Monday, April 25, 2011 - The Daily Cardinal

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Collaboration yields indie gold

It’s 3 a.m. Do you know where your college student is? An hour-by-hour guide to the all nighter.

Contemplate Thao & Mirah’s new self-titled release ARTS


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Complete campus coverage since 1892

Sexual assault report numbers vary at UW By Alison Dirr The Daily Cardinal

When she was sexually assaulted in a UW-Madison dorm last year, there were three other students present. Then a first-semester freshman at UW-Madison, she had come to visit her boyfriend who lived in the room where the assault took place. The perpetrator, a friend of her boyfriend, cornered her, touching her “where he shouldn’t have.” The assault lasted about 20 minutes, she said, until one of the other students in the room intervened. “It wasn’t like things just happened quick,” she said. “There was time for everyone to react.” The victim, who asked to remain anonymous, told her father and roommate three days after the initial incident. The two convinced her to report the assault to the UW Police Department that night. Her story is not uncommon on college campuses. According to a 2000 study by the U.S. Department of Justice titled “The Sexual Victimization of College Women,” on a campus with 10,000 female students, 350 of those women could experience a sexual assault each year. UW-Madison’s student population hovers around 40,000 and

women constitute slightly more than half of that number, according to UW-Madison’s Data Digest. But fewer than 5 percent of victimization incidents are reported to law enforcement, the study said. Victims often do not report the crime for a number of reasons, according to the study. Some victims believe their assault is not serious enough. Other reasons include fears that the police will not believe their story, or will punish them for underage drinking, or that there will be repercussions from their assailant. According to Tonya Schmidt, an assistant dean in the Division of Student Life, in practice, the UW and Madison Police Departments do not issue underage drinking tickets to sexual assault victims. “If something like that happened, [the Division of Student Life] would be all over it, calling and saying that ‘you cannot do this. We highly advise you to take the ticket away, this person has been a victim of an assault,’” she said. “But we’ve never had to do that.” However, even with a low number of reports relative to the frequency of the crime, the actual number of sexual assaults varies by source. The federal Clery Act requires UW-Madison and all universities assault page 3

Dance yrself clean




Monday, April 25, 2011

sPring awakening

Matt Marheine/the daily cardinal

The Wisconsin football team held its annual spring game Saturday, with all ticket proceeds going to the UW School of Nursing. See page 8 for the full recap of the game.

GAB to announce Supreme Court election recount starting Wednesday By Ariel Shapiro The Daily Cardinal

The Government Accountability Board will officially announce Monday a recount for the Supreme Court Election that will commence Wednesday morning. The GAB will meet with the Wisconsin County Clerks and the Milwaukee County Election Commission Monday to make the announcement and discuss the details of the recall process. In addition, the Supreme Court candidates and the GAB reached an agreement Thursday in the Dane County Circuit Court to hand count the ballots of certain municipalities in 31 counties. Parts of Dane and Waukesha Counties and the whole city of Milwaukee will be subject to manual recounts because they

use Optech Eagle scanners with removable memory cartridges. The problem with the Optech Eagle scanners is that their cartridges cannot hold the data from the April election in addition to the recount, and the manufacturer does not have enough cartridges to replace them. “It is right for me, it is right for my campaign, it is right for my supporters, and it is right for the people of Wisconsin.” JoAnne Kloppenburg supreme court candidate

As of the most recent tally from the election, Supreme Court Justice David Prosser

was ahead of Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg by about 7,300 votes, just under the required number for a statefunded recount. Kloppenburg was beating Prosser by a margin of 200 votes before Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus announced she forgot to include votes from the town of Brookfield, which requested the recount last week. “It is right for me, it is right for my campaign, it is right for my supporters, and it is right for the people of Wisconsin,” Kloppenburg said of the recount. Prosser said by requesting the recount, Kloppenburg was attempting to “challenge and disenfranchise thousands of Wisconsin citizens who exercised their right to vote April 5 and believed this election over.”

Assistant district attorneys to face cuts

Grace Liu/the daily cardinal

Students participate in the “Move if You Want To” dance workshop held in the Student Activity Center Sunday night.

Starting the second week of May, every assistant district attorney in the state will face a 20 percent cut in full-time to part-time work hours. According to a letter from the Department of Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch, assistant attorney generals across the state still have to fulfill the requirements for six furlough days by the end of the budget biennium established by former Gov. Jim Doyle, and this

reduction will make up for those incomplete furlough days. The reason why the DOA is implementing this reduction is because the Association of State Prosecutors and the state were unable to reach a deal, known as a Memoranda of Understanding, over the implementation of the remaining furlough days. The furlough days were not going to affect the benefits of assistant district attorneys, but

Huebsch said this reduction in full-time equivalency will. “It is important to note that this action is not a result of, or reflection on the quality of your work or your performance,” Huebsch wrote in his letter to the assistant district attorneys facing the pay and time reduction. “We appreciate the contributions you have made to the department and the citizens we serve.” ­—Ariel Shapiro

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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tODAY: chance o’rain hi 56º / lo 43º

Who says you can’t do it all in one night?

Volume 120, Issue 131

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hi 49º / lo 36º

Monday, April 25, 2011

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892

tuesDAY: rainy

Stephanie lindholm ’holm free


his past week, I slept a grand total of eight hours. With a research paper worth 40 percent of my grade due Friday, I had low prospects for the week before it even began. But I’m a firm believer in procrastination, the lifeblood of American society. We procrastinate all the time. Global warming? We’ll deal with that one later. World hunger? Maybe after dinner. Social injustice and corporate greed? But… “American Idol” is on! How about me? I just procrastinate on schoolwork. But the effects seem just as terrifying when it’s 5:30 a.m. and you’re watching the sunrise from the depths of the quiet room at College Library. If you’ve ever prepared for an all-nighter by preparing for another all-nighter by pulling an all-nighter, you can probably relate to the state of mind I was in last week. If you’ve never pulled an allnighter, I’ve provided an overview of the process for beginners. 8 p.m. You arrive at the library and beeline it to the vending machine so you can buy two 16-ounce cans of Red Bull to compliment the two-liter bottle of Diet Coke you’ve packed. You then scavenge each floor for a table near

an outlet, only to end up awkwardly asking the kid with smelly food if you can share his table, praying that he’ll leave soon. 8:15 p.m. Go on Facebook. 8:30 p.m. Now check Twitter. 8:45 p.m. OMG, someone re-blogged my photo of a cat that looks like Ron Swanson on Tumblr. 8:55 p.m. I wonder if someone e-mailed me? (Nobody ever e-mails me, but I always check anyway). 9:00 p.m. You open a blank Microsoft Word document and stare into its emptiness. “‘Awesome Title,’ by Stephanie Lindholm.” 9:10 p.m. BREAK TIME! Quickly check every social network for updates. 9:15 p.m. Is that Charlie at the table across the room? You walk over to say ‘Hello,’ because you’re a genuinely nice person, but ‘hello’ soon becomes a 45-minute conversation about the multi-faceted uses of weed and the history of cheese. 10:00 p.m. Write the introductory paragraph of your paper and underline the thesis. Congratulations! Progress has been made—you deserve another break. 10:30 p.m. Hashtag #winning on Twitter, because you’re awesome. 10:32 p.m. Write three paragraphs. Stare obnoxiously at the cutie in the back until he makes eye contact with you, then divert your line of sight immediately. 11:00 p.m. Bathroom break. This is your opportunity to gain some real insight on life. You read, “Don’t forget

to be awesome!” on the bathroom stall walls and roll your eyes at the lack of creativity on in the ladies’ room. In the men’s room, they have grout humor. “Congroutulations,” “Alexander the Grout,” “The Grout Gatsby,” —clever shit, you know. Not that I’ve been in the men’s room, but I hear rumors from slutty people. 11:05 p.m. You just grew wings from that Red Bull and whipped out two pages so fast that everyone in the quiet room was giving you the stink eye for a solid 30 minutes at the sound of you punching each key like you were punishing the keyboard. 12:00 a.m. Good morning! It’s now officially the next day. Go into the bathroom, lock yourself in a stall and have yourself a good cry—you’re going to be here for at least six more hours. 12:30 a.m. You’re paper is a quarter of the way complete, which means now is a good time to make sure you don’t have any new notes on Facebook. 12:35 a.m. It’s time to YouTube videos of cute animals. Watch “Hamster on a Piano (Eating Popcorn)” 15 times in a row. You’re pissed you didn’t bring popcorn to the library now, aren’t you? 1:00 a.m. Get your shit together, you fucking blazed-eyed slacker! It’s one in the morning and you’ve got shit to show for your time here. What the hell have you been doing this whole time? 1:50 a.m. This is the ideal time to order food, especially since you’ve eaten half a granola bar all day, because most delivery places close in ten minutes. Don’t forget to order caffeine—

Delving into

you’ll need it. 2:20 a.m. Delivery is here! This is where you nom your food like no one’s watching. Food on your face? Just wipe it on your sleeve or rudely lick it off with that Gene Simmons-sized tongue of yours. 3:30 a.m. You’re losing touch with reality. You think to yourself, “Have I died? Is this what hell looks like?” 4:00 a.m. The cleaning lady who listens to absurdly loud music on her Walkman just walked in the quiet room. As she starts to clean near you, she actually dusts your foot with the feather duster, as if you’ve become a piece of the furniture at the library. 5:00 a.m. You’ve finished writing your paper, but now you have to do citations, which means you’re having just about as much fun as I have camping. I’m never a happy camper. 6:00 a.m. And so begins the somber walk home. The sun is so bright it’s melting your eyes, the birds are chirping so loud you want to shoot them with a BB gun, the crazies are all awake and there are actually people exercising. If you’re like me, you thought morning runs were just a myth—lies perpetuated by Richard Simmons and anorexic sorority girls. The irony of it is I’ve been following this “schedule” of events while I write this column, which would make this my fourth all-nighter in a row. Is it possible for your heart to replace blood with Red Bull? Comments? Send them Stephanie’s way at

’s History

A weekly dig through the bounds of our old issues By Cathy Cecil Of the Cardinal staff

Monday April 27, 1981 Making use of their rediscovered power in allies in government, anti-choice advocates are rallying around the proposed Human Life Amendment, which would outlaw all abortions and state that human life begins at conception. A subtitle for this weekend’s [Wisconsin Citizens Concerned for Life] convention reads “Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia—The Need For a Human Life Amendment.” But despite the seeming concern for human issues other than abortion, the WCCL members are clearly invested only in preventing women from having legal abortions, and to “bring America back to its common sense and undo the evil brought upon it from social elitists whose values we abhor and reject,” according to U.S. Rep. Charles Dougherty, D-Penn., who addressed the convention Friday night. One of the surprises of the debate over the wording of the Human Life Bill and amendment is that no one wants to make exceptions and allow abortions for victims of rape or incest, or women whose lives would be endangered by childbearing. Another target of the wrath of antichoice leaders is Planned Parenthood, which offers birth control counseling, abortion referrals, and, in a small number of Planned Parenthood clinics, abortions. Planned Parenthood literature attempts to deal with basic questions about birth control and sexuality in a factual, straightforward manner. Many pamphlets answer questions about homosexuality, masturbation, and oralgenital sex. With her voice shaking with anger,

[the Rev. Olga] Fairfax pointed to a passage in a book “Girls and Sex,” written by Wardell B. Pomeron, of Kinsey Report note, and recommended by Planned Parenthood. The passage noted that all mammals engage in petting, sex and masturbation. That passage does nothing but promote these activities in young people, Fairfax charged. Fairfax also noted with concern that the book stated sex is a normal expression of love. After complaining righteously that the Supreme Court justices who legalized abortion had no idea of the pain they had caused potential fathers and grandmother who were deprived of children and grandchildren because of abortion, Fairfax wished there was “retroactive abortion for senile Supreme Court justices.” Planned Parenthood also came under attack in a workshop entitled “Planned Parenthood—The Abortion Connection,” which featured Michael Schwartz, the public relations director of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. Planned Parenthood is nothing but “one of the greatest artists at creating euphemism and using words to mean the direct opposite,” Schwartz charged. “[Planned Parenthood] creates a need for its services,” Schwartz charged, “by coercing teenagers into having sex, so they need contraceptives provided by Planned Parenthood, and eventually an abortion, again from Planned Parenthood.” Convention leaders were divided on how to provide family planning without Planned Parenthood. Some speakers urged development of alter-

native family planning programs for couples and families, more in conjunction with childbirth facilities. But Dougherty asserted that, “sex education has been blown out of proportion” and urged that teaching values in church and in families would be more useful for young people. There is no need for birth control counseling or extensive sex education

in the schools, he said. “In 1956 I had a good course in biology,” noting that such a course, taught by biologists—not sociologists of anthropologists—is sufficient education. Dougherty, too, criticized Planned Parenthood, because it has “become a vehicle to advance abortion,” and because it “espouses that homosexuality is a legitimate value.”

Monday, April 25, 2011




Parisi plans for connection trail In honor of Earth Day, newly sworn-in Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced plans to build a new bike and pedestrian path connecting the Capital City Trail with the Glacial Drumlin Trail. “The need for this missing trail link has been highly recognized by bicyclists for more than a decade,” Parisi said in

a statement. Up to 80 percent of the planning costs will be covered by a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, while the rest will be paid for by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. However, the actual construction of the project

will require additional grants. “Historically, this trail connection has shown up as one of the most requested projects in all of Dane County among the bicycling community,” Parisi said. “It is extremely exciting to see this trail so close to now becoming a reality.” —Ariel Shapiro

Crime in Brief Driver faces third OWI charge after serving time for homicide A 45-year-old Madison woman who was previously convicted of killing a girl in a drunken driving crash is facing a third charge of operating while intoxicated. UW-Madison Police arrested the suspect Lori Kasten early Saturday morning for a third-offense OWI. Kasten was driving the wrong way

on Highway 12-18 and hit another vehicle in 1996, according to court records. The crash killed 11-year-old Katie James. Kasten was then convicted of homicide by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle and was sentenced to nine years in prison. Kasten was already on parole for

causing injury by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle, UW-Madison Police Officer Brent Plisch said. A concerned citizen said Kasten had gotten her vehicle stuck on a curb in a UW parking lot. Kasten was revving her vehicle’s engine, trying to free the vehicle when police arrived, Plisch said.

Man with mysterious injuries arrested for outstanding warrant A 23-year-old Madison man who was arrested for an outstanding warrant refused to tell Madison Police how he received a laceration Friday. Madison Police arrested the suspect Aaron Young for an outstanding warrant in Cook County, Ill., on the 200 block of South Park Street, according to the police incident report. When Madison Police questioned the suspect about his

wounds, the suspect refused to give his officers any explanation. The suspect told police he was “just too intoxicated to remember,” Madison Police Officer Howard Payne said. Young told police when he was riding on a bus he felt soreness around his arm. It was then that the suspect noticed his arm was cut, police said. “A preliminary breath test revealed 0.00 when Young pro-

duced a result to law enforcement,” Payne said in a statement. The suspect then received medical attention at a local hospital, police said. Police eventually determined Young had an outstanding warrant. After receiving medical attention, Young was taken into custody. Police then transported Young to the Dane County Jail, where he will await extradition by the requesting police agency, Payne said.

Suspect arrested after allegedly stealing Shopko merchandise Madison Police arrested one of two suspects following a theft from Shopko on Madison’s east side. Police arrested Mario Brown, 18, on tentative charges of retail theft and a probation violation, according to the incident report. Shopko’s loss prevention officers were watching Brown and the second suspect on a closed circuit monitoring system when the suspects were allegedly stealing, police

said. More than $100 worth of merchandise, consisting of clothing and electronics, was taken from the store, Payne said. A sergeant found Brown a short distance away from Shopko, police said. The second suspect was seen running across Aberg Avenue, but has not been taken into custody, Payne said. “Brown was interviewed by responding officers, but gave infor-

mation that seemed unreliable,” Payne said in a statement. Madison Police then transferred Brown to the Dane County Jail, police said. Brown may have his probation status revoked due to his alleged actions, Payne said. The second suspect was wearing a black coat with red writing on the back and a black stocking cap at the time of the incident, police said.

Dylan moriarty/the daily cardinal


from page 1

receiving any federal funding for student aid to report crime statistics—including the number of sexual assaults—each year. The UW Campus Safety Guide, published annually by the university, includes these statistics. According to this source, there were 17 sexual assaults on the UW-Madison campus in 2009, the most recent data available. However, according to Kathy Kruse, an assistant dean in the Division of Student Life, this number is not representative of how many assaults take place within the UW-Madison community. “Sophomores, juniors and seniors live off campus, so [the Campus Safety Guide represents] such a small piece of the campus,” Kruse said. The University of Wisconsin System report lists the numbers from the Offices of the Dean of Students. “The UW System report wants to know everything, wherever it happened and they have different categories to make sure everything is encompassed in that,” Schmidt said. The UW System report details sexual assaults according to “acquaintances,” “not acquaintances” and “unknown” categories. Every report from the Offices from the Dean of Students—from those that happened on or around campus to the sexual assaults on a spring break vacation—are included,

according to Schmidt. This accounts for part of the 112 reports of sexual assault the Dean of Students Office received in 2010. The number was 45 in 2009. Schmidt attributes the increase primarily to efforts to increase awareness by End Violence on Campus, an initiative at UW-Madison sponsored by a three-year federal grant. Part of University Health Services, EVOC focuses on educating both students and faculty about the resources available for victims and about how to respond when a victim comes forward. Because each of these reports takes different information into account, it is difficult to compare the numbers. But ultimately, according to Schmidt, helping as many victims as possible is more important than the statistics. “We are getting more people who are coming in and accessing resources and that is going to make them be able to heal a lot more effectively,” she said. “They’re going to be heard. People are going to say they believe them and that’s going to be way better for their healing process.”

$1,000 for 1,000 words The Daily Cardinal presents our annual $1,000 for 1,000 words essay contest. To be considered in the runnings simply choose from one of the following prompts and submit a 1,000-word essay. Daily Cardinal employees may not apply. 1. What is the dividing line between the public’s right to know and the government’s right to some confidentiality in light of the recent WikiLeaks controversy? 2. How are you coping with the rising costs of tuition for undergraduate and graduate schools, and what are the implications for the country if tuitions keep rising? 3. Is the American Dream dying for our generation? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about your future and the future of the country?

E-mail your essay to by Friday, April 29, or if you have any questions about the contest.

arts Indie and folk blend on this unique debut 4


Monday, April 25, 2011

By Aimee Katz

One can easily identify how Garbus is present on the album: The best tracks that Indie artist Thao Nguyen has a quirky Nguyen and Mirah produce together are personality and an intelligent swagger. where their styles blend into one, letting She is known for her powerful delivery their voices fuse. The unique instrumenand awkward, albeit melodic, vocals, and tation balances each song’s dance-ready one cannot help but fall in love with her beats, taking the listener’s mind off of the quirks. Mirah Yom Tov Zeitlyn, who goes subtle heartbreak that embodies most of by Mirah on stage, has a more folk-ish the lyrics on Thao & Mirah. style, with a breathy and lively voice. This The music and vocals on “Eleven” set duo has performed on stage in the past, the tone for the whole album: A juxtaposibut this week they will release Thao & tion of disarray and beauty. Like synthpop, Mirah, their debut collaborative album. “Eleven” has a groovy and open feel. The After singing together at San Francisco’s main message is sung as “When love is love Noise Pop Festival in 2010, Nguyen and / it won’t go away.” A lot of indie bands are Mirah established themselves as a pair known for having cheesy emotional lyrics, who uses their differences to complement however Nguyen and Mirah’s lyrics contineach other. The music they ue to be shrewd, expressing CD REVIEW create becomes indie-folk, love’s many facets. highlighting the talents of In “Teeth,” Nguyen’s each woman. singing is layered beauNguyen and Mirah have tifully, creating a heavy been able to find common effect with echoes and synground between their roles thesizers. Hands clap along as singer-songwriters. After as she sings “Let me loose, their San Francisco show, I say,” over the repeating Thao & Mirah they toured together with loop of an acoustic guitar. Thao & Mirah The Most of All, serving as Nguyen is staying true to a backing band. herself, not willing to comThough each has a distinct musi- promise. She is ready to let go and will not cal identity, Thao & Mirah is not only change her mind. a successful collaboration, but also an The album slows down with its penulexperiment with sonic experimentation timate track, “Hallelujah.” Again Garbus’ and honest lyrics. The sonic feel comes production talent is showcased through the from Merrill Garbus of tUnE-yArDs. As combination of guitar, shakers and even a co-producer of Thao & Mirah, Garbus clinking wine glasses. Mirah sings: “You also wrote the single “Eleven,” the album’s wake up hungry in this world you made first track. … how could you be turned away,” adding

Senior Music Writer

photo Courtesy Kill rock stars

Indie songstress Thao and folk-singer Mirah mesh their styles quite well on this collaborative debut, carving out a niche that will leave you wanting more. a small political sentiment. She continues with, “Can’t throw your body up against glass / but you can’t stop the rain from pouring in / once the cracks have been made / still time to sing hallelujah.” “Squareneck” is the final track, named after the guitar used in the song. The conclusion of this album is undoubtedly indie-folk, with a penchant for blues guitar and a rickety beat. The vocals from both Nguyen and Mirah blend well, often making it difficult to distinguish which of

the artists is actually singing, showcasing just how well these two individuals have learned to work together. In the beginning Nguyen and Mirah were almost incomparable, but Thao & Mirah proves to be an alluring compilation. Looking at Nguyen and Mirah on paper, the two singers could not be more different, but their final product is a success. Thao & Mirah has no formal definition; it will continue to be defined by its listeners.

Will Silverstein manage to ‘Rescue’ their popularity? By Matt Masterson

to cope with the death of his close friend. The lyrics are dark and ominous, yet hopeIn 2005, Canadian post-hardcore band ful at the same time. Fans of the title track Silverstein successfully reached the main- “Discovering the Waterfront” will surely stream with their hit album Discovering enjoy this song on the same level. the Waterfront, but in the years since they At this point in Rescue there is a swift have struggled to recreate the sound that change. Gone are the slow-paced ballads got them there. Their next two albums, and in come the hard-hitting, fast-paced 2007’s Arrivals & Departures and 2009’s A songs that make Silverstein the hardcore Shipwreck in the Sand, both received mixed band that they are. “Live to Kill” is about reviews, but overall neither album could the greed of everyday people, its dark captivate their audience like Discovering sound highlighting the darkness inside of the Waterfront did. There may be hope for everyone. However, this is just the beginthe band in their latest album, however, ning as Silverstein only descends into a which brings a mixing of heavier sound to close out CD REVIEW soft and hard-core rock for the album. an altogether strong and Lead singer Shane Told entertaining release. holds on until the back Rescue, which will be end of the album to really released Tuesday, features belt out his best work. an excellent blend of mel“Sacrifice” and “Texas low ballads and headMickey” both showcase banging metal. While A Told’s ability to seamRescue Shipwreck in the Sand relied lessly shift from his traSilverstein too much on the hardcore ditional voice to his disaspect, Rescue lies perfectly tinctive scream-singing. in the middle—a superb balance of light “Texas Mickey” also features Anthony and heavy. This new mixture of styles may Raneri, the lead vocalist of pop-punk be just what the band needs to get back in band Bayside. The last half of the album the public eye. is really a showcase for Told, who sounds The album opens with “Burning as good on Rescue as he ever has on any Hearts,” which is easily the best choice previous release. to start off the album. A song about lost The final track, “The Artist,” hits as love—akin to the leadoff from Discovering hard as any song that Silverstein has ever the Waterfront “Your Sword Versus My made. Unlike many of their songs, which Dagger”—“Burning Hearts” is the most blend together soft and hard rock, “The catchy song on the album and will cer- Artist” is pure, nonstop intensity. From tainly be the first single off of Rescue. start to finish, there is not one second “Forget Your Heart,” another song about where the band lets up on this song. This love lost and regret, is smooth enough to is the song head bangers will remember the appeal to Silverstein’s mainstream crowd, longest off of this album, and that is really but also has enough grit towards the end saying something. to appease their more hardcore fans. This Silverstein makes an excellent return song is essentially a microcosm of the to form with Rescue, which is destined album as a whole: A calm start that evolves to be their most critically and domestiinto an intense finish. cally popular album since Discovering the Rescue continues its easygoing opening Waterfront. While they do not have the with “In Memory of…” a thought-pro- widest fan base, Silverstein’s latest is sure to voking ballad about a man who is trying please any fan of the hardcore genre.

the daily cardinal

photo courtesy Ninja tune

DJ’s New album may be ‘Daed’ weight By David Zhang the daily cardinal

Fans of Los Angeles-based musician Alfred Darlington, a.k.a Daedelus, are quick to emphasize the DJ’s continual defiance of genre. He mixes elements of jazz, rock, dubstep, film clips and ambient noise—critics claim he mixes with abandon for an eclectic repertoire. Whether you believe that or not, the trend of listen-ability is one he fully continues in Bespoke, a Ninja Tune release that exemplifies Daedelus at his best and most controversial. Like his 2008 release Love to Make Music To, Bespoke features numerous collaborations with the likes of Busdriver, Inara George and other West Coast acts. Yet from the opening track, “Tailor-Made,” it’s clear Daedelus makes no accommodations for these colleagues, as raucous disco beats and background sirens nearly drown out the sparse vocals, suggesting that his guests can barely keep pace. The appropriately named “Overwhelmed” suffers from similar imbalance, though it’s saved by a deft mix of dubstep and traditional rock rhythms uncharacteristic of Daedelus’ signature audio potpourri. Sadly, its preceding track, “French Cuffs”, achieves no such reprieve, an unmitigated earsore of discordant French crooning and tribal drums that breaks the album’s streak of surprisingly listenable track: A little variety

never hurts, I suppose. For all the talk of Daedelus’ genre-defying genius, at times his deviance sounds more akin to a weakness in Bespoke, thanks to choppy editing that segregates, rather than mixes, the numerous stylistic samples. While it’s certainly possible to pick out elements of jazz or eurobeat in selections like “Penny Loafers” or the show-tune brass of “Suit Yourself,” none of the tracks develop beyond a few memorable hooks amidst waves of relentless synth, and point to Daedelus’ DJ sets desperately masquerading as full-fledged songs. Beyond that, however, Bespoke does sport a few gems, such as the lively electronic beats of “Sew, Darn and Mend” or the calming denouement of “Nightcap.” Indeed, Daedelus sounds best working alone, and one almost wishes for instrumental versions of many of the album’s singles, despite the undeniably high-quality voice work. Unlike many previous releases, Bespoke is certainly easier on the ears, and it’s not difficult to imagine any one of its selections playing over the tinny speakers of a ‘modish’ bookstore or café—it’s merely a shame the album never aspires beyond an audio experiment of wildly variable quality. For all its motif of fine, tailor-made clothing, Bespoke more approximates the audio equivalent of a patchwork clown suit than the stylish tuxedos to which it professes.

opinion Ryan’s path dark, short-sighted 6


Nick fritz opinion columnist


h e so-called “Path to Prosperity,” a slew of budget reform measures backed by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, is anything but helpful. Ryan claims that by cutting programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, he will be able to save the government $6 trillion. So, just what are some of the more questionable items in this new budget bill?

This money is being taken away from the poorest people in America.

First, Ryan wants to turn Medicaid into a block-grant program. Right now, Medicaid is a matching program, meaning if a state adds more Medicaid recipients, then the federal government will help fund the costs by matching a certain percentage. Ryan suggests that each state should be allocated a certain amount of funding, which he believes will give governors across America more flexibility to distribute Medicaid money and give the federal government more control over the costs. While those things may be true, you should instead look at the consequences this cut will have on the American people. Overall, Ryan’s plan would cut funding for the program by about $1.4 trillion over the next 10 years. This money is being taken away from the poorest people in America, which makes no sense, fiscally or otherwise. Millions of low-income seniors and families get help from Medicaid that Medicare doesn’t cover. This includes long-term care, nursing, home health care, mental health coverage and much more. Medicaid is also one of the largest providers of health insurance for children. Why would we taking services away from the poor, the old and our kids? Secondly, Ryan plans to com-

pletely revamp the Medicare program. As it stands now, the government reimburses doctors and hospitals for medical procedures. Ryan argues that this guarantee of a government reimbursement has led to the obscene prices hospitals charge their patients. His solution is to create a voucher system where senior citizens are allotted $15,000, which would grow with inflation, that will ultimately serve to pay for their insurance. He believes that by giving vouchers directly to the senior citizens it will force insurance companies to compete with each other, which will ultimately lead to lower prices and more government savings. In theory, it seems like this plan could be successful. However, according to U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-New York, “These vouchers would not keep pace with increases in the cost in health care.” She calculates that senior citizens would actually have to pay over $6,000 more per year for health care under Ryan’s plan. So, while the government saves money, it condemns the elderly to settle for subpar health care at a price they might be able to afford with their government voucher. Ryan also plans to repeal the health-care reform law Democrats passed two years ago. This would allow insurance companies to cancel coverage when policy holders get sick, kick children off their parents’ health insurance plan when they turn 18 and discriminate against people with existing conditions. Ultimately, Ryan’s Medicare reform would strip millions of people of their health care. The sad part is that the first people to lose any form of health care are the poor. All right, so far Ryan’s plan would cut two important social programs, now how are we going to get some extra revenue? Tax the crap out of the rich, right? No. Not surprisingly, Ryan would cut corporate tax levels from 35 percent to 25 percent. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result,” and this is exactly what Ryan is doing. The only two times the tax level was even near 25 percent was right before the Great Depression and in the late 1980s when we experienced an enormous budget deficit that exceeded the one we had during a recession a few years

Do you beg to differ? Send your thoughts to

Monday, April 25, 2011

Editorial Cartoon

earlier in the ’80s. Why are we trying this again? It obviously doesn’t work.

It’s truly frightening how what is happening now is almost identical to what happened in the 1920s.

I’ll give Ryan some credit for closing some annoying loopholes, which makes it even easier for corporations to avoid paying taxes. That would definitely help close the deficit by ensuring that corporate taxes are properly paid.

By John Liesveld

But it’s truly frightening how what is happening now is almost identical to what happened in the 1920s. World War I created increased government spending, which lead to a recession similar to the way wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya have cost billions today. In the first year of depression over 600 banks failed, whereas nearly 400 banks have failed since 2007. Back then organized labor lost its power and union membership declined. Today, Republicans have been attempting to bust unions all over the country. Taxes on the rich fell and productivity increased, but rewards funneled to the top. And now Ryan’s new budget decreases taxes for big corporations. Haven’t

we learned anything? The GOP seriously needs to consider the implications of these massive cuts. For some reason it seems as if Republicans think there will be no consequences. Yeah, you may save some money over the next 10 years, but you are ultimately burdening people who can’t afford to be burdened. Ryan is like Robin Hood’s evil twin, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. Senior citizens and the poor have enough to worry about. There’s little wrong in taking from people who can afford it, which would be more than enough to fix our deficit. Nick Fritz is a sophomore majoring in marketing. Please send feedback to


7 By Caitlin Kirihara

Having a great day

Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird

This isn’t what they voted for... President Franklin Pierce was arrested while in office for running over an old woman with his horse. Monday , April 25, 2011


© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake

By Dylan Moriarty

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

The Pipesmokers Classic

By Joseph Diedrich

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Graphic News

By the Graphics Editors

First in Twenty Classic

By Angel Lee

Answer key available at 4 B.C.

ACROSS 1 Chide, as children 6 Schoolyard pastime 9 Borrowers’ burdens 14 Word with “risk” or “census” 15 Slender figure? 16 “Captain Blood” star Flynn 17 Place in proper order 18 Ominous sight in “Jaws” 19 Site of the Arab League headquarters 20 Accountant, slangily 23 Bit of hair gel 24 Private eye, slangily 25 Land vehicles without wheels 27 Opened, as a gate latch 32 “A ___ formality!” 33 TV brand name 34 Filled with cargo 36 Cubes potatoes 39 Try out for “American Idol” 41 Defame in print 43 Blind segment 44 Like a poorly hung picture 46 Distinguishing characteristic 48 Ryder Cup side 49 Not single-sex, as a school

51 Expert at improvisation 53 Fortify 56 Orangutan, e.g. 57 YOU ___ HERE 58 Morning beverage, for some 64 Mattress brand 66 Tropical squeezer 67 IRS mailings 68 “Today” forecaster Al 69 Sight from the Golden Gate Bridge 70 Haus wives? 71 Mgr.’s underlings 72 O.J. Simpson trial judge Lance 73 Word with “common,” “good” or “horse” DOWN 1 Use a skewer 2 Give a hoot 3 Gumbo veggie 4 Rough shelter with a sloping roof 5 Battery type 6 Vegetarian curd 7 Have ___ (know someone influential) 8 Mannerly chaps 9 Established by edict 10 Victorian or Edwardian, e.g. 11 Card-playing group 12 Synagogue scroll 13 Messy people 21 Like base eight

22 Scary Hollywood film street 26 Showy spring flower 27 ___ Major (the Great Bear) 28 CBS military drama 29 They handle lots of money 30 Change text 31 “Everybody Loves Raymond” character 35 Kaput, as a battery 37 The life of Riley 38 Walk of Fame honor 40 Storms and Trackers, once 42 Air-freshener scent 45 Some basement features 47 Basketball game beginnings 50 Costa ___ Sol 52 Label for a makeover photo 53 Iraqi port 54 Two-toned cookies 55 Synagogue official 59 Painter’s layer 60 Drop for a 10-count 61 “Kukla, ___ and Ollie” 62 Grounded big birds 63 To be, to Caesar 65 Vietnamese New Year celebration

Washington and the Bear

By Derek Sandberg

sports 8


Monday, April 25, 2011


Quarterbacks fail to impress at spring game

By Matthew Kleist The Daily Cardinal

The Wisconsin football team took to the field at Camp Randall Stadium Saturday for the first time since its 70-23 routing of Northwestern over Thanksgiving weekend. This time, however, there was no opponent standing on the opposite sideline. This time, Camp Randall played host to the annual spring football game. The spring game offered Badger fans the first look at the team as it starts preparations for the coming fall season. And with some key roles to fill, the game also provided the players a chance to state their case. Through the complex scoring system put in place for the game, including spotting the defense seven points at the start of each half and a rapid fire field goal competition, the defense defeated the offense by the score of 29 to 27. Much of the attention was on the quarterbacks, with the biggest question this offseason coming at that position. Sophomore Jon Budmayr, freshman Joe Brennan and freshman Joel Stave were all given time under center. As expected, Budmayr saw the first

snaps in the game, but was unable to get much going, throwing incomplete for his first attempt and having his second pass picked off. He would give up a fumble and nearly throw a second interception before the first half ended. The second half got off to a better for Budmayr, who completed his first pass with a bullet down the middle. From there, Budmayr seemed to have figured things out and was completing his passes more consistently. He would finish the day completing 10-of-23 passes for 133 yards. “The three guys that got the majority of the reps today aren’t anywhere where we need them to be in for us to be a competitive team in the fall,” head coach Bret Bielema said. Brennan had his own struggles out of the gate, throwing an interception in his first attempt of the afternoon. He would struggle throughout the first half to find the hands of his receivers making just one completion to match that interception. Brennan’s struggles would continue out of the locker room, as he only completed a handful of passes successfully. After being picked off once more in the second half, Brennan would complete 4 of 23 on the day.

As much as Budmayr and Brennan struggled early Saturday, Stave showed that he could hit his targets with a good deal of accuracy, completing 8 of 15 attempts. Stave showed discipline with the ball, making good decisions even if his throw was incomplete. Stave, however, at times reminded us that he was a true freshman by taking a sac and throwing one of his passes far off target and out of bounds near the end of the first half. Despite the subpar performance, all of the struggles with completing passes cannot be put solely on the quarterbacks, as receivers dropped the balls of let passes go through their hands. “Part of the problem of our offense today was our defense played pretty good,” Bielema said. It remains to be seen who will have the starting job when the Badgers open the 2011 season at UNLV Sept. 1. It’s a long summer and a long offseason, which gives these athletes ample time to improve before the fall season begins. “This was one practice out of 15,” Bielema said. “I have been happy with the way both sides of the ball as well as our kicking game has come around and continued to move forward.”


Badgers take game two for series split By Adam Tupitza the daily cardinal

The Wisconsin softball team made sure to celebrate Easter in style with a 2-1 victory over Illinois at Goodman Diamond Sunday. The win ensured a series split with the Fighting Illini, who won 4-2 Saturday in eight innings. “It’s one of the most exciting wins I’ve ever had as a coach, honestly,” head coach Yvette Healy said. Illinois (7-5 Big Ten, 20-18 overall) arrived in Madison this weekend with statistically the best offense in Big Ten games, averaging 7.2 runs per game and hitting for a .331 average in ten conference matchups. But the Badger freshman pitching duo of Cassandra Darrah and Amanda Najdek held the potent Illini offense to only five runs over two games. “For two young freshmen to do that, I really couldn’t be prouder,” Healy said. Our pitching coach Tracie Adix is doing a great job with these young pitchers.” Darrah’s performance against

Illinois Sunday was especially impressive, as she allowed one run and four hits in seven innings of work. Darrah struck out five batters and threw her 15th complete game of the season. Wisconsin (4-8, 24-19) struck early in Sunday’s victory with two runs in the bottom of the first inning. The Badgers loaded the bases and junior third baseman Shannel Blackshear brought home freshman outfielder Mary Massei with a sacrifice fly for the first run of the game. Massei has been on fire at the plate for Wisconsin since her return from a facial fracture injury, racking up a .500 average, two triples, one home run and six RBI in five conference games. The Badgers were not done scoring. With freshman shortstop Stephanie Peace on first and senior outfielder Jennifer Krueger on third, Peace broke for second, drawing a throw. Krueger then sped home to give the Badgers a 2-0 lead. Darrah got through the first four innings with ease, allowing one hit.

Matt Marheine/the daily cardinal

Pitcher Cassandra Darrah threw her 15th complete game on Sunday, holding the Illini to only one run while striking out five.

She got into a jam in the fifth, however. After an Illinois assistant coach was ejected for arguing balls and strikes, the Fighting Illini loaded the bases with one out. Darrah allowed one run on an infield single, but retired the next two batters to end the inning with the Badgers still ahead, 2-1. “[My mentality] was just to stay composed and stay the same as I had been,” Darrah said. Despite having only four hits Wisconsin had a plethora of runners on base thanks to six walks and two Illinois errors, but UW was not able to get the key hits. Fortunately, Darrah retired the final eight batters in order, securing the 2-1 win. Saturday’s game featured a pitching duel between Najdek and Illinois sophomore pitcher Jackie Guy. Najdek allowed only one run through the first seven innings, though Guy kept Wisconsin off the board until the seventh, when the Badgers scored to force extra innings. Massei stepped up to the plate to lead off the bottom of the seventh, and she smacked Guy’s 1-0 offering over the right field wall to tie the game at one. It was Massei’s first home run of the season. She said that she was just trying to get on base and did not know it would leave the park when it left her bat. “I actually went into shock a little bit,” Massei said. “But it was a great feeling.” In the extra frame, Illinois was able to push across three runs against Najdek. Wisconsin tacked on a run in the bottom of the eighth, but it would not be enough as Illinois took the victory, 4-2. The Badgers gave Illinois everything they could handle this weekend, and the split against one of the top teams in the Big Ten has the Badgers thinking big. “We have a lot of goals set for our team, and we really want to make it to regionals. This is a major step,” Massei said.

Matt Marheine/the daily cardinal

Sophomore quarterback Jon Budmayr highlighted the offensive struggles Saturday, completing less than 50 percent of his passes.

Freshman Block dominates discus Wisconsin track and field freshman Dan Block continued to have an outstanding season Saturday at the Triton Invitational in San Diego. Block set a new school record in discus with a throw of 192 feet, 5 inches, beating out the previous record by more than four feet which he set two weeks ago. Block’s throw was good enough to put him on top of the Big Ten performance list in discus for the 2011 season. Even more impressive, the throw placed him at No. 6 in the nation and secures his spot as the top BLOCK ranked freshman in Division I. Block set multiple records in high school including the Illinois High School Association all-time record in both the discus and shot put.


Phillips out second straight season with knee injury By Matthew Kleist

team learned that he needed to undergo a third procedure. Head coach Bret Bielema Bielema addressed Phillips’ received the news over the week- procedure during the press conend that redshirt junior quarter- ference following Saturday’s back Curt Phillips will miss annual spring game. the 2011 season after requiring “After the procedure yesteranother procedure on his knee. day his knee didn’t heal the way This could turn out to be a that we had projected,” Bielema big blow for Bielema and the said. “He’s going to have to go Badgers as Phillips was in for another procedure consider in the running at some point.” for the starting quarterDespite being ruled back position this fall. out for the season yet Phillips suffered the again, Phillips is not knee injury in March of giving up on football. 2010, when he tore his “He’s already thinking anterior cruciate ligament. about what his options are,” He would undergo surBielema said. “Obviously to PHILLIPS gery and be ruled out for petition for six years.” the 2010 season where his Bielema went on to recovery would be set back in praise Phillips for the mental November of the same year. strength and resolve he has shown Entering the spring, Phillips throughout his recovery. showed signs of improvement, “It was reassuring to him,” making Bielema believe that he Bielema said. “I think he overall could compete for the start- didn’t feel the knee was right where it ing job. But Phillips’ recovery was at and it gives some answers for would again be setback as the him to move forward.”

the daily cardinal

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