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ESSENCE A Gateway to eXpansive Living Mind




ESSENCE A Gateway to eXpansive Living Mind



Ann Emerson Bo Lockwood


Copyright Š 2014 by Princeton Green LLC. All Rights Reserved. Published by 21st Century Publishing, an enterprise of Princeton Green LLC, P.O. Box 372, Princeton, NJ 08542, 888.995.5630. Foreword: Dana B. Lichtstrahl Editor: Mindy Sykes Cover Art: Jacob Lichtstrahl Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, 21st Century Publishing, P.O. Box 372, Princeton, NJ 08542, 888.995.5630, or online at The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the copyright owner and the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials. Your support of the authors’ rights is appreciated. ISBN: 978-0-9855838-1-1 Printed in the United States of America

Ann Emerson I dedicate this book to my five children—Jack, Steve, Phil, Alicia, and Peter, as well as their spouses, Jody, Anne, Peg, Joanie, and Christopher. And, to my ten grandchildren—Kate, Emily, Mara, Abby, Kendall, Sean, Pete, Shannah, Ben, and Josh. You are the fire in my heart that makes all of my life meaningful. I also dedicate this book to the children of the Earth, as they’re our future. May this book expand their awareness, and be a blessing to all who read it. Mom ~ Gram ~ Ann

Bo Lockwood I dedicate this book to my daughters, Hannah and Olivia, as well as to my brothers, Mike and Dave. May this book be the gateway to living your life filled with love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace. I love you. Dad ~ Bo

Foreword ...............................................................xiv Noteworthy Considerations....................................xvi Introduction ...........................................................21 Aspect #1 ~ Awareness ..........................................25 Aspect #2 ~ Infinite ................................................31 Aspect #3 ~ Connectedness ....................................37 Aspect #4 ~ Balance ...............................................43 Aspect #5 ~ Regenerative .......................................49 Aspect #6 ~ Learning .............................................55 Aspect #7 ~ Wisdom ..............................................61 Aspect #8 ~ Purpose ..............................................67 Aspect #9 ~ Change ...............................................73 Aspect #10 ~ Heart Centered ..................................79 Aspect #11 ~ Forgiveness .......................................85 Aspect #12 ~ Self-Love ...........................................91 Aspect #13 ~ God Within .......................................97 Aspect #14 ~ Honesty ..........................................103 Aspect #15 ~ Authenticity ....................................109 Aspect #16 ~ Truth...............................................115 Aspect #17 ~ Trust ...............................................121 Aspect #18 ~ Hope ...............................................127 Aspect #19 ~ Faith ...............................................133 Aspect #20 ~ Belief ..............................................139 Aspect #21 ~ Divine Will......................................145


Aspect #22 ~ Patience ..........................................151 Aspect #23 ~ Bravery............................................157 Aspect #24 ~ Perseverance ....................................163 Aspect #25 ~ Fortitude .........................................169 Aspect #26 ~ Gratitude ........................................175 Aspect #27 ~ Humility..........................................181 Aspect #28 ~ Simplicity ........................................187 Aspect #29 ~ Collaboration ..................................193 Aspect #30 ~ Mind Energy ...................................199 Aspect #31 ~ Body Energy....................................205 Aspect #32 ~ Spirit Energy ...................................211 Aspect #33 ~ Present ............................................217 Aspect #34 ~ Vision .............................................223 Aspect #35 ~ Focus ..............................................229 Aspect #36 ~ Contemplation ................................235 Aspect #37 ~ Acceptance .....................................241 Aspect #38 ~ Willingness .....................................247 Aspect #39 ~ Money Energy.................................253 Aspect #40 ~ Compassion ....................................259 Aspect #41 ~ Give & Receive ................................265 Aspect #42 ~ Equality ..........................................271 Aspect #43 ~ Unity...............................................277 Aspect #44 ~ Love ...............................................283 Decision Time ......................................................289 Noise vs. Music.....................................................295 Noise (Old Paradigm) ...........................................301 Music (New Paradigm) .........................................317 Question? .............................................................321 Thank You! ...........................................................322


Daily Affirmations ................................................325 ESSENCE Cards ..................................................341 My Personal Journey ~ Ann Emerson ...................345 My Personal Journey ~ Bo Lockwood ...................349 Acknowledgements ~ Ann Emerson ......................361 Acknowledgements ~ Bo Lockwood .....................363 44 - The Master Number .......................................369 Glossary ...............................................................373 References ............................................................383 Trademarks ..........................................................397 About the Authors ................................................399 Other Related Books .............................................403

The English language offers over one million words from which to build and express our life experiences. The forty-four (44) words carefully selected and ordered within ESSENCE, by Ann Emerson and Bo Lockwood, offer Sleeping Souls, Seekers and the Awakened, some of the best, from those one million plus. One of my favorite words, or aspects as the authors call these precious forty-four, is CONNECTEDNESS. The quote in its Context section by Chief Seattle, who lived between 1786–1866, tells so much—especially of the usefulness and integrity of the words and their meaning, since it’s 2014 and we’re still basking in them… “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” As my uniquely connected life-experience unfolds like a “Seeker on the edge of adventure,” I find information (comprised of words), critical to the beneficial advancement of all that’s here. I wonder about the perspectives we add to the global human-informationhighway of which we’re all connected, simply because we xiv


speak. “Does the information we receive and send create accord, or discord, and why?” In this 21st century, information—it’s usefulness, its integrity—is critical to the well being of everything. So how can we know if the information received, or sent, is beneficial? Awesomely enough, we come equipped with an internal compass, a deeply physiological one. We’ve all felt the joy of existence. We feel that in Chief Seattle’s words and prefer it. Anything else is well, not that, and we want more of that! So for those wanting that essence; for those wanting to experience more perspectives of accord from the global human-information-highway; for those wanting joy more often; for those desiring rock-solid support in expecting and experiencing their heart-song and, wanting to understand why they make a beneficial difference just by being here, reading ESSENCE and considering its fortyfour aspects, along with their respective Context and Daily Affirmation, will assist you there. Your unique internal compass is your guide. So stay alert to what feels good, and accurate, as you absorb... Within ESSENCE, whichever aspects you find yourself carefully drawn to from, among the forty-four out of one million plus, know that just by reading them you will be advancing the well being of everything enjoy them forever… Dana B. Lichtstrahl Princeton, New Jersey, USA December 25, 2013 xv

1. To quickly capture the essence of the ESSENCE, read just the ESSENCE of each aspect. 2. If you decide to read the ESSENCE in its entirety, read it in chronological order, as each aspect builds upon the previous ones. 3. An effective application of these aspects is the daily use of the ESSENCE CardsTM. Draw one card per day to receive guidance in your daily life. Integrating these ESSENCE aspects changes the way you live your life. For more information, refer to the ESSENCE Cards section, beginning on page 315, and visit our website. 4. The writing of the ESSENCE came about through our personal seeking. The My Personal Journey sections, beginning on page 317, offer a better understanding of the context from which the ESSENCE was written. 5. Before reading any further, you may want to consider taking the ESSENCE Assessment (EA44)TM to establish a baseline measure as to where you are on your journey to the new paradigm of eXpansive LivingTM. For more details, visit our website.



“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.� ~ Albert Einstein


SSENCE defines the aspects that enable you to traverse to the new paradigm of eXpansive Living, building a new limitless life filled with love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace. To traverse means to cross a hill or mountain by means of a series of sideways movements from one line of ascent or descent to another. In relation to your personal journey, the series of countless challenges that occur in your life represent the mountain. Your response to these challenges determines whether you ascend or descend on your climb. Throughout your climb, there are many instances of uncertainty, and your response to this uncertainty is contingent upon your perspective, as well as many other aspects, including your level of faith, belief, bravery, perseverance, fortitude, gratitude, and humility. A paradigm is a typical example, pattern, or model. A perspective is a particular way of regarding something, or a point of view. Therefore, traversing to the new paradigm of eXpansive Living means to embrace a new model,


which in this case, is a new broadened perspective (or point of view) for living life on Earth. The mass of the world population is currently trapped in the old paradigm of Constrictive LivingTM (a.k.a. 20th century living). This old paradigm is filled with fear, power, control, greed, limitations, as well as a host of other negative aspects, all of which hold the mass population captive to their drama-filled lives. By living in this paradigm, one’s awareness is extremely low and their perspective is extremely narrow. Conversely, the new paradigm of eXpansive Living (a.k.a. 21st Century LivingTM) is comprised of viewing the world we live in from a new infinite perspective. This refreshing and limitless perspective enables us to live our lives filled with love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace. By living in this paradigm, one’s awareness is extremely high, and their perspective is extremely broad. ESSENCE brings forth timely information for the mass world population—those stuck in the old paradigm —to quickly and easily gain a new sense of hope that changing their drama-filled, fear-based life is possible. ESSENCE expands people's awareness and broadens their perspective to live a new 21st century life. It defines the new paradigm of eXpansive Living by identifying forty-four (44) aspects to embrace if you are truly committed to building a new life. Respect is the underpinning of every aspect—respect for one’s Self, each other, the Earth, and the Universe. Respect is everything.


ESSENCE captures just enough depth to provide a gateway to desire to seek more. It creates a new lens through which you can change your life, seeing the world we live in with renewed clarity. ESSENCE is laid out in a simple format. Each aspect of the new paradigm is defined, with each aspect representing its own section. And, each section is broken into four parts: 1. The ESSENCE of the aspect is distilled down to its most basic definition. 2. The Context of the aspect provides a deeper understanding, enabling you to quickly get it. 3. The Daily Affirmation supports this aspect of your new life through integrating it into your new daily practice, thus embedding this new belief into your subconscious mind. 4. The Reflections section provides an area at the end of each aspect to journal any of your insights. At the end of the ESSENCE, there is a summary of the old paradigm and of the new paradigm, integrating the forty-four (44) aspects into each description. With these understandings firmly in tact, you will then ask yourself to make a decision whether you will change your life. Arlene Rose Curley, intuitive leader and spiritual mentor, states in her book, Completing the Seven, “When you inhaled that divine fiery spark at birth, your Soul was actually buried within your body’s physical density and heavier earthly vibrations. It was shocked into


spiritual amnesia, and within this deep sleep all the knowledge from previous lifetimes and from the heavenly spheres also went into hibernation. Thus, you began life as an ordinary being: awareness of body, mind, spirit— but no awareness of your Soul! You are born into a major predicament. Here you are on Earth, with your body housing your sleeping Soul. You have no idea that you have a Soul, and with your spiritual amnesia, you have forgotten everything.” The objective of the ESSENCE is to help awaken people’s sleeping Souls, ascending to a new life in the new paradigm of eXpansive Living. This journey to awakening begins with expanding awareness...

Do you desire to expand your awareness regarding how you perceive yourself? If you haven’t already taken the ESSENCE Assessment (EA44), then you may want to consider taking it now to establish a baseline measure as to where you are on your journey to the new paradigm of eXpansive Living. Learn more:


ESSENCE: As my awareness expands, my perspective broadens.


"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." ~ Teilhard de Chardin


wareness is our perception of a situation and dictates our perspective on life. The expansion of mind and heart is limitless. The greater our awareness translates to the greater our aliveness. The key to expanding our awareness is acquiring wisdom through learning the needed lessons of our daily challenges. With greater wisdom, we broaden our perspective, creating greater aliveness. By having high levels of awareness (a.k.a. eXpansive AwarenessTM), we are empowered with unlimited vision, as well as unshakeable faith and belief. It is then, we have the willingness to become our vision and dream. The following graphic clearly depicts the correlation among awareness, expansion and perspective. Each blue dot represents the expansiveness of our awareness; the white radius represents our ascension, or traverse; and the red lines represent the extensiveness of our perspective. You’ll notice that the radius gets farther away from the Earth as we ascend, expanding our awareness, and broadening our perspective.


POINT A: Represents the Sleeping Soul, who is trapped in old paradigm living, where the mass of the world population resides. Their awareness is extremely low, their perspective is extremely narrow, and they have yet to ascend to any significant degree. Their lives are filled with drama, fear, worries, doubt, insecurity, and a host of other negative emotions. Their lives keep going in circles.

POINT B: Represents the Seeker, who is in the midst of traversing to the new paradigm of eXpansive Living. There is uncertainty, yet they are discovering calm in the unknown. Their awareness is expanding, their perspective is broadening; and fear, drama, worries, doubt, and insecurity are waning. They are beginning to feel more inner-peace and love in their lives. POINT C: Represents the Awakened, who is living in the new paradigm, viewing the world with unlimited vision, being open to all possibilities. They realize they are spiritual beings having a human experience. Their lives are filled with love, freedom, joy, abundance, and peace. And, they view themselves as an aspect of the infinite...

Aspect #1 ~ Awareness

I view the world through an extremely broad perspective.

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ESSENCE: I am infinite.


“I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us—everything that exists— proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.” ~ Thomas A. Edison


nfinite is limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. Infinite existence produces infinite opportunity. When the greater knowledge of the infinite comes to us, we are changed forever, as all limitations are released. Accessing the infinite demonstrates our faith, belief, and trust in the Divine order of life. Accessing the infinite expands our imagination to new heights of creativity. Sleeping Souls generally don’t dwell on the fact that the Universe is infinite. They tend to be stuck in their ways, convinced their belief system is accurate, whereby separateness and finite govern the Earth. They tend to believe that they are limited to this singular life in which they are currently living, they are limited in abilities, and/ or limited with opportunities to grow. They tend to overlook that their finite thinking and beliefs are holding


them hostage to their current ways of living. For some, this brings comfort in security; for others, they are in a cyclone of limitation, and cannot see any way out. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to be discovering the Universe in which the Earth, and everything on it, lives. Many are beginning to access the infinite aspects of their minds and hearts. As they ascend, discovering the Universal truths, many will no longer feel comfortable subscribing to the old paradigm beliefs they once had. Awakened are those who undoubtedly believe in the infinite, freeing them from the shackles of limitation. They are able to see with unlimited vision, remaining open to all possibilities. They tend to be very creative, accessing their infinite imaginations; making new discoveries, developing new ideas, and conceiving new solutions to challenges. They tend to firmly believe that with vision, everything is possible and everything is solvable. Most of them no longer fear dying in this chapter of their infinite life. Since they don’t fear dying, they are able to live life without fear. Their general belief is that the objective of each chapter of life is to learn from the challenges they experience, apply this knowledge through the accumulation of wisdom, expand their awareness, broaden their perspective, and awaken to the fulfillment of their life’s purpose. And, through their infinite belief system, they realize that everything is connected...

Aspect #2 ~ Infinite

I am an infinite being accepting from an infinite source. I am infinite.

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ESSENCE: I am connected with the Universe.


“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” ~ Chief Seattle


onnectedness is to bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established. It is a spiritual belief, which goes beyond the physical realm. Every aspect of the infinite Universe is connected, negating the illusion of separateness. As John Donne wrote in the late 17th century, “No man is an island,” as we all depend upon, affect, and are influenced by Nature and the Universe. We are One, made of the same matter, learning the same lessons, desiring joy-filled and peaceful lives. Sleeping Souls generally don’t realize that everyone and everything are connected. They tend to not understand that the way in which we treat the Earth is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. Without this connection to Mother Earth in tact, they tend not to hesitate to profit at the expense of the environment. Their


lives tend to involve separateness, discrimination, judgment, and inequality. Most tend to believe that the circumstances in their lives are out of their control. Consequently, they tend to believe that they are the victims of these circumstances, while all along, not realizing they are the cause of them. They simply don’t see the connection. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to begin to make the connection between their thoughts, ideas, behaviors, actions, and how these attributes form the lives they live. As they begin to discover connectedness, many will be thirsty for more infor mat ion. Many wi l l gain a cle arer understanding of quantum physics, a science that explains how everything in our world comes into existence, and validates that everything is connected. As a result, they learn how to leverage quantum physics to manifest their life by design, instead of by default. Awakened tend to believe that everything is connected. They discard the illusion of separateness, and tend to respect other humans and the Earth in the same way they desire to be respected. They tend to deeply understand how and why their thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and actions control the outcome of their lives. And, through their understanding of connectedness, they also tend to understand that everything works in balance...

Aspect #3 ~ Connectedness

I am connected as One with all aspects of the Universe.

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ESSENCE: Inaccurate information creates an imbalance in my life.


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.” ~ Thomas Merton


alance is an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Balance is a Universal truth. Our Universe is grounded in balance—the yin and yang of all existence. As above, so below is a statement of spiritual balance. Without balance, our lives are filled with drama and poor decisions. As humans, we are a perfect aspect of creation. However, for the mass world population, limiting beliefs regarding human identity are engrained in our sub c ons c i ous m i nds , re pre s e nt i ng i na c c u r ate information. This inaccurate information creates an imbalance within us, and our ability to live in harmony with Mother Earth. Sleeping Souls generally don’t consider the balance of life, Nature and the Earth. They understand basic elements of balance—male/female, up/down, in/out, good/bad—though, tend to not consider the Earth and our place in the Universe as an integrated whole system


when it comes to overall balance. Many tend to have inaccurate information embedded in their subconscious minds, creating an imbalance within themselves and their ability to live in harmony with Mother Earth. As a result, many tend to be living a constrictive life, filled with fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity. Unfortunately, the propensity of this inaccurate information is having it handed down from generation to generation, until one day it gets called into question. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to believe that humans are perfect, though our actions, decisions and behaviors are imperfect when the information in our subconscious minds is inaccurate. Many begin questioning the accuracy of their limiting beliefs through deep introspection. Many learn that the conscious mind is a gatekeeper—protecting the information in the subconscious mind without understanding its accuracy. Some learn to reprogram their subconscious minds with accurate information comprised of new beliefs. Through this transformation, many tend to accept their imperfections, thus forgiving and accepting themselves and others. Awakened tend to be living in balance with themselves and in harmony with Mother Earth. By having accurate information in their subconscious minds, they have expanded their awareness and broadened their perspective, believing that their life extends well beyond bodily existence. And, many realize that living in balance with all aspects of the Earth and the Universe, begins to describe what is known as regenerative living...

Aspect #4 ~ Balance

With accurate information, I live harmoniously in balance.

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ESSENCE: I live in harmony with the Earth, and therefore, myself.


“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” ~ John F. Kennedy


egenerative is the action or process of regenerating or being regenerated. Regenerative living (a.k.a. eXpansive Living, heart centered living, and 21st Century Living) is the transition our entire world needs to make. This transition is not for convenience. Rather, it’s a matter of survival. At its essence, regenerative is analogous to the Japanese term Kaizen, which means improvement or change for the better, otherwise known as continuous improvement. As humans on Earth, we possess the ability to live in absolute harmony with each other and all of Nature. What stands in the way are the old paradigm thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and actions that continue to literally destroy the Earth. Regenerative is the outgrowth of sustainability. Though, we cannot afford to simply sustain the Constrictive PathTM we are on because it leads us to extinction—the result of Constrictive Living.


Sleeping Souls generally give little concern for how their behaviors and actions affect the next seven generations. Their Constrictive ConsciousnessTM has them caught up in their self-centered lives. They are so consumed by the drama of today that they cannot see tomorrow. Their extremely narrow perspective of the world limits their ability to see into the future, which is being destroyed by their current-day actions. Some begin to seek. Seekers are beginning to wake-up to the reality of our times. Their perspective has broadened to realize that the path we are on does lead to extinction. Most want to make a difference in our world by shifting this trajectory in a new direction—one that will lead to living in harmony, not in competition, with Nature. Awakened tend to firmly know our global community is in need of regeneration. To regenerate is to bring about a renewed existence—spiritually, physically, psychologically, emotionally, and economically. They realize that if balance and peace on Earth are to exist, then the world population needs to drop old habits and limitations, clear our minds of negativity, and cleanse the feelings that create separateness. Their awareness is that, in the past 200 years, humans have created more devastation and degradation to the environment than any other time in history. Many realize regenerative living means living in balance with all aspects of the Earth. And, they tend to also realize that the attributes we need to embrace will occur through learning...

Aspect #5 ~ Regenerative

I live in harmony with Nature for I am Nature.

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ESSENCE: I am a life-long learner.


"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." ~ Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann, Sesame Street


earning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, study, or by being taught. Learning is essential to our development. To be human is to desire to learn. By the time a baby reaches three months old, their desire to learn is evident. At the core of our Souls, there is a strong desire for us to keep learning and acquire wisdom. The day we stop learning is the day we start dying. By the age of 60, too many people have retirement on their minds, and believe there are no more reasons to learn. Yet, we need to continually evolve our Souls through acquiring wisdom. Deep listening is required for learning to occur, and is an essential skill necessary for living life fully in the new paradigm. Sleeping Souls tend to describe themselves as being stuck in a continuous vortex of drama, as the same things keep happening to them, over and over again. Perhaps, they are failing to realize that the reason this is occurring is because they are not capturing the ESSENCE of the

learning. As a result, they tend to continue to go in circles, and as they do, the lessons become harder and harder. Some are so stuck in their ways—driven by their need to be right—that they lead themselves directly into an emotional breakdown. It is then that many experience being hit over the head with a spiritual 2x4. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to be learning that to awaken our Souls, we need to acquire wisdom in order to ascend. Learning creates wisdom through responding to challenges in life. They tend to realize that if they don’t learn from the experience, it will undoubtedly repeat itself in the future. Whereas, if they capture the learning from the experience, then they grow and the negative energy they encountered is released to the Universe to be utilized productively elsewhere. Awakened tend to believe that regenerative living involves continuous improvement, which is contingent upon continuous learning. They tend to believe wisdom is acquired through learning, and learning is acquired through life experiences. As Tony Robbins states, “I’ve come to believe that all my past failures and frustration were ac tu a l ly l ay ing t he found at ion for t he understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” Tony has certainly acquired a lot of wisdom in his life...

I will continue to learn throughout my lifetime.

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ESSENCE: As I acquire wisdom, I evolve, and the Universe evolves.


“To make no mistake is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.” ~ Plutarch


isdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. Wisdom is essential to our evolution. Wisdom is gained by learning through the challenges of life’s experiences. All challenges are potential wisdom makers. As we gain wisdom, we evolve our Souls. Sleeping Souls tend to have extremely low awareness and avoid discomfort at all costs. When they continually avoid discomfort, they live life in denial. Living in denial is not an authentic way to live. Rather, it’s more like a fairyland in hell, because to the outside world they have successfully created an illusion that their lives are perfect, while all along, their Soul is in turmoil. For many, until they face their fears, learning the lessons and capturing the wisdom, nothing will change. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to embrace discomfort, because they are

beginning to realize that discomfort is our higher Selves informing us that a lesson from the challenge at hand needs to be learned. They realize that discomfort leads them to their center of knowing. And, when they acknowledge, accept, and integrate this learning into their lives, the negative energy is released and the discomfort dissipates. In other words, they discover comfort in the discomfort, because they know there is wisdom to be gained. However, if they don’t capture the learning or deny the discomfort, this uncomfortable challenge will return again in the future. This is why many of them embrace discomfort—as they are on a journey to take on as many challenges as possible to ascend to a state of awakening. Awakened tend to believe that our Souls experience one infinite life, comprised of an infinite number of chapters. Within each chapter, we gain wisdom. And, the wisdom gained along the way determines how consciously evolved their Souls are. Hence, the term old Soul recognizes an individual as consciously evolved through already experiencing numerous chapters of their infinite life. They tend to acknowledge the opportunity within every lesson learned, have earned knowledge through learning the lesson, and give thanks for all lessons, no matter how difficult. By having this awareness about learning and wisdom, they tend to awaken to their life’s purpose...

I rely on my wisdom to make the proper choices in life.

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ESSENCE: My life’s purpose aligns with my true heart’s desires.


“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” ~ Mother Teresa


urpose is the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists. Purpose leads us to authentic happiness in life. According to Bikram Choudhury, an Indian yoga teacher, as long as we are still breathing, our life’s purpose has not yet been fulfilled. Discovering our life’s purpose is a journey, and it’s the Seeker that happens to find it. Lisa Gruenloh, spiritual chaplain, describes our purpose as “the aspect of us that is completely passionate about helping others in purposeful ways. Our passion helps us to identify our life’s purpose. Then, by connecting with our higher selves, we are effortlessly guided by our intuition through inspired action.” Sleeping Souls tend to snicker at the notion of having a life’s purpose. They write it off as religious stuff. Rather, they get sucked into the illusion of success, which at the core is about gaining prestige, power, control, and money. They tend to believe the level of success they achieve is

reflected by where they live, the size of their houses, the type of cars they drive, the schools their children attend, and the title on their business cards. Their conditional programming dr ives t hem to “keep up wit h the Joneses,” which leads them to purchasing all of this materialistic stuff, only to, most likely, discover that they are not authentically happy. There’s an internal uneasiness that is eating away at them and yet, they can’t pinpoint the source of this discomfort. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to make tremendous progress in their journey when they discover and embrace their life’s purpose. For many, materialism becomes secondary and simplicity becomes primary. For many, their competitive nature transitions to a collaborative one. Their selfcenteredness is replaced with compassion for others; drama subsides and inner-peace ensues as fear is replaced by faith through serving their life’s purpose. Awakened tend to believe that when they live their life’s purpose, their mission will be achieved and they will ascend to a higher dimension in the next chapter of their infinite life. They tend to not allow success to go to their heads, as they are simply following their life’s purpose. And, if they don’t achieve their purpose, thus gaining the level of wisdom needed to ascend, they will return to this same level of consciousness in their next chapter. Many believe their life’s purpose involves creating positive change here on Earth...

I am fulfilled by serving my life’s purpose.

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ESSENCE: I make changes in my life to live a story worth telling.


“The decisions you make today, determine the stories you tell tomorrow.” ~ Craig Groeschel


hange is to make or become different. Change is constant in life. “We cannot step into the same river twice.” If we view change as positive, we discover that new pathways are always available, earning the right to enter a new facet of life. Our society is plagued with a limiting belief that affirms, “accept each other for who we are because people don’t change that much.” The acceptance aspect is true, though, the don’t change aspect is not true. By the time we are teenagers, we undoubtedly have a blue print of our core beliefs firmly embedded in our subconscious minds. And, this blue print is our operating system that guides us through life. Sleeping Souls tend to be stuck in their ways, highly resistant to change, because they find it difficult to question their existing belief system. They live in fear, mainly fear of themselves. As a result, many of them never take the time to truly challenge their core beliefs, because if they did, they would discover that many of

them are inaccurate. Even when people discover that their subconscious thinking is flawed, they often do not know how to reprogram their subconscious minds to reflect the accuracy of their newly acquired truths. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to challenge everything. Although, in their past, they’ve tried to figure it out, only to come up empty. They tend to learn from others who have gone before them, realizing that “figuring out an infinite Universe” is impossible. Therefore, their change comes through accepting the great mystery of life. In order to accept the unknown, you must have faith. And, it’s through having faith, they tend to make tremendous strides in their personal evolution. Awakened tend to undoubtedly know that the higher realms support those who have faith. Their belief in God, the Divine energy source, is unwavering. For those who were once Sleeping Souls, now see the world and the Universe in a much more expansive way. They fully accept that no one can stop life’s movement, and therefore, view change as a way to continue to infinitely evolve. They have learned that true change occurs when they transition to a heart-centered life...

I am open to, and accept, all changes that support my life’s purpose.

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ESSENCE: I consistently move my ego from my mind to my heart.


“It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi


eart-centered is having the heart as the focal element of one’s life. Heart-centered living enables us to live peacefully and harmoniously with Nature, the Universe, and ourselves. As result, our thoughts, ideas, behaviors, actions, and love originate from our hearts, not our minds. In our life’s journey, the longest distance to travel is the twelve inches between our mind and heart. Westernized conditioning has embedded in our collective consciousness that we lead with our minds, trying to figure out life’s challenges, imposing our egos and personal will to get the outcomes we desire. This thinking is flawed, as evident by our current state of global affairs. It’s time we move our egos out of our minds, and into our Move Ego From Head To Heart hearts.

Sleeping Souls generally have their hearts closed. Fear is keeping them closed, as many fear rejection if they dare to truly love another. Societal programming views love as a jail sentence, because it’s a loss of freedom and control. A controlling mind cannot co-exist with a loving heart. People’s need to control others stems from their own fears and insecurities about themselves, and represents clear evidence of a closed heart. The greatest crimes, fear, and hatred all come from closed hearts. They have a tendency to view the world through a perspective of separateness. Separateness is what fuels wars, discrimination, religious differences, judgment, resistance, inequality, and a host of other negative attributes. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to be traversing from a mind-centered to a heart-centered life. They tend to be viewing the Earth through an eXpansive awareness, vastly broadening their perspective. This new perspective enables them to let go of fears, the illusion of separateness, and other limiting beliefs. They choose to change their stories, living heartcentered lives. Awakened tend to have successfully moved their egos out of their minds and into their hearts. Many have rid themselves of any skepticism, thereby fully trusting their hearts to naturally guide them in the right direction. They realize that if being heart-centered poses a challenge, then it is likely that forgiveness may be in order...

I live a heart-centered life, thereby making heart-centered decisions.

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ESSENCE: Forgiveness is one of my greatest strengths.


“I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note—torn in two, and burned up, so that it never be shown against one.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher


orgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. Forgiveness is one of our greatest strengths. We tend to think that forgiveness is mainly for others, however, it is really for ourselves. It’s amazing how drama in our lives quickly dissipates when forgiveness is in our hearts. Letting go of past hurts and resentments enable us to be fully present, positioning us to maximize our human potential. Learning forgiveness is among the more difficult challenges we face on our quest for ascension. Though, once we reach a certain altitude—leaving the drama at base camp—forgiveness simply becomes a new way of life. We learn to release the negative energies holding us captive: anger, resentment, and perhaps, even hatred. Sleeping Souls tend to be rather weak in the area of forgiveness. Many remain stuck in their stories, clutching onto negative thoughts and emotions, gossiping to others,

justifying why they are victims. A victim mentality has a very low energetic vibration. Vibrating at such low levels will attract like-frequencies of energy into their lives. And, then they will wonder why their lives are fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity. Lack of forgiveness is often passed on from generation-to-generation. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn that forgiveness is a key all of us possess, that unlocks a door to mental freedom. When our minds are filled with negative thoughts, there is no room for new, vibrant thought-forms to enter. They learn that true forgiveness releases these low vibrating frequencies of energy, making room for the magical essence of spirit to fill this newly created space. They realize forgiveness must be authentic and pure, with the understanding that any form of future abuse will not be tolerated. Awakened tend to understand that all of us are teachers for one another. They realize that every single human being makes mistakes and has regrets. The difference resides in whether they can forgive themselves. They tend to know that carrying guilt and shame around, eats away at their aliveness, drains energy from their cells, and holds them back from realizing their full potential. Guilt and shame are very low energetic vibrations, while releasing these negative emotions improves their well being tremendously. And, they tend to know that forgiveness greatly contributes to Self-love...

I forgive myself and others, as we are all teachers for one another.

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ESSENCE: I love myself.


“Loving myself has been such a challenge.” ~ Alison Stormwolf


elf-love is an intense feeling of deep affection for one’s Self. Self-love is where love originates. Old paradigm belief is that Self-love is selfish and narcissistic. This is absolutely not true. New paradigm belief is that there is no guilt or shame in Self-love, there is only love. Sleeping Souls tend to live in their minds, not in their hearts, to figure out what they need. As a result, their love for others can be rather empty, and is often a manipulation to get love or attention in an attempt to fill their void. Relying on others to fill them with love, while being incapable of returning the love because of their closed hearts, simply doesn’t work. Dependency on others to fill themselves with love is a recipe for disaster. Many don’t realize that they cannot deeply care for and love another until they love themselves. For example, many women are lacking in Self-love due to their limiting beliefs that were learned in the old paradigm, which has them believing that they are not good enough, and therefore, subordinated and unworthy. Many men are

lacking in Self-love due to their hearts being closed, as they have been conditioned in the old paradigm to believe that feelings and crying are only for sissies. Many Sleeping Souls fail to realize that the love they are yearning for already resides within them. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn that centeredness or calmness can’t exist without love, and the key to unleashing love in their life begins with Self-love. When Self-love is unleashed, they embrace their authentic selves, increasing their conf idence, self-esteem, and independence. They forgive and accept themselves. Many come to discover that if there are attributes of themselves that they don’t love, they have the power to simply change their story, because the “decisions they make today, determine the stories they tell tomorrow.” They realize there is no better time to change their life than the present time. Awakened generally realize that a solid foundation for a relationship exists when two confident, independent people, who are both filled with Self-love, unite. They are together because they each desire to be together; not because they need to be together. This is when relationships based on love and equality exist, which are ingredients required for world peace. Many believe that Self-love means rediscovering the home of the heart, which is about embracing and loving their true, authentic Self, enabling them to be secure and centered, while owning the joy of life without denial. And, they embrace Self-love, recognizing God within...

I love myself infinitely.

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ESSENCE: There is a spark of God within me.


“We shall serve for the joy of serving, prosperity shall flow to us and through us in unending streams of plenty.” ~ Charles Filmore


od within is a belief that there’s a spark of God within each and every one of us. “I see God in you” is a spiritual statement supporting this belief. Because every atom in our Universe is filled with energy, and since God is the Divine energy source, then there is a spark of God in every aspect of the Universe. Many old paradigm religions have convinced their congregations in believing that God is out there, and the only way to enlightenment is through their respective religious institution. This is not true. Rather, it has been a strategy through which many religious institutions control their members and securing their money, while adding fear, guilt, and shame to their power structure. God’s spark of energy resides within each person regardless of religious sect, age, gender, race, sexual preference, or socio-economic status. God’s energy is there for all of those who seek and desire to behold it. Sleeping Souls carry the spark of God without ever

realizing it. Therefore, they are not tapping into this infinite energy source. Many of them only pray out of need, and when God doesn’t respond, they validate in their minds that God doesn’t exist. What they fail to realize is that God doesn’t respond to need, because God has already provided us with an infinite Universe. What more can God provide than infinite possibility? Besides, God provides us with free will, leaving it up to us to determine our own level of faith. Hence, why we are an imperfect aspect of the Universe, thus helping to balance, making it whole and perfect. Some begin to seek. Seekers generally learn to get out of their conscious minds and into their hearts, helping to open up the intuition and creativity that every human possesses. They tend to learn that all of the answers we seek already reside within ourselves, as it is through our hearts (and subconscious minds) that we connect with the Divine source of infinite opportunity. Many of them learn that creativity unleashes their ability to be a limitless cocreator of the Universe. Awakened tend to have unwavering faith and belief in God, which enables them to stop trying to figure out why and how everything works, and instead listen to and trust the guidance from within. The future is always bright for those who trust who they are, and their ability to create in the present. They fully believe that they are limitless cocreators of the Universe. And, by tapping into the God within, their Soul awakens, discovering a great sense of pervading honesty...

I am connected to God within me.

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ESSENCE: I live my life with honesty.


“A half truth is a whole lie.” ~Yiddish Proverb


onesty is the act of being free of deceit and untruthfulness. Honesty is the quality of being genuine and uncorrupted. Honesty is reflected through our speech, behaviors, and thoughts. Honesty through our speech is speaking our truth with sincerity, not lying or deceiving. Honesty through our behaviors is being upright and fair in our dealings with others, not cheating or stealing, not deceiving others by the way we act (such as making things appear to be one way when they are in fact different), no façade or hypocrisy. And, honesty through our thoughts is not deceiving ourselves, nor believing we are fooling God. Honesty begins with being honest with our selves. Do we live our lives with absolute truthfulness? Do we take responsibility for our actions? Do we apologize to others when we hurt them? Do we forgive others who hurt us? Do we realize that partial truths are lies? Are we living our truths, or are we living our lies? Sleeping Souls tend to live in the old paradigm, which teaches them that white lies are acceptable,

justifying their actions by not wanting to hurt the other person. Some believe that they are living honest lives because they are not out stealing cars and robbing banks, even though they pilfer supplies from work, cheat on their incomes taxes, and/or fudging on the time clock, not giving an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. Some are hypocrites, pretending to possess certain virtues, morals, and beliefs, when in reality they do not. Some are tired of living a life of lies. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn that honesty is not about letting it all hang out, justifying their candor by claiming that they’re just being totally honest. Rather, they learn that honesty in speech must be both truthful and controlled. In other words, they speak their truth in love, and desire to supports other gifts. Awakened remain true to themselves. They make a commitment to live with honesty and integrity, no matter what the cost. They tend not to placate others by telling them what they want to hear; nor, do they attempt to convince others that they are telling the truth. By living their lives with honesty, they tend to discover an ability to stretch beyond their former capacity for living, while gaining a sense of inner-peace. And, through living with honesty, they are able to more fully embody their authentic selves...

I live my life with honesty, no matter what the cost.

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ESSENCE: Authenticity enables the real me to thrive.


“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” ~ Judy Garland


uthenticity is fully embracing our genuine selves, thus remaining true to who we really are. Authentic people are centered, confident, independent, and calm. They seek inner-direction, and not direction from the media-saturated outside world. Many regrets in life stem from instances when we are not our authentic selves, succumbing to peer pressure, placating others, going against our intuition, or following the crowd to be cool and fit in. Peer pressure and cultural conditioning expect us to act a certain way. And, that is exactly what many of us do —we act. We act a certain way when we are at work or school. We act a certain way when the boss or teacher is around. We act a certain way when attending our Houses of Worship. We act a certain way when we are with our friends. We act a certain way when we are with our parents and families. These are a lot of acts to keep track of! Perhaps, the question one may want to consider is: In which act are you truly your authentic self?

Sleeping Souls tend not to be connected to their authentic selves. Rather, they have a tendency to succumb to peer and societal pressures pushing them to act and look a certain way. They tend to put on a show in an effort to placate others and gain acceptance. Entire communities are made up of Sleeping Souls who feel the social pressure to put aside their authentic selves and be someone they are not. They are living a lie, due to their own lack of confidence and tremendous need of acceptance, prohibiting them from being who they truly are. Some begin to seek. Seekers generally learn that placating others at the expense of dishonoring their authentic selves, is no way to live. On their quest toward ascension, an inner sense of independence and confidence grows. They begin embracing their authentic selves, expressing their talents without self-importance, enabling them to become their personal best. They come to realize that acting is exhausting, and people simply need to accept them for who they truly are. Awakened tend to honor reality, choosing to be aware and accepting of imperfections in themselves and others. They live their lives with integrity, and tend to be openhearted, friendly, and compassionate people. Their actions and behaviors are consistent from one social setting to the next, without concerns of acceptance by others, because they have already accepted themselves. They possess the ability to live their truth...

I inspire others by being my authentic self.

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ESSENCE: Truth is my protection.


“The ability to lie is a liability.” ~ Unknown


ruth is that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Truth is my protection; meaning, that as long as we live with integrity, convincing others of our truth is unnecessary. Knowing we are living our own truth is what matters most. Living our truth is putting our selves out in the world by following our true hearts’ desire. When we follow our hearts, we follow truth. Our truth may be entering a new career, starting a business, becoming a single parent, adopting a child, sharing hidden feelings with others, or doing a multitude of other things. The truth we hold is the reflection of our heart’s greatest joy. Sleeping Souls tend to ignore the truth their hearts naturally carry, thus setting a trap for themselves. They tend to lose sight of the original target when the joy of the heart’s truth is not present, making them fall short of the goal every time. Many find themselves in careers and/or relationships that they don’t want to be in, yet, they are frozen in fear, not taking any action to change the situation(s). Many find themselves placating others’

desires at the expense of sacrificing their dreams. Perhaps a student is very artistic, yet is studying accounting because their father or mother is an accountant. Or, perhaps a person feels stuck in an abusive, disrespectful relationship for fear of being alone and the stigma of being single. Or, perhaps a couple is expecting a baby, and are feeling the pressure of needing to get married. In other words, Sleeping Souls tend not to live their truths, rather, spending their lives placating others. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to call upon their inner-strength and courage so that faith in their growth process is restored by the truth that lives within them, unhindered by deceptions, illusions, and pressures of societal programming. When they feel as if the world is presenting them with conflicts that are too heavy to carry, they have a tendency to aim higher—seeking and finding the reserve of courage in their Souls, and using it to honor the truth inside their hearts. Awakened tend to simply live their truth. They have discovered their life’s purpose, and don’t waste their energy placating others. They have discovered that the truth in life is to follow their passion, which is their higher Self guiding them to living a life of joy and creativity. They tend to live with open hearts and open minds, accepting and honoring abundance in all aspects of their lives. They have learned to trust Divine timing, trust themselves, and trust others...

I live my truth, as it protects me.

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Trust is a prerequisite to hope.


“A person who trusts no one can’t be trusted.” ~ Jerome Blattner


rust is the acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation. Trusting others begins with trusting ourselves. Trust is the foundation of meaningful relationships. With trust, there is hope. With hope, there is inspiration. Trusting ourselves involves trusting our intuition, or gut feelings. When we feel something, it is time to be introspective and determine if that feeling has validity. It is far too easy to ignore our warning systems in this hectic, modern world only to regret not having taken the time to listen and trust our selves. Remember, we feel in our hearts, not in our minds. Sleeping Souls have a tendency to believe that trust is something that must be earned. In other words, the natural tendency is not to trust. Perhaps, a reasonable rationale for this is that they don’t trust themselves. It is plausible that the lack of trust in themselves may be due to living in fear, regret, guilt, and shame. Many have a tendency to trust, or not trust, others by the superficial glare factor—What do they look like? What kind of clothes

do they wear? How long is their hair? Do they wear sunglasses? What kind of music do they listen to? Are they religious? They have yet to discover the untapped potential of trusting their intuition from within. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn that trusting themselves builds their strength, and strength comes from intuitive knowing and walking their truth. Many realize that when they are out of balance and their goals are unclear, then its time to go into the cave of silence, listening to themselves and trusting what they hear. Awakened tend to fully trust themselves. They tend to view trustworthiness as one of their greatest qualities. Many have an uncanny ability to quickly assess the trustworthiness of another simply by connecting with that person’s energetic vibration, while utilizing their own intuition. They have learned the importance of not listening to the opinions of most others, and listen instead to their hearts. Many have learned that each person is unique, and holds a special piece to the Universal puzzle. They understand that each person is responsible for their piece of the puzzle (a.k.a. life’s purpose). They trust themselves to responsibly handle and connect their piece. They also tend to have faith in humanity’s ability to find the inner answers that heal the Self and, in turn, be at One with the Self, in harmony with others and Mother Earth. They realize that trust is a prerequisite to hope...

I trust myself and others.

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My life is filled with hope.


“Where hope would otherwise become hopelessness, it becomes faith.” ~ Robert Brault


ope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Hope can change a person, community, country, and the world. Hope is a leading indicator of future success. Fear is holding back the global economy. Fear has brought about a sense of hopelessness. As long as we perceive matters in this way, the economy will not get better. When we take the time to figure out our life’s purpose, it brings about a sense of hope, which leads to inspiration. Inspiring through hope is critical, because until we are inspired, no meaningful actions occur. When inspired, our creativity blossoms and we carry out our work with pride and passion. Our pride is demonstrated through our passion. Our passion leads us to unleashing the infinite power from within. Until a sense of hope, inspiration, pride, and passion are instilled throughout the world, our Souls will not awaken, our potential will not flourish, and not much will change.

According to a recent Gallup Poll, 95% of U.S. 5th-12th graders say it is likely they will have a better life than their a parents, whereas 50% percent of U.S. adults aged 18 and older say they doubt today's youth will have a better life than their parents. This hope divide is unfortunate, because it might limit the support that adults are willing to give children to help them reach their full potential. Sleeping Souls tend to feel a sense of hopelessness, as they can’t see the pathway leading them out of the quagmire. Many adults believe their children are fantasizing about a future that is out of their reach. These cautions are grounded in some wisdom, but they also might be associated with the pessimism they have about their own future, vulnerabilities, or profound inability to predict the future. Many Sleeping Souls, young and old, yearn for a sense of hope. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to view the world differently, as they expand their awareness and acquire a renewed sense of hope. Many learn that the answers they are seeking reside within, inspiring them to action and fueling their creativity and passion. Their hope is contagious. Awakened tend to have a zest for life, desiring to live life to the fullest. They tend to have a high degree of hope, along with an affirming belief that a shift in consciousness is approaching a global tipping point—and it’s simply a matter of time before the world begins to view itself through the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. Their high degree of hope fuels their faith...

My high degree of hope is contagious.

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ESSENCE: I have faith that the intangible exists.


“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.� ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


aith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Faith in the intangible is graceful when we live in our hearts, and unstable when we live in our minds. Having faith in its broadest context, simply means that we believe in the intangible aspects of life, knowing that many things exists even though we cannot see them. Having faith is taken out of context too many times by people believing that it means being religious. This is another inaccurate and limiting belief. Cell phones, WIFI, Bluetooth, microwaves, radio waves, and other invisible frequencies of energy obviously exist. Our spirit is no different, and is the intangible aspect of ourselves. Sleeping Souls tend to have little faith in the intangible aspects of themselves. Many tend to be living in fear, which is the opposite of living in faith. Many want and even attempt to have faith, but their minds are in contradiction to faith, and therefore, faith doesn’t sustain

itself in their lives. Some even pretend to have faith out of fear of not having faith. Some begin to seek. Seekers generally learn that they can connect with their intangible Self when they get out of their minds and into their hearts. Many have come to learn that it is when they live a heart-centered life that they are connected with their higher Self. And, believing in and connecting with their higher Self requires faith. They tend to learn that having faith involves letting go of old, limiting beliefs, as well as sharing from the heart with no strings attached. They tend be able to release anything in their life that does not apply to their present state of growth. This includes the release of old habits, acquaintances that drain them, the need for approval or recognition, and any other aspects of their life that no longer serves them. They have faith that releasing the old will make space for new experiences, new people, and new abundance. Awakened tend to have unwavering faith. They know that being connected with their higher Self means being guided by their intuition. They tend to focus their lives by fully embracing their creativity and passion, and take action only when inspired to do so. They generally utilize their intuition to work through difficult challenges. Many tend to release the old and make way for the new by using only what they need—helping to assure abundance for the next seven generations, a main tenant of regenerative living. And, many have a high degree of belief in the spiritual realm...

I have faith in my higher self to intuitively inspire me to action.

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ESSENCE: I believe in a source energy greater than myself.


“The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.� ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


elief is an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Belief in God and belief in one’s Self are one and the same. We are all children of God, and God is an aspect of each and every one of us. God desires us to live our lives with creativity and passion, acquiring wisdom to evolve. Those who believe in their dreams have the ability to bring them to life. Sleeping Souls will never reach their full potential without believing in themselves. In our current global recession, many are stuck in mind traps of scarcity, lack, and fear. These thoughts and emotions would not be holding them captive if they truly believed in themselves, and were able to tap their infinite power source from within. Capable people on this Earth have the potential to improve their present-day lives. Belief, bravery, perseverance, and fortitude are among the aspects required to create positive change. Though, many Sleeping Souls will continue to make excuses, acting out the role of victim without truly considering the possibility

that they are stuck in their situations due to a lack of belief in themselves. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to be successful in clearing out past hurts and resentments through forgiveness, establishing a renewed sense of belief in them selves. Many have released the old paradigm beliefs of limitations, finite abilities, and unworthiness, replacing them with new paradigm beliefs of infinite opportunities, infinite abilities, and infinite love. They tend to let go of the past, choosing to be fully aware in the present, and hopeful for the future—consciously choosing to experience a rebirth in this chapter of their lives. Awakened tend to have successfully stepped into the infinite, believing they are infinite co-creators of the Universe. They have masterfully let go of all past negativity, bringing forth the positive wisdom they have acquired into their new paradigm life. Many have experienced the ecstasy of rebirth, viewing the world with unlimited vision. They are calm and centered amidst the chaos of the noisy world around them. They believe in themselves due to many factors. Among them, are the bravery, perseverance, and fortitude they experienced throughout their spiritual quest to attain a high level of awareness and a broadened perspective. Through being connected to the spiritual realm, many have learned to allow divine will to determine the outcome...

I believe in my abilities and myself.

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ESSENCE: I allow Divine will to determine the outcome.


“All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.� ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


ivine will is a belief in God having a plan for humanity, and a desire to see this plan fulfilled. Divine will is allowing a desired outcome; personal will is imposing the wanted outcome. Divine will and personal will are polar opposites. Western societies are embedded in personal will; Eastern societies practice Divine will. Personal will is a demonstration of fear; Divine will is a demonstration of faith. Personal will derives from the ego in the mind; Divine will derives from the ego in the heart. God desires us to allow Divine will to shape the world, naturally leading us into an existence of regenerative living. Sleeping Souls tend to be living in their minds. They tend to get ahead through imposing their personal wills. Through their forceful actions, they tend to be labeled positively by society as achievers, go-getters, and leaders— thus validating and supporting their aggressive actions. For many, the thought of allowing Divine will to determine the outcome is ridiculous, because it means

surrendering control. Many Sleeping Souls need to control. And, most times, their need to control is fueled by their fears, insecurities, and lack of faith. Some begin to seek. Seekers generally have learned that Divine will directs the Divine order of life in the perfect Universe. They understand that Sleeping Souls imposing their personal wills are what disrupts the Divine flow of life on Earth. Seekers tend to examine how to get in sync with the patterns that allow their bodies to find their own rhythm without any resistance. In other words, they allow their bodies to become in sync with the Divine flow. Awakened tend to believe that if the world population simply moved their egos out of their minds and into their hearts, choosing to listen through deep, reflective meditation, trusting what they heard, and allowing Divine will to unfold their lives; we would instantly begin to shift into the new paradigm of 21st Century Living, bringing about peace and harmony throughout the world. It is then, that our rhythm and internal timing will be in sync with Mother Earth’s heartbeat. They realize that most of the world population is out of step with their body’s natural rhythm. In other words, their minds, hearts, and spirits are out of balance. A global realignment is necessary to move into a harmonious flow with Nature and the Universe. Awakened also have come to realize that living in alignment with the spiritual realm, allowing Divine will to unfold their lives, requires a great deal of patience...

I surrender my personal will to Divine will.

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ESSENCE: I trust God’s pace.


“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.� ~ Lao Tzu


atience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Patience is a virtue, which is a behavior showing high moral standards. Patience requires trusting God’s pace. Along with forgiveness, patience is among our greatest attributes, and is one we need to strengthen. In our modernistic world, patience has waned with the increasing speed of technology and emphasis on convenience. In other words, the speed of technology has made the world very impatient. The pace of our lives has continued to increase, while our moral standards have decreased. Our brutal media continually reinforces violence, sex, inequality, discrimination, materialism, and separateness; while doing next to nothing to promote goodness, simplicity, compassion, and well being. Our brutal media has also superficially created a world living in denial of it self, fueled by the corporatocracy that exists among corporate and political leaders. Our impatience and desire for immediate, short-

term results, combined with our ignorance of long-term ramifications, has led us right to where we are today. Every thought, idea, behavior, and action has coalesced to create our world in present time. Sleeping Souls tend to be rather impatient. Many of their mindsets are fixated on immediate gratification. Too few give consideration to long-term outcomes. Many fill their days seeking what they want now, despite future consequences. Many are impatient with their parents, classmates, co-workers, and friends. Impatience rules their lives. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn patience through aligning with the Divine will, and realizing the Universe infinitely evolves at a very slow pace. They learn the definition of Divine timing, which means that an event occurs in Divine order at the perfect time. Seekers learn that by living fully in the present time and enjoying life every day, they allow Divine will to unfold their lives, and therefore, everything occurs in Divine timing. Living in Divine timing is living with patience. Awakened tend to be patient and tolerant people. Their open-mindedness allows them to embrace the differences of others, and enables them to relate to others, regardless of where they are on their personal journeys. They tend to plant many seeds of opportunity, and then allow each one to grow in Divine timing. They realize that allowing Divine will is not waiting for things to fall into their laps. Rather, action is required to manifest their dreams. And, this action requires bravery...

I listen to the rhythm of my Soul. And, I trust God's pace.

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ESSENCE: I am brave in all that I do.


“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” ~ Thucydides


ravery is courageous behavior or character. Bravery is necessary when carrying out our life’s purpose, as there will, undoubtedly, be many challenges along the way. Bravery provides us the strength to charge ahead, taking action in a positive way. The mindset of the new paradigm and regenerative living is that unless everybody does well, nobody does well. In our self-indulgent, modern world, this may be a hard pill to swallow, but it is a necessary cure for the state of planetary awareness today. Sleeping Souls tend to use their bravery in destructive ways, including being callous, vindictive, and cunning. Many others are in need of bravery to break free from the shackles of limitation. For many Sleeping Souls, directing their bravery in productive ways will move them towards leading more joyous lives. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to realize that it takes courage to move to their next level of experience, displaying their bravery

through sound judgment, patience, and selflessness. They tend to declare war on pettiness in their world, not through anger, but through living their truths with compassionate understanding for those who do not walk similar paths. Seekers tend to lead by example, using truth and courage. Awakened tend to always be on alert to call upon their inner resources, having the willingness to take on the challenges of their present situations. They realize that their only barrier to advancement is their refusal to acknowledge the strength they possess within. Many realize the benefit of continually addressing their challenges in the present, enabling them to be more selfconfident in future situations. And, they tend to be fearless in their pursuits of their life’s purpose, understanding their spiritual quest requires tremendous perseverance...

I live my life with bravery, without fear.

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ESSENCE: I persevere.


“Fall seven times, stand up eight.� ~ Japanese Proverb


erseverance is doing something despite difficulty and/or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is the strength we have to help carry us through difficult times. Perseverance is an intangible muscle, as the more we use it, the stronger it gets. The illusion that money solves life’s problems is just that, an illusion; meaning, that wealthy people encounter challenges, too. The point is, every single human needs perseverance to thrive in life. Sleeping Souls tend to view problems as problems, adding more negativity to their lives. Many tend to hesitate, and not persevere, due to the fear of the unknown. Many persevere in areas that may not serve them well, such as dwelling on the negative, constantly complaining, gossiping about others, and/or being obsessed about making money at the expense of ignoring their families, friends and Nature. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to view problems as challenges, taking what otherwise could be viewed as a negative, and placing it in a positive context. They generally know that they are

here for a certain purpose, and therefore, cannot stop moving toward their goals. Their inner-knowing fuels their perseverance, and they have come to realize that a secret ingredient to success is to never quit, ever. Awakened tend to persevere with grace and ease. This is due to being in alignment with their mind, body, spirit, and Soul, thus naturally attracting the resources required to manifest their true heart’s desires and fulfill their life’s purpose. They tend to avoid establishing preconceived timetables for when things will happen. Rather, they persevere through inspired action, aligning with the Divine flow, while allowing the events in their lives to occur according to Divine timing. And, they have come to learn that the best way to persevere is through having a high degree of fortitude...

I will continue to persevere on my journey until I manifest my true heart’s desires and fulfill my life’s purpose.

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ESSENCE: I have the strength to endure immense adversity with grace and ease.


“Fortitude refers to the type of courage that permits one to endure tremendous pain with tremendous patience and calm.� ~ Billy Mills


ortitude is having courage in pain and/or adversity. We all experience challenges; we can face them with stress and drama, or we can learn to face them with patience and calmness. Like perseverance, fortitude is an intangible muscle; the more we use it, the stronger it gets. A key attribute of fortitude is having clear intent. When we are clear on our intentions, it creates necessity and is followed by inspired action. Sleeping Souls are generally not connected to their life’s purpose. Therefore, many are not clear on their intent. Many believe that simply living is their intent, thus life is lacking in meaning, leaving them unfulfilled. Many will talk about their intentions, whatever they may be, yet lack the strength to follow through. Many will avoid their intent if it means dealing with struggles, challenges, or uncertainty. Sleeping Souls will generally look back on life

with thoughts of would’ve, should’ve, could’ve. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn that having clear intent is important to remain focused. Many tend to realize that when they want to go two directions at once, it is warranted to go within for reflective, meditative time. The Seekers that have already discovered their life’s purpose, realize that fulfilling it will definitely require fortitude. Awakened tend to live with conviction, remaining clear, decisive, and focused. They realize that all of creation has a separate intent and goal, whereby each person’s specific purpose feeds the whole. They realize that life is challenging, and therefore, accept that fortitude is necessary to carrying out their vision and being authentically successful. And, even with all of the challenges life poses, a large part of their centeredness is grounded in gratitude...

I am strong and capable. And, I live my life with grace and ease.

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ESSENCE: I am grateful for my life, and for who I am.


"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." ~ Epictetus


ratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude includes celebrating life and acknowledging the beauty and potential of one’s Self. Gratitude provides the basis for true abundance. Many of us take our health for granted, until we get sick. Many of us take family and friends for granted, until someone close to us dies. Many of us dread going to school, until after we graduate. Gratitude is generally realized after the fact, reflecting on a past time. Our world is plagued with a lack of gratitude in the present time. Sleeping Souls tend to be so caught up in their drama-filled lives, that gratitude is reserved for Thanksgiving dinner and religious holidays. Many never take the time to count their blessings—family, friends, food, health, shelter, love, fingers, toes, and senses. Many have difficulty expressing their true feelings of gratitude because they are living in their minds. Many are extremely materialistic, focusing on what they don’t have.

The more selfish one tends to be, the less gratitude they tend to have in their lives. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to see the beauty of the world around them. Some will discover their renewed connection with Nature. They will make watching the sunset a part of their day, and admiring the full moon a part of their month. Some will discover their renewed connection with family and other personal relationships. They will let other people know how much they appreciate them. Their gratefulness expands. Awakened tend to count their blessings every day. Gratitude is at the core of their existence. As they go through their day, they tend to acknowledge the gratefulness they are experiencing; being grateful for waking up in the morning; being grateful when they buy groceries; being grateful when they get to spend time with family and/or friends; being grateful when they secure a new client. And, through expanding their gratefulness, they tend to become very humble...

I am at peace with myself, and am grateful in every area of my life.

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ESSENCE: I remain humble in my success, as I am simply fulfilling my life’s purpose.


“Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.� ~ William Temple


umility is a modest view of one's own importance—humbleness. Humility comes from having an open heart. Humility enables centeredness and humbleness to coincide with success in life. Sleeping Souls have a tendency to adopt arrogance when they are successful in life, as their egos are in their minds. They tend to compare themselves to others through a lens of prestige, power, money, and control. Generally speaking for Sleeping Souls, success breeds arrogance. Some begin to seek. Seekers have a tendency to adopt humility when they are successful in life, as their egos are in their hearts. They tend to learn that they must become humble as they drop their disbelief and cynical ways. They realize that the wonder of life is always alive in those who replace their fears with faith.

Awakened tend to be humble. For many, they haven’t always been this way. Rather, they’ve acquired wisdom through enduring extremely difficult times. As a result, they come out of those times a different person. Through wisdom, they have learned gratefulness. Through gratefulness, they have learned humbleness. And, through humbleness, they have learned simplicity...

I am humble.

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ESSENCE: I live a simple life.


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci


implicity is the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. Simplicity captures the ESSENCE of regenerative living. Less is more. Keep It Simple Stupid. Mahatma Gandhi wisely stated, “There is enough for everybody's need, but not enough for anybody's greed.” Abandonment of our consumerist-mindsets is what’s called for at this time. Become practical. Contemplate every purchasing decision. Take on no more debt, ever. Ensure that our thoughts, decisions, and behaviors align with the health and well being of Mother Earth and our selves. Reconnect with Nature. Reconnect with family and friends. Live present time. And, Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. Sleeping Souls tend to feed right into the corporate marketing tactics that exploit the 7 deadly sins—wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony—because that is what sells. Violent movies, sexy advertisements, luxury cars, extravagant jewelry, designer handbags, and a host of other products, all feed into the materialistic, self-

indulgent wants of society. Many Sleeping Souls acquire so much stuff, that their lives are very cluttered. A cluttered house is a cluttered mind. Some come to realize that all their stuff is rather empty. And when this occurs, some begin to seek. Seekers tend to no longer want clutter in their lives. Some tend to realize that each possession they own has a golden chord attached to it that is connected to the heavens above. These chords surround them, so the more chords they have, the more clutter they have, and the more constricted their lives become. What becomes paramount in many Seekers’ lives is freedom—freedom to move around, freedom to have balance in life, freedom from debt. They tend to become very selective of their possessions, choosing increased freedom instead. With newfound freedom, they rediscover joy, happiness, and companionship. Awakened tend to live simply, enjoying the freedom of their lives. With their de-emphasis on materialistic pursuits, time and energy opens up to nurture other aspects of life such as relationships, physical activities, personal spiritual practice, hobbies, and reading. Many discover companionship through collaboration...

I live a simple life with very little drama and no fear.

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ESSENCE: I achieve greater success by collaborating with others.


“Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.� ~ Author Unknown


ollaboration is the action of working with someone to produce or create something. Collaboration springs from an open heart and is integral to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. Separateness, competition, power, greed, and sloth have led to our global economic recession. The banding together of like-minded entrepreneurs is what will change this economy; collaboration, with heart-centered egos, is the key to realizing this desired change. Sleeping Souls tend to have an every man for him self mindset. The concept of replacing competition with collaboration is foreign to many of them, because they live in their minds. The separation of races, corporate cultures, political parties, and countries all stem from a lack of collaboration, and mind-centered egos. Many Sleeping Souls compete in most everything they do. Some thrive, while others become disillusioned and exhausted from competing all of the time. Some begin to seek.

Seekers generally become adept at sharing their abilities, resources, and experiences. However, they consciously choose to spend their energy in ways that are productive, avoiding partnerships that are high drama or energy draining. Many re-evaluate those they have chosen as friends, and begin to establish new acquaintances, ones who tend to be fellow Seekers or Awakened, because of their collaborative nature, openness, and broadened perspective on life. They tend to quickly realize that their drama-filled lives are part of their past. They are stepping into a new life of sharing, kindness, compassion, and a host of positive attributes. Awakened collaborate. Most tend to realize that “no man is an island,� as we all depend upon each other, influenced by Nature and the Universe. Collaboration is an integral part of regenerative living. Because Awakened have their egos in their hearts, they are not arrogant and selfish, and therefore, do not ignore the needs of the next seven generations. They know that remaining dependent upon shrinking finite resources (i.e. oil, gas, coal, clean water) means destroying the Earth and ourselves— together we must be the difference utilizing available innovations, including solar power, wind power, and geothermal. And, through the expansion of their awareness, many Awakened have successfully learned to favorably utilize the energetic vibrational frequencies of their mind, body, and spirit...

I work in collaboration with others to help fuel our collective success.

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ESSENCE: Our minds receive and emit energy.


“All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.� ~ Sai Baba


ind energy is powerful. Our minds constantly receive and emit energy. As it relates to the mind, energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained mental activity. When our minds are cluttered with drama, we block our creativity, limiting solutions to our challenges. Like attracts like. If your mindset is fixated on fear, doubt, worries, drama, insecurity, and a host of other limiting thoughts, then your life will be negative and full of struggle. If your mindset is thriving with thoughts of prosperity, abundance, gratitude, respect, joy, happiness, and love, then your life will be positive and in the Divine flow. A misalignment between our conscious and subconscious minds sends mixed signals, or energetic vibrations, out into the Universe. By not being clear about our desires and purpose, we set ourselves up for failures. By being clear about our desires and purpose, we are able to manifest our life by design instead of by default. The true success of living a vibrant and healthy lifestyle is

contingent upon having the right mindset to do so. Our thoughts dictate our lives. Sleeping Souls generally have a subconscious mindset that is negative and/or cluttered with limiting beliefs. It’s not their fault; rather, it’s a result of being born and raised in the old paradigm. Many tend not to realize that their conscious mind is protecting their subconscious mind from change. The conscious mind is formed through past experiences and is resistant to change. And, since Sleeping Souls’ present-day existence is a culmination of past decisions, the conscious mind will protect them by keeping things as they are, because with change comes uncertainty. The irony is that the conscious mind will hold them captive to their current circumstances, even if their current circumstances are not what they desire. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn the connection between their thoughts, decisions, behaviors, and actions. They realize the culmination of these attributes form their lives. Many are seeking ways to reprogram their subconscious minds, replacing negative limiting beliefs with a new mindset of positive infinite beliefs. Awakened tend to have masterfully reprogrammed their subconscious minds. They realize the gateway to the infinite is through their subconscious mind. And, they know that becoming heart-centered is key to accessing their subconscious minds, and living in their heart is an aspect of body energy...

My mind is One with the mind of God.

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ESSENCE: Our bodies receive and emit energy.


“Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.” ~ Socrates


ody energy containment is contingent upon the physical condition of our bodies; meaning, our bodies are our temples and the greater care we have for our temples, the more body energy we can hold. Body energy is correlated to the physical condition of the temple it occupies. According to the Census Bureau, approximately 14% of people worldwide are overweight and 5% are considered obese. Speaking only for the United States, about 60-65% are overweight and about 30% are obese. It’s time we get into shape; which, for some, requires temperance. The key to full aliveness is having a healthy body. Body energy is not limited to physical activity, such as walking, running, and jumping. Every cell, molecule, and atom carries knowledge and wisdom. Our bodies operate as our very own antennae: we can sense when we are or are not safe; we can sense when someone is staring at us; and we can sense the energetic vibrations of others,

enabling us to instantly tell if someone is in a good mood or a bad mood, without them uttering a word. Sleeping Souls tend to not have a strong awareness of their body energies, beyond physical activity. They tend not to explore the deeper senses of body energies, ignoring gut instincts and intuitive impulses. Many regret their actions in hindsight, wishing they had followed their gut instincts and intuition. Yet, when the opportunity arises again, they will repeat the same old pattern. This may be due to their low faith and trust in the intangible aspects of life, including their higher Selves. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to feel their way through challenges, utilizing their body energies and intuition to guide them. Their faith in the intangible and themselves continues to grow. They tend to treat their bodies as temples, realizing the correlation between physical condition and the level of energy they can hold. Nutrition becomes paramount. Many begin to work out, losing body fat and gaining muscle. Many tend to eat organic foods, paying attention to where and who is providing the food. Awakened generally feel the joy of having a physical body. Many are physically fit, honoring the body’s role and its needs. They understand the correlation between having a strong body and a clear mind. Many have a daily practice that includes physical exercise, nutritional eating, and spiritual meditation. And, many realize that a keen awareness of the body enables them to find the power place within, facilitating access to their spirit energy...

The stronger I make my body, the more energy I can hold.

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ESSENCE: My spirit is energy.


“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.� ~ Plato


pirit energy is infinite energy. A strong body with a strong heart, connects us to this powerful and limitless energy. Perseverance and fortitude draw from spirit energy. Spirit energy is our life energy force, which returns to the pool of life energy upon our passing. Sleeping Souls tend to consciously survive on mental and body energies, without realizing their spirit energy is also at work. They are operating as threefold beings, composed of mind, body, and spirit; even while their Souls sleep, spirit energy fuels their lives. Many Sleeping Souls are tired of the struggle, the daily grind; working so hard to make ends meet, only to come home, ignore their families, and crash on the couch in front of the television. Some Sleeping Souls realize that there must be more to life. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to make dramatic changes in their lives quickly. For starters, they stop watching television and stop reading the newspaper. They recognize that both are filled with fear, doubt, worries, drama, insecurity, and a

host of other low vibrating frequencies that they no longer desire in their lives. Many will begin walking and/ or jogging. Many will begin a daily spiritual practice, such as yoga, meditation, and/or journaling. Many will start hiking in the woods, reconnecting with Nature. Many will give up fast foods, stop drinking soda, and begin to drink a lot of water. In hindsight, they tend to realize that what was holding them captive in their Sleeping Souls’ lifestyle was their fear of change. Most every Seeker feels blessed for encountering the gauntlet of challenges required for change, thus building a deeper connection with their Spirit through Self-love. Their Souls begin to awaken. Awakened tend to be deeply connected with their spirit energy. They realize that living through their hearts awakens their sleeping Souls. They tend to realize that their Soul is their being, and spirit is their life energy force. Awakened realize they are fourfold beings composed of mind, body, spirit, and Soul. They understand the connection between mind, body, spirit, and Soul, realizing the importance of balance in all aspects of their lives. And, they have successfully released negative emotions from their past, and tend not to dwell too much on the future, because they have learned the importance of living in the present...

With God-like thoughts, I think a God-like world into being.

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ESSENCE: The only time is the present time.


“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” -Buddha


resent time is occurring now. Life on Earth only exists in present time. Humans have fabricated time. Before we inhabited the Earth, life simply existed in a state of being. “Time was not invented as it does not really exist. It is a purely human mechanism for managing our lives. Outside the human framework all other organisms live now, there is no yesterday or tomorrow in their consciousness. Of course they learn things and use that knowledge at a later date, but don't confuse that with having a concept of time.” In the 1902 book, Sun Dials and Roses of Yesterday: Garden Delights... by Alice Morse Earle, she noted the wisdom, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." Within the human mechanism known as time, it is important that we place great emphasis on being present. Sleeping Souls generally spend very little time being present. Their minds tend to race, dwelling on past

memories or future illusions. Those that are dwelling on past time, most likely view themselves as victims. Those that are dwelling on future time, most likely are living in fear. Many miss the beauty of Nature and human interactions because they spend very little time being present. Many are exhausted by the drama. Many retired Sleeping Souls are sitting around, gossiping about others, stuck in the fear being broadcasted on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC News regarding politics and world affairs. They tend to be looking out, blaming others for what’s wrong in the world; rarely, looking in to see how they can be the change. Their finite mindsets lead them to believe that it’s too late for them to make a difference, and they are simply waiting around to die. Some, young and old, begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn the importance of being present. As they traverse to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living, their perspective shifts to a new level of awareness of time. They release the old belief of working hard today in order to enjoy tomorrow. They tend to simply enjoy today as they choose to work hard, and play harder. Awakened have released the past, embraced the future, and live present time. They are grateful for the blessing of simply being alive. They tend to realize that their greatest focus, strength, and creativity occurs in present time. And, through being fully present and heartcentered, they tend to experience unlimited vision...

I live fully in the present, and am open to all possibilities.

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ESSENCE: If I have all of the answers, then my vision is too small.


“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’.” ~ Audrey Hepburn


ision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. Visionaries are open to the infinite, having an uncanny ability to see opportunity amidst chaos. Everything is created twice—first in our minds, then in three-dimensional form. Successfully creating, or manifesting, our mind’s vision into three-dimensional form requires imagination, belief, focus, perseverance, and patience—leveraging the mind, body, and spirit energies. When we successfully acquire the wisdom to do this, we become co-creators of the Universe, thereby creating whatever we desire. To varying degrees, all of us are alchemists—possessing a seemingly magical process of transformation and manifestation. Sleeping Souls tend to believe that their success is driven by their determination, fueled by their egos in their minds. Their never quit attitude certainly helps them to achieve. However, what many Sleeping Souls fail to realize is that no matter how successful they become,

unless they tap into their inner-knowing and leverage their innate energies, they will never fully maximize their potential. Many Sleeping Souls don’t believe that dreams come true. Hence why, they are incapable of bringing their visions to life. Others have their minds so cluttered with negative thoughts, that there’s no room for daytime visions to even enter. They tend to only experience vision, or dreams, when their conscious minds have quieted during sleep. Some desire to make their dreams come true. Some begin to seek. Seekers generally learn the power of manifesting their dreams. They tend to learn how to align their energies to become co-creators with the Universe. Many find life boring, unless they are building their dreams. As they envision the future, many are willing to ask for the resources to bring their dreams to life, and they are willing to receive these resources as they appear in Divine timing. They generally learn that if they have all the answers, then their vision is too small—always leaving room for the spirit realm to do its work. Awakened dream BIG. They tend to always have their eyes open, noticing the world around them—the ocean, the mountains, the life force in every living thing. They see every thing and every person as their teachers. They see the precious gift and beauty of life. They live their dreams through building their visions with creativity and passion. And, when building their visions, they tend not to do so haphazardly. Rather, with contemplation...

With vision, everything is possible and everything is solvable.

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ESSENCE: My focus empowers me.


“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” ~ Greg Anderson


ocus is an act of concentrating interest or activity on something. When manifesting a vision, intense focus is necessary to create the vision in threedimensional form. Focus enables us to continue to take the necessary steps in present time to create what we have in mind. Perseverance and patience, most times, accompany focus in our efforts to create. Remaining focused during challenging and stressful times is an important element for each of us to learn. Sleeping Souls tend to have a difficult time focusing, due to the stress, worry and doubt that plagues their lives. Many have “pockets of focus,” which vary based on their mood. They have difficulty sustaining focus over the long-term, disempowering them to achieve their goals. Many get frustrated and quit. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn rather quickly, the importance of focus. Their lives are becoming much more about living in present time, not dwelling on past memories or

future illusions. As a result, their focus is in a constant state of present creation. Many tend to create visions of the future, while being fully aware of the present-day focus necessary to create these visions into reality. Awakened tend to be 21st Century Alchemists. Historically speaking, alchemists could turn iron into gold; whereas a 21st Century Alchemist can turn a thought and vision into anything they desire. Many are familiar with the Law of Attraction, which requires one to be energetically vibrating at an extremely high frequency, while maintaining a high sense of focus on creation. Many concentrate all of their focus upon the work at hand, while refusing to have their focus dissipate when life isn’t going their way. And, they tend to be empowered through being intensely focused in present-time, successfully manifesting their visions, while being in a natural state of profound contemplation‌

My focus empowers me to manifest my vision into reality.

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ESSENCE: I think before I act.


“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts... Speak or act with an impure mind, and trouble will follow you... Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you." ~ DHAMMAPADA


ontemplation is the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long-time—deep reflective thought. We are what we think; We are what we eat; and We are who we believe we are. Hence why, contemplation regarding our mind, body, and spirit is so crucial. Contemplation enables us to attain greater levels of understanding before we act. Many of our regrets stem from acting first, thinking second. Often times, we find it difficult to correct our past actions: apologizing for words spoken, but not meant; spending time in our own personal prison pondering how we could have conducted ourselves differently; regretting boozing it up with our buddies and receiving a DUI. Contemplation is an intangible muscle, like forgiveness and fortitude, whereby the more we use it, the stronger it becomes.

Sleeping Souls tend to be out of balance. When they are not centered, they tend to make poor choices that do not serve them well; contemplation is often a missing component. Many Sleeping Souls know what they are doing is not serving them, yet, continue to do it anyway. Perhaps they are faced with the fear of not fitting in. Perhaps they lack the bravery to stand on their own two feet. Many Sleeping Souls would benefit by facing their fears, acquiring bravery through experience, and contemplating decisions, thereby positively influencing their actions. Many Sleeping Souls want to make better choices. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to contemplate through connecting with Nature. When their minds are cluttered, going for a walk in the woods tends to clear out the cobwebs. Many begin to learn about the powerful energies that reside in Nature. Many Seekers tend to carry a special stone to help continually ground them. Many will hold this stone in their hand when contemplating a decision, as they realize it will help to quiet the internal dialogue. Awakened tend to access their inner knowing through contemplation in order to find the knowledge they are seeking. Awakened tend to not be in a hurry, thereby taking the time to contemplate matters. They are aligned in the Divine flow, allowing Divine timing to run its course, contemplating their decisions to remain on track. In the contemplation process, many have learned to observe everything through a lens of acceptance...

I contemplate my thoughts before I act to make the right decisions for my life.

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ESSENCE: I accept we are an aspect of a perfect Universe.


“Be curious, not judgmental.� ~ Walt Whitman


cceptance is avoiding moral judgments. We each have our own unique story, and respecting this uniqueness is a key to living life with nonjudgment. Anything or anyone that judges, separates, or controls is old paradigm. Being judgmental fuels racial discrimination, gender disparities, religious differences, and separatism. Traversing from being judgmental to non-judgmental begins with acceptance. Acceptance that, according to neuroscience, we are 99.99% the same as our human differences represent one-hundredth of one percent. Acceptance that we are connected with Nature, including the birds, mountains, oceans, and streams. Acceptance that we are an aspect of the Universe, and therefore, an aspect of the infinite. Acceptance of our differences; acceptance of our similarities. Sleeping Souls tend to be judgmental. They view the world through a lens of extremely low awareness and an extremely narrow perspective. They tend to spend their time convincing others why they are right, while judging

people and circumstances through their finite conscious minds. Sleeping Souls tend to fear others that look differently, speak differently, and dress differently. Their judgment tends to hold them in fear of others, missing out on the opportunity of exploring aspects of the Universe they’ve yet to discover. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn to accept themselves, as they ascend out of their internal dramas. They no longer judge the Sleeping Souls as they did when they, too, were Sleeping Souls. They generally adopt a new level of character and self-sufficiency, and could care less when Sleeping Souls judge them. Seekers generally learn to handle life with ease, taking responsibility for themselves. Awakened accept themselves with love and compassion. They respect each person’s unique story, and don’t waste energy trying to convince others of their story. They tend to view diversity as a strength, and equality as simply a way of life. They tend to be excellent observers of situations and people; though, refuse to attach to any associated judgmental energy. They simply observe to learn and contemplate. They realize that the energy associated with judging carries a low vibrational energy; whereas, acceptance carries a high vibrational energy. They naturally gravitate to the high vibration. They tend to realize that in order to access the Divine flow of life, acceptance is a requirement, along with willingness...

I accept myself, as we are all aspects of a perfect Universe.

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ESSENCE: I willingly accept abundance, absent of any resistance.


“Don’t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright.� ~ Bob Marley


illingness is, in a spiritual context, the practice of remaining open to, and accepting, all opportunities that serve our highest good. Non-resistance is free of judging, free of fixating on preconceived outcomes, and free of imposing our personal wills. Non-resistance enables us to remain open beyond our current realm of conscious thinking. It means remaining open to the infinite, having faith and trust in our higher Selves to determine the best path to travel. Non-resistance means truly listening to others and observing our surroundings, as the spirit realm speaks to us through different people and through different situations that arise. Sleeping Souls tend to live with a high degree of resistance. They tend to fixate on how they want something to be, and then exert their personal wills to contort the situation to their liking. Many experience that big expectations lead to big disappointments. Sleeping

Souls generally become burned out, trying so hard to execute what they have in mind. Control, manipulation, and coercion are part of their arsenal for getting things done. Many are highly competitive, and will simply outwork, outmaneuver, outrank others in order to win at any cost. Many Sleeping Souls are sleep deprived, as their racing minds keep them up at night. Many want off of the hamster wheel. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to traverse from doing to allowing, replacing personal will with Divine will. As their edginess from living in the old paradigm softens, their need to make things look a certain way dissipates. Their listening skills tend to improve considerably. They begin to view situations from multiple perspectives, discovering ways whereby numerous outcomes can occur. Even so, they remain open to other possible outcomes, releasing resistance and choosing to listen to their hearts instead. Awakened tend to have total trust, faith, and belief that as long as they live with willingness, allowing Divine will to determine the outcome, then their aspect of the Universal plan will naturally take care of itself. They realize that willingness comes from the heart, whereas resistance comes from the mind. They tend to establish their vision, align their energies, and allow the situation to naturally unfold. They remain open to change when new facts are presented in truth. By living in nonresistance, they effectively align with the high energetic vibrations of abundance, including money...

I willingly accept abundance, absent of any resistance.

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ESSENCE: Money is energy.


“It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt.” ~ Joel Osteen


oney energy has a wide bandwidth. Money is a medium of exchange. Though, what most people don’t realize is that money is energy. Building a positive, high energetic vibration and healthy relationship with money, will naturally attract more money into our lives. Period. Abundance, Prosperity, In the Flow High Energetic Vibration

Healthy Relationship

Average Energetic Vibration

Average Relationship

Poor Low Energetic Relationship Vibration Scarcity, Lack, Fear, Not In the Flow

Sleeping Souls tend to have a poor relationship with money. For many, their minds are fixated on scarcity, constantly worrying about whether they will have enough. Because like attracts like, they get exactly what

they don’t want. Many are extremely financially successful, but live in fear that they will lose it or someone will take it. Others believe that it’s bad to be rich. Some are consistent under-earners due to low self-worth, viewing life as a struggle. Some have a tough time remaining focused, jumping from one opportunity to the next, never realizing their full moneymaking capacities. The reality is simply that very few Sleeping Souls have a positive, high energetic vibration and healthy relationship with money. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to discover for the first time that money is energy. Because a significant part of their journey is about discovering the energetic vibrations of the mind, body, and spirit, their ability to align with the high vibration of money becomes rather natural. Awakened tend to understand the utmost importance of building and maintaining a healthy relationship with money. They also tend to understand the importance of identifying their true heart’s desires and emitting clear, high energetic vibrational frequencies to the Universe. They realize that a materialistic/greedy mindset has a low energetic vibration, whereas a simplicity/life’s purpose mindset has a high energetic vibration. If thoughts of scarcity, lack, or fear regarding money come to mind, they tend to quickly take corrective action to feel good, eliminating any negative thoughts from their existence. And, many become financially successful, positioning themselves to help others who are less fortunate, demonstrating their high degree of compassion...

Money is energy. Money is God in action. I am in the Divine flow.

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ESSENCE: I give to give, not give to get.


“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.� ~ Dalai Lama


ompassion is the sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. If our hearts are closed, compassion cannot expand. As we love and care for one another, our compassion increases. The more open our hearts become, the more we feel concern and love for others. Compassion is not limited to other people, as it includes our selves. We need to nurture ourselves. Do we get enough sound sleep? Do we eat well? Do we exercise? Do we meditate? Do we listen to our bodies? Do we allow ourselves to feel emotions welling up inside of us? Do we allow ourselves to be authentic? Nurturing ourselves enables us to help nurture others. Sleeping Souls tend to have a more self-centered nature, than a compassionate one. Many that do nurture themselves tend to focus primarily on the physical aspects of their outer looks, while not spending too much time within, connecting with their hearts, thereby becoming more compassionate. Some Sleeping Souls are

philanthropists that own major companies that are decimating the Earth and her people. Generally, their compassionate gestures, donating large sums of money, are not authentic; many are simply feeding their egos or positioning themselves and their companies in the public’s eye. Many Sleeping Souls are truly compassionate people who find themselves in desperate situations, thus justifying to themselves the reasons why they can only focus their attention on their immediate families. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to transition to heart-centered lives. As their hearts open they become more compassionate, feeling the elation of helping and caring for others. They tend to learn that compassion is not so much about giving from the wallet, but about giving from the heart. Volunteering, listening, supporting, encouraging, loving, and coaching are all non-monetary gestures of compassion. Awakened tend to give from their hearts and their wallets. They’ve learned the importance of giving without expecting anything in return. They give to give, not give to get. Their humbleness ensures them freedom from thinking only of themselves. And, through their wisdom, they tend to understand the Universal law of giving and receiving...

I live my life with compassion for others.

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ESSENCE: The best time to give is during the time of greatest need.


“Love the giver more than the gift.� ~ Brigham Young


ive & Receive is a part of the Universal law that everything naturally moves in balance. In the highest sense, to give is to freely offer something valuable, whether tangible or intangible, to another. To receive is to accept what is being given, whether tangible or intangible, with gratitude and humility. Ironically, based on the Universal law of balance, the best time to give is during the greatest time of need. In our infinite Universe, everything is connected and everything is balanced. If we are in a desperate situation, then giving to others will send the pure energetic vibrations into the Universe, and through balance, the Universe will respond with pure energetic vibrations of receiving. Therefore, resources, financial and otherwise, will automatically start showing up in our lives. Sleeping Souls tend to have a take & get mentality. Their days tend to be focused on getting what they want. Some are very successful at taking and getting, though, fail to realize that their out of balance karma will eventually catch up to them. Which is why many

millionaires lose it all. Some Sleeping Souls become miserly because of their fear of not being able to sustain the cash flow needed to maintain their lives. Since their focus is self-centered, the thought of giving to others in not commonplace. Some Sleeping Souls continually struggle with getting, so the thought of giving is nonexistent. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to learn that both giving and receiving have energetic vibrations, and like money energy, building a healthy relationship with them is fruitful. They tend to learn that the Universe will provide ample abundance for those with a giving nature. Awakened tend to fully understand the Universal law of giving and receiving. They realize that the more they give, the more they receive; and they choose to do both in abundance. In other words, they give to give, not give to get while knowing that despite expecting nothing in return, the Universe will automatically send them offerings in response. Awakened tend to be open to receiving without resistance, while getting true fulfillment by giving to others. And, with their eXpansive awareness and broadened perspective, they view the world we live in through a lens of equality...

I am fulfilled by giving to others.

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ESSENCE: We are One.


“The defect of equality is that we desire it only with our superiors.” ~ Henry Becque


quality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. In the spiritual sense, equality is the idea that we are One, aspects of the Divine, experiencing life at various levels of awareness, and nobody is superior or inferior to another. Equality erases separateness and fosters inclusiveness. And, with inclusiveness, comes acceptance. A true sense of equality has plagued this world since the beginning of humankind. The word humankind refers to human beings considered collectively, but is really an oxymoron. Since inception, humans have not been kind to one another. A more fitting word to collectively describe humans is human-inequality. In civilization after civilization, wars and separateness have destroyed people’s lives. One would think that by the 21st century, we would have figured out how to live in peace and harmony with each other and ourselves. The reality is that we do, in fact, know what it takes to live in peace and harmony. And, the solution is rather simple—depart from the old paradigm of

20th century living, and traverse to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. A foundational aspect of the new paradigm is belief in equality. This exit strategy requires bravery, perseverance, and fortitude. Sleeping Souls tend to feed the inequality that exists in the world. Many live judgmental lives based on separateness, prejudice, and superiority. Most fail to see the connection that we are all made of the same atoms, and our differences represent one-hundredth of one percent of our being. Many are tired of living their better than, less than lifestyles. Some begin to seek. Seekers tend to begin seeing images of themselves in other people, due to increased levels of awareness. They begin to eliminate the I, while instigating the we, deepening their understanding of equality. They tend to recognize that all things are connected, and through connectedness, a sense of equality emerges. They tend to learn that Nature is not here to serve us. Rather, we are an aspect of Nature. Awakened simply view everyone and everything as equals. Their view of the world is from outer space where there are no divisions, boundaries, or limitations. They view the world as One global community. They realize that all parents want the best for their children. They realize we are all children of God. They want the best for everybody. And, their desire is for the world to become one community, in which the word itself truly encompasses unity...

I view everyone and everything as equals.

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ESSENCE: Unity bonds our collective strength.


“In union there is strength.” ~ Aesop


nity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Unity begins with one’s Self and requires centeredness and balance. Unity begins with feeling at home with one’s Self and evolves into feeling harmoniously with all life. When the people of this world become centered and balanced, the likelihood of One global community emerges. Sleeping Souls tend not to be centered and balanced, often living in their minds, influenced by fear and illusions of separateness. Their collective imbalance has the global community imbalanced. Sleeping Souls represent the greatest part of the problem, yet, they also represent the greatest part of the solution. Those who are Awakened desire a massive number of Sleeping Souls to begin to seek. Seekers tend to discover the wholeness of life. As they traverse to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living, they are awakening to their potential. They tend to experience discomfort as they shed away aspects of their old selves, similar to a caterpillar. They understand that at the end of

a caterpillar’s life, it believes life is over; yet, after enduring a period of uncertainty, the caterpillar morphs into a beautiful butterfly. Seekers tend to apply this analogy to their own journey toward becoming Awakened. Awakened tend to realize that an expansion of awareness, traversing from the old paradigm to the new paradigm, needs to occur in order for unity to progress; and, that it does not require 51% of the world’s population to establish this shift. Rather, the actual number is closer to a mere 10%! Arlene Rose Curley explains in her book, Completing the Seven, what is known as the Hundredth Monkey Effect: “Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain conscious property of these people. But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes into a new awareness, the field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!...When enough people have gone through their personal version of the shift to the new consciousness, then a critical mass will form, and suddenly everyone will become aware of the New Reality and its heart-centered values. That is the day when heart-centered values will become the focus of everyday thinking for the vast majority of people. That is the day when humanity will begin to look back on what has changed and realize that a massive shift has occurred.” Awakened know this will be so, and know the world will be full of love...

I am an aspect of the cohesion that bonds our unified community.

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ESSENCE: Love is the ultimate essence of life.


“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.� ~ Sam Keen


ove is an intense feeling of deep affection. Love is being connected. Love is being balanced. Love is being heart-centered. Love is Self-love. Love is forgiving. Love is being authentic. Love is being compassionate. Love is being truthful. Love is being trustworthy. Love is faith in aliveness. Love is having belief. Love is being patient. Love is being grateful. Love is being humble. Love is being collaborative. Love is living in the present. Love is contemplation. Love is being nonjudgmental. Love is being non-resistant. Love is having compassion. Love is giving. Love is receiving. Love is equality. Love is unity. Love is so much more, because love is infinite. Sleeping Souls tend to struggle with love. Many live in their minds with closed hearts. Their fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity, tend to pose major barriers to the opening of their hearts. Many think they understand love, yet, they have not felt true love in their hearts. Many desire to love and be loved. As the world

continues to traverse to the new paradigm, many will begin to seek. Seekers tend to be transitioning to a heart-centered life. As their hearts open, room for love, joy, and happiness expands. They tend to become grateful for the blessing of living life, and enjoy spreading their love to others. Awakened tend to realize that all space is sacred space; everyone and everything deserves to be loved and respected. They realize that our children are our tomorrows and have the right to live in harmony and with affection for a healthy Mother Earth. Awakened tend to view adults as teachers, endowed with the mission of teaching regenerative living to our children, being role models for them and the next seven generations. Through observing the behavior of adults, our children learn to love and respect themselves, each other, and Mother Earth!

I send thoughts of love, and love returns in overflowing measure.

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ESSENCE: Society’s collective decisions will determine our future. Do I choose to be part the new society of eXpansive Living?


“There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.” ~ Ronald Reagan


ecision time is now, in this present moment. We’ve captured the ESSENCE of forty-four wonderful aspects of the new paradigm, and our decision to change is with us. Our collective decisions will determine the destiny of future generations. As the Y-graphic (on page 292) depicts, 2013-2014 represents a fork in the road. Many countries around the world have experienced various degrees of growth, prosperity, and abundance since the 1940s, including the United States. The karma of overspending, overindulging, corruption, greed, power, and control finally caught up to us, leading to a global recession in 2008. Now in 2014, we are at this fork, and everyone of us will make a decision to either remain stuck on the constrictive path, or (ad)venture down the eXpansive pathTM. Sleeping Souls who remain unaware of the world crisis we are in, will tend to continue plodding along the constrictive path that is leading them to an outcome of our

civilization dies. Others will have the bravery to change and will seek the eXpansive path, leading them to an outcome of our civilization thrives. Seekers have already consciously decided to take the eXpansive path . The y are in t he pro cess of reprogramming their belief systems to positivity and accuracy, transitioning their lives toward eXpansive Living. Awakened are examples of eXpansive Living, encouraging others to thrive. They support those who are seeking, while continuing to seek themselves. They know the Universe is infinite, therefore, learning is infinite too.

I make the right decisions to create peace and harmony in my new life.

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Decision Time: The following three sections compare and contrast the old paradigm of 20th century living (Noise) with the new paradigm of 21st Century Living (Music), integrating the forty-four (44) aspects into each description. Capturing the ESSENCE of each paradigm may help guide you in your decision-making process...

Old Paradigm 20th Century Living

New Paradigm 21st Century Living

Extremely Low Awareness, Extremely Narrow Perspective

Extremely High Awareness, Extremely Broad Perspective

Finite Belief System

Infinite Belief System

We are Separate Mindset

We are One Mindset

Limited Understanding of the Balanced Universe

Expansive Understanding of the Balanced Universe

Self-Centered, Constrictive Living

Heart-Centered, Regenerative, eXpansive Living

Learning for the Test

Life-Long Learning

Wisdom Accumulates with Age

Wisdom is Acquired through Learning from Experiences

Living without Purpose

Living with Purpose

Unwillingness to Change

Embrace Change

Mind-Centered Lives

Heart-Centered Lives

Low Self-Love

Infinite Self-Love

Forgiveness is a Weakness

Forgiveness is a Strength

God is Out There

God Resides within Each and Everyone of Us

Dishonesty is Tolerated

Honesty Prevails

People Act a Certain Way to Conform

People are Their Authentic Selves

People Lie Out of Fear

Truth is Protection

Old Paradigm 20th Century Living

New Paradigm 21st Century Living

Trust Must be Earned

Trust is Inherent

Hopelessness Dominates

Hope is Everywhere

Low Faith in One’s Self

High Faith in One’s Self

Low Belief in God

High Belief in God

Personal Will Attempts to Force the Desired Outcome

Divine Will Allows the Desired Outcome

Highly Impatient World

Highly Patient World

People Live In Fear with Low Courage

People Confront Their Fears with Bravery

People are Determined to Conquer via Their Minds

People are Inspired to Action via Their Hearts

People Avoid Discomfort

People Journey-On with Fortitude

People have a low Sense of Gratefulness

People are Highly Grateful, Counting Their Blessings Daily People Remain Humble when Successful

Success Breeds Arrogance People Embrace Materialism

People Embrace Simplicity

Competition Dominates

Collaboration Prevails

Low Understanding of How Our Thoughts Create Our Lives

High Understanding of How Our Thoughts Create Our Lives

Old Paradigm 20th Century Living

New Paradigm 21st Century Living

High % of People are Obese. Bodies are NOT our Temples.

Low % of People are Obese. Bodies ARE our Temples.

Low Awareness of Spirit Energy

High Awareness of Spirit Energy

Live in Past and/or Future Time

Live in Present Time

Limited Vision

Unlimited Vision

Low Contemplation and Poor Decisions due to Fast-Paced World

High Contemplation and Diligent Decisions due to Slower-Paced World

Fixation on Preconceived Outcomes, Imposing Personal Will to Force Desired Outcome

Free of fixation on Preconceived Outcomes, Allowing Divine Will to Determine Outcome

Low Acceptance, High Discrimination

High Acceptance, Low Discrimination

Money is Finite and Scarce

Money is Energy and Abundantly Available

Low Sense of Compassion for Others

High Sense of Compassion for Others

Take & Get Mentality

Give & Receive Mentality



Low Sense of Comm-Unity

High Sense of Comm-Unity

Old Paradigm 20th Century Living

New Paradigm 21st Century Living

Mind-Centered Lives Create too Little Love in the World

Heart-Centered Lives Create a lot of Love in the World

Fear of the Future Hinders Change

Faith in the Future Fosters Change

Constrictive Awareness

eXpansive Awareness

Remain on the constrictive path

Traverse down the eXpansive path

Constrictive Living

eXpansive Living


ESSENCE: Old paradigm is noise.


“Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your Soul.” ~ Marilyn Monroe


oise is sound that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. Noise is the old paradigm of 20th century living. Old paradigm thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and actions have coalesced to form the world we live in today. Old paradigm is based on mindcentered dramas, living our lives by default. The mass of the world’s population is trapped in the old paradigm of 20th century living. Their awareness is extremely low, their perspective is extremely narrow, and many of them have yet to ascend (depicted as Point A on the Awareness graphic, page 8). For many people, their lives are filled with fear, doubt, worries, drama, insecurity, and a host of other negative emotions. Many keep going in circles. The beliefs, behaviors, and actions of yesterday, no longer serve us today. Unless we traverse to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living, we will continue down the constrictive path, which is the path that depicts the

ultimate outcome of our civilization dies, should we remain stuck in our current ways of living. The old paradigm is built on a foundation that our lives and our abilities are finite. This belief system doesn’t acknowledge the interconnectedness of the infinite Universe. Rather, it views humans as separate from all other aspects of the Universe, including Mother Earth. Somewhere along the way, we disconnected ourselves from Nature, arriving at a misguided place where our extremely low awareness and our extremely narrow perspective lead us to believe that Nature and planet Earth are here to serve us. The Universal law of balance is not acknowledged by the old paradigm. We are taught to understand the basic elements of balance—male/female, up/down, in/out, good/bad—though, tend to not consider the Earth and our place in the Universe as an integrated whole system when it comes to overall balance. The old paradigm is not focused on living in balance with Nature, nor Mother Earth. Most companies profit at the expense of the environment, thriving in a society whose mindset promotes the endless consumption of finite resources (oil, gas, coal, clean water). There is very little consideration for the next seven generations in the old paradigm. This differs from regenerative living, which is about experiencing joy, love, and happiness in present time, while preserving the Earth for future generations to enjoy. Our extremely low awareness has us caught up in our self-centered lives.

The educational system, particularly in the U.S., is not designed to foster critical thinking and life-long learning. Rather, it focuses on our children’s ability to regurgitate information and test well. Regulations, standards, and benchmarks are fueling the (substandard) learning outcomes in the old paradigm. The old paradigm doesn’t focus on personal evolution, because if it did, then we would understand the importance of acquiring wisdom. The old paradigm focuses on wisdom in elders due to their age, though, overlooks how younger people can acquire wisdom, too. Many of us tend to describe ourselves as being stuck in a continuous vortex of drama, as the same things keep happening, over and over again. We are failing to realize that the reason this is occurring is because we are not capturing the ESSENCE of the learning, thereby acquiring wisdom and freeing ourselves from the vortex of drama. The old paradigm holds us captive in a state of extremely low awareness, avoiding discomfort whenever possible. When we continually avoid discomfort, we live our lives in denial. Living in denial is not an authentic life. Rather, it’s more like a fairyland in hell, because to the outside world we have successfully created an illusion that our lives are perfect, while all along, our Souls are in turmoil, living in hell. The old paradigm is focused on getting ahead through hard work, determination, and achievement. Winning at any cost is glorified, as long you win.

Collaboration is low, and thoughts of working for a purpose are virtually non-existent. Many become captivated with the illusion of success, which at its core, is about gaining prestige, power, control, and money. The old paradigm emphasizes consumerism to drive corporate profits, and most corporations (especially in the U.S.) have a short-term outlook, with very little concern for the damage they are doing to the environment. Fancy cars, cool clothes, big houses, expensive jewelry, and more and more stuff are what define success in the old paradigm. Sink or swim; May the best man win; An eye for an eye; No pain, no gain; Sex sells; More is better; Bigger is better; People don’t remember who comes in second place; and Nice guys finish last are all catchy old paradigm beliefs that have been drilled into our subconscious minds—all of which keep us separate and self-centered. The old paradigm has people stuck in fear, doubt, worries, drama, insecurity, scarcity, and hopelessness. And, because people are frozen, not much will change until they thaw out. We are stuck in our ways, highly resistant to change, because it will place into question who we believe we are. We live in fear, mainly fear of our infinite abilities. The old paradigm does not teach us about living heart-centered lives, as fear is keeping our hearts closed. Many of us fear rejection if we dare to truly love another. And, we watch television shows that emphasize deceit, destruction, death, war, and agony, which many of us tune into to help make us feel better about ourselves. The old

paradigm does not instill compassion. We thrive on being victims, because then it is somebody else’s fault. The old paradigm does not emphasize personal integrity, ownership, or accountability. We tend to be rather weak in the area of forgiveness, which has the potential to be one of our greatest strengths. Many of us remain stuck in our stories, clutching onto negative thoughts and emotions, gossiping about others, and justifying why we are victims. We use our minds, not our hearts, to figure out our needs and wants. As a result, our love for each other can be rather empty, and is often a manipulation to get love or attention in an attempt to fill a deeper missing connection with our selves. Self-love is considered narcissistic. The old paradigm teaches us that the way to connect with God is through the church, or other Houses of Worship. Many religions are based on control, fear, guilt, and shame. The old paradigm teaches us to ask God for forgiveness because we are all born sinners. The old paradigm impresses upon us to act a certain way to conform with the expectations of society. As a result, we spend our time pretending to be somebody we are not, in an effort to placate others. Many would prefer to control us, rather than encourage us to embrace our authentic selves. The old paradigm teaches us that white lies are acceptable and, at times, even promotes lying as a means to an end. Our lack of honesty disables us from being true to others and to our authentic selves. We succumb to peer

and societal pressures to act and look a certain way. We ignore our truth, which our hearts naturally carry, thus setting a trap for ourselves. We lose sight of the original target when the joy of our heart’s truth is not present, making us fall short of the goal every time. We believe that trust is something that must be earned. In other words, our natural tendency is not to trust—we should only trust ourselves. Trust in corporate and government leaders is at an all-time low. Trust is a prerequisite to hope. Many of us have a great sense of hopelessness, as we can’t see the pathway leading us out of the quagmire. Until trust in ourselves, others, and Divine will are restored, the sense of hopelessness will continue, and we will remain trapped in the old paradigm. The old paradigm teaches us to have little faith in the intangible aspects of ourselves. Many of us are living in fear, which is the opposite of living in faith. We will never reach our full potential without having faith and belief in ourselves. In our current global recession, many of us are stuck in mind traps of scarcity, lack, and fear. These thoughts and emotions would not be holding us captive if we truly believed in ourselves, and were able to tap into our infinite power source from within. The old paradigm does not encourage us to become our best through leveraging our minds, bodies, and spirits. There is low-to-no awareness of mind/body/spirit energies in the old paradigm. We are not encouraged to discover our true selves. Without a strong sense of self,

many find themselves influenced by others, living a life of conformity. The old paradigm teaches us to think our way through challenges, and not feel our way through them. The idea of following our intuition is discouraged. We are taught that the way to get ahead is through imposing our personal wills to get things done. Through our forceful actions, we earn the right to be positively labeled by society as achievers, go-getters, and leaders—validating and supporting our aggressive actions. The rapid advancements of technology have made connectivity and communication faster and faster. The old paradigm encourages speed, effectively creating a rather impatient world. Our mindsets are fixated on immediate gratification. We don’t give consideration to long-term outcomes. Rather, we fill our days seeking what we want now. The old paradigm believes that faster is better, thus having us run a fast as we can, only to fall farther behind. We find ourselves on a hamster wheel, running in circles; and we’re not jumping off because we’re scared. We use our bravery in destructive ways, including being callous, vindictive, and cunning. The old paradigm teaches us manipulation, coercion, scandal, lying, low character, and other detrimental flaws. It views problems as negative, adding more burdens to our lives. And, we are not connected to our life’s purpose, as most of us don’t even know what it is. Therefore, we are not clear on our

intent. Many of us believe that simply living is our intent, yet our lives are lacking meaning, leaving us unfulfilled. We are also not taught to acknowledge daily gratitude, as it’s only reserved for special occasions. Even more so, the old paradigm breeds arrogance when we become successful. We glorify victory and fame, holding up athletes and celebrities as if they were gods. Our egos are in our minds, and not in our hearts. Many of us are in need of beneficial bravery, purpose, and gratitude to break free from the shackles of limitation. The old paradigm has us feeding right into the corporate marketing tactics that exploit the 7 deadly sins —wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony— because that is what many of us crave. Violent movies, sexy advertisements, luxury cars, extravagant jewelry, designer handbags, and a host of other products, all feed into the materialistic, self-indulgent wants of our society. We believe that our success is driven by determination, fueled by our egos in our minds. Our never quit attitude certainly helps us to achieve. However, what many of us fail to realize is that no matter how successful we become, unless we tap into our innerknowing and innate energies, we will never fully maximize our potential. The old paradigm encourages us to live superficial lives based on conformity. Separateness, discrimination, and materialism are alive and well in the old paradigm. Competition is high, and collaboration is low. The old paradigm emphasizes Every man for him self. As a result,

the United States, for example, is anything but united. On a global level, there are wars constantly being fought, strained relations within and across borders, and stressedout countries. As a result, our subconscious mindsets are negative and/or cluttered with limiting beliefs, which is often due to simply being born and raised in the old paradigm. We do not have a strong conscious awareness of our body energies, beyond physical activity. We do not explore the deeper senses of body energies, ignoring our gut instincts and intuitive impulses. Often times, we regret our actions in hindsight, wishing we had followed our intuition. Yet, when the opportunity arises again, we repeat the same pattern. The old paradigm has us living in the past or future, but rarely in the present. The old paradigm pollutes our minds with negative thoughts, mainly from mainstream television, keeping us distracted from living in the present. For many of us, our minds tend to race between the past—dwelling on painful memories or romanticizing what was—and the future—fearing what might happen or romanticizing what might be. If we were truly living in the present, we would quickly realize that the way in which we are destroying the Earth couldn’t continue. With all of the stress in our lives, we are out of balance. When we are not centered, we make poor choices that do not serve us well, as contemplation is often a missing component. The old paradigm does not teach us the importance of contemplation. Our society

operates at an incredibly fast pace, and the demands for high performance are great, as people can be quickly replaced. There’s no time for thinking; therefore, we continue to make poor choices for others, the Earth, and ourselves. The old paradigm teaches us to be judgmental, creating separation. We view the world through a lens of extremely low awareness and an extremely narrow perspective. Many of us spend our time convincing others that we are right, judging people and circumstances through our finite conscious minds. Many of us fear others who look differently, speak differently, and dress differently. Separation divides people, families, friends, communities, cities, states, countries, and the world. Our fragmented existence disperses our power, making us collectively weak. And, this is exactly what those in power want, due to their ability to control us. The old paradigm teaches us inequality, rivalry, and prejudice—all of which separates, judges, and controls. Many of us have a poor relationship with money. We don’t realize that money is energy. Our minds are frozen in fear, constantly worrying about whether we will have enough. We never fully grasp the reality that like attracts like, so we end up attracting exactly what we don’t want. Many of us also have a more self-centered nature, than a compassionate one. Many of us that do nurture ourselves, focus on the physical aspects of our outer looks; not spending too much time within, connecting with our hearts, thereby becoming more compassionate.

Many of us have a take & get mentality, which is at the core of the old paradigm. Our days are focused on getting what we want. Some of us are very successful at taking and getting, though, fail to realize that our out of balance karma will eventually catch up to us, which is why many millionaires lose it all. Collectively, we are not centered and balanced. Our collective imbalance has the global community imbalanced. We acknowledge that our thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and actions represent the greatest part of the problem, yet, they also represent the greatest part of the solution if we are able to discover a new pathway to take. It’s sad to admit, but one of our greatest struggles is with love. Many of us live in our minds with closed hearts. Our fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity, pose major barriers to our hearts opening. The outcome of the old paradigm has led us to exactly where we are today. We are an unloving society, filled with anger, resentment, hatred, and jealousy. We don’t know how to forgive, and are rather arrogant in our success. We are not centered, and we are not balanced. Therefore, the world as a whole is imbalanced. Some of us remain unaware of our world crisis, plodding along the constrictive path that is leading us to a place where our civilization dies. Thank God, most of us are expanding our awareness and summoning the bravery to change; seeking the eXpansive path, which will lead us to a place where our civilization thrives.

NOTE If you want to be the change, and therefore, part of the solution, then embrace the bravery that is in your Soul, join with millions of others, and traverse to the new paradigm of eXpansive Living...

I no longer listen to noise.

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ESSENCE: New paradigm is music.


“We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.” ~ William Ewart Gladstone


usic is the art or science of combining vocal and/or instrumental sounds to produce harmony, beauty of form, and expression of emotion. Music is the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. New paradigm thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and actions are coalescing to form a beautiful New World. New paradigm is based on free will, empowering us to live our lives by design. A small percentage of the world’s population is freely enjoying the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. Our awareness is extremely expansive, our perspective is extremely broad, and we have traversed to a place of awakening our Souls (depicted as Point C on the Awareness graphic, page 8). We are living our lives filled with love, freedom, joy, abundance, and peace. We are traveling the eXpansive path that leads to the ultimate outcome of our civilization thrives.

We undoubtedly believe in the infinite, freeing ourselves from the shackles of limitation. We are able to see with unlimited vision, remaining open to all possibilities. We firmly believe that with vision, everything is possible and everything is solvable. We no longer fear dying in this chapter of our infinite life. And, since we don’t fear dying, we are able to live life without fear. We believe that everything is connected. We have successfully discarded the illusion of separateness, and we respect other humans and the Earth in the same way we desire to be respected. We deeply understand how and why our thoughts, ideas, behaviors, and actions control the outcome of our lives. We believe that humans are perfect, though our actions, decisions and behaviors are imperfect when the information in our subconscious minds is inaccurate. We’ve learned to question the accuracy of these limiting beliefs through deep introspection. We understand that our conscious mind is a gatekeeper—protecting the information in the subconscious mind without understanding its accuracy. As a result, we have learned to reprogram our subconscious minds with accurate information comprised of new beliefs. Through this transformation, we accept our imperfections, thus forgiving and accepting others and ourselves. We firmly know our global community is in need of regeneration. To regenerate is to bring about a renewed existence—spiritually, physically, psychologically, emotionally, and economically. We realize that if balance

and peace on Earth are to exist, then the world population needs to drop old habits and limitations, clear our minds of negativity, and cleanse the feelings that create separateness. We believe regenerative living involves continuous improvement; and continuous improvement is contingent upon continuous learning. We believe wisdom is acquired through learning, and learning is acquired through life experiences. And, we believe that our Souls experience one infinite life, comprised of an infinite number of chapters. Within each chapter, we gain wisdom. And, the wisdom gained along the way determines how awakened our Souls become. We believe that when we live our life’s purpose, our mission will be achieved, and we will ascend to a higher dimension in the next chapter of our life. We do not allow success to go to our heads, as we are simply following our purpose. We have successfully moved our egos out of our minds and into our hearts. We have gotten rid of any skepticism, thereby fully trusting our hearts to naturally guide us in the right direction. And, we understand that all of us are teachers for one another. We realize that every single human being makes mistakes and has regrets. The difference resides in whether we can forgive ourselves and others. We know that carrying feelings of guilt and shame eats away at our aliveness, drains energy from our cells, and holds us back from realizing our full potential.

We realize that a solid foundation for a relationship exists when two confident, independent people, who are both filled with Self-love, unite. We choose to be together because we each desire to be together; not because we need to be together. This is when relationships based on love and equality exists. We have a strong faith and belief in God, which enables us to stop trying to figure out why and how the world and our personal affairs work. We know that the future is always bright for those of us who trust who they are and their ability to create in the present. We fully believe we are limitless co-creators of the Universe. We remain true to ourselves. We make a commitment to live with honesty and integrity, no matter what the cost. We don’t placate others by telling them what they want to hear; nor, do we attempt to convince others that we are telling the truth. By living our lives with honesty, we have discovered an ability to stretch beyond our former capacity for living, while gaining a greater sense of innerpeace. We live our lives with integrity; and, are openhearted, friendly, and compassionate people. Our actions and behaviors are consistent from one social setting to the next, without concerns of acceptance by others, because we have already accepted ourselves. We simply live our truth, and have discovered our life’s purpose. We have discovered that the truth in life is to follow our passion, which is our higher Self guiding us to living a life of joy and creativity. We live with open-

hearts and open-minds, accepting and honoring abundance in all aspects of our lives. We fully trust ourselves, and view trustworthiness as one of our greatest qualities. We have an uncanny ability to quickly assess the trustworthiness of another, simply by connecting with that person’s energetic vibration, while utilizing our intuition. We have a zest for life, desiring to live life passionately and to the fullest. We have a high degree of hope, along with an affirming belief that high levels of global awareness are approaching a tipping point—and it’s simply a matter of time before the world begins to view itself through the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. We have unwavering faith. We know that being connected with our higher Self means being guided by our intuition. We focus our lives by being fueled by our creativity and passion, and take action only when inspired to do so. We have successfully stepped into the infinite, believing we are infinite co-creators of the Universe. We have masterfully let go of all past negativity, bringing forth the positive wisdom gained into our new paradigm life. We have experienced the ecstasy of rebirth, viewing the world with unlimited vision. We believe that if the world population simply moved their egos out of their minds and into their hearts, choosing to listen through deep, reflective meditation, trusting what they heard, and allowing Divine will to unfold their lives; we would instantly begin to shift into the new paradigm, bringing about peace and harmony throughout

the world. It is then, that our rhythm and internal timing will be in sync with Mother Earth’s heartbeat. We also realize that most of the world population is out of step with their body’s natural rhythm. In other words, their minds, hearts, and spirits are out of balance. A global realignment is necessary to move into a harmonious flow with Nature and the Universe. We are patient and tolerant people. Our openmindedness allows us to embrace the differences of others, and our non-judgmental demeanor enables us relate to others, regardless of where they are on their personal journeys. And, we are always on alert to call upon our inner-guidance and resources, having the willingness to take on the challenges of our present situations. We realize that our only barrier to advancement is our refusal to acknowledge the strength we possess within. We realize the benefit of continually addressing our challenges in the present, enabling us to become more self-confident in future situations. We persevere with grace and ease. This is due to being in alignment with our mind, body, and spirit, thus naturally attracting the resources required to manifest our true heart’s desires and fulfill our life’s purpose. We avoid establishing preconceived timetables for when things will happen. Rather, we persevere through inspired action, aligning with the Divine flow, allowing the events in our lives to occur according to Divine timing. We live with conviction, remaining clear, decisive, and focused. We realize that all of creation has a separate

intent and goal, whereby each person’s specific purpose feeds the whole. We realize life is challenging, and therefore, accept that fortitude is necessary to carrying out our vision and being successful. We count our blessings every day. Gratitude is at the core of our existence. As we go through our day, we acknowledge the gratefulness we are experiencing; being grateful for waking up in the morning; being grateful when we buy groceries; being grateful when we get to spend time with family and/or friends; and being grateful when we secure a new client. We are humble. Though, we haven’t always been this way. Rather, we’ve acquired wisdom by learning through life’s challenges. As a result, we came out of those times a different person. Through wisdom, we have learned gratefulness. Through gratefulness, we have learned humbleness. And, through humbleness, we have learned simplicity. We live simply, enjoying the freedom of our lives. We have discovered companionship through collaboration. We realize that no man is an island, because nobody on this Earth can survive in total isolation; meaning, that all of us are dependent on other people, and dependent on Nature. We have masterfully reprogrammed our subconscious minds. We realize the gateway to the infinite is through our subconscious minds. And, we know that becoming heart-centered is key to accessing our subconscious minds.

We feel the joy of having a physical body. Many of us are physically fit, honoring the body’s role and needs. We understand the correlation between having a strong body and a clear mind. We have a daily practice that includes physical exercise, nutritional eating, and spiritual meditation. And, we realize that a strong awareness of the body enables us to find the power place within, providing access to our spirit energies. We are deeply connected with our spirit energies. We realize that living through our hearts awakens our sleeping Souls. We understand the connection between our mind, body, and spirit, realizing the importance of balance in all aspects of our lives. We have successfully released negative emotions from our past, and don’t dwell too much on the future, because we have learned the importance of living in the present. In other words, we have released the past, embraced the future, and live present time. We are grateful for the blessing of simply being alive. We realize that our greatest focus, strength, and creativity occur in present time. And, we love our unlimited vision. We always have our eyes open, noticing the world around us—the ocean, the mountains, the life force in every living thing. We view everything and every person as our teachers. And, we access our inner knowing through contemplation in order to find the knowledge we are seeking. We are not in a hurry, thereby taking the time to contemplate matters. We are aligned in the Divine flow,

allowing Divine timing to run its course, contemplating our decisions to remain on track. We accept ourselves with love and compassion. We respect each person’s unique story, and don’t waste energy trying to convince others of our story. We view diversity as a strength, and equality as simply a way of life. We are excellent observers of situations and people; though, we refuse to attach ourselves to any associated judgmental energy. We simply observe to learn and contemplate. We understand the utmost importance of building and maintaining a healthy relationship with money. We also understand the importance of identifying our true heart’s desires and emitting clear, high energetic vibrational frequencies to the Universe. And, we give from our hearts and our wallets. Our humbleness ensures us freedom from thinking only of ourselves. And, through our wisdom, we understand the Universal law of giving and receiving. We realize that the more we give, the more we receive; and we choose to do both in abundance. In other words, we give to give, not give to get while knowing that despite expecting nothing in return, the Universe will reciprocate with abundance in response. We are fulfilled by giving to others. And, with our eXpansive awareness and broad perspective, we view the world through a lens of equality. We simply view people as equals. Our view of the world is from outer space. Our view from outer space is one where there are no divisions, boundaries, or limitations. We view the world as One global community.

We realize that all mothers and fathers want the best for their children. We realize we are all children of God. We want the best for everybody. And, our desire is for the world to become one comm-unity, in which the word itself encompasses unity. We realize that it does not require 51% of the world’s population to establish a shift in consciousness, traversing from the old paradigm to the new paradigm. Rather, scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York found that when 10% of the population holds an unshakable belief, the majority of the society will eventually adopt it. In other words, we are less than 10% away from global unity. We realize that all space is sacred space; everyone and everything deserves to be loved and respected. We realize that our children are our tomorrows, and they have the right to live in harmony and with affection for a healthy Mother Earth. We view adults as teachers, endowed with the mission of teaching regenerative living to our children, being role models for them and the next seven generations. Through observing the behavior of adults, our children learn to love and respect themselves, each other, and Mother Earth! We are examples of regenerative living, encouraging others to thrive. We support those who are seeking, while continuing to seek ourselves. We know the Universe is infinite, therefore, learning is infinite too! Is it time to take the eXpansive path? We believe so.

I now allow and accept infinite love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace in all aspects of my life, creating my life by design.

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Do you desire to experience the ESSENCE in a more deeper, and meaningful way? If you have already taken the ESSENCE Assessment (EA44), then you may want to consider taking it again at this time. This way, you can observe any shifts in your own self-perception that have occurred. If you haven’t taken it yet, it’s not too late. The ESSENCE Assessment (EA44) is a nonscientific, selfperception analysis based on your response to how you resonate with a particular aspect of the ESSENCE. There are forty-four (44) ESSENCE aspects. Therefore, there are 44 items contained in this self-assessment. Learn more here...

We appreciate the time you’ve invested in reading the ESSENCE. Our desire is that this experience has expanded your awareness and broadened your perspective in new and exciting ways, bringing more love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace into your life! With the quick links on page 307, you are able to rate this book, Tweet, and inform others about ESSENCE on Facebook. We’d also greatly appreciate if you’d leave a book review on Amazon to help other Sleeping Souls, Seekers, and Awakened decide if the ESSENCE is a good read for them. Will you please help us build awareness by taking action now? Many thanks, and have a wonderful journey. Ann and Bo

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ESSENCE: I am committed to my daily practice.

NOTE: The following pages centralize all of the Daily Affirmations so you can easily integrate and reference them in your daily practice. At first, you may feel uncomfortable stating many of the affirmations. This is simply an aspect of discomfort when changing. As these affirmations gently embed themselves into your subconscious mind, you will begin to consciously believe them, feeling a tremendous sense of empowerment, as well as, a validation that you are positively changing.

I view the world through an extremely broad perspective. I am an infinite being accepting from an infinite source. I am infinite. I am connected as One with all aspects of the Universe. With accurate information, I live harmoniously in balance. I live in harmony with Nature for I am Nature. I will continue to learn throughout my lifetime. I rely on my wisdom to make the proper choices in life. I am fulfilled by serving my life’s purpose. I am open to, and accept, all changes that support my life’s purpose. I live a heart-centered life, thereby making heart-centered decisions. I forgive myself and others, as we are all teachers for one another. I love myself infinitely. I am connected to God within me.

I live my life with honesty, no matter what the cost. I inspire others by being my authentic self. I live my truth, as it protects me. I trust myself and others. My high degree of hope is contagious. I have faith in my higher self to intuitively inspire me to action. I believe in my abilities and myself. I surrender my personal will to Divine will. I listen to the rhythm of my Soul. And, I trust God's pace. I live my life with bravery, without fear. I will continue to persevere on my journey until I manifest my true heart’s desires and fulfill my life’s purpose. I am strong and capable. And, I live my life with grace and ease.

I am at peace with myself, and am grateful in every area of my life. I am humble. I live a simple life with very little drama and no fear. I work in collaboration with others to help fuel our collective success. My mind is One with the mind of God. The stronger I make my body, the more energy I can hold. With God-like thoughts, I think a God-like world into being. I live fully in the present, and am open to all possibilities. With vision, everything is possible and everything is solvable. My focus empowers me to manifest my vision into reality. I contemplate my thoughts before I act to make the right decisions for my life. I accept myself, as we are all aspects of a perfect Universe.

I willingly accept abundance, absent of any resistance. Money is energy. Money is God in action. I am in the Divine flow. I live my life with compassion for others. I am fulfilled by giving to others. I view everyone and everything as equals. I am an aspect of the cohesion that bonds our unified community. I send thoughts of love, and love returns in overflowing measure. I make the right decisions to create peace and harmony in my new life. I no longer listen to noise. I now allow and accept infinite love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace in all aspects of my life, creating my life by design.

The ESSENCE CardsTM provide daily insights to help guide you through any present challenges that you are experiencing in life. There are forty-four (44) cards, each representing a different aspect outlined in the book. Each card resonates at a different energetic vibrational frequency. Your higher Self is attuned to these frequencies, and knows the ESSENCE of what you need to learn at any given time. Therefore, it is impossible for you to draw the wrong card. The aspect you draw may not initially be clear to you. Upon deep reflection, clarity will appear in your mind and heart. The cards are intended to be used daily, drawing one card per day to help guide you in meaningful ways. Contemplate the ESSENCE and Stimulating Questions of the card, as they are speaking to you. Repeat the Daily Affirmation at least three times throughout the day. Refer to the book, if need be, to gain a deeper understanding of the aspect’s Context.


Ann Emerson As I review my last 60 years, it looks like I’ve been a part of many cutting-edge movements. Perhaps it was my dyslexia that pointed the way to my non-traditional path of learning. I joined with those communities that were far from the mainstream. I was very dedicated to learn, and serve Life, so I was always embraced as a student. I was never awarded “traditional academic credentials,” as I had dropped out of high school at age seventeen to join the workforce. I married quite young, and soon found myself abandoned, with three small sons. My passion to learn had so much to do with saving my kids, and making a better world for them. I married again four years later and had two more children with my second husband. You could say I learned on the road from Grace and that passionate-drive. I could share many stories about hitting the wall, over time. Stories in which I felt totally blocked… and then a door would open before for me in the most unexpected way. As soon as I saw that door, I opened it as quickly as possible; often with fear, pain and struggle. Thirty-eight years ago I was ordained as an Interfaith Minister at The New Seminary in New York, NY. I have

been a director of five Interfaith study centers. I am now the director of The Sanctuary of Sophia (a.k.a. The Sanctuary of the Divine Feminine), located in Lake Mary, Florida, USA). I am about to turn 80, which reveals that there are many organizations, communities and people to acknowledge for helping me create a beautiful life, as well as this beautiful book. I couldn’t possibly list them all here… Some of the most important information learned during those early movements came from; The Human Potential Movement; The Rebirthing Community; The Women’s Movement Community; The Civil Rights Movement and Community; The Shalom Mountain Community; the Christian Charismatic Community; Kripalu Yoga Center Community; Omega Community; Network Program Community in NYS Prisons; Mary El Community; Ken Wilber’s Community; The Shift Movement and community, and most recently Gloria Amendola’s Community; Yuen Energetics Community; Matrix Energetics C ommunity ; Tony Robbins Community; Quantum Touch Community; and now, The Regenerating America Community and the Access Consciousness Community. Seven years ago I created,, a 900-page website devoted to 21st century spiritual paths, and the interconnections of those paths toward achieving enlightenment. The major contributors to that community

of many were Peter van Geldern, Joseph Newmayer, Eric Wenzel, Andrew DiFiore Jr., and Ann Marie Sawicki. Today, we continue to receive 1,000-1,500 monthly-hits globally! I have seen the evolution of so many great ideas that were considered bazaar when they began and are now life-enriching. As the Dalai Lama says “If your a good Christian your a good Buddhist”. We are also living in a time of dynamic change and The Shifts are happening more quickly then ever before in human history. I’ve worked with thousands of people as students and clients, and I’ve learned so much from each one. I thank them for their trust and dedication. The communities and cultures I’ve worked with all saw shortcomings in the American culture. They sought to enhance and shift life compassionately, creatively and with joy, all for the sake of healing the people and planet, by understanding the interconnection of Life. America is wonderful because new ideas are always available to those who seek to make the world better for all. ENJOY YOUR ESSENCE, Ann Emerson The Sanctuary of Sophia Lake Mary, Florida, USA November 2013


Bo Lockwood I was born in New Jersey, and moved to Pennsylvania at the age of five. We lived in the country part of the western Philadelphia suburbs, between two awesome neighborhoods. My childhood was wonderful. And, if you asked my two brothers, I suspect they would say the same. We grew up on skateboards, go-karts, mini-bikes, dirt bikes, fishing boats, trucks, and hot rods. Our dad taught us about engines, construction, electricity, plumbing, you name it; which is why today, all three of us can just about fix and build anything. Our mom was always there for us. I grew up with a group of hell-raising friends, collectively, known as the boys. We loved pulling pranks, we loved drinking beer, we loved four-wheeling, and we loved our girlfriends. We spent our summer days hanging out at the Jersey shore. Long story short, at the age of fourteen, I was hit hard by my brother’s ’67 Mustang, pinning me against a tree. And, no, he wasn’t behind the wheel; I managed to do it all on my own. I explicitly remember the car as it rolled down the hill toward me, and the panic I felt as I ran vigorously backward trying to get away from it. I recall

the tree that put an abrupt end to my retreat, and the fateful impact that painfully followed. As I was standing, pinned against the tree, I quickly resolved to squirm my way out, knowing my skin was going to rip in the process; and it did. I incurred major punctures on my left thigh and calf, and the multiple layers of skin on my right calf had torn off. As I sprawled on the ground, blood spewing everywhere, I felt no pain. Instead, I experienced an extreme sense of calmness, warmth and light. I was pondering my next move, even though I couldn’t move and nobody was home. I watched our neighbor, Mrs. King, ease on by in her green Pinto, oblivious to me lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Our other neighbor, a.k.a. our mom’s spy, happened to see the entire event as it transpired. She was crippled, physically incapable of coming to my aid. However, she called Kurt Yeager, our neighbor who happened to be an Eagle Scout; he was able to respond quickly and treat me until the ambulance arrived. To this day, I am grateful for their actions, because I would have otherwise bled to death. I’ve recently learned through an intuitive healer, that this experience has shaped my life, making me who I am today. I was having an out-of-body experience, which explains my sense of calm and light. She expressed that, through such a traumatic encounter, it blew open a part of my brain, raising my awareness to an entirely new level. She said that it literally changed the course of my life, leading me right to where I am today.

After high school, I went on to earn my B.S. in Finance from Penn State University. And, yes, I am a proud Penn Stater—refusing to allow the actions of one despicable man tarnish what were among the best years of my life. While there, I became a member of the rugby team, playing for seven seasons. We had excellent coaching, and were Division I, top 10 nationally ranked every season. I learned more on the pitch than in the classroom, building my character, bravery, perseverance, and fortitude to new heights. My teammates were from England, Scotland, Belgium, Ireland, New Zealand, and South Africa, to name a few. I learned about diversity, camaraderie, and the meaning of team. Even though we all looked differently, spoke differently, and viewed the world differently; as we stepped onto the pitch, we were One unified team. We were a tightly bonded group of blossoming men that had each other’s backs. I briefly met my future-wife, Lisa (Furlong), on a bus ride to Daytona Beach for spring break. Three of my high school buddies, Frank, Drew and Joe, joined my college buddies, George and Herman, and me. The six of us had an absolute blast. After graduation, Lisa and I crossed-paths again— which was an event that led to our marriage. Our marriage lasted for 12 years, during which the two most special people in my life were born—our daughters, Hannah and Olivia. Our engagement and marriage resulted in the three brightest days of my life—our wedding day and the birth of our girls. It also included

the darkest days of my life—especially those following our separation. Throughout our marriage, we encountered many stressful situations, including my open-heart surgery at the age of thirty. I was born with a defect in my aortic valve, and was supposed to undergo surgery before the age of five. Through a combination of denial, perseverance, and fortitude, I made it till I was thirty. After the surgery, I had a renewed zest for life. I believed that I was given a second chance in this chapter of my life, and also realized how sick I was before the surgery. I remember telling others that everyone should have a NDE (near death experience) around the age of 30, to gain a renewed appreciation for life. Lisa stood by me during that very challenging time—concurrently running our business, taking care of our one-year old daughter, and taking care of me. Overall, I am grateful for Lisa, as she has been one of my greatest teachers. My career path has been rather straightforward. After college, I pursued a career in investment banking before realizing it wasn’t for me. Then, with the help of Lisa, I started, built, and sold the largest event rental company in Philadelphia. I worked for a short stint with an exhibit company, helping to facilitate conventions throughout the U.S. and Europe. And, eventually went on to become a Partner with the Gallup Poll. While at Gallup, my marriage disintegrated. I hit rock bottom, burned out from the stress, stuff, and debt. I began to seek. One early morning in September 2008, I woke up with the vision of founding in my

mind ( I’m really not sure how it happened; it was just there—the vision, the name of the organization, the culture, the organizational structure, the products, the services, the clients, and the community— all in my mind. I could see the organization in operation. I could feel the engagement of the culture. I could hear people talking about being a part of the princetongreen community. It all became clear. I just knew this was something I was supposed to do. I resigned from Gallup in October 2008, officially founding in November 2008. I set out on this journey as the economy was collapsing. I’m a contrarian, therefore, I observe the market and do the opposite. Admittedly, though, I didn’t think the next five years would be so very challenging. I assumed the previous four years of separation and divorce were my darkest days. I soon discovered that this wasn’t true. In 2010, about one-and-a-half years into my seeking, I met my one business partner, Peter van Geldern. His entrance into my life was both needed and timely. He helped to refine and solidify the brand. And, through Inkwell Productions, we published our first book together, Regenerating America ( Peter also introduced me to his mom, Ann Emerson, who is a marvelous woman, very spiritually connected and a life-long learner. At 80, she has more aliveness than most people in their 40s. I have benefited greatly by her and through her. I have received 43 years of her spiritual knowledge in 4

years, which has changed me in profound ways. I am so grateful that Peter and Ann were brought into my life with Divine timing—I’ve grown to learn that there are no coincidences. Since 2010, my levels of faith and belief in God have solidified themselves. Before I became a Seeker, my faith and belief waffled. I wanted to believe, I kind of believed, and therefore, I didn’t believe. What I’ve learned is that it took bravery for me to begin seeking. As I started traversing, my awareness expanded, and my perspective broadened. My bravery morphed into faith. And, once I reached a certain altitude on my ascent, believing just happened. My story instantly changed, and this is when I truly discovered my life’s purpose. When I founded, I thought starting and growing a national sales force, focused on selling green technologies to help save water and energy, was my life’s purpose. However, I realize now that it is an aspect of a bigger picture. I’ve learned that by having faith and belief, I have successfully aligned myself with the spirit realm. I am here to serve through carrying out my life’s purpose. And, my life’s purpose, along with everyone else’s, fits seamlessly into the Divine plan. My life’s purpose is helping people discover a new pathway, in order to ascend to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living (a.k.a. eXpansive Living). Every effort I make is focused on this purpose; and I don’t allow myself to get swayed with business opportunities that don’t support this vision.

I have come to learn that every one of us is a lightworker, though, many people’s light bulbs around the world are rather dim. Even so, every single person is carrying this light, and every single person has the ability to make their light shine bright, as long as they seek and awaken. However, the human experience is based on free will. Our free will is what makes us imperfect, which is why the decision to seek and awaken is an individual, personal choice. We can live in darkness; or, we can live in light. Often, we go through the darkness to get to the light. This is why I believe our free will challenges us to have the bravery to face our fears. Bravery is an intangible muscle that grows stronger and stronger as we confront more and more of our fears. I have learned that seeking can be rather easy for some people, and rather daunting for others. The more a person lives in their mind, the more daunting the traverse can be; as they clutch with all their might, holding onto the person they believe they’ve become. I used to totally live in my mind, totally sucked into the old paradigm, totally sucked into prestige, power, control, and materialism. Thank God, I’ve learned that it’s all a bunch of bullshit. Please understand, I don’t consider myself Awakened, even though my Soul is more awake. I am a Seeker, and will be for some time, because I realize I have so much more to learn in order to arrive at a place of wholeness. I don’t view myself as being special. I am simply a living Soul, just like you, occupying this body in

this chapter of my Soul’s journey. Where we may differ is that I have learned to live my life without fear. Though, so can you. Through creating the ESSENCE with Ann, I have deepened my own spiritual understanding; when we began creating this book, we had only a vague idea as to what it would say. Though, as we created, the words, aspects, and connections simply appeared. Meaning, we are simply operating as a channel for the spirit realm to pass divinely inspired information into the hands of the people that have begun to seek. We integrated the information we were receiving with the wisdom we’ve acquired through those who have gone before us. We have no ownership of this wisdom, nor, can we guarantee its accuracy. It makes sense to me; and for me, that is what matters most. Each of us has our own unique story— respecting each other’s differences is key. As I sit here, finishing the final draft of the ESSENCE, I already know the finished product will be sold globally, and not because of anything special that we did. Rather, because it’s a way the spirit realm decided to speak with you. Ann and I have chosen to live our lives in alignment with God, and desiring to tell the story that God wants us to tell. At this point in my journey, I am doing my best to live with no resistance, allowing Divine will and Divine timing to manage my life. I am open to all people, to all opportunities, to all religions, and to all creativity. I have more abundance and gratefulness than at any other time in this chapter of my infinite life.

I already know that I will have more financial prosperity than ever before in this chapter of my life. And, I look forward to leveraging these financial resources to carry out my purpose. I have no desire to buy a mansion, Ferrari, or designer suits. The life I am building is grounded in simplicity; and I will never, ever, ever take on any debt. I will never again be shackled by our corrupt financial system. If I can’t buy something outright, then I won’t buy it at all. Or, perhaps, I will sell or barter something I have in exchange. I no longer want any clutter in my life, as a cluttered house is a cluttered mind. The one word description that captures the ESSENCE of my new life is freedom. One thing I struggled with most when creating this book, was the idea of putting my name on it. Though I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to create it with Ann, I am not excited about the prospect of losing any of my privacy. However, I know that my purpose is to build awareness and inspire others in any way I can. I pray that as I work to build awareness of the new paradigm of eXpansive Living, the media will respect the privacy of both my family and myself. The way that I have changed the most, is through moving my ego out of my mind and into my heart. I am now living a heart-centered life, and it’s fabulous. Over the past few years, I have met many wonderful people, mainly women, who have spiritually changed me— including Ann, Lori, Lisa, Dana, Kristy, Tara, Mindy,

Sandra, Carolanne, Theresa, Erika, Arlene, Richard, Neli, and Kirven. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In addition to the wisdom that I acquire through others, I am always seeking, anticipating the next wonderful breakthrough. I also have a consistent daily practice, keeping my mind clear, my body strong, and my spirit bright. I generally start my days writing, as 4am-7am is when the words fly easily. I have an hour of spiritual prayer and meditation every morning. The daily affirmations I use are the one’s in this book. I enjoy an awesome breakfast before either heading to Bikram yoga, jogging, hiking, or cycling. I’m back to the house in time for a shower and a nice lunch. I work on my computer for a few hours in the afternoon, then do something fun late in the day. I go to bed early, except on the weekends. My days vary, though when I’m home, this tends to be my daily routine. I am constantly learning through self-study programs and read self-help books to keep bringing new ideas and thoughts into my life. Recently, I stumbled across an unbelievable mind program by Dr. Robert Anthony, and several of his teachings are woven throughout the ESSENCE. He has been studying how the brain works for over 30 years, and explains it in such a way that I now understand. He goes into great detail about the Universal law of attraction, defining our true heart’s desires, discovering our purpose, and creating our lives by design. He also taught me how to use self-hypnosis to quiet the conscious mind and reprogramming the subconscious

mind to one of positivity and accuracy. His courses are absolutely amazing. I was successful at reprogramming my subconscious mind, and have been thinking more positively ever since. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website: deliberate-creation/

Overall, I’m in a great place. Without a doubt, the best place I’ve ever been in this chapter of my journey. I have my mind clear, my body strong, am sleeping well, eating healthy, and living in the Divine flow. I am so excited for what is yet to come. I used to fear uncertainty, and now I love it! Every day brings with it, a new surprise. As my angel friend Lisa (Gruenloh) continues to remind me, “I am blessed. I am grateful. I am one lucky bastard.” Amen. Bo Lockwood Princeton, New Jersey, USA November 2013

Ann Emerson My gratitude and thanks go to my five children and their spouses for supporting their wild Mom. Thank you Jack and Jody van Geldern, Steve and Anne van Geldern, Phil and Margaret van Geldern, Alicia and Chris Braccia, Peter and Joan van Geldern. I am constantly learning from you! My grandchildren Sean van Geldern, Emily van Geldern, Abby van Geldern, Kate and Mike Bowler, Mara van Geldern, Pete van Geldern, Kendall Braccia, Shannah van Geldern, Ben van Geldern, and Josh van Geldern; what a dynamic generation! Experiencing them my heart opens to love and mind-seeking-truth and service to the Light! They have no concept what life in the 1930’s and 1940’s was like in American, and that is a very good thing! They are the change makers now and in the near future, the next generation will arise from them. WOW! I want to thank Robert Lockwood for our work together over the last four years. Without this deep partnership in learning and serving the Light, this book would not have

been published. This is just the beginning of many new and wonderful adventures in learning and serving we will have together. We are blessed to be an integral part of the positive change in our culture. We aim to leave a beneficial legacy certainly here in America, and possibly the world, as we are truly a Global Community now. To my “Luminaries” I send my love: Matthew Fox, Jean Huston, Gloria Steinem, The Dalai Lama, Father Thomas Keating, Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, Rupert Sheldrake, Martin Luther King, Dr. Gerald J Jud, Margaret Starbird, Ken Wilber, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Greg Braden, and Tony Robbins. Finally, to quote Albert Einstein “Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”

Bo Lockwood I thank my daughters, Olivia and Hannah, for reading the draft of the ESSENCE, offering Generation Y perspectives to enhance the book. I also thank them for helping me discover new ways to be a better father. I thank my parents, James and Joanne Lockwood, for sticking by me through the most challenging parts of my ascent. They taught me the meaning of unconditional love. I thank Ann Emerson, my co-author and spiritual mentor, who has helped expand my awareness and broaden my perspective of life, people, the Earth, and the Universe. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. (

I thank Dana B. Lichtstrahl for teaching me about people’s stories, human identity, and broadening perspectives. She is changing people’s understanding of themselves. (

I thank Susan Kerr for her friendship, as well as her wonderful insights, taking the ESSENCE to a new level. I am grateful. ( I thank Mindy Sykes for her friendship, insights, editing expertise, and patience. Her belief in my purpose and me helped to keep me on course. (

I thank Jacob Lichtstrahl for his creativity and artistic talent, creating the wonderful artwork for the book cover. I thank my brother Mike and his wife Dale, for providing me with needed work and money, which enabled me to continue to seek and pursue my life’s purpose. I am also grateful for the number of Sunday dinners they hosted. I thank Lori Stohs for being with me throughout the past ten years. We met while at Gallup, and have grown so close. I am thankful to her for encouraging me to build a life focused on God and Jesus. ( I thank Neli Esipova for being with me throughout the past ten years. We met while at Gallup, and have grown so close. I am thankful to her for encouraging me to remain focused on the growth of the sales force, and reminding me to not become overly consumed with my books. (

I thank Jennifer Ross for being with me throughout my career at Gallup. Lori, Neli, Jennifer, and I were a tight team. Jennifer passed in July 2010 at the age of 40. She is still with us, as I hear her laugh often. I thank Alec Gallup for teaching me how to write. He edited all of my articles, always encouraging my talent as a writer. Alec was Jennifer’s stepfather, and I always admired the love they had for one another. Alec passed in July 2009. I thank Sandra McGill for accepting me into her angel group while I was living in Florida. For the most part, I was the only guy amongst a group of wonderful women, loving every minute of it. ( I thank Lisa Gruenloh for her unbelievable support; she was my light of hope during some very dark days. I also thank her for helping me to discover my life’s purpose as well as introducing me to the Unity of Naples. (

I thank Richard Rogers, former Minister at Unity of Naples, for teaching me so much about spiritual principles, including why God doesn’t respond to need. (

I thank Jodi Stevens, a Soul sister of mine, for being such a dear friend and teaching me about the meaning of commitment, while having the courage to fix me up with h e r g i r l f r i e n d s , i n c l u d i n g K r i s t y C a r d e l l i o. (

I thank Kristy Cardellio for the wonderful memories of Boca Grande, and for introducing me to Buddhism. Her free spirit approach to life is contagious. I thank Tara Rountree for her friendship, late night downloads, and kayaking expeditions in the Ocala National Forest. What a blast we’ve had; I look forward to more excursions. I thank Carolanne Anselmo and Theresa Ogier for their insights, and for teaching me how to move my ego from my mind to my heart. (

I thank Erika Brandsma for helping me to connect with, and awaken my Soul. Her insights had a profound impact on me. I am grateful. (

I thank Christopher Zelov for believing in my vision and me. I appreciate all of his encouragement and support. (

I thank Arlene Rose Curley for coming into my life in Divine timing. I greatly appreciate her for teaching me how to manifest in the higher dimensions, and Reiki Healing. ( I thank Kirven Talone for her friendship, resolve, and calmness. She has taught me a lot about life, and the importance of not giving up. I am grateful. I thank Dr. Robert Anthony for teaching me how the brain works, as well as the Universal Law of Attraction, and more. (http://www.21stcentur

I thank Fiona, Regina, Simply Beth, Carolyn, Tony, Erin, Tina, and the other wonderful people at Bikram Yoga Main Line, for helping me to get back into shape. (

I thank Kristen, Mary Beth, Leo, and the other wonderful people at Bikram Yoga Exton, for helping me to get back into shape. ( I thank Jennette, Sandra, Paul, and the other wonderful people at Bikram Yoga Naples, for helping me to get back into shape. ( I thank Kacy Talone for the time and effort she extended, providing a Generation Y perspective, helping to massage the structure of the book.

44 – The Master Number of Universal Consciousness After seeing the number 44 multiple times a day for some months now, I decided to interpret the meaning myself through observation and exploration. So, this is my take on the meaning of the number 44. First, lets look at the number 44 with a mathematical approach. ~ 44 is a positive number that when added, subtracted, or multiplied, it creates another positive number. Therefore, the number 44 must resonate with a vibration of everything that makes up the positive energy of the universe. When we add 4+4 we get the number 8. ~ The number 8 is made up of an everlasting line that intersects in the middle. The center of an 8 is the connection of two worlds, as I see it. A possible bridge that connects the physical and the spiritual. Or, it can mean a connection of polar opposites, such as the yin and yang energies. All together the number 8 makes up the vibrations of perfect harmony, complete balance, and the consciousness of universal oneness.

~ The number 8 is a connection of the higher and lower worlds, Heaven and Earth, for the means of bringing Heaven to Earth. ~ If you turn the number 8 sideways and you will get the image of glasses, goggles or the human eyes. I view this as one being watched over by higher guidance during a connection, or transformation, of one with/into another dimension. Therefore, the number 44 is the Master Number of “Universal Consciousness.” ~ 44 is the number of the Infinite Soul. (Infinite Souls are the manifestation of “All-That-Is”. The entire universe is consciously encompassed in the one body of the Infinite soul. The Infinite soul is self-aware and does have superhuman abilities. The energy of the Infinite soul is so great that were they to be born into a human body and dwell consistently in it, the body would not last long. The Infinite soul may enter later in life.) ~ 44 stands for the reconnection of the soul, also known as Ascension. ~ 44 has somewhat of a Plutonium essence calling upon all of us to accept the ebb and flow of never-ending changes that ultimately determine the transmutation of the “Self ”. ~ The number 44 vibrates a triggering effect to awaken one, in order to awaken others.

~ The number 44 can relate to the development of the Lightbody Remember, this is just an observation. Source:


21st Century Living: A term used to describe living in the new paradigm of love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace, while living in harmony with Nature. Analogous to regenerative living, which includes an Earthly existence of continuous improvement. Also, referred to as eXpansive Living, as well as heart-centered living. Acceptance: Avoiding moral judgments. Authenticity: Fully embracing our genuine selves, thus remaining true to who we really are. Awakened: A term used to describe a person who is living in the new paradigm, viewing the world with unlimited vision, being open to all possibilities. Awareness: Our perception of a situation, and dictates our perspective on life. Balance: An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Belief: An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

Body Energy: A term used to describe a state of existence, whereby our bodies are our temples, and the greater care we have for our temples, the more body energy we can hold. Bravery: Courageous behavior or character. Change: To make or become different. Collaboration: The action of working with someone to produce or create something. Constrictive Awareness: A term used to describe a mindset that places limits on our infinite potential and operates from an old paradigm, or belief system, that we are separate from Nature and separate from each other. Constrictive Living: A term used to describe living in the old paradigm of fear, worry, doubt, scarcity, competition, prestige, power, control, materialism, and other negative attributes. Also referred to as the old paradigm of 20th century living. Constrictive Path: A term used to describe a way of life whereby we continue the old way of doing things because we believe it will return us to a place of prosperity. Those traveling this path will be repeating past mistakes, engaging in destructive behaviors, and continuing to deplete the Earth’s resources. Compassion: The sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

Connectedness: To bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established. Contemplation: The action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time; deep reflective thought. Daily Affirmation: A term used to describe a statement that affirms one’s beliefs daily. In the context of the ESSENCE, they are statements that affirm a belief in one’s Self in the new paradigm of 21st Century Living, through repeating the statement to one’s Self on a daily basis. Over time, the affirmation becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, influencing the way one’s Self naturally thinks about, believes in, and perceives life. Decision Time: A term used to describe whether one is willing to decide to change. In the context of the ESSENCE, this is the decision to change one’s life from living in the old paradigm, thereby traversing to the new paradigm. Divine Will: A term used to describe a belief in God having a plan for humanity. Equality: The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. eXpansive Awareness: A term used to describe an individual who views the world through a lens of the infinite. Their awareness of the Universe, the Earth, and human identity is extremely expansive, and their

perspective is extremely broad. They believe that with vision, everything is possible and everything is solvable. eXpansive Living: A term used to describe living in the new paradigm of love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace, while living in harmony with Nature. Analogous to the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. Also, referred to as regenerative living, as well as heart-centered living. eXpansive Path: A term used to describe a way of life whereby we embrace clean energy solutions, as well as, new ideas, thought forms, paradigms, business models, and behaviors. It provides countless opportunities for job creation through the emergence of the new energy economy. Faith: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Focus: An act of concentrating interest or activity on something. Forgiveness: The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. Fortitude: Having courage in pain and/or adversity. Future Time: A term used to describe a state of existence focused on future illusions.

Give & Receive: In the highest sense, to give is to freely offer something valuable to another. To receive is to accept what is being given with gratitude and humility. God Within: A term used to describe a belief that there is a spark of God within each and every one of us. Gratitude: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Humility: A modest view of one's own importance— humbleness. Heart-Centered: Having the heart as the focal element of one’s life. Heart-Centered Living: A term used to describe living in the new paradigm of love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace, as their decisions are heart-centered, taking into consideration the impact on the next seven generations. Analogous to regenerative living, which includes an Earthly existence of continuous improvement and living in harmony with Nature. Also, referred to as eXpansive Living, as well as 21st Century Living. Honesty: The act of being free of deceit and untruthfulness. Hope: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Infinite: Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. Learning: The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, study, or by being taught. Love: An intense feeling of deep affection. Mind Energy: A term used to describe the strength and vitality required for sustained mental activity. Money Energy: A term used to describe money as a medium of energetic exchange. Music: The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce harmony, beauty of form, and expression of emotion. In the context of the ESSENCE, it is a term used to describe the new paradigm of 21st Century Living. Noise: Sound that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. In the context of the ESSENCE, it is a term used to describe the old paradigm of 20th century living. Paradigm: A typical example, pattern, a model. Past Time: A term used to describe a state of existence focused on past memories. Present Time: A term used to describe a state of existence focused on the present.

Patience: The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without becoming angry or upset. Perseverance: Doing something despite difficulty and/or delay in achieving success. Perspective: A particular way of regarding something, or a point of view. Purpose: The reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists. Resistance: The refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. Regenerative: The action or process of regenerating or being regenerated; continuous improvement. Regenerative Living: A term used to describe the transition our entire world needs to make in order to live in harmony with Nature. This transition is not for convenience. Rather, it’s a matter of survival. At its essence, regenerative is analogous to the Japanese term Kaizen, which means improvement or change for the better, otherwise known as continuous improvement. Their decisions are heart-centered, taking into consideration the impact on the next seven generations (a.k.a. heart-centered living, eXpansive living, and 21st Century Living).

Seeker: A term used to describe a person who is in the midst of traversing to the new paradigm. Self-Love: An intense feeling of deep affection for one’s Self. Simplicity: The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. Sleeping Soul: A term used to describe a person who is trapped in the old paradigm of living, where the mass of the world population resides. Spirit Energy: A term used to describe a state of existence, whereby spirit energy is infinite energy. A strong body with a strong heart, connects us to this powerful and limitless energy. Temperance: Moderation or self-restraint, especially in eating and drinking. Trust: The acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation. Truth: That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Traverse: To cross a hill or mountain by means of a series of sideways movements from one line of ascent or descent to another. Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole.

Vision: The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and/or wisdom. Willingness: In a spiritual context, the practice of remaining open to, and accepting, all opportunities that serves our highest good. Wisdom: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.


Introduction: Calaprice, Alice. The Expanded Quotable Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. Curley, Arlene Rose. Completing the Seven. Quakertown: Philosophical Publishing Company, 2012. Awareness: Hoffer, Eric. “Awareness Quotes.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Infinite: Edison, Thomas. “Thomas A. Edison - Famous Quotes.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Connectedness: Seattle, Chief. “Native American Indian Wisdom Quotes.” Available at: 19 February 2013.

Anthony, Robert. “The Secret of Deliberate Creation.” Available at: 19 December 2012. Lockwood, Robert and Peter van Geldern. Regenerating America. Scottsdale: Inkwell Productions, 2013. “Mahatma Gandhi Quotes.” Available at: quotation/earth_provides_enough_to_satisfy_every_man-s_need/ 181709.html. 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Balance: Merton, Thomas. “Balanced Life Quotes.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Anthony, Robert. “The Secret of Deliberate Creation.” Available at: deliberate-creation/ 19 December 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Regenerative: Kennedy, John F. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Learning: Ann, Edith [Tomlin, Lily]. “Education Quotes.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013.

Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Wisdom: P l u t a r c h . “ W i s d o m Q u o t e s .” Av a i l a b l e a t : h t t p : / / 19 February 2013. “Urban Dictionary - Definition of old soul.” Available at: http:// 19 December 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Purpose: T he re s a , Mot he r. “Br ai ny Q u ote.” Av ai l abl e at : http : / / 19 February 2013. Gruenloh, Lisa. “Purpose Journey.” Available at: http:// 19 December 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Change: Groeschel, Craig. “I Decided to Start.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Heart-Centered: Gandhi, Mahatma. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013.

Anselmo, Carolanne. “Moving Ego from Mind to Heart.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Self Love: Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Stormwolf, Alison “Inspirational Wisdom Quotes on Self-Worth, S elf-Love, S elf-Esteem.” Available at: http://w w 19 February 2013. Forgiveness: Beecher, Henry Ward. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. God Within: “Charles Filmore Quote.” Available at: quote/56497. 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Honesty: “ Q u o t a t i o n s a b o u t H o n e s t y.” Av a i l a b l e a t : h t t p : / / 19 February 2013. Johnson, Steve. “Is Honesty the Best Policy?” Available at: http:// 19 December 2012.

Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Authenticity: G arl and, Ju dy. “Br ai ny Q u ote.” Av ai l abl e at : http : / / 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Truth: “Truth Quotes.” Available at: truthquotes.htm. 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Trust: Blattner, Jerome. “Trust Quotes and Sayings.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Hope: Brault, Robert. “Quotations about Hope.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Lockwood, Robert and Peter van Geldern. Regenerating America. Scottsdale: Inkwell Productions, 2013. Lopez, Shane J. “How to Bridge the Generational Hope Divide.” Available at: 19 December 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991.

Faith: King, Jr., Martin Luther “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Belief: Roosevelt, Eleanor. “Quotes About Faith and Belief.” Available at: faithquotations.htm. 19 February 2013. Choudhury, Bikram. “Bikram Yoga Class Learning.” Available at: 1 March 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Divine Will: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Patience: Tz u , L a o “ S i m p l i c i t y Q u o t e s .” Av a i l a b l e a t : h t t p : / / 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Bravery: Thucydides. “Thucydides quotes.” Available at: quotation/the_bravest_are_surely_those_who_have_the/12163.html. 19 February 2013.

Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Perseverance: “Philosiblog.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Fortitude: Mills, Billy. “ The Four Vir tues.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Gratitude: Epictetus. “Gratitude Quotes.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Humility: Temple, William. “Quotations about Humility.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Simplicity: da Vinci, Leonardo. “Simplicity Quotes.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991.

Collaboration: “Divide The Task With Teamwork.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Mind Energy: Baba, Sai. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: quotes/quotes/s/saibaba184097.html. 19 February 2013. Anthony, Robert. “The Secret of Deliberate Creation.” Available at: deliberate-creation/ 19 December 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Body Energy: Socrates. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: quotes/quotes/s/socrates385762.html. 19 February 2013. Ochs, Carol. “The Percent of Obese People in the World.” Available at: 19 February 2013. “What percentage of the world's population is overweight?.” Available at: %27s_population_is_overweight. 19 February 2103. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Spirit Energy: Plato. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: quotes/quotes/p/plato121792.html. 19 February 2013.

Curley, Arlene Rose. Completing the Seven. Quakertown: Philosophical Publishing Company, 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Present: Buddha. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: quotes/quotes/b/buddha101052.html. 19 February 2013. “Who invented time?” Available at: question/index?qid=20061120084401AAL9TXq. 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Vision: Hepburn, Audrey. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Focus: A n d e r s on , Gre g . “Br ai ny Q u ot e .” Av ai l abl e at : http : / / 19 February 2013. Contemplation: DHAMMAPADA. “My favorite Contemplation Quotes.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991.

Willingness: Marley, Bob. “Bob Marley Quote.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Acceptance: W h i t m a n , Wa l t . “B r a i ny Q u o t e .” Av a i l a b l e at : ht t p : / / 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Money Energy: O s t e e n , J o e l . “ B r a i n y Q u o t e .” Av a i l a b l e a t : h t t p : / / 19 February 2013. Anthony, Robert. “The Secret of Deliberate Creation.” Available at: 19 December 2012. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Compassion: L a m a , D a l a i . “ B r a i n y Q u o t e .” Av a i l a b l e a t : h t t p : / / 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Give & Receive:

You ng , Br i g h am . “Br ai ny Q u ote.” Av ai l abl e at : http : / / 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Equality: Becque, Henry. “Equality Quotes.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Unity: Aesop. “Inspirational Quotes by Aesop.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Curley, Arlene Rose. Completing the Seven. Quakertown: Philosophical Publishing Company, 2012. Love: Keen, Sam. “Top 10 Love Quotes.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Decision Time: R e a g a n , R on a l d . “B r a i ny Q u ot e .” Av a i l a b l e at : http : / / 19 February 2013.

Sams, Jamie. The Sacred Path Workbook. New York: HarperOne, 1991. Noise (Old Paradigm): Monro e, Marilyn. “BrainyQuote.” Available at: http:// 19 February 2013. Music (New Paradigm): Gladstone, William Ewart. “Quotations about Peace.” Available at: 19 February 2013. Farrell, Bryan. “You only need 10 percent: The science behind tipping points and their impact on climate activism.” Available at: http:// 2 January 2012. Daily Affirmations: Hay, Louise L. Heal Your Body A-Z. Carlsbad: Hay House, Inc., 1998. My Personal Journey: Anthony, Robert. “The Secret of Deliberate Creation.” Available at: 19 December 2012. Anthony, Robert. “Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis.” Av a i l a b l e a t : h t t p : / / h o p . c l i c k b a n k . n e t / ? m i n d 2 0 1 3 / tsdc1129&x=6minaudio. 19 December 2012.


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Ann Emerson is the director of the Spiritual Spa (, which is part of The Sanctuary of Sophia in Lake Mary Florida. She is a spry, witty and energetic 79 year-old mother of five, and grandmother of ten. Over the last 42 years, Ann has directed or co-directed six different holistic growth centers and has done healing work in a variety of environments, including psychiatric hospitals, maximum security prisons, and churches. Ann co-authored her first book, ESSENCE, A Gateway to eXpansive Living, which launched January 2014. She is also a Founding Member of the eXpansive Living Community. As an Interfaith Minster, Ann has pursued a lifelong study combining Spiritual Paths, Community Development, Family. Her own family spans four religious traditions: Protestant, Eastern philosophies, Jewish and Roman Catholic.

Bo L ockwood is the founder of (, dedicated to emerging a regenerative economy by developing a new approach to entrepreneurial businesses aligned with Nature—with a special focus on a collaborative and reciprocating mentorship approach with Generation X and Y entrepreneurs. Bo co-authored his first book, Regenerating America, which launched October 2013. He co-authored his second book, ESSENCE, A Gateway to eXpansive Living, which launched January 2014. He is also a Founding Member of the eXpansive Living Community, as well as the 21st Century Living Business Community. Previously, Bo was a Partner with The Gallup Poll, responsible for the overall creation, leadership and growth of The Gallup Institute for Campus Engagement (GICE). GICE’s mission helps to build student-centric, accountability-driven, and trust-based institutions. Prior to transitioning to his work in higher education, he consulted with corporate giants such as Campbell Soup Company, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, The Vanguard Group, YORK International, and Sovereign Bank. Prior to Gallup, Bo built and sold the largest special events company in Philadelphia, Continental-Lockwood


Party Rental. With over 150 employees and 3 major warehouses serving the Philadelphia region, their clients included the Philadelphia Eagles, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Academy of Music, and Sports Illustrated at the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. They were also heavily involved in the Philadelphia-based events for both the 1996 Clinton/Gore and Dole/Kemp Presidential campaigns. Bo has been a guest speaker at universities and government institutions, including Harvard University, United States Air Force Academy, University of Pennsylvania, Duke University, Pennsylvania State University, Temple University, Nova Southeastern University, Drexel University, The Pentagon, and Capitol Hill. Bo’s speaking engagements have also included corporate conferences, such as The Vanguard Group, NovaCare, Sovereign Bancorp, and YORK International. He also spoke at national conferences, including the Association of Governing Board’s National Conference on Trusteeship; the Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s National Pinnacle of Progress; the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools’ National Conference; Colleges and Universities Professional Association-Human Resources’ National Conference on Collaboration; and the Indiana University-Purdue University Assessment Institute Conference. In addition, he has been a guest on CN8 Money Matters Today, and Emerald Planet TV.

Bo Lockwood

Bo’s number one priority in life are his daughters, Hannah and Olivia. He continually encourages them to follow their intuition and dreams. His favorite sports are motorcycling, Bikram, rugby, sailing, and Jujitsu.

Regenerating America A national movement to bring about 21st Century Living through the emergence of eXpansive Awareness and eXpansive Entrepreneurship. Authors: Robert Lockwood & Peter van Geldern Website:

ARE YOU WATCHING? Scientific information shines a light on human identity. A positively lifechanging experience. Just WATCH. Author: D.B. Lichtstrahl Website:

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