sodium and chloride due to road salt, with chloride levels doubling since 2000. The Madison Water Utility is launching a multi-year study in response, in order to explore ways to mitigate road salt contamination in the 56-year-old well. That study

will start by analyzing the hole of the well to determine which areas below ground are contributing the most sodium chloride, according to a city press release. The chemicals themselves are not considered dangerous to most people, however the current sodium level is at 45 mg/L. That level is more than double the EPArecommended level for people with high blood pressure. If the current

trend continues, the water from the well may be so salty in 17 years that it will be undrinkable. “Well 14 really is a warning to the Water Utility and to the community that road salt application does have impacts on groundwater and on surface water. We see it in the lakes as well,” Madison Water Utility Water Quality Manager Joe Grande said. —Miller Jozwiak


A Hijabi volunteer helps a non-Muslim participant of “Hijabi for a Day” put on a hijab, which they wore all day Wednesday.

‘Hijabi for a Day’ works to end stigma, educate students By Sammy Gibbons THE DAILY CARDINAL

For many Muslims on campus, wearing a hijab comes with a number of daily challenges. On Wednesday, 45 non-Muslim participants wore hijabs to try and get a sense of the Hijabi experience. Wisconsin Union Directorate Global Connections Director Swetha Saseedhar, along with Muslim Student Association members Noor Hammad and Iffa Bhuiyan, said the goal of the event was to normalize the hijab on UW-Madison’s predominantly white campus. WUD Global Connections and the MSA partnered to bring “Hijabi for a Day” to campus after

they saw the project conducted nationwide by organizations such as BuzzFeed. “People who might not be used to seeing someone they know wearing a hijab might be more inclined to see the beauty of it and not just see it as something that people are oppressed by, but something that people, when they wear it, feel that they have agency,” Saseedhar said. According to a presentation given by Hammad, hijabs are worn by individuals who wish to be modest, showcase their internal beauty and also for spiritual purposes. Another goal the group

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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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Weekend, December 1-4, 2016

ASM legislation requests system-wide protection for undocumented students


watchlist from page 1 at UW-Whitewater and president of the campus chapter of the American Association of University Professors. Lueck, whose website summary claims she gave students extra credit to attend a rally against Gov. Scott Walker, said she was accused of something she did not do. Lueck also voiced concerns that while conservative groups like Turning Point consistently deride ideas about safe spaces, the website only provides an avenue for some students to avoid encountering controversial opinions. “You can’t have it both ways,” Lueck said. “Either you endorse the freedom for professors to encourage civic engagement among their students and freedom of speech for those same students, as well as for controversial campus speakers of all types, or else you admit that students—left-wing, right-wing and everywhere in between—need to be coddled and kept ignorant of

the outside world.” Lueck said this is not something unique to liberal professors, arguing conservative economics professors will be equally discouraged from teaching controversial aspects of capitalism as biology professors would be from teaching evolution. Baran is now teaching a course on American Ethnic Minorities and said she has no plans to change the way she teaches after being placed on the list—something that has spawned several congratulatory emails sent her way. She also said she sees some ways in which the catalogue could work in favor of professors who fight back against a growing urge to curb academic freedom in the college classroom. “Now we’re all sort of linked together as people who have been picked out, so to speak,” Baran said. “Perhaps that collective solidarity can bridge across different universities in the sense that times might be a little tough.”


The Associated Students of Madison Student Council passed legislation Wednesday calling for protection for undocumented students attending UW-Madison and other schools in the system. By Sabrina Abuzahra THE DAILY CARDINAL

The Associated Students of Madison Student Council passed legislation Wednesday to protect undocumented students in the wake of the recent presidential election. UW-Madison’s response to the 2016 presidential election results awakened fears of uncertainty and a call to action for undocumented students. Students organized a protest march to the cstate Capitol after Trump’s election, which brought many people from historically marginalized communities forward to voice their opinions. Chancellor Rebecca Blank released a statement earlier this month following the election to express her desire for UW-Madison to become a sanctuary campus. ASM decided to act upon both the election results as well as Blank’s call to protect

hijabi from page 1 had for the day was to educate people about these reasons and eliminate the connotation of oppression that many people have with hijabs. Participants were helped by volunteers to put on their hijabs properly. These volunteers also supported the new Hijabis by answering questions via text message throughout the day. UW-Madison freshman volunteer Buruj Mohammed said participants told her about some negative comments they received, but had mostly positive feedback about their experience. “It was important for us to be there so we could help people feel confident about their decision to wear the scarf and to know that there’s someone who has experience with wearing the scarf,” Mohammed said. Mohammed said the event was important because it raised awareness of and showed solidarity with Muslim women. UW-Madison sophomore Kaitlynne Roling echoed this and said she hoped participating in Hijabi for a Day would stimulate conversations among her peers. “I did it so I could understand

undocumented students. The legislation moves to create a public declaration of support for undocumented immigrants and an office for them, as well as allowing the university to withhold information regarding undocumented immigrants from federal immigration officials.

“[The legislation] shows that us as a body want to let the campus know that this is what we believe in.” Tyriek Mack representative Associated Students of Madison

Some council members questioned the practicality of this legislation, arguing that attempting to supercede federal law and protect undocumented students would not be legal. what my Muslim brothers and sisters go through on a day to day basis,” Roling said. “I would love to form another way to communicate with my peers on their experiences and be an ally.” UW-Madison Professor Anna Gade, an expert on Islam, said that the event is an important part of Islam Appreciation Week because it allows this acceptance of different cultures that participants like Roling aimed for. “I think that ‘Hijabi for a Day’ is really in the spirit of what the Qur’an says when it teaches its readers that people of diverse backgrounds and identities, including Muslims, should ‘get to know one another’ (Qur. 49:13),” Gade said in an email. Roling said she did not experience anything negative during the day, which was not what she expected. She said she feels as though she did gain a deeper connection to Hijabi women. “I feel very educated,” Roling said. “I hopefully can take this knowledge and help other people get educated on this topic. I feel a little bit of understanding, not entire understanding because nothing can equate to that, but my level of connection and understanding has been heightened.”

“You can declare a place to be a sanctuary city, but federal law trumps that,” Chair Carmen Goséy said. Other representatives voiced opinions that this legislation could present a united front in support of undocumented students. “Practicality aside, [the legislation] shows that us as a body want to let the campus know that this is what we believe in,” Representative Tyriek Mack said. With small amendments proposed by Representative Katrina Morrison, the UW Sanctuary legislation passed unanimously to also include the entire UW System, instead of solely UW-Madison’s campus. ASM also took a roll-call vote on Mack’s removal as a result of his three unexcused absences. The vote failed to achieve a two-thirds majority for removal, and Mack will remain on Council.

28th World AIDS Day Celebrated every Dec. 1 since 1988, World AIDS Day was the first-ever global health day. This photo from a 1989 vigil in Madison shows a community member mourning and celebrating the lives of those who were lost to the disease. + Photo by Damon Clayton in 1989

Possibility of health care self-insurance creates controversy for UW-Madison staff By Katie Moakley THE DAILY CARDINAL

Wisconsin’s Group Insurance Board met Wednesday to discuss the future of self-insurance in the state, in a potentially controversial move to change how the government provides health care to its 250,000 employees. Many UW faculty are questioning what this means for them. Self-insurance does not affect how employees pay for insurance. Instead, the state would pay the benefits directly to the Department of Employee Trust Funds rather than paying health insurance companies a fixed premium. The ETF then has more control of how funds are spent and could potentially improve member care and quality of services. A private firm, Segal Consulting, told the Group Insurance Board that cutting the current 18 health insurance plans to just one or two plans would save $42 million a year. Gov. Scott

Walker said in his State of the State speech last year that all savings will go toward public education. Jack O’Meara, head lobbyist for the Public Representation Organization of the Faculty Senate, said faculty are “concerned about the proposal.” He said that while his organization, which lobbies on behalf of UW-Madison faculty, does not currently have a position on the issue, they will likely oppose any move to self-insurance. O’Meara said he was especially concerned about self-insurance if President-elect Donald Trump repeals Obamacare. “It is likely they will lose the $18 million dollars in savings under the AFA that the consultants claim they will gain” O’Meara said. Although Walker’s administration has discussed self-insurance since 2013, little action has been taken. Segal consultants are pushing for insurers to col-

lect data that would assist the transition to self-insurance as soon as 2018. Wisconsin currently has the most competitive health care market in the country. Members of the state’s Group Insurance Board are pushing for another meeting in February to approve self-insurance. Dan Schwartzer, Wisconsin’s deputy insurance commissioner, said the state should not rush the decision. “I just think we’re cutting way too short this discussion,” Schwartzer said. Many state employers share Schwartzer’s concern and feel disconnected from the decision. “They are considering blowing up the health care system for state employees without bothering to involve any front-line employees in the discussion,” Rick Badger, executive director of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, told the Wisconsin State Journal.


Weekend, December 1-4, 2016






Despite having its stronger tracks and moments, The Weeknd, pictured above, fails to deliver on his latest album Starboy, especially when compared with his older releases.

‘Starboy’ struggles to find balance By Logan Rude THE DAILY CARDINAL


Starboy The Weeknd Over the past five years, Abel Tesfaye, more commonly known as The Weeknd, has released music ranging from dark R&B to stereotypical radio pop songs. His latest album, Starboy , marked his third splash into the ears of the mainstream. Featuring heavy hitters like Future, Lana Del Rey and Kendrick Lamar, Starboy aims to solidify The Weeknd’s place in the world of pop music. Instead of affirming his dominance in this genre, Starboy reveals the Toronto native going through an identity crisis. As the album jumps from track to track, The Weeknd tries and fails to combine the dark sounds from his Trilogy days and ready-for-radio pop instrumentals. While the Canadian star has

always discussed his excessive lifestyle of partying, success and sex, he doesn’t show much lyrical progression on Starboy. Tesfaye seems to be stuck in aesthetic limbo. Tracks like “Party Monster,” “All I Know” and “Attention” show a sense of yearning for the image that pushed The Weeknd to stardom, while songs like “Rockin’” and “Love to Lay” seem to be manufactured solely to become radio hits a couple of months after the album’s release. There is no common theme throughout the project. While the transitions from song to song are smooth, they don’t make much sense for the direction of the album. A hodgepodge of styles mixed with an excessively long track list make Starboy more of a chore to listen to with each revisit. However, the album does have its merits. The title track opens the album on a strong note. With the help of Daft Punk on the opening and closing tracks, The Weeknd wraps the jumbled mess with songs that could have served as inspiration for the entire album. “False Alarm” and “Sidewalks” jump out as two of the strongest moments of the project. “False Alarm” features a frantic chorus and a booming but spacey

instrumental, making it one of the most unique songs on Starboy. “Sidewalks” combines auto-tuned vocals from Tesfaye, a dextrous verse from Kendrick Lamar and electric guitar riffs to make a groovy mid-tempo tune. “Sidewalks” marks another shift in the tone for the album. While elements of the Trilogy days are still present, modern pop seems to vanish as Michael Jackson-esque, 80s inspired R&B becomes prevalent. Most of the songs begin to blend together and cease to offer any significant differences in tone or tempo. For all intents and purposes, tracks 10 to 17 could be combined into a single half-hour song. The lack of diversity in the second half of the album interrupts whatever flow it had in the first half. The Weeknd is undeniably talented, but it seems as if he is stuck between wanting his time in the spotlight and wanting to return to his mysterious life prior to his rise to fame. Both sides don’t have to be completely separate. Nevertheless, The Weeknd’s attempt to combine the two failed, resulting in a project that had potential but was ultimately confused about its identity.

Grade: C+

Jeremih gives interactive performance, Partynextdoor leaves fans disappointed By Jasmine Kiah THE DAILY CARDINAL

Fans lined up outside the Orpheum anticipating performances from R&B singer and Chicago native Jeremih and Canadian rapper/singer Partynextdoor. After a short while, fans took their places surrounding the stage. Enjoying the opening acts and turning up to Chance the Rapper’s song, “No Problem,” they waited anxiously to see the headliners for the night. “How y’all doing tonight, Madison?” Jeremih’s enthusiasm coming onto the stage filled the room. He was greeted with an overwhelming response. “I’m sorry y’all, I just got here, our plane landed a little while ago. I didn’t even get to spend no time with y’all in Madison, but it’s OK cause we gon’ turn up!” The beat dropped and Jeremih brought the audience into his world. He captured the crowd with two of his hit songs:

“Birthday Sex” and “Oui.” Jeremih interacted with his audience, even bringing two fans on the stage to sing to them. On either side of the stage, there were two pole dancers adding to the fantasy of his world. Jeremih ensured that his fans would have an experience. In between changing his clothes, the performance continued with two hip-hop dancers who kept the crowd energized and on their toes. Coming back on stage, he brought his entourage to turn up with him. The crowd’s reaction was priceless. Jeremih’s performance left the crowd with high expectations for the next and final headliner of the night. Partynextdoor entered from stage left, immediately mesmerizing the audience with an array of lights onstage. Unlike Jeremih, instead of greeting his audience, Partynextdoor began to sing immediately. During his performance, he lacked the skill to

include and engage his audience. The energy in the room began to fall. While performing, it seemed as if he was only engaged with himself, pacing the stage and gesturing as though he was the only person in the room. At one point in the performance, he came to a kneeling position with his face in the palms of his hands. While singing, he completely ignored the crowd to deal with what seemed like his own personal problems. The Madison college students and the Milwaukee-filled audience seemed to have enjoyed the lights more than Partynextdoor’s performance, which created an atmosphere Partynextdoor could not keep up with. Aside from Partynextdoor’s performance, the audience loved and enjoyed their Monday night, chanting and dancing to some of their favorite hit songs while watching what an epic assortment of lights can do for a performance.

Kevin Abstract’s sophomore album evokes nostalgia, lacks in charm By Dan Held THE DAILY CARDINAL


American Boyfriend: A Suburban Love Story Kevin Abstract With a style that screams hiphop, but a sound more fitting for a coffee shop, Kevin Abstract makes himself out to be anything but your typical artist. After nearly two years in the making and multiple title changes, Abstract released his second studio album, American Boyfriend: A Suburban Love Story. As its title would suggest, the album is a throwback to high school relationships, ’90s pop rock and coming of age films, orchestrated through Abstract’s introspective stream of consciousness. American Boyfriend paints a new direction for Abstract stylistically, moving away from modern hip-hop to focus more on acoustic instruments, harmonic singing and an effervescent atmosphere that walks the line somewhere between indie rock and pop. Abstract aimed to capture the feelings of selfdiscovery and suburban life, and American Boyfriend does just this, evoking nostalgia with a sound that is warm and a message that is relatable. The album starts off with the single “Empty,” an anthem to the love-struck teenage years which we try to forget. At first glance this song could be passed off as cliché, but a deeper look into the lyrics unveils Abstract’s personal struggle with his own sexual identity, a recurrent theme throughout the album: “I got a mom but we ain’t spoke and I don’t know, I had a heart that don’t speak to me anymore.” The track sets the tone for the rest of the album and showcases Abstract’s ability as a vocalist, flipping between laid-back melodic rapping and powerful lead vocals with hints of falsetto. One of the more notable aspects of American Boyfriend is the storytelling Abstract provides throughout. Songs like “Papercut,” “Miserable America” and “Echo” give us a personal account of the problems with homophobia and racism he faces. They are not hard to miss either,

as Abstract chooses not to dance around these issues, instead offering a straightforward and outspoken delivery. “My best friend’s racist, My mother’s homophobic, I’m stuck in the closet, I’m so claustrophobic.” Unfortunately, Abstract oversaturates the record with these same stories over and over again, and by the end of the album the emotional appeal that initially made them so powerful is lost in their redundancy. The production value on American Boyfriend is one of the record’s strongest facets and is ultimately what keeps the album interesting from start to finish. The album incorporates many different stylistic influences into its tracklist, offering upbeat indie rock cuts, groovy R&B joints reminiscent of The Weeknd and deep south hip-hop vibes, to name a few. If nothing else, American Boyfriend shows how Abstract cannot be held to just one genre; he is a versatile artist capable of creating quality music in a variety of styles.

“The album is a throwback to high school relationships, ’90s pop -rock and coming of age films, orchestrated through Abstract’s introspective stream of consciousness.”

For his sophomore album, Abstract shows signs of promise throughout with an array of catchy tracks that are well-produced and fresh, but as a whole, American Boyfriend feels like a drawn-out retelling of a handful stories from Abstract’s teenage years. That’s not to say any of the music is inherently bad, but some of the charm gained from his lyricism is lost due to the repetitive nature of his message. For that reason, some of the songs on American Boyfriend would be best consumed on their own instead of in the context of the entire album. However, in today’s world of hyper-masculine hip-hop, American Boyfriend can be seen as a breath of fresh air. Abstract’s unconventional openness with his homosexuality, exceptional production value and incorporation of a variety of musical influences all work together to create an atmosphere that is both unique and unexpectedly pleasant.

Grade: B

almanac 4


Weekend, December 1-4, 2016

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 126, Issue 27

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Mayonnaise and vitamin diet offers delicious relief to cost-conscious consumers By John Joutras THE DAILY CARDINAL

How much did you spend on food last week? How many hours were spent preparing it? Did it even taste good? According to lifestyle guru Chaz Brockie, you’re spending too much money and time on food, and not getting the results you deserve. His answer: a steady diet of delicious mayonnaise supplemented with multivitamins. Brockie, a lifetime Madisonian, is at the heart of the mayo and vitamin diet craze. “It’s really starting to catch on,” Brockie said. “I’m seeing more and more people leave the unhealthy grains, expensive produce and meat on the store shelves.” The lifestyle pioneer said he

has personally convinced “literally several” of his close friends to adopt the avant-garde diet. At 100 calories per tablespoon, it takes roughly 20 servings of mayonnaise a day to meet the calorie needs of the average American. With over 30 servings in the typical $3-dollar mayo jar, it’s easy to see the financial appeal. “Trust me, you won’t believe how much extra cash you’ll have,” Brockie said. In addition to immediate savings on food, the effect compounds through reduced electric bills and overhead kitchen costs. “Stoves, ovens, plates— forget that shit,” Brockie added, as he ingested handfuls of singleserving mayo packets stored in his pockets. “You don’t even need

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This delicious bowl of mayonnaise was Brockie’s breakfast on Tuesday. to pay for a fridge. The mayo says to refrigerate after opening, but if you eat it every day it’s gone so fast it doesn’t even matter.”

Brockie is planning on experimenting with veganfriendly options including Crisco and mustard.

Florida to become 42-million-acre golf course under Trump

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The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be word processed and must include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. All letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of The Daily Cardinal. Letters may be sent to opinion@dailycardinal.com.


golf course, but its pundits cite economic traffic and tourist American golf enthusiasts revenue as clear plus-sides of rejoiced Friday after Donald such a project. Trump’s transition team “When you look at announced an agenda to rebuild economic activity,” a White the state of Florida. The proposal, House advisor said, “it’s clear known as “Drain the Swamp,” that the average tourist needs includes provisions to demolish an incentive to move inland low-income neighborhoods, from the beaches at Sarasota stabilize swampland and Bradenton on the through large-scale casino West Coast or Delray construction efforts, and and Daytona on the to build a goliath, East. The center of 42-million-acre golf this state isn’t getting course any attention at all.” encompassing “The golf course the entire state. is going to drive “Hopefully, revenues up our plans are s t at e -w i d e, ” widespread Priebus said. enough to “We predict cover the a 270 percent entire state growth in of Florida,” stateside GDP, incoming Chief and a 70 percent of Staff Reince reduction in the Priebus said. unemployment “We wouldn’t rate by November want to leave of 2019.” any key spots The finalized undeveloped.” project would The state of Florida involve the measures 65,75 5 (forced) square miles in r e l o c at i o n area, or just over 42 of all 19.9 million acres of land. million Florida Trump’s plan, as residents, the outlined by Priebus, complete drainage would demolish of the Everglades every man-made National Park and structure in Florida the importing of to make room for 643 million pounds of IMAGE BY NOAH MACK the new green. unadulterated Chinese “We have buildings,” sod. When asked about the Trump announced, “standing challenges the residents of in the way of our movement. Florida would have to face They are badly built. They are during the construction of built by illegal labor.” the golf course, Priebus was Critics of the proposal call nonchalant. it “ludicrous,” that the entire “It’s business,” he said state of Florida would be casually. “They’ll learn to play overhauled for a recreational the game.”

By Patrick Hoeppner THE DAILY CARDINAL


Ryan Burrows triumphantly poses with the aftermath of his miraculous deed. Though the deer’s eyes are open, it is no longer alive.

Heroic Wisconsinite kills wild animal with firearm By Dylan Anderson THE DAILY CARDINAL

In commendable and exciting fashion, Wisconsinite Ryan Burrows, 24, took the life of a wild deer using a high-powered rifle Tuesday. Burrows’ masculinity was on full display as he managed to discharge a 30-caliber round into the chest of the deer from about 40 feet away, knocking the animal over prior to its death seconds after. “Look at this big boy,” Burrows said, describing his victim triumphantly to Cardinal reporters. “I got him in one shot.” Burrows had been taking part in an act of heroism known as hunting, in which humans combine skill, bravery and lethal technology to slay wild animals solely for enjoyment. Though the operation was dangerous and required courage, Burrows refused to let fear consume him. “I wasn’t scared at all,” he said.

“I saw the buck there, tried to remain calm and blew him away. Man, that was a hell of a shot.” The killing process—which Burrows executed to perfection— required him to initially aim his gun toward the deer and then pull the trigger, initiating a quick chain reaction that led to the expulsion of a metal projectile travelling at over 1,000 mph on its way to piercing several of the animal’s vital organs. “If I missed, he probably would have scurried away before I could get the next round off,” Burrows explained.

“Look at this big boy. I got him in one shot.” Ryan Burrows hunter

At press time, it remains undetermined whether or not the deer was able to see Burrows, who was wearing camouflage patterned clothing.

comics dailycardinal.com

Weekend, December 1-4, 2016 • 5

1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun. Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird Classic

By Caitlin Kirihara graphics@dailycardinal.com

© Puzzles by Pappocom

First In Twenty Classic

By Angel Lee graphics@dailycardinal.com

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Caved In Classic

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Rescues 6 Like a “Witness” extra 11 Linoleum cleaner 14 Offer a view 15 Undercover drug cop 16 Rapid, active commotion 17 Buck’s precious things? 19 LAPD division? 20 Be expectant 21 Anesthetics of yore 23 Be a meddler 26 Recovery setback 27 Spirit-lifting beetle? 28 It’s spent in Mexico 29 Baseball stat 30 Like enclosed stadiums 32 Find another purpose for 35 Winnow 37 Crafted on a loom 39 Confidence man’s activity 40 Reporter with a military unit 42 Olympian who doesn’t medal 44 Hula hoop supporter 45 Kind of show or band 47 Building material that

has to set 49 Railroad worker’s transport 51 Far from straight 52 Heavily favored, as a favorite 53 Necklace item, sometimes 55 Showy pond fish 56 Bambi’s clique? 61 Large coffee container 62 Heron variety 63 Branch headquarters? 64 PC memory unit 65 Harvests 66 Written exam feature

DOWN 1 Creator of an instant lawn 2 Tarzan’s “mother” 3 Prefix with “duct” 4 Deeply absorbed 5 Sushi ingredient 6 “Contra” relative 7 Type of liquor 8 Anger or fury 9 Projectionist’s need 10 Inn’s stablehand 11 Places for wallets?

12 Nose perceptions 13 Chasers in a Western 18 Constricted 22 Big-eared small game 23 Canonical hour 24 Family photo book 25 What over-glued stamps and envelopes cause? 26 Magic carpet excursions 28 English cattle breed 31 Grinding tooth 33 Peter or Paul, eg. 34 Drain 36 Provides temporarily 38 Bee’s delight 41 Ring for a spy? 43 Do over, as a script 46 Horse training art 48 Some distance runners 49 Nonsense 50 More than merely like 53 Make a trial run 54 Immature amphibians 57 Short part of history 58 N’s in Athens 59 Genetic stuff used as evidence 60 It can be the limit

By Nick Kryshak graphics@dailycardinal.com

opinion 6


Weekend, December 1-4, 2016


Fall in UW’s research ranking highlights need for more funding ELLIE HERMAN opinion columnist



Under Donald Trump’s administration, fossil fuel plants and factories will face far fewer emissions regulations.

Trump will undermine environmental progress SEBASTIAN VAN BASTELAER opinion editor


onald Trump’s historic election portends massive changes at many levels of the government. The environmental sector may be most at risk. Many changes will arise as new leaders are put in positions of power—their actions may erase decades of progress, rendering the Environmental Protection Agency and various other agencies weak. It’s up to private citizens and other countries to now take matters into their own hands. The Obama administration has, for the most part, been effective in effecting environmental change. From signing the historic Paris climate agreement to setting new emissions standards for vehicles, the eight years under President Obama have been full of movements in the right direction. Trump’s triumph over Hillary Clinton, however, has put much of the progress we’ve made in jeopardy. The controversial presidentelect, who infamously declared climate change a “hoax” that was invented by the Chinese to make American manufacturing less competitive, has shown little interest in protecting the environment and has pledged to keep fossil fuel plants in business. He has vowed to tear up the Paris Agreement—a major blow to the future of the planet. If Trump sticks to his word, the world’s top carbon dioxide emitter (per capita) will refuse to adhere to the process agreed upon to keep warming below two degrees Celsius and the planet’s fate may be sealed. In many ways, Trump has backtracked on campaign promises. His promises to prosecute Hillary Clinton and to “drain the swamp” in Washington by promoting outsiders have both fallen through. His bashing of President Obama and Obamacare has also given way to more moderate views. He does not, however, seem likely to become a champion of environmentalism. Trump has tapped Myron Ebell, a well-known climate skeptic, to head up the EPA transition. This does not bode well for the environmental

movement. The president-elect’s disregard for the environment comes at a crucial time for the planet. As ice caps melt, oceans rise and acidify and extinctions proliferate throughout the world, the world has gotten serious about combatting climate change. The leaders of every major country in the world believe in climate change. Even the Chinese government, which supposedly invented the concept of climate change to hurt the U.S. economy, has urged the president-elect to adhere to the agreement. If Trump intends to render federal agencies toothless, it is now up to private citizens, local and foreign governments and nongovernmental organizations to take the reins of the movement until the U.S. government takes the lead again. Since Trump’s election, leaders have urged distraught citizens to not give up and to continue to support causes they feel strongly about. John Oliver made an impassioned plea to viewers to donate to groups that will fight for those endangered by a Trump presidency. Private citizens can—and should—help out groups that will fight for equality and other progressive values. Environmentalism is no different. Various environmental groups and nongovernmental organizations have used the election as an opportunity to ramp up fundraising in an effort to offset the damage that could be done by a Trump-led government. Sierra Club has not tried to stay nonpartisan in their recent campaign, using slogans like “Fight Back Against Trump” to get money. The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has also urged supporters to “Protect Our Planet From Trump.” Other worthy organizations such as World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International and the Nature Conservancy will have to lead the fight against a government that threatens to be apathetic to environmental issues. Other governmental bodies will also be forced to take charge in order to protect the planet. Many cities have taken initiative and enacted their own legislation: San Francisco

has pledged to be completely wastefree by 2020 and many cities including San Francisco, Aspen, San Diego, Grand Rapids, San Jose and Burlington have committed to run on 100 percent renewable energy in the next 20 years. These progressive cities have been able to make real progress without needing to rely on the federal government, with other cities hopefully joining forces in the next four years. Foreign governments will also have to become leaders in the movement. Many countries, particularly in Europe, have shown a strong commitment to renewable energy. Others who have signed on to international agreements are on the right path to limiting their carbon footprint. Even countries such as China and India, that have rapidly-growing economies, are investing heavily in clean electricity systems. Maybe the thought of China taking control of the renewable energy industry will be enough of a motivator for President-elect Trump to reconsider his views on climate change (but that’s no guarantee). Many progressives (and Americans in general) felt distressed when Trump captured the presidency. They feel as if they will have less of a say in this new America and in some ways they are unfortunately correct. In other ways, however, they have more influence than ever. We are blessed to have had an administration that has committed itself to taking care of environmental issues over the last eight years. For the next four, with no federal government to act for us, it’s on us more than ever before to be the change we wish to see in the world. Sebastian is a sophomore majoring in history and environmental studies. How do you plan on upholding environmentally responsible values over the next four to eight years? Do you have reason to believe that Presidentelect Trump will be a better environmental steward than he’s indicated to this point? Please send all questions, comments and concerns to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

ach year, dozens of websites and companies across the world aim to rank universities through a slew of categories, from top 10 party schools to best liberal arts colleges. Most of these Buzzfeedstyle listicles are nothing more than clickbait. Last week, however, UW-Madison discovered one less thing to be thankful for this holiday season: The university dropped from its spot as a top-five research institution for the first time in 45 years. The National Science Fo u n d a t i o n k n o c ke d UW-Madison from fourth to sixth place due to lower research expenditures in the 2015 fiscal year, when the university used just under $1.1 billion in annual expenditures for research across all fields, according to a UW-Madison release. This fall in rankings is not an omen for the end of the world— $1.1 billion is a massive amount of money, especially at a university whose annual budget reaches to $2.9 billion. Ranking within the top 10 research universities should be something UW-Madison prides itself on. What’s concerning about the most recent fall from grace is the trend facing UW-Madison researchers: a worrying lack of funds from both federal and state sources. The university might not have a large influence on gaining more federal funds, but now is the time for everyone—from students to administrators—to start lobbying for more state funding. In January 2015, Gov. Scott Walker announced his latest biennial state budget, this time featuring a $300 million budget cut to the UW System. By the time the budget got approval in July 2015, the budget cut was lowered to $250 million. As the flagship university within the UW System, UW-Madison took about $80 million of the hit, with the rest spread across the other 13 colleges and 13 universities that make up the UW System. While the 2015 budget cut to the System is an issue in and of itself, the current one is the myriad problems UW-Madison

researchers could face with the next proposed budget from Walker. Since 2012, the university’s research funding has only decreased, lowering by thousands of dollars each year, according to the National Science Foundation. Following this pattern, UW-Madison’s budget for research will only continue to drop, a cyclical, downward spiral that will only get worse. Research at UW-Madison isn’t specific to just STEM fields—it studies crucial topics from international health equity to astrophysics. Without additional state funding, the hundreds of research centers at UW-Madison are at risk of limiting their studies or shutting down altogether. The data that UW-Madison researchers gather goes on to help the entire world, from the discovery of vitamins A and B in the early 1900s to the discovery a new homind species in 2015. The importance of these advances in research means that now is the time for the state legislature to not cut the UW System’s budget again, and instead provide more funding for research—not just for the sake of a ranking, but for the sake of the state. The quality of work performed by researchers at UW-Madison is something the state government cannot put a discount price tag on. What will UW-Madison advertise next school year on its prospective student brochures, that it’s the the number one party school in the country? Unless UW-Madison researchers want to start studying the correlation between football game start times and beer chugging speed, the state legislature needs to agree on at least one thing next term and fund research. Maybe if UW-Madison starts studying the effects of a lack of research funding, legislators will finally start paying attention. Ellie is a junior majoring in journalism. How important is research to you? What changes do you think need to be made in the univesity’s budget? Please send all comments, questions and concerns to opinion@dailycardinal.


UW-Madison is no longer ranked in the top five in research.

sports Weekend, December 1-4, 2016




Men’s Basketball

Thomas making a difference in sophomore year A name change and a new approach to basketball have Charles Thomas at the top of his game By Ben Pickman the daily cardinal


rowing up in suburban Maryland, sophomore forward Charles Thomas IV went by many different names. He was called everything from Chuck and Charlie to Lil C, and those are just the highlights of the titles that Thomas said ranged from “head to toe.” During his first season at Madison, Thomas settled on Charlie as his primary name. But as he turned the page to his sophomore year, he noted to members of the athletic department that he wanted to go by Charles on official team documents. The switch is a result of the sophomore forward wanting people to understand his familial legacy. The fourth Charles Thomas wants to carry out the tradition that three generations of Charles Thomases started. At the same time, though, Thomas is hoping to strengthen his ongoing legacy at UW. And while a simple name change hasn’t been the catalyst for his increased impact this season, Thomas’ moniker adjust, much like his play, has helped him build on his legacy. Statistically, Thomas’ stats this season haven’t changed much. His scoring and rebounding numbers are slightly improved, and his minutes have only marginally increased. But he is more impactful when he steps on the court this season—something he says is a result of better understanding his role as a reserve. “Go bring energy and dominate,” Thomas said. “I just want to come in and bring what we’re not doing and just be an energy guy.” Energy, of course, is tough to quantify, but the fact that Thomas is currently second on the team in defensive rebounding percentage is a testament to his increased activity on the floor. “Charlie, to me, is the main one

that is getting a lot more comfortable in being big and just keeping it simple,” assistant coach Howard Moore said. “Try to get as many rebounds as you can and just throw that body around. That can really help us and give us an impact off the bench.” According to sophomore guard Khalil Iverson, that relentless effort is part of what makes Thomas and other Badgers such good rebounders. Thomas’ aggressiveness sometimes leads him to mistime a jump, miss an easy shot or pick up a foul while trying to block a shot, but his jolt of energy helps elevate the Badgers whenever he is on the floor.

“There’s a lot more than just eating cheese in this area. There’s some weight lifting going down in this area too.” Tracy Dildy head coach Chicago State Men’s Basketball

“I think he’s doing a great job in practice and in the minutes he’s getting in the games,” Iverson said. “Going in, he’s a big body, as everyone can see, and he can go in and he’s definitely a threat in the post.” Thomas is still a ways away from being Wisconsin’s next Frank Kaminsky in the post, as the Badger sophomore is averaging just three points per game this season, but he recognizes the need to improve his offensive game. This past summer, he spent a large chunk of the off-season working on his inside game. Thomas spent time working on his jump hooks, for instance, and worked to develop a few go-to post moves that he could utilize in games. He has started to see some of the early returns on his summer workouts of late, as he has scored more than six points in three of Wisconsin’s first eight games and looked more confident around the

basket as a whole. “Last year I was thrown into the fire. You don’t really know what to expect freshman year. Sophomore year you know what to expect,” Thomas said. “I feel a lot more comfortable than I did last year. Getting more reps in definitely helps with that. And I think I see that hard work paying off.” Thomas’ hard work is part of why Gard trusts the sophomore forward to be one of UW’s first bench players to see the floor. In the Badgers’ 77-60 victory over No. 22 Syracuse Tuesday night, Thomas and freshman guard D’Mitrik Trice both entered at the first media timeout just under five minutes into the game. When the Badgers stomped Chicago State 69-51 in mid-November, Thomas entered early in the game to provide his bruising presence as well. He did just that against the Cougars, finishing with seven points and seven rebounds in just 15 minutes. “They’re huge,” Chicago State head coach Tracy Dildy said after the game. “There’s a lot more than just eating cheese in this area. There’s some weight lifting going down in this area too.” But Thomas’ impact is more than just the result of a bruising 6-foot-8 frame—his improvement derives more from lifting a few extra dumbbells. Thomas worked hard during the summer to improve his offensive game and frequently puts up extra shots after practice as he begins to create a more wellrounded repertoire. Those parts of his game will only continue to improve with time. For right now, as Moore alluded to, Thomas is keeping it simple, using his muscular frame to frustrate opponents. In an ironic twist, the man that was once called Lil C is now creating his own legacy in Madison as a big, bruising Charles.

cameron lane-flehinger/the daily cardinal

Leah Voskuil/the daily cardinal

gage meyer/the daily cardinal

cameron lane-flehinger/the daily cardinal

Women’s Hockey

International experience gives young Badgers edge over top competition By Cameron Lane-Flehinger the daily cardinal

Entering college is a stressful experience for any student, but especially so for student-athletes. Not only must they go through the typical process of meeting new friends and professors, but they must also adjust to a new group of teammates and coaches while play-

ing a sport at the highest level. For the freshmen of Wisconsin’s women’s hockey team, that task was made much easier by a wealth of prior experience playing together for the USA Under-18 National Team. All five of the incoming skaters, Alexis Mauermann, Abby Roque, Presley Norby, Maddie Rowe and Mekenzie Steffen, played for the

cameron lane-flehinger/the daily cardinal

Alexis Mauermann, a freshman, has plenty of experience in international play, which has helped her adjust to the college level.

U.S. in one of the last two IIHF U-18 Women’s World Championships, as well as a variety of select and developmental teams. “It’s made it a lot easier already knowing people, and them being so close to you. It helps on the ice with chemistry,” Mauermann said. “You’re like, ‘all right, these people I went to school with, these people I played with,’ and it definitely makes it more exciting too, because you know people on the team.” With junior forward Annie Pankowski out of the lineup, Mauermann was placed on a line with Roque and sophomore Sophia Shaver against Bemidji State. Surrounded by teammates she had known since childhood, Mauermann had a breakout series, scoring all three of her season’s goals in just two games. Getting to play for a national team during the collegiate season can also be a valuable change of scenery for players who are not performing to expectations. Pankowski, who led the

Badgers in scoring last season, had yet to collect a goal this year when she was called to join the U.S. National Team in the Four Nations Cup. Since returning to Madison, Pankowski has scored six goals in just four games and given the Badgers a much-needed offensive spark. “I was in a little slump at the beginning of the year and I think that going to play with the national team kinda shook me out of it a little bit,” Pankowski said. “I came back with a fresh mindset, and being able to play back with [Emily] Clark and Sam [Cogan] made it a little bit more exciting and a little newer.” Even for players performing at a high level, a few games with a national team provide valuable experience that can be transferred into play at the collegiate level and potentially beyond. “I think definitely playing [at the international level] with those players who think the game a little bit different, you can learn a lot from them,” said junior forward Emily

Clark, who, along with senior goaltender Ann-Renée Desbiens, will join the Canadian National Team for a two-game series in December. Having players miss time to join their national teams is still a challenge for collegiate squads, especially a team like Wisconsin that fields numerous top players from the U.S. and Canada. Thus far, the Badgers have been lucky enough to be at full strength for their most important series against Clarkson and Minnesota-Duluth, as well as their upcoming series with No. 2 Minnesota. But what some might see as a disadvantage, the Badger players regard as a chance to grow as a team. “I think other people have to step up, sometimes the lines get jumbled up,” said senior forward Sydney McKibbon. “I know we’re gonna be missing some players later on in the year when we go to Lindenwood, so it’s an opportunity for the other players who are there to step up and have a chance to play.”

are you happy? jon leonetti find joy in something bigger than yourself 12/1 | 7pm | gordon dining and event center (sonata room)

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