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Lest We Forget

Lest For me, Remembrance Day is a time to reflect We Forget and abroad to support the war effort. upon how blessed we are as Canadians to live in a free country. Free, because of the many sac- When I think of Remembrance Day, I admit, I rifices made by countless men and women over think first of the soldiers who died fighting battles the past hundred years or so who stood up and far from home to protect our way of life in WWI fought against tyranny. and WWII. I think of what their families had to go through - their parents, their siblings, their wives, These people were tough. And the men and their children. Then I think about modern day women who continue to stand up for Canada are conflicts and the sacrifices made by the members tough. We should never forget their resolve - past of our Canadian Forces, male and female alike, or present. and their families as they continue to fight for our freedoms.


Back then, young boys from across the country were signing up to fight in Europe. They sought adventure. They found chaos. They were heroes. So, too, were the women who served at home And then I pause.

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