Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - The Daily Cardinal

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University of Wisconsin-Madison


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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FALL PRIMARY ELECTIONS 2010 Walker beats Neumann

Hulsey, Lee win local races

Nelson and Kleefisch win Lt. Gov. nominations

By Ariel Shapiro The Daily Cardinal

Isabel ál varez/ca rdinal Fi le Photo

By Ariel Shapiro The Daily Cardinal

Matt Marheine /the daily card inal

/the Ben Pierson

l daily cardina

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker claimed victory Tuesday night in a hard-fought battle against former congressman Mark Neumann. The Associated Press reported a Walker win by a significant margin. The GOP-endorsed candidate received 58 percent of the vote with an 18-point lead over Neumann. “On November 2, we, we the people of Wisconsin, can reclaim our rightful place in history. We can put the government back on the side of the people again. We can make this a Wisconsin we can believe in again,” Walker told supporters. The two Republicans have engaged in a contentious race, with Walker recently linking Neumann’s congressional record to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California, and Neumann denouncing Walker as a career politician. However, Neumann showed no bitterness toward his opponent Tuesday night. Immediately following the announcement, Neumann offered Walker his support. “Tonight I am keeping my word and endorsing Scott Walker,” he said in a statement. “I wish him the best in the general election.” After nearly 14 months of campaigning and sinking about $4 million of his own wealth into the effort, Neumann said he has no regrets. “I once heard a saying I really believed in and I really believe it’s true,” he told supporters. “I would much rather have been in the arena and fought the battle for what I believe in and lost, than to have never entered the arena in the first place, and I really believe that.” In his victory speech, Walker called Neumann “a good and decent man,” and implored Neumann’s voters to throw their support behind him in the general election. “We have a lot in common. We each want to put the government back in the hands of the people,” Walker said. governor page 3

Johnson to face Feingold in general U.S. Senate election Oshkosh businessman Ron Johnson will face U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wisconsin, in the general election after winning the primary for the Republican candidacy with 84 percent of the vote, according to the Associated Press. “We all got involved in this campaign because Senator Feingold and his allies in Washington are leading our nation and Wisconsin down the wrong path,” Johnson told his supporters. Johnson handedly defeated Watertown businessman David Westlake and Milwaukee plumber Stephen Finn Tuesday night, after the two received just 11 percent and five percent of the vote, respectively. Despite entering the race late, Johnson received the GOP’s

endorsement and was the heavy favorite to win the nomination. He has run a mostly self-financed campaign that has focused on cutting government spending and lowering taxes. According to a Rasmussen report issued in August, Johnson has a slight lead over Feingold in the polls, with 47 percent of respondents favoring Johnson and 46 percent backing Feingold. “I congratulate Ron Johnson and look forward to having an honest debate of the issues with him,” Feingold said in statement. Feingold has challenged Johnson to six debates before the November election, including one in Madison Oct. 22 should Johnson accept. —Adam Wollner

Dane County Supervisor Brett Hulsey clinched the Democratic nomination for Wisconsin’s 77th district assembly, as reported by the Associated Press. Hulsey received 44 percent of the vote in the race to claim the seat currently held by the retiring state Rep. Spencer Black, D-Madison. Black has a legacy of being a champion for the environment in the legislature, and Hulsey, who founded Better Environment Solutions, an energy and environmental consulting firm, has stated that he would follow in Black’s footsteps and make the environment his top priority. Fellow County Board Supervisor Dianne Hesselbein claimed 30 percent of the vote. Hesselbein and Hulsey split area endorsements from fellow Board Supervisors to former and current Madison mayors. Mayor Dave Cieslewicz supported Hulsey, and former mayor Paul Soglin backed up Hesselbein. During the campaign, Hulsey issued a UW protection plan to eliminate furloughs and increase state investment in the state university system. He also intends to put in place a massive lake cleanup effort and to reduce blue-green algae threats. Three others ran for the nomination, including attorney Fred Wade, entrepreneur John Imes, and former Middleton Mayor Doug Zwank. They received 17 percent, 5 percent, and 3 percent of the vote, respectively. Hulsey will face Republican David Redick and the Green Party candidate Ben Manski. So far, Manski has focused on his community activist credentials for the assembly seat in November. Redick has been marketing himself as a Ron Paul-esque candidate, and wrote a book named Monetary RevolutionUSA supporting a gold standard currency. The 77th Assembly District covers most of campus, West Madison, and Middleton. Another decisive local primary took place Tuesday night with the Republican nomination for the Second Congressional District going to businessman Chad Lee. Lee garnered 53 percent of the vote against former UW-Madison instructor Peter Theron, who received 47 percent. Lee, a self-proclaimed “defender of the Constitution” who states on his website that believes in limited government, will face current U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, in the general elections.

Wisconsin Primary Election Statistics for Fall 2010 GOVERNOR Republican: Scott Walker 57% Mark Neumann 40% Democrat: Tom Barrett 90% Tim John 10% SENATE Republican: Ron Johnson 84% Dave Westlake 11% Stephen Finn 5%

LT. GOVERNOR Republican: Rebecca Kleefisch 45% Brett Davis 26% Dave Ross 15% Robert Lorge 10% Nick Voegeli 4%

77th DISTRICT Democrat: Brett Hulsey 44% Dianne Hesselbein 30% Fred Wade 17% John Imes 5% Doug Zwank 3%

Democrat: Tom Nelson 52% Spencer Coggs 21% James Schneider 18% Henry Sanders 9%

CONGRESS DISTRICT 2 Republican: Chad Lee 53% Peter Theron 47%

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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tODAY: Angels may go bowling hi 68º / lo 56º

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892

An English major who can’t speak English

Volume 120, Issue 11

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

tHURSDAY: chance o’ rain hi 63º / lo 49º

Teachers like to establish in their discussion section that, “All comments are valued and respected. The classroom is a sanctuary and we aren’t going to make fun of the kid who spends 15 minutes talking about that time in third grade when he made a miniature clay pueblo and how it brought him closer to a cultural understanding of the Spanish Conquistadors, and how he thinks blah, blah, blah.” In a similar fashion I ask, this column is a safety zone where I can divulge embarrassing shit that makes me look foolish, right? We aren’t going to judge me for what I’m about to share? No, you are going to judge me? Regardless, I shall bravely forge ahead and selfdeprecate myself to pieces. Taking into consideration the minor detail that I’m an English major, I’m constantly in awe of my impeccably poor communication abilities. I fumble over words like it’s my job. Sometimes I go out on a limb and use a noun as a vowel and hope no one notices the difference. I even like to incorrectly use well-known phrases and mix up vocabulary words. You need examples? I thought so.

It was summer 2004 and I was taking in the great Canadian terrain with relatives on a family vacation. No, silly, we weren’t backpacking up some mountain or maneuvering our way down a river; we were perusing the local candy shop in the quaint city of Stratford. “Gummy Worms?” I proposed to my cousin. “How about Good & Plenty?” she replied. “Yuck, are you crazy?” I said in return. After the controversy ended, (I got my way, in case you were wondering), the whole family huddled up to discuss options for later that evening. After exchanging ideas, I said, “How about we just play it by year?” Everyone went silent. People exchanged glances while others squinted their eyes at me in confusion. My uncle asked me to repeat what I said. Timidly, “Play it by year?” Laughter erupted. Those bastards! My mom, seeing my embarrassment, took one for the team. “Ya know what? I thought it was ‘play it by year’ too. Doesn’t year make more sense than ear? She must have picked it up from me. Simple mistake.” No one protects her baby cub like my mom. (Thanks, ma!) My seventh grade teacher liked to lower the self-esteem of innocent children. It just so happens that in her class I sat next to John, a real jokester. During class, we had to discuss the pre-

vious night’s reading with our neighbor. BUSTED! Naturally, I asked John to quickly fill me in on the reading I hadn’t done because I had been too busy playing “NBA Jam” with my brother. Basically, what it boils down to is that John purposely fed me a load of crap—he said “gauchos” were the same things as “canyons.” I didn’t know better so I tried to make sense of it in my brain. “Gaucho kind of sounds like gouge, and a gouge is sort of like a gorge, and a gorge is a canyon, sooo yeah. It adds up.” My teacher called on me to stand in front of the class and talk about gauchos. “No sweat, I have this one in the bag,” I thought to myself. After giving my spiel she glared at me like the principal in Billy Madison who says, “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.” (Yay! Second Billy Madison reference within three weeks!) She asked me to draw gauchos on the chalkboard. I hesitantly proceeded to draw something that sort of resembled the Grand Canyon. She shook her head in disgrace and asked Hannah (the smarty-pants) to

draw gauchos next to my “work of art.” She drew a perfect pair of Western pants and then recited (even though no one asked her to) the definition of gauchos. What a brat. In sum, my feelings on the matter are, “A simple ‘WRONG’ would have done just fine.” Even now, I’m still f ’ing stuff up. Every liberal arts major knows that papers are the perfect time to shine. A time to say, “I can’t really remember 58 percent of what was said in class on this matter, but here is a pile of embellished B.S. you might find convincing.” Last year I got a paper back that I thought I did fairly well on. First, second and third page did not have any marks. Alright, smooth sailing! But then on page four…yikes! In harsh red ink the following was circled: “Long and behold.” Accompanying the circle was an arrow, the word “What,” and about five question marks. Turns out, “Long and behold” isn’t a phrase; it’s “Lo and behold.” Whoops. So, I suppose this means with one required English class to go, I should probably switch majors? Or maybe just drop out of school altogether. You didn’t know what gauchos were either? Not until they obnoxiously became a fashion trend circa 2005? Let’s chat about it at

Campus Briefs

The best in fake news delivered in briefs for your reading pleasure

‘Whipped Loser’ admits he actually “kinda enjoyed” girlfriend’s UW- Volleyball match UW- Madison senior Stan Lapidus has confirmed rumors that he attended and actually “kinda enjoyed” his girlfriend Sasha’s entire Women’s volleyball match against Purdue Monday night. While Lapidus’ girlfriend and UW-Volleyball captain Sasha Gunderson credited her team’s “fighting spirit” to help explain Wisconsin’s easy victory over Purdue on Monday, Lapidus’ sincere enjoyment of the event remains far more of a mystery as it continues to stump experts such as sociology professor Michael Armstrong.

“We’ve simply never seen anything like this before. And I’ve been working here for nearly forty years,” said Armstrong. Armstrong continued, “This is certainly not the first time we’ve seen boyfriends of volleyball players be dragged to the games as some kind of psychological or emotional punishment, but it takes a truly whipped loser the likes of which we have never seen before to actually have fun at one of these events.” As Armstrong confirmed, it has not been uncommon for boyfriends of volleyball players in the past to be forced to attend games. What makes Lapidus’ case so unique is that he may be the only boyfriend in history to stay for the entire duration of the volleyball match. And

while boyfriends in the past have killed time by looking nervously at their watch, playing games on their cell phones, or ensuring that they show up to the match completely intoxicated, Lapidus used none of those popular strategies. “Yea, I knew Sasha had a game on Monday so I bought tickets to go see ‘Inception’ with my buddy Mike. About forty minutes into the movie, I got a text from Sasha saying that I had better come to the game, so I did what any boyfriend would do: I walked straight out of the theater, stopped at a flower shop to buy [a dozen red roses for Sasha], and sprinted to the gymnasium to go support my baby,” the whipped loser said after the match.

Several male witnesses (who asked that their names be withheld to avoid the humiliation of admitting that they, too, attended the women’s volleyball match) stated that Lapidus watched the game with great interest from the moment he arrived. When asked why they attended the match, they replied, “Well, our only other option was men’s soccer, it’s not like we had a choice.” The witnesses also claim that Lapidus sat on the edge of his seat, refused to take a bathroom break and even stood up and screamed “Lets go!” after a particular point in which Sasha helped the team score, although the final accusation could not be verified immediately. ­—Phil Vesselinovitch

© 2010, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398

For the record In the Tuesday, September 14 edition of The Daily Cardinal, the article “Council members deny TID expansion” incorrectly stated that Common Council members did not expand Tax Incremental District 32 at the Monday Board of Estimates meeting. It should have stated that they voted to expand the district on a 3-3 vote with the tie broken by Mayor Dave Cieslewicz. The Cardinal regrets the error. Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an e-mail to

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Not to mention, if you join our group on Facebook, The Daily Cardinal Makes Fun of You, you may get those fifteen minutes of fame you’ve always wanted, right here on Page 2.

Ballroom Blitz

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

On Camera Talent Search




We are currently looking for people who want to get involved with DC TV, The Daily Cardinal’s brand new news/entertainment channel.

Ben Pierson/the daily cardinal

The Badger Ballroom Dance Team demonstrated some dance moves outside the Kohl center during the Student Organization Fair.

Security deposits arrive in students’ pockets this week By Beth Pickhard The Daily Cardinal

Tenants who moved out of their apartment Aug. 14 or Aug. 15 should have received a security deposit with a list of itemized deductions Tuesday. Security deposits must be returned within 21 days of the move-out date and cannot be more than a month’s rent, according to Madison ordinances. Brenda Konkel, executive director of Madison’s Tenant Resource Center, said students lose money because they do not make the effort to contact their former landlords about their security deposit if they do not receive it. “Some [landlords] have openly told me their schedule is to just deduct the money from everybody’s security deposit and when somebody comes in and protests then they just give it back to them because they still end up further ahead,” she said.

governor from page 1 Neumann said he will send both Barrett and Walker a copy of his book tomorrow in hopes it will “encourage them to use ideas in the interest of improving the great state for Wisconsin, and if that happens, something good will have come out of this campaign.” Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett garnered 90 percent of the vote for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, easily beating graphics company president and author Tim John. Barrett’s victory speech focused mostly on job creation, and he criticized both Neumann and Walker of caring more about dogma than about raising employment. “At a time when we have got serious fiscal problems, we have got to come together,” Barrett said. “It can’t be done with ideological wars. What we’ve witnessed over the last couple of weeks is two candidates in the Republican party fighting an ideological war to see who can move the other one further and further to the right.” However, Walker said putting Wisconsin back on the right fiscal track is his top priority, and that this tough primary will prime him for success in the general election. “Because of this primary we are

According to Madison ordinances, landlords can issue deductions for damage by tenants, waste, neglect of the building, unpaid utility bills or non-payment of rent. Property owners may not, however, charge for carpet cleaning, re-painting, window washing or other normal wear and tear issues. According to Konkel, many tenants claim repair requests from their check-in sheets were never addressed. She said tenants also say they have been overcharged or not charged the correct amount when items were repaired. “[Landlords] just round numbers off and don’t actually have receipts or evidence of what the items actually cost,” she said. Konkel added that under a 2008 law, landlords are required to take photos of damaged items, but landlords have not been complying with the policy. tested and ready to take on the liberals in Madison,” he said. Although both party-backed gubernatorial candidates won their respective races, endorsements counted for nothing in the race for Lt. Governor nominations. State Sen. Majority Leader Tom Nelson, D-Kaukauna, won the Democratic nomination with 52 percent of the vote, and former TV-reporter Rebecca Kleefisch clinched the Republican nomination with 45 percent of the vote, according to the Associated Press. However, neither Kleefisch nor Nelson had the level of endorsement some of their competitors did. State Rep. Brett Davis, R-Oregon, was the GOP favorite, but he garnerd 26 percent of the vote, resulting in a 19-point defeat to Kleefisch. The difference on the other side of the aisle was even more extreme. Madison-based business executive Henry Sanders received overwhelming endorsement by party leaders, but only got nine percent of the vote, and was last among the four candidates up for the position. In Sanders’s base of Dane County, he won 22 percent of the vote. He did not arrive in last place, but he still received less than half of what Nelson received in the primary.

Wednesday, September 15th 7:00 p.m. Audition in Vilas 2142

opinion 4


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.



nce again, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is using his elected state office as a Republican shouting point. But this time, he’s not saying anything at all. Instead of defending Wisconsin in its case against a recent ruling prohibiting federal taxpayer dollars from funding stem-cell research, Van Hollen has chosen to sit this one out. The ruling, issued by U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth, contends that a Presidential policy significantly expanding federal funding for stem-cell research violated the Dickey-Wicker amendment. The amendment asserts that no federal money can be used in the destruction of embryos. Stem-cell research at UWMadison was particularly affected by the ruling, since it received $7.3 million in funding for 2010. In light of this fact, Gov. Jim Doyle has offered the state’s legal services to assist in appealing the decision. Since then, the injunction has been temporarily lifted,


A recent opinion column argued that Senator Russ Feingold is wrong for Wisconsin by attempting to paint Feingold as an out-of-touch politician and straight party-line voter. While this is undoubtedly a characterization that the radical Republican candidate for Senate, Ron Johnson, and his supporters would like people to believe, voters know the truth. Russ Feingold is an independent voice in Washington and a ceaseless advocate for the people of Wisconsin. The economy continues to be the biggest issue for voters ahead of this fall’s election, and Senator Feingold and the Democrats have shown that they are willing to take action. Last month’s numbers from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimate that the stimulus package passed by Democrats in Congress saved between 1.4 and 3.3 million jobs during the second quarter of this year alone. The author vehemently argued that small businesses are a good source of job growth. He would actually find that Senator Feingold is in agreement there. Unfortunately, Republicans killed a Senate bill this summer that would have cut taxes and increased lending to small businesses. While busy touting Ron Johnson’s private sector experience, the author failed to mention that Johnson took $4 million in federal loans to help build his own business. That omission isn’t surprising, considering the Johnson campaign itself has tried to hide that information from the public. Despite Johnson’s

but the governor has still committed Wisconsin’s legal efforts to help Congress as they fight to repeal the Dickey-Wicker amendment altogether. According to a statement from the Attorney General’s office, Van Hollen doesn’t feel prepared to enter such a monumental debate. In contrast, we feel that Van Hollen isn’t prepared to upset his Republican constituent base. However, it is the job of the Attorney General to defend the state in its legal battles, not to pick and choose which cases fall within the realm of acceptable Republican ideals. In this case, Doyle was able to find a lawyer willing to work pro bono to replace the Attorney General. If we were not as lucky, Van Hollen’s lack of action would have cost the state tens of thousands of dollars in outside legal fees. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Van Hollen has let his Republican ideologies interfere with his job responsibilities. Last year, he refused to defend the state’s domestic partnership registry from a lawsuit, citing extreme rhetoric against the role of the government in job creation, his actions show that even he realizes that the government can play a beneficial role in strengthening businesses. But where the author’s argument lost all credibility was where he attempted to paint Feingold as an out-of-touch, partisan “yes man.” Every year, Russ visits all 72 of the state’s counties to hold town hall listening sessions, over 1,200 total since he was first elected, and he has returned every pay raise that Congress has approved during his 18 years in the Senate. On the other end of the spectrum, Feingold’s Republican opponent has stated that he could flood this year’s race with over $10 million of his own money. Attempting to purchase a ticket to Congress hardly seems to exemplify someone who grasps what is most important to the majority of Wisconsinites. In addition, Senator Feingold has spent his career standing up for the people of Wisconsin in the face of partisanship and special interests. Feingold was the only Senator to vote against the original Patriot Act, parts of which were later struck down as unconstitutional in federal court. This term, he continues to disregard partisan divides, not only breaking from other Democrats on the bank bailouts and recent banking reform bill, but also teaming up with Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) to block wasteful earmarks from making it into final legislation. The truth is that Senator Feingold only acts with one specific interest in mind: whatever is best for the people of Wisconsin, regardless of what the party or special interests might have to say. This is the reason that voters of all political backgrounds consistently put their trust in him, including

his concerns over representing the entire people of Wisconsin. The claim was filed by Wisconsin Family Action, the same conservative group that fought for the state’s same-sex marriage ban. It’s not the people of Wisconsin Van Hollen is concerned about pleasing, just influential Republican leaders. By prioritizing his party philosophies above his job responsibilities, he’s doing every taxpayer in Wisconsin a disservice. Just this summer, Van Hollen requested the state join in an amicus brief supporting Arizona’s anti-immigration policies in lieu of Federal government criticism. It was yet another example of Van Hollen’s partisan loyalties dominating his duties to the state. Luckily, Doyle denied Van Hollen’s politically charged request and distanced Wisconsin from Arizona’s radically conservative policies that came all too close to racial-profiling. In an age when Republicans tend to characterize high-profile court officials as activist judges at every turn, we would offer Van Hollen’s ideological judicial activity as a prime example of the party’s hypocrisy. The Attorney General bends to the party’s every whim, and Wisconsin suffers because of it. As Attorney General, it’s not Van Hollen’s job to defend the Republican party. It’s not his job to position himself for conservative endorsements down the road. It’s his job to defend the state of Wisconsin. We suggest he do that. in his last campaign, in which he won 27 of the 45 Wisconsin counties that voted to re-elect President Bush. Russ Feingold makes it clear to Wisconsinites of all political loyalties that he cares deeply about our issues and works tirelessly to bring about the change we need. His consistent record of service will continue to tell the true story, no matter how many baseless claims and malicious attacks are made against him. Travis Serebin is the communications director for the College Democrats of Madison. Please send all feedback to

Editorial Cartoon


As the chair of the University of Wisconsin-Stout TobaccoFree Policy Implementation Committee, I appreciated some of the comments contained in Dan Tollefson’s column on Sept. 8, 2010. The column lauded the effort by UW-Stout students to provide a healthy environment by promoting a completely tobaccofree campus. The column even suggested that UW-Madison might want to consider following UW-Stout down the path to a healthy, tobacco-free campus. However, Mr. Tollefson is seriously off base in his contention that UW-Stout’s enforcement policy, which relies on a comprehensive communications plan and social pressure, is a “better fit in a fourth grade classroom than a state university.” Mr. Tollefson reasoned: “Allowing smokers on campus to be victimized by their peers simply diminishes the true authority of the administration’s governance. In effect, the initiative’s sole purpose is to remind smokers that they are the minority.”

Students asked for this policy ... the administration simply is carrying out the will of the students

It appears that Mr. Tollefson would like UW-Stout to roll out the “tobacco police,” with citations in hand, to fine or otherwise harass anyone who violates the policy. Somehow, he seems to suggest this is a more mature way of enforcing the tobacco-free initiative than allowing societal pressure to run its course. I would argue the opposite. Our chancellor, Charles W.

Sorensen, believes very strongly in the maturity level of our students, to say nothing of our faculty and staff, and their ability to follow a well-reasoned and administered tobacco-free policy. What Mr. Tollefson conveniently ignores is the fact that our students asked for this policy, in two campuswise referendums, and the administration simply is carrying out the will of the students.

One week into the new policy, violations seem to be far and few between.

Furthermore, if Mr. Tollefson would have spoken to me before penning his column, I would have explained to him that the administration right now lacks the legal authority to write citations or take other legal action against our students. We could, in extreme cases, probably have violators come in for a “discussion” with our Dean of Students, but we very much doubt that will be necessary. I am very happy to report that, one week into the new policy, violations seem to be far and few between. I have handed out one card to two smokers outside one of our buildings, and they extinguished their cigarettes and promised to practice their smoking habit off campus in the future. I probably am not the only reader who was surprised to see a student, my alma mater, actually advocate publicly for a heavy handed administration approach to a new policy initiative, rather than rely on students to handle it themselves. We have a lot of faith in our students at UW-Stout, and so far, it seems, that faith is very well-founded. Doug Mell is executive director of communications and external relations at UW-Stout and chair of the Tobacco-Free Policy Implementation Committee. Please send all feedback to

By John Liesveld


Wednesday, September 15, 2010



It’s all “G.O.O.D.” in Kanye’s neighborhood By Max Lohnhardt The Daily Cardinal

Friday is a time of great joy for most people around campus, as it signifies the end of a workweek and the culmination of a job well-done (or not so welldone). For students, specifically, Friday means the party-filled weekend is here. Recently, another reason to celebrate Friday has arrived in none other than the Taylor Swift-interrupting and Grammy-winning Kanye West.

The one confirmed track, and first single off the album, “Power,” has received mixed reviews so far.

For the past five weeks, Kanye West has made every Friday a holiday, labeling them “G.O.O.D. Fridays,” which stands for “Getting Out Our Dreams.” On this day, the hip-hop star releases one previously unreleased song via his Twitter account and newly created website. These songs are available for free download, allowing listeners who can’t wait for the release of his next album a temporary solution. This anticipated album, formally labeled Dark Twisted Fantasy, was originally scheduled to be dropped Sep. 14, along with albums from other artists signed to West’s record label,

“G.O.O.D. Music.” This collective release date was meant to help bolster the record label as a whole as well as display their more specific musical talents. As exciting a gimmick as that was, those plans quickly fell through when West decided to push back the release of his album to Nov. 16. West’s delay has upset many fans who have been patiently awaiting a new album since his last record, 2008’s 808’s & Heartbreak. As he continues to put the final touches on his album and build on an already immense amount of hype, West has found a way to relieve these fans’ eagerness, namely by instituting “G.O.O.D. Fridays.” This not only keeps West from releasing an album before he is ready, but also allows him to provide weekly entertainment for his fans. And luckily, a postponed release date does not imply an end of these gifts, “G.O.O.D. Fridays” are supposed to last until at least the new album is released. The one confirmed track, and first single off the upcoming album, “Power,” has received mixed reviews so far. The remix of this song, which features Jay-Z and Swizz Beatz, was the first song released on “G.O.O.D. Fridays.” The remix is a nice take on the original, but an unnecessary one as the original, despite what many critics may say, speaks for itself. Seven days after this remix

came a track called “Monster.” Featuring the talents of JayZ, Rick Ross, Bon Iver and Nicki Minaj, the song has a very experimental feel, not surprising considering the talent brought onboard. But all these additions led to few lyrical bright spots. The third release was a shocking remix of the Justin Bieber song “Runaway Love.” The song also features some guest artists, including Raekwon. The overall feel of the song is surprisingly good, and the combination of pop and rap works well. The following release, “Devil In a New Dress,” is a solo effort that has more of a vintage Kanye West feel, as it seems to get back to his College Dropout roots.

As long as the free music keeps rolling in every Friday and keeps sounding as great as it has, it doesn’t yet matter what will be on Kanye’s next studio release.

The most recent track returns West to a group atmosphere. The song, actually named “Good Friday,” highlights Common, Pusha T, Kid Cudi, Big Sean and Charlie Wilson. With the piano background and Cudisung chorus, the track takes on a more mellow tone. Because of the plethora of talent on the track, “Good Friday” can be

Photo Courtesy Roc-A-Fella Records

The release date of West’s next album was pushed back two months. Thankfully, “G.O.O.D. Fridays” provide fans with new songs each week. played many times over without feeling old. West has kept mum on whether some, all or none of these tracks are actually going to appear on the album, but that point does not seem to matter.

As long as the free music keeps rolling in every Friday and keeps sounding as great as it has, it doesn’t yet matter what will be on Kanye West’s next studio release. For now, let’s just continue to celebrate “G.O.O.D. Friday.”

New album shows Plant hasn’t missed a beat, brings Joy to Zeppelin faithfuls By Nick Cusatis The Daily Cardinal

Robert Plant’s new album, Band of Joy, fuses rock, folk and blues. Every song on the album is entirely its own, and with their harmonious vocals and thumping drums, they are sure to hit the soul of anyone. Plant clearly hasn’t lost a step with his vocals. Even at the age of 62, he hits all the notes he did when he fronted legendary band Led Zeppelin over 30 years ago. Band of Joy has many similarities to Raising Sand, the album Plant collaborated with country star Alison Krauss on in 2007. With the deep lyrics, beautiful vocals and flawless instrumentation, it’s easy to draw common lines between the two.

In emphasizing blues riffs, folk-style guitar and intricate mandolin, Plant evokes a truly American sound, despite his British descent.

Plant’s more recent work, including Band of Joy, may not be full of the classic Zeppelin tunes people have come to love, but you can still tell where Plant’s roots lie. While not full of the rip roaring rock songs, screaming lyrics or the psychedelic jams that made

Zeppelin famous, Band of Joy Love Again,” a Motown-inspired finds Plant in his element, writ- love song. The rockstar calls to ing songs that remind us of why mind the Zeppelin classic “D’yer we fell in love Mak’er” as he CD REVIEW with his voice in sings, “I’m thinkthe first place. In ing of you all the fact, Band of Joy time / Oh darling seems to be more please be mine.” comfortable In emphasizing for Plant than blues riffs, folkRaising Sand style guitar and was. That isn’t to intricate mandolin, Band of Joy say the GrammyPlant evokes a truly Robert Plant winning album American sound, wasn’t phenomdespite his British enal, but Band of Joy has more of descent. The distinct American a signature Robert Plant rock feel backwoods feel in“Central Twothan the more country, Raising O-Nine,” there is a in evokes Sand did. the feeling of hopping on a train Band of Joy starts with Plant’s when Plant sings “Let me hear rendition of a Los Lobos song that whistle blow / Take me back, called “Angel Dance.” It is upbeat my baby’s gone.” and doesn’t stray far from the original style. Two tracks later, Plant calms down with “Silver Rider,” a slow, melodic cover originally written by the band Low. Just as Led Zeppelin once did, “You Can’t Buy My Love” Plant artfully crafts songs that picks right back up with a classic evoke a myriad of emotions. ’60s-style rock song that features rumbling drums, thumping bass and a vocal style reminiscent of early Beatles records. Band of Joy is a roller coaster When an artist changes his of emotions and styles of music or her style or goes solo, it is that takes you from one end sometimes not for the best. This of the spectrum to the other. is not the case for Plant. One On “Satan Your Kingdom Must can only sell out areas and music Come Down,” Plant offers a theaters for so many years, and dark, emotional confession before now Plant is settling down and warming up with “I’m Falling In writing music that still comes

from the heart, just in a more tempered way than he has previously shown. For all folk and blues listeners, this album is a must-buy. But even if that’s not your style,

the musicianship alone can’t possibly go unappreciated. Just as Led Zeppelin once did, Plant has artfully crafted songs that evoke a myriad of emotions. Clearly, Robert Plant hasn’t missed a beat.

comics 6


Risqué: The first couple to be shown in bed together on primetime TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Loving your neighbor

Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Branching Out

By Brendan Sullivan

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

The Graph Giraffe Classic

By Yosef Lerner


By Patrick Remington

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

First in Twenty

By Angel Lee

Answer key available at

TOUCHDOWN! ACROSS 1 Cappuccino alternative 6 Drift, as an aroma 10 Person with the biggest office 14 Hearth refuse 15 Petri dish jelly 16 Eye part containing the iris 17 Jack’s menace 18 Fragrant bloom 19 Ask for identification 20 Collection of lures 23 After dusk, poetically 24 Zeno’s makeshift classroom 25 Tire pressure letters 28 Paul of “Anchorman” 31 Superlatively decided 35 Sicilian spouter 37 100 Cambodian sen 39 Clay court mallet game 40 Parting words 43 Ankle bones 44 Unexceptional 45 “Your majesty” 46 Unwrinkled 48 Waterproof canvas 50 One of a peppery trio? 51 Uppercut target 53 Make silly faces

55 Show patriotism, in a way 61 Psychic’s reading material? 62 Lustrous black 63 Sent over the phone lines, in a way 65 Member of a pesky swarm 66 Slow-witted fellow 67 Dynamo’s antithesis 68 Behold amorously 69 “The Twelve Days of Christmas” trio 70 Emotionally demanding DOWN 1 Opening action in billiards 2 “A likely story!” 3 Pad prik king cuisine 4 Anxious 5 “Good Times” actress Rolle 6 Admonish 7 All worked up 8 Abstains from eating 9 Dog trainer’s handful 10 Cowboys 11 Athletic track shape 12 All dried out 13 Cry-worthy 21 Acclimate 22 Judicial body 25 Clobbers with snowballs

26 Type of iron or engine 27 Proem or prelude 29 Gives up the ghost 30 Embarkation location 32 Provide the wherewithal 33 Constitutional capital of Bolivia 34 Flirting giggle 36 Connect in the mind 38 “The Simpsons” daughter 41 Groups of acquaintances 42 They’re par for the course 47 Like gadgets on the cutting edge, in headlines 49 Northern bird 52 Peer of the realm 54 Forest clearing 55 Like some paintings and juries 56 Type of surgeon or historian 57 Palindromic time 58 Targets of men who make passes? 59 Chassis attachment 60 Did the right thing? 61 “Four score and seven years ___ ...” 64 Alcohol-free

Washington and the Bear

By Derek Sandberg


Wednesday, September 15, 2010




Freshman back has pedigree, looking for production


True freshman running back James White rushed for 2,568 yards and racked up 45 touchdowns in his high school career in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He may add kick returns to his repertoire at Wisconsin. By Parker Gabriel THE DAILY CARDINAL

Freshman running back James White may find himself behind the reigning Big Ten offensive player of the year, co-listed as the No. 2 running back on the depth chart with sophomore Montee Ball, but sharing a backfield is nothing new for the talented rookie out of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Because he attended high school at the nationally recognized prep football powerhouse, St. Thomas Aquinas in his home town, White took a backseat to another top running back recruit, Giovanni Bernard. White and Bernard, a freshman at the University of North Carolina who is sidelined for the year after tearing his ACL in his first collegiate practice, still

keep in touch regularly. “We talk every week, almost every day,” White said. “Whether it’s Facebook or over the phone, we always [talk].” White and Bernard certainly garnered a lot of attention from opposing defenses, but the depth of talent at Aquinas was not limited to the backfield. White said approximately 10 of his classmates were recruited to Divison I football programs. “Just in practice you get to play against some of the top recruits in the country,” White said. “When you come out on Friday, you’re very well prepared.” After seeing the freshman work through fall camp and the early stages of the season, running backs coach

John Settle thinks the early exposure to elite talent has done him well. “Once he got here, he showed maturity that not too many freshman have,” Settle said. “His ability to just continue to go day in and day out and pick up the playbook without any hiccups, it showed that

he’s a real football player and a student of the game.” That ability to pick up the intricacies of the offense quickly and handle responsibilities beyond carrying the ball, like picking up blitzers in pass protection, provided the Wisconsin coaching staff with the faith that White could play early on. His potential to provide an immediate spark to the offense was so clear that it very well could have had an impact on returning senior running back Zach Brown’s decision to redshirt for the year. “The way he runs is very impressive and he has a lot of natural ability,” said senior offensive lineman John Moffit. “To be able to come in here as a freshman and see where the holes are opening up and where you’re supposed to hit the hole is very tough to do. He’s a very smart kid.” Another aspect of White’s game that makes it compatible to this year’s offense is that his most deadly weapons are speed and quickness, a stark change of pace from bruising backs like junior John Clay and Ball. “He brings a little speed,” junior center Peter Konz said. “You can see it because he’s so small and he’s real skinny. You get the secondary tired and you get the linebackers tired from having to go against us and Johnny [Clay] and Montee [Ball] and all of the sudden you have to chase this little guy, so it adds another dimension.” Including Konz and Moffitt, the Badger offensive line averages 6'5" and 327 pounds. Because of his diminutive size—he is listed at 5'10" and 198 pounds—opposing defenses can have problems finding

him before he emerges from behind the wall of linemen. “It’s great because sometimes the defense can’t even see behind them, so I use that to my advantage, White said with a smile. “Once I see them make my blocks I can get to the hole and make my moves.” Despite the strides he has made since arriving in Madison, White has also experienced the usual freshman growing pains. After picking up 96 total yards on 11 carries and three receptions in his debut against UNLV on Sept. 4, White saw his work load cut to just six carries for 25 yards last Saturday against San Jose State. Still, he had a chance to get into the endzone for his first time as a Badger on a handoff to the left side, but he reached the ball for the goal line and had it knocked away, resulting in a lost fumble. Settle said he does not think it will be a recurring problem because White has learned so fast. With a dynamic Arizona State defense coming in to Camp Randall Stadium this Saturday, Settle said the most important thing for White will be to keep from trying to do too much. “It’s going to be very important this week for him to show some patience and let some guys get out ahead of him and help him,” he said. That may be easier said than done for White, who will be facing his first marquee collegiate competition on national television and in front of a Camp Randall crowd that is sure to be electric. The youngster thinks he can handle it, though. “Over 80,000 fans out there,” White said. “You can just feel it in your veins and it gets you pumped up and ready to go.”

sports 8


Wednesday,September 15, 2010

National League home to the only exciting playoff races this fall



parks and rec



UW volleyball alumni gathered with the team to sing Varsity after the team’s victory over NIU. The Badgers improved to 10-0 with the win, tied for the second best start in school history.

Volleyball stays perfect with win at N. Illinois By Mark Bennett THE DAILY CARDINAL

DEKALB, ILL.— With a perfect 10-0 record on the line, the Wisconsin volleyball team marched into DeKalb, Ill Tuesday night facing an 11-0 Northern Illinois team and a small but deafening crowd. Less than 80 minutes later, the Badgers stepped off the court with a convincing straight set sweep, winning 25-18, 25-19, 25-18. The Huskies packed the 800capacity Convocation Center, but not without some definite help from the Wisconsin faithful. The standing-room-only crowd of 950 watching Tuesday night’s game broke the school record for attendance at a volleyball game. “Obviously a record crowd was great, and a lot of that was because we brought a lot of people too,” head coach Pete Waite said. “There were a lot of fans here [including] the student section from the Fieldhouse, so that was fun to see.” The tight confines of Victor E. Court resulted in an often deafening atmosphere. The Badgers remained un-fazed however shaking off aggressive taunts from the NIU students during serves and keeping composure throughout any level of noise. “They’re resilient. I think they weren’t fazed by a whole lot, and we talked about that, about staying focused and not letting any distractions get to you while we’re in an environment like this,” Waite said. The Badgers and the Huskies matched each other virtually point for point in the beginning of the first set. With the score tied 11-11 though, Wisconsin took control and never looked back, winning five of the next six points and cruising to a crucial first-set victory. The Badgers out-attacked NIU in the opening set, taking the strong edge in kills, 16-9. Freshmen Julie Mikaelsen and Dominique Thompson collected four kills apiece, while senior Kim Kuzma hit the floor hard throughout the first set with nine digs. From the end of that first set, the Badgers never relinquished their con-

fidence and took full control for the rest of the match. The Huskies’ focus also began to falter in the second set, as NIU committed five service errors. Although NIU came out of the locker room strong for the third set taking a 3-0 lead early, Wisconsin won the next four points and five of the next six to go ahead. The Badgers never trailed for the rest of the set, at one point taking an eight point edge over the Huskie,s on their way to sealing the sweep. This match was especially significant for Waite as the former NIU coach returned to DeKalb to take on the Huskies for the first time since becoming Wisconsin’s head coach in 1999. However, Tuesday night was also a homecoming of sorts for Oswego, Ill. native and fresh-

man Annemarie Hickey. Many of Hickey’s former high-school teammates were in the stands along with family, and she responded by putting together an impressive showing both from behind the service line and on the court. Hickey finished the night with two service aces and four digs. “I was really excited to come and see all my friends from high school and even my family. It really got me excited, got me pumped up for the game,” Hickey said. Coach Waite and his Badgers will face their final non-conference foe this Friday at the Fieldhouse when UW-Green Bay travels to Madison, and right now, this is a Wisconsin squad firing on all cylinders and operating with an incredible amount of confidence.


Oswego, Ill. native Annemarie Hickey and the Badgers had plenty of support Tuesday night on the road against Northern Illinois.

his happens to me every fall. I follow baseball religiously from the day pitchers and catchers report to spring training, through the entire summer and into September. But then the first NFL Sunday rolls around and my interest drops right off the table. Now, this is more than likely a result of the fact that I’m a diehard Brewers fan and their September games rarely feature anything more significant than a sneak peak at the organization’s top prospects. While the Brewers are sufficiently checked out again this fall, my lack of interest this time around is due to a severe lack of compelling postseason races, save one. The American League does not have an interesting division race to speak of. Sure, the Yankees and the Rays are only separated by a half game in the East, but whichever team happens to trail on a given day still leads the Wild Card by seven games. Maybe if the Mets—resident choke artists of Major League Baseball—were involved I could be convinced that this race still has the chance to be interesting, but not with these two teams locked in. Really, the most interesting thing about the AL East is that Jose Bautista has 46 home runs this year after never hitting more than 16 in six previous seasons in the big leagues, but those suspicions are best left for another day. Elsewhere in the American League, neither the Central or the West are likely to be competitive down the stretch as the Twins and Rangers lead by six and eight games, respectively. Same goes for the National League Central, where the Cardinals, near unanimous pre-season favorites to win the division, managed to post an 11-15 record in August and hand the division title to the Cincinnati Reds. Thank goodness for the National League West. Not only is there bona fide competition for the division crown, but three teams are involved, and there is a real chance only the winner will play in the postseason. It is possible that a second team from the West could claim the Wild Card, but Atlanta currently holds a game-and-a-half lead and will be difficult to overtake. To make the race on the Left Coast even better, Los Angeles isn’t a part of it. I don’t have anything in particular against the Dodgers, but there is something refreshing about three non-perennial contenders duking it out down the stretch. Now, just because the Padres, Rockies and Giants are not always locks for the playoffs doesn’t mean they don’t provide entertaining baseball. The Padres and Giants currently boast the best and third-best

staff ERAs, respectively, in all of baseball. We all knew two-time Cy Young winner Tim Lincecum was the real deal, but other youngsters like San Francisco’s Matt Cain and San Diego’s Mat Latos have used this race as a coming out party. The Rockies have a pretty good starter of their own in Ubaldo Jiménez, whose video game-esque season places him squarely in the conversation for this year’s NL Cy Young Award. Jiménez, who started the All Star Game for the senior circuit, is 185 with a 2.75 ERA and has racked up 186 strikeouts by featuring a devastating power sinker that regularly reaches into the upper 90’s (MPH). Besides Jiménez, the Rockies’ pitching depth does not stack up against the Padres and Giants, but their offense never seems to run out of unbelievable late-season production— and this fall has been no different. After struggling through most of the season, superstar shortstop Troy Tulowitzki has been on an absolute tear in September. In his last nine games entering Thursday, Tulowitzki has a whopping eight homeruns and 16 RBI. Add in the least likely MVP candidate of the year, outfielder Carlos Gonzalez—who is hitting at a .337 clip and with 101 RBI to go along with 37 homeruns—and the Rockies have the firepower to stay in games and win late. All three teams play each of the other at least five more times before this season is up, and any night could be the deciding factor in who makes the playoffs and who stays home in October. If I was a betting man, I would put my money on the Rockies to come out on top even though they currently sit 2.5 games back. I hope, though, that the Giants pull it off. Their young pitching is exciting, but the real gem is closer Brian Wilson. If you missed the NL saves leader hanging out with Jim Rome on the ESPN host’s show, you have to look it up online. If this column fails to pique your interest in the NL West, Wilson certainly will not. Maybe I’m making too big a deal out of this race. Maybe I’ve only kept tabs on the NL West because my fantasy baseball team—which, by the way, just failed me in the semi-finals against my little brother—is loaded with West Coast players. Undeniably, though, there is something fresh and enjoyable about a three-team race that doesn’t include any of the recent baseball powers and features an abundance of young talent. I just have to get all the enjoyment I can out of this race, because in six weeks I’ll be watching NFL Network reruns while the Phillies and Yankees play in the World Series...again. Would you rather see the Yankees and the Phillies cruise to another World Series rematch? E-mail Parker at

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