Our Ed Board endorses Analiese Eicher for County Board, District 5 election OPINION
University of Wisconsin-Madison
‘TUB’ YIELDS WRINKLES IN TIME, CLICHÉS “Back to the Future” and “The Hangover” collide in raunchy, ill-conceived comedy ARTS Complete campus coverage since 1892
Students take part in local government By Beth Pickhard the daily cardinal
UW-Madison students may not consider their role in Madison city politics, but city issues have a direct impact on the campus area and student life. According to Analiese Eicher, UW-Madison student and candidate for Dane County Board of Supervisors, students tend to pay attention to state and national issues rather than city issues. She said students do not form a solid link to city politics while attending UW-Madison. “I think there is a piece that is missing,” Eicher said. “We have city community and student community.” Austin Buerosse, a UW-Madison student and nonvoting representative on the city’s Alcohol License Review Committee, said it is difficult for students to learn about city issues. “Meetings are intricate and technical, especially if you aren’t versed in this,” he said. Eicher added that even though students may wish to learn about city politics and voice their opinions, they can be constrained by the complex ordinances and long meetings, both of which require a time commitment. “[It takes time] to go to school and have 18 credits,” she said. “A lot of us have student jobs on and off campus.”
Despite these circumstances, Buerosse said he believes UW-Madison students still follow city politics. Buerosse said students follow big issues like the alcohol density plan over the course of the many meetings about the issue. Ald. Bryon Eagon, District 8, said although students may maintain a grasp on city politics, they may not realize the personal impact the discussions have on their community. “A lot of the issues that students deal with on a day-to-day basis are dealt with on a city level,” he said. Mark Woulf, UW-Madison student and voting representative on the Alcohol License Review Committee, said the committee has a direct impact on students and does more than determine which businesses can serve alcohol. He said the ALRC also addresses entertainment options available to underage students and area safety concerns. “It’s really about not only bringing money to the bars, but the secondary effects to crime in the area,” he said. One of the largest involvement efforts from UW-Madison students in recent years occurred in late 2009 when students urged the ALRC to increase student representation on the committee. Following pressure from students, the Madison Common Council voted to add two seats involvement page 3
UW System spent $3M on lobbying over past 10 years By Hannah Furfaro the daily cardinal
The UW System spent nearly $3 million on lobbying efforts over the past 10 years according to data from a government watchdog group. “You have to spend huge amounts of money to hire politically affected lobbyists to make your case.” Jay Heck executive director Common Cause in Wisconsin
The Center for Responsive Politics data shows that yearly funds spent on lobbying by the UW System increased from just over $100,000 in 2000 to
$460,000 in 2009. UW-Madison spent $350,000 in 2009 and spent $1.8 million out of the overall $3 million spent by the UW System. UW-Milwaukee spent $70,000 on lobbying last year. According to Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin, increased lobbying is the UW System’s response to budget cuts in recent years. “I don’t think this is a function of the UW spending a lot more money on lobbying to increase the amount of money they are getting from the state or the federal government. I think it’s just to hold on to what they have,” he said. Mike McCabe, executive director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a campaign finance lobbying page 3
Monday, April 5, 2010
Detroit Rock City
danny marchewka/the daily cardinal
The Wisconsin men’s hockey team celebrates its win over St. Cloud State at the NCAA West Regional, which earned them a spot at the Frozen Four in Detroit this weekend. For complete coverage turn to page eight.
Student referendum to determine future renovations of Natatorium By Kelsey Gunderson the daily cardinal
The UW-Madison Natatorium may see major renovations within the next few years if a student referendum passes next week. Mike Bernatz, president of NatUp, the student organization working to pass the referendum, said the main reason for the proposed renovation is the overcrowding of the facility. According to Bernatz, over the past ten years, recreational sports facility use has increased by 50 percent and the current Natatorium cannot support the increased usage. “Students, now more than ever, are committed to healthier and more active lifestyles,” he said. “Our facilities need to provide enough space and equipment for students to pursue their active lifestyles.” The proposed renovations would include a larger weight room and cardio area, a new indoor turf, four basketball courts surrounded by an indoor track and several new classrooms. UW-Madison junior Clark Oster said he feels that both the SERF and the Natatorium are too crowded and he would support the renovation to give students more room to exercise. “I really like to work out at the Nat, and I would enjoy a more spacious and less crowded atmosphere,” he said. Amy Jones, a UW-Madison junior and kinesiology major, said she supports the renovations but hopes the construction does not
interfere with kinesiology classes that are located at the Natatorium. Bernatz said the renovation would be funded by a $54.19 fee increase per semester beginning in the fall of 2013, with other funds potentially coming from UW Recreation Sports. The fee would remain for 30 years and cost $60 million total, according to a Recreational Sports Board report. Bernatz said, however, that Recreational Sports plans to raise private donations to lower the cost to students. Bernatz said UW-Madison’s rec-
reational facilities are behind those at most Big Ten schools and hopes students vote for the referendum in order to keep UW-Madison in the top of its peer group in terms of student services and facilities provided. “At some point someone is going to have to step up and make a commitment for the future generation so they can have access to things we don’t,” he said. Students can vote on the renovations April 12-14. If it passes, the renovation would begin in late 2011 and would be completed by Fall 2014.
anthony cefali/cardinal file photo
Students will vote April 12-14 on proposed renovations for the Natatorium, which would include new cardio and weight rooms.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two 2
tODAY: sunny hi 70º / lo 51º
Monday, April 5, 2010
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892
Bonnie ‘Wisc’ed away by in-flight insanity
Volume 119, Issue 116
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 l fax (608) 262-8100
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© 2010, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
bonnie gleicher the bonnanza
our years and 30 flights ago, I boarded my first plane to Madison. A teary-eyed freshman from New York on the verge of crapping in my pants, I was particularly unprepared to navigate a vast college campus in a Midwest town and to immerse myself in some “serious” academia. Fast-forward to senior year, and I’m on a plane en route to Madison once again. But unlike all the other flights, this will be my last. With graduation in May, the only trip I’ll be taking is back home. No longer will I be “Wisc”ed away to campus after a fun-filled, foodfilled break at home. Anticipation (or dread) of the coming semester, the weeks off from school, the layovers in Chicago—those thoughts and occurrences will all end with my final flight back home. But besides the guilt-free trips home, where “doing nothing” is the societally accepted status quo, what I’ll miss most are the insane and comically mundane circumstances and people I have met in these past four years while on these frequent flights. Airports are like mini-ecosystems:
Each has its own changing population, schedule and restaurant chains. Like birth and death, people leave and people come, each with their own routine, purpose and destination. But the people you meet in airports—on the layover, in line for a bagel, your neighbor in seat 12A—these are what keep the journey colorful from here to there. Whether my flight is a half hour or two and a half, these characters provide more entertainment than four episodes of “Friends” and two hours on Facebook—combined! Freshman year, on a flight to Chicago after spring break, I found myself ensconced between a window and an Indian man named Samir. Samir was young and on one of many business trips to the “Windy City” and liked board games. After 12 minutes on that flight and the usual brain-reducing small talk, Samir was smitten. Somewhere above northern Illinois, Samir asked me the fateful question: “Do you have a boyfriend?” (SOUND OF CAR SCREECHING TO A HALT) What the hell was I to do? I was cruising at an altitude of 32,000 feet and my only escape was a 4x4 bathroom with an unflushable toilet! So what did I do? I told the truth. Why? ’Cause I was an idiot. And a freshman. “No.” Thenceforth, he proceeded to tell
I became a chain connoisseur: I devoured/sampled the sophisticated offerings at Cinnabon, Garrett’s Popcorn, The Great American Bagel and Panda Express. For the exhausting trip from the women’s bathroom by gate C4 to the TCBY by C10, I fueled myself with a grande café latte. Too much time to wait? Learn to satiate! But some of my most memorable trips are the ones where I fear I’m not going to make it: when I’m dashing to the gate, or when the flight becomes as turbulent and rocky as a 10-day family vacation. Numerous times, I’ve sat in my seat with my tray table down, strapped in my useless seatbelt, and I’ve asked myself, “Is this is it? Is this really the end?” And when you’re suspended in midair, thousands of feet above the ground, without a semblance of control, I’ve realized that you just have to sit back and find solace in the fact that there is nothing you can do. Your fate is not in your hands. You just have to go along for the journey and hope beyond hope you get to your destination. With graduation nearly a month away, I ask myself the same question: “Is this is it? Is this really the end?” Yes, it is. But what a ride it’s been! Any midflight stories you’d like to share? Thinking about the future? Fill me in at gleicher@wisc.edu.
Life is hard. The Deer Cardinal is here to help.
Deer Cardinal— So I just got back from spring break, and of course, it was a blast. Too much of a blast, actually. I got blackout drunk every night, and it turns out one of the nights I went home with some chick named Candeee (she specifically told me it was spelled with three e’s), and now I think I have chlamydia. Is there any way I can try to treat this disease without going to UHS? I’m really worried that it will show up on my personal record or something. Law school can’t know about this, that’s for sure. —Bernie P. STD-filled weekend at Bernie’s— You do realize how ridiculous it is that your name is Bernie P., right? I’m assuming this must be some kind of joke, meant to further protect your identity. Luckily, I’m pretty OK with jokes, and I’m pretty familiar with chlamydia, too.
Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an e-mail to edit@dailycardinal.com.
me about his family, his culture, his predilection for warm climates and basketball. After the two-hour flight (and time-wasting conversation), he asked me for my number. So what did I do? I gave it to him. Why? ’CAUSE I’M AN IDIOT. A TOTAL IDIOT. WHAT THE HELL, WHERE WAS MY BRAIN? For nearly two weeks after that encounter, he called me almost nightly. The conversation wasn’t bad; the distance mitigated my suspicions, and frankly, I had no friends, so any communication was welcomed. However, when he attempted to invite himself to a dance I was going to and wanted to stay over, that’s when I said, “No thanks, Samir. Maybe I’ll see you on the layover!” Then there was the winter of 2008, sophomore year. It was an unusually bitter-cold winter, sprinkled with the occasional hail and weeks of below-30degree temperatures. The night before I departed for home after the first semester, Mother Nature conveniently took a great white dump all over Madison. As I trudged through the snow with my large luggage in tow, I was painfully unaware that I had another 14 hours till I’d be home. Quite quickly, my world became the area between my seat at the airport gate and every food chain within a 20foot radius that sold bread, meat, sugar, salt and cookie dough ice cream.
ASK THE DEER CARDINAL I can’t resist those large-breasted swallows, AMIRITE?!?! (waits for high-five). Anyway, in my years out of the nest, I got my wings dipped and clipped a few times, if you know what I’m saying. Eventually, I couldn’t pony up all the worms for that suppression medication, so I needed some new ways to keep my wiener cleaner. The first solution? Nonfat yogurt. Don’t eat it or anything, just apply it liberally to the affected area. If it’s a yogurt advertised by Jamie Lee Curtis as “keeping you regular,” it works especially well. The second solution? Grain alcohol. Somehow, the sheer amount of ethanol contained in a bottle of Everclear scares those pesky germs right off your manhood. The tricky thing is you can’t take any girls home during that phase, so you
The Cardinal is founded by William Wesley Young, William Saucerman, E.R. McDonald and Malcolm Douglass. Its first staff is co-ed, including female reporters and editors, nearly unheard-of at the time.
For the record
tUeSDAY: thunderstorms hi 73º / lo 50º
have to enjoy the beverage in the comfort of your own home. You better turn off your phone, too, because texting a girl saying the late bird can get the worm too can lead to problems. Use either of these solutions and you should be back on the hunt, STD-free, in no time. Deer Cardinal— So I hear that it was apparently The Daily Cardinal’s birthday yesterday. That guy is pretty old, huh? I mean, it seems like he’s been around for at LEAST 100 years by now. What’s his secret? Is he immortal or something? I’m kinda jealous, frankly. I hope I can be as eloquent and sharp as he is at my age, ya know? —Harold B. Harold— I feel ya, man. I may be
The Cardinal’s editor, Richard Davis, is unfairly fired by the paper’s board for being Jewish. Supported by the Journalism School, the board demanded “American kids” be given a chance to lead the paper. Davis led the staff out on strike in protest and narrowly lost a campus vote to reinstate him.
The Cardinal exposed university Regents who were profiting from their associations by routing leases for UW property through banks they controlled. The series of investigative articles by reporter Jim Rowen, called Profit Motive 101, led to changes in state law and became an investigation into the university’s associations with many outside entities, including the U.S. Army.
young and fly, but I’m still not too cool to hang with my buddy Daily. Somehow he keeps it fresh after all these years, but he’s definitely got that distinguished salt-’n’-pepper look in his wings. Kinda makes him seem like a wise old owl. Anyway, he thinks I’m just getting him a birthday cake for his birthday, but I’m definitely taking him out for shots at the Cardinal Bar later. If you’re up in that area later, keep an eye out, we’ll be celebrating like its 1892. Got a question for the Deer Cardinal not related to birds? He’ll try his best to answer anyway, because he’s just that kind of guy. E-mail him at deercardinal@dailycardinal.com.
The Cardinal donates land on University Ave., newspaper presses and assets worth thousands of dollars to the university to create a laboratory to teach students the newspaper business. In return, the University grants the Cardinal space in the new Journalism building, where Vilas Hall now stands.
The Cardinal shuts down, $137,700 in debt with $43.71 in its checkbook. Over the next seven months, staff members pay off the debt and return the paper to publication. The UW is currently the only campus in the nation with two competing independent student daily papers.
1956 2001 Anna Gould and Kevin Warnke win the Associated Collegiate Press Diversity Story of the Year for exposing that the university photoshopped a black student into a photo on undergraduate application materials.
turned 118 years old April 4, 2010. Happy belated birthday, you don’t look a day over 75!
involvement from page 1 to the ALRC, one for an alder and the other for a community member. Mayor Dave Cieslewicz appointed a student to the new citizen seat to serve a three-year term. According to Michael Johnson, a former MATC student who is running opposite Eicher for the Dane County Board of Supervisors District 5 seat, students should care about his election because the Board deals with housing, the environment and immigration concerns, among other issues. Johnson suggested that immigration may currently be the largest social issue the Board addresses. He said Dane County allows for deportation when undocumented immigrants are jailed. Those who are pulled over for traffic violations face the risk of being deported by the state. Immigration
on the local level is not something students are aware of, Johnson said. Woulf said the public can have an even greater impact on local legislation than on politics at the state or national level. He said if students commit to learning about what is going on in their communities it could have a large payoff. “Public opinion affects how an issue will be argued and heard by a committee and not just thrown away,” he said. Eagon said in the past few months ASM has become more interested in local issues. He added that some student organizations offer a gateway to becoming more involved in local policy making. “Even fragmented engagement is better than none,” he said. The Dane County Board of Supervisors District 5 election will be held April 6.
matt marheine/cardinal file photo
Stolen vehicle, downtown high-speed chase ends in arrest An Edgerton man was arrested Monday, March 29, for allegedly stealing a vehicle from the 200 block of North Carroll Street and leading a Madison Police Department officer on a high-speed chase downtown. According to the incident report, the Chevy Trailblazer was stolen March 20. An MPD officer noticed the stolen vehicle near University
Avenue and Lake Street Monday morning and proceeded to follow it. The 37-year-old man driving the Trailblazer then led the officer on a high-speed chase downtown, reaching speeds of up to 70 mph. The officer reported that he ended the chase to protect public safety, however the Trailblazer eventually crashed into a lamppost near the 100
block of North Bedford Street. The suspect then fled on foot and was taken into custody by officers on West Mifflin Street. He admitted to having stolen the vehicle. The suspect was taken to the Dane County Jail. His charges include operating a vehicle without owners consent and attempting to elude a police officer.
State unemployment rate jumps to 9.7 percent in February Overall non-seasonally adjusted unemployment increased to 9.7 percent in February, up from January’s rate of 9.6 percent. According to the February report from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, unemployment increased in five metropolitan areas. Beloit and Racine topped the list of cities with the highest unem-
lobbying from page 1
Students can take part in local politics by voting for Analiese Eicher or Michael Johnson in Tuesday’s Dane County Board of Supervisors election.
Monday, April 5, 2010
watchdog group, said strained relations in past years between university officials and elected lawmakers has made the UW System feel like it needs to do “whatever it can to make sure that the university is represented.” Heck said the UW System is “vulnerable” to state and federal budget cuts. To “get the ear of influential people in Congress,” he said the UW System has to hire big-name lobbying firms.
ployment rates with 18.3 percent and 16.7 percent, respectively. Unemployment rates dropped in 22 counties and 12 cities. Madison was listed as the city with the lowest unemployment rate at 5.7 percent. Unemployment remained steady from January in Appleton, Green Bay and the Milwaukee area. DWD Secretary Roberta
Gassman said she is “optimistic” that Wisconsin’s economy is improving. According to the report, Wisconsin gained 4,800 jobs in February. “We are posting job gains that show Wisconsin is moving toward recovery,” she said in a statement. Wisconsin remains below the national non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 10.4 percent.
Last year, UW-Madison hired Patton and Boggs, LLP, last year’s number one ranked firm in terms of earnings. McCabe said hiring top lobbying firms puts the UW System in a difficult position because many of these firms often represent highranking politicians. “If you’re going to hire any of the top lobbyists, they pretty much all represent clients that are very, very actively playing the campaign contribution game,” he said. “You really get into
difficult ethical territory when you come to the intersection of campaign financing and public policy making.” Heck said lobbying is one of the only ways the UW System can make political connections in attempts to secure public financing. “I think it’s an insidious system. It’s too bad that you have to spend huge amounts of money to hire politically affected lobbyists to make your case, but that’s the way the system is right now,” he said.
opinion 4
Monday, April 5, 2010
view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
vote eicher for district 5
ith local activist Michael Johnson in one corner and UW campus politico Analiese Eicher in the other, the District 5 County Board race presents a choice unique enough in the political realm to allow voters to make a difference. Besides their differing political camps, with Johnson from the far-left Progressive Dane and Eicher from the center-left College Democrats, both candidates differ greatly in personality. While Johnson may not be the most charismatic person, he does exude experience. At every opportunity he has made sure to whip out his resume of community activism, and it’s not too shabby. Eicher, on the other hand, had to be convinced by friends to actually join the race and has not been nearly as involved in local issues, but she has made sure to advertise her vast amount of work in student political efforts and her ability to get in touch with the student mindset. As such, the District 5 race creates a clear-cut set of contrasts. Far-left vs. moderate liberals. Local experience vs. relatability. Activist vs. student. Gut instinct would tell us to go with the experienced candidate. But all apologies to Stephen Colbert, sometimes it’s best to let your gut stick to digestive duties and let your brain make the decisions. We have taken a
look at Johnson’s experience, and we were not entirely fond of what we saw. Much of Johnson’s past work lies in his activist roots, particularly those roots tied to Progressive Dane. And in the past, local officials like Austin King and Ashok Kumar have taken up the Progressive Dane mantle and represented the campus area well, even if some of their policies were less than agreeable. But from what we have seen of Johnson, we do not feel he can continue this tradition. To us, it does not appear Johnson will be able to balance the agenda of Progressive Dane with superior representation of students. He has not provided any real plan to make the position of county supervisor more visible or accessible to his student constituents––which is one of many problems that made current District 5 Supervisor Wyndham Manning’s tenure such a miserable failure. In addition, the issues Johnson has campaigned on do not seem to match the concerns of his constituent base. Chief among Johnson’s issues has been affordable housing, which is a noble endeavor for which he has a reasonable financial plan. But this plan does not concern creating affordable housing for students moving out of the residence halls. Meanwhile, Eicher has made her most important concern human services and finding ways to get students in
touch with the county resources already available to them, which many students don’t even know about. That is the kind of outreach and student connection sorely lacking from the County Board today, and we need more of it. Our choice must be Eicher. She is more inviting and open to student contact through offered office hours and a blog and seems more in touch with the needs of student constituents. She has shown herself to be a little green in terms of governing know-how, and she will definitely experience a learning curve on the board. But we think she has the ability to learn and adapt to her constituents’ needs, something we cannot say for Johnson. It is worth mentioning that we would have reached the same decision even without knowledge of Johnson’s previous comments about the Jewish community. While the comments did factor into our decision somewhat as a bearing on Johnson’s judgment, in our minds Eicher’s attitude and priorities put her ahead of Johnson regardless. At the end of the day, the candidates’ work over the past several months was enough to portray their current character and ideals, and based on the party talking points presented and, more importantly, their strategies for representation, we support Eicher’s run for the Dane County Board District 5 seat.
Vote NO on seg fee increase for Nat As a first-year graduate student and teaching assistant at UW, I am incredibly concerned about the proposed increase in segregated fees that will be voted on during the April 1214 ASM election. I am concerned not only because I will be a graduate student at UW for who-knowshow-long and therefore paying seg fees for who-knows-how-long, but mostly because UW has been steadily increasing students’ segregated fees each year, making me fearful that by the time I get out of here, I will be spending over a quarter of my TA salary to pay for segregated fees (currently an average TA spends 9 percent of his or her annual salary on segregated fees). I was aware of segregated fees as an undergrad at the Ohio State University, and I was even aware that part of my segregated fees went to pay for the building of OSU’s recreation facility known as the RPAC. When I started graduate school here at UW, I was not surprised to learn that students of UW also pay segregated fees. However, what did surprise me was how high the seg fees are here at UW. Currently, over 80 percent of our segregated fees are designated as non-allocable, which means the money goes to cover fixed, ongoing costs of student services––such as the rebuilding of Union South and the Memorial Union renovations. Now, NAT UP 2010 is proposing that each student pay an additional $100 per year to cover the cost of yet another ongoing building project, namely the rebuilding of the
Natatorium. When such a huge percentage of our segregated fees is already being used for construction endeavors, do we really need to begin renovations of the Nat? Especially when so many classroom buildings on campus are also in need of renovation and the construction on Union South is still going on? I think it’s ridiculous to ask poor college students to pay for the building of this new recreation facility, especially considering the current state of the economy and the rising costs of tuition and books as well. Although I’m sure it would be nice to have a brand new swimming pool and rec center to show off to prospective students, why should the current students be burdened with the cost of building it? [Editor’s note: The rise in segregated fees would not go into effect until the fall of 2013] Or why can’t the university at least finish one building project before beginning another? When I asked my fellow TAs what I personally could do to stop this increase in segregated fees, I received a simple answer: Vote NO on the issue during the ASM online election on April 12-14. So that’s what I’m going to do. And I urge all UW students who want to stop the yearly increase in segregated fees to do the same. This is our chance to say NO––if we don’t, then for the next 30 years, we’re gonna pay––literally. ––Alyson Sewell UW-Madison grad student
dissent: johnson best for board
egardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s Dane County Board of Supervisors’ election, District 5 representation will be greatly improved. However, we must raise a voice in opposition to the Editorial Board’s endorsement of Democratic candidate Analiese Eicher. Eicher, who we are sure would make the Dane County seat more visible on campus and greatly improve student outreach, is regrettably ill-prepared for the job of District 5 representative. During a debate two weeks ago between Eicher and Progressive Dane candidate Michael Johnson,
Johnson demonstrated his knowledge of, and commitment to, local Madison and Dane County issues. Johnson has clearly thought about the Madison that he wants to represent, and his vision is flush with more egalitarian living situations for students and other members of the community, as well as his strong advocacy for the environment and social issues. Above all, Johnson demonstrates a maturity not seen in Eicher. In our conversations with him, Johnson has shown us a personality beyond talking points, especially when dealing with issues like the Edgewater
development and how we are going to fund ambitious projects in Madison. Unlike Eicher, who relies on political catch-alls like manure digesters and the Mifflin Street Block Party, Johnson has displayed a more complete understanding of what needs to be done for the greater Madison community. District 5 is just one piece of the puzzle. Students are just as much a part of this puzzle as everyone else in Madison, and Johnson has shown us that he will be the best in representing student interests with integrity, fairness and determination. –– Anthony Cefali and Kathy Dittrich
See more commentary on the proposed Natatorium redevelopment in The Daily Cardinal’s opinion blog, The Soapbox. Check out this and other political commentary at www.dailycardinal.com and click on “The Soapbox”
Monday, April 5, 2010
‘Hot Tub’ stays lukewarm By Kevin Slane THE DAILY CARDINAL
Ralph Fiennes gives a great performance as Hades, but it’s not enough to fully combat the poorly organized plot, which Leterrier unsuccessfully attempts to hide behind elaborate special effects work.
‘Clash’ pits flashy CGI against sloppy storyline By Todd Stevens THE DAILY CARDINAL
The world has come a long way since the ’80s. Back then, if audiences demanded a monster-movie spectacle, they needed to call on someone like Ray Harryhausen who could whip up the best claymation creatures in the business, such as the beasts he created for 1981’s “Clash of the Titans.” But in 2010, CGI is the nifty new toy for filmmakers to use. Thus we now have Louis Leterrier’s remake of “Clash of the Titans,” which wields eye-popping special effects so roaring crowds can see a spiffy new Kraken waltz around Greece like an anarchist in Legoland. But sadly, it seems like the Kraken did just as much damage to “Clash’s” script as well, because the actual story of the movie lies in ruins.
The original “Titans” was hardly a masterpiece, but at least it was easy to follow.
Much of the plot has changed from the original 1981 version of “Clash,” but the basic pieces are still around. There are the gods of Olympus, Zeus (Liam Neeson) and Hades (Ralph Fiennes), angry at the insolent human beings for their lack of loyalty. There is the aforementioned Kraken, which is set to destroy the Greek city of Argos as punishment for their insolence if they fail to sacrifice the princess, Andromeda (Alexa Davalos). And finally there is Perseus (Sam Worthington), the half-human son of Zeus and the only one who can
save the Greeks from their terrible Kraken-y fate. New to the mix is Io (Gemma Arterton), a combination wisened mentor/love interest to Perseus, and fortunately for the latter role she looks a lot more like Princess Leia than Obi-wan Kenobi. Also new to this “Clash” is a complete mess of action set pieces, random exotic locales and “Win one for the Gipper”-style inspirational speeches that are sloppily thrown together as an incredibly ineffective delivery system for CGI wonder-gazing. The original “Titans” was hardly a masterpiece, but at least it was easy to follow. The same cannot be said for this version, as director Leterrier moves the film along by pulling motivations and plot devices out of his ass. Need to get from the underworld to Argos in 20 minutes? Hop on that flying Pegasus that just randomly appeared. Need to figure out how to kill the Kraken? Just ask Io in her comically skimpy toga, she seems to have the answer to every single question. In “Clash,” things don’t happen because they are logical, things happen solely because Leterrier wants them to happen. Every solution to every problem requires a suspension of disbelief that would make even the writers of “24” blush.
In “Titans,” things don’t happen because they are logical, things happen solely because Leterrier wants them to happen.
It’s a pity, too, because Leterrier wastes some great scenery that his actors would have loved to
chew. Neeson and Fiennes as Zeus and Hades is some of the greatest casting this side of the River Styx, not only because it’s great to see Oskar Schindler and Amon Goeth face off again but because they can take absolutely ridiculous lines like “Release the Kraken!” and make them sound sublime. But no, even though Neeson’s armor is shinier than a “Twilight” vampire, that isn’t eye-catching to Leterrier. Acting doesn’t have nearly enough CGI in it for him.
Every solution to every problem requires a suspension of disbelief that would make even the writers of “24” blush.
In the immortal words of “The Big Lebowski’s” Walter Sobchak, “This is not ’Nam, there are rules.” These are words that are lost on Louis Leterrier. Anytime a director takes on a project, he gets to create his own world—but that world needs a set of rules by which it operates. The director can’t just create a fantasy land where anything goes. Everything that happens needs to make sense, even if only in the mythical setting they have created. Leterrier and his trio of lackadaisical screenwriters don’t do that in “Clash of the Titans.” Instead, they trot out deus ex machina after deus ex machina, snapping fingers to fill plot holes just so they can show more carnage. In doing so, Leterrier has just created his own ’Nam, and the result is the same as it was in America’s least favorite war: a hellhole.
“Hot Tub Time Machine” is like the VH1 program “I Love the ’80s.” It will make viewers nostalgic for a simpler time (remember how awesome “Back to the Future” was?),and will even offer occasional bursts of laugh-out-loud hilarity (though from Craig Robinson, not from Michael Ian Black or Hal Sparks). But like “I Love the ’80s,” “Hot Tub Time Machine” is a clash between two distinctly different generations, and the results are mixed at best. The premise of “Hot Tub Time Machine” essentially boils down to a combination of “Back to the Future” and “The Hangover.” Three friends look to reconnect and relive their days of youth via a wild weekend in an exotic locale. That locale isn’t Vegas, however, it’s the ’80s. Adam (’80s legend John Cusack) is our 40-something protagonist, left in a midlife crisis after his girlfriend moves out. Nick (the consistently funny Craig Robinson) lives a humdrum life in suburbia, working at a pet store called ’Sup Dawg and being “whipped” by his wife (according to his friends anyway). Lou (Rob Corddry) is a crazy boozehound who seems to have no sense of dignity, or sense in general. Along with Adam’s nephew Jake (Clark Duke), the group uses their magical hot tub to travel back to a ski lodge in 1986, where hijinks inevitably ensue. Some of the characters in “Hot Tub Time Machine” offer solid, if not spectacular-performances. Crispin Glover (George McFly from “Back to the Future”) plays a bellhop who the characters know loses his arm in the near future. His clumsiness is a constant source of hilarity, as the gang waits for the inevitable accidental amputation to occur. Robinson shines in a slightly toned-down role, and his Black Eyed Peas ballad, meant to mimic the “Enchantment Under the Sea” moment from “Back to the Future,”
is a well-placed gag. Others, however, do not fare as well. Duke’s role as the only tubber who never lived in the ’80s is mostly reserved for jokes about iPods and the Internet or confusion as to why his mom is suddenly hot and sexually promiscuous, evoking the weird relationship between Marty McFly and his mom in “Back to the Future.” Cusack seems to be phoning it in at times, assuming that simply by showing up and wearing a trench coat, people will remember his iconic boombox-holding character from “Say Anything.” Perhaps he still owed director Steve Pink (producer of Cusack films “Grosse Pointe Blank” and “High Fidelity”) a favor from the last time they worked together. Corddry is trying too hard to be a Zach Galifianakis clone, using outrageous facial tics, social awkwardness and physical comedy to chew up scenery. And while the occasional gross-out sexual gag is always appreciated, the number of blowjob jokes and excretory gags nears “South Park” levels.
But like “I Love the ’80s,” “Hot Tub Time Machine” is a clash between two distinctly different generations, and the results are mixed at best.
“Hot Tub Time Machine” may not win any awards besides the “Snakes on a Plane” award for most straightforward movie title of the year, but it will satisfy a niche audience looking for a 1980s version of “The Hangover.” But throwing Poison and Chevy Chase cameos together with an unlimited supply of raunchiness does not make a movie. Sure, there are laughs, and yes, some bits of nostalgia succeed, but on the whole, this hot tub loses steam pretty quickly.
The constant ’80s nostalgia that dominates ‘Hot Tub’ might make audiences yearn for a decade when this movie didn’t exist.
comics 6
Where, exactly, DOES the Easter Bunny come into play? Rabbit meat is lower in fat,
cholesterol and calories than chicken, pork and beef. Yum.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Today’s Sudoku
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Ludicrous Linguistics
By Celia Donnelly donnelly.celia@gmail.com
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
The Graph Giraffe Classic
By Yosef Lerner comics@dailycardinal.com
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
First in Twenty
By Patrick Remington premington@wisc.edu
By Angel Lee alee23@wisc.edu
Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com RING CEREMONY
ACROSS 1 Sustain, as losses 6 Photo ___ (publicity setups) 9 Bite vigorously 14 Altanta-based airline 15 Lock opener 16 Dish served with onions, often 17 Rigel’s constellation 18 Writer Fleming who created Bond 19 Celebrated Italian violin maker 20 Aerial maneuver 23 Blazed a trail 24 Square root of IX 25 Regret deeply 27 Intermittently 32 Atoll’s makeup 33 Romanian currency 34 Salami choice 36 Make leaner, as meat 39 Social problems 41 Soviet currency 43 Regal term of address 44 Earthenware vessels 46 Reading offerers 48 U.S. spy org. 49 Songs on albums 51 2012 is the next one 53 Lack of success
56 Leaves with a caddy? 57 Incoming flight (Abbr.) 58 Band alternatives 64 Valium producer 66 The third O of OOO 67 Type of wave 68 Haggard hero Quatermain 69 Printer’s widths 70 “J’accuse” author Zola 71 Slumbered 72 Hamelin critter 73 Word after “G” or “PG” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DOWN Matinee heartthrob Seneca was his tutor Advertiser’s award Ideally perfect place Being bombastic Steinbeck panhandler? Ring a bell Where fathers may gather Showed appreciation in a handy way? Her counterpart Prestigious D.C. workplace This could raise a red flag
13 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 37 38 40 42 45 47 50 52 53 54 55 59 60 61 62 63 65
“___ and Prejudice” Seeker’s quarry Above, to the Bard Bruce and Spike Miscellaneous mixture Took a trip 360 degrees Burden or responsibility Inventor of dynamite “Hard” follower, at sea Kathleen Battle delivery Run like the wind David succeeded him, in the Bible Ode writer’s Muse University attendee Apparition ___ Lanka Washington river city “So ___ I know ...” On ___ (having good luck) Flavoring compound Senseless state Do a bit of legpulling Perfect prose Connecticut ivy school Huskies’ load Hazardly start?
Washington and the Bear
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
Monday, April 5, 2010
Men’s Tennis
UW wins two of three over break By Emma Condon THE DAILY CARDINAL
The Wisconsin men’s tennis team recorded its first two Big Ten wins this season with victories over No. 40 Indiana and Michigan State but stumbled in a tight 4-3 battle against Michigan. The No. 30 Badgers (2-2 Big Ten, 13-6 overall) kicked off their spring break competition March 26 host-
ing No. 40 Indiana (2-2, 11-5), who posed tough opposition in doubles play before two late breaks at No. 1 and 3 earned the Badgers their first point of the competition. No. 17 senior Moritz Baumann and No. 21 junior Marek Michalicka easily topped opponents in singles competition, but freshmen Billy Bertha and Chris Freeman ultimately did the honors at the bottom of the lineup,
Moritz Baumann found singles success against Indiana before teaming up with Malek Michalicka in a doubles drubbing of Michigan State over break.
analysis from page 8 Gudmandson kept the Huskies from pressuring him too much. “They pressured us hard today. They got to all of the loose pucks, won
the battles,” St. Cloud State sophomore forward Jared Festler said about the Badger defense. “We just didn’t move the puck as well as we normally do, and that’s what cost us.” Junior defenseman Ryan
dismissing the Hoosiers 5-2 with their individual victories. Next the Badgers embarked on a weeklong campaign from Florida to Michigan, a road trip that was supposed to start against Florida Gulf Coast, but the match was canceled by high winds in Tampa Bay. Against No. 51 Miami (7-10) Wednesday, the Badgers could not hold on to the doubles point and entered singles trailing 0-1. Baumann, Michalicka and sophomore Patrick Pohlmann surged to put three points on the board for Wisconsin, but freshman Ricardo Martin had the honor of sealing the 4-3 result. The freshman from Colombia downed sophomore Ignacio Taboada 6-4, 6-4, improving his individual record to 6-5 in his debut season for UW. Returning to conference play Saturday, Wisconsin improved to a winning conference record for the first time this season with a strong 6-1 victory over Michigan State (0-5, 11-9). The Badgers swept all three prosets in doubles, including a tiebreak at No. 1 where the No. 15 duo of Baumann and Michalicka bested sophomore Austin Brooks and junior John Stratton. Wisconsin added five of six singles points with contributions from seniors Luke Rassow-Kantor and Michael Dierberger as well as Baumann, Michalicka and Bertha.
Saving best for last, No. 26 Michigan (5-0, 9-7) proved to be the toughest competition of the outing for the Badgers, forcing them to wage an all out war for decisive third sets Sunday afternoon. After starting with another doubles deficit, the match at No. 2 was the only one settled in straight sets when Baumann took out No. 97 freshman Evan King 6-3, 6-2 to put the Badgers on the board. At No. 1, the Wolverines’ No. 41 junior Jason Jung halted Michalicka’s 14-0 streak, handing
him his first loss of the season 3-6, 63, 7-5. Despite wins from Pohlmann and Freeman, the Wolverines administered the final blow at No. 4, where junior Chris Madden broke Bertha late in their third set to close out the match and edge the Badgers out of the match 4-3. The Badgers return home this weekend to host No. 48 Northwestern and Purdue. Matches start Friday at 3 p.m. and Saturday at noon. —uwbadgers.com contributed to this report.
McDonagh said Wisconsin’s familiarity with St. Cloud was a big reason for their success. The teams had faced off five times before Saturday’s game, with the Huskies winning the most recent matchup at the WCHA Final
Five semifinals, something McDonagh said gave the Badgers an advantage in knowing what to expect from their power play. “They win a lot of their games on special teams, and having played them
now for the sixth time this year we know their strength is to get on the power play and try to take advantage of that,” he said. “Everybody that was out there on the PK units did a tremendous job.”
Michalicka and Wisconsin took two of their three Big Ten matches over spring recess.
sports 8
Monday, April 5, 2010
Men’s Hockey
Special teams drive UW past Vermont and SCS ANALYSIS By Nico Savidge THE DAILY CARDINAL
Forwards John Mitchell (left) and Craig Smith soak in the moment during the West regional round.
Badgers on their way to Frozen Four in Detroit RECAP By Ben Breiner THE DAILY CARDINAL
ST. PAUL, Minn.—It didn’t seem to matter whether they started fast or struggled at the start. Both times they took the ice, the games came down to tense, close final periods as playoff hockey often does. And at the end of the weekend, after dealing with a familiar foe and a team just lucky to be there, they finally reached a goal that was both aimed for at season’s start and in some ways expected. Yes, the Badgers are headed back to the Frozen Four. It took a 3-2 win over Vermont and a 5-3 victory against conference rival St. Cloud State to give Wisconsin the NCAA Tournament Western Regional Title at the Xcel Energy Center. That punched their ticket to Detroit, earning the second trip to college hockey’s final weekend in head coach Mike Eaves’ tenure, and the first in four seasons. Twenty minutes in, however, the Badgers did not have the look of a title contender. After the game was delayed 42 minutes by the other semifinal going to double overtime, Wisconsin was sluggish opening against Vermont, losing battles for the puck and getting outshot by the last at-large team in the tournament field. The Catamounts exited the period with a 2-1 lead, courtesy of a pair of gritty scores. “We got the first goal, which is certainly what we wanted, but we weren’t playing the way we wanted. Part of it was Vermont, part of it was the wait, part of it was, I think, the nerves,” Eaves said. “Tonight is the semifinals, it’s game seven. I don’t care what you say, the kids know that. That’s
why it was pleasing to us as a coach that they settled down.” What the Badgers did was more than settle down, putting 13 more pucks on net than Vermont and coming back with two goals. The last one came when senior Hobey Baker finalist Blake Geoffrion slapped through a behind-theback pass from freshman defenseman Justin Schultz. UW junior goaltender Scott Gudmandson turned away the rest of Vermont’s shots, and his team held on after a tight third period. “It feels incredible ... The opportunity to possibly go to the national championship game, it’s an incredible feeling right now.” Blake Geoffrion senior forward UW men’s hockey
The next evening seemed like a mirror image of the first, as the Badgers were the early aggressors, scoring three times in the first 15 minutes, forcing Husky coach Bob Motzko to replace his starting goaltender, freshman Mike Lee. There was a hint of redemption in that first stretch, since Lee shut Wisconsin out just eight days earlier, denying it a chance at the conference tournament title. “We were flat. The first period was just a struggle for us,” said Motzko, whose team played over 80 minutes of hockey the night before. “We felt it on the bench, our guys felt it, our tanks were down.” Both Gudmandson and Husky replacement Dan Dunn locked in as the game went into a scoring lull, but in the third St. Cloud made its final bid to bounce back from a 3-1 hole. Twice the Huskies scored to move with-
in one, and twice the Badgers answered within three minutes to dissipate the momentum. “Responding like we did was pivotal,” Eaves said. “I think that’s been a battle cry all year, and I know most coaches will use it: We need a response. It’s how we respond to this moment right now.” That response meant Wisconsin’s 11th Frozen Four appearance in program history. This season opened with high expectations, as Eaves had his first “upperclassman team” since the 2006 title team. Seniors scored four of the five goals against St. Cloud, and Geoffrion, one of the team’s tri-captains, was named the region’s MVP. When asked to look back, senior John Mitchell, who scored two of the seniors’ goals, said it started months before the first puck was even dropped. “We’ve been in here every summer, at Wisconsin in Madison working out,” he said. “Just the hours that we’ve put in and then all throughout the season, I’m just so proud of every one of these guys, it means a lot.” This trek is not over yet, and Wisconsin will move on to face its next test Thursday against RIT, which knocked off Denver and New Hampshire to become the surprise team of the tournament. But just getting as far as they had allowed the Badgers a moment to savor and look back on before turning forward. “It feels incredible,” Geoffrion said after the game. “I know a lot of seniors have worked since our freshman year coming in ... The opportunity to possibly go to the national championship game, it’s an incredible feeling right now. Job’s not done yet though.” For a team with such high expectations for itself, it rarely is.
ST. PAUL, Minn.—In one game at the NCAA West Regional it was the power play, the next it was the penalty kill, but one of the key factors that punched Wisconsin’s ticket to the Frozen Four was the Badgers’ strength on special teams. Despite some inconsistencies on the power play earlier this season, Wisconsin was nearly unstoppable on the man advantage against Vermont March 26. All three Badger goals came with a Catamount player in the penalty box as Wisconsin claimed a nail-biting 3-2 win to advance to the regional finals. Head coach Mike Eaves said after the win that the team had to do well on special teams if it wanted to succeed in the postseason. “When you get into regional games and playoff games you’re looking at your goaltender [and] you’re looking at your special teams,” Eaves said. “The special teams have been solid for us [and] tonight was an example.”
“They pressured us hard today. They got to all the loose pucks, won the battles.” Jared Festler sophomore forward SCS men’s hockey
Wisconsin’s power-play unit moved the puck effectively against Vermont, something that was most apparent in senior forward Blake Geoffrion’s game-winning goal. After junior defenseman Brendan Smith held the point on a pass from sophomore forward Derek Stepan, Smith dished the puck to freshman defenseman Justin Schultz, who made a nice behind-the-back pass to Geoffrion for
the goal. The top line of Stepan, Smith, Schultz, Geoffrion and senior forward Michael Davies was in action for all three Wisconsin goals. Smith said the fact that all of his linemates are a threat helped the Badgers confuse the Catamounts’ penalty kill and accounted for the trio of powerplay goals. “If they took me away, we went down to Mikey. Mikey is so talented with the puck he found Blake or back out to [Stepan],” Smith said. “Sometimes they were running around and didn’t know who to cover.”
“We just couldn’t breathe on the power play.” Bob Motzko head coach SCS men’s hockey
St. Cloud State held the power play scoreless Saturday night as the Badgers went 0-for-6. However, Wisconsin’s offense excelled in even-strength situations, and the penalty kill kept the Huskies at arm’s length. Despite committing seven penalties in the physical game, the Badgers were perfect on the kill, showcasing their aggressive style that made it difficult for St. Cloud State to bring the puck into the offensive zone. “We just couldn’t breathe on our power play,” Husky head coach Bob Motzko said. “There were plays to be made, but we just couldn’t fight through.” Any time St. Cloud tried to advance the puck on the power play, the Wisconsin kill was there to make it difficult, and when they did make it into the Badger zone, the defense in front of junior goaltender Scott analysis page 7
Senior forward Michael Davies contributed to a productive powerplay unit for UW Friday against Vermont.