Jeff Bridges trades in his ‘Dudeness’ for some country twang in ‘Crazy Heart’ ARTS
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BADGERS’ DEFENSE FALTERS IN DULUTH Men’s hockey title hopes in jeopardy after splitting weekend series against Bulldogs SPORTS
Complete campus coverage since 1892
Monday, February 1, 2010
Residence hall energy competition to take place throughout February
Elegantly enter the new year
By Kelsey Gunderson The Daily Cardinal
The fourth annual UW-Madison Residence Hall Energy Competition, organized by Big Red Go Green begins Monday. According to Clay Thomas, Big Red Go Green media intern, the competition encourages residences of each dorm on campus to reduce their energy consumption, offering a prize for the winning dorm. Big Red Go Green is a campaign run by the Wisconsin Students Public Interests Research Group on campus. Thomas said in the past that the prize has involved parties or socials
for all members of the winning dorm, but the organizers are looking into new ideas for this year’s prize. He added that students who promise to save energy individually by signing a pledge will become eligible to win prizes from area businesses such as Buffalo Wild Wings, Sconnie Nation and Underground Textbook Exchange. “Even if they don’t do anything, it will raise awareness and hopefully spread the word about it and inspire other people to save energy,” he said. Joy Rifkin, organizer of the conservation page 3
Man beaten in Equinox apartments for allegedly stealing suspects’ laptop Alison Bauter/the daily cardinal
Students and community members gathered at the Memorial Union Sunday for performances and activities to celebrate the Chinese New Year, which welcomed the Year of the Golden Tiger.
Stem cell line approved for continued research By Kelsey Gunderson The Daily Cardinal
The National Institute of Health approved a commonly researched line of stem cells Friday for continued use by scientists across the United States, including those at UW-Madison. According to a release, WiCell Research Institute, the private orga-
nization that serves UW-Madison research, can now officially continue to provide UW-Madison scientists with the approved H1 line for use in federally funded research. The release said the approved line is one of the most popular human embryonic stem cell lines used in research, and was derived by James Thomson, director of regenerative
biology at the Morgridge Institute for Research and UW-Madison professor of anatomy. The H1 line is mentioned in over 60 percent of published stem cell research findings, according to the release. “H1 is one of the most exten-
Officers responded to a frantic call for help from a man who was being beaten in the Equinox apartment building at approximately 8 p.m. Thursday. According to the police report, 25-year-old Daniel Berg had stolen a laptop from the suspects. Tidane Ahmed, Diallo Ahmed and two additional suspects, who are still at large, allegedly located Berg on State Street and brought him back to their apartment and beat him for several hours. A female UW-Madison sophomore, who wishes to remain anonymous because police asked her to possibly testify about the incident, said, “I heard somebody screaming ‘Help! Help!’ really loud.”
“I looked out my little peephole and saw a skinny little guy surrounded by four kids,” the student added. “Then I heard them take the kid into the stairwell.” By the time the student was able to call 911, police officers arrived at the scene. According to the report, the victim was able to notify the Madison Police Department of his location via cell phone. Two suspects were taken into custody and the victim was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The victim, who is wanted for a probation violation, was taken to jail upon his release from the hospital. —Grace Urban
stem cell page 3
Street Pulse and WISPIRG to team up for talent show to benefit homeless in Madison By Allison Geyer The Daily Cardinal
Members of the Madison homeless community will have the opportunity to take their talents to the stage in the first ever Street Pulse/ WISPIRG talent show Thursday. The event will be held in the Great Hall of Memorial Union. Entertainment will begin at 7 p.m., with a free meal for homeless performers at 6:30 p.m. WISPIRG has partnered with the cooperative to help promote the talent show. The talent show is the brainchild of UW-Madison student Ben Schapiro and will raise money for Street Pulse, Madison’s homeless cooperate newspaper; promote awareness on the issue of homelessness and provide a stage on which members of the homeless commu-
nity can express themselves, according to Schapiro. “We wanted to offer a different medium, besides the newspaper, through which the homeless could express ideas and emotions,” Schapiro said. Street Pulse is a nonprofit organization that combines the efforts of UW-Madison students and members of the homeless community to put out a monthly newspaper. The cooperative writes, edits and produces the paper, while the homeless are employed as vendors. “The cooperative also holds food and clothing drives, as well as actively working to solve the problem of homelessness through providing employment,” Schapiro said. The talent show will feature many of the recognizable performers from State Street, including Art
Paul Schlosser, who has been a street musician since 1986. Schlosser has released several albums over the years, featuring humorous original songs and parodies. “Some of the homeless I’ve recruited are outstanding blues singers and guitarists,” Schapiro said. “We also have a comedian who plans to put a humorous spin on the horrors of homelessness.” University students will also be performing, including MadHatters a cappella, First Wave Spoken Word and Hip Hop Arts Learning Community, Hypnotiq dance crew and local band Dirty Jive, among others. “Music and the arts have the unique ability of bringing people from completely different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds together,” Schapiro said.
Isabel Álvarez/the daily cardinal
Police are investigating an incident in which four suspects allegedly beat a man for several hours in the Equinox apartment building.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two 2
Monday, February 1, 2010
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892
DARS report for life’s awkward situations bration with family, the first date, and winter break from college. Perhaps these guides can be of a little assistance. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures!
Volume 119, Issue 77
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 l fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial Editor in Chief Charles Brace Managing Editor Ryan Hebel Campus Editor Kelsey Gunderson Grace Urban City Editor State Editor Hannah Furfaro Enterprise Editor Hannah McClung Associate News Editor Ashley Davis Senior News Reporters Alison Dirr Ariel Shapiro Robert Taylor Anthony Cefali Opinion Editor Todd Stevens Arts Editors Katie Foran-McHale Jacqueline O’Reilly Sports Editors Scott Kellogg Nico Savidge Kevin Slane Page Two Editor Features Editor Madeline Anderson Ben Pierson Life and Style Editor Photo Editors Isabel Álvarez Danny Marchewka Graphics Editors Caitlin Kirihara Natasha Soglin Multimedia Editor Jenny Peek Copy Chiefs Anna Jeon Kyle Sparks Justin Stephani Jake VIctor Copy Editors Jessie Bell, Nelson Cho, Bonnie Gleicher, Taylor Harvey, Aimee Katz Margaret Raimann, Emma Roller, Victoria Statz Whitney Steffen
Business and Advertising Business Manager Cole Wenzel Advertising Manager Katie Brown Billing Manager Mindy Cummings Accounts Receivable Manager Michael Cronin Ana Devcic Senior Account Executive Account Executives Mara Greenwald Kristen Lindsay, D.J. Nogalski, Sarah Schupanitz Graphic Designer Mara Greenwald Web Director Eric Harris Marketing Director Mia Beeson Archivist Erin Schmidtke The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be typewritten, double-spaced and no longer than 200 words, including contact information. Letters may be sent to
TUESDAY: snowy hi 30º / lo 18º
TODAY: snowy hi 24º / lo 18º
BONNIE GLEICHER the bonnanza
everal things in life come with a manual— the dishwasher, your digital camera, the Tamagotchi you had in middle school— but only in college are the required actions of your own life completely provided for you, in four pages or less. Say hello to Mr. DARS. Otherwise known as the: —Degree Audit Reporting System —Don’t Actually Read Sheet —Damn Annoying Required Shit This guide is the prix fixe menu of college course consumption, informing all students of what classes they need to take to graduate. With plate after plate of general requirements within and outside your major, it’s no wonder our minds and bodies can feel a little weighted down. And they say the freshman 15 is only for freshman? Ha! Yes, the DARS report is a cluttered, complicated, convoluted platter of numbers and abbreviations— it makes hieroglyphics look like Dr. Seuss! Nonetheless, it’s hard denying one thing: it’s helpful. When life seems just downright confusing, wouldn’t it be nice to have a DARS report, telling you where you stand and what you need to succeed? Provided below are prospective reports of three common events in life: Thanksgiving cele-
The Thanksgiving With Family DARS Report General Familial Requirements 1. Ten hugs within five minutes of arrival 2. Succinct “yes” or “no” responses to two questions, “Are you doing well in school?” and “Are you dating someone?” 3. One acknowledgement of your obnoxious aunt who can’t quite keep her mouth shut 4. Two “You look great!”s to the cousin in polka dot and paisley and the obese uncle who sleeps and drools at the table Meal Consumption 1. Pass the marshmallow yams and turkey to the person on your left and right 2. Intercept every chew with a “Gosh, this food is incredible” and “What is this? Am I in heaven?” 3. Eat to the point that you need a wheelbarrow to be carried to the couch and/or your cousin in polka dot and paisley starts to actually look “great!” 4. Ensure the stuffing remains within a five-inch radius of your plate at all times The Goodbye 1. Twenty “I Love You’s”— even to your obese, passed out uncle
2. Leaving with a four pound goodie bag of appetizers, entrées and desserts for the next day (always think ahead) 3. Keep it no more than five minutes, no less than two
“come hither” expression and see what happens 4. Disclose details to friend within five minutes of departure
The First Date DARS Report
General Vacation Requirements 1. Leave bed for no longer than 10 hours 2. Maintain familial peace within two days of arrival 3. Watch every Disney movie in reverse-alphabetical order 4. Proudly deem The Living Room Couch your unofficial dwelling for the month 5. Devour second shelf of pantry
General Pre-Date Requirements 1. Contemplate why you’re even going on this date, if you like this person/if this choice is more economical than, say, watching two seasons of Dexter at home by yourself 2. Resolve that you’ll go, try on at least five different outfits 3. Perfect smile and greeting 4. Set high expectations, watch a clip of “When Harry Met Sally” on TBS—then set them higher Arrival and Dinner 1. Completely mess up wellpracticed smile and greeting 2. Judge date within five minutes and either regret or celebrate having not watched “Dexter” 3. Maintain attentiveness and complimentary discussion 4. Hope beyond hope you don’t have parsley stuck in your teeth 5. Imagine having sex with date, decide whether you’d want to 6. Order drink The Goodbye 1. Stand painfully long at the restaurant, debating how far the physical interaction should go 2. If reconsidering season three of “Dexter,” keep it minimal 3. If not, give date your sexiest
The Winter Break DARS Report
High School Friend Interactions 1. Party, dine-out, have latenight nostalgic conversations of lifelong history together 2. Rehash same dating/selfesteem/overall life issues you’ve discussed since 4th grade 3. Debate why you’re still friends with half of them 4. Blame parents Pre-Departure Tasks 1. Consume mass quantities of homemade food 2. Revise Facebook profile in celebration of a New Year—a new you! 3. Promise self that you’re “really going to try” this semester 4. Pack underwear Wouldn’t a DARS Report for life be just great? Know any other times you need a guide? Fill me in at!
A mi manera las cinco fases de principio de semestre
Editorial Board Charles Brace Anthony Cefali Kathy Dittrich Ryan Hebel Nico Savidge Jamie Stark Todd Stevens Justin Stephani l
Board of Directors Vince Filak Cole Wenzel Joan Herzing Jason Stein Jeff Smoller Janet Larson Chris Long Charles Brace Katie Brown Benjamin Sayre Jenny Sereno Terry Shelton Melissa Anderson
LAURA MANNINO echando una mano
© 2010, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an e-mail to
ueve. Nueve días de universidad y ya me siento como si el trabajo ya hubiese empezado. Tengo una teoría: al principio del semestre, ya sea después de tres meses de verano o tres cortas semanas de descanso, existe un periodo de dos a tres semanas de la universidad llamado “el limbo.” En este tiempo, los estudiantes niegan que la universidad haya comenzado. Por lo menos, esto es lo que me pasa a mí. ¿Cómo puedes saber si estás sufriendo el mismo problema? He aquí las cinco fases. Primera fase: La Negación Siempre comienza con un despertador. El eco estridente suena en tu cuarto unas pocas horas después de que te hayas dormido. Estás tumbado en la cama pensando “esto no está ocurriendo, esto no está
ocurriendo.” Diez minutos más tarde, tu despertador está todavía sonando y, además, tu compañera de cuarto te lanza una almohada, expresando su incomodidad. Realmente, esto si está ocurriendo. Segunda fase: El Enfado Ahora, te empiezas a enfadar un poco. No es un enojo como la rabia, pero parecido a la molestia. Estás constantemente levantándote temprano. Tienes que hacer tarea. Hace frío. Y los fines de semana parecen más y más lejanos. Te encuentras escuchando menos música optimista para machacarte más y más, y pospones todo lo que tienes que hacer durante el mayor tiempo posible. Aquí es cuando llega el momento de la estrategia. Tercera fase: Las Negociaciones Dado este momento, todo se reduce a la relación entre el estudiante y el profesor. Cuando te das cuenta que enfadarse realmente no vale la pena, recurres a la negociación y al beneficio de la duda. ¿Cuándo se aplica esto? En todo momento. ¿Te has olvidado tu libro? Bueno,
técnicamente es sólo la segunda semana completa del semestre y la librería ha estado llena de gente, así que le dices a tu profesor que no lo has podido comprar todavía. ¿No hiciste tu tarea? Bueno, en realidad todavía estas acostumbrándote a tus clases y pensabas que la tarea de tu otra clase era para hoy y la tarea para esta clase era para mañana. Todo se basa en la negociación. Le dices a los profesores que todavía estás acostumbrándote a tu horario, y quién sabe, podrías tener un poco de suerte. Cuarta fase: La Depresión Ahora, una realidad desagradable se cae por su propio peso. Te das cuenta de que la universidad continúa. Tienes que ir a clase. La tarea se apila sobre tu escritorio. Ya no tienes tiempo para ver “How I Met Your Mother,” y tratar de hacer tiempo para la última temporada de “Lost” ¡es imposible! Haces viajes innecesarios a Madison Fresh Market para comprar uno de esos bizcochos sorprendentes, sólo para poder evitar la realización de todo que debes hacer. Por lo
menos obtienes una recompensa durante esta fase: la comida. Quinta fase: La Aceptación Este es mi momento favorito porque todo comienza a cambiar para mejor. Te das cuenta de algo muy importante: ¡eres un Badger de la Universidad de Wisconsin! Vale que tienes que ir a la escuela, y hacer la tarea, pero estás en una de las mejores universidades de los Estados Unidos. Otros estudiantes se mueren de celos por nuestros equipos de baloncesto y hockey. Los partidos del fin de semana y la diversión no tienen comparación con ninguna otra academia. Dominamos las peleas de nieve y el espíritu de la universidad, el verano no está tan lejos, y hasta este momento, puedes disfrutar del estilo de vida en Madison. De una manera u otra, todo lo demás no importa tanto. Por supuesto, esto es sólo una teoría... ¿Crees que Laura se obsesiona con sus tareas y clases? ¿Tienes algún método infalible contra el estrés? Díselo escribiéndole a
Monday, February 1, 2010
Assembly concludes special session, MPS bill may be dead By Michelle Langer The Daily Cardinal
Isabel Álvarez/the daily cardinal
Students living in the dorms are encouraged to cut back on energy usage throughout February as a part of a campus-wide competition.
conservation from page 1 competition, said last year the event saved UW-Madison over $10,000 in energy costs. She said she hopes this year’s competition increases that number. “Even if they don’t do anything, it will raise awareness and hopefully spread the word about it and inspire other people to save energy.” Clay Thomas media intern Big Red Go Green
She also said she expects the competition will raise awareness of climate change, and will inspire more students to cut their energy costs. “We’re really trying to get the competition awareness up and see
what students can do,” she said. Rifkin added that she hopes the competition also encourages students to continue practices of saving energy once they leave the dorms. “It’s something people can do in the dorms to save the campus money, but also once they leave the dorms it’s really easy to save money in your apartments by turning down your heat and turning off the lights,” she said. Thomas said he hopes the competition also makes students more informed about the consequences of climate change. “So far the main concern is on conservation, but eventually it’s going to come down to how best we can cope with the results of the consumption we have used in the past,” he said. Students can sign energy saving pledges as early as Monday at Gordon Commons and Holt Commons.
Walker campaign raises $1.79 million during last six months of 2009 Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker raised $1.79 million in the last nine months of 2009 according to a statement from his campaign released Saturday. The statement reported that Walker’s campaign has over $2 million on hand going into 2010. Keith Gilkes, Walker’s campaign manager, said Walker’s campaign is not about “special interest money and million dollar donations.” The report said 74 percent of Walker’s donations were in increments of
stem cell from page 1 sively studied and characterized stem cell lines among researchers worldwide and, along with other early Thomson lines, is considered the ‘gold standard’ for stem cell research by many scientists,” Erik Forsberg, WiCell executive director, said in a statement. Janet Kelly, communications director for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, said the ability to continue to use the H1 line is crucial to UW-Madison stem cell research. “The inability to use H1 going forward could have meant huge disruptions in ongoing research and the loss of valuable time in advancing the use of stem cell science from lab
$50 or less. “Our campaign is about everyday Wisconsin families scared about their jobs and family budgets,” he said. According to a statement from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Walker’s most recent report shows a “statewide lack of enthusiasm” for Walker’s campaign. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the leading Democrat gubernatorial candidate, raised $750,000 in the final two months of 2009. to patient care in therapies that have the potential to treat or cure heart disease and such devastating diseases as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and spinal cord injuries,” she said. The approval of the H1 line occurred on the heels of an $8.8 million research grant the UW-Madison Waisman Center received last week from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The grant will help fund stem cell production technology, specifically projects relating to heart, lung and blood conditions. Although embryonic stem cell research has enormous potential, many UW-Madison researchers say the first step is to remain patient as most discoveries take 10-15 years to pay off.
The state Assembly’s special session came to a close Thursday without resolving the continuing debate about education reform and the potential mayoral takeover of the Milwaukee Public School system. Gov. Jim Doyle called for the special session last December in the hopes of making Wisconsin more competitive in the federally funded Race to the Top program. The state education reform bill would give the Milwaukee mayor the power to appoint a superintendent. After the Assembly adjourned the special session, however, opponents of the bill say the bill is likely dead. “Now that the takeover discussion is behind us, we can get on to talking about real reforms for MPS,” state Rep. Christine Sinicki,
D-Milwaukee, said in a statement. Although the legislation faced opposition within the Democratic Party from the beginning, state Rep. Pedro Colon, D-Milwaukee, said Milwaukee cannot afford to continue doing the “same things over and over.” “The fight for MPS governance reform is not over … I urge my colleagues in the Assembly to stop heading for the hills on MPS reform and address our children’s future this session,” he said in a statement. Adam Collins, Doyle’s spokesperson, said there is a chance the legislation could move forward. “There’s still strong legislative support in Milwaukee. Four out of five Democratic senators support [the bill for mayoral control]. Mayor Tom Barrett supports the measure,”
he said. In his State of the State Address last week, Doyle asked lawmakers to put partisanship aside and to stop “playing political games.” Collins said despite the end of the special session, Doyle will continue to focus on education policy during his final year in office. “We’re working to improve education for all kids in Milwaukee. Right now that’s one of our focuses, so we’re going to continue to work on this legislation,” Collins said.
Man stabbed outside of Frida’s Restaurant A 26-year-old man was taken to the hospital early Sunday morning after being stabbed on the 100 block of State Street, just outside of Frida’s Mexican Restaurant. According to the police report, Madison police officers responded to a distur-
bance around 2:15. The victim approached the officers and told them he had been stabbed. The officers saw the victim’s stab wound and had him transported to the hospital, where he was reported to be in stable condition. According to Ald. Mike
Verveer, District 4, Frida’s has operated as a nightclub on weekends for several years. “Over the years there have been very few problems,” he said. “I hope this was an isolated incident.” There are currently no suspects; an investigation is pending.
opinion 4
Monday, February 1, 2010
Editorial Cartoon
By John Liesveld
Beware the pitfalls of fast-track applications QI GU opinion columnist
Let’s embrace America’s spirit of independence By Cole Wenzel THE DAILY CARDINAL
Lacking my iPod that I had left behind the last time I was home, I was much more perceptive of my surroundings on my walk home from work on a typically frigid January evening this past week. This heightened level of auditory and visual awareness took my mind away from its normal daydream instead to the attention of a woman. She was pushing a high stack of blue soda containers via cart on the sidewalk outside of the Equinox. Seeing that she was struggling to push the top-heavy cart over a raised slab of concrete, I asked her if I could be of any assistance. Her reply was one of self-determination. “I’ve got it. This is my job,” she said looking into my eyes with a kind smile of appreciation. Taking no offense, I began to ponder the persevering nature of her response, and couldn’t help but smile. That is America, land of the free, home of the brave: do-it-yourself. This approach to one’s job, one’s life, to do-it-yourself, is a well-represented embodiment of the American dream. It is one that draws completely on the advantages of capitalism; it is one that takes the concept of individual liberty and pushes it to its limit. The ease of our ability to create our own financial well being through entrepreneurial endeavor is simply unparalleled in the other countries of the western world, even globally. Observing the relative failure of the baby-boom generation and its cling to the corporate structure as seemingly the best way of approaching a career, I argue that we must distance ourselves from this overreliance on institutions so that we do not end up in the same position. As if the burden of this immense chunk of our population and its weight of social security and
welfare responsibilities were not enough for our generation to deal with, we now have the added pressure of a job market with rapidly closing doors. And those same baby boomers, already in the inevitable position of leaving us with their debt, have now sugarcoated the deal by having roughly half of their investments, savings, and retirement funds wiped out by the “Great Recession.”
Let’s build small empires that crutch the crippled legs of working America, not succumb to the large ones that suffocate it.
This means that most will have to add several years to their time in the workforce just to supplement the overwhelming deprivation of their retirement plans, their financial position. So, where does this leave us now? Well, the availability of even entry-level jobs has decreased dramatically as more and more men and women are settling for inferior positions. This is sure to create problems for our generation’s ascent up the corporate ladder, thus endangering the existence of America’s middle class. We can overcome this. How can a generation transcend the boundaries of society, to revolutionize if there are not immense challenges and obstacles standing tall, waiting around the corner? We must be tested in order to truly shine, and I think this difficult and uncertain future will do just that: force us to rise above the expected, the ordinary, the certain. We can overcome this by returning to our revolutionary roots and exploiting the opportunities provided by the bountiful fruit that is capitalism.
We can do something we love, we can be socially responsible and we can make the world a better place if we return to the philosophy that small business is the answer. The gap between the wealthy and the poor will narrow; the middle class will grow and rise to prominence once again with the abandonment of our reliance on big business and its insecure promise of middle management positions in the corporate world. Why not build companies based on the principles we so strongly believe in? Instead of watching and listening to political commentary as if we were churchgoers, why not bypass the slow-moving and unreliable political system and create our own agendas through active economic participation? Job creation? Let’s build small empires that crutch the crippled legs of working America, not succumb to the large ones that suffocate it. This basic economic opportunity provided by capitalism is what still makes this country unsurpassed in its greatness. We can no longer turn to big business for the answers; they have failed us. We can no longer turn to big government, for as its intentions are rooted in at least the intent of humanitarianism, we can see how, even with such an inspiring orator as our president and a majority stronghold of Congress by his respective party, everyone waits impatiently for true change and progress to actually occur. We must instead turn to the mirror, look at ourselves deeply and at length, and courageously step out into the precarious world; we must make it on our own. America, do it yourself. Cole Wenzel is a junior majoring in English and economics. We welcome all feedback. Please send all responses to
till remember the stressful days of college applications? Your piggy bank was never full enough for the application fees, $50 here and $60 there. Next came the tortuous months when every frantic reach for the mail box ended with you empty-handed. But thanks to fast-track college applications, all these pains could fade out of a high school senior’s life, though that might not be an entirely positive development. The fast-track application, or “snap app,” is essentially an application where the university has done all of the work for you. No essay, no application fee and a decision within three weeks. This is a promise made by hundreds of colleges across the country. They send prefilled application packets to selected high schoolers, who, in general, have strong academic standings. All you need to do is read and sign. Both lesser known colleges and wellrespected universities have embraced the idea of the snap application. By reaching out to talented students all over the country, even small schools see a boost in student diversity. It is also favored as a strategy to buoy the U.S. News and World Reports ranking, where acceptance rate is heavily factored in. A school could mail out 50,000 application forms while its capacity is only 2,000. Any school that does this could easily become the most selective university in the United States. However, despite its tempting benefits, the fast-track application was born with multiple complications. First of all, it is almost solely based on test scores. Schools buy students’ scores and addresses in bulk from the College Board and then send out applications to “valued” applicants. The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities is the first Big Ten school to try this with its Golden Gopher Fast Application. When I brought up the sensitive notion of “test-based admission” to their Office of Admissions they quickly denied it, stressing they value students’ extracurricular activities as well. But they were forced to admit that the application effectively requires just filling in blanks on a form, with no short answer required. If Minnesota has joined the club of snap apps, it won’t surprise people when other Big Ten schools follow suit. Given the sheer amount of riskfree applications, college admission could easily degrade into the long
despised score-based form. Although costs of each fast application are fairly low, a school still has to shell out nearly $1 million dollars for all the marketing and processing. Even if it reaches its goal of bringing students of various backgrounds to campus, the fight for diversity is far from over. Professor Michael Apple from the UW School of Education asks schools this question: “What are you doing after you get there? Are you spending the money to make the place responsive and comfortable with this new, diverse student body? Or are you simply using this as a marketing tool?” Double-digit minority percentages could easily be achieved by fast-track applications. But if that’s all schools want out of the program, diversity campaigns could quickly lose their prestige in higher education. And schools can make a bigger difference by devoting the money to more scholarships.
The fast-track application, or “snap app,” is essentially an application where the university has done all the work for you.
So far, snap applications are mostly used by small institutions. It offers the schools a cheaper and quicker solution to make a name for themselves and hopefully, escape financial turmoil. The strategy here lies in that old adage of the early bird catches the worm. Now some small colleges are reaping the benefits of enrolling more students from more diverse backgrounds. Will the added advantages still last when hundreds of schools on the fence join the fast application party? Within the past three years, the idea grew from a pilot project in a couple of universities to a common practice for many underfunded private schools. Once you get a fat stack of fast application packets every week, dear “valued” applicant, would you still be tempted by a sincere offer? What the practice highlights is not only schools’ wrestling for survival, but also students’ struggle for their college dreams. Now that the sanctuary of higher education is forced to open its door to the market, balancing quality and profits could be trickier than ever before. If more prestigious universities have started thinking about fast application, I have a suggestion: Be wary of overusing such a tool. Qi Gu is a junior majoring in journalism. We welcome all feedback. Please send all feedback to
Today in The Soapbox, The Daily Cardinal’s new opinion blog, Todd Stevens comments on Mark Neumann and his chances against GOP primary opponent Scott Walker. Check out more posts online at and click on “The Soapbox”
Monday, February 1, 2010
Strong acting isn’t enough to save ‘Fat Men in Skirts’ By Michelle Langer THE DAILY CARDINAL
“Fat Men in Skirts,” produced by the Mercury Players Theatre and playing at the Bartell Theatre the weekends of Feb. 4th and 11th, goes for shock over substance. Upon entering the theatre, two understudies/ushers arbitrarily chose audience members to be “frisked.” This theatrical choice is meant to prepare the audience for the show, but its use in “Fat Men in Skirts” ends up making many of the audience members scared and uncomfortable.
Having already won a Golden Globe and a SAG Award for his portrayal of Otis “Bad” Blake, Jeff Bridges shines as a washed-up country star trying to make it big after some difficult downfalls.
Bridges shines in ‘Crazy’ By Mark Riechers THE DAILY CARDINAL
Great music allows a collection of strings twanging, drums beating and bells shaking to be a medium through which the listener can bond with the performer. “Crazy Heart” attempts to give the complete picture of where soulful, personal music originates from—in this case, the hard-lived life of a country legend. Otis “Bad” Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a country legend on his last legs. At 58 years old, he spends his days playing old favorites to middle-aged groupies for his favorite whiskey and an occasional lay. Director Scott Cooper seems keenly aware that Bridges has more than a few iconic roles attached to his screen presence, especially as an aging, out-of-it drunk. Whereas “The Dude,” Bridges’ legendary role from “The Big Lebowski,” would tell an uncooperative bartender to chill out in his awkward hippie parlance, Bad defiantly finishes his drink, throws down the cash and puts out his cigarette in the glass. The small touches of character in his body language are what make Bridges’ performance Oscar-worthy, defining Bad in every small act. Lying in bed, Bad pulls three cigs from the pack in a drunken fumble. He lights one with the butt of the last in an endless chain. Every little nuance reveals part of a larger picture: a man who has lived hard and finds himself in a routine that has not aged well, yet remains the
only one he knows. This contrasts with the soulful ballads that Bad rambles out on stage when he isn’t hacking up a lung or puking his guts into a barrel outside a dive bar. Bridges lends authenticity to these scenes by doing all the crooning himself, belting out songs of love, loss and regret with such joyful stage presence that only hints at how well they probably reflect his actual experiences. Like “The Wrestler” last year, “Crazy Heart” becomes a story of an aging giant rising from the ashes for a last grab at success— but where the former was all about the sacrifices of returning to the ring, “Crazy Heart” is about Bad’s attempt at both emotional and professional success.
“Crazy Heart” attempts to give the complete picture of where soulful, personal music originates from.
What could have been another shot at a cheap lay with newbie music reporter Jean Craddock (Maggie Gyllenhaal) grows beyond an interview, beyond even waking up in the same bed the next morning. Soon Bad can’t seem to get Jean out of his mind, and he finds himself playing with her young son and calling her from the roadside on his way to the next performance.
Gyllenhaal delivers a heartfelt if over-the-top performance as a single-mother afraid to give in to her impulse to get involved with the wrong man for her. Their romance never seems plausible or workable, but somehow their uneven romance still works for the film, giving Bad a last shot at something meaningful to strive for in his life. As he makes this attempt to shirk his former turn ‘em and burn ‘em approach to love, his career also gets a sudden jump when he plays to a packed stadium opening for his super-star former protégé, Tommy Sweet. Colin Farrell is superbly cast as the hotshot country star–from the instant we see his ponytail and dumb swagger and we instantly hate him as much as Bad does. Tommy offers to buy some of his songs to get Bad some cash. Bad reluctantly agrees, and begins writing songs about his developing relationship with Jean. As he attempts to connect with someone emotionally for the first time in years, we hear the result in songs he picks out in the dark on an acoustic guitar. Naturally, the songwriting comes easier for Bad than actually maintaining his relationship with Jean. “Crazy Heart” gives us a character-driven glimpse into the painful process of living and the power of putting it into song. For anyone wanting to be well-versed in nominated films of this award season, “Crazy Heart” should not be missed.
Viral Videos of the Week Search terms: Fresh Prince of the Dark Side prank Christian TV Two people write in to a Christian adviser, looking for some guidance. Guy 1: A couple of guys who were up to no good started making trouble in his neighborhood. Guy 2: He is concerned with the religious significance of something called “The Force.” If these scenarios aren’t ‘fresh’ in your mind, consider asking your friend Ben Kenobi about them.
Search terms: The world’s most generic news report There are vital parts to every news report: stock footage of fat people, whimsical background displays and dowdy kitchen men. This news report describes these characters and more in an attempt to reveal the boring formula behind news stories. But this news report is anything but boring, and not just because the video is narrated by a cheeky British man.
The first act, in its abstractness, was by far the most enjoyable.
Overall, this show would fall under the genre of dark comedy with its incestual relationships, cannibalism, murder and pornography. It begins with Phyllis Hogan (Karen Moeller) and her son Bishop (Thom Rehwaldt), who are marooned on an island on their way to Italy to see her husband, filmmaker Howard Hogan (Christopher Braunschweig). While stranded, Phyllis and Bishop transform, Phyllis from the aristocratic female to a distracted mentalcase, and Bishop from a stuttering Katharine Hepburn obsessed child to an unprincipled young adult. Moeller, with experience from the Madison Rep, showcased her acting chops with a consistent and enjoyable performance. The comedy of her character was not forced or pushed, but was allowed to naturally flow and entertain the audience. As a whole, Rehwaldt effectively covered the transformation of his character, a transformation that was not easy to portray. His issues with the character stemmed more from the script itself, rather than from the acting choices he made. The shining stars in this production, though, were both Braunschweig and Jocelyn Fitz-Gibbon (porn star Pam and the schizophrenic Popo
Martin). Both brought a much more natural air to their respective characters. The way they both delivered their lines with the appearance of effortlessness made watching them on stage a complete pleasure. The best technical aspect of this show by far was the hanging lights attached to the pillar off stage right. Designed by set designer, Sasha Augustine, and lighting designer, Lawrence Bennett, it was beautiful and unique to see the stunning lamps hanging sideways off the wall. They also added a unique ambiance to the production and were able to highlight many of the actors in a subtle way. The script was really the downfall of this production. It tended to make the controversial issues too overt and overwhelmed the audience with them. While the pop culture references were timely and, for the most part, entertaining, the script lacked underlying conflict. Each character’s motives were so clear from the outset of each act that it sometimes seemed as if there was nowhere for these actors to go. The first act, in its abstractness, was by far the most enjoyable. The inserted flashbacks and overall confusion were very entertaining. If only the second and third acts included more of what the first act highlighted so well.
The script was really the downfall of this production.
In the end, the actors gave much to this performance—so much so that it almost evened out what the script took away. “Fat Men in Skirts” is playing at the Bartell Theatre, located at 113 E. Mifflin Street, the weekends of Feb. 4 th and 11th at 8 p.m. General admission is $15 or $12 at the door with a donation to Soles4Souls.
comics 6
It’s reversed here at the UW: The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola and Budweiser, in that order.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Today’s Sudoku
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Ludicrous Linguistics
By Celia Donnelly
Solution, tips and computer program available at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. The Graph Giraffe Classic
By Yosef Lerner
A special message from the Daily Cardinal...
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Ambulance Moonpants
Charlie and Boomer
By Taylor Nye
By Natasha Soglin
Answer key available at The A’s Have It
ACROSS 1 Existential torment 6 A bad way to run 10 A close watch 14 Wavelike fabric pattern 15 Bygone Italian money 16 Readily draftable 17 American Dance Theater choreographer 19 Some, in Seville 20 Cultivation tool 21 Pocket-watch accessory 22 Bawdy 24 Column type 26 Western comic strip “Rick ___” 27 All-knowing one 30 Repair-shop car 32 Bogged down 33 Young salmon 34 All-you-___-eat 37 Baby newts 38 Emulated Lorelei 39 Canton’s home 40 Degree of magnitude? 41 Delhi dresses 42 “Flashdance” singer Cara 43 Worldwide relief org. 45 Youth who flew too
near to the sun 6 Face down? 4 47 Alpine warble 49 Flag holders (with “standard”) 51 “___ Goes the Weasel” 52 Cheerleader’s trait 55 “ ___ on Down the Road” 56 Famed photographer 59 Cause for liniment 60 Big cake layer 61 The ___ out of the bag 62 Typical MTV viewer 63 Blues great James 64 Awaited a dubbing DOWN 1 Indian maid 2 ___ contendere 3 Collapse under pressure 4 ___ Lanka 5 Like a 1000 percent profit 6 Suspect’s excuse 7 “Cool” amount? 8 Black-and-white cookie 9 Computer user’s need 10 “Good comeback!” 11 “Fatal Attraction” actress 12 Cecil’s cartoon pal
13 Encl. with a manuscript 18 “... in ___-horse open sleigh” 23 Data on IRS forms 24 Cold confections 25 Explain further 27 Black cat, some think 28 Falling-out result 29 Tennis legend 31 Blast furnace input 33 Uncontaminated 35 Aboriginal Japanese 36 “Nay” and “uh-uh” 38 Rip jaggedly 39 By word of mouth 41 Math ratio 42 Swell treatment? 44 Name for an Irish lass, perhaps 45 TV’s “American ___” 46 Flower child’s catchword 48 What the fat lady sings? 49 Drummer’s forte 50 Grumpy state 52 ___ de foie gras 53 Olympic track champion Zatopek 54 “Hey, buddy, over here!” 57 Adjust, as an alarm clock 58 Husband on “Roseanne”
Washington and the Bear
By Derek Sandberg
Men’s Tennis
Monday, February 1, 2010
Badgers suffer another setback THE DAILY CARDINAL
Junior Marek Michalicka and teammate senior Mortiz Baumann picked up a key doubles victory against Florida State.
Badgers split in Florida THE DAILY CARDINAL
The Wisconsin men’s tennis team split its weekend series at the ITA Team Indoor competition, and despite its upset over No. 13 Florida State will not qualify for the Championship round. The rain delayed Saturday’s start against Florida State, but the No. 32 Badgers (4-1) started strong and earned an early lead, collecting wins at the No. 1 and 2 positions. The No. 3 nationally-ranked pair of senior Moritz Baumann and junior Marek Michalicka had the honor of closing out play in a tiebreak, pushing their Seminole rivals 9-8(4). The Seminoles (3-1) collected wins at No. 4, 5 and 6 to leave the Badgers at a disadvantage for the first time in the meet, but sophomore Patrick Pohlmann leveled at three points apiece and left the deciding result to the No. 2 position. There, No. 20 Michalicka surrendered his first set in a contentious 9-11 tiebreak but came back to storm the second 6-1. After three hours of intense
basketball from page 7 opportunity to move into second had they beaten the Wildcats. “This is one that hurts, but it’s one that we can’t cry about too long,” head coach Lisa Stone said. “We have to move on to the next game.” The Badgers started the streaks first, jumping out to a 24-10 lead with six minutes remaining in the first half. Wisconsin looked good both in the paint and also from the perimeter. “It felt like we were a step behind all night. We just didn’t really have the mentality we usually have.” Alyssa Karel senior guard UW women’s basketball
However, something clicked toward the end of the first half, and Northwestern began a rampage from behind the arc. The Wildcats sunk three 3-pointers in the final three and a half minutes to close the gap to just a fivepoint Badger lead at halftime. This shooting dominance carried over for Northwestern coming out of the locker room. The Wildcats sunk three quick
Women’s Hockey
By Ryan Evans
By Emma Condon
competition, Michalicka overcame senior No. 111 Vahid Mirzadeh for the individual win 6-7(9), 6-1, 7-6(4) and sealed the upset for the Badgers 4-3 over the Seminoles. After Saturday’s grueling play, the Badgers could not withstand No. 19 Louisville (5-0) and lost to the Cardinals 4-0 on their last day of the tournament. The Badgers lost both meetings against the Cardinals last season, each time in a close 3-4 decision, but Sunday Louisville took hold early and didn’t let go. The Cardinals won doubles matches at No. 2 and 3 for the early lead and picked up singles points at No. 4, 5 and 6 to earn the necessary four points to halt play and secure the win. With this result the Badgers will not advance to the Championships in two weeks and mark their first loss of the season. Next Saturday the Badgers will be back at Nielsen to host Southern Methodist University and IllinoisChicago in a double header. — contributed to this report. jumpers to take a two-point lead three minutes in. Meanwhile, the Badgers’ offense began to stall while Northwestern became unstoppable from 3-point range. The Wildcats ended the game with eight 3-pointers, the most Wisconsin has allowed all season. “It felt like we were a step behind all night,” junior guard Alyssa Karel said. “We just didn’t really have the mentality we usually have.” Due in large part to a 17-2 Northwestern run, the Badgers found themselves down by as many as 15 points in the second half. Any attempt at a comeback was continually stalled by both poor Wisconsin shooting and a tough half-court trap implemented by Northwestern. The Wildcats were held scoreless in the final two minutes of the game, but it was simply too little, too late for the Badgers. For the second straight contest, junior forward Lin Zastrow led the Badgers in scoring. Coming off a double-double against Indiana last Thursday night, Zastrow scored 19 points against the Wildcats. Karel added 16 points for the Badgers, while senior guard Rae Lin D’Alie contributed 10 on the night. For the first time this season, Wisconsin had three players in double figure scoring, yet still lost.
This past weekend the No.10 Wisconsin women’s hockey team traveled to Columbus for a twogame set versus Ohio State. This series was vital to the Badgers’ postseason hopes. At the start of the weekend, Wisconsin was sitting two spots out of an NCAA tournament berth, so taking the full four points from the Buckeyes was crucial. But the Badgers fell to Ohio State in the opener, and despite salvaging the series Saturday with a 32 victory, their NCAA Tournament prospects remain up in the air. On Friday night the Badgers took a 2-1 lead in the first period on the strength of two power-play goals. Approximately six minutes into the game, with Ohio State up 1-0, sophomore forward Carolyne Prevost deflected a shot by freshman forward Brianna Decker from the hash marks to even the score for Wisconsin. Junior defenseman Geena Prough was also credited with an assist on the play. The Badgers went on another power play nine minutes later and capitalized. Decker beat OSU’s freshman goalie Chelsea Knapp on a shot from the face-off circle to give the Badgers a 2-1 lead. In the second period it was Ohio State who took advantage of the power-play opportunities. Six minutes into the second frame, Ohio State’s sophomore forward Natalie Spooner collected the Buckeyes’ first power-play tally to even the score. The Buckeyes’ went on the man advantage again five minutes later. During the penalty kill, Wisconsin’s senior forward Jasmine Giles stole the puck from behind the OSU net, carried it out to the front of the net and backhanded it into the goal for the short-handed tally to regain the Wisconsin lead. The lead, however, would not While the Wildcats allowed the Badgers plenty of opportunities on offense, they dismantled the sixth ranked defense in the nation. The 68 points Wisconsin allowed were the second most all season. However, the Badgers are prepared to leave this game behind
last long. On the same power play, 43 seconds later, OSU’s senior forward Raelyn LaRocque scored the game’s fourth power-play goal to knot the game at 3-3. The Badgers regained the lead when Giles caused another turnover in the Buckeye zone. Giles fed the puck to junior forward Mallory Deluce who got it to sophomore forward Brooke Ammerman. Ammerman, who was waiting outside the goal crease, put it over Knapp’s left shoulder to give Wisconsin a 4-3 lead after two periods. The game went scoreless for 16 minutes in the third period before Ohio State’s sophomore forward Laura McIntosh collected a rebound and put it in for the equalizer. Then, with only nine seconds left to play, the Buckeyes’ freshman forward Hokey Langan capped the scoring and gave Wisconsin a heartbreaking 5-4 loss. In Saturday’s game, following Friday’s loss, Wisconsin struck first with four minutes left in the
first period. Freshman defenseman Stefanie McKeough took a shot that went off the crossbar, and the rebound found Decker who capitalized on the opportunity. The lead would not last long though, as just over a minute later Spooner tied the score with a backhand shot from the face-off circle. The Badgers outshot the Buckeyes 32-14 through the first two periods. Despite this, the score remained deadlocked at one heading into the final frame. The Badgers’ momentum finally paid off eight minutes into the third period when Decker found the back of the net on the power play. Decker completed her first career hat trick just over two minutes later when she found the puck in a scramble in front of the OSU goal. Ohio State drew within one, with just over a minute left in the game, but UW would hold on and skate away with a 3-2 victory. — contributed to this report.
Freshman forward Brianna Decker tallied five points on the weekend and notched a hat trick Saturday night.
them as they prepare for their next contest, on the road at Minnesota this Thursday. “[This team] is a hungry bunch,” Stone said. “They’re a very focused group of young women and they’re on a mission to do something special this year.”
Senior guard Rae Lin D’Alie dished out a game-high seven assists and added 10 points on 5-of-10 shooting.
hockey from page 7 shut down Duluth’s top line, the Badgers used their depth to wear down the Bulldogs and eventually put the game out of reach. “All four lines can go out and play and it really helps on keeping our pace up all the way throughout the game while other teams tire out,” said senior forward John Mitchell, who scored Wisconsin’s first goal of the game. Before Saturday’s game, however, Duluth head coach Scott Sandelin mixed up his top three, moving Fontaine down to the third line and bringing sophomore forward David Grun up. The change clearly worked, as Fontaine and the Connollys combined for five points, including what proved to be the game-winner 1:15 into the first period, a soft shot from Fontaine that junior goaltender Brett Bennett would probably like to have back. Fontaine’s goal was the start of a tough, if short, night for Bennett, who gave up two goals on just three shots in his worst outing of the year. “Obviously I wasn’t prepared for tonight,” Bennett said. “I’ve got to get better, I’ve got to mentally prepare better—I know I can play at this level, I know I can play better, I just have to show it,” he added. “I didn’t give my team a chance to win.”
sports 8
Monday, February 1, 2010
Men’s Hockey
UW misses chance to claim WCHA lead RECAP
After win Friday, Badgers fall to UMD with first place on the line By Parker Gabriel THE DAILY CARDINAL
DULUTH, Minn.—Coming into this weekend’s series with league-leading Minnesota-Duluth, the No. 2 Wisconsin Badgers had the top of the WCHA square in the crosshairs. That target looked even more attainable after a 5-2 victory on Friday night that featured good goal play and stellar special teams. However, UW slipped drastically in both areas Saturday night, took a season-high 13 penalties, looking completely destitute in a 4-0 loss. The two teams put their dynamic offenses on display from the first period on Friday night. Minnesota-Duluth scored just 1:26 into the contest. The two teams then skated scoreless for nine minutes after that, but the Badgers picked up some momentum. Two penalties for UW put the league’s most dangerous power-play unit on the ice for four minutes. However, the Badgers did not allow a single shot on goal in that stretch.
“We knew we had to make a statement on their power play because it is so good, and that was a good way to start it off,” senior forward Blake Geoffrion said. Senior forward John Mitchell evened the score midway through the period when he took a nifty pass off the side of the net from freshman forward Craig Smith and beat sophomore Bulldog goalie Kenny Reiter. Wisconsin took the lead just 20 seconds later when senior Aaron Bendickson won a face off, kicking the puck to sophomore defenseman Jake Gardiner, who popped in a wrist shot from the top of the right circle. “We seemed to be swimming upstream the whole night. Part of it was because the way we kept going to the penalty box.” Mike Eaves head coach UW men’s hockey
The Bulldogs responded 22 seconds later, but UW took the lead in the second period on a face off play very similar to the one Gardiner scored on. This time, junior defenseman Brendan Smith collected the puck and sent a slap-shot rocket into the back of the net. Special teams proved to be the
key Friday night, as the Badgers went a perfect 7-for-7 on the penalty kill and scored two goals as a direct result of face-off victories. Junior goaltender Scott Gudmandson also played well, making several big saves before the Badgers widened the lead late. “I thought, especially early on, he was square,” head coach Mike Eaves said of Gudmandson. “He handled himself pretty well in there.” Saturday night, fellow junior goalie Brett Bennett got the call in net, and the results were not nearly as good. Minnesota-Duluth scored on two of its first three shots, prompting Eaves to replace Bennett with Gudmandson just 3:12 into the contest. “We weren’t going to wait around to see if he was going to get himself going,” Eaves said. “We had to make a change. Sometimes that’s what a head coach has to do.” Already trailing 2-0, the Badgers only made a comeback more difficult for themselves by continually taking penalties. A momentum swing seemed possible after UW killed off a five-minute major early in the second period, but the offense could not get ramped back up to speed before having to play a man-down again. “We seemed to be swimming upstream the whole night,” Eaves said. “Part of it was because the
Men’s Hockey
Senior forward Blake Geoffrion and Wisconsin could not capitalize on the chance to take sole possession of first place in the WCHA. way we kept going to the penalty box.” While the obvious disadvantage of taking penalties is playing a man down, senior forward Ben Street noted that it also negated the Badgers’ biggest advantage: their depth. “Last night we rolled four lines,” he said. “Tonight we played the same six guys to kill penalties.”
Now, the Badgers (11-6-3 WCHA, 15-7-4 overall) stand three points off the lead in the WCHA. While they are still right in the thick of the race of the McNaughton Cup, the team can ill-afford another performance like Saturday’s. “We couldn’t get anything going,” Eaves said. “It was a tough night.”
Women’s Basketball
With stage set, Wisconsin falls flat ANALYSIS By Nico Savidge THE DAILY CARDINAL
DULUTH, Minn.—Wisconsin’s keys to victory coming into their series with Minnesota-Duluth were pretty simple: Use good goaltending and strong defense to contain the No. 9 Bulldogs’ top line of Mike Connolly, Jack Connolly and Justin Fontaine, and pressure the Duluth goal with a relentless shooting attack. That is exactly what the No. 2 Badgers did Friday night, but
failed to do Saturday against Duluth, resulting in a strong 52 win in the series opener but a lifeless 4-0 loss in the finale. It was one week after taking three points from No. 3 Denver and one day after defeating the Bulldogs in one of their better performances of the year. But with a chance to claim the top spot in the national rankings and WCHA standings, Wisconsin put in its worst game of the season by far on Saturday. Head coach Mike Eaves praised the team’s ability to make
Junior goalie Brett Bennett was yanked in the opening moments of Saturday’s contest after allowing two early goals.
Bulldog goalie Kenny Reiter work Friday night, but said the Badgers “never got any rhythm” the next night. “The message to the boys is that, because it’s a small rink, just get everything at the net, you never know,” Eaves said Friday. “They listened and they executed and they did get pucks at the net.” Eaves’ assessment was an understatement: the Badgers kept Reiter busy, firing 52 shots and creating plenty of opportunities. But what was true of Friday was the opposite Saturday – the Wisconsin offense was outshot 31-28 and could not create scoring chances after falling behind early. “We didn’t do a very good job of getting shots, getting bodies to the net,” senior forward Ben Street said. “That’s just not going to get it gone.” The disparity in scoring between those two games was also true of the Badgers’ goaltending and defense, which did well Friday but struggled Saturday. Junior goaltender Scott Gudmandson made a number of impressive saves and the Wisconsin defense shut down the Bulldogs late in the opener, allowing just five shots on goal in the third period. The result of that strong effort was that Connolly, Connolly and Fontaine—the WCHA’s top three scorers—combined for zero points Friday night. Having hockey page 7
Junior forward Lin Zastrow netted a team-high 19 points, but it was not enough to take down Northwestern.
Badgers fall at home to NU By Mark Bennett THE DAILY CARDINAL
It was a game of streaks for the Wisconsin women’s basketball team Sunday night against Northwestern. Each team had its share of impressive scoring runs and frustrating droughts. However, after 40 minutes, the Wildcats’ streaks simply outdid the Badgers’. For just the second time all season, Wisconsin dropped a
home conference game, falling to Northwestern 68-62 Sunday night. Making the loss even more frustrating, Ohio State, Penn State and Purdue the first, second, and third place conference teams, respectively, all lost on the day as well. As they sit now, the Badgers remain in third place (tied with Purdue) in the Big Ten, but had an basketball page 7