September 28, 2012
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The Exchange Classified Ad Deadline: Wednesday 2pm 17 STOCK FORD RIMS, 6 hole from F-150 4EA, $240; canopy, century aluminum, 3 sliders, from standard bed F-150, $400. Call before 6pm, 509-7326697 Northport 2001 DODGE STRATUS 4 door, automatic, 2.0 engine, 31 mpg, 133,600 miles, clean, runs well, $2000 or best offer. 509397-3751 Colfax BAY MOLLY MULE, 9 Years old, 14.3h, clips, loads, shoes, fast walker, ridden in mountains & desert, selling due to illness, $2200 or best offer. 509-684-8137 Evans WA COMMERCIAL COFFEE Grinder, number 10, manufactured by Woodruff & Edwards, 63� tall, $1490. 509-3250206 Spokane ALFALFA GRASS MIX Hay, light rain, put up dry, $27.50/ bale, 76 bales; no rain, put up green alfalfa, $35/ bale, 128 bales; 4x4 round bales, 500+/lbs. Augustus 509-3852825 North Spokane/ Deer Park area
Coeur d’Alene
4 SKIDDER TIRES, 18-426, $700 each or best offer. Miscellaneous parts for a Drott 50, 6V 53 motor & pumps. 509-935-6251 Addy 1985 CHEVY 3/4 TON 4x4, 4 speed, 350, 4 barrel carburetor, lift kit, nice wheels, needs rear end & ignition work, $500; project truck. 509-9812847 Spokane
304 W. 3rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 | 509-922-3456 | 800-326-2223 | Place Ads at 30’’ BUZZ SAW, 3 POINT hitch power take off, $400. 509-935-6646 Addy AMAZING Autographed Seattle Seahawks helmets & footballs. Team & individual stars: Carroll, Wilson, Rice, Trufant, Baldwin, Bryant, Irvin, Owens, and many more! Great for gifts. Call John at 509-3269901 Spokane
SPOKANE VALLEY: Huge Tool/ Estate Sale, nothing but tools including a lot of snap on & specialty tools for auto body work. Even a big compressor. Saturday, September 29 only, 8am-5pm, E. 8002 Nora
PERMANENT Waterfront RV sites available, Newman Lake, WA. Call for details. 509-496-4624
9 CAR GARAGE FOR Rent, $535. Zoned industrial, fits 9 cars, has office space, formally a bicycle & body shop, 2 double doors & 1 man door, 1302 W. Boone. Call 509-924-0059
WANTED: MILITARY Collectibles. German, Japanese, Canadian & US - knives, swords, medals, insignia, patches, guns, flare guns, documents, holsters, flags & bayonets, police badges, helmets, photos & caps, field gear & more. One piece or an entire collection. Cash for your quality items. Call the Military Collector, 509939-3699 Spokane
APPALOOSA MARES, both Reg. 3 year olds, ground work done, ready to start, $1000 each, or best offer. Reg. Appaloosa yearling gelding, $1000 firm. All good prospects. For more information email: or call 208875-1404 Harvard, Idaho Since 1982 Lowest Rates
Bashaw Piano & Organ Moving & More
1 Day Service on All Dentures!
Full Upper/Lower ...$690 Single Denture ....... $345
208-791-5980 Recommended by:
Single Relines $75 Repairs from $30
Music City Pianos, Spokane, since 1962 Ken McGlothlen’s Piano Tuning Service
90 Day Guarantee
WANTED: LARGE Round Bale cattle feeder. 509-2355030; 509-227-9377 Cheney
METAL TUBE CORRAL round pen panels, various sizes, $450. 509-233-8632 Loon Lake GREG GENTLE MULE saddle, 17’’ seat, beautifully stamped. $3000. 509276-5689 Deer Park R
#!2'/ #/.4!).%23
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FOOTBALL SEASON is here! Checkout the WSU Football Game Day Package at Northern Quest Resort & Casino. Have your choice of two tickets to any home WSU Football game, Cougar Den passes, a shuttle to and from the game, a one night stay at Northern Quest and much more. Visit for more details JOHN DEERE 540A Logging skidder, comes with 1 set of chains, $5500. 509722-4221 or 509-977-1297 Davenport ROUGH SAWN PINE Boards, 1� with random width & lengths, great for siding, outbuildings, or rustic cabin, reasonable. 509-722-3355 Inchelium 1974 CHEVY NOVA, project car but driveable, 3 speed on the floor, straight 6 engine, $1800 or best offer. 509-937-2124 Valley, WA REMINGTON MODEL 724 Woodsmaster, 30.06 with scope, $425; Henry model H001, .22 cal with scope, $250; Stevens model 51, single shot 410 shotgun, $145; Mossberg model 500, 20 gauge pump shotgun, never fired, $200; Mid 1940’s Colt Woodsman, semi-automatic, .22 cal, $425. Call 509-4480121 Valleyford
Denied Social Security Disability?
1119 N. 4th • Coeur d’Alene, ID
Single? Over 50?
Workers’ Comp Problems?
• 25 Years Experience • Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum • Rated Superb by AVVO
Attorney at Law 328-2040
Fall is the perfect time to
We’ve got great singles waiting to meet you.
Summer Clean Out!
2 MONTHS FREE All 10x20 Storage Units
No long term commitment needed
AKC REG. BEAGLE Puppies from a family of Champions, shots, wormed, house broken, excellent hunters & companions, $300 & $350 each. 360-261-1408 Toledo BEAUTIFUL GOFFIN Cockatoos, very friendly, hand raised, great with kids, $500. 509-570-4404 Mica
COLLECTOR TOY Show October 13, 9am-3pm, Reardan Community Center, Reardan, WA. Info 509-994-1433 or 509-7250932 LOON LAKE FOOD Bank Taco Feed, Serving Indian tacos & chips & salsa, October 6th, 4-7pm, adults $7, kids 10 & under are $4, silent auction & bingo at the Loon Lake Elementary School, 4001 Maple, Loon Lake. Questions call 509-233-8450 OLDER 1960’S TWO stroke mowers, different brands, $15 each. 509-8505745 Spokane
AKC YELLOW LAB Puppies, first shots, dewclaws, wormed, & microchipped. Started on wings & antlers; both parents OFA certified, CNM clear & on site, males $475, ready now. 509-292-8547 Newport
RASPBERRY BUSHES, 3 for $15, 3 to 10� tall. 710 N. Best, Spokane Valley 509-928-4692
Unsightly Vehicles in Your Way?
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, clean, near bus, east of downtown Spokane, $600. 509-535-9812 Spokane
Been Denied
SSI / Social Security? REED LAW OFFICES Former Administrative Law Judge Social Security Administration
Call: 509-230-6466
Michael G. Thompson
NEED CASH? Always Buying Scrap Gold, Silver, Coins, Bullion & Valuables
Top dollar paid! In business over 30 years! COIN CORNER • 9215 E. TRENT • 509-928-0860
Secure, coded entry, free lock, easy access
CONCRETE DELIVERY 6 Days a Week! • Foundations • Footings FREE ESTIMATES
ESAB MIGMASTER 250 welder, 220. Excellent condition, voltage coarse adjustment, ST-23A, wirefeed dial Stargon 9 tank, face mask, overalls included. 509-927-4748 Liberty Lake
In This Issue Market Fresh Produce.................. 12-13 Wood & Warm.............12 Training an Antler Dog...................15
West Spokane area
CUTE KITTENS, 1 GREY & white Manx, 1 tortoise/ calico, 1 black & white, 1 grey & white male Manx, 3-6 months old. Price may vary. Phil 509-258-4653 Springdale or 509-9514079 Valley
Floors %SJWFXBZT t 8BMLXBZT 'MBUXPSL t 'PSNT Concrete Fences
Running or not... Reputable... Reliable
Must Have Paperwork...
Dependable Service
YOUR IN-HOUSE POLE BUILDER t 4)014 t ("3"(&4 t #"3/4 3808 N Sullivan Rd, Bldg 10 • 509-535-9517 t -&"/ 504 Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm t 37 $07&34 MERCIAL
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509 244-8777 509 944-5213 2724 S. Hayford Rd. Airway Heights, WA