University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892
Weekend, November 30-December 3, 2017
local bar guide
After a tragic death, a look into the impact of academic advisors in the UW community By Kayla Huynh STAFF WRITER
UW-Madison’s dining halls will require students in residence halls to make a minimum WiscCard deposit.
New meal program will require $1400 deposit By Lawrence Andrea CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR
Students in UW-Madison’s dorms will see a new charge on their housing bill next year. The university will require residents to deposit a minimum of $1,400 on their WisCard, to be used exclusively in dining halls. According to Dining and Culinary officials, residents will pick a set amount of money — between $1,400 and $3,100 — to deposit on their card. The money can only be used in dining halls or unions and will be forfeited if not used up by the end of the academic year. The change to a “tiered” resident meal plan is an attempt to be “upfront” and “transparent” with
parents concerned their student was spending more than anticipated in dining halls, according to Director of Dining and Culinary Services Peter Testory. “[This system] is really giving people a better picture as to how many meals a week do you think you are going to eat in the residence hall,” Testory said. “[It gives you an idea of] the amount of money that you should look at spending for the entire academic year.” While in the past the university simply informed residents about how much an average student spends throughout the year, Testory said a required tier system will allow the university to under-
stand its budget, and therefore keep food prices low for students. Testory said the minimum spend tiers were determined based on the historical average spending rates on campus. He said that, while the average amount of money a student spends in the dining hall each year is around $1,200, students also spend an average of $200 in the Unions — which is how they settled on the $1,400 minimum. The minimum tier — “Bronze” — equates to approximately nine meals a week. Those who choose the “Silver” and “Gold” tiers must
meal page 2
Police report: Madison Uber driver assaults passenger near Campus Drive By Gina Heeb CITY NEWS EDITOR
A 36-year-old Uber driver reportedly sexually assaulted and battered a woman in her 20s this weekend after taking her to her Madison home. Authorities arrested the driver, Doteh Albert Mensah, on tentative charges of second-degree sexual assault and substantial battery Monday night, Madison Police Department Public Information Officer Joel DeSpain said in a release. The assault reportedly happened Friday around 11:30 p.m. near Midvale Boulevard. The investigation is ongoing.
If the Senate tax bill becomes law, UW scholarship funds could take a hit.
Proposed tax on Badger gear could hurt scholarship funds By Noah Habenstreit ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
If the controversial GOP tax bill passes Congress, UW-Madison could lose significant money used for scholarships
for low-income students. The Senate version of the tax bill includes a provision that would make revenue earned
tax page 2
Colin Rohm, a UW-Madison student academic advisor, passed away last week. With thousands of courses to choose from and a variety of graduation requirements to fulfill, the course selection process can be daunting. Fortunately, UW-Madison has a network of advisors who can make this process easier. Colin Rohm, who passed away last week from bacterial pneumonia and complications from Type I diabetes, was an academic advisor in various UW-Madison departments. According to his obituary, Rohm particularly enjoyed advising incoming freshman students at Student Orientation, Advising and Registration. Rohm’s passion did not go unnoticed. Janie Genske, a freshman at UW-Madison, said she first met Rohm at SOAR. Genske said Rohm’s advising had a large impact on her first year at UW-Madison, saying he encouraged her to join a history-oriented fraternity. “I never dreaded going to see my advisor because he was always so helpful and enthusiastic,” Genske said. “I truly looked forward to seeing Colin because I knew we would bond over our nerdy love for history.” Many students in the College of Letters and Science also reported having advisors that made a positive impact on their college careers. A Spring 2017 L&S Academic Advising Services Satisfaction survey showed that 96 percent of students left their appointment with a better knowledge of potential majors and remaining course
requirements. Additionally, 97 percent of students reported that they felt supported or relieved after an advising session. According to Wren Singer, director of Undergraduate Advising, there are around 500 people who have an advising role across campus and 200 of them are full-time advisors. Singer said that advisors can have a range of two to 1,000 students. The Undergraduate Department aims for advisors to have an average of 300 to 350 students, which varies depending on the type of advising. From planning programs to assisting freshman students with the transition to college, advisors take on many different roles as both mentors and professionals. “[Advisors] answer questions, help students make decisions and support them if they’re having difficulty in any part of their lives,” Singer said. “They do a lot of different things. It’s a very interesting and complex job.” Darby Sugar, an undergraduate advisor in the School of Nursing, also mentioned the diversity of advisors’ roles. “Every student who walks through the door is totally different and has a unique educational experience,” Sugar said. “You get to work with a lot of different people in a lot of different ways.” Due to the variety and number of students that advisors see, Sugar said she is able to use different students’ experiences to advise others in similar situations. “By looking at what other students have done, we can help a student brainstorm the numerous different pathways that they can complete a degree for any type of education they are looking to achieve,” Sugar said. Additionally, other UW-Madison advisors agreed that helping students was one of the most important responsibilities of their role. Ann Lloyd, an L&S academic advisor, said it is especially rewarding when students say they gain more clarity after an advising session. “It’s a very powerful feeling when a student says they feel better or that they finally understand the path they are head-
advisor page 2
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
Walker rolls out $6.8 million plan to bring millennials to state By Will Husted STAFF WRITER
Gov. Scott Walker announced the launch of a $6.8 million marketing proposal aimed to attract and retain workers in the state at the Future Wisconsin Summit Wednesday. Amid a growing trend in Wisconsin of UW System students leaving the state after graduation, Walker encouraged members of the business community to support his plan to retain those young professionals at the summit. “It’s not enough to just give speeches and talks, we have to put a whole campaign behind this,” Walker urged business owners at the summit, saying they should contact lawmakers to vote for the proposed funds. Wisconsin is projected to be in need of approximately 45,000 workers in the next seven years to compensate for an aging population and low unemployment. These jobs are centered in the manufacturing, information technology and services and nursing sectors, among others. To reach students who feel there is nothing keeping them in the state, the campaign will target
from advisor page 1 ing,” Lloyd said. “It is so rewarding when they say that I answer questions they didn’t even know they had.” Both Lloyd and Ellen Jacobson, an advisor in the sociology department, used one word to describe the most valuable aspect for students who seek help from advisors — continuity. Jacobson said that some advisors meet with students from their first year at the university to their
young professionals in large cities outside Wisconsin. Walker said the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the state’s Tourism Department plan to combat these unfavorable opinions of living in Wisconsin after graduation with a series of messages in locations targeting young people, such as Chicago subways. Posters with the slogan “in Wisconsin, you’d be home by now,” will hang around several transportation stations. The hope is to market Wisconsin as a practical alternative to big city life. Differing from an original WEDC proposal called “Think, Make, Happen” that had a budget of $1 million, the increased funds will allow the new, unnamed program to reach cities such as Minneapolis and Detroit, according to officials. In addition to encouraging young graduates to work and live in Wisconsin, $3.5 of the $6.8 million would go to appeals to military veterans and their families. The campaign also gives $300,000 to develop a mobile resource center that would aid in bringing recruitment services to rural parts of Wisconsin. last, which allows them to get to know one another. Similar to Jacobson, Lloyd said continuity “gives students another community to be connected with and a resource that they feel comfortable reaching out to.” Lloyd said she hopes that more students will reach out to their advisors. “I just really hope students will come and see us,” she said. “We can make a difference. That’s what we’re here for and what we thrive on.”
Advisors at UW have made positive impacts on students, a study shows. from tax page 1 from university merchandise and apparel taxable. Since that money, which UW-Madison rakes in from Badger gear, is used for scholarships, Chancellor Rebecca Blank has expressed concern over the provision. Blank, in a letter to U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., said the provision would “increase costs and regulatory burden on UW-Madison.” “For UW-Madison, this provision alone means $1-2 million annu-
ally that currently support students would become taxable income and therefore reduce the amount available for scholarships,” Blank wrote in the letter. The bill’s language, which is not included in the House version of the legislation, classifies university merchandise sales as separate from the school’s charitable mission, a change from current policy. UW-Madison gets significant funds from its gear, at least compared to many other universities. The school ranks third in
from meal page 1 deposit more money but will receive incentives, like bonus dining cash and free beverages. A student enters the silver tier by putting between $2,100 and $3,099 on their card, and the gold tier by depositing a minimum amount of $3,100. The money will be deposited into a specific Resident Food Account on the students’ WisCards. Students who wish to use purchase non-food products with their WisCard at locations like the University Bookstore must transfer supplementary money onto their card.
Weekend, November 30- December 3, 2017 Despite the new required minimum deposits that incentivize students to spend more money at the dining hall, all food purchases in the dining halls will remain à la carte — students will continue to pay only for what they eat. Testory acknowledged that some students may not be able to afford the required dining fee. He said that although there is currently “no solidified plan” to deal with that, the department will have a solution before the new plan begins next year. “Food insecurity on campus is a big issue, and it is a big issue for us as a department,” he said. “We are working on
a process to address students who fall within that category.” Students living off-campus will still be able to get a five percent discount on dining hall-prepared food under the new system, but will not be required to deposit a minimum amount of money. Testory said that while dining service officials are discussing a way to offer off-campus students a type of meal program, their focus right now is on the resident meal program. “We didn’t really change our current model,” Testory said. “We took the information we had and tried to lay it out a little clearer with this plan.”
Madison residents are concerned over potential pollution from an East Side aluminum plant.
Some Madison residents troubled following local factory’s most recent pollution offense By Adam Maisto STAFF WRITER
As an aluminum manufacturer reaches a settlement with the state over pollution violations, some Madison residents remain concerned about the company’s environmental impact. Madison-Kipp Corporation, which operates an aluminum production facility at 201 Waubesa St. on Madison’s East Side, recently agreed to pay $350,000 in fines for high onsite concentrations of pollutants associated with industrial chemicals used by the company. According to Dr. Jean Bahr, a UW-Madison professor of geology and geophysics, the two contaminants — tetrachloroethylene and polychlorinated biphenyls — are both considered health hazards even at very low concentrations. They are also believed to cause cancer. Under the settlement, Madison-Kipp will be required to build reserves of $1.65 million over the next five years for future cleanup initiatives. During this period, they will not the Big Ten in merchandise revenue and 12th among all colleges. The bill would conceivably hurt other UW System schools as well, but they take in a fraction of the merchandise profits that UW-Madison does. The bill proposes a 20 percent tax rate for university merchandise, which works out to roughly $880,000 in taxes for UW-Madison. Last year, about $2 million from merchandise went toward financial aid and scholarships, and roughly an additional $2 million went to the athletic
be required to pay the fines dictated by the agreement. Such a waiting period may also allow the company more time to assess the best methods for cleanup, according to Bahr. “We often underestimate how complicated cleanup can be, especially when we’re working at the subsurface level,” she said. Some residents of the Schenk-Atwood-StarkweatherYahara neighborhood are asking for a more immediate response, from both state agencies and Madison-Kipp. “I’ve been in the neighborhood for a few years, and felt much better about things when the [state Department of Natural Resources] was more active in monitoring Kipp,” said resident Jen Åhlström, who recalled that the agency used to conduct routine tests of soil sample quality and air quality. In response to local concerns, a SASY neighborhood organization announced plans last summer to coordinate their own system of air pollution monitoring. One resident said the smells department. The tax, if implemented, would take away a significant portion of the revenue from sales. Blank also mentioned other perceived problems with both the Senate and House versions of the tax bill. For one, she said the proposal to eliminate advance refunding bonds, “an important financing tool UW-Madison uses to refinance our outstanding debt at lower interest rates,” would have an adverse effect on the school. “Our last two ‘refundings’
produced by operations at Madison-Kipp are alarming. “The scent is smoky, artificial and toxic with metallic and plastic overtones,” said resident Sybill Augustine. “I worry about the air we’re all breathing . . . we’re consuming it on a daily basis.” Other residents wondered how these fines would address pollution more immediately, especially given Madison-Kipp’s history of violations. The state Department of Natural Resources found groundwater beneath or around the corporation to be contaminated with tetrachloroethylene four separate times between 1995 and 2010. On the Facebook group for SASY’s neighborhood association, resident Steven Klafka suggested that past penalties had not been severe enough. “These [fines] don’t appear to have made a difference,” Klafka wrote. “The fines must not be big enough, or perhaps we need to move beyond the corporation shield and hold the owners and managers accountable.” will result in about $7.5 million, and $7.7 million, respectively, in savings over the next 20 years — or about $760,000 per year. Savings like these allow us to avoid increasing student fees that help finance campus construction projects,” Blank wrote. The House version of the bill passed with support from most Republicans and no Democrats. The Senate bill, with the merchandise provision, is likely to see a vote soon — if it passes, the two houses will work together to create a reconciled bill.
Weekend, November 30-December 3, 2017 • 3
Today’s Sudoku
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Two Word Title Classic
Interested in comics or graphic design?
By Jon Loyns
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
57 Traveling straight up?
27 Readies, as a rifle
1 Not for
60 Allocate (with “out”)
28 “Go on ...”
5 Light-headed?
61 Alpine tune
29 Irving’s “A Prayer for
10 Give up land
62 Common food fish
14 Creature for Crockett’s cap
63 Lofty poems
30 Bidder’s amount
15 Tattered and torn
64 How coquettes chat
31 Loud, as a stadium crowd
16 Catch wind of
65 “Clapping” aquatic animal
32 Government paperwork
17 Vamoose 20 City sought by Raleigh 21 Thing in the plus column
DOWN 1 Result of overtraining, perhaps
Owen ___”
34 Member of the wking. class 37 File folder parts 38 Contract workers?
22 Suffix for “acrobat”
2 Christmas tune
39 Unknown, on a TV sched.
23 “... slithy toves did ___ and
3 Frog’s relative
44 Dodges
4 Chinese leader?
45 The kings of “We Three
gimble” (“Jabberwocky”) 25 Enter a pool
5 Bring up, as a subject
29 Homestyle entree
6 Adds fat for cooking
46 “___ you jest!”
33 Dull, hollow sound
7 Football great Graham
48 Barbaric
34 Oscar winner Sean
8 Extreme, utmost degree
49 Schmendrick
35 Direction away from “to”
9 Do a salon job
50 Act on, as advice
36 Make a beeline toward
10 Carpentry tool
51 Assign stars to, perhaps
40 Money roll
11 Congers and such
52 Mark of “Game of Thrones”
41 Superior rating
12 Chip’s cartoon chum
53 Drunkard
42 Construction support
13 Prefix with “while,” once
54 Not false
43 School gathering
18 Searches for weapons
55 Sicilian hothead?
46 Bart and Belle
19 Hind’s mate
56 Indian lentil dish (Var.)
47 Use a beam for surgery
23 “Arabian Nights” character
58 Empire State Bldg. site
48 Summa ___ laude
24 Yin partner
59 Baby’s first word, some-
49 “Who knows?” gesture
25 Upside-down “e”
52 Apprehended by cops
26 Answers to charges
By Tom Taagen
special pages
Bar Guide l
Weekend, November 30-December 3, 2017
Gib’s Have you ever had a weekend in which you acted cringe-worthy and vowed to never drink again? We’ve all been there, but Gib’s is good place to make sure that doesn’t happen. It’s the cozy house party straight out of a Pinterest board that your mama might
actually approve of. It’s a candle-lit, intimate joint in a two-story house, making it the perfect place for a date or just to sit on a couch and gab with friends. Since it’s over on Willy Street, going to Gib’s will get you off campus and get you around the kind of sophisticat-
happy hours
ed adult crowd that you definitely can’t black out and take your top off in front of. The downside is that with an upscale atmosphere comes pricey drinks, but if you’re lucky you can flirt with a rich patron and score yourself a free one! —Amileah Sutliff
n o w o p e n
“I’ve been coming to Plaza for almost 40 years ... and the place looks exactly the same,” my UW-Madison alum dad said while tailgating with me at the Plaza Tavern on Henry Street. From the wood-paneled walls decked out with massive woodland scene paintings to the vinyl olive green booths, Plaza is decoratively far different from most modern bars but home for hundreds of bar-goers on Thursday nights. It’s easy to see why: The cash-only bar dishes out $2.50 Long Island iced teas (or, if you’re smart,
Plaza Monday’s Don’t sleep on Monday’s. Also known by locals as “Days,” this dive bar is nothing but magical. Monday’s is truly its best self on Thursdays. Confusing, I know. With deals like $2 shots, $7 bottles of champagne, Malibu pitchers and loads of free Dum Dums, Days does not disappoint. Plus, the drinks are so strong you’re guaranteed a fun night and a couple extra hours of sleep the next morning trying to overcome a hangover. Days is the perfect place to ball on a budget. 21st birthday? Poppin’ bottles of champagne. Landed a dream internship? Poppin’
get-shitfaced-for-eightbucks drink deals that downtown bars offer. It comes from the sea of cardinal and white that floods Regent Street on its way to the old, revitalized Greyhound bus garage to join Ron Dayne for a pre-game beer or six (really, Ron Dayne goes to Lucky’s). It comes from the delightful staff that actually cares about both you and the outcome of the Badger game. Lucky’s isn’t a dirt-cheap college bar, but its gameday experience is rivaled only by the Camp itself. —Tommy Valtin-Erwin
bottles of champagne. Just failed an exam? Poppin’ bottles of champagne. Every night is a celebratory night at this wonderful establishment. Or, if you want to pretend you’re on an island getaway rather than dreary Madison in the middle of winter, order a Malibu pitcher. Move over Wando’s fishbowls, this pitcher’s got rum, punch, an unnecessary amount of straws and some other type of liquor that’ll make you pledge the next morning that you’re never gonna drink again. Until the next Thursday, that is. —Lilly Price
Best Bars For People Who Don’t Drink As a senior who can count on two hands how many times I’ve gone out to drink in college, I might not be the best person to ask to contribute to a bar guide. But here are three spots where the food is great, there’s not a ton of pressure to get drunk, and are good places to go with friends: 3) Brickhouse BBQ - This was a go-to place for a lot of my friends freshman and sophomore year, mostly because the food was good and it was close-ish to the dorms. Grab the hot wings and some sparkling water or soda and you’ll be set! 2) The Nitty Gritty - It’s not just for birthdays: I’ve gone for post-exam #treatyoself meals and parents’ weekend and it’s been just as fun. There’s something for everyone here, whether you want to go healthy or eat as much as possible. 1) Mr. Brew’s Taphouse - Hear me out here, I know it’s farther from campus and isn’t really known as a “student” spot, but that’s what makes it great. And even though there are 67 beers on tap, I’ve never ever felt like I needed to get anything more than sparkling water. —Kelly Ward
There are a lot of things to do on football gameday in Madison. You could head to your friend’s frat house on Langdon. You could go to your third cousin’s apartment three miles past Camp Randall. You could go to Badger Bash at Union South with a few dozen parents and their children. No matter what you do, if you aren’t at Lucky’s, you’re making the wrong decision. Situated just a two-minute walk from the football stadium, the magic of Lucky’s doesn’t come from the let’s-
Long Beaches) that could take down a small elephant, or just a student who suffered through too many midterms that week. With several TVs hanging throughout the front and back room and around the two pool tables, Plaza always shows the top sporting events, and even your favorite ’90s Nicktoons. Order the delicious secret sauce-soaked Plaza burger (which I’ve seen convert vegetarians to meat-eaters), start a round of darts and soak in the vibes of the best bar in town. —Ellie Herman
Weekend, November 30-December 3, 2017
Predicted winners for the 2017 Game Awards By Brandon Arbuckle VIDEO GAMES COLUMNIST
2017 has been an incredible year for video games; Nintendo released the Switch to with success, Sony gave us a slew of exclusive Japanese titles like “Persona 5” and Microsoft premiered the most powerful console to date with the Xbox One X. “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds” (“PUBG”) took the digital distribution platform Steam by storm, and starting next month, it will do the same to Xbox Live. Whether you own a console or gaming PC, there were generation-defining experiences to be had. On Dec. 7, the Game Awards will be presenting awards in over 20 categories to celebrate these experiences. Many publications such as IGN and GameSpot hand out their own list of annual awards, but with the Game Awards being determined by a panel of over 50 outlets — including the two previously mentioned — the collective voting makes this event the video game equivalent to the Oscars and Grammys. With 26 categories in all, I won’t be able to delve into every set of nominations, and I’ve yet to play a fair share of these games, but thanks to Black Friday, that’s not to say I won’t eventually. Below, you’ll find my predictions for the categories that cover certain aspects of games, including the all-encompassing Game of the Year award. Best Score/Music - “NieR: Automata” The scores of “Persona 5” and “Cuphead” were flooded with the sounds of jazz, and “Super Mario Odyssey” gave us a festive theme song so catchy, Nintendo included the lyrics inside the game’s case. “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” was accompanied by soothing woodwinds and soft piano keys, and the soaring strings of “Destiny 2” also helped in complementing
2017’s theme of classical music. As impressive as these four scores are, none rival the music heard in “NieR: Automata.” A Japanese roleplaying game created by the eccentric Yoko Taro, “NieR” is an auditory experience like no other. Battles are amplified by booming drums and powerful choir performances. What elevates the score even further is its integration into the game itself. For example, chants of certain enemies will become the chorus to certain songs, and each song has multiple variations depending on if you’re peacefully roaming the world or engaging in battle. “NieR: Automata” is a game that has picked up massive momentum with fans, but a large number of video game journalists have not played the game despite its critical acclaim. If it’s recognized at all, expect the game to be awarded for its music. Best Art Direction - “Cuphead” As an admirer of the fine arts, I’ve always lauded video games for their ability to craft works unseen in other media. “Persona 5” dazzles in its anime art style, and even the menus have a distinct appeal. From a technical standpoint, “Horizon Zero Dawn” is phenomenal, as the six-year project takes an overgrown, post-apocalyptic America and combines it with futuristic machines. “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” may have an open world with less polygons and textures, but the watercolor aesthetic paints a picture so vivid, Nintendo made it clear that high-end hardware isn’t necessary to create something beautiful. A beautiful game also doesn’t require a studio with hundreds of workers, as the three-man team behind “Cuphead” made the most visually stunning game of them all. “Cuphead” is a work of art, each frame perfectly capturing the look of a 1930s cartoon. The hand-drawn designs come to life in the animated world, making
for a game that mesmerizes while in motion. Aside from “PUBG,” it’s the one game that makes me jealous of those with an Xbox One, because its art style is unparalleled to anything else from 2017. Best Narrative - “Horizon Zero Dawn” In addition to being works of art, video games have also become a platform for quality storytelling that rivals books, movies and TV shows. This has been great for indie developers, as “What Remains of Edith Finch” — which was published by the video game branch of the motion picture company Annapurna — was able to tell an emotional tale in a few short hours. We also saw narratives that unfolded over multiple playthroughs like “NieR: Automata,” which gives us a philosophical story told by a different character’s perspective each time the player beats the game. “Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice” is a story about mental health and trauma, and “Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus” gives us an alternate history where Nazis won World War II and now walk U.S. streets, a reality not entirely dissimilar to today’s America. These games show that delicate issues can be taken on by the video game medium to great effect. Among the nominees, I found “Horizon Zero Dawn” to be the most enthralling. For one, this was a game marketed for its sprawling world and combat against mechanical dinosaurs, not for having a story that surprises and keeps your attention for dozens of hours. The narrative builds a world covered in lore, and I found the events taking place in the present to be just as fascinating as the former condition of this muchchanged United States. “Horizon” also introduced us to its main protagonist Aloy, a character sure to become the face of PlayStation.
“Breath of the Wild” launched in March alongside the Nintendo Switch. Game of the Year - “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” This year’s five nominees are all console exclusives, meaning players have great games to choose from no matter what system they own. “Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds” may still be in early access, but the “Battle Royale”-style gameplay has given it thunderous popularity in the PC community. “Persona 5” for the PS4 is role playing at its finest, giving players hundreds of hours of dungeon crawling and life simulation side content. Sony also released “Horizon Zero Dawn,” a new franchise that took the best parts of openworld series’ like “The Witcher” and “Assassin’s Creed” to help breath life into the genre. Nintendo’s “Super Mario Odyssey” is a reminder of what video games are supposed to be, as it delivers unmatched fun and is a masterclass in game design. These are all excellent games worthy of being deemed Game of the Year, but
as far as which game I believe will take home the award, my prediction goes to a game that launched with the Nintendo Switch back in March, “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” By turning the series into an open world experience, Nintendo took an iconic franchise and revolutionized it for the modern gaming landscape. It will not only be heralded as Game of the Year, but will also be in discussion for Game of the Generation because it’s the title which singlehandedly ensured fans Nintendo wasn’t out for the count. I loved “Super Mario Odyssey,” but Nintendo’s other major release has left an even more lasting impact on the industry, and will only continue to as time goes on. The Game Awards will air live on Dec. 7 starting at 7:30PM (CT), and can be watched online for free on YouTube and other major platforms.
With a strong returning cast, ‘Search Party’ shifts tone while maintaining laughs in season two
“Search Party” season two premiered on Nov. 19, and airs two episodes back-to-back each week. By Monique Scheidler TV COLUMNIST
If you’ve been around me in the past year, I’m sure I’ve brought up “Search Party” at some point during our conversations. It was my favorite show of last year, and arguably one of my favorite shows of all time. Season one was full of mystery and twists with a cast that seemed to be made for one another, and season two is keeping the momentum going.
Though season two only premiered two weeks ago, four episodes have aired to date. TBS is keeping the structure from last season where they release two new episodes backto-back each week, which means we only have three more weeks left — and the finale conveniently will be aired during finals week, so goodbye productivity. Last season we were left on a huge cliffhanger that no one saw coming (SPOILER): protagonist Dory and
her ex-boyfriend Drew accidentally kill Keith, the private investigator that Dory slept with, who turned out to be insane and only in it for the reward money offered by the parents of Chantal Witherbottom, who went missing. Season two picks up exactly where season one left us. Dory, Drew and their friend Elliot — who happened to walk in on the crime scene — panic as they try to figure out what to do now. Season two of “Search Party”
could very well take the series into the anthology genre. It’s very different in style from the first season. No longer are we trying to piece together the mystery of the crime, but instead, we see all four friends unravel in the aftermath of a crime they covered up together. Guilt is the overarching theme of the season, as well as how it affects everyone differently. This season has allowed each actor to shine in their role, giving us their best performances to date. We watch as Dory spirals out of control with paranoia and guilt as she tries to come to terms with what she did, but her involvement with Keith keeps her tied up in the mess. Drew has isolated himself from the group since he and Dory broke up, and he deals with his guilt in a series of really stupid acts of selfsabotage. Elliot’s plan of pretending it never happened backfires as he falls apart — both emotionally and physically, as his hair is actually falling out. Finally, Portia has, for the most part, kept her unwavering optimism, but as she gets herself involved in a new play surrounding the Manson murders with a really twisted director (played by the great Jay Duplass) that doesn’t seem like it’s going to last. Though the show has shift-
ed quite a bit stylistically, they’ve managed to keep their tone and dark humor the same. It would be ridiculous not to credit that to John Early, who plays Elliot. His performance as the narcissist and liar of the group — lest we not forget he lied about having cancer for years — continues to bring some of the best lines of the show. As mentioned above, watching him unravel this season has shown us an entirely new and human side to Elliot, but he is still absolutely hilarious. Also, his wardrobe has to be acknowledged, because it is just as extra as he is (Shout out to costume designer Matthew Simonelli). Fans of the first season — prepare to have yourself taken in an entirely new direction. Some may love it, others may hate it, but we can all breathe a sigh of relief that the core of the show — the cast members — is at its best this season. The first four episodes have set us up for what I can only imagine is going to be an insane ending to the story, and I have trust in them — especially in John Early, you genius — to do it in the same dark, twisted and hilarious way they did it last season.
opinion 6
Weekend, November 30-December 3, 2017
Leak in the Keystone Pipeline highlights underlying problems
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 127, Issue 26
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
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Trump-appointee Ajit Pai’s plans to roll back net neutrality threaten free speech.
Mission to save net neutrality is crucial BRETT DANEN opinion columnist
ast Tuesday, FCC Commissioner and Trump-appointee Ajit Pai released plans to rollback net neutrality. If enacted, the days of the internet as a free and open forum will come to an end. Net neutrality defines a set of regulations that prevents Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) such as Verizon, Comcast, and Charter Spectrum from blocking, censoring, or otherwise controlling the content that consumers are exposed to online. ISP’s who also happen to own streaming services cannot, for instance, deliberately slow down Netflix or Amazon Prime. They can’t create internet “fast lanes,” where companies pay to have their own content delivered faster. And they can’t determine which sites consumers are permitted to access. Without net neutrality in place, your ISP will have complete control over what you see, read, watch and stream online. Rather than paying a monthly fee in exchange for universal access to the internet, you may be forced to choose a specific package of websites, in the same way that cable companies bundle channels. You may find that your favorite sites run intolerably slow or that they’re not offered by your ISP. Whole segments of the web will become inaccessible to most consumers or will otherwise cease to exist. Already, 90 percent of all media companies are owned by just six corporations. Most of them favor one party over the other, but they have always been unified in pushing the corporate agenda, e.g., imperialism, kleptocracy, racism and inequality. What dominates the airwaves, newsprint, and the book publishing industry is essentially a glorified PR campaign on behalf of corporations and the super-wealthy. These outlets do not engage in real journalism if it in any way threatens the status of their proprietors. This situation was made possible by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which forced smaller media companies to compete with major conglomerates. Net neutrality has allowed the internet to avoid a similar fate, but if Pai’s plan is approved by the FCC board of directors on Dec. 14, this will no longer be the case. On display is the true purpose of the absurd and Orwellian “fake news” campaign. What began as an effort to discredit presidential candidate Trump (rather than
doing so based on his racist, oligarchic platform) has evolved into a concerted effort to censor the internet. Because the ability to exchange information unimpeded has become intolerable to our corporate overlords, they have expanded the “fake news” label to include anything that is opposed to American imperialism and the corporate agenda. Executives from Google, Facebook, Twitter and other web giants have already pledged to begin rooting out “propaganda” and “misinformation” and replacing it with more “authoritarian content,” to quote Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Thus far, this effort appears to have been directed mostly towards strongly anti-corporatist, anti-war websites, such as Alternet, Counterpunch, World Socialist Website, DemocracyNow, Truthdig, RT and Sputnik, which have all seen huge drops in traffic due to Google’s new search algorithms. Our use of the internet to freely expose the lies and criminality of the ruling class is one of the last remaining threats to their hegemony. Russian hysteria and Trump’s incompetence have provided the rationale for bringing the internet to heel; the end of net neutrality will provide the mechanism. If we let net neutrality die, independent media will die along with it. Any website that espouses anti-imperialism, that challenges corporatism and plutocracy, that writes about poverty, income inequality, the exploitation of labor, institutionalized racism or police brutality, will be pushed to the fringes, subsumed by the corporate media or forced to shut down. Speak out. allows citizens to write a personalized letter to congress in favor of net neutrality. Numerous petitions are currently circulating online. You can call your representative, or you can join a real protest, whether at the FCC headquarters in Washington or at your nearest Verizon store, the former employer of Ajit Pai. The internet is one of the greatest vehicles for free speech ever created. And it is the only medium left to us as Americans where we can make our views heard without filtering them through the lies and obfuscations of the corporate media. Net neutrality must remain in place if we hope to preserve it. We have until Dec. 14. Brett is a sophomore majoring in math and physics. Send any and all questions, comments and concerns to
arlier in November there was a monumental leak in the Keystone Pipeline, resulting in over 200,000 gallons of oil spilling into the land of South Dakota, close to the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation. This marks the pipeline’s third significant leak in the United States since 2010. Originally, the pipeline’s owner, TransCanada Corp, projected spills once every seven to 11 years in the US and once every 41 years in South Dakota. Despite the obvious pitfalls and wildly inaccurate projections with the pipeline system, TransCanada Corp, with continued support from President Donald Trump, continues to advance its pipeline expansion via the notorious Keystone XL pipeline. What has been demonstrated to this point is that pipelines of this nature will inevitably leak, causing damage to surrounding wildlife, livestock and natural resources. When compounded with the public outcry last year, Trump’s backing of the Keystone XL pipeline is egregiously unacceptable. The risk of leakage was repeatedly highlighted by protesters and environmental agencies, helping to influence then-Secretary of State John Kerry and Obama to reject the proposal. If it was not already obvious, this recent episode displays the magnitude of apathy and ignorance that went into Trump’s decision to reverse Obama’s decision. Obama’s original decision to reject the pipeline was met with harsh criticism from Trump when he was running in the Republican primary. As usual, there was a Trump tweet for the occasion, as he wrote “So sad that Obama rejected Keystone Pipeline. Thousands of jobs, good for the environment, no downside!” However, according to facts, common sense and general reality, there most certainly is a downside. Pipelines such as this are an affront to the environment, Native American rights and basic human decency. As if the indecency towards Native Americans was not already apparent, Trump recently delivered a speech to Native American leaders in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson where he chided Senator Elizabeth Warren by calling her Pocahontas. In addition to maliciously embarrassing Native Americans and ignoring environmental risks, the pipeline does not make longterm economic sense. The
argument implored by the right is that the pipeline will create jobs. This is undoubtedly true. However, providing some short-term employment does not mean that the country needs to throw out any shred of decency to advance a project with catastrophic consequences. The conservative ideology is rooted in allowing the free market to generate growth through advancement in ideas and technologies. Regardless of one’s position on this mentality, the push for pipeline expansion is antithetical to the base of this economic theory. Like coal mines, pipelines are outdated technologies. The notion of advancing them for the sake of limited employment is incredibly short sighted and discourages innovation and improvement.
Pipelines ... are an affront to the environment, native American rights and basic human decency.
The labor market is already trending towards clean energy, as the renewable energy market currently employs five times more people than coal, oil and gas combined. Economic growth does not lay in preserving archaic technologies, but rather in promoting the new industries that have already surpassed them. Additionally, there are already philanthropic organizations that help retrain workers who lose their jobs from clean energy employment and these efforts could be even better with government programs. As former Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope explained, “In 1924, we didn’t say ‘we’re going to lose harness makers because of the Model T.’ We didn’t make America great by protecting harness makers; we made America great by launching the Automotive Revolution.” Supporting our native population, preserving our environment and advancing economically should be common goals in American society. Simply put, the promotion of the Keystone XL Pipeline shows that our government does not agree. Jake is a junior majoring in economics and history with a certificate in environmental studies. What are your thoughts on the Keystone pipeline spill? Please send any and all of your questions, comments and concerns to
Weekend, November 30 - December 3, 2017
TSA asks that pregnant mothers remove fetuses and place them in separate bin By Dylan Anderson THE DAILY CARDINAL
As air travel ramps up during the final months of 2017, the Transportation Security Administration are instituting a new policy requiring pregnant mothers to remove their fetuses and place them in separate bins at the security checkpoint.
“It is our duty to thwart terrorism at the source.”
David Pekoske TSA Director
Mothers more than three months into term must take their developing children from their uterus and place them into a bin to be sent through the screening conveyor belt. Those
younger than the gestational age of 12 weeks may remain in their mother, though such travelers may be subject to an additional ultrasound screening. “As we are on the cutting edge of national security, it is our duty to thwart terrorism at the source,” TSA director David Pekoske said. “The latest research shows that prenatal humans pose a budding threat to our nation’s safety.” The TSA was established in late 2001 in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11 of that year. Originally in the Department of Transportation and since reestablished in the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA require air travelers to remove all metal items and shoes from their person during the screening process. “We have mandated that passengers place laptops and tablets in individual bins by themselves for years, so this new move is not without precedent,” Pekoske said.
Most major airports already have OB/GYN clinics integrated into the security checkpoints, and smaller airports will have them soon.
“The reinsertion can occasionally be time consuming.”
David Pekoske TSA Director
“We ask that pregnant mothers now arrive at airports a minimum of three hours prior to departure time,” Pekoske said. “The reinsertion can occasionally be time consuming.” Mothers with TSA Pre may retain fetuses up to six months in age, though that policy is under review according to Pekoske.
Each agent is required to wear rubber gloves during the procedure. “Though we understand this protocol may be unpopular, it is paramount for maintaining the sterling, proactive level of security the TSA
prides itself on.” Pekoske said. According to the new guidelines, mothers of twins must place each fetus in their own bin.
Junior male seeks counseling after Tinder match said she “isn’t looking for anything that serious” By Samantha Munro Jones THE DAILY CARDINAL
Although Tinder has served as an impromptu matchmaker, it has not served all adequately.
Tinder, a dating application where users can swipe right or left depending on their preferences in partners, is a wholesome and magical way for young adults looking for love to find their soulmate. However, this matchmaking service recently took a turn for the worse. Johnny Johnson, a University of Wisconsin junior, is now seeing a mental health adviser after having a traumatic experience with the app. Johnson, who has been a
heavy user of the dating site for nearly two years, vows to never again use the site due to this experience. “We got matched, so I started chatting her up. I was being very kind and respectful, I didn’t even use a pick up line or anything. All of a sudden, before I can ask her about her relationship with God or if she shuts off the faucet when brushing her teeth, she hit me with it. She said that she wasn’t ‘looking for anything serious’ and only wanted a ‘good ole’ one night stand.’ I was appalled. How dare she come onto me like that?”
So upset, Johnson decided to reach out to Tinder’s creator, Seand Noodes.
“This app was not created for women to force their independence and sexuality upon men and pressure them into sexual acts.” Seand Noodes App developer, Tinder creator
“I am equally appalled by this situation. This app was not created for women to force their independence and sexuality upon
men and pressure them into sexual acts. This is a love-building app, not for estrogen-fueled predators to stalk their prey,” said Noodes when talking to Johnson’s lawyers. While no legal action can be taken against the young woman in question, Tinder’s management says that changes will be made to the app to ensure that this never happens again. “We care deeply for the comfort and safety of all users,” said Noodes, “and we will do anything in our power to make sure these standards are provided.”
How to prepare for the Christmas season by the Almanac Editors
1. Get in the Christmas spirit by listening to same 18 songs every store will be playing for the next month.
2. Try to convince yourself that the lack of snow isn’t because of global warming and pretend that you’ll see even a flake of snow in 2048.
3. Make a New Year’s resolution that includes some form of exercising or “being healthy.”
4. After you do step 3, prepare to once again disappoint yourself by giving up on your resolution 1 week into 2018.
5. Start all converstions by complaining about your upcoming exams. It’s something that every college student can relate to.
6. Remember, every gift you buy is made by retail megacorps who only give 5% of their revenue to their “elves” in developing nations
7. Remind any children you run into that Santa isn’t real. Gotta crush their hopes and dreams while they’re young.
8. Don’t forget to cry yourself to sleep at night.
9. When in doubt, skip the eggnog and drink a bottle of Jameson.
Weekend, November 30-December 3, 2017
Women’s Basketball
Novinski playing key role for Badger swim By Kelly Ward THE DAILY CARDINAL
where that was known for swimming — Texas, NC State, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin. All those coaches saw a lot of potential in me.”
On Oct. 19, an 18-year-old freshman at Wisconsin, who spent the majority of high school training alone, put the entire NCAA swimming and “It’s safe to say he’s diving community on notice already exceeded almost when he beat 2016 Olympian everyone’s expectations Jay Litherland in the 100-yard thus far after just a few backstroke at a dual meet. dual meets.” That swimmer’s name is Matt Novinski, and he’s hoping his Stephen Boden performance in the pool won’t Wisconsin swimming and diving let opponents forget it. Novinski’s story starts in the “biggest small town you’ve never heard of ” — Novinski eventually settled Grand Island, Nebraska — on Wisconsin and, upon arrival, which is much more known started training in the backstroke for its football than its swim- group with a group of swimmers ming. The son of two for- that included sophomore Cam mer University of Nebraska Tysoe and junior Stephen Boden. swimmers, Novinski played “I didn’t think Matt was “basically every sport you going to be that good right could think of ” growing up, away,” Boden said. “It’s safe before eventually settling on to say he’s already exceeded football — where he almost everyone’s played wide receivexpectations thus er — and swimfar after just a few ming. But, after dual meets. He’s just Novinski’s goal dislocating both of a kid that came in for 100 meter his knees playing and has crushed it backstroke football as a freshfrom day one. As man in high school, soon as I saw him Novinski realized swim in practice, I Time Nebraska his greatest potenknew he was legit.” state 100 meter backstroke tial was in the pool. Tysoe echoed champion That same year, Boden’s sentiments. he started train“[Novinski is] doing ing with his older real well,” Tysoe Novinski’s brother Daniel and said. “I think this personal best 100 his best friend, both year will be all about backstroke time of whom were a few keeping his head on that won the Big years older than him. his shoulders. He’s Ten quad duels And then Novinski humble, he’s got started winning. all the attributes And winning. And winning. to have a brilliant swimming “I kinda had a breakout year career. He’s got a tremendous [that year],” Novinski said. “I start- amount of talent.” ed comparing my times to the top And since his arrival at three people in the nation and real- Wisconsin, Novinski is no longer ized if I can keep up [with them], I’d under the radar. The kid from have the chance to swim in college Nebraska that no one outside of at a high level. From that point, I certain coaching circles had realworked hard and buried my head.” ly heard of had, within months, turned into a bona fide NCAA contender in both backstroke races. “[Novinski’s] humble, “I hadn’t heard of him before he’s got all the attributes he came here,” Boden said. “I to have a brilliant swimthink [sophomore] Cooper ming career.” [Hodge] showed me a video of him swimming and you could Cam Tysoe just tell he was super clean and Wisconsin swimming and diving polished. He’s not afraid to race someone who’s really fast … Once both of his train- 48.0 in a dual meet, that’s pretty ing partners left for college, unreal. I think he put guys like Novinski basically trained alone. [Texas’] John Shebat on notice On his team, the Grand Island that they’ve got another oppoQuicksilver, there were maybe nent to worry about.” five or six swimmers who would Just being mentioned in the come to practice regularly, and same conversation as someone like all of them were much younger. Shebat, last year’s national chamPushing and motivating him- pion, is something that Novinski self became second-nature, and doesn’t take for granted. those top-three lists became even “I came in trying to advance as more important: By the end of much as I could,” Novinski said. his sophomore year, intrigued “That win over Jay [Litherland] coaches from all over the coun- kinda gave me some confidence try were calling into tiny Central going in, knowing that I am in Catholic High School asking the same conversation as those about their star swimmer. guys, like John Shebat and “My times coming in were [Arizona’s] Chatham Dobbs, pretty solid,” Novinski said. “I and I have a chance against was pretty highly recruited out them. I started looking at it like of high school mainly because ‘Oh, I just need to keep up with of where I’m from. I took offi- them’ and now I see it as ‘What cials to pretty much every- do I need to do to beat them?’”
Wisconsin senior Kendall Shaw has devoted a large amount of attention to Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts.
UW’s Shaw gives back to Texas after Harvey By Peyton Kadlecek THE DAILY CARDINAL
Coming from Mont Belvieu, Texas, Kendall Shaw had lived through two hurricanes prior to recent devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. But Harvey was unlike any hurricane she had previously experienced. “It was kind of different from the other two I have been through,” Shaw said. “Just because this one got so big so fast.” And while the storm occurred almost three months ago, Shaw’s pain felt by its impact and her memory of the storm are still increasingly vivid. While Shaw may be hours away from the Lone Star State, she still checks in frequently with her family who live in Texas to see how the rebuilding process is going. Many families are still displaced and the interior of the houses are still in turmoil due to the heavy demand of so many houses that need fixing. Shaw was not the only college student in her family who the storm affected because her brother attends college in Houston, where significant flooding also occurred. In fact, Shaw said that her brother was actually unable to get to the rest of his family after the hurricane due to his car being flooded. Shaw’s house back home did not get damaged in the storm, however, and that fact has led them to feel a desire to give back to those who were not as fortunate. “My family is always big into helping back and helping those
in need, especially because in this case we were so fortunate with no damage to our house,” Shaw said. “So as a family we were like, ‘alright let’s do as much as we can to help those.’” Shaw’s family took in many kids into their own home while their homes were being rebuilt, and they also helped cook and serve meals to those in need. “It was a very emotional experience just because you see family and friends struggling and have damages, so as rewarding as it was, it was also very emotional just to see some of your closest family friends going through what they are going through,” Shaw said. However, what made the recovery efforts a little easier was the amount of support she saw coming from Wisconsin, particularly from J.J. Watt. Watt, a former Wisconsin defensive end, raised over 37 million dollars, gathering over 200,000 people to make donations for the Hurricane Harvey Relief Cause. “I really hope I can meet him one day so I can tell him that,” Shaw. “I think J.J. Watt is completely incredible for all he does for the city of Houston even before the hurricane, so I really hope one day I get the opportunity to talk to him and tell him that.” As the holiday season approaches, one of the biggest problems the victims of Hurricane Harvey are facing is a lack of food. There have been multiple food banks set up among schools and churches,
but Shaw said the hardest part is just keeping them stocked. As she returns home for the holiday season, she plans to raise money and donate to the food banks, knowing that chaos will ensue during this time of year. If asked who tends to emulate the mom of the team, without hesitation, the Badgers point to Shaw. Head coach Jonathan Tsipis calls it a mother hen quality which Shaw possess. Of course, by living through more natural disasters than the average college student, Shaw has learned a lot about giving back, but she believes her mother hen quality stems from something deeper. “I think it stems a lot from my parents, and my nana, who had passed away. We were just super close,” Kendall said. “I have always been told I am an old soul and I always try to take care of people, so I think it came from birth honestly. But, I feel like going through natural disasters has helped me use that to help more people than I probably would have had I not been through natural disasters.” Shaw’s family continues to offer support to those struggling from the effects of Harvey, and she hopes she is able to do the same upon returning to Texas for the holidays. In the meantime, she stresses the need for food donations to food banks all around Houston because though everything seems fine on the outside, many are still struggling to reestablish their homes while bringing aid to displaced friends and family.