Get Your FREE
COPY Early
August 12, 2011
Regional Print Distribution: 304 W. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201
REMINGTON 30-06 Model 710, composite stock, bolt action, 4 shot mag, scope, sling, recoil pad, hard case, plus ammo, never used, $400. Leave message 509-9243370 Spokane Valley NORTHEAST SPOKANE: Collectible oil cans, auto manuals, old books; coffee table, bookcase, dresser, TV; (2) QT50’s motor bikes; Tote Goat; rototiller, mulcher, lawnmower & miscellaneous items. 5403 E. Commerce, 9am-5pm, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
ONLY $1,500 DOWN
on 4+ level, partially treed acres with Hwy 291 access. Power/phone, owner financing $25,500 with $250/month lease to purchase monthly payments. Call Nick:
TROY BILT TOMAHAWK chipper shredder, 8hp, electric start, $400; Dayton rear tine, 18� rototiller; new 8hp Briggs & Stratton engine, $600. 509659-1393 Ritzville REG. SECTION A Welsh pony, Palomino mare, 5 years, $900. 509-868-9047 Newman Lake SECOND CUTTING Alfalfa, fine stem $120/ ton, in small bales. 509-6382401 Deer Park POST FALLS, ID: Garage Sale, Friday- Saturday, August 12-13, 8am-5pm, 263 S Juniper, lots of stuff! Household items, clothes, toys, etc
MOWING Yard cleanup, leaf raking, core aeration, weekly mowing, shrub maintenance, senior discount
Lowest Rates!
SPOKANE LAWN CARE 509 217-1697
email: landdeals4u@msn.com
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BUYING SCRAP GOLD! -Deal Locally n Same locatios! ar over 30 ye
30� ELECTRIC RANGE, good condition, glass top, self cleaning, black with white trim, $150. Jim 509891-5579 Spokane Valley
Exchange Classified Ad Deadline 2pm Wednesday!
509Fax 509-455-7940 • Toll Free 1-800-326-2223 Place Your Ads Online at ExchangePublishing.com/ads AKC ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, Tracker line since 1986, first shots, wormed, liver/ white, black/ white, 8 weeks old, $350. 509-290-5168 Spokane Valley
WIN A 2011 FORD F150 Pickup autographed by Toby Keith, and don’t miss his show on August 18th. Enter through August 21st. See Camas Club for details
CASH FOR YOUR JUNK Car. 509-218-2190 Spokane
LATAH COUNTY GUN & Craft Show, August 13th, 14th, Moscow Idaho Fairgrounds, 9am-6pm Saturday, 9am-4pm Sunday, Admission $3, tables $40 each. Cliff 509-595-7468 cliffsguns@gmail.com
PUREBRED GALLOWAY Bull, ready to work, 14 months, $600. 509-2354897 Cheney area
Flat Roof Specialist
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Sell or Rent 509
~ For All Your Towing Needs ~
DISCOVERY SHOP 805 W. Garland 509 328-9373
Come to the Garland Street Fair! Stock Up for Back to School!
Come See the New Look in our Thrift Store in the Quaint Garland Shopping District!
299/plus filing fee Brian Dykman
All the Good Ones AREN’T Taken!
We Deliver!
Attorney-Prepared from
1999 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 3.1 V6, loaded, new tires & brakes, runs great, $1850. 509-464-2730 Spokane
Fiberglass and Vinyl Pools‌ and Replacement Liners Too Many Shapes & Sizes to List - Call Now!
Let Us Build You a “Quality� Building
SAVE TIME and MONEY‌ Call Today!
10’ FIBERGLASS Livingston boat, good shape, $100. 509-496-3012 Spokane CALL COLLECTOR First! Cash for Military & Antique items, Indian, Western, hunting, guns, archery, fishing, silver & gold coins, woodworking tools, motorcycles, old railroad items & other really old stuff, etc, etc; we also buy small estates. 509-4840160 Spokane. Thank you honorable Veterans past & present
FOR SALE BY OWNER, Deer Park. Older (1967) Marlette 12x60 mobile home, very sturdy & liveable, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, as is. Can stay or be moved. Situated in Park, lot rent currently $225, pets okay. $7500 or best offer, no contracts. 425-971-3246
02)6!4% ,/!.3 NEW LOAN LIMIT
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Green Bluff
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Huckaba Orchard
8110 E. Greenbluff Rd. Farm #43 on Green Bluff Map (509) 238-3222
75¢ Bumper Crop of Bing & Rainier Vans & under Cherries! Lamberts Starting Now! BestBigCrop in Years
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Quality Steel Buildings, Inc.
FERRETS FOR Adoption, males & females, $80 each, loving fuzzies looking for good homes. director@ferrethaven.net 509326-2779 Spokane WA www.ferrethaven.net
eg. 50 lbs=50 off per lb. ¢
GRAVEL $ 275
12 Yards Delivered
10 mile radius of Spokane Valley $ 75
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Every Monday & Saturday Park
Fancher Rd
Immediate Build or Kits!
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From I-90 take Argonne exit, then West on Trent
at the Carnival this Sat!! 8/13
Sign up for Murder Mystery Series
New Dealers! New Look!
1325 N. Division at Sinto
Garage Sales & Events DEER PARK MOVING Estate sale, 6405 W Crosscut Rd. Furniture, glassware, set of silverware, collectibles, lighted glass table, much more. Thursday, Friday, 9am-5pm, north on Hwy 395 to Wild Rose, turn left to Monroe, turn right to Crosscut, turn left, follow signs
PAPERBACKS: 70 Cents with trades. When your garage sale ends, bring your leftovers to Book Traders, W. 907 Garland, and you will receive 75% of new book value in trade. Make your old books become very valuable. 509-326-7653
YARD SALE: GETTING Married soon, need to make room for his things, 12809 E. 10th, Spokane Valley, Friday, Saturday, August 12 & 13, 9am6pm. Christmas items; furniture; collector cars; watches; dishes; crystal; collectible figurines; much more
SPOKANE GARAGE Sale, stuffed animals, books, movies, tools, household items, exercise equipment. All for great low prices. One day only, Saturday, 8am-3:30pm. Prices range from $1 to a max of $150. 13923 E. 24th Ave
TIN PONY SALE: 2303 S Fawn Drive, Spokane Valley, off south Dishman Mica & Herald, Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 9am3pm, cash only. Edison coffee set; Hollywood Regency style furniture; Danish modern dining room set & buffet, 4 additional Danish modern chairs; newer beige coffee & loveseat; pink occasional chairs; end tables, coffee tables; mahogany desk; small curio cabinet; 2 twin beds with king headboard; Kent Coffey chest of drawers & dresser; white provincial dresser; floral sofa; drum table; glass & crystal lamps; wrought iron bench, wrought iron tea cart; flowered wrought iron headboard; linens, bedding; trash compactor, upright freezer, washer dryer; mirrors; china sets; glassware; books, records; card table chairs; women’s clothing, shoes & purses; sewing machine in cabinet; oak desk; folding ping pong table; weight lifting bench set; yard tools; patio furniture, barbecue; & jewelry JULIAETTA CAR Show & Blackberry Festival, Saturday, September 10th, 2011. Vendors and flea marketers welcome. Information, Jayne, 208-2767571; Kerry, 208-7177336, or www.juliaettacarshow.com RUTH SOUTHWICK Estate Sale, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 12th, 13th, 14th. 14303 N. Wood Road, Nine Mile Falls. Look for signs. Collectibles: figurines, angels, juke boxes, hats, clothing, plates & spoons. Women’s accessories: everything! Furniture: dining room table, two leaves, four chairs, one King. Rocker, loveseat, (1) Persian throw rugs. China: many styles, (2) full sets, many pieces, lots of glassware. Books: many cook & spiritual books. Arts & crafts: art supplies, fabric bolts by the yard, many kinds bindings & zippers, many patterns, embroidery, quilting frames & accessories. Blankets & pillows. Cookware: everything imaginable! Ice maker; Appliances, large upright freezer, wind chimes, lamps, meat slicer. Handicapped: electrical hospital bed, walkers, bed table, shower chair, crutches, (2) lift chairs & Jazzy scooter. Tools: everything & anything! Theatrical: stage lighting, par cans, follow spot dimmer pack, trusses with jack. Outdoor equipment: Draw-Tight hitch receiver, four man raft, electric organ. We have two 6’ Gumball machines, various bumper cars. Call Kim, 509-638-8472 before & after the sale
ques Aunt Bea’sanAnetixtra… says take
We just lowered all our prices at Aunt Bea’s Antiques!
ECLECTIC ESTATE Sale: 1039 W 10th, Spokane, Friday & Saturday 8-4pm. 6 brass fire extinguishers, hall tree, oak Morris bed, 3 armoires, wall & mantel clocks, 3 roll top desks, 2 sleigh beds and matching dressers, primitive & other cabinets, china hutch, lots of cookie jars, beer steins, Hagen Renaker figurines, horse figurine collection, old milk & pop bottles, Wedge Wood & Christmas china, lots of glass ware, gorgeous punch bowl set, old canning jars, games, glass ceilings shades, oil lamps, books, prints, silver plates, trunks, entertainment center & TV, yard art cannon, kitchen ware, linens, arts & craft items, lots of clothes & jackets, vintage drop leaf table & chairs, tons of antique furniture parts & pieces, fishing poles & nets, stands & dressers, big round shop lights, pick up fog lights, shop tools, vintage sewing machine, new 19” shop fan, carpet & rubber matting, speakers, new tile and circle cutter, extended truck mirror, new set of saloon style swinging doors, 2 large animal cages, lots of lumber plywood pieces, several shop cabinets, 16 gallon 5hp wet/ dry vac, large tie safe, vintage doors & windows, 2 outdoor BBQs, lots of plants & plant items, 2 wheel barrows, vintage boat motor, electric lawn mower, yard tools & aluminum extension ladder. Bring a flashlight & gloves folks. It’s a real dig feast! BUYING Estate Contents. www.abesdiscount.com for details; 509-939-9996 Spokane Also, buying old stuff. Call for flyer or see www.ibuyoldstuff.com Fair, honest & baloney free HUGE YARD SALE, Furniture, housewares, corner TV hutch, dining room table/ chairs, linens & blankets, photography & darkroom equipment, homebrew equipment including bottle, cornelius kegs, & co2 cylinders, computers & parts, printer, scanner, 16mm movie projector & movies, kids clothing & games, craft & gardening supplies, home school & teaching materials, & more. 2324 E 5th, 9am-5pm, Friday-Saturday, August 12-13. No early birds AUDRI’S ATTIC ESTATE sale, 1310 W. 1st, Cheney WA, August 11-14, Thursday-Saturday, 12-5pm, farm house + 4 outbuildings, tons of antique & vintage items; radial saw, ban saw, router, pipe clamps, full kitchen, living room, & bedrooms full of items, piano, 1800’s bible, antique, & vintage games & dolls. Years of collecting
Fine and Rare Items including Fabulous Art, Furniture of all kinds, Glass & so much more!
VIETNAM VETERANS- A Community Service Club meets every 3rd Monday monthly at 6pm at Frankie Doodles Restaurant, 30 E. Third Ave, Spokane. For details, call Charlie 509-535-8678
on our already lowered prices!
Located in Airway Heights off Hwy 2
OPEN: Fri-Sat-Sun 11-5pm
12521 W. 19th
www.treesongbonsai.com END OF SUMMER Plant Sale: Hostas & Day Lillies, Large Plants, $5! Also good deals on shrubs, grasses and other perennials. August 13, 10am-5pm. 1128 E. Glass
Airway Heights, WA
DAVE’S ESTATE Sales, 12 years experience, referrals available, reasonable rates, great crew, the crew consists of: Dave, Da mama & Ben. 509-2183972
CLASSIC DIECASTS he See us for T 50: all your TV SHOP ! & Movie Cars t
‘55 Chev from “American Graffiti”
1915 E. Sprague
FOUR LAKES MOVING Sale, Friday- Saturday. Snapper rototiller, $190; medium chain saw, $600; 8hp riding mower, $275. 509-342-5348
TENSED, ID- 3 FAMILY yard sale. Lots of stuff! 383399 Hwy 95, 1 mile north of Tensed on the Hwy. Fri- Sun, 12-14th, 85pm, No earlies!
7th Annual Festa Italiana & Street Fair 2011
Friday, August 19th from 4-8pm in conjunction with the Downtown Association 3rd Friday Art Walk Saturday, August 20th from 10am-8pm Sunday, August 21st from 10am-6pm Our Italian Festa is held in honor of our Lady of Grace and supports local charities and schools, including this year’s Special Oympics, Boys & Girls Club and River City Animal Rescue. LOCATION - Our Authentic Street Fair will be held in downtown Post Falls, ID on 4th Ave. & Frederick Street. Food, Wine & Beer Garden, Live Entertainment, Artisan & Crafter Booths, Cooking Demos, Wine & Beer Maker’s competitions, Sauce Makers Competitions, Spaghetti Eating Contest on Saturday & Pizza Eating Contest on Sunday www.northidahoitalianfestival.com 208-777-7400
Spokane: 85/55
Spokane 90/57
Spokane: 85/55
Colville: 85/52 S Moses Lake: 87/58 S Pullman: 84/49 S
Colville: 89/54 S Moses Lake: 90/58 S Pullman: 89/52 S
Colville: 85/53 S Moses Lake: 85/56 S Pullman: 82/49 S
CLASSIFIED INDEX Auction/ Sales Index................. 8 ANIMALS: Dogs .................................. 19-20 Hay & Feed ............................ 18 Horses & Farriers ........... 16-17 Farm Animals .................. 18-19 Pets ................................... 18-19 Tack & Trailers ..................... 17 Antiques ...................................... 8 Auctions .............................. 11-13 AUTOS: Automobiles ..............28, 41-44 Parts & /Accessories. ........... 40 Pickups 4x4s & Vans ...............28, 42-44 Vintage Autos ....................... 41 Boats & Fishing Eq................... 40 Employment/ Opportunities. .................... 12-13 Furniture & Appliances .......... 11 Garage Sales & Events .......... 1-6 Health & Fitness ........................ 6 Heavy Equipment .............. 24-27 Hunting & Guns ....................... 39 Legal Notices ............................ 11 Miscellaneous ....................... 7-10 Motorcycles, & ATV’s.............. 36 Music ............................................ 6 ON
Personals ..................................... 6 RVs ....................................... 36-38 REALTY: Acreage............................. 32-33 Commercial Real Estate ...... 30 Homes on Acreage ............... 31 Mfg. Homes...................... 34-35 Real Estate ....................... 29-30 Rentals .............................. 33-34 Waterfront ............................ 31 Services. .............................. 21-23 Sports......................................... 35 Tools & Bldg. Materials........... 23 Wanted ...................................... 33 Wood & Warm ......................... 24 Yard & Garden .......................... 14 SPECIAL SECTIONS: Fresh Produce ....................... 15
FAX 455-7940
Ad Change/Cancellation Deadline
GARAGE SALE, FRIDAYSaturday, August 12-13, 8am-5pm, 263 S Juniper, Post Falls, ID, lots of stuff! Household items, clothes, toys, etc
In Hillyard 35 years! 5005 N. Market • 509-487-9278
I’LL BUY YOUR ENTIRE Garage sale, yard sale, estate sale or household contents “before your sale” and save you time & work. Call Bart 509-991-3950 in Spokane Valley for free estimates
2 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Downtown Spokane • 304 W. 3rd Ave.
e-mail ads@exchangepublishing.com • www.exchangepublishing.com
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 3
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4 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Garage Sales & Events
"! ( !& %'( % #$% % ( )#
410 HARE LANE, Deer Park. Fri- Sat 8-5pm.Kitchen collectibles, bavarian dishes and much more
&$5$76 2) )81 (' ,6&2817 $ ' 5 8 2 *(7 < 1< $5( .6 $7 $ $ 3 < ,/ )$0 < 6725( 6$)(:$ )DPLO\ 3DNV GR QRW LQFOXGH DGPLVVLRQ WR *UDQGVWDQG (YHQWV )DLU DGPLVVLRQ QRW LQFOXGHG ZLWK SXUFKDVH RI *UDQGVWDQG (QWHUWDLQPHQW WLFNHW
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- 9/18 AT 4
7 PM
INâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; N BUST UT TDO M S S Y A D ID K ALL 10 NDSTAN
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WANTED: MILITARY Collectibles. German, Japanese, Canadian & US - knives, swords, medals, insignia, patches, guns, flare guns, documents, holsters, flags & bayonets, police badges, helmets, photos & caps, field gear & more. One piece or an entire collection. Cash for your quality items. Call the Military Collector, 509939-3699 Spokane WEST PLAINS AREA, 3007 S Trident, FridaySaturday, 8am-5pm, cash only, tools, furniture, dishes, tons of miscellaneous ESTATE SALE Friday & Saturday: Antiques; Furniture; Tools; Jewelry & more. New arrivals: Antique mission oak dining set & sideboard; Mid century dressers & stereo console & cool coffee table; Patio furniture; Vintage rattan dining set; Water fountain; Clawfoot antique table; Antique secretary/ armoire; Huge jewelry collection; Vintage bling, marcasite, sterling, cloisonne, pearls, rings, watches, chains, earrings, necklaces, turquoise, Nolan Miller, high quality costume; Lamps; Minolta & Olympus 35mm; Fresh linens, queen & full sheets, towels; Vintage patterns; Bamboo fly rods, creels, nets; Pocket knives; Multi tools; Baseball cards; Political buttons; Stetson & Resistol cowboy hats; Cowboy boots; Western belt buckles; Chaps; Lighters; Comic books; Poker chips; Mantle clocks; Hot Wheels; Matchbox/ Lesney; Vintage toys; Watches; Commemorative coin sets; Stamps; Postcards; Tupperware; Farberware; Reverware; Corningware; Music boxes; Nesting bowls; Noritake; Tea sets; Japanese lusterware; 70s glassware; Hadley farm bowls; Amethyst & amber glass; Super cool vintage lamps; Rocking chairs; Adjustable canes; Mariners bat; Pet carrier; Directors chairs; Vacuums; X-boxes; PS2s; PS1s; Super Nintendo; Nintendo 64, games & more. 50% off video games & access. under $50. Check us out on Facebook. We buy estates & liquidate the contents, 9am6pm every Fri & Sat. ET Estate Sales, 1315 George Washington Way, Richland. 509-539-9775
HUGE 9 PERSON YARD sale, antiques, lots of clothes, kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stuff, dishes, leaf blower, commercial weed eater, furniture, trailer, porcelain doll. Friday-Saturday, August 1213, 8am-3pm, 2708 E College NORTHSIDE: HUGE Ongoing garage moving out of state sale. First phase includes furniture, collectibles, tools, vintage quality audio gear, oxy/ act, gantry, 4 post vehicle lift, leaded glass doors, displays, huge wrought iron cart, beautiful huge bronze triple dolphin water feature, high quality multi-piece desks, antique, wing back chairs, rare 9â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Victorian sofa, deco items, artwork, and tons more. You really donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to miss this one. Lots more items have been uncovered & added to this huge sale for this weekend. 7906 N. Nine Mile Road, 1.3 miles from the west end of Francis Avenue, Friday 8am-1pm, Saturday 8am-2pm
Buying Taxidermy
Any Kind! Any Amount!
NEWMAN LAKE - 24812 E. Cole Rd. 3 Family Sale Saturday 8am-5pm, & Sunday 8am-3pm, August 13-14. 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th Wheel Cover, Camping gear, exercise equipment, glassware, work horse collars & harnesses, etc EXPERT REPAIR
Innovations Incorporated â&#x20AC;&#x153;We Let You Love Your Computer Againâ&#x20AC;?
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(Spokane Valley @ Sullivan & Broadway)
:NK (GXT 9GRK GZ 8KJ -GZK ,GXS Mark Your Calendar for our Sale Next Weekend! End of Summer See ad Sell-a-bration! next week! Sat, Aug 20, 10-4 Sun, Aug 21, 12-5 Over 30 Vendors!
iPhone iPod Zune
Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, DS, Wii + All Others
22411 W Lance Hill Rd NJMFT 8 PG $IFOFZ t www.theredgatefarm.webs.com
10 TICKETS FOR Women of Faith, September 16 and 17, Spokane Arena, $89 each. Abundant Life Church, Clarkston, WA, 99403. 509-758-4911, ask for Terri; or Virginia, 208790-2059
YARD SALE FRIDAY-Saturday, August 12-13, 8am4pm, 4129 E Regina Ave, Mead, WA; womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothing, winter coats, hats, Afghans, exercise equipment, furniture, & miscellaneous
HOME, GARDEN, & Shop Sale, Friday, Saturday, August 12th, 13th, 9am2pm. 1/2 mile north of Barstow at Kettle River Herb Farm, 25358 Hwy 395 N, Kettle Falls, follow signs. Antiques, tools, dishes, plants, herbs, etc
HUGE YARD SALE! Furniture, tools, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Coleman Crawdad boat, new gas fireplace insert, like new Christmas decorations, many collectibles, much more! 5912 W Comanche Dr off Indian Trail, FridaySunday
Call Now for Winterizing Specials!
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) %$ $%( (% ( )#( ) !#( !# () !# %)! ( !(%!()
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Look Us Up on Facebook
Commercial and Residential
Blue Diamond Pools t
35+ Years Experience
Call Day or Night! LIC# BLUEDDP890MQ
A Speckled Hen ESTATE SALE SERVICES Estate Clean Outs Tag & Garage Sales
Been Denied Social Security/ SSI Benefits? REED LAW OFFICES
Former Administrative Law Judge Social Security Administration
Call Jana For a Free Consultation Appointment
Senior 509-270-7632 Bookings Available! Discounts
Call for FREE Consultation
Garage Sales & Events ALL MUST GO! Saturday, Aug. 13, 8-5pm, Sunday Aug. 14, 9-3pm. 2016 N Adams Ave, Spokane. Furniture, tools, household items, washer/ dryer and more.
Extra Special Lake Home Sale 3012 Manito Blvd Spokane
Fri - Sat - Aug. 12 & 13 9am-5pm
ALL CONTENTS OF 50 YEAR LAKE HOME, all in excellent condition!
Antique pine kitchen cabinet, lamps, porcelains, iron cookware, early hand-made quilts, 1860s dower chest, ST shelf clock, hanging lamp, miniature lamps, other collectible smalls, games/ child books. Solid wood Trestle extension table, 6 solid maple Hitchcock-style chairs, 1900 pine rocker, Windsor wheel back chair, deck table with 4 swivel chairs with cushions, covers excellent condition, 4 new folding deck chairs, BBQ 2 years old with cover, tank, tools, fine bedding, 12 place set Metlox â&#x20AC;&#x153;Poppyâ&#x20AC;? dinnerware with extras, fine old hooked rug 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Oriental runner, others. Just too much to list all. Our garage is packed! All this must go! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Miss This Sale!
Thanks for coming Pat LOST: Chihuahua $500 reward, female tri-colored, comes to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tink.â&#x20AC;? Last seen Sunday, 8pm, 7/24, at Conoco, Athol, ID. Very shy, no collar. 208-6998188 or 208-623-6182 or cell 415-713-5621
ESTATE FURNITURE Finds, new & used mattresses, bunkbeds, dressers, metal frames, odds & ends. Always fair prices at A.B.E.S. Discount Sales, 3014 E Garland at Market St, Spokane. Check often, stock changes regularly. 509-487-6978 Spokane www.abesdiscount.com ATTENTION, DO NOT rent dwelling or storage space just because it is there to let, ask neighbors about management, security, greediness, or selfishness, yourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s could turn out to be like a rental from hell, remember that â&#x20AC;&#x153;last rent payment check of mineâ&#x20AC;?, so they claimed? It was â&#x20AC;&#x153;found.â&#x20AC;? The one after more than 18 years of renting & never missed a payment, or asked for an extension, which on a Thursday, gave me a 3 day notice of eviction, I am 79 years old, soon to be 80, an Airforce retiree (28 years, 9 months, 27 days Korea Vietnam veteran), the 3 year old pothole still exists, the street light is still burned out, & the roadway keeps crumbling at the edge, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell you, beware, 509-244-0778 if you please, I made August payment by mail, return receipt requested, added time & expense, but they have no cause for eviction, no apology received, NC, no class (paid for advertisement)
175 TON (3 tons or more 169.99 ton)
195 TON (3 tons or more 189 ton)
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Per Sheet
510374 Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry
AUGUST 12-13, Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 8am5pm, Chattaroy, East off Hwy 2 on either Elk Chattaroy Rd or Chattaroy Rd, go to Hardesty, turn left, go to Grouse Rd, turn left, then left on Dollar Ln, there will be signs; most man cave stuff, antique gas pump & cash register, neon beer signsl; 8 BA flathead Ford with trans- rebuilt, runs great, hear it run, then go for a ride; old car stuff, tools, wheel balancer, etc., collectibles, some clothes & baby stuff, & much more AFFORDABLE LIVE Music for your event. Classic Rock, Country or Folk! Let us help you plan your Wedding, Party, Reception, Anniversary or Company Event! Call Pamela at Star*Struck Music, 509-951-4036 or send an e-mail to princessstardusty@yahoo.com -see our new page on Facebook, Star*Struck Music ORCHARD PRAIRIE Community yard sale, Saturday August 13 8am-5pm, Sunday August 14 8am5pm, furniture, Thomasville hutch 3 piece, electronics, business equipment, help, security TV, tools, smokers, jet ski cart, wicker furniture, 4 church pews, etc. Any questions call 509-434-4288 Keith DEER PARK 7 FAMILY Sale: Milking machine; chains for tractor; wood stove; 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hay sickle; household goods; collectibles/ antiques. 503 W. Bridges Road #19. 509-276-2052 ANOTHER GREAT BIG farm & yard sale! August 12-14, 9am-5pm on Friday & Saturday, 9am-2pm Sunday clean up day. We thought we were through, but we have dug up lots more farm & garage goodies, bring the truck or trailer again & haul it away; we have 2 & 3 bottom horse drawn plows for yard art, old doors, pickup racks, hay hauler platform for a 3 point hitch, large water trough, 9 UD6 Caterpillar with dozer blade, 100 year old beautiful oak harvest table, maple four poster bed, wooden high chair & crib, all 75 years old, radial arm saw, table saw, router table, big manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Laz-EBoy recliner, smaller rocker & foot stool to match, vet supplies, old wringer washer, acoustic guitar with case, brown suede show chaps (long), show bridle, martingale, Riata, & hobbles, heavy Bosal with head stall & hair reins, good heavy horse hobbles, rein sets, bits, skid boots, splint boots, Parellie halters, training surcingle with head stall & lines, light leather driving harness, saddle blankets, horse blankets, neat old side saddle, king size magnetic mattress pad, wagon load of farm stuff, Old Western Horseman magazines, Arab horse magazines, childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car seat; there will be much more & we are still digging it out. Directions to get here: take Hwy 2 West from Spokane to Reardan, go through Reardan 3 miles West to Hwy 231 (box car on right) left, go 1.5 miles to Detour Rd, turn right, 3 miles to Gravelle Rd, left, one mile to Hein Rd, right 1/2 mile to Safetypin Ranch Rd (23951), go left & that will bring you into the farm, we will have signs posted
LOVE TO yard sale? Tired of wasting money on gas? Come shop ET Estate Sales, we buy estates & liquidate the contents 9am-6pm every Fri & Sat. New arrivals every week. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like a city of yard sales. Check us out on Facebook. ET Estate Sales, 1315 George Washington Way, Richland. 509539-9775 11211 E KRUEGER LN, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 9am-1pm, Bigelow Gulch, North on Pleasant Prairie, look for signs, tree trimming bucket truck, manure spreader, guns, tools, surge buckets, blower for forge, new Christmas & Halloween items, Amish made oak table with 6 chairs, hydraulic log splitter, snow shovels, Amish quilts & quilt racks, lots of miscellaneous ESTATE SALE PART I, Friday-Sunday, August 1214, 8am-6pm, 5725 N. D St, Spokane, WA, paperback books, hardback books, canning jars & rings, small appliances, waffle maker, crock pots, coffee pots, irons, flatware, kitchen utensils, pots, pans, baking pans, baking sheets, cooling racks, plastic food storage containers, serving dishes/ trays, glass storage containers, dinner plates, salad plates, bowls, pitchers, drinking glasses, wine glasses, coffee cups, candles, dresses, ladies shirts, ladies pants, towels, wash cloths, hand towels, silk/ plastic flowers, movies (VHS & DVD), & much, much, much more! Come by & check out the sale! Cash only! No early birds
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 5
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(Exit #299 State Line, South of Freeway past Rocking B Ranch on Spokane Bridge, left at the Y on Riverview Dr., North on Richards Rd, & follow signs)
;g^ HVi! 6j\ &' &( Â&#x2122; -Vb"(eb
Tokheim Gas Pump; Antique Radios; Antique Tables & Lamps; Trunks; Kerosene Lamps; Valentine Cards; Post Cards; Fishing Items; Books & Maps; Sambo, A&W, Cracker Jacks, Railroad; Parlor Table & Chairs; Old Toys, Games, Ice Skates; School Desks; US Postage Stamp Machine; Claw Foot Piano Stool; Starburst Clock; Antique Christmas Ornaments; Vintage Cast Iron Frog Sprinkler; Antique Mirrors; Rug; Vintage Kitchen Items; Upright Piano; Couch & Chair; Long Bow; Quilt; Duncan Phyfe Table; Copper Tub; Old Clocks & Compasses; Sewing; Dressers; Bed; Bookcases; Metal Cabinets; 31â&#x20AC;? HDTV; Clothes; Jewelry & Much, Much More! *%."),*"&(&( Â&#x2122; mmm$^ec[iXod_Y^ebi$Yec ATHOL HUGE YARD/ estate sale, Friday and Saturday, 8am-6pm, behind Silverwood Theme Park, follow green signs. Lots of hand tools, power tools, old carpenter tools, old huge bench vise, grinders, axes, hammers, hi-lift jack, Honda EM3500X generator, lots of old cast iron skillets, dutch ovens, griddles, old wood stove, old kitchenware, kerosene lamps, glassware, fruit jars, old jewelry, old pocket and kitchen knives, lots of cowboy boots, hats, work boots, goosedown, wool jackets, crates, 15â&#x20AC;? reining saddle (like new), Oster HD animal clippers, lots of fishing rods, reels, camping gear and much more
6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; RUBBERMAID Type garden shed; 24â&#x20AC;? electric range; Griswold/ Wagner cast iron; old trunks; large, medium, small TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; TV stands; queen/ double mattress sets; oak frame futon with good mattress; electric lift chair/ recliner; small dining sets; good working pop/ beer fridge $99; bedroom sets; antique armoire; table/ floor fans; life jackets; Grizzly disc/ belt sander combination on stand; hide-a-bed sofas; a lot of budget priced college/ first apartment furniturekitchen utensils, dishes, pans, much more! Addy Second Hand, located on Hwy 395 in Addy, 10am-5:30pm, Monday- Saturday 509-935-4619
Drive-Thru Convenience LOTTO â&#x20AC;˘ Cigarettes Discount Beer & Wine
SAVE ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS Marlboro 72s ......................... $37.49 Marlboro .............................. $44.99 Pack .................................. $4.79 Camel 99 ............................... $39.89 Pall Mall ............................... $38.79 Liggett .................................. $35.99 Old Gold ................................ $34.49 Grand Prix.............................. $33.49 Sonoma ................................. $33.19 Carnival & Wild Horse ............... $30.99 Native (100% additive FREE) ....... $29.99 Fortuna & Pyramid ................... $29.49 Pack .................................. $3.07
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Garage Sales & Events HUGE 1/2 PRICE SALE: 1 Day Only! Friday 9am5pm, Cash Only, No Earlies. 10222 E. 4th Avenue, Spokane Valley (back driveway, off Felts). Great variety kitchen: pots, roasters, pressure cookers, dishes, utensils, etc, small appliances; bedding; towels; clothing; books; Avon; pottery; fabric & craft items; health care items; silk flowers & greenery; pots, vases, baskets, etc.; furniture; desks; small tables, set (6) naugahyde chairs, (2) wooden chairs; old ornate iron bedstead, complete, more. Lexmark printer; heavy duty auto ramps; much more FOOTHILLS AREA, 8918 N Forker Rd, Spokane, 1.2 miles north of Bigelow Gulch, Friday, 8am-4pm, Saturday, 8am-12 HOME, GARDEN, & Shop Sale, Friday, Saturday, August 12th, 13th, 9am2pm. 1/2 mile north of Barstow at Kettle River Herb Farm, 25358 Hwy 395 N, Kettle Falls, follow signs. Antiques, tools, dishes, plants, herbs, etc IT’S THE THIRD ANNUAL Rock Ranch Roundup, Saturday & Sunday, August 27 & 28, from 10am to 4pm each day, at Livingstones Rock Ranch. Free admission to the new Mining & Mineral Museum! Free drawings all day, & a free mineral specimen or polished rock for every student! Bring the whole family for Rockhound Bootcamp, a special 2 hour geology tour & dig. Register for either the 11am dig or the 1pm session each day. Fee is just $49 for a family (up to four, extras just $10 per person) and take home everything you find on Gem Hill! Bargains galore on fossils, minerals & gift shop items. Located just ten minutes off I-90 & Barker at 4216 S. Saltese Lake Rd, Greenacres. Call Steve today to join the fun, 509270-9076. Livingstones Rock Ranch is normally open daily from April through November for groups to attend “Geology Camp.” Reservations are now being accepted for Fall field trips & private parties. For more information, visit our website, www.livingstonesrockranch.com or call 509-270-9076 for available dates CALL COLLECTOR First! Wanted: Cash For Antique items, old military, indian, western, hunting, guns, archery, fishing, silver or gold coins, woodworking tools, old motorcycles, old artwork & jewelry, old railroad items, old stuff, etc, etc; we also buy small estates- No 30% auction fees charged here, Cash today! 509-484-0160 Spokane. Thank you honorable Veterans past & present
CDA ESTATE SALE, Friday 8/12 and Saturday 8/13, 7am-3pm, both days, 1407 Nora. 60 years in same home, lots of stuff including a sofa sleeper, loveseat and rocker with ottoman, 2 older upright freezers, tools, bedroom set, older dresser, display case, clothes, dishes, kitchen items, Avon collectibles, bell collection, some holiday decorations, books, wicker cradle from the late 1800s and more MASS OF Collectible Glassware, hordes of stemware of every imaginable kind, a lot of this will be on a 25 cents table, old wicker couch, collector dolls cheap, 1960’s Coca Cola fountain pop dispenser “Drink Coca Cola” on the sides, older stainless steel post mix pop machine, old army radar, part’s chest WWII?, fiberglass canopy for a Toyota long bed needs some glass otherwise nice $25, brand new point of use or concession trailer hot water tank $110, Edlebrock torker 289 aluminum intake for small block Ford, small belt drive air compressor, just lots of stuff, buy $10 worth of stuff & get a free ice cream cone at Doyle’s Ice Cream Parlor, 2219 W Boone, Friday-Saturday, 9am-? No earlies please SALE BY MARTIN, Friday 8am-3pm, Saturday 8am-12pm, 913 W. Cleveland in Central Spokane, sofa, lift chair, electronics, TVs, washer/ dryer, upright freezer, kiln, electric scooter, electric wheelchair, tools, Asian art, rare Waterfall dining set, breakfast set, bedroom set, computer desk, Waterfall cedar chest, lamps, upholstered chairs, Conn organ, grandfather clock, dishes, collectibles, fish stuff, house also for sale. 509-953-0844 CDA GARAGE SALE, 888 W. Willow Lake Loop, Saturday, 8am-3pm, Sunday 12pm-4pm. Women’s clothes, kitchen things, tent, misc. items WEST SPOKANE Inside Garage Sale! A little bit of everything, collectibles, decorations, books, media, lots of smalls. Check out our new place, Safe Trade USA, 1611 S. Geiger, Spokane. Head West up Sunset Hill to Geiger Boulevard, on the left hand side, signs. 509747-1588 NEW ITEMS JUST Arrived: Red Barn now located at 490 W. 2nd Avenue & Railroad (the truck route), Colville. Vanity; kitchen cabinets; miscellaneous sinks; doors, & windows; cabinets & lighting; much more. Open Monday-Saturday, 9am-5:30pm, 509-684-8995 MAN STUFF GARAGE Sale, 3’ metal lathe, drill press, pipe saw, metal cutter, torch set, & lots of other man stuff, cash only, Saturday 8am-2pm 4601 N. Jefferson
FORM YOUR TEAM today. American Cancer Society Relay for Life, August 12th-13th. Tamie, 208-687-4522. relayforlife.org/rathdrumID HEAVY SOLID OAK dining room table, 47”Lx42”Wx30”H with two 24” leaves (extends to 95” long), 6 cushioned chairs (neutral colored cushions), can seat 8, medium colored wood, $400 OBO. White Kenmore refrigerator, top freezer with automatic ice maker, good condition, plugged in and running, very clean, $250 OBO. Bell bike trailer for pulling kids, great condition, seats two side-byside or one in center, $75. Light colored wood bookshelf with 3 stacking shelves, shelves separate for use as child’s bench or bookshelf, perfect for kid’s room, $25 OBO. Boat props. Graco infant carseat, light sage green/ pink girl’s print, clean, never in wreck, $15. Call/text 208-512-5362 or email for pictures: allreds_clr@yahoo.com IF YOU HAVE BEEN BORN Again in our Lord Jesus Christ and follow His words in the four Gospels; and if you worship Almighty God our Heavenly Father in Spirit and in Truth without any clanging, banging, thumping, jumping or other entertainment; and if you welcome into your group the Presence of the Holy Ghost, the third part of the Godhead, you are indeed blessed. Please respond in writing to the box number, if you are within 50 miles of Spokane. Thank you kindly. Paid for advertisement. Box DD, c/o The Exchange, PO Box 427, Spokane WA 99210 FAMILY CAMPING IS Fun and affordable! August summer special at Little Diamond Lake KOA Park: book 2 nights, get the 3rd night free! We are located just 35 minutes north of Spokane. Newly developed pull-throughs with 50 amp service. Limited number of sewer sites available. Something for everyone with pool, hot tub, planned recreation activities, peaceful/ quiet setting. Book your reservation today. Call 800-5624788. Use code 2STAY or mention this ad PREGNANT? Considering Adoption? Talk with caring adoption expert, you choose from families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866413-6296 2009 RIDING LAWN Mower MTD, with rear bagger, like new condition, $600. 509-290-7733 Spokane GOLD MISER is the place to find that new metal detector for summer fun and profit. We carry all your prospecting needs. Come in and look at all our goodies or check out our online store: www.goldmiser.com. 34403 U.S. Hwy. 2, Libby, MT. 406-293-8679. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 8am5pm SPOKANE GARAGE Sale, stuffed animals, books, movies, tools, household items, exercise equipment. All for great low prices. One day only, Saturday, 8am-3:30pm. Prices range from $1 to a max of $150. 13923 E. 24th Ave
WANTED: NEW suppliers and vendors. Home/ small business welcome! We sell quality American merchandise on the internet. Seeking to expand by offering your products online. Details at www.DealsMadeInAmerica.com, 406270-7565, David DJ AVAILABLE. Planning a wedding or birthday party? Let us DJ your music. Nice sound system, reasonable rates. We also sell records: 45s, 78s and LPs. Call Richard at Collector’s Records, 208-6644549. E-mail: ilovemy56@gmail.com WILL TAKE YOUR unwanted goats or sheep. Have surplus of hay and pasture, large barn and loafing sheds. Not for butcher; Grass hay, no rain, $70 ton. Excellent care of animals. 208-2452475, late evenings or early mornings COME TO THE Silver Tea Room in Wallace, ID at Price Tag Antiques on Bank St. Relax and enjoy a luncheon tea, afternoon tea or high tea. Open daily. Call for reservations, 208-556-1500. www.pricetagantiques.com FREE STORAGE. Second month free when the first month is paid. Offer good with new customers at Farragut Storage in Athol, ID. Call 208-6832181 or visit farragutstorage.net LOST: Chihuahua $500 reward, female tri-colored, comes to “Tink.” Last seen Sunday, 8pm, 7/24, at Conoco, Athol, ID. Very shy, no collar. 208-6998188 or 208-623-6182 or cell 415-713-5621 EXPRESS LOANS. What are you paying for payday loans? Check out our low rates. Call 208-777-9773; 2700 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls MOBILE HOME TIRES, 14.5x8.00, on rims, $30 each. Rocky Mountain Distributing, 7560 N. Government Way, CdA, 208-7656720 LOW INCOME LEGAL services, paralegal and investigations. Payments as low as $10 week. 208-6406086, http://diamond-legal.blogspot.com TOO GRUMPY’S Locksmith, LLC opening special, Sandpoint only. Rekey one lock $35, 2 keys included, additional locks $8 each. 208-265-8395 RENT OUR 24’ Pontoon boat! Have you ever wanted to take your visiting family out on the Lake Cd’A, but couldn’t afford the $750 per day price for a boat? We will take you and your family out on our 24’ pontoon boat for $60 hour plus gas. We can seat 14 and we supply a captain, so all you have to worry about is what to put in the cooler. What a great idea for birthdays, etc. Mary, 208-687-0532 (2) ORNAMENTAL Black iron driveway gates, 7’ tall, 25’ wide, new, $2000 for pair. 509-290-7733 GRACE FOR ALL Nations Christian Leadership Conference with Emmanuel Ziga, August 12th-14th, 7pm, Mirabou Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Rd., Spokane. Special music Betty Symons. Free admission, everyone welcome. For information call 208-7729959
Personals MATCHFINDERS OF Eastern Washington. All the good ones aren’t taken. Meet your match! 509-242-0159; 877-6046519
CHRISTIAN SINGLES Of Eastern Washington. Find someone who shares your values. Call today! 509230-1671
LOW INCOME LEGAL services, paralegal and investigations. Payments as low as $10 week. 208-6406086, http://diamond-legal.blogspot.com
"% 7&35*4*/(
Music PIANO TUNING: HAS it been over a year since your piano was tuned? Satisfaction guaranteed. Free cleaning included. 509-680-3340 120 BASS ACCORDION, In good shape, good tone, black color, 3 treble changes & 2 bass changes, $235. 509-926-0951 Spokane Valley PIANO LESSONS, JOY & Fun learning, $8/ hour, 55 years experience. Call 509847-8285
PIANO LESSONS. Fun, Patient teacher, all ages. $15/ lesson, materials included. 30 years experience, references available 509-868-0510 OLD GUITARS Wanted, Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D’Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, & Mosrite; Gibson mandolins/ banjos; 1930s1970s; top cash paid. 800401-0440
Health & Fitness YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT Is attainable! Fast acting new herbal extracts to help you feel full sooner, lessen the appetite & gently stimulate a sluggish thyroid. Are unaddressed glandular dysfunctions & overeating keeping you from the healthy size you used to be? Pick up a bottle of Weight Control at Huckleberry’s inside your local Rosauers, look for the wooden Mountain Meadow Herbs display. Questions call 406-7566654 to speak with an herbal care specialist AFFORDABLE Insurance solutions; life, health, dental, vision supplements; for individuals, families, self-employed. The solutions you need, the service you deserve. 509-9530884, email jvaughn@insphereis.com, website www.insphereis.com/jvaughn Insphere Insurance Solutions, Inc. IIS000024 $119 SPA & HOTEL Package - Stay fresh this summer with one night’s stay in a classic room and a $25 discount on spa services. www.NorthernQuest.com
TAKE VIAGRA/ CIALIS? Save $500, get 40 100mg/ 20mg pills for only $99. Call now & get 4 bonus pills free! Your satisfaction or money refunded! 888-757-8646 HULA DANCING CLASS! Starts August 24th at Southside Senior & Activity Center, all ages welcome, 5:30-6:30pm. Call 509-481-0796 for more information JAZZY ELECTRIC wheelchair, never used, $1800. 2 hospital beds, 1 never used, $400; 1 needs new controls but works, $100. Thick mattress for beds, $50. 208-610-9226
ALOHA HCG, LOSE 1-2 pounds a day in stored fat, safe & affordable, from FDA approved lab in the U.S. Say goodbye to stored fat and hello to HCG! 509714-0450, www.alohahcg.com
Any Size!
(509) 995-4168 Lic #SKICO1*976JB
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 7
$"4) 3&8"3%
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CASH FOR WATCHES: Buying menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wristwatches, honest, discreet collector paying cash for Omega, Rolex, Seiko, etc. Dan 509-747-2522
$40 Face Value in silver will purchaseâ&#x20AC;Ś
Bring your silver coins in & trade up
Minelab Xterra 705 Gold Detector BOWENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HIDEOUT
1917 E. Sprague t 509 t
$75 NEW STEREO Record player with AM/FM radio; $40 new computer desk with shelves; $10 new 13â&#x20AC;? bird calling clock; $10 classic color picture of Elvis. 509483-4055
DISH NETWORK Lowest Nationwide price $19.99/ month, free 30 movie channels, watch TV on mobile devices free, next day installation. Call 800-4659348, restrictions apply, call for details
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Older Combines or Farm Equipment
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OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers, various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We sell, rent, buy, & move containersâ&#x20AC;?. Insta Stor Inc 509-7651376 www.instastor.net
BUYing & SELLing Estate Furniture
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Cardboard â&#x20AC;˘ Bubble Wrap â&#x20AC;˘ Junk Mail â&#x20AC;˘ Office Paper â&#x20AC;˘ Packing â&#x20AC;&#x153;Peanutsâ&#x20AC;? Old Computers â&#x20AC;˘ Electronics â&#x20AC;˘ Breakroom Recyclables â&#x20AC;˘ Metals
3014 E. Garland at Market St. t 4QPLBOF t 487-6978 REACH OVER 28 Million Homes with one ad buy. Only $2795 per week! For information contact this publication or go www.naninetwork.com
DIRECTV $0 START Costs! All free: HBO/ Showtime/ Starz/ Cinemax 3 months plus NFL Sunday ticket with choice ultimate plus HD/DVR upgrade, from $29.99/ month. $0 start! 800-3296061
SLOT MACHINES. Buying in any condition, also parts. Complete repairs or restoration service too. Private party, 509-922-2454 Spokane
OMG! MONEY! It is about the money. Do you have all the money you want? Can you wrap your mind around earning the lifestyle you want? $5000, $20,000, $80,000, a month. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve done it & you can too! Retirement, lack of money woes gone forever! Tiny investment $225, $500, $1000 is all you need. You can make $8500, $13,000 in bonuses in your first month. Training, hands-on team work. This is no little deal. Meet or talk with us in person, find out the details. Also, every Thursday Mixers, 7:30pm. www.nodoubts.net OLD ADVERTISING: Tins, porcelain, glass, paper, Coca Cola, & other soda, old gas pumps & other petroleum advertising. Specialty neons, beer signs. WA or ID license plates, up to 1982. Lots of miscellaneous. 509-9269266 Spokane email dlee40@comcast.net
FREE COMMUNITY Clothes Drive: all blankets, pillows, & linen for free. Sponsored by My Little Creations Day Care. Mission & Barker, Friday & Saturday, 8am-8pm
FALL BACK WITH US! New Smyrna Beach, Florida, stay a week or longer, plan a beach wedding, family reunion. See it all www.NSBFLA.com/Specials 888-797-9031
E^X` Je HZgk^XZ 6kV^aVWaZ s 8Vaa [dg YZiV^ah
Earthworks Recycling (509)
534-1638 â&#x20AC;˘ 1904 E. Broadway at Napa â&#x20AC;˘ Open Mon-Sat 8-4:30
ATTRACTIVE WOOD Stove with window, black with gold, $300 or $325 with pipe; youth bed, complete, $45; Free, (9) aluminum windows, assorted sizes; free boxes. 509-3265166
HEALTH CARE supplement plus herbs. Lose weight! Lots of benefits! If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never taken health supplements with herbsthis is the time to try! 618787-2067 ID# 2196 or www.natures 1st.com/2196
ALL STATES CONSTRUCTION WHERE SHOULD YOU STORE YOUR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SUMMER TOYS ? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; IN A â&#x20AC;&#x153;NEW POLE BUILDINGâ&#x20AC;?! 4)014 t ("3"(&4 t #"3/4 t 4)&%4 -0'54 t 37 $"3 $07&34 .6$) .03&
244-8777 / 944-5213 2724 S. Hayford Rd. Airway Heights, WA
50 lbs.
Size Kit Labor 24x24x10 $4,400 $1,400 = $5,800 24x30x10 $5,000 $1,800 = $6,800 30x36x12 $6,700 $2,700 = $9,400 30x40x12 $7,200 $3,000 = $10,200 40x60x14 $11,900 $6,000 = $17,900 Prices do not include permit, tax, delivery, doors or concrete Delivery is $5 per mile from my yard. Call 990-6969 for deliveries
Lowest Prices on Earth!
WANT TO SAVE $500 On Viagra/ Cialis? Get 40 100mg/ 20mg pills for only $99. No office visit. Money back guarantee. 4 bonus pills free! Call 888-7578646
INSURE YOUR LICENSE, Drive any car. www.SafeAutoHome.com 509477-9044. Cascade Insurance Team, 624 W. Hastings, Suite #9, Spokane WA 99218
CASH FOR CARS: ALL Cars/ trucks wanted, running or not, top dollar paid. We come to you, any make/ model. Call for instant offer 800-864-5960
RAW LOCAL HONEY, 4 gallons, 1 gallon, 1/2 gallon, 2 lb, 16oz. skep. Huckleberry honey, beeswax candles. Lowest prices in the area. 509-927-8627 Otis Orchards
MISCELLANEOUS & Household Sale: Indoors, neatly priced & arranged to be seen. 509-891-2515 Spokane Valley
WANTED FOR SALVAGE old farm, logging machinery, old trucks & trailers, we can move anything. 509-216-3394
David Fisher (509) 723-8250 wcs-spokane.com
25. Declare, as in court 26. Bridal veil fabric 27. Ricochet 29. *Popular party garb 31. Geological time periods 32. Spa covers 33. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Business as _____â&#x20AC;? 34. *A first lady 36. Carte du jour 38. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No big ____â&#x20AC;? 42. Famously opposable 45. *Musical film hit 49. Flightless bird 51. Desert trick 54. Girder with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;? cross section 56. One who dates 57. 2nd letter of Greek alphabet 58. Pitcher 59. Dumpy establishment 60. Ball of yarn 61. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it hit you on your way out 62. ____-European language 63. ____ and terminer 64. Psychedelic drug 66. The day before
Find solution to this puzzle and more under the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Communityâ&#x20AC;? tab online at www.exchangepublishing.com
got silver coins?
ATTEND COLLEGE Online from home. Medical, business, paralegal, accounting, Criminal Justice, job placement assistance, computer available, financial aid if qualified. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com
BUYING OLD STUFF. www.ibuyoldstuff.com or call for flyer. Also, buying estate contents www.abesdiscount.com for details. Fair, honest & baloney free 509-939-9996 Spokane
55. Often precedes name of month or year 57. Besmear 60. *Popular transmitter 64. He traveled with Clark 65. Electric swimmer 67. Lack of muscular tension 68. Martin or Carell, e.g. 69. Park ___ in NYC 70. Hollow rock 71. Instead of truth? 72. Feline sound 73. Mistake Down 1. Jung or Linnaeus, e.g. 2. S-shaped molding 3. More than one solo 4. Remove from existence 5. Iroquoian language 6. Besides 7. Spelling contest 8. Medicinal herb 9. Territory, abbr. 10. Musical piece 11. Money maker 12. Paper or plastic? 15. Swaddle 20. Red in France 22. European union 24. Submissive one
SOCIAL SECURITY Disability claim denied? We can help! Free consultation; no recovery, no fee. Call today! Tucker & Boklage PLLC 800-431-3688
Across 1. Trig. function 6. Tideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s backward flow 9. *â&#x20AC;?The ____ of Dracula,â&#x20AC;? Marvel Comics 13. Greek bazaar 14. Romanian money 15. Old photograph color 16. 4 x 4 race 17. Stock regulator 18. Twisted, as in clothes 19. *_______ suit 21. *Famous abductee 23. Idâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partner 24. *Sonny & Cher, e.g. 25. Rubber substitute 28. Insurance type 30. A winged babe 35. Type of rich soil 37. *Sitcom â&#x20AC;&#x153;____ Timesâ&#x20AC;? 39. Jagged 40. Republic of Ireland 41. White heron 43. Adjoin 44. â&#x20AC;&#x153;_____ came the spider...â&#x20AC;? 46. Wet nurse 47. Assigned spot 48. Modest or shy 50. Grad 52. *Rocky actor 53. Give off
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8 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
9j Bdg GZXnXa^c\ C# +)%) EZggn! Hed`VcZ )-."+)-' N
CHOCOLATES 6ajb^cjb 8Vch DU MOR RECYCLERS CZlheVeZg Â&#x2122; >gdc ROSEWOOD 8deeZg Â&#x2122; GVY^Vidgh 7gVhh Â&#x2122; 7ViiZg^Zh HiZZa Â&#x2122; 6ajb^cjb :mi# FRANCIS 8dggj\ViZY 8VgYWdVgY 8dbejiZgh BdgZ 7g^c\ I]^h 6Y ;dg HeZX^Va Eg^X^c\ We Honor Competitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coupons!
8dciV^cZg VcY E^X`"je HZgk^XZ 6kV^aVWaZ
Miscellaneous SPOKANE SILVER Swap Buy, sell, & trade coins, currency, etc. Free admission & parking; 1st Sunday every month, 10am6pm; next show is August 7th; North Spokane Eagles Lodge 1973 SELF CONTAINED camper, clean one owner, 9 1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long $850. Clawfoot bath tub, clean $325. 509535-7705 Spokane ORNAMENTAL BLACK Iron driveway gates, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, beautiful with artwork $500, solar power opener $450. 509-2907733 Spokane SAVE SOCIAL Security! Save Medicare! Save Medicaid! Join us! Greater Spokane Democratic Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club, annual Democratic potluck, Manito Park Pavilion, 18th & Grand, Friday, August 19, 2011, 5-7pm, suggested donation $5 (children under 10 are free). Questions 509-927-8908 or 509-9289286
42â&#x20AC;? JOHN DEERE Riding Lawn Mower, runs, with bagger, $500; (2) push mowers, self-propelled, $65 each. 509-290-7733 Spokane LADDER/ BOAT RACK for 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pickup box, currently on Ford F-150, extremely nice, $400. 509999-5417 FRENCH GREEN CLAY, Bentonite, Kaolin & Fullers Earth now available at Greencastle Soap, Spokaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one-stop source for soap making supplies, 203 N. Stone, open Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm, 509-466-7223 BUILDERS, Remodelers, Home Improvers, get ready for the great Home Idea Show coming this fall, Oct 7-9th at the Spokane Fairgrounds. Lots of seminars, exhibits and business opportunities. Call today to get your booth 509-939-8017 or go to www.homeideashow.com
TIRED OF SHOPPING & crowded shopping malls? Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s go Shopping! with www.2305-site.wyzeshopping.com NEW BLACK IRON Driveway gates, 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, with artwork $500, new solar powered opener $400. 509-290-7733 FAMILY CAMPING IS Fun and affordable! August summer special at Little Diamond Lake KOA Park: book 2 nights, get the 3rd night free! We are located just 35 minutes north of Spokane. Newly developed pull-throughs with 50 amp service. Limited number of sewer sites available. Something for everyone with pool, hot tub, planned recreation activities, peaceful/ quiet setting. Book your reservation today. Call 800-5624788. Use code 2STAY or mention this ad HERMINEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OLD World Confections offers something new and different, such as bienenstich, marzipan tortes and apfelkuchen. Black Forest tortes to order, souvenir marzipan candy Idaho potatoes, out of this world fudge. We produce our own marzipan of legendary perfection in four flavors, espresso dark chocolate. Several styles of German cuckoo clock tin toys in the souvenir department. Free candy samples! 2415 N. Government Way #4, CdA, just south of Appleway. Come visit, enjoy something different. 208-664-9580. www.MarzipanLove.com; kevinhermine@frontier.com
HOME IDEA SHOW coming this fall, October 7-9, Spokane Fairgrounds. Be part of this well established, well organized and well attended show. Call today to get your booth 509-939-8017 or go to www.homeideashow.com 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HESSTON SELF Propelled diesel swather with conditioner, with cab & air, model 8400, $16,500; self propelled model 1049S bale wagon, $17,000. 509448-9378, cell 509-9446199 ATTENTION, DO NOT rent dwelling or storage space just because it is there to let, ask neighbors about management, security, greediness, or selfishness, yourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s could turn out to be like a rental from hell, remember that â&#x20AC;&#x153;last rent payment check of mineâ&#x20AC;?, so they claimed? It was â&#x20AC;&#x153;found.â&#x20AC;? The one after more than 18 years of renting & never missed a payment, or asked for an extension, which on a Thursday, gave me a 3 day notice of eviction, I am 79 years old, soon to be 80, an Airforce retiree (28 years, 9 months, 27 days Korea Vietnam veteran), the 3 year old pothole still exists, the street light is still burned out, & the roadway keeps crumbling at the edge, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell you, beware, 509-244-0778 if you please, I made August payment by mail, return receipt requested, added time & expense, but they have no cause for eviction, no apology received, NC, no class (paid for advertisement)
Antiques RAIKES BEARS, 1986 complete set, boxes and certificates. Tyrone, Max, Miss Kitty, Arnold, Benjamin, Christopher and Penelope. $750. 775-7813723, Post Falls UPTOWN GIRL Antiques new arrivals: Fenton coin dot; Vintage linens; Marbles; Jewelry & coins. Check us out on Facebook. Uptown Girl Antiques, hours: Tues- Sat, 11ish to 6pm. 1367 George Washington Way, Richland. 509946-girl, 509-539-9775
CALL COLLECTOR First! Wanted: Cash For Antique items, old military, indian, western, hunting, guns, archery, fishing, silver or gold coins, woodworking tools, old motorcycles, old artwork & jewelry, old railroad items, old stuff, etc, etc; we also buy small estates- No 30% auction fees charged here, Cash today! 509-484-0160 Spokane. Thank you honorable Veterans past & present
Antique furniture Garden & Home Decor Motorcycles, more!
1611 S. Geiger Blvd. 509-747-1588 I WILL SELL FOR YOU! ebay Power Seller, no fee if not sold. Family heirlooms, guns, automobiles, motorcycles, jewelry. ebay 100% top seller. Call Jim first, 509279-4729 Spokane
Monday-Friday 12:30pm-6:30pm ORIGINAL WORLD of Wonder, Teddy Ruxpin, Grubby, Mother Goose, Ugly Duckling, Mickey Mouse, Goofy. Boxes with clothes, tapes and books. $750. 775-781-3723, Post Falls
hillyard united MALL Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2030;
2 Floors of Antiques, Collectibles, Glassware & Jewelry â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 20 DEALERS!
Air Conditioned Mall I-90 Exit #283, Freya St. - North to Market .POEBZ 4BUVSEBZ BN QN t 4VOEBZ BN QN
5016 N. Market St., Spokane, WA |Ă&#x2030;509-483-2647
(2) ART DECO BAR Cabinets, both have mirrors, glass tops, unique horn shape legs with brass tips. Stunning pieces, they would be fabulous in a lounge, lobby or large studio. Call SafeTrade USA for more details, I can email pictures. Call 509-7471588 Spokane MARBLES, marbles, marbles, Akro Agate: Superman, amazing corkscrews. Peltier: Superman, Dragon, Cub Scout. CA: Striped opaque, Flame, one spot guinea & more. Check us out on Facebook. Uptown Girl Antiques, hours: Tues- Sat, 11ish to 6pm. 1367 George Washington Way, Richland. 509946-girl or 509-539-9775 BINGHAMTON MORRIS armchair #133, $175; coat rack to match, $125; old suitcase with straps, inside dividers with straps, $75; old printing shop galleys, (1) bronze 1880â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s $50, (4) steel $30 each, or $140 for all; 1950â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 5hp Johnson outboard motor, $100. 509448-2047 IDAHO PICKER. Do you have an old barn, shed, garage, attick, junk pile or maybe an old dump on your property? Let me pick through it. Looking for old oil cans, bottles, signs, toys, guitars, Beatle items, beer signs, military items, bicycles, old car parts, farm equipment parts, old dairy products. Anything you might want to get rid of, give me a call. 208-553-4209 or email me at harlyironhead@hotmail.com
ONE DAY only! Mark your calendar for Attic Clutter Antiqueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual one day only sale. 40% off store wide. All of Attic Clutterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s merchandise included in the sale (except guns). Sale starts 10am Sat, Aug 13th & ends at 6pm. 601 W Yakima Ave, Yakima. 509-575-3084 KEROSENE LAMPS & parts for sale, including Aladdin. Call 509-448-9014 Spokane
VICTORIAN CHEST of Drawers, probably 1890s era, $125. View over 75 other pieces from the 1880s-1950s, www.SafeTradeUSA.com or call 509-747-1588 Spokane JIM BEAM DECANTERS 1970s to 1990s, includes Railroad series, Cars (from Model Ts, Duesenbergs, to Corvettes and 1957 Chevys), many beautiful Executives, Christmas Bells with music boxes, States, cats, dogs, birds, many different Fox bottles. Special Jim Beam National limited give aways & Convention bottles/decanters. If there is something you need to complete your collection more than likely Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got it. Selling everything (about 1700 bottles) at unbelievable low prices, a fraction of the collector value. 509-926-9266 Spokane
SILVER LAKE, 10 Acres, with 800+ ft of Waterfront access, business zoned, next to 130 unit condo project. $1,500,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 RENT OUR 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pontoon boat! Have you ever wanted to take your visiting family out on the Lake Cdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;A, but couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afford the $750 per day price for a boat? We will take you and your family out on our 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pontoon boat for $60 hour plus gas. We can seat 14 and we supply a captain, so all you have to worry about is what to put in the cooler. What a great idea for birthdays, etc. Mary, 208-687-0532 ATTEND COLLEGE Online from home. Medical, business, paralegal, accounting, Criminal Justice, job placement assistance, computer available, financial aid if qualified. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com CALL US- 509-922-3456 MAKE MONEY, SAVE Money, earn free gas, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a no-brainer! www.gasmoney4you.com
MOVING/ MUST Sacrifice Craftsman 5 drawer rolling toolbox, $65; NuWave infrared convection oven, $50; Jack Lalane juicer, $60; all in new condition with original boxes, manuals, etc. 509-5997128 VON DAGO. HAND pinstriping. 509-954-2149, 208-772-7399 www.SpotechDefense.com Self Defense Products and more. This weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blog: 10 Tips for Safer Emails RV PROPANE refrigerators, repair, sales and service, 2 year warranty. 208777-1759 6 KEG TDD-4 Direct draw draft beer cooler for salemake an offer. 208-8821533, Moscow LOOKING FOR Someone To pull a 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel camper from Kingston ID to Elk WA. 509-292-9487 RITTER CLAMPING Frame, Model 300, $7000. Bobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cabinet Shop, 509397-3244 Colfax I BUY BOATS and motors, also free removal of some. 208-755-3040
GARAGE SALES Northeast Northeast Northeast Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Southeast Southwest Valley Valley Valley Valley West Plains Cheney Davenport Deer Park Deer Park Kettle Falls Mead Newman Lake Nine Mile Falls Richland CDA CDA Post Falls Tensed
1128 E Glass Aug 13, 10-5 11211 E Krueger Ln Aug 13, 9-3/14, 9-1 8918 N Forker Rd Aug 12, 8-4/13, 8-12 2708 W College Aug 12-13, 8-3 4601 N Jefferson Aug 13, 8-2 913 W Cleveland Aug 12, 8-5/14, 9-3 2016 N Adams Ave Aug 13, 8-5/14, 9-3 2219 W Boone Aug 12-13, 9-? 5912 W Comanche Dr Aug 12-14, all day 7906 N Nine Mile Rd Aug 12, 8-1/13, 8-2 5725 N D St Aug 12-14, 8-6 2324 E 5th Aug 12-13, 9-5 1039 W 10th Aug 12-13, 8-4 2303 S Fawn Drive Aug 12, 9-4/13, 9-3 10222 E 4th Ave Aug 12, 9-5 12809 E 10th Aug 12-13, 9-6 13923 E 24th Ave Aug 13, 8-3:30 3007 S Trident Aug 12-13, 8-5 1310 W 1st St Aug 11-14, 12-5 23951 N Safety Pin Ranch Rd Aug 12-14, 9-5 6405 W Crosscut Rd Aug 11-12, 9-5 410 Hare Lane Aug 12-13, 8-5 25358 Hwy 395 N Aug 12-13, 9-2 4129 E Regina Ave Aug 12-13, 8-4 24812 E Cole Rd Aug 13, 8-5/14 8-3 14303 N Wood Road Aug 12-14, all day 1315 George Wash. Way Aug 12-13, 9-6 1407 Nora Aug 12-13, 7-3 888 W Willow Lake Loop Aug 13, 8-3/14, 12-4 263 S Juniper Aug 12-13, 8-5 383399 Hwy 95 Aug 12-14, 8-5
Estate Estate
Estate Estate
Estate Estate Estate
AUCTIONS Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 12-13 Aug 13 Aug 13-14 Aug 16 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 27 Sept 10
Newport Post Falls State Line Spokane Spokane Spokane Hayden Post Falls Davenport Spokane Valley Hayden Chattaroy
Reinland Premier Estate Company Mini Warehouse Owens Reinland Black Reinland Stockland Reinland Reinland Reinland
509-926-6191 509-496-8038 509-475-1313 509-891-9935 509-926-6191 208-762-4346 509-926-6191 509-535-2444 509-926-6191 509-926-6191 509-926-6191
Estate Estate Estate Storage Estate Equipment Bankruptcy Equipment Small Animal Floor Covering Moving Equipment
AUCTION INDEX SPONSORED BY One of the Northwestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Leading Auction Galleries Âş Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;>Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x160;-ÂŤiVÂ&#x2C6;>Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192;Âť
Over 25 Years of Quality Service
xäÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2021;nÂ&#x2122;ÂŁÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;Ă&#x17D;xĂ&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x201C;ä{Ă&#x160; °Ă&#x160;ÂŁĂ&#x2021;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x203A;i]Ă&#x160;-ÂŤÂ&#x153;Â&#x17D;>Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x201C;änÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x17D;{Ă&#x201C;Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x201C;{Ă&#x201C;
POLE BARNS Miscellaneous Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC;
Â&#x2DC; MÂ&#x2DC;
ID#RCE 23516
Call your Local Spokane Area Rep: !Â?cÂ&#x2DC; Â&#x2DC; daÂĽFda3^Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC;509-953-7256 www.CDAStructures.com AT&T U-VERSE FOR Just $29.99/ month. Save when you bundle Internet, phone, & TV & get up to $300 back (select plans), limited time. Call now 866944-0906
RANCH SALE: WOOD cook stove, maple furniture, table & bar stools, 15 speed like new bike, wood & metal tools, too much to list. Airway Heights area 509-993-0340 call anytime
$%.452% #,).)#
WHITE METAL Detector MXT Eclipse 950E series, paid $800, asking $650 or best offer, barely used. 509-796-2604
WANTED: SENIOR Electric chairs, (2) to buy for cash, 509-922-0412, leave message or cell 509-2636729
Vehicles in your way? Free Removal!
VIETZKE VILLAGE, 2011 S. Craig Road, Airway Heights. Storage available, $50 month, first & last, $25 refundable cleaning deposit. Call Jeff, 509217-0069 SCHWINN GIRLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S 3 speed bike, area rug 6x9, Southwest design, matching floor vase, new compact refrigerator (great for dorm or garage), Hitachi bread maker still in box, vinyl record collection (78, 45, 33), old pocket knives. 509-927-2500 MOBIL, TEXACO & Other Porcelain signs: Texaco double sided, 6-angle, 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide x52â&#x20AC;? high, $1000; 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Round Porcelain Signs: Flying A, Signal, Frontier, Texaco; Also have 3 different Coca Cola Porcelain Buttons. Call for information & prices 509-9269266 Spokane, or email dlee40@comcast.net
509-276-3845 Call for Special Pricing
for some! Call now! AAACES TOWING
in Clayton â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hwy 395 4428 Williams Valley Rd.
COMMERCIAL Property in Suncrest! 2.8 acres, 700ft. frontage on Hwy 291. For sale or can be rented monthly! Ron 509496-8423 or Brad 509-2179256
ASK YOURSELF, WHAT Is your Timeshare worth? We will find a buyer/ renter for Cash, no gimmicks, just results. www.BuyATimeshare.com Call 888-879-7165
PROJECT BIKES WANTED Pre-1972 Honda Street Motorcycles and Select 2-Stroke Motorcycles
Cash Paid
Any Brand Any condition, no title okay! Also, newer pre-2000 dirt bikes!
509 Spokane Also, Pre-1972 2-Door Project Cars SMALL ENGINE Repair. Northwoods Sales & Service. Quality work on all makes and models. Also offering blade and chainsaw sharpening. Pick-up and delivery is available. Serving Deer Park and Surrounding Areas. 509-8638854
WANTED: FURNITURE Must be good, clean, quality used furniture. Also, buying misc. Estates. 509-218-2142 Spokane
4 GROW LIGHTS, 120/240 1000w sodium halide, vents, filters, thermostats, scale, moisture motors, temperature humidifiers, timer switches, cooling fans, sulfur burner; used once, 1/2 price $1100. 509-932-4206 Valley
Hearing Loss Caused by Noise Exposure? If you worked in a noisy environment & experienced hearing loss, you may be eligible for hearing aids & other benefits! If you presently have hearing aids from a previous L&I claim that are not working, you may be eligible to receive replacement instruments with updated Digital Technology. The Department of Labor & Industries claim staff will determine if you have an acceptable claim.
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LIVE MUSIC FOR ALL your occasions! Affordable! Bands (Classic Rock, Country or Folk!), DJ, Karaoke, Jam Nights & more! Any kind of music! Need help to plan the music for your event? Weddings, parties, receptions, anniversary parties, corporate BBQs, or â&#x20AC;&#x153;anyâ&#x20AC;? private parties, we can do it! Give us your budget, let us help you! Call Pamela at Star*Struck Music, 509951-4036 or send an email to princessstardusty@yahoo.com -see our new page on Facebook, Star*Struck Music GIVE YOUR ELDERLY loved one the gift that lasts! A private room, & heartfelt professional care at St. Philomenaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Finest, LLC Adult Family Home, RN managed. 509-2172488. (end of life & dementia care specialties.) Novena Prayer to St. Philomena: O faithful virgin & glorious martyr St. Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor & sorrowing, have pity on me, a poor sinner. Thou knowest the multitude & diversity of my needs. Behold me at thy feet, full of misery but full of hope. I entreat thy charity, O great Saint! Graciously hear me & obtain from God a favorable answer to the request which I now humbly lay before thee (here specify your petition.) I am firmly convinced that through the merits of the suffering, scorn, & the death thou didst endure, united to the merits of the Passion & Death of Jesus, thy Spouse, I shall obtain what I ask of thee, & in the joy of my heart I will bless God who is so admirable in His Saints Amen. For an Infant Jesus of Prague prayer card, please send a SASE12314 E. 19th Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99216
NEED A SAFE AND effective replacement for pain drugs? Trauma free drops have proven results with any pain; dental, surgical, sprains, fractures. Only available at Sago Naturals & More, 110 E Main, Chewelah, WA. for info call 509-935-4388 or 1-877935-2633 AIRLINES ARE Hiring, Train for high paying aviation maintenance career. FAA approved program, financial aid if qualified, housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 LADDERS WANTED: Any size, step or extension, I need several. I buy for cash. Bart 509-9913950 Spokane $50 FREE WHEN U Dump cable & get satellite installed free, free HD for life, free HBO, Cinemax, Showtime & Starz, programming from $19.99 & $50 savings bond, switch & save. Call for details, Eagle Satellite, 800-DumpCable, 800-386-7222, www.800DumpCable.com GET YOUR Independence for only $24.95! Break the bonds of your internet service provider! Now available, you@yourname.com or you@yourbusiness.com & your internet access for one low monthly price. Never be forced to change your email addresses, 100 Megs of web space & nationwide high speed internet access with 24/7 tech support! Call SISNA at 866-Go-Sisna, 866-4674762
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 9
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Call for Details
SUPERB CONVERSIONS to DVD from VHS, Betamax, Umatic, MiniDV, Beta, large quantity DVD duplication, HD field production editing, Blue Ray, & many other video services. www.Station3Media.com 509-927-5083
OAK END TABLES, Coffee table, end tables; wrought iron bar stools; antique mantle clock; good roping & pleasure saddle, bridles, bits, reins; aluminum backpack & frame; sleeping bags- cold & arctic. 509-342-9530
â&#x20AC;˘ Cast Iron.........................$160 Ton â&#x20AC;˘ #1 Copper......................$2.02 Lb. â&#x20AC;˘ Red Brass........................$1.57 Lb. â&#x20AC;˘ Aluminum Cans.................46¢ Lb. (Over 100 lbs. 5¢ lb. bonus) â&#x20AC;˘ Steel/Tin.........................$120 Ton Now Open Saturdays, 8AM-Noon
208-765-3115 North of CdA Industrial Park
DISH NETWORK Lowest Nationwide price $199/ month, free HBO, Cinemax, Starz, Showtime, free Blockbuster, free HD/DVR & install, next day install 800-647-2465 restrictions apply, call for details
BUY 1 DRINK GET 1 FREE (equal or lessor value - one per visit, can not be combined with other offers) Bring this ad in! expires 7/31/11
CHANGING LATITUDES Travel, your time is at hand for a quality vacation, Call James 509-5349740 (message) MondayThursday 4-7pm, FridaySaturday 12-7pm, email khmagentjames@inbox.com. Khm Travel Group
50% OFF 1 DRINK ORDER one per visit, can not be combined with other offers. Bring this ad in! expires 7/31/11
16 or 20oz Drinks Only. Excludes Steamers, Drip Coffee & Bag Teas.
The Best Brew...
9g^kZ I]gj
No Beans About it.
Try our Zh_l[Cj^hk or park & come inside. We would love to serve you up a great cup!
KFG iD j~Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6; iÂ&#x160;D iÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2026; wÂ&#x201E;{ Š KFO IJF CIJLO
10 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
XÂ&#x2C6;wÂ&#x201E;Â&#x160; bD iÂ&#x160;{Â&#x152;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x2030; WÂ&#x160;Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;{Â? wÂ&#x160; bwÂ?
FREE Initial Consultation
Š XwÂ&#x201E; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;yÂ?B Chapter 7, 11 or 13
We are a debt release agency & help invdividuals file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code
Certified Russian Š h{wÂ&#x201A; [Â&#x2030;Â&#x160;wÂ&#x160;{B Closings, Easements, Evictions Interpreter Available
Š f{Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2030;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;wÂ&#x201A; _Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2C6;Â?B Car Accidents,
Slip & Falls, Defective Equipment Š \wÂ&#x192; Â&#x201A;Â? bwÂ?B Divorces, Custody, Adoptions, Child Support Modifications Š YÂ&#x2C6; Â&#x192; Â&#x201E;wÂ&#x201A; bwÂ?B DUI, Domestic Violence, Narcotics Misdemeanors & Felonies
902 N. Monroe Š iÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2026; wÂ&#x201E;{B mW
brantstevens2010@gmail.com â&#x20AC;˘ 509-710-0085
Brant L. Stevens
Licensed in WA & ID
Miscellaneous GET TV & INTERNET For under $50/ month for 6 months, plus get $300 back, select plans, limited time only. Call now 866944-0906 GUNS WANTED Northwest Pawn, 818 N. Pines Road, 509-891-0990 Let us bid on your guns, Spokane
PUNCH! The Exchange has â&#x20AC;&#x153;Punchâ&#x20AC;? a lot of everything. www.exchangepublishing.com 5 ACRES WITH POND, treed, level. Well, septic & power installed 36719 N Echo Rd., Deer Park. As is Cash Price $48,000! Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354
2 Months Free
Summer Special All 10x20 units
No long term commitment needed
Secure, coded entry, free lock, easy access West Spokane area
509-456-2360 SNOOKER POOL Table, small pockets, small pool balls, 6x10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; (5x9â&#x20AC;&#x2122; playing area) 80+ years old, good shape, heavy, 6 legs, you move, $3000 or best offer. Call Bill Wills 509-7711156, 509-677-3221, 209677-3325 Lind, WA
WANTED: BUYING & Selling auto literature, shop manuals, parts books, paint chips, ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manuals, interchange manuals, etc. Ron, PO Box 202, Hayden ID 83835. Call 208-772-3163; 208659-0644; email idaholitman@aol.com LO129554
HANDYMAN/ Caretaker wanted for small ranch. A few daily chores in exchange for a cozy house with lots of privacy, must be able to work around horses & other animals, prefer retired couple. Republic 509-775-3859
HERMINEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OLD World Confections offers something new & different, such as: Bienenstich, Marzipan tortes & Apfelkuchen. Black Forest tortes to order, souvenir marzipan candy Idaho potatoes & out of this world fudge. We produce our own marzipan of legendary perfection in four flavors, espresso dark chocolate. Several styles of German cuckoo clock tin toys in the souvenir department. Free candy samples! 2415 N Government Way, #4, just south of Appleway, Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, ID. Come visit, enjoy something different. 208-6649580 www.MarzipanLove.com GET THE NFL SUNDAY Ticket & over 210 channels, plus free HD for life, free HBO, Starz, Showtime, & Cinemax for 3 months, only $34.99/ month for 12 months, save $31/ month 1st year. Call for details, Eagle Satellite, 800-DumpCable, 800-3867222, www.800DumpCable.com
ACCIDENT VICTIMS. Need cash? Get a cash advance for your personal injury case. Pay nothing until you win. Fast approval, cash next day! www.CashNow-For-Accident-Cases.com 888-544-2154 ATTENTION Truckers! Approx. 5 acres, huge house right on Hwy 395. $244,900 David Atherton, Real Estate Marketplace NW Inc, 509-2168589 PAYING CASH FOR: Costume jewelry, Rhinestone jewelry, Turquoise jewelry, all vintage jewelry & watches. 509-701-6296 SOAP MAKERS Greencastle Soap Supply has what you need! Coconut & palm oil, 5lbs $18.95, essential oils, molds, pigments, clays, dyes, lip balm supplies, lotion ingredients, containers, & much more. Open Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm, 203 N. Stone in Spokane, just off Sprague & Altamont. 509466-7223, ask about classes PEDAL CARS GALORE! Great present for the kids or the big boy that likes toys. Large Variety to choose from: Red Roadster Classic Racer, Buddy L (red & white), Yellow Cab Taxi, Michael Waltrip Napa Race Car, Street Rod with flames, Gilmore Racer (yellow with Lion); Airplanes - gray, red & silver with leather seats; John Deere Pedal Tractor; Blue Mustang Convertible (you apply the decals); 1936 Roadster; Dale Earnhardt No. 3 Red Roadster. All brand new, most are unopened, $100 & up. 509926-9266 or 509-999-9855 Spokane
2 TON FOLDING Engine hoist, $148.88; engine stand, 750 lb, $38.88; jack stands, 3 ton, $18.88 pair; Forney 135 amp recon mig welder, $189.50; Forney plasma cutter recon, $599.50; shop press, 12 ton, $118.88. Doughboys Tools, 3622 N. Division. 509-327-5544 Spokane
Lifetime Metal Warranty!
Ask us to Give You a Complete Quote with NO Surprises!
TRAFFIC LIGHTS, red yellow, green lenses, great for patio, rec rooms, or decor for your garage, $85. 509-926-9266 Spokane, leave message
5 Year Building & Leak Warranty!
TRUCK DRIVING School: Class A, B, Passenger & school bus. Over 4000 successful graduates. State certified forklift classes. T Enterprises, Incorporated Truck Driving School, Pasco Wash. 509-5472441. www.TEnterprisesinc.com
Our Buildings and Customer Referrals Speak Volumes!
MEAD, WA YARD SALE Friday- Saturday, August 12-13, 8am-4pm, 4129 E Regina Avenue. Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothing, winter coats, hats, Afghans, exercise equipment, furniture, & miscellaneous
Friendly Sales Staff & Inviting Showroom ELITEDL891MK
& # $ ( %" " $ #$ " " $ #
& " $ & & "(' " & " !# & $ ( " $ %# & # " $ " $ # " # ( & $ ( " $ "%# # $ * $ & ' #%!! # #$ ) " $ % $ #
PAYS HIGH Competitive price: lump sum for owner finance mortgages, court settlements, annuities, lottery payments, life settlements, and other notes. We also buy part. Walla Walla Funding Co. Call toll free 1-888-240-6166
5 MALE MINIATURE Dachshunds, $300 firm, born June 8, 2011; CKC registered, 1st shots & deworming, Mom & Dad on site, for photos or information email jessi551972@comcast.net or call Jessi 509-328-5185
4000 HOLES. GIVE THE Gift of music. Fast special orders; gift certificates; lots of Beatles; new & used; vinyl records & CDs; used CDs 3/$10; always buying; eBay Specialists. 1610 N Monroe, Spokane 509-325-1914
Silver & Gold
COINS WANTED *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;>Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x160;*>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;*>Ă&#x17E;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;/Â&#x153;ÂŤĂ&#x160;*Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Vi Call Bart (509) 991-3950
$50 FULL FOIL HAIR Highlights or Lowlights. Call or text our professional cosmetologists, Kelly 208-755-9798 or Tonya 509-863-4403. Established Salon in the Spokane Valley
Affordable document preparation
-PXFTU 'FFT "WBJMBCMF Serving Eastern Washington for 17 years
1-800-967-8084 1-509-246-2003 CASH PAID FOR Unexpired, sealed Diabetic test strips, up to $17/ box. Most brands, shipping prepaid, fast payment. Ask for Emma 1-888-776-7771 www.cash4diabeticsupplies.com
510 N. Mullan Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206
INVESTORSOutstanding & immediate returns in equipment leasing for frac industry, immediate lease out, tax benefits & high returns. We need more equipment! 817-9263535 Washington State Department of
EARLY LEARNING Free High Quality Preschool for children 4 yrs. old by Aug. 31st. Income qualifications. Younger children put on a waiting list.
Call EV ECEAP 241-5021/893-4125 FAST PAYMENT FOR Sealed, unexpired Diabetic Test Strips up to $17/ box. Most brands, shipping prepaid. Call today & ask for Emma 1888-776-7771 www.cash4diabeticsupplies.com
HUGE Furniture Sidewalk Sale Sat & Sun, Aug 13 & 14
Vendor Space/Rent A Shelf Available
8 UI "WF 1PTU 'BMMT *% t &YJU OFBS 'MZJOH + t 208-777-8080 8FE /PPO QN t 5IVST 4BU BN QN t 4VO BN QN
TRADE: HAVE 1984 1 Ton Chevy dually flatbed & welder, and other toolstrade for roofing services, have materials. 509-2834194 ALMOST 80% OF THE Exchange readers earn over $25,000 & 43% earn over $50,000 yearly income!
Actual Cases I've Resolvedâ&#x20AC;Ś IRS wanted $457,423 Case closed owing $87,523 IRS wanted $115,995 Case closed owing $2,280 IRS wanted $72,057 Case closed owing nothing IRS wanted $2,911 penalty Penalty cancelled IRS wanted $50,000 Settled for $100 IRS wanted $250,000 Client got $3,500 Refund IRS wanted $278,000 Case closed owing $19,000
TWO HUNTING bows, both are for a left handed person, $200 each, $350 for both. 509-431-2806 BIG TUBS! 15x16â&#x20AC;? WELD wheels, classic round, dollar size holes, all aluminum, 4 sets of 2, $125 each, hurry, money talks. 760-686-7212 Matt, leave message
Unfiled Taxes? Unpaid Taxes? Being Audited?
IS IRS AFTER YOU? Call Stan Long 509 937-4206
I Can Help!
Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x152;>Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;,i>Ă&#x192;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;>LÂ?iĂ&#x160;viiĂ&#x192; ( Full Time Tax Consultant Since 1963 ( IRS Field Auditor 20 years ( Enrolled Agent: U.S. Treasury #31878 ( Bachelors: Accounting ( Masters Degree: Business Administration
BUYING WASHER & DRYERS Working or not! Call for pick-up 509-981-5925
IN HOME SERVICE !Â&#x2019;^FÂ?Â&#x2019;Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; Â?¨FÂ?Â&#x2019;Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; FOÂ?aVFÂ?!Â&#x161;pÂ?Â&#x2019; !mVFÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; !Â&#x161;FÂ?Â&#x2DC; !mcÂ&#x2019; m3dÂŁ=FÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2DC;sÂ&#x2014;ÂĄÂ&#x2DC; Â?Â&#x2DC; !)pÂ?..........$4500
Furniture & Appliances WASHER/ DRYER SETS, really nice, $199. We sell all kinds of high quality appliances starting at $100. Dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves, etc. 509-499-9250 Spokane
TV ARMOIRE, LARGE, Solid wood, $105 or best offer; you move, contents not included. Email johnanddorothea@yahoo.com or leave message 509924-2158 Spokane BUILDERS, Remodelers, Home Improvers, get ready for the great Home Idea Show coming this fall, Oct 7-9th at the Spokane Fairgrounds. Lots of seminars, exhibits and business opportunities. Call today to get your booth 509-939-8017 or go to www.homeideashow.com FRENCH GREEN CLAY, Bentonite, Kaolin & Fullers Earth now available at Greencastle Soap, Spokaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one-stop source for soap making supplies, 203 N. Stone, open Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm, 509-466-7223 NEW, 2 COUCHES & Loveseat, 1 loveseat slightly used, 1 rocking chair good condition, $25; 4 drawer dresser with ability to attach mirror, very good condition, $25. 509701-5271 leave message QUEEN FUTON SOFA & chair, 8â&#x20AC;? mattresses, zippered covers, blonde mission-style wood frames, $325; oak pedestal ball & lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claw dining table with leaf, $225; Kenmore 18.5 refrigerator, good condition, $45; Craftsman radial table saw with stand, $65. Call 509-226-0016 ETHAN ALLEN, Beautiful 44â&#x20AC;? round pedestal maple dining table, with (2) 15â&#x20AC;? leaves, (2) armchairs, & (4) side chairs, $1200 or best offer. 509993-0273
DINING TABLE, 4 Chairs, like new, cost $400+, asking $180, will barter, cash or certified check only. 509-327-7425 Spokane FULL BED WITH Head & foot boards, new mattresses & box with bedding, never used, 2 side tables with lamps, $200 for everything. 509-266-2905 TWILIGHT MATTRESS Factory, we have all sizes, all models, great prices & great quality, with warranties. 12013 E. Trent, at Pines, Spokane Valley. 509-926-2333 30â&#x20AC;? ELECTRIC RANGE, good condition, $150, glass top, self cleaning, black with white trim. Jim 509891-5579 NEW ITEMS JUST Arrived: Red Barn now located at 490 W. 2nd Avenue & Railroad (the truck route), Colville. Vanity; kitchen cabinets; miscellaneous sinks; doors, & windows; cabinets & lighting; much more. Open Monday-Saturday, 9am-5:30pm, 509-684-8995 MEMORY FOAM, Therapeutic NASA Visco mattresses. Wholesale: twin, $299; full, $349; queen, $399; king, $499; adjustables, $799, free delivery, 25 year warranty, 90 night trial. 1-800-ATSleep 1-800-287-5337 www.mattressdr.com 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; RUBBERMAID Type garden shed; 24â&#x20AC;? electric range; Griswold/ Wagner cast iron; old trunks; large, medium, small TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; TV stands; queen/ double mattress sets; oak frame futon with good mattress; electric lift chair/ recliner; small dining sets; good working pop/ beer fridge $99; bedroom sets; antique armoire; table/ floor fans; life jackets; Grizzly disc/ belt sander combination on stand; hide-a-bed sofas; a lot of budget priced college/ first apartment furniturekitchen utensils, dishes, pans, much more! Addy Second Hand, located on Hwy 395 in Addy, 10am-5:30pm, Monday- Saturday 509-935-4619
Premier Auction Center
B.C. Rich Warlock guitar; old folk multi drawer cabinets; dollhouse; old rocking chairs; nice buffet; couches; vanities; room divider; hall tree; cartop carrier; dryer; Mission oak style bedroom set; clocks; nice pedal car; mountain bikes; iron plant stands; 3 lawnmowers; vinyl couch; lawyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bookcase; old milk can; street signs; pet carriers; Tiffany-style lamps; model cars; nice glassware; collector coins and knives; tools; 2 laptops; lots of sport memorabilia including pennants, pictures, cards and more; old Playboys; DVDs and VHS; Thomas Kinkade village collection; dolls; numerous dressers and chairs; and much, much more!
Estate Buy-Outs, Consignments, Collections... We Handle It All!
674 N. Pleasantview, Post Falls, ID 208-777-8724 or 509-496-8038
Kids Day 2011 Enjoy the 27th annual outdoor fair for children up to 12 years of age. Profit and non-profit business will set up free activities including a bean bag toss, inflatables, face painting, baseball games, basketball toss, coloring, karate demos, and more. Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day will be held August 13 in Riverfront Park from 11am-5pm. This is a free event. For more information call 509-242-2506 or visit www.kix961.com
NOTICE OF LIEN SALE PUBLIC AUCTION: Sat. August 13, 2011 - 10am Location: SPOKANE MINI WAREHOUSE 4503 E. TRENT - Spokane, WA Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Washington Self-service Storage Facility Act, Chapter 19.150 RCW, RCW Sections 19.150.010 thru 19.150.0904 of the business & professions code of the State of Washington. Spokane Mini Warehouse, located at 4503 E. Trent, Spokane, WA 99212, will sell at public auction on August 13, 2011 promptly at 10am. Sale starts a 10am sharp. Sign in begins at 9:30am NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. NO EARLY BIRDS! The following brief description of property: Sofas, Mattresses, Wall Art, Electronics and general Household and Garage items, stored here by the following parties: C27 Deborah Calvin H18 Kevin Rupert H48 Francis Jurdy G45 Maxine Schnacker E03 Michael Richardson Said sales are for the purpose of satisfying Lien of the undersigned for storage fees, Lien sale costs, and advertising. We reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. Dated: July 25, 2011 Spokane Mini Warehouse Published: July 28, Aug 4 & Aug 11 Property Manager: T. Ferrell
(509) s (208) 457-9611 P.O. Box 658, Greenaces, WA 99016
LOCATION: Conklin Meadow Rd., Newport, WA DIRECTIONS: From Newport cross River, turn North on LeClerc Rd. Go approx. 9 miles to Conklin Meadow Rd, turn Right. Go approx. 2 miles. Watch for signs. AUCTIONEERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NOTE: This is a Lifelong Collection - Something for Everyone. Equipment, Vehicles, Tools, & More!
LOCATION: 302 W. Hastings Rd., Spokane, WA 99218 Mead High School, West End of School
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This Auction is being held for Mead School District. Forklift will be on site for loading day of Auction until 3pm and Wednesday, August 17, 7am until 2pm.
Acer Arch Milling Machine Mod. ACM 163V; Acer Ultima Milling Machine, S# 97040332; (2) Bridgeport Milling Machine S# J-121235 and J-151143; Bridgeport Series I Milling Machine; (4) Clausing 1500 Metal Lathes; Sharp 1230 Metal Lathe; Hardinge Chucker Lathe; Acer Dynamic 1440 E Metal Lathe; (3) Monarch Metal Lathe; Wilton Vises; Small Injection Mold Machine; Arboga Drill Press; Pexto 36â&#x20AC;? Rolls; Sellers Drill Grinding Machine Type 6G; Pexto Mod. 68 24â&#x20AC;? Bar Folder; Hossfeld No. 2 Iron Bender; Whitney Cutter; Post Vise; C-Clamps; Pedestal Grinder; Large Anvil w/ Stand; Torch Sets; Lincoln 250 Welder w/ Gas Airflow; Di-Arco No. 2 Punch Press; D-Arco No. 16 Turret Punch; Connecticut Mod. 422 Brake; Central Machine Ring Bender; Ring & Arch Roller; (2) Hand Spot Welders; Speedy Melt Foundry w/ Molds; Swif-Mul Pyrometer; Grinder w/ Belt; Large Vise and Foundry/ Forge Table; (4) Lincoln 225 amp Welder; Miller 225 amp Welder; Hypertherm 350 Plasma Cutter; Miller CP300 Wirefeed Welder; Millermatic 250 Welder; K.O. Lee Surface Grinder; Jet Cold Cut Saw; Whitney Jensen Mod. 32 Punch; Esab Migmaster 250 Welder; Green Lee Hyd. Bender; 3-ton Chain Hoist; Pexto Mod. PB-9 Bender; Chicago 8 ft. Box/ Pan Brake Mod. PBU812-6; Roper Whitney Mod. 416 Brake; All Types of Lathe & Mill Tooling; Files; Reamer; 150 Tapered Bits up to 2â&#x20AC;?; Baldor Grinder; Cutters; Chucks; And More PAYMENT NOTE: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Cashierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Check or Cash. 5% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium on all items sold. A discount of 5% will be applied to Cash, Debit Card or Check (accompanied by a letter of guarantee from bank).
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 11
Legal Notices RATHDRUM LIONS Annual Auction! September 17, 2011 at Lions Clubhouse, Hwy 53 & Meyer Rd. Rathdrum, ID. This ad is for a chapter of the Lions International Organization and we are fundraising to help those in need in Rathdrum and surrounding areas. Donations are currently being accepted THE EXCHANGE- Advertising made easy REPOSSESSED TOOLS and equipment. Call The Repo Shack today to bid, 208-818-4053 or register at: thereposhack.com. Walk-behind vibrating roller; metal bender machine; commercial banding machine; (4) sump water pumps; (2) cement mixers; misc. concrete wedges; (17) orange reflector cones; (4) traffic control lighted saw-horses; 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long set up saw; commercial tile/ block saw; plane laser; transit level; (3) screw guns for drywall; (2) DeWalt drills; (2) sledge hammers; hand tamper; wheelbarrow; misc. heavy chains and cables for towing; 200 gallon portable fuel tank; 10-15 concrete blankets; chainsaw; misc. concrete hand tools; steel stakes; 4-5 tarps, misc. sizes; Milwaukee skill saw, 7 1/2 â&#x20AC;&#x153;, new; Milwaukee skill saw, 6â&#x20AC;?; chop saw, 8â&#x20AC;? or 10â&#x20AC;?; 5-6 misc. measuring wheels; (2) commercial fans; commercial paint sprayer; (2) commercial propane weed burners; cutting tool for metal roofing; Nibbler cutting tool for metal roofing; 3/4 â&#x20AC;&#x153; socket set; Lincoln cordless grease gun; DeWalt skill saw; Ryobi tool set, battery powered; 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122; aluminum pipe wrench; 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hand level; misc. drill and saw bits; double barrel caulking gun; 3-drawer Cobalt tool chest, new in box; Ridgid finish nailer; floor jack; (3) hydraulic jacks; (2) wall jacks; misc. electrical cords; Makita cordless drill; skill jig saw; Ryobi 18 volt drill; Ace toolbox; DeWalt rotary hammer; Milwaukee Sawzall; Bosch rotary hammer; small green toolbox; De-Walt cordless kit; Impulse laser technology distance finder; 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fiberglass ladder; 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fiberglass ladder; 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; step ladder; (2) sets wooded saw-horses; orange mesh 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; safety barrier; concrete Jitterbug for leveling concrete; misc. â&#x20AC;&#x153;cautionâ&#x20AC;? tape rolls; misc. hand tools
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me as Personal Representative of Decedent's estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable stature of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070; (i) By ďŹ ling the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020 (1) (c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of ďŹ rst publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication: August 12, 2011 Personal Representative: JOSEPH KIMBLE SOUTHWICK Dated this 12th day of August, 2011 Address for Mailing or service: N. 14303 Wood Road Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 8/12, 8/19, 8/26 The Town Of Latah has adopted Ordinance 11-2 relating to Legal Actions Brought Against City OfďŹ cials and Employees. Copies of this Ordinance will be provided upon request. Town of Latah, P.O. Box 130, Latah, WA. 99018 Heidi Turnbough, Clerk Treasurer
7 lines - $5.74 per week IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 1x____ Latah 081211 EX# STATE OF WASHINGTON,
COUNTY OF SPOKANE No. 11-4-00980-89 In the Matter of the Estate of: DEAN M. WOLFF Deceased PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.020, .030 CRAIG CONDRON and MORRIS D. WOLFF have been appointed as personal representatives ("personal representatives") of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representatives or the personal representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and ďŹ ling the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) 30 days after the personal representatives served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of ďŹ rst publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of First Publication: August 5, 2011 Date of Filing: July 29, 2011 Attorneys for Personal Representative: Paul D. Fitzpatrick. WSBA #8015 Kjiristin J. Graham, WSBA #40328 K&L GATES LLP 618 W. RIVERSIDE AVE., SUITE 300 SPOKANE, WA 99201 509-624-2100
TUAN DANG WANTS TO divorce his wife whose name is Trang Vo Dang; she left home on May 18 & I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know where she is now. According to court regulations, I must put it into print. Case #11301733-6 ESTATE AUCTION. Furniture, tools, boat, travel trailer, pickup truck, flatbed trailer, too much to list. Sunday, August 21st, 10am. Phone for directions 509-238-9554; 509-863-3233
Ig^eaZ G 6jXi^dc
107 N. Park Road, Spokane Valley
EJ7A>8 6J8I>DC
No Auction Friday, August 12
Look forward to a Great Auction on Friday, August 19! Mark Your Calendars!
6ci^fjZ 8daaZXi^WaZ 6jXi^dc
Sunday, August 21, 10am
BUY & SELL ESTATES BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS ~ REAL ESTATE Call for information: 509-218-2142 Pictures available on our website:
Also Live on Internet: www.auctionszip.com
Auctioneer: Rich ButterďŹ eld WA Lic #2824
10% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium - Visa/MC/Cash
12 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
CbY cZ h\Y Bcfh\kYgh g @YUX]b[ 5iWh]cb ;U``Yf]Yg
3204 E. 17th Avenue s
Spokane Thor/Freya exit 283B off I-90 (S. on Thor - turns into Ray)
Our Most Amazing August Estate Auction in 20 Years! A Phenomenal Collection
3AT 3UN !UGUST s 10am
each day
Employment/ Opportunities GET YOUR DEGREE Online, medical, business, paralegal, accounting, criminal justice, job placement assistance, computer available, financial aid if qualified. Call 800-5100784 www.CenturaOnline.com SECRETARY AND Clean cars, Spokane Valley, car & apartment available. 509-998-3326
ABLE TO TRAVEL? Hiring 10 people, free to travel all states, resort areas, no experience necessary, paid training & transportation, over 18, start ASAP. 1-888-8538411 WORK FROM Home! Free web page! Find out more when you sign up for free! Go to http://mail debe@bodhd.com
(509) s (208) 457-9611 P.O. Box 658, Greenaces, WA 99016
Preview: Friday 9am-4pm, Sat & Sun 9am
LOCATION: 9818 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley, WA AUCTIONEERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NOTE: After Several Years in the Floor Covering Business, Bob Has Decided to Retire. Over $800,000 in Inventory Plus Tools, Forklift, Pallet Shelving, Office Equipment.
Outstanding Antique OAK - Hall trees, Curved glass secretaries, Bevelled mirror armoire, 3,4 & 5 stack bookcases, Bevelled mirror sideboard, Hoosiers, RR sofa, Leaded glass buffet, Curved glass lift top display, Lion's head chairs, Dressers/ commodes, Bookcases, Curios, Library tables, Square & round dining tables, Grandfather clock, Telephones, Rockers, Barber chair, Sets of chairs, Dropfront desks, Parlor tables, Wheel chair, Dropleaf tables, Many rare oak furniture items - MAHOGANY & WALNUT - Leaded court cabinet; Glove box dresser with marble, Mirrors, Radios, Piano stool, Cedar chests, China cabinets, Cheval mirror, Dressers & More! Beautiful inlaid bedroom suite & tables; Deco; Victrola; Mantle & wall clocks; Country; Primitives; Painted furniture, Iron beds; Farrand player piano; Walnut pump organ; Bally Trophy pinball machine; The list never ends!
*%7%,29 s &).% !24 s 34%2,).' s #/,,%#4)",%3 RUGS & MORE
4 ct. Tanzanite & diamond ring, 1 ct. diamond ring, 2.5 ct. Black diamond ring, Tahitian black pearl necklace, Emerald & opal rings, Ladies diamond watch, Great sterling jewelry collection. Costume jewelry collection; Sterling Flatware Sets; Silver Dollars; Murano clowns; Waterford; Cut glass; Lenox, Sets of fine china; Carnival; RS Prussia; Depression; Cookie jar collection; Dr's bags; Scales; Kerosene lamps; Stoneware; Snow shoes; Cast iron bookends; Knives; Musical instruments; Fine lighting; Exceptional ART collection; Original art Funseth, WW Collins, Ottman, Lee, Paul, Rushing, Trevon & More. Limited Edition, signed Brenders, Terpening Collection, Lyman, Killin, Wysocki, Carter, Peets, Kinkade, Meger, More. 6' Pietro Caproni plaster reproduction "The Choir Boys;" Bronze sculptures; Fossils; Beatles memorabilia including autographs; Fancy mirrors; RUGS - Hand-tied Persian, Karastan, tufted, more; Silverplate; Statuary; Franciscan Apple Blossom set; An extensive collection!
Living/ Dining/ Bedroom sets; Loaded with Oak; Thomasville, Ethan Allen; Leather; La-ZBoy; Fantastic selection of quality upholstered furniture; Howard Miller grandfather clocks; Marbletop baker's rack; Entertainment centers; Wicker; Desks; Books; Voltage leather swivel chairs; Kurzwell K1000 electric piano with stand; File cabinet, Iron & wood stools; Teak patio furniture; Wurlitzer console piano; Wagons; 4' Ridpath outdoor cherub Christmas decor; The Gallery is Overflowing!
Armstrong, Mannington, Tarket, Altro, Congoleum, Forbo Sheet Vinyl, 1,984 yds; Rubber Base, 42,726â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; Rubber Flooring, 1,494 sq. ft.; Welding Rod, 158 Rolls; Carpet, 155 Pieces; Ceramic Tile Floor and Wall, 40,478 sq. ft., VCT, 1,318 Cartons; Adhesives, 183 Pails; Waterproofing, Tec, 11 Pails; Laticrets 125 Sound & Crack, 4 Kits; Spraylock, 147 Cans TOOLS: Imer Combi 250/1188189 Wet Saw; Rubi DW-200-LS Wet Saw; Gundlach Vinyl Cart; Ergonomic 2-Wheel Wheelbarrow; True Temper Wheelbarrow; (2) Carpet Carts, large; Bil-Jax Multipurpose Baker Scaffolding; 10-228 Carpet-Crane; National Floor Grinder S# 1502; Ruwac VAC System for Floor Grinder S# 070874; 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Metal Mud Box; 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Plastic Mud Box; (2) 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Aluminum Ladders; 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Fiberglass Ladder; 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Aluminum Ladder; Bearcat Floor Scraper S# NJC1963; Clarke Floor Maintainer Model #1700 HD with Sand Head; Janser Power Stripper D7031/NR 3890 (Rambo); Armstrong TrimBond Installation Kit #00910101 - S910 (Glue Gun); Shop Vac Model 612-2, 10 gal.; Jiffy Steamer Model J-3C 2/n J9107; Sinclair/Procircle Cutter item #SI117850; Wheaton Jigs/Stairwizard - Tread & Riser Jig; 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Carpet Stinger Roach & Assoc Mod. 8B-000Rog Ram S# 901021; 100# Floor Roller; Crain VCT Cutter 18â&#x20AC;?; Taylor Lockjaws Carpet Puller; (2) Small Carpet Pullers; Mercer Epoxy Gun; (2) Epoxy Guns; Aervec #244 Spot Marker (Spray Can Holder); Barwalt Floor Scraper #73762 8â&#x20AC;?; 4â&#x20AC;? Floor Spud; 6â&#x20AC;? Floor Scraper (aluminum); (2) Carbide 15â&#x20AC;? Floor Scraper Heads for Floor Sander; (3) Pallet Jacks; Clark 4,000 lb. Forklift, Propane, Very Clean; Vector VEC 1090A Battery Charger & Cord; (2) 12â&#x20AC;?x12â&#x20AC;? Tile Racks; (3) 8â&#x20AC;?x8â&#x20AC;? Tile Racks; (4) Ardex Mix Buckets; (7) Ardex Plastic Floats, 24â&#x20AC;?; (5) Metal Blade Trowels, 24â&#x20AC;?; (3) Metal Whips; Model-Pal -12 Pallet Puller 2-Chain (WH); PowR-Grip G0695 8â&#x20AC;? Suction Cup; (2) Urethane Caulking Gun; Ridgid R-6000 Screw Gun; Chicago 14 fal. Swivel Head Shear Cutter (FRP Metals); Hand Truck; Barwalt #70601 3â&#x20AC;? Tile Cutter; Ishil 30â&#x20AC;? 2-Bar Tile Cutter #JW-730X; Power Glide 4½â&#x20AC;? Angle Grinder; Heat Welder 2-Box with Assorted Knives; Stone Model #85PM S# 4131259 Mortar Mixer; Whitaeman Model #WM700 S #JE753549 Mortar Mixer; Electric Auto Welder; Electric Gouger; Epoxy Gun; (2) Suction Cups; (2) Electric Welders; Laser
HO & O gauge, Lionel, Proto, Rivarossi, Spectrum, Fujiyama, Roundhouse, Bachman, Walthers, Bowser, Accurail, Athearn & accessories.
INSPECTION: Friday, August 26, 10am - 4pm
Buffalo, Elk, 4 Bear rugs, Cougar & Buffalo rug, White tail & Walleye.
Sale Will Have Ford Backhoe, Tools, Building Materials, Steel, Scrap Iron, Household Items. Watch Next Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Paper for Complete List and Location.
Hawkins 50 cal., Savage Mod. 6400 222 Rim, Ruger 10/22, Rossi 22/410, M44 7.62x54
4//,3 s !00,)!.#%3 s 3./7",/7%2 %,%#42)# 7(%%,#(!)2 s %8%2#)3% %15)0-%.4 s 46s
Sale Will Consist of Logging Equipment, Vehicles, All Types of Tools, Large Selection Electric Items. All Types of Antique Furniture, Antique Tools, Antique Farm Equipment And More. There Is Something for Everyone, So Mark your Calendar.
!Â&#x2019;^:Â&#x2DC; ^F3c
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PAYMENT NOTE: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Cashierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Check or Cash. 5% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium on all items sold. A discount of 5% will be applied to Cash, Debit Card or Check (accompanied by a letter of guarantee from bank). Â&#x2DC;oÂĄÂĄÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC;sÂŤ~Â&#x2DC; £¨FÂ?Â&#x2019;Â&#x2DC; Â?FhaÂŁh
Employment/ Opportunities $250 EVERY DAY! YOU Are guaranteed to get paid instantly $25 for each order you process. Earn $1000s from home, no experience required. Details w w w . O r d e r P r o c e s s o r W o r k . com EXPRESS LOANS. What are you paying for payday loans? Check out our low rates. Call 208-777-9773; 2700 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls MISSION TORTILLA route for sale. Warehouse located in Rathdrum, territory includes Newport, Priest River, Bon-ners Ferry and Sandpoint. Sells to major grocery chains. Make $65,000 gross per year. $70,000. Consider financing with half down OAC. Call for more details, 509-701-3475 RESTAURANT Opportunity, own your own bar & grill! Waterfront, large deck on Snake River (old Roosters location). Offering discounted rental incentives to help with start up. Have you been working for someone else? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to live your dream. 208-791-4334 Clarkston WA NEED 6 FEMALE Models for Pacific Northwest Sportâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Clothes, Swimwear, & Lingerie Catalogs. Please call John 509-747-0285 leave message & phone number to receive return call
NOW HIRING- Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home; no selling; any hours; $500 weekly potential. Information 1-985646-1700 dept. WA-3993
DRIVERS, LOCAL Spokane Reefer runs & yard switcher needed, great pay, benefits! CDA, 1 year experience required, Estenson Logistics. www.goelc.com 1-866336-9642 BLUE JEAN JOB, Hiring Sharp, fun people, free to travel entire United States. Company paid lodging, transportation, great pay plus bonuses. Get hired today, work tomorrow! 1-888-853-8411 RETIRE YOUR SUIT, not your career! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for dreamers who want to work for no one but themselves. If freedom suits you, 208-262-4220 WANTED: NEW suppliers and vendors. Home/ small business welcome! We sell quality American merchandise on the internet. Seeking to expand by offering your products online. Details at www.DealsMadeInAmerica.com, 406270-7565, David TACO WAGON, PASSED by the health department, ready to go to fairs, rodeo, etc., $8000. Call Bob at 509-2766840 EARN $200-$500 EVERY Day! For just filling in simple forms online working from you computer. Your approval is instate & guaranteed. Training provided www.HomeTypingWork.com
MAKE $97.36 PER HOUR Guarantee, easiest cash youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll every make. You can make $3500/ month part time. No selling, video explains everything at www.Work-JobAtHome.com FLATBED DRIVERS, long haul, 2 years experience, at least 25 years of age for insurance purposes. Apply Freightways Inc. 208-743-7779, Lewiston START YOUR OWN highly profitable home business. Make $500 daily starting right away. Drytech promo #CL35777. 818-576-0388 or 888-3266016 AUTO REPAIR SHOP For sale. Nearly 50 years of excellent service to thousands of loyal customers. Turn-key business. Walk in, put your tools down and start earning a living. Everything you need ready to go. Motivated seller. Contact bus4sale2011@hotmail.com for more information FOR SALE: FED-EX Ground Route, $60,000. Covers Medical Lake, Davenport, Reardan, & Edwall; must have clean driving record. Please call 208777-9176 START YOUR OWN highly profitable home business. Make $500 daily starting right away. Drytech promo #CL35777. 818-576-0388 or 888-3266016
DIRECTIONS: From Interstate 90 in Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene take exit 12 (Hwy 95 exit). Go north on Hwy 95 4.6 miles to the auction site. Auction site will be on the right hand side of the intersection of Miles and Hwy 95. Follow signs. AUCTIONEERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NOTE: We will be conducting this auction on behalf of the US Bankruptcy courts and selected financial institutions. All of these assets will sell to the highest bidder with no reserves. Prior auction inspection is recommended. All assets are sold as is. Be on time as there is no miscellaneous. VEHICLES:
â&#x20AC;˘ 2007 Cadillac Escalade, â&#x20AC;˘ 2007 Lexus IS250, leather, full load, AT, model ES, call roof, full load, 40,000 miles. for miles, no 3rd seat. â&#x20AC;˘ 2007 Audi A4 quattro, full load, leather, sun roof, approx. 47,000 miles, no stereo; 1999 Jeep Cherokee Laredo, AT, 4x4, miles exempt; 1979 GMC service truck.
Jet Skis & Boat: 1996 Maxim 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; runabout boat 1900SR, 4.3 LX Mercruiser; 1996 Polaris 700 jet ski; 1988 Polaris 700 jet ski; 1996 Karavan 2 place jet skis with trailer.
Horse Trailer: 2000 Classic Monarch 3 horse slant 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; with tack room. Tractor: FORD 2N, 28HP, gas, 3pt., PTO
â&#x20AC;˘ 1991 Polaris Trailboss 350 4x4 â&#x20AC;˘ 1988 Polaris 350 2x4 (both non-runners). â&#x20AC;˘ 1995 Polaris Trailblazer 250, 2wd, 2 stroke â&#x20AC;˘ 1995 Polaris Scrambler 440, 2 stroke, race equipped
Trailers: 1989 Wilson 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; lowboy trailer 86,000 GVW; 2004 Byson 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122; (approx. 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck) gooseneck, 20,000 lb. GVW; 1994 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Custom gooseneck utility flatbed trailer;
PLUS MORE! Assets and pictures at www.AuctionsByBlack.net 5% buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premium on all non-bankruptcy assets. Terms & Conditions: Everything sold as is, cash, check, Visa/Mastercard (no credit card purchases over $5,000)
Troy Black, Auctioneer 208-762-4346 www.AuctionsByBlack.net
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 13
(509) 435-2368 s 208) 457-9611
Lic. #1991
Saturday, August 20, 2011
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To Make Brochure, We Must Have Items by September 16, 2011
1UALITY $OESN T #OST ^ )T 0AYS s www.reinlandauctions.net No Children Under 16. (Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License Required.) No Pets Please!
14 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
gust sq ft * Only!
Yard & Garden & Fresh Produce
Doranâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mowing Service
FAST GROWING Treeswindbreaks, shade, privacy screens, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; first year, roots donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spread. Noise/ dust/ snow abatement, erosion control. No sap! Over 50 year life, organic, free shipping. Since 1995. Aussie Hybrid Willows are also a high protein livestock feed source. Contact Aussie Tree Farms, PO Box 53, Edison, WA, 98232. 360-7665313 or www.aussiewillow.com
Lawn Aeration â&#x20AC;˘ Hauling Power Raking â&#x20AC;˘ Yard Cleanup â&#x20AC;&#x153;You Grow It & Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Mow It!â&#x20AC;?
FIREWOOD: RED FIR $165 cord halved, Tamarack $185, delivery available. 509-292-2231
*U-Pick-up t Delivery available
/ .BSLFU 4U t 4QPLBOF 8" Call us today! 509-467-6609
Lawn Mowing
Kris Doran
509-998-9570 LIC# ALLTETF903JA
Lic. Bonded
â&#x20AC;&#x153;EQUIPPED â&#x20AC;&#x153;EQUIPPED FOR FOR ANY ANY TREE JOBâ&#x20AC;? TREE JOBâ&#x20AC;? IIpersonally personallywill willhandle handleyour yourjob. job.
Owner: Owner:Sam SamRagan Ragan Referrals. Referrals.Licensed. Licensed. Bonded. Bonded.Insured. Insured.
208-582-2330 208-582-2330
Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x192;iÂ?v]Ă&#x160; 7iĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;9"1Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;it
-ÂŤiVÂ&#x2C6;>Â?Â&#x2C6;âÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;}iĂ&#x160;*Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;ÂŤiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;iĂ&#x192; $VTUPN 8FFE $POUSPM 4QSBZJOH t .PXJOH
Tried. Trusted. True. 509-922-3456
BRETTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LAWN MOWER Repair. No waiting, most jobs under $55, pickup & delivery available. In business since 1994. 509-4899547 END OF SUMMER Plant Sale: Hostas & Day Lillies, Large Plants, $5! Also good deals on shrubs, grasses and other perennials. August 13, 10am-5pm. 1128 E. Glass DAY LILLIES, many varieties beautifully displayed at Big R Mead on Hwy 2, also available at Big R on Trent. See me this week at the Perry Street Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market, Thursday from 3pm7pm. Or call Dave, 509216-8589 or email GreatDayLily@gmail.com LAST DAY TO PICK Fresh, fragrant lavender, culinary & sachet varieties will be Friday, August 12, zone hardy plants, garden art, lavender products, and more, 10am-4pm, Greenbluff grower 28, Call 509-4664236 or 509-290-3874 for information GREENHOUSE PANELS: Solexx double walled, 8 year warranty, 4x8 $46.38, 4x12 $69.30, other sizes available, diffused light, shatterproof flexible. In the Valley! Greenhouse kits too! 509-928-9264 www.portacover.com KUBOTA ZERO TURN mower, 21 HP diesel, with 60â&#x20AC;? mower. Super buy, $3500. Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene Tractor, W. 1112 Appleway, 208-765-2315
GREENHOUSE FILM. Rocky Mountain Distributing now stocks 6 mil, 4 year Greenhouse film. 7560 Government Way, CdA. 208-765-6720
P Keep your money at homeâ&#x20AC;Ś The only Sod Farm in Spokane County P All Other SOD is Shipped from Out of Town P Cut FRESH Daily for Your Orders
sq. ft.
with minimum purchase of 500 sq. ft.
Call Us Today for Cheerful Estimates
Spokane WA 99021
KUBOTA B6000 4 wheel drive tractor with front loader, roto- tiller and snow blower. Handy smaller size. 208-7919626, Lewiston
FANTASTIC, HUGE Cherries, Bing, Lambert, Rainier, Royal Anne, & Pie, $1/lb, u-pick, open 7am-dusk for your convenience, Doc & Char Hansen, 8814 E. Greenbluff Rd. 509-435-8862 CONTRACTORS: Remember any alterations (example: permanent improvements) to personal or private property requires registration & licensing with the State of Washington for compliance with the law (RCW 18.27). List your registration number in your ad. Any questions, call 509-324-2600 or 1-800509-8847 AFFORDABLE LAWN & Yard care: mowing, tree & hedge trimming, clean up, & debris removal, fire prevention & full property restoration. Friendly reliable service. Free on site estimates. 509-263-4005; 509-279-4347 2011 TORO RIDING Lawnmower 425XL Model, 12 hours on mower, like new, $1400 firm, cash only. 509-3307200 THIS STRONG SENIOR will help any and all seniors with yard clean-ups, weeding, mowing, tree trimming, shrubs, some house repairs, roofs, painting. I can haul lots of stuff with my 3 trucks. 38 years here. Hones reasonable pricing. I work all over Spokane, Cheney, Medical Lake, South Hill and way up to Elk and beyond. Please call Chuck 509-5344028 Home 509-216-6802 Cell.
FREE Estimates
+POFT 4QSJOLMFST 509-701-2598
LAWN CHIEF 22â&#x20AC;? push mower, runs, needs cables. Early 1980s MTD 38â&#x20AC;? riding mower, runs, needs work, both free. Call 208687-5915 for pickup directions
SMALL ENGINE REPAIR All makes and models
Blade & Chainsaw Sharpening
Pick-up & Deliver y Available
Serving Deer Park & Surrounding Areas
Save Moneyâ&#x20AC;Ś Store Your Stuff at Home! We Build Custom Sheds up to 14x28
Factory located 4 Miles N of Deer Park off Hwy 395 at 4415 Williams Valley Rd
LOCAL DUMPSITE ( We ( D " DFQU ( ( Reduced
Leaves ( Pine Needles 4ISVCT ( #SBODIFT %JSU ( -VNCFS Trees ( 4UVNQT
Dump Fees
For Prices & Directions XXX EXSJ OFU t
Diversified Wood Recycling Market & Freya (1 Block East of Market)
Open: .PO 'SJ BN QN t 4BU BN QN t 4VO BN QN Lic. #DIVERWR*980CR
LANDSCAPE BARK UĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;EĂ&#x160; i`Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x2022;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; UĂ&#x160; }i`Ă&#x160;->Ă&#x153;`Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; UĂ&#x160;->Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;>Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160;
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CUB CADET LAWN tractor, 20 HP Kawasaki, 46â&#x20AC;? mower, $1899. Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene Tractor, W. 1112 Appleway, 208-765-2315
10711 N. Market
Moore Landscape Materials & Fuel LANDSCAPING Timbers, 8â&#x20AC;?x8â&#x20AC;? x 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;?, way better & smaller than railroad ties, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available, $3.50 each + delivery charge. 509-9815461 HITMAN DANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Gopher Extermination Service. Are you having pocket gopher problems? Baby gophers can reproduce 90 days after theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re born. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tolerate so much as one of them on my place, why should you? Call 208691-3881. WA#81948 MOWING, YARD CLEAN Up, Lawn Maintenance, leaf raking, power raking & aeration, weekly mowing, shrub maintenance, etc. Lowest rates, reliable service, senior discount. 7am-7pm every day. Spokane Lawn Care 509-217-1697
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FIRST MOW IS FREE! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Beat Anyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bid! Home or Business
Quality Work!
Weekly & Bi-Weekly
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 15
@C>;: Â&#x2122; 7A69: Â&#x2122; H8>HHDG
SHARPENING Vi Hed`VcZ EjWa^X BVg`Zi )( M$ (dZ 7l[$ Â&#x161; IfeaWd[ J^khi#IWj0 '&Wc#,fc Â&#x161; +&/#//*#.&-*
Celebrate Your Special Occasion with Us!
Free Gardening Classes For August
WSU/Pend Oreille County Extension and Little Spokane Water Smart Alliance will present the class, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Drought Resistant Grasses, Lawn Alternatives and Installing a Drip Irrigation Systemâ&#x20AC;? from 6:30-8:30pm during the month of August at various Little Spokane Watershed Fire Stations. Dates and locations include: Station No. 31, 325272 Highway 2, Newport, WA; August 15, Sacheen Lake Fire Station No. 32, 6131 Highway 211, Newport, WA; Aug 16 Mead Fire Station No. 44, 17207 N. Newport Highway; August 18, Riverside Fire Station No. 46, 3818 E. Deer Park -Milan Rd; August 23 Deer Park Fire Station No. 41, 315 E. A. St.; August 25 Colbert Fire Station No. 49, 302 W. Monroe, Colbert. Pre-registration is required. For more information call 509447-2401 FANTASTIC, HUGE Cherries, Bing, Lambert, Rainier, Royal Anne, & Pie, $1/lb, u-pick, open 7am-dusk for your convenience, Doc & Char Hansen, 8814 E. Greenbluff Rd. 509-435-8862
Mini Rainier Cherry Cheesecakes For Graham Crust: â&#x20AC;˘ 1 cup ďŹ nely crushed graham cracker crumbs (12 graham cracker sheets) â&#x20AC;˘ 1 TBS sugar â&#x20AC;˘ 3 TBS unsalted butter, melted, with milk solids removed For Filling: â&#x20AC;˘ 1 lb cream cheese at room temp. â&#x20AC;˘ 2/3 cup sugar â&#x20AC;˘ 2 eggs, lightly beaten â&#x20AC;˘ 1 tsp vanilla extract â&#x20AC;˘ pinch salt â&#x20AC;˘ ½ cup cherry jam For Toppings: 1 lb fresh Ranier Cherries (can substitute Bing Cherries) warm, chilled, or room temp. ripe and quartered -
DAY LILLIES, many varieties available this week at Perry Street Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market, Thursday from 3pm-7pm. Or call Dave, 509-216-8589 or email GreatDayLily@gmail.com ALL NATURAL GRAIN Fed Angus beef, $2lb hanging weight plus cutting & wrapping. Call Leroy 509276-6662 leave message FAST GROWING Treeswindbreaks, shade, privacy screens, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; first year, roots donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spread. Noise/ dust/ snow abatement, erosion control. No sap! Over 50 year life, organic, free shipping. Since 1995. Aussie Hybrid Willows are also a high protein livestock feed source. Contact Aussie Tree Farms, 360-766-5313 TACK SALE, SUNDAY August 14 only at Clayton Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market & small farm animals, Clayton Fairgrounds off of Hwy 395, 12-4pm, Have tack for sale, or need tack? 509276-9644, local produce, honey, crafts, baked items, cheeses, ducks, chickens, rabbits, etc., Home Grown & Home Made. Free country music & refreshments
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line standard mufďŹ n tins with paper liners then spritz these parchment rounds with cooking spray just to ensure that they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stick. Grind your graham crackers into crumbs using a food processor. You can also just place the crackers in a large ziploc and have at it with a rolling pin or hammer, until you achieve a ďŹ nely ground crumb. Mix crumbs & 1 tablespoon sugar in a bowl. Stir in butter. Press 1 heaping tablespoon of mixture in bottom of each cup. Press the graham crumbs ďŹ rmly into place in the mufďŹ n pans. Bake until set, about 7 minutes. Let cool in tins on wire racks. Reduce oven temperature to 275 degrees. Beat cream cheese with a mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add the sugar, salt, and then vanilla. With mixer running, add eggs slowly, scraping down side of bowl. Pour batter into mufďŹ n cups, ďŹ lling almost to the tops. Bake until sides are set but centers are wobbly, about 20 minutes. Let cool in tins. Wrap tins tightly with plastic, & refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Warm jam in a small saucepan until liquid. Strain through a sieve. Spoon 1 teaspoon jam on top of each cake and top with fresh cherries. Cheesecakes will keep, covered and refrigerated, for up to 3 days.
Fresh Fruit Family Fun
Gift Store Celebrations
17911 N. Day Mt. Spokane Rd.
Come join us for Lunch!
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Big Red Barn With The Country Charm.â&#x20AC;?
8518 E. GREENBLUFF RD www.highcountryorchard.com
(5'% #(%229
Easy Low Picking!
7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 Daily
lb ! Bumper Crop Bing, Rainier, Lambert & Lapin
Green Bluff
Evening Picking!
0%!#(%3 ",5%"%22)%3 4// ' #/-). Green Bluffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Kept Secret!
ROBELâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ORCHARD 19405 N Sands Rd, Colbert
EASY U-PICK CHERRIES â&#x20AC;&#x201D; OR PICK TO ORDER â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Huckaba Orchard
8110 E. Greenbluff Rd. Farm #43 on Green Bluff Map (509) 238-3222
75¢ Bumper Crop of Bing & Rainier Vans & under Cherries! Lamberts Starting Now! BestBigCrop in Years
OFF ¢ DISCOUNT every 10 lbs.
eg. 50 lbs=50¢ off per lb.
Open early to dusk Delivery Available 10% off with this ad
Directions: 1.
Top of Green Bluff
&L?MB 3N;LN 0LI>O=? E. 21619 Wellesley Spokane Valley (Otis Orchards)
927-8133 9-6 Mon-Sat 11-5 Sun
Beets, Carrots, Cabbage, Large Zucchini!
Tilton Apricots, Cherries, Donut Peaches & Others, Walla Walla Onions, Yakima Corn, Wapato Tomatoes, Watermelon, Local Honey, Fresh Dill & Garlic
U-PICKâ&#x20AC;Ś Cucumbers, Peas, Green Beans, Assorted Summer Squash Blueberries
L$G@:B G<8:?<J Ja\] l`] >jmal Dggh =phj]kk lg ha[c qgmj gof :=F< GN=J h]Y[`]k Yf\ [`]jja]k& ?j]Yl ^mdd k]jna[] [Y^Â$ oaf] lYklaf_$ Zj]Yc^Ykl$ dmf[` Yf\ qmeeq h]Y[` lj]Ylk& Ko]]l h]Y hdYq Zgp Yf\ ^]]\ l`] _gYlk&
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16 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
LIGHT COLORED PONY mare, follows like a puppy, just not housebroke, ready to train, $175 includes bridle. 509-2338146
Serving North Idaho & Eastern Washington
TOO MANY HORSES. Peruvian Paso mare, approximately 10 years old with sweet disposition, green broke, unridden 2 years, stands approximately 15.2h, located Fairfield, WA, $600/best offer. Call 509283-2353
Mountain View Farrier Service
Set of 75 Full St. Croix Rim Shoes $ 25 Full Trim ANDREW SULLIVAN â&#x20AC;&#x153;Certified Farrierâ&#x20AC;?
Horses REG. AMERICAN Saddlebred mare, 7 years old, show quality for saddle seat or dressage but loves trail riding, chestnut, 8 months professional training, $4000. 509-276-2605 Colbert
HORSE BOARDING, Liberty Lake, 5-10 acre pastures with great riding, tack room, trailer parking, $100 monthly plus you provide feed, Liberty Spring Ranch LLC. 509-991-6934
REG. SECTION A Welsh pony, Palomino Mare, 5 years, $900. 509-868-9047 12 YEAR OLD Registered quarter horse mare out of Captain Biankus out of an Easy Jet mare. Excellent barrel horse, does all M-oksee events, would make outstanding high school rodeo horse. 14.2 hands. 6 year old registered quarter horse gelding, broke, riding really well. 208-7900375, Lewiston
TODD MARTIN One of the most Talented Horsemen Around
ETHAN STOREY Horse Training. Specializing in starting colts of any kind to go in any direction. Lessons, tune-ups & restarting troubled horses. Gentle methods, very safe facilities. Honest & reliable. Located in Cheney, WA. Call for more information, 509389-8560
by Master Farrier Mark McKinnon
Starting Colts to Finishing!
m{Â&#x2030;Â&#x160;{Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E; Š XwÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;{Â&#x201A;Â&#x2030; Š [Â&#x201E;}Â&#x201A; Â&#x2030;~ YÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201E; yÂ&#x2030; Š b{Â&#x2030;Â&#x2030;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2030; (509)
BELT BUCKLE Winning 14 year old POA mare, my 8 year old granddaughter built her trophy case with this horse, but sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s moved on, asking $550 offer. 509-233-8146
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Over 30 Years Experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D; t Prompt Courteous Service for all Breeds %JTDJQMJOFT t &YQFSU DPSSFDUJWF XPSL t 3FGFSFODFT HMBEMZ HJWFO t %JTDPVOUT GPS .VMUJQMF )PSTFT t 4QPLBOF 4VODSFTU UP $IFXFMBI /FXQPSU BSFBT 509-276-8075 509-368-0136 Deer Park, WA HORSE BEDDING, cedar & pine shavings, great for stalls. We also have tan cedar bark arena mix. Moore Landscape Materials & Fuel, 509-4667800 Colbert
GEST N O R ST INGSry! D L I U t B IndusBolted e h t in vy
a Hea Because e s u e W ystemâ&#x20AC;Ś e Truss S what â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on thts! n it â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at Cou h t e d i Ins t 4IPQT t (BSBHFT t $BCJOT t #BSOT t "SFOBT
REG. HALF ARAB Mare, 6, chestnut, 6 month professional training, hunt seat or Western, show or pleasure, for experienced rider who will develop her talents, $3500. 509-2762605 Colbert HORSE PREVIEWS Magazine. Subscribe to the Inland Northwestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular horse industry publication. $20/ year U.S., $24/ Canada. Call 1800-326-2223 for details, or local Spokane 509-9223456 DIAMOND C SADDLE Shop. Bill Flat says â&#x20AC;&#x153;A wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule.â&#x20AC;? Diamond C is now taking orders for quality custom western belts. We take trades Diamond C Saddle Shop, 1225 Bridge Street, Clarkston, WA. Open Monday, Thursday, Friday. Or call 208305-3126 to meet at your convenience SHADOWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S KIMOSABE, Registration #0582043, 10 year old Arabian mare, with an impressive bloodline that includes Makat, Jus Ultima, Amerigo, & more, 15.2h, chestnut with flaxen mane & tail, 30 days professional training a year ago, still green, she is a very intelligent calm mare that is easy to work with, for more information please call or email; also have 2 registered 1/2 Arab, 1/2 Paint mares, 10 & 7, a black & a bay with Bask breeding, also 30 days training, also green, asking $800 or best offer on these 2. 509-465-0574, 509-991-7474, bmorrisg@wildblue.net
WARREN FULLER Memorial Roping, Sunday, August 14th, 49â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ers Arena, Tammany, Lewiston, Idaho. Sign up- 11am; Rope- 12pm. Pick 1; Draw 1, $50. Enter 4 times, rope total of 8 items. Or draw up to 8, $25 an entry. 81/2 handicap, Up & Down. Information: 509-7808489; 208-746-5073 TWO WELL BROKE paint geldings for sale, 14 and 8. Both papered, up to date on shots and worming. Lots of trail miles, both easy keepers and sound., $2000/ $3000/ offer. If interested call Teri 208-310-2722, Deary IEQHA HORSE SHOW, Spokane Fairgrounds & Expo Center. AQUA & Open Classes, PAC approved. August 18-21. For information call 208-8690949 or 509-998-2916 whodunit2009@hotmail.com REG. MORGAN Palomino stud colt $2000 Registered 2 year old filly $900. 509220-7021 or 509-922-2434 BAREFOOT TRIMMING. 4B-S.A.I.D. transitional method assures trailride readiness for Summer. 509-456-5555 leave message SAVE YOUR FAMILY from becoming your lifetime caretaker. Wear a helmet on horseback HORSE BOARDING, Separate stalls & runs, cleaned daily, quality hay, 2 feedings, heated water, steel fences, trails, pasture, arena. 16 miles north on Hwy 2. Friendly, family atmosphere, references, $175. 509-292-8366 BENEFIT HORSE Show, Saturday, August 13. Palouse Empire Fairgrounds, Colfax. Classes for everyone. English, Western, Ranch, Driving, In Hand, Trail. Please join us for great prizes and an all around high point belt buckle. For more information, a class list, and entry form go to http://www.whetzelhorsetraining.com/Calendarofevents.html or call 509-332-1686. All proceeds benefit the Whtiman County Humane Society
Thousands of Satisfied Customers with Town & Country Buildings Since 1973!
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Starting Prices. Other sizes available. Pricing based on 30 PSF Snow Load. Delivered & erected on your clear, level site within 25 miles of Spokane
Quality Building Materials Building
Provided by: Town & Country Buildings B U I L D I N GSince C E N T E1973! RS. Spokane, Washington
Quality Building Materials Provided by:
Spokane, Washington
RICASHAY HORSE TRANSPORT Experienced & professional handlers, providing safe & comfortable horse transport
HORSE TRAINING - Helping Horses Deal with People!
Ric Rodolph (509) 455-8229
Cheney, WA
e-mail RR429@aol.com â&#x20AC;˘ Licensed & Insured
CANYON CREEK offers boarding: 2 indoor/ outdoor plus 1/2 mile lessons, training able. 509-631-0731 man Lake
Farms barns, arena, track, availNew-
THE SPOKANE AREA Small Horse Association will be having their 3rd show of the season at the beautiful Fairview Stables (located at 10102 N Fairview Road, Mead). Saturday, August 27th! This great day will be filled with a variety of classes including Halter, Driving, Obstacle, Costume & Liberty. Please visit our website, www.SpokaneSasha.webs.com for our show schedule & entry form. All of our shows are open to all Equine, 14.2hh and under & no membership is required! So, load up your favorite horse, pony, mini or donkey & come join in the fun! If you have any questions, please contact Kristen (509) 220-0335. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to bring your lunch! SADDLE SALE ON NOW! Will Rogers Saddle Co. has over 300 new & used saddles in stock! Used 16â&#x20AC;? Circle Y Roper. New Double J Pro Barrel Racer, 14.5â&#x20AC;?; New Crown C Barrel, with adjustable rigging. Double J Posey Pro Racer. Used Circle Y Flex Barrel. Used 16â&#x20AC;? American Saddlery. Crates Reiners & Trail Saddles. Used Crates Arab tree, 16â&#x20AC;? Tennessean, and more! Bob Avila Reiner, by Bobs. Come in and see! Buy, sell, trade. www.willrogerssaddle.com 509466-0106 Mead BLUE ROAN & RED Roan AQHA Appendix yearlings, blue is already 15h, both built like a tank, bred to race, ride, or compete, $1500 each; 3 year old TB filly, 17+h, 60 days under saddle. stout, $3000, all are best offer or trades considered. 509456-6233 1995 ApHC MARE with stud colt by her side, mare registered in the US & Canada. Colt born 4/19/11, chestnut with blanket & spots, $2000 or best offer. 208-875-1404 Harvard ID oldriverranch@moscow.com. YOUR HORSE KNOWS when you are stressed! Stay calm naturally with herbal Stress Sleep & enjoy a better riding experience, pick up a bottle today at Huckleberryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inside your local Rosauers, look for the wooden Mountain Herbs display. Questions call 406-756-6654 to speak with an herbal care specialist 2003 SUNDOWNER â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sunliteâ&#x20AC;? 727, 3 horse slant with ramp, extra tall 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? and 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9â&#x20AC;? wide, 42â&#x20AC;? stalls, stud wall, dressing room, front & rear tack, water tank, aluminum face guards, â&#x20AC;&#x153;suncoatedâ&#x20AC;? interior, lighting package, aluminum never rust floor, double walled all aluminum, bumper pull. Top of the line, loaded with all the extras, super low miles, $16,500 or best offer. 509-8424707 Loon Lake
1998 REG PAINT MARE, solid built, brown & white, Tobiano, throws color to all foals to date, great mother & easy keeper, great with farrier loads & ties with no issues, $500. 509-443-1488 leave message GREAT FAMILY Riding Horse, Reg. 1/2 Arab mare, bay, 15.1hh, goes Hunter or Western, $1500 or best offer. 509-276-2605 Colbert MINIATURE DONKEYS with extended pedigrees! Due to health reasons I must sell my small herd of fancy mini-donks! Imported from the Sardina islands, rare brown, sorrel, black colors! Make great pets, and pulling carts & buggies. Great weed eaters! Easy to work with, nice & small! Good selection, sacrifice $250 each. 208-276-3772
IEQHA Horse Show Spokane Fairgrounds & Expo Center AQHA & OPEN CLASSES PAC Approved
August 18-21 208 869-0949 509 998-2916
whodunit2009@hotmail.com INLAND EMPIRE Morgan Horse Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Open Schooling Show & Fun Day Event, October 8, 9am-finished, Valley Mission Park Arena, Spokane Valley, WA, pre-registration $30 for the day, or $7/ class, $5 post registration fee. Contact Nan Robison at 509-924-8654 or n_robison@yahoo.com or Club website http://iemorganhorseclub.webs.com/ for entry forms & more information
Horsemanship & Training by Tim Richardson Using Natural Horsemanship Skills & Techniques to make your horse the horse you always desiredâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; using adequate time & miles on the trails. Your horse will cross water & encounter wildlife. Specializing in: s #OLT 3TARTING s 0LEASURE (ORSES s 0ROBLEM 3OLVING s 3PRING 4UNE UPS
509-951-0876 TWO REG. APPY Fillies, both 2 year olds, ready for training, $1000 each, or best offer. Both tall & stout, well bred. For more information call or email. 208-875-1404. oldriverranch@moscow.com
The Very Finest for You and Your Horse!
11515 E. Trent â&#x20AC;˘ Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 927-5891
www.spokanetacktrunk.com sales@spokanetacktrunk.com
Horses HAY, HAY, HAY! GRASS Alfalfa & straight grass, we deliver to your door. Call for prices, 509-4475293; 509-953-3606 HORSESHOEING: Randy Heiman accredited University of Pullman, 21 years experience; Riding horses, sliders, dressage, gaited horses, show horses, have worked with vets on problem shoeing. References available. 509-276-7968 GENTLE HORSE training, all disciplines, exposure to cows, trails, rodeo, hauling, etc. 509-6311246. Tri-Cities VINTAGE HORSE Training. Specializing in establishing respect and control on the ground. Creating a calm, confident, responsive horse under saddle. Athol, ID. Contact Abby, 208-683-0372; email vintagehorsetraining@gmail.com JASON SCHAPER Colt Company. Breeding, Sales, Training. 509-7511268, Clarkston. www.schapercuttinghorses.com 2000 CLASSIC Monarch 3horse slant 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; trailer with tack room. See Black and Associatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; auction ad in this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s auction section. 208-762-4346. www.auctionsbyblack.net
SADDLE UP FOR ST. Judeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s August 13th, 10am, Farragut State Park. Benefit trail ride, door prizes, lunch and silent auction for St. Judeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Research Hospital. $12 per rider, park fee $5 per trailer load at park entrance. Help us continue the important work at the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cancer hospital where no child is ever denied treatment because of families inability to pay. To make a donation, donate an item or for more information please call Cindy Oswald 208-683-6062 AQHA YEARLINGS & 2 year olds, start at $500. Lots to choose from. 509539-9588; 509-234-5881. www.ktranch.com NORTHWEST TRAILS Boarding happy healthy horses. Excellent care, recommended by Deer Park Vet Clinic. Catering to those who really care for their horseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s well being. Large, lighted arena, three round pens, large paddocks & pastures with shelter. Endless miles of beautiful trail riding. Natural Horsemanship training & lessons available, friendly, helpful atmosphere. www.northwesttrails.com 509-276-6345 Deer Park
Sweets (3462) is a Shepherd Mix. She came in in a very emaciated condition. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quiet, mellow & needs lots of TLC. About 10 years old & needs a loving, secure home for her remaining years. During her SAFER test she showed no interest in other dogs & is okay with cats, got all 1s & 2s with one 3 (food-sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s starving). When contacting SCRAPS with questions about one of our adoptable pets, please refer to the petâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Identification Number. Do not refer to the petâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name as not all staff is familiar with names. For this or many other wonderful pets available for adoption, please contact the Spokane County Animal Shelter at 509-477-2532 or visit our website at www.petfinder.com/shelters/WA113.html and click on Our Pet List SAFER (Safety Assessment For Evaluation Rehoming) www.humanesocietyofknoxcounty.org/SAFER.html PLEASE SPAY OR NEUTER PETS!
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 17
PAWS for the Cause â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pet Adoption Dayâ&#x20AC;? C.I. Shenanigans Restaurant and Brewery has teamed up with up with the Pacific Northwest Animal Welfare Project, Spokane Humane Society and SpokAnimal to host this event. The Spokane Humane Society, SpokAnimal, SCRAPs, Kootenai Humane Society, RiverĂs Wish Animal Sanctuary, River Pet Rescue and Basset Rescue will have cats and dogs available for adoption who are in need of good homes. There will also be local animal vendors and suppliers, barbecue courtesy of C.I. Shenanigans, raffles and giveaways. This free event will be held on August 13 from 10am-4pm in the C.I. Shenanigans Parking Lot, 332 N. Spokane Falls Court. For more information call 509-455-6690.
No Hidden Costs! Not a Thing to "Fix or Finish"
45*.4$ .2
NEWER SPREADER manure spreader. Great for small horse ranch, handy pull with ATV or lawn tractor, 2 sizes to choose from. Call for pricing. 208659-3902 EXCELLENT WEED Free 2nd cutting alfalfa, delivered to Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, Spokane area, 5 ton or more $185/ ton; some at $150/ ton. 509-447-5293; 509-953-3606 HORSE BLANKETS Cleaned & repaired, free pickup & delivery with 2 or more blankets. 509-4482047
EQUINE SOLUTIONS Horse Shoeing, trimming & corrective shoeing, consideration for high school, college, & 4H horse groups, email johndeal1834@yahoo.com. Call John or Dusty at 509-9532055 INLAND EMPIRE Morgan Horse Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Open Schooling Show & Fun Day Event, October 8, 9am-finished, Valley Mission Park Arena, Spokane Valley, WA, pre-registration $30 for the day, or $7/ class, $5 post registration fee. Contact Nan Robison at 509-924-8654 or n_robison@yahoo.com or Club website http://iemorganhorseclub.webs.com/ for entry forms & more information HORSE TRAILER. 2003 Trailswest 3 horse gooseneck, with extra foot to squeeze in a fourth, drop down windows, separate side tack, has an awning, exc cond, used very little, $11,000 or best offer. 509521-6131. Tri-Cities
QUARTER HORSE Gelding. Very good trail horse, about 15h, approximately 10 years old. Whiskey Color & ready to ride. $500 Glenn 509-216-0867 Post Falls HAY HAY HAY! We deliver. 509-447-5293 or 509953-3606 NICE LOOKING YOUNG quarter horses, foals to 2 year olds, $150-$200 each. 208-267-8105
Horse & People Training Tellington/TT.E.A.M. Experience Magic Positive Training Whole Horse Board
2009 TRAILS WEST â&#x20AC;&#x153;Royaleâ&#x20AC;? SxST, 2 horse straight load, with ramp, extra tall 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? & 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9â&#x20AC;? wide, walk in tack, like new, never used with horses, only used for feed, $9500 or best offer. 509-842-4707 Loon Lake 2004 TRAILS WEST 4 horse slant load gooseneck. Dressing room with bed and boot box, side tack, stud panel, drop down windows, escape door and other extras. Excellent condition, $12,500. 406-847-2236
2005 LOGAN COACH Wrangler horse trailer, 2 horse, slant, bumper pull, 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; stall height, tack room. Like new condition, used 3 times, less than 50 miles logged. New $6500, now $5900. 208-773-7354
2011 PJ BRAND 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x83â&#x20AC;? flat bed trailer, 7000GVWR, 1300 miles, like new with custom built cargo box with cargo handling system, box & rails are removable, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ramps, $3750 or best offer. 360480-5463 Spokane Valley CAR TRAILER, hydraulic tilt, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x81â&#x20AC;?. New, home built by welder, painted wood deck, dovetail. Needs tandem fenders and lights, trade for good deer rifle or $700. Off Ross Point Road, 208-457-9692
LARGE SELECTION OF LOOK Enclosed utility trailers, models starting at $2135, great work, toy hauler, or general purpose trailers, experience the great value & quality of LOOK Trailers. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane 509-5352154 www.CobaltTrailer.com Monday- Friday 8am5pm HOME MADE TRAILER, the total deck length is 11â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, includes a 2x4x8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; covered box, 2x2x4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tool box, extendable tongue, & a spare tire, $650 or consider offers. 509-796-2604
PALOMINO AQHA Yearling gelding, very nice! Excellent pedigree, foundation bred! $1200, www.cspaintquarterhorses.com 509-220-7712 Elk
)034&4)0&*/( 0WFS :FBST &YQFSJFODF
Â&#x2026;>`Ă&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;`Â?>VÂ&#x2026;
GREAT JUMPER! 15.2h, 15 year old Thoroughbred mare, extensive PonyClub, XC, stadium jumping, dressage & show experience, really sweet, no vices! $2500. 509-3789825. Tri-Cities
PARELLI NATURAL Horsemanship Clinic with top 3 star instructor, Gretchen Thompson, August 27th at St. Maries Arena. For more information call Don West, 208686-5555
ANN KIRK PRESENTS Sensible Horsemanship Trail Riding Clinic. This weekend, Saturday August 13th & Sunday August 14th, 9am-5pm both days at Ann Kirkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ranch in Elk, WA. Learn the techniquesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to keep you and your horse safe and confident on the trail. Ground work, arena work, then onto the trail. Sunday ride & lunch in the hills. Have an issue, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fix it! $300 horse and rider for the two day clinic. Call 509-292-2475 Ann Kirk or info@annkirk.com
USED SADDLES $75 & up, complete bridles, $10; lots of misc. tack. English & Western Show Clothes, helmets, boots, safety riding vests, driving harnesses, etc. 208772-6641; 208-6601255 Hayden
16H 6 YEAR AQHA/ ABRA, Grullo filly, halter, drill team, trails, gorgeous, loves people, Boston Mac, Driftwood, Poco Chex, $5000 obo. Video at www.collins-quarter horses.com 541-7862193. Elgin, OR
Julie JenĂŠ â&#x20AC;˘ 509 979-6202
Tack & Trailers GREAT SELECTION OF Featherlite horse & stock trailers, models starting at $8200, enjoy the benefits of all aluminum construction with Featherlite quality. Ask about great factory rebates. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane 509-5352154 www.CobaltTrailer.com Monday- Friday 8am5pm
Since 1999!
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18 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Hay & Feed
GRASS WITH LIGHT Alfalfa mix, $110/ton, close in, in barn, delivery available. 509-468-1811 Mead BUYING BARLEY, good price paid. Half Moon Feeds, your local feed mill. Please call 509276-3520 Deer Park HAY, HAY, HAY! GRASS Alfalfa & straight grass, we deliver to your door. Call for prices, 509-4475293; 509-953-3606 ALFALFA GRASS HAY, barn stored, no rain, small square bales, $50/ ton. 509435-3234 Springdale GRASS HAY, 400 lb. rounds, $90/ ton. 208-8771399, Deary
PREMIUM TIMOTHY Hay, 90 lb bales, no rain, barn stored, small head/ fine stem, $170/ ton. 509999-2809 Deer Park
GOOD GRASS HAY, Barn Stored, no rain damage, 65lb bales, $120/ ton. 25 minutes south of Newport off Hwy 2. 509-292-8321
TIMOTHY GRASS HAY for sale, 509-499-6978
ALFALFA, EXCELLENT quality, in barn, no rain, $150 ton. Lefty 509-9267219
EXCELLENT HORSE hay, grass mixed, $5/bale, 25 bales to a ton. 509-2768948 Deer Park ORCHARD GRASS 1000lb. rounds $50 each, 80lb. small squares $110/ton, volume discounts over 5 tons, farm pickup. 509-590-6381 Newport 1st CUTTING ALFALFA, Alfalfa grass hay, small bales, barn stored, $90-$120/ ton. 509-2762524; 509-710-9205 Deer Park PREMIUM 1ST Cutting alfalfa- irrigated, no rain, stacked & tarped, 70lb bales, 100+ ton available, $125/ton cash. 509-7102535 or 509-434-8852 Cheney area
ANDERSON HAY Elevators & motors, 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $600; 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $1300; 2 Honda gas motors $150/ $200; delivery possible. 509-258-7182 Ford
The Best
$180/Ton $6/Bale
Full Line of Feed from
31 years in the Horse & Hay Business
www.agenterprise.com 509-235-2006 t 509-647-5365
HIGH QUALITY Galvanized panels & gates, heavy duty, 15 gauge, square cornered, stall fronts, divider walls, shelters, roping & bucking chutes, arena packages, big bale feeders. 509-7500769 FEEDER ALFALFA HAY, 60-70lb bales, in field $60/ton, will help load with tractor; grass hay, 5060lb bales, in field $65/ton, will help load with tractor. Wild Rose area, North Spokane, 509466-4091 2ND CUTTING HAY ready, alfalfa orchard grass; 1st cutting alfalfa orchard grass, straight grass, alfalfa oat, in small or large bales, very good hay, deliveries available, 509-292-8664
OATS, CLEANED, 80lb bags, $11 each; bulk $200/ton. Deer Park 509993-9365
Valley, WA
60 TONS DRY HAY, HAS had some rain, $50/ton, you pickup, 65lb bales, 5 miles South of Newport. 509-447-3502 GRASS HAY, FINE Stem like lawn clippings, well cured, green, best for hot & colicy horses. 70lb. square bales. Delivery available, $150/ ton. 509937-4206 Valley EXCELLENT WEED Free 2nd cutting alfalfa, delivered to Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, Spokane area, 5 ton or more $185/ ton; some at $150/ ton. 509-447-5293; 509-953-3606 HAY, BETWEEN DEER Park & Suncrest, feeder $75, grass $110, alfalfa some rain $120, alfalfa grass $130, alfalfa $150. 509-276-9773
(;F@ -IIH â&#x20AC;&#x153;Feed the Bestâ&#x20AC;? &??>M
'JM<B@ 1@GG@ON 8CJG@ (M<DI '@@?N 4/0 15!,)49 x !,, .!452!,
3"/$) )"/% 53"$5034 $C@R@G<C 8" w We are growing & looking for New Dealers!
Call 509-276-3520 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COUNTRY FEED MILL Half Moon Feeds - 39124 N. Sherman Rd, Deer Park 509-276-3520Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; !dOhppmOFF=Â&#x2019;(3Â&#x2019; 3ph
SACKED WHOLE OATS, $.10 lb. 509-315-6606; 509926-5614 Spokane Valley TIMOTHY HAY FOR Sale, $95 in field, $105 in stack. 509-951-9101 Usk ALFALFA GRASS HAY, small bales, barn stored, $120/ton. 509-936-2234 Chewelah HORSE HAY- ALFALFA/Grass, 1st cutting, in barn, by the bale or by the ton, small bales; $5/bale, $130/ton Nine Mile 509796-5280 FRESH GRASS HAY800lb. rolls, $90/ton; 509-638-2401. Deer Park ALFALFA GRASS HAY, $120 per ton, with discounts for multiple tons. 509-238-2489 or 509-7102961 IRRIGATED HORSE Hay, small bales, alfalfa/ grass mix $160/ton, orchard grass $170/ton, delivery available, Davenport, WA. 509-979-9352 PREMIUM ORCHARD grass, no rain, barnstored, nice green hay. $5 bale. Delivery available, Blanchard, 208-437-0348 GRASS HAY, ROUND bales, 550-650lb bales, between $75-100/ton, approximately 300+ bales. 509523-2109 Rosalia BALER BROKE! 7 Acres loose timothy hay. Will load, you haul. Price negotiable, but reasonable. 509893-8872 PINE WOOD SHAVINGS for sale, we are offering locally manufactured pine shavings either in bulk or in 1 & 2 yard sacks, these shavings are long, thin, fluffy, & very absorbent, & a fraction of the cost of store bagged & milled residuals. Call for delivery & prices 509-768-1612 ATHOL, CAREYWOOD area, round bales, first cutting alfalfa, no rain, 525 lb. average bale weight, sprayed for weeds, nice hay, $40 bale. 208-5975048, delivery on large orders possible ORCHARD/ CLOVER Grass mix hay, $80/ton, 2nd cut alfalfa ready to go on August 20, $110/ton in stack or $90/ton in the field. 509-990-5615 Deer Park area ATHOL, CAREYWOOD area, round bales, first cutting alfalfa feeder hay, $25 bale, approx. 400 lb. bales, 208-597-5048, delivery on large orders possible APPROX. 200 4X4 round bales, grass and alfike mix, $22.50 bale. Loaded on your vehicle. $20 bale if you take all. 208-689-3770 TIMOTHY, NO RAIN, early cut, green, very palatable, $4.50 bale, delivery available. Blanchard, 208-437-0348 MIXED GRASS HAY, very green and leafy, $3.50 bale, delivery available. Blanchard, 208-4370348
GRASS & ALFALFA MIX, small squares & round bales, $100/ ton. Deer Park/ Wild Rose area. 509951-6510 GRASS HAY, 90 lb bales, $100 ton. 509-999-2809 Deer Park ALFALFA GRASS MIX, no rain, in the barn, $120 per ton. 509-238-6878 Chattaroy FIRST CUTTING Alafalfa hay. 509-935-8417 or 509936-0679 Chewelah ALFALFA ORCHARD Mix, $130/ton, Orchard grass only $110/ton, delivery available. 509-4755304 Colbert
National Champion Genetics with Diverse Coloring Stud males from $500+ Pregnant females from $4,300+ Fiber Companions From $250* *Call For Details
Call Sarah at
Rockford Bay Ranch 208-769-9999 www.rbr.openherd.com Online Auctions Every Week!
Farm Animals & Pets
1000LB ROUND BALES alfalfa bald barley 50/50 mix, $80/ton. 509-9954512 Sprague
15 MONTH OLD JERSEY steers, will feed out till September 1st, $500 each. 509-954-4156
QUALITY TIMOTHY grass hay, $120/ton; grass hay, $85/ton, last year bottom bales $25/ton. 509671-2157 Cusick
HORSE PREVIEWS Magazine. Subscribe to the Inland Northwestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular horse industry publication. $20/ year U.S., $24/ Canada. Call 1800-326-2223 for details, or local Spokane 509-9223456
ALFALFA GRASS MIX, 600 lb round bales, $110/ ton. Wandermere area; delivery possible. Augustus 509-385-2825 GRASS HAY, $90/ TON; Timothy alfalfa mix, $120/ ton; 1st cutting alfalfa, $140/ ton. 509-998-8108; 509-342-0647 Mead area
YOUNG HAMPSHIRE & crossbred boars, good for breeding replacement gilts or first litter sows; also, (2) market hogs (butcher). Fred Springer 509-9810722 Reardan
NEW CROP TIMOTHY or Orchard Grass $5 per 65lb bale, delivery available. 509-999-8717 Nine Mile area
FOR YOUR TOTAL AI Services in cattle using select sires bulls, call Fred Kuhn, 509-389-4005 Medical Lake
YOU HAUL 3-4 TON Feeder hay in barn, $75/ton, Mica area. 509389-2028 or 509-928-4825
HAY, HAY, HAY! GRASS Alfalfa & straight grass, we deliver to your door. Call for prices, 509-4475293; 509-953-3606
SECOND CUTTING Alfalfa. Fine stem $120/ ton, in small bales. 509-6382401 Deer Park ALFALFA GRASS, no rain, round bales, $110/ ton. 509-435-3234 Springdale GOOD GRASS HAY, Dry Round bales, will load, $90/ ton. 509-235-5378; 509-981-5548 Cheney ALFALFA GRASS HAY, $80/ ton in hay shed. Call 509-624-7198 Airway Heights area GRASS ALFALFA MIXbarn stored, no rain; $130/ton. 509-276-5719 or 509-954-5915 HIGH QUALITY Galvanized panels & gates, heavy duty, 15 gauge, square cornered, stall fronts, divider walls, shelters, roping & bucking chutes, arena packages, big bale feeders. 509-7500769 PREMIUM 1ST Cutting alfalfa- irrigated, no rain, stacked & tarped, 70lb bales, 100+ ton available, $125/ton cash. 509-7102535 or 509-434-8852 Cheney area TIMOTHY HAY, small bales, $120 ton. Rockford/ Worley area. 208-2314705, 208-964-3372 ALFALFA HAY, approximately 50 lb bales, $2.50. 509-466-7867, 509-8692315 Five Mile area GRASS FEEDER HAY, 250 bales (some rain), $3/ bale. 509-238-6690 Chattaroy GRASS HAY, $100/ ton, 65lb. bales. South Spokane 509-448-4065 HAY HAY HAY! We deliver. 509-447-5293 or 509953-3606
DUROC YORK HAMP Weaner pigs, cut, wormed, $60 each. 509-935-8490 Chewelah CALF SALE: DAIRY & Beef cross calves starting at $85. Keane Ranch 509659-0112 REGISTERED Nigerian Dwarf miniature dairy goats, some available in milk now! www.ballardcreekranch.com Spokane 509-467-1905 EXCELLENT WEED Free 2nd cutting alfalfa, delivered to Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, Spokane area, 5 ton or more $185/ ton; some at $150/ ton. 509-447-5293; 509-953-3606 SIBERIAN KITTENS, TICA registered, all colors, available now. Beautiful, dog-like. World champion bloodlines. Visit: russiansiberiankittens.com. bulls_eye2004@hotmail.com. 509-671-7273 MOLUCCAN Cockatoo: Male Moluccan Cockatoo needs new loving home, needs experienced large bird home, very large & loud bird, $850 including cage. Call Scott 509-8512987. Tri-Cities
ADORABLE LITTLE goats, fainting or pygora, various ages, genders, & colors, $50 & up, delivery available, pets only. Call Trish afternoons & evenings 509-287-2178 NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS, (1) 5 year old black & white milking doe, gives about a gallon of milk per day, registered 50%, American, throws beautiful babies, $175. (1) 4 month old gray buckling, ready for breeding, from good milking line, $75. Gold-EFlocks 509-671-3155 Newport REG. NIGERIAN DWARF goats, a few select open does available; Whole herd tested negative CAE April 11th. 509-796-2341 www.glorybeafarm.com MINIATURE RODEO Bulls, $500 up; 36â&#x20AC;? Pygmy Zebu cattle, $500; miniature longhorns; yak cows, $500; Soay sheep, $50; baby pot bellied pigs, $50. 509-258-8974 10 HAMP YORK CROSS Weaner pigs, all worked, ready to go, $65-$75 each. 509-953-8026 Newman Lake 2 BRAHMA CROSS Steers, about 550lbs, all shots, ready to go, $575 each. 509-953-8026 Newman Lake DOUBLE YELLOW Headed Amazon, needs experienced handler, $400 includes huge cage; also have Tibetan Mastiff AKC female available. 509-4566233 FERRETS FOR Adoption, males & females, $80 each, loving fuzzies looking for good homes, director@ferrethaven.net 509326-2779 Spokane WA www.ferrethaven.net RAG DOLL KITTENS, (2) 1 male, 1 female, $75 each. 509-489-3518 Spokane AFRICAN GREY Parrots: One is 18 months old, talks a lot (sex?), $1000; Other is 4 year old female, talks some, likes to dance, $750. 509-531-6569. TriCities
SPECIAL FEEDER SALE Wed., Aug. 17 TH, 11 AM 1500 calves & yearlings, 50 - 3 & 4 year old black fall calving cows, 25% calved out bred black, 200 butcher cows
Dogs MALTESE pups, AKC/ Ch lineage, 2 boys, located in Milton Freewater, OR. Call 714-235-1910 MIN PIN PUPPIES. Tails and dewclaws done, wormed and first shots. Parents on site. Reds, chocolate and black/ tan available. $325 each. Ready now for good homes! 208-964-3270, 208818-2417 RIDGE-A-DOR Puppies, purebred Rhodesian ridgeback and Labrador retriever. Wonderful family pet or hunting companion. Vet checked, shots and wormed. Ready for your family today! Adoption fee $250- $350. Compare at $600- $1200. Call/ text, 208-819-0609 AKC GERMAN Shepherd pups, 7 weeks, good temperament, structure, & intelligence, $500 & up, or trade for firewood or guns. 509-258-4580
ADBA UKC AMERICAN Pitbull puppies. 509-6851275 or 509-680-7618
AKC APRI PARTI Poms. Can be seen at www.hallslittleacre.com. 208-6994177 AKC CHOCOLATE Lab pups, blocky, 1st shots, dewclaws done, wormed, parents OFA/ OFE, cerf, champion hunt/ show lines, $600- $700, All yellow litter coming soon. www.chasen melabs.com. 509-843-5047. Pomeroy PUPS FROM CEDAR Rider (red heeler/ blue heeler cross) and Red Rider (red heeler/ Australian shepherd cross). Different colors and markings. Some with natural bob tails, no tails docked. $200. 208-267-4224 CHIWEENIE PUPPIES, 7 weeks, 3 females, 1/2 Chihuahua, 1/2 Dachshund, will be small, $200 each. Poochis 1/2 toy poodle, 1/2 Chihuahua, 2 males, $200 each, 1 very tiny female, $300; all have 1st shots vet check. 509-489-4937 CUTEST EVER POMCHI puppies! Born April 27th & ready for new homes, 2 females left, 1 blonde & 1 brown, pictures available via cell phone or email, asking $350. Call Lindsay’s cell phone at 425-3459650 AKC IRISH SETTERS, male and female, breeding pair, wonderful disposition, great with children, 6-years old, $400 for pair. 208-267-7161, 208-6105162
Farm Animals & Pets CANARIES FOR SALE, I have a nested pair for $150; the hen, Ringo, is a yellow crested Norwich & the cock, Dandy, a plainheaded yellow Glauster. Gabby is a variegated yellow cock, $100; Quigley a red factor Australian Fife hen, $150; Tweety yellow, cock? & Bitsy yellow 3/4 variegated hen, $75 each; stock of 4 breeding cages each 23.5x16.5x16, $75. Please call or e-mail with any questions, Sara 509936-0309 or boxcanyon1851@yahoo.com PEARSON CATTLE Chute, left side exit with brisket bar. Hinged neck panels for neck vaccinations. Vertical sides. The chute adjusts to any size animal, bottom side boards are removable. Heavy duty rugged construction. Diamond plate steel floor. New, priced at $4200, this one $3650 firm (under cover, like new, used very little). Delivery available. Evenings, 406847-2236 PUREBRED Californian bunnies, born 6/18/11. Championship stock, excellent quality, perfect for 4-H competition, broodstock, commercial or simply pets. With/ without pedigree, ARBA registered rabbitry. Please contact Mountain Glen Farm, Sagle, ID, 208-2557818 LLAMAS, REAL TAME, Mother & new baby, $150; Also, all white male Llama, $150. 509-926-0979 MUNCHKIN PERSIAN kittens, must go, make offer. Kathy, 509-294-7447 BEARDED DRAGON, $50. Gentle, calm, easy to care for. Great first pet. Mike, 208-255-8790
GALLOWAY CATTLE, have a trio for sale. Top level quality, includes white bull (can produce any color), black cow, both are 5 years old and both are registered. Also white cow, 3 years old and can be registered, $6200. The bull alone is worth the price. Dave, 208-773-7445 25 PUREBRED young farm raised Suffolk ewes and one 3 year old USSA registered Suffolk ram. $200 each if you buy the entire flock or $250 each for single ewes and $350 for ram. Contact Fred or Bobbi Jo Bowser in St. Maries, Idaho, 208-2455688 WILL TAKE YOUR unwanted goats or sheep. Have surplus of hay and pasture, large barn and loafing sheds. Not for butcher; Grass hay, no rain, $70 ton. Excellent care of animals. 208-2452475, late evenings or early mornings 100 ACRES PRIME agricultural pasture for lease. Must do temporary fencing. Downtown Sagle. Negotiable. 208-263-2474 TUNE UP YOUR Herding dog for trials or ranch work. Randy Curless, 208263-4633 or doubleshoeranch@gmail.com HAY HAY HAY! We deliver. 509-447-5293 or 509953-3606 PUREBRED HIMILAYAN registered seal point male, 1 year, show quality, $175 or best offer. 509-481-8480 MYLA’S CAT Rescue. We’ll take your unwanted or stray cats and find loving homes. Kittens are available, adoption is free! 208-683-3103
AMERICAN PITBULL puppies, UKC registered, blues and blue fawns, 7 weeks old. Joe, 208-2778612, www.abombbullies.com
SHIMA PUPPIES, Hugable, lovable balls of fluff, tiny Toy breed, 410lbs grown, hypo allergenic, non shedding, non yappy, socialized & playful, excellent with children, extremely affectionate, beautiful array of colors, even black & tan Dobie marked, New York’s newest colors, potty pad training well under way, some verbal commands, shots, wormed, 14 grandmothers are always pampering your puppy, home raised as our own pets, CKC preferred breeders, licensed & registered. Special 2 tiny Teacup females, 3-5lbs grown, 1 Multi Poo male Teacup, solid black, $595-$695.99. 509-2761717 www.SweetShimas.com Deer Park PINK POODLE PETS & Grooming. Chorkies, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Papillons, Maltese, Australian Cattle Dog Boxers, Min Pin Chis. Store wide sale, 30-50% off on selected items. Finest puppy boutique & professional grooming parlor. Best prices in town. Visit our website www.TinyToyBreedPuppies.com Under new ownership! 3209 N Monroe, Spokane, 509-324-0750 COCKER SPANIEL puppies, $450, DOB 06/19/11. Beautiful pups, these are must see pups, first shot, dewclaws and tails docked by the vet. 3 females, 1 black/ white/ brown, 1 buff with white markings, 1 beautiful sable. 1 male, big healthy buff with white markings. Ready for homes. Call 208-689-9506 or e-mail gigispups@wildblue.net
AKC SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, white/ liver & liver/ white, 7 males & 4 females, tails dew claws, & first shots, 6 FTCH in bloodline, great family pets & hunters, $400 without papers, $500 with. 509467-5114 see pictures at h t t p : / / e n g l i s h s p r i n g e r p u p s . weebly.com LYNNDEE’S Grooming & dog Training Center, we provide dog & cat grooming, socialization training, dog training classes begin every 7 weeks. For informat call 509-838-0596 or www.LynnDees.com LABRADOODLE multi gen, male, black, super social, up to date with shots/ worming, medium to standard size, non shed, fleecy coat, 6 mos old, $300. 509305-9085. Grandview
AKC ENGLISH Bulldogs: 6 months old male, champion sired, neutered & up to date on all shots, family raised, great pup, just too many dogs, must sell, $1200. 509-521-2710. TriCities JACK/ RAT PUPPIES, half Rat Terrier, half Jack Russel, born May 5, 2 girls left, $150, mother & father on site, Elk area. 509951-5961 Cheryl FEMALE DACHSHUND puppy, born 4/9/11, second shots and wormed, $200. Male longhaired dachshund, deformed ear (bitten when little), shots and wormed, 2 months old, $125. 208-627-2121 RARE AKC REG. red Shiba Inu, will be 17-18” tall, looks like a fox with a curled tail, 4 months old, housebroken, crate broke, good with cats and other dogs, very friendly, has all shots. $1000. 208-437-0780 2 BIRTHING BEDS FOR puppies, wooden, several dog crates, various sizes. 509-747-0800 & 509-9790849
BEAUTIFUL KING Charles Cavalier Spaniel female puppy available; beautiful black & tan, born April 5, 2011. She needs to find a forever home; loves people & gets along great with other animals; Reg. with APRI, $600. 406-207-4888 CHIHUAHUA/ Terrier puppies, born 5/29, 1st shot, very cute, black/ white, $75. 509-582-2354, 509-737-7239. Tri-Cities PUREBRED GOLDEN retriever puppies. Both parents on site and come from a loving home. Dewclaws, 1st shots and wormed. 4 females, 2 males. Please call for questions. Asking $400. 208-818-2074 AKC YORKSHIRE terrier, world champion European bloodlines, pampered, socialized, healthy, blue coat. Both parents on site. Starting at $500. Also, stud service available, $700. 208-699-7008, Cd’A WELLNESS CLINIC, first & third Thursday of every month, noon-4pm, must make an appointment, $25 includes rabies if needed. Exam includes an overall body condition check, heart & lungs listened to as well, as well as eyes, ears & teeth check. petsavers-spokane.org 509924-7826 AKC ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, 8 weeks, 2 males, 1 female left! See them at www.sweetspringers.weebly.com 509276-7002 AKC SHELTIE PUPS Excellent family companions. Great with kids & other animals. Champion lines, home raised, health guarantee, pictures available. Sables, Tri colors & Blue Merle. $600-$700 Ready mid-August. Delivery possible. Deposit will hold. 509-522-6478 or 509-301-7980 BICHON FEMALE, purebred, 3-1/2, super social, $400. 509-305-9085. Grandview
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 19
PUREBRED ITALIAN Mastiff/ cane corso puppies. Born July 24, 2011. Males/ females, blue and blacks. www.Cane-CorsoUtopia.com. 208-691-4975. Military, police, firefighter, detective, service discounts
AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies, black/ tan, shots given, available now, $550. 509-420-4494. TriCities AKC SHIH TZU, little bundles of love, males, females. grandmashihtzu.com, 208-267-2700 GIANT SNOODLE males, softs coats, non-shed, black, up to date shots/ worming, sweet, wiggly, nice temerparments, parents tested hips & elbowson site, $875 firm. 509-3059085. Grandview YORKIE SILKY Terrier, male, 5-1/2 lbs, silver/ tan, nice temperament, up to date shots/ worming, 3 yrs, $375. 509-305-9085. Grandview OLD ENGLISH Bulldog puppies, champion lines, registered. $999 and up. 509-671-7273, 509-6715699. Visit www.prettybulldogs.homestead.com; bulls_eye2004@hotmail.com ASCA AUSTRALIAN Shepherd puppies, vaccinated, wormed & very friendly, Reg., $300-$500, unregistered $100-$300. email: deebarze@skywayusa.net 208-274-2141 REDUCED PRICE! AKC German shepherd female, 9 weeks on 7/29/11, black/ tan, parents on site, shots/ wormed, beautiful, protective family dogs. $400. 208683-4100, 208-699-4008
DOROTHY CLARK ANIMAL CENTER 715 N Crestline Cat spay/neuter: $50/ $30 Dog spay: $65-$100* Dog neuter: $55-$95* *Over 100 lbs add $1 for each lb over
Call for specials!!
534-8133 x204
AKC ENGLISH Bulldog puppies. Health guarantee, great personalities, champion bloodlines. One all white female. $2000. 208-215-9662 HAVANESE PUPS. Little clowns! Excellent companions, non shed, champion bloodlines, registered, first shots, vet checked. $1100. 250-424-5229 REGISTERED JACK Russell puppies. Classic markings, all colors and coat types. With papers $700, without $500. 208-2631168. Parents on site BRITTANY PUPPIES. AKC registered, liver and white, excellent bloodlines, friendly and affectionate, $400. 208-7550364 SMALL DOG ADOPTION Fair! Saturday 10am-1pm. All are spayed and neutered. Paradise Pet Resort. 11420 E. Jackson, Spokane, 509-290-6024 AKC CHOCOLATE Lab pups, blocky, 1st shots, dewclaws done, wormed, parents OFA/ OFE, cerf, champion hunt/ show lines, $600- $700, All yellow litter coming soon. www.chasen melabs.com. 509-843-5047. Pomeroy AUSTRALIAN TERRIER male puppy, shots, 14 weeks, great family pet, $500. susan@benayr.com. 509-447-0354
WHITE GERMAN Shepherds. Only two 8 week old females remaining. Vet checked, shots, wormed, healthy and happy. Father registered, mother not. $250 509-6751711 AKC TEACUP Imperial Shih Tzu puppies for sale, 4- 9 lbs, rare colors, visit my website www.tuscanystiny shihtzu.com 509865-2097. Toppenish SHIH TZU female, 3 years, 9lbs, light raspberry & white, super social, $300. 509-305-9085. Grandview ENGLISH MASTIFF Puppies AKC fawns, we have both parents, excellent hips & elbows located 1 hr from Spokane, $1000 360508-6588 AKC HAVANESE, 2 Year old, white, intact male & female, loving pets/ porch puppies, $350 both, AKC Havanese tri-colored, 2 year old, male, loving pet, $200. 509-747-0800 & 509979-0849 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD pups. Awesome, great bloodlines! Parents OFA and eyes clear, great 4H prospects and family/ farm dogs. Up to date on all vaccines/ wormings, ASCA/ AKC registered. $500. 208-819-6162, rivercityaussies@hotmail.com
TUNE UP YOUR Herding dog for trials or ranch work. Randy Curless, 208263-4633 or doubleshoeranch@gmail.com ENGLISH SPRINGER male pup, 11 weeks, shots, great with kids/ animals. $250, can take payments. 509-671-6804 3/4 PEKINGESE/ 1/4 Pomeranian puppies, pictures to follow at www.hallslittleacre.com. 208699-4177 REGISTERED RED Fawn bull mastiff stud for hire. Great disposition and qualities. Please call Mark at 208-446-4896 PUREBRED Shiba Inu puppies, we have white & red available, non-papered, ready now! $850. 509-430-0187. Tri-Cities CHRONIC EAR Problems? If you have tried other products that have not worked including prescriptions from your vet, give K-9 Liquid Health Ear Solutions for dogs or cats a try. Ear Solutions(tm) covers all the bases at once! Ear Solutions kills mites, fungus, bacteria, yeast, & dries the ear canal, promotes healthy PH balance for a healthy ear. Inexpensive, fabulous new product, vet recommended & available now at Pink Poodle Pets & Grooming, 3209 N. Monroe, Spokane 509-3240750. Also available by mail, call shop for details
20 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
WESTIE PUPPIES, home raised, love with a wet nose! Shots, ready to go, female only $600, male $500 cash. Call anytime, 509722-4138 can email pictures WEINERFEST Potluck BBQ Open House, Saturday, August 27th at Dachshund Rescue NW & Dachshund Club of Spokane. Bring potluck dish, chair, & wiener dog! Donations for our dog rescue are welcome. www.SpokaneWienerDogs.org pr 509-796-2140, RSVP for directions 2 MALE POMERANIAN puppies, little over 2 months old, have had booster shots & wormed, need good homes, $250 each or will accept $200 but no less. Call Linda 509-795-9394
AKC ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, Tracker line since 1986, first shots, wormed, liver/ white, black/ white, 8 weeks old, $350. 509-290-5168
AKC PUG FEMALE Pup, DOB 6/18/11, has shot & deworm schedule, research pedigree papers available, $600 cash. See www.PuppyPug.gotpetsonline.com 509-684-3678 Kettle Falls AKC TOY POODLE pups, 2 females, 1 male available. Black, apricot and rare phantom colors. Call for more information, 208798-9765, Lewiston
AKC GERMAN Shepherds, 11 months old, male & female, $300 each; male, April 25, 2011, $350; female, May 22, 2011, $400, cash only. 509641-2100 or 509-647-2700
SHIH-TZU MALE Puppy, black & white, 6 weeks August 15, $300. 509-9267103 Veradale REGISTERED BORDER Collies, 2 females, 4 males, all tri-color, working parents, ready September 17, $300. www.atleyboergoats.com/boardercollies.html 509-251-9551 day, 509-995-4825 evening AKC WESTIE PUPPIES, $500. 509-751-6500 or email hhafarm@cpcinternet.com
CKC GOLDEN Retriever Puppies, 7 weeks, first shots & wormed, great dispositions; curly coats, smooth coats, beautiful parents, great family dogs, males $350, females $400. teddybearretrievers.webs.com 509-447-2335 Newport TO ALL DOG CLUB Members & organizations: Do you have an upcoming event you would like to promote? Get the news to the people through the coming events columns in The Exchange. Submit information by Thursday at 5pm for the next weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s issue. This is a free public service provided by The Exchange. I would like to personally encourage everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation in promoting their organizations & events. Contact Dorothea at The Exchange, PO Box 427, Spokane WA 99210, or call 509-922-3456, toll free 800-326-2223, or email dorothea@exchangepublishing.com ASCA AUSTRALIAN Shepherds, 8 weeks old & up, $250 non papered, $350 pet, $500 full. 208274-2496 akitti@wildblue.net
ONLY ONE LEFT! AKC registered German Shepherd puppy, 9 weeks old, ready for new home, very cute & playful, will make great family companion, $550, first shots & wormed; will take a deposit, price negotiable. Please call 208-686-0128 or 208-691-1256, ask for Tasha or Dan
BEAUTIFUL LITTLE Shima, 6 weeks old, 1st shots & worming, will weigh 5-6lbs grown, $295. 509-292-9001 KENNEL CLOSEOUT, AKC German Wirehaired Pointers, 3 month pups, $500 each; 1-1/2 year started male, $850; (2) 8 year old females, $400 each. 360-261-1408 Toledo WA
(in memory of Chris Anderlik)
Saturday, Aug. 20 8:00 am
5 MALE MINIATURE Dachshunds, $300 firm, born June 8, 2011; CKC registered, 1st shots & de worming, Mom & Dad on site, for photos or information email jessi551972@comcast.net or call Jessi 509-328-5185 AKC YELLOW LAB Pups, OFA Guaranteed, 8 weeks old, shots & wormed, multi colors, 4 females $500, 1 male, $450. 1/2 Lab 1/2 Golden Retreiver, 7 weeks old, 3 females $300. 509-435-3113 509937-2109 Loon Lake GERMAN SHEPHERDS, long hair, beautiful, intelligent, loving & protective, need home with room to run & human companionship, male, 5 years $375. 509-230-0423 Cusick
AKC REG. DOBERMAN Pinscher Puppies- beautiful dark red/ rust litter. Tails, dew claws, wormed and shots. Puppys are Vwd Vetgen Clear. 2 year health guarantee. 10 weeks old. Very sweet babies. $650 Call 509-2922762
BAD BREATH? TARTER Build up? Arthritis or joint problems? Pet Kiss Products, 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed. Pink Poodle Pets & Grooming 509-324-0750 Spokane
AKC BOXER PUPS, 1 Female & 1 male brindle, $700, visit www.bridgesboxers.com email bridgesboxers@aol.com or 509847-9785
LOST PET HOTLINES: Spokane County (S.C.R.A.P.S.) 509-477-8100; Spokane Humane Society 509-465-5235; SpokAnimal Care 509-534-8133, 509-232-2230; www.spokanimal.org click on lost pet hotline
AKC DOBERMANS, Champion lines, VWD clear, tails, 1st shots done, 3 blues, 3 blacks left, born 4/27/11. Can send pictures 208-935-1368 please leave message Kamiah ID
Liberty Lake, WA
PUG PUPPIES, 1 FAWN & 1 black male, 8 weeks, very cute, $450. 509-2587011 EVERGREEN Family Pet Shop. We buy & sell pets. 14319 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, 509-9266200
Check our Facebook page for updates or callâ&#x20AC;Ś
509.927.8890 21950 E. Country Vista Dr., Ste 100
PET SAVERS, A SPAY & Neuter Clinic, offers high quality, low cost surgeries for cats & dogs, cat neuters $32, cat spays $52, dog surgeries are dependent on the weight of your dog, prices start at $60 for neutered, $70 for spayed. Ask for any specials we may have for cats. Call for an appointment today. 509-924-7826
AKC REG TOY POODLE, 2 females, creamy white, 8 weeks, 1 1/2 lbs each, family raised, pre-spoiled, very loving, $750 each, looking for loving home. For more information call 509-754-4517 or email jeanny_whitmore@q.com COLVILLE PET RESCUE Is a nonprofit rescue & referral organization dedicated to placing unwanted pets into suitable homes, & preventing unwanted pets from overloading the shelter system. We need members, volunteers, & donations. Please spay & neuter your pets. Call 509684-9710 or 509-684-6428 if you can help. www.cprgroup.org. Several nice young dogs available for adoption now MCNAB PUPPIES, Good With livestock, great companion dogs, ready August 24, 2011. 509-632-5662 Coulee City
LOST MY BEST FRIEND of 19 years, need another small lap dog, loving senior home. 509-484-1848
THREE PUREBRED Female Chihuahua puppies. 509-758-6823, Clarkston
REG. BORDER COLLIE Pups, born June 15, black & white, 4 males, $350. gedwards@scml.us 509989-1528
PUREBRED Chihuahuas male, $250, females, $275; Bichon Yorkie female mix, 5 months old, 3lbs, $450, All shots & wormed. 509486-0895
BEAUTIFUL AKC Reg. German Boxer puppies! Sire imported from Russia, has multi-International Championship lines, reverse brindles, brindles, and fawns, limited and full registrations available, $900-$1500 going fast! Call Chris today 406-721-1243
3[ZZ 9ZX[Z
AKC REG. MINIATURE Schnauzer puppies, males, house training started. 509-220-7021; 509-9222434 Otis Orchards
OLD ENGLISH Bulldogs Exceptional Olde English Bulldogge puppies! Born 7/10/11, ready 9/1/11. Triple registered, 4 males available. Rare colors. Visit www.legendarybulldog.com or call/ txt 208230-3517. Delivery available CKC MINI Schnauzer pups: Females, males, black, wheaton, salt/ pepper. Some ready now! Taking deposits. Current on shots. $250 to $600. Call or email for pics. 509-5866484. nretta@fron tier.com FREE CHUGS: 2 female Chihuahua/ Pug mix pups, both are 2 years old, all shots current & they are very sweet sisters. One is small & brindle, the other is black & tan. Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afford to keep them. Please call 509-438-4787 if you would like to give them a good home. I am not opposed to splitting them up! 509-438-4787. Connell SHOW QUALITY Australian Shepherd pup, red tri male, very correct, crate trained, started potty training/ leash training. Extremely smart & friendly, easy to have around, shots & worming current, $400. 509-5515286. Tri-Cities CKC FEMALE Maltese, mom & dad are 4lbs, pad trained, gorgeous little lady, eager for new home $850. 509-276-2425 Deer Park
AKC ENGLISH Bulldog Female, born 5/2/11, ready now, $2500 or best offer. Gorgeous AKC show potential female, sire is soon to be a champion & her pedigree is full of champions, vet checked & up to date on shots & deworming, comes with one year health guarantee. Email f a i r d i n k u m dogs@earthlink.net phone/ text 509-8473595 Medical Lake ANATOLIAN Shepherd puppies, Heritage breed of thinking guardians for family, stock & property, $400. 509-685-1357 Colville
AKC Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies OFA/ CERF EIC tested, females, $650; males, $550. 509999-4439 Clayton
MALTESE PUPPIES, TO Good home, boys $400, girls $450, have had their shots, are hypo allergenic so can be around anyone, potty trained & socialized, very friendly & fun. The most loyal & loving dogs ever, mom & dad are Reg.. Any questions please call Sarah at 509-292-9679 Elk GREAT DANE PUPPIES, $500 each. 509-292-2393 Elk FEMALE SHIMA, Rare blue, 3lbs full grown, pad trained, healthy & happy, plays ball $650. 509-2762425 Deer Park
AIREDALE PUPPIES, (8) females, (2) males, 3 weeks old, $600. Taking deposits now. kcyaden@msn.com 8 BEAUTIFUL 10 week old AKC reg Golden Retriever pups. All pups have been vet checked. All are healthy & have had vaccinations. Price $500. If interested, please call, 509-654-6693 or 509-9524200. Zillah GREAT PYRENEES/ Maremma puppies, born 7/2/11, 3 males, 2 females available, 1st shots & eating well, email for pics & info sandyc2504@hotmail.com MALE MALTI POO, so cute! Very tiny, pad trained, may turn silver, healthy & happy $550. 509-276-2425 Deer Park
CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, 5 females, 1 male, beyond cute, parents on site, not yappy, $300. 509-922-8524
509-991-8629 $15 per Vaccination Microchipping Available ($18)
includes FREE EXAM
Cash or Checks Please
EVERY FRIDAY from 1:30 to 5:30pm: Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find Dr. Leise at Northwest Seed & Pet at 7302 N. Division ASLIN FINCH STORE: / /FXQPSU )XZ t BN t Saturday, Aug 13 (TWO) ACE HARDWARE STORES & 4QSBHVF 4QPLBOF 7BMMFZ t QN t Saturday, Aug 13 4 3FHBM t QN t Sunday, Aug 14 PINK POODLE PETS & GROOMING: Monday, Aug 15 / .POSPF t t QN EVERGREEN PET SHOP: Tuesday, Aug 16 & 4QSBHVF t t QN
!)dF OOpÂ?=am Â?a3 V
Green Mountain
!Â&#x161;FÂ?Â&#x2DC; FddÂ&#x2DC; Â?addamVÂ&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; ÂŁhzÂ&#x2DC; mÂ&#x2019;Â&#x161;!dd!Â&#x161;apm FzÂ&#x161;a3Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; Â?!ÂĽFdÂ&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; p!=Â&#x2DC; ÂŁad=amVÂ&#x2DC; Serving
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F!Â&#x161;Â&#x2DC; ppzÂ&#x2DC; ¨Â&#x2019;Â&#x161;FhÂ&#x2019;
Jeff (509) 994-1234
-JD #POEFE t*OTVSFE greenmc972jq
Services HAULING: WILL HAUL trash, garbage, rubbish, furniture, etc. Free estimates, very reasonable. 509-926-4710 Spokane
David Turner
Big â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;˘ Tree Removal â&#x20AC;˘ Stump Grinding â&#x20AC;˘ Hazardous Tree Specialist â&#x20AC;˘ Fully Insured â&#x20AC;˘ Free Estimates
SEPTIC Deer Park & Surrounding Area
With Friendly and Trustworthy Service WA: ALLSEST910KE
$199 FUEL & FUN Package - One nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stay in a classic room, a $50 Chevron gas card and more discounts & credits. www.NorthernQuest. com
$50,000 HOT AUGUST Knights - Swipe in daily August 1-31 for free entry and get an extra entry for every 1,000 points earned. www.NorthernQuest.com
SEWER & WATERLINE Installation & Repairs
4*5& 803, t (3"%*/( t %0;&3 803, Free Estimates *..&%*"5& 01&/*/(4 $119 ULTIMATE Gaming Package - Celebrate summer with one nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stay in a classic room and $50 in Match Play. www.NorthernQuest.com for more details.
G. Kevin Ch'en, Owner www.mendingfencesandmore.com
(509) 926-7556 (509) 869-7119
509-244-9607 VIET-ZEC121MA
MANUFACTURED Home site prep, concrete runners, pit sets, skirting, water & sewer lines, septic systems, 22 years experience. 509-999-2819 Lic# GARYSBS915CP
Bollmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LANDSCAPING
Bonded / Lic. # MENDIFM910BT
#POE *OT -JD #0--. -4
WANTED: YOUR NONRunning or unwanted vehicles, your junk farm machinery. Paying Cash, prompt service. 509-2512469
PLUMBER Extraordinaire & Bath Remodel Specialist. Water filtration systems installed. Direct line 509-714-2627. PLUMBB136DW
Dangerous Tree Removal You Clean Up, You Save
EXPERIENCED Retired Welder seeking employment 509-362-3782 or 509276-8500 MOLES, GOPHERS, & burrowing rodents terminated. rodex.biz 509-9944700
LIBERTY HOME Inspections. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t risk the expense! Know the condition of your home before you buy or sell. Pre-sale inspections, Pre-listing inspections, well water testing and radon testing. Please call Brad Miller for a person appointment. 509-9912193 WA. State Licensed Home inspector #818 LibertyInspections@gmail.com
WINDOW AND DOOR replacement, vinyl siding, and all types of construction and remodeling, including basements, kitchens, and bathrooms, any home repair you need! McLean Construction serving Spokane for over 16 years. Call Jim at 509-8686158 free estimates. License # MCLEAC*05308
& Stump Grinding
Average Tree Removal Cost of $300
509 953-0327 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 509 953-3325 Bonded, Insured, Lic#ROBB1GA924MJ
ARE YOU STUMPED? S&H Stump Grinding will grind those ugly, accident causing stumps into mulch at reasonable prices; grind early & replant for season. Steve 509-291-3171 HOUSE JACKING/ Floor leveling. All phases of foundation & structural repair. If your homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support system is failing (floors or roof sagging, walls leaning, foundation cracking or settling, moisture damage or dry rot. Basement, crawl space waterproofing), call a specialist. Jack Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Construction, over 25 years of quality service. Lic# JACKPC*992M3. Bonded & Insured. Serving all of Eastern Washington & Northern Idaho. 509-999-7115 www.JackPetersConstruction.com JFS HOUSE PAINTING: Interiors, exteriors, neat & clean professional with lifetime experience, specializing in repaints. Free estimates, senior discounts. Licensed, bonded & insured, #JFSOP* 002KH 509-276-9588, 509951-6605 INLAND EMPIRE Hauling & Bobcat Services: we haul anything for you, garbage, construction, furniture, appliances, household cleanouts etc. 509-2187893 Spokane
AMERICAN WEST ROOFing & Construction, since 1992, all stages of construction, serving all of Washington State. Call Gene at 509-447-4946 or 509-671-3480 Lic # AMERIWR088DZ HAULING & YARD CleanUp, will haul anything: trash, appliances, furniture. Free estimates! Lowest rates! Senior discount. 7am-7pm every day. Spokane Lawn Care, 509-217-1697 LAND SURVEYOR, ID7156, WA22354, quality work, reasonable rates, will consider bartering. 208-255-5985, 509-6240608 for estimate
JEFFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MASONRY. Natural & cultured stone, brick, block, slate and repair. Good clean quality work, 25+ years experience, very reasonable rates, free estimates, no job too small. 509-8635279, 509-276-7717 JEFFWWM920MA ALL-HOME SERVICE: All phases of residential remodels; additions, kitchens, bathrooms, basements, painting, framing, siding, drywall, trimwork, re-roofs, repairs, flooring, doors, windows, tiles, & more. Licensed, bonded, & insured, Lic# ALLHOS*931CO 1 Year warranty, free estimates. Prices available for painting, roofing and tiling at www.allhs.webs.com 509714-7119 Spokane Valley BUILDERS, Remodelers, Home Improvers, get ready for the great Home Idea Show coming this fall, Oct 7-9th at the Spokane Fairgrounds. Lots of seminars, exhibits and business opportunities. Call today to get your booth 509-939-8017 or go to www.homeideashow.com
sq. ft.
PRICE Includes:
MASTER ELECTRICIAN, Licensed, bonded, & insured. Additions, remodels, basements, barns, garages, service upgrades, breaker boxes, hot tubs, & 220 lines. Commercial & residential, absolute lowest price. NORTHSP914KO. Call Ray 509953-4772
$0/$3&5& t &-&$53*$ t '"#3*$"5*0/ t 3*((*/( */%6453*"- t $0..&3$*"- t 3&4*%&/5*"Erik Kahl t 509-263-5065 t Contractor #DORSHKC906KC DRYWALL & PAINTING Service: hang, tape, texture, & primer. Small jobs welcome. Licensed CAJUNCCO34KR 509-4874386 VALLEY HAULING, Yard Debris, garbage, garage clean-outs, first day service. Senior discounts. Call anytime 509-475-0779 Spokane
WANTED: YOUR NONRunning or unwanted vehicles, your junk farm machinery. Paying Cash, prompt service. I specialize in Dozer and Combine removal. 509-251-2469 MARTYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FIX ALL Handyman Service: Small jobs & honey do lists a specialty! Lic. # MARTYFA911NK. 509-838-7175
ATCHLEYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s HAULING UĂ&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x160;,iÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;>Â?Ă&#x160;
Cracked, Flaking CEMENT PLASTERĂ&#x160;UĂ&#x160;STUCCO
~ All Phases ~ 1BUDI t 3FQBJS t 3FTVSGBDF
UĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;iĂ&#x160; Â?i>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;"Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192; UĂ&#x160;9>Ă&#x20AC;`Ă&#x160;7>Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;i]Ă&#x160;iĂ&#x152;V°
/&8 03 3&.0%&-
509 220-0450 509 482-6181 XXX EPVCMFLDPOUSBDUPST PSH
No Job Too Small, You Name It, We Do It All!
509-464-HAUL (4285)
PAINTING BY HOMES West, interior, exterior, residential and commercial, clean cut employees, licensed, bonded, insured 509-868-4043 #HOMESW*894L9
VALLEY MAN WOULD Appreciate work, will help with yard work, or do yard work, help clean garages; honest & good worker. 509534-8196 between 5pm9pm
ONE CALLâ&#x20AC;ŚThat's All! 509
MAVERICK ROOFING LLC, free estimates. Roof repairs, structural repairs, insurance claims, new roofs, re-roofs, tear offs & owner assistance for do it yourselfers, shingles, metal, tile & other roofing systems. Licensed, insured, bonded, MAVERRL895LA Please call Bart 509-921-8041 CONCRETE WORK. We prepare site, form & pour: curbs & gutters, manufactured home pads, approaches, driveways, patios, porches & walkways. Jade Construction, General Contractor. 509-747-7372; 509879-7441. Lic# JADECC*946KK
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 21
NEED HELP LAWN Service: spring cleanup, weed eating & pulling, lawn mowing, hauling & shrubs and fire hazard clean up. Call Chad 509-999-1545
Senior Discount!
Let us Build you a New Deck! New Fence! Deck Covers too! Custom Panelized Stick Built Homes Drafting/Design/A-Z
Bath/Kitchen Makeovers
Plumbing/Electrical Repair
& Repairs
Barns, Greenhouses
Drive & Walkways/Cultured Stone
Customers always ask me "What Don't you do?" Please call Lance Martin to schedule a FREE Building Consultation Affordable N Reliable N Honest
pbshomebuilding.com E-mail: pbsllc@hotmail.com
35 years of building & remodeling experience
22 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
21st Annual Inland Northwest Camaro Open Auto Show
Â&#x2021;ÂŁĂ&#x160;-/1 *Ă&#x160;, "6 , "6 £äĂ&#x160;9i>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Ă?ÂŤiĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;iÂ&#x2DC;Vi
Come out and see some really cool Camaros, hot rods, street rods, and some beautiful classics that may just take you back in time. Skyhound Disc Dog Competition will also be at the show along with games and prizes for the whole family. To enter the auto show the cost is $20 and includes a commemorative T-shirt, dash plaque, and a goodie bag to the first 150 participants registered. A portion of the proceeds will benefit charities. This even will be August 14, in Mix Park in Deer Park, WA. Registration begins at 9am.
8" " 45643 /
Services PLUMBER Extraordinaire & Bath Remodel Specialist. Water filtration systems installed. Direct line 509-714-2627. PLUMBB136DW
KALIN CONSTRUCTION Foundation to finish new homes, remodels, garages, additions, kitchens, decks, siding, reroofs, drywall, painting, handyman repairs done right. 30 Years experience. Tom 509-9912278 Lic #KALINC985DT HOME IDEA SHOW coming this fall, October 7-9, Spokane Fairgrounds. Be part of this well established, well organized and well attended show. Call today to get your booth 509-939-8017 or go to www.homeideashow.com
No huge mark up! Excellent references!
Fast Service Quality Cutting
Walt Walinski
Competitive Rates
29 years Experience! Cont. #WALTWSR999KQ
DEEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOUSE Cleaning, 30+ years experience with references. 509-456-4342 Spokane
WEDDING & wedding plans. Menus, food selections, costs, travel for all attendees. 509-237-4355
RAK ELECTRICAL SERVICE, INC Residential/ Commercial/ Farm
One call, we do it all! FREE ESTIMATES 509/448-7788 leave message WA LIC #2!+%,3) ,7 s ,)#%.3%$ "/.$%$ ).352%$
DJ AVAILABLE. Planning a wedding or birthday party? Let us DJ your music. Nice sound system, reasonable rates. We also sell records: 45s, 78s and LPs. Call Richard at Collectorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Records, 208-6644549. E-mail: ilovemy56@gmail.com SCRAP METAL Wanted. Appliances, junk cars, tear downs. Remove any kind of metal equipment, 509780-2604 TIMBER VALLEY Construction specializing in windows, doors, vinyl siding, finished carpentry, laminate and hardwood flooring installation. Also specializing in remodeling and basement finishing. Free estimates and very reasonable prices. Licensed, bonded & insurance, TIMBEVC908BD 509-570-8426 Spokane KALIN EXCAVATION: Test holes, Septic service, New & repair drain fields; Licensed drain field iinstaller, all phases of excavation; 30 years experience & reasonable. Tom Kalin 509-991-2278 Lic #KALINC985DT
C::9 6 C:L 7J>A9>C<4
Pole Building Prices to Fit Your Budget! We understand Real Lifeâ&#x20AC;Ś We make it work for YOU with Easy Payments!
We Build ALL Sizes & Styles of Buildings!
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GRACE REBUILDING Repair, rebuild, remodel, renovate; carpentry, drywall, painting, pressure-washing, concrete, roofing, windows, doors, etc. Specializing in small jobs; Jim Branton, Licensed/Bonded/Insured, GRACER*912QS. 509-987-0068 Spokane CONCRETE WORK. We prepare site, form & pour: curbs & gutters, manufactured home pads, approaches, driveways, patios, porches & walkways. Jade Construction, General Contractor. 509-747-7372; 509879-7441. Lic# JADECC*946KK EXPERIENCED Retired Welder seeking employment 509-362-3782 or 509276-8500 SIMPLY SANDYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Cleaning. 509-979-6213 email: slittell54@yahoo.com 2 person team at one rate of $25 per/ hour. Select a standard cleaning plan of vacuum, dust, dishes, appliance wipe down, floors bathroom and bedrooms, or create a customized cleaning plan for yourself CONTRACTORS: Remember any alterations (example: permanent improvements) to personal or private property requires registration & licensing with the State of Washington for compliance with the law (RCW 18.27). List your registration number in your ad. Any questions, call 509-324-2600 or 1-800509-8847 SING LIKE youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in the shower during Karaoke night every Wednesday at Impulse Nightclub inside Northern Quest Resort & Casino TIMBER TRESPASS? Injuring or cutting down anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trees, timber and shrubs can be costly. Landowners enjoy their growing vegetation. Restoring injured property to its former condition is expensive. Washington law provides for the recovery of restoration damages- and triples them. We emphasize a practice in this area and have 20 years experience all over Washington. Claims & defenses. Call Boswell Law Firm, P.S. 509-252-5088 www.boswelllawfirm.com
t 5SFF 3FNPWBM t 5IJOOJOH 1SVOJOH t :BSE $MFBO 6QT 509 844-3792
EXPERIENCED Housekeeping, excellent references, accepting new clients. 509-230-1678, greater Spokane area INSULATION, NEW construction and retrofit. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll guide you through the rebates and tax incentives too! Free estimates, NW Energy Solutions, 208691-4836, Idaho #RCT31616 EXPRESS LOANS. What are you paying for payday loans? Check out our low rates. Call 208-777-9773; 2700 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls
Electrical Needs?? S & G Electric
Bonded, Ins., Lic#SGELEI011BJ
509 922-8150 or 509 768-2449
SEWER HOOKUPS & Landscaping/ Remodel. Running out of time, need your sewer hooked up. We can do your unfinished basements, build fences, decks, shops, sheds, outdoor kitchen, etc. Haul away yard debris/ junk & much more for affordable prices. For more information, call Brad at B&M Landscaping & Remodel, 509-496-7366 Licensed, bonded, insured #BMLANML923M4 COMPLETE Upholstery: auto, boat, truck, etc. Call Ken 509-570-2399 Spokane
6 - " Ă&#x160; Ă&#x160; 8 6 / " 2Â&#x2DC; pÂŞFÂ? 2Â&#x2DC; ÂŁhzÂ&#x2DC; Â?ÂŁ3c 2Â&#x2DC; !3cÂ&#x2DC; pF ÂxäÂ&#x2122;ÂŽ
NORTHWEST I-HAUL. We haul anything! Trash, yard debris? Lowest prices, same day services. 509-362-5046 Spokane
6 - ÂŁĂ&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;
24 HOUR MOVING & Hauling, local & long distance. 877-613-7186 charlesbartlett44@yahoo.com
See Us For All Your ELECTRICAL Needs! You Can Count On Us! Residential & Commercial DISCOUNTS FOR ALL NEW CUSTOMERS No Job Too Small â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Over 25 yrs Experience â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Free Estimates -JD t #POEFE t *OT #JDELEE*936LD
509-468-2120 HARDWOOD FLOORS, sand & refinish, best value in town. Licensed, bonded, insured. Call Zack at 509-209-4581. VISA, MC, DC, AMEX accepted. ZACHDDC931NM Spokane
COMPLETE DRYWALL: Hanging, taping, texturing, painting, repairs. Quality work, low prices, free estimates, licensed/ bonded. 509-241-0136; 208773-7377 COMPLDB910DP
N Concrete
N Framing N New
No Job too small! 33 years experience Lic., Bonded, Insured #FOSTESC890KF
BULK WATER Deliveries- potable water for cisterns, wells, pools and outdoor water features; 42 years in the business! Commercial Truck Services Inc. www.CTSIspokane.com 509-483-0151
Call for a Bid Today!
YOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;VE GOT IT MAID! I am honest, reliable and I take pride in what I do. I have great references and competitive rates. I am licensed, bonded and insured. Please call now and ask for Gail 509-385-1008
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" , / Ă&#x160; 6 ^aÂ&#x2019;H
SOLIDConstruction STRUCTURES Conquered Check our website:
SolidStructuresNW.com Email us at:
SolidStructures@ymail.com License #SOLIDSL890JN
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Pole building prices are for constructed barns and do not include permits, tax, site prep, or concrete floors.
pÂ&#x2DC; ^aÂ&#x2019;M
mÂ&#x2DC; ÂŁÂ&#x2019;Â&#x161;Â&#x2DC;! Â&#x2DC; FÂŚÂ&#x2DC;
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CONCRETE DELIVERY 6 Days a Week! No Job too small or big!
t 'PVOEBUJPOT t 'PPUJOHT Free Estimates
Bond/Ins/Lic #CLARKSC959KS
Services TIMBER Management, damaged trees, in the forest logging, fire suppression. Maintain a healthy forest. Small & large acreage, cash for your timber, we buy land. Snake River Logging, LLC. Licensed & insured, 509-308-6559
BOBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SEAMLESS Raingutters. Fall maintenance, leaf relief, gutter protection. Large variety of colors. Big company resources with small company service. Family owned locally since 1995. BOBSSR*931LN. 509-4687287 Spokane
* 3 0,5-").'
Affordable Drain
"ONDED s )NSURED s *30,5, 1,
POULTRY Processing, for those who enjoy raising poultry, but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like the butchering part, we can help. Pickup & delivery can also be arranged. 509294-7585
2Â&#x2DC; dF!mamV 2Â&#x2DC; ppÂ&#x161;FÂ? 2Â&#x2DC; Fz!aÂ? !ddÂ&#x2DC;TerryÂ&#x2DC;509-796-4710 a3 Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; pm=F=Â&#x2DC;2Â&#x2DC; mÂ&#x2019;ÂŁÂ?F= 'GnÂ&#x153;
ELECTRICIAN Spokane local. All types residential and service work. Licensed, bonded, Insured, reasonable. ETA Company call 509-995-8789. ETACO**983OT
30 years in the trade â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I can do it all!
Building Your Future Today! ,JUDIFOT t #BUISPPNT t %FDLT 8JOEPXT t %PPST t .PSF
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Floyd Countryman, Owner
BUILDING Your FUTURE Today! Expert remodeling by Alberta Construction. Kitchens, bathrooms, decks, windows, doors & more! Lic. #ALBERTC*898KQ. Call today, 509-990-0713
Lic. # ALBERC*898KQ
HANDYMAN Repairs & home improvements. Carpentry, doors, windows, drywall & texture, painting, ceramic tile, bathroom & kitchen installs. 509-487-4386 CAJUNCCO34KR
Call for a Bid Today!
Torch Down - Superior to tar & gravel - Added strength N Certified TPO Installation - Thermoplastic polyolefin membrane - Heat Reflective & Energy Efficient N
33 years experience
Lic., Bonded, Insured #FOSTESC890KF
CRACKED, FLAKING Cement, Plaster, Stucco. New, remodels, patch, repair & resurface. Double K, 509-220-0450. See our website, www.doublekcontractors.org Lic #DOUBLEKC1418M
TEST HOLE DESIGN Septic Service LLC, Package Deals, Test Pits, Design, Installation, New, Repair. Steve Schneider 509-993-6568 SepticDesigner@aol.com WA #TESTHHA5892BU
8DC8G:I: ;A6I LDG@
8& %0 *5 "--
Â&#x2026;Ă&#x2022;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x160; V Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;>Â?` #POEFE *OTVSFE -JDFOTFE $".$0 $
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 23
Tools &
Diamond Lake Lumber
Building Materials DIRECT From the MILL! Solid wood floors made from native timber right here in the northwest. Fall Special: Random width full 5â&#x20AC;? and 7â&#x20AC;? face width circle sawn fir. Great for that Northwest Lodge look $2.50/ sq.ft. limited time, ask about free sample. Installation available. All of our flooring is T&G, back relieved and end matched. Kiln dried to 6/8% M.C. Check out our other flooring at www.smileylumber.com or vist the Mill in Metaline Falls area. Email brian@smileylumber.com 509-4462163 Visa, Mastercard Accepted CUSTOM SAWMILLING, beams and lumber, 2 and 3-sided house logs. Most species available. Call Mike at 509-723-6999 or 509-258-7799 Springdale CRAFTSMAN 10â&#x20AC;? Radial saw, with legs, on rollers. $75. 208-209-5514 LOST PET HOTLINES: Spokane County (S.C.R.A.P.S.) 509-477-8100; Spokane Humane Society 509-465-5235; SpokAnimal Care 509-534-8133, 509-232-2230; www.spokanimal.org click on lost pet hotline REPOSSESSED TOOLS and equipment. Call The Repo Shack today to bid, 208-818-4053 or register at: thereposhack.com. Walk-behind vibrating roller; metal bender machine; commercial banding machine; (4) sump water pumps; (2) cement mixers; misc. concrete wedges; (17) orange reflector cones; (4) traffic control lighted saw-horses; 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long set up saw; commercial tile/ block saw; plane laser; transit level; (3) screw guns for drywall; (2) DeWalt drills; (2) sledge hammers; hand tamper; wheelbarrow; misc. heavy chains and cables for towing; 200 gallon portable fuel tank; 10-15 concrete blankets; chainsaw; misc. concrete hand tools; steel stakes; 4-5 tarps, misc. sizes; Milwaukee skill saw, 7 1/2 â&#x20AC;&#x153;, new; Milwaukee skill saw, 6â&#x20AC;?; chop saw, 8â&#x20AC;? or 10â&#x20AC;?; 5-6 misc. measuring wheels; (2) commercial fans; commercial paint sprayer; (2) commercial propane weed burners; cutting tool for metal roofing; Nibbler cutting tool for metal roofing; 3/4 â&#x20AC;&#x153; socket set; Lincoln cordless grease gun; DeWalt skill saw; Ryobi tool set, battery powered; 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122; aluminum pipe wrench; 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hand level; misc. drill and saw bits; double barrel caulking gun; 3-drawer Cobalt tool chest, new in box; Ridgid finish nailer; floor jack; (3) hydraulic jacks; (2) wall jacks; misc. electrical cords; Makita cordless drill; skill jig saw; Ryobi 18 volt drill; Ace toolbox; DeWalt rotary hammer; Milwaukee Sawzall; Bosch rotary hammer; small green toolbox; De-Walt cordless kit; Impulse laser technology distance finder; 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fiberglass ladder; 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fiberglass ladder; 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; step ladder; (2) sets wooded saw-horses; orange mesh 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; safety barrier; concrete Jitterbug for leveling concrete; misc. â&#x20AC;&#x153;cautionâ&#x20AC;? tape rolls; misc. hand tools
40x70 QUONSET building, new, never constructed, $12,000 OBO. 208-263-4660, 208-2908494 350 WINDOWS, 500 Doors in stock now! Also, patio doors, interior doors, sliding glass doors, melamine sheets, much more! Stop by & see us! Overstock Builderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Depot, corner of Trent & Hamilton, Spokane. 509-475-2792 SHOPSMITH MARK V multi tool, good working condition, table saw, jointer attachment, other accessories, $600 OBO. 208699-5270 CIRCLE SAW AND Band saw custom sawing. Your logs or mine at my saw site. For furniture, house, cabinetry, flooring and beams. Also have scriber to circle scribe your lumber or mine. Have blued pine, red fir, aspen and birch on site. Kiln for drying custom orders. 208265-9282 VIBRATING ROCK screen 4x8 Grizzly, can text pics. FPT 25KVA Transformer. 509-3669834. Tri-Cities
Deer Park, Riverside
509-850-1517 8x12 STORAGE SHEDS, Built at your locations, quality workmanship & materials, see demo, $950. BROWNBC893DJ 509987-7745
White Wood
Beaded Ceiling
at Diamond Lake on Hwy 2 1 Mile S. of Deer Park on Hwy 395
509 447-2603
CEDAR SIDING, Starting at $400 per thousand, several styles to choose from; 4â&#x20AC;? Pine tongue & groove, $.20/ lf; 6â&#x20AC;? Cedar tongue & groove, $.25/ lf; 6â&#x20AC;? Pine tongue & groove, $.30/ lf, some wide blue pine also. 208-623-3301 Spirit Lake 350 WINDOWS, 500 Doors in stock now! Also, patio doors, interior doors, sliding glass doors, melamine sheets, much more! Stop by & see us! Overstock Builderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Depot, corner of Trent & Hamilton, Spokane. 509-475-2792 BUILDING A patio? Redwood Pergola kit, $700. 509-366-9834. Tri-Cities
ALL SIZES 509.991.3950 STORAGE SHED, 10x20, metal gambral roof, portable Ziggyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s construction, 3 years old, Hayden, $1375 (new $2000). 805748-2771
509 262-9696
RUSTIC ROUGH Sawn beams and/ or lumber. Specialty cuts up to 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Very large inventory of reclaimed wood, hand hewn, rough sawn, many sizes available. www.woodncomfort.com or 208-877-1905 MILLER 140 wire feed welder with auto set. Like new condition. Purchased at Norco for $615. Welder and 3 rolls of wire included, bottle not included. $425 firm. 208-7910601, Lewiston
350 WINDOWS 500 DOORS StInock
Trent & Hamilton Now 4QPLBOF t
SHOPSMITH MARK V multi tool, good working condition, table saw, jointer attachment, other accessories, $600 OBO. 208699-5270
2011 Motorcycle Events Calendar August 8-14 Bike Week - Sturgis, SD 12-14 Rocking The Rivers Classic rock festival in Three Forks, MT. 3 days, 30 bands, camp on site. Food, Drink, & hard vendors, free showers, riding galore. Ghost towns, Hot springs, Lewis & Clark Caverns, Yellowstone National Park. Largest music festival in Northwest, regulars call it the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Woodstock of the West.â&#x20AC;? We call it the last stand of freedom in America. All Bikes Welcome! Contact: Marilyn 866-285-0097 14 Hogs for Dogs Lone Wolf Harley Davidson, 722 W. Appleway, Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene. ID Register starting at 8:00am, ride leaves at 10:00am. Fundraiser poker run to beneďŹ t the Kootenai Humane Society. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll drop in on the Grand Opening of the new Timber Wolf dealership in Spokane as one of the card stops. $10 for card and $5 for bonus card. 20 2nd Annual No Veteran Left Behind Ride Check in starts at 8am. Kickstands up at 10am. Rally begins at the Deer Park Eagles. Over a 100 mile ride North of Deer Park. Donation of $15.00 per person. T-shirts and ride pins available for purchase. Camping (8 hookups available too) music, food, and awards to follow. Groups, an RSVP would be appreciated. This year we will be making a donation to the Honor Flight. E-mail Badger4060@aol.com. Contact: Jay Daugherty 509-276-2923, Rick McCoy 509-951-5112, or Rich Miller 509-951-3763 20 The RIDE -Priest Lake Meet up for the Saturday rides at Jennyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CafĂŠ (9425 E. Sprague) at 8:30am. Join us for breakfast, or show up fueled and ready to ride by 9:20 am. We will leave promptly at 9:30am. Contact: Ken Morgan 509-869-3270 27 Motorcycle & Hot Rod Poker Run for 2nd Harvest Food Bank Two Rivers Casino & Resort along with Chewelah Casino, Spoko Fuel Chewelah, Wellpinit Trading Post and Spoko Fuel Two Rivers will host a Motorcycle and Hot Rod Poker Run on the last Saturday of each month through October 29th. The fee to enter is a minimum of 3 cans of non-perishable food or cash donation for 2nd Harvest Food bank for the ďŹ rst stop. Prizes: 1st Place $300, 2nd Place $200, 3rd Place $100. Motorcycles, Hot Rods and Classics welcome. Checkin at 11am-1pm at Chewelah Casino; End time/ Final drawing, 5pm at Two Rivers Casino. Visit www.two-rivers-casino.com or www.chewelahcasino.com for ďŹ&#x201A;yer and more information. If you have a Motorcycle Ride or event, or a Bike Night that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to have listed free of charge, contact Pat @ 509-922-3456
24 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
OILS & GREASES FOR t*/%6453: t536$,*/( t-0((*/( t'"3. t"7*"5*0/
Heavy Equipment Construction, Farm & Logging CUMMINS 4BT 3.9 Diesel, low miles on fresh reman, complete with power steering pump, alt., Ford pattern bell housing, Ford motor mounts, complete running, $3500. 208755-0127
8321 N. Market St. t Spokane, WA t 509-467-3130
JD 2010 WITH LOADER, gas, $6800; JD 4010 with loader (no 3pt, PTO does not work, needs batteries), $5800; JD 4020 with loader, diesel, power shift, 80hp, $10,500. Frog Creek Company 509-993-1089 USED FORKLIFTS. Parts, service, www.SpokaneForklift.com or call 509868-5962 WANTED: YOUR NONRunning or unwanted vehicles, your junk farm machinery. Paying Cash, prompt service. I specialize in Dozer and Combine removal. 509-251-2469 BEAR PROFESSIONAL brake service system, Bear 1423 brake shop, complete disc & drum service, good working condition, $1500. Call 509-9944599
Find solution to this puzzle and more under the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Communityâ&#x20AC;? tab online at www.exchangepublishing.com
FARM TRACTOR, DAVID Brown Selectamatic (990), 56 HP. Three point hitch, live PTO, PS, sodium in rear tires, good tires all around with tire chains, stored inside, maintenance records, operatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manual, good condition, 3012 hours, $3500. 208687-0591
O% O%
FREE PARTS CATALOG: Draper Tractor Parts 800967-8185 www.drapertractor.com AIR COMPRESSOR, 15hp, Napa, 2 stage, 120 gallon tank, good working condition, $800. Call 509994-4599 JOHN DEERE MODEL 640 Side delivery hay rake, $750; walk behind stump grinder, with new 11hp electric start engine, $1400. 509-995-4627 Medical Lake 2003 CHEVY PICKUP truck LS3500 (1 ton), 92,600 miles, 4x4, 6.6L diesel, auto trans., cruise control, AC, flat bed, new tires, retired! One owner, would make a great farm service vehicle, $20,600. 509-6811277 GREAT NORTHERN Model 10K Econo dump, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long x6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide x2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high dump trailer with dumping/ barn door style combo rear gate & locking toolbox, stock# BS005161, list $7375, sale $6635 with ad, expires 8/11/11. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane 509-5352154 www.CobaltTrailer.com Monday- Friday, 8am5pm
FIREWOOD: RED FIR $165 cord halved, Tamarack $185, delivery available. 509-292-2231
OUTSIDE HOT WATER wood furnaces. 208-2902971
*071 2*-& # - '' . .*) ) 2 2 )/ 3*0 /* 3 /* -1 ./ 2$/# +-*1 ) ,0$+( )/ # /7. 2#3 2 - *!! -$)" 0% FINANCING FOR 48 MONTHS or CASH BACK *) . ' / 2 *'' ) # 3 !*- " *071 ,0$+( 2*-& )/ # - '' . .*) ) 2 2 )/ 3*0 /* 3 /* -1 ./ 2$/# +-*1 ) ,0$+( )/ # /7. 2#3 2 - *!! -$)" 0% FINANCING 4 $. $) 5' $. *2 4 *'' '/6 *0) ' -. BACK *) . - *) $/$*) -. FOR 48 MONTHS or CASH / 2 *'' ) # 3 !*- " 5 4 -" ,0 ' -. 4 3 $) *2 - *) $/$*) -. ,0$+( )/ 4 ( '' ,0 - ' -. 4 + -*2 -5 '! +-*+ '' $) -*2 -. 5 4 *'' '/6 *0) ' -. 4 0'' 3+ *- " -1 ./ -. 4 $. $) $. *2 - *) $/$*) -. 5 4 -" ,0 - ' -. 4 3 $) *2 - *) $/$*) -. 4 ( '' ,0 / 8 )$.# ,0$ &'3 ) ./ Offer September 30, 2011 ' -. )%*3 3*0- # -1 4 + -*2 -5 ends '! +-*+ '' $) -*2 -. /*+ 3 /* 3 *- 1$.$/ www.newholland.com/na !*- *(+' / / $'. 4 0'' 3+ *- " -1 ./ -. / 8 )$.# ,0$ &'3 ) )%*3 3*0- # -1 ./ Offer ends September 30, 2011 /*+ 3 /* 3 *- 1$.$/ www.newholland.com/na !*- *(+' / / $'.
-BSHF *OWFOUPSZ 64&% '03,-*'54 "MM 4J[FT o "MM 1SJDFT
64&% 1"354 GBY WANTED: CALKINS Chopper chisel, good condition. 509-981-2847 INTERNATIONAL Harvester model H road grader, fully hydraulic, maintain your road year round. Great for grading in the spring and plowing all winter long. All new hoses, no leaks, great brakes, new tires, great road maintainer for home or farm, tractor is restored and ready to use. $6900, delivery available. 208818-6937 2004 JD 240 SERIES 2 Skid steer auxiliary hydraulics, new tires, new cutting edge, 1065 hours. 1974 CAT D4D, new rails, sprockets, bottom rollers, winch, straight blade power, power shift transmission, $11,500. Mitsubishi BD2G bulldozer, 6way, hydraulic blade, 4157 hours, $8500. 208263-3555
CALL FOR THE Tractor of the Week Special. Toll free. 877-366-4165. www.WeLoveTractors.com FORD TRACTOR, 641 Series, new tires with back blade, $3500. Call 208-7913370 or 509-552-3286, Clarkston 1953 GMC MILITARY fire truck, 1000 gallons, runs good, works good $5000 509-448-9378 509-9446199 1976 PEERLESS log trailer and truck equipment, 60 ton detach low boy trailer, 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; refrigerator for storage or meat house, 359 Pete long hood, 359 Pete parts, KW A model parts. Four 105S Hankook P235/75R15 studded and balanced, nearly new, 95%, snow tires, on Ford 5 hole pickup wheels. 208-5680784
Wood & Warm BIG BLAZE KING WITH fan, 3 years old, $1195 or best offer. 509-238-6688 Colbert
'03,-*' 54
WASHINGTON STATE Law requires the wood seller to give the buyer at the time of delivery a duplicate ticket bearing the sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name & address, the buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name & address, the species of firewood, the amount in terms of cord, the cost & the date. Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s complaints should be formally made to The Washington Department of Weights & Measures at 360-902-1857 with information to the Exchange Newspaper
WILL PAY $1100 FOR 10 cords of red fir split and delivered or $1250 for red fir, tamarack mix. TumTum area 509-276-2380 CUT LUMBER, STIHL 076 with 36â&#x20AC;? bar, & Alaskan mill, spare chain for cutting with the grain, $450. 509-994-7117 Chewelah RED FIR, $150/CORD, Tamarck $175/cord, White Fir, $135/cord, Spokane delivery extra, Call 509-2584552 NEW HUSQVARNA 455 chainsaw, $400; Husqvarna 385XP, $750; nice Stihl 031, $250; new heavy duty snatch block, $60; replacement cylinder and piston kits, carburetors, bars and chains for many chainsaws. Tune-up and repair on saws. Visa/ Mastercard accepted. 208762-5651
FREE MIXED WOOD, cut, you haul. 509-9930273 Spokane LIKE NEW STIHL MS 310 25â&#x20AC;? chainsaw, $425; Stihl 041 25â&#x20AC;?, $295; Stihl 038, $425; Stihl MS 460, like new, $850; Like new Yamaha EF2400i inverter generator, $1150. Professional chain grinder, $250. Simington razor sharp square chisel chain grinder, $450. 208-7625651 BIOSMART Infrared heaters from Washington state are offering a preseason sale. Now you can save $30 on their top selling infrared heater with air purifier and dual power settings at $369. Heater without air purifier is $299. Each model heats 1000 sq. ft. Call Robin & Robbin at 208765-7760, authorized dealers and service center for 6 years in CdA
Delivered into Delivered to Swan Lake Landing Naples, Idaho St. Maries, Idaho
ST. JOHN HARDWARE [company]St & IMPLEMENT CO., INC. John Hardware
Swan Lake Landing, St. Maries ID
[website] 3 (AYFORD 2OAD s !IRWAY (EIGHTS 7! (509) 244-4902 s WWW STJOHNHARDWARE COM [company]St John Hardware [website] Locations also in St. John â&#x20AC;˘ Fairfield â&#x20AC;˘ Moscow â&#x20AC;˘ Nez Perce
*For agricultural use. Offer subject to CNH Capital America LLC credit approval. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through September 30, 2011, at participating New Holland dealers in the United States. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in price. Š 2011 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. *For agricultural use. Offer subject to CNH Capital America LLC credit approval. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through September 30, 2011, at participating New Holland dealers in the United States. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options
Trevor Favaro 208-290-4547
1969 CASE 580CK backhoe with 4-in-1 bucket and chains. $8500. Daveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Truck & Equipment, 208263-3555
for most skidsteers & mini excavators
SELF LOADER for log truck. 125 Ramsey, $2300 OBO, 406-210-9295 or 406826-2322
now in STOCK!
ask about
SAME DAY SERVICE! 30--&34 t 4130$,&54 t $655*/( &%(&4 36##&3 53"$,4 t 4)0&4 t *%-&34 (3064&3 45&&- t 10*/54 t 53"$,4
Parts & Service
509 535-1661
713 N. Cook Spokane, WA
Heavy Equipment Construction, Farm & Logging HUSQVARNA ZERO Turn mower, EZ4824, 24 HP V-twin, 48â&#x20AC;? welded/ fabricated deck. New $4099. Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene Tractor, W. 1112 Appleway, 208-765-2315
RC Track
Parts & Service â&#x20AC;˘ Machine Work â&#x20AC;˘ Hydraulic Cylinder Repairs â&#x20AC;˘ Track Press Service â&#x20AC;˘ Complete Undercarriage Parts â&#x20AC;˘ Pins/Bushings Installed & Turned 4QSPDLFUT t *EMFST t 3PMMFST 5SBDL $IBJO t 3VCCFS 5SBDLT (SPVTFS 4UFFM Yes! We Offer 24 Hr. Mobile Service!
1320 N. Haven 509 532-0094 Call Ross Spokane â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Track Doctorâ&#x20AC;?
CASE 580 BACKHOE front loader, construction king, diesel engine, runs great, $8500, delivery available, 208-818-6937
OLD FORD BALER, Wisconsin motor, $200 OBO. 283 New Holland baler, works sometimes, $1200. Leave message slowly, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m old. 509-893-8872 CULVERT. Call Rocky Mountain Distributing to save on new culvert. 208765-6720 10 YARD FRUEHAUF pup trailer. $5000 OBO. 509-671-0201
WANTED: INTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;L 275 Swather parts; Massey Harris baler Model 12 or 10 for parts. 208-274-2141
1989 235C LOADER, with three hydraulic winches and cable, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boom. $50,000. 509-447-4599 2008 DUTCHMAN TREE spade, 48â&#x20AC;?, just like new, $20,000. 36â&#x20AC;? tree spade, $7600. Also have counterweights and outriggers. Call for more info., 208263-3555 GEHL ZOOM BOOM Fork lift, 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122; reach, 8000lb lift, JD 110hp diesel, leveler, low hours, $31,995. Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene Tractor, W 1112 Appleway, 208-765-2315. View at www.cdatractor.com
WANTED: BELLY DUMP Trailer, windrow. 509216-3394 Spokane
2004 BYSON 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122; (approx. 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck) gooseneck trailer, 20,000 lb. GVW. 1989 Wilson 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; lowboy trailer, 86,000 lb. GVW. 1994 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; custom gooseneck utility flatbed trailer. See Black and Associatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; auction ad in this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s auction section. 208-762-4346. www.auctionsbyblack.net
JOHN DEERE 450 Tractor, winch, 6 way blade, canopy, $9750; 260A RHC backhoe loader, low hours on engine, RB, cab, $7950; 580B Case backhoe loader, diesel, runs good, $8950; parting out 518 Cat Skidder 95U series, runs good. Trackman 509535-1661; Jim 509-9919473 Spokane
JENSEN AUTO BODY & Paint; we paint just about anything: from cars, trucks, trailers, service bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, containers, tractors, bob cats, motorcycles, step vans. We also do repairs on fiberglass RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Corvettes, motor homes, sheet metal, rust repairs & welding. 5409 E Broadway 509-535-5343
1993 WESTERN STAR truck, trailer and pup, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? bunks, 340 6 Cat, 45K miles, $45,000. Turkey rack, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? bunks, $2500. 509-447-4599
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 25
$0Down & O% Financing for 5 Years A.P.R.
Summertime is is here Rightnow now long-term, Summertime hereand andso soare are the the savings! savings! Right getget long-term, low-rate financing on top-quality Kubota equipment, including ORZ UDWH Ă&#x20AC; QDQFLQJ RQ WRS TXDOLW\ .XERWD HTXLSPHQW LQFOXGLQJ RTV1100 utility vehicles. Hurry! Offer ends September 30, 2011. RTV900XT XWLOLW\ YHKLFOHV +XUU\ 2IIHU HQGV 6HSWHPEHU
1602 E. Trent Ave., Spokane
1-800-873-7428 www.adamstractorco.com
of Spokane
ŠKubota Tractor Corporation, 2011
GREAT DEALS ALL WEEK LONG! â&#x20AC;˘ 0% Financing Available on Tractors â&#x20AC;˘ John Deere BBQ Drawing on Sat, 8/20 â&#x20AC;˘ Giveaways and prizes all week!
GRAND OPENING WEEK August 15th - 20th All Week - BBQ 11AM to 1PM on 8/19 and 8/20 10010 South SR 904 Cheney, WA 99014
Take Exit 270 (Four Lakes/Cheney) off I-90
$0Down & O% Financing for 5 Years A.P.R.
Summertime is here and so are the savings! Right now get long-term, ORZ UDWH Ă&#x20AC; QDQFLQJ RQ WRS TXDOLW\ .XERWD HTXLSPHQW LQFOXGLQJ L Series FRPSDFW WUDFWRUV +XUU\ 2IIHU HQGV 6HSWHPEHU
1602 E. Trent Ave., Spokane
of Spokane
Offer valid from 8/15/2011 through 8/20/2011 at Spokane location only. The engine horsepower information is provided by the engine manufacturer to be used for comparison purposes only. Actual operating horsepower will be less.
ŠKubota Tractor Corporation, 2011
1-800-873-7428 www.adamstractorco.com
26 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Heavy Equipment
We Re-Line Most Industrial Brakes GUaY 8Um GYfj]WY
Construction, Farm & Logging HEAVY DUTY! WOW! Western Manufacturing Gooseneck equipment trailer, tandem dual, 24,000 grs., 24x20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck, 4 beaver tail, D ring tie downs, stake pockets, $4900. 509-456-6233 2004 JD 240 SERIES 2 Skid steer auxiliary hydraulics, new tires, new cutting edge, 1065 hours. 1974 CAT D4D, new rails, sprockets, bottom rollers, winch, straight blade power, power shift transmission, $11,500. Mitsubishi BD2G bulldozer, 6way, hydraulic blade, 4157 hours, $8500. 208263-3555
! S E V I T N E C N SH I
Prices Include Loader!
WANTED: OWNER operator grain hauler. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m getting close to harvesting 140 acres of wheat and I need someone to truck from Careywood, ID to Worley, ID. Call for details. 208-597-5048 FOX 5TH WHEEL flatbed trailer 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; with 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; beavertail and 3-7000 lb axles, like new! $5000 cash. 509276-6688 Deer Park 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BOX VAN Trailer, Great for storage, $1500, located 1 mile south of Deer Park on Hwy 395. Rich 509-993-1089 WANTED: WIL-RICH 2900 Plow, 10 bottom, good condition. 509-9812847 RHINO 75hp TRACTOR 4x4 diesel, front end loader, excellent condition, $9,000 or best offer. 509684-3078 Colville Online Shopping UĂ&#x160; vwVÂ&#x2C6;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152; UĂ&#x160;-iVĂ&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;i
(22 hp)
$13,995 Hurry in for August CASH INCENTIVES!! DS 3510
t IQ t DZM t Y t %JFTFM
TROY BILT TOMAHAWK chipper shredder, 8hp, electric start, $400; Dayton rear tine, 18â&#x20AC;? rototiller; new 8hp Briggs & Stratton engine, $600. 509659-1393 Ritzville CASE 420B BACKHOE, with front loader, runs great, good tires, ready to work, grinds going into first gear, $6900. Delivery available. 208-818-6937 FARM TRACTOR, DAVID Brown Selectamatic (990), 56 HP. Three point hitch, live PTO, PS, sodium in rear tires, good tires all around with tire chains, stored inside, maintenance records, operatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manual, good condition, 3012 hours, $3500. 208687-0591
Welding Products & Industrial Supplies Industrial, Medical & Specialty Gases Rental Equipment Leasing & Layaway Options
Long/Short Blocks Rebuilt Engines
Norcan Parts & Equipment Co. N. 9423 Market
509-466-3566 www.norcan-parts.com ROCK CRUSHERS. 24x36 Pioneer Jaw, 100 HP, 3 axle carrier, $50,000 OBO. 10x36 Nordberg Jaw, 50 HP, on tandem axle carrier, $14,000 OBO. Call 509-671-0201 2003 JD 210LE SKIP loader, 6-way, Gannon box with rippers, $17,000. 1997 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel trailer loading ramps and log bunks, $6000. 208-2633555 FORD TRACTOR, 641 Series, new tires with back blade, $3500. Call 208-7913370 or 509-552-3286, Clarkston 2002 CASE 650H bulldozer with 3200 hours. New undercarriage, 6-way blade rippers, $45,000 OBO. 1994 CAT 416B backhoe, 2x4, cab, extendahoe, 5058 hours, $19,500 OBO. 208-263-3555
Fire Equipment & First Aid Supplies Safety Products & Beverage Systems Welding Inspections & Testing Financing Options Available
For the Home, Office, Orchard or Worksites! /", Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; /", Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; /", Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; /",
Gatorade Instant Powder Packets and Coolers
Mechron Utility Vehicle t *OEFQFOEFOU 4VTQFOTJPO t %JFTFM )1 t Y
Many Sizes in Stock
Bloodborne Pathogen Kits and Supplies, too! Did You Know We Can Deliver Fire Extinguishers to Your Business & Check Them Regularly?
$1000 Discount for Cash Purchase
or 24 months @ 0% APR! â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Certified KIOTI 5 Paw Dealer â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 2114 Hwy 395 South Chewelah, WA 509 935-8829 s 866 969-8829 www.hartillstractorequipment.com
FALL PROTECTION Miller Lifeline, MightyLite 9â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Self-Retracting Carabiner
Various Flavors
DK 50 GEAR..... $24,495 DK 50 HYDRO .. $25,495 Includes Loader!
Parts t Books t Service
Qualifies for IVE!! CASH INCENT
SKIDDER JOHN DEERE 640C with USFS water pumper unit, 600 gallon firefighter, $23,500; 1996 Witzo 50T 3 axle lowboy trailer, $22,500; 1972 KW water truck with 4000 gallon sprayer unit with pump assembly, $23,500. Trackman 509-535-1661; Jim 509-991-9473 Spokane
CAT, Case, IHC, Fiat, Allis John Deere & more
(28 hp)
(35 hp)
(2) GRAIN BINS, 7501000 bushel, on stands, with PTO driven augers (4) each & (1) long PTO driven auger, excellent condition, $8000 or best offer. 509-796-3727, 509-2901436
Your Single Source Supplier:
WWW.OXARC.COM UĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;
New, Used and Rebuilt Parts for Construction Equipment!
1981 CHEVY C70 4x4, 366 Allison automatic, flat bed, oil & lube, 42,000 original miles, 900 gallon fuel tank, with pumps, $4000. 208-755-0127
Constantly changing inventory of
Tools & Welding Equipment! 7321 E. Trent Spokane, WA Open weekdays 7:30 - 5:30 & Sat 8:00 - Noon
Color Designs
Vests Sweatshirts & More
Some items subject to stock on hand
WWW.OXARC.COM Spokane 509-535-7794
Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene 208-765-3311
Colville 509-684-3776
Sandpoint 208-263-1016
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 27
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; 90 Exit 270
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; 90
10010 S. SR 904 Four Lakes, WA 99004
OPEN HO We have moved USE A u g u s t 15th thru just off I-90 at B 20th ring the F Cheney exit 270 amily & Join us for a B B Friday & Q Lunch Saturday !
Lots of Giveaways! Come join the FUN!
nt e m p i u q E Demos!
&OUFS UP 8*/ B $PNQMFUF +PIO %FFSF ##2 4FU VQ 30% Off 20% Off THIS TIME Engine and Hydraulic Oils
John Deere Licensed Toys and Apparel
thru 8-20-11
Come See Our Line-up of
Bar lengths may vary by region.
Designed for occasional wood-cutting tasks around the home
Proven handheld blower at an affordable price
Includes many of the excellent design features of our professional models
BG 55
000 MS 170 CHAIN SAW
comfortable operation $Anti-vibration 00system forHANDHELD BLOWER Bar lengths may vary by region.
BG 55 $ 00 Designed for occasional wood-cutting Proven handheld blower price $ 00at an affordable $ price FSProven 45 TRIMMER for occasional handheld blower at an affordable HANDHELD BLOWER MSDesigned 170 CHAIN SAW wood-cutting tasks around the home tasks around the home
Bar lengths may vary by region.
www.ColumbiaTractorInc.com STIHL has you covered
Bar lengths may vary by region. Includes many of the excellent design Includes many of the excellent design Designed forofoccasional wood-cutting features our professional models features of our professional models
with protective apparel and accessories. tasks around the home
Easy-to-use, well-balanced trimmer Proven handheld blower at an affordable price for homeowner use
4"-&4 t 4&37*$& t 1"354 t "$$&4403*&4 $ Anti-vibration system for comfortable operation Anti-vibration system for comfortable operation
Includes many of the excellent design features of our professional models
45 TRIMMER Anti-vibration system forFS comfortable operation
STIHL has you covered
Easy-to-use, well-balanced trimmer
28 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Â&#x2021; Boot
12%2'< &$1 %($7 285 35,&(6 12%2'< &$1 %($7 285 6(/(&7,21 12%2'< &$1 %($7 285 /2: 29(5+($'
&KHY\ (TXLQR[ 111197
-HHS :UDQJOHU 111224
2005 Kia Sorento
7R\RWD 7DFRPD 113148A
&KHY\ ++5 111184
*0& +' 111194A
3RQWLDF *UDQG 3UL[ 111174
+RQGD &5 9
&KHY\ +' 113024A
&KHY\ 0DOLEX 111182
Your Hometown GM Store
GM Superstore
&KHY\ 111135
7R\RWD 7DFRPD 111229
&KHY\ &RORUDGR 111189
&KHY\ ,PSDOD 111144
&KHY\ 7UDYHUVH 111165
%XLFN /H6DEUH 112160A
%XLFN /XFHUQH 111226
&KHY\ $YHR 10391E
h & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth & LaDuke GM Superstore Â&#x2021; Booth &
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2502 E. EVERETT: Remodeled duplex, great investment, $114,900. Call Heidi, 509-998-7287 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson North
WA State Lic Home Inspector #818
Don’t risk the expense. Know the condition of your home before you buy or sell. N N
Pre-sale Inspection Pre-listing Inspection
Well Water Testing Radon Testing
Call Brad Miller for personal appointment
509-991-2193 LibertyInspections@gmail.com
Real Estate LARGE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath Rancher, 8711 N. Country Homes, 2 car attached garage, pool & patio, hardwood floors, fenced backyard, listed $168,000, motivated seller- make offer. Call Heidi, 509-998-7287 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson North HUGE PRIC E REDUCTIO N!
DEER LAKE VIEW Home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, near beach, boat slip. $159,900 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 SELL YOUR PROPERTY! Buying multi family and houses any condition. We are professional, fast, licensed and BBB members. Green Mountain Properties 509-251-2871 Spokane DEER LAKE, 50 FT. Waterfront home, 3+ bedroom, 2 bath, sandy beach $350,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354
$30,000 PRICE Reduction!
Located on the Deer Park Golf Course, this custom built, one owner home just received a $114,000 update. New cabinets throughout, new granite counter tops, new carpets, paint, new stainless steel gas range, dishwasher and microwave.
$319,000 Jim Palmer Sr 509-991-1992
MLS #201110631
WAKE UP Every Day to incredible Views! Garland neighborhood, custom built 1976 brick rancher. Fenced backyard, sprinklers, paved alley, 2 car garage with opener. Eating space in kitchen, main floor laundry with 1/2 bath. Full unfinished basement ready to finish. $165,000 Call Suzette owner/agent 509-710-4900
GREAT 4 LEVEL IN Little Spokane Estates, priced under appraised, $329,000. Must see new kitchen, 17206 N. Golden. Call Heidi, 509-998-7287 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson North HUGE PRICE DROP! Mint condition Minnehaha rancher with newer kitchen and bath, full basement, covered patio, fenced yard and awesome garage. Wow! Only $99,900 Call me! Mary Ogle, Exit R.E. 509-9993949
120 ACRES with purchase of home!
Dan McGuire
Real Estate Marketplace
Keller Williams Realty Spokane
NORTH SIDE: 3318 N. Washington, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Cape Cod with 24x36 shack, $144,900. Call Heidi, 509-998-7287 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson North
10625 N. SUNDANCE: 5 Bedroom, 3-1/2 bath, with backyard pool, stunning throughout, $320,000. Call Heidi, 509-998-7287 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson North
Lake Roosevelt Property
1.4 acres for sale located in the Deer Meadows subdivision on Lake Roosevelt near Fort Spokane. Ideal base for summer boating or summer place for a retired person that goes south for the winter. 40x50 insulated shop building with 14’ eave height and 13x13’ front bay door and 12x12’ side bay door plus man doors. Includes one bedroom apartment with air conditioning & heat pump and full service 50 amp RV hookup on each side of the building. Very low maintenance with automatic timer and drip irrigation for shrubs and trees on a public water system. The building and apartment are very easy to shut down, drain and close up for the winter.
GORGEOUS SETTING For you and your horses! North, 8+ acres, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, great country kitchen, new roof, fresh paint, covered deck, 2 wells and move in ready! This is it! $284,700 Mary Ogle, Exit R.E. 509-9993949 OPEN HOUSE/ GARAGE Sale! Come see this 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath house in the woods! 410 Hare Ln, Deer Park. $169,900 FriSat, 8-5pm
Appraised at $165,000
Will consider any offer. Call: 509-215-0367 COMMERCIAL IN Suncrest! 2.8 acres, 700ft. frontage on Hwy 291. For sale or trade for income producing property $200,000 range. Ron 509496-8423 or Brad 509-2179256
AWESOME VIEWS OF Loon Lake! All new flooring on upper level, large full daylight basement beautifully finished. Only $299,000 Call Debbie Cornwell 509-993-3196 Real Estate Marketplace
LARRY MILLER Excavating, “Shaping your world, one shovel at a time”, Spokane Valley. Sewer/water hookup, septic installation, foundation excavation, basement, landscape placement, driveway, lot leveling. Competitive sewer hook-up prices, as low as $1900. Licensed, bonded, insured, Lic # LARRYME918DR, larrymillerexcavating.com Call for appointment, 509926-1200
LOOKING FOR PEACE & Quiet? Elegant home, perfect setting, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, luxury master suite, 2 decks, private and secluded, secret garden, all near Whitworth. Call to see Mary Ogle, Exit R.E. 509-999-3949
WORLEY- HOME, Garage with extra lot. Older well built home, newer double car detached garage, minutes from CDA casino $69,950 Possible contract. Bettie 509-443-4811 Roecks Realtors 509-9288811 or roecks@aol.com ZERO DOWN! $55,000 Updated 3 bedroom, 1 bath, garage, large fenced yard, fruit trees, Lamont; 3% down, $65,000, 1/2 acre, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, fenced, edge of town, Sprague; $67,000, 2 bedroom, 2 car garage, well maintained, new updates throughout, Sprague; $89,000, ready to build, all utilities in, 1.7 acres, fenced, level, 30x36 shop, 32x70 hay/ RV/ boat parking, Colbert; Zero down, $99,000, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, fenced yard; $117,900, brand new kitchen, A/C, 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, deck, fenced, across from park, Sprague; $119,900, outskirts of town, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1/2 acre, built in 2001, 2 car garage with rec room, Sprague; $128,900, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, huge yard, fully fenced with 6’ privacy fence, built in 2003, FHA/VA financing available, Airway Heights; $159,900, 10 acres, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, all new interior, fenced, hay storage, garage, barn, FHA financing available, Loon Lake. Call Farrah at 509-2809591 Wild West Realty www.wild-west-realty.com DEER PARK 3 bedroom, 2 bath Home, 2300+ sq.ft, 1/2 acre lot, 4+ car garage, $227,500. 1328 E 3rd. Tamarack Realty. Emily 509-230-3965, www.homedebut.com/649283
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 29
In This Section
• Real Estate • Rentals • Acreage • Manufactured Homes • RV’s • Automotive • Boats • Vintage Autos ZERO DOWN Financing Available! Across from park, 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, fenced yard, deck, covered porch, basement, brand new kitchen $117,900; 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage with rec room, wrap around deck, 1/2 acre, built in 2001. Call Jonel McKay 509-220-3546 Wild West Realty
LOOK OVER THE Valley in this approximately 5000 sq.ft. home on 3/4 acre mol. The views from this wonderfully updated 4 bedroom, 4 bath home with gas fireplaces, 4 car garage and RV space will draw you in. $338,500 1718 S Veracrest. Call Nick for more information 509-993-6117 Homes 4 You LLC
Mountain Homes Quality Custom Built Manufactured Homes
1 Only
Come check us out! You’ll see why our customers send their friends! Local, Responsible Service… one of the many reasons we’re #1 691 Elm Tree Drive, Colville, WA 99114 (Hwy 395 4 miles S. of Colville, WA)
(509) 684-1380
41210 N. LAKESHORE Rd., Elk WA, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, Reduced $56,000. Farel, 509-2204804 Erick’s Realty or www.ericksrealty.com 509276-2121
3 BEDROOM HOUSE, for sale, lease option, or may rent, 2835 W. Francis Avenue, Spokane. Close to schools, shopping & hospitals, $99,900. 509-9798701 Owner
*Price is subject to change without notice
Learn about the little things we do that make a BIG difference at LexarHomes.com
Virtual tours at LexarHomes.com | Spokane 509.321.1000 WA LIC# LEXARHS905RF ID LIC# RCE-29646
30 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Real Estate
MINOR FIXER, 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, large shop, plenty of storage room, 4422 N. Nevada. Call Spencer for more information, 509-991-6192 REAL ESTATE LOANS by private lender on income properties, commerical & land. Fast close. Also, best prices paid for Real Estate contracts. 509290-4297 CASH FOR YOUR Real Estate Note. Americus Financial Group, LLC. www.americusbuysnotes.com 509-326-9000 Spokane BY OWNER. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath ground floor condo. See at postfallscondosale.com OPEN HOUSE, Spirit Lake, Idaho. 3rd & New Hampshire, 32118 N. 3rd Ave. Saturday August 6th, 11am-2pm. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in great location in Spirit Lake, near lake, park and schools. Open floor plan, updated kitchen, carpet, bathrooms, windows and siding. Basement is unfinished. Detached 1 car garage. This home is priced to sell! $116,000. Contact Robin Anthony, Coldwell Banker Schneidmiller Realty, 208-6601341
LumpSum CashOut here to get you Cash for your private â&#x20AC;&#x153;Note or â&#x20AC;&#x153;Deed of Trustâ&#x20AC;? If your Note is not Commercially or Bank Ä&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Â?ǰȹ Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x152;Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2122;ÇŻ
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Spokane Summer Parkways
ATTENTION SNOW Birds, would you like a 3 bedroom, 3 bath home in a gated 55+ community & storage for RV or motor home on premises? Sale by owner, $160,000. Call 509-891-2542 DOWNRIVER CUTIE, 1/2 block to Golf Course. Same owner 65 years, rancher with forced air gas, CAC, full basement, patio, covered deck, fenced backyard. Only $129,950! Chuck 509-953-3455 RH Cooke & Assoc. CLASSIC 1905 DUPLEX. Each unit is approximately 1000 sq.ft., 1 bedroom, 1 bath, GFA heat, all appliances, carpet/ hardwood floors, large covered front porches, A/C, lower has large covered back deck private backyard with garden. Off street parking, full basement storage and laundry. Quiet historic South Perry District, nice street, good neighbors, easy access to all points of the city. Storage garage. Clean nicely cared for. Always leased $169,500 Jim 509-5995959 Spokane OWN YOUR 1/30TH share of Cape Horn Waterfront Properties on Lake Pend Orielle, at Bayview, ID. Secured area for your own boat slip and clubhouse facilities. Buyer to be approved by membership committee. Seller will do owner contract on approved credit. Sacrifice price, $35,000. Terms: 10% down, 6% interest, 15 years. Call 208-791-7766
We also: Buy â&#x20AC;&#x153;as isâ&#x20AC;? Pay cash Pay most normal closing costs Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.
Call us today:
DARLING 1904 Bungalow, large living and dining area. Only $79,900 Call Cheryl at 509-2800652 Windermere
LOON LAKE, MORGAN Park. 50x100 level lot, all utilities installed $55,000 40549 Westline. Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354
3105 W. TRINITY: 5 Bedroom, 3 bath, fully landscaped, with 28x48 shack, $342,000. Call Heidi, 509998-7287 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson North
SHELLY LAKE HOME! This 3580 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 3 bath gorgeous home is a must see! $345,000 Call Cheryl 509280-0652 Windermere
DEER PARK GOLF CLUB Monday and Thursday
2 for 1
with an 18 hole cart rental
Excludes Holidays. Expires 08/31/11
With City or County Pass (No Trail Fees)
Wednesday Night
Per Person
Weekend & Holiday
20 Green Fees Call: 509-276-5912 Based on availability.
per Rider after 3pm
The second year of Summer Parkways is taking place in three different Spokane neighborhoods. Streets are closed to vehicular traffic and opened up to games, walkers, cyclists, exercise groups, skateboards and other human-powered activity. Summer Parkways provides a chance to join families, friends and neighbors for free outdoor, family-friendly and community activities in parks and on car-free streets. Walk, cycle or skate. Activities include ElliptiGO bike, hula hooping, chalk art, TRX, Zumba and more. Find out more information at the Spokane Summer Parkways website at www.summerparkways.com. Held August 14 from 10am-2pm in the Northwest neighborhood. Map available online. SHENANDOAH PARK 3 Bedroom, 2 bath plus den, 1580 sq.ft. manufactured, central AC, sprinklers, garage in culdesac, priced to sell $42,900. Rosemary 509-981-1813 Prudential Real Estate 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, 3500 sq.ft., Spokane Valley. Very desirable CV neighborhood with a super private back yard that looks like a park & boasts waterfall, in-ground pool, fire-pit, hiking trails & more; man made creek in front yard, circular drive, raised garden beds, fruit trees, perennials galore & more on this one acre property. Kitchen is huge & just a few years old, top of the line flooring that looks like tile, but is much more durable; nice neighborhood, homes rarely for sale, $319,000. For information about the home email janadqueen@gmail.com 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, Valley location, completely remodeled 3 level $225,000; 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, Airway Heights $139,000; 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Fairfield $60,000; 4 bedroom, 2 bath, waterfront property, private boat launch on .50 acre $289,000; 3 bedroom, 2 bath, South Hill $120,000; 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Airway Heights $210,000; 2 bedroom, 1 bath, Northtown Mall $50,000. Call for current foreclosure list or bank owned homes for sale. Debbie Dobbins 509981-5684 Top Gold Realty www.DebbieDobbins.com STONERIDGE GOLF Course lot, Blanchard, ID. $25,000, $250 down, $250/month, 6% interest. 509-922-2044 ZERO DOWN USDA Loans. Nantucket style 2 bedroom cabin $119,500 & 1 bedroom cabin for $89,500 Call MaryAlice 509-714-8144 Soleil Realty or see www.macatherine.biz WANTED: 2 BEDROOM, 1 Bath house, land not important, house has to have a shop, will do fixer upper; lease option, owner contract. 509-342-9247 ALL REAL ESTATE Advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.â&#x20AC;? This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 800424-8590
LARGE VALLEY HOME! Newer 5 bedroom, 3 bath home with open floor plan. $218,000 Call Cheryl 509280-0652 I BUY APARTMENTS & commercial. Owners please call Don, 208-7556475 MEAD SCHOOLS! 5 Bedroom, 2 bath, closing costs down, take over payments. Call MaryAlice 509714-8144 Soleil Realty or see www.macatherine.biz CASH FOR REAL Estate Contracts, convert your notes & contract payments into cash, private buyer-lender, Brokers welcome, R. Gunning & Associates, LLC. 509-9985208, BobGunning@hotmail.com CUTE DOWNTOWN CDA bungalow near Tubbs Hill, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, with shop. Call Kay Fortier, Century 21, 208-699-8884 for photos or showing 150â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x126â&#x20AC;&#x2122; (3 LOTS), can build triplex and duplex (5 units), on this property. Was $205,000, make offer, will trade for ? 208-6993596 COMPLETELY remodeled rental property in Tekoa, WA, $57,000. 1100 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 1 bath with bonus room and full unfinished basement. Lots of tiling and durable finishes, house is capable of netting $650 month and ready to rent. 509-2400780 PRIVATE DIRECT Money Lender making loans on real estate for business purposes. Call 1-800-8598521 www.legendfunding.com NICE COMFORTABLE Harrington home, 2+ bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, auto sprinklers, new siding, windows, $79,900. 509253-4566 InvestInSpokane.com Bank Repos, Spokane County, from $40,000. Mortgage approval required. Tamarack Realty, 509-999-6354 1987 VICTORIAN HOME. Multi-family unit, totally remodeled: new paint, new floors upper and lower, new plumbing, more. Separate entries, in Deer Park, WA.. Must see, $149,000. 208-773-0283 or 509-954-8264 1419 E. GLASS, Adorable Bungalow, 2 bedroom, 1 bath with room to grow & full basement, new kitchen, hardwood floors under carpet, forced air gas, central air conditioning, sprinkler system, wrap around 2 car carport & patio cover, possible RV parking, wonderful curb appeal, move in ready, a must see; seller very motivated, Bring All Offers! Further information contact Cordula Grimes at 509-847-3366 Exit Realty
CASH FOR YOUR House. 3 day close possible. Upside down? No problem, I can get you out! Call Don, 208-755-6475 BEAUTIFUL 2008 manufactured home on 0.62 acre lot in Sandpoint. Home features 1620 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and gourmet kitchen. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love the layout of this house. Huge sunny lot, 5 minutes from downtown Sand-point. Short sale, try $125,000. Beth Hall, 208-610-5858. Tomlinson Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Realty
NORTH IDAHO HOME, two 14x70 mobiles permanently attached with interior walls removed. 32x90 freestanding metal roof with 12x24 attached and covered back deck with hot tub. 2 3/4 city lots in Fernwood, ID. $69,900, must have cash. 208-5680636 NORTHWOODâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Private neighborhood, 3 bedroom, 3 bath custom home $214,999 Call MaryAlice, Soleil Realty 509-714-8144 Open House every Sunday 1pm- 3pm or see www.macatherine.biz REMODELED 3 bedroom home across from Rogers High School. $85,500 Priced to Sell! Yvonne Clark, Alpine Realty Services, 509-209-3464 www.seeyvonne4homes.com
GREAT NEW HOME In Markham Homes newest neighborhood. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has 1200 sq.ft. and is located on a fully landscaped 10,000 sq.ft. lot. Photo is of home to be built. $129,900 Call Bill Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dea Windermere Real Estate 509-714-3814
BY OWNER, Northeast Spokane, clean, older home, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, large living room, laundry with washer & dryer, A/C, newer roof, garden shed, no steps at entry makes easy access for elderly or handicapped, $69,000. Shown by appointment only, 509-483-4109
Real Estate Commercial GET OUT OF THE BIG City, small town business opportunity, Craigmont Idaho. Sell/ leased remodeled 3000 sq.ft. building (former pizza restaurant, equipment, pizza oven). Road frontage, 7 RV stops (50 amp), possible small outside flea market location, financing available OAC, $20,000 down, was $149,000, now $139,000. 361-215-9031
8 BAY COIN OP CAR Wash, busy location, N 1515 Greene St, $35,000; $2,000/mo; 509-999-7151 ZONED LITE Industrial, 2600 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bath home, plus 5000 sq.ft. shop with paint booth & offices, & 3000 sq.ft. shop with 1 bedroom apartment on over 2 acres. Windermere, Bettina 509981-5166
COMMERCIAL AT Suncrest! 2.8 acres, 700ft. frontage on Hwy 291. For sale or build to suit! Ron 509-496-8423 or Brad 509217-9256 PRIME SPOKANE Valley office/ small business location! 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 1914 Craftsman home with Garden/ Office Zoning! Would easily convert to offices or some light business uses, 2200 sq.ft. Valerie Baker 509-4966938 www.tourfactory.com/731935 Exit Real Estate Professionals STORE/OFFICE Building for sale in downtown Cheney, 5,000sq.ft with elevator between floors & bathrooms on all levels, large parking lot that college rents for parking at night, owner will carry contract with down payment. Contact Chuck at 509-5364138 or Leslie at 509-5595050 PRICE REDUCED. Available now. Priced to lease! Great location for your business. 1875 sq. ft. commercial shop/ office on Schreiber Way in CdA, zoned light industrial, 2 offices, one with reception area. Shop with 12x12 roll up door. $875/ month. BD Property Management, 208-755-0064 or 208-7650805 SUNSET HWY #2, 644â&#x20AC;&#x2122; frontage only 685 feet from $400,000,000; planned retail recreation developmental well, gas, power exposure; West 15012 Sunset Hwy #2, www.stepspokane.com/economicalproject 509-4674381 anytime
UPDATED 3 UNIT Apartment. Two of the three units were recently updated. Well kept with good maintenance. Good rental history in a convenient Northside location. $135,000. 613 W Knox. Call Chuck Hormel 509220-3595 Prudential Spokane RE SILVER LAKE, 10 Acres, with 800+ ft of Waterfront access, business zoned, next to 130 unit condo project. $1,500,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354
HISTORIC RENTAL in convenient location. Opportunity to enter the rental market with a lower priced 4 unit building. Good rental history. Additional income by renting garages. $90,000. 1124 W Maxwell. Call Chuck Hormel 509-220-3595 Prudential Spokane RE FOR $150,000 YOU Can be your own boss. 18 year established business, owners want to retire. Call Rainbow Towing, Pam, 208-661-3669 for info. COMMERCIAL Storefront, 600 sq.ft., excellent visibility, good traffic, parking lot in rear, $470. 509-990-4424
Real Estate
Homes On Acreage
BEAUTIFUL 3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with daylight basement, all finished, on 5+ acres in quiet gated community, only 10 minutes from Deer Park, on asphalt road, overlooking Bailey Lake, ready to move into, 3 car garage, only $395,000. Call Linda for appointment at 509276-8066 CABIN AND 2 OUT Buildings on 15 acres adjoining USFS. Lots of timber, all utilities, $79,500 with owner terms. Call Denny at 509-680-2773, C-21 Kelly Davis Realty FOR SALE by Owner. As is 1994 home on 18.5 acres near Loon Lake and Deer Lake, WA $150,000. jjohnjoni@gmail.com for more information and photos. 509-937-4084 OPEN SATURDAY 1pm3pm, 12011 S Madison, Valleyford, 10 acre horse set up with great well close to Spokane Valley, older but good shape 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home, nice homes around it, live there or build a dream home, barn, other outbuildings, $232,000. Rosemary 509-981-1813 Prudential Real Estate
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH home situated on 3 usable acres backs up to private 600+ acres of forest land 15 minutes to 5 different lakes, 30 g.p.m. well, roof new 4 years ago, 13x20 kitchen with all new custom cabinets, 400 sq.ft. master suit with vaulted ceilings - Ext 204; 4 Bedroom, 2 bath one level home on 5+ acres, panoramic views, 3 car garage, open concept, 25x15 master with onsuite bathroom and walk in closet - Ext 205; 24 hour recorded property information 1-855-438-7572, enter the extension number when prompted or see them now at www.RLPB.info Ramona L PeacockBowman, Professional Realty Services of Washington GIDDY UP! 18.4 ACRES Chattaroy horse property! Newly updated home with basement, barns, hay fields, greenhouse, RV hook up, fenced and cross fenced 15 minutes to Spokane $299,999 Call Steve Sullivan 509-4964004 Real Estate Marketplace BY OWNER, TWIN Lakes area, 1250 sq. ft. rancher on 10 very private acres with great views. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with attached heated 2 car garage, separate 28x36 shop with heated work area. Propane heat, vinyl siding, room for animals, can divide property. $229,000. 208-818-3043
Waterfront MOYIE RIVERFRONT cabin. 2/3 acre, nice shop, 1 mile south of the border, Eastport, ID. $99,000, owner financing. RCGLLC@hotmail.com. 509-9985208
PRIEST RIVER waterfront acreage building sites with septic drain field installed. Prices range from $95,000 to $150,000. Larry Runkle, Hope Realty, 208-660-4259
WATERFRONT HOME. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 8 acres on Priest River. Fish from your back yard, watch the moose, elk and deer. Beautiful mountain views, $239,900. Call John Weyant, River Mountain Realty, 208-448-0901
BEAUTIFUL .5 ACRE secondary lot with filtered views of Lake Pend Oreille in Cape Horn Estates, Bayview, ID. Septic approved, city utilities, backs to public forest, access road off paved frontage. $65,900. 208-6679354
DREAMING ABOUT your own private spot on the CdA River? 5 1/2 acres and 276’ of frontage all to yourself or share with your friends. Buy now while the price is $149,900, before I change my mind! Owner/ agent, 208-691-6738 LAKE SPOKANE 38 acres, 660’ northside HWY 291 from Long Lake damn lookout vista. 2540’ east side road, power, may divide, deers & turkey abound. 509-467-4381
BY OWNER- MUST SELL now; turn key; Deer Lake; secondary waterfront cabin; Tamarack Bay; very close to association beach with new boat slip; very cool place; asking $115,000 or make offer. 509-991-5955 DEER LAKE 75’ Waterfront lot. Perfect for RV or camping. All Utilities and dock installed. Move in ready! 46895 E Deer Lake Way. Cash price $85,000 Tamarack Realty 509-9996354
33032 N. MISSLE Site Rd Deer Park. Gorgeous executive turn-key home, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2364 sq.ft. main floor, plus full basement. Pergo floor, sits on 10 acres, see to appreciate, central vacuum, 16x20 detached garage/ shop. $385,000. Farel, 509220-4804 or www.ericksrealty.com Erick’s Realty 509-276-2121 IN NEED OF A HOME To escape to? Ideal 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths of easy one level living in Deer Park. Listen to the breeze through 10 acres of trees $169,900 Call Katie 509499-0045 today for no down options! 12 FULLY WOODED Acres 30 minutes north of Spokane, property has all certified utilities, power, septic, well & phone; also, has foundation ready for a doublewide home & a RV plug ready for your camper or motorhome. It is on a bus route & the road is plowed daily in the winter; I will consider 1/2 down owner contract, asking price $74,000. Please contact Brandy 425-5308583 $74,999, 40 ACRES, 24x36 shop & cabins, Lake Roosevelt, $10,000 down take over payments. Call MaryAlice 509-7148144 Soleil Realty or see www.macatherine.biz WHISPER QUIET living on private 10 acres in West Plains. Lovely 3 bedroom manufactured home. 0 down payment available, $179,995. See virtual tour, www.TourFactory.com/641932 -Exit Real Estate Professionals. Steve, 509-710-3769 LOON LAKE, MORGAN Park. 50x100 level lot, all utilities installed $55,000 40549 Westline. Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 WAITTS LAKE, LAKE View lot 90x110 RV or mobile home site. 1 Year lease $230 per month 33374 Lakeview St. Van Vissel Addition. Call Ron 509-244-4338 or Cell: 509710-7835 LOON LAKE, 50FT Waterfront home, 5 bedroom, 2 bath, large Easy Dock, Lake Shore Homes $425,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 5 WATERFRONT ACRES on Mill Creek in Colville. Level, 400 feet frontage, irrigation, great views. $59,500 and owner terms. Call Denny at 509-6802773, C-21 Kelly Davis Realty ANGEL ISLAND, TROY, Montana- Lot with small cabin, beach access across the street, $55,000. Owner/ agent 509-9815166, 509-991-6831
DEER LAKE NEW Home, Secondary lot, beach access, daylight basement, attached garage, $235,000. 509-701-4910
WATERFRONT HOME. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 8 acres on Priest River. Fish from your back yard, watch the moose, elk and deer. Beautiful mountain views, $239,900. Call John Weyant, River Mountain Realty, 208-448-0901
40428 LYNN ROAD. Loon Lake secondary residence with deeded water frontage. 36x40 shop with 2 bedroom, 1 bath living area. Waterfront park with beach and your own boat slip. Too good to pass up! MLS# 201120259 Call Len for all your waterfront needs! 509-768-3562 Real Estate Marketplace NW
MAN O MAN! Can you believe you can have your own spot on the CdA River for $25,000? Purchase 5% undivided interest in 108 acre island and paved road frontage on Riverview Dr., and over 4,000 of riverfront near Kingston. $5000 down, $220 per month. Owner/ agent, 208-691-6738
200’ FRONTAGE LAKE Roosevelt (Davenport) awesome view, sandy beach, water, phone, power. 200’ frontage NPS line, 1.3 acres quiet bay, only 1 hour Spokane, Estate sale, $225,000, contract available. 509-2643349
JUMPOFF GEM! 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2130 sq.ft. home on acreage with a shop, close to JumpOff Joe and Loon Lakes. $195,000 Call Steve Sullivan 509496-4004 Real Estate Marketplace VERY NICE Manufactured home on 1.06 fenced acres, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, vinyl siding windows, 2x6 sheet rock walls, composition roof, 7x20 push out for living/ dining room, built in china hutch, selflighting pellet stove. New: kitchen cabinets, water heater, barn style storage shed. Quiet neighborhood on dead end road in Otis Orchards, $118,000. See more at www.owners.com/wtt0547 or call 509226-2518 or 509-981-2545 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, 1350 sq. ft. home built above 20’x40’ indoor swimming pool, 2 bathrooms, and recreation room. 30’x60’ shop with bachelor quarters upstairs. 12’x16’ barn with root cellar and garden areas. All on 10 treed acres. Excellent water system. 5 miles south east of Spirit Lake, Idaho. $365,000. Call Ted, owner, 208-623-6190
A PRIVATE ESTATE6.28 acres for animals, garden- Newman Lake area, large shop, Moab irrigation, 1748 sq.ft. home, 80 healthy trees supply lots of oxygen. Bettie 509-4434811 Roecks Realtors 509928-8811
DEER LAKE! 2 Bedroom, large level fenced lot, PUD water, sewer, gas, sandy beach, lake access, dock & launch, $119,000. Matthew 509-869-7299 Tomlinson North MODULAR HOME, 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, 36x40 garage with a bedroom, bath and loft, fenced yard and heat pump. Secondary lot with beach, park and boat slips. Loon Lake. 509863-6883 BADGER LAKE frontage, 20 acres with stream, great views, building sites, lots of wildlife. $125,000 Thorne 509-389-1851 CB Tomlinson W.P. RIVERFRONT, PEND Oreile, beautiful beach lot 100x300, consider partial trade, See Craigslist 2528857401. Phone 509671-0605 DEER LAKE, 50 FT. Waterfront home, 3+ bedroom, 2 bath, sandy beach $350,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 CLARK FORK RIVER Lot, Plains, MT. All city services, awesome views. Only $75,000 OWC with $5000 down. 406-531-2259 NEWMAN LAKE: WITH Beach access and boat slip, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, seller motivated! Windermere, Bettina 509-9815166 WAITTS LAKE Secondary 2 homes, common area with dock & boat slip. Main home totally updated, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Brand new guest cottage has 1 bedroom, 1 bath $318,133 Call Pam, Century 21 Kelly Davis, Inc 509-690-8076
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 31
“PREMIER SANCTUARY in Stevens County” Get away from the crowd! Remote yet close, serene & private. 100 acres with home $299,000Call MaryAlice 509-714-8144 Soleil Realty www.macatherine.biz
ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE without the commute! 2+ bedroom, 2 bath Manufactured Home in Colbert, nestled on 5+ acres to have the elbow room you’ve always dreamed of! Call Lee 509-879-8698 today for no down options!
ATTENTION Truckers! Approx. 5 acres, huge house right on Hwy 395. $244,900 David Atherton, Real Estate Marketplace NW Inc, 509-2168589
BEAUTIFUL HOME IN Laclede, ID on 1.34 acres, across from the blueberry farm. Home features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, full partially finished basement (with huge potential), over 2000 sq. ft. of finished living space, beautiful landscaping and views. Price reduced to $189,000! Beth Hall, 208-610-5858. Tomlinson Sotheby’s International Realty
RELAXING RUSTIC LOG Cabin in Springdale on 9+ acres, hunting, fishing and canoeing, lots of trees and wildlife, approximately 30 minutes from Division Y, wood stove for heat and cooking, RV parking, generator power & outhouse, power nearby. A great place to relax and get away! Call David 509953-2167 Windermere North or see at davidgraesser.mywindermere.com YEAR AROUND CREEK! Huge 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on 11.34 acres adjacent to State Land with incredible views, 2 car attached garage and 24x28 shop! Only $259,000 Call Steve Sullivan at 509-4964004 Real Estate Marketplace NW. 3974 COLVILLE ROAD, Loon Lake. Where did this come from? 6+ acres with move in ready 4 bedroom, 3+ bath country estate. Over 3,000 sq.ft. of living space. Plenty of room for that RV. Most house and property for the price! Ready to be called Home! MLS# 201120053 Call Len Duncan 509-768-3562 Real Estate Marketplace DEER LAKE, LEVEL 50x100 Secondary lot. Utilities installed, boat slip, $55,000 Owner/ Agents, Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 SILVER LAKE, 10 Acres, with 800+ ft of Waterfront access, business zoned, next to 130 unit condo project. $1,500,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 DEER LAKE VIEW Home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, near beach, boat slip $159,900. 4599 View Rd. Tamarack Realty 509999-6354 100’ FRONTAGE Primary Waterfront on Deer Lake, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, triple car garage & storage shed with bonus carport, EZ dock, school bus route, $399,500. 509-998-2385, 3862ndlr@gmail.com 73 ACRES OF TROPHY Property available, over 1 mile of frontage on famous Deep Creek, only 20 minutes from downtown Spokane; canyon walls, trees, meadows, very good building sites, all utilities at property line, $300,000. Call owner at 509-9915040 DEER LAKE NEW Home, Secondary lot, beach access, daylight basement, attached garage, $235,000. 509-701-4910 CABIN SWEET CABIN! 1 bedroom, 675 sq. ft. cabin on Diamond Lake, WA. It’s ready for you to use. $289,000 or make us an offer. Low bank, low taxes due to 27’ frontage, large lot, on dead end paved road, quiet bay, sandy beach. Call 509-671-0201, e-mail jlsp@povn.com for pictures
EQUESTRIAN Delight! 14 acres, 4 bedroom, 3 bath custom home and 52x60 shop! Just minutes to Spokane Valley Mall! Call MaryAlice 509-7148144 Soleil Realty or see www.macatherine.biz ADVERTISING GETS Results. Advertise in The Exchange. 509-922-3456 BENEWAH COUNTY property. Beautiful 92 acres, mix of pasture and timber. 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide with roof over and enclosed decks on two sides. Double car garage with upstairs office or hobby room. Barn, workshop, large metal storage building, RV carport and other outbuildings. Several springs and ponds, seasonal and year-round creek. Located within one hour’s drive from Cd’A, Spokane and Lewiston, $299,000. For information, call Maria, 208-274-5033. Owner/ agent 20 ACRES, fully developed, 5 minutes to Fort Spokane boat launch, very private, beautiful views, 30’ & 26’ travel trailer, both pole barn covered, large pump house plus two other outbuildings. $185,000. Shown by appointment only. 509-2993735 HAUSER LAKE, 2 lots, approx. 50’x150’ each. Adjacent to lake, good access, starting at $10,000. 509-999-6374 NO SPRING FLOODING here! .98 acre on Little Pend Oreille River, completely fenced with separate backyard fencing, 2 story log, 2 bedroom, 2 full baths, carpet & tile throughout with natural wood interior, Quadra firewood insert plus propane stove, plus wall mounted 220 heater, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer, small detached shop with double carport, borders National Wildlife Refuge, minutes to snowmobile trails & Little Pend Oreille lakes, a great getaway or permanent residence, $179,500. Contact: Gary Grant, Century 21 509-671-1251 or ggsell@potc.net
www.LakeCountryUSA.com DEER LAKE 30-Waterfront & Secondary Cabins .......................from $75,000 15-Waterfront & Secondary Lots ...........................from $50,000 LOON LAKE 20-Waterfront & Secondary Cabins .......................from $60,000 4-Waterfront & Secondary Lots ...........................from $55,000
24/7 at Tamarack Realty
The Recognized Authority
32 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
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Acreage BEAUTIFUL Timberland, almost 77 acres with a solid 20x30 log cabin North of Republic, WA; cabin has septic & well, hilly with good Westerly view for sunsets, 4 ponds fed by springs, public land on 3 sides, can access by snowmobile trails in winter, $249,000. Call Tom 361-688-6352 $74,999, 40 ACRES, 24x36 shop & cabins, Lake Roosevelt, $10,000 down take over payments. Call MaryAlice 509-7148144 Soleil Realty or see www.macatherine.biz
TIMBER MANAGEMENT We Buy Timber & Land Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;}}Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}
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5-10 ACRES, OWNER Contract financing! Discounts for cash. Call Steve 509-688-5018 Real Estate Marketplace 5 ACRES in Careywood, Idaho. 1 mile from Hwy. 95. Building site, mountain views, $57,000, 208263-7390 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 22 Acres, $500 month, flexible terms, it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get any easier! South Spokane, off Hwy 195, ready to be split into (2) eleven acre pieces. Lots of potential, treed, power, phone, great building sites. Motivated to see, www.spokanebyowner.com/105 or call 509-999-4546
5 & 10 Acre Parcels Stevens County Easy Owner-Financing www.5StarLand.com
Licensed & Insured
LAND FOR SALE: Horseshoe Lake, Waitts Lake, Valley area, 5, 10 and more acres. Seller will finance- land 30 year term & all utilities 10 year term, starting at $39,900. Sali Combelic, Keller Williams Spokane 509714-3084 salicombelic@msn.com
CANYON CREEK, 12.6 acres near Harrison, ID and Lake CdA, nicely timbered, good access, utilities and right smack in the middle of one of our stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outdoor recreation locations. Price lowered $20,000 to $49,950. Sundance Realty, Ron, 208304-7345
NORTH CAROLINA Mountains, easy finish log cabin shell with acreage, easy bank financing available, only $89,900, warm winters, cool summers. 828-429-4004 code 45
20 ACRES BY National Forest, creek, Lake Roosevelt views, remote & private. $39,500 with 15% down. Owner agent. Call Denny at 509-680-2773, C21 Kelly Davis Realty
LAND SALE IN Florida, 1/4 Acre & up, guaranteed financing, foreclosures starting at $2900, $100 down, $100/ month. Call for free brochure! 1-877983-6600 www.FloridaLotsUSA.com
5 TREED ACRES with huge 36x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; shop, well, electric, only $89,900. David Atherton, Real Estate Marketplace NW Inc, 509-216-8589
15 ACRES, Springdale, Trees, pasture, level building sites, county road, power, phone, only $49,950, owner terms with 10% down. Bob 253-7091288 16 BEAUTIFUL ACRES, forested with variety of evergreens, 1972 mobilehome & shop, 10707 N. Forker Road, $199,900. Bob Solom, Windermere Cornerstone, 509-994-2223 20 ACRES WITH VIEW! Great privacy, power and well on property $70,000 Owner terms possible. Call Steve 509-688-5018 Real Estate Marketplace 1.4 ACRE CORNER LOT, Div. 1, Lot 29 with power at Rimrock Meadows, 17 miles northwest of Ephrata WA. Includes clubhouse, pool, big screen TV, showers, laundry, tennis courts, RV park, $15,000 cash or $5000 down, $300/ month for 3 years. www.RimrockMeadows.com Call Kevin 509750-8087; Sharon 520-2381241 DRILLED WELL ON 9 partially timbered acres, county road frontage, minutes to Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene Lake, great building sites, $69,900, $500 down, $750 monthly. Frontier 509-4680483 OWNER CONTRACT With great terms possible on this 20 acre parcel in Cocolalla. Power and phone are in the road. Easy access, only 5 minutes off Hwy 95, with good roads all the way to the property. Building site and driveway have been cleared. $99,900. Call Beth Hall, 208-610-5858. Tomlinson Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Realty
BUBBLING BROOK, Take the home water test. nicely timbered 6 acre par-
cel with year-round acY N cess, Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Rusty-Red stains on sinks, lavatories, etc. nice little meadow andetc. utilities next door loÂ&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Blue-Green stains on sinks, lavatories, cated in the famous Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Soap crud ring on bathtubs, showers Emida/ Sanders area. If Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Clogged faucet aerators you want to get away from Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Soaps lose suds quickly it all, this is an affordable Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Chrome away â&#x20AC;ŚIf you answerfittings â&#x20AC;&#x153;YESâ&#x20AC;?etched to one or or being eaten spot at $29,950. Sundance Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Rusty stains on clothing, linens, etc. more of these questions, call the water Realty, Doug or Ron, 208Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Excessive spotting of dishes and silverware professionals atstains Fogle Pump & Supply. 683-1602 Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Black on silverware Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Tastes and/or odors in drinking water
Take the Home Water Testâ&#x20AC;Ś
e the home water test. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the water problem solvers!
If you answered â&#x20AC;&#x153;YESâ&#x20AC;? to one or more of these questions,
from town, level, Y N call the water professionals at Fogle Pump & Supply. Miles pasture & trees, well waWeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the on water problem solvers! etc. Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Rusty-Red stains sinks, lavatories, ter at 30ft, paved road, Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Blue-Green stains on sinks, lavatories, etc. TM power and phone close $39,000 Kris 509-684-4783 Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Soap crud ring on bathtubs, showers â&#x20AC;&#x153;See, Feel, and Taste the Difference in Your Waterâ&#x20AC;? Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Clogged faucet aerators 60 ACRES, ten miles East Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Soaps lose suds quickly of Colville, into the woods s 3OFTER 3KIN Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Chrome fittings etched or being eaten away 2 miles. Lots of nice tims %ASIER #LEANING ber, very private, many Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Rusty stains on clothing, linens, etc. places to build. Lots of Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Excessive spotting of dishes and silverware s #LEANER "RIGHTER wildlife: deer, elk, bear, ,AUNDRY Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Black stains on silverware grouse, turkey, pheasant. Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030; Tastes and/or odors in drinking water s "ETTER 4ASTING Property borders State
7ATER &OOD Land from East to West.
ou answered â&#x20AC;&#x153;YESâ&#x20AC;? to one more ofESTIMATE these questions, Call us for aorFREE on Year round creek, very s -ORE %FlCIENT all the water professionals at Fogle Pump & Supply. good well & septic, big big !PPLIANCES Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the water problem solvers! pole barn, 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & ces ,ESS 3OAP ment pad to build. Spokane Colville $335,000. 509-685-1171, 509-244-0846 509-684-2569 owner 702-588-1572 â&#x20AC;&#x153;See, Feel, and Taste the Difference in Your Waterâ&#x20AC;? 1-888-343-9355 &2%% 1-800-533-6518 YEAR ROUND CREEK, 57 7ATER !NLYSIS in HOME beautiful acres, views, Republic/Okanogan Valley s 3OFTER 3KIN WATER seller ANALYSIS irrigates, power at #USTOMER 509-775-2878 AND CONSULTATION creek, Deer Park. Call 3ATISFACTION 1-800-845-3500 s %ASIER #LEANING Patti Helring, 509-9990977 Coldwell Banker s #LEANER "RIGHTER www.foglepump.com Lic. #FOGLEPS095L4 7E ARE YOUR URANIUM SPECIALISTS Tomlinson ,AUNDRY 4ESTING s 4REATMENT s &ILTRATION
Water Well Drilling
99% Customer Satisfaction &2%% #ONSULTATION
WAITTS LAKE , VALLEY WA, secondary view lot, approximately 3.4 acres, sewers in, water & power available, great fishing lake, $34,000. Call 509738-4004 (2) LOTS: 1.2 & 19 ACRES ready to build, installed well & drain field, open in level pasture with panoramic view, on paved county road, 15 minutes to Spokane Valley Mall from Newman Lake, $59,000 & $129,000. 509-220-6773 gmacphee@msn.com 1.06 ACRES, 5418 N. Simpson Rd, Otis Orchards, good building or manufactured home site, on dead end road, water septic, power in, quiet neighborhood, shop, horses, & RV ok, has manufactured home on it but will move when sold, $75,000. Call 509-2262518 or 509-981-2457 SILVER LAKE, 10 Acres, with 800+ ft of Waterfront access, business zoned, next to 130 unit condo project. $1,500,000 Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 46 ACRES NEAR LAKE Roosevelt with lake view; Hunters, WA. Creek with water rights, irrigation in place, three benches with southern exposure, & direct access from county road; mostly pasture with some trees, power on site & fenced; build, farm, or plant and orchard. $140,000 or offers. Call 509-722-3878 28 ACRES, $55,000, North of Reardan, nicely treed, year round small creek. 509-230-9663 RARE 1310 PROPERTY Bordering NPS, on beautiful Lake Roosevelt, 3.2 acres, short walk to sandy protected cove with nice beach, drill your own well or connect to public water system, semi private, totally private with the addition of a few trees, $249,000, possible terms. 509-447-1344 20 ACRES, YEAR Around creek, cabin and well $72,000 Fred 509-9533077 Ericks Realty 509276-2121 or www.ericksrealty.com 40 ACRES, COLORADO, $28,500, Near small town, mountains, Rio Grande River, $350 down, $350 monthly, good roads, surveyed, near electricity. Owner 806-376-8690 diane.steed@att.net TIMBERED PROPERTY, live creek, close to Republic, cash would be nice, willing to deal, need to sell before winter. 509-5906895 44 ACRES, CDA River, $119,000, owner terms. 2 acres Cdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;A River, owner carry. 20 acres, Pinehurst area, beautiful property, some timber, year-round spring, on pavement, $79,000, owner carry. Also have 5, 6 and 40 acre parcels available, all owner carry. Call Arlen at West Valley Realty, 208660-2410
Talk with the owner, not a â&#x20AC;&#x153;salesmanâ&#x20AC;?! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll help you prepare the best site for your well.
N PRESSURE TANKS N RESERVOIRS N DEEPEN YOUR EXISTING WELL N CERTIFIED TEST PUMPING www.vermillionwatersystems.com #VERMIWS04206 / #VERMIAR983Q1 30 ACRES, TREED & Open, lots of wildlife, great access, off Jackson Road, Elk. Possible contract, $89,500. Call Patti Helring, 509-999-0977 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson LAKE ROOSEVELT with Sweeping views! Unique 20-58 acre parcels in gated developement with paved private road. 5 minutes to 2 boat launches with 450 miles of Eastern Washington shoreline to explore. Some with prepped organic farmland & fruit trees, lots of game. Owner financing available, water, power & telephone, from $79,950. www.spiritridgeranches.com Rick 509-722-3949 6.1 ACRES BORDERING county road, large level area with trees, great mountain views, good area for hunters and trail riders. Near Lake Roosevelt $27,500. 509-662-0876 5 ACRES WITH POND, treed, level. Well, septic & power installed 36719 N Echo Rd., Deer Park. As is Cash Price $50,000! Tamarack Realty 509-999-6354 Do Not Disturb Resident! REGIONAL FARM AND Ranch. Sales and purchases. Tax deferred 1031 exchanges, confidential representations, 30 years in Real Estate and Ranching. Timberlands for sale also! Call Jerry Johnson 208-664-1491 Pacific Real Estate and Investments 147 ACRES. Water, sewer, cabin, some buildings, off the grid. Owner will finance, $150,000, 406210-9295 or 406-826-2322 10 ACRES (MOL) with well, power, phone and driveway, perked for 4 beddrooms, tree covered, 5 miles SW of Cheney. Thorne 509-389-1851 CB Tomlinson W.P. BY OWNER: Beautiful panoramic views to north & west from this 1 acre hilltop lot near Cheney/ Four Lakes; easy commute to downtown Spokane, 16 GPM well with pump is in, and septic engineering has been approved. Power, phone & gas are at property line; possible terms, $42,500. Call Robert 208-659-9483 for further details 22 ACRES IN FREEMAN School District, make offer, go to www.tstarkeygleaves.com for more information. 208-818-1397 BEAUTIFUL, LEVEL 7.9 acre lot with many great building sites. The land is all usable, partially fenced and only about 15 minutes northeast of Sandpoint. No CC&Rs, manufactured homes welcome. Phone is in the road and power is at neighboring property. Area of good wells and great southern exposure. Asking only $36,900. Beth Hall, 208-610-5858. Tomlinson Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Realty
YOUR OWN LITTLE creek, 10 park-like wooded acres bordered by government and timber company lands on 3 sides. Located out of Bay-view, ID and Lake Pend Oreille. Mostly level to rolling and some very nice cabin sites. Accessible most of the year and a great place to snowmobile or 4 wheel into. $69,950, terms. Sundance Realty, Doug, 208-8181140 $39,000 PRIVATE Remote 10 acres with hunting cabin. Heavily timbered, borders thousands of acres of National Forest. 15 minutes north of Newport/ Old Town, Pend Oreille County by Bead Lake and 2 mountain lakes (Mystic & No Name) 1 1/2 hours from Spokane. Very private with lock and key gate. Appointment only! Exit Realty. Glenn 509216-0867 HUNTERS Springdale Road! Just 2 miles West of Springdale, 37 acres with private view building site to die for! E-Z paved access, roads established, no easements, survey, timber and pasture, possible spring with Aspens. First time offered at just $75,000 with $20,000 down, 8% interest. Call Denny 509-680-2773 C-21 Kelly Davis Realty, Colville INVEST IN SOMETHING you can use. 120 acres: farmland, timberland, domestic spring, creek, pond, power, good road. Diversify your portfolio with this beautiful land on southern edge of Plummer. Tangible assets are the way to go! $299,000. Owner/ agent, 208-6916738 CHOOSE YOUR Building site, 5 partially timbered acres, county road frontage, minutes to Spirit Lake, ID, power to be installed, state land next door, $39,900, $500 down, $431/ monthly. Frontier 509-468-0483 5 ACRES, 4 MILES North of Spirit Lake. Open and treed, level, adjoins paved county road. Water, power and phone included, covenant. $65,000, $1000 down, $600 month. 208661-2613 BEAUTIFUL 12 ACRE Lot. Mountain views and minutes from Lake Pend Oreille. Located off Hwy 95 near the Selle Valley. $119,500. Call/ text 509307-2488 THEIR LOSS, YOUR Gain- fixer up cabin/shed on 5 timbered acres, minutes to Chewelah, state land, $35,900; $500 down, $387/monthly. Frontier Northwest 509-468-0483 DRILLED WELL ON 10 Surveyed acres, county road frontage, bring your building plans, minutes to Airway Heights, $69,900, $500 down, $759/ monthly. Frontier 509-4680483
Brand New! Affordable! 1 BEDROOM - $267 - $494 2 BEDROOM - $308 - $579 3 BEDROOM - $631 - $788
509-244-0200 SECTION 8 WELCOME
Acreage 40 ACRES FLATHEAD County, awesome views, trees, creek. $125,000 OWC with $10,000 down. 406-531-2259 BUILDING LOTS, 1 Mile from 49 Degrees North Ski Resort, Flowery Trail Association, spectactular view, skiing, snowmobiling, hiking, & hunting out your back door, water, sewer, & power hookups, $54,900, 2 available. 509995-4824 YOUR PRIVATE Hideout, 3.3 acres adjoining government lands north of Spokane, WA in the Sacheen Lake area. Varied terrain, nice timber and lots of wildlife. $29,950, terms. Sundance Realty, Ron, 208-304-7345 DIAMOND LAKE Acreage: 5, 20, 40 & 153 acre parcels available. Some with with power & well. Starting at $35,000. Yvonne Clark, Alpine Realty Services, 509-2093464 www.seeyvonne4homes.com
WANT: OLD SLOT Machines, toys, jukeboxes, porcelain/ tin advertisement signs; Coca Cola machines; service station items (gas pumps & advertising), Car/ motorcycle Washington or Idaho license plates (pairs/ singles) 1916 to 1982 in good/ fair shape. Email to dlee40@comcast.net call 509-926-9266 Spokane WANTED: Disabled Veteran will take unwanted camping, hunting & fishing gear off your hands. I am willing to clean old gear & patch torn tents, sleeping bags, etc. Let me free up some of that closet space for you. Not a “reseller”. Have truck, can travel. 509-851-0788. God Bless. Tri-Cities WANTED YOUR restaurant or vendor waste cooking oil. Will pay 50¢ per gallon, clean prompt pickup. Oil is processed locally for alternative fuel for my vehicles. References available upon request. Please call, 208-6830465, ask for Ron
VIETZKE VILLAGE, 2011 S. Craig Road, Airway Heights. 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex, WSG paid, air conditioned with storage shed, lawn care by owner, rent $600, $400 deposit, 6 month lease, $25 credit/ background/ reference check required. No pets. Call Jeff, 509-2170069
OWNER FINANCING, 10 acres, half a mile off county maintained road, electric, phone, lots of wildlife, one hour to Spokane and CdA. $1000 down, $325 month. $28,000. 208-245-9302, St. Maries, ID. No merchantable timber
ARIZONA SNOWBIRD rental. Wonderful patio, home located in Mesa, AZ, just minutes from airport, golf, shopping & spring baseball. Beautifully landscaped back yard with large patio & fire pit. Fully equipped with satellite tv & wireless internet. For more info 509-5394899
NICELY FORESTED 6.3 acre parcel in the famous Crystal Creek area near Fernwood, ID. Next to large tract of government land, has nice views, is very private and is perfect for all of your outdoor dreams. $19,950, terms. Sundance Realty, Ron, 208-304-7345
MOBILE HOME LOTS for single & doublewide units. Will consider older units, we’re located 15 miles north of Division Street “Y” on Hwy. 2. $210/ month. Call 509-292-2350; 509-292-8414 evenings, or stop by & see us. Riverside Village Mobile Home Park, Chattaroy WA
5 ACRES in Careywood, Idaho. 1 mile from Hwy. 95. Building site, mountain views, $57,000, 208263-7390
FAMILY CAMPING IS Fun and affordable! August summer special at Little Diamond Lake KOA Park: book 2 nights, get the 3rd night free! We are located just 35 minutes north of Spokane. Newly developed pull-throughs with 50 amp service. Limited number of sewer sites available. Something for everyone with pool, hot tub, planned recreation activities, peaceful/ quiet setting. Book your reservation today. Call 800-5624788. Use code 2STAY or mention this ad
YEAR ROUND CREEK on 10 acres; minutes to Diamond Lake & Newport; power at property, great home site, $49,900; $500 down, $541/monthly. Frontier Northwest 509-4680483
Wanted CALL COLLECTOR First! Wanted: Cash For Antique items, old military, indian, western, hunting, guns, archery, fishing, silver or gold coins, woodworking tools, old motorcycles, old artwork & jewelry, old railroad items, old stuff, etc, etc; we also buy small estates- No 30% auction fees charged here, Cash today! 509-484-0160 Spokane. Thank you honorable Veterans past & present
Rentals/ Roommates
WANTED: NEW suppliers and vendors. Home/ small business welcome! We sell quality American merchandise on the internet. Seeking to expand by offering your products online. Details at www.DealsMadeInAmerica.com, 406270-7565, David CASH FOR DIABETIC test strips, we pay the most for your extra strips, call the other guys and compare, our prices will not be beat. Up to $45 box for ultra 100s and lite 100s. Call Jason, 208-8189564 WANTED: OWNER operator grain hauler. I’m getting close to harvesting 140 acres of wheat and I need someone to truck from Careywood, ID to Worley, ID. Call for details. 208-597-5048 CASH FOR WATCHES: Buying men’s wristwatches, honest, discreet collector paying cash for Omega, Rolex, Seiko, etc. Dan 509-747-2522 PAYING CASH FOR: Costume jewelry, Rhinestone jewelry, Turquoise jewelry, all vintage jewelry & watches. 509-701-6296 WILL PAY $1100 FOR 10 cords of red fir split and delivered or $1250 for red fir, tamarack mix. TumTum area 509-276-2380 WANTED: 12 BASS OR Lightweight 20 bass accordion, must be in good shape & affordable. 509926-0951 Spokane Valley ARROWHEADS - WANT To Buy, single or collections, authentic only. 509953-6385
AUDUBON AREA 3 Bedroom, kitchen nook, formal dining room, washer dryer hook up, fenced backyard, shown by appointment only, $700/ month plus deposit, 1707 W York, Spokane. 509-9519269 $4000 MOVE IN CREDIT! Large mobile home lot for lease in Chattaroy with large storage shed, $250/month, suitable for double or single wide. 509324-0151 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, with garage and storage unit, close to shopping and buses, appliances include dishwasher, W/D. Northeast area, no pets. $550, includes WSG, one year lease. 208-765-5741, no Saturday calls BEAUTIFUL HOME ON Sprague Lake, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, great view, Jacuzzi, large all glass additions overlooking lake, $900/month, no pets, no smoking, no exceptions. Taking applications 509979-3539 CUTE & COZY 1 Bedroom home on the lake; peaceful & gorgeous setting, utilities included, private dock, very close to valley & downtown. Credit check & references required, $700. Barbie 509-999-3115 Newman Lake CHEWELAH 2 Bedroom duplex, quiet area, yard, washer/ dryer hookup, dishwasher, range, 1 year lease; 1 bedroom convenient walk to shopping, newly redecorated, no pets. 509-9356701 or cell 509-936-5227
VALLEY LARGE 2 Bedroom mobile with tip out in living room; includes storage shed; new carpet, no pets; $575 with $500 deposit. 509-939-9926 or 208908-2283
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 33
Airway Pointe Seniors 2 BEDROOMS 530 13520 W. 6th Ave., Airway Heights, WA $
SHA OK, GREAT 1 Bedroom unit, comfortable, cozy, private, & quiet, WSG paid, storage, very clean, all remodeled, Northwest close to downtown. 509-742-9023 POST FALLS SPLITLevel condo available immediately. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, carport, loft, deck, appliances. Great location and views, $800 plus utilities. 208-755-0669 362 HILLTOP RD, Diamond Lake area, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, rural setting, $725, damage $750, application fee, security system, no pets. 509-9247184 BONNERS FERRY, 2 bedroom, 1 bath upstairs apartment with deck. Pets OK upon approval. $450 month. 6478 Van Buren St. Call Nancy, 208-6600196 POST FALLS 3 bedroom, 2 bath house for rent, double garage, fenced backyard, pet possible with fee. $800 per month, $775 deposit. Call AAbco Management, 208-676-0361 QUIET 2 BEDROOM Duplex, Franklin Park area, washer/ dryer hookup, A/C, stove, refrigerator, no pets. 509-935-6701 or cell 509-936-5227 HAYDEN 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath duplex near golf courses, fenced yard, garage, W/D hookup, woodstove, $810 month. 208699-1068 EXPRESS LOANS. What are you paying for payday loans? Check out our low rates. Call 208-777-9773; 2700 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls
Income Restrictions Apply
509-244-0200 CDA, 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, spacious, well maintained, with fenced yard, near NIC, downtown, shopping and bike path. Gas and electric heat, office space, refrigerator, electric stove, dishwasher, W/D included, W/S paid. Pets upon approval, $1050 month plus deposit, basement apartment not included. 208-699-5536
POST FALLS DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, single garage, patio, air conditioned, large living room. $625 month, discount for lawn maintenance. Quiet, with separate kitchen and separate laundry room, garage entry to laundry, corner 3rd and Scott St. Pet possible with fee. Call Aabco Management, 208676-0361
For Rent
3451 Lilac Ct., Top Unit
With fenced yard, detached garage
KWI, LLC 208-292-2198
Senior Housing Disabled (HUD Subsidized)
NE Spokane Area Availability APPLY NOW! Non-Smoking Building
Sharon (509) 489-7271
ELK. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath MH on about 10 acres! Stove, Oven, Refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer! No smoking, please! Pets & Horses considered! Easy freeway access! Just 30 minutes to Spokane! Only $845 per month! 5615 E Oregon Road. Real Estate Marketplace, NW, Inc. Call for more information & appointment to see. 509-276-7600
VIETZKE VILLAGE, 2011 S. Craig Road, Airway Heights. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, mobile, 14X70 newly remodeled, w/s/g paid, energy efficient, W/D hookup, air conditioned, Storage shed, available approximately 7/1. $675 month $400 deposit, 6 month lease, $25 credit/ background / reference check. No pets, safe clean owner operated park. Call Jeff 509-217-0069
SPOKANE- 2 BEDROOM, secure building, $525; 1 bedroom, $445. 509-4685162 SPOKANE VALLEY: Nice 2 bedroom, $525. 509-4685162 WHITWORTH AREA, House/ duplex, 2 bedroom +, 2 bath, garage, rec room, laundry, $850/ month, no smoking or pets. 509-466-0111 LARGE 4 BEDROOM Country home on 3 acres off of Swenson Road (Suncrest area) has shop 20x30, small orchard, available July 10, $1150 first and last; $800 damage; call for more information 509-990-1124 or 509499-4619 COUNTRY LIVING, Fully furnished apartment, utilities included, no smoking or pets, Seven Mile, 509467-1053 Evenings 1, 2, & 3 BEDS IN Airway Heights & Medical Lake, no pets, $425- $650. 509244-4299, 509-939-3330 SPRAGUE, WA MOBILE Home, 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, $525, WSG paid, no pets/ smoking. 509-979-3539 VALLEY PARK Doublewide: 3 bedroom 2 bath, $700. 509-939-9926; 208-908-2283
1 Month Free With 12 Month Lease!!
2 BR $675
34 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
Airway Pointe
1 BD -
268; 2 BD - 318- 560 3 BD - $560-$695
13513 W. 6th Ave., Airway Heights, WA Income Restrictions Apply
Rentals/ Roommates SPOKANE, 660 Thor, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished basement, hardwood floors, off street parking, central air, fenced back yard, double car garage, pet friendly. $795. 208660-6295
ONE BEDROOM CONDO Completely furnished. All new appliances, with view of Waitts Lake and the mountains. Use of double car garage in winter months. $500/ month, references 509-937-2828
Convenient Location near Trent & Pines Many Sizes Including Garage Size Units Safety & Security
Empire Storage 11933 E. Empire â&#x20AC;˘ (509) 922-6381 VIETZKE VILLAGE, 2011 S. Craig Road, Airway Heights. RV Space, WSGE paid, $350/mo, first & last. Call Jeff, 509-217-0069
ROOM FOR RENT, shared kitchen & bathroom, $270, bus 1 block, east of downtown Spokane. 509-535-9812
SPOKANE VALLEY/EAST SPOKANE Large, Clean & Bright Apartments Move-in Special - Ask us for Details! Terrific floor plans with separate dining room, DW, A/C, extra storage, private balcony/patio, new paint, carpet & vinyl.Very clean and quiet. Excellent locations, University Road & 13th Ave. & 4023 E. Pacific Ave. behind K-Mart and the Grocery Outlet. Covered parking, BBQ/picnic area with Gazebo, on-site Laundry Room. Friendly owner management. Pets OK with some restrictions.
Studio: s 1 Bed, 1 Bath: $495 2 Bed, 1 Bath: $585 3 Bed, 2 Bath (in unit laundry): $825 2 Bed, 2 Bath (with washer & dryer): $685 Friendly, Quality, Professional Management
KPS Management - 509-842-4707 NEWLY REMODELED 3 bedroom, 1 bath log home. Appliances, utility porch, 1 car garage. Fruit trees, garden area. 9 1/2 miles south of Plummer, ID. $600/ month; 1st and last monthsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rents. References required. Available 9/1/11. 208-274-2035
FREE RENT! SHARE Large double wide mobile home with unlimited trails, and several horses to enjoy, private entryway. I need help with average ranch chores, prefer female who likes outdoors, but all should apply. 509863-2824 North Spokane
First Liberty Apts., Liberty Lake Close to where you play!!
Close to where you work!!
Luxury Living At An AFFORDABLE price $
2 BR, 695 3 BR, $795 Income restrictions apply
LARGE HOUSEHOLDS & SECTION 8 VOUCHERS WELCOME â&#x20AC;˘ Fitness Center â&#x20AC;˘ Business Center â&#x20AC;˘ Covered Parking First Liberty Apartments 25000 E. Hawkstone Loop (off Appleway) Liberty Lake, WA 99019 6/30/09
509-924-7705 toll free 888-409-8563
DEER PARK. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with garage and 24x48 shop on about 5 acres! Two master bedrooms, stove, oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer, wood burning fireplace insert, spa & more! No smoking please! Pets considered! On well & septic! So, no water & sewer charges! Only $1395 per month! 35315 N Dalton Road. Real Estate Marketplace NW Inc. Call for more information & appointment to see! 509-276-7600 NE. SPOKANE CONDO. Spacious 2 bedroom, 1 bath with garage. Stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave, earth tone carpeting, laundry hookups, 2â&#x20AC;? blinds, wood burning fireplace, AC and more! Cat considered, no smoking please. Only $645 month. 106 E. Weile Avenue, just East of Costco off Division. For more information & an appointment to view call Real Estate Marketplace, NW Inc. 509-2767600 CLAYTON. Newer 4 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home with double carport and fenced rear yard. All amenities including stove, oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, carpeting, vinyl flooring, window treatments & laundry hook-ups. Only $895 month. 4449 Ambular Way. Real Estate Marketplace NW, Inc. Call for more information & an appointment to view. 509-276-7600 ELK. NICE 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath house on about 5 acres. Laminate flooring, earth tone carpeting, blinds, stove, oven, refrigerator, wood burning stove insert, washer & dryer. No smoking, please! Pets & horses considered. Only $845 month. 42611 N. Sundance Road. Real Estate Marketplace, NW Inc. Call for more information & an appointment to view, 509-276-7600 ROOMMATE WANTED, share home, quiet rural setting, preferably female but would consider either, rec-space, bedroom & bath, share kitchen & laundry, 20 minutes to North Spokane & SFCC, 10 minutes from Fairchild, non smoking, $400/month, utilities included. Please call 509244-5385 DEER LAKE, NICE 2+ Bedroom, 1 bathroom on about 1/3 acre! New earth tone carpeting, new paint, stove, oven, refrigerator, blinds, deck! No smoking, please! Small pet considered. Only $595 month. 3797 Southwood Shores Road. Real Estate Marketplace, NW Inc. Call for more information & an appointment to view, 509-276-7600 CUTE 1 BEDROOM, New carpet, Airway Heights, $450, no pets. 509-2444299, 509-939-3330 SPOKANE VALLEY Remodeled House, 2 bedroom plus sunroom, one bath, full basement, new carpet, paint, light fixtures, appliances, fenced back yard, lots of land for garden, parking, heavy or landscape equipment, background check $875/ month plus deposit. $300 off first months rent, call 509-928-9286
(2) APARTMENTS Available in Victorian; quiet street near hospitals & downtown. AC, gardenOne (1) bedroom, 1 bath with washer/ dryer, fireplace, rents for $575/ month with $575 deposit, available September 1; One (1) bedroom rents for $415 with $415 deposit, washer/ dryer onsite, AC & garden plot. Call 541661-4882 for appointment or inquire at 710 S. Jefferson, Spokane DEER PARK, LARGE Country duplex for rent, 2 bedroom, large master, 1 bath, nice living/ dining area, big kitchen with stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, laundry on site, rent of $775/month based on 3 people with $500 deposit; rent includes water, sewer, trash, & normal electrical use, duplex is South of Deer park on an equestrian facility, 15 minutes to the Y. Call Jon evenings at 509-844-1622 NEBRASKA HOTEL Rooms for Rent: 1907 Style, Hillyard Historical District, secure pleasant atmosphere, with shared shower & restrooms, Singles, $89 night, $250 week, $375 month, $100 deposit. 509-844-2208 LARGE 4 BEDROOM Country home on 3 acres off of Swenson Road (Suncrest area) has shop 20x30, small orchard, available July 10, $1150 first and last; $800 damage; call for more information 509-990-1124 or 509499-4619 NEED A RENTAL? We have some! All with garages (1) 10713 E. 29th, 4 bedroom, 2 bath $995 plus utilities. (2) 11732-B E Mansfield, townhouse, 3 bedroom, 3 bath $873 plus utilities. (3) 8411 E Main, 2 bedroom, huge yard, full basement with another bedroom $695 plus utilities. (4) 4607 N Calispel, 2 bedroom- main floor, 1 bedroombasement, 2 bath, remodel in progress. Available by September 1st or sooner. All Management 509-922-5500 or 509924-0200 HORSES, DOGS, CATS! Bring your animals to this house on 5 acres. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 acres fenced for horses and large, fenced dog kennel. Quiet neighborhood in Blanchard, Idaho. Centrally located between Spokane, Sandpoint, and Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene. $850 monthly plus utilities, $800 deposit and credit check ($15) required. Available immediately. Call 509-447-2582 DUPLEX FOR RENT IN Spokane Valley, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, single garage, newer appliances, new carpet in bedrooms, new toilets, large backyard, deck, $650/month, $500 deposit, $25 credit/ background check non refundable, water & sewer paid, 1613 N Felts Rd. 509-994-4213 for more information DEER PARK. Spacious 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home. Carpets, stove, oven, refrigerator. Must see! Small park, offstreet parking, small pet considered. No smoking, please. Only $400 per month! 117 N. Fir. Real Estate Marketplace, NW, Inc. Call for more information, & an appointment to view. 509-2767600
New Karsten Home! 1800 sq. ft. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, extra large family room and master bedroom. Large walk-in pantry, appliance package. Energy Star plus package. Lots of Windows. Extended Warranty
One only!
Mobile Corral Homes
208-773-0508 â&#x20AC;˘ 509-928-3003
Last Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Model
27x56 3 Bedroom
Family Room, Energy Star, 40# Roof Snow Load, much more! Local delivery & standard setup
4805 E. Sprague
Manufactured Homes ZERO DOWN USDA financing in Idaho, Washington and Montana. Also FHA, VA. Home only, FHA Title I and sub-prime (below 600) equity financing. We also offer all types of construction work done at cost. Only at Independence Home Center, 208255-1389 INDEPENDENCE HOME Center is the Northwestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only Fleetwood Homes factory wholesaler. We serve the entire Northwest. Save thousands on top quality homes. Independence Home Center, Inc. 208-255-1389 470873 Hwy. 95, Sagle, ID 14x70 OLDER MOBILE home on own lot with 12x30 add-on in good condition, Post Falls area. Owner terms available, $65,000. Will trade for diesel pusher motor home of equal value. 208-7556522 24x52 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath at $49,900, includes delivery and professional set-up. All our homes can be custom built and delivered in 3 weeks. Independence Home Center, Inc., 208-255-1389 YEAR-END CLOSEOUT, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 80 lb. snow load, 2x6 walls, Energy Star insulation, 12â&#x20AC;? eaves, upgraded cabinets and set for $49,900. Independence Home Center, 208-255-1389
OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, 10am-Noon. New Marlette home located in Shenandoah Forest Park, 14619 N Chattanooga Lane, Mead, this nice 3 bedroom is on a spacious corner lot, reduced $9000, only $59,900! For information call 509-991-8731, dealer INVESTOR SPECIAL. Remodeled mobile home on new foundation. Has all new wiring, plumbing, insulation, siding, and more, needs finishing, great investment or family home in Moscow, $19,000/ offer. Call for details 208-5533953, cellular
Looking for Singles or Doubles. We will pay cash for your home, or we can consign your home and sell it for you. Call Gary at 509-990-3090 or Lynelle at 208-704-0598
Mobile Corral Homes
208-773-0508 â&#x20AC;˘ 509-928-3003
PRICE SLASHED! Contempo Seniors, beautiful Silver Crest, dishwasher, 24x60, has all amenities, $54,800. Pre-Owned Homes 509-979-4157 or 509-326-3070 NICE LOT FOR Doublewide, great move in incentive, 15 minutes north. 509-998-2798
OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, 2pm-4pm. New Marlette home located in Shenandoah Forest Park, 3412 W Valley Forge Lane, Mead, great 2 bedroom with large covered porch, was $77,999, now only $59,990. For information call 509-991-8731, dealer
3 bedroom, 2 bath, with family room, 2x6 construction, appliances, 40# snowload.
Only one, so act fast! Mobile Corral Homes
208-773-0508 â&#x20AC;˘ 509-928-3003 SMALL SENIOR PARK, Spokane Valley, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, excellent condition, $29,900. Kathy, 509-863-9384 GREAT SELECTION OF Homes. Here at Spokane Home Center we have doublewides, triplewides, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, bonus room, & 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? wide homes ready for you to view by Kit Homebuilders West & Marlette Homes. No gimmicks pricing with no hassle buying for 39 years! Spokane Home Center, 4505 E Sprague, 509-535-1793, dealer OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, Noon-2pm. New Marlette home located in Shenandoah Forest Park, 3029 E Vicksburg, Mead, only $59,900. For information call 509-991-8731, dealer
10 mins. to Spokane & 5 mins. to FAFB
SINGLE OR DOUBLEWIDES Available starting at $20,000 MORTGAGE & SPACE RENT Approx. $500-$600/month Water & Sewer Included MANY OTHER HOMES AVAILABLE! Darrell 509-294-6437 Lisa 509-294-6566 Office 509-244-3469
LAKE COTTAGE 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with 60# snowload, 2x6 construction, appliances, vinyl windows. Ready for delivery NOW!
Mobile Corral Homes
208-773-0508 â&#x20AC;˘ 509-928-3003
14x66, 3 Bedroom 2 Bath, Energy Star, 40# Roof Snow Load . Local delivery & standard setup
4805 E. Sprague
Manufactured Homes CLOSE OUT MODELS. Save thousands on selected close out display models. Each home has 60lb roof load PSF, Energy Star package, GE kitchen appliances, FHA carpet & pad & much more. Save big today at Spokane Home Center, 4505 E Sprague, 509-5351793, dealer
1996 FLEETWOOD Manufactured home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, covered porch & carport, new laminate floors, 55+ park, $29,900. Call 509-893-9218 or 509928-0687 1991 LIBERTY, 28x42, 1176 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2x6 walls, composition roof, excellent condition with new vinyl windows, vinyl flooring, tape & texture, interior & exterior paint; appliances, 16x20 shop, 8x12 storage shed, 10x25 carport, decks, located at 4104 Swallows Rd in Loon Lake Acres MHP, on huge beautiful treed four-fifths acre lot, lot rent $220/ month includes WSG, purchase price $38,900, financing available. LL Acres, dealer, 509-233-8158
MOBILE HOME LOTS for rent. Seniors 55+, double, single, RV spots available. Quiet, peaceful community. Close to freeway access, downtown Spokane, medical facilities. 7800 E. Alki, Spokane Valley. 509926-2119 1998 AMERICAN Homestar, 28x48, 1344sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, excellent condition, open floor plan, large kitchen with new stainless steel appliances, kitchen island & skylight. Freshly painted with new vinyl flooring; tape & texture. Located at 4109 Swallows Road in Loon Lake Acres MHP, on huge beautiful treed 4/5th acre lot. Lot rent $220/ month, includes W/S/G; purchase price $54,900, financing available. LL Acres, Dlr. 509-233-8158 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 2007 manufactured home, large kitchen/dining area and lots of natural light! Energy star, washer/dryer negotiable, $45,000. Call Cheryl 509-280-0652 Windermere GREENACRES, ON OWN lot, 11 year old mobile, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1568 sq.ft. Call for more information, 509-928-7184 or 509209-7751
Sports PRO STYLE Sports Camp. Pro style strength exercises, professional & business ethics class, preservation of assets & wealth, citizen & professional moral & ethics teaching, economics & personal wealth structuring & principles, energy increase & endurance classes, metabolism & natural remedies classes. All food & hotels provided in the packages. 509-2374355 THANK YOU FOR Reading The Exchange! TWO 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Recreational kayaks. One Necky and one Wilderness Systems in good shape, $300 each, price includes $170 worth of wooden laminated paddles and some other good stuff. 208-7551552 STAMP UP SOME Cards at charity Bingo every Monday night at Northern Quest Resort & Casino. Proceeds benefit the Spokane Youth Sports Association. GOLF CARTS. HUGE discounts on new and used golf carts. All trades welcome, cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats. Odyssey Sports, Hwy 95 at Hayden Ave. 208-762-4662
10 CLUB CARS- 48V, Chargers, good batteries. From $1595 to $2995 will take trades. Will finance with no interest. 509-9998989 8 GOLF CARTS WITH Rear boxes or seats, gas & electric. From $1095 to $3295. Will trade or will finance with no interest. 509-999-8989 BOOK YOUR RESORT Golf Package at $94 per person. Includes overnight stay and transportation to over 15 courses. www.NorthernQuest.com SPIN THE BIRTHDAY Wheel for prizes when you celebrate your birthday at the Q Sports Bar at Northern Quest Resort & Casino. WE RENT GOLF CARTS 2, 4, 6-passenger, gas & electric. Great for lake, parties, weddings. 509999-8989 Spokane 2006 EZEGO GAS, 4 Stroke, top, windshield, excellent condition $2750 509-999-8989 SUN RACER 3-Wheel adult bike. Commercial grade, multiple gears. Black, excellent condition. Paid over $1000 new. Asking $800 OBO. St. Maries area, call 208-245-3403
VERY NICE 1980 Manufactured home in 55+ Park, close to downtown Spokane. For Sale by Owner: 2 bedroom, 2 bath, living & dining with open kitchen & bar, 1344 sq.ft., central air conditioning, ramp to back door & a carport, plus 2 storage sheds, all for $31,500. 509-9993473 for info or showing BETWEEN Springdale & Valley, park like 2 acres, shop with possible apartment. 1968 mobile in good condition, $58,000. Call Patti Helring, 509-999-0977 Coldwell Banker Tomlinson WANT TO PURCHASE 14x70 mid 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or newer, 2 or 3 bedroom. Jack 509465-2481
55 PLUS SENIOR Living Community with club house & swimming pool, approximately 1570 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, screened sun room, covered porch, workshop/ storage shed & garage, AC, auto sprinkler, wheelchair ramp, ADA, $59,990. Call Brian 509-998-1050 North Spokane, Nevada & Francis area LARGE REMODELED Doublewide 4 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home in quiet Greenacres WA Senior Park, includes storage shed & large deck, near freeway exit, water & sewer paid, $2000 down, $49,500. Call Bob 509-8798192 ALL NEW INVENTORY at Independence Home Center. The best pricing on factory built homes in the US. 100% customer satisfaction ratings, year after year. Come see why we were named â&#x20AC;&#x153;2010 Retailer of the Yearâ&#x20AC;? by PMHP. 208-255-1389, 1 mile south of Sandpoint on Hwy. 95. Now open weekdays 9-6, Saturdays 11-5, any day, any time by appointment
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 35
1978 MOBILE HOME, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, on 1/2 acre, $129,900 with $5000 down, owner contract, 6418 Lakeview Dr, Nine Mile Falls. 509-993-1089 1812 SQ. FT. 4 Bedroom, 2 bath with family room plus a retreat. Custom order for $67,900. 2700 sq. ft. triple wides starting at $95,000. Independence Home Center, Inc., 208255-1389, 470873 Hwy. 95, Sagle, ID SENIORS 14x70 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, carport, AC, handicap ramp, Valley, extra nice, $24,950; Possible terms. 509-8916372 407 E. H St. #7 Deer Park. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, new doublewide on leased lot. $57,999 Ericks Realty 509276-2121 or www.ericksrealty.com TOP CASH PAID: FOR 1980 or newer manufactured homes & mobile homes. Steve Sr., 509-4819830, or 263-1688, email sr.homeboys@gmail.com $35,900, 1994 Doublewide, Super Good Cents, 1,232 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath, safe, quiet, senior park, very clean, excellent condition, nice yard, auto sprinkler system, shade trees, double car port, covered walk & porch, side by side refrigerator, washer & dryer, large pantry, storage shed, near I-90 & Barker Rd, Buyer Options: make cash offer, or pay $5000 equity & assume existing loan, will also consider lease purchase agreement, with $3000 cash. Available immediately, see ad with pictures on Craigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s List. Questions? Schedule time to see? Mike at 509-869-0778 GREAT SELECTION OF Homes. Here at Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homes we have doublewides, triplewides, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, bonus room, & 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? wide homes ready for you to view by Kit Homebuilders West & Marlette Homes. No gimmicks pricing with no hassle buying for 39 years! Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homes in Post Falls, I-90 Exit #2, 208-773-7112, dealer
3 Bed/2 Bath Energy Star 1,279 sq.ft., 60 lb roof, all appliances included was
1 Only!
Chukarberry Cabin 3 Bed/2 Bath
1,850 sq.ft., 60 lb metal roof, 7 ft. covered porch, Energy Star, all stainless appliances, solid surface counter, laminate flooring, fireplace was
1 Only!
Open 7 Days
11400 Warren St., Hayden, ID Just off HWY 95 & Wyoming
14x70, 2 BEDROOM, 1 Bath mobile home, livable conditions, $3500 or best offer, must be moved. 509292-9001 WE SELL MOBILE OR manufactured homes for private sellers on consignment, we have buyers waiting, let us sell yours. Pre-Owned Homes 509979-4157 or 509-326-3070 NEW CONSIGNMENT Located in Spokaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s popular senior park, 1984 Skyline 2 bedroom 14x70, vinyl siding, added insulation floors & ceiling, new gas furnace, central AC, new vinyl kitchen windows, steep peaked roof, full length carport, storage building, yard sprinkler system, $24,500. Pre Owned Homes 509-9794157; 509-326-3070
LOTS FOR SALE in Post Falls for Manufactured or Mobile Homes $ Starting at
Call Gary at 509-990-3090 or
Mobile Corral Homes 208-773-0508
QUALCHAN AREA, Very Spacious doublewide manufactured home on leased land. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, deck and carport. $39,900. Call Dave for further info 509-868-7423 Century 21, Beutler & Assoc.
CONTEMPO SENIOR Park, beautiful Silvercrest 24x60, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, remodeled kitchen, all updated appliances & cabinets, gas furnace, central AC, carport, storage shed, covered front deck, a must see home, reduced to $52,800. Pre Owned Homes 509-979-4157; 509326-3070 1996 MODULINE, 27x46, 1242 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, open floor plan with cathedral ceilings, good Cents, central air, all appliances, located in Arbor Grove, age 55+ park, in Spokane Valley, $28,900. Financing available. Dealer, LL Acres 509-2338158
Mobile Home Lots For Rent SENIORS 55+ Double Single Available RVs 7800 E. Alki, Spokane Valley Quiet, Peaceful Community Close to: t 'SFFXBZ "DDFTT t %PXOUPXO t .FEJDBM 'BDJMJUJFT 4QPLBOF
509 926-2119 SHOP! 2006 MARLETTE double wide and huge garage/ shop. Fenced yard, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, open kitchen/ living. Priced to sell! Call (800) 714-3403 code: 2236 for details. Brandon @ Keller Williams
Your House Payments Could Be Less Than Your Rent
WE HAVE NEW HOMES priced from
NO Origination Fees NO Lender Fees NO Document Fees NO Processing Fees NO Underwriting Fees NO Construction Fees NO PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)
Our Professional Home Consultants Can Help You Find The Home of Your Dreams!
We have several Display Homes with Discounted Prices!
Your Manufactured Home for Trade-in on Your New Dream Home!
YOUR TRADE-IN Whether your home is paid for or not! Call now for detailsâ&#x20AC;Ś www.ClaytonHomesofSpokane.com
We are GIVING AWAY a New Home this Fall! Call for details 509 891-9996 15906 East Sprague Ave.
2 Blocks off Sullivan on Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA Â&#x2122;Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2021; Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2021;xĂ&#x160;->Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;i`Ă&#x160;-Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;
160 Floor Plans to Choose Decorated, Fully Furnished Homes on Display
36 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
2005 KAWASAKI DFX 400, Pro Circuit pipe, K&N filter, Renthal bars, AC bumper and skit plates, Monster Energy graphics, extra set of plastic, low miles, never raced, excellent condition. $5500/ offer. 208-746-9337, Lewiston 2008 HD ROAD KING. Crimson red sunglo, 39K miles, $16,500. Some extras include seat, exhaust, back rest, luggage and more. 208-263-2520, Sandpoint. Leave message
Motorcycles & ATVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
NEED TO GET OUT of town? Or just need an excuse to ride? In less than an hour you can be enjoying the open road and serenity of camping at Little Diamond KOA Park. Ride the Selkirk Loop and stay with us. Make your reservation today. Call 800-562-4788 or book online at KOA.com 1981 HONDA Goldwing. Nice clean bike, new battery and starter, 42,000 miles. $2400/ offer. St# 11083. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com 2001 YAMAHA 660 Raptor, all original, no damage, stored last 4 years, excellent condition. $2150. Call 208-659-3768, Rathdrum
ALUMA ALL Aluminum Motorcycle trailers, 1 & 2 place, open & enclosed, complete with ramps, wheel chocks, & tie downs, great 5 year warranty, 15% off MSRP of in stock units with ad, expires 8/11/11. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane 509-535-2154 www.CobaltTrailer.com Monday- Friday, 8am-5pm WANTED: ATC 250ES, Honda Big Red 3 wheeler, pay cash. 509-442-3241
VINTAGE HUSKY DIRT bike 390, Malcolm Smith rear fender, new front fender, runs great, has the forward mounted rear shocks, lots of power & good handling. The Vintage MotoCross races are coming up, $1000. 509-9990909 Rosalia
HARLEY CLEARANCE sale. 2007 Softail, $11,995. 2006 Super Glide, $9295. 2007 1200 Sportster Custom, $6495. All trades welcome. Odyssey Sports, Hwy 95 at Hayden Ave. 208-762-4662
1991 POLARIS TRAIL Boss 350, 4x4. 1988 Polaris 350, 2x4. Both nonrunners. See Black and Associatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; auction ad in this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s auction section. 208-762-4346. www.auctionsbyblack.net
1990 KAWASAKI KDX200, 2 stroke, adult owned, clean, $1000 or best offer. 509-496-6926 CALL COLLECTOR First! Wanted: Old Triumph, Norton, BSA, Royal Infield & other English, BMW also, or old American or Japanese motorcycles, Bultacos, or Europeans, Honda Trail 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, small mopeds or scooters running or not, or parts; old leathers; old signs, old railroad items, etc, etc. 509-484-0160 Spokane. Thank you honorable Veterans past & present 4 WHEELERS; 1987 Yamaha 400, 4x4, runs great, $1500; 2008 Roke 250, only 6 hrs run time, $1000. 509-2209643 2003 HARLEY Heritage Softail Classic 100th Anniversary. FLSTCI fuel injected, silver/ black, 7500 miles, lots of extras, excellent condition, always garaged. Also available matching H.D. helmets, mens & womens leathers & booth, $13,500. 509-9673041. Tri-Cities
2011 Sportsman XP 850 .431 3FCBUF
3BOHFS 91 .431 3FCBUF 19505 E. Broadway Ave, Liberty Lake t 01&/ 56&4%": 4"563%": t ". 50 1.
''&12 (//% /. .&6 ".% 4.1&(*23&1&% 4.*32 041$)"2&% #&36&&. < . 2&,&$3 -/%&,2 && 8/41 %&",&1 '/1 %&3"*,2 "3&2 "2 ,/6 "2 '/1 -/.3)2 ''&12 /.,8 "5"*,"#,& "3 0"13*$*0"3*.( /,"1*2: %&",&12 001/5", ".% ".8 1"3&2 ".% 3&1-2 01/5*%&% "1& #"2&% /. $1&%*3 6/13)*.&22 3)&1 > .".$*.( /''&12 "1& "5"*,"#,& 00,*&2 3/ 3)& 041$)"2& /' ",, .&6 ".% : -/%&,2 -"%& /. 3)& /,"1*2 .23",,-&.3 1/(1"- '1/- < *7&% /' /1 6*,, #& "22*(.&% #"2&% /. $1&%*3 "001/5", $1*3&1*" !"1.*.( 2 $". #& )"9"1%/42 3/ /0&1"3& /1 8/41 2"'&38 5/*% /0&1"3*.( /,"1*2 2 /1 2 /. 0"5&% 241'"$&2 /1 04#,*$ 1/"%2 *%&12 ".% 0"22&.(&12 2)/4,% ",6"82 6&"1 " )&,-&3 &8& 01/3&$3*/. 01/3&$3*5& $,/3)*.( ".% " 2&"3 #&,3 ".% ",6"82 42& $"# .&32 /. 5&)*$,&2 &5&1 &.("(& *. 234.3 %1*5*.( ".% "5/*% &7$&22*5& 20&&%2 ".% 2)"10 341.2 /,"1*2 "%4,3 -/%&,2 "1& '/1 1*%&12 "(& ".% /,%&1 1*5&12 /' 5&)*$,&2 -423 #& "3 ,&"23 8&"12 /,% 6*3) " 5",*% %1*5&1=2 ,*$&.2& ,, 1*%&12 2)/4,% 3"+& " 2"'&38 31"*.*.( $/412& /1 2"'&38 ".% 31"*.*.( *.'/1-"3*/. $",, 3)& "3
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1975 HONDA CB400F super sport, first year made. Great shape, collector bike with many new parts. Call 509-786-9836 or 509-7867933. Tri-Cities
ALUMA MODEL A888 & A8812 all aluminum trailers, 2 & 3 place ATV haulers with rear/ side load ability, ramps, side rails included, great 5 year warranty, 20% off MSRP on in stock units with ad, expires 8/11/11. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane 509-5352154 www.CobaltTrailer.com Monday- Friday, 8am5pm CLEANING OUT THE Garage! 1984 Honda GL 1200, 41,000 miles, excellent condition, $3800. 2001 Suzuki 250 ATV, $1800. Rick, 509-8422122 Loon Lake
2002 TITAN CUSTOM, 107c.i., only 8000 original miles, perfect condition, seller warranty, sharp, fast, clean attention getter, meticulously cared for, $9650 or best offer. 509-590-5407 Spokane 2007 SCHWINN scooters (2). Will sell individually or together. Prime cond, hardly used, 200 mi. Gets 100 mpg, great city or college commute, $800 each or best offer. 509-2798652. Tri-Cities
BMW â&#x20AC;&#x153;AIRHEADâ&#x20AC;? Restoration & repair, service & detail work, reasonable rates, free estimates. Gary 509-999-7251 Spokane Valley THE EXCHANGE- Advertising made easy OLD MOTORCYCLES wanted. Pre-1978, street or dirt bikes. Foreign or domestic, any condition, running or not. 509-3623726 Spokane
Recreation Vehicles 1996 COACHMEN, Catalina 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122; class A motor home, large living room slide, queen bed, sleeps 6, tv with vcr, microwave, rear camera, satellite dish, AC, awning, new tires, 460 gas engine with Banks system, has drivers door, 49k miles, Must see! $20,500 or best offer. 509727-1711. Tri-Cities
WANTED: HONDA 50, Honda 70, Honda 90 Trail or similar bike, running or not. Jim, 509-468-4802, 509-993-2132 Mead
2007 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MONTANA Mountaineer travel trailer, 2 slideouts, 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; awning, AC, furnace heated plumbing and floor, gas/ 110V converter to 12V, dual battery, 2 TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and stereo with surround sound, queen bed, shower and restroom separate, lots of storage, very nice, $19,500 OBO. 208689-3691 NEW TRUCK Campers with slideout under $15,000, top dollar paid for trades. 2011 Northland Yukon, 8.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; extended cab with slideout, made for long & short bed trucks. Large 5 cu.ft refrig, two 5 gal LPG, Atwood electric jacks, Coleman ac, fantastic fan, plus lots more! Was $22,975, reduced to $14,975 while supplies last. Orchards RV, Lewiston Idaho, 800-749-5741 NEW 22TH SPORTSMEN toy hauler on sale now, $18,950. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I-90 on Hwy 95, CDA. 800-335-7634 or 208-772-7634 or www.RLRV.com NEW SYSTEM Monitors Inc. MPC200D converter, 120 volt AC input, 12 volt DC output, 20 amp DC total, $75 OBO (paid $165). 250-428-5838 2004 LIKE NEW 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel, loaded with extras, includes 3 bunkbeds plus bedroom suite, only $14,000. Larry, 208-6604259 1928 BUICK 4 DOOR, Complete body & Hot Rod front stub, $1500 or best offer. 509-290-7729
32â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CLASS A, 2004 Bounder; super, super clean; nice coach, priced to sell, #46457. RVs Northwest, 18919 E Broadway Spokane, WA 1-800-7763675
2002 DIESEL PUSHER, Tradewinds 38â&#x20AC;&#x2122; double slide, 330 Cummins turbo. $69,995. Loaded, 59K miles. Odyssey Sports, Hwy. 95 at Hayden Ave. 208-762-4662
14x70 OLDER MOBILE home on own lot with 12x30 add-on in good condition, Post Falls area. Owner terms available, $65,000. Will trade for diesel pusher motor home of equal value. 208-7556522
1992 NORTHLAND 8-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; cabover camper with Polar Pak, queen size bed, shower, stove, refrig, air, all in very good cond, $3600. 509-851-0429. Prosser
1994 SHASTA 27â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, One Big Slide 5th wheel, rear kitchen, 13â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide, with dining set & sofa, bathroom with shower/ tub, queen bed, ac, clean, $6900. Financing available, trades welcome. Free delivery within 100 miles of Kennewick. 509-572-0224; 509582-0923. Dealer 2001 FLEETWOOD Angler 8.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide-in camper for full size long box pickup. Beautiful inside and out, loaded with options, everything works, very little use, stored under cover, $5700 OBO. 208-661-5646 or 208-6611570 FAMILY CAMPING IS Fun and affordable! August summer special at Little Diamond Lake KOA Park: book 2 nights, get the 3rd night free! We are located just 35 minutes north of Spokane. Newly developed pull-throughs with 50 amp service. Limited number of sewer sites available. Something for everyone with pool, hot tub, planned recreation activities, peaceful/ quiet setting. Book your reservation today. Call 800-5624788. Use code 2STAY or mention this ad ROADMASTER/ Stowmaster car mounted tow bar, 6000 lb. rating, C/W base plate kit, removable arms, 68â&#x20AC;? coiled safety cables and cover, $600 OBO (new $965 plus tax). 250-4285838
1999 SPRINTER 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th Wheel, Rear bunks, front bdrm with queen bed, 1 long 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide with kitchen table that folds down to a bed, plus a nice couch with full hide-a-way that folds out to a bed, sleeps 8, full kitchen, full bath, ac, very clean, $8995. Financing avail, trades welcome, free delivery within 100 miles of Kennewick. 509-5720224; 509-582-0923. Dealer 5TH WHEEL PRICED TO sell, 2003 Cougar 285EFS, very well maintained, clean, nice floor plan, ready to go camping, #46458. RVs Northwest, 18919 E Broadway Spokane, WA 1-800-7763675 2004 COACHMEN 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel, pretty coach with all the trimmings. This fine price is a steal at $19,999. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I-90 on Hwy 95, CDA. 800-335-7634 or 208-772-7634 or www.RLRV.com RV PROPANE refrigerators, repair, sales and service, 2 year warranty. 208777-1759 2000 NOMAD 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; travel trailer, excellent condition, like new, queen bed. $7500. 208-640-1056 1976 WINNEBAGO Cheiftain 440, 27â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, looks good, clean, but electrical problem in dashboard, Onan generator, all appliances, $800 or best offer. 208-7049483
16-- 3*5& 5) 8)&&- )*5$)&4
Recreation Vehicles 2006 KEYSTONE LAREDO trailer, model 31RL, 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Has full options, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide-out room, electric Tounge jack, AC, awning, JT&T stabilizers, much more! In excellent condition, $19,900. Chuck, 509-475-6402 Spokane LARGE RV OR BOAT Storage, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high doors, individual inside units, discount for year lease. Call for pricing, Heidi 509-998-7287
RV Park
#OZY s 1UIET Full Hookups, All Utilities Paid, 4 Blocks from Pend Oreille River and Cusick Boat Launch
$15 $65 $200 Calispel Creek RV Court 217 Calispel Ave, Cusick, WA
Reservations or info: 509-953-9714
COZY RV PARK Located in Cusick. Full hookups and paid electricity. Few blocks to boat launch on Pend Oreille River, County fairgrounds, country store, post office, library and schools. Daily $15, weekly $65, monthly $200. Calispel Creek RV Court, 217 Calispel, Cusick 509-953-9714
2007 PROWLER, rear living, double slide fifth wheel, with private bedroom. St# 100263. Only $19,990. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com 1999 HOLIDAY Rambler Imperial, 34â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel, 3 slides, 2 ACâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 50 amp, Corian counters, satellite dish, power, vents, $13,800. All Around Auto 509-953-1636 2003 MONACO KNIGHT Class A diesel pusher motor home with 3 slides, 38.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Roadmaster chassis with Cummins ISC 315hp, Allison 6 speed automatic, 37,900 miles & transferrable extended platinum service agreement valid for some 44,000 miles or until July 2015; all fluids, filters changed, engine, transmission & generator recently serviced, maintenance records available, for complete details, pricing, & colored pictures go to www.classyrv.com/104204 Contact Larry Miller in Spokane at 509-928-9543. Fantastic, ready to enjoy! Full fuel & propane SUBARU EA81 Rebuildable engine complete, $600. Call 208-924-6993, Craigmont
SINGLE RV SITE FOR Rent. Available September 1st. Wanted year around renter. Located at Waitts Lake near Valley, WA. $350/ mo includes water and sewer 509-9374534 or 509-643-2774 1996 DUTCHMEN 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fifth wheel, extra clean, local trade. $5990. St# 110170. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com PARK MODELS! BEST Prices in USA: 2012 Fleetwood Cavco loft, $32,995; 2012 Fleetwood Cavco non loft, $26,995; Skyline loaded family bunkhouse, fireplace, deck, $32,995; Skyline double loft, loaded, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck, fireplace, $49,995; ADA wheelchair friendly 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck, fireplace, $32,995; Fleetwood Cavco non loft, deluxe kitchen, $27,995; prices do not include delivery or sales tax, we deliver anywhere in the Northwest. Toutle River RV Resort, Castle Rock, WA 360-2748373 www.GreatRVResort.com Top rated RV park in Washington. Home of Tent for Troops where active military always stay free 1994 LANCE CAMPER for an extended cab pickup. 3- way refrigerator/ freezer, self contained with an outdoor shower. Asking $4500. 208-8828678; 509-336-0845, Moscow JENSEN AUTO BODY & Paint; we repair fiberglass on motor home fronts & rear caps, try us, call for on site estimates or stop by our shop. 5409 E Broadway 509-535-5343 LIVE AT THE LAKE This Summer. $175 Month includes water/ sewer, electric available, secondary waterfront, across from boat launch & beach. Come out to Lake Sacheen & pick your RV site; fish, swim, water ski, pontoon boat, canoe & kayak. 30 Minutes to Spokane; also, year round spaces, pets ok. 509-671-1862
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 37
CASH PAID FOR YOUR used RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, cash for your used, not so good condition camp trailers, travel trailers, 5th wheels, motor homes, etc., any year, any model, any size, any condition, I can pick up! 509340-3869 or email timelessrv@aol.com
G#K# E6GIH Âś H:GK>8: Âś G:E6>G
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See us for the Newest Technology in Satellite & TV Reception!
Easy to Apply! Call for details!
2007 PASSPORT Ultra Lite 200QS, queen slide out with bunks, clean local trade. St# 110194. $14,990. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com
Restores New, Factory Shine No Buffing Required!
1959 CESSNA 172. Nice plane, $19,500. 208-7460210, Lewiston
SHOP ONLINE 24/7. www.RussDeanRV.com 2002 BOUNDER 36 FT. Class A motorhome, 2 slides, jacks, camera, 47,000 miles. St# 110090. 1-877-297-5117. www.RussDeanRV.com
g! FinRVaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sn- 84cmin onths New edit. with approved cr
, e f i L y o j n E SALE Live Better! 21st
SUPERthAug 12
New Air Conditioning Installation & Service!
BRAND NEW JAYCO tent trailers starting at $9990. St# 118153. 1-877297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com
2011 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WIND RIVER trailer with large slide, front bedroom, electric awning, just like new. Used less than 1 week. Must see to appreciate. $28,500. 208-746-6929, Lewiston
New 2012 Infinity Luxury Fifth Wheel
Triple slide luxury with spacious living quarters, 6 sided welded aluminium cage construction with fiberglass exterior, hand rubbed glazed cherry cabinetry with solid cherry stiles and room fascia, solid surface counters, dual ac, Glacial Package with R40 Roof and R40 floor, Flex foil insulation in roof-underbelly-slide. #110268
New 2012 Serrano Diesel Motorhome
t www.RVsNorthwest.com
All Your RV Needs!
Three slides, Fuel efficient MaxxForce Diesel, full body paint, solid surface counters, Aerodynamic front cap, Oversize exterior Mega storage, dual AC, premium entertainment equipment. #110230
Save $14,000!
Save $20,000!
$163/ month
List Price $19,007
Sale Price $12,990
Built in the Northwest!
Tamarack Trail Wind River
Timber Ridge Creekside
Wildwood Travel Trailers
Motorhomes Arctic Fox Campers & Travel Trailers Nash 5th Wheels & Travel Trailers Desert Fox Toy Haulers Good Selection of Fully Inspected Used Inventory Too!
Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Ready to â&#x20AC;&#x153;HIT THE ROADâ&#x20AC;? When You Buy From Us! No Hidden Fees!
We Walk You Through Your New RV and teach you all you need to operate your new RV!
Save $6,017! New Forest River Salem Cruise Lite 26BH Bunk House Travel Trailer
List Price $27,9687
Sale Price $19,990 New 2012 Rubicon Toyhauler
Great camping trailer with lots of extras. *20% down plus tax-lic-fees, 144 months, 7.99% apr, loan amount $12,990, total payments $16,189, well qualified applicant on approved credit.
/ Only $112 h t mon
*19990 selling price, 20% down plus tax-lic-fees, 144 months, 6.99% apr on approved credit, total interest 7566, total paid 23556.
Save $7,978!
Acres of New & Used RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OVER
FREE Admission & FREE Parking
HUGE SELECTION OF EXTRA CLEAN USED RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Over 75 used motorhomes and towables
2005 2004 2002 2005 2007 2005 2003 2002 1996 1995 1999 2004 2005 1998
1978 ROADRANGER, 28 2008 RIDGECREST, 261S 2001 COACHMEN, Royal31TS 2007 TRAILMANOR, 2720 2009 HORNET, 31QB 2007 GEAR BOX, 395FS3G 1994 TIOGA, Montara 29a 2007 BAYLINER, 175 2008 LEGEN , 32BH 2007 HOLIDAY RAMBLER, 30 1990 FLAIR, 26 2005 JAYFEATHER, 21J 2007 SALEM , 23T AND MANY, MANY MORE!
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Recreation Vehicles CAMPING SEASON is here... New travel trailers starting at $139 per month with $1500 out of pocket. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com
1983 WINNEBAGO, 50,000 miles, new tires & brakes, much more, roadworthy, just licensed, $4700. 509-624-1048
2009 WEEKEND Warrior 1900 toyhauler, clean, local trade, $16,990. St# 110226. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com
1994 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5TH WHEEL Holiday Rambler raised axles, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide, $10,000 or best offer. 1989 F450 3 yard dump truck, 460 gas, $2500 or best offer or trade, cash. 509-725-2323 or 509-703-3260
SHOP ONLINE 24/7. www.RussDeanRV.com
1999 FOREST RIVER Cardinal 5th wheel trailer with aluminum frame, fiberglass siding, 2 slideouts, loaded, selling in August by auction. Details/ photos at www.TigerAuctioneering.com 208-5030235 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CLASS A, 2003 Georgetown 3061X, very nice, super clean, open floor plan, ready to go & priced to sell, #46250. RVs Northwest, 18919 E Broadway Spokane, WA 1-800-7763675 2000 KEYSTONE Tailgator 34 5th wheel toyhauler, $6500; air, heater, microwave, refrigerator/ freezer, 2 water tanks, 2 propane tanks, new battery, awning has small tear, roof was repaired so title shows WA rebuilt, no leaks since repair, tires in very good condition, wall separates living area from cargo area with door between, nice unit in good condition, we can email pictures, located in Waterville, WA. Phone 509-6702573 or email rday@genext.net
,QILQLW\ Â&#x2021; .RPIRUW Â&#x2021; 2SHQ 5DQJH Â&#x2021; (ONULGJH Â&#x2021; (ONULGJH ([SUHVV Â&#x2021; $UFWLF )R[ $ *
Starting at 24,990
Interest Rates as low as 4.99%**
Used Motor Homes
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;04 Alfa 36MD
VOLGHV #993101
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;06 Gulfstream â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;06 Coachmen G8 CC SE DIESEL
VOLGHV #113106
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09 Numar Ventana
VOLGHV #993032
89,990 153,990 98,990 199,990
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;00 Bounder 31W
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;04 Intruder 369
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;99 Alegro 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;10 Siesta 26 Class B )XOO :DUUDQW\ VOLGHV XQGHU N PLOHV #100002
We Wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Be Undersold! Call For a Quote.
9145 St. Thomas Dr. Pasco, WA Just off Exit 7
1-888-904-6869 * See dealer for details. VINs posted at dealership. *On approved credit plus tax, license, title & fees. Offer good through 8-17-11.
LOOKING for travel trailer, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;- 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, one or two slide-outs, reasonable price & in good cond! 509948-2295. Tri-Cities 1988 BOUNDER class A motor home, 34â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 57k, everything works, runs great! $10,500. 509-5216434. Tri-Cities 1999 SPRINTER 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th Wheel, Rear bunks, front bdrm with queen bed, 1 long 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; slide with kitchen table that folds down to a bed, plus a nice couch with full hide-a-way that folds out to a bed, sleeps 8, full kitchen, full bath, ac, very clean, $8995. Financing avail, trades welcome, free delivery within 100 miles of Kennewick. 509-5720224; 509-582-0923. Dealer 2002 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; GULFSTREAM Sun Voyager Class A motorhome, 2 slides, asking $49,500; too many options to list, in very good condition. 509-922-4771 NEW FOREST RIVER Sunseeker Class C motorhomes in stock, starting at $59,921. St# 118199. 1-877-297-5117. www.Russdeanrv.com
NEW FOR 2011
Over 40 years of manufacturing excellence. Come see the most spacious 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; travel trailer weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever offered and experience the #1 selling truck camper in America. ONLY AT
509-276-2925 WWW.PARKWAYRV.COM
Price plus sales tax, title & lic. Doc. service fee up to $150 may be added to sales price. Doc. service fee negotiable.
5TH WHEEL PRICED TO sell, 2003 Cougar 285EFS, very well maintained, clean, nice floor plan, ready to go camping, #46458. RVs Northwest, 18919 E Broadway Spokane, WA 1-800-7763675
1994 PACE Arrow motor home, Ford chassis, 700w generator, dual air, new tires & battery, sleeps 6, 50k orig miles, in exc cond, $16,900 or best offerbo. 541-938-7291. Milton-Freewater, OR
LARGEST SELECTION of RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Eastern Washington. 14 used fifth wheels, 13 used travel trailers, 16 motorhomes in stock, 9 tent trailers in stock. 1-877-297-5117. www.RussDeanRV.com
PATIO MATS for your RV or home. Use under your awning, or anywhere! Many colors & sizes to choose from. Chuckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RV, corner of Market & Peone Road, 509-5343069 Mead
2004 27â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TERRY, CLEAN, nice, front bed, rear bath, sofa & dinette, super slide, very open floor plan, priced to sell now. RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Northwest 18919 E. Broadway, Spokane WA, 1-800776-3675
1997 LANCE 8.6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; for extended cab, fantastic fan, never a leak, extremely good cond, hardly used, will consider trade for living quarters horse trailer. 509-547-0629, leave message. Tri-Cities
Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x17E;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}
Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â?iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192; 9ZZg :a` =dgch d[ Vaa ineZh
Hunting & Guns RUGER SECURITY 6 357 mag, $450. Smith & Wesson 38 special, $300. High standard Sport King 22, $300. Colt Python ultimate stainless 357, $1200. All these pistols are in like new condition and most have never been fired. 208290-2486 WINCHESTER 490 .22 LR with scope, $150; Remington 514 with bolt, .22 SLR, trainer or first gun, $100; Savage Model 1899 .30-30 lever action with sling, $450; various RV supplies & Coach cover 35+â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $100. Mike 509-9987079 Spokane Valley GUN SHOW COMING! Sandpoint, ID at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, Sept. 16th, 17th and 18th. Reserve your tables now! By Rocky Mountain Promotions, 406-350-1408 or www.rockymountainpromos.com WANTED .22 RIFLES, handguns, semi automatics, bolt actions or pumps; all 22 handguns, all hunting rifle, shotguns, & pistols, no assault weapons. 509844-3030 REMINGTON 1100 auto, engraved, vent, ribbed, 98%, early, $600. 208-8182354 REMINGTON 700, .243, synthetic stock, heavy barrel, Simmons scope, $600; Savage model 10, .308 BSA scope, $350; Marlin, .22, $125. Spokane, 509990-4228 lonamma@yahoo.com
T.C. 50 cal HAWKINS Muzzle loader $300; Knight (Big Horn) 50 cal with Burris scope $400; 1903 Remington 30-06, customized with new barrel, trigger, floor plate, Leupold mounts, 4 power scope $400. 509-448-2047 LEE ENFIELD LONG Branch No. 4, Mark I, 1942, $400 or best offer; Lee Enfield Australian No. 4, Mark I, 1942, $300 or best offer, email for pictures at renonevada1956@ msn.com 509-714-3712 COME SHOOT REAL Machine guns at the Fernan Gun Club this weekend; HKG36, MP5, M16 Commando, AK-47, Kriss Super V, & Uzi, 10am-4pm. Protection First 509-8938809 call for more information & pricing COLT SAUER 7mm mag, $2000. Colt Sauer 243, $1750. Winchester model 70 7mm mag, $450. Winchester model 70 270, $375. Winchester 300 mag, $450. Ruger M77 22-250, with bull barrel, 12x scope, $600. All of these rifles are in like new condition and most have never been shot. 208-290-2486 SPRINGFIELD XD 4â&#x20AC;? Essentials Package or XD Compact in 9mm or .40 caliber, $429.99; AR-15 M4 Flat Top 5.56mm, new, $699.99; we also take trades & consignments! The Bargain Hunter 16413 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, 509-8927138
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SAT., AUG. 20TH - 9AM-12 NOON
To register online or for monthly schedule, go to: www.cfputah.com
IDAHO: CABELAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S 101 N. Cabela Way, Post Falls â&#x20AC;˘ UTAH CFP - $80 â&#x20AC;˘ UTAH CFP + OREGON CHL - $100 ($20 SAVINGS) â&#x20AC;˘ ADD FLORIDA CCW - $40 Special: Utah Students Receive $10 Cabelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gift Card
â&#x20AC;˘ UTAH CFP - $80 â&#x20AC;˘ OREGON CHL - $40 â&#x20AC;˘ UTAH CFP + OREGON CHL - $100 ($20 SAVINGS) â&#x20AC;˘ ADD FLORIDA CCW - $40 Special: Utah Students Receive $10 Big R Gift Card
CONCEALED FIREARM Permit Classes, carry in 30+ States! One 4 hour class qualifies students to carry in 30+ states, including WA, UT, OR, ID, MT, etc. Class costs only $50 and includes passport photos, photocopies, materials, etc. Legal Heat teaches thousands of students a year and is now holding regular classes at the Wholesale Sports stores in Spokane & Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, private classes are also available. See our website for a list of class dates, www.UtahLegalHeat.com or for more information call Phil at 1-877252-1055 S. & W. MODEL 500 IN box with shells $1175; Winchester Model 1903, .22 auto, 1908, $450; Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 gauge, 3â&#x20AC;? mag, vent rib, 30â&#x20AC;? barrel, nice, $450; Ruger 10.22 new $250; Winchester Model 94 .32 special, 1951, nice, $525; Winchester Model 1892, 38.40, 1901, octagon barrel, $1200; Colt Python .357 6â&#x20AC;? barrel, blue, SN V90018 nice, $1100; Browning BAR .22 auto, $350; S. & W. .22 pistol, model 22A, with Aimpoint scope, $300. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Love to Tradeâ&#x20AC;? Call Greg in Spokane 303-944-2658 HUNTING RIFLES: Remington CDL 300 mag, $550; Thomp Center Venture 300 mag, $450; Weatherby Vanguard 3006, $450; Tikka 7mm 08, $475, stainless; Marlin XS7 in 308 (2), $280; Thomp Center Venture 3006, $400; Ruger M77 Hawkeye, many extras, $1100 in 338 Win. Howa 300 mag with glass stock & scope, $525. All come with scope rings & scope are avail but extra & all are either new & unused or less than 2 boxes of ammo shot through them. Call 509-312-9492. TriCities CALL COLLECTOR First! Wanted: Cash For, Paying Top Dollar. Old Winchester & other brands, military guns &/ or memorablila, rifles, shotguns, ammo, old ammo boxes, belts, gun parts & projects, knives, archery items, old fishing tackle, old calendars, old railroad items, scooters, Trail 5090s & mopeds, etc, etc. 509-484-0160 Spokane. Thank you honorable Veterans past & present I BUY GUNS: PAYING Top Dollar for pistols, rifles, shotguns & ammo, from 1-20 guns. Call 509599-2848 Spokane SIG SAUER P229 .40 Caliber, like new in box, $700; Ruger Vaquaro .357 Mag, new in box, $475; Remington Model 7600 pump action, .30-06, like new condition, $395; Winchester Model 70, 300 Win mag, great condition, $550; Winchester Model 70 XTR, 7mm magnum, like new condition, $525; Ruger Model 77, .30-06, great condition, $525. 509842-8970 Spokane Valley MOOSE HUNTS. Mountain goat, grizzly and black bear. We are booking hunts for our 2011 season. Guaranteed tags. In the outfitting business for 36 years with the same exclusive area. Top guides and good equipment. For open dates, rates and references, call Ron Fitch, Grizzly Lake Outfitters, 250-845-2428; Box 452, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
PRIVATE GUN Collection: New Barrett M82A1 50 cal, Leopold Mark 4 scope in hard case, $8500; 50 cal ammo, $3.75/ round; 4 WWII scoped sniper rifles & ammo by the case, start at $495; 4 Smith & Wesson semi automatic pistols, start at $190; 45 cal ammo by the box, $30/ box. 509-7683819 Mead CALL TOM FIRST! Wanted: old guns, old loading tools, ammo & old knives. Honest collector, buy, sell or trade. 509-953-9609 21â&#x20AC;? TC CARBINE 7x30 waters, with 3x9 scope, dies & brass, $475 or trade. 509-701-4177 CUSTOM Gunsmithing & barrel porting, get the kick out! Full machine shop. Discount for veterans & active military. 208660-9809 Spirit Lake area NOREEN .338 LAPUA single shot, test fired only, comes with 40 rounds ammo. Vulcan Arms, .50 caliber BMG, breech load, comes with approximately 150 rounds. API and FMJ. 208-265-6302, ask for Mike or leave message REMINGTON 30-06 Model 710, composite stock, bolt action, 4 shot mag, scope, sling, recoil pad, hard case, plus ammo, never used, $400. Spokane Valley, WA. 509924-3370 leave message ELK HARVEST, COME Harvest an elk on our ranch located near Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene Idaho, no license required, guaranteed, $1250 & up. Call 208-7656090 evenings www.ElkCompany.us
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 39
AUG. 27TH & 28TH
SATURDAY, 9-5; SUNDAY, 9-3 Priest River Jr. High Gym, Hwy 2 For Tables or Information
WANTED TO BUY: Used handguns, hunting rifles & shot guns, no assault weapons. Paying top dollar from 1-50 guns, retired Vietnam Vet collector. Call 509-844-3030 LATAH COUNTY GUN & Craft Show, August 13th, 14th, Moscow Idaho Fairgrounds, 9am-6pm Saturday, 9am-4pm Sunday, Admission $3, tables $40 each. Cliff 509-595-7468 cliffsguns@gmail.com MOSSBERG 500 Tactical; Mossberg 935 Turkey Cammo; S&W Model 642 .38 SPL+P; Tarus M856 .38 SPL+P; Kel-Tec 9mm; all new, still in boxes. Private Sale. 509-999-9957 call for prices REMINGTON 270 pump 760 Gamemaker, $250. Thompson Center Omega 50 cal., Luepold 2x7 scope, $250. 357 magnum Ruger Vaquero stainless, $450. 208-816-8820, 208-8161031, Lewiston SAVAGE 110 SERIES J .270 left hand, $150 OBO. J.C. Higgins 50 .30-60 with Bushnell 3x9x38, $175 OBO. More info., 208699-5260
We Want to Earn Your Business! References Gladly... Excellence Guaranteed...
SELLING VORTEX type V-19 Little Lightning lures in 9 colors; Also, Badest Brightest lighted lures has a 7 flash pattern with different colors. 509308-7499. Tri-Cities GEN 4 GLOCK 22 and 23, $1100 buys both. Benelli M2 tactical, $1000. Lots of glock mags, $25 piece. 530514-0747, Post Falls, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t call until Saturday, August 13th YOUTH .22/.410 interchangeable barrels, $220; Pelican hard case, $150; Scope $40; All $350. Virtually brand new. Moses Lake 509-855-2594 TWO HUNTING bows, both are for a left handed person, $200 each, $350 for both. 509-431-2806 DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T SELL YOUR Gun until you see Northwest Pawn, 818 N. Pines Road, 509-891-0990 Spokane CALL US- 509-922-3456 HK USP COMPACT, .45 acp, 2 barrels, holster, case, 2 mags, $775 or best offer; single shot 12GA, $100; Wanted: Salga 12GA. 509-995-4189 Spokane
Call Now! Spokane: Toll Free:
POLE BUILDINGS and Residential All- Steel Buildings! t 4)014 t #"3/4 t ("3"(&4 t )"/("34 t )": $07&34 t .*/* 4503"(& t ."$)*/& 4)&%4 t )034& "3&/"4 4QFDJBM 0QUJPOT :FT PG $PVSTF We Build an â&#x20AC;&#x153;Upgraded Buildingâ&#x20AC;? at NO ADDITIONAL COST!
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40 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
The Exchange Celebrating 33 Years in Print!
$)&&%2%.4)!,3 )N "USINESS 3INCE
t /FX 6TFE 1BSUT t )PVTJOH 4USBJHIUFOJOH t )PVTJOH .PEJm DBUJPOT t $PNQMFUF 1PTJ 4FSWJDF t (FBS 3BUJP $IBOHF t #FBSJOH *OTUBMMBUJPO t 8% t /FX "YMFT -Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x203A;iĂ&#x160;7Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} -Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x203A;iĂ&#x160;7Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} & 3PTFXPPE "WF 4QPLBOF 8"
Auto Services
Parts & Accessories SUBARU EA81 Rebuildable engine complete, $600. Call 208-924-6993, Craigmont
235 CHEVY MOTOR, runs great, $250; also, 235 block & head, $50 each. 509-993-8129
LOWERING KIT FOR 2006 1500 Dodge Ram. Call 509-553-6617 Steptoe
$20 OFF ANY BRAKE Service. Liberty Tire & Auto Service. 3253 E. 1st Ave., Spokane 509535-8008 Just mention the ad.
WANTED: 1980-1986 Jaguar parts car, not running, preferred, cheap. 1966 F700 Ford 6 yd. dump truck, rebuilt engine, power steering, 5 speed, trans. 2 speed, great shape, WA title, trade antique care. 509624-7731
E Ă&#x160;/, - -- "
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MOPAR PARTS, 383, 440, 360, 340 engines, big and small block headers, 340 exhaust manifolds, big and small block bellhousings, 8 3/4 drop out, 3.91, 3.23, 3.55, ABC body disc brakes. 14â&#x20AC;? Rally wheels, 70 Barracuda front fenders. 208-773-4328, 208704-4720
Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2030; ¢ Â&#x201A;Â&#x160;{Â&#x2C6;
GKGM [D iÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2C6;w}Â&#x2039;{
USED DASH (Complete) for 1980 ElCamino or Chevelle. 509-998-3326 REI RED CANOPY, Fits 1 ton Dodge pickup $500. 509-951-4108 SPEEDOMETER AND gauge repair for GM, Ford and Chrysler electronic instrument clusters. Call Cluster Fix at 509-3669009 or visit us at www.clusterfix.net
PAYING CASH JUNK CARS Dependable Service
Your Junk Cars Junk Farm Machinery
Paying Cash
509 263-7761
1970s-1980s VOLVO Parts, also old Ford units & parts, miscellaneous wheels, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let me scrap them. 509-590-6895 2 YEAR, 24,000 Mile Warranty available on all transmissions, FWD or RWD, also custom built transmissions for extreme performance: Dodge, Ford, & GMC, diesel trucks, 2WD & 4WD, street rods & race cars. 31 years experience. Ask for Jan, 509944-1131, 208-699-3269 Spokane
Air Conditioning Service
Payment Plans
10423 E. Trent 509-218-8474
IRON DUKE 4 cylinder Chevy engine, complete, $500. 471 GMC Jimmy engine, less than 30 hours on rebuild, complete power plant, $2500 OBO. 208-263-4660, 208-2908494
CAMARO RESTORATION Years â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;67 - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;81. Body & paint, mechanical & electrical. Over 30 years experience. $22/ hour introductory shop rate. Please call Gary, 509-220-7803 Newport
Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, ID 208-664-1559
Japanese Specialists
â&#x20AC;˘ Established Business Since 1983 â&#x20AC;˘ Direct Imports from Japan â&#x20AC;˘ Tested & Cleaned â&#x20AC;˘ 1 Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty â&#x20AC;˘ Guaranteed Emissions Legal â&#x20AC;˘ Transmissions Available â&#x20AC;˘ Remanufactured Engines Available
The Exchange printed its first weekly issue August 19, 1978. With advice from Carol and Martin Stacey, then owners of Nickelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Worth in Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene, Idaho, just a few thousand 8-page papers were distributed to the general eastern Washington area around Spokane. Want-ads were $1.00 each. When we entered the newspaper business a Mergenthaler phototypesetter cost around $50,000, so we made the paper up on used or borrowed equipment. The Exchange was created out of a partnership between friends, Pat G. Powers & Aaron R. Spurway. Since, it has expanded to include the Horse Previews Magazine and extensive presence on the Internet. For 33 years Exchange Publishing has broadened efforts over and beyond the printed page. We believe in the printed word as supplemented and augmented by electronic media, and our intention has always been to produce a product and service which consumers value and are willing to pay for. Our site www.exchangepublishing.com has been online for decades. A completely digitized work flow for newspaper makeup has been in place at Exchange Publishing since 2002. Our company circulates 34,000 of The Exchange and 7,200 of Horse Previews Magazine with courtesy replication on the Internet. We are proud that our large, weekly shopper has become a useful and sought after part of the commercial and private landscape of the Inland Empire region. Everybody at Exchange Publishing considers work as their primary duty. They hustle and they deliver. This enables implementation of our business philosophy. We aim to keep our lead in the shopper business despite the glacial forces fighting sustainability. We stay efficient by wringing out our inefficiencies and stay relevant by pursuing relevance. The Exchange is Effective, Dependable, Customer Service Oriented, Informative, Trustworthy and Community Minded. We respect our suppliers, especially our printer, Griffin Publishing, Inc., which has serviced our high quality products for the last decade. Our landlords, Harlan Douglass & Pete Shank, have provided affordable, attractive infrastructure over the history of our business. We depend upon our many contract carriers to deliver the paper on time around the region, and we appreciate Target Media for supplying our distribution system in downtown areas. We are grateful to the members of the Pacific Northwest Association of Want Ad Newspapers, and all our affiliates, especially Nickelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Worth, for the cooperation from leading weeklies in their respective and individual markets. Finally, we are especially thankful to the diverse reading community which has sustained Exchange Publishing over three-plus decades. Our papers are FREE and we make money in the advertising business by selling information to readers for more than we pay for it. Consequently, our partnership has been amply rewarded to inspire the future health and success of our publishing industry. Further, our small business payroll has contributed to the local economy and our marketplace of valuable goods has added to the prosperity of the region. Passing 33 consecutive years in business, we look forward to many more. The more readers the merrier. Thanks, Exchange Publishing WANTED: MITSUBISHI 3000 gt 18â&#x20AC;? stock rims. Leave message or text 509220-0068 CHEVY SHORT Stepside box, 70s or 80s. $400. 208773-4328, 208-704-4720 REBUILT FORD 429, Extra block & heads, $1800. 509-534-9148 or 509-9799232 BRAKE SERVICE Special $119.95 Save-More Automotive 304 E. Wellesley, Spokane 509482-7283 REBUILT FORD 429, Extra block & heads, $1800. 509-534-9148 or 509-9799232
#(5#+ 3 '%!2 ).#
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1961 FORD PICKUP wood bottom step side, complete body for hot rod, independent rear suspension, first $350. 509-2907729 1999 FORD 1 Ton dual truck bed with tailgate, $750. 509-332-5611 2 SETS OF CHEVY Exhaust $50 or best offer. 509-230-9341 Spokane UNITED ENGINE & Transmission, E. 13211 Trent Avenue, Spokane, WA 99216. Shop 509-9269888, after hours 509-9930516. Auto & truck repairs & classic cars & truck. Engine machine shop service; rebore $11 per hole; recon rods $8 each; hang & align $7 each. Flywheel grinding; exhaust manifolds; turn brake rotors & drums. Hot tanking; glass beading; transmissions auto & STD repairs; transfer cases, differentials; tune ups; carburetors. Parts for any job! 48 Years in business & never knowingly undersold. Call Ed
Â&#x153;Â?Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â?i " /
ÂŁÂ&#x2021;nääÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x17D;nÂ&#x2021;änxÂ&#x2122;Ă&#x160;s AHOUSE PLIX COM
Boats &
Fishing Equipment ZODIAC 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2003 Pro 650, console, Yamaha twin 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, trailer, many extras. $20,000/ offer. 509-8431517, Pomeroy 2005 MERC, 75hp, 4Stroke tiller, $4000; 2008 Merc, 8hp, 4-stroke tiller, $1500. 509-624-8594 Spokane 2001 BAYLINER 2252 Ciera Classic, 5.0L V8 with 15 HP trolling motor, set up for tournament, fishing and family fun. Hardtop with separate potty room, call for list of options, excellent condition, $21,500. 406-8895857 or 406-871-7627 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; FIBERGLASS Livingston boat, good shape, $100. 509-496-3012 PELICAN SCORPIO 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boat, paid $673 asking $395. 509-747-0800 & 509979-0849 COMPLETE Upholstery: auto, boat, truck, etc. Call Ken 509-570-2399 Spokane
1996 MAXIM 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Runabout boat, 1900SR, 4.3 LX Mercruiser. 1996 Polaris 700 jet ski. 1988 Polaris 700 jet ski. 1996 Karavan 2-place jet ski trailer. Two additional jet skis with trailer. See Black and Associatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; auction ad in this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s auction section. 208-762-4346. www.auctionsbyblack.net QUALITY OUTBOARD Repair, 22 years experience, new & used parts, outboards for sale. Randy 509-535-4395 Spokane 1983 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; OPEN Bow Larson with full canvas, 90 HP Mariner outboard, excellent condition, with trailer. $3500 OBO. 208660-2341 EXPRESS LOANS. What are you paying for payday loans? Check out our low rates. Call 208-777-9773; 2700 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls
15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ALASKAN SMOKER Craft boat, Calkins trailer, 25hp Honda electric start motor $4000 plus extras 509-299-3649 Medical Lake
2001 BAYLINER 2252 Ciera Classic 5.0L V8 with 15hp trolling motor, set up for tournament, fishing, & family fun, hardtop with separate potty room, call for list of options, excellent condition, $21,500. 406-889-5857; 406-8717627 Eureka MT
THE RIVERS, LAKE, OR Puget Sound; this boat, it will handle them all; 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Trophy, V8 motor, trailer, 15hp Mercury outboard, sleeps 3, body, water, great condition, $15,500. 509-276-6540 SAN JUAN 24, $3000. Moving, must sell, boat is in good shape and ready to sail, lots of upgrades and extras. Call for details, 208-660-8115 or 208-6406328
12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ALUMINUM BOAT Hewescraft. $300 509993-5751
ROWING SHELL. MAAS Aero with cover, oars, bag, racks. Excellent condition. $2500. 208-772-3133
90 HP EVINRUDE, 1971, many good parts, $100 OBO. 208-437-3010, 509710-2451
2001 FISHER Pontoon, 40 HP Merc, fully enclosed, stored indoors, $12,000. 208-769-4838
1973 17â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BAYLINER. Inboard/ outboard Volvo. Power winch for easy takeout. Extra battery. $750 OBO. 208-664-8449
SEDA (SCOUT) 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Fiberglass canoe, like new, paddles & life vests included, $950. Call Dick 509-2208106
REDUCED: FOUR Winns Vista 248 cruiser, like new, full galley, refrigerator, microwave, stove, shower, full bathroom, sleeps 4-6, 5.7hp, low hours, trailer, full camping canvas, $22,995. Mark 509-979-1313
1989 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CIERA Bayliner$7,000; Volvo EZ tandem trailer, 9.9 Honda Plus Electrical over HY remote control, new top, new upper deck recovered app., 2depth finders; May accept 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; in part trade. 509725-2323 or 509-703-3260
2006 TRACKER SUPER Guide V16, with trailer, well equipped & almost new, all welded aluminum hull, with 2001 50hp Mercury tiller steer, $6900. Dick 509-991-5040 Chattaroy
2006 CROWNLINE 21 Classic, excellent condition, bow cover, cockpit cover, stainless steel prop, only 50 hours of use, $26,000/ best offer. Call 208-827-0556 or 208-8272060, Orofino
www.SafeTradeUSA.com BUY
Huge Inventory
Taking Consignments Now 1611 S. Geiger Blvd. 509-747-1588
Monday-Friday 12:30pm-6:30pm
Automobiles 1978 280Z DATSUN, 350 short block Chevy engine conversion with turbo transmission, nice paint, nice driver, $4500. Natasha 509-863-7080
SAVE 11 CENTS per gallon at the Kalispel Chevron on Hayford Road, right next to Northern Quest Resort & Casino. With Camas Card.
1998 VW PASSAT, show room quality inside and out, new tires and battery, 29,500 miles, $7,500. 208699-5270
1999 SUBARU LEGACY Outback, 207K miles, $2850 OBO. Please call 208-623-6162 or 208-2556248
BEAUTIFUL 2010 Toyota Corolla S, AT, AC, PW, PL, cruise, multi CD, 4 door, spoiler, sunroof, 29,855 all-highway miles, 37-42 MPG, asking payoff $17,650. Excellent condition. 509-499-8923
1992 DODGE DYNASTY 3.3 liter, runs good, newer stereo, extra tires & wheels. needs some tranny work & still drivable. $550 or best offer. Call Howard 509-484-0941 Spokane
2002 BMW 330 CI convertible with removable hard top, 6 disc CD changer, loaded. Great condition. $18,500. 509-254-1325, Clarkston 1998 DODGE NEON, HiLine Edition/ Sport, 4 cylinder, auto, 4 door, loaded, new paint, $2150/ offer. 509-842-6764 Medical Lake 2007 DODGE CHARGER, black, immaculate condition. Up to 27 MPG. Must sell, asking $13,500. 208660-8647
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 41
1992 CORVETTE T-top coupe, metallic blue, only 35,500 miles, 350 hp, includes tinted glass t-tops, cover, exc cond, always garaged, new tires & battery, $10,560 (mid blue book). 509-375-1921. TriCities PONTIAC MONTANA, 2005, 73,000 miles, $9200. FWD, PS, PB, 7 seat, dual air, electric windows, luggage rack, CD audio, DVD with wireless headsets. 208-683-2030
WANTED: Volkswagen Beetle project car, engine not important, body must be good, 1965 or later. 509-994-8522
AUTO negotiations. New & used car negotiations. No effort on your part. Usually save thousands. Negotiations on any vehicle & any color produced. 509-237-4355
1967 MUSTANG, 289 Automatic, new engine, new brakes, & suspension, runs excellent, $5950. 509924-9824
1982 CHEVY EL Camino, V6, AT, 95,000 miles, excellent condition. Must see. $7450. Cash, no trade. 208-773-3840
Vintage Autos 1995 JAGUAR XJ6 With 47,000 miles, second owner, always garaged, non smoker, $5495. Odyssey Sports, Hwy 95 at Hayden Ave. 208-7624662
1971 CHEVY Cheyenne, 396, power steering, disc brakes, toolbox, leather interior, rally wheels, super nice, $6000. 406-899-3555, 406-4071952
1967 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle, great condition for age, with all original parts, good daily driver for the nostalgic. 281-7737909 for appointment
1964 CHEVELLE SS, 4 speed car, 396, car does need work. $2400. 208755-9270
FIRE TRUCK, 1951 Dodge (B-3TA172), La France pumper, 331 CID, licensed, drivable, partial restoration. $3000. Paul, 208-762-3520 1966 DODGE DART G.T., hardtop, for restoration, ran good when parked, $1200. Greenacres Motors, Inc., 509-892-6825 Spokane 1978 CHRYSLER Cordoba, 400 V8, in excellent condition, interior like new, has been garaged, must see to appreciate, 47,500 miles. $4250. Chuck, 509-4756402 Spokane WANTED TO BUY 196569 Mustang Fastback, any condition. Please call 509924-9824 1930 MODEL A 2 DOOR, complete, driver, $5995. 509-993-8129 Otis Orchards 1953 CHEVY COUPE, 235 motor, 12V system, dual exhaust, new Rally wheels & tires, $6995. 509993-8129 Otis Orchards 1966 OLDSMOBILE Toronado classic car, 20 years stored, easy restoration, Bill of Sale, $1500. Greenacres Motors, Inc., 509-998-3326 Spokane 1916 to 1982 LICENSE Plates, mostly Washington, some Idaho, Montana, & Oregon. You can register your vintage year license plates to same year auto & pay only a one time fee. 509-926-9266 Spokan Email dlee40@comcast.net 1975 DARTS SPORT, 1972 Charger, 1972 Charger Rally, 1974 Dart Swinger, Chrysler wagon with a 440. All need work, 208-773-4328 or 208-7044720 1957 FORD 500, 2 door, hard top. Stored 14 years, rebuilt motor, 4 spd, 99% complete, exc stainless, very good body, very minor rust in rocker, drives excellent, needs paint interior, $5250. 509-783-7799. Tri-Cities
1975 DARTS SPORT, 1972 Charger, 1972 Charger Rally, 1974 Dart Swinger, Chrysler wagon with a 440. All need work, 208-773-4328 or 208-7044720 1970 MUSTANG COUPE 289, 9”, needs work, $1500. 509-233-8018 or 509-994-3632 Loon Lake 1956 LINCOLN MARK II Continentals, $6000 and $25,000. Greenacres Motors, Inc., 509-998-3326 Spokane JULIAETTA CAR Show & Blackberry Festival, Saturday, September 10th, 2011. Great cars, food, vendors, children’s activities, live music, beer garden. Registration begins at 8am. Information, Ed, 208791-6817, or www.juliaettacarshow.com DRIVE IN STYLE! 1960 MGA Blue with new grey leather, carpets, top, tonneau and side curtains. Wire wheels, 5 new tires. New chrome, running gear, Moto-Lita steering wheel. Rebuilt MGA 1800cc engine & tranny. Body off total restoration, 200 miles since rebuild. $20,000. Call today to schedule a test ride. 208777-8389 Post Falls, ID 1975 FORD MUSTANG II, Mach 1, 2.8L V6, 4 speed, runs, has good interior, new tires, & wheels, $3000 or best offer. Call 509-954-3471 1954 DESOTO, 2 DOOR Post. No Motor or grill. Its gotta go! Cheap! Call or text Ron 509-496-8423 1976 CHRYSLER NEW Yorker Brougham, 440 engine, plush interior, runs great, $1250. Call Glenn 509-993-5243 NOT YOUR ORDINARY Car Show! Spokane All Original Car Show; must preregister your original or restored to original car or truck by August 26th. HASSIE Car Club’s All Original Car Show will be held at Mirabeau Park on September 10th, 10am4pm. 509-869-4746, 509924-9470, or email hassieoriginalcarshow@hotmail.com
12-13 Warden Classic Car Show Warden City Park Warden, WA 509-349-2655, 509-349-2470 12-13 Northwest Fiero Festival Jefferson Park - 9am Richland, WA 509-879-6075 13 Cruise the Gorge Show Sorosis Park - 9am The Dalles, OR 541-980-5789 www.midcolumbiacarclub.org 13 Garland Street Fair Garland Street - 10am Spokane, WA 509-954-9200 born2book@q.com 13 Lake Roosevelt Summertime Musicfest & Car Show City Park - 10am Marcus, WA 509-684-2870, 509-684-3771 14 XXX All Corvette Show Triple X Root Beer Drive-In - 8am Issaquah, WA 425-806-4613 www.corvettemarqueclub.com 14 Britbull XV - Northwest British Classics Millwood City Park - 9am Millwood, WA 509-448-6656, 509-924-3702 14 21st Annual Inland Northwest Camaro Club Open Auto Show Mix Park - 8am Deer Park, WA 509-981-7480 inwcamaroclub@msn.com 16-21 VTCI Thunderbird International Jantzen Beach Red Lion - 12noon Portland, OR 503-760-8366 19-21 Goodguys Rod & Custom Association 10th Great Northwest Nationals Spokane County Fair & Expo Center Spokane, WA 925-838-9876 www.greatnorthwestnationals.com 20 Ignite the Nights Car Show Mineral Ave - 8am Libby, MT 406-293-6598
Cruise Nights Monday 8625 N. Government Way - Hayden
Tuesday D’Lish Burgers General Store Otis Grill Shakey’s Pizza
1625 N. Division - Spokane 2424 N. Division - Spokane 21902 E. Wellesley - Otis Orchards 9602 N. Newport Hwy - Spokane
Wednesday Burger Royal Hot Rod Cafe Steer-Inn
1947- 1954 CHEVY/ GMC trucks with titles and lots of parts. Buy, sell or trade. Near Silverwood. 208-6832393
Car Club Corner
Paul Bunyon Too
1965 MGB, ALL Original, car in primer, has always been garaged, 104,730 miles, $2000. No calls after 9pm, 208-556-0246
6115 E. Trent - Spokane 1610 Schneidmiller Ave.-Post Falls 7920 N. Division St. - Spokane
20 20
21 21
Cops-N-Kids 2011 Riverside Ave - 7pm Spokane, WA 509-499-4321 15th Annual Cruise Cle Elum Downtown - 9am Cle Elum, WA 509-674-5958 www.eleelumroslyn.org Classic Ford Show & Mustang Roundup Bowen Scarff Ford Lincoln - 9am Kent, WA 253-852-1480 www.bowenscarff.com 1st Annual Post Falls Police Cops n Kids & Rodders n More Post Falls Police Dept - 9am Post Falls, ID 509-496-9539 jbujosa@postfallspolice.com Pend Orielle County Fair Car Show Pend Oreille County Fairgrounds - 9am Cusick, WA 509-447-2894 NAPA Night of Fire-Funny Cars & Jets Drag Strip - Spokane County Raceway Airway Heights, WA 509-244-3333 www.spokanecountyraceway.com 15th Annual Untouchable Car Show Downtown - 8am Kalama, WA 360-423-0125 foxriver300@yahoo.com Sunburst All Mopar Show & Swap Meet Frontier Park - 9am Graham, WA 253-584-4179 www.moparsunlimited.org Yesterday’s Chevelle & El Camino Show Les Grove Park - 9:30am Auburn, WA 253-584-4179 XXX Annual Tri 55-56-57 Classic Chevy Show Triple X Root Beer Drive In - 8am Issaquah, WA 206-235-2559 www.nwccc.net 11th Annual All Pontiac Show & Shine Country Village Shops - 9am Bothell, WA 425-318-0449 www.allpontiacshow.com
Thursday Birdys Sports Bar Dairy Queen Prime Tyme Bar & Grill Ron’s Drive-In
12908 N Hwy 395 (Wandermere Plaza) 8843 E. Trent Ave. - Millwood Hwy 2 & Westwood - Chattaroy 12502 E. Sprague Ave. - Spokane
Friday Chattees Cafe USA E. 11923 Trent Ave. Zip’s Drive In 1005 S. Main St - Deer Park
Sunday Garland Pub & Grill
3911 N. Madison Ave., - Spokane Content courtesy of INCCC 2011
42 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
1993 PONTIAC GRAND Prix LE, 3.1L V6, automatic, sedan, runs great, excellent body, paint, & interior, asking $1500. Call 509-928-6146 2003 CHEVY 2500 extra cab 4x4, new tires, good condition, 174K miles. $6700. Call 208-640-0666 1978 DATSUN 280Z, Only 74K miles, $2800. 208-263-3555 CLEANING OUT THE Garage! Wife says these have gotta go! 1960 Pontiac Ventura, 2 door hardtop, $6500. 1961 Cadillac, parts car, $800. 1966 Caprice, 2 door hard top, $6500. 1981 Datsun, 4x4, $800. 1982 Datsun pickup/ flatbed, $1200 or best offer. 1992 GMC 2500 4x4, $3500. Rick, 509-8422122 Loon Lake CARS/ TRUCKS Wanted! Top dollar paid, running or not, all years, makes, models, free towing. We’re local, 7 days/ week. Call toll free 888-416-2330
2003 HYUNDAI Tiburon, 81K, 6 speed cold air intake, very clean, leather, sunroof, well maintained. 208-290-5731 PONTIAC MONTANA, 2005, 73,000 miles, $9200. FWD, PS, PB, 7 seat, dual air, electric windows, luggage rack, CD audio, DVD with wireless headsets. 208-683-2030 AUTO negotiations. New & used car negotiations. No effort on your part. Usually save thousands. Negotiations on any vehicle & any color produced. 509-237-4355 1992 CORVETTE T-top coupe, metallic blue, only 35,500 miles, 350 hp, includes tinted glass t-tops, cover, exc cond, always garaged, new tires & battery, $10,560 (mid blue book). 509-375-1921. TriCities 1999 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 3.1 V6, loaded, new tires & brakes, runs great, $1850. 509-464-2730
1995 CADILLAC Seville SLS, very good condition. Clear title, mechanic inspected, Northstar engine runs smooth and powerful with no leaks, 156K miles, new transmission at 145K, tires almost new. Very comfortable car, $2500. Rick, 208-819-6713 1987 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme, 2 door, good condition, needs tune up, $895 or best offer. 509-9283593 Spokane Valley CASH FOR PROJECT CAR, pre-1972, must be two door, any condition. No title or engine okay. 509362-3726 Spokane 27th ANNUAL Demolition Derby. North Idaho Fair, August 28th. Demo starts at 6pm. Check in starts at 3pm-4:45pm. $1800 1st place. No Chrysler Imperials allowed. Come and demo in front of over 4000 spectators. Call John at 208-660-7663 for entries and information 1996 FORD F150 manual transmission, work truck package, only 58,000 miles, $5000/ best offer. 208-827-0556 or 208-8272060, Orofino
DONATE A CAR, help Children fighting diabetes, fast, free towing, call 7 days/ week, non runners okay, tax deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800578-0408 2007 HYUNDAI Tiburon GT coupe, 28,950 miles, 5 speed manual, blue pearl exterior, factory warranty until 12/26/12, power sunroof, Infinity premium sound, leather upholstery, tinted sun-screen windows, theft recovery system, dual front and side air bags, 4-wheel ABS, newer 215/45ZR17 tires, excellent condition, $12,900. Cd’A, 208-6991152 2010 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, Arctic white, 4 cylinders, 6 speed auto., great car. Only $15,300. 406531-2259 A-1 DONATE YOUR Car! Breast cancer research foundation, most highly rated breast cancer charity in America, tax deductible, fast free pick up. 800-771-9551 www.CarDonationsForBreastCancer.org
2004 HYUNDAI Elantra GLS. Excellent student or first time driver car. 46,314 miles, original owner, great mechanical condition, front wheel driver, automatic, 4 door, 32 MPG, interior like new, cassette, new battery, 4 studded snow tires. Minor scrape on right side. Kelly Blue Book “good” value $6430; asking $5700. Tom Samovar, 208-245-3041. Can meet in Cd’A or ? MORE THAN 30 CARS & Trucks $200/ $300 down. Greenacres Motors, Inc., 18111 E. Appleway, Spokane Valley 509-8926825 1981 BUICK Riviera, 89K miles, two tone maroon with perfect maroon velour interior. NADA High Book, $7900. Fresh tune-up, radiator, battery. Drive it home for $3500 OBO. 208-683-2393 1999 SUBARU LEGACY Outback, $4500. 153,000 miles; AWD; AC; cruise; electric windows, seats; heated leather seats; luggage rack; dual moon roof; 22-23 MPG. 208-683-2030, 7am-10pm
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360.774.1998 DONATE A CAR to help children & their families suffering from cancer, free towing, tax deductible. Children’s Cancer Fund of America, Inc. www.ccfoa.org 1-800-469-8593
4x4’s & Vans 2006 FORD F150 Triton, heavy duty, STX 4x4, 4.6 V8, dark grey. Extra wheels, tires, winter. CD, crew cab, 63K miles. Ken 208-661-4210, Cindy 208691-2165 2008 F250 SUPER Duty Ford pickup, 4x4, diesel, low 14,800 miles. 4 door, short bed, tow package, 18” alloy wheels, extra set of wheels and studded tires, locks, AC, chrome running bars, white, 6 disc CD changer. This truck is just like new, no scratches or dents. Located in Bonners Ferry, ID. Blue Book is $39,540 not including $1000 extra tires. Must see to appreciate. OBO. 907-209-1933 2003 CHEVY 2500 extra cab 4x4, new tires, good condition, 174K miles. $6700. Call 208-640-0666 PONTIAC MONTANA, 2005, 73,000 miles, $9200. FWD, PS, PB, 7 seat, dual air, electric windows, luggage rack, CD audio, DVD with wireless headsets. 208-683-2030
2007 CADILLAC Escalade. Fully loaded, model ES, no 3rd seat, call for miles. 2007 Lexus IS250, leather, roof, AT, fully loaded, 40,000 miles. 2007 Audi A4, 2.0T Quattro, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, approx. 47K miles, no stereo. 1999 Jeep Cherokee Loredo, AT, 4x4, miles exempt. 1979 GMC service truck. See Black and Associates’ auction ad in this week’s auction section. 208-7624346. www.auctionsbyblack.net 1987 FORD F250, ALL set up for camper or towing, nice truck, $3222. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I90 on Hwy 95, CDA. 800335-7634 or 208-772-7634 or www.RLRV.com 2008 CHRYSLER Town & Country mini van, loaded, low mileage, great condition, $25,000. 509-3665004. Tri-Cities 1996 F250 FORD XL 4x4, ext. cab, set of studs on rims. $4500 OBO. 208-2557779 "MM 4UFFM #VJMEJOHT 1PMF #VJMEJOHT
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1969 FORD 3/4 TON, 2wd, new exhaust, new brakes, good tires, $800. 509-993-0340 Medical Lake 1984 FORD BRONCO II, 4x4, auto transmission, runs, $900 or best offer. 509-684-2124 COMPLETE Upholstery: auto, boat, truck, etc. Call Ken 509-570-2399 Spokane 2008 CHEVY Silverado 1500, extended cab, 5.3L V8, 47,000 miles, like new condition, very clean, keyless entry with remote start. $23,900. 208-2763020 or 208-790-6553, Juliaetta 1995 CHEVY Conversion Sportsvan G20 Hightop Gladiator, 350 engine with 350 turbo automatic transmission, 152,000 miles, fully loaded! Runs strong! $3800 or best offer. 509979-8701 after 12pm or leave message Spokane 2003 CHEVY PICKUP truck LS3500 (1 ton), 92,600 miles, 4x4, 6.6L diesel, auto trans., cruise control, AC, flat bed, new tires, retired! One owner, would make a great farm service vehicle, $20,600. 509-6811277 1994 GMC 4wd PICKUP With contractor’s box, $2450. Keith 509-9796099 Spokane MORE THAN 30 CARS & Trucks $200/ $300 down. Greenacres Motors, Inc., 18111 E. Appleway, Spokane Valley 509-8926825 1969 CHEVY PU, 3/4 Ton, 4 speed, 307 V8, 67,000 original miles, $5000. 509448-9116 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA SR5, 4 wheel drive, access cab. Loaded, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, great economy, extras include Michelin tires, front air deflector, Leer fiberglass canopy. 39,000 miles, green. $26,500. Reasonable offers considered. 208-882-8430, Moscow
2003 TOYOTA 4 Runner Sport, 4WD, V6, 97K, silver, leather, heated seats and much more. Single owner, always garaged, no accidents, excellent condition. Must see! $14,200 OBO. 509-209-0979 REALLY NICE 2000 Jeep Wrangler, adult owned, never off roaded, approx. $3000 in add ons, too much to list low miles, 2.5 4 cylinder 5 speed, have gotten up to 22 MPG, comes with 3 tops and mounted studded snows. $9500 or will sell without hardtop for $8500, partial trades considered. 208687-0791, 208-416-1640 2005 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x2, 5.7 Hemi, automatic, regular cab with shortbox, Laramie Package. New 20” wheels and tires. Tonneau cover with rubber mat. All paperwork. Original owner- no accidents. Non-smoker. 49,000 original miles. $17,000/ offer. 315-380-3133, Clarkston 1995 GMC SIERRA 2500 Extremely clean very well maintained Less than 20,000 on rebuilt motor, many extras $4000 or best offer. Call Tim 509-2945140 Spokane 2002 FORD EXPLORER Sport Trac, $8600 OBO. 4 door, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, AC, auto., hard tonneau cover, PL, cruise, rear window slide down, electric driver’s seat control. 159K miles, excellent condition. Call Van, 208665-0227
WANTED TO BUY: 19691972 K5 Blazer or Jimmy, looking for a real good one. 208-507-1211, days only, PO Box 81, Cottonwood, Id., 83522 2002 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo, 127K miles, runs and drives great. $6500. For questions or test drive call Tyler at 360223-9162 1985 BRONCO II, auto, runs and drives, needs minor work, $650. 208-4373010, 509-710-2451 1995 DODGE RAM SLT 1500, V8 magnum, 4x4, regular cab, full power, canopy, new running boards, low miles. $5875. 208-640-1056 NEW DODGE TRUCKS and cars below factory invoice. Call 208-660-7996 2003 DODGE GRAND Caravan SE mininvan, 4 door, V6, Flex fuel, 3.3 liter, 7 passenger seating, automatic, air conditioning dual zone, front air conditioning, rear power door, locks, power side mirrors, cruise control, tilt wheel, CD (single disc), power seat. Price: $6500. 509-758-0704, Clarkston 1991 TOYOTA 4x4 Extra cab, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, new blue paint, rebuilt motor with 3000 miles, new clutch and radiator, new windshield, front bumper, exhaust. Clean interior, 31” tires with black rims, spray-in bed liner, $6000 OBO. 208-755-8062 or 208755-8061
NEW DODGE TRUCKS and cars below factory invoice. Call 208-660-7996 2004 DODGE RAM 2500, 4x4, 6 speed, 5.9 Cummins turbo diesel, custom built contractors flatbed with boxes, clean, straight, well maintained, 175,000, $17,000 or best offer. 509684-2124 2006 HUMMER SUT/ black, loaded, navigation, air, power everything! Only 27k miles! Nicest Hummer you will find. Contact me at 509-3669058. Asking $35,000 or best offer. Bill. Tri-Cities 2000 NISSAN Frontier XE, ext cab, 2 wd, only 71,600 mi, runs great, auto, ac, cruise, cassette player, $8000 obo. 509-3492689; 509-760-3731. Warden DURANGO LIMITED, 5.7L Hemi, 2005, 4x4, cherry red, chrome package, fully loaded and well maintained for near new look. Pictures, specs and Carfax can be e-mailed. Call, text or e-mail Laura, 208-7041754, la@rmarch.com FORD ESCAPE 2005 XLT 4x4, white, 90,000 miles, grill guard, excellent condition, $9500. 509-447-9272 2007 CHEVY Colorado Z71 extended cab, good tires, glass, silver with black cloth interior, CD, 3.7L inline 6, less than 74,000 miles, good gas mileage, $13,495 or best offer. 509-954-0162 or 509921-5640 Spokane
922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 8/12/11 43
Low Low Low Prices
100’s of Quality Pre Owned Vehicles To Choose From YOUR Dream Vehicle is at DaveSmith.com 2010 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA SEDAN
Your Price
Book Value $18,900
2.5L CD, 5 Speed, Rear Window Defogger, Remote Keyless Entry, Cruise, Bucket Seats, Supplemental Side Air Bags. #18927XB
Your Price
Book Value $32,400
Book Value $19,640
6.0L, Leather Interior, Heated Seats, CD, Sunroof, Air, Bucket Seats, 3rd Seat, Power Seat, Rear Defrost, Tint. #T19326XA
Your Price
2007 HUMMER H2 4X4
Your Price
Book Value $42,940
Book Value $22,310
6.2L, Leather Interior, Tilt, CD, Rear Defrost, On Star, Running Boards, Sunroof, Power Mirrors, Navigation System, Tint, Air, Power Seat. #P3485
3.5L, leather Interior, Short Box, Navigation System, Bucket Seats, CD, Power Mirrors, Back Up Camera, Cruise, Tonneau Cover. #19643XA
4.6L, Leather Interior, Power Mirrors, CD, Power Windows, Cruise, Bench Split, Power Door Locks, Air, Tilt, Rear Defrost. #14034XA
Your Price
Diesel, XL, Leather Interior, No Box, Front Recovery Hooks, Bench Seat, Dual Air Bags, Air Conditioning, AM/FM Stereo. #19332XA
2004 NISSAN 350Z
4.8L, Leather Interior, Running Boards, Cruise, Bench Split, CD, Trailer Hitch, Power Mirrors, Tilt, Rear Defrost, Cass. #19919XA
Your Price
Book Value $16,300
3.5L, Leather Interior, 6 Disc in Dash, Power Seat, Rear Defrost, Bucket Seats, Power Door Locks, Heated Seats, Tilt, Tint, Air. #16238XB 2003 Cadillac Deville ..........................................#14034XA SALE! $5,997 2005 Chrysler Sebring .........................................#19106XA SALE! $7,997 2007 Saturn Ion .........................................#16285XB SALE! $9,997 2006 Pontiac G6 .........................................#20104XA SALE! $9,997 2004 Dodge Durango .........................................#17808XA SALE! $9,997 2001 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab .........................................#19212XB SALE! $9,997 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt .........................................#18870XB SALE! $10,997 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee .........................................#18944XB SALE! $10,997 2004 Chevrolet TrailerBlazer ..........................................#17922XB SALE! $10,997 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser ..........................................#16217XA SALE! $10,997 1999 Jeep Wrangler ..........................................#18497xa SALE! $11,997 2006 Jeep Liberty ..........................................#17810XB SALE! $11,997 2006 Pontiac G6 GTP ..........................................#18479XA SALE! $12,997
Book Value $15,410
3.7L, Power Windows, CD, Cruise, Split Folding Rear Seat, Auto Dimming Inside Mirror, Bucket Seats, Trailer Hitch. #14789XB
Your Price
Book Value $18,705
Book Value $12,725
2.4L, Remote Keyless Entry, CD, Rear Window Defogger, Cruise, Luggage Rack, Tilt, Rear Defrost, DVD, Mats, Tilt, Air. #18998XA
Your Price
Book Value $19,340
4.6L, Navigation System, Remote Keyless Entry, Moon Roof, Power Mirrors, Climate Control, Luggage Rack, Heated Seats. #19031XA
Your Price
Your Price
Book Value $29,730
2006 TOYOTA RAV4 4X4
Your Price
Your Price
Book Value $15,735
2.0L, Leather Interior, CD, Navigation System, Back Up Camera, Tilt, Heated Seats, Sunroof, Rear Defrost,Bucket Seats. 19011XB
Your Price
Book Value $6,460
5.7L Hemi, Cloth Interior, Spray Liner, Short Box, Power Door Locks, Air, Trailer Hitch, Rear Sliding Window, Tint ,CD, Tilt. #18844XA
Book Value $29,244
Your Price
Book Value $22,925
Your Price
2007 AUDI A4
Your Price
Book Value $21,490
5.3L, Leather Interior, Short Box, Heated Seats, On Star, Sunroof, Tint, Running Boards, Power Door Locks, Auto Start, Trailer Hitch. #14532XA
2.4L, Cloth Interior, Tilt, Power Door Locks, Power Windows, Rear Defrost, Vent Visors, Tint, CD, Cruise. #16217XA
5.7L Hemi, Leather Interior, 6 Disc In Dash, Navigation, Power Sunroof, Overhead Console, Tilt, Heated Seats, CD, Cruise. #15161XC
2007 Dodge Caliber ..........................................#20612XA SALE! 2003 Dodge Dakota Crew Cab ..........................................#15308XC SALE! 2006 Chevrolet Equinox ..........................................#19549XA SALE! 2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer ..............................................#P3537 SALE! 2000 Mercedes-Benz E-Class E55 AMG.......................#18654XB1 SALE! 2006 Dodge Magnum ..........................................#18705XB SALE! 2006 Dodge Charger ..........................................#18546XA SALE! 2004 Chevrolet 1500 Ext Cab ..........................................#19824XA SALE! 2007 Dodge Dakota ..........................................#17093XA SALE! 2003 Jeep Wrangler Sahara .........................................#19300XA SALE! 2006 Honda Civic ..........................................#20269XA SALE! 2006 Jeep Commander ..........................................#17152XA SALE! 2006 Dodge Charger ...............................................#P3571 SALE!
2009 Chevrolet HHR LT ..........................................#18097XA SALE! 2010 Mitsubishi Galant ...............................................#P3615 SALE! 2004 Volkswagen Tourag .......................................#T18437XA SALE! 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan ............................................#P3588A SALE! 2007 Buick Lucerne ..............................................#P3567 SALE! 2009 Dodge Charger .........................................#17980XB SALE! 2007 Dodge Dakota ..............................................#P3544 SALE! 2008 Suzuki XL-7 .........................................#15711XB SALE! 2007 Toyota Camry .........................................#14261XA SALE! 2008 Jeep Wrangler 4 Door ..........................................#15375XB SALE! 2008 Ford Mustang .......................................#T18300XB SALE! 2005 Toyota Avalon Touring ..........................................#16010XB SALE! 2008 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4X4 .......................................#T17958XA SALE!
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44 exchangepublishing.com - 8/12/11 SPOKANE
3 %% 5 3 9 ) . ! ) 2 7! (%) '( 43
E>9DC C?<4 7B?G9>7
2008 FORD F-350
4x4 ke Powerstro
d 4x4, Lifte heels Custom W
#;FF =? &IL 0LC
STK #19970 VIN # 1FTWW31R18EB37454
Loaded! Miles Only 48K
2006 HUMMER H3
STK #19864 VIN # 5GTDN136368216131
ONLY 54K Miles
Clean! Duramax
#;FF =? &IL 0LC
#;FF =? &IL 0LC
STK #183112 VIN # IJ4GW58N84C365521
, 5spd Auto n! Extra Clea
STK #19809 VIN # JTEHD21A940026303
STK #19651 VIN # JNRBS08W33X002686
3711 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99202
625 Okoma Drive Omak, WA 98841
e { M Zw w m{{ © c Ciw OCM © i GGCK MILITARY DISCOUNT ~ Thank You for Your Service
STK #18888 VIN # 1GNFK13057R426592
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1-Owner, Gas Saver BS 4 Wheel A
Superb Condition AWD V8, Auto, 2003 INFINITI FX45
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STK #19958 VIN # 5TBBT4415Y5046936
Prices Good Until 8/15/2011
CARFAX Available on All Vehicles
Insert Vehicles listed above may be located on one of our 4 locations. 10828 Hwy 2, 3711 E. Sprague, 9304 N. Newport HWY, & 625 Okoma Dr., Omak, WA. All vehicles subject to prior sale, financing on approved credit All prices add for tax, title, license and a negotiable documentary service fee up to $150 some restrictions apply and not responsible for typographical errors. *À ViÃÊL>Ãi`Ê Ê i iÞÊ Ê Ê Õ}ÕÃÌ]ÊÓ䣣