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February 20, 2009
Regional Print Distribution: 304 W. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 PAYING CASH: Collector of Lionel & American Flyer trains. 509-255-9540 Liberty Lake
LOST CAT, BLACK/ White tuxedo DSH, gold eyes, has extra fingers (polydactyl), big paws, missing Barker/ Greenacers area 2/6/09. Reward 509-928-5215
FREE FIREWOOD! 3/4 Cord, you haul, west valley area. 509-926-0762
FLY FISHING Equipment, pole, reels, large amount of fly tying stuff, vises, threads, hackles, etc., $250 or best offer. 509-847-5110 Mead
LEARN TO KNIT IN 2009, $15/ lesson. I teach at a Spokane store. Call Dolly 509-499-2624 (7) ARCTIC CAT Snowmobiles, 1970-1980, sell or trade. 208-686-1251 Plummer
WANTED: HONDA 50, Honda 70, Honda 90 Trail or similar bike, running or not. Jim, 509-468-4802, 509-993-2132 Mead
(2) SOLID OAK Sofa tables, $75 each, $130 both; (2) oak bar stools, $15 each, $25 both. All excellent condition. 509-9284232 Spokane
Wanted: ammunition, reloading equipment, & components. 509-487-5809 Spokane
BLUE HEELER PUPS, born 1/7/09, tails docked, parents on site, pretty pups, $75. 509-732-8839 Northport
TIMOTHY BROME Clover grass mix hay, $145/ ton, cash only. Diamond Lake, 509-671-3475 HAY, SMALL SQUARE Bales, barn stored, $175/ ton, will deliver. 509-9357778 Chewelah
A-1 ACTION TOWING Reasonable Rates
Uncollected court awarded judgment?
Let me remove your unwanted vehicles
Cash now!
USMC Veteran Owned
80% Hi-Efficiency
Includes NEW 80% Gas Furnace & Installed Labor *Some restrictions may apply
We Will Beat Any Written Estimate for Heating & Cooling Systems - Guaranteed! Also 24 Hour Emergency Repair Service City Heating & Cooling, Inc.
HOT TUBS See Us at the
SWIM SPAS Delivery & Crane-In Included Includes ipod Stereo Ask About 1 YEAR FINANCING!
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Fax 509-455-7940
Toll Free 1-800-326-2223 SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM with bonus room, no pets, $495/ month. 1708 W. Gardner, Spokane. We work with poor credit! 208658-7999
SPOKANE: HIGH Quality, barn stored alfalfa hay or brome/ timothy grass hay, $200/ ton; straw, $3/ bale. Kaelin Farms 509924-4594
WANTED: MILITARY Collectibles. German, Japanese & U.S.- knives, swords, medals, insignia, patches, guns, documents, holsters, flags & bayonets, helmets, photos & caps, field gear & more. One piece or an entire collection. Cash for your quality items. Call the Military Collector, 509-939-3699 Spokane
4 BEDROOM, 2-1/2 Bath, totally remodeled, updated, new carpet, cabinets, appliances, etc., new gas furnace, (2) fireplaces with inserts, 2 car garage with new door, large park like yard with fruit trees. References required & checked, $1500 month, 105 N. Moffitt. 509-9262244, 509-979-6643 Spokane
NOW BUYING JUNK CARS Also Buying Repairable Vehicles & RVs
Problems with...
Workers’ Comp? Social Security? Call TODAY!
Michael G. Thompson Attorney At Law 328 -2040
Coeur d’Alene Muzzleloading Arms & Historical Crafts Show FEBRUARY 21ST & 22ND
Sat., 9am-6pm; Sun., 9am-4pm. $4 entry, under 12 free w/ adult.
KOOTENAI COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 4060 N. Government Way, CdA Buy - Sell - Trade - Demonstrations 2 buildings full of traditional black powder hunting supplies, Native American items, fur trade era re-enactments. Accouterments and all manners of plunder to outfit your whole rendezvous camp. Sponsored by: Mountain Top Trading Co. 509-397-4447 mttoptradi@colfax.com.
LOCKER BEEF, $2.05/lb Hanging weight, all Natural corn fed Black Angus. Good buy with your tax return! 509-979-1230 GAS FURNACES, WOOD stoves: 100,000btu gas unit heater, new, $700; 20,000btu gas wall furnace, direct vent, $600; small Aladdin mobile approved stove, $200; (2) Blaze King shop stoves, $120 each. 509-233-8079; 509-990-4928 Loon Lake AKC GERMAN Shepherd Pups, (3) females, solid black, OFA, Champion German working lines, excellent family companions/ guards, hip health guarantee, $450. 509-397-4087 Colfax HUGE ESTATE SALE: enough fabric, DMC floss, patterns to start my own business, baby lock surger, furniture, gun safe, work tools, TV’s, full size & college size refrigerators, bird cages, tons of kitchen stuff, everything priced to sell, “no antiques”. Cash only. West 3144 Eloika, February 20th-21st, 9:30am-3pm
1991 FORD ESCORT, great gas mileage, new transmission, clutch, recent brakes, tabbed until Sept. 2009, $900 or best offer. 509-220-6113 Valley 1979 PETERBILT, 400 Cummins, BC3, 13 speed, 2 speed rears, Hendrickson suspension; 1974 General log trailer, new tires & brakes, $12,000 or best offer. 509-258-7142 Wellpinit MATCHING SOFA, Chair & loveseat, 5 months old, (virtually new) have invoice, worth $3000, will sell for $1500, must sell immediately, willing to negotiate; antique redwood vanity; bookshelf; solid round 5’ marble table top; nice set of 4 oak antique chairs, kitchen table; miscellaneous mix & match furniture; 34” plasma HDTV; stereo electronics. 509-413-2088 Spokane
New Installations Repairs/Replacements Homes, Business, Shop
Insurance Work Gladly!
10 ACRES (mol) View, Well, Pump, Electric, Paved Road. Only $89,900
Real Estate Marketplace www.MyCountryHomes.com
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Dave Atherton 509-216-8589
Coeur d’Alene
Single Denture Full Upper & Lower Single Relines $ $ $ 90-Day
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1119 N. 4 • Cd’A th
Repairs & $ Up
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for a Specific Tool? Call Us! 509 327-5544
Log truck loads, delivered most areas
425-530-1332 Cell
Call Stan Long - 509 937-4206 Full Time Tax Consultant Since 1963
Feb. 26- Mar. 1
Endless H2X Swim Spas Starting at $16,900
Exchange Print Deadline 2pm Wednesday
GLASS TOP ICE CREAM Freezer, works great, paid $600, make offer. 509-4312160 Moses Lake
Impound Signs Available
20,000 RECORD Albums, $2500 or best offer for full collection. 509-230-2149 Spokane Valley
Jeff Leggett’s
Quality Spas
9103 N. Division (at the “Y”) Locally Owned — We Service What We Sell!
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