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Summer Registration Issue 2009
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two 2
Summer Registration Issue 2009
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892
Jillian tries to grow up, one drink at a time
Volume 118, Issue 147
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 l fax (608) 262-8100
JILLIAN LEVY one in a jillian
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© 2009, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
s I prepare for my senior (but probably not last) year of college and am forced to start thinking about sucky, real life, I have become frighteningly aware of the fact that nothing—not one single aspect of my life—is grown up. Things that I need to survive each day: caffeine in any form (particularly Dunkin Donuts black coffee and sugar free Red Bulls), the Nitty Gritty Power Hour, my Blackjack, trashy celeb gossip from Perez Hilton and... my Daddy. Clearly, the loves of my life could be worse. Heroine, crystal meth and men named Spike with foot-long mohawks and naked lady tattoos are all absent from my list, and though I’m a fan of the try-anything-once mentality, even I have boundaries. Nonetheless, I have come to
terms with the fact that transitioning into being an adult— rather than a college student with all the privileges of being grownup but none of the responsibilities—is going to be extremely difficult for me. According to my father and other respected elders, the following behaviors are not acceptable once you begin a full-time job and are, according to him, “worthy of being considered a real adult.” 1) Advocating Facebook as the only means for building social networks and keeping in touch with friends and family—branding all those who are not on the site as socially retarded rejects. The problem: I probably spend at least five hours a week on FB— however, I consider my adoration for the site to be much less severe than many of my friends. 2) Consulting celebrity gossip websites and magazines for your up-to-the-minute news. The problem: I didn’t know what swine flu was until I read about it on Perez Hilton, where Paris Hilton insisted she couldn’t contract it because she was a veg-
The Dirty Bird
Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an e-mail to edit@dailycardinal.com.
screaming, “Ohmigawdddddd” if I haven’t seen them for an extended period of time (and by that I mean any absence longer than a few hours). The thing is, I consider my Dad to be a very wise and well educated man so I assume that at least some of this must be true—though I’m holding out hope that Perez Hilton will win a Pulitzer, forever legitimizing his investigative journalism skills and worthiness. In one year I am supposed to graduate, find a job and start being mature, responsible and respectable. This leaves me with very few options. Since abandoning my childish obsessions is not an option, the only choice I really have is to stay in school for another year or two... or five. Just until I figure out a profession that will encourage and foster my immaturity. Or until Perez is given the credit he’s due. If you have any ides for Jillian’s future, she’ll gladly accept them at jlevy2@wisc.edu. Really... anything at all is better than what she’s got.
sex and the student body
sex at uw-madison is a hands-on experience ERICA ANDRIST sex columnist Hi! My name is Erica Andrist, and I like sex. What can I say? I like sex in the missionary position, I like sex standing up... I think overall I’m pretty flexible. I’m going to pause and let that sit for a minute. In the meantime, let me say welcome to The Dirty Bird, The Daily Cardinal’s weekly sex column. I’m a firstyear med student here at UW, and I’m also part of Sex Out Loud, the student sexual health organization. You can check us out on the web at sexoutloud.com, or in our office at the Student Activity Center, but please remember that The Daily Cardinal and SOL are two separate entities with differing opinions and views. I just happen to work for both.
Masturbation gets a bad rap, and I have no effing clue why.
For the record
etarian. And I don’t see how reading about the credit crunch in OK! is any different than reading about it in the New York Times. 3) Coming to work hung-over three to five days of the week is not acceptable. Throwing up at work the morning after a night of “too many spirits” is also not okay. The problem: I drink. Sometimes a lot. Sometimes too much. Well, frequently too much. I feel as though hangovers should be viewed as souvenirs—free souvenirs—from good nights. I have them a lot. If it’s not okay for me to come to work with them, maybe I just shouldn’t have a job. 4) Crying when you don’t get your way. Actually, any over the top display of emotion is frowned upon, especially high-pitched squeals when greeting friends and excessive giggling. The big problem: I have broken into hysterics at Subway upon being informed for the third day in a row they were out of Sweet Onion sauce. And there’s a strong possibility that I am guilty of running openarmed toward my girl friends
Anyway, let’s all take a moment to think about how we ended up here. We came to college for a myriad amount of different reasons, but if we strip them all naked, we probably have one in common: to learn stuff. Lots of us will find or have found that one of the things we learn about is sex. This doesn’t necessarily mean we have to have sex—some of us will and some of us won’t, and that’s OK, since sexual activity should always be a choice. Both options can be equally positive and empowering. There is, however, one sexual relationship everyone should have. Each and every one of us should have a hot, steamy sexual relationship with ourselves. We
should know how we would fill in that sentence: “My name is ________, and I think sex is ___________ because ___________.” A healthy sexual selfrelationship can help us ensure any sex we have with others is pleasurable, safe, consensual and any other number of mind-blowing adjectives. The central tenet of a healthy selfrelationship is to know thyself in mind and body. There are multiple ways in which one can go about doing this. Look for my first column in September for more details about the multitude of campus resources available, but for now, let me list University Health Services (UHS) and Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE) in the Student Activity Center, the Campus Women’s Center (CWC) and the LGBT Campus Center in Memorial Union, the UW library system and the timetable. Yeah, the timetable. They probably did not/will not discuss this with you at SOAR, but though most of us are products of abstinence-only high school health classes, we can find quality classroom sex ed here at the UW. Check out Psych 160, Women’s Studies 103 or Pathology 210 for just a beginning selection. Speaking of abstinence, it probably got promoted to us as the only 100 percent effective way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This is false. Abstinence is, certainly, 100% effective, but so is masturbation (to name just one other activity). Masturbation gets a bad rap, and I have no effing clue why. Like I mentioned, you can’t get pregnant from masturbating or give yourself any STIs. Masturbation will help you have an orgasm if you’ve never had one before. Masturbation is a great way to procrastinate. Masturbation can help relieve stress, insomnia, menstrual cramps, headaches and boredom. It’s a safe, healthy, common and thoroughly enjoyable activity, not to mention unquestionably the best way to get to know our
own bodies. I masturbate a lot. I have three vibrators; one is named Gladys, another is named Ryan Braun and one has yet to be named. I have two hands. I also have a brand spankin’ new vibrating butt plug, which as of press time I actually haven’t used yet, but that’s okay. I usually have about a half-dozen different kinds of lube in my bedroom at any given time. And in spite of all this glazing of my donut, I don’t have hairy palms or a hairy tongue. My growth is not stunted. I’m not socially awkward or weird, at least not any more than the average person. I do wear contact lenses, but I’m pretty sure that’s unrelated. And I suppose I cannot verify whether God has killed any kittens on my behalf, but I don’t lose any sleep over it.
And I suppose I cannot verify whether God has killed any kittens on my behalf, but I don’t lose any sleep over it.
And finally, I am in no way, shape, or form ashamed or embarrassed to let anyone who cares to read this column know any of this. If you prefer to keep the details of your sexual self-relationship to yourself, that’s cool too. But one other thing abstinence-only education tries to teach us is that we don’t talk about sex. We should not be having sex nor asking questions about it. Therefore, one final resource I’d like to list is me. I hope you find my columns entertaining, but also helpful and informative. And I hope that, with the Dirty Bird or with Sex Out Loud, I can help you begin to figure out how you’ll fill in that sentence. Got questions? Know how you’d fill in those blanks? E-mail Erica at sex@dailycardinal. com, and look for her every Friday during the school year.
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Tuition increase aims to benefit UW education By Rory Linnane THE DAILY CARDINAL
UW-Madison undergraduate students will face tuition increases for the next four years to fund improvements to financial aid and academic support as part of the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates proposed by Chancellor Biddy Martin. The UW System Board of Regents approved the initiative May 8. In-state students will pay $250 more in tuition next year, with the charge continuing to increase by $250 for each of the following three years. Outof-state students (not including Minnesota students) will pay $750 next year, with the charge increasing by $750 each year. Students whose families make less than $80,000 a year will receive grants to cover the surcharge. Regent Colleene Thomas, a UWMadison graduate s t u -
dent, said one of the reasons she voted for the initiative is for its increased faculty and instructional support. She said the initiative will help alleviate waiting lists for high-demand classes like Spanish. “Our students understand that knowing Spanish will give them an advantage. It’s our responsibility to give them that opportunity,” she said. “When students come to UW-Madison they’re signing on to a world-class undergrad experience, not just whatever classes are available.” Regent Michael Falbo, the only regent who did not vote for the initiative, abstained from the vote. He supported the initiative’s goals but opposed the grants for students whose families make less than $80,000. He said many students from families who make more than $80,000 pay their own tuition. “They don’t really have any idea where the money [for the initiative] is coming from,” he said. Jonah Zinn, a UW-Madison sophomore who spoke against the initiative before the Board of Regents, also supported the initiative’s goals but worried that it is a step toward greater dependency on tuition dollars and less on state funds. “Are we going to need more Madison Initiatives in the future?” Zinn said. “[The initiative] makes it seem like things are going well when in reality the real problem isn’t fixed. The state needs to make higher education a greater priority.” Although supportive of the initiative, Thomas was also concerned about its greater implications on higher education funding. “The national higher education debate will now include the Madison Initiative,” she said. “People are watching what’s happening here.”
The Kollege Klub bar is a regular hot spot for many students. However, it has recently come under criticism from the Madison Police Department for underage drinking, violence and overcrowding.
KK hopes to curb underage drinking By Caitlin Gath THE DAILY CARDINAL
The popular downtown bar Kollege Klub could be serving some of its last drinks if cooperation between the establishment and the Madison Police Department does not improve. The KK, located at 529 N. Lake St., received a summons for a possible non-renewal of its liquor license by the MPD. However, the non-renewal hearing was cancelled after police learned the bar had made arrangements with city officials for a lesser sentencing. KK owner Bruce Meyer and his son, general manager Jordan Meyer, met with the Alcohol License Review Committee May 20 to have conditions put on their license. According to Ald. Mike Verveer, Dist. 4, it is possible the bar will receive a revocation notice from the city attorney in the near future because of overserving, overcrowding, serving underage patrons, and violence not being reported to the police.
ALRC votes in favor of liquor licenses
“The ALRC cannot completely solve these problems alone.” Michael Schumacher alder District 18
The younger Meyer said the KK may stop employing a disc jockey to alleviate overcrowding on the dance floor. Alcohol Policy Coordinator Katherine Plominski recommended that all violent acts be reported to police immediately, and that disks from video cameras not only be saved for 30 days, but be made available to
the MPD at their request. Meyer said 90 percent of the KK staff has attended tavern safety classes and everyone is well aware the MPD needs to be called when violence occurs. Yet, Ald. Michael Schumacher, District 18, said he is very frustrated over the way events with the KK have transpired. “It’s time for the city’s internal management to see that the ALRC cannot completely solve these problems alone,” he said. “We need to act in a way that gives you every opportunity to deal with charges, but for us to make more decisive decisions that affect the community.” The younger Meyer said he would ensure that his staff calls 911 at the slightest hint of a problem, monthly meetings with the police would be definite and that not all patrons would be crammed into the back rooms of the bar. The Madison Common Council will review the conditions put forth to the KK’s liquor license June 2.
Governor calls for cuts to alleviate state budget woes
By Caitlin Gath
By Hannah Furfaro
Two downtown bars narrowly escaped revocation of their liquor licenses Tuesday at a special nonrenewal hearing of the Alcohol License Review Committee. The fate of a third bar, Ram Head, has not yet been released to the public. Madison Avenue, 624 University Ave., and Johnny O’s, 620 University Ave., received complaints from the Madison Police Department because of excessive problems with violence and underage drinking. According to John Okonek, owner of both establishments, the fact that the police wanted his license to not be renewed was shocking to him. “I’ve owned and licensed establishments for 23 out of 25 years working in the business,” he said. “I’ve taken this strictly, professionally and responsibly.”
However, the elder Meyer said he and his son are ready to cooperate with everyone. “It’s my job to communicate with my managers and make sure everyone is on the same page—including calling police when violence occurs,” he said.
Both Johnny O’s and Madison Avenue came close to losing their liquor licenses, but were saved in a narrow 4-3 vote by the ALRC. In a 4-3 vote, both bars were able to keep their licenses, as long as Okonek agreed to several stipulations. One stipulation will be to discontinue specific disc jockeys at
Madison Avenue on Saturday nights. Ald. Mike Verveer, Dist. 4, said this is the time when many of the violent disturbances have alrc page 4
Gov. Jim Doyle called for cuts to government spending to help address the additional $1.6 billion budget shortfall, and outlined priorities for remedying the state budget deficit May 21. Doyle said the current deficit has risen to over $7 billion. He introduced a 5 percent cut across the board for state agencies but said there would be exceptions for areas already expected to receive cuts, such as the UW System. Doyle said over 1,000 state employee layoffs are likely. The Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee also voted unanimously May 22 to cut $100 million from the UW System. The committee’s actions would need to be approved by
the full Legislature and signed by Doyle to become law. “While the committee’s action includes funding reductions that are necessary to help address the state’s fiscal condition, the committee also protected important priorities: the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff, interdisciplinary research, bioenergy and domestic-partner health insurance for state employees,” said UW-Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin in a statement. Doyle emphasized that no new taxes will be imposed and overall spending from generalpurpose revenue during the next biennium will be 3.4 percent lower than anticipated in the previous budget. budget page 4
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Statewide smoking ban signed into law By Justin Ells THE DAILY CARDINAL
The Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, located on University Avenue between Orchard Street and Randall Avenue, will act as a center for biomedical research. The building is scheduled to finish construction in October 2010.
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery finish external framework phase of construction By Kelsey Gunderson THE DAILY CARDINAL
The construction crew for UW-Madison’s new research facility, the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, held a “topping-out” ceremony May 26 to recognize the completion of the building’s external framework. The ceremony, which is traditional among construction sites, consisted of those who donated to the facility as well as members of the construction crew signing the building’s last beam before placing it, and speeches from several crew members. According to George Austin, WID building project manager, the ceremony marked a turning point in the building’s construction process. “Essentially the structure of the building has reached its farthest most point,” he said. “It now allows for the internal part of the construction to begin.” Austin said once the building is complete, the WID will be a facility designed to bring together several areas of scientific research
regarding health related issues. “[The WID] is a collaboration among world class researchers focused on improving human health that will lead to discoveries to improve our overall quality of life,” he said. “[The building] will provide the campus with a unique public and private institution under one roof.” George Austin building project manager Wisconsin Institution for Discovery
According to Austin, the institute is partnered with the Morgridge Institute for Research, which is a privately funded research institute that will also conduct scientific research within the building. “[The building] will provide the campus with a unique public and private institution under one roof,” he said. “It will act as a
crossroads for ideas within the UW-Madison community.” Austin said the WID is projected to have economic benefits by eventually creating countless commercial applications like spinoff companies and ideas. He added that the building’s construction process also benefits the environment, as a majority of the resources used in construction are recycled. “The recycling program continues to move along very well,” he said. “We’ve been able to recycle or re-use over 90 percent of the original building debris.” Funding for the MIR comes from donors John and Tashia Morgridge, while the state of Wisconsin, UW-Madison and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation provided funds for the WID. Austin said the construction for the WID is currently on schedule and under budget and the expected date for completion is October 2010. For more information visit discovery.wisc.edu.
UW-Madison provost search narrowed to three candidates ��������������
The finalists for the UW- Health; and Richard Moss, chair Madison officials and Associated Madison provost and vice chan- of the Department of Physiology Students of Madison members selectcellor for academic affairs posi- in the School of Medicine and ed the finalists in late May. tion gave presentations to UW- Public Health. He said Chancellor Biddy Madison officials May 27, May According to David Musolf, UW- Martin will conduct an exit inter28 and June 1 and are now enter- Madison secretary of the faculty, a view with each finalist before ing the final phase of the selec- search-and-screen committee of UW- announcing her decision. tion process. Julie Underwood is curThe three finalists are rently acting as the interim Irwin Goldman, associate provost until the new prodean for research in the vost is selected. She filled College of Agricultural the position last fall after and Life Sciences; Paul former provost Patrick DeLuca, Jr., associate dean Farrell resigned. for research and graduAccording to Musolf, ate studies in the School the provost position is GOLDMAN DeLUCA MOSS of Medicine and Public broad and includes duties like serving as the chancellor in the chancellor’s absence and addressing diversity and climate issues on campus. “While the chancellor is responsible for the external functioning of the university, the pro�������� vost is responsible for the internal ����� functioning of the university,” he said. “It’s a dual partnership.” Musolf said he felt the committee selected three strong candidates and encourages students to visit secfac.wisc.edu to decide for themselves which candidate is best. —Kelsey Gunderson
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Gov. Jim Doyle signed into law a statewide ban on smoking in workplaces, including bars and restaurants, at the state Capitol May 18. Existing cigar bars and tobacco shops will not be affected by the ban, but any that open after the bill’s effective date must be smoke-free. The ban will begin July 5, 2010. Thirty-seven Wisconsin communities already have local smoking bans in effect, according to a statement from Doyle’s office. Doyle said more than 70 percent of people in Wisconsin support a ban on smoking in all public buildings. Doyle said the bill would have passed years ago, but until very recently the leadership in the state Assembly would not let it come to a vote. “Today is a day that we can all take a deep breath and enjoy the accomplishment that will occur here today,” he said at the signing. Many of the people involved in writing the bill have experienced the loss of a loved one because of a smoking-related illness, Doyle said. He emphasized the health
budget from page 3 “We have worked hard to protect the middle-class tax payers of this state,” Doyle said. “While our financial situation has dramatically worsened since February, we agreed we will not close this new budget gap by raising taxes.” Over the course of the current biennium, state spending will be cut by $2.7 billion. Doyle said education and police and fire department funding will be cut by 2.5 percent but federal aid will help offset reductions. The Joint Finance Committee met in executive session Friday and Saturday to discuss budgetary issues. State Sen. Mark Miller, DMonona, co-chair of the JFC, said members of the JFC have worked with Doyle to “protect the core values of jobs and education.”
alrc from page 3 occurred. The capacity of the nightclub will be reduced by 20 percent and for the entire month of July, it will have its liquor license suspended. Verveer said it would have been an unprecedented move to shut down one of Okonek’s establishments given his track record and the shortage of underage venues. Complaints against Johnny O’s were entirely based on underage drinking, which is considered to be one of the more minor violations, according to Verveer. “Although it’s the law, to me there’s no comparison between underage and violent fights occurring,” he said. The Madison Police Department, who brought the complaints against both establishments, supported the stipulations. The fate of Ram Head, 303 N. Henry St., was still unclear Tuesday night, but a decision will
risks for both smokers and nonsmokers associated with firsthand and secondhand smoke. Doyle said it is estimated that more than 8,000 people in Wisconsin die from tobaccorelated illnesses each year. “A smoke-free Wisconsin will save money in health-care costs, improve public health and save lives,” Doyle said in the statement. According to Pete Madland, executive director of the Tavern League of Wisconsin, passage of the smoking ban required compromise between bar owners and lawmakers. “They will have to adjust to it. We hope all of those nonsmokers will start coming in and live up to their word,” Madland said. The Tavern League negotiated the 2010 effective date into the bill and said its members are satisfied with the bill “for the most part.” Earlier this year, Doyle increased the cigarette tax by $1, and he previously introduced the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line. “I wish the ban would be implemented sooner, but I am proud the state is embracing the healthy direction the world is going,” he said. Jim Bender, spokesperson for state Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald, RHoricon, said theoretically the size of government needs to be reduced, but Doyle has given few details and failed to produce any “updated budget language.” “It’s refreshing that they are getting there … but it is too little, too late,” Bender said. Bender said holding the executive JFC meetings over Memorial Day weekend allowed Democrats on the JFC to pass budget items such as domesticpartner benefits without the eye of public scrutiny. Although the JFC met on the holiday weekend, Miller said it is the JFC’s responsibility to finalize the budget in a “timely way.” “I think all members of the Legislature recognize that we have been hit with a financial tsunami,” he said. be released by June 2. Ram Head owner Richard Lyshek, faced charges solely on underage drinking problems, which police said date back to 1999. Assistant city attorney Jennifer Zilavy called eight MPD officers to testify against Lyshek. Each officer recounted ticketing underage patrons over the past year. Additionally, Zilavy said the bar has not had a very good reputation with the MPD in the past. Lyshek attempted to deny all 22 allegations of underage drinking in his opening statement and said it can be difficult to control all underage patrons because so many possess false identification cards. Although Verveer said the Madison Common Council puts tremendous faith in the decisions of the ALRC, each hearing will be brought forward at their June 2 meeting. Under Wisconsin state law, each liquor license in the state must be renewed by June 30.
Madison’s near east side neighborhood will soon be home to three new apartment complexes after a lengthy construction process.
East side apartment construction sparks debate among locals By Caitlin Gath THE DAILY CARDINAL
Madison’s near east side is about to receive an upgrade. The Madison Common Council approved a set of new apartment complexes to be built along East Gorham Street, East Johnson Street and North Blair Street May 19. In order for the new housing to be implemented, 11 houses along Johnson and Blair will be demolished, and eight houses down Gorham Street will be restored. Although the residents of the east side neighborhood initially showed concern over the three new buildings, they eventually showed support for the council’s decision. Ald. Bridget Maniaci, Dist. 2, also endorsed the development. “One thing that was really important to me with this project is that the people who currently live in the neighborhood were not going to get priced out by the redevelopment company,” she said. “This project is really going to set the standard for quality construction and amenities, including being greenbuilt.”
Renaissance Property Group is the proposed developer. In addition to providing new housing for current residents of the neighborhood, young graduates will also benefit from it, according to supporters. “This project affords really great affordable housing for people who have just gotten their first job out of college, where the income is roughly $27,000 to $31,000,” Maniaci said. Maniaci also said downtown Madison has had a sizeable shift in the commercial market in the past five years, and a number of students have moved out of the near-campus neighborhood, creating a high demand for the apartment complexes. Although Maniaci hopes this project will be the catalyst that jump starts the neighborhood, she is not looking to replace everything. “I’m not looking to see another block where another 11 houses are torn down,” she said. “I think a lot of people are going to work really hard to preserve the houses we already have.”
Plan Commission approves outdoor eats Two new downtown restaurants slated to open this fall will be able to give patrons the option of dining outdoors. The Madison Plan Commission approved outside seating and dining areas at the Madisonowned Brickhouse BBQ and the Austin-based Logan’s May 18. According to The Capital Times, Brickhouse BBQ, located at 408 W. Gorham St., will likely open at the end of summer when the two-story brick building is finished with renovations. The restaurant will be able to seat up to 200 customers, with 14 outdoor seats on the ground floor
and 40 outdoor seats on a planned third floor rooftop terrace. Jong Yean Lee, owner of Brickhouse BBQ, also owns several other downtown establishments, including the Church Key Pub & Grill, Riley’s Wines of the World, and Samba Brazilian Grill. Logan’s Roadhouse at 322 W. Johnson St. will be housed in the former Angelic Brewing Company location. An outdoor bar suitable for 32 guests and table seating accommodating 58 guests will occupy the 9,000 square foot building. The opening of a Madison location will be the fifth addition to the restaurant chain.
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Summer Registration Issue 2009
No biological basis found for different races By Jigyasa Jyotika THE DAILY CARDINAL
The rush to decode the human genome, it turns out, also revamped all concepts of the human race— and its so-called races. “The folk concept of ‘race’ in America is so ingrained as being biologically based and scientific that it is difficult to make people see otherwise,” said Robert Sussman, professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis and editor-in-chief of the journal American Anthropologist. “We live on the one-drop racial division: If you have one drop of black or Native American blood, you are considered black or Native American, but biology speaks otherwise.” Biology began speaking otherwise in the fall of 1998, when American Anthropologist published a seminal paper by Alan R. Templeton, a biology professor at Washington University. The paper showed that, contrary to popular belief, the concept of race has no biological basis. “Race is a real cultural, political
and economic concept in society, but it is not a biological concept, and that, unfortunately, is what many people wrongfully consider to be the essence of race in humans—genetic differences,” Templeton said. Templeton’s group analyzed DNA from global human populations and showed that while plenty of genetic variations exist in humans, most of these are individual and not “between-population.” So, though the DNA of different populations does vary, it is either not enough or not the right type of difference to define a particular sublineage of humanity from another. Templeton found that as much as 85 percent of genetic variation was individual variation. The remaining 15 percent that could be traced to “racial” differences is very minor and below the threshold used to recognize race evolutionarily. The naked eye may easily observe physical differences between peoples, but these traits do not actually represent genetic differences between
human populations. For example, Templeton’s studies showed that there is more genetic similarity between Europeans and subSaharan Africans than there is between Africans and a subset of northeastern Australians called Melanesians. Yet, sub-Saharan Africans and Melanesians share physical traits like dark skin, coarse hair texture and facial features. “This very objective analysis shows that the possibility of race is not even a close call,” Templeton explained. The study found that, over time, genes in any one local population are shared by all of humanity throughout time, indicating that human populations have always had a degree of genetic contact with one another. “By this modern definition for race, there are no races in humanity,” Templeton added. Further, the interconnectedness of the human genes also overthrows the idea that humans evolved from a single set of ancestors that migrated to other places and replaced the inhabitants of these places.
“Spreading traits doesn’t require spreading out and killing off all the earlier people. They’re spread by reproducing with people—it’s make love, not war,” Templeton said. “Since about 1910, anthropologists have been fighting this lack of understanding of what people are really like,
how people have migrated and mixed together,” Sussman said, commenting on the Templeton study. “The race, in the end, is only with yourself.” Even though Einstein didn’t exactly have these results in mind when he said this, his words may have just found new a meaning.
Despite some differences between nations, science has shown that we are all the same race: human.
Toothy treasures change history UW-Madison scientists discover teeth of Columbus’ crew which indicate unexpected origins of those who made original journey to America By Jigyasa Jyotika THE DAILY CARDINAL
Dead men tell no tales. As it turns out, though, their teeth might. Chemicals found in the teeth of the crew of Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage to America may reveal new insights about their origins, according to scientists at the UW-Madison in a recent study. Evidence found in the remains at the crew’s burial site in La Isabela, Dominican Republic, suggests the crew that was previously thought to be exclusively of European or Hispanic origin may also have included Africans.
“[It is] not definitive that these crew members were of African origin, but evidence suggests that it is likely.” James Burton zoology and anthropology scientist UW-Madison
“[It is] not definitive that these crew members were of African origin, but evidence suggests that it is likely,” said James Burton, a scientist in the departments of zoology and anthropology at UW-Madison. UW-Madison anthropology professor Douglas Price leads the project in collaboration with James Burton and professor Vara Tiesler of the Autonomous University of the Yucatan in Mexico. They examined isotopes of carbon molecules, nitrogen and a chemical called strontium in the teeth of the crew’s remains because these easily detected chemicals are also found in food and soil nutrients and can determine highly precise childhood diet and geographical information. “What you eat as a baby gets incorporated permanently into your enamel, because enamel is only formed once using the nutrients eaten during childhood, so examining enamel is like getting
a sneak peek at the person’s diet,” Burton said. “Nutrients in the soil that enter into the food chain also leave a permanent footprint in the enamel,” he added. The group found that the carbon, nitrogen and strontium isotopes from the teeth of some of the crew most closely resemble soil and diet types only found in Africa. Bones and teeth are among the hardest substances in the body because of calcium deposits and can remain intact for thousands of years after death. But while bones only tell the story of the shape and size of the skeleton, teeth reveal more critical information. The soil type of a place depends on the type of bedrock and remains the same for thousands of years. Soil types differ significantly between continents,
and differences are easily identifiable among Europe, America and Africa today. The research group plans to study the dental modification and skeletal shape of the bodies of the crew next to further confirm its current findings.
“It is an exciting discovery because it links us to the voyagers who discovered America.” James Burton zoology and anthropology scientist UW-Madison
“It is an exciting discovery because it links us to the voyagers who discovered America, and their places of origin will have a sociocultural impact on society,” Burton said.
Recent investigations by UW-Madison scientists indicate Columbus’ crew may have been more racially diverse than previously believed.
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Summer Registration Issue 2009
Too much tanning not a bright idea
Every summer, students soak up the sun in various locations on campus or visit the tanning booths. However, campus health officials warn that the risks of the sun’s UV rays may not outweigh the benefits. Story by Jinny Kim
n the summertime, UWMadison brings its own definition of “fun-in-the-sun.” For this campus, the hot summer days are not about just casually absorbing UV rays while sailing or lounging at Memorial Union. It’s lying out on a towel under the sun or visiting a tanning booth with the sole purpose of getting a tan. This summer, students on campus are looking for ideal ways to get a sun-bronzed glow, because they think tanning improves their appearance. “To me, tanning is to portray healthier skin,” UW-Madison sophomore Hana Abu said. Although many students tan under the sun or in tanning booths, according to some medical experts, this tradition may be posing more threats than benefits to students. Sarah Van Orman, executive director of University Health Services, warns about possible health risks associated with tanning. “Both [sunburns] as well as using tanning beds significantly increase the risks of skin cancer, particularly melanoma, which is of course one of the most deadly types of skin cancer,” Orman said, adding that tanning has other negative effects
Graphics by Kyle Bursaw besides cancer. “We think of cancer risk as primary, but the other thing that is important for people to realize about is aging,” Van Orman said. “We know the more sun exposure you have, the quicker your skin ages. So, in wanting to look youthful, you get older.” The sun contains two types of ultraviolet radiation that reach the skin: UVB rays, which cause sunburns and skin cancer, and UVA rays, which cause a tan, as well as wrinkles, brown spots, a leathery texture and skin cancer as well. Sandy Knisely, a recent graduate of UW-Madison, lies under the sun on Bascom Hill to read and write while getting a tan. “I think I’m much more attractive when I’m tanned instead of looking pale [and] sickly,” Knisely said. “I know it’s not good for you to do it a lot, but in summer, I think you should be a little darker than you are.” UW-Madison sophomore Sondra Milkie also lies on Bascom Hill to enjoy the sunshine. “I know you’re not supposed to, but I just love being in the sun,” Milkie said. “I don’t love being
burned, but it happens.” Despite warnings from medical experts, some students disregard the advice and take advantage of the summer sun. Van Orman worries about the acceptance of tanning among students. “Unfortunately, tanning is still really common,” Van Orman said. “There are tanning salons everywhere that kind of tell people that tanning is OK.” “The more sun exposure you have, the quicker your skin ages. So, in wanting to look youthful, you get older.” Sarah Van Orman executive director University Health Services
For example, Ashley Dunn, a manager at The Perfect Tan, said tanning actually has health benefits. “Tanning [helps the body produce] vitamin D, which helps cell growth,” Dunn said. “There’s a study as well that vitamin D actually helps cell growth and helps against breast cancer, and also it often lets
out endorphins if you do have that seasonal depression.” Yet, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, the best way to get vitamin D is through diet and supplements. Other tanning salons say tanning facilities are overall a more enjoyable experience than tanning in the sun. “If you tan outside, you would have to wear some clothing obviously, because you are outside,” said a staff member at Madison Tanning Company. “But if you come to tanning beds, you have your own room and you feel comfortable and don’t have to worry about tanning lines.” Despite some of the benefits tanning salons offer, Van Orman says she does not see any positive sides of either getting a tan in the sun or in booths. “Sometimes people say, ‘If I get a tan, then I won’t get a burn,’” Van Orman said. “While perhaps that’s true, it doesn’t do anything to protect you from the risks of sun [or] do anything to lower cancer risks associated with it.” Instead of getting a tan and absorbing harmful UV rays, medical professionals recommend students try alternative options.
“You know, having a tan is considered really attractive and healthy,” Van Orman said. “The good news is, there are a lot of good tanning alternatives like self-tanners.” Some tanning salons are providing ways to get a base tan besides UV rays. “We are going to be putting in some sunless tanning booths,” Dunn said. “A lot of people who are scared to go into tanning beds or just want [a] quick fix, they can go on to sunless tan, which is a spray tan.” Another way for students to minimize the risks of skin cancer is to routinely visit UHS to check their skin. “We have a dermatology clinic and we work with students who will come in to have their moles checked,” Orman said. “It’s really important that if you have a history of skin cancer, particularly melanoma or if they have a lot of moles, check.” Although feeling the warmth of the sun and looking healthy can be a pleasurable experience, it can be dangerous. Therefore, health professionals encourage students this summer to take precautions in order to prevent short-term, as well as long-term, health problems.
Some work, some play Students are finding ways to travel this summer, despite the recession making them short on money. Story by Pati Mo
uring the summer, many students take the opportunity to travel for reasons from vacationing with friends to working as interns. This year, however, students are considering factors other than just fun or learning when scheduling their summer travel plans. The ongoing recession that has caused thousands to lose their jobs is forcing students to get creative when planning their summers. Maggy Donaldson, a junior at UW-Madison, will be spending her summer studying in Germany. “[My internship abroad] is scholarship-based, so I will have to pay for a few little things, but for the most part it’s covered,” Donaldson said. “Otherwise, I probably
wouldn’t be able to do it.” Besides scholarships, students also find other solutions so that paying for their travels will not be as big of a burden on their pockets. UW-Madison junior Will Marx will be participating in a project in Turkey this summer, something that would be difficult for him without making extra money. “I’m going to be working when I’m there, so it’s not going to cost me much,” Marx said. In some cases, however, the recession will assist in paying for travel expenses. “The dollar is going up compared to the euro, so it’s going to help us out,” said Rich Pang, a sophomore at UW-Madison. This summer, Pang is traveling through Europe with UW-
Madison sophomore Michael Armstrong. The two of them still had to make a few sacrifices to make the trip possible. “I worked all year before the recession, so I wasn’t really in a position where it would affect me,” Armstrong said. Even with these savings, Armstrong said they still have no excuse for frivolous spending. “We are looking for cheaper options,” Armstrong said. “We are not staying in any hostels or hotels, and we chose to bike because it was the cheapest for transportation.” Instead, they will be camping. Even though students are going through a recession, finding new ways to fund their trips will keep summer vacation a culturing experience for students like Pang and Armstrong.
8 Summer Registration Issue 2009
Crawl across campus to uncover burger bliss Five Daily Cardinal Editors set off on an adventure to discover Madison’s hamburger elite Elite
The Old Fashioned Burger: The Old Fashioned House Burger Price: $7.95 Ingredients: Third-pound burger grilled over a live fire, fried onions, Bavaria’s hickory-smoked bacon, aged Cheddar, garlic sauce and a soft-cooked egg on a buttered and toasted roll. What makes it great: The egg on the House Burger is not just a novelty; it’s a necessity. It’s what put this burger on the top of our list—well, at least a huge part of why it’s on top. It would be a contender without the egg, with a fantastic bun—which Jen, general manager of The Old Fashioned, thinks makes the burger something great—a sweet garlic sauce and a lightly seasoned patty you can taste the flames on. But topped with a soft-cooked egg, yolk running into every crack, this burger reaches new heights. The combination of bacon, yolk and garlic sauce is sublime, making this burger the best in Madison. What’s unique: Obviously the egg on the burger, which has a unique story of its own. The idea comes from a German mining tradition, where miners would have breakfast and lunch in one meal to last until dinner. “Basically they’d have burgers with eggs on top and bacon on top—as much protein as they could get,” Jen said. Drawback: It’s a calorie-packed burger, with eggs, bacon and a large patty, so it’s not for those looking for a lighter meal. Best beer to complement it: Furthermore Knot Stock. —Gabe Ubatuba Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry Burger: Melting Pot Price: $7.25 Ingredients: Swiss, Provolone and Cheddar, Bacon, English-style Garlic Sauce. What makes it great: The Englishstyle Garlic Sauce. “The sauce is good on anything you eat at this restaurant,” said Rachael Stanley, owner. “It’s delightful with french fries.” She’s right. Otherwise somewhat ordinary, the heavenly garlic sauce makes this a burger that is nearly impossible to beat. Talk about synergy. While the sauce is the eminent flavor, the undertones of the cheese and bacon round out the experience of the burger and give it an irresistible flavor and texture of melted goodness—hence its name. What’s unique: The familyowned and operated establishment has antique decor collected over the last few decades, giving Dotty’s a unique atmosphere among Madison’s burger joints. Drawback: Where’s the side? A burger should never fly solo, but that’s what you’ll get unless you make a separate order for some fries or curds. Best beer to complement it: Ale Asylum’s Hopalicious. “It’s a bitter beer, so it really balances well with the garlic,” Stanley said. —David Heller
right, you won’t leave empty. Drawback: This whirlwind of flavor might not be for everyone, and its sheer girth might be too intimidating for some. Best beer to complement it: Stella Artois (20 oz. mug for $4.50 on sale all this month. —Al Morrell
Churchkey Burger: Churchkey Burger PHOTOS BY KYLE BURSAW/THE DAILY CARDINAL Price: $7.00 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY DANNY MARCHEWKA/THE DAILY CARDINAL Ingredients: After taste-testing nine buzzworthy burgers in Madison, The Old Fashioned House Burger rose Angus beef, to the top for its superior taste and original story. Runner-up was Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry. American cheese, grilled Kaiser roll. Burger-craving patrons still fill the resWhat makes taurant looking for a high quality, it great: The Churchkey offers a zesty, Nitty Gritty reasonably priced burger prepared in a well-seasoned Angus beef patty that is Buger: The Grittyburger timely fashion. It’s hard to find a burg- mouth-watering on its own. Throw Price: $5.50 er at Five Guys that isn’t delicious, and in a grilled Kaiser roll and you have Ingredients: 6 oz. ground chuck the bacon cheeseburger with onion a terrific burger any pub would be (sourced locally by K&S), Honeywheat and mushroom is no exception. envious of. bun, Grittysauce. What’s unique: The Five Guys What’s unique: The flame-seared, What Makes It Great: This folks are so confident that their burger perfectly cooked burger patty and burger is “bathed” in the pale peachy- can sell itself that they have never crispy exterior of the Kaiser roll make pink signature secret “Grittysauce,” advertised—word of mouth works this burger taste like it flipped right off according to the restaurant’s menu well enough for them. the grill and onto your plate. but it is actually applied moderately Drawbacks: You’ll find napkins are Drawbacks: Although the burger and has a mild taste. The sauce’s mild a necessity, as grease is in abundance patty stands on its own two feet, the flavor is paired with a great piece from start to finish, which wouldn’t be Churchkey Burger is unoriginal in its of meat at an affordable price and an issue if it didn’t soak into the bun toppings and additional ingredients. has been a staple of Madison cui- and make a mess. They offer add-ons but at a cost. sine since 1968 when Marsh Shapiro Best beer to complement it: Best beer to complement it: started the Nitty Gritty. Spotted Cow by New Glarus. Corona’s citrus overtones compliment —David Heller this burger well. What’s unique: Despite boasting —Sara Barreau a great sauce, the real standout ingredient of the Grittyburger is the hon- Wando’s Burger: The Wando Burger Hawk’s eywheat bun with sesame seeds. The Burger: Hawk’s classic Price: $8.25 bun, custom-formulated for the Gritty Price: $8.39 (fries come standard) Ingredients: Full half-pound burgby the Alpha Baking Company, is tasty Ingredients: Top sirloin, cheddar and soft. Come on your birthday and er, buffalo sauce, bleu cheese, pepper drink soda or one of the 21 beers on jack cheese, honey-smoked bacon and cheese, dark honey wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo. tap for free all night along with the 50 onion strings on top. What makes it great: The Hawk’s What makes it great: The Wando to 60 other people celebrating birthburger is for those with an affinity classic is just that—a classic. It’s a foil days every day. Drawback: Overall, the for the eccentric, exciting and gut- to the extravagant burgers elsewhere in Grittyburger is one of the superior busting—but not particularly in that Madison slathered with various cheesburgers in town and treats you to a order. This burger is a thinker, with es, sauces and spreads. This burger isn’t lot for your dollar but doesn’t quite a complex, unique amalgamation of unlike a product you might encounter have that special something to lift it flavors that will keep you attentive to at a family grillout—a sizable, juicy into the same dimension as Madison’s the last juicy, savory bite. The buffalo slab of meat that’s hand-packed daily, sauce is a different twist that could go topped with real cheddar cheese, spices burger elites. Best beer to complement it: horribly wrong if overdone, but as and traditional toppings inside a hearty it is, the flavor subtly complements wheat bun. It’s a simple, nostalgic PBR. —Kyle Bursaw the potent bleu cheese and medium- reminder of good times with famcooked ground beef. This flavor blast ily and friends—which is what most Five Guys isn’t for the weak of heart, so expect people are looking for more often than Burger: Bacon Cheese “All the to walk (or crawl) home sluggishly not, according to owner Hawk. Way” What’s unique: Hawk’s beef is satisfied. Price: $5.59 What’s unique: “Wando’s is known both ground and hand-packed every Ingredients: Dual patties with for things that are big ... You definitely day, making this simple classic the bacon, cheese, grilled onion and mush- never leave hungry,” asserts owner Jay pinnacle of freshness. “There are some rooms. “Wando” Wanserski. From the same great, strange burgers out there, but 90 What makes it great: Five Guys place that brought you fishbowls of percent of the time people want a regumade a big splash on the State Street booze comes a menu with human face- lar, well-cooked burger,” said Hawk. scene in 2008 and continues to thrive. sized burgers and chicken patties. He’s Drawback: The flavor is simple
and satisfying, but some might be searching for more bang for their buck in the flavor department. At $8.39, it’s also a little steep compared to the competition. Best beer to complement it: Hawk says Stella Artois in summer and Spaten Dark in winter. —Al Morrell
Lucky’s Bar and Grille Burger: Wild West Burger Price: $6.75 Ingredients: BBQ sauce, grilled onions, Cheddar cheese and Applewood smoked bacon. What makes it great: If you like BBQ sauce, you’ll love the Wild West Burger. The sauce is tangy and sweet, mixing wonderfully with the smoky bacon. However, the BBQ sauce was not overpowering, allowing for the taste of the seasoned patty to come through. What’s unique: It’s a BBQ bacon burger done well, but that’s about it. Drawback: There’s nothing very interesting about the burger, and for the price you could get something better somewhere else. It’s not a very unique idea and there’s nothing that really sets it apart from the pack of BBQ bacon burgers. Best beer to complement it: Miller Lite. —Gabe Ubatuba Plaza Burger: The Plaza Burger Price: $4.25 Ingredients: Pre-formed burger patty, cheddar, fried onions and Plazasauce. What makes it great: The Plaza had one of the cheapest burgers in town at $4.25 with cheese and onions. General Manager Ian Miller also highlighted the speed and consistency of the burger, which has remained very constant since its introduction shortly after the Huss family opened the restaurant in 1963. What’s unique: A secret recipe that is only known by about six people is what lifts a relatively average burger into a tastier treat than it otherwise would be. A fusion of dill and other secret ingredients blended for a stark white sauce that goes well with not only the meat but also the fries and onion rings. Plazasauce die-hards have even requested the mixture with a spoon to eat it straight when it was too late to order anything grilled, according to the Miller. Drawback: The mediocre bun and patty are barely better than fast food fare, but the portions just don’t compare to what you’d get at Five Guys for mere cents more. Overall, the Plaza is serving up an average burger with a great sauce that doesn’t match up to the other beefy competition in town. Instead grab some fries or onion rings and dip them in Plazasauce. Best beer to complement it: PBR. —Kyle Bursaw Lucky’s
The Nitty Gritty
Five Guys
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Summer Registration Issue 2009
12 Summer Registration Issue 2009 l
Wilco (the band) rocks Wilco (the album) By Justin Stephani THE DAILY CARDINAL
Wilco does not need to prove anything anymore. Even though Sky Blue Sky received mixed responses, they are at a point in their career when their work has finally been circulated to anyone interested in hearing the best contemporary music, and everyone seems to agree they belong—at the very least—around
the top. Audiences now have their first chance to hear the self-confidence that comes from that type of recognition on Wilco (the album). As if the name of the album doesn’t exude enough confidence, “Wilco (the song)” just reinforces it, as they are now reassuring audiences that they will always be there for them. As a side note, the album version was much, much more enjoyable and catchier
than the performance on the Colbert Report or any other live versions. It’s not the first time Wilco have asserted their natural ability to create beautiful music. That’s what sprang the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot ordeal in which Warner Bros. execs denied their album before another branch accepted it based on fan reception to a version streamed online, and that’s why each album has a distinct sound and personality to it.
One bold step after another, listeners have seen Wilco progress to a point where they are at ease creating an album full of songs that sound free-flowing and easy because they are just combining many of their trademark tactics and sounds of the past.
Wilco (the album) Wilco “Wilco (the song)” leads off, and even if you’re turned off by the possibility of a narcissistic song, it will be stuck in your head after the second listen regardless. The third track, “Bull Black Nova,” is the “Spiders (Kidsmoke)” of this album, only it’s more focused as it
unravels in a precisely controlled manner before your ears. “You and I,” Wilco’s first ever duet, is a beautiful change of pace that has the most unexpected sound of any song on the album; the soft, unassuming delivery of Jeff Tweedy compliments the delicate vocals of Feist beautifully. Combine those two with my favorite cut from the album, “One Wing,” and the middle of this album is flawless. And just as on their last album with “On and On and On,” they ease listeners to the end by closing with the peaceful, pianodominated “Everlasting.” Tweedy shows his full range of vocal expression, and the band is more primed than ever to fit music around his emotions. Despite some regrettable clumsiness in certain areas, such as the lame lyrics in “You Never Know” and the immature verses of “Sunny Feeling,” this album is Wilco doing their thing. Which, needless to say, is exactly what every Wilco fan out there was praying for, and we can now rest easy; they have delivered.
Wilco sound confident and dominant on their newest album.
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Summer music festival preview for 2009
The Daily Cardinal music experts get pumped for summer by previewing some of the best music festivals across the nation Lollapalooza 2009 Want to end your summer with a bang? Lollapalooza, one of the many summer music venues, takes place in the heart of the Windy City. This festival, founded by Perry Farrell, lead singer of Jane’s Addiction, offers a contrast to the other music festivals. Being one of the few festivals that take place in a big city, Lollapalooza encompasses the night scene along with the day scene. Lollapalooza is a great way to wrap up summer festivities by bringing over 130 bands to the Midwest. This year’s headliners live up to Perry’s past bands by being as outlandish as ever, with an interesting mix of genres: Electronic meets MTV rock meets the Beastie Boys. Although it will be difficult for these headliners to out-do years past, the middle tier more than makes up for it. With Perry’s mix of TV on the Radio, Fleet Foxes, Ben Folds, Ben Harper, Snoop Dogg, Thievery Corporation, Andrew Bird, Atmosphere and more, everyone attending this festival is sure to leave with a smile on his or her face. Aside from great music in a great city, Lollapalooza strives to be eco-friendly, and offers several other activities, including kidzapalooza. Tickets are on sale now for $190 at lollapalooza.com. —Jenny Peek Taste of Chicago Fueled by the Windy City’s hot summer air, Taste of Chicago provides the tastiest week-long festival around. Five dozen of the midwest’s most celebrated restaurants bring their tents to Grant Park for this annual extravaganza, the world’s largest food festival. Taste of Chicago is not all cream puffs and cheese steaks, though, as they perpetually attract national acts to serve as the soundtrack for your meals. This year, Counting Crows will be joined by fellow dad-rockers Barenaked Ladies and The Wallflowers as headliners. More youth-friendly bands like Guster and Drive By Truckers will also take the stage throughout the week-long cuisine spree. The festival lasts from Friday, June 26 to Saturday, July 4. Admission is free, but all food will cost you varying amounts of tickets, which can be pur-
chased at the park.
—Kyle Sparks
Summerfest Music Festival It’s right in our backyard, yet most people overlook the world’s largest musical festival amid the hoopla of Bonnaroo and Lollapalooza. Summerfest spans 11 days in late June to early July, bringing in over 700 acts from every musical niche and genre. This year’s lineup is no less expansive, featuring legendary acts like Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson to modern popular mainstays like Lupe Fiasco and The Fray. If country is your scene, The Big Gig offers Keith Urban and Kenny Chesney. Feeling blue? They’ve got Buddy Guy. Check out alternative rockers Guster or the supremely talented rap rockers the Roots if you can—both have played at Summerfest in the past and entertain devoted, energetic followings. Summerfest is truly an immersion of Milwaukee culture, and there’s not a better place to be in the throws of Summer than the Milwaukee Lakefront catching the fireworks or your favorite band with a beer in each hand. Entrance runs you $15 (though they offer countless promotions to get free or reduced-cost tickets), but Marcus Amphitheatre acts cost extra. www.summerfest.com —Al Morrell Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival Between June 11 and June 14, hippies, folk rockers and indie kids alike will convene on the campgrounds of Manchester, Tennessee, a mere sixty miles southeast of Nashville, as it plays host to one of America’s most diverse and wellknown music festivals, Bonnaroo. Boasting everyone from Phish (who will play two sets) and Wilco to Animal Collective and Phoenix, from Grizzly Bear and Neko Case to Crystal Castles and of Montreal, Bonnaroo’s lineup reads just like a typical college kid’s iTunes library. David Byrne will be the first artist to curate a stage at Bonnaroo this year when he brings Santigold, Dirty Projectors, Ani Difranco and St.
Flaming Lips guitarist and lead singer Wayne Coyne performs at last year’s 10,000 Lakes Festival in Detroit Lakes, Minn. The festival features great acts such as Dave Matthews Band and Wilco. Vincent together the Friday evening. Aside from just music, Bonnaroo also hosts a film cinema, art galleries and comedic performances. Along with the dozens of XBOX 360 kiosks and MLB batting cages, the onsite Bonnaroo Cinema is a popular destination for festival-goers. The air-conditioned seated area plays a wide array of movies 24 hours a day, taking breaks only to air NBA playoff games. The four-day passes are on-sale now and range in price from $224.50 to $249.50. —Kyle Sparks
bands, Warped is still packed with plenty of quality acts such as Chiodos, Dance Gavin Dance, Bad Religion and Anti-Flag. Music spans a full day, with each band playing a 30minute set on various stages. One of the greatest aspects of Warped Tour is for the knowledgeable fan, bands are walking around the grounds when they aren’t playing and it’s possible to run into your favorite musician without the crowds of teenage girls screaming. Warped Tour is kicking off June 26 and runs all summer. —Danny Marchewka
Vans Warped Tour Each summer thousands of high schools flock to dance and sing to all the pop punk bands they’ve helped make famous. In its 15th year, the Vans Warped Tour is back boasting radio favorites such as 3OH!3, Breathe Carolina and Sing it Loud. Don’t write off your local stop because of the aforementioned overplayed
10,000 Lakes Music Festival Nestled in the pristine northern wilderness of Soo Pass Ranch in Detroit Lakes, Minn., the 10,000 Lakes Festival offers patrons four days of camping and music in a beautiful setting to go along with the wild escapades that often accompany the jam band festival experience. This year’s festival invokes memories of its first line-up with the return of Widespread Panic for two nights on the main stage, where they will be joined by festival newcomers Dave Matthews Band and Wilco. The rest of the line-up features Minneapolis products Atmosphere, Mason Jennings and Trampled by Turtles to go along with a stellar variety of national acts such as Umphrey’s McGee, Gomez, Railroad Earth, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, Tea Leaf Green and Steve Kimock’s Crazy Engine. Soo Pass Ranch offers festival goers four distinct campgrounds to crash, the favorite among 10k veterans being the shaded Northwoods site, scattered with tranquil ponds, rolling hills and friendly hippies! A favorite site for those too late to claim spots in Northwoods is the shores of Lake Sallie campground, where campers can sober up with a dip into the cool waters of Lake Sallie and take in breathtaking sunsets while preparing for the night’s shows. Tickets are on sale now for $160 at 10klf.com. —Justin Dean
Story of the Year singer Dan Marsala reaches out to his adoring fans at last year’s Warped Tour.
Pitchfork Music Festival With around 15,000 attendees a day and three stages set up in Chicago’s Union Park, the Pitchfork Music Festival (July 17-19) isn’t on quite the same scale as its neighbor Lollapalooza, but with tickets at a fraction of the
cost of most other major festivals ($75 for a three-day pass, $35 for one day), Pitchfork also costs several times less. Organized by the Chicago-based music website of the same name, the Pitchfork lineup slants more toward underground up-and-comers (and fans who would rather catch the National or Grizzly Bear than the Killers) than the average festival. On a logistical level, Pitchfork’s organizers have thankfully avoided the clutter of larger festivals. No more than two acts are ever on stage at the same time, keeping A or B decisions to a minimum, there are always enough restrooms for everyone present and over the past few years the food and beer options have been nothing short of excellent (and vegan-friendly). The festival always brings in a few headliners with name recognition outside of the aficionado crowd too, with the Flaming Lips, the Jesus Lizard and Built to Spill topping off this year’s lineup. —Matt Hunziker
opinion 14
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Letter to the Editor:
Safety tips for avoiding campus sexual assault Welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a new or returning student, I encourage you to seek opportunities to try new things, learn about yourself, and make this campus a better place. Safe campuses are more conducive to learning and student engagement. I am writing to urge you to help make the University of Wisconsin-Madison a safer campus community. It is my hope that you will never experience violence during your time here. However, the harsh reality is that sexual assault, dating violence and stalking exist on college campuses. In fact, one in five women will experience dating violence through physical, emotional, sexual abuse or stalking. Men can also be victims of sexual violence. Furthermore, nearly 90 percent of sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone known by the victim. As a Badger, I challenge you to become more knowledgeable about these crimes, prevention tactics, and how to help if it happens to someone you know. You can start by developing healthy and respectful relationships—whether platonic or sexual—with your peers. If you chose to engage in a sexual relationship, ask for and obtain consent from your partner. Consent is a freely given “yes,” with overt words or actions, and clearly communicates a person’s sexual boundaries and/or desires. Sexual contact without con-
sent is assault. Respect yourself and your partner by asking, listening and responding. If you or someone you know experiences sexual assault, dating violence or stalking there are many offices that can provide help. The Office of the Dean of Students, University Health Services and the UWPolice Department have professionals trained to handle reports of sexual assault and dating violence and to get you the support that you need. There are many resources available for students who have experienced sexual assault or dating violence either during or prior to their collegiate experience. Victim services are designed to address the victim’s immediate safety, emotional and healthcare needs, and/or legal advocacy. More information can be found online at www.uhs.wisc.edu/assault. If someone tells you he or she was assaulted or is being abused, you can do two simple things. First: believe them, and second: know the resources available to help them make the choices that are best for them. Do your part to help prevent sexual assault and dating violence at UW-Madison. Have a great rest of the summer, and I will see you in the fall. On, Wisconsin! —Lori Berquam Dean of Students UW-Madison
Wealth of opportunity awaits freshman class By Todd Stevens THE DAILY CARDINAL
Ladies and gentlemen, I have come to you today to address the state of the UW freshmen, and today I can tell you the state of the UW freshmen is strong. Well, for the most part. All things considered, now is a choice time to come to UW, and as entering students the freshmen of 2009 have a lot to look forward to. One of the more notable advantages is the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates championed by Chancellor Biddy Martin. Thanks to the recently approved initiative, it will be easier for students to get in at the ground floor of their majors. The initiative’s funding will open up additional sections in courses that typically turn hundreds of students away every semester, such as “Introduction to Organic Chemistry” and numerous levels of Spanish. Numerous benefits arise from this. With additional space open for these courses, it should be easier for prospective Spanish majors and pre-med students, as well as other majors who encounter this problem regularly, to graduate on time. In addition, the added funding will help the university keep quality professors and increase career counseling, so appointments with advisors won’t need to be scheduled weeks in advance. But these benefits aren’t like Happy Meal toys; freshmen don’t get them for free with their purchase. The initiative will raise tuition $250 every year for instate students and $750 a year for out-of-state students. In total, this means the initiative will cost an in-state student a total of $2500
over four years and $7500 for out-of-state students. Granted, those who qualify for financial aid and whose families make under $80,000 a year are exempt from the yearly fee, so at least they can be happy about skirting under some arbitrary cutoff while the rest of campus bemoans their empty pocketbooks. Of course, the university is spending money on plenty of other things incoming students will get to enjoy as well. All over campus there are shiny new toys under construction. For one, come 2011 that prodigious hole on Johnson Street will be a brand new Union South. Its completion won’t come in time for upperclassmen, but UW rookies will get to see the union’s new movie theater, climbing wall and other amenities, all in a building that doesn’t look like the concrete sponge cake that was the old Union South. Even more development awaits just across the street from the Union South cavern at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. Much of the building’s focus will center on research and graduate students, but it will have plenty to offer for undergraduates as well. Part of the building’s allure is in the Town Center, which will take up much of the first floor and serve as a crossroads for the center of campus. As a combination of a union-esque area and hightech conference center, the Town Center will show off everything UW has to offer. And the best part about the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery? Unlike the new Union South (which is paid for with student segregated fees) and the
initiative for Undergraduates, the WID is paid for without student funds. However, the incoming class of 2009’s greatest advantage has nothing to do with additional class sections, campus crossroads or climbing walls. This class has the benefit of good timing. Madison is often described as “78 square miles surrounded by reality,” and with the current recession, reality is exactly what many people want to get away from. While graduates are now venturing into the dark abyss that is today’s job market, incoming freshmen have four years to learn and grow as human beings—and maybe party a little bit, too. If all goes well, graduates in the year 2013 will be entering a much more hopeful economy, complete with the advantages provided by a prestigious University of Wisconsin degree. Of course, there are some negatives. With UW unable to provide enough housing for all freshmen, some will still be forced into cramped makeshift residence hall rooms. And despite Madison’s lack of “reality,” it will still be pretty hard to find a decent part-time job that hasn’t already been taken by a laid-off investment banker. But looking at the big picture, this isn’t a half-bad time to be a UW freshman. Some great things are in the pipeline, and the administration seems to be doing its best to make sure the Wisconsin brand stays valuable. So go forth, freshmen, and enjoy your years at UW, for the state of your union is strong. Todd Stevens is a junior majoring in history and psychology. Please send responses to opinion@dailycardinal.com
City and campus resources essential to safety of students By Jon Spike THE DAILY CARDINAL
It’s no secret: UW-Madison attracts such a broad and diverse array of collegiate students for its promising educational opportunities, incredible international achievements, indelible sports legacy and a perfect city to spend four or five years. However, the same fair city that attracts thousands of college applicants every year is attracting other, less appealing aspects—namely growing crime and safety concerns. One only has to look in the past few headlines in the local papers: “Man beaten, robbed on Langdon Street,” “Data shows increase in Madison violent crime,” or “Bar fight leads to brutal attack.” Madison, usually considered one of the top cities in the U.S. for quality of living, has a growing problem that every college student must acknowledge. Violent crime in Madison is on the rise. The number of crimes considered “violent” (murder, rape, aggravated assault and robbery) rose six percent from 2007 to 2008, due in large part to assaults and robberies. As the recession deepens, everywhere in the U.S.
can count on these figures to inevitably rise. But where does this leave Madison? The Madison Police Department and UW-Madison officials stress the same things: Don’t travel alone, utilize the SAFEride resources available and avoid highcrime, poorly lit areas. Although these messages are pounded into UW-Madison students’ heads in the aftermath of every violent attack or robbery, the same carelessness leads others into becoming victims. Students must be smart in trying times, but city officials and the MPD can do more to try to curb some of the more problematic issues in the city. Newly-elected District 8 Ald. Bryon Eagon has laid out extensive ideas and frameworks to tackle growing safety concerns, and certain plans need to be sent to the forefront during his first year as alder. The weekend taxi-cab stand service is one safety initiative on Eagon’s slate, providing accessible safe transportation for late night travelers to avoid walking home (many of whom may also be intoxicated, thus leaving them more susceptible to
being robbed). Unfortunately, the taxi-cab stand requires an operator to monitor the queue, and the city and businesses have yet to step up to the plate. As Eagon notes, a collaborative effort between local business sponsorships and the city itself would be a wise investment, and relatively cheap. One dire safety issue that neither Eagon nor the city seems to touch is the rash of downtown conflicts occurring inside or nearby local restaurants and bars late at night. Violent attacks like those outside The Plaza, Crave Restaurant & Lounge and Madison Avenue are becoming more and more the norm in Madison. On Tuesday, Madison’s Alcohol License Review Committee decided not to rescind alcohol licenses from Madison Avenue and Johnny O’s despite numerous complaints of underage alcohol consumption and violence. One such incident in Madison Avenue required 17 officers to break up, resulting in underage drinking arrests and citations for concealed weapons. Instead of sending a message to other area businesses and removing the establishments’ liquor licenses, the Madison ALRC balked
and simply gave them restrictions on maximum capacity and required increased security presence. To curb late-night violence, the city and the ALRC must impose greater consequences on local establishments, and the MPD must also make its presence felt around area bars. Bar raids aren’t necessarily key to curbing alcoholism, but if it leads to fewer intoxicated students walking around at night and a greater chance of curbing violence and fights outside of Madison businesses, then why not? If anything, the MPD should make police walkthroughs a priority or enforce stricter security requirements on all Madison bars and restaurants. And the ALRC can’t simply play mother—if bars cannot curb violence in their establishments, don’t give warnings. Take licenses away. If anything, Eagon’s most simple safety idea may also be his best: Bring every figure or group involved in Madison safety concerns together as one group. A collaborative safety organization (dubbed by Eagon) would bring
together entities like ASM’s campus safety position, the UW Greek community, UW-Madison’s SAFE programs, the MPD and anyone else who addresses Madison safety in some way. A collaborative forum, even once a month, could strengthen safety efforts and streamline newer programs to keep Madison safe. Although you’ve heard many times before, the same is still true: Each person can greatly reduce their chances of being an assault or robbery victim by staying out of dangerous situations. Know the SAFEride program services and utilize the buses, taxis and walkers whenever possible. Don’t walk home alone or in unlit areas. However, there is one crucial mistake almost every student makes: They don’t demand their representatives make the changes necessary. Let Eagon and the rest of the Madison Common Council know that safety, even in hard economic times, is an investment worth making. Jon Spike is a senior majoring in English education. Please send responses to opinion@dailycardinal.com
Summer Registration Issue 2009
comics 16
Freshmen Eight? According to a study at Cornell University, the average weight gain for a college freshman is about four pounds per semester, totaling approximately eight to 10 pounds by the end of the school year.
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Geology 101
Today’s Sudoku
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
Angel Hair Pasta
By Todd Stevens ststevens@wisc.edu
Sid and Phil
By Alex Lewein alex@sidandphil.com
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. crack me
The Daily Code a b c d e f g h i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
“R pxc axkknm kh j bfnnc xum ujmh xw j vxcxarinm ljac. R mrmw’c nenw bnn rc lxvrwp.” Quote from Dumb and Dumber Find out how many places the alphabet has shifted, then use that knowledge to decipher the code. Hint: Start with one-letter words and words with apostrophes. When one letter “n” moves one place Example: “J’n b upzt-s-vt lje” “I’m a toys-r-us kid” to “m” each letter shifts back one.
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
The Graph Giraffe
Charlie and Boomer
By Yosef Lerner ilerner@wisc.edu
By Natasha Soglin soglin@wisc.edu
Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com
SET THE ALARM, TOO ACROSS 1 Agricultural pest 6 Lollobrigida of film 10 “Mornin’” in Melbourne 14 Conclude, as a deal 15 Potential pipes 16 Learn by ___ (memorize) 17 Wrestling maneuver 19 Saroyan’s “My Name is ___” 20 Visually assess 21 Ravenous writer? 22 Vast realm 24 Wendy’s, e.g. 28 One who knows the drill? 30 Hair holders 31 Uproarious commotion 32 Cataratas de Agua __ (Mexico) 33 Blackeyed edible 36 “___ and the King of Siam” 37 “Full House” costar Bob 39 Shapely suffixes? 40 Player on a Queens bench 41 1992 erupter 42 Kennel critter 43 Places for sporting events (Var.)
45 46 50 51 52 55 56 60 61 62 63 64 65
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18
Political gettogether Storm phenomenon United, as nations “Have some!” “Butterflies ___ Free” Suffix for “orchestra” Bachelor’s haunt, perhaps Difference between gross and net weight Furnisher for the frugal River bank deposits Ben & Jerry’s competitor Least varying tide Reward for playing dead DOWN Backrub target Dramatist’s work Wartime buzzword Colonial addition? Bathysphere’s place Scoring leaders? Years in a century Where to watch Earl Hickey Invited on a date Sales meeting visual aids Andrea ___ (liner that sank in 1956) “Asteroids” maker Arab League member It befalls fallen fruit
23 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 53 54 57 58 59
LVIII times XXV Turkish honorific (Var.) Back together, for now Act like slime False pretense Firstclass Object with six pockets It’s in an env. Grayishwhite Substitutes (for) “... fallen ___ can’t get up!” A puck in a net Conclusion for Ann, Nan and Jean Bit of activism Stands out significantly Difference between GenXers and baby boomers Cappuccino cousin 24book Greek epic Civil War film star ring Denzel Washington ___ Harbor, Fla. “Tattat” preceder Formerly, in days of yore ___ & Tina Turner Revue World’s largest professional org. Memorable Poitier role
You Can Run
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Defensive unit looks to bounce back with new faces By Scott Kellogg the daily cardinal
danny marchewka/cardinal file photo
Junior strong safety Jay Valai developed his reputation as a hardhitting defensive back last season as a starter for the Badgers.
Wisconsin began last season with dreams of capturing its first Big Ten title since 2000 and playing in the Rose Bowl, largely because of its talented and experienced defense. But in 2008 the defensive unit was mediocre and inconsistent. With the departure of six opening-day starters from last year, the Badgers will need high levels of production from inexperienced players and improved play from returning starters to be successful in 2009. The Badgers’ defense entered 2008 with high expectations with nearly every starter returning from a successful 2007 campaign. Wisconsin appeared to enter the season with a particularly strong front seven, which included senior defensive linemen Jason Chapman, Mike Newkirk and Matt Shaughnessy and linebackers Jonathan Casillas and DeAndre Levy. But instead of transforming into an elite unit, the defense was fairly average. It finished in the middle of the pack statistically in the Big Ten, finishing fifth in pass yards against and sixth in rushing yards against. The Badger defense started strong
last season, although it was against a relatively weak schedule. Wisconsin allowed 17.6 points per game in its first five contests. But in its sixth game against Penn State, Wisconsin gave up 48 points at home, then allowed 36 next week at Iowa. And in their final three games, the Badgers allowed a combined 109 points, including 32 to FCS opponent Cal Poly at home. Wisconsin finished eighth in the Big Ten in points allowed per game, with 26.5. Among the disappointing individuals last season for Wisconsin was safety Shane Carter, who will be a senior in 2009. Carter led the Big Ten in interceptions in 2006, but lost a bulk of his playing time in 2007 to Chris Maragos because of poor tackling. Maragos, who will also be a senior this upcoming season, is listed ahead of Shane Carter at free safety in head coach Bret Bielema’s post-spring depth chart. According to the depth chart, with the inclusion of Maragos, the Badgers will field eight first-year starters in 2009. Only senior defensive end O’Brien Schofield, senior linebacker Jaevery McFadden and junior strong safety Jay Valai will return as starters
from 2008. Wisconsin’s secondary entered last season as the defense’s most raw unit, but it may be the most experienced element of the defense in 2009. Maragos and Carter, as well as junior cornerback Niles Brinkley, sophomore cornerback Aaron Henry and senior safety Aubrey Pleasant have all taken a considerable number of snaps in the past. Schofield will be the lone returning starter on the front four, but senior defensive tackle Dan Moore could give the Badgers some experience on the defensive line. The Badgers will start two very inexperienced defensive linemen, senior Jeff Stehle and sophomore J.J. Watt. Watt transferred from Central Michigan after his freshman year in 2006 and was forced to redshirt in 2007. The transfer could make an immediate impact, as Watt has earned rave reviews from Bielema this spring. The linebacker position for Wisconsin will present more experience than the defensive line. McFadden is the only returning starter, but juniors Culmer St. Jean and Blake Sorensen have both seen plenty of time on the field their last two seasons.
Men’s Hockey
Talented squad hopes to return to NCAA Tournament after frustrating season By Ben Breiner the daily cardinal
Heading into next season, the Wisconsin men’s hockey team’s success will be defined by the answers to a pair of crucial questions: Can the glut of talented skaters finally play up to their potential, and how will the team replace several key contributors whose Badger careers just finished? Last year, Mike Eaves’ squad came tantalizingly close to an NCAA Tournament bid, finishing just one win away from the final spot. The biggest challenge for Wisconsin may be finding someone to fill the hole in net left by departed senior Shane Connelly, who saw time in 74 games over the last two years. His backup, junior Scott Gudmandson, has seen time in net during his first two seasons, but his goals-against average of 3.16 was far from stellar. Behind Gudmandson, there is even less proven talent, as both goalies below him on the depth chart last year graduated. Junior Brett Bennett, who transferred from Boston University, will
probably have a chance at the job in fall. Bennett was the Terriers’ primary goaltender in 2007-’08, and last year, he won a USHL title with the Indiana Ice. The other big loss for Wisconsin was junior defenseman Jamie McBain, who signed a professional contract with the Carolina Hurricanes after winning the conference player of the year award and being named the best defenseman in the nation by several media outlets. That should not be as much of an issue, however, because of the talent that Wisconsin returns at the blue line. Three Wisconsin defenders, sophomore Jake Gardiner and juniors Ryan McDonagh and Brendan Smith, were first-round NHL draft picks, and sophomore Cody Goloubef was taken in the second round. All are gifted offensively, and McDonagh, who served as assistant captain last year, brings strong checking and leadership skills. Throw in the fact that incoming freshman Justin Schultz is rated as one of the top 15 prospects in the Anaheim Ducks’ organization and the defensive corps looks to be in good shape,
danny marchewka/cardinal file photo
Senior forward Blake Geoffrion scored a team-high 15 goals last season and finished fourth on the team in points with 28.
especially as many of the players have strong offensive and puckhandling skills. The only issue that may arise is play in the defensive zone, where Wisconsin gave up nearly 30 shots per game last year. The extra year of experience for those four key veterans could, however, help address that problem. The one area where the Badgers do return almost all their best players is up front. Senior Tom Gorowsky, who scored 30 points last year, is gone, but both Blake Geoffrion and John Mitchell return. That duo combined for 30 goals on the year and was used by Eaves to wreak havoc in front of the net, taking away goalies’ sightlines, tipping shots and putting home rebounds. Senior Ben Street will also bolster Wisconsin’s top lines after a devastating knee injury forced him to take a medical redshirt last year. The British Columbia native accrued 13 goals and 17 assists in his last full season. For fans looking for a prospective breakout performer, sophomore Derek Stepan has the potential for a spectacular year. After finishing second on the team with 33 points and 24 assists last year, experience could make Stepan even better, especially if he grows as a goal-scorer. Right now he is more of a playmaker, setting up his teammates in a style that drew comparisons to former NCAA champ and current NHL player Joe Pavelski from his coach. Last season for the Badgers was defined by inconsistency. The team would look like world-beaters one weekend and struggle against an inferior foe the next. They clearly have the talent in terms of skaters, so the squad’s tournament future will be decided both by play in net and by the experience and seasoning one of the nation’s youngest teams gleaned during its last campaign. Wisconsin’s full 2009-’10 schedule has not been released, but the Badgers have announced they
will face Michigan Feb. 6 in the Camp Randall Hockey Classsic. Last season, the Wolverines went
29-13, losing their first-round NCAA Tournament matchup to Air Force.
sports 18
Summer Registration Issue 2009
Fate of offense depends on Sherer’s arm By Scott Kellogg the daily cardinal
Last season, Wisconsin received shaky play at best from quarterbacks Allan Evridge and Dustin Sherer. Evridge graduated, and Sherer has been in an intense quarterback competition with freshman Curt Phillips. Regardless of who wins the battle, the quarterback play for Wisconsin this fall will be the most important and intriguing element of the offense. Not since Wisconsin started John Stocco as a junior in 2005 have the Badgers fielded a quarterback who was not a senior on opening day. If Sherer wins the job, as expected, the trend will continue. And regardless of who earns the starting quarterback position in 2009, the Badgers will field a first-year starting quarterback on opening day for the third consecutive season. Wisconsin’s inability to develop a quarterback has highlighted the criticism of the Badgers’ offense. After a 3-0 start in 2009 under Evridge and a No. 9 ranking, the Badgers lost their next three contests, including a gigantic collapse against Michigan and a blowout at the hands of Penn State. Head coach Bret Bielema responded by handing the reins over to Sherer, who lost his first start at Iowa, 38-16, before gain-
ing his first career win next week at home against Illinois. Sherer finished 4-3 as a starter and threw five touchdowns and six interceptions. Under Evridge and Sherer, the Badgers finished seventh in the Big Ten in passing yards per game and tied for last in the Big Ten with 11 total touchdown passes. Wisconsin’s passing game in 2008 was defined by poor play and inconsistency. Its running attack, however, was strong. Wisconsin averaged 211.2 yards per game on the ground, best in the conference. Running back P.J. Hill departed for the NFL draft, but the Badgers will return sophomore John Clay and junior Zach Brown to their offensive backfield. As a freshman in 2007, Clay finished fifth in the Big Ten with 5.7 yards per carry and seventh in the conference in total yards with 884, despite splitting his carries with Hill. Brown’s 5.6 yards per carry in 2007 were good for seventh in the conference. The Badgers’ offensive line will look to be a strength of the team again this season. Wisconsin lost three starters on the offensive line from last season to graduation, but the Badgers will remain confident in the unit, which seems to play at a high level every season.
Are you from
Junior center John Moffitt and junior left tackle Gabe Carimi will return as starters this fall. With a solid backfield and offensive line, the Badgers should be able to count on another productive year from their running game. Wisconsin’s receiving game in 2009 will center around reliable senior tight end Garrett Graham. After Travis Beckum suffered a season-ending injury in 2008, Graham became the focal point of Wisconsin’s receiving game. And Graham responded by leading all Big Ten tight ends with 540 receiving yards and 40 receptions. The Badgers will return all contributing wide receivers from last season for 2009. The player to watch within this group may be sophomore Nick Toon, who played well late last season. Toon caught just 17 balls last season, but averaged over 15 yards per reception, representing a home-run threat for the Badgers. Toon will see many more balls come his way in 2009. The wide receiver with the most receptions last season for Wisconsin was David Gilreath, who will be a junior in 2009. Gilreath caught 31 passes in 2009, which ranked 26th in the conference. Wisconsin will need drastic improvement from its wide receivers to be successful in 2009.
lorenzo zemella/cardinal file photo
Senior quarterback Dustin Sherer, who began last season riding the bench behind Allan Evridge, has the inside track on the starting job.
Men’s Basketball
Badgers look to extend NCAA streak By Matt Fox The Daily cardinal
Oh, no! Your ancestors may have been Dutch!
After a season of ups and downs and a dramatic win in the first round of last season’s NCAA Tournament, the UW men’s basketball team will prepare for another exciting year in 2009-’10. Last season was marred by a tough six-game losing streak in January, with two overtime losses and four games decided by five points or fewer. Still, the Badgers were able to bounce back by responding with a five-game winning streak. Wisconsin finished with a 20-13 overall record and a 10-8 mark in the Big Ten, tied with Penn State and Ohio State for fourth in the conference. The Badgers barely snuck into the NCAA Tournament as a No. 12 seed, setting up a first-round matchup with the Florida State Seminoles. But Wisconsin was able to pull off an upset when senior guard Trevon Hughes hit a game winning shot with two seconds left in overtime to steal away a 61-59 victory. In their second-round matchup against the No. 4 seed Xavier Musketeers, the Badgers held a twopoint advantage at halftime but could not keep the magic alive, as they were outscored by 13 in the second half and lost 60-49. This year, Wisconsin retains three of its top five scorers in senior guards Jason Bohannon and Hughes, and junior forward Jon Leuer. Another frontrunner to receive a spot in the Badgers’ starting lineup is junior forward Keaton Nankivil, who started in a large portion of games last season. Junior swingman Tim Jarmusz averaged 16 minutes a game off the bench for the Badgers and could potentially take the final spot in the starting lineup.
Bohannon and Hughes averaged 10 points and 12 points respectively for Wisconsin last season and will be featured prominently in the Badgers’ offensive plans for the upcoming year. As the only two seniors on Wisconsin’s roster, Bohannon and Hughes will also step into more focused leadership roles and try to fill the huge void left by departing senior forwards Joe Krabbenhoft and Marcus Landry. Off the bench, sophomore guards Jordan Taylor and Rob Wilson will look to expand on their roles from last season in Wisconsin’s backcourt. Sophomore big men Jared Berggren and Ian Markolf will receive additional minutes after getting very little playing time, while redshirt freshman swingman Ryan Evans will begin his eligibility after sitting out last season. In addition, the Badgers will wel-
come in two new freshmen who have signed letters of intent for the upcoming season—forward Mike Bruesewitz, Minnesota’s 2009 Gatorade Player of the Year from Mendota Heights, Minn., and guard Diamond Taylor from Bolingbrook, Ill. Since head coach Bo Ryan took over at Wisconsin for the 2001’02 season, the Badgers have accumulated eight consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances while finishing no lower than fourth in the conference standings. Although Wisconsin’s schedule has not yet been released, one confirmed game has already received plenty of attention. On Dec. 2, Wisconsin will host Duke in this year’s ACC-Big Ten Challenge. Last season the Blue Devils finished 30-7, and may represent Wisconsin’s toughest challenge.
Danny marchewka/cardinal file photo
Senior guard Jason Bohannon made 59 3-point field goals in 2008.
Summer Registration issue 2009
Summer Registration Issue 2009