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University of Wisconsin-Madison
CLAY BREAKS THE MOLD THIS SEASON Plus: 5 things to watch this Saturday, we sit down with back Zach Brown
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A belly dancer performs at Madison’s World Music Festival on the Memorial Union Terrace Wednesday.
WUD Society and Politics hosts town hall-style health-care debate THE DAILY CARDINAL
In an attempt to generate discussion on health-care reform, the Wisconsin Union Directorate’s Society and Politics Committee kicked off the year Wednesday with a town hall-style Q&A session led by a panel of Madison-area experts. Panelists discussed a variety of topics concerning the health-care debate and addressed possible solutions to advocate reform, including a single-payer system, a public option plan, socializing medicine and rationing health care. The panel agreed that both reform of insurance companies and reform of the health-care system is needed. Bioethics professor Tom Oliver of the Population Heath Institute and Dr. Richard Rieselbach, a nephrologist at UW Hospital, said restructuring medical care
so care providers work in teams would be more efficient from a financial perspective. The teams would put primarycare physicians at the forefront, with other team members dealing with of more minor health problems. “The media have done a really poor job of presenting [the health-care debate] in an objective way.” Nicole Safar legal analyst Planned Parenthood
CEO of Access Community Health Centers Gordon Derzon pointed out that despite controversy over a public plan for health care, 80 million Americans are already on a public health-care plan, namely
Thursday, September 17, 2009
University Ave. Liquor to get new ownership
Hips don’t lie
By Katie Foran-McHale
those on Medicare, Medicaid and in the military. Nicole Safar, a legal analyst at Planned Parenthood, also critiqued the role of the media throughout the health-care debate of the past few months. “Activists in Wisconsin have been out there, making calls, going to town hall meetings ... and the media have done a really poor job of presenting this in an objective way,” she said. The panel urged students and community members to continue discussing health care and pushing reform through community involvement and grassroots organizations such as Dane County Grassroots Network and Organizing for America. WUD Society and Politics Committee meetings are held on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Union, TITU.
One of Madison’s most prominent liquor stores will soon be under the new ownership of two former employees, who have decided to purchase the establishment from its former owner. The Alcohol License Review Committee approved a new license for University Avenue Liquor, located at 525 University Ave. in the heart of the downtown and campus area, at its Wednesday night meeting. Joel Kouba and Herbert Taylor, both current employees, will purchase the 2,000 square-foot business that has been at its current location for at least 10 years. According to Kouba, who has worked there for seven years while managing it for the past three, the University Avenue liquor business itself has been prominent in the Madison area for over 25 years. Mark Woulf, the Associated Students of Madison student representative for the ALRC, praised the establishment and its workers, especially when dealing with students. Kouba said they regularly use ID scanners given to them by the UW at
their door, especially on weekends. However, Kouba and Taylor faced slight scrutiny over their keg delivery processes. Their current process includes having the buyer fill out a deposit slip with his or her name, license number, address and phone number. When the keg is delivered, the name on the slip must match the name of the person accepting it. Kouba said that during the school year, and especially during the tailgating season, they go through as many as 150 to 160 kegs per week. According to Captain Carl Gloede of the Madison Police Department, there have been 32 instances of deposit slips not being accurate. Kouba, however, could only think of a few problems in the seven years he has been employed there. The problems he could remember occurred during his second year of employment, and centered on the Mifflin Street Block Party and Freakfest events. ALRC member and District 4 alder Mike Verveer said he has known the applicants for quite some time and it is a gratifying part of his job when he is able to see employees purchase their place of employment.
ASM votes to approve new student board By Tom Czaja THE DAILY CARDINAL
feel should be accepted. Both Junger and ASM vice chair Tom Templeton feel the new committee should be composed of a majority of undergraduate students, but graduate students are eligible to apply as well. Junger said ASM plans to hold a town hall-style meeting with Berquam within the next two weeks to provide students with more information about the committee and hopefully gain support. The student council also approved the UW Homecoming committee event grant for $12,900.
The Associated Students of Madison student council voted unanimously Wednesday evening for the creation of the new student board to oversee funds from the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates. The call for this committee was well received in an effort to give other students outside the ASM student council a chance at getting their voices heard. According to ASM chair Tyler Junger, the new group will chiefly oversee a student service aspect
while simultaneously having a slight role in curricular innovation. “There is a need to jump on this train now,” he said. He insisted the committee, which will begin as ad hoc, needs to get started as soon as possible to have an immediate impact on the student body. According to Junger, the next step will be to receive several proposals from deans of the various schools for funding, with a meeting then set up with Chancellor Biddy Martin and Dean of Students Lori Berquam to give their say on which proposals they
Chancellor Biddy Martin spoke Wednesday at a ceremony on Bascom Hill to honor the 100th anniversary of the Abraham Lincoln statue as well as the bicentennial of president’s birth.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two 2
Thursday, September 17, 2009
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FRIDAY: partly sunny hi 75º / lo 45º dailycardinal.com/page-two
The population of ‘that guy’ keeps growing
Volume 119, Issue 12
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497
TODAY: mostly sunny hi 75º / lo 48º
JON SPIKE academic misjonduct
ver think you’re the only one laughing at your jokes in chem lab? Ever think that maybe that question you asked was, in fact, not burning through anyone else’s skull during your anthro lecture? Congratulations—you may be “that guy” in your classes. There are a few telling characteristics in order to be “that guy.” First of all, you must have a delightful yet painfully annoying little in-class quirk that is either a) a pet peeve for the majority of the population, b) soon to be a pet peeve for the majority of your lecture hall attendees, or c) a total “that guy” thing to do. I’ve got a few personal favorite “that guys” who have all touched me in special ways. And no, I don’t mean like the way Uncle Clem used to touch me before he had to go
away with the authorities. I mean touched me in the psychologically unbearable way, the way in which you can only shake your head, turn to your friend and say, “he is such a ‘that guy’...” The first “that guy” of my collegiate experience came during an especially painful 8 a.m. power lecture in English. On top of having to be functional at eight in the morning, I had a “that guy” who routinely walked in around five minutes late, magically finding his way in front of me EVERY DAY. He would then proceed to fire up his laptop and type incessantly on his various role-playing game message boards, let his mind wander with erotic Warcraft fan fiction and gorge on his latest prepackaged snack. After the eroticism and hunger had worn off, “that guy” would promptly call it a day, snoring quite loudly in our modest lecture hall of 200-plus students while the professor tried not to notice. And I haven’t even gotten to the punchline: “That guy” was in my very next power lecture. And it gets worse: His kind had spread. In the next
lecture, another “that guy” sprung up in the front row, determined to insert his own commentary or witticism after every third sentence the professor managed to get in edgewise. His need for attention, undoubtedly spawned from four years of high school ridicule, manifested itself in the form of dry humor about British literature, informal conversations with the teacher when he feigned asking a question and referring to himself in the third person. Their kind is only growing larger. I’ve now come across a “that girl” on campus. Yes, I kid you not. They’re going global or something. However, the criterion for “that girl” is slightly different than “that guy.” They can be defined as any girl who doesn’t return my calls, breaks up with me for no good reason and is named “Sherry.” The fact that she’s my promiscuous ex-girlfriend is no coincidence. She’s simply a “that girl” in my eyes, and I will refer to her as such. And no, this is not me being a bitter ex. I just didn’t notice that she was a “that girl” until we broke up. I also didn’t notice that she was a two-
timing harlot. But don’t fear, Madisonians. There are ways to thin the ranks of “that guy” in your lecture halls and discussions. First off, I’m pretty sure they are vulnerable to soap. Also sunlight. If either of those don’t tickle your fancy, I’ve got other methods of ridding your lectures of “that guy.” Most “that guys” feed off of some sort of Internet connection to fuel their immature and phallic sense of humor. If you can find any way to disable the wireless network in the building in which your lectures reside, you should be in the clear. If homicide isn’t your thing, then I’ve got one universal rule: Do not humor them. Do not provide even a casual chuckle to their jokes or tolerate their obnoxious Warcraft fan fiction. If need be, find out their chat room username, message them, and make very awkward sexual comments about how you, too, wish to be fellated by an orc. That should stop “that guy” in his tracks. Have a “that guy” story of your own to tell Jon? Send him an e-mail at spike@wisc.edu.
New Beer Thursday O’so Brewing rusty red O’so Brewing Company may just be the smallest brewery ever featured in New Beer Thursday, but Rusty Red, one of O’so’s 19 brews, packs a bold flavor. The small craft brewery out of Plover, Wis., brews two batches per week at most, leading to a limited supply and scheduled release of their eclectic offerings. Lovers of the classics such as Rusty Red, The Big O and Hopdinger have no need to worry as O’so keeps these in circulation to keep shelves stocked. They have been spotted in liquor stores in Madison since early summer. Simplistic packaging hides this finely crafted red ale amongst well-known favorites, but for those lucky enough to stop and try something new, Red delivers. As soon as the bottle cap is off, a light hoppy aroma wafts subtly from within. A smooth blend of malts makes way for the light, lingering taste of hops long after the sip has gone down (keep in mind that this is definitely a sipping beer, not
for chugging). But have no fear, it is not overpowering or off-putting, rather a perfect hint of what awaits the next sip. Each sip goes down as well as the last, leading to the dilemma of drinking it quickly while savoring every drink. The one downside from this particular batch is the seemingly high amount of carbonation. While at certain times it may seem like a real “champagne of beer,” one can learn to enjoy it. Rusty Red set a high bar for O’so to match with its well-blended mix of malts and hops, but this craft brewery has a devoted following that may just get themselves another showing in New Beer Thursday when some more of their specialty brews hit the local shelves.
• Rusty Red Ale • $8.99 at Riley’s Wines of the World
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Peace Park renovations on the way, final designs approved By Andrea Parins THE DAILY CARDINAL
Madison’s Urban Design Commission approved its final improvement plans for Lisa Link Peace Park Wednesday. The major features include an ATM, Peace Pole and plentiful seating. The architect on the project, Ken Saiki Design, investigated several design themes to achieve a more grassroots expression of their idea. The Peace Pole was chosen under the category of symbolic commitment to peace at the world, national and community level. The Peace Pole will consist of an organic-looking wooden pole with the message, “May Peace
Prevail on Earth” in four different languages on four sides, centered along the entrance to State Street. One of the largest concerns was the addition of an ATM. A 24-hour surcharge-free ATM was added to the design by the Business Improvement District to help draw foot traffic to the area, and in turn gain an annual income of up to $5,000 in the area. This added revenue source would allow for the building to be open longer to better serve its purpose as a tourist hub. However, the panhandling ordinance of the city states that panhandling is not permitted within 50 feet of an ATM
machine, a common activity performed by the park dwellers. “There is a perception that this plan is solely is to discourage panhandling, and I don’t support that motivation in any way,” said an opposing commission member. “Now we’re looking at an ATM that I was not thrilled with and a social engineering aspect that could be very controversial.” Tom Link, son of Lisa Link, served as a planning committee member on the project for 2.5 years. “My mother would’ve been comfortable with the type of people that use the park, but a lot of people can’t deal with homelessness and poverty,” Link said.
Act would recognize same-sex marriages Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced a bill Tuesday calling for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The bill, entitled the Respect for Marriage Act, would ensure that all valid marriages, including those between same-sex couples, would be respected under federal law. “Our legislation will extend to
same-sex, legally married couples the same federal rights and recognition now offered to heterosexual married couples, nothing more, nothing less,” Baldwin said in a statement. “Repealing DOMA is a necessary step toward full equality for LGBT Americans.” DOMA, enacted in 1996, stipulates that no state be required to recognize a relationship between two persons of the same-sex as marriage,
even if it is considered marriage in another state. It additionally defines marriage, as recognized by the federal government, as between one man and one woman. Polis has openly criticized DOMA, saying in a statement, “[It] is a valueless tradition that undermines the spirit of love and commitment that couples share and sends the wrong message to society. It is time for its repeal.”
Glover officially suspended from UW men’s basketball team UW-Madison freshman Jeremy Glover was dismissed from the men’s basketball team Tuesday after his arrest last week. According to a UW-Madison athletics release, Walter Dickey, chair of the Student-Athlete Discipline Committee and the Athletic Board made the
announcement stating that Glover violated the student athlete discipline policy. Glover along with Diamond Taylor, also from the men’s basketball team, was arrested Sept. 6 for burglarizing money and possessions from a UW-Madison dormitory and a residence on Langdon St.
Glover and Taylor, both UWMadison freshmen, were also arrested for charges of underage drinking. As of last week, Glover, a walk-on from Haymarket, Va., and Taylor, a recruit from Bolingbrook, Ill., were suspended from the team but the case was still under investigation.
St. Mary’s Hospital follows suit and suspends all of its student volunteers By Ryan Hebel THE DAILY CARDINAL
Madison’s St. Mary’s Hospital is immediately suspending its 170 student volunteers after five experienced flu -like symptoms, though none had volunteered while contagious, according to Volunteer Coordinator JoAnne Johnson. T h e suspension includes 90 college and 80 high school students, and follows UW Hospital’s similar suspension of 350 student volunteers on Friday, though UW Hospital officials had not reported any H1N1 among its volunteers. Both hospitals were likely reacting to the mounting number of infections on UW-Madison’s campus. On Tuesday, University Health Services announced 543 people reported “flu-like” symptoms between September 1 and 12.
“We figure this is really kind of the beginning,” Johnson said. “With the volume [of volunteers] we had, we felt that our patients were our priority and that it was important ... to err more on the side of caution.” Approximately 600 people volunteer at St. Mary’s and contribute about 1,700 hours per week, Johnson said, with about 450 of those coming from students. St. Mary’s Registered Nurse and UW grad student John Blabaum said he didn’t know the suspension details but disagreed with “blanket suspensions” for all student volunteers. “I also think it would be unfair to suspend student volunteers but not the student employees,” Blabaum said. Neither Middleton VA Medical Center nor Meritor Hospital has announced similar suspensions.
featuresstudent life 4
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Constructing a better campus The construction that tore up Campus Drive and University Avenue last summer may be more necessary than students would like to admit. Story by Megan Corbett
oon after students took their last exams and the majority of students left campus, those all-to-familiar orange cones began appearing. It was summer, and it was time for road construction in Madison. The renovation of University Avenue dominated the city for much of the summer. Raymond P. Catell Inc. was awarded the contract for the major portion of construction running along Campus Drive and University Avenue, according to a statement on construction by the city. Workers replaced sewer systems, curbs, gutters and asphalt throughout that stretch of downtown, in addition to several other major roads. Construction began east of Park Street as early as March, with sections west of Park Street starting in mid- May. The final street was open early last week. For some, the thought of tearing up University Avenue and other main thoroughfares sounded like a nightmare. However, John Fahrney, a Madison construction engineer, explained that with buckling asphalt and underground piping that was over 100 years old, it was time for an overhaul. “The last time University Avenue was redone was sometime in the 1980’s and [the piping] didn’t need replacing then, but
Construction takes over University Avenue and Campus Drive it was just time now,” Fahrney said. “We minimize the inconvenience as best we can. We really wanted to have main sections like Lake and Park done by the time students moved in and football games started.” Chris Petykowski, a design engineer for the city, agreed with Fahrney that sections of downtown were in desperate need of repair. According to Petykowski, pavement typically lasts for about 30 years, so stretches on University Avenue, Lake Street and other areas were long past their prime. While the streets were being torn up, city engineers also inspected the aging sewer, storm and other utility pipes. Petykowski said engineers inserted a small video camera to inspect the pipes. With this information they could select pipes that were damaged, and leave functioning pipes intact. By this method of spot replacing, Petykowski said the city will avoid major construction on these roads in the near future. “If we didn’t [replace them] and they broke after we had new pavement down we would have to rip up new pavement. So it’s more cost -effective for pipes of that age for us to fix it while we are doing the street,” Petykowski said. While the city was conscious of completing construction before
campus became flooded with students in the fall, they couldn’t help but cause some inconvenience. David Ward, a senior lecturer for the business school, taught a class in Grainger over the summer, and spent much of his time downtown. Living out on the far west side, there was little he could do to avoid the construction. “I’ve lived in Madison for 20 years and it’s one of the worst summers that I can remember as far as orange barrels and stuff all over the place,” Ward said. “I took the bus and brought something to read because it was better than just sitting stuck in your car somewhere.” “I’ve lived in Madison for 20 years and it’s one of the worst summers that I can remember as far as orange barrels and stuff all over the place.” David Ward senior lecturer UW-Madison
While Ward avoided much of the hassle by taking the bus, he did express concern over the safety of pedestrians in some areas. Intersections like Park and University were closed to one lane, and pedestrians often had to walk close to traffic to
cross the street. However, this area was cleared before students returned for the fall semester. Ward was far from the only person to deal with the headache of downtown this summer. Major construction proved difficult for the many freshmen coming in for orientation as well. UW-Madison freshman Amanda Carns who lives in the Lakeshore dorms, said even though she and her family had been to Madison many times before they still struggled with traffic. “We had lots of problems with SOAR,” Carns said. “We got lost a lot. The second day was the worst, trying to get around the engineering campus.” When asked about the construction that enveloped areas around engineering, including Dayton, Randall and Charter Street, Fahrney said this was not related to the University Avenue project. The university started the project surrounding that part of campus and the construction of the new Union South. While Carns struggled with SOAR, most of UW-Madison freshman Jordan Weibel’s problems came after he arrived at campus. With both of his parents being alumni and an older brother currently on campus, Weibel said he expected traffic delays during SOAR and on move-in day. His real difficulties started when he
tried to navigate campus. “The biggest way it’s affected me is biking,” Weibel said. “Sometimes I bike to Lakeshore to see friends and you can’t use the bike lane on West Johnson. And over by engineering you really have to bike in the traffic, you’re really out there. It definitely doesn’t make things easier.” Petykowski admitted that construction isn’t something people look forward to, but said the city did all it could to minimize the interruption. City streets were left open to traffic—although at times restricted to one lane, the project deadlines worked around the university’s schedule, and the project was split into three different contractors to ensure the work was done as quickly as possible, Petykowski said. For the most part it seemed that students and faculty recognized the value of the work being done. Ward said he didn’t mind seeing his tax dollars at work, especially on a project he knew needed to be done. “It definitely needed it. I know from going down University Avenue hundreds of times it was long overdue,” Ward said. “There were some really killer potholes that could really do a number on your car. It was definitely not a ‘make work’ project, it was something that it was good that they got it done.”
Construction stretches across campus, complete with bulldozers, orange cones, and trucks
opinion Conservation required for world’s water dailycardinal.com/opinion
Here in the United States, the average American consumes 80 to 100 gallons of water a day, based on data from the United States Geological Survey. The largest portion of which is used to flush toilets and take showers and baths. But according to thewaterproject. org, more than one in six people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. While we sit on porcelain thrones and saturate ourselves under fountains of water, one in six people do not have enough clean water to drink and prepare their food. I feel guilty right now. Guilty that I have a flushable toilet to sit on, guilty that I can take a hot shower every morning, guilty that I have a dishwasher, and guilty that I don’t have to walk two miles everyday to haul enough clean water to prevent dehydration. It doesn’t seem right that while I soak in a bubble bath, children are dying from water-related diseases. Peter H. Gleick at the Pacific Institute writes that as many as 135 million people will die from preventable water-related
Thursday, September 17, 2009
diseases by the year 2020. It’s the preventable that we should focus on. There is something we can do. There are numerous ways in which we can reduce our water consumption, and just because what we don’t use doesn’t get shipped to those who need it the most doesn’t mean our efforts are worthless. Sophie Uliano, author of “Gorgeously Green” and “The Gorgeously Green Diet,” suggests using the water that normally runs down the drain as you wait for the shower to warm up. Keep a gallon milk jug just next to your shower and use the water for houseplants, to make coffee or boil noodles. As previously mentioned, toilets account for the majority of our water consumption. So, flush less. If you live alone, have your own bathroom or are extremely close with your roommates, consider flushing only when necessary. If you just tinkled, ask yourself if a flush is essential. I know we’re talking about water here, but what you buy at the grocery store has a big impact on your water consumption too. Water is needed to produce everything from soda to Hamburger Helper. By purchasing foods in
view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
common sense best way to prevent flu
ew students on campus desire to contract swine flu––or, as the powers-that-be demand we call it, H1N1. But every year in fall and winter, we have a flu season. Students get sick, get better and the world continues to turn. University administration did not need to send multiple swine flu e-mails offering duplicated information in far too many words. The majority of the student body undoubtedly ignored the e-mails. And this is where problems arise, as one of the keys to getting through this as a campus is communication. College-aged students are in fact more susceptible to H1N1 than typical flu strands. It is smart for the university and health organizations to prepare for the possible descent of a virus that can rapidly spread through the student populace. But it is also possible to overreact and cause hysteria over an illness we prepare for annually. One aspect where the university has gone too far is housing’s practice of telling students to leave for their hometown should they contract the disease. Not only does this spread the disease further around the state and country, but this is an impossible task for many students and their families. It is important to keep this situation in perspective for a disease that will most
likely leave a student stuck in bed for a couple days. However, we also need to take into account that H1N1 has the capacity to do some serious damage, if not physically, academically. Some seniors looking to graduate at semester’s end simply cannot afford to miss a week’s worth of classes, and any student faces the possibility of a GPA-killing bad grade. It is reasons like this that make the more practical precautions worthwhile: wash your hands, eat healthy and stay away from class if you are sick. So above all else, relax, this is not the Influenza Epidemic of 1918. One of the best ways to wear down your immune system is to stress yourself out. But at the same time, stay aware, and don’t be shy to use the resources available to you at University Health Services. This doesn’t have to turn into the swine flu apocalypse, and it won’t so long as the university and its students both keep their heads.
their natural forms (i.e. fresh potatoes versus boxed potatoes) you will not only decrease your water consumption but also reduce your carbon footprint. An enormous amount of energy goes into processing those potatoes, constructing the box and shipping the final processed non-food product to the grocery store.
It’s crucial to remember that water is a luxury in many parts of the world.
Turning off the faucet while you wash your hands or brush your teeth can also make a big difference. Even if you only save a cup of water every time you wash your hands, just think about how many times a day you perform that action, or others similar to it. Multiply that by 365 days in a year and you’ll begin to see how little painless changes in your daily routine can help reduce
your water consumption. Now that you’ve begun to see how easy it is to conserve water, I want to introduce you to the “camping shower.” Back in the days before showers were standard at campgrounds, and when campground water heaters barely warmed enough water to bathe a baby, my sisters and I developed a shower system to conserve the precious hot water. We would turn the shower on, get wet and then soap up with the shower off. We would only turn the water on again to rinse off. Amazingly, I discovered while abroad in France, that the French exclusively take what I always thought of as “camping showers,” because water is expensive in Europe and the French are extremely conscious about their water usage. The “camping shower” concept is simple: reduce the amount of time the water is running. So turn off the shower when you are not getting wet or rinsing. Do not stand under the water, letting it flow over your body and through your hair for extended amounts of time. The water supply might seem plentiful in this country, espe-
cially living in the Midwest, but water is a finite resource. All the water that exists, or ever existed, or ever will exist, is here on Earth right now. It’s crucial we remember that water is a luxury in many parts of the world. It’s frankly selfish to let water just flow down the drain. Having to turn off the faucet while you lather your shampoo is a small sacrifice to make, especially when you consider that some people must walk miles everyday to find and then haul safe drinking water. Reducing your water consumption makes a strong political statement. By making a commitment to conserve water you are setting an example for your friends, family and co-workers by helping raise awareness about the importance of a clean and safe water supply for everyone. Access to clean water should be regarded as a fundamental human right. It’s crucial that we all do our part to ensure that no person goes without clean and safe water. Kathy Dittrich is a senior majoring in English and French. We welcome all feedback. Please send responses to opinion@dailycardinal.com.
The Tell-Tale Symptoms of H1N1 - Fever
- Vomiting
- Comes on rapidly
- Body aches
- Dry Cough
- Chills
- Sore throat
- Stuffy/runny nose Source: University Health Services
comics 6
Hint Hint. All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20. dailycardinal.com/comics
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Time Management
Today’s Sudoku
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
Angel Hair Pasta
By Todd Stevens ststevens@wisc.edu
Sid and Phil
By Alex Lewein alex@sidnadphil.com
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
The Graph Giraffe
Charlie and Boomer
By Yosef Lerner ilerner@wisc.edu
By Natasha Soglin soglin@wisc.edu
Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com YOU ARE HERE ACROSS 1 Part of a jukebox 5 “Follow ___ car!” 9 A scythe may cut one 14 Edible tuber 15 Engage in, as war 16 Turkish rank of honor, once 17 Popular cookie 18 Land on the Persian Gulf 19 Type of alcohol 20 Weekly since 1955 (with “The”) 23 Art studio fixture 24 Road shoulder 25 X-ray measurements 29 Like operating rooms 31 Michigan State athlete 33 Alternatives to creams 35 Health club feature 36 Community summit 42 On ___ (reveling) 43 Utter a loud, harsh cry 44 Treacherous person (with “double”) 47 Did another take of 52 Encl. with a manuscript 53 One-horse carriage 55 ___ ear and out the other 56 Film that includes the line “I made a cow!”
59 A chorus line? 62 Autocrat of yore 63 Leave ___ (act gratuitously) 64 Hotel queen Helmsley 65 “Dennis the Menace” cartoonist Ketcham 66 Puerto ___ 67 “Seinfeld” character Elaine 68 USNA students 69 Eight, to Hans and Franz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 22
DOWN Boiling points? It goes around in a roundup “You’ll regret it otherwise!” Leatherworker, at times Kindling component Blue-flowered perennial Tequila source Domingo and others Design detail, briefly “Wind in the Willows” rodent Grate build-up “... ___ will be done” Unhinged computer of film Touches down Rambunctious child
26 Container for small oiletries 27 “Blinded by the Light” singer 28 Catch on a nail, say 30 It’s suitable for grazing 32 Free from germs 34 Full of cunning 36 Some O’s and X’s 37 Another, in Madrid 38 Apt rhyme for pursues” 39 Apollo part 40 Black-eyed Susan state 41 Animal that sounds exactly like you? 45 “To the max” indicator 46 A drummer should have it 48 Capital of Turkey 49 Kind of license or justice 50 Add vitamins and minerals to 51 Absolute ruler 54 Allegro ___ (very brisk, in music) 57 “A miss ___ good as a mile” 58 Really gets to 59 Clerical garment 60 Confederate commander at Gettysburg 61 Two thousand pounds
You Can Run
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
arts Short attention spans may ruin movies dailycardinal.com/arts
KEVIN SLANE dr. slanelove
his summer my roommate and I were thinking of movies to watch on one of the many rainy evenings in July. I suggested the Pixar masterpiece “WALL-E,” even though I had already seen it about six times. My roommate Jared said he’d never seen it before, an admission akin to treason in my book, so I forced him to sit and
Thursday, September 17, 2009
watch with us. Unfortunately, Jared displayed every characteristic of a terrible moviegoer. He went and made some food during the first five or ten minutes, ate noisily for the next ten, texted incessantly throughout and eventually fell asleep for the last half of the film. When the movie ended, he reported being a bit dissatisfied with “WALL-E,” saying it didn’t really capture his attention. Granted, Jared’s favorite film is “Reno 911!: Miami,” so it could have been a matter of taste. But the greater issue at hand was the
fact that Jared found a 98-minute movie to be too taxing for him. Some may argue that “WALLE’s” slow pacing or 40-minute, dialogue-free introduction may have been the issue. On the whole, it was a relatively short film, as the average length of a movie in the past decade was just a bit over two hours, which has been the norm since the 1960s. The greater issue, however, was the lack of sensory stimulus. In modern movies, there needs to be as many fights, jokes and shots of scantily clad women in a movie as possible. Although movies have
At a trim 98 minutes, “WALL-E” is a short film by industry standards. However, moviegoers in this day and age often need constant stimulation to be engaged in a film, something “WALL-E” lacks.
remained the same length, the average shot length (ASL) of films has gone down every year to the point where we have films like “Crank” and “Domino” that have an ASL of under two seconds, meaning a selection of “Crank” might have already had six different shots in the time it took you to read this sentence. A movie like “Reno 911!: Miami” is perfect for the modern movie viewer. It’s a mere 84 minutes long, it features plenty of jokes and action, and more importantly, the movie is based on a TV show, one that is shot in three-minute vignettes, no less. There’s no way even the most unfocused and uninspired movie viewer could become bored, because the movie won’t let you. It used to be that a movie like “Taxi Driver,” which moves at a slow pace but immerses you in character development, could entertain a viewer. Now people
in the audience would probably pull out their Blackberrys and Tweet “OMG sooo bored, when is @TravisBickle gonna kill som1 already?!? Martin Scorsese=FAIL #TaxiDriver.” Actually, having Twitter versions of classic movies might be pretty entertaining, but the fact remains that moviegoers’ attention spans are at an all-time low. I’m not exactly sure what the solution is, but I’m almost certain it doesn’t involve people making YouTube videos like “FUNNIEST PARTS OF ANCHORMAN LOL” or “Godfather II fight parts only!!!1!” Let’s try to lay off the energy drinks, put down the cell phones and laptops when watching a movie and try to not fall asleep 15 minutes into the film. Think Kevin’s column was way too long and boring? Use the #SlaneFAIL hashtag on Twitter to let him know, or e-mail him at kevslane@gmail.com.
8 Thursday, September 17, 2009
Schofield molding into defensive force
If O’Brien Schofield isn’t a household name among Wisconsin football fans yet, then they simply have not been paying attention. The 6'3", 248-pound defensive end has wreaked havoc on opposing offensive backfields so far this season, racking up 6.5 tackles for a loss and 18 total tackles in two games. To put it in perspective, Schofield recorded only 8.5 tackles for a loss and 40 total tackles for all of the 2008 season. After Saturday’s game, head coach Bret Bielema praised Schofield’s hard work and dedication that has produced his vast improvement this season. “[Schofield] has built himself up from an outside linebacker to a defensive end to a guy that probably got from where he was a year ago at this time to where he is today, being maybe a weakness to one of our biggest strengths,” Bielema said. But the path to success is never an easy one, and Schofield’s case is no exception. After tallying 99 tackles and 11 sacks his senior year at North Chicago Community High School in Great
Lakes, Ill., Schofield arrived at Wisconsin in the fall of 2005 to find out he would be playing linebacker for the first time in his life. To learn the intricacies of his new position, he took a redshirt his freshman year. Schofield struggled to learn the different terminologies of the linebacker position and switched back to defensive end following the 2006 season. He then spent much of the 2007 season refining his game against the towering Wisconsin offensive linemen on the scout team, to whom the senior captain still attributes much of his success. “Just having the advantage of going against those 6-6 guys, some teams we play aren’t as big as our scout team lineman, so that’s a big plus,” Schofield said. Schofield finally earned his first start in the 2007 Outback Bowl against Tennessee when both Wisconsin starting defensive ends went down with injuries. He impressed the coaching staff enough to merit the starting job heading into the 2008 season, though concerns over his lean build for a defensive end soon materialized as he struggled
against Big Ten offensive linemen. But Schofield’s struggles only motivated him to push harder, and he worked relentlessly throughout last season and this offseason to make himself a more complete player. A practitioner in humility, he credits coaches and team leaders for helping elevate his game more than anything. “Just being a follower and following the right guys and listening to the coaches, because all they try and do is help you,” Schofield said. “You have to be able to take criticism even when you don’t like it.” The hard work and dedication is apparent in watching Schofield terrorize opposing running backs and strike fear into the hearts of quarterbacks. Just ask Northern Illinois quarterback Chandler Harnish, who couldn’t even hand the ball off on a key fourth quarter play against Wisconsin before Schofield bulldozed him to the ground. The play forced a fumble and should have ended the game, but the referees botched the call. Schofield took home the co-defensive MVP for the game after finishing with seven tackles and a sack, but accolades only mean so much to him.
Senior defensive end O’Brien Schofield has 18 tackles this season. Having the confidence and trust of that I can lead this team, it means a his team, on the other hand, means lot,” Schofield said. “I’m just trying to play my hardest and be an example much more. “To have the respect of my team- for my teammates, and hopefully they mates and the coaches believe in me follow my lead.”
Too many flaws in coaches’ poll means it should be dropped BEN BREINER boom goes the breinamite
he traditional belief is that the people with the best understanding and exper-
tise in an area should be viewed as the top authorities on most matters in the field. That belief also often extends to giving those individuals more control over said field, since they should know it the better than most observers. When it comes to college football, that belief should go out the window.
The USA Today Football Coaches Poll must, at the very least, be taken out of the BCS equations and should probably be abolished. It simply is a poor way to rank college football teams since the participants are nowhere near unbiased and don’t have the time to understand the full landscape of college football.
There are a whole slew of issues with polls, including voters who consider a win over an FCS squad more impressive than a close loss to a good team and coaches who have their staff fill out their ballots (Jim Tressel and Joe Paterno have both suffered gaffs for doing this). Two reasons, however, stand above the rest. First, coaches' success is intimately tied to that poll. It feeds into the BCS, it decides which teams go to top bowls. Coaches have incentive to overrate their own teams, overrate teams they played (it makes their teams look better) and give the benefit of the doubt to teams from their conference or ones coached by friends (this last one is just human nature). In fact, it would serve the coach best to rate his own team first in the country and the 11 or 12 teams he plays in the top 15. Beyond that, coaches don’t have the chance to watch most football games because, not surprisingly, they work Saturdays. If a game starts at 11 a.m. the coach won’t be able to leave the stadium until three or four o’clock in the afternoon, assuming he does not do any work after the game. That means not seeing much of what happens on a football Saturday. If the game starts at 2:30 p.m. or later, a coach would not be watching games before his team played (he’d be too busy, you know, preparing), and would only be able to watch a few of the late games after. Does this sound like the amount of knowledge necessary to compile the rankings that directly affect who plays in BCS bowl games? Some would argue that since coaches know so much more about the inner workings of a game, that they would have the better understanding of which teams are truly better. This ignores the fact that coaches are paid to have only a deep knowledge of their team and
the teams they play. Does anyone honestly think Rich Rodriguez (who does have a coaches poll ballot) spends any time breaking down Cal and LSU to decide which to vote higher? Hell no. He probably spent time after the game breaking down film of his guys against Notre Dame and started taking a look at Eastern Michigan. By the end of the year he will know 14 teams (his, 12 regular season opponents, one bowl opponent) very, very well, but that won’t really make him an expert on who the top 25 teams in the country are. Interestingly, this also means that the majority of writers who vote in the AP poll shouldn’t have a vote that counts either (their votes don’t count now, but they do influence some other ballots). They also work on Saturdays, and during games they are coming up with story ideas about the teams in front of them, not closely tracking contests across the country. Writers get to games an hour early and spend around six or seven hours in the press box, not counting the transit time to get to and from the stadium. If there must be a voting system that ranks the top 25 and has an effect on the BCS, it needs to be in the hands of national writers, who aren’t in the press box on Saturdays, and focus on the majority of important games, not just the ones they go to. Ironically, this makes someone like Lou Holtz in perfect position to rank teams (minus the Notre Dame homerism of course) since he has to keep up with the important games all Saturday. It may seem illogical to wrest influence from the people who have the most intimate knowledge of college football, but ranking the top 25 requires taking the broad view. After a long day of work, most people couldn’t analyze the weekly shifts in their industries. Why should we expect coaches to do it?
Wofford at Wisconsin Camp Randall • 11 a.m. • Big Ten Network
Where does Zach Brown go for a late night snack? What’s his 2009 Heisman Prediction? Check out page B4 to find out.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
dailycardinal.com/gameday l
n the waning moments of Wisconsin’s clash with Fresno State last Saturday, many Badger fans had a troublesome question on their mind: Where has John Clay been? Then, as if he were answering the prayers of the Camp Randall faithful, Clay burst through the line and ran 72 yards to the end zone to give the Badgers their first lead of the game.
Story by James Adams Wisconsin used the momentum from the 72-yard run to secure victory in overtime and improve to 2-0. When all was said and done, the re-emergence of the 6-foot-2-inch Clay was certainly a high point of the day. It is no secret the Badgers are known throughout the Big Ten as a team that lives and dies by the run. However, Wisconsin’s 2009 season thus far has appeared to move away from the traditional “run between the tackles” style of play and toward a more balanced offensive attack. Even when the running game has failed to produce, Wisconsin has still managed to put points on the board. Quarterbacks junior Scott Tolzien and freshman Curt Phillips have combined to complete two-thirds of their passes and throw for 506 yards so far in 2009. Those stats are not nationally recognizable by any stretch of the imagination, but they are still an improvement from 2008. The Badgers completed just 54.1 percent of their passes in 2008 and had accumulated just 554 through their first three games last year. An enormous reason the Badgers have had success through the air so far is their veteran receiving core that returns five of the top six receivers from the 2008 squad. Junior receiver Isaac Anderson has shown great strides in his development through the first two games. After producing only 286 receiving yards in 2008, he leads the team in 2009 with 170. Senior tight end Garrett Graham, the Badgers’ leading receiver in 2008, has nine receptions on the year for a total of 131 yards. The improvement in the passing game may seem marginal at first glance, but consider that Wisconsin, a run first team, should eventually be able to use their upgraded passing game to force opposing defenses into devoting more personnel to account for the potential of the pass. According to junior running back Zach Brown, defenses this season have not yet begun to recognize the Wisconsin passing game as a credible threat. “Defenses are really respecting
our running game right now, especially in that first game. [Northern Illinois] came out and crowded that box,” Brown said. Northern Illinois’ emphasis on stopping the Wisconsin run proved efficient as they held the Badgers to a mere 152 yards on the ground. However, NIU paid a hefty price for stopping Clay and Brown, as Tolzien and Phillips combined for 281 passing yards. “When it comes down to it, we have to be able to run and pass.” Zach Brown running back UW football ISABEL ALVAREZ/THE DAILY CARDINAL
There is no doubt that a dual threat offense is necessary if Wisconsin is going to produce big numbers offensively in Big Ten play. “You’re going to need everything in the Big Ten,” Brown said. “When it comes down to it, we have to be able to run and pass.” In the Badgers’ six losses in 2008, the passing game averaged a miserable 178.3 yards per game. Wisconsin quarterbacks only completed 50.3 percent of their passes and threw for just four touchdowns compared to eight interceptions in those losses. If opposing defenses continue to view Wisconsin as a onedimensional offense, the Badgers must to continue to look toward the passing game for offensive production. However, if teams begin to respect the threat of the Wisconsin receiving corps, then Zach Brown and John Clay should put up big numbers as a result of facing less aggressive defensive fronts. The Badgers should put up big offensive numbers this weekend as they welcome Football Championship Subdivision member Wofford College to Madison. When Michigan State travels to Camp Randall the following weekend, the Badgers’ offense will face its toughest defensive test to date. It will be then that Wisconsin will know whether or not its passing game has gained legitimate recognition around the Big Ten.
John Clay’s dominating performance in the fourth quarter and overtime helped secure victory for the Badgers last weekend versus Fresno State.
Isaac Anderson and the Wisconsin receivers have moved the chains for the Badgers this season when Zach Brown and John Clay have struggled.
Wisconsin vs. Wofford
the matchup/series
Wisconsin Badgers (0-0 Big Ten, 20 overall) vs. Wofford Terriers (0-0 Southern, 1-1 overall) Series: First meeting between teams
Time: 11 a.m. TV: Big Ten Network Radio: Wisconsin Radio Network (with Matt Lepay and Mike Lucas)
Wisconsin’s Bret Bielema (Fourth year as head coach: 30-11 career) and Wofford’s Mike Ayers (22nd year as head coach: 142-97-1 career).
Wisconsin has sold out 41 straight home games. If Camp Randall is full against the Terriers, it will be the largest crowd Wofford has ever played in front of.
Wofford Terriers
Wisconsin Badgers team roster
team roster 02 03 04 05 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 52 53 53 54 55 56 57 58
Shelton, Stephon Wylie, Blake Scioneaux, Alvin Marshall, Jeremy White, Chris Turner, CJ Breitenstein, Eric Joslin, Justice Allen, Mitch Bersin, Brenton Johnson, Mychael Youman, Bryan Hornaday, Coleman Kass, Brian Reaves, Jamar Davitte, Stev Davis, Josh Simmons, Thomas johnson, Sam Rucker, Mike Taylor, Xan Williams, Rob Farrar, Lavadrick Scott, Michael Roseboro, Preston Monroe, Montae Diller, Trey Boggs, Matthew Sharpe, Jonathon Dunmire, Alex Braxton, Ricco Tommie, Chris Carden, Anthony Parks, Drew Lees, Sean Miller, Brad Parks, Arsenio Boyce, Derek Davenport, Clay Roulhac, Michael Nocek, Brad Palmer, Austin Hobson, Hunter Irvin, Tommy Stanley, SeQuan Flott, Mark Naim, Mike Bratcher, Kendall Thompson, Keaton Burris, Cody Blount, Gary Smith, Allen Bishop, Clark Ellis, Ross LeGrande, Phillip Johnson, Trey Bobb, Zach Marion, Hunt Novack, Craig
5-9 5-11 6-2 5-10 6-2 5-11 5-11 6-1 6-0 6-4 5-10 5-8 6-1 6-0 6-0 5-10 5-10 5-11 6-2 5-8 6-0 5-11 6-0 5-9 5-9 5-8 6-0 5-11 6-0 5-10 6-4 6-0 6-0 6-0 5-11 6-3 5-10 5-10 5-11 6-0 5-8 5-10 5-11 6-1 5-8 6-0 6-3 5-8 6-1 6-0 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-3
173 167 210 181 198 160 225 195 190 195 175 192 198 205 180 176 185 178 212 195 195 175 198 210 180 155 210 200 225 185 220 195 210 181 208 217 233 202 185 205 193 210 200 212 205 205 245 185 230 190 236 258 288 205 195 272 240 197 220
Fr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Fr. So. Sr. So. So. Sr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Fr. So. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. So. Fr. So. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Jr. So. So. Fr. So. So. Sr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Fr. So. So. Jr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr.
59 60 61 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Lane, James Ready, Joseph Stinman, Carter Wright, Josh Singleton, Jared Daniels, Paul Padgett, Martin Fornadel, Joseph Cantrell, Calvin Thomas, Jaynorris Page, Nate Vick, Matt Wilmoth, Ben Cummings, Chris Duren, Grant Reed, Christian Williamson, Anthony Gregory, Tymeco Jones, Chris Richardson, Rob Miles, Jake Illig, Pat Grommer, Josef Barnes, Kenny Cody, Grant Royster, David Young, Andrew Chappell, Jamie Bennett, Landon Inman, Joseph Richardson, Johnson Gaston, Clark Reed, Devin Roseborough, Josh Clark, Mitch Hillard, Josh Pall, Ameet Murray, Zach Goltry, Alex Van Der Linden, Cody Eberhardt, Eric White, T.J.
6-0 6-2 6-4 5-10 6-2 5-10 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-9 6-2 6-1 6-0 6-1 6-3 6-0 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-5 6-5 6-2 5-11 5-10 6-0 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-3 5-11 6-2 6-1 6-3 6-1 6-3
202 255 190 260 330 270 269 285 288 310 292 275 278 215 290 170 220 293 235 260 261 330 292 215 170 180 202 215 200 245 245 255 190 215 255 260 235 230 240 225 275 290
Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Jr. Fr. So. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. So. So. So. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Fr. So. Fr. So. Sr. So. Fr.
01 Toon, Nick WR 02 Valai, Jay DB 03 Jefferson, Kyle WR 05 Lukasko, Andrew DB 05 Budmayr, Jon QB 06 Anderson, Isaac WR 07 Henry, Aaron DB 08 Pleasant, Aubrey DB 08 Appleton, Kraig WR 09 Sorensen, Blake LB 10 Phillips, Curt QB 10 Smith, Devin DB 11 Gilbert, David DL 12 Tice, Nate QB 12 Southward, Dezmen DB 13 Abbrederis, Jared WR 13 O’Neill, Conor LB 14 Cromartie, Marcus DB 15 St. Jean, Culmer LB 15 Duckworth, Jeff WR 16 Tolzien, Scott QB 16 Offor, Chukwuma DB 17 Preisler, Mike RB 17 Peprah, Josh DB 18 Sherer, Dustin QB 18 Welch, Philip K 19 Hartmann, William DB 20 Williams, T.J. WR 21 Maragos, Chris DB 22 Hampton, Adam DB 22 Smith, Erik RB 22 Feaster, Darius DB 23 Moore, Maurice WR 23 Ponio, Jerry DB 24 Johnson, Shelton DB 25 Carter, Shane DB 26 Fenelus, Antonio DB 27 Emanuel, Nate WR 27 Zuleger, Kyle DB 28 Ring-Noonan, Coddye DB 28 Ball, Montee RB 29 Brinkley, Niles DB 30 Brown, Zach RB 31 Moody, Prince DB 32 Clay, John RB 32 Kossoris, Eric WR 34 Ewing, Bradie RB 36 Turner, Mickey TE 36 Armstrong, Ethan LB 37 Claxton, Kevin DB 38 Holland, Tyler DB 39 Fenton, A.J. LB 41 Rouse, Kevin LB 42 Prather, Erik LB 42 Spitz, Sam FB 43 Hubbard, Leonard LB 44 Borland, Chris LB 45 Moore, Dan DL 46 Kennedy, Sean DB
6-3 5-9 6-4 5-10 6-0 5-10 6-0 5-11 6-3 6-1 6-3 5-11 6-4 6-5 6-1 6-2 6-0 6-1 6-0 6-0 6-3 6-0 6-0 5-11 6-3 6-3 5-11 6-0 6-0 5-11 6-0 5-11 5-10 6-1 6-0 6-1 5-9 6-0 5-11 5-10 5-11 5-10 5-10 5-10 6-1 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-2 6-1 5-11 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-0 6-0 5-11 6-2 6-2
Do you like football? Talking about football? Writing about football?
212 201 184 182 199 177 195 203 202 231 228 188 234 230 210 175 200 190 233 200 205 179 194 205 220 200 200 183 198 185 198 190 180 197 183 203 185 195 179 195 225 188 210 198 248 191 231 250 240 218 194 219 232 230 245 231 235 283 181
Jr./So. Sr./Jr. Jr./Jr. Jr./So. Fr./Fr. Sr./Jr. Jr./So. 5th/Sr. Fr./Fr. Jr./Jr. So./Fr. So./So. Fr./Fr. Jr./So. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. Sr./Jr. Fr./Fr. Sr./Jr. jr./So. Jr./So. Fr./Fr. 5th/Sr. Jr./So. 5th/Sr. So./Fr. 5th/Sr. Jr./So. So./Fr. Fr./Fr. Sr./Jr. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. 5th/Sr. So./So. Sr./Jr. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. Fr./Fr. Sr./Jr. Jr./Jr. 5th/Sr. Jr./So. Jr./So. So./So. Sr./Sr. Fr./Fr. So./So. Sr./Sr. Fr./Fr. Jr./So. 5th/Sr. So./Fr. So./Fr. Fr./Fr. Sr./Sr. Fr./Fr.
46 Davison, Zach 47 McFadden, Jaevery 48 Pederson, Jacob 49 Wozniak, Brian 50 Schofield, O’Brian 51 Dippel, Tyler 52 Hill, Nick 53 Taylor, Mike 54 Heckner, Clinton 55 Briedis, Eriks 56 Groff, Matthew 57 Woodward, Drew 58 Wagner, Ricky 59 Megna, Tony 60 Current, Jake 61 Edmiston, Sam 62 Wojta, Kyle 63 Dehn, Casey 64 Hein, Jordan 64 Burge, Robert 65 Schafer, Joe 66 Konz, Peter 67 Oglesby, Josh 68 Carimi, Gabe 69 Dietzen, Alex 70 Zeitler, Kevin 72 Frederick, Travis 73 Bergmann, Jordan 74 Moffit, John 75 Hemer, Ethan 75 Matthias, Zac 76 Nagy, Bill 77 Cascone, Dan 78 Bscherer, Jake 79 Stehle, Jeff 79 Groy, Ryan 81 Korslin, Rob 82 Byrne, Jake 84 Kendricks, Lance 85 Gilreath, David 86 Theus, Elijah (T.J.) 87 Kirtley, Richard 89 Graham, Garrett 89 Harris Shelby 90 Wickesberg, Ryan 90 Mains, Anthony 91 Kohout, Jordan 92 Muldoon, Pat 93 Nzegwu, Louis 94 Westphal, Tyler 94 Reierson, Jeremy 95 Butrym, Patrick 96 Brunner, Michael 96 Lerner, Alec 97 Kelly Brendan 98 Nortman, Brad 99 Watt, J.J
6-4 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-0 6-3 6-7 6-2 6-6 6-3 6-7 6-4 6-5 6-7 6-7 6-8 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-6 6-5 6-3 6-3 6-7 6-6 6-5 6-4 6-4 6-4 5-11 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-6 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-6 6-6 6-4 6-5 5-7 6-6 6-3 6-6
244 230 224 242 248 254 217 221 275 290 234 212 313 202 304 266 231 298 286 308 305 315 330 325 305 317 336 322 320 274 316 310 301 310 310 310 260 260 236 170 195 196 250 246 215 223 285 240 245 252 238 291 256 172 240 209 287
So./Fr. 5th/Sr. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. 5th/Sr. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. So./Fr. 5th/Sr. So./Fr. Jr./So. So./So. Fr./Fr. Jr./So. Fr./Fr. 5th/Sr. So./Fr. So./Fr. So./Fr. Jr./So. Sr./Jr. Fr./Fr. So./So. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. Sr./Jr. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. Sr./Jr. 5th/Sr. Sr./Jr. 5th/Sr. Fr./Fr. Jr./So. So./So. Sr./Jr. Jr./Jr. 5th/Sr. 5th/Sr. 5th/Sr. Fr./Fr. Jr./So. So./Fr. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. Jr./So. So./Fr. So./Fr. Jr./So. Fr./Fr. Fr./Fr. So./Fr. So./So. Jr./So.
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Wisconsin vs. Wofford
Badgers’ biggest threat this Saturday could be themselves WISCONSIN OFFENSE VS. WOFFORD DEFENSE
The Badgers’ offense received a nice boost from its running game late in last Saturday’s clash with Fresno State. So much so that sophomore running back John Clay claimed the top running back spot on the depth chart and will start his first game as a Badger Saturday against Wofford. The Terriers’ defense has surrendered 4.2 yards per rush this season without facing a talented back like Clay. A surprise this year has been how effective senior Scott Tolzien and the Badgers’ passing attack has played. The receiver core is averaging almost 15 yards per catch, and three Badgers, senior Garrett Graham, sophomore Nick Toon and junior Isaac Anderson, have over 120 receiving yards on the season, compared to last year when no Badgers had 100 receiving yards through the first two games. Wofford gave 40 points to the South Florida Bulls in their first game of the year. If the Badgers eliminate silly mistakes they should put up at least that many points.
Through two games the Badgers’ defense is still a mystery. At times they show signs of brilliance but at others they look confused and vulnerable. Facing Wofford’s offense could be a good chance for the defense to brush up their abilities. The Terriers’ main weapon, sophomore running back Eric Breitenstein, will not play against the Badgers due to injury. He’s accumulated 187 rushing yards and three touchdowns in the first two games. The Terriers’ second leading rusher is sophomore quarterback Mitch Allen. Wofford’s offense runs the wishbone, which is a triple option similar to the offense the Badgers faced last year against Cal Poly. Last week against Charleston Southern, Wofford racked up 394 rushing yards. The Terriers were second in the FCS last year in both rushing offense with 343 yards per game and total offense with 470 yards per game. Bret Bielema and the Badgers should expect a heavy dose of running and deception from the Terriers, but it’s nothing they can’t handle. Advantage: Wisconsin
Advantage: Wisconsin SPECIAL TEAMS
Wisconsin’s special teams excelled last weekend. Sophomore kicker Phillip Welch kicked a 57-yard field goal, the longest in Camp Randall history, as well as a 22-yard game-winning kick. Fellow sophomore, punter Brad Nortman, averaged almost 50 yards a punt while dropping two kicks inside the 20. The Badgers’ weakness was defending punt and kick returns. Fresno State dominated the Badgers’ kick-off unit, returning four kicks for 112 yards. Currently Wofford leads the Southern Conference in kickoff returns. Senior Chris Tommie handles the punting and kicking for the Terriers. His only field goal attempt this year was a miss. It was a similar story last season with Cal Poly and it turned out Cal Poly’s kicking cost them the game. The only special teams issue the Badgers need to worry about is their kick and punt coverage. Otherwise, the Terriers aren’t even close to as dangerous as the Fresno State squad the Badgers saw last weekend.
Despite some saying head coach Bret Bielema is on the hot seat this season, he keeps finding ways to win. He’s kept the Badgers’ bowl-steak alive and has averaged over nine wins in his first three seasons. Last year’s mid-season skid initiated some questions about his recruiting and coaching style, but as the fourth-youngest coach in the FBS, Bielema has some rare accolades. Only Michigan’s Fielding Yost’s 22 wins in his first two years and 55-0-1 start to his coaching career are better than Bielema’s in Big Ten history. Wofford’s Mike Ayers is one of the best coaches in the FCS. Entering his 22nd season with the Terriers, he has earned Southern Conference Coach of the Year honors in 2000, 2003 and 2007. His 142-97-1 career record at Wofford makes him the winningest coach in the school’s history. He continuously has the Terriers at the top of the Southern Conference and ranked in the FCS polls. Although Ayers has more experience than Bielema, Wisconsin still gets the nod here Advantage: Wisconsin
Advantage: Wisconsin
—Compiled by Nick Schmitt
We’re playing who? Wofford 101: An Introductory Survey NICO SAVIDGE Savidge Nation
hen I sat down to write this column, I figured I might break down some of the key matchups in Saturday’s Wisconsin versus Wofford matchup, talk about what the Badgers should be prepared for, that kind of thing. But then I realized something: I don’t know anything about Wofford. I’m not just clueless about their coverage schemes or recruiting class, I literally don’t know anything about Wofford College other than the fact that they’re coming to Madison Saturday. Like so many of Wisconsin’s outof-conference opponents, Wofford is one of those FCS, formerly known as Division I-AA, schools no one has ever really heard of. One of them comes to Camp Randall each football season, loses, and returns to whatever obscure corner of the country from which they came. Honestly, who among us can rattle off a list of facts about The Citadel or Temple? As a California native (does my picture give it away?) I can list a couple of things I know about last year’s FCS opponent, Cal Poly: 1) Cal Poly is in San Louis Obispo, Calif., a beach town in southern California. 2) I wouldn’t exactly call them a strong school academically—I know some guys who go to SLO (pronounced like “slow”), as they call it. They are not what most people consider “winners.” So in the spirit of better knowing who these tiny schools are that we play each year, I present this helpful guide to today’s matchup: “Who the Hell are We Playing: Wofford Edition.” To Wikipedia!
Okay, your TAs will probably tell you that’s not the most reliable source but honestly—who the hell is going to know enough about Wofford to correct me? Apparently, Wofford (pronounced like “wa-ford,” and not “woe-ford” or “woof-ord,” as I assumed) is a liberal arts college of about 1,500 students in Spartanburg, S.C., that was founded in 1854 by Rev. Benjamin Wofford. The entire campus was designated as an arboretum in 2002, and the Wofford College Historic District was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, which is... nice, I guess. There are 113 teachers at Wofford, which means the Terriers have more football players and coaches than faculty members, which brings me to
Wofford’s team. So far this year, the Terriers are 1-1, having lost 40-7 to South Florida on the road Sept. 5 and won 42-14 over Charleston Southern in a home game at Gibbs Stadium last week. Their 13,000-seat stadium is named for Jimmy Gibbs, owner of Gibbs International of Spartanburg, which the Wofford Athletic Department website describes as “the world’s largest dealer in preowned textile machinery.” Wofford is no stranger to David and Goliath matchups like the one it will face Saturday. In 2007, North Carolina State invited the Terriers to get their asses kicked, while South Carolina did so last season, though the Gamecocks only escaped with a 23-13 win.
On offense, Wofford boasts the top running game and the worst passing attack in the Southern Conference, while their defense is ranked third in the conference. So those are the Wofford Terriers for you. For any Wofford fans in Madison this weekend, I say welcome. Go to the Capitol, look at
our lakes, marvel at our fancy stadium and big buildings. Just know that next year, a whole new gang of nobodies will come through Camp Randall Stadium to receive a thorough beating and crawl off dejected to their tiny little campus somewhere. Oh, hello Furman. Fancy a trip to Wisconsin in 2010?
B4 Wisconsin vs. Wofford l
Better Know a Badger: Running back Zach Brown
Class: Junior Eligibility: Junior Major: History Hometown: Royal Palm, Florida High School: Royal Palm Beach HS Height: 5’10” Weight: 210lbs. Most Memorable Athletic Moment: Rushing for a career-high 250 yards and two touchdowns against Minnesota in 2007 Favorite Professional Athlete: Michael Jordan Favorite Professional Sports Team: Detroit Pistons 2009 Heisman Prediction: California running back Jahvid Best Halloween or Mifflin: Halloween Favorite late night snack venue in Madison: Fat Sandwich Co.
Wisconsin vs. Wofford
B6 Wisconsin vs. Wofford l
SATURDAY’S BIG GAMES (8) California vs. Minnesota 11 a.m.
Tennessee’s Kiffin not afraid of Gator’s bite from Air Force, where he coached from 2002-2008. Major conference teams have had trouble running the option as a primary offense because of the athleticism of today’s premier defensive players. However, Georgia Tech is 2-0 so far and had success against an athletic Clemson defense despite an anemic passing game that saw quarterback Josh Nesbitt complete just three of 14 passes for 83 yards and two interceptions. Both teams are coming off of nail-biting wins. Miami did not play last week, but beat Florida State 38-34 in their opener, as Harris threw for 384 yards and two touchdowns. Georgia Tech jumped out to an early 24point lead against Clemson last Saturday, but needed a late field goal to survive 30-27.
Tennessee vs. (1) Florida 2:30 p.m. (19) Nebraska vs. (13) Virginia Tech 2:30 p.m. Texas Tech vs. (2) Texas 7 p.m.
WEEK THREE POLLS AP TOP 25 1. Florida (56) 1,491 2. Texas (1) 1,404 3. USC (1) 1,396 4. Alabama (2) 1,328 5. Mississippi 1,145 5. Penn State 1,145 7. Brigham Young 1,122 8. California 1,058 9. LSU 951 10. Boise State 945 11. Ohio State 840 12. Oklahoma 835 13. Virginia Tech 749 14. Georgia Tech 683 15. TCU 609 16. Oklahoma State 445 17. Cincinnati 407 18. Utah 405 19. Nebraska 365 20. Miami (FL) 364 21. Houston 341 22. Kansas 271 23. Georgia 260 24. North Carolina 250 25. Michigan 169 Others Receiving Votes: Missouri 93, Pittsburgh 87, Oregon State 64, Texas Tech 54, UCLA 44, Notre Dame 40, West Virginia 30, Auburn 26, Iowa 23, Boston College 19, Baylor 15, Clemson 10, Oregon 5, Arizona 4, Arkansas 3, Colorado State 2, Florida State 1, Minnesota 1, South Florida 1
USA TODAY/COACHES 1. Florida (56) 1,472 2. Texas 1,399 3. USC (3) 1,369 4. Alabama 1,277 5. Penn State 1,216 6. Mississippi 1,060 7. LSU 1,051 7. California 1,051 9. Brigham Young 941 10. Boise State 913 11. Ohio State 855 12. Oklahoma 794 13. Georgia Tech 771 14. Virginia Tech 709 15. TCU 648 16. Utah 533 17. Oklahoma State 485 18. Nebraska 471 19. North Carolina 341 20. Georgia 333 21. Cincinnati 328 22. Miami (FL) 291 23. Kansas 195 24. Oregon State 118 25. Missouri 104 Others Receiving Votes: Michigan 84, Houston 69, Texas Tech 68, Pittsburgh 40, Notre Dame 32, Auburn 30, Iowa 27, Florida State 19, Oregon 16, West Virginia 16, UCLA 13, South Florida 13, Kentucky 9, Arizona 4, Central Michigan 2, Colorado State 2, Minnesota 2, Northwestern 2, Arkansas 1, Tulsa 1, South Carolina 1
Tennessee head coach Lane Kiffin pulled his best Joe Namath impression this summer by predicting a win over the NCAA champion Florida Gators. By Parker Gabriel GAMEDAY
Marquee matchups in the SEC and ACC highlight week three in college football. Although Big Ten play does not begin until next weekend, Michigan is already creating a buzz around the conference after defeating Notre Dame.
Tennessee vs. Florida Tim Tebow, Urban Meyer and the rest of the Florida Gators should not need any extra motivation for this weekend’s SEC clash with the Tennessee Volunteers. However, first-year Tennessee head coach Lane Kiffin, former coach of the Oakland Raiders, provided plenty of bulletin board material this summer, adding to the intensity of Saturday’s matchup. Kiffin’s job is to return Tennessee to national prominence, and he certainly made headlines this summer by publicly calling out other SEC teams, most notably Florida. “I’m really looking forward to ... singing Rocky Top all night long after we beat Florida next year,” Kiffin said this summer. And if that didn’t provide the Gators with enough motivation, Kiffin also wrongly accused Urban Meyer of violations in the recruiting process and boasting that he had recruits commit to Tennessee even though Meyer cheated to try to steal them away. All of the talk and motivation will be settled on the field Saturday afternoon, and Florida certainly has the tools to put on a show. The Gators have overwhelmed their first two opponents, outscoring Charleston Southern and Troy by a combined score of 118 to 9. While neither team had any business being on the field with the Florida, it will take a near flawless performance from Tennessee senior quarterback
Jonathon Crompton and the rest of the Vols if they want to have any chance of singing in Gainesville. Michigan If Michigan fans thought the football team had hit rock bottom last year after a 3-9 season, this offseason may have proved them wrong. All summer, coach Rich Rodriguez and the Wolverines were enshrouded with controversy and showered with criticism. Rodriguez and his staff were accused of working players too hard and keeping them over the NCAA maximum of twenty hours a week during the season and eight hours a week during the summer. Rodriguez is also being sued over his alleged failure to pay back a $3.9 million loan in a real estate venture. After only one season in Ann Arbor, the coach’s job seemed to be in jeopardy. Two weeks into the regular season, all of those problems have been seemingly wiped off the slate. The Wolverines followed up an impressive 31-7 victory over Western Michigan in week one with a dramatic 3834 victory over No. 18 Notre Dame last weekend in the Big House. The win, easily the most significant for the program during the Rodriguez era, featured a coming out party of sorts for true freshman quarterback Tate Forcier. Forcier threw for 240 yards and two touchdowns, including a 5-yard score with eleven seconds left to put Michigan ahead. The athletic freshman also rushed for 70 yards and a score. Forcier showed impressive poise and leadership in leading his team down the field at the end of the game, and flashed brilliance by repeatedly avoiding an unrelenting pass rush from the Fighting Irish. The two victories have vaulted Michigan out of turmoil and back in the AP Top 25, as they
are ranked 25th in the country this week. Michigan faces Eastern Michigan this Saturday in Ann Arbor in a final tuneup before their Big Ten opener September 26 at home against Indiana. Georgia Tech vs. Miami
Two of the top teams in the ACC Coastal Division will collide this Thursday night when the No. 14 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets travel to Coral Gables, FL, to take on the No. 20 Miami Hurricanes. In possibly the most interesting on-field matchup of the week, the Hurricanes will feature sophomore quarterback Jacory Harris and a spread offense, while the Yellow Jackets will counter with a triple-option offense based on deception and running the ball. Yellow Jackets head coach Paul Johnson brought the tripleoption flexbone attack with him
Two of the Big 12’s offensive juggernauts will face off Saturday night in Austin as No. 2 ranked Texas will play host to unranked Texas Tech. Last season’s matchup between these two teams ended with wide receiver Michael Crabtree hauling in an improbable touchdown reception with one second remaining to upset Texas and seemingly end their shot at a national title. Texas Tech bid farewell to quarterback Graham Harrell and Crabtree after last season, but junior quarterback Taylor Potts has been producing plenty for the Red Raiders this season. Potts has already thrown for 861 yards and nine touchdowns through two games. Heisman hopeful Colt McCoy will start under center for the Longhorns on Saturday. The senior quarterback has helped Texas ouscore opponents 100-30 so far this season. Texas has hopes for a national title this season, but those dreams could be quickly derailed if the Longhorns cannot find a way to stop the high powered Texas Tech passing game Saturday night.
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Wisconsin vs. Wofford
12345 things to watch
compiled by Mark Bennett
GETTING HEALTHY Bret Bielema now admits that as many as 40 players were sick with flu-like symptoms last week. Along with sophomore Aaron Henry unable to play against Fresno State because of the flu bug, fellow cornerback junior Niles Brinkley also had to battle through the game with a hamstring injury. They weren’t alone. Junior center John Moffitt and defensive ends freshman Brendan Kelly and sophomore Louis Nzegwu have all been fighting through various injuries. The absence of Henry and injury to Brinkley left big gaps in the pass defense for the Badgers, and though Moffitt’s replacement, freshman Travis Frederick, has been solid, Moffitt will certainly be a welcomed aid to the run game. It will be important this week to continue nursing the injured back to strength while also keeping the rest of the team healthy.
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FCS Wisconsin last faced a Division I Football Championship Subdivision (formerly 1-AA) team in the 2008 season finale. It took overtime for the Badgers to pull off an embarrassingly close win against the Cal Poly Mustangs. Anyone remotely familiar with college football will also remember the Appalachian State versus Michigan game two seasons ago in which the 1-AA Mountaineers pulled off one of the biggest upsets in all of college football history, defeating the Wolverines in Michigan Stadium. The fact is a handful of schools in the Championship Subdivision, like Appalachian State, field excellent teams year after year that are more than capable of beating Division 1 teams. The Badgers and Bielema are certainly aware of this and will bring their A-game this Saturday, regardless of which division their opponent is in.
DEFENSIVE ROLLERCOASTER After almost allowing NIU to steal the game in the fourth quarter two weeks ago, the Wisconsin defense struggled last week against Fresno State. It’s hard to say that the Badgers played poorly when they collected three interceptions in the game. However, it’s hard to say they played well when the team allowed Fresno State to convert eight of eleven third downs. This week is Wisconsin’s final chance before the Big Ten season begins to prove they possess a defense which can play an entire 60 minutes. The Badgers have already shown flashes of brilliance on the defensive side with the extraordinary play of seniors Chris Maragos and O’Brien Schofield. Maragos broke up a pass against NIU to end that game and intercepted Fresno State’s final pass this past week to set up the game winning field goal. Meanwhile, Schofield has already collected 6.5 tackles for a loss, in just two games this season. The rest of the Wisconsin defense must begin to step up as well this week and play a full four quarters against Wofford.
JOHN CLAY Redshirt sophomore John Clay showed Bret Bielema Saturday that he is the Badgers' top back and was rewarded. Clay will start this week’s game against Wofford after splitting time with junior Zach Brown in the first two weeks. Against Fresno State, Clay rushed 21 times for 143 yards. Half of those yards, however, came in Clay’s fourth quarter, 72-yard touchdown gallop. Both Clay and Brown will have their hands full this week, though against a Wofford defense that has, so far, controlled the run game well. The Terriers allowed Charleston Southern just 113 yards on the ground last week. Then again, Wisconsin is no Charleston Southern. Clay must have another solid performance this week to keep up his impressions on the coaching staff and his position at the top of the depth chart.
© 2009, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
WOFFORD WHO? Don’t be embarrassed if you’ve never heard of Wofford before. You’re not alone. The Terriers, who call Spartanburg, SC, home, belong to the Division 1 Championship Subdivision and the Southern Conference. Although home to just 1,500 students and a football stadium that wouldn’t even hold the Wisconsin student section, don’t brush off the Wofford football team. The Terriers have twice captured the Southern Conference Championship in the past five seasons, including a share of the title with powerhouse Appalachian State in 2007. The Terriers are 1-1 so far in the 2009 season, and last week the team racked up 469 total yards in a 42-14 victory over Charleston Southern, including an astonishing 400 yards on the ground. Rest assured the Terriers will be fully prepared and determined against the Badgers this Saturday.
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Wisconsin vs. Wofford
ON FIRE HOUSTON For the first time since Nov. 10, 1984 the Houston Cougars defeated an opponent ranked in the AP top five. Junior quarterback Case Keenum threw for 366 yards and three touchdowns in the win. The Cougars scored 21 points in the fourth quarter to secure the upset. Their final touchdown, a 26-yard interception return by junior Jamal Robinson, sucked the wind out of any comeback chance from Oklahoma State.
MICHIGAN QB TATE FORCIER It only took one last second drive for Michigan’s true freshman quarterback to grow up. Forcier was a force to be reckoned with against Notre Dame. He completed 23 of 33 passes for 240 yards and threw two touchdowns, while running for 70 yards and a touchdown on a fourth down draw. He said after the game he doesn’t get ner vous and Wolverine fans instantly fell in love with him. Not only did he take all the pressure of head coach Rich Rodriguez, but he also propelled Michigan back into the top 25.
UCLA SAFTEY RAHIM MOORE UCLA’s sophomore safety definitely had a nose for the ball in the first two weeks of this season. In week one against San Diego State he picked off the Aztecs’ sophomore quarterback Ryan Lindley three times in a 33-14 victor y. And then last week in Knoxville against Tennessee he gave Jonathan Crompton a fit intercepting two of his passes. Heading into week three he leads the nation is interceptions, with two more than anyone else. Up next for Moore is Kansas State’s junior quarterback Carson Coffman.
ICE COLD CHARLIE WEIS With a three-point lead late in the game against rival Michigan, Charlie Weis dropped the ball for his Fighting Irish. Instead of running time off the clock on their final drive, he decided to call two passes that both fell incomplete and allowed the Wolverines to save their timeouts. Michigan got the ball back with just over two minutes left on the clock and drove down the field to win the game. It led to great television but couldn’t have ser ved in the hearts of Notre Dame fans.
MICHIGAN STATE Picked by some to be a dark horse in the Big Ten, the Spartans were upset last weekend by the MAC’s Central Michigan. Going into the fourth quarter Michigan State was up by a touchdown but sloppy defense and some bad luck resulted in them giving up 16 points to the Chippewas. With 32 seconds remaining in the game Central Michigan senior quarterback Dan LeFevour connected with sophomore running back Paris Cotton to bring the game within one, but they failed to convert the two-point conversion. The Spartans failed to recover a game-clinching onside kick, which led the Chippewas to the game-winning 42-yard field goal.
JONATHAN CROMPTON Tennessee’s quarterback problem reappeared last week as Crompton struggled against UCLA. He burst out of the gate in week one throwing five touchdowns and completing 75 percent of his passes but it was against an inferior opponent. The Bruins forced Crompton to throw three interceptions and held him to only 93 passing yards. Head coach Lane Kiffin said he would still go with Crompton as the starter against Florida this week, but if he continues to struggle junior quarterback —Nick Schmitt
Michigan State only has one week to fix their mistakes they made against the Chippewas before coming to Camp Randall to rumble with the Badgers.
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University of Wisconsin-Madison
BADGERS ARE BAWLERS, SHOT CALLERS Player: Just because we’re basketball players doesn’t mean we don’t cry SPORTS
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Thursday, September 1, 2009
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
Thursday, September 17, 2009
career guide
Spending in the present, saving for the future
W-Madison junior Andrew King understands the economic plight of the modern student. “As students with no full-time source of income, many of us are living paycheck to paycheck,” King said. King, who is also the president of UW’s chapter of AIESEC— the world’s largest student-based organization, which focuses on building a global network—faces similar problems as his peers when it comes to saving money for retirement. “I probably work about 20 to 25 hours per week, and that’s just enough to cover rent, food, bills and the occasional night out,” King said. “[And] as an out-of-state student, I’m racking up a mountain of debt just to get my education.” Tuition is on the rise. Social security is in danger. Students are leaving college with more debt than ever and on top of all that, are being told to save for a retirement that’s 50 years away when they’ve got bills due tomorrow. With a little fiscal planning, however, saving for someday might be easier—and cheaper—than it seems.
Story by Sarah Nance
Take what you can get “You should always be saving or trying to save,” said Karen Holden, professor of consumer science and public affairs at UW-Madison. “[It doesn’t matter] whether [savings are] for retirement or some unexpected event in your life.” Saving is especially important for young people facing a potential crisis in the economy, according to Moses Altsech, professor of marketing at the Edgewood College MBA program. “The guaranteed retirement funds of yesteryear no longer exist,” Altsech said. “The good news is there is more than one way to save.” One such way is by taking advantage of 401K plans offered by many companies. For employees with a 401K plan, employers will match funds with a set percentage taken from each paycheck, according to Altsech. “It’s always a smart idea to take advantage of the 401K,” he said. “[Then] you don’t need the self-discipline of getting a check ... and putting [a percentage] away.” The key is to start saving as soon as possible, according to Holden, even if it’s just a little each month. “A lot of people think they can wait until they have more money,” Holden said. “People should put aside [money] out of every paycheck, even if it’s just a modest amount, like 10 or 20 dollars.” Additionally, the sooner students start investing and saving, the more time the money has to grow, according to Jim Hodder, professor of finance at the Wisconsin School of Business. “The sooner you start, the better off you are because of the power of compounding,” Hodder said, referring to how the money multiplies annually. “The key underlying idea is that even a relatively modest amount starting early on, if it’s compounded for 45 years, that’s a big deal.”
Students do their homework Impossible to save? “Due to the ever-rising cost of tuition and housing, it is very difficult for students to actively take action on this while still in school,” said Paul Theine, UW-Madison student and president of Phi Beta Lambda. “Many students are worried about the cost of living today, and not about their retirement.” Education worth the cost “I’m ... confident that my education will pay big financial returns once I’ve graduated,” Andrew King, former president of AIESEC-Madison, said. “From my point of view, it’s better to live life to the fullest now while I can, rather than sacrificing in order to save for the future, even if that means borrowing against my future financial earnings.” Look at the big picture “Do not give into the temptation that just because you now have the extra money [with a first job], you can go out and buy all those things you have really wanted the past four to five years,” Theine said. “Use the extra money to plan financially for your future.” Remember to relax “Chances are that if you enjoy your life as a student, you’ll do better in school, which means you’ll be in a better situation to pay off all that debt after you graduate,” King said. “After all, it’s only money.”
However, students should make their money work for them, Hodder said, by investing in a fund with a good interest rate and without a heavy tax burden. “You want to do something that’s tax efficient,” Hodder said, recommending an IRA fund. “[With an IRA], you can put money in without first paying taxes on it. Then it can compound tax-free until you take the money out.” Before investing, though, students should leave a little money in the bank to fall back on if needed, according to Hodder. “You don’t want to tie everything up in long-term investments,” he said. “Have some cash in the bank for some cushion.” Hodder also recommends index funds, an account that invests in a broad portfolio. “Some people think they can one-up the market,” Hodder said. “You’re probably better off just buying an index fund.” Drowning in debt Debt, however, is nothing to be taken lightly. Many students graduate with thousands of dollars in student loans, as well as the constant struggle to meet living costs and other expenses. “There’s this problem of how you get from [being] a relatively broke, possibly in-debt college student, to being able to save some money,” Hodder said. For a recent graduate with a new—and perhaps low-paying—career, saving in the face of debt can be a struggle, according to Altsech. “Because of the nature of debt, it’s not something you can get out of easily,” he said. He stressed the importance of understanding the types of items worth getting in debt over. “There is something very different about the debt you get into for buying Gucci shoes and the debt you get into for college,” Altsech said. “An education pays itself off.” Even though education is an investment, there are still ways to reduce the amount of debt after graduation, according to Holden. “The best way to save is to quit spending on your credit cards,” she said. Paying off just the minimum each month is not a fiscally responsible idea, Altsech said. “It’s going to send you to the poorhouse and nothing short of that,” he said, stressing that students should only spend money they have. The cultural comfort with rising debt is making students think it’s acceptable to charge up large bills they can’t pay on credit, Holden said. “It’s a culture where it’s hard to say, ‘I just can’t afford it,’” she said. “It’s not easy having less money than other people but the reality is you can’t continue to live beyond your income.” Altsech agreed with the changing societal dynamics regarding debt. “We live in a culture that’s very debt-friendly,” Altsech said. “We just have to become less comfortable with the idea of debt.” The early bird... The bottom line, according to Altsech: “The sooner you start to save, the better off you are.” However, Altsech sees debt and the pressures of school as preventing current students from investing—yet. “I’m not sure it’s feasible to start saving when you’re still in school,” he said. Holden, however, disagrees. “I’m surprised at how many students I teach have started saving,” she said. Even if students don’t start saving until after graduation, they can still manage, Hodder said. “I probably didn’t save anything really significant until two or three years after school,” he said. According to Hodder, part of the trick of saving after college is to live a low-budget, college-type life. “Just because you start making more money doesn’t mean you have to spend it,” Hodder said. If students do decide to take advantage of offers from employers, they shouldn’t put all of their assets in one place, cautioned Hodder. “If you have some of your own resources, you’ve got more protection,” he said, adding that diversity is crucial. “Losing 90 percent of your retirement is not fun, so one of the things you don’t want to do is tie up all your money in company stock.” Additionally, students should try not to view debt and other expenses as preventing them from saving, Altsech said.
s a student, it can be difficult to decide how to best spend your time outside class. Should you do something that will look great on your resume or focus on making that money? Here are some things to consider when choosing between the two:
INTERNSHIPS They don’t compare it to voluntary slavery for nothing. You might become better acquainted with the Starbucks on the corner than your actual office. If you’re not getting paid, your boss is likely going to be more leniant. Future employers will be impressed with your commitment.
JOBS You get paid (duh). You may be doing something as stimulating as ... popping popcorn. There’s probably a hundred other things you’d rather do than work late at night and on the weekends. We can all learn something from a little humbling work.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
career guide
Despite bleak job market, employers still seek out UW grads By Ryan Hebel THE DAILY CARDINAL
The National Bureau of Labor Statistics sent a shiver through UW-Madison seniors not already numbed by chilling job forecasts when they recently announced a 26-year high, 9.7 percent unemployment for August—5.4 percent for those with bachelor degrees. The future may look grim to 2010 graduates, but Director of UW’s MBA Career Management, Blair Sanford, said UW students are especially equipped to weather the storm. “There has been a clear change in employer recruiting strategies, but our specialization model has allowed us to present our candidates through traditional methods of recruitment such as on campus recruiting, but also achieve high success with referrals from alumni, board members and friends of the programs,” Sanford said.
“People will literally travel around the world to come interview our students.” Blair Sanford director UW-Madison MBA Career Management
UW-Madison students are no strangers to selectivity. In the last 10 years, the percentage of undergraduate applicants admitted dropped from 77 to 52 percent, according to data from UW-Madison’s
Academic Planning and Analysis website. School of Business Career Center Director Steve Schroeder reassured Badgers that they are the “best of the best.” “They’re [UW students] willing to work hard, they’re not expecting them to hand things to them on a silver platter.” Steve Schroeder director School of Business Career Center
“Recruits tell us that our students ... are just as smart as any other students in the country but they don’t have a sense of entitlement. They’re willing to work hard, they’re not expecting someone to hand things to them on a silver platter and I think that is one of the attributes of successful people,” Schroeder said. In the graduate school market, Sanford said she is even more optimistic. “Many employers have appreciated the experiences that our students have and have sought us out in a tough market,” Sanford said. Schroeder said that Wisconsin’s geography can be a double-edged sword for students. “We’re not New York City. And to that extent it is a disadvantage. But I think we do very well in spite of where we’ve been located ... people will literally travel around the world to come interview our students.”
Although 2009 college graduates face a tough job market, UW-Madison remains a prime recruitment source for many employers, and Badger grads are still seen as the “best of the best.” Schroeder said recruiting has dropped off across the country because of the national recession, but UW-Madison has fared better than most of its peers. “I met with a company last week. Three years ago they had 75
target universities that they recruited at ... they’re now down to 17, and we’re in that.” Schroeder said the volatile state of today’s economy made him wary of advising freshmen what jobs would be in-demand in four years, but had some suggestions. “Grad school isn’t just two more years ‘because I can’t find a job,’ at least it shouldn’t be that way.” Steve Schroeder director School of Business Career Center
“Accounting is the number one major across the board, but we as a nation are not producing near enough accounting students ... and
nursing, depending on what happens nationally with health care, is only going to become a more in-demand field,” Schroeder said, adding information technology and engineering majors to his “hot list.” Despite the job shortage, Sanford said UW-Madison and most universities haven’t seen a major influx of grad applicants yet, partially because grad schools are looking for more qualified applicants too. “[The Business School’s] entering class has an average of five years of work experience,” Sanford said. Schroeder said that’s as good a reason as ever for soon-to-be graduates to begin weighing their options and be sure why they want to go to graduate school, if they so choose. “Grad school isn’t just two more years ‘because I can’t find a job,’ at least it shouldn’t be that way.”
10 Promising Jobs for the Class of 2009 Accountant and auditor Marketing managers 2006 Employment: 1,274,000 2006 Employment: 167,000 2016 Employment: 1,500,000 2016 Employment: 192,000 Database administrators 2006 Employment: 119,000 2016 Employment: 154,000
Mechanical engineers 2006 Employment: 226,000 2016 Employment: 235,000
Electrical engineering 2006 Employment: 153,000 2016 Employment: 163,000
Network systems and data communications analysts 2006 Employment: 262,000 2016 Employment: 402,000
Financial analysts 2006 Employment: 221,000 2016 Employment: 295,000
Personal financial advisers 2006 Employment: 176,000 2016 Employment: 248,000
Management analysts 2006 Employment: 29,000 2016 Employment: 30,600
Sales managers 2006 Employment: 318,000 2016 Employment: 351,000 Source: careerbuilder.com
career guide
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Coach Bo lends his positive mojo to the up and coming work force By Kelsey Gunderson THE DAILY CARDINAL
UW Badgers Men’s Basketball head coach Bo Ryan gave advice beyond basketball to a group of UW-Madison business students on Wednesday night. Ryan’s speech was the kick-off event for the Accenture Leadership Center, a service on campus devoted to helping UW-Madison’s business students develop leadership skills to remain marketable in the work force.
“Don’t close your mind, don’t be afraid of discussion, keep expanding, be ready for changes.” Bo Ryan men’s basketball coach UW-Madison
Ryan spent several successful seasons as head coach at UWPlatteville before taking on the job eight years ago as head coach at UW-Madison. He used his coaching knowledge, teaching experiences and various childhood lessons to illustrate the importance of form-
ing leadership skills in students’ everyday lives. According to Ryan, to be a leader, one needs to have the ability to bring others together for a common goal. “A leader is someone who can get other people to do other things together to help maximize the power of the group,” he said. However, Ryan said, leadership is not a quality that people inherently possess. “Leadership starts when you’re young, it develops, it’s not born,” he said. “It’s not a trait or a gene.” Ryan said taking on leadership positions can help develop the skills necessary to succeed later in life, like communication, gaining a sense of who is reliable and learning the ability to delegate tasks to others. “If you try to do everything yourself you can’t get it done,” he said. He also emphasized the importance of looking beyond failures and using them as stepping-stones to move forward in life. “I don’t say failures, I call them bumps,” he said. “We recover, we move on, we can get better.” Using examples from his own college experiences, Ryan urged
students to meet new people, form new connections and challenge themselves.
“Leadership starts when you’re young, it develops, it’s not born,” Ryan said. “It’s not a trait or a gene.” Bo Ryan men’s basketball coach UW-Madison
“No matter where you are, make sure that you don’t just hang with one group,” he said. “To me that’s the worst thing in the world for developing young people.” He concluded the speech by advising UW-Madison students to keep an open mind when leaving the university. “Don’t close your mind, don’t be afraid of discussion, keep expanding, be ready for changes,” Ryan said. To learn more about the ALC, visit http://www.bus.wisc. edu/alc and visit TIGH for more information on future leadership speeches. DANNY MARCHEWKA/CARDINAL FILE PHOTO
These guys don’t know Bo.
Bo knows Bo. You wanna know Bo? You could be interviewing him this winter for The Daily Cardinal! E-mail sports@dailycardinal.com or stop by 2142 Vilas and we can have you published in days! No experience required, just the passion and tenacity to match Bo’s!
career guide
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Top 5 Qualities Employers Look for in Applicants By Hannah Furfaro THE DAILY CARDINAL
After four (or five) years of sitting through class, studying for exams and building your resume, you are finally ready to receive your diploma. Congratulations! In the crossroad between your college and professional life, it may seem scary to take the plunge into the job market. But with graduation on the horizon, you likely have some idea of what you want from a job. Supportive and involved coworkers, a healthy work environment and a stable salary. The real question you now face is: What does my employer want from me? Here are five tips to help you catch an employer’s attention:
1. Be a Leader Having leadership experience in your community and school will really make you shine as an applicant. Involvement in school groups is not enough, according to Steven Schroeder, UWMadison assistant dean of the School of Business. Student applicants who get the jobs are the ones who rise to the top in their activity of choice. “Within leadership ... I think about students who are involved in organizations and community service. Anyone can join a club, but leaders try to fulfill the mission of [their] organization,” Schroeder said.
Tips: Run for a chair or president position in an activity you are involved in. It doesn’t hurt to take a risk, and the skills you learn could pay off later down the road.
coworkers and getting the job done. Luckily, your membership in ASM, intramural sports or Hoofers has already taught you the skills you need.
2. Show communication skills
Tips: Show your potential employer you are ready and excited to be a part of their “team.” Being personable and showing how goodnatured you are in an interview will make you memorable.
You don’t have to be a member of the speech team to impress an employer during an interview. Being a good communicator means you are a skilled writer, speaker and listening. “An important piece is listener, if you are doing an interview and you are not really listening to the questions, that is a problem,” Schroeder advised. He said eye contact and other methods of non-verbal communication are important when making your first, and likely lasting, impression. Tips: Beef up your cover letter. Be concise, revise and polish, and write professionally. It doesn’t matter if you can give a great interview if you can’t show you have the basics—grammar and punctuation—mastered.
3. Be a Team Player
No one likes taking the brunt of the work in a group project. On the flip side, no one likes a bossy leader. When you shift from the classroom to your new workplace, it can be tricky to find a balance between working efficiently with
4. Take Initiative: Motivation is a quality you (hopefully) acquired during college. Because employers are looking for the most enthusiastic candidates, it is important that you
show how committed you are to their company. Schroeder said students who are strong academically, have studied abroad or have held at least one internship are likely to differentiate themselves from other candidates. Tips: Be well-versed in the company’s goals and history when you go in to that first interview. Demonstrate your own history as a motivated student—emphasize your internship experience or your ability to speak three languages.
5. Demonstrate a General Work Ethic
Show your ability to work with others, complete tasks in a timely manner and innovate solutions to problems. Your life as a professional will extend long past the interviewing process and your potential employer knows that. Dress to impress for your interview, but don’t act too sugary. Employers are looking for students who show commitment to school and can function in a professional work environment. Tips: Tell your potential employer you do your best and pay attention to detail on every task you are assigned. Show your abilities to prioritize and make decisions.
Wanna learn those five skills and more?
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All majors are welcome at our door!
How to rock your resume
Creating a Monster Efficiency can mean everything
Staying subtle, yet strong
Employers simply skim through resumes in 30 seconds or less looking for some eye-catching, appealing experience and skill sets. This means making yours straightforward and as easy-to-interpret as possible is the most important thing to remember. Try to keep it to one page and make job titles as sexy as possible because that is something that can easily catch employer’s eyes.
Employers like to know you are personable and friendly, which is something that should come through in cover letters. But resumes can also display these qualities in subtle ways by accentuating accomplishment statements (don’t always put the emphasis on yourself when listing team accomplishments, unselfishness can go a long way in small statements).
Hard skills and soft skills Employers look for hard skills and soft skills on a resume. Hard skills are concrete tools you can offer to the company, like foreign languages, computer languages, experience with certain programs and management experience. Soft skills are more abstract, such as strong interpersonal and communication traits. Highlighting both skill sets is a big step toward impressing a potential employer.
Must Haves - Tailor your resume for each job to accentuate particularly relevant skills and experiences - Powerful accomplishment statements that catch the eye - Position titles that stand out - List your strongest skills and qualifications first - NO TYPOGRAPHICAL OR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS! - Leave school information toward the end
Unleashing the Beast Mail your resumes early! Human resource departments are usually under pressure to get recommendations through for interviews, so jumping on opportunities to get your resume and cover letters in as early as possible (as counterintuitive as that may feel for a college student) could be the difference between getting an interview and getting forgotten.
Use your resources! Jobs are often found through personal contacts with a company, so make sure you talk to or e-mail someone at the business you are applying—even if you don’t personally know them—making them aware of your application and eagerness to work for them.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
career guide
Dressed to Impress: Interview Edition Do’s
Note that fresh, short haircut and eager attitude. Orderly and hygienic is the look you’re going for, and a smile goes a long, long way to help your image.
Note the hat, a definite nono, especially when it’s slightly tilted as seen here. Being properly groomed is a must. The scruffy, unkempt look will likely keep you on the couch and out of the office.
Collared, crisply ironed shirt (yes, you too guys, iron your shirts), tightly knotted tie and slacks secured tightly at the waist with a dress belt are essential to a professional image. Ladies, knee-length skirts or pants suits and tops offering full coverage (and a collar if possible) should have you dressed for success.
Enthusiasm is absolutely necessary. Try to avoid looking like you’re about to fall asleep or get picked up for possession charges. No graphic tees! No short sleeves! No extra pockets or jeans! And for the love of God, NO CARGO SHORTS!
Dress shoes, preferably black, round out the ideal businessperson. Nothing open-toed and something that matches work well for ladies. And guys, even though you’re lazy and running late, don’t forget, or simply bypass, dress socks. It’s usually apparent, and it never helps to display your underlying apathy.
Open-toed shoes, sandals and especially flip-flops are the butt of most, if not all, interviewer jokes. Pedicures don’t fix this, just dressy shoes.
Common Questions from new Job Seekers How do I properly prepare for my interview?
How should I act? What should I ask?
- Research the company’s industry, brand and history as much as pos- - Hold frequent eye contact, if you don’t, they will think you are either sible beforehand uninterested or intimidated, both bad things - Consider yourself a salesperson trying to sell yourself to the employ- - Answer questions directly and positively er: You must know what they’re looking for and why, and be able to tell them why you’re the right choice for them - If you’ve worked before, talk about what you learned from previous positions that will help you succeed if you get the job - Be able to hold small talk about the employer’s job, business and company, if you are unable to discuss your potential position they are - Be overly polite and relaxed while maintaining a professional manner going to think you’re not as interested as other candidates - Ask how you can advance within the company, this will show - If you’re nervous, practice the interview beforehand, going over what extra commitment you know will be asked, what you know you want to ask and any charming banter likely to leave a friendly impression - Ask when you can get started and when you can meet your supervisors/superiors, showing eagerness to work and interest in making - Print out a resume with reference contacts included in case they need friends among coworkers another look
What Questions will the employer ask you?
How should I follow up the interview?
- Prepare an elevator speech: What would you say to an employer if you - Thank the employer for their time, give them a firm handshake and were stuck in an elevator with them for 30 seconds and you wanted to ask when you can expect to hear from them (in an interested tone) impress upon them your skills and desires to work for them? - Remember to exchange business cards before leaving, offer up your - Be prepared to address your strengths and weaknesses personal time and contact information - Be prepared to discuss what your job would entail and what you would like to do with it - Be prepared to explain your past jobs and how they relate to your aspirations
- Promptly follow up with a phone call (or e-mail) within the time frame you are given
Thursday, September 17, 2009
career guide
Grad school as an alternative to joining the work force By Grace Urban THE DAILY CARDINAL
As America’s economic recession continues, some University of Wisconsin-Madison undergraduates begin to entertain the possibility of entering graduate school instead of the workforce. The UW-Madison graduate school has seen an increase in applicants to programs in applied fields. The number of applicants has increased as much as 233% in some of those programs over the last five years. “What my experience has been is that there’s not a one-to-one correspondence between the economy and applications to graduate school, but there’s definitely a relationship,” Judith Kornblatt, senior associate dean of graduate education, said. Kornblatt also suggested that an increase in applications could be attributed to individuals leaving the workforce
The Daily Cardinal: Homebrewed, nutritious and delicious.
to go back to school. “Not surprisingly there are a number of programs that tend to attract a number of adults and returning professionals,” she said. “People are going back to get trained ... to enter back into the workforce as soon as the economy speeds up.”
“People are going back to get trained ... to enter back into the workforce as soon as the economy speeds up.” Judith Kornblatt senior associate dean UW-Madison graduate school
UW-Madison’s graduate school offers over 150 majors and reviews applicants in a
shared process between individual graduate programs and the graduate school. Each program determines exactly what qualities and prerequisites they’re looking for, Kornblatt said. “There are a number of programs that are more professionally applied, or on the other end we have programs that are more scholarly research,” she said. “They would both be looking for very different things.” According to Kornblatt, the number of students with UW-Madison bachelor degrees admitted to the graduate program varies between programs. “There are Wisconsin residents as well as international residents in all of our programs,” she said. “It really depends on the type of program.” Those interested in applying to the UWMadison’s graduate school can visit http:// www.grad.wisc.edu for more information.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
career guide