Exchange, October 30, 2009

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Get Your FREE

COPY Early

October 30, 2009

Regional Print Distribution: 304 W. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 1974 FORD F9000, 10 Yard dump truck, excellent shape, $3000 or trade for 4 wheelers, guns, ? 509684-6996 Colville WANTED: MILITARY Collectibles. German, Japanese & U.S.- knives, swords, medals, insignia, patches, guns, documents, holsters, flags & bayonets, helmets, photos & caps, field gear & more. One piece or an entire collection. Cash for your quality items. Call the Military Collector, 509-939-3699 Spokane

sewer hook-ups

• Septic Systems • Test Holes • Drainfields • Road Building

1978 DOUBLEWIDE 24x60 Skyline, 4 bedroom, 2 full bath, pellet stove, electric forced air heat & AC. Need to sell in the next 7 days, $12,000 takes it. 509-879-8930 Spokane 2008 FORD TAURUS, 36,000 miles, leather, $16,000; 1994 Holiday Rambler, 29’ 5th wheel, 1 12’ slide, $11,000, new tires, brakes, etc. 509-7252323 Davenport SHIH TZU PUPPIES- papered, 12 weeks old, potty trained to bedding pads, vet checked, 1st shots, no worms, reduced price to $350, comes with extras. 509-937-4037 Valley

Remodeling And ConstRuCtion Kitchen Remodeling Additions & More

Guaranteed Lowest Prices


Gary 509 954-9101 Bob 509 994-1028




AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies, 1st shots, dewormed, vet checked, females $500, males $450. Call 509-671-2893 Ford

ALL ROUND BALES, Orchard grass hay, brohm orchard mix: $120/ ton, rounds. 509-999-4736 Mead

Exchange Print Deadline 2pm Wednesday



Fax 509-455-7940

Toll Free 1-800-326-2223 The WEDDING CENTER $75.00 Inclusive. 509-7470800 by appointment. Spokane WANTED: YOUR NONRunning or unwanted vehicles, farm machinery. Cash for some, prompt service. 509-263-7761 8x12 STORAGE SHEDS, Built at your locations, quality workmanship & materials, see demo, $850. 509-991-2473 Otis Orchards



2002 POLARIS 325 Magnum, 2x4, 4 wheeler, full size racks, chains, snow blade, great shape, $2800 firm; 2009 5x8 ramp trailer, wood deck, $950. 509-954-0598 Springdale FREE - 100 GALLONS of Good used motor oil. 509276-8948 Deer Park CAMPER, RV PARKING space available, with power, water & sewer. Quiet Seven Mile area. 509-467-1053


AAACES TOWING 509-324-9999

Over 50?

We Can urs Deliver yo ff for $50 o ! this week ea *call for ar

CENTRAL VALLEY High School Annual Fall Arts & Crafts Sale, Saturday, November 7th & Sunday, November 8th, 9am-5pm both days. Vendors, Crafts, Baked Goods. Admission $2. Sponsored by CVHS Band Boosters, CVHS, S. 821 Sullivan Rd, Veradale WA EARLY COLT AR-15 SP1, excellent, $1250. 509-5957932 Colfax GRASS FED FREEZER Beef, hormone free, $1.50/lb. hanging. 509-994-9520 Spokane

HOSPITAL BED, $175; 4 tables, $10-$20; sawhorses, $10; rowing machine, $40; Northern Lite camper, $15,750. 509-3256294 Spokane FREE JUNK CAR Removal, cash for most. 509413-9701


Uncollected court awarded judgment?

Empire Cycle & Powersports

Cash now!

has been commissioned to sell the entire inventory of the recently closed D&B Powersports Merchandise arriving daily


7807 E. Sprague • 509 892-6368

~ For All Your Towing Needs ~

s e n i Or s i n g l e s


5 MONTH OLD REG. Red Gelbvieh Heifer, excellent bloodline, great 4H project or breeder for your herd, $400. 509-935-4717 Chewelah

LoneLy? SingLe? it’S time!

Free Confidential Consultation Call 509 242-0734

REYNOLDS LOGGING We Do Selective Logging & Hauling of your Timber No Job Too Big or Small • All Species WE DO LOGGING TO YOUR SATISFACTION

Mobile Storage “The Original Storage Building Guy”






for a Specific Tool? Call Us! 509 327-5544

Problems with...

Workers’ Comp? Social Security? Call TODAY!

Michael G. Thompson Attorney At Law 328 -2040

Quality Steel Buildings, Inc. General ContraCtorS

Cover Your “ToYs” This WinTer!


Wheelers Farm Open Daily

Customers have asked the store re-open for service, tech support and more. The store previously closed due to lack of distributor support locally and online. Virus’s, upgrades, most hardware problems and FREE Diagnostic Service will still be Available at AfforDAble PriCeS. laptop Service and Used Computer Sales. Speedy repairs. Most times same day service! 9am-5pm Monday - Friday

Fresh Apples: Gala, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith Peppers • Garlic • Onions Carrots • Corn Stalks & Straw FResh XpRess sAlAds ¢ Brand name salad dressings at lOW pRICe

(509) 276-1550

local Fresh raw Honey

21005 E. Trent • 926-7369

99¢ Potatoes 10 lb. White



Fall Special 95% High Efficiency $


iMMediate Build or kitS!


*After Avista $400 Rebate

Also qualifies for up to add’l $1500 federal tax credit

We Will Beat Any Written Estimate for Heating & Cooling Systems - Guaranteed! Also 24 Hour EmErgEncy rEpair SErvicE

ID LIc# RcE-991 WA LIc# QUALISB081c7

(509) 468-1606 • 1-800-775-0125

7810 N. Market • SpokaNe, Wa Visit our website:

available for free estimates 24/7

River City Heating & Cooling, Inc. 509


Mike Reynolds, owner

Deer Park, WA 99006

Our Own

Valley squash!

Buildings PriCed loWer Than 2008! Don’t Sign a Contract Until You Talk to Us!

pole BuildiNgS


FREE Estimates & References


short on Cash? -Willing to Trade! RIVERCH9280P


Been Denied

SSI / Social Security? ReeD Law OffIceS

Log truck loads, delivered most areas

Former Administrative Law Judge Social Security Administration

Call for information Cell Number 425-530-1332

Call: 509-230-6466

CASH FOR BATTERIES! 50 5 each For 10 or More with ad!


Expires Nov. 30, 2009

Batteries from $

$5 each for 9 or fewer We Can Pick-up. Call for Details!




& up w





We Rebuild Battery Packs!


3003 N. Crestline St. Corner of Crestline & Euclid


2 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE



nt View

Exit #


FIRST MONTH FOR Call For Details





BAG LADY THRIFT Boutique: new thrift store, “Indoor garage sale”, Saturday, Sunday, 3111 N Monroe. Vintage jewelry, furniture, pictures, lots of miscellaneous.

HICKS OPEN MARKET, (indoor) wanted: vendors, crafters, yard salers, open to the public, Saturday, 8am-4pm. For information, call 509-244-9646 & ask for Chris or Mona

SiemerS' farm, 1 Mile East of Greenbluff Store on Day Mt. Spokane Rd.

Garage Sales



Open every Day Oct. 10-6 llC nov. 10-4

CHRISTMAS Opportunities: If you are “artsycrafty” or have items that you would like to sell, are interested in attracting lots of customers by making it a multiple-people sale & pay a cheap price for space, please contact me at 509-838-5879 CENTRAL VALLEY High School Annual Fall Arts & Crafts Sale, Saturday, November 7th & Sunday, November 8th, 9am-5pm both days. Vendors, Crafts, Baked Goods. Admission $2. Sponsored by CVHS Band Boosters, CVHS, S. 821 Sullivan Rd, Veradale WA

509 238-6242

APPLES Galas, McIntosh, Ida-Red, Golden Delicious & #2 Honey Crisp

50¢/lb by the box #1 Honey Crisp

$1/lb by the box PumPkins ❖ OniOns sugar CarrOts ❖ POtatOes Cabbage ❖ indian COrn COrn stalks ❖ gOurds ❖ squash

Caramel aPPles ❖ aPPle Cider CHRISTMAS IS JUST around the corner, book your holiday shopping parties now. Call Joyce 509279-4914

DRY SEASONED SPLIT Red Fir & Tamarack mix, $215/cord, delivery available. 509-994-0377 Spokane

TRY SOME TODAY! Available in Spokane area Rosauers Supermarkets; URM Stores; Harvest Foods on Mica-Dishman Rd; Hallett Market & Cafe at 14109 E. Sprague; Simply Northwest at 11806 E. Sprague. Choose from 9 Granny D’s Salsa gourmet varieties: Homestyle, Chunky Southwest, and Crazy Wasabi. Each available in mild/medium/hot. $6 ea. Locally owned & distributed by 3 Granny Ds 509-922-3692 leave msg. or email: grannydssalsa or visit

Bring in this Ad for

10% off

U-pick Apples

Final Weekend!

U-PICK Apples and Pumpkins & LOTS OF HARVEST FUN: BBQ Fruit Loop Express Hay Maze Pony Rides Corn Cannon Wiggle Worm Rides Caramel Apple Booth Sweet Pea Play Box ts Goats, Chickens and Ducks, OH MY Delicious Har vest Trea Live Music Wine Tasting

Walters’ Fruit Ranch, where fun grows Gre en Blu ff, WA

509 -23 8-47 09

app lera nch .com

LOOKING FOR OLD Photos & journals of Spokane, to be part of a book on it’s history. Contact Penny Hutten. 509-276-5454 THE ESTATE COMPANY Tool Sale & More, 11605 E. 7th (off Bowdish & 8th), Friday, October 30th, 9am-3pm. Tool chest, angle grinder, drill press, miter saw, table saw, nailer, sander, drill, generator, jacks, tow hitch, ladders, yard tools, shelving, outdoor canopy, dolly, ice chest, dog carrier, infared heater, fountain, riding lawnmower, Club Cadet snowblower, snowplow blade, 1996 Ford truck (low miles), 1996 Bayliner Avanti Skybridge boat & miscellaneous, 509-4751313

Fall Festival Every Weekend Green Bluff (North of Spokane) HOME SCHOOLING Events & activities at

70¢ per lb

Pumpkins Vegetables Potatoes Squash

24.9 CU FT., CHEST Deep freezer, excellent condition, $500 OBO. 208-8197841

Thacker’s Orchard


Spokane Valley

Jonathons, Empire, Gala, Crispin, Cortlands, Goldens, Prime Gold...$12/20 lb. Box Red Delicious, Romes, Goldens... $10/ 20 lb. Box

E. 17015 Valleyway (& Flora Rd) • 509 926-7904 ESTATE SALE, 10706 N. Nelson, Spokane. Saturday, Sunday, 10am-5pm. Brass statuary, jewelry, tools, industrial size hardware & more

3rd ANNUAL Hollyfaire At Lake Assembly, Medical Lake, November 14th. Reserve art/ craft space. Call 509-244-8459; 509299-3139 for info




Starting At

Plus Tax

• 24 Hour Indoor Pool & Hot Tub • Deluxe Continental Breakfast • Family Game Room Pool Table & Arcade Games

Ask About Our Kids’ Room & Suites Must present ad at check-in to receive pool party rate. Coupon Expires March 1, 2010

VIETNAM VETERANS- A Community Service Club meets every 3rd Monday monthly at 6pm at Frankie Doodles Restaurant, 30 E. Third Ave, Spokane. For details, call Charlie 509-535-8678

BAZAAR: ST. FRANCIS of Assisi, November 7th, 9am-5pm, Heroy & Jefferson, Spokane. Baked goods, collectibles, country store & boutique. Lunch 11am-2pm; family friendly wurst garden, 5pm-7pm

32,500 printed this Week circulated everyWhere Weekend Weather Forecast Friday





partly cloudy

Hi: 52°

Lo: 46° Hi: 51°

Lo: 38° Hi: 48°

Lo: 31°

classiFied index

ad Mail Form......................13, 35 auction index ............................. 8 aniMals: dogs .................................. 17-18 Goats ....................................... 16 hay & Feed ............................ 14 horses & Farriers ........... 14-15 livestock ................................ 16 pets ......................................... 16 tack & trailers ..................... 16 antiques ...................................... 9 auctions. ............................. 10-11 autos: automobiles .......................... 41 parts & /accessories. ........... 40 pickups & 4x4s. ............... 42-44 vans......................................... 42 vintage autos. ...................... 42 Boats & Fishing eq................... 42 Business equip./computers... 33 Business opportunities. ......... 37 employment. ............................ 37 Farm Fresh ................................ 20 Garage sales & events. ......... 1-4 health & Fitness ...................... 32 heavy equipment. ............. 25-28 household. ................................ 10 hunting & Guns. ................ 18-19

Miscellaneous ......................... 4-9 Motorcycles, & atv’s.............. 41 Music & hobbies. ....................... 8 personals ................................... 32 realty: acreage............................. 32-33 commercial re...................... 31 homes on acreage ............... 32 Mfg. homes...................... 36-37 real estate ....................... 29-31 rentals .............................. 34-35 roommates ........................... 34 Waterfront ............................ 32 rvs ....................................... 38-39 services. .............................. 21-23 snow removal .......................... 21 tools & Bldg. Materials........... 24 Wanted ...................................... 10 Wood & Warm ................... 12-13 yard & Garden .......................... 20


Fax 455-7940


ad change/cancellation deadline

Monday at 5pm




HELP N HANDS Estate Sale, Friday, Saturday, October 30th, 31st, 9am3pm, 7310 N Sutherlin, Spokane, Francis to Indian Trail, north to Excell, left on Excell, corner of Excell & Sutherlin, watch for blue signs. Complete Sony stereo system with large speakers (nice), 2 beige LaZ-Boy recliner rockers with wood inlay arms, blue rocker, green rocker; pecan dining room set, 8 chairs, 2 leaves, table extends to 104”, great for Thanksgiving dinner; 2 twin beds, queen bed, like new mattresses; Bassett armoire with matching dresser & mirror, dark wood dresser & highboy, secretary (furniture kind), Danish modern coffee table; Concert Maker keyboard with stand, music stand, weights & bench Fit for Life, lots of books, games, easy listening records, woodworking journals, first to last copies of Island Magazines, telescope, astronomy books, lots of sheets & strips of wood for projects, plywood, planed maple & birch, woodworking sets, cabinet hardware, wood goo & other ooz, Craftsman 10” radial arm saw (like brand new), drill press, old Philco non working radio, big box of old tubes (Nixie & others), monitors, tons of golf balls (several logo) & tees, file cabinets, wine racks, drafting boards, Bradford collector plates (mostly children themes, Donald Zolan, Andrew Wyeth, Edna M. Knowles, John McCelland), patio furniture 6 chairs, new gazebo tent, Craftsman lawnmower, power trimmer, electric weed wacker, lots of like new yard tools, mountain/ camping gear, car mats, new backpacking tent, hoses with reels, soaker hose, Coleman stove with stand, lots of Christmas lights, decor, Santa collection, granite slabs, old chemistry (tiny glass tubes) set, lots of decorative lamps, linens, lot of old wood boxes, odds & ends, some kitchen, clothing, 2 large framed pictures, small items & lots of miscellaneous. Help us clean it all out by Saturday (Halloween) at 3pm, we open on time at 9am. Our next sale is November 6th & 7th, Shadle Park area, then 2 huge digger sales for November 13th & 14th & November 20th & 21st have been moved to Spring next year. Sweet treats from all of us, you may not recognize some of us. Have a safe, fun Halloween, be well!




Post F a

Downtown Spokane • 304 W. 3rd Ave.

e-mail •

Magnificent Possessions Store “New & Quality Used Items”

We Love to Clothing, Electronics, Fishing, Bargain! Housewares, Collectibles, Glassware Something for Everyone!

All OccAsiOns!

101 E. Nora @ Ruby • 509 326-2714

Garage Sales THE VINTAGE CO-OP. Open this Thursday-Saturday, 10am-4pm. Shabby junk and farm chic. Vintage: furniture, decor, lighting, linens, glassware, windows. Fun for all girlfriends and collectors. 8 vendors, amazing stuff. Bring this ad and receive 10% off! Vendor space available. 10611 Trent, Spokane Valley, (between Argonne and Pines)

antique/ collectible flea market Spokane County fair & expo Center

nov. 6th, 7th & 8th Fri. 12-7 • Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 Inside Space Available Information: 208-746-5555

VALLEY, WA- LARGE Yard Sale. Furniture; antiques; household goods; autos, trucks, etc. 3301 Jackel Road, off Skoke Road, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9am-5pm. 509680-7690

ADDY SECOND HAND: Medium size hide-a-bed $98; newer Kenmore electric range; 2-burner outdoor gas cooker, on legs; La-Z-Boy recliner sofa $129; good selection recliners; dining/ dinette sets; dressers; chest of drawers; books, including Western; lamps; kitchenwares; home decor; & lots more. Located on Hwy 395 S, Addy, 10am-5:30pm Monday-Saturday. 509935-4619 CHRISTMAS IS JUST around the corner, book your holiday shopping parties now. Call Joyce 509279-4914

www. Spokane Free Everything RECORDS: ALWAYS Buying. Northwest’s largest buyer, 50 to 50,000. No collection too small or too large. House calls, will travel. Rock, soul, jazz, etc. Top dollar paid. 509230-9264

509-939-9996 Estate, Basement, Garage, Shop, Storage Buyouts, too! Licensed & Insured

ESTATE SALE, October 31st, 10am-5pm, 37818 N. Sherman Rd., Deer Park. Japanese items, Iranian brass, household & furniture TIN PONY SALE: Huge Estate, 65 years accumulation, 9723 E. Broadway, Spokane, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9am-4pm, park on side streets, Cash Only. Large shop full- tools, lumber; fishing poles; bricks; Little Chief smokers. Garden shed & greenhouse packed; furniture- old, used & abused. House has pathways, tables full of knick-knacks; glassware; linens; bedding; fabric; Christmas; dishes; books; videos, CD’s; 1960’s china hutch; parlor tables; lots of assorted dressers; quilts; 1950’s dining room set; contemporary oak kitchen table; wood cabinets; wind chimes; way too much to list. Dress warm, plan to stay long; lots of treasures still to be found

LOW INCOME FAMILY Needs 2 twin mattresses, in good condition. From non-smoking households only please (allergies). Can pay a small amount. Call 509-499-0398 or 509499-1299 Spokane. Thank you DRY SEASONED SPLIT Red Fir & Tamarack mix, $215/cord, delivery available. 509-994-0377 Spokane WE’RE MOVING TO Larger Building! Cutting deals now! Dining sets; (2) large recliners; small, medium & large china hutches; bedroom sets; small wood stove; bookshelves; older GE refrigerator, $129; TV’s/ entertainment cabinets; sofas, recliners, hide-a-bed; 36” RCA TV on stand; antiques; china sets; curio cabinets; lots of home decor & miscellaneous. Red Barn Second Hand, 157 N. Oak, Colville, Monday-Saturday 9am-5:30pm. 509-684-8995


N. 3818 Market • 489-1600

free prize

with your purchase on Halloween!

New & Gently Used

CostUmes for Kids & Adults

Accessories &


Enter to Win Halloween DOOR PRIZE!!

MONARCH ESTATE Sales, Saturday, October 31st in Spokane, 10am2pm, 2603 E Joseph, Spokane. Because of trick or treating, we are closing at 2pm, so come early & buy it all. The house & garage are full. Sofa, hidea-bed, recliners, table & 4 chairs, bamboo table & 4 chairs, 2 oak spindle chairs, wall curio cabinet, lots of knick knacks, glass & dishes. Collection of porcelain thimbles, Avon Cape Cod dishes & more Avon, twin bed, dresser, chests of drawers, bedding, bookcase & books, 6 volumes of Mackey’s Revised History of Free Masonry. (1921) White House cookbook plus many more cookbooks, white Zig Zag sewing machine, needle craft items, embroidery thread, yarn & other craft supplies, knitting & crocheting needles, camping stuff, cast iron, Griswald #3 & #10, portable dishwasher, upright freezer, chest freezer, fishing rods & reels, fly tying stuff, lots of feathers, fish finder, Hewescraft 14’ boat, easy loader trailer, 9.9 twin cylinder Ted Williams boat motor, fish smoker, lawnmower, edger, snowblower, hand & yard tools, ladder, wheelbarrow. A good sale with a huge variety. Checks & bankcards are okay with identification SALE BY MARTIN: Friday & Saturday, 8am3pm, South 4816 Pittsburg, in south Spokane. Theater style bed, rattan sofa & loveseat, upholstered sofa, bookshelves, twin bed, full bed, good furniture, collectible glassware, mounted moose/deer/goat heads, wood, records, TV’s, shop/lawn tools, breakfast set, books, chipper, small freezer, much miscellaneous. 509-953-0844 LARGE INDOOR heated shop sale. 21493 W. Hwy 53, between Rathdrum and Hauser Lake. Friday and Saturday, 8am-5pm. Several 22 rifles, 20 gauge single shot shotgun, 50 caliber black powder rifle, self propelled riding mower, 1880’s spinning wheel, power tools and hand tools and etc. Lots of old jewelry from old estate, knives, old metal tractor seats, Epiphone 12 string guitar, child’s violin, large speakers, shovels, axes, mauls, rakes, picks, etc. Small oak desk, birdseye gentleman’s dresser, metal bunkbed with mattress, 8 drawer chest of drawers, Amana clothes dryer, 3 drawer chest of drawers, 2 adult sets of skis, 2 childrens’ set of skis, coats, rain gear, snow suits, 4 shelf bookcase (6’), small kitchen cabinet with glass doors, old treadle sewing machine stand, 2 for amusement only game machines, 14 gun safe, 18 HP riding lawn mower, very nice white occasional chair, 2 old wood washing machines, lots of old beer signs, Craftsman air compressor, 10 saddles, lots of other tack such as bridles, leads, lunge lines, halters, cinches and combs, set of horseshoeing tools, new lawn chairs, pistol holsters, pool cues and wall cabinet, log chains, 42” ship’s wheel, 20” portals, nautical signs and stuff out of a bar, kerosene lamp, chimneys, wood handles for axes, mauls, pitch forks, broad axe, mattock, adze. It’s worth the drive

RATHDRUM CRAFT Sale! 10/16, 10/17, 10/18 and 10/23, 10/24 and 10/31, 11/01 and again 11/07, 11/08. Everything made by hand, new items will be added weekly. 15158 N. Wright St., 8am4pm each day DISCOVERY ANTIQUES. Antique sale, store closing, 706 Main Street, Lewiston Idaho, sale starts Friday, October 2nd, 2009, everything goes! Huge savings, this is the one not to miss! Furniture, pottery, collectibles, chairs, dressers, wardrobes, bookcases, corner cabinets, stained glass, blue & white china, art, clocks, desks, hall trees, display cabinets, Roseville, jewelry, secretary bookcases, Victorian chiffonier, cocktail cabinets, prints, lithographs, lamps, sideboards, rugs, Hunt cabinet, mirrors, music cabinets, side tables, fun & unique items. Come early for best selection, hours Monday- Saturday 10am-5pm, 208-746-1302 GIFT IDEAS BEYOND Your Imagination! “The Fun Store” now has a display at CC’s Cash & Collectibles, located at 25 S. Main, in Deer Park, WA. 509-2765610 We have that unique & special that you or someone you know wants or needs! Ask about our lay-away plan! Come in & look or check us out at enter 501 in coupon box to receive 20% off your order, that’s 20% off everything at! 501 Coupons are also accepted on phone orders at 509-9993895

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 3

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Bazaar, November 7th, 9am-5pm. Heroy & Jefferson, chair lift accessible. Baked goods, collectibles, antiques, Country store, boutique. Lunch 11am2pm, the family friendly Wurst Garden, 5-7pm PLEASE JOIN US FOR the 14th Annual Fort Colville Grange Holiday Crafts Show, Friday, November 6th, 9am-6pm & Saturday, November 7th, 9am-4pm. This is one of Colville’s longest running craft shows. Bath products, furniture, jewelry, candles, clothing, home & holiday decor, apple butter, scrubbies, leather, pottery & much, much more

Customers Claim We’re One of the Nicest, Most Affordable Shops In Town! Come In, Sip Some Cider & Browse Our Many Unique Items to Start Your Christmas Shopping!

RetiRed tReasuRes 2824 N. Ruby • 325-3949

Thur/Fri/Sat 10 to 5:30 Behind Madison Furniture on “old” Ruby St.

FURNITURE AUCTION! Evelyn’s New & Used Furniture in Deer Park is liquidating all remaining inventory. This Thursday & Friday, 6:30pm, preview at 5pm each day. Sofas, love seats, chairs, sectionals, bedroom suites, dining suites, mattresses, much more. 821 S. Main, Deer Park. 509-276-6088

EstatE salE

Friday 8am-4pm Saturday 9am-3pm Sunday 9am-2pm 16K 5th Wheel Hook-up; NordicTrack Elliptical Trainer; Compressor; Radial Arm Saw; Lawn & Yard Ornaments; Tools: Western Art; Native American Collectibles; Noritake China; Antique Furniture; Refrigerator; Freezer; Washer/Dryer; Household & Kitchen Items; Thomas Kincade Christmas Village; Lots of Christmas Stuff

Take Pullman/Colfax

Hwy 195 South 11 miles to Paradise Rd, 3/4 Miles to

211 W. Paradise Spangle, WA

3 Day sale this weekend & Monday!

Fri. Oct. 30 8-5 • Sat. Oct. 31 9-12 • Mon. Nov. 2 8-5 20 Buildings In Stock – 6x8 to 12x20

509 276-7447

509 994-9520

Come See Us! Just 4 miles north of Deer Park off Hwy 395 at 4415 Williams Valley RD

! e e r F s! o offee & D nut


10 % OFF Gazebos

40 % OFF

Weather Vanes & Cupolas

ask about our rent-to-own program!

If You Want Your Building To Last, Buy A sTurdY BuILT shed!

4 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Miscellaneous discount pole buildings Engineered Plans for All Sizes & Designs 24x30x10’.......... $7,850 30x40x12’........ $11,280

30x50x14’........ 17,250 All Buildings Completed to Owners Specifications & Satisfaction $

509-475-2387 All West Development Corp. • Lic. ALLWEWD935KN

Garage Sales SPOKANE VALLEY Garage sale, indoors. Twin beds, tapestry, sofa, small teal recliner, 2 chests of drawers- good condition, glassware & some ceramic pieces, paintings, miscellaneous kitchenware, etc., 519 N. Greenacres Rd., 10am-5pm Thursday-Saturday

www. Spokane Free Everything HAYDEN LAKE Garage sale. Rain, shine or cold. 3200 Berven Bay Ct. off Point Hayden. Saturday only, 8:30am sharp. Antique and vintage furniture; linens; chenille bed spreads; old radios; glassware; old crib; cast iron bed; fall floral crafts; misc. household

Up to


MOVING/ GIFT Shop Inventory Clearance Sale. Household items; Holiday decorations; recreational items; tools; yard equipment; firewood. Clearance: Display cabinets & cases; shelves; clothing racks; huge selection of figurines, gifts & marine supplies. 4823 S. Skymeadow Lane, Greenacres, Sunday, November 1st, 9am-3pm, Sullivan Road south, left on Saltese, right on Conklin, left on 44th, right on Skymeadow SPIRIT LAKE GARAGE and tack sale, Oct. 31, 8am-5pm. Items include: metal hanging hay feeder, automatic watering buckets, lawnmower, wheelbarrow, household items, TVs, games, electric wall heaters, propane heater. 2683 Spirit Lake Cutoff Rd. For directions, 208265-9364


NEW QUEEN SIZE Log bed. Very rustic with lots of character. With or without metal art scene in headboard. Other sizes and styles available. Delivery and set up available. Also have coat stands and racks, candle holders and more. 208-691-0750 TRUCK DRIVING School: Class A, B, Passenger & school bus. Over 4000 successful graduates. State certified forklift classes. T Enterprises, Incorporated Truck Driving School, Pasco Wash. 509-5472441. WANTED: Black & white photographs and postcards, any subject. Even old family photo albums. Mark, 208-277-4626 BUSINESS Consulting to your vision: clarify, articulate, communicate, build internal alignment and focus your operation. Private and workshops. More than 20 years of success nationwide. Allen Hacker, senior partner, 208-3044865 RECEIVE $1000 IN Groceries, real relief program helping people just like you! Pay only $4.90 for your grocery voucher, use on your favorite brands. Consumer Advocate Response introductory price. 1-800-430-9507

Up to



Liftmaster Rebates

Clopay Rebates

GaraGe Doors

Hurry! These Programs End Soon. up to $

ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800/ day? Your own local candy route, 25 machines & candy, all $9995. 888-6141181 (void in SD)


Wireless Key Pad

w/ purchase of door & motor


in FeDeral enerGy Tax CreDiTs







Double Door Rebate

LiftMaster Rebate

Single Door Rebate

Select Coachman 4050, 4300, 4400 Models

Any 1/3 or 1/2 HP on belt chain or screw drive

Select Coachman 4050, 4300, 4400 Models

Call (509) 921-2260 “Opening New Doors For You”

ESTATE SALE, Spokane South Hill, 2408 S Browne, October 30th, 9am-3pm, October 31st, 8am-1pm. Crocks, vintage kitchen wares, antiques, furniture, tools, garden, Captain Fantastic Pinball, etc. 509-994-5252 Spokane Valley LOTS OF, OVER SIXTY Beer Neons, beer signs & mirrors. 509-487-8186 Spokane NORTHWEST FEST THE Northwest’s Premier Antique Toy And Collectibles Show is coming Saturday 11-14-09 to the Kootenai County Fairgrounds in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, 4056 N. Government way. Free admission after 10am early birds at 8am are $5, the first 150 children under 18 in the door will receive a free 1:64 scale Diecast car valued at $5 or more. This year we are hosting a Diecast Dirty bingo game at 3pm. We welcome Dago from Von Dago’s pinstripping with his 1:24 and 1:18 scale pinstripping. Come meet Diecast space for an event exclusive car. There are 3 event exclusive factory manufactured cars a greenlight 1/480 pcs. 1965 Mustang GT, a M2 machines 1957 Chevy 1/300, a Shelby Collectibles Eleanor Mustang 1/400 event car all with chase cars available. Greenlight Collectibles is flying in from Indianapolis, Indiana and M2 Machines formerly “Muscle Machines” will be flying in from California both to do an autograph session and show off upcoming lines. The Spokane Model Builders will be hosting a customs contest on 1:64 scale Diecast with a $5 entry fee all proceeds go back to the top 3 winners with the best customs. Friday evening at 7pm for dealers only we will be having a pizza party with a 1/20 Diecast mustang available to the first 20 paid dealers. There will be an electronic race track set up to race Hot Wheels and other Diecast with a chance to win an event exclusive Diecast Mustang for only $1. There will be a special dinner held Saturday 7pm at the Hot Rod Cafe after the show limited to the first 50 paid attendees to include a chase car Eleanor Mustang 1 of 50 produced and a bag of other goodies including a 1/4 code 3 Diecast along with a chance at an ultra rare pre production sample to 1 lucky winner. Dinner tickets are available via the website. For tables or more info., contact Jeremy Patton at 208-625-0699 or email us at or


★ Aluminum ★ Stainless Steel

★ Brass ★ Copper ★ Lead

ACTION Recycling/Phoenix Metals, INC. E. 911 Marietta

(East of Hamilton)

Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-4


STORAGE SPECIAL, 10x20’ unit, only $75 per month. West Spokane area, 509-999-4546

FLATTEN YOUR Tummy, lose weight, no diet. For more information, call Joyce 509-279-4914


8x8...........................................$725 8x12.........................................$865 8x16......................................$1,065 10x12.....................................$1,285 10x16.....................................$1,435 10x20.....................................$1,665

Other Styles Available 1 Day Service Gables Add 10%

BIG BLACK IRON Driveway gates, new, with hinges, $700; artwork $40. 509-216-6627 Spokane

Inland Empire Coin Club

2009 Coin & Stamp Show

$ Off Admission Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 1With This Ad

Sat. 10am-6pm • Sun. 10am-4pm

Sons of Norway Hall

6710 N. Country Homes Blvd.

208 448-2723 WE BUY & SELL Mobile Home axles, tires, & set up supplies. 509-922-4376; 877-295-3489

ke ge es Ta nta bat va Re Ad ista Av of

Professional insulation

Spokane, WA Raffle foR Admission $2 $10 U.S. Gold Coin & Kids 12 & Under Free Hourly Door Prizes (5) 102 Silver Eagles For More Info: 509 325-0119

Floors • Walls • Attics Basements

THREE 25x10x12 NEW ATV tires, $75; 4 205/70R15, studded snow tires on 5 hole rims, used 1 season, $250; 10’ snow plow with push frame & electric over hydraulic pump, $650. 509-936-1273 Chewelah

EARN COLLEGE Degree Online, medical, business, paralegal, accounting, criminal justice, job placement assistance, computer available, financial aid if qualified. Call 800-5093308

(509) 216-8027 Lic., Bonded, Ins. PROFEI*151LR

866-557-SHOP, 509-953-7256

SEE US AT 2151 W. HAYDEN AVE, HAYDEN COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL GARAGES • SHOPS • STEEL BUILDINGS • BARNS “Your Quality, Cost Effective Solution To All Your Building Needs” OWNERS: MIKE CERRILLO & BRIAN EITER Call our specialists TODAY to schedule your FEB.-MARCH start date. FREE ON-SITE EVALUATION

“Building Relationships One Structure At A Time” IDAHO LIC# RCE 23516 • WA LIC# CDASTS19323P3 AIRLINES ARE Hiring, Train for high paying aviation maintenance career. FAA approved program, financial aid if qualified, housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704

DON’T MISS OUT! $8000 Could be yours! If you have ever considered buying a home, call now for a free evaluation; $8000 offer ends soon. No cost - no obligation. Call today! 509954-6818

Ditch Dialup... SPECIAL $

Now LeasiNg!

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Set-Up Fee + Freight

Only $55.90 per month — 2 Year Contract — FREE Basic Install $10 OFF ValuE PaCkagE FOR FIRst YEaR!

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Competitive Pricing Competitive Pricing

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 5

Stevens and Davis Attorneys at Law

Competitive Pricing

SHOPS & GARAGES Also Commercial/ Residential ROOFING - Competitive Pricing Call Now to Schedule your job

We are a debt release agency & help invdividuals file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code

• Real Estate, Closings, Easements, Evictions • Personal Injury, Car Accidents,


Slip & Falls, Defective Equipment

Adoptions, Child Support Modifications

• Criminal Law, DUI, Domestic Violence, Narcotics Misdemeanors & Felonies

Competitive Pricing


NEONS - Rainier, Budweiser (assorted variations), Coors, Coke, Route 66, Dale Earnhardt Jr “8”, Lost in the ‘50s, & others, 509-926-9266 Spokane

WOODEN INDIAN, an awesome hand carved piece (not chainsaw) made from monkey pod wood, great piece of work, approximately 20 years old, stands 6 ft. 2 in. tall (including a 9” high base), $1500. 509-926-9266 Spokane or email GUNS WANTED Northwest Pawn, 818 N. Pines Road, 509-891-0990 Let us bid on your guns, Spokane

Coeur d’Alene


Single Denture Full Upper & Lower Single Relines $ $ $ 90-Day


890 Unconditional 75

1119 N. 4th • Cd’A



Repairs & $ Up



ALL SATELLITE Systems Are not the same, monthly programming starts under $20/ month & free HD & DVR systems for new callers. Call now 1-800799-4935

OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers, various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. “We sell, rent, buy, & move containers”. Insta Stor Inc 509-7651376


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CASH OUT Holding a Private Note or Deed of Trust and need Cash Now ? Nothing too Large or Small Real Estate ONLY


rate 1 Introductory Call for Details


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Retail Space FoR leaSe

Spokane NASCAR COLLECTORS: Kasey Kahne & Dale Earnhardt Jr., Richard Petty, Michael Waltrup. Life-size stand ups; large assortment. Brand new in box $15-$25. 509-926-9266 Spokane

DIRECTV FREE Movies 3 Months, ask how! No equipment to buy, no start costs, free DVR/ HD upgrade, other packages start $29.99/ month. Details call DirectStar TV 1800-620-0058

Call 509-844-3499




The Best Prices on Stone Remnants, Overstock and Discontinued Items!

6523 E. Main

Spokane Valley, WA 99212


Brant L. Stevens

509-325-3999 • 509-710-0085

Across 1. *What a car’s blinkers do 6. *Luftwaffe’s WWII enemy 9. This happens when you sow 13. Blood vessel 14. Olympic chant 15. Indian millet or Egyptian corn 16. On the move 17. Dwight D. Eisenhower 18. Twig of a willow tree 19. Spirit of the woods 21. *Lightning McQueen, e.g. 23. Electric swimmer 24. Type of fish net 25. Egyptian cobra 28. Classic toy 30. Katie Couric, e.g. 35. “____ So Fine” 37. Infamous 1988 democratic presidential candidate 39. Vanish without leaving this 40. Greek sea goddess, a.k.a. Ceto 41. Single-cell protozoan 43. Place one’s stake 44. Acquires, as in respect 46. Outermost layer of earth’s crust 47. Christmas season 48. *Wilbur or Orville 50. Dismal, as in prospects

52. “___ mine!” 53. Immeasurably long period 55. Fan’s discontent 57. *Sleeping car 61. Bean-shaped organ 64. Poppy seed derivative 65. Three to Caesar 67. Diners are where you can ___ __ a budget 69. Overconfident 70. Precedes Nov. 71. Texting vocabulary, e.g. 72. Lower hinge 73. Kobe hopes it’s nothing but this 74. Feature Down 1. *Civilian aviation agency 2. Husband to a widow, e.g. 3. Relating to art 4. “...he found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked _____” 5. *His “girls” helped civilize the West 6. Roman coliseum, e.g. 7. Inquire about 8. Another spelling for “fairy” 9. Deceptive maneuver 10. Cream guitarist 11. Equals pi times radius squared for a circle 12. Queen of England as the 6th wife of Henry VIII 15. Museum guide

20. Pacific greeting 22. Miley Cyrus, ___ Hanna Montana 24. *Cars from another country are this 25. Cockeyed 26. Used to get wool from sheep 27. Bacteria dish 29. Starchy staple popular at Thanksgiving 31. Short for cranberry 32. Capital of Vietnam 33. Eight performers 34. Film rolls 36. *”I’ve Been Working On The Railroad,” e.g. 38. Type of ski lift 42. Excuse 45. *This towel is used at the car wash 49. Non-alcoholic brew 51. *First widely available automobile 54. Kitchen tear-jerker 56. Show in progress 57. *____marked roads have many potholes 58. 2nd word in fairytale? 59. Fur-dwelling parasites 60. Gospel author 61. *Knight Rider’s ride 62. Highest volcano in Europe 63. Bear or Berra 66. *You don’t want it on a plane’s wings 68. Catchword from “Wayne’s World”

2002 CHRYSLER Sebring Convertible, 81,000k, $5000 or trade for garage, you furnish materials; sofa & love, cream color, 6months old, $300 or trade; GE electric roaster, $25, new; Russian Blue Fox jacket, $200 or trade; 4 western ladies fringe jackets, $25 & up; Kenmore glass top electric range, $250; Rhett Butler ‘Gone With The Wind’ reproduction $200, (was $500 new). Trade any of above (except for stove) for western art, pistol. Need an electrician. No calls before 8am 509487-5577 Spokane WORK WANTED: Strong, Honest man needs work, can help with your yard projects, leaf removal, trimming, weeding, cleanup, etc. Reasonable rates. No Saturday calls please, 509-924-2158 ATTEND COLLEGE Online from home. Medical, business, paralegal, accounting, Criminal Justice, job placement assistance, computer available, financial aid if qualified. Call 800-510-0784

STORE YOUR SUMMER toys, cars & household items. Call your friendly managers at Valley & Valley East Self Storage. 509924-8467, ask about weekly specials

HIGH COST OF CABLE Got you down? Get Dish with free free free installation, over 50 free HD channels, lowest prices. Call free for full details 800943-1346

NO MORE OUTHOUSE! Forget Septic Tanks! Recycle Back ment & to Nature! enwivirfeonfriendly!


Composting Toilets & Garden Composters

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with SUN-M MAR

509-484-6205 or 1-800-793-8637 RV & Large Capacity Models

Lots of Treasures at Affordable Prices 509-328-9200

3017 N. Monroe

(across from Snyder’s Bakery)

Now Open Tues. thru Sun. 10:30-6

STORAGE UNITS FOR rent, best deals around, $19.99-$39.99 per month. Located at 28312 N Newport Hwy. 509-238-1500

1940 MILLS NICKEL Slot Machine, Jumbo Parade, mechanical reel with springs & gears. $1,200. 509-926-9266 Spokane

DISCOUNT CIGARETTES Camel..................$40.99 Wild Horse..........$28.49 Grand Prix..........$27.99 Sonoma................$30.49 Pall Mall..............$32.49 Basic....................$39.49

Winstons..............$42.49 Marlboro.............$42.49 King Mountain. . .$27.49 Broncos................$29.99 Liggetts................$30.49 USA.....................$31.49 Pyramid...............$27.99


Find solution to this puzzle and more under the “Extras” tab online at

FLU SEASON IS Coming! Stock up on nature’s #1 Flu medicine-Oscillococcinum. A homeopathic medicine, FDA approved, at the first sign of fever, chills, body aches & pains, take Oscillo. Can be used by all ages, available at Sago Naturals & More, 110 E. Main, Chewelah, WA or call 1-877-935-2633 or 509-935-4388 for info.

Licensed in WA & ID

WANTED: SNOW Blades, any size, any condition, hydraulic pumps, 4 cylinders, have cash. 509-2166627 Spokane YOUR FAMILY’S BEST Benefit- Safety! Let ADT help protect your family & get $100 Visa gift card. Hurry, offer ends soon, call now 866-444-9163


104 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls, ID 208-773-5214 No checks, ATM available. Open 5am-9pm SLOT MACHINES. Buying in any condition, also parts. Complete repairs or restoration service too. Private party, 509-922-2454 Spokane

DISCOUNT Timeshares, 60-80% off retail! Worldwide locations. Call for free InfoPack 1-800-6395319


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Spokane, W Washington


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Miscellaneous TRAFFIC LIGHTS, red yellow, green lenses, great for patio, rec rooms, or decor for your garage, $85. 509-926-9266 Spokane, leave message


File NOW under New Bankruptcy Reform. Stop garnishments. Stop creditor harassment. Affordable document preparation at a fraction of attorney fees. Payments available. Serving all of WA for 12 years

SNOW TIRES WHEELS, 265/70R15, $225; teak folding desk, office stuff, chrome desk. 509-995-6880 OLDER HORSE CART, well used, $175; metal dog crate, large dog, $30; double bed, $20. 509-924-0386 ask for Patty Spokane Valley

1-800-967-8084 1-509-246-2003

Need representation? FREE CONSULTATION Allan A. Bonney, Attorney


LOCAL HONEY, 4 gallons, 1 gallon, 1/2 gallon, 16oz. skeps, beeswax candles. 509-927-8627 Otis Orchards

RC DANISH Christmas plates, 1908-1978. $208818-9378 WE ARE STILL OPEN! New & used store fixtures, clothing racks, shelving, dress forms, mannequins, jewelry displays, bags, tags, label guns. Custom Productions, 2202 E. Broadway 509-535-2500 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm


SOCIAL SECURITY SSI/DISABILITY? 222 W. Mission #104 Spokane, WA 99201

Call 7 days a week

TWO NEW SNOW Buster steel radial studded tires, P215/75R15 (replaces GR78-15) 5 lug Firestone, $100. Storm door, 79 1/2 “x31 3/4 “, $25. Wheelbarrow, $20. Keep Fido warm with nice, large Ruff Hauz by Igloo Co., $30. High chair, $10. Also 10 collector beer mugs just in time for Superbowl, $20 all! Extra seating, 2 non-swivel bar stools, $20. Woman’s sheepskin coat, small/ medium, $50 OBO. 208819-6575

IS OVER $900/oz!

Gold Metal High Dredges & Detectors Bankers Supplies

Get ’em NOW at


1917 E. Sprague • 509 534-4004

BALDWIN FUN Machine Organ, double keyboard, manual included, $75 or best offer. 509-535-6974 Spokane

WANTED: 2 GONZAGA Men’s basketball tickets for any home game this season in the Kennel. 509939-7260

Life Time Building System

GUARANTEED SOLID SEALED STEEL You never pay more than we bid the building for!

• 50 lb. Snow Load

• Solid Screwless Roof • Start & Completion Date • Honest, Polite, Clean • Engineered Plans • Local Materials

30x30x10............. $9,900 30x40x12........... $12,900 40x60x14........... $22,900 Iʼve Iʼm so happy thatwho or ct ra nt co a met . does what he saysy I have told all m d u an friends about yo ing ild bu y m can show and use me for a e. reference any tim y ne ee Sw Pat

Tax, Permit, Concrete, Site Work, Windows, Power, Concrete Floor & Delivery are extra.

All our projects are completed to the satisfaction of our present and future building owners: Kirk Shaler, Martin Manson, Dave Devereaux, Gil Brown, L&C Bonner, John Brasch, Don Burkey, R&J Creech, Toners Sand & Gravel, D&J Gray, Tim Larkoski, R&G Kellogg, Larry Lee, Gary Polson, Todd Singleton, B&T Martin, Don Price & more

MAGIC BUILDINGS.COM Visit our office at the Deer Park Airport. Member BBB over 15 years

BOWIE HYDRO Seeder, 500 gallon, $7200; Ford backhoe, 655C, extend a hoe, $9500; 1992 Toyota pickup, $2800; morter mixer, $700; Landpride power rock rake, $800; Brillion seeder, 6’, $700; utility trailer tilt bed, $500; utility box, $500; fork lift, 3 pt. hitch, $300; slip tanks, 100 gallon/ pumps, $385/ $250; 2000 Polaris snowmobile 800, 151 track, $3000. 208-2631682 ELECTRIC WOOD Chipper, $100. 509-489-5764 Spokane GIVE YOUR ELDERLY loved one the gift that lasts! A private room, & heartfelt professional care at St. Philomena’s Finest, LLC Adult Family Home, RN managed. 509-2172488. (end of life & dementia care specialties.) Novena Prayer to St. Philomena: O faithful virgin & glorious martyr St. Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor & sorrowing, have pity on me, a poor sinner. Thou knowest the multitude & diversity of my needs. Behold me at thy feet, full of misery but full of hope. I entreat thy charity, O great Saint! Graciously hear me & obtain from God a favorable answer to the request which I now humbly lay before thee (here specify your petition.) I am firmly convinced that through the merits of the suffering, scorn, & the death thou didst endure, united to the merits of the Passion & Death of Jesus, thy Spouse, I shall obtain what I ask of thee, & in the joy of my heart I will bless God who is so admirable in His Saints Amen. For an Infant Jesus of Prague prayer card, please send a SASE12314 E. 19th Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99216 SPAZZSTICK: THE World’s only caffeinated lip balm. Available in Mint, Vanilla Toffee, Chocolate Cake, or Orange Creme, with a caffeine kick! Only $2.99 each or buy all four for $9.95. 4 205/65/R15 STUDDED tires on rims $250; Sheridan Silver Streak pellet rifle, $100; hand push lawn mower, $45; freestanding electric heater, $20; Magnavox 21” TV, $20; AR-15 Carbine 6 position Telestock, $50; S&W K-Frame combat grip with Diamond, $50; Askin model 1911 holster, $40; 4 deluxe folding lawn chairs, $30; indoor/outdoor speakers (2), $30. 509-238-9116 Colbert $50,000 MISTAKE! DID You know there are 3 different construction methods to build your home? Not knowing all 3 options might cost you $50,000! Only American Home Centers presents all 3 to you in a side by side comparison. Free consultations, 6 locations to serve you, open 7 days a week. 14525 N Newport Hwy, Mead 509-468-1750

Du Mor Recycling 489-6482

N. 6404 Perry, Spokane


Aluminum Cans Newspaper • Iron Copper • Radiators Brass • Batteries Steel • Aluminum Ext. Corrugated Cardboard Computers & More



Handicap Ramps, Additions & Basement Finishing



Also: Garages, Custom Horse Barns, Decks, Railings & Pergolas

WANT SECURITY without the loss of privacy? How about a pre-programmed system you install and monitor yourself? Can be shipped to any address with easy to follow instructions. One time cost with no hidden fees or contracts. Starting at just $650! Call Cyrus at 208-699-6866


replace your doors & windows!

WINTER SAND WITH DeIcer, complete winter supply delivered, $129. Servicing Spokane & Coeur d’Alene & surrounding areas. 877-2547903


6 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE Get ready for winter!


Bring This Ad For Special Pricing Competitor’s Coupons Honored Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00-5:00

Container and Pick-up Service Available GIGANTIC 72”x 100” Mirrors, 15 sheets, $165 each, new, perfect condition, free delivery (one or all), installation available; also 48” x100”, 8, $115 each. 800-473-0619 DIABETIC TEST Strips wanted, any type, any brand, will pay up to $10 a box. Call Terry 206-2000914 ERRANDS RAN, Shopping done. You need it I can get it. Call 509-9242158, no Saturday calls please


nt View

Exit #


Dan’s Beauty Shop

Women’s Hair Services 3301 N. Monroe, Spokane Tues. - Sat. 509-327-2550 I’LL BUY THAT OLD Stuff. For buying flyer, 509-483-5125 or Spokane


Post F a


HIGH SCHOOL Diploma, Graduate in 4 weeks, free brochure. Call now 866562-3650 ext 30

FIRST MONTH FOR Call For Details







CLEARWATER RIVER Steelhead fishing, book now for prime dates. 509751-0410

SCOOTER CHAIR, LIKE new, with joystick on arm, new batteries, $475 consider trades. 509-276-9148 Clayton


Bring the Whole Family for

Safe! Warm! Fun!

Halloween Fun! 5pm - 8pm Sat, Oct. 31 5-6pm Dinner $3 per person Chili, Hot Dogs & Cider 6-7pm Indoor Carnival Games

❖ Huge Inflatable Slide ❖

Win Prizes & Candy

7pm FRee DRawInG! Win a Wii, 4 Movie Tickets

or Family Fun Night Gift Basket 7-8pm trunk-r-treating in the Church Parking Lot



905 N. McDonald • Spokane Valley

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 7

RemembeR last WinteR?

hillyard unitedMALL 

Are You Ready for Next Winter?

call for free quote!

Week 16! — Thanks to Everyone

Enclosed Shops, RV Covers, Carports, Kits or Installed

for All Your Support! 2 Floors — 22 Dealers!

Antiques, Collectibles, Glassware, Jewelry & More 16624 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley • PORTAMI959P7 509 928-9264

❁ 509-483-2647

Miscellaneous DJ AVAILABLE FOR weddings, reunions, private parties, etc. Book your Christmas or New Year’s party now! Great sound system, reasonable rates! We also sell records: 45s, 78s and LPs. Call Richard at Collector’s Records, 208664-4549. E-mail:

OLD ADVERTISING: Tins, porcelain, glass, paper, Coca Cola, & other soda, old gas pumps & other petroleum advertising. Specialty neons, beer signs. WA or ID license plates, up to 1980. Lots of miscellaneous. 509-9269266 Spokane email

Recycle NewspapeR & phoNe Books in lion's club Boxes*

Earthworks rEcycling

E 1904 Broadway at Napa, Spokane 509 534-1638

Help Buy eyeglasses for THose WHo aren'T aBle... Mon-Sat 8am-4:30pm

* no magazines or catalogs - call for drop-off locations 15 ANTIQUE CHURCH pews, 11’ long, solid pine, ornate, bead board backing. $250 each, $2500 all. Post Falls, 208-777-4272

CRAFTERS WANTED: Alliance Holiday Bazaar, Richland, WA. Dec 5th, 9am-4pm. 509-438-3309. www.

led Tax ✔ Unfi s? Return es? aid Tax ✔ Unp ited? g Aud n i e B ✔

Is IRs AfteR You?

I Can help!

1 2 3

ACTUAL CASES: IRS Wanted $50,000 – Settled for $100! IRS Wanted $250,000 – Client got $3,500 Refund! IRS Wanted $278,000 – Case Closed Owing $19,000!

Call Stan Long - 509 937-4206 Full Time Tax Consultant Since 1963

IRS field auditor 20 years • Bachelors, Accounting Masters Degree, Business Administration Enrolled Agent, U.S. Treasury # 31878

VAN POOL MEMBERS wanted, Monday- Friday, leave CdA at 6:15am, stop in Post Falls, arrive downtown Spokane 7:00am, leave Spokane 4:15pm, stop in Post Falls, arrive in CdA 5:00pm. Call Karen, 208-755-7034

LOW INCOME FAMILY Needs 2 twin mattresses, in good condition. From non-smoking households only please (allergies). Can pay a small amount. Call 509-499-0398 or 509499-1299 Spokane. Thank you

5 ACRE MOBILE LOT, conveniently located, Otis Orchards, water, sewer provided, $350/month, $500 damage deposit. 858761-1981, 858-539-6754

Curbs and alleyways will still need some finishing work in the weeks ahead. Market Street Revitalization, October 26, 2009. Photo Courtesy JR Sloan - Greater Hillyard Business Association. For more photos of the construction visit http://historic-hillyard. com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1056 EARLY AMERICAN maple rocker with floral pad, $40; maple end table, $25; gold framed oval mirror, 30”x24”, $35. All excellent condition. 208-7722019 leave message SPEED QUEEN, LARGE capacity washer, stainless steel tub; propane gas dryer, excellent condition. $200 OBO. Also mountain bike, $50 OBO. 208-2655620 ALMOST 80% OF THE Exchange readers earn over $25,000 & 43% earn over $50,000 yearly income! ROOM, BOARD, Personal Care, $1600 month. 30yrs. experience caring for elderly & disabled. State Registered, current CPR, first aide & fundamentals of caregiving. Background check, super references provided. 509-290-2231 Spokane NEW HOURS: SAGO Naturals & More will be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:15am-5:30pm, Saturdays, 10am5pm. Due to a physical issue, I will be closed Sundays, Mondays & Thursdays, starting October 1st, 2009. Thank you for your business, Sago Naturals & More, 110 E. main, Chewelah, WA 99109. 1-877-9352633 or 509-935-4388 PUNCH! The Exchange has “Punch” a lot of everything. DIRECTV SAVE $26/ Month for a year, ask how! No equipment to buy, no start costs, free DVR/ HD upgrade, other packages start $29.99/ month. Details call DirectStar TV 1800-279-5698

A Division of Bunker Steel Buildings, Inc.

SOCIAL SECURITY Disability claim denied? We can help! Free consultation, no recovery, no fee. Call today! Tucker & Boklage PLLC 800-431-3688

Providing The Quality You Expect At A Cost You Can Afford

GARAGES • SHOPS • HAY COVERS • BARNS Owners: Randy Bunday & Jim Kerr

Call 468-8182 •1-866-468-8182

1028 W. Rosewood #100 • Spokane, WA 99208 Lic #BUNKESB955BE

www. Spokane Free Everything VINTAGE ENGINEERED hickory hardwood flooring, 5 1/2 “ wide, 235 sq. ft. $1000. 208-946-0876

REACH OVER 30 Million Homes with one buy. Advertise in NANI for only $2795 per week! For information, visit

⇢ Wo od en Good for storage 4’ square x 2’ deep 509 750-5800

RV PROPANE refrigerators, repair, sales and service, 2 year warranty. 208777-1759

BUY LOCAL… with Confidence CLASS 8 TRUCKS, Local Independent Dealer Class 8 TruCks Can Help You Warranty With Your Truck & Trailer Needs! available Up To 2 Year/ 2, 3 & 4-Axle Trucks • Day Cabs • Sleeper Logging • Roofer • Dump Trucks & Pups 200K Miles Trucks

Deliver Local – Flat, Box & Lift Gated


Insulated SToRAGe Vans – 25’ to 55’ Flatbed – 20’ to 53’ • Dry Vans • Refer Vans KASEY KAHNE Budweiser, life-size stand up. Brand new in box $25. 509926-9266 Spokane

you name it… We Have it… or, We’ll Look for it!! (509) 534-9088 •

OUTSIDE STORAGE RV’s, Boats, Pickups, 5616 N. Market St. 509-2903664

WANTED: OUTBOARD Motors, not running, will pick up. Call Mike 509435-8991 Spokane

Thank You For All Your Support During the Constuction!

Market Street in Historic Hillyard Come Visit 95+ Local Businesses During Our $ 16+ MiLLiOn Revitalization Estimated Market Revitalization Summary

• Market St Rehabilitation ....................................................$3,073,530 • (TIB) Grant - Streetscape Improvements ............................ $2,726,516 • WSDOT Bike/Pedestrian Safety Grant Streetscape Improvements ...............................................$1,500,000 • Water/utility infrastructure improvements (City pd) ...............$124,260 • New pool, permit lists value at ............................................$2,600,000 • Neighborhood CDBG Dollars- Market St. ...............................$320,106 • 2 LIDs- 1/3CDBG, 1/3 Property Owner, 1/3 Bond ...................$700,000 • Property owners upgrading water main & connections ............$10,000 • Sewer extension costs ...............................................................$7,000 • Market Street Station, 35 Housing Units w/1,000sf retail developer’s est. & funding package ....................................$5,500,000

Total ..................................................................... $16,561,413

Watch This Space For More Info! Sponsor

No Building Failures EVER!



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Greater Hillyard Business Association MiSSiOn STaTeMenT

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Thanks also to Hillyard Festival Association & Participating Hillyard Businesses!

8 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

NEED DENTAL? Inexpensive • Great Coverage • Not a Discount Program REAL INSURANCE 509 242-9947

Miscellaneous DEFENDER ARCADE Game; Fairbanks Ward milling machine; 1958 Chevy parts; 348 motors; powerglide transmission; 5x8 utility trailer. 509-6750076 Colville MOBIL, TEXACO & Other Porcelain signs: Texaco double sided, 6-angle, 7’ wide x52” high, $1000; 5’ Round Porcelain Signs: Flying A, Signal, Frontier, Texaco; Also have 3 different Coca Cola Porcelain Buttons. Call for information & prices 509-9269266 Spokane, or email

TWO FLOOR BUFFERS, $400 & $350. Correct phone number this time 509-768-2264 Spokane DO YOU WANT A security system but think you can’t afford one? How about a high quality system without the high price? Buy a custom designed pre-synchronized and expandable system to fit your unique security needs that you monitor yourself. No hidden fees or contracts. Save thousands with prices starting at only $650. Call Cyrus at 208-699-6866


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DIRECTV $26 OFF/ Month, 150+ channels & premium movie channels for only $29.99/ month; free Showtime for 3 months, new customers only. Call now 1-888-4209478

MAYTAG HD DRYER, white, $90; $10 chafing dishes; lighted christmas garland & wreath, offer; locking jewelry display cases, $10; Black & Decker electric weed whacker, $10; professional weather station, $25; propane camp stove, $10; 6 gallon electric water cooler, $25; much more, very good prices. 509-8428918 TRUE NORTH TLC. Fall Clean up, flower bed clean out, roof & rain gutter cleaning, power raking, fall fertilizer. Owner operated, I do the bid & the job personally, no low paid employees. Get the care & quality you deserve for your dollar. Great Spokane area, for bids or services call Ira 509-2166568; 509-327-2305 Support local small businesses I SET UP ESTATE Sales. Hire a Professional that will get you the most money & the best results. I work for a percentage or an hourly wage, when I’m finished your home is ready to sell or rent, 20 years experience guarantees you the biggest profit & the best sale possible. Also, will buy whole estates. Call 509-328-1083 today, Spokane I BUY ESTATE Contents, large or small 509-4835125 ADVERTISING Response is like baseball- don’t waste your time on irrelevant pitches. Call 509-922-3456



ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Bazaar, November 7th, 9am-5pm. Heroy & Jefferson, chair lift accessible. Baked goods, collectibles, antiques, Country store, boutique. Lunch 11am2pm, the family friendly Wurst Garden, 5-7pm

50 USED GOLF CARTS from $400. Club Car, Yamaha, Eze Go, Harley, Columbia. Gas, electric, 2/4/6 passenger, flat beds, rear boxes. Love to trade. Will finance/ deliver/ rent. 509-999-8989 Spokane

HALLOWEEN Costumes! Not sure whether to rent or buy? You can do both at Who ‘Dat Costumes. We offer a huge online inventory of costumes to purchase and we also carry over 1000 rental costumes in store. Check us out at or call 208-635-5000. We are located at 606 W. Mullan in Post Falls above the Cenex GENTLY USED Furniture- Metro Home Furniture, 604 N. Monroe Street has 7500+ sq. feet of quality used furniture from mid-century modern to contemporary. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am5pm. Call 509-325-5400 to consign or email pictures to

401K OWNERS: FACING the IRA rollover trap? Free report reveals amazing guaranteed alternative to low-paying bank CD’s and risky stock market. Discover the jealously guarded retirement savings secrets your banker and broker don’t want you to know. Find out now! Call toll-free 1-800-2819826, 24 hours, for a free recorded message and get this eye opening free report GE SIDE-BY-SIDE refrigerator with ice and water in the door, $250; electric treadmill, $250; air compressor, 5 HP, 5.88 cfm at 40 psi, 22 gallon tank, $175; Craftsman table saw, 10”, with legs, $200; Bruno chair lift for stairs, bought new for $3500, used for 3 months, will sell for $2000. If interested call me at 208-9643778 BEST PRICES PAID FOR R.E. notes & contracts. 509-535-6818 WANTED: TIMBER Land. We will buy it at a good price and pay cash. 208-661-0798 WANTED: BUYING & Selling auto literature, shop manuals, parts books, paint chips, owner’s manuals, interchange manuals, etc. Ron, PO Box 202, Hayden ID 83835. Call 208-772-3163; 208659-0644; email LO129554 CRAFT SALE. OIL Candle supplies, including dried and silk flowers, decorative glass bottles with corks, cotton/ fiberglass wick, packing and gift boxes, bottle sealing wax and shrink wrap, custom ceramic wick holder mold, bottled liquid paraffin. Sand-point, Idaho. 208255-7843 COUNTRY GOSPEL Jamboree. Now Great country Gospel music every Thursday night, from 7-9pm. 8415 N. Wall, on the corner or Wall & country Homes Blvd. at the North Star Senior Center in the country Homes Christian church. If you enjoy singing or just listening to the old & new Country Gospel & Hymns, come sing along with everyone at the Country Gospel Jamboree! There are free refreshments & great fellowship afterwards. Information: Cliff & Bobbie McCoy 509-327-2404 HANGAR FOR RENT, CDA Airport. Reasonable rent. Call for info., 208762-1401 or 208-661-0227

PROFESSIONAL Photographer looking for 5-10 new females for portfolio update, 18-40 years old, TFCD only, you will receive over 200 photos of the photo shoot just for your time. No gimmicks, limited offer. Check us out at Call Fantasy Fotos at 208-818-4907

the toy shop

Think ChrisTmas!

Auto Art, Auto World, Sun Star, GMP, Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning, Greenlight, Hwy 61, Ertl RC2, Matchbox, Nascar, NHRA & More

ClassiC DiECasTs

1915 E. Sprague • 509-533-9377 Looking for a particular car? Call Us!

Music TECHNICS COMPLETE sound system, sound group, multi-digital effects, NX sound, Midi2, SMF lyrics, disc, program menu, easy record, sequencer. Used very little. Call 208-274-2996 TENOR SAXOPHONE Julius Keilwerth Ex90 Series II, intermediate model in mint cond. Call 509-431-3860. Othello. PIANO TUNING: HAS it been over a year since your piano was tuned? Satisfaction guaranteed. Free cleaning included. 509680-3340 STARION 5 PIECE drum set with high hat, crash cymbal and stool, $300. 208-946-0876 GUITARS WANTED: Fender, Gibson, Martin, other, amplifiers too. What have you? 509-4586000 Spokane I HAVE SEVERAL Quality guitars & 5 string banjo for sale or trade for guns. 509-292-0500

OLD GUITARS Wanted, Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin, D’Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, & Mosrite; Gibson mandolins/ banjos; 1930s1970s; top cash paid; these brands only please. 800401-0440 HUGE INVENTORY+ small store= best prices on anything musical. Paradox Music, 13th and Sherman. We price match. 208667-8663 PROFESSIONALLY Used piano. The word is that it was used in a local exclusive club in Spokane for many years. This piano is mounted on a dolly and very easy to move. Not a spinet, but then not as big as an upright. Beautiful sound, just needs tuning. Make an offer; $400 OBO. 208-704-2243. See it here at: under Classifieds Music.

www. Spokane




Free Everything

BALDWIN FUN Machine Organ, double keyboard, manual included, $75 or best offer. 509-535-6974 Spokane

WANTED: Old Professional Violins, Trumpets, Alto & Tenor Saxophones, open hole Flutes. 509-6241089 Spokane

Auction & SAle index Clip & Save • print online every thurSday See the online map of theSe liStingS!


Northeast Northeast Northwest Northwest Southeast Valley Valley Valley Colville Deer Park Greenacres Greenacres Medical Lake Spangle Valley, WA

10706 N Nelson Oct 31-Nov 1, 10-5 Estate 2603 E Joseph Oct 31,10-2 Estate Heroy & Jefferson, St.Francis Nov 7,9-5 Bazaar 7310 N Sutherlin Oct 30-31,9-3 Estate 4816 S Pittsburg Oct 30-31,8-3 Estate 821 S Sullivan, CVHS Nov 7-8,9-5 Arts/Crafts 9723 E Broadway Oct 28-Nov 1,9-4 Estate 11605 E 7th Oct 31,9-3 Estate Ft. Colville Grange Nov 6,9-6; 7,9-4 Crafts 37818 N Sherman Rd Oct 31,10-5 Estate 4823 S Skymeadow Ln Nov 1,9-3 519 N Greenacres Rd Oct 29-31,10-5 Lake Assembly Nov 14, Arts/Crafts 211 W Paradise Oct 30,8-4; 31,9-3; Nov 1,9-2 Estate 3301 Jackel Rd Oct 30-Nov 1,9-5 idaho: Hayden Lake 3200 Berven Bay Ct Oct 31,8:30-? Rathdrum 15158 N Wright St Oct 31-Nov 1,8-4 Crafts Rathdrum 21493 W Hwy 53 Oct 30-31,8-5 Indoors Spirit Lake 2683 Spirit Lake Cutoff Rd Oct 31,8-5 Oct 29 Oct 29/30 Oct 30 Oct 30 Oct 31 Oct 31 Nov 5 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 14 Nov 14-15

Spokane Deer Park Hayden, ID Post Falls, ID Davenport Coeur d’Alene, ID Mead Portland, OR Hermiston, OR Post Falls, ID Spokane


Triple R BCS Showcase Premier Stockland Black Reinland Commercial Indust. Columbia River Reinland Owens

509-218-2142 509-276-6088 208-772-8101 208-777-8724 509-535-2444 208-762-4346 509-926-6191 503-467-4845 541-571-3107 509-435-2368 509-990-6488

Misc Furniture Antiques Misc Horses Misc Misc Misc US Gov Equip Misc

Auction i n d e x SponSored by One of the Northwest's Leading Auction Galleries

Owens AuctiOn Gallery

14208 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley • 891-9935 View Photos at

AlwAys Buying QuAlity EstAtEs


Fresh Start Chapter 7




Flea Market! Tues, Weds, Fri & Sat • 10am-3pm call 926-9190

E. 9400 SpraguE

Miscellaneous DISH NETWORK, $19.99/ Month, why pay more for TV? 100+ channels, free 4 room install, free HD DVR, plus $600 sign up bonus. Call now 888-4309664

STOP PAYING TOO Much for TV. Get Dish with free install plans, free HBO & Showtime & free DVR upgrade. Call free for full details 877479-3573

8’x 20’ MORBAILGEE STO We Deliver to LEASE Your Site!

LOOKING FOR Locally made tie-dye clothing and/or other diy items; you’d be interested in selling on a consignment basis. 509-230-3715

509 276-8220


WANTED TO BUY: Antique collections, all kinds of scrap gold, all kinds of antique clocks, statue clocks, statues, grandfather clocks, anniversary clocks, wall clocks, cuckoo clocks, chinese collections, indo chinese foreign money, wrist watches with automatic or wind up, pocket watches, cell phones & lap tops. 509701-3856 or 509-868-5387 1940’s WOOLWORTH Glass sign, reversedpainted & gold leaf lettering, 12inch high x 6ft. long. These used to hang over the entry & exit doors of the old Woolworth stores. Mint condition, and framed. $1,950 firm. 509-926-9266 Spokane ANTIQUE 1940s WOOD/ Coal stove, complete, brown with attractive finish, decorative, good working condition, $500 or best offer. 509-935-6676 Chewelah 1934 CAT ROAD Raider, $2100. 509-671-0537 Newport

www. Spokane Free Everything





ANTIQUE CAMEL Back Sofa, large, bear claw legs, early 1920s, private party, $750 cash, no checks. 208683-6312 Athol

Old & T


MECHANICS SPECIAL: 1998 Olds Bravada, right front damage, needs fuel pump to run, $1200 or best offer, trade for? Large capacity washer & dryer, both work & look like new, $225 or best offer. 509-8910257 ART SESSIONS FOR Spokane home bound cancer & stroke patients. Please leave message for Lynne 509-468-4670


GENTLY USED Furniture- Metro Home Furniture, 604 N. Monroe Street has 7500+ sq. feet of quality used furniture from mid-century modern to contemporary. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am5pm. Call 509-325-5400 to consign or email pictures to

LOST: Quaker parrot last seen September 12th at the Newport feed store parking lot. Answers to “bird bird.” Please help us find bird! Boys are just heartbroken. If seen please call 509-447-4219 or 509-435-1912 or 208437-3068, ask for Roxanne

WANTED: CASH FOR Antique items, old military, indian, western, hunting, guns, archery, fishing, silver or gold coins, woodworking tools, old motorcycles, old stuff, etc, etc; we also buy small estates. 509-484-0160 Spokane NORTHWEST FEST the Northwest’s premier antique toy and collectibles show is Saturday, November 14, 2009 at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815. Free admission after 10am. The first 150 kids in the door get a free 1:64 I’LL BUY THAT OLD Stuff. For buying flyer, 509-483-5125 or THE EXCHANGE- Advertising made easy I BUY ESTATE Contents, large or small 509-4835125 WIGGETT’S ANTIQUE Marketplace, 115 S. 4th Street, Cd’A, ID. Now featuring over 45 dealers selling all types of potteries: Roseville, McCoy, Redwing, etc. More collectible glass: Victorian, Moser, Mt. Washington, Cambridge, Fos-toria, Fenton art glass, vintage clothing. All types of vintage paper. Large assortment of vintage jewelry, toys, advertising items, gambling memorabilia, antique furniture, dolls, personalized signs. Three floors! Too much to mention. Spaces are available. 208-6641524 BRAND NEW MEN’S Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust, never worn, in box, purchase verifiable by The Diamond Shop, cost new $5450, make offer. 208-476-7351, 208-7916769, Orofino.

First Class Second-Hand Books, Furniture, Fashion, Household & Fine Art

Tues–Sun: 10-6 3036 N. Monroe, Spokane • 509-327-0427

MODEL T FRAME, with rearend, front end, running boards, made into hay trailer, $700. 509-6710537 Newport NORTHWEST FEST THE Northwest’s Premier Antique Toy And Collectibles Show is coming Saturday 11-14-09 to the Kootenai County Fairgrounds in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, 4056 N. Government way. Free admission after 10am early birds at 8am are $5, the first 150 children under 18 in the door will receive a free 1:64 scale Diecast car valued at $5 or more. This year we are hosting a Diecast Dirty bingo game at 3pm. We welcome Dago from Von Dago’s pinstripping with his 1:24 and 1:18 scale pinstripping. Come meet Diecast space for an event exclusive car. There are 3 event exclusive factory manufactured cars a greenlight 1/480 pcs. 1965 Mustang GT, a M2 machines 1957 Chevy 1/300, a Shelby Collectibles Eleanor Mustang 1/400 event car all with chase cars available. Greenlight Collectibles is flying in from Indianapolis, Indiana and M2 Machines formerly “Muscle Machines” will be flying in from California both to do an autograph session and show off upcoming lines. The Spokane Model Builders will be hosting a customs contest on 1:64 scale Diecast with a $5 entry fee all proceeds go back to the top 3 winners with the best customs. Friday evening at 7pm for dealers only we will be having a pizza party with a 1/20 Diecast mustang available to the first 20 paid dealers. There will be an electronic race track set up to race Hot Wheels and other Diecast with a chance to win an event exclusive Diecast Mustang for only $1. There will be a special dinner held Saturday 7pm at the Hot Rod Cafe after the show limited to the first 50 paid attendees to include a chase car Eleanor Mustang 1 of 50 produced and a bag of other goodies including a 1/4 code 3 Diecast along with a chance at an ultra rare pre production sample to 1 lucky winner. Dinner tickets are available via the website. For tables or more info., contact Jeremy Patton at 208-625-0699 or email us at or

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 9

Unique Halloween Costume Ideas Creating a unique or weird Halloween costume shows originality and creativity. Try taking a popular phrase such as “killing time” and create a costume from that. Or take a popular movie or book title and add your own twist to the words. Weird and unique costume ideas can also be found on the internet. Many of these costumes are also home-made so there is very little expense in creating them. Here are some unique and weird ideas to help you this Halloween season. Static Cling Wear anything a solid color is good all white or all black. With safety pins pin anything to yourself ie: socks, underware, bounce sheets, etc. You can also spray your hair straight up in the air. Raining Cats & Dogs Costume Supplies for this costume: Raincoat, Umbrella, Several Stuffed Animals (Cats & Dogs). Use safety pins to secure the stuffed cats and dogs to the umbrella (on different areas of the umbrella). Not recommended for a child younger than 5 (unless you use very small stuffed animals that wouldn’t weigh down the umbrella). A Highway Wear all black sweat suit, stick on white or yellow tape on your legs and chest to resemble lines in a road. Attach tiny cars and road signs onto your pants and shirt. Nudist on Strike Wear normal clothes and wear a sign around your neck that says “Nudist on Strike.” Flasher Wear regular clothes under a long trench coat. Make a belt out of flashbulbs or old cameras. Tell people you are a flasher and then flash at will. Grim Reaper on Vacation Buy or make a Grim Reaper outfit, but then wear a lei or flowered necklace, a camera around your neck, Bermuda shorts, paint your nose white (like lifeguards) and carry around some postcards or a map. Typical Tourist Wear a big floppy , flowered shirt and long shorts, flip-flop sandals and a camera around your neck. Carry a map and look lost all the time. Web Surfer Wear a wetsuit like surfers wear, then drape yourself with fake cobwebs. Leaf Blower Wear regular clothes. Wear a hat with a leaf hanging down from the rim so that the leaf is in front of your face. When people ask what you are blow on he leaf and make them guess. Cereal Killer Clothing should be kind of rugged and torn. Carry a bloody knife and have blood on your clothes. Attach labels or actual little cereal boxes all over your clothes. Peeping Tom Wear regular clothes and a name tag that says “Tom”. Make a window frame out of cardboard, even add curtains if you are feeling real creative. When people ask what you are, hold up the “window” and peep through it. In the Shower Wrap a towel around your body (wearing a tube top and shorts under the towel is optional). Wrap a towel around your head turban style or wear a shower cap. Carry a rubber duck and a back scrubber. Kissing Booth Find a box big enough to fit over your body. Cut or open the bottom and top of the box so that you can slip into the box. Tie rope onto one end

of the box so the ropes can go over your shoulders (this will hold the box on you). Wear sexy clothes and have lipstick kisses on your clothes and face. On the box write “Kisses, $1.00.” Work in Progress Wear all white clothes, a sweat suit works best. Using a black permanent marker, you should draw shapes or bodily outlines all over your suit. Color some of the pieces/shapes in. Carry paints of markers with you and tell people you are a work in progress. Color on your costume all night long. Or, for more fun, have others color on you. Hump Day (Wednesday) Fashion a hump out of wadded up paper, material or foam and shove it under a short so that you have a hump on your back. On the front of your shirt, write either the word “day” or pull out one day on a daily calendar and pin it to your shirt. Gum under the Table Make a small cardboard table and wear it on your head. Dress in all pink. Picnic Buy or make a white and red checkered picnic blanket. Attach plastic or paper plates, plastic utensils and plastic food to it. Cut a hole in the center and wear the cloth like a poncho. Add some fake ants for that authentic effect! Gum under a Shoe Take an old shoe and if the laces are long enough tie them under your chin and wear the shoe like a hat. If laces are too short tie string onto the lace ends to make them longer. Wear all pink. For the best effect let your clothes get wrinkly to look like wadded up gum. Under the Weather On a hat attach clouds (cardboard and cotton balls), the sun, lightning bolts and raindrops. Cloudy with a Chance of Showers Attach cotton balls to a hat and clothes for clouds. When people ask what you are say “cloudy, with a chance of showers” and squirt them with a squirt gun. Time Flies Wear wings and tie string onto a clock so you can wear the clock like a necklace. Read between the Lines Wear a striped outfit or a solid colored outfit and draw strips on with a permanent or fabric marker. In between the lines write words or sentences. Miss Matched Dress in a gown such as a beauty queen might wear. Buy wide ribbon long enough for a sash around your shoulder. On the sash write “Miss Matched.” Then wear your makeup different on both sides of your face, your hair styled different, different earrings, different shoes and different colored nail polish. Spelling Bee Buy a bee costume. Attach felt or Velcro letters to your suit and carry some around with you. If you can get enough little letters in Velcro your friends will have fun spelling words on you! Con Artist Wear a prison uniform, the kind that is white with black stripes. Wear a beret hat and carry around an artist pallet and paint brush.

10 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE


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509 218-3762

3B APPLIANCE In-Home Service..... $45 includes 1/2 hr. labor

Room AC SERVICE In-Shop Special........... $39 509-487-1300

Furniture & Appliances WE ARE THE Mattress Factory! New pillow tops, 2 piece sets, Queens $199, fulls $179, twins $149, kings $299. Warranties, 6 months same as cash, OAC. Twilight Bedding, 12013 E. Trent, at Pines, Spokane Valley. 509-9262333 KENMORE WASHER, dryer, match set, $245. 208-667-4555 WHIRLPOOL WASHER, good condition, about 5 years old, all white, works great, $100. John, 509-4756404 Spokane $145 NEW QUEEN Mattress & Box, in plastic. 509-863-3295 Spokane

www. Spokane Free Everything MEMORY FOAM, Therapeutic NASA Visco mattresses. Wholesale, twin, $299; full, $349; queen, $399; king, $499; adjustables, $799, free delivery, 25 year warranty, 90 night trial. 1-800-ATSleep 1-800-287-5337

KENMORE GAS RANGE, 4-burner, self-cleaning oven, black glass, excellent condition, $165. 509465-0690 Colbert SOLID LIGHT OAK Bed frame with large matching side table, $125; large solid frame dining table with 4 chairs, $125. 509448-2608 Spokane GREAT DEAL: La-Z-Boy double recliner & matching queen sofa sleeper, excellent condition, beige with multicolor brushstroke, $200 each or $350 set; 1940’s oak table, 3 leaves, 6 chairs, buffet & mirror, $2500 or best offer. 509-991-3601 Days Colbert WE’RE MOVING TO Larger Building! Cutting deals now! Dining sets; (2) large recliners; small, medium & large china hutches; bedroom sets; small wood stove; bookshelves; older GE refrigerator, $129; TV’s/ entertainment cabinets; sofas, recliners, hide-a-bed; 36” RCA TV on stand; antiques; china sets; curio cabinets; lots of home decor & miscellaneous. Red Barn Second Hand, 157 N. Oak, Colville, Monday-Saturday 9am-5:30pm. 509-684-8995

COIN OPERATED Dryer, $200; refrigerators, $150-$235; very nice side by side, 25 cu ft, with ice & water, $375; washers, $100-$165; dryers, $85-$95; sets $240-$275, ranges $100-$160. Cash discounts, guaranteed & can deliver. 3B Appliance 509- 487-1300 GENTLY USED Furniture- Metro Home Furniture, 604 N. Monroe Street has 7500+ sq. feet of quality used furniture from mid-century modern to contemporary. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am5pm. Call 509-325-5400 to consign or email pictures to 100% LEATHER SOFA/ Love, brand new! List $2495, Sacrifice at $899. 509-863-3295 Spokane HOSPITAL BED, $175; 4 tables, $10-$20; sawhorses, $10; rowing machine, $40; Northern Lite camper, $15,750. 509-3256294 Spokane GAS STOVE, 30” Frigidaire, all white, good condition, about six years old, $100 or best offer. John, 509-475-6404 Spokane ADDY SECOND HAND: Medium size hide-a-bed $98; newer Kenmore electric range; 2-burner outdoor gas cooker, on legs; La-Z-Boy recliner sofa $129; good selection recliners; dining/ dinette sets; dressers; chest of drawers; books, including Western; lamps; kitchenwares; home decor; & lots more. Located on Hwy 395 S, Addy, 10am-5:30pm Monday-Saturday. 509935-4619

4-PIECE LIVING ROOM Set, $499! Microfiber, new in boxes, lifetime frame warranty. 509-216-1817 Spokane NEW QUEEN Pillowtop mattress & box, list $699, sell $249. 509-863-3295 Spokane GAS DRYER, older but works great, $50 or best offer. John, 509-475-6404 Spokane DRESSER, OAK, 9 drawers, mirrors, good quality, good condition. 208-6879694 BIG SCREEN TV Wanted, old style is fine, free or inexpensive please. 509-9358377 WHITE PROVINCIAL Wood frame twin bed with mattress & box spring, like new condition, $130. 509-838-1321 Spokane NEW- QUEEN OR FULL 5-piece bedroom suite, black color, $399. 509-2161817 Spokane NEW FULL MATTRESS/ Box, $135. 509-863-3295 Spokane MATTRESS SETS: ALL sizes & styles available. Basic Queen set $175; Premier pillowtop set $399; sleigh bed $235. Call CJ’s 509-922-2777 NEW BUNKBEDS. We sell them, new mattresses, got them too! Low overhead, pricing makes us your bunkbed & mattress bargain headquarters. Come check us out or go to A.B.E.S. Discount Sales, 3014 E. Garland at Market St. “Always Buying Always Selling” 509-4876978 Spokane

Wanted WANT: OLD SLOT Machines, toys, jukeboxes, porcelain/ tin advertisement signs; Coca Cola machines; service station items (gas pumps & advertising), Car/ motorcycle Washington or Idaho license plates (pairs/ singles) 1916 to 1980 in good/ fair shape. Email to call 509-926-9266 Spokane LOW INCOME FAMILY Needs 2 twin mattresses, in good condition. From non-smoking households only please (allergies). Can pay a small amount. Call 509-499-0398 or 509499-1299 Spokane. Thank you Cash for antique items, old military, indian, western, hunting, guns, archery, fishing, silver or gold coins, woodworking tools, old motorcycles, old stuff, etc, etc; we also buy small estates. 509-484-0160 Spokane UP TO $5000 CASH for model A or T or Rat Rod. Must be complete, running or could run. Call me at 250-428-5451 (4) 205/60R15 TIRES Needed Right Away. Good tread, All Season or Snows. Inexpensive, or will trade for sprinkler work, or ? Please call Ryan 509-499-0398 Spokane BUYING FISHER Stoves: Will pay $50 for Baby Bear size, $75 for Mama Bear or $90 for Papa Bear. Call Keith 509-328-3527 Spokane

WANTED: OLDER Travel trailers, 5th wheels & motor homes. Greenacres Motors, Inc 509-892-6825 Spokane WANT TO BUY Arrowheads, single or collections, authentic only. 509953-6385 WANTED: LAPIDARY/ Faceting equipment, rocks etc. Will pay cash. 509738-6305 FREE GOLD GUIDE! Gold up over 300% since 2001, call Merit Financial today, 24 years of competitive prices. Call 888-7206007

Tried. Trusted. True. 509-922-3456 OLDER CHRISTIAN Gentleman seeks slow, long term computer instruction, back massage, discussions. Trade landscaping, tree trimming, home improvements, etc. Jerry 509465-4118 WANTED: DIABETES Test strips, any kind, any brand unexpired, pay up to $16/ box, shipping paid. Call 713-395-1106; 713343-3050 ext 1

Retirement Auction Hightech Heating & Cooling Oct. 31st, 9:30 AM

5803 Presley Rd., Coeur d’Alene, ID

Exit 299, Next to Cabela’s • State Line, ID Drive—ThrU


Marlboro 72’s .................. $3199 caMel ...................................$4239 broNco..................................$3249 pall Mall ..............................$3199 soNoMa..................................$3059 pyraMid & Wild Horse .............$2999 Good stuff Bag Tobacco 16 oz .......$1849 All Tobacco Manufacturers Coupons Accepted • All Prices Subject to Change

SAVE! 5¢ OFF/Gallon

reG.Gas diesel

...with Any In-Store Purchase of $2000 or More! (other than gas)



$ 689 $ 959

Just mention this ad or bring coupon Expires 12/31/2009

7200 w. SELtICE way





208-777-7778 • 1-877-390-5778 Hours: Mon. — Thurs. 6am to 10pm • Fri. — Sat. 6am to 11pm • Sun. 7am to 10pm

Fall Coupon SpeCial $20


Free GolF Value or HuntinG

All new HD Golf-Tek Simulators – BrinG Your CluBS! Over 50 COurses! Pebble Beach to St. Andrews Also, virtual Hunting! OPEN GOLF: Tues -Fri: 10Am to Close • Sat: 11AM to Close — Call for Tee Times 208-773-2611 State Line, ID

Must Present Coupon • Limit 1/person/play • Expires 2/28/10

DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Interstate 90 & Hwy 95 (exit 12), take Hwy 95 south 6.3 miles to Presley Rd. Turn right (east) on Presley and go approx. 100 yards to auction site. Follow signs. AUTOMOBILES & TRAILERS: 2007 Chevy pickup, LT, crew cab, 1⁄2 ton, short box, 4x4, Vortec 5.3 liter, fully loaded, 102,150 miles; 2005 Dodge pickup, 1⁄2 ton, SLT, crew cab, short box, 4x4, 5.7 liter magnum, Hemi, 75,855 miles; 1994 Chevy box truck, 16’ walk-in work box, 7.4 liter, 14,500 GVW; 1997 Ford F150 pickup, Lariat w/walk-in work box, 4x4, AT, fully loaded, new motor, cracked frame; 1989 Ford F250 Econo cargo van with racks, 2WD, AT; 1990 Ford F250 Econo cargo van with racks; 1990 Ford 3⁄4 ton high top cargo van; 1991 Chevy 3⁄4 ton cargo van with racks; 2001 Chevy Monte Carlo, fully loaded, 175,459 miles; Yacht Club 2 place snowmobile trailer (no title); pickup box trailer BACKHOE: 1992 Cat 416 II, extendahoe, bucket, turbo, 4,748 hours. (sold subject to acceptance of the bid). TOOLS & SHOP EQUIPMENT: 2 Rigid 300 pipe machines; Rigid 300 high speed pipe machine; Rigid 200 pipe machine; assorted Rigid pipe cutting dies; Duro Dyne spot welder; Pexto 30” bar fold; Duro Dyne pin spotter; Grizzly 42” slip rolls; Grizzly 36” slip rolls; Pittsburg easy edger; Tennsmith 8’ break ( 18 gauge capacity); Tennsmith 52” stomp shear (16 gauge capacity); Wilder 24” slitter (20 gauge capacity); Whitney 48” finger break (22 gauge capacity); Wirsbo Pex pipe expander; Sumner 750 lb. equipment lift, 650 lb. equipment lift, many A frame & extension ladders; Black & Decker roto hammer Makita roto hammer; shop lights; 6 portable air compressors; vacuum pump; freon leak detectors; Ryobi chop saw; many high quality power tools - drills, Skilsaws, Sawzalls, etc.; 12,000 lb. furniture dolly; 2 sets of scaffolding. MISC. & INVENTORY: Assorted pipe fittings; assorted duct work & fittings; misc. scrap iron; portable camp stove; XR12 5 ton heat pump; assorted underground gas pipe; Lopi gas stove (needs glass); 3 new 50 gallon LP gas water heaters; used Heat-N- Go fireplace; assorted Unico system pipe & fittings; 32 snow tires with rims (15”-17”); many duct patterns. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Desks; Dell laptop; computers; copiers; fax machines; file cabinets; plus more. This is only a partial listing. For a complete listing & pictures, log on to website.

Terms & conditions. Cash, check 5% buyer premium, as is, where is AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: We will be selling at public auction the entire inventory and assets of Hightech Heating & Cooling. John Saffeels has successfully owned & operated Hightech for more than 16 years. With this auction John will be retiring. He would like to publicly thank all of Kootenai County for their business and friendships. All of the assets are job ready and in good condition. Don’t be late, as this auction has little misc.

TROY BL ACK Auctioneer


www. Spokane Free Everything I BUY ESTATE Contents, large or small 509-4835125

U.S. GOVERNMENT Auction Surplus from Umatilla Army Depot, November 8th, 10am, 80571 N Hwy 395, Hermiston Oregon. High end scrap iron. 541-571-3107; 541-564-2771; WANTED: YOUR ADS! Email, Phone, Fax, Mail

AUCTION Evelyn’s New & Used Furniture TODAY & Tomorrow!

Thursday & Friday

Oct 29th & 30th • 6:30 pm

821 S. Main, Deer Park • (509)-276-6088 Preview each day at 5pm

This 10,000 square foot furniture store is closing & will liquidate all remaining inventory at a two day public auction. Sofas, love seats, chairs, sectionals, bedroom suites, dining suites, mattresses, entertainment, lamps, pictures, used items & more. All will be sold to the highest bidders.

Scott Sandstedt • WA Lic. #2028

BCS Auctions •

PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, November 7 • 9am

PREVIEW: Friday and Prior to Sale

13231 SE Division St. Portland, Oregon

Consign Your Equipment Now to be included in Marketing!



WA Lic #2790 (509)

435-2368 • (208) 457-9611 WA Lic #1991

I-90 East to Exit 299, E. of State Line to Beck Road (N. of Speedway) Idaho Hwy. 53 to Prairie Ave. & Beck

equipment auction

Saturday, November 14 th• 9am Miscellaneous is full! Quality Doesn’t Cost ~ It Pays! • No Children Under 16. (Driver’s License Required.) No Pets Please!

ShowcaSe auctionS

Converting Assets to CAsh! 12551 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835 208-772-8101•

AWESOME ESTATE ANTIQUES! Friday, October 30th @ 6pm - Previews from 9am NOTE NEW TIME: Beginning this week until further notice,

Auctions Will noW stArt At 6PM We are excited to offer some fabulous ANTIQUES this week including a quarter sawn oak sideboard, gentleman’s dresser w/ mirror, low boy dresser, bowl & pitcher w/stand, Victorian sofa w/ matching parlor chair, Eastlake style ornate upright fireplace mantel, marble top plant stand, ornate Victorian pump organ, assorted rockers & chairs, draw leaf table, vanity w/mirror, several head/ foot bed sets, commercial 1902 ice crusher, oak curio wall cabinet, antique & vintage console & table top radios, 40’s mantle clock, cedar chest, treadle sewing cabinet, retro ironing mangle, 1800’s German grandfather clock, several antique & quality décor mirrors, primitive clothes wringer + milk crates + washboard + hames + single trees, old law library books, hat boxes, glass insulators, collectible glass + china + décor & more! We also have a newer 17 cu. ft. upright freezer, “Dumbo” commercial child’s barber chair, decorator sofa w/custom cover, wrought iron patio table w/4 chairs, Winter spinet piano, large entertainment center, glass front gun cabinet, clawfoot oak pedestal table w/4 chairs, Queen Anne style dining table w/6 chairs, solid wood desks, NEW Dell MP3 players, HP digital camera, jewelry & watches, guide books on knives + guns + reloading + NASCAR + sports and too much more to list!! Be sure to check out the “as seen on TV” TUNNEl of TError from 7pm nightly at 7980 W. Diagonal rd., rathdrum (½ mile north of IGA on Hwy 41). arrive at Friday’S auction in coStume and receive a $10 inStant auction credit towardS 10/30 purchaSeS!!

NOTE: Winter Starting Time 6PM•

License #2855

(509) 926-6191 • (208) 457-9611 P.O. Box 309, Otis Orchards, WA 99027 • WA Lic #1991 • WA Lic #609

moving AUCTion

Thursday, November 5, 2009 • 9am Items From Excavators Mark Semi Trucks Your Vehicles • Trailers Tools • Collector Cars Calendars! Motorcycles • Quads Snowmobiles • Appliances

Lots More to Come! COmmERCIal INDuStRIal auCtIONS THE C.I.A. YOU CAN TRUST

(503) 467-4845

INsPeCtIoN: Wednesday, November 4th, 11am to 3pm LoCatIoN: 14622 N. Willow Rd., Mead, WA DIReCtIoNs: From Hwy 2 take Hwy 206 (Day Mt. Spokane Rd.) East to Willow Rd., then Left. Willow Rd. is 1 mile East of the Round-About on Bruce Rd. & Hwy 206. aUCtIoNeeR’s Note: This Sale Is Being Held for Mike and Edith Coyle. Craftsman 10” Table Saw; Craftsman Drill Press; Wood Clamps; Ridgid Threader; Fence Stretcher; Hanson Scale; Craftsman Wrench Sets (Like New); New Craftsman 3/4” Socket Set; Airless Paint Sprayer; Snow Shoes; Ice Tongs; School Bell; Traps; Potato & Corn Planters; Planes; Cross-Cut Saws; Cherry Computer Desk; Golf Clubs; Air Nail Guns; Gas Pressure Washer; Domo Cream Separator; Copper Kettle; Sand Blaster; Texture Gun; Misc. Lumber; Wagon Wheels; Shop Vac; Canning Jars; Planter Boxes; Horse Shoes; Log Tongs; Stainless Steel Sink; Patio Lights; Fairbanks Scale; King 14 ft. Aluminum Boat; Craftsman Chipper/Shredder; J.D. Aerator; 4-Parking Curb Molds w/ Hardware; Case Yard Cart; 3 pt. Back Blade; Yard Sprayer; 3 pt. King Kutter Rotary Mower (Like New); 3 pt. Flail Mower; Log Splitter Parts; Yard & Garden Tools; (2) Wood 2-Drawer File Cabinets; (2) Antique Wall Phones; Delta Aluminum Pickup Box; And More gUNs - hUNtINg & fIshINg Items - moUNts: Cobra Walkie-Talkie; Wind River 8x42 Binocular; Apollo 8x21 Binocular; Bushnell Spotting Scope; Tasco Spotting Scope; Rokinon Night Vision Binocular; (2) Range Finders; Fly Fishing Poles; Fly Reels; Ladies & Mens Recurve Bow; Bon Hard Case; Gun Hard Cases; Bow Accessories; Arrows; Youth/Ladies Semi-Auto 30-06; Hex Barrel 22 Rifle; Stevens 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun; 22 Rifle; Ithaca 12 Gauge; 30 Cal. Lever Action Hex Barrel Rifle; Muzzle Loader; Winchester 30-30 Rifle; S.W. 40 Cal. Pistol; And More Shotguns; North American Mounts; African Mounts; Waterfowl Mounts; Gator Mount; Multiple Hides see Website for Pictures -

Quality Doesn’t Cost ~ It Pays! • No Children Under 16. (Driver’s License Required.) No Pets Please!

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 11

One of the Northwest’s Leading Auction Galleries

Owens AuctiOn Gallery

14208 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley • 891-9935 View Photos at

consign your Quality items now for Our next sale! Saturday & 2DAY Sunday 10am

November 14-15

Antiques, Collectibles, Quality New & Used Furniture & Furnishings, Home Décor, Fine Art, Rugs, Tools, Taxidermy& More Jeff Owens 509-990-6488 WSL # 22

GAllery OPen Monday - Friday 9am-4pm Cash, Check

Neal Stone 208-641-5071 10% Buyers Premium


Auction Starts At 5:30pm - 4:00pm Preview Continuing to liquidate Ruby St. Market with lots of yard iron & garden arbors, plant stands, benches and more. Dressers; electronics such as Marantz receiver, Bose speakers; old trunk; Hot Wheels; neon beer signs; lots and lots of Halloween and Christmas items; Beanie Babies; several tow straps; huge Navy mixing bowl and frying pan; cases and cases of collapsible hangers; beer taps; DVDs; 48 star flag; bathtub size Miller Lite cooler; anvil; 22” weed trimmer; vintage wooden golf clubs; and much, much more!

674 N. Pleasantview, Post Falls, ID

208-777-8724 or 509-496-8038

Triple R Auction

107 N. Park Road – Spokane Valley

public AucTion

thursday, October 29 • 5:30pm Preview: Thursday, Oct. 29 • 4pm

HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST! $50 to the BEST Costume Dining room table & chairs, book cases, hutches, oak mission-style computer desk, solid oak mission-style queen size bed frames with head/foot board, wicker-style night stands, old dresser with marble top, Waterfall chest of drawers, miscellaneous chest of drawers, vanities, miscellaneous end tables, sofa loveseat, Lane end/coffee table set, TVs, bunk bed frame set, beautiful old wedding dress, kid’s oak chairs, solid oak office chair. Lots of Disney movies, collectible plates, collectible knives, UP RR bucket, old photos, jewelry, cameras, silverware set, silverware. Rollaway Tool chest full of tools, chop saw, car ramps, books, lots of collectible miscellaneous/ art/ die cast cars banks

Check Out our NEW Website!

Consignments accepted Mon. tues. Fri. auctioneer: Rich Butterfield 509-218-2142 WA Lic #2824

10% Buyer’s Premium - Visa/MC/Cash/Check

Thank You!

Let us help you write your ad! We appreciate our thousands of loyal readers and advertisers!

509 922-3456

• 1-800-326-2223

Visit: W. 304 Third Ave. - Downtown Spokane Mail: P.O. Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210-0427 Email:

Wood & Warm CZ INFRARED Heaters had a great season last winter! New lower winter prices in effect. See our display ad under Wood and Warm. Please do your research. Robin, 208-7657760. LIGNETICS PREMIUM wood pellets for sale by the ton, $235. Call 208765-2266, or come by 650 W. Clayton, CdA, ID., for more information

SEASONED FIREWOOD, Prime tamarack, fir & alder, 1-1/2 cords, delivered area wide, $275. Call 509-937-2529; 509-9911535 WASHINGTON STATE Law requires the wood seller to give the buyer at the time of delivery a duplicate ticket bearing the seller’s name & address, the buyer’s name & address, the species of firewood, the amount in terms of cord, the cost & the date. Buyer’s or seller’s complaints should be formally made to The Washington Department of Weights & Measures at 360-902-1857 with information to the Exchange Newspaper

MIXED WOOD, $135 cord; Red Fir $160 cord. Will deliver. Call Steve 509-276-8712 Spokane FIREWOOD FOR SALE, dry, cut, split & stacked, Red Fir & Larch, 16”, $200; Red Fir & Larch, 22”, $180; Lodgepole, 16”, $160. 509-276-8973 Deer Park TAMARACK, BIRCH & Alder, mixed cords, split & delivered, $200. 509-2182303

Red Fir


I Bought Too Many!


$ 20 Delivery Fee

509-927-7898 $ $.............................

WINTER SAND WITH DeIcer, complete winter supply delivered, $129. Servicing Spokane & Coeur d’Alene & surrounding areas. 877-2547903 QUADRAFIRE Propane Stove, good shape, $300. 509-684-6996 Colville

QUALITY FIREWOOD, Red Fir, premium cords, cut, split & ready to burn, $190/cord. Delivery available, Spokane to Colville. 509-951-8232

www. Spokane

WoodGodsFireWood! Keeping you warm all year long, premium cords, $220 split. Delivery available. Senior & military discounts. 509-722-3772 Spokane

STAY COZY! ENVIRO Maxx, model # 50-1532, free standing pellet stove, 2007, 70,000 BTU’s, $1800. 509-838-1321, 509994-8739 Spokane

Free Everything


Wood • Gas • Pellet

Ask About 30%

Federal Tax Credit


SaleS & Service 509 935-7708 - Chewelah TAMARACK & RED FIR, $220/cord, White Fir, $185/cord, split & delivered. 509-230-5381, 509326-2444

FIREWOOD: RED FIR, split in halves, $180/cord; Mix $200/cord; Tamarack, $220/cord; delivery extra. 509-292-2231 Elk

EVEry day is a “1-Day sale” hErE! Deal locally With a Company Open Mon-Fri in the same location since 1989! Retail $499



Model SH750

50% Off YOur Heating Bill! Benefits of Dealing with a Local Distributor: • We’re here when you need us • We carry the latest line of Sunheat Products • We Match “1-Day Sale” Prices • Full Service Department —no need to ship unit • Keeps money in local economy

rice Special P /09 • Most effective zone heater on the market • Stunning oak cabinet looks great in any room • Heats room evenly wall-to-wall & floor to ceiling • Infrared heating technology is safe & efficient • Put the heat where you need it • Buy from the Warehouse & SAVE • Costs just pennies a day to operate OpEn 8-5 M-F

thru 10/31




509 487-1010

distributed Locally by Mailstream Usa, inc

1620 E. Houston Ave, Ste 200 • Spokane WA


FIREWOOD, STORED inside, $100 Cord, u-haul. 208-623-3301 Spirit Lake



12 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

a bag

northSide Store

SPokane valley Store

1 block East of Magnesium & Market

2 blocks East of Barker Rd. & I90



8721 N. Fairview Rd. Spokane, WA

E. 19215 Broadway

Spokane Valley, WA

DRY SEASONED SPLIT Red Fir & Tamarack mix, $215/cord, delivery available. 509-994-0377



377 Model 1500 Watts


• RATED #1 BY CONSUMERS • High tech 20,000 hour life infrared emitters w/heat exchangers. Emitters last 6-9 years. • 3 year manufacturer’s warranty no fire hazard ever! • Digital thermostat with remote. • TUV safety rating - higher than UL! Research Confirms 1,000 Sq. Ft. Of Coverage Due To Our Advanced Technology Robbin & Robin

Log truck loads, delivered most areas

Call for information Cell Number 425-530-1332

monitor heater

QUALITY SEASONED Slabs of firewood at wholesale price for less than $1 per sq. ft. (128 sq. ft. in a cord). Delivered in bundles 4’wide, 5’tall and up to 18’ long for sawing pleasure. 509-981-5461 Spokane

Model 2400, used 6 months, thermostat controlled includes $ 300 gallon tank 1250


Find the 2 Items in This List That We DON’T Recycle!

QUADRAFIRE Propane Stove, good shape, $300. 509-684-6996 Colville CZ INFRARED Heaters had a great season last winter! New lower winter prices in effect. See our display ad under Wood and Warm. Please do your research. Robin, 208-7657760.

Styrofoam Peanuts Home Brew Bottles Pallets Glass Barrels Food Grade Barrels Junk Mail Aluminum Toenails Brass Car Batteries Office Paper Appliances upenonces Used Dental Floss auvrine gRCefoer Newspaper Copper S t u y e F n r o M F Radiators Cardboard

STACKED & Delivered, Red Fir, $240; White Pine, $180. North Spokane 509570-3106

This is Just a Partial List! We’re Always Happy to Answer Your Recycling Inquiries Call Us For Information & Details

GOOD WOOD STOVE, $400. 509-624-9612 Spokane


E. 1904 Broadway at Napa, Spokane 509

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


I’VE GOT 10 cords of Red Fir for $200 per cord delivered, split and stacked. These are true full cords and then some. All cords are seasoned and ready to burn in 16” lengths. Great wood and high for BTU output. Can deliver two cords at a time. Please call me at 208-773-5198 and ask for Jayson STIHL 032, 24”, $260. Stihl 044 Magnum chainsaw, $525. Stihl 038, $400. Like new Husqvarna 372XP, $750. New heavy duty snatch block, $60. Replacement cylinder and piston kits, bars and chains for many chainsaws. Tune-up and repair on saws. Visa/ Mastercard accepted. 208-762-5651 TAMARACK FIREWOOD, $185 a cord. Split and delivered. White fir, $120 a cord. Please contact Adam at 208-818-8004

TEll us WhAT you WAnT... ... WE CAn Build iT!

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Lofts • Attics • Side Sheds • Cabins All Types of Doors & Windows Concrete Floor Available All Buildings Custom Designed & Custom Built Professionally Trained Crews Will Erect Your Building in a Neat, Timely Manner

EnginEErEd PolE Buildings 509 926-0865 • 1-866-926-0865


Licensed • Bonded • Insured SPOKAPF998MO


WANT AD MAIL COUPON Please Print Your Ad Below:

2 NATURAL GAS Stoves, new wall mount, direct vent, 18,500 BTU, $650 or best offer; free stand stove with some pipe & hearth, 30,000 BTU, $800 or best offer. 509-280-2681 TAMARACK FIREWOOD $230/ cord; red fir $185/ cord; all split & delivered; have references. 509-2160472



922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 13

Wood & Warm

SAVE UP TO 50% ON YOUR HEATING BILL with CZ INFRARED HEATERS A Washington State Company The Leader In Infrared Technology


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Make check or money order payable to:


Your Cost Eastern WA ZONE 1

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Nickel's Worth serving Northern Counties of Idaho & Western Montana

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Our Money Back Guarantee If you are not completely satisfied with accuracy, category and correctness of your advertisement, tell us. We promise to solve your complaint or your money back.*

Deadline for mailed ads is Tuesday, 2pm. Please mail payment or charge it to your credit card with Ad Coupon. No copy changes or cancellations prior to first publication; multiple week changes or cancellations due before Monday, 5pm. All rights reserved. Questions: 509-922-3456 • 1-800-326-2223 • Fax 509-455-7940 * The Exchange reserves the right to categorize, to edit and to reject advertising. No ads accepted with special spacing, capitalization, headings etc. We will not be responsible for errors or omissions except to the extent of the cost of the first insertion of the ad. Refunds issued only over-the-counter.


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14 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Hay & Feed

ALL ROUND BALES, Orchard grass hay, brohm orchard mix: $120/ ton, rounds. 509-999-4736 Mead 3rd CUTTING ORCHARD Grass Alfalfa, no rain, small square bales, $120 ton. 509-995-4512 Sprague FEEDER HAY, $50 TON; alfalfa, alfalfa grass mix, straight grass. 509-9217697 U-load, U-haul

Gypsum Bulk Organic soil Amenders Organic registered & non We Can Spread Dave - 509-993-0198

HAY: WE HAVE IT! TOP quality alfalfa, grass mix & Timothy, small square bales, can load trailers, $100-$150/ ton, possible quantity discount. 509935-8301 Chewelah PREMIUM HORSE HAY, Irrigated 2nd, 3rd cutting, alfalfa grass & grass, barn stored, $170-$180/ ton. 509-979-9352 Davenport FEEDER HAY, $100/Ton, delivery on 6 ton or more. 509-935-6676 Chewelah ALFALFA, 65 LB. Bales, $4.80/each, some grass hay & some alfalfa grass hay left. 509-671-0801 Usk

EXCELLENT 1ST & 2nd cutting, alfalfa/grass, & straight grass hay, barn stored, no rain, $135-$165/ton + delivery. 509-935-4143 leave message

HORSE HAY, 1st $140 ton & 2nd cutting $150 ton. Orchard grass; alfalfa mix, 2-string bales in “Bale Bandit” bundles, scales on-site. Sterett Brothers Hay, Sandy 509725-0275, cell 509-9941186 Davenport

NEW 2009 ORCHARD Grass/ alfalfa mix, (cut 6/15/09) small 100lb square bales, $165/ ton in stack. Hay available 7 days/ week. 509-995-2317 Cheney WA

PREMIUM GRASS HAY, Orchard, Timothy, clover, alfalfa mix, cut early, small stems, lots of leaf, $160/ ton, some delivery. Hagen Cattle & Hay, Chewelah 509-935-4796

Morrison ranch 1st Cutting Grass Hay & Timothy.. $150 - $170/ton Premium 2nd Cutting Basin Alfalfa.. $175 - $185/ton All Barn Stored Load Wed. & Sat. 9am to Noon • 509 928-6427 Greenacres EXCELLENT GREEN Grass Hay, great for horses, cows, goats, sheep, they love it! Round bales, no rain, in barn, $40 bale. 509-937-4612 Valley, WA.

TIMOTHY GRASS HAY, round bales, barn stored, 700 lbs., $35/bale; barley straw, small bales, $4, delivery available. 509-2872254 Farmington

Girls Day Out 2009 Merchants and restaurants in the Hillyard, East Sprague and North Monroe Business Centers are catering to and pampering female customers for a shopping event! These Business Associations are proud to sponsor Spokane’s fifth annual “Girls Day Out” on Saturday November 14th, 10am6pm. “Girls Day Out” is a neighborhood shopping event that takes place in three unique Spokane neighborhood business centers. Women of all ages are invited to sample the unique local flavor of each district. These business centers offer a little bit of everything – the usual and the unusual, the funky and fun – as well as tremendous antiques and antiquity expertise, new and used furniture, clothing, gift, jewelry, unique book stores, along with some of the best coffee houses, bakeries, and local restaurants in the city. The neighborhood business center merchants offer great products and services and for this event they will offer a great experience too! Plan to bring women of all ages to this year’s “Girls Day Out!”

OAT HAY, $130 ton; off grade, 2 tie, $85 ton; off grade, big square, $75 ton. Rathdrum, Idaho. 208-6871224 ROUND BALE HAY, barn stored, delivery available. Park Ranch, 208-7903615, Deary. ALFALFA/ORCHARD grass, round bales, 1st cutting, no rain, $135/ton, 2nd cutting, $150/ton. 509937-4643 Valley, WA 60 LB BALES, Alfalfa or Timothy grass or Triticale, $5/bale or $100-$140 per 34 bales. 509-276-5858, 509-279-8416 CERTIFIED ORGANIC alfalfa/grass hay, 1st cutting, $120/ton; 2nd cutting $140/ton. 509-937-2043 Valley, WA

Elenbaas Champion of Champions Program

LARGE ROUND Alfalfa bales, $75-$100/bale. 509924-9365 Otis Orchards BARN STORED GRASS & alfalfa round bales, approximately 900 lbs, $75 per bale. You pickup. 509292-8381 Chattaroy GOOD QUALITY Grass hay, on big round bales, 1000-1200 lbs. Tested and weed free, good for horses or cattle. $50 per bale, discount for large orders. Located 25 miles east of CdA, 17 miles west of Kellogg. CdA River Ranch, 208-682-2077 MUST SELL APRROX. 2000 big, round bales. Weed free, nutrient tested. Dealers welcome. Grass, grass/ alfalfa mix. Absolutely best deal ever! From 1 bale to several semi loads, discounts for volume, some delivery available. 208-755-5660 GRASS ROUND Bales, approx. 500 lbs., $40 each. Oat hay round bales, approx. 600 lbs., $45 each. All hay barn stored. Possible delivery on large orders. 208-659-3726 MEADOW GRASS HAY, $100-$120/ton; alfalfa/ orchard mix, $110-$130/ton, all barn stored, delivery available with volume discounts. 509-258-7190 Springdale

Eligibility: All market class steers, hogs, sheep and goats are eligible when shown by an active 4H/FFA member at any show that has a market class competition.


Requirements: The animal must be fed exclusively from the listed feeds below from start to finish. The participant must provide starting and ending weight data as well as pounds of feed fed, average daily gain and pounds of feed fed per pound of gain. Prize Money: Will be awarded to participant and to participant’s 4H/FFA chapter. Categories: Market Steer, Market Hog, Market Lamb, Market Goat Qualifying feeds: Elenbaas Pro-Show Beef Finisher, Elenbaas Pro-Show Hog Starter, Pro-Show Hog Grower, Elenbaas Pro-Show Lamb 18%, Elenbaas Pro-Show Max Goat 18%

TIMOTHY/GRASS HAY, $140/ton. 509-445-1143 Cusick MAKE OFFER 5’ round good grass bales, 900+ average. Won’t fit in barn. Quantity discounts. 208582-0272

NEIL’S MAGIC CARPET Carpet cleaning, $15/Room Complete floor care, Bids Available.

(509) 467- 8778 7524 N Excell Drive Spokane, WA 99208


Horses SPANISH REGISTRY Mustang, 7 year old gelding, Blue Lineback Roan, black mane, tail, legs, greenbroke, easy keeper, moves great, $1400. 509276-8420 HORSE BOARDING, $350 month, feed and care provided if needed. 5 minutes to riding trail. Call Kelsey, 208-660-0654 or call Lilly, 208-691-7701 SHETLAND STUD, black and white paint, 3 1/2 years old. $100. 208-4481993

2009 FRIESIAN/Trakehner/Throughbred/Appaloosa colt, solid bay, dressage & jumping prospect, will be around 16.1h, nice temperament, $800 or best offer to show home. 509-9358377 Chewelah TENNESSEE WALKING horse, Reg., 14 year old, chestnut gelding, broke, gentle, smooth, loads, bathes, clips. Crosses water & bridges, tons trail experience, $2400 or best. 509-991-8727 Mica, WA

Livestock exchange in Davenport, Washington

horse sale TACK

at 11am

Horses at 2pm

Saturday, Oct. 31 125 horses expected

All horses sell in order of ArrivAl.

Horses will be accepted until 5pm on the 30th and until 2pm on Saturday the 31st. Remember all horses coming from Idaho must have a Coggins as well as a brand inspection. All BLM horses must have a title.

$25 Deposit on All Horses Consigned

Take Hwy 2 West to Davenport, Turn South on Harrington/Odessa Hwy. Call Stockland at 509-535-2444 Sale Day Telephone 509-725-1101. FANCY BLACK & White Pinto WelshX mare & her pretty 5 month Pinto baby, exceptional yearling Red Roan Quarter pony colt. Many, many to choose from. 509-935-4711 Chewelah

WANTED: FREE Gelding 12-18 years old, 15+ hands, no Arabians. Almost bomb proof but with character, I’m very dedicated and have recently lost my horse. 208-2631966


SOFT LEAFY 100 lb Bales, farm stack or delivery. Knapp 509-466-6153, 509-209-7998 Wheat straw, 509-280-6088 TIMOTHY & MIXED grass hay, 1000 lb. square bales, $40 per bale. 208699-4804 or 208-686-1488 RATHDRUM PRAIRIE Hay, orchard grass or alfalfa, $125-$150 ton. 509993-1236, 509-991-0519 GRASS HAY, $150/TON, 70 lb. bales. 509-937-4206 Valley, WA

Call 1-800-808-6954 to locate a dealer near you! For more information contact your nearest Elenbaas dealer or visit our website

HAY FOR SALE, 1st Cutting alfalfa, small square bales, $125/ton; 3rd cutting alfalfa grass, small square bales, $145/ton; feeder hay, 5x4 round bales, approximately 950 lbs., $50 each; assorted top & bottom bales, $80/ton. Volume discounts, Cheney area. Delivery possible. 509-7101296, 509-939-6855

Find solution to this puzzle and more under the “Extras” tab online at

Horse & People Training The Magic of T T.E.A.M. See ad in Horse Previews.

Julie Jené

509 924-9739 • cell 979-6202

HORSESHOEING Over 20 Years Experience

Chad Gundlach

(509) 325-6549

Horses 3 YEAR OLD BLACK Bay Pinto gelding, 15 hands, make excellent jumping dressage horse, very wild, needs ground work, $200; 6 year old chocolate palomino mini stallion, 40 inches, $250. 208-3043503 Old Town OUTDOOR ARENA available for small groups & clinics. Nice, clean 190’x300’ outdoor arena, outdoor seating, announcer stand, PA system. West Spokane area, easy access off I-90. Call for more information & availability. 509-999-4546 NORTHWEST TRAILS Boarding happy healthy horses. Excellent care, recommended by Deer Park Vet Clinic. Catering to those who really care for their horse’s well being. Large, lighted arena, three round pens, large paddocks & pastures with shelter. Endless miles of beautiful trail riding. Natural Horsemanship training & lessons available, friendly, helpful atmosphere. 509-276-6345 Deer Park

Twin Mountain Performance Horses TRAINING - LESSONS

2000 C&B 3 horse gooseneck trailer, small front sleeping area, rear tack, $4500. 208-743-4304, Lewiston. QUARTER HORSES For sale, well broke, well mannered, 509-287-2254 THE HAUNTED HORSE Course, an Xtreme Trail Practice Course featuring 25+ obstacles with a Halloween Twist. The Cowgirl Co-op, 20424 N Dunn Rd., Colbert, WA. Saturday & Sunday from 9am-5pm. More details, or 509-991-4287 THOROUGHBRED Filly, 2 years old, dark bay, very well bred, can be registered, $600 firm, includes 30 days professional training. 509-935-8377 Chewelah 2009 AQHA FOALS now ready to wean. Grulla filly, buckskin colt. Other older models also available for sale. 208-4354821, Weippe, or e-mail: Website:

pine Trails ranch

boarding Trail Training Brandon Sprague Trainer

Reining - Performance Recreational 25 Years Experience Holly Turney • 509-276-5705

JASON SCHAPER Colt Company. Breeding, Sales, Training. 509-7511268, Clarkston.

PALOMINO MORGAN Stallion, 16 years old, $3500; 2 year old Morgan gelding, $850. 509-2207021, 509-922-2434

BEAUTIFUL KIGER Mustang gelding, buckskin with zebra striping, 8 years old, approximately 15h, 3 weeks training, very friendly, loads well, not for beginners, $1100 or best offer; Quarter horse mare, Black Beauty look alike, 14.3h, 15 years old, well broke but cinchy, $700 or best offer. 509-2453717, 509-954-7971 Spangle

2 YEAR OLD SORREL Belgian Morgan filly, $775; yearling sorrel Belgian Morgan filly, $500. Reg. yearling sorrel Belgian filly & colt, $800 each or both $1450. 4-H Discount. 509-684-1324 Colville

WINTER 4D Barrels and 3D Poles. Rockin’ Y Arena, Lewiston. Double headers, $100 added, progressive open. Race 1, 11:30am; Race 2, approximately 1/2 hour after end of race 1. November 14th. Time onlys: 9am-10:30am. Information, Judy Rowland, 208-790-0375, 208743-2921.

WILL ROGERS SADDLE Co., over 300 new & used saddles in stock, great collection winter blankets, mini size to warmbloods. 10% Off All Packing Equipment: deckers, scabbords, ropes, bags & more. Hereford Ranch roper, $395; Circle Y barrel, 141/2”, $495; used Tucker Trail saddle. Saddle cleaning & repair. 13011 N Freya, Mead 509-4660106; 877-707-2801



SAVE YOUR FAMILY from becoming your lifetime caretaker. Wear a helmet on horseback


Horsemanship & Training by Tim Richardson Don’t miss the opportunity to have your horses started correctly by using unique, gentle techniques that promote the horse’s ability to focus on learning, problem solving, building confidence and trust by one of the most talented horsemen around! Specializing In: Starting Colts to Finishing! Western • Barrels • English Clinics • Lessons (509)


Using Natural Horsemanship Skills & Techniques to make your horse the horse you always desired– using adequate time & miles on the trails. Your horse will cross water & encounter wildlife. Specializing in: • Colt Starting • Pleasure Horses • Problem Solving • Spring Tune-ups


Avoid Horse Slaughter By Liz Earlywood It is amazing that our noble friend the horse is afforded less protection than any other animal. Horses are in a gray area between pets and livestock. Their only protection is you. Horses are among the most versatile domesticated animals we have ever had the pleasure to know. They can be trained for anything we have the cleverness to convey to them. Many horses are given up for slaughter when they have finished serving their masters so well. A perfectly mannered and magnificent horse roping who goes lame can suddenly become a burden causing an owner to dispose of him. Same with barrel and race horses, old horses and wild ones. A mindset of use and abuse infrequently prevails. If you can’t afford your horse anymore it is imperative that you return the horse’s loyalty and love by making sure it goes to a proper home. If you have reached the point of desperation and are willing to give the horse away, make sure the person you are giving it to swears that they will provide your horse with a good home, that you are allowed to check up on it periodically, and that, should they change their mind, they will return it to you. If they don’t agree to these terms (best if in writing) it is likely their intentions are undignified. Protect your horse from unscrupulous people looking for free horses to render. Many families who can no longer afford their horses will bring them to auction thinking someone will buy them with good intentions at a fair price. However, because of the economy some horses are being sold at auction at a price only favorable to slaughterers. If and when you take your horse to auction be certain to notify the auctioneer that you do not want your horse to go to slaughter. If you are unable to sell your horse to a good home at auction, you now have it back. What do you do? Contact a horse rescue organization and tell them your situation. They may be able to find a good home for your horse. Look on the Internet under “horse rescues.” Trust in God a little and pray. It is amazing how suddenly someone will come through. If that doesn’t happen, then consider euthanasia. If you are unable to afford the expense of a veterinarian there are horse rescue organizations that will help pay the expense: and The rendering plant in Spokane will accept your horse for $45.00. We must never allow our noble and magnificent friend, the horse, to be slaughtered. They represent our own freedom and wildness. They have carried us through history on their backs. They make heroes out of cowboys and horse showmen. They race our hearts with their splendor and grace. They are the subject of finest art. They heal our sick and depressed and lonely children. They make us look beautiful upon their backs. We owe the horse everything. Continued On Page 16 (2) 4 YEAR OLD thoroughbred stallions and 2 in-foal mares for sale or lease to good home. 360-708-7617 MARK MILBOURN Horseshoeing 406-899-0997. Based just 5 minutes outside Spokane WA. I provide professional farrier services traveling through Eastern WA, Northern ID. With 12 years of experience shoeing, training & keeping horses sound everyday for use as pleasure, work & competition; & a degree in Farrier Science from Montana State University. 99% of horses are shod hot, using state of the art equipment & good horsemanship skills. Young & old horses are welcome, all breeds including minis, ponies, drafts & mules, as well as any disciplines accepted. I can also work with your vet to fix lameness issues, (for example: Navicular Syndrome, Founder, Broken Coffin Bones). Basic prices are trims, $25; half set of shoes & trim back feet, $45; standard full set of shoes, $80; pads or snow pads, $9/ foot; Tungsten Carbide Caulks (ice cleats), $12/ foot. Prices double for draft horses. Emergency farrier work, $80/ hour. Appointments are scheduled for you to be present at the time. Contact Mark Milbourn 406899-0997. (Save this number, it never changes.

4 YEAR OLD BLUE Roan Gelding, Percheron/ Quarter Horse cross, 15h, looks purple in summer, near black in winter, greenbroke this summer, unfortunately not worked with since, great temperament, quiet, smart, will make great kid’s horse when trained, no time to work with him, getting ready for college, $600. 509-7145077 Spokane DISPERSAL SALE! Your chance to get some of the finest ponies in the northwest. We are offering about 25 sport type ponies, broodstock, weanlings & yearlings, with a few 2 & 3 year olds. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance to get some superior sport type ponies headed for the winner’s circle! 509-935-4711 Chewelah FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted on horse farm, small bedroom, share house, pets & horses okadditional cost, $300/month. 509-999-9152 Deer Park REG. QUARTER HORSE mare, Zippo Pine Bar bloodlines, she has been helping create new trails all over the mountain side. Almost nothing rattles this gorgeous sorrel, asking $950, will take low payments to the right home. 509-233-8146 Loon Lake

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 15

Horse CHiropraCtiC Getting Cold Out! Time for an Adjustment? Do You Have a Horse That…

• Won’t take proper leads? • Has had a serious fall? • Fell backwards in early training? • Is stiff in the hindquarters and down the legs? • Has stifle problems? • Has a poor disposition due to body pain?

Jamie’s Equine - align

Jamie Cramblit — Certified Equine Therapist Massage • Saddle Fittings • Dogs, too! • 509-998-1022 A FEW GOOD HORSES breeding show quality Appaloosas since 1975. Registered Appaloosas, weanlings, fillies & well-trained mares. Call for more information, 208-875-1404,

HORSESHOEING, Trimming by Bill Maher, 26 years experience, same location, courteous to horse & owner, on time. North Spokane, Deer Park, Elk. 509-276-8440 On time!

WANTED: STILL Accepting Free Shetland Ponies, in some cases will pay, and Llamas, Alpacas, 208683-6312 Echo Farms, Athol ID

BAREFOOT TRIMMER 4B-S.A.I.D. method makes them “trail-ride ready.” Workshops Available 509 leave message

HORSE BOARDING, Stalls open to 3/4 acre, run in Chattaroy area, horses fed premium alfalfa hay, twice daily, $250. 509-951-2649

3 SADDLE BROKE mules. Prices negotiable on all. One half Fresian stallion, half Andalusian three year old mare. 208791-6581, Lewiston.

Reined CowhoRse


november 14 & 15 Spur of the Moment Equestrian Center

deer Park, wA Instructor:

3rd Generation Podiatric Protect your horse, do it right!


Horse Training

Colt Starting to Speed Events Trail & Pleasure • Gaited Horses Thoroughbreds • Trails & Obstacles Indoor/Outdoor Arenas Lessons

Scott Seeklander Limit 10 Riders

More information

208-699-7264 MORGAN HORSES for sale, 208-476-7221 10 YEAR OLD AQHA Peppy San Badger/ Neon Boon, tall bay. Has done CIRA, barrels, grand entries, parades, and Judy Myllymaki clinic. Great in mountains/ hunting. Used as a pickup horse. Excellent health. $7000. 208790-1153, cellular.

• • • • • •

Bill Maher Driving Horses & Ponies Spokane, WA A Specialty 509-276-8440 REG. APHA YEARLING Colt, halter broke, gentle, easy to catch & very well built, $300. 509-235-8182 HORSE PREVIEWS Magazine. Subscribe to the Inland Northwest’s most popular horse industry publication. $20/ year U.S., $24/ Canada. Call 1800-326-2223 for details, or local Spokane 509-9223456


All Steel Building Systems SERVING THE INLAND NW


16 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Guptil’s custom meats Beef • Pork • Lamb

no Waiting List

Farm SLaughtering WiLd game ProceSSing meat cutting

Old World Style, Curing and Smoking

WA Lic #9552

509 847-4902 chattaroy, Wa

Animals IF YOU HAVE 1/2 ACRE, We have the sheep for you, Shetland sheep make great pets & will keep your weeds down, even knapweed, they are small, friendly, soft & adorable, easy keepers, great prices now. Call 509-953-1330 Elk MINIATURE DONKEYS, Boy & girl, $400 each; Peahen, $25. 509-258-7044 Springdale


All Natural

Grass Fed with Grain Young Angus/Hereford Beef Ready mid-November $ 60 /lb hanging weight


Plus Cut & Wrap

Approx. 300 lb. Halves Discount for Whole Beef 509 291-6732 Freeman PAINT PONY GELDING; pony mare bred to mini Reg. Paint stud; mini Paint gelding; male & female Llama pair; bred pygmy doe & pygmy buck. Ask for Athena 509-2769148 Clayton

HOG/ Lots flour/ $65/ Athol

CHICKEN FEED, of bakery waste, fruit in containers, ton. 208-683-6312

SAUSAGE PIGS, HALF or whole, $1.60 lb., hanging weight plus processing. Weaners, $75 each. Spokane 509-953-9444 7am-8pm FERRETT SET UP, 3 years, fixed. Sweet disposition, good with children. Tri-level cage with accessories. $250 or make offer. James, 509-869-6231,, Hayden STEEL LIVESTOCK gates, various sizes from 8 to 16 & various prices. Call Scott 509-549-3100 Edwall RARE BREED Poultry: Welsummer, from Holland & lays a dark brown egg, Speckled Sussex, from England, dark brown egg, Spangled Hamburg, Holland, white egg layer, Partridge Rock, nice brown egg layer. I have 1 pr. of each of these, they are young, 5 months old, will start laying next month, $25/pair. Larry Wilson 509-235-2066


RULES FOR STRAY CATS: 4. Stray cats will not be fed anything, except dry cat food moistened with warm milk, yummy treats and leftover fish scraps. Spot (6170) is a Domestic Short Hair black and white male cat.

Please sPay or Neuter Pets!

Cat Clause is a Free Public Service Provided by the Exchange. Deadline is Thursday to be published in next week’s issue

WSU CLUB CALF SALE, 11/7/2009, at the Beef Center. Silent auction begins at 11am. Selling 10 lots. For more info, call 509335-2280, Pullman. RED ANGUS HEIFER calves, registered, $700 each. 208-835-6949, Troy, Idaho.

AQUARIUMS Available: 50 gallon acrylic tank and hood; 20 gallon breeder, tank, hood and stand; 20 gallon show tank and stand; 10 gallon standard. Make offer. James or Elli at 208-6403545 or 509-869-6231. Located in Hayden 6 MONTH RESCUED kitten, Simone, short haired black spayed female; Mama, 1 1/2 year, spayed, long haired, dilute torti, very sweet. View at Please call 208-512-2280

WINTER BENGALS, TICA World Class bloodlines, spotted leopards/ gorgeous marbles, both silvers/ goldens, highly intelligent, curious, play fetch like dogs! Loving, affectionate, loyal, $375 & up. 509238-6945 Colbert ANGUS GRAIN FED Beef, no hormones, hanging weight $2lb, you pay cut & wrap. 509-291-5213; 509-291-3710 Rockford REG. BLACK ANGUS cows & heifers, bred for March/April calves by a top son of HA Image Maker. Excellent pedigrees & EPD’s. Also have top quality heifer calves for sale, $800-$1000 delivered. Taylor Angus Ranch, Chattaroy 509-238-6678 YOUNG LAYING HENS & Geese for sale. 509-2929487 Elk CONURES $75; QUAKER Parrots $100; love birds $25; cockatiels $25; baby Amazon $600; canary $50; budgies $10. (New baby birds- Sun Conures, white ear conures, pineapple conures, goffin cockatoo, & blue quaker.) Cages $10. 208-290-3360 5 MONTH OLD REG. Red Gelbvieh Heifer, excellent bloodline, great 4H project or breeder for your herd, $400. 509-935-4717 Chewelah BUTCHER HOGS, Grain fed. Cook Hogs, 509-6483925 St. John GRASS FED BEEF, young cattle, no hormones, all natural. Discount for whole beef, $1.60 /lb hanging weight. 509-936-0670 Chewelah LOCKER BEEF, ALL Natural, corn fed Black Angus, no growth additives, 100 days + of grain, $2 lb. hanging weight, average half weighs 385 lbs., $100 deposit, ready in November. 509-979-1230 Cheney

FOR YOUR TOTAL AI Service in cattle using select sire bulls, call Fred Kuhn, 509-389-4005 Medical Lake JERSEY MILK COWS, milking now and pregnant, will make good family cows or nurse cows. $1000-$1100. 208-661-1486 YEARLING REG. Suffolk ram, RR. 208-772-2330 REG. NUBIANS FOR Sale. CAE neg. 4 does, 2 bucks, prices ranging from $250-$400. Awesome lines, 3 does in milk. Call Sarah 208-769-9999 CdA area 25 HEAD FAT LAMBS & Goats, grain fed, $100 to $150 per head; Also, some fat Ewes $100 per head. Order in advance. 208-6518698 ask for Bill, Athol REG. NIGERIAN DWARF goats, proven bucks & does available. 509-796-2341 HEIFERS. REGISTERED polled Hereford replacement, 500-600 lb. calves, weaned, Bangs vaccinated, and wormed. Complete records and EPDs, $700. Sandpoint, 208263-7264 HORSE PREVIEWS Magazine. Subscribe to the Inland Northwest’s most popular horse industry publication. $20/ year U.S., $24/ Canada. Call 1800-326-2223 for details, or local Spokane 509-9223456 LOST PET HOTLINES: Spokane County (S.C.R.A.P.S.) 509-477-8100; Spokane Humane Society 509-465-5235; SpokAnimal Care 509-534-8133, 509-232-2230; click on lost pet hotline

SCOTTISH FOLD Females, gray, folded ears, $450; cream male, folded ears, $500, or best offers. 509-286-3874 or 509-9993588

RANCH RAISED Hereford/ Angus cross calves, weaned 45 days, 550750lbs, steers & heifers, quality stock, vaccinated, wormed, gentle, raised on electric fence, market price. Hagen Cattle & Hay, Chewelah 509-9354796

WANTED: GOATS, Sheep, pigs, any breed, still accepting free, some cases will buy. 208-6836312 Athol

LOCKER BEEF, $1.80lb Hanging weight plus cut & wrap, local, grain fed, no additives or hormones. 509-276-2164 Clayton WA

Tack & Trailers OLDER WHITE 2 HORSE trailer with divider and escape front/ side door. Good condition, $900 OBO. 208683-0902 or 208-660-5449 Diana HYDRAULIC trailer. Two level for snowmibles, 4 wheelers, dune buggys, etc. Must see, $3000. 208777-1626 NICE USED TRAILERS at Don Johnson Sales. Check out our latest home page specials! We must make room for new inventory, so all our 2008 models are on special- Check out our home page to find out more! Consignments are always welcome! 1987 Circle J, 12’ 2-horse BP, $2995; 1987 Bronco, 10’ 2horse BP, $1695; 1995 Circle J, 19’ 4-horse GN, $6995; 1998 Featherlite, 18’ 3-horse GN, $12,995; 1998 Circle J, 18’ 3-horse BP, $5895; 1999 Circle J, 19’ 4-horse GN, $8995; 2001 Featherlite, 22’ 4horse LQ, $19,400; 2007 Pace Mini Horse, 1’ 3horse BP, $4495; 2007 Snake River, 24’ flatbed GN, $7295; 2007 Featherlite, 17’ 3-horse BP, $15,900. Full service & parts department, Walla Walla, WA 1-800-8310875, 1-509-525-1111. Check our website for our entire inventory!

ENGLISH OUTFIT, Saddle, cinch, bridle, pads, boots, clothes, $400. 509244-4750 Medical Lake 24’ ALUMINUM Stock trailer, Wilson, good condition, $6500 or best offer. Scott 509-549-3100 Edwall

OLDER GOOSENECK Stock trailer, mostly used for storage last 15 years. Excellent shape, good tires, $2500. 509-244-3253 West Plains 1990 CHARMAC 3 horse bumper pull trailer, floor replaced in 2006, new wheels, tires and LED tail lights. Has enclosed separate tack room with swing out saddle rack, but can be opened up to provide stock trailer option, stored under cover. $4500 OBO. 208-265-6703, will return phone calls in the evening



Sports MEN’S ROSSIGNOL shaped skis, 10.4 with marker bindings, Nordica boots, size 12, with poles, $75. 208-691-0373 2001 EZ GO gas golf carts, $1250 each! Odyssey Sports, 208-762-4662 FALL WALLEYE & Steelhead trips, mouth of John Day River & McNary area. Columbia Basin Guide Service 541-2760371 WANTED: 2 GONZAGA Men’s basketball tickets for any home game this season in the Kennel. 509939-7260

ANTIQUE SCHWIN bikes. Make offers, 208777-1626 AR-15 SMITH & Wesson model M&P 15, national match model, camo, stainless barrel, this has less than 100 shots thru it. New cost is over $2000, must sell, asking $1350. 208-771-0012 LAKE PEND Oreille fishing seminar. Learn techniques using downriggers, planner boards and long lines to harvest rainbow and lake trout. November 21st, 9am-4pm at Cabela’s. Limited seating, advanced ticket purchase of $20 is required. To reserve a seat call 208-772-2335







Cats without identification are placed for adoption immediately due to the large numbers impounded each day. This shelter impounds so many cats that they may have as little as one day before they are euthanized due to a lack of space. If you see a cat that you are interested in you should act immediately. There are always many more cats available than are posted here. When contacting the shelter with questions about one of the animals listed here, please do not refer to the animal’s name as not all staff are familiar with the names assigned to the animals. Please refer to the animal’s identification number only. For this or many other wonderful pets available for adoption, please contact the Spokane County Animal Shelter at 509477-2532 or visit our website at WA113.html and click on Our Pet List. SCRAPS is almost completely out of clay cat litter for our homeless and orphaned cats and kittens. Can you help by dropping off a bag at SCRAPS (2521 N. Flora Road, Spokane Valley 99216) or by sending a donation in to SCRAPS? Thanks from all of our cats at SCRAPS! If you have an upcoming event you would like published in Cat Clause, send it to: Dorothea, c/o The Exchange, PO Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210 or call: 509-922-3456, toll free, 1-800326-2223 or e-mail

There are those who think it is alright to slaughter the horse once they are done with them. That is a degenerate way of thinking and we, as gracious and good hearted beings, must not go down that dard road. It is said that those who are cruel to animals are cruel to humans. Our two Senators in Washington State, Patty Murray and Marie Cantwell, equivocate over slaughtering horses. They are not supporting the Equine Cruelty Prevention Act, Senate Bill 311. Please notify them of your displeasure. It is no small wonder that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are riding, of all the creatures on earth, the horse. For too long we have used and abused this beautiful and noble God given friend. For more information contact Liz at 509-937-2784, or 831-644-6160.


Against the Spread

2009 FooTbALL — Week 8 USA today Favorite


Baltimore ChiCago houston green Bay inDianapolis ny Jets Detroit Dallas san Diego tennessee arizona philaDelphia new orleans

3.5 13.5 3.5 3 12 3.5 3 9.5 17 3 9 1 10

Bye week:

USA today Slick SMiTH FUSE Underdog 52-50-1 55-47-1 56-46-1 Denver Cleveland Buffalo minnesota san francisco miami st. louis seattle oakland Jacksonville Carolina ny giants atlanta

Cincinnati, kansas City, new england, pittsburgh, tampa Bay, washington


U F F U U F F F F F U U F week 8 stone loCk: hotlanta!


Dogs AKC PAPILLONS, champion bred and champion sired, pet or show, written health guarantee, parents on site, 1 male, 1 female, $600 each. 208-660-3730 PUREBRED MIN PIN puppies, king of the toys. Born 9/7/09, chocolate and tan, also red. Males, $200; females, $250. Call 208753-6023 ADORABLE AKC Boxer puppy, fawn male, shots, wormed, tails, dewclaws, approved home, delivery. 406-558-4700, 406-4314361 Helena LOST PET HOTLINES: Spokane County (S.C.R.A.P.S.) 509-477-8100; Spokane Humane Society 509-465-5235; SpokAnimal Care 509-534-8133, 509-232-2230; click on lost pet hotline GERMAN Shorthair Lab puppies, 1st shots, dewclaws removed, 9 wks old, exc hunting dogs, both parents registered, 4 left. Willing to meet in Spokane Nov 1st. Puppies in Prosser, $200. 509-8303214. AKC MINI SCHNAUZER puppies, black, also black and silver. Tails, dewclaws, and shots done. Family raised. No kennels. Litter box trained; no kidding! 8 weeks on Nov. 3rd. $400. Sagle, 208-2633601 AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier, beautiful male puppy, 10 weeks, champion lines, parents on site. $500. See pictures of this cute male at or call 208-819-3332, leave message 2 FRENCH PUGS, male and female, $250 each. Also purebred French Bulldog female, $500. Registered Norfolk Terriers, males and females, adults and puppies. Kennel close out sale. 509-671-7273, rated #1 with children OLD ENGLISH Bulldog puppies, CKC registered, vaccinated, dewormed, home raised, started potty training. Ready now. $999 and up. 509-671-7273. AKC LABS, 2 Adorable yellow males, 9 weeks, dewclaws removed, vet check, 1st shots, parents OFA/OFE, hunting & showlines, well socialized, $500. 509-944-5208 BEAUTIFUL quality Boston Terriers. Black and white, 8 weeks old, first shots, dew-claws removed, vet checked, parents on site, $500, 208-6871659 AKC REGISTERED Black Labs, 3 months, one male, one female, dewclaws removed, shots, blocky heads, beautiful pups. Reduced to $400 each OBO. 509-397-4071 ST. BERNARD PUPS, pure-breds with papers, vet checked, dewclawed, family raised, 1st shots, dewormed. Ready now, $550. 208-772-2523 or 208651-6907 PUG ADOPTION available: Fawns & black, $300, 1st shots given. Contact after 5pm at 509-9874248; 509-987-4249. TriCities.

Halloween Party For Kids MOVED - MUST SELL! AKC Pomeranians, black & tan male & sable female, 4-years old, weighs 3-4lbs. Both $500, dog cage included. One puppy left, $265. Call 59-2160834 Spokane 2 BEAUTIFUL AKC German Shepherd black & red males, born 7/13, from champion West German bloodlines, mild temperament is good for family & home, $650 & up. 509-2584580 PINK POODLE PETS & Grooming. Puppies starting at $199. Shih Tzus, Puggles (Beagle Pug mix), Pom Chi, Papillon, AKC & CKC Yorkies, red Dachshunds, dapple Dachshunds, black Pugs, Doxie Chis, brindle Boston Terriers, Rat Terriers. Store wide sale, 10-50% off. Finest puppy boutique & professional grooming parlor. Best prices in town. Visit our website w w w . t i n y t o y b r e e d p u p p i e s . com Under new ownership! 3209 N Monroe, Spokane 509-324-0750 BASSETT HOUND puppies, purebred, 2 females left. Beautiful markings! First shots, two wormings. $300, cash only. 509-5509302 or 509-447-4362 AKC SHIH TZU Puppies, 10 weeks, 1 female, 3 males. Vet checked, shots, paper trained, parents on site. 208-683-9123. Please leave message BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED Pitbulls, males $100, females $150. Parents on site. American red nose brindle. Lots to choose from. 509-671-7310 AKC GOLDEN Retriever puppy, two females, born 9/23/09, dewclaws, first shots, will be ready 11/6/09. Call 208-290-8973 or 208-660-9304 BLACK AND TAN Male Pom puppy, born 9-11-09. $300, $100 down and the rest when you pick him up 11-11-09. Call 406-2502498 AKC SHIH TZU Puppies, black with white boots, shots, vet checked, family raised, very cute! $300. 208-691-3658 POMERANIAN PUPPY, beautiful teddy bear cream wolf sable male, 10 weeks, sweet/ calm, shots. $275 cash. 208-682-5916 FILA BRASILIERO Mastiff female, black, 6 months old, $250 or trade. 208-267-7770, please leave message PEEK-A-POM Puppies. 2 females, $200, all guarantees. AKC chocolate female Pom, 5 lbs., 2 years, $400. 208-699-4177 DESPERATE TO FIND homes for 2 beautiful male Lhasa Apso puppies, $350 OBO. 208-755-1343, Michelle FREE PUPPIES, Beagle/Terrier cross, shots & wormed. 509-258-7139 Springdale MISSING DOGS! 2 Husky females, “Chessa”, full grown, black & white; “Daisy”, 4 month old puppy, pure white, presumed taken from Greenbluff, Day/ Mt. Spokane Road area. Please call 509238-9147 or 509-999-0252. We need our girls back, thanks

Northside Church Offers Safe Halloween Evening Spokane’s First Church of the Nazarene is hosting a Halloween party for kids, on Saturday, October 31st from 6-8:00pm, held in the gymnasium at N. 9004 Country Homes Boulevard. Activities include a costume contest, jumping castle, dunk tank, cotton candy machine, hot dogs, carnival games, candy & more. Toddlers through 6th graders are sure to enjoy this evening of fun. For questions, call the church office: 467-8986.

Halloween at Valleypoint October 31st, Located at 714 S. Pines, in the Spokane Valley, from 5-8pm. This is a free event that will have indoor jumping castles, Trunk or Treating with lots of candy for the kids, chili, cornbread, popcorn, Pony Rides & much more. For more information, call the office at 509-928-7880 GOLDENDOODLES $650, shots wormed, dewclaws, guarantee. 509276-1307 Spokane

YORKIE! AKC reg female, $1000. 509-380-5228. TriCities. SHIH TZU puppy, 7 week old black and white and tri color. Males $350 and female $400. Call 208-9460936 5 YEAR OLD Weimaraner, needs good home, very sweet, great with kids, needs lots of play time. 208-651-3404

PUREBRED MINIATURE Dachshund puppies, 8 weeks old, 1st shots, ready for their new home now, 2 females $300; 2 males $280, both parents on site, come pick one out today. Call Brittany or Cleo 509487-0970 Spokane MINI Dachshunds, 2 males, 2 females, wild boar, smooth & wire haired, 1st shots, dewormed, vet checked, $200-$250, no papers, papers available or best offer or trade, accepting deposits; 6 month old chocolate dapple female, no papers, $175 or best offer. 509-893-2351, 509-9998738 Otis Orchards BORDER COLLIE DOGS: 5 months thru 2 years, all female, some started, some not, ready to go to work, prices vary. 509-3498833 VARI KENNEL, $35. 509244-0834 Medical Lake ADORABLE AKITA Puppies, 2 males, dewormed & 1st shots, $300 or best offer. 509-954-6339 Spokane Valley AKC CHOCOLATE LAB puppies, 4 males left. Shots, dewclaws removed, wormed. Real cute! $375. 208-476-4631, Orofino. BASSET PUPPIES, $300 each, shots, wormed, dewclaws. 509-276-1307 Spokane YORKIE-SHIH TZU, Purebred, non registered parents, at full grown, barely 4 lbs., 1 year old, very beautiful, healthy, all shots, with white starburst blaze & whiskers, with black full bandit eye mask & ears, toy size & absolute jewel with great habits, $800, very firm. 509-954-0598 AKC QUALITY YORKIE pups, 7 weeks, under 2 lbs., will be extremely small, $750 & up. 509-7710790 AKC PEDIGREE LAB puppies, hunt/ showlines, (1) black female, $300; (1) chocolate male, $300! 2nd shots, wormed, dewclaws. 509-251-8872 Spokane Valley

AKC 3 lb male Yorkie for stud, $300 or pick of the litter. Please call 509-9303201. WANTED: CYCLONE fence type, dog kennel. Dennis 509-325-5667 Spokane BOXER PUPS, AKC registered, 1 male, 3 females, going fast. $450. 208-4373470 ADVERTISING GETS Results. Advertise in The Exchange. 509-922-3456

SWEET SHIMAS Teacup Puppies, all stages, sizes, & ages; even breeders/ Reg. Let us know what your family needs, we’ll do our best to place the perfect puppy in your home. Shimas are socialized, fun, fluffy; beautiful colors, shots, wormed, potty training is well under way; 410lbs grown, hypo allergenic, non shedding, non yappy, excellent with children, extremely affectionate, loyal companions. 11 grandmothers are pampering your puppy. Shimas $495-$650. Today: AKC Toy Manchester puppies, their uncle: #1 Manchester in USA, $750. See your puppy online 509-2761717 Deer Park AKC REGISTERED Collies, 12 weeks, all shots. 208-669-1967, Deary. BOSTON PUG MIX, $75, shots & worming. 509-2928700 Elk AKC RAT TERRIER for stud. 509-295-1185, Pomeroy. REG. SHIH TZU Puppies, $250, 1st shots & worming. 509-292-8700 Elk AKC YELLOW LAB Pups, parents OFA certified, exposed to children, will be very loving & social puppies, dewclaws removed, vet checked, will have 1st shots & worming, born 10/6, ready 12/1, $450 cash each. Come pick now, deposit will hold. 509-2928547 Newport

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 17

Dr. Leise’s Low Cost Pet VaCCination CLiniC

509-991-8629 $15 per Vaccination Microchipping Available ($18)

includes FREE EXAM

Cash or Checks Please

EvEry Friday from 2pm to 6pm: You’ll find Dr. Leise at the

Dollar Store at 4512 N. Market

Pink PoodlE PEts & GroominG: mon. nov. 2 & 16 • 3-6pm N. 3209 Monroe • 509-324-0750 EvErGrEEn PEt shoP: tuesday, Nov. 3 & 17 • 3-7pm In Parking Lot at 14319 E. Sprague • 509-926-6200 PUREBRED LAB Puppies, chocolates, blacks, 67 weeks old, both parents on site, females, $200, males, $150. 509-660-0487 Ritzville AKC BRUSSELS Griffon, Male-red $700; femaleblack $750, all shots, microchipped. Ready to go. 509-499-9478 AKC TOY POODLE pups. Black tiny toy female, $600. Apricot tiny toy male, $600. Two apricot teacup females, must be sold together, $1200 for pair. Current on shots, sold with health guarantee. Ready to go now. 208798-9765, cellular.

AKC SCHIPPERKE pup, male, born July 17, parents on premises, great personality and a cuddler, will sell to right home only, asking $300. Free rare cream female, 5 years old, fixed, small but great personality, needs doggie door and house training reinforced. For more information, 208-263-8174 or 208-610-2587 LABRADOODLES, shots/ wormed, beautiful colors, guarantee, $450. 509276-1307 Deer Park

MALTESE LHASA APSO mix, new breed called “Lhatese.” Beautiful, pampered puppies, 1 male, 1 female, white with unusual black markings. Hypo-allergenic, great for people with allergies, 1st shots, 9 weeks, $500 each. 509-4817717 Spokane ONLY 1 LITTLE Girl left! AKC Yorkie Teacup size papered, 9 weeks old, shots current. She has inguinal hernia which will need to be repaired so am reducing her price to $400. She is a very sweet little girl and ready for her new family. Call 208-661-9669 or MALTESE, 3/4, sweet, perfect house dogs, no shedding, beautiful, smart, must see, paper training, 1st shots, 8 wks old, white, cream on ears, curly tails, have parents, asking $250- $300. Deliver? email drystar for pictures. Call 541567-7827, Hermiston. AKC COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Totally adorable, ready 11/2. Two black/ white parti females, one chocolate brown male, one black male. First shots, wormed, tails and dewclaws done, well socialized. $350 OBO. 208-6899506, please leave message if no answer SHOSHONE PET Rescue. PeeWee, approx. 5 years, medium size, possible Border Collie/ Spaniel mix. Call foster mom at 208512-2280. Lunar, adult male Retriever mix, medium size; Stitch, 1 year female Akita mix. 208-786-2026, view YORKIEPOO Puppies: Our Yorkiepoos are quality puppies that will make a wonderful addition to your family. The mother is the Yorkiepoo & the father is Yorkshire Terrier, asking $350 ea. 509-3960223 or TOY CHIHUAHUA Puppies, 4 boys, all different colors, will be under 5 lbs., parents on site, start on paper, wormed & crate trained, guaranteed health, $300. 509-2304516 leave message Spokane Valley

YORKIE POOS, 10 Weeks Old, “The most popular crossbreed in America”, 3 darling males with babydoll faces that are selling in CA for $1500 each, we are asking only $500 each. Call anytime 509-722-4138 AKC MALTESE, WILL Be small, totally paper trained, simply adorable, 9 weeks old. 509-9260700, 509-979-5080 Veradale KELLOGG DOG Pound. Needing immediate homes or foster homes: Twilight, young female black Shepherd mix; Shadow, adult male black Lab; Buttercup, adult female Shepherd mix and her puppy Abe; 3 year female Dachshund and her 1 year son and daughter. Now in foster home but waiting for forever homes: adult male Brittany Spaniel. Can’t adopt but are willing to foster a large dog? Please call, 208-682-3707, for more information AKC CAVALIER King Charles Spaniel puppies. Come with: 2 year guarantee against genetic/ congenital defects, veterinarian examination, current vaccinations & several dewormings. We currently have 2 beautiful Blenheim males avail. 1 show/ breeding quality, $1250. 1 pet quality $1000. Possible delivery. For pictures and more info please visit our website at www.allstarperfor 541398-1668. FOUR FEMALE AKC black Lab puppies, born 98-09. These wonderful puppies are from strong lines of hunting dogs on both sides. Champion lines in both parents. At four weeks already locating grouse wings. Can send pictures of parents, puppies and pedigrees. $500. Call 208-640-9035 day, 208-457-1842 night

18 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE


FREE TO LOVING Homes: One 3 year old Yorkie unneutered male; One 3 year old unneutered Maltese. No children. 509292-9487 Elk WANTED: I’M LOOKING for a Jack Russell or MinPin, (prefer not black/tan) puppy. Can only afford between $200-$300, it’s a birthday gift for my daughter. 509-722-3499 BEAUTIFUL AKC BLUE Merle female Australian Shepherd, 2 years old, very friendly, good with kids, $200. Can email photos. 208-476-7641, Lenore. REG. CKC & AKC Chihuahua puppies, 8 weeks old, rare blue & chocolate, show quality, short & long hair, 6 males, 6 females, $250 up. 509-326-0460; 509-863-6531

AKC MINI LONGHAIR Dachshund Puppies, 10 weeks old, ready to go, $250, champion bloodlines, see our web or call 509-796-5366 Spokane WA AKC SCOTTISH Terriers, black or black brindle, males, $600; black females, $650. 541-421-3212 Ukiah, OR MUST SELL: TO GOOD Home Only, beautiful, intelligent & willing AKC red & black German Shepherd female, 6 months old, all shots & worming, 1 Puppy class, top German bloodlines. For family protection, S&R, or Police work, deserves more time & attention than I can give her, best reasonable offer. 509-496-1126

PUGS & PUGGLES- so cute, 2 litters, home raised with kids, 1st shot & dewormed, $450. 509-2572644

BLUE PIT PUPPIES, perfect litter, very mellow parents, $200 each. Call Justin 509-279-4656 Clayton

MINI DACHSHUNDS, All females, red & blue Merle, dewclaws removed, includes 1st puppy shots, $300. 509-953-6112 Mead FRENCH BULL DOG Pups, AKC, shots, 4 males, brindles & creams, parents on site, outstanding conformation & temperament, $1100. 509-6712644 Cusick AKC CHIHUAHUA Puppies, (2) males $250 each, (1) female $350, beautiful, playful, socialized. 509758-6823 Clarkston GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies, 6 months, (4) left, (1) female, (2) males, really like to play, $300. Call after 3pm, or leave message; Saturday can call all day, No Sunday calls please, 509-532-1772

LOOK! AKC SHIH-TZU puppies, male & female, our babies are ready for you to love & be your best companion ever! Black & white & solid black, nonshedding, silky hair, vet checked, 1st shots, dewormed; Standard size per AKC at 9-16 pounds. 509-467-3513 TOY POO CHIS, SWEET Munchkins, $200 cash. 509-684-3678 Kettle Falls

AKC PUREBRED German Shorthair puppies, 1st shots, $300. 509-2928573; 509-209-1037 Elk FUR KIDS DOG TRAINING Classes start November 2nd. Have fun with your puppy! Building confidence and a strong foundation. We offer Puppy Agility, Pawsitive Manners & Puppy classes. Contact us for more information Joanne 509475-5721; POMERANIAN LOVERS! Lilac City Pomeranian Club welcomes all Pomeranian fanciers to our meetings, the second Sunday of each month. Also, come promenade your pretty Pom with Lilac City Pomeranian Club, 3rd Saturdays. For locations & times, 208-765-8518 or 509-768-8041 SPOKANE ChIhUAhUA Lovers Meetup: Check the website below for place and time. A great chance to meet other Chihuahua Lovers and their Chis! This is a great social event for both the owners and their pets. For more meetup information, please register for free with our group and show off your Chihuahuas at hOW MEN ARE BETTER ThAN DOGS: Holiday Inns accept men. Star (5975) is a Spaniel Mix. She is just a young pup that needs some time, attention and training. She received all 1’s and 2’s on her SAFER except for the following 3’s: look-shoulder rubs, squeezehead flips, dog-stiff. It seems like she wants to bond and is ready to please. I believe she would be great with an active family that would be willing to take advantage of the free training classes. Please take advantage of the free training classes offered to all who adopt here. When contacting the shelter with questions about one of the animals listed here, please do not refer to the animal’s name as not all staff are familiar with the names assigned to the animals. (Please refer to the animal’s identification number only.) For this or many other wonderful pets available for adoption, please contact the Spokane County Animal Shelter at 509-477-2532 or visit our website at and click on Our Pet List. SAFER (Safety Assessment For Evaluation Rehoming) Dog Behavior Evaluation Program. The SAFER Test focuses on learned behaviors, sensitivities, and problem solving. This Test provides shelter staff with the ability to evaluate a dog’s behavior accurately and efficiently improving the chances that the adopted dog will remain in his new home. The SAFER Test Process: (1) The Stare Test gives clues regarding the dominance and submission of an animal. (2) The Sensitivity Test assesses social skills, sensitivity levels and level of fear. (3) The Tag Test determines dominance aggression and fear aggression. (4) The Pinch Test determines sensitivity, dominance and lack of bite inhibition. (5) The Food Aggression Test determines food aggression. (6) Dog-toDog Aggression Test determines sociability with other dogs. The SAFER Test uses standard grades 1 through 5. A dog’s grade is the lowest grade received on any portion of the test. 1 & 2 dogs are easily adoptable. 3 & 4 dogs may need behavior modification or be only appropriate for experienced owners. 5 dogs are clearly unsafe dogs and not made available for adoption. If you have an upcoming event you would like published in Dog Pause, send it to: Dorothea, c/o The Exchange, PO Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210 or call: 509-922-3456, toll free, 1-800326-2223 or e-mail

Please sPay or Neuter Pets!

Dog Pause is a Free Public Service Provided by the Exchange. Deadline is Thursday to be published in next week’s issue

AKC MINI DACHSHUND puppies, English cream, brindle/ cream, chocolate/ cream, all long-hair, ready October 24th; (1) long-hair chocolate/ tan female; (1) chocolate/ tan male, ready November 12th. See at 509-9990456, 509-292-5091 CHRONIC EAR Problems? If you have tried other products that have not worked including prescriptions from your vet, give K-9 Liquid Health Ear Solutions for dogs or cats a try. Ear Solutions(tm) covers all the bases at once! Ear Solutions kills mites, fungus, bacteria, yeast, & dries the ear canal, promotes healthy PH balance for a healthy ear. Inexpensive, fabulous new product, vet recommended & available now at Pink Poodle Pets & Grooming, 3209 N. Monroe, Spokane 509-3240750. Also available by mail, call shop for details AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies, 1st shots, dewormed, vet checked, females $500, males $450. Call 509-671-2893 Ford GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puppies, (3) females $400, (5) males $350. 509-9372033, 509-435-3113 Loon Lake TO ALL DOG CLUB Members & organizations: Do you have an upcoming event you would like to promote? Get the news to the people through the Dogpause column in The Exchange. Submit information by Thursday at 5pm for the next week’s issue. This is a free public service provided by The Exchange. I would like to personally encourage everyone’s participation in promoting their organizations & events. Contact Dorothea at The Exchange, PO Box 427, Spokane WA 99210, or call 509-922-3456, toll free 800-326-2223, or email WEIMARANER AKC Reg. pups, home raised with kids, Champion Bloodline, beautiful blocky heads, hunters & family companions. Silvers & Blues, tails docked, dewclaws removed, dewormed & 1st shot, $500-$600. 509257-2644

AKC GOLDEN Retriever Pups, OFA certified, 1st shots, wormed, dewclaws removed, vet checked, 7 years breeding experience, health guaranteed, $500 each. 509-429-8005 PUREBRED BORDER Collies, ready 10/28, 2 females, 5 males from working parents, both onsite, will be wormed/ vaccinated, males $200, females, $250. Call 208-6919803 or 208-215-4596 Post Falls

AKC CHOCOLATE Labs, only males left, $450, 6 weeks old, 1st shots, wormed & dewclaws. Visit us online at Reserve yours before they are gone. 509-2362243 Cheney area, leave message HOUND PUPS, Bluetick Walker Bloodhound cross, 8 weeks old. For information, 509-937-2402 or 509570-6066 Loon Lake MINIATURE Schnauzer, female, 11 months old, salt & pepper in color, AKC, $200 or best offer. 509-935-4717 Chewelah AKC REG. TOY Poodles, will be small, 2 black & 1 apricot, males $300; Great Pyrenees puppies, males & females, $150. 509-7328971 Colville COLVILLE PET RESCUE Is a nonprofit rescue & referral organization dedicated to placing unwanted pets into suitable homes, & preventing unwanted pets from overloading the shelter system. We need members, volunteers, & donations. Please spay & neuter your pets. Call 509684-9710 or 509-684-6428 if you can help. Several nice young dogs available for adoption now BAD BREATH? TARTER Build up? Arthritis or joint problems? Pet Kiss Products, 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed. Pink Poodle Pets & Grooming 509-324-0750 Spokane AKC NEWFOUNDLAND, AKC papers, vet checked, old style newfie’s, all black, $700. See them at 509-9356485 Addy

MIN PIN, $200. PLEASE call 509-290-2817 Elk

AKC GOLDEN Retriever puppies, ready midNovember, 5 girls, 5 boys, parents on site. 509-2584536 PUREBRED SHIH TZUS, non registered, 2 male puppies, 8 weeks old, shots, healthy, 1 male, beautiful, all white, 1 male, beautiful raccoon markings, facial mask blaze, paws & tail, $300 each. 509-954-0598 MIXED PUPPY, 3/4 Maltese, 1/4 Shih Tzu, looks like Maltese, male, 2nd shots, vet checked. Also, AKC Maltese puppies, (1) female, (1) male, 1st shots, vet checked. 509-928-5862 Spokane Valley

AKC ENGLISH Setters, Reg., born 6/21/09, gorgeous, healthy, show quality pups from selective, planned breeding of Int/ AM Champion lines, sire (photos) & dam have all OFA health clearances, all pups are orange belton, BAER hearing normal, 2nd shots, micro chipped, $1500, ready for loving pet or show homes, family raised & loved, breeder is ESAA member. 509-4640093 Spokane

BORDER COLLIE DOGS: 5 months thru 2 years, all female, some started, some not, ready to go to work, prices vary. 509-3498833

AKC STANDARD Poodles: 4 cream and 6 black puppies will be available the second week of December, just in time for Christmas! Hypo-allergenic, champion blood-lines, home raised and Volhard tested. Mountain View Estates Standard Poodles are bred for health, intelligence, beauty and size. Puppies will have first and second shots and appropriate deworming. Pups will come with a health guarantee and Christmas puppy packages. Pups will start at $600 males and $650 females. Now taking $250 deposits. Questions or for pictures, call 509-8633315 or 208-437-0947, or email: AKC BRITTANY, MALE, liver/white, born June 1st, just in time for hunting season, parents great hunters, all shots, $200. 509-647-2450 Wilbur, WA

BEAUTIFUL SHIMA Puppies are waiting to be chosen for their forever homes, dewclaws, shots, worming, non shedding, will give unconditional love, very social, travel well, beautiful colors, male & female, good with adults, kids, cats, & other dogs, health guarantee, $400. Patricia 509-2555735; 509-991-6033 Liberty Lake AKC LAB PUPS, three colors, champion show/ hunt lines, parents OFA/ OFE, cerf. Pups first shots, dew claws removed, vet checked. $500- $650. 509843-5047, DACHSHUND PUPPIES, 8 weeks, 1st shots & wormed, 2 silver dapples & 1 piebald silver dapple, very friendly, paper trained, ready to go, $250 & up. 509-714-4027 Deer Park COCKAPOO PUPS, from Okanogan kennels, first generation, shots, vet check, parents AKC, $550-$700, ready in 2 weeks. 509-422-0409 Okanogan LABRADOODLE PUPS, 7 weeks, males & females, $300; Yorkies, 8 weeks, (2) females $450, (1) male $400; Chihuahua’s, 5 weeks, male & female, $300; Labradoodles, 11 months, $150. 509-2765726 Deer Park

Hunting & Guns CUSTOM RUGER I, 378, 338, Leupold scope VARI/X III 6.5x20, $1600 OBO. 208-773-4328 or 208-7044720 TAURUS PT99, Stainless steel, 9mm, $400; Browning buckmark 22, $275; 509-368-0883, 509-9274722 REMINGTON 243, Model 770 with 9x40 Tasco scope, $400 OBO. 208-773-4328 or 208-7044720 12 GAUGE STOEGER, side by side, upland supreme, like new, $335. 208-772-5938 M6 SCOUT, 410/22 Hornet, very good condition, $325 OBO. 208-661-7173 AKC REGISTERED Black Labs, 3 months, one male, one female, dewclaws removed, shots, blocky heads, beautiful pups. Reduced to $400 each OBO. 509-397-4071 2000 HONDA TRX350 4x4 ATV with new plow & winch, $3500. 1987 Honda 250 ATV, $1000 or best offer. 509-842-2122 Loon Lake

AMT 45 CAL. model 1911 Government Issue stainless, $499. Ruger Blackhawk 45 Longcolt/ ACP single six shooter, $399. Ammo also available. 208651-8770 10/22 BULL BARREL Only, like new, $100. Butler Creek folding stock, 10/22, $75. Four 25 round Butler Creek clips and speed loader, $75. 208-6617173 OLD GERMAN 300 Weatherby with 6X Redfield and sling, $975; Dan Wesson 22 LR 4 bbl pistol pack with all accessories, $795. Offers and trades welcome. 208-640-6160 ITHACA model 51 featherweight 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber, semi- automatic, 30” barrel, used very little, looks new. $375. 208-6232452 BERETTA 85 .380, excellent condition, less than 50 rounds shot, $450. 208661-7173 50 CAL B.M.G. AMMO, $3/round, in lots of 50 or more. 509-292-0500 Elk

“Accuracy, Reliability, Quality!”

Gunsmithing/Firearms/Accessories/Ammo ✦ Custom Rifle Fabrication ✦ Muzzlebrakes, Glass Bedding ✦ Former USMC Competition Armorer ✦ Reloading Supplies ✦ FFL Transfers

10405 N. Newport Hwy


Gift Certificates Available

Hunting & Guns REMINGTON 8MM, Magnum, 700 BDL, like new, Bushnell Scope, 6 boxes ammo, leather sling, soft case, $1100 or best offer; Winchester 1906 22 pump, $400; Winchester 1897 12 gauge pump, $400. 509994-0368 Spokane TWO MAN HUNTING blind, new, $75; 24 Canadian goose decoys, new, $75, both for $120. 509991-9589 Airway Heights TAXIDERMY MOUNTS, trophy moose, half life size black bear, price $525, life size bobcat, $625, porcupine, $425, raccoon, $325; African mounts, etc. 509466-4900 Spokane

Upland Bird HUnting

Dog Training Sporting Clays

double Barrel ranch 17 Miles South of Spokane

LOOKING TO BUY Old guns, parts & loading equipment, also ammunition. Will buy, sell & trade. Call Tom, 509-9539609 Deer Park ARMALITE AR50, 50BMG with ATN professional scope 8-24X75LU lighted reticle range finder, $3850; Ruger No. 1 like new, 45:70 $750; Beretta 391 URIKA auto, like new, choke tubes, 20 ga. $800 or best offer. Will take trades. 509-844-3030 Spokane BENELLI 12 GAUGE Sport II, 28” barrel, 6 choke tubes, $1000. 509276-5150 Nine Mile

You Bag ‘em. My Bugs Clean ‘em.


• No Bleaching • Game Animals • Domestic/Farm Animals • Quality Work Call Chris for pricing & Info.

Ron: 509.995.3524 Visit Us Online:

or email at:

NEW BROWNING 3-1/2” Gold Hunter, shoots 23/4”, 3”, 3-1/2” Shadow Grass Camo, with Poli Choke, on sale at Cabelo’s for $1190, my price $700; Colt Woodsman style (Huntsman) 22lr, mint condition, $400; Remington Model 740 Semi-Auto 30.06, good shooter, $300 or best offer. 509-292-0586 Elk

(2) RUGER BARE CATS, old model, (1) like new, (1) like new in-box with paperwork; Daytonics sub-compact; S&W Model 28 combat masterpiece, like new; Thompson Contendor with Leupold scope, 7mm TCU; Weatherby Vanguard Deluxe, woodstock 270 with scope; High Standard Model B, 98% condition, like new. 509-844-3030


Half Moon “Feed the Best” Feeds

Forage Pellets Whole Grain Feeds Top QualiTy • all NaTural

Deer Corn Other Wildlife Feed Available Including

• Big Game Special • All Stock • Scratch • Cracked Corn

Locally Grown Grain Call for Your Nearest Dealer Quantity Discounts at the Mill! Support Your LocaL countrY Feed MiLL!

39124 n. Sherman rd, deer park 509-276-3520 •

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 19

2009 MSSP Ski Swap The 45th annual Mt. Spokane Ski Patrol Ski Swap. The region’s largest winter sports equipment & clothing event featuring thousands of new & used winter sports items being sold by both individuals & area sports stores. Equipment, clothing & accessories for all winter sports are available, including Nordic & Alpine skiing & snowboarding. Registration, Friday, October 30th, 3pm-9pm. Swap open, Saturday, October 31st, 9 am-5pm & Sunday, November 1st, 9amNoon. Pickup checks and unsold equipment, November 2nd, 2 pm-4 pm. Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds, Havana Street, Spokane WANT SECURITY without the loss of privacy? How about a pre-programmed system you install and monitor yourself? Can be shipped to any address with easy to follow instructions. One time cost with no hidden fees or contracts. Starting at just $650! Call Cyrus at 208-699-6866 PROJECT CANCELLED Due to health. 1986 Chevy 1 ton crew cab dually project pickup. 2wd, nice pickup, no rust, has Dana 70 heavy duty rear end, no engine or transmission, call for details. $800 OBO or possible trade for nice varmint rifle, 22-250, 204 ruger, 222 swift, 17 caliber, etc. 208-448-1998 MARLIN MODEL 60, 22 rifle, semi automatic, scope, $100. Coast to Coast Model 320, 22 single shot, $75. Russian model 44 bolt action 7.62x54R, still in box, ammo included, $120. 208-6670014 after 6pm MIA SOCOM 16, like new with one 10 round & two 20 round mags, box, literature & ammo, less than 200 rounds fired, $1600. 509-554-0027. TriCities. DO YOU WANT A security system but think you can’t afford one? How about a high quality system without the high price? Buy a custom designed pre-synchronized and expandable system to fit your unique security needs that you monitor yourself. No hidden fees or contracts. Save thousands with prices starting at only $650. Call Cyrus at 208-699-6866 DON’T SELL YOUR Gun until you see Northwest Pawn, 818 N. Pines Road, 509-891-0990 Spokane BEAR BAIT Large quantity of bakery waste, flour/ fruit in containers, $65/ ton. 208-683-6312 Athol EARLY COLT AR-15 SP1, excellent, $1250. 509-5957932 Colfax

1964 WINCHESTER mod. 94 30-30. $499. Remington mod. 700 Alaskan Custom 338. Titanium receiver, teflon coated, kevlar stock, stainless steel, like new. Over $2400 invested, sacrifice for $1699. 208-6518770 M48 YUGOSLOVIAN Mauser 8mm, mint, like brand new condition, all matching numbers, comes with K98 sling, cleaning kit, $295. Call 509-8638045 or 509-924-4351 Spokane OVER/ UNDER SHOTGUN, 12 gauge, 3”, $350. Taurus Ultra Lite 38 Special, $325. Walther P-22 semi automatic, $350. 2006 Pace Arrow cargo trailer, like new, $1600. 360-710-3294, Rathdrum MEAT BLADES FOR Meat cutting bandsaws and hard meat saws. Special and hand meat saws. Special on compact hand meat saws. SuperCut Bandsaw Co., Rathdrum, 208-687-5371. Out of area 800-356-9918 I HAVE SEVERAL Quality guitars & 5 string banjo for sale or trade for guns. 509-292-0500

Now Buying

Horns & Antlers Deer & Elk Horns of all types

N. 1114 Ralph

Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-12 (509) 535-1673 WANTED: Springfield M1A rifle, 308 caliber. 509758-6185, Clarkston. CUSTOM Gunsmithing & barrel porting, get the kick out! 208-660-9809 Spirit Lake area SIG MOSQUITO CAL 22, $350; Ruger single six, $275; Ruger 10-22, $250; Rem XR 100, cal 22-250, Target, rifle scoped, $700; Savage Model 10, cal 243, scoped, $350; rifle & pistol scopes: Leupold, Nikon, Burris ATN, Bushnell Elite, offers, trades. Jerry Wahl 1-509-489-2268 WANTED: NEWHOUSE, OLD TRAPS AND U.S. STAMP COLLECTIONS

Wanted: Cash fOR Old Winchester & other brands, military guns &/ or memorablila, rifles, pistols, shotguns, old ammo boxes, belts, knives, archery items, old calendars, scooters, Trail 5090s & mopeds, etc, etc. 509-484-0160 Spokane FOR SALE or trade: CCI/ Speer bullet boards. CETME 308 rifle. Auto-5 Belgian 12 gauge shotgun with vent rib. 30-40 Craig sporterized rifle. Wingmaster 20 gauge shotgun with 2 barrels. 509-758-6185, Clarkston.

www. Spokane

Bill Foreyt 101 Sommers Road PH. 509/397-3351 Colfax, WA 99111

Free Everything

HUNTER SPECIAL, stay at the Selkirk Motel in Colville, single Queen room only $39.99. New owners, 509-684-2565 12 GAUGE ITHICA Model 200E double barrel shotgun, 99% with extra stock, total length with pad, 42”, $700. 208-443-3079 days only

28 GAUGE, Weatherby Orion, O & U, 6 chokes, excellent shape, $750 or best offer; 20 gauge 7/8oz. Claybuster Wads, 500/bag, $7.50; 2 bird launchers, $50 each; pickup dog box, aluminum, 2 dogs or more, $100; E Collar Tri-Tronic Sportsman, $75. Call Tom 509-244-0834 Medical Lake

Unlimited Possibilities... ■ Shops ■ Arenas ■ Hangars ■ Garages ■ Stud Frames ■ Custom Homes ■ Commercial Centers

■ Ag Buildings ■ Horse Barns ■ Pole Buildings ■ Warehouses ■ Churches ■ Office Buildings ■ Mini Storage

“There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper and the people who consider price only are this man’s lawful prey.”

Do You ReallY Want the Lowest Bid on Something So Important?

WANTED: OLD KNIVES by R.H. Ruana, Randall & Morseth, also pre-1940 knives made by M.S.A., Marbles, & CASE. Top Dollar Paid! Thanks 509936-5944 BUTCHER SOWS FOR Sale, $200 per head, lots of meat & fat to mix with your wild game. 208-6518698 Echo Farms, Athol ID HUNTERS WELCOMEColville area, 3 bedroom lodging, breakfast included. Call 509-684-3459 or visit RUANA KNIVES. Buying Ruana knives & Bowies, top prices paid. Gerry 360866-5215 HUNTING Headquarters: Ammo, Scopes, 1000 guns in stock. Trades & special orders welcomed. Double Eagle Pawn Shop, S. 811 Main, Deer Park, 509-2767760

Let Us Give You An Apples to Apples Comparison on Your Building

our Customer Referrals speak Volumes! let Us giVe yoU a ComPlete qUote with no sURPRises! so much more than a Pole barn. experience the Flexibility of Post Frame Construction

~ Over 25 Years Under Same Ownership ~ 510 N. Mullan Rd. • Spokane, WA 99206

License #SPOKASI126O6

Quality Guaranteed • Integrity Unsurpassed 509 927-0655 • 1-800-735-6347 •

20 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

& Garden LANDSCAPE BARK Yard & Fresh Produce • Fine & Medium Fir • Sandy Loam • Playground Chips • Compost & Topsoil

• Aged Sawdust • Shredded Cedar • Fill Dirt & Shavings • Quality Fuel Oils

Ask About Our Mulch Blower Service!

Moore Landscape Materials & Fuel (509)

466-7800 • 4109 E. Woolard Rd

Colbert, WA 99005 (Highway 2 & Woolard Rd.)

FAST GROWING Treeswindbreaks, shade, privacy screens, 10’ first year, roots don’t spread. Noise/ dust/ snow abatement, erosion control. No sap! Over 50 year life, organic, free shipping. Since 1995. Aussie Hybrid Willows are also a high protein livestock feed source. Contact Aussie Tree Farms, PO Box 53, Edison, WA, 98232. 360-7665313 or

october SoD Sale

20¢/Sq. Ft.

with minimum purchase of 500 Sq. Ft.

1990’s Prices!

“We Are the GREEN MACHINE” Call Us Today for Cheerful Estimates

WORK WANTED: Strong, Honest man needs work, can help with your yard projects, leaf removal, trimming, weeding, cleanup, etc. Reasonable rates. No Saturday calls please, 509-924-2158 HORSE MANURE PILE needs a new home, you load, you haul. 509-2444750 Medical Lake CONTRACTORS: Remember any alterations (example: permanent improvements) to personal or private property requires registration & licensing with the State of Washington for compliance with the law (RCW 18.27). List your registration number in your ad. Any questions, call 509-324-2538 or 1-800509-8847 TRUE NORTH TLC. Fall Clean up, flower bed clean out, roof & rain gutter cleaning, power raking, fall fertilizer. Owner operated, I do the bid & the job personally, no low paid employees. Get the care & quality you deserve for your dollar. Great Spokane area, for bids or services call Ira 509-2166568; 509-327-2305 Support local small businesses

464-1664 Sharon’s Plant Corner

10711 N. Market

Spokane WA 99021

Basalt & Granite Boulders • Flagstone Decorative & Lava Rock • Colorful Pond Rocks Come See Our Water Features & Fountain Rock Displays! Open Mon-Sat

5619 N. Harvard Rd

in Otis Orchards, off Trent (I-90 Liberty Lake Exit, 2 miles North )

SUNRISE Inc. ROCK Liquidation! Thousands of pounds of bulk rock including rose quartz, obsidian, petrified wood, green quartz, zebra stone, jasper, fossils & more!. Call 509-731-2228 for appt. Selah. THE EXCHANGE- Advertising made easy



HAULING, Chainsawing, & Raking Service. Will haul about anything, $40 load; services will be extra, but smiles are free. Spokane to Stateline area. 509-475-8620

SorenSen enterpriSeS For Your Yard & Garden needs

I Can Help You With Your Projects!

Leaf RemovaL

• Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Hazardous Tree Specialist • Fully Insured • Free Estimates

Yard Cleanup Trimming, Etc. Reasonable Rates


Please, No Saturday Calls

Always Discounted Pricing

With Friendly and Trustworthy Service WA: ALLSEST910KE

509 924-2158

HELPING HANDS Affordable Yard Maintenance AND MorE

Spurge or Scourge?

In my studies of noxious weeds, I have met one nasty character — Leafy Spurge, that inspires me to get more active in the never-ending battle against the especially toxic ones. There are volunteer organizations out there that focus on weed removal in communities and parks. What a great way to enjoy some fresh air and some of Washington’s truly beautiful precious areas! Noxious weeds are everyone’s problem and we can all be a part of the solution. One obvious way is to support our great local weed control programs as we learn to take on this stewardship role. Leafy Spurge is an interesting plant that you might find in your garden, as I did! Since finding out about it, I have observed just in a few Euphoria esula years in my running adventures along trails in the area, that Leafy Spurge is definitely taking hold and spreading. And no wonder, the taproots can penetrate 9-20 feet, allowing reserves for the plant to recover very quickly from physical and most chemical damage. Its reseeding capabilities are impressive as well. Seed capsules shatter, scattering oblong, gray to purple seeds as far away from the plant as 15 feet! On top of this, it also has another wicked trick in its arsenal - it can purge undesirable chemicals from its root system in order to regenerate as soon as the effect of the chemical in the soil has dissipated. It grows to height of 3 feet and has been shown to have vegetative stems that manufacture sugars for root reserves, and other stems for producing the flowers. One further caution if you ever have to fight leafy spurge: the roots give off an allelopathic substance that inhibits the growth of grasses and surrounding plants. Here is yet another plant that can severely inhibit native plants and becomes a monoculture, as we have seen with other noxious weeds. The flowers are subtended by heart-shaped yellow bracts, which surround the 3-celled seed capsule, containing a single seed. But the stand-out feature of this plant is the fact that it is a serious poison to cattle and its milky latex can cause blistering and irritation on human skin, as I discovered when I tried eradicating it from my yard. I read later that even the dried latex can cause blindness upon eye contact!

LANDSCAPE MATERIALS Garden Mixes • Top Soil, Gravel • Sand • Loam ROCKS - All Sizes & Shapes!

This Eurasian native takes over with devastating speed. A conservative 1979 estimated loss in the United States of $10.5 million annually was based on expenditures for controlling leafy spurge and loss of productivity. Although its infestations are most severe on undisturbed lands, on cultivated cropland the weed can reduce crop yields by 10 to 100%. A 1990 study conducted by North Dakota State University estimated the direct annual impact in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming to be $40.2 million with secondary impacts at $89 million and the potential loss of 4,433 jobs annually. But the economic impacts can never place a dollar amount on the losses to native plants in our precious commodity of national forests and park lands. Monocultures like leafy spurge are leaving a scourge wherever it gains a toehold. Anyway you look at this plant, it has catastrophe hidden in its colorful, stately shape. I was quite amazed to find that it was in a family that has such exotics as beautiful jungle plants with richly diverse forms as horticultural specimens, a botanist’s dream. Euphorbias list such exotic beauties as Crown of Thorns, Desert Poinsettias, Candelabra Tree as well as beautiful succulents and cactus-like plants, mostly originating in Africa and Madagascar. There is always hope in noxious weed eradication practices and there are some effective ones for this plant, if used judiciously: Tordon® + 2,4-D, applied at any point in the growing season. Cultivation prevents seed production, but the risk of creating root fragments that spreads the infestation further is a concern. Obviously, contact with the milky sap is always a caveat, and for this reason, I recommend grabbing a sturdy pair of gloves if you suspect a start of it that you choose to pull out of flower beds, etc. I found out the hard way, with painful blistering on my hands. This was a helpful tip-off for me, because I picked some plants and trotted right down to the Havana office of the Spokane Countty Noxious Weed Control Board and received a definitive identification of this culprit!


Fall Yard Cleanup: Leaves, Pruning, Expert Shrub Trim & Repair, Free estimates! Hauling, Other Odd Jobs. . d License ! e bL na so rea Call Ryan



We Accept:

★ Leaves ★ Pine Needles ★ Shrubs ★Branches ★ Dirt ★ Lumber ★ Trees ★ Stumps For Prices & Directions • 509-467-2823

Diversified Wood Recycling Market & Freya

(1 Block East of Market)

OPEN: Mon thru Fri 8am-5pm • Sat 8am-4pm Lic. #DIVERWR*980CR

Farm Fresh YOU PICK/ PICKED TO Order- Stark pears; Apples: McIntosh, Spartan, Jonathan, red & golden delicious, Romes, Wagners, Wealthy Ida-red, & crabapples (for jelly, sauce, apple butter & pickles). Bring ad for 10% Discount, Huckaba’s, #1 on Greenbluff map, 1.3 miles west of Greenbluff Junction. 8110 E. Greenbluff Road, 509-238-3222 WINTER SQUASH, Squash varieties: Delicata, Sweet Dumpling, Buttercup, Amber Cup, Acorn, Cream of the Crop, Hubbard, Spaghetti, Jumbo, Cinderella, Pink Banana & many more! Knapp’s on Green Bluff, open 9am-6pm, west side of Green Bluff, 7722 E. Ballard Rd., follow Green Bluff Rd., 1 1/4 miles north of Day Mount Spokane Rd. to Ballard. 509-238-2640

APPLE SALE: Gala, early Fuji, Spartan, Rome, Red & Golden Delicious, .60 cents/ pound. Lloyd’s Orchards, 4512 N. Garry Road, Otis Orchards, WA 509-926-9805 NEW POTATOES organically grown in Post Falls. Reds 75¢ per lb. Russets 50¢ per lb. Baby creamer potatoes. 208-667-0496 FRESH BROWN EGGS, $2/dozen, $3/18 pack. Call Vaughn 509-570-4635

Thank You. We Value Your Readership. 509-922-3456

Specializing in

Dangerous Tree Removal You Save

You Clean Up

Average Tree Removal Cost of $300

• Fire Breaks & Brush Thinning • Unseasoned Firewood • Bobcat Work • Credit for Wood • Dump Truck & Hauling Debris

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Cannon Hill




✦ ✦


Untreated wood waste Trees/stumps/slash/pallets Construction wood waste Demolition wood waste

ON-SITE WOOD WASTE GRINDING E. 5605 Seltice Way Post Falls, ID 83854 Office (208) 765-6794 Fax (208) 765-6135

MEYER ConstRuCtion • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Tile, Vinyl & Laminate Floors • Custom Drywall & Texture • Interior & Exterior Painting • Window & Door Replacement

FREE EstiMAtEs 20+ Years Experience References Available

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Gene Meyer (509) 230-4402

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922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 21

Services EXPERT ROOF Repair, 30 years experience. WA L i c e n s e #RLOSWLO932PW; ID License RCT-13713. 208-8192795 HANDYMAN Repairs & home improvements. Carpentry, doors, windows, drywall & texture, painting, ceramic tile, bathroom & kitchen installs. 509-487-4386 CAJUNCCO34KR MANUFACTURED Home site prep, concrete runners, pit sets, skirting, water & sewer lines, septic systems, 20 years experience. 509-999-2819 Lic# GARYSBS915CP


DJ AVAILABLE FOR weddings, reunions, private parties, etc. Book your Christmas or New Year’s party now! Great sound system, reasonable rates! We also sell records: 45s, 78s and LPs. Call Richard at Collector’s Records, 208664-4549. E-mail:

Specializing in ALL of Your

FENCING NEEDS with Low Prices & Personalized Service

Call Today for a FREE Estimate BOOKING NOW! CALL SOON! Builders, LLC

Shawn 509-998-9570 Dale 509-599-5411 Lic#BDSBUBL940MF

Homesteaders Property Maintenance 509-217-6941 • Tree Trimming • Bobcat Work • Tree Removal • Fall Clean Up • Shrubs • Spring Clean Up • Stump Grinding • Hauling The Company with “Old Fashion Pioneer Spirit” Licensed, Bonded, Insured # homespm91nj

SPECIALTY Handrails Design home trim packages for new or remodeled homes; California Style Closets, organizers for storage or garages. #MILLEWD920CK. 509990-9999; 509-258-9966 CUSTOM FARMING & Construction Services, Northwest Custom Farming, licensed, bonded, insured & experienced. Pasture development & maintenance, landscaping, fencing, horse arenas & site prep (holes, grading & excavating), hay production & brokerage. WA & ID Authorized weed & insect spray, gopher & pest control. Recommended applicators & mowers. We are a 4th generation farming/ ranching & construction experience. References available. Visa, M/C accepted. For services, contact us at 509-443-9295 #NORTHCR941J1


Bonded • Insured • #JSPLUL07QL

Moore’s Cleaning Service

Residential • Medical, Dental Offices Licensed & Insured Serving Spokane Area 10 yrs. Dependable & References Lisa 509 217-4701

Sign Up NOW for

Liquid De-Icing Applications

Call Tom

509 994-4733 509 534-3792

WINTER SAND WITH DeIcer, complete winter supply delivered, $129. Servicing Spokane, CdA & urrounding areas. 877-254-7903

snow plowing

DAS CO North Spokane County



SNOW BLOWERS: Order now before the snow flies! Snow blowers to fit your tractor or skid steer. Front or rear mount. Wilco, Rathdrum, 208-687-5681

1979 FORD F600, 4wd, With 4 way 10’ swowplow & sander, 27,942 miles, Gledhill plow, paid $10,000, will take $8000. 509-292-2601 Newport

Book Now for Commercial or Residential

snowplowing excavating • Private & County Road Building • Driveways & Approaches • Site Prep for New Home • Waterlines/Well Witching • Septic/Sewer


All Inland Pacific Excavating, Inc. We DoEstItimates! FREE Call doug (509) 990-9487 inlanpe936jd

NORTHWEST CUSTOM Snow Removal. Commercial & Residential. We specialize in commercial lots & residential driveways. Snow plowing, snow blowing (sidewalks, etc.). Plows, 78” snow blower, dozer for large areas, snow plow on ATV for smaller areas. Liquid de-icing, salting & spreaders. Snow removal. Servicing South Hill area. Sorry, no roofs. Visa & M/C accepted. Licensed, bonded & insured #NORTHCF941J1 Division of Northwest Custom Farming, 509-443-9265 WE CAN LINK YOUR email address & website. View your ad online on your electronic edition of The Exchange

Deer Park, WA 991-8489

T & B SPRINKLERS Fall Blowouts $35

Call for scheduling 509 953-5077


509/448-7788 Pager: 880-3334 WA LIC #RAKELSI088LW • LICENSED - BONDED - INSURED

Your Local

HANDYMAN I can fix almost anything!

Don’t Croak... Call


509-216-0646 FROGRR*927KF


509-949-5969 LIC #GROUNLE974NM

pole Buildings CaLL 509 922-Get it (4384) We Build an “Upgraded Building” at no additionaL CoSt! “all Select Structural” Lumber for a Stronger, Straighter Building!

You’ll like the easy, straightforward way we do business! Compare Apples to Apples & You’ll Choose Bull Dog Every Time!

Snow Removal SNOW REMOVAL, Post Falls, CDA, Spokane, Sandpoint areas. Residential and commercial. Small lots and driveways. Many discounts available! 208-262-1963

Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Laminate

Lic., Bonded, Ins. Call Tim for Pricing SABULF*99ONG (509) 991-6332

★ Septic Systems, Designed & Installed ★ Certified Manufactured Home Installer Complete Packages, Pit Sets ★ Site Leveling, Footings ★ Water Lines, Power ★ Dozer Service, Land Clearing Terry Loon Lake, WA Lic. - Bonded - Insured 991-6235 TJGENJG964JL

TRUE NORTH TLC. Fall Clean up, flower bed clean out, roof & rain gutter cleaning, power raking, fall fertilizer. Owner operated, I do the bid & the job personally, no low paid employees. Get the care & quality you deserve for your dollar. Great Spokane area, for bids or services call Ira 509-2166568; 509-327-2305 Support local small businesses FLOORING and countertop installations. Vinyl, ceramic tile laminates, 39 years experience. Kitchens and baths. Carpentry work. Prompt courteous service with attention to detail. Please call Glen, 208-689-9555, cell 425-3086836. Fully insured. White GR126Q8

Flooring installer


BUSINESS CONSULTING to your vision: clarify, articulate, communicate, build internal alignment and focus your operation. Private and workshops. More than 20 years of success nationwide. Allen Hacker, senior partner, 208-3044865 CLUTTER-B-GONE, Senior citizen has truck, will remove unwanted trash, discounts. 509-327-8315

N. 8205 Regal St. Spokane, WA 99217 Office (509) 465-8227 Fax (509) 465-8232

New Construction • Remodels Repairs • Replacements

100% Financing Available OAC

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ShopS• BarnS GaraGeS • hanGarS hay CoverS • Mini StoraGe MaChine ShedS horSe arenaS LotS of optionS avaiLaBLe

509-922-GET IT(4384) Toll Free 866-577-9107

Cd’A 208-665-2006 License #BULLDCI933M5

BoBCat Work avaiLaBLe

Rain GutteRs

We install Seamless rain Gutters on homes, Business & pole Buildings!

A Seamless gutter has no “break” in the channel. This means you will not have to be concerned with water leaking through in the future. (Regular gutter systems is usually built in 10’ sections which have seams)

• Protects Your Foundation • Protects Your Landscape • Adds Value to Your Home ask about our m! te Leaf Shelter Sys

22 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Creative Craftsman Construction, General Contractor

❖ Remodels ❖ Roofs ❖ Siding ❖ New Construction ❖ Flooring


No Job Too Big or Smal l 30 Years Experience

Remote Areas


FREE Estimates Bonded • Insured • Licensed #CREATCC910PM

Services NORTHWEST I-HAUL, we haul anything! Trash, yard debris, moving? Lowest prices, same day services. 509-362-5046 Spokane

FULL CIRCLE MOVERS, formerly Starving Seniors Moving & Storage, complete household, local & long distance. Anywhere in the USA. 9 years experience. We take good care of your possessions. Local company, call Ken or Dale 509-892-1113 MANUFACTURED Homes block retention walls, call the experts 509340-0787 Valley WA

LWG MASONRY, Cultured stone specialty, chimney repair, blockwork & real stone. Free estimates, honesty, integrity, dependability, quality work at affordable prices. I guarantee my work. Schedule your project today! 509-714-3818 Lic#LWGMAM*938DN

FARM IT. THE FALL IS Here & now is the time to plow up your old pastures & weedy fields. Let us help you get your weeds under control & get new pasture & field grasses planted. Field mowing, spraying, tilling, seeding, & fertilizing. Farm It, your mobile farmer. 509999-4736

Noxious Weed

Control Small acreage • lawnS right of wayS

Accelerated Spray Service 509 720-3595

A-1 STUMP REMOVAL 10 Years Experience

Access Any Tree Stump Any Size! 509

Creepy Hallow- Northwest Renaissance Festival October 30th & 31st. Friday & Saturday, 7:00pm to Midnight. It’s $5 per person, 2 Tour Routes, same level of Scare! The village of Pleasance is haunted! Follow your guide through the village to see the proof of the strange and frightening things that are happening here. This year a second trail has been added to accommodate our visitors. Bedlam Asylum is open for children of all ages with crafts and activities. A small donation is requested for Bedlam Asylum. Food and beverage are available. Northwest Renaissance Festival (NWRF), 6493 Hwy 291, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026. For more information, 509-276-7728 VALLEY MAN LOOKING to help you with your yard work, general cleanup, city & valley, honest, good worker. Seniors welcome, would appreciate a call 509-534-8196 between 5pm-9pm WORK WANTED: Strong, Honest man needs work, can help with your yard projects, leaf removal, trimming, weeding, cleanup, etc. Reasonable rates. No Saturday calls please, 509-924-2158 HAULING, JANITORIAL Services, rental clean outs, pressure washing, yard clean up or any odd jobs, we offer a large variety of services. Give me a call & see if I can help you. 509-879-0420 WINTER SAND WITH DeIcer, complete winter supply delivered, $129. Servicing Spokane & Coeur d’Alene & surrounding areas. 877-2547903 WINTER REPAIRS. I can help with windows, caulking, doors, basements, bathrooms, etc. Call Northwest Handyman Services. Lic# NORTHHS923LF. I accept Visa/MC. 509-2909898



HUSBAND & WIFE Team, will do yard cleanups, housework, take you shopping or will shop for you, will provide transportation to appointments, experienced with elder care. 509-326-2771

SorenSen enterpriSeS errands? Shopping?


You Need It… I Can Pick It Up!

Roofing Co.

Residential • Commercial RE-ROOFING My Specialty • 45+ Years • SOLE EXPERIENCE IN SPOKANE AREA Highest Quality

Reasonable Rates 509 924-2158

“Your Satisfaction is My Pride”

Personal References


Please, No Saturday Calls


Member of the Better Business Bureau

COMPLETE DRYWALL Service, hanging, taping, texture, primer, quality work, low prices, free estimates, licensed/bonded. 509-241-0136, 208-7737377 COMPLDB910DP


J T EXCAVATION Lic/Bond/Insured JTEXCE*930D6


Utility Ditches Site Leveling • Septic Well Witching Driveways • Footings Land/Brush Clearing Gravel •Fill Dirt Pole Barns Dump Truck / CAT Service

509 998-8572 General Contractor

CUSTOM CABINET Maker, 20+ years experience with references. Friendly, honest, reliable, reasonable rates with quality work. Call Mike 509447-4742 SHOPS & GARAGE, pole buildings. Also, commercial & residential roofing. Competitive pricing. Call now to schedule your job. LAWSOPD932RD. 509481-1707 ERRANDS RAN, Shopping done. You need it I can get it. Call 509-9242158, no Saturday calls please

CARPET CLEANING $20 Per Room, 2 room minimum. Proud Home Carpet Cleaning Service. Deodorizers $6 per room. High powered steam extraction, pre-spotting, we move furniture; Couch cleaning, $40; Chair cleaning, $25. Cleaning excellence since 1987. 509-926-6658 Spokane BACKHOE, DUMP, Septics, roads, manufactured home site development by the job/hour, or trade for whatever. 509-949-5969 GROUNLE974NM STEPHENSON Painting, dry walling, painting, remodels, go to for current specials & our other services, Lic# STEPHP*946JS HOUSE JACKING/ Floor leveling. All phases of foundation & structural repair. If your home’s support system is failing (floors or roof sagging, walls leaning, foundation cracking or settling, moisture damage or dry rot), call a specialist. Jack Peter’s Construction, 25 years of quality service. Lic# JACKPC*992M3. Bonded & Insured. Serving all of Eastern Washington & Northern Idaho. 509-999-7115 MASTER ELECTRICIAN, Licensed, bonded, & insured. Additions, remodels, basements, barns, garages, service upgrades, breaker boxes, hot tubs, & 220 lines. Commercial & residential, absolute lowest price. NORTHSP914KO. Call Ray 509953-4772 JEFF’S MASONRY. Natural & cultured stone, brick, block, slate and repair. Good clean quality work, 20+ years experience, very reasonable rates, free estimates, no job too small. 509-8635279, 509-276-7717 JEFFWWM920MA HARDWOOD FLOORS, sand & refinish, best prices in town. Licensed, bonded, insured. Call Zack at 509-209-4581 Spokane ZACHDDC931NM

BACKHOE FOR HIRE: Deer Park, North Spokane area. 509-954-8076, Lic # MILLVHI1100L

HAULING & CLEAN-UP, will haul anything, trash, appliances, furniture. Free estimates! Lowest rates! Senior discount. 7am-7pm Every day. Licensed & insured, Spokane Lawn Care, 509-217-1697

ALL HOME SERVICE: Painting, framing, siding, gutters, roofing, deck work, windows, doors, floors, plumbing, electrical, kitchens, basement finish, outside work. $20 Service charge, plus Hourly rate $20, or free estimates. 509-714-7119 Lic# ALLHOS*931CO

LARRY MILLER Excavating, “Shaping your world, one shovel at a time”, Spokane Valley. Sewer/water hookup, septic installation, foundation excavation, basement, landscape placement, driveway, lot leveling. Licensed, bonded, insured, Lic # LARRYME918DR, 509218-3335

Siding Vinyl Siding FREE Is Our Specialty Estimates Windows • Carpenty • Repairs r.a. Jeanneret - 509-496-5807 General Contractor


Winter’s Coming Save Big $$$

by Installing Insulated Doors & Adding Weatherstripping Doors Installed - All Types of Construction & Design Work Interior & Exterior Remodeling

Jerry, The Door Guy 509 535-8372 You Pick ’em Lic. #JLWHIS*936KG

TENPENNY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Remodeling/Additions 509 891-2657 c 998-1110 Bonded/Insured #TENPEC1937CZ

I Hang ’em

DIVISION II EXCAVATION • Dozer • Dump Truck • Back Hoe (509)



Phaze One COnCrete ❖ Color ❖ Exposed Aggregate

❖ Stamped Concrete ❖ Concrete Stain Specializing in:

Framing • remodels additions • garages ❖ Driveways ❖ Shop Floors ❖ Steps & Patios ❖ Sidewalks

Very Reasonable Prices

Contact Scott 509-218-1011 Lic.#PHAZEOC919K8


Patch • Repair • Resurface NEW OR REMODEL

509 220-0450 509 482-6181 Lic. #DOUBLKC141BM


Don’t ✔ Cleaning throw It ✔ Restretching AwAy!

This process adds years of life to your old carpet at a fraction of the cost of new carpet! Call Ken 509 216-3335

We Also Install Carpet Lic#ACCURF*900OK



Lower Level Bedrooms, Day Care, etc. Complete Excavation / Installation


509-624-2643 CHUCKCS101KN

Custom Shops • Barns • Garages • More POST OR STICK FRAME BUILDINGS


We Can Make Your Dreams Come True

Our in-house Crews & daily contact with your foreman insure that you are informed every step of the way Visit Our Office & See Our Buildings on Hwy 2 in Airway Heights Licensed, Bonded & Insured STIMSC1930MQ

11515 W. Sunset Hwy. • Mon-Fri 9am-5pm


Doing Business Since 1999!

Fall Special

Heat PumP




*After Avista Rebate

We Will Beat Any Written Estimate for Heating & Cooling Systems - Guaranteed! Also 24 Hour EmErgEncy rEpair SErvicE

available for free estimates 24/7

River City Heating & Cooling, Inc. 509


short on Cash? -Willing to Trade! RIVERCH9280P

Services PLASTER, STUCCO, also old world finishes. New, remodels, patch, repair & resurface. Double K, 509220-0450. Lic #DOUBLEKC1418M

DRYWALL & PAINTING Service: hang, tape, texture, & primer. Small jobs welcome. Licensed CAJUNCCO34KR 509-4874386 HAULING, Chainsawing, & Raking Service. Will haul about anything, $40 load; services will be extra, but smiles are free. Spokane to Stateline area. 509-475-8620

When You’re Ready…

crosby’s painting We specialize in

Residential & Commercial Repaints Don’t sign any contract until you’ve talked to us!


“best” prices guaranteed Over 20 Years Experience


509-434-4187 Free estiMates Discounts Available

crosby’s painting

Bonded Lic #CROSBP*942PP

509-926-7556 • 509-869-7119 Bonded/ Lic. #MENDIFM981DE

Residential • Commercial

“We’re Going Green”

We’ll Paint

Includes PaInt, Bedrooms materIals & laBor for $ 509 216-3636 • 217-1993


landscaping Fall Yard Waste removal

Pruning: Small Trees & Shrubs property re-designs Flagstone - Cobblestone - Brick patios & sidewalks Snow removal, De-icing & roofs roadside Assistance, Home Winterzing, Holiday Decorations - install & remove Great Rates & Free Estimates

509-570-2748 Lic #BOLLM**955LS

Valley Mission Haunted Pool October 30th- Time: 7:30-10:30pm, The price is $3 or $2 with canned food item at Valley Mission Pool, 11123E Mission, Spokane Valley, WA. Join us as we put a new twist on the traditional “Haunted House.” Get in the Halloween spirit as you discover what is lurking in our locker rooms and what is waiting to petrify you on our pool deck. This event is geared to ages 12 and older, but welcome to all ages with parent or guardian. For more information contact Spokane Valley Parks & Recreation Department at 509-688-0300 or online at

Spangle Haunted Maze Presented by The Spangle Service Club. Thursday, 6-10pm; Friday, 6 pm-midnight; Saturday, noon-midnight. Follow signs to Spangle Street & Fourth, Spangle. The cost: $3 & a can of food to benefit the food bank




• No Huge Mark-Ups • Excellent References • Insurance Work

REMODELING Call Walt Walinski Today 28 years Experience

509-216-5563 Cont. #WALTWSR999KQ

summit hydraulics 4227 E. Trent Avenue

509-534-2845 Servicing all makes and models of plows!! Best Service in Town Best Price in Town! Quickest Turn-around Combined with the BEST Warranty Around. Stocking a complete line of hydraulic seals. We are your full service hydraulic repair shop!!

FROM BIG TO SMALL, ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! Home Restoration • Barn Restoration Home Remodel ROOFING — Commercial, Residential, New Construction, Reroof & Repair cell: 509 220-0625 Fax: (866) 241-2979

Terry Simpson 2404 E. Queen Spokane, WA 99217


You Can Count On Us!

Residential • Commercial DISCOUNTS FOR ALL NEW CUSTOMERS! No Job Too Small! Over 24 Years Experience! FREE ESTIMATES!

509 468-2120 Licensed • Bonded • Insured #JDELEE*936LD

YARD WORK Shrub, Tree Trimming and Hauling

Call Terry 509-796-4710 Bonded & Insured

www. Spokane Free Everything


HAULING- 1 MAN & A Pickup with trailers for hauling. 509-475-1361

LOOKING FOR IN Home Care? Experienced; evenings or nights. 509720-6521

We Brush & Roll Most Jobs for Superior Coverage!


Kids are invited to dress up and trick or treat out of the trunks of decorated cars during this safe event. October 30th, From 5-7:30pm. In Northwest Spokane, at Boys & Girls Club, 544 W. Providence Ave. No cost, for more information: (509) 489-0741

fall Clean-up

Plowing • Blowing • Shoveling

* Situations vary, but this is average

Trunk or Treat

TED’S SMALL ENGINE Repair. All types of small engines. Snow blower special. 509-467-0787 Mead

Competitive Pricing • Free Estimates • 509 385-9068


Put on by the Chamber of Commerce. October 27th-31st. On the 31st, there wil be trick or treating in downtown from 3-5pm

Senior Citizen diSCount

Country Boys Lawn Care & Maintenance ll! Does It A

Newport/Oldtown Haunted House

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 23

AUTO REPAIR, Foreign, Domestic & Pickups, reasonable prices. 509-6244395 Spokane FALL CLEANUP: Shrub, prune, raking, weed, bark, flowerbed. Joe 509-4669264 PLUMBER Extraordinaire & Bath Remodel Specialist- has opening for immediate job. Direct line 509-714-2627, Visa- M/C accepted. PLUMBB136DW NEED HELP? FALL cleanup: weed eating & pulling, leaf raking & blowing, rain gutters, hauling & shrubs, odd jobs. Call Chad 509-9991545 CONTRACTORS: Remember any alterations (example: permanent improvements) to personal or private property requires registration & licensing with the State of Washington for compliance with the law (RCW 18.27). List your registration number in your ad. Any questions, call 509-324-2538 or 1-800509-8847

HAULING & CLEAN-Ups Yard waste, debri. Reasonable rates. 509-720-3595 Spokane CW LAWN & Maintenance, yard/leaf cleanup, hedge trimming, snow removal, low rates, 4 years experience. Call now for free estimate. Isaac Woodbury 509-552-3230 BILL BAILEY’S Painting & Power washing, 28 Years experience, specializing in interior & exterior repaints, residential & commercial, free on site estimates. Let me make those old popcorn ceilings & dirty walls look new again. Serving Spokane & Stevens Counties. Military & senior discounts, licensed, bonded & insured. 509-276-2394; 509-2941096 BILLBBP935KC JFS HOUSE PAINTING: Interiors, exteriors, neat & clean professional with lifetime experience, specializing in repaints. Free estimates, senior discounts. Licensed, bonded & insured, #JFSOP*002KH 509-2769588, 509-951-6605 HANDYMAN SERVICE. Call me for all your household repair needs. I can fix pretty much anything, tile, floors, doors, windows, toilets, more! Reliable service guaranteed. Frog Repair, Lic. #FROGRR*927KF. 509-216-0646

handyman services

All Types of WINTER REPAIR • Basements • Bathrooms Garages•Carpentry•Windows•Pole Buildings•Framing All YouR CoNsTRuCTIoN NEEds Lic# Bonded/Insured



S.A. PARENT ELECTRICAL Residential & Commercial Services New Construction & Remodels • Free Estimates • 1 Year Limited Warranty • Service within a 100 mile radius of Spokane • Houses - Barns Pole Buildings Bonded/Insured/License #SPAREP*970N2

CONCRETE WORK We Prepare Site, Form & Pour Approaches, Driveways, Patios, Porches & Walkways

JADE CONSTRUCTION General Contractor 509 747-7372

509 879-7441 Licensed/Bonded JADECC946KK

509 926-6353




• Chimney Cleaning & Repair • Cultured & Real Stone • Brick & Block

Free Estimates Senior Discounts All Work Guaranteed! 509-218-0399 ARKCOL*9830Q

Air Quality & Surface Decontamination

GRIMEBUSTERS WILL make your home spotless, low rates, dependable, see us online at 509-710-3188

JOEL’S PAINTING- Residential & commercial. Free Estimates. 509-8921808 Call for Holiday Special! Licensed, Bonded & Insured. JOELP*994DL

Viral Bacterial Fungal • H1N1 (Swine Flu) • MRSA • Athlete’s Foot • Avian • VRE • Molds • SARS • TB • Polio • E. Coli • Herpes Type 1&2 • Salmonella • HIV • Strep • Canine Parvo • Staph

HOUSEKEEPER SEEKS new clients. Caring, affordable, references available. Bree 509-869-3455 Spokane

HAULING: WILL HAUL trash, garbage, rubbish, furniture, etc. Free estimates, very reasonable. 509-926-4710 Spokane

TOLL FREE 877-623-2188 LOCAL 208-623-2188

REALTOR SERVICES, sign install, vinyl riders, flyers & much more. Call Signs and Things, LLC at 509-953-0857

MARTY’S FIX ALL Service: Small jobs & honey do lists a specialty! Lic. # MARTYFA911NK. 509838-7175

EXPERIENCED Housekeeping, excellent references, accepting new clients. 509-238-6872 greater Spokane area

HAULING, Quick, dependable, first day service, yard debris, trash, furniture. Call anytime. Free estimates. 509-928-2676 Spokane

Dryline Restoration, Inc. Licensed, Bonded, Insured • Washington & Idaho

Weekly, Monthly Treatments Available IDAHO# RCE-27837


24 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Full Line of BUILDING

& MATERIALS Tools Building Materials


We Deliver! • Price & Quality Worth a Drive!



DIAMOND Lake Lumber at Diamond Lake on Hwy 2

509 447-2603


DIAMOND Building Supply

1 Mile south of Deer Park on Hwy 395

509 262-9696

50% OFF

Just Arrived! Pa

— Both Stores —


llets of


granite & concrete ts prodt Sutoc re)

October 29th - November 4th, 2009

The Habitat Store Also Doors, Windows, Appliances, Cabinets, Lighting, Paint, Tile, Hardware, Plus Much More Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity - Spokane. Your dollars stay local! • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

850 E. Trent, Spokane • 509-535-9517

Southwest Corner of Trent & Hamilton Store HourS: Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm

Now Open! Features: Discount Doors, Windows & Eclectic Items 11410 E. Sprague, Spokane 509-926-5054

Store HourS: Mon-Sat: 9:30am-5pm

DISCOUNTED STEEL Buildings, big & small, get the Deal of Deals! Placement to Site, Source #1DT, phone: 509-593-4214 STEEL BUILDINGS, Are you flexible? Limited sizes available on specially discounted, left over, quoted deals not taken. Source #1DT 509593-4214 8x12 STORAGE SHEDS, Built at your locations, quality workmanship & materials, see demo, $850. 509-991-2473 SILESTONE BLOWOUT: all Silestone countertop remnants, big, small, only $50 each. Ask about our low fabrication, pricing to create your countertop while saving significant $$$. Discount Stone, 6523 E. Main, Spokane 509-5355205

8’ & longer, 3’ wide, several colors, some trim. $8.00 per sheet 208-964-1125

OAK BOARDS, 5 TO 6’ length, 12” wide, 3/4-1” thick, call for details. 509392-9394

WANTED: USED ROLLS of chain link fencing, any height, will trade beef, pork, chicken, fish or produce - Fill your freezer. 208-683-6312 Athol ID

ADVERTISING GETS Results. Advertise in The Exchange. 509-922-3456


IRON for • Security Windows Gates • Fences • Bannisters Arts & Crafts • Railings & More!


Mon-Fri 7:30am-5:30pm • Sat 8-Noon


SINCE 1884

3900 E. Broadway, Spokane


CRAFTSMAN TABLE saw from the mid ‘60s! Built to last! Includes original owners manual, floor stand, new miter gauge, dado blades, molding cutter, and fenced guide system, works great! $200 obo; Craftsman 3” portable belt sander, $20. 509-521-3141 before 8pm. CEDAR SIDING, $400/M & up; 2x6 decking; framing lumber, 2x4 & 2x6, 8’ & 10’; cedar shingles; round cedar fence posts; 6’ cedar fencing lumber; 2x6 T&G pine; 1x6 T&G cedar; wide 5/4 Blue Pine; log cabin siding; channel siding, heavy rough 2x6s for corrals. 208-623-3301 Spirit Lake

Your SHOP for OP ST E ON Anything You Can Imagine

We Will MEET IT or BEAT IT! Cabinets • Granite• Building Additions Shops • Remodeling


863 - 9637 LIC#VLADIHL941QL

improve energy efficiency

BLUED PONDEROSA pine lumber, 1”, 2” and 3”. Also fireplace mantles, pine, fir and cedar. 208765-8719 USED 18” GALVANIZED culverts, $8.50 per foot. Road grader, Balderson hydraulic angle bull blade with new 143-H lift group, $14,000 OBO. Portable rock crusher 5’x6’ control tower on trailer, electric up and down, with heat and AC, like new, $14,000. 208-245-2374

REcyclEd REgRound concREtE and Block pRoducts Crushed to less than 1½” minus, lots of fines Excellent driveway gravel, road base, or clean fill.


$ 50 (3ft x 3ft x 3ft) yd We load - You haul! (Delivery Avail. $$)




Walls • Ceilings • Roofs Floors • Below Grade Residential • Commercial Post Frame & Steel Buildings STOPS Wind, COld, HeaT, & MOiSTure

P2 PanelS

P2 PaneS

• High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Roofing/Siding Panel — Superior to OSB, Plywood, PVC & Metal

• Fits to Interior of Existing Window • Insulating, Noise Reducing • Optical Grade Acrylic Storm Window

TAkE ADVANTAGE OF ENERGY REBATES! For Your Energy Solutions call:

ACST Distributing, LLC. For more details


Proactive Technology


T & A FABRICATIONS Specializing in


Shop: 509-258-7096 or 509-991-6017

4364 Springdale-Hunters Rd. • Springdale, WA We Now Repair SHOP HOURS: Thurs.-Mon. 8am-5pm PLASTIC ALL KINDS OF FABRICATION Even if you think it can’t be fixed... We can fix almost anything at a reasonable price! Owner: Ed Thompson


Several Hoods to Choose from in Stock Now! as As Low $ 00 + core & WA State sales tax



Free Pick Up & Delivery Available F.O.B. Spokane


W. Side of Hwy 395, 1 Mile N. of Loon Lake!




713 N. Cook, Spokane, WA • 509 535-1661 TRACTOR PARTS! Quality new aftermarket parts delivered to you. Call Joe 509-688-5920


1974 FORD F9000, 10 Yard dump truck, excellent shape, $3000 or trade for 4 wheelers, guns, ? 509684-6996 Colville

Bigger & Better than Ever!

RC Track Parts & Service Call Ross “The Track Doctor”


• Sprockets • Idlers • Track Chain • Rubber Tracks • Grouser Steel • Rollers

MOBILE SERVICE? YES! 1320 N. Haven • Spokane 509

YOUNG LOG Grapples, 54”, continuous non stop rotation, $2500 or best offer. 509-258-7142 Wellpinit


IH 500 DISK, 13’, good condition, $1600. 208-9838012, Kamiah, or

Service and repair all TypEs of WE

agricultural & Heavy equipment

Very Competitive Mobile/ Shop Rates

RanCH Hand EQUIpMEnT 509


Heavy Equipment




We Stand Behind Our WOrk! 2006 CASE CX130 excavator with thumb and extra cleanup bucket, 813 hours, $69,000. 2001 Case 650H crawler with rippers, new undercarriage, $45,000. Cat 518 skidder with grapple, $18,000. Komatsu PC200LC5L with thumb, $26,000. 1973 GMC 427 5-6 yard dump truck with gas engine, $4250. Cat D4D with rippers and straight blade, $13,500. 2004 JD 310G backhoe 4x4 4N1 bucket extendahoe with thumb, $45,000. 1998 JD 120 excavator, 1859 hours, make offer. 1998 TD15E logging equipped. Dave’s Truck & Equipment, 208-263-3555

2002 KUBOTA M5700 57 HP 4x4 diesel tractor with front loader. Immaculate condition, 2580 lb. Lift capacity, power steering, hydraulic shuttle, rear PTO and 3 point hitch, rear remote, meticulously maintained, excellent tires, always stored indoors, $22,900. 208-946-1576. Heavy duty 6’ Woods brush hog also available

1999 FREIGHTLINER tandem axle dump truck, 15’ box, ready to work, offers; 1977 John Deere 644B loader, complete with bucket and grapple, fair condition, offers. Call 250-505-9566 or 250-3570035

TRACTOR 55HP, Massey Ferguson, 165 model diesel, loader, power steering, good tires, 3 pt snowblade, chains, $5500; 2010 John Deere crawler, diesel, loader/bucket, rear ripper attachment, runs good, $6500. 509-276-2666

TIMBERJACK 330 LOG loader, truck mount, Cummins, air conditioned, heater, pilot control, low hours, loader only, $9500 OBO. 208-263-5161 or 208265-2309

1970 FORD 1 TON Flatbed dump truck, 4 speed transmission, Ford 390 V8 motor, $3800. 509981-9567 Spokane INTERNATIONAL Plow, 6 bottom, semi mount, on land, in very good condition, $1300 or best offer; factory cab for John Deere 3020 or 4020, I think all the parts are there, $500 or best offer; set of L shaped fuel tanks, 60 gallons each, $225 or best offer; heavy duty steel crossover toolbox, $75 or best offer; plastic 5th wheel type toolbox, $75 or best offer. 509-935-6676 Chewelah

New & Used Parts for Equipment


2008 TYTAN 34HP, diesel, 4x4, with 4 way loader, 50 hours, like new, reduced to $10,900 might take some trade. 509-9949022 Cheney


BARBER FERTILIZERSeed 6 ton slip tank with unloader. Land packers all widths. Meyers hydraulic angle snowplow. Heavy duty loader for wheel tractor. Backhoe attachment. 208-276-3772


Norcan Parts & Equipment Co. N. 9423 Market, Spokane (FAX) 467-2066 (509) 466-3566 • 800-586-3566

Serving All Resource Industries Since 1970

173 KW GENERATOR, Perkins diesel on trailer, excellent condition. $5000. 208-746-3938, Lewiston. STUDDED SKIDDER Chains, 4 Baybac Double Diamond, 24.5x32, like new, $3500; Brush Rake off of a D6C with push arms & new teeth, $2500; 1400x24 Grader tire on wheel, off of 12F, 6 chains, $1,200. 509-9513771 Newport 1986 IHC TANDEM Digger-derrich, 6x4, AT, polejack, auger, $18,500; 1994 Volvo tractor, 450hp/10 speed, 350k miles, $6500; 2004 Case, 650K, 6-way, $36,000; 1995 John Deere 310D, 4x4 ex/ho-cab, $23,500. Spokane 509-4558760

Value Bonanza - US Version 3 column: 5.875” x 9”, b/w

TRACTORS, 15 To 100 HP, 2 and 4 wheel drive, starting at $2000. Loaders installed. Call for weekly tractor special, toll free 877-366-4165.

T 1510 4WD 50HP DIESEL TRACTOR with loader, low hours (1250 original). Second owner, owner & parts manual included. PS, block heater, great tractor. I bought a new tractor & this one must go! Great for the small farm, call for more details, $9800. 509999-4546 Spokane EL 200B CATERPILLAR Excavator, 44,000lb, less than 4000 total original hours, very tight machine, well maintained, quick change 42” & 28” buckets, thumb & alloy stump splitter, catwalks, good undercarriage, clean straight machine, excellent condition, $30,000. Gem Buildings Supply 208-962-3911 Cottonwood

“Make Your Life Easier with the BEST Bed” FREE $100 GAS ALLOWANCE




Choose TreaTs wiTh

No Tricks! O% FINANCING FreeBack!rear or Cash BlaDe

with this tractor!

The best deals of the year are available at the world’s #1 equipment leader. For a limited time, choose 0% financing or cash back on select Seat & xe equipment. New Holland tractorsD and haying elu

rm fo2009. lue!OfferOends ator Plat30, t Vinatoday! perNovember GreaStop

Boomer 2030




Financing For up To

72 Months


with Purchase!

PICKUP & DELIVERY • Recessed license plate • Quick latch for folding sides AVAILABLE • Tie downs in sides • Drivers side board hinged down • 7 clearance lights • Drop in board holders behind cabshield • Smooth exterior sides DIAMOND • 4” channel main sills Dealer Inquiries Invited DISTRIBUTING

We Don’t Sell All of the Beds, Only the BEST!


Construction, Farm & Logging


• Smooth rear skirt • Rear receiver hitch • Safety chain holes • Round cab shield • Cambered rear skirt

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 25

509-397-2412 Colfax, WA

Bill Larsen

Laduke & FogLe equipment HARDWARE &


635 Hwy 395 South, near Colville, WA • M-F 8-5 IMPLEMENT CO., 509-684-2575 • 1-800-953-2575

*For agricultural use. Offer subject to CNH Capital America LLC credit approval. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through November 30, 2009, at participating New Holland dealers in the United States. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in price. © 2009 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.

26 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Heavy Equipment

Fire Equipment ✦ First Aid Supplies Safety Products ✦ Beverage Systems Welding Inspections & Testing Financing Options Available

Welding Products ✦ Industrial Supplies Industrial, Medical & Specialty Gases Rental Equipment Leasing & Layaway Options

Construction, Farm & Logging

Pick up your 4-Page

WInTER SALE FLYER At Your Local Oxarc

PC 900 Plasma Cutter

Migmaster® 275

Provides more power for tough jobs.

The PowerCut® 900 from ESAB makes plasma cutting easier and more economical than ever before, delivering reliability, high production and a wide variety of performance features.

Rated 275 amps at 40% duty cycle and 200 amps at continuous 100% duty cycle, this machine features DC welding output from 30 to 300 amps







“Portable Power & Performance”





Ready out of the case. Thermal Arc 95S weighs 10 lbs. and can produce up to 95 A of power.


$ $ $

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SP140T $569 #K2688-1

95 #AFV102 67 #PR60710 67

Power Mig PM140C





Unmatched Compact Welding for Pros or Hobbyists. 140 Models run on 120 V household current with an amperage range of 30-40 amps.

4½ x ¼ x 7/8 Grinding Disk #A1236 $1.69 #A2236 $2.49 5 x ¼ x 7/8 Grinding Disk 4½” Diam. Flap Disk, 80 grit #Z4510F $4.95


#83001 Long Handle Wire $1.99 #83003 Shoe Handle Wire $1.99







3 GREAT MACHINES for sale! 2003 Terex TH842C telescopic forklift, no leaks or issues, foam filled tires, runs great, $24,900 OBO. 2003 RC-50 track loader (pictured), brand new tracks/ pins, new engine under warranty (only 15 hours on new engine!), $24,900 OBO. 2004 RC-85 skid steer with AC and heat, only 100 hours on new tracks, $26,900 OBO. Please call 208-610-1554, Sandpoint


The “Spider” HW1212 — the Industry’s Top Horizontal Wet Miter Bandsaw

CASE 580B, 6830 hours, 1971, $13,500; Case 580E, 3506 hours, 1984, $16,500. 509-993-1089 Deer Park

WANTED: TIMBER Land. We will buy it at a good price and pay cash. 208-661-0798

1997 310 JOHN DEERE Backhoe, 4wd, low hours, $21,500 or best offer or part trade. 509-291-5213; 509-291-3710 Rockford

CULVERT. For the very best price on new culvert, call Rocky Mountain Distributing at 208-765-6720, CdA Industrial Park


2816 4x4 w/Loader

Gear Transmission $ cash HST Transmission $ cash

Gear Transmission $ cash HST Transmission $ cash





13417 E. Trent Spokane Valley

for 60 Months Available


Tractor Supply $


2516 4x4 w/Loader


cash Only 1 at this price

2100 4x4 w/Loader


2006 CASE CX130 excavator with thumb and extra cleanup bucket, 813 hours, $69,000. 2001 Case 650H crawler with rippers, new undercarriage, $45,000. Cat 518 skidder with grapple, $18,000. Komatsu PC200LC5L with thumb, $26,000. 1973 GMC 427 5-6 yard dump truck with gas engine, $4250. Cat D4D with rippers and straight blade, $13,500. 2004 JD 310G backhoe 4x4 4N1 bucket extendahoe with thumb, $45,000. 1998 JD 120 excavator, 1859 hours, make offer. 1998 TD15E logging equipped. Dave’s Truck & Equipment, 208-263-3555


with 11HP Honda


RESTORE OLD tractors. 208-263-

Sales - Rentals - Parts



WE Farm 3555

The Affordable Alternative!







Seeking employment. Have saws, will travel, 30 years experience.


2015 4x4 w/Loader

Cast iron compressor pump • Steel disc Valves • Totally enclosed OSHA belt guard • Ball valve at outlet ASME approved vertical or horizontal air receivers • Splash lubrication • Two year warranty


GEHL GRINDER MIXER, portable, pto driven, excellent condition, grind your own grain & save money to feed your livestock, $2250; Also, 2 like new Westfield grain augers, portable, 6” x 41 ft., 8” x 31 ft., pto driven, $1800 each; Echo Farms 208-6836312 Athol ID

2002 KUBOTA M5700 57 HP 4x4 diesel tractor with front loader. Immaculate condition, 2580 lb. Lift capacity, power steering, hydraulic shuttle, rear PTO and 3 point hitch, rear remote, meticulously maintained, excellent tires, always stored indoors, $22,900. 208-946-1576. Heavy duty 6’ Woods brush hog also available



NEW HOLLAND Skidsteer loaders, L775 diesel, 1988, $7500. 509-993-1089 Deer Park


4035 4x4 w/Loader

Whether you choose a vertical or horizontal model, you get a compressor with exceptional reliability and minimum maintenance


1987 BEAVER MARQUIS 36’ diesel pusher, too big for us, tons of new items. New, $220,000. Sell $35,000 OBO. 208-6993634

2008 20’ 14,000 LB. tongue pull equipment trailer, heavy duty, factory built, like new, $4200 OBO. Can deliver. 208267-7048


Contains all the quality equipment needed for cutting, welding and brazing in a rugged molded plastic carrying case. The outfit is designed to carry one MC acetylene cylinder and one 20 cu. ft. oxygen cylinder (shipped empty). As supplied, the outfit is capable of cutting to 1” and welding to 1/16”. Can cut to 4” and weld to 1/2” with larger tips and acetylene cylinders.

FERGUSON 35 DIESEL, 35hp; Massey Ferguson 65 diesel, 50hp; Massey Ferguson 135 gas, 37hp. $4200 your choice. 509993-1089 Deer Park

2004 KUBOTA L48 tractor loader backhoe. Only 260 hours, excellent, hydrostatic, turbo diesel, 4wd, R4s, canopy, quick detach backhoe and 3 point arms/ PTO for other implements, $28,900. 208946-1576

TRACTOR TIRE Chains, back tire size 18-4-38, $500. 208-835-6949, Troy, Idaho.



Professional Timber Faller

2400 4x4 w/Loader

3510i 4x4 w/Loader

3820i 4x4 w/Loader

1,13694 #KBM32Q

6” GRInDER 6” GRInDER w/Tip








w/Slide 62


O2 cyl plus contents $ 00



#CY124 $

Cylinder Cart

Acet. cyl. plus contents $ 00

80 #CYA140F 6650 #88F02



n 95 Respirators #8615

each Limit 4 Boxes of 20 per customer










$ 99






0% Financing for 72 mos* 0% Financing for 72 mos* 0% Financing for 60 mos* 0% Financing for 60 mos* Only 3 available Only 1 available Only 1 available Only 1 available at this price at this price at this price at this price

Please Call for




Tractor Supply

20% down O.A.C. + tax & lic

GC2400 4x4 HST w/Loader

13417 E. Trent Spokane Valley

GC2410 4x4 HST w/Loader & Backhoe

1635 4x4 w/Cab & Loader


Contains products suggested by the CDC and World Health nitrile Disposable Gloves Organization when dealing with or preparing for the H1N1 Flu Virus. Liquid Hand Sanitizer 5 DAY KIT: Alcohol Based Non-Alcohol Based 10 each N95 Flat Fold Respirators 10 each Antibacterial Hand Wipes


$ 59



$ 49

Online Shopping WWW.OXARC.COM • Fast • Efficient • Secure

Boise Coeur d’Alene Colville Ellensburg Hermiston

208-376-0377 208-765-3311 509-684-3776 509-925-1518 541-567-7377


10 pair Nitrile Disposable Gloves 1 bottle Hand Sanitizer

Prices Effective Through January 31, 2010 Some Items Limited to Stock on Hand.

Is Your Single Source Supplier La Grande 541-963-2890 Lewiston 208-743-6571 Moses Lake 509-765-9247 Nampa 208-442-8910


Okanogan Pasco Sandpoint Spokane

509-826-3205 509-547-2494 208-263-1016 509-535-7794

Sunnyside 509-837-6212 Walla Walla 509-529-3060 Wenatchee 509-662-8417 Yakima 509-248-0827





0% Financing for 72 mos*


0% Financing for 72 mos*


13417 E. Trent Spokane Valley


Tractor Supply 20% down O.A.C. + tax & lic



0% Financing for 72 mos* up to


for 72 Months Available


FARMHAND BALE Hand, good condition, $850. 208-983-8012, Kamiah, or

All Sizes – All Prices


1999 BELARUS 50 HP, 4x4, with front loader, $10,900 will take some trade, low hours. 509-9949022 Cheney

(509) 925-5919 (206) 572-5476 fax (509) 925-6590

Heavy Equipment Construction, Farm & Logging JOHN DEERE 50 tractor, with band saw, good shape. $3000. 208-2893578, Kendrick. MELROE 9 plow, $3000. 7221, Lenore.

BOTTOM 208-476-

FREE PARTS CATALOG: Draper Tractor Parts 800967-8185

CAT 12F, MOTOR Grader, enclosed, R.O.P. S., heater/14’/CB/emergency light system, $9,000. 509-535-3510 Spokane 1951 GM-M FOR Sale, restore ready, good running, good shape, extra parts and tires also available. 406-827-4050

Contract Log Loading

www. Spokane Free Everything

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 27

1994 JOHN DEERE 310C 4x4 backhoe, $14,250/ offer. 509-843-3616, Pomeroy.

Fair Rates, New Machine, Experienced Operator

TIMBERJACK 330 LOG loader, truck mount, Cummins, air conditioned, heater, pilot control, low hours, loader only, $9500 OBO. 208-263-5161 or 208265-2309 USED 18” GALVANIZED culverts, $8.50 per foot. Road grader, Balderson hydraulic angle bull blade with new 143-H lift group, $14,000 OBO. Portable rock crusher 5’x6’ control tower on trailer, electric up and down, with heat and AC, like new, $14,000. 208-245-2374 CRAWLER LOADER, D55 Komatsu, 2.5 yard 4 way bucket, pedal steer, power shift, winch, $8500 OBO. 208-263-5161 or 208-2652309

IH 1586 TRACTOR, CAB, air, new rear duals, excelNEW Diesel 4x4 Tractors 1989 F450, DUMP Truck, lent condition, $12,500; with loader, from $8995 gas, may take 18’ out- dual wheels & hubs, for www.springvalleyequip- Value board in trade.- US RossVersion 509- case 1070, etc., $500. 509Bonanza 509-447-2126 636-3654 Creston 466-3514 Spokane


Tractor Company, Thank Inc.

80th Anniversary


1602 E. Trent Ave. @ Helena • Spokane WA 99220



Financing $0

Down 0% APR InteRest for 60 monthly payments!




0% for 60 months - 3 column: 5.875” x 10”, 4 color

L4400 Tractor with Loader • 45.3 Gross HP • Hydrostatic Transmission • 4 Cylinder • 2870 lb. Lift Capacity • R4 Industrial Tires • Rimguard in Rear Tires for Ballast

It’s Value Bonanza, and that means it’s time for 0% financing for 60 months or choose cash back on these select New Holland tractors:







• Boomer™ Series tractors (18-60 hp) • TC30 & T1500 Series compact tractors (30-45 hp) • T4000 Series tractors (50-80 PTO hp) • T4000V Vineyard tractors (62-82 PTO hp) • T4000F Narrow tractors (62-82 PTO hp) • TDD tractors (62-80 PTO hp) • TD5000 tractors (62-80 PTO hp) • T5000 Series tractors (70-96 PTO hp)

BX25 Tractor, Loader & Backhoe

Our Best Seller!

Don’t miss these outstanding fall deals! Program ends November 30, 2009, so stop by today or visit for complete details.

• 23 Gross HP • 17.7 PTO • Hydrostatic Transmission • R4 Industrial Tires • Rimguard in Rear Tires for Ballast

Introducing the New RTV 1140! $0 Down 0% APR InteRest for 36 monthly payments! RTV1140 OuR New 2 SeaTeR

st. John hardware Implement Co., InC. ST. & JOHN

ST. JOHN HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO., INC. 904 S. Hayford Road • Airway Heights 904 S. HAYFORD RD. AIRWAY HEIGHTS, WA (509) 244-4902 509-244-4902

HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO., Locations also in St. John • Fairfield • Moscow • Nez Perce

*For agricultural use. Offer subject to CNH Capital America LLC credit approval. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through November 30, 2009, at participating New Holland dealers in the United States. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in price. © 2009 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.




• Diesel • 4WD • PS • Hydraulic Bed Lift

Install a Blade on the Front & Plow thru the winter! ALL TRACTORS InCLuDe DeLIveRy uP TO 75 MILeS

Prices do not include tax

28 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Heavy Equipment

Construction, Farm & Logging

Industrial and residential sales Delivery available.

with Ice Melt

20.5x25 LOADER TIRES, set of 4, bias, 16 ply, a lot of tread left. $1350, will sell as singles. Kingston, 208-682-2131

SPECIALS Rebar, Sq. & Rect. Tube, Flat Bar, Angles, Channels.

3 GREAT MACHINES, 2003 Terex TH842C telescopic forklift, no leaks or issues, foam filled tires, runs great, $24,900 or best offer; 2003 RC-50 track loader (pictured), brand new tracks/ pins, new engine under warranty (only 15 hours on new engine), $24,900 or best offer; 2004 RC-85 skidsteer with AC & heat, only 100 hours on new tracks, $26,900 or best offer. Please call 208-6101554 Sandpoint

Custom Plate Processing


SEMI VAN TRAILER, 45’, not on axles. Good watertight storage. $800 OBO. 208-651-3266


LANDSCAPING TRACTOR, trailer, implements. Everything you need, John Deere 4610 4x4 tractor with loader, hydrostatic transmission. 18’ Fox trailer, backblade, rototiller, landscaping rake, harrow etc. Package deal at $22,500. Great for plowing snow! Hitachi EX-60 LC. Great mid size excavator. Haul on backhoe trailer. Cab and thumb. Runs good! Should be $25,000, reduced to $20,000. Randy. 406-8476407-344 Kioti DS Ad FINAL.qxp:Layout 1 2200

The John Deere 'Everything must go' Sale.

Delivered to your Home


WANTED: D4 Caterpillar tractors, running or not, old parts, books, most anything for old d4’s. 509-2843651

EQUIPMENT TRAILERS: 1988 Hyster 20 ton tilt deck, new tires, good deck and brakes, $6800 OBO; 1992 eager Beaver 12 ton beaver tail, air brakes, overall very good, used very little, $6500 OBO. 208-443-2193

1978 CAT12 F grader, new sleeves, pistons & bearings, $15,000 obo. 509544-8807. TriCities.

Bulk Oil We Fill Your Container — 5 Gallon to 55 Gallon

SAVE $$$

Many Grades

Meeting Your Lubrication Needs at Fair Prices & Excellent Service Since 1983

N. 8321 Market, SpokaNe • (509) 467-3130 • 800-791-2149 11409 N. GoverNMeNt Way, HaydeN, Id • (208) 635-5500

TRACTORS: 2 wd & 4 wd. Largest selection of compact tractors & implements in the N.W. Lowest prices, sales, & service. 509-374-3398. www.efc7/16/09 11:01 AM Page 1 construction .com

JOHN DEERE 2240 with loader, diesel, 1981, 50hp, utility, $9800; Case International 685 with loader, 1988, utility, diesel, 61hp, $8800. 509-993-1089 Deer Park

There’s lots to whistle about with KIOTI’s new DS line of value-priced tractors. It’s designed for today’s budget-conscious hobby farmer, contractor or homeowner.


These models include lots of field-proven Really great tractors%at Dynamite Savings!

Financing features you’d expect to find in a higher-priced For more information or a 60 demonstration For mos.of Automatic & gear transmissions. Recommended for Homeowners, Estate Owners, Horse Enthusiasts, Ranchers, Hobby Farmers and more.

line of machines. Like powerful yet fuel-efficient

0% financing available

%* 0 diesel engines, four-wheel drive, wet-disc brakes

on all the new KIOTI DS Series, stopTractors by your nearest Kioti


and more.

KIOTI dealer today and find out what all the noise is about.

There’s lots to whistle about with KIOTI’s new DS line of value-priced tractors. It’s

No Interest, No Payments for 6 Mos

No Interest, No Payments For 12 Trim both sides with rear discharge bagger, standard equipment on the X300R.


Don't be left out in the cold. Snow blowers are in stock and ready for snow. Get yours now while supplies last.

Fall clean up just got easier with John Deere equipment

COLUMBIA TRACTOR, INC. 4009 EAST FRANCIS AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99217 (509) 483-2868 (888) 636-2257 Offer ends 3/1/2010. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details and other financing options. Offer ends 10/30/2009. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details and other financing options. See store for details, OAC. Subject to approved credit on John Deere Credit Revolving Plan, a service of FPC Financial f.s.b. After promotional period finance charges will begin to accrue at 15.9% APR. A $1.00 per month minimum finance charge may be required. Upon default the interest rate may increase to 19.8% APR. Subject to approved credit on John Deere Credit Revolving Plan, a service of FPC Financial f.s.b. For consumer use only. After promotional period, finance charges will begin to accrue at 17.9% APR. A $1.00 per month minimum finance charge may be required. Upon default of your account, the interest rate may increase to 19.8% APR. John Deere's green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol, and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company. The engine horsepower information is provided by the engine manufacturer to be used for comparison purposes only. Actual operating horsepower will be less.





B74CUBD0802-00304948 -

designed for today’s budget-conscious hobby farmer, contractor or homeowner. These models include lots of field-proven

Really great tractors at Dynamite Savings!

features you’d expect to find in a higher-priced

For more information or a demonstration of

line of machines. Like powerful yet fuel-efficient

the new KIOTI DS Series, stop by your nearest

diesel engines, four-wheel drive, wet-disc brakes

KIOTI dealer today and find out what all the

and more.

noise is about.

1-877-GO-KIOTI 1-877-GO-KIOTI

A Division of Daedong-USA, Inc.

*See your local dealer for full details or visit for current promotional rates.

A Division of Daedong-USA, Inc.

*See your local dealer for full details or visit for current promotional rates.

2114 Hwy 395 S Chewelah, WA 509 935-8829 866-969-8829


CASH to LOAN on:

Land • Second Homes • Cabins • Rentals Commercial Property

No Prepay Penalty or Credit Score Minimums

Denise Reilly CLS Mortgage, INC


E. 12904 Nora Spokane, WA WA LO #510-LO-32830

Real Estate NOW HIRING! The “Julia Sells Homes” Team is looking for an energetic Buyer Specialist to help buyers find homes. We have a full time position open for the right person who is willing to get their Real Estate License. Contact us by email at Keller Williams Realty Spokane

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 1200 sq ft, home for sale in Spokane, WA. area. Low crime, hurry, won’t last long! Call 1-800-5321418 today


Loans From $25,000 to $1.5 Million Can Close in 7 Days Will Co-Broker Fax: 509-922-2246

I do my own appraisals WA, ID, MT

Edward F. Anderson, Broker 509 994-2557

24 hr, 7 days •

MAZATLAN MEXICO- El Ranch RV. Own your own RV lot, $300 down, $185/month; 2 bedroom house, $300 down, $200 month. Monte 509-9983326 You can now move to the most prestigious Manufactured Home Park in MEAD! Seller wanted $60,000 for this beautiful, spacious home on a small park. All that yard and you do not have to mow! But, winter is coming and he does not want to maintain two homes so he said “Give someone a great deal.” I could not believe it when he said “How about $39,900?” You can hardly buy a decent doublewide still on the sales lot for this price! Hurry, it won’t last long! STeP InTo mY TIme macHIne, I’m going to show you where it’s at. Old world craftsmanship with new world updates. Completely remodeled from the studs up. New wiring, new kitchen, new master bedroom, new insulation, new roof. Double lot in Deer Park, 4 bed, 2 baths, wood floors. Only .................. $189,900 ReDuceD Nice home on 5 treed acres, Deer Park area. .. $289,900 beauTIful new Home w/large garage! Convenient to everything Low Down, too! Only ... $154,900 20 TReeD acReS, Williams Valley, 30x40 shop, well, pump, older singlewide. Reduced $15,000 for cash purchase. PoSSIble owneR fInancIng gReaT commeRcIal property, Hwy 2, Airway Heights. 2 units ...................................... $299,900 STIcK buIlT oR Manufactured Home packages available. Two building lots, Deer Park, water/ sewer available......$24,400 each (land only) 40x60 SHoP on 3/4 acre, Mead. Potential to lease.......... $209,900 (2) Ten acRe side-by-side parcels, perfect for nursery or tree farm, convenient to Spokane & Deer Park. Were priced at $119,900 & $124,900, now buy both for .....................$150,000

OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, 12-3pm. 9024 N. Country Homes Boulevard, Unit #1, Spokane. Wow! What a darling main floor condo with all brand new Ferzay carpet, interior warm neutral colored paint, & brand new kitchen vinyl flooring. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1040 sq. ft. unit is very close to the pool & to your parking carport. No steps! Enjoy the toasty warm wood fireplace in the winter months, & the nice private patio area in the summer months. Easy & convenient when your arms are loaded with groceries. Enjoy the convenient location to shopping, hospitals, schools, restaurants & many other amenities, $110,000. Call Sheri, 509280-3000 Re/Max of Spokane ATTENTION Developers & Investors: Special pricing on custom site built, multi family duplexes, 4 plex, & apartments, quick build time, incredible pricing. Call Mr Lotz 509-9957794

2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, HUD Repo, unfinished basement, $90,000. Chris Costa 509-378-1021 or go to for a list of available HUD properties. Lakeshore Realty DUE TO HEALTH: 4 Bedroom house for sale in nice area; 1974 Chrysler boat, tri-hull, open bow; bedroom size carpets; cat scratchers. Make offer! 509-747-3566 Spokane BY OWNER, 2 CONDOS in Rathdrum Boekel Ranch, 1500 sq. ft.. Main floor: living room, dining, kitchen with all appliances, laundry room, 1/2 bath. Upstairs: 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, big bonus room. 2 car finished garage with opener, AC, heat pump, sprinklers, landscape, deck. Built in 2007. Same renters since new at $795 month. Great investment. $139,000 each or discount for both. 208773-9672 or 208-660-2790 COUNTRY MINI FARM, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, on approximately 2/3 acres, with hay barn, horse barn, 2 chicken houses, cold storage building made of concrete blocks, quanset hut for wood & storage, fenced & cross fenced, fenced garden plot, 2 car garage & shop with electric door, lots of shade trees, almond & fruit trees, own well, needs painting inside & outside trim, needs carpets replaced, sold as is, $49,000 cash firm. 509648-4295 REAL ESTATE Enthusiasts: would you like a no obligation email sent to your inbox every week keeping you abreast of what’s going on in our local market? Including interest rates, average sales prices for the current month for 2007, 2008, or 2009. Also current listing & solds for the previous month. I would be glad to furnished that for you. Because informed buyers & sellers make for a more stable market. Drop me an email or give me a call today! Toni Alltus, Exit North 509-370-2074




REDUCED! PERFECT Starter 2 bedroom, 1 bath on 1/4 acre. Small town living, $69,900. 24/7 info 1888-252-5535, code 20773. Bambi Burrus 509-9935897 KW Realty SPOKANE PROPERTIES Unlimited. *South- 4 bedroom, 2 bath, on .31 acre, seller to pay closing costs & carpet allowance, $125,000. *SouthwestMeticulously maintained classic! 4+ bedroom, 2 bath, full basement, marble fireplace & one-of-akind details, 2-car garage, bonus workshop, $150,000; 3 bedroom, 2 bath, granite counters, forced air gas heat, basement workshop, corner lot, excellent schools, Victorian with lots of character, $84,900; 2 bedroom, 1 bath, MH on .66 acres, landscaped, with patio & shed, 16x23 pool, $60,000; 4 bedroom, 2 bath, full basement, mother-in-law setup or rental, 2+ car shop & 1-car garage, $130,000; 3 bedroom, 2200sq.ft., 1/2 acre, wood floors, formal dining, living & rec room, garage, $63,500; Darling 3 bedroom, 2 bath, +office, fenced yard, garage, wood floors, woodstove, new roof, siding & windows, $107,500; 360 degree views, .40 acre, built in 2001, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, & bonus room with bar and room for pool table, $134,900. Call Farrah or Debbie at 1-877209-7321 KW Realty.

Framed & Built

On Your Lot

Homes from

$55,900 Ask For Eric -OR- Treva VanderWegen


Real Estate Marketplace


WANTED: SMALL Acreage in Colbert, Chattaroy, Green Bluff or Mead area, and/ or a country fixer. Call 509-4684001 or 509-710-0696

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 29

Dan the lanD man Helping People Buy & Sell! Always Negotiable Commissions

509 844-4413

Dan McGuire

Windermere CheWelah

Loon Lake — A STEAL! 2 story home, 3 bdrms, 2½ bath on 8.66 acres. Office, large kitchen, high speed internet. Minutes from Loon Lake. Great Investment! Bring your dogs and horses.

nOW Only $159,000

appraised Last Year for $220,000 WANTED: TIMBER Land. We will buy it at a good price and pay cash. 208-661-0798

CASH FOR YOUR Real Estate Note. Americus Financial Group, LLC. 509326-9000 Spokane

An Easy Way To Buy A Home No MoNEy DoWN Call for details: Steve at 509-710-3769 Exit Real Estate LOON LAKE, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1 year old, 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings, jetted tub, 1/4 acre lot, $140,000. 509-280-2681

BEAUTIFUL SPLIT 5 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2 year old home. Call to see, $229,000. Heidi 509-9987287 Tomlinson

Mountain Homes

Custom Built HigH End manufaCturEd HomEs!

Cedar Canyon Chalet

2187 sq. ft. 4/12 Pitch roof

noW on disPlay in ColvillE, Wa Home Features:

Solid Wood interior Doors, Hickory Cabinets, Prow Porch, Stainless Steel Appliances, Log Siding, Cedar Trim & Energy Star Mon - Sat 9am to 5pm Sun 11am to 4pm 691 Elm Tree Drive, Colville, WA 99114 (3 miles S. of Colville on Hwy 395) (509) 684-1380 • 1-866-684-5600 •

$99,967* SITE BUILT 2140 sq.ft. home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, turnkey on your permitted & prepared lot. *Some restrictions apply, see store for details. American Home Centers, 14525 N Newport Hwy, Mead 509-468-1750

RURAL DREAM, awesome views, 18.76 Acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, great shop with 220 power, barn, greenhouse, stream, only $179,900, Lease purchase possible. Randy Love, 509-993-9422 ReMax Inland Empire

Make Your Dream a Reality!

Dave Atherton

DEER PARK HOME Buyers: don’t miss out on this buyers market & all it’s advantages. Interest rates at an all time low, coupled with the $8000 tax credit, along with home prices lower than they have been in years, Now Is The Time To Buy! Give me a call, I am your Deer Park specialist! And imagine spending the holidays in your new home. Toni Alltus 509-3702074 Exit North

WA:REALIHI984CN OR:CB 166318 ID:RCE-25285

We Say YES to Floor Plan Changes

Foundation Included

2393 SqFt


3 Car Garage Included (Artists Rendition - Options Vary)

Check Out Our Interactive Web Site

30 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE ®

We also: • Buy “as is” • Pay cash • Pay most normal closing costs Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.

Call us today:


14th Annual Fall Folk Festival


October 31st-November 1st. Presented by the Spokane Folklore Society. Featuring multiple stages of traditional and ethnic dance and music, workshops, crafts for children and jamming. Traditional crafts and meals for purchase. Hours are Saturday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Spokane Community College Lair, 1810 N. Greene St. No cost, for more information: (509) 747-2640. Email: clcspo@,

Houses in foreclosure, lost job, illness or just have to move away… I will try to get you what you need. Steve:

Vendors Needed

509 868-4043

Hillyard Festival Association & the greater Hillyard Business Association are looking for vendors for Holiday Festival to be held the first 2 weekends in December. The cost is $20 for each weekend & the times are 10am-5pm each day. The Hillyard Kiwanis will be doing the pictures with Santa again this year. For more information, please contact Desi Bucknell at 509-489-1122 or 509-998-1404

Real Estate 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HUD Repo. Unfinished basement, $61,000. Chris Costa 509-378-1021 or go to for a list of available HUD properties. Lakeshore Realty

HARRISON, ID. 50’x100’ buildable lot, septic, power, water. Use of Lake CDA, close to town and beach. Owner financing considered. $42,000. 208582-0419

READY FOR DELIVERY, new Palm Harbor, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Energy Star home, 40# roof & more, $59,900. 1-800-709-8278

NORTH END, 10 Minutes from Y, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, oversized garage, professional landscape with sprinklers, hurry, $149,900. 509-481-1142

LARGE ROOMY Rancher Perfect for Day Care or InLaws, with 2 kitchens, 4 bedroom, 3 bath & 2 cozy fireplaces. This home even has a heated shop. On oversized fenced lot in established quiet Ponderosa neighborhood, $199,500. For your personal tour Call Vickie 509280-4357 Exit RE CROWLEY ESTATES: 10 acre parcels, build to suit, Deer Park. Heidi 509-9987287 Tomlinson SHORT SALES Wanted! We buy houses. Agents and homeowners, call Don at 208755-6475

NEW HOME, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, with room for shop, CV Schools, $129,900. 509-220-7313 for more information 4923 N WALNUT, 2 Bedroom, complete remodel in Northwest Spokane. Fenced yard, BIG shop, $145,000. D. Hunter 509599-7412 Tomlinson North LOCATION, LOCATION! 412 E. Buttercup Lane, CdA, one block from Costco, 2 blocks from Safeway, on a quiet cul-de-sac. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, split level, 2000 sq. ft. Appraised for $200,000 in 2007, asking only $140,000. 509-218-4399

S. Grove Rd. 4 acres, no septic, perc test or water. Very nice views in all directions. Call for directions. .................$42,000

Riverfront Park Ice Palace October 21st-February 28th, 2010. Mondays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Tuesdays-Thursdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m.; Fridays-Saturdays and nights before a holiday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.; Sundays, noon-4 p.m. (No evening public skating on Sundays-Mondays). Location: Riverfront Park Pavillion. The cost: $4.25/adults and teens, $3.25/children, seniors and military w/ID; $3/skate rental (not included with admission) For more information: (509) 456-4386 32 E GARLAND, 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, full basement, double lot, garage. Com/Duplex possible, $175,000. D. Hunter 509599-7412 Tomlinson North BEST PRICES PAID FOR R.E. notes & contracts. 509-535-6818 REDUCED! PERFECT Starter! 2 bedroom, 1 bath on 1/4 acre. Small town living, $73,000. 24/7 info 1-888-252-5535, code 20773. Bambi Burrus 509993-5897 KW Realty

DEER PARK HOME Sellers: Inventory is low & activity is high due to lowered interest rates & new home buyer tax credits. This won’t last forever, now is a great time to sell! Give me a call, Toni Alltus, your Deer Park specialist, for a free no obligation market analysis. Toni 509-370-2074 Exit North SHADLE HOME- 3 Bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, 2-car garage, RV parking, $169,900. Call Teresa Jaynes 509-714-5284 Coldwell Banker NW Group

5321 S. Grove Rd. 1895 Farmhouse on 9.8 acres with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Tax records show 1050 square ft. Second level not included. Many outbuildings and a barn. Property is fenced. This old farm house has a ton of potential. Call for private showing. .........$185,000 1817 W. Smythe Rd., Spokane, 2006 built Triple wide MFH with 2700 sq. ft. situated on 10 beautiful & secluded acres. 3 bdrms, 2 bths, den/office, formal dining & living, kitchen with cherry cabinets & tile counters & an island. 13718 E. 21st Ave, Spokane Valley, 4 level, 5 bdrm, 3 bth home on Large lot. Bay window in the living room, Deck & patio on the back with a Playhouse to watch the kids in the fenced back yard. Fireplace, family room, AC, gas heat & hot water & outside has RV space, sprinkler system all on a quiet dead end street. This home is priced below all competition and is screaming for TLC!!

Debbie Thaut, Realtor • (509) 270-1179

41 W. Riverside Ave., Ste. 310 • Spokane. WA 99201

DOWNTOWN CDA, Close to schools, shopping and fun. Large lot, 3 bedroom, 2 bath and it has a large shop. Make us an offer we cannot refuse, $219,000. Call Phil Waters, Windermere, 208755-0320

WEST KNOX HUD REPO 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1620 sq.ft. fixer, $87,000. Call to get pre qualified or go to for a list of available HUD properties. Brian Stranger 509-710-9684 Lakeshore Realty

1407 S. Shamrock $354,900

Formal Living Room

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Real Estate 2317 E DALKE, 2 bedroom, complete remodel in Northeast Spokane. Priced for first time home buyers, $99,900. Get in on the credit before it’s gone. D. Hunter 509-599-7412 Tomlinson North

2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, 1139sq.ft., South Hill HUD repo, $130,000. Call Chris Costa 509-378-1021 or go to for a list of available HUD properties. Lakeshore Realty

BUILD YOUR OWN HOME! With Your Plan Or One Of Ours…


sq. ft.

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HUGE HOME! INDIAN Trail 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 4116 W Indian Trail, Spokane, WA, $179,500. Call Brian Stranger 509710-9684 Lakeshore Realty, or for a free list of repos go to CLEAN & COZY: 2 Bedroom, dining room with built-in hutch, updated bath, large living room, newer carpet, updated kitchen with all appliances including washer/ dryer, 10x16 patio with new carpet, 924sq.ft. 14x70 manufactured home, extra large landscaped lot, vinyl fencing, tool shed & RV parking. Must see, Spokane, Mead school district, $66,500 owner. Jim 509-468-4802, cell 509-993-2132 REDUCEDSPOKANE Valley 5 bedroom, 2 bath, plus office. Finished basement with huge game/ family room & laundry room. 2-car garage, 1/4 acre corner lot. All new vinyl windows & siding, newly installed laminate flooring. ADT security system. Must See, $199,500, 3006 S McDonald. Call Chris Costa at Lakeshore Realty 509-378-1021 or 208-818-4543

Please Call Lance Martin for a FREE ESTIMATE! 509 466-6011

Panelized Building Systems 17620 N. Newport Hwy M-F 9-5~ Sat. by appt.



1817 E PACIFIC, Spokane, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, gas heat & water, fenced yard, pets okay upon approval. $750/month, $750/damage, security. 509-868-8300


CHEWELAH GOLF Course lot, close to club house. Level lot, just off the 18th green, perfect spot to build a house, $79,900. 509-981-9567 Spokane

reaL estate advice Sponsored by Dennis Reilly 509-993-9110 Jane Reilly 509-951-1143

Featured Listing oF the Week! step into rustic elegance

Gorgeous custom log home w/ the best of modern conveniences and old world charm. Retreat to your own secret garden or relax on your fabulous screened-in front porch complete w/its own gas fireplace. All of this within walking distance to Deer Lake!................................................... $265,500


With markets so rapidly changing, it’s easy to imagine how property appraisers might sit in a darkened room, waving their hands over a crystal ball, and producing the mysterious and allpowerful document of a home’s value. Let’s dispel the notion of magical figures and look more carefully at the process. When comparing against similar properties, it’s not just the final price that counts. Appraisers also factor in any “incentives” offered, such as sellers who pay closing costs or remodeling allowances. Perhaps the most important factor that lenders review in an appraisal is the closing dates of the “comparables” (other homes by which yours is measured). Unfortunately, with today’s stricter lending requirements, most “comps” must have sold within the last 60 or even 45 days to carry weight. Markets change so quickly that any sale price over two months old may be completely irrelevant. Now a few words about how foreclosures in a neighborhood affect determination of value. Technically, appraisers shouldn’t consider them, because they don’t fit the Appraisal Institute’s definition of “a property reasonably exposed in a competitive market.” However, if several area homes have been abandoned, we know the negative effect that can have on a home’s “perceived” value. If you’re planning to sell, express your concerns about the appraisal process to your representative, who will offer explanations and suggestions for improving your report’s results.

• Two multiple listing services • Professional Representation for Buyers and Sellers Residential ~ Residential Acreage ~ Acreage Waterfront ~ Ranch ~ Farm Real eSTaTe MaRkeTPlace NW

102 ACRE HOMESITE Located 2 miles northeast of Harvard, Idaho. This property consists of 60 acres of farmland & 42 acres of timberland, the timber ground has been professionally cruised to hold 300,000 board feet of merchantable timber, about $70,000 worth of timber with today’s log prices. I intended on building a home on this property, so there is already a driveway installed, a well has been drilled yield 6 GPM of excellent water, & electricity has been installed through Clearwater Power Company, there are also 2 different easements existing to access the property. This homesite is ready for a home! The property has several hunting stands that provide the best hunting North Idaho has to offer, as well as excellent trout fishing in the Palouse River, just minutes away. The U of I & WSU are located just 45 minutes away, as well as 2 different school districts for K-12 making bus routes to the area. Please call 208-669-2222 with any questions AUDUBON AREA, 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, with shop, $154,990. Call Teresa Jaynes 509-714-5284 Coldwell Banker NW Group ROOM TO GROW! 5 Bedroom, 1 bath, 2600sq.ft., double lot, $123,000. 24/7 Info 1-888-252-5535, code 20723. Bambi Burrus 509993-5897 KW Realty MAIN FLOOR LIVING, Northside Rancher, Mead Schools, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 3-car garage, $269,900. Mary Ogle 509999-3949 Exit RE North HUD REPO $87,000. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1620sq.ft., fixer, West Knox. Call Chris Costa 509-378-1021 or go to for a list of available HUD properties. Lakeshore Realty

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 31

Real Estate Commercial 1200 SQ.FT. SHOP, downtown near Goodwill, 3phase power, 3/4 bath, with possible living quarters, access to washer/ dryer. Ideal for storage or small service shop. $650, 1st, last, deposit. 509-8383684

27 LOTS 1/2 block from Kootenai River Casino in Bonners Ferry, ID. Would make excellent RV park. All services available. $114,900. Possible owner contract OAC. 208-6598857

OFFICE SPACE IN Greenacres/Spokane Valley, $600 with utilities paid. 509-892-6825 INDUSTRIAL - VALLEY: 2160sq.ft. warehouse with 14,560sq.ft. fenced yard, $1570/month; 1320 to 1672sq.ft. warehouse units with offices, $573-$720/month; 6950sq.ft. warehouse with office, 12’ & 14’ Overhead doors, $2800/month. Stonemark Real Estate 509-924-7110 OFFICE - VALLEY: 7264500sq.ft. Argonne/ Mullan corridor, $9.50 to $12.00sq.ft.; 382-1144sq.ft. Pines/ I-90 corridor, $600 to $1200/month. Stonemark Real Estate 509-924-7110 POST FALLS AND Spokane Valley, commercial offices available starting at .50¢ sq. ft. For all information please contact Darlene Berry at 208-6600403 A-1 LOCATION! 2 commercial spaces for rent, one is ready for a cabinet shop. Approx. 2500 sq. ft. each, 220 power, 3-way power, gas heat, all asphalt, reasonable price. Call for info., 208-6610227 or 208-762-1401

2907 N MONROE, Spokane, $199,500. Excellent business & apartment rental opportunity. Currently successful antique shop & apartment. This convenient Northside location is great for owner occupied or other business. 3 separate units, one 2-bedroom apartment 2nd floor, 2 additional commercial spaces each approximately 1520sq.ft. with their own gas furnace, AC, electrical, front & rear door access. Parking in back & on street. Fenced area in back can be removed for additional parking in back. Great curb appeal, great traffic. Call Melanie White of Windermere R.E. Valley at 509-220-6890 for more information 8 UNIT APARTMENT House, Hillyard area, $350,000, $50,000 down, $1,800 per month. Income is $2,815 per month. Owner contract, possible trade, 509-993-1089

UNIQUE STORE Located in Sandpoint, Idaho for the past twenty years. All Smiles is well known for its selection of novelty, nostalgia, adult novelties, candies, balloons, humorous greeting cards and much more! Affordable entry level price of only $75,000. For further information contact Eric Skinner at Century 21, Riverstone at 208-255-2244 or 1888-923-8484. MLS #20902697 ALL REAL ESTATE Advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 800424-8590 COMMERCIAL LOT Pines & Grace, great for coffee stand, office or retail, $99,500. Owner Agent Brian Stranger 509710-9684 or go to 2 ACRES, Commercial area of Clayton, close to Hwy 395, great for strip mall, $80,000. 509-2802681

32 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

11th Annual Hope House Celebrity Fashion Show & Luncheon 11am, wine tasting and auction; noon, luncheon and fashion show. Emcee is Debra Wilde. October 30th. Doubletree Hotel, 322 N. Spokane Falls Blvd. $40/person, $300/table of eight. 509-624-2378.

Real Estate

Homes On Acreage NEED TO SELL NOW, So unbelievably low new price! 1-owner, large, spotless 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured on 5.6 acres. Just 1/2 mile East of Hwy 2. 30x40 shop, great well, big fenced yard, sprinkler system. FHA financing, only $139,950. Call Marv 509994-0303 Tomlinson North Inc.

RENT TO OWN THIS 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double wide manufactured home with detached 2 car garage, situated on 5 flat tillable acres, 10 minutes to Airway Heights, 10 minutes to Medical Lake, 15 minutes to downtown Spokane. Completely remodeled in 2007 from top to bottom, owner terms. Steve 509-258-7200

GREAT LAKE Roosevelt Views from this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home, daylight basement, fenced yard, .6 acres, 2+ car garage, $375,000. Owner/ agent, 509-721-0347

REPO! 1.30 ACRES WITH 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1991 manufactured home, 1588sq.ft. HUD Repo! Private well with septic, located 10 miles south from Spokane Valley in Valleyford, WA, $153,000. Call Chris Costa 509-378-1021 or go to for a list of available HUD properties. Lakeshore Realty

NEW PRICE! Must Sell! 3 bedroom, 2 bath, move-in ready, peaceful setting on 1+ acre, $146,600. 24/7 info 1-888-252-5535, code 20763. Bambi Burrus 509993-5897 Keller Williams RE 3-1/2 ACRES WITH Gorgeous 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2007 triplewide manufactured home, 24x30 attached garage plus 30x40 shop, Loon Lake, $289,000. 509-499-7656 or 509-838-4539 Plese Realty 10 LEVEL PARK LIKE treed acres, 1749 sq. ft., 1997 manufactured home, real property, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, including appliances, new paint in and out, 8x24 covered porch, 100 gallon minute well, 28x36 insulated garage or shop with attached 12x36 tractor shed, 8x16 and 10x20 storage, new, no CC&R’s, 2 miles to Rathdrum, $199,800. 208-6870123

7.5 ACRES IN ELK, WA. Power, trees, county road, price reduced. $69,900. Will carry contract. Also 80 acres at Jump Off Joe Lake, $275,000 OBO. 20 acres on Heaven’s Meadow Lane, Hwy. 211, $79,900, power trees, 2 springs. 10 acres with creek on Hwy. 211 with 2 springs, power, paved road, $69,900. (2) 5 acre pieces at Kelso Lake, ID, 1 with small cabin, $69,900. 2 lots in Cusick, WA, all utilities, $39,000. (3) 20 acre pieces on county road with power, on paved road in Ford, WA, $49,000 each. House in Harrington, WA, $89,900, newly remodeled with large shop. Owner contract on all with low down. 509671-7273

Auntie Violet Halloween Storytime Calling all ghouls & ghosts in training - start your Halloween haunting off just right. Auntie Violet will read some great Halloween stories & then we’ll send you on your way with a bag of goodies. Feel free to come wearing your favorite costume-we’ll be wearing ours! October 31, 11am, at Auntie’s Bookstore, Children’s Section, 402 W. Main Ave. No cost, for more information: (509) 838-0206. Email: Website:

Dead Snow Showing The Garland Theater -SpiFF Midnight Showing Friday, October 30th, Midnight to 1:30am - $5. SpIFF Midnight showing of Dead Snow. The horror/comedy Zombie film that shocked the 2009 Sundance Film Festival storms into Spokane GREAT LAKE Roosevelt Views from this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home, daylight basement, fenced yard, .6 acres, 2+ car garage, $375,000. Owner/ agent, 509-721-0347 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH mobile home with large addition on 2.5 acres, 2 car garage, fenced yard. Also a 700 sq. ft., home/ workshop. Oldtown, Idaho, $135,900. 208-255-8085 PRIVATE SETTING- 2.5 acres, beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath, daylight rancher, 32x50 shop with heated workshop - what a find! Enjoy peaceful country living tucked away in rolling wheat fields 40 minutes West of Spokane. Other features include paved road access, attached garage, deck, great landscaping with full sprinkler system & super low taxes, $199,950. Call Seth with The Legacy Group at Keller Williams 509-879-6732

HOME AND 10 ACRES, nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home of 1300 sq. ft. on 10 treed acres. Shop of 800900 sq. ft. with large covered areas on both sides. $154,900. Call Bill Shine Real Team R.E. 208-6999120


Quality Service/Free Estimates

INLAND PACIFIC DRILLING Doug Lane, Owner/Operator 226-2334 Newman Lake, WA

LIC.#INLANPD066DD • Lic. in ID & WA

Acreage 10 LEVEL ACRES with county road frontage, power & phone. Great homesite, close to Airway Heights. $49,900 ($500 down, $541 monthly). Frontier 509-468-0483 WELL DRILLING, 6”, $15 per ft.; Casing, 6”, $14 per ft.; Liner $4.50 ft. Green Mountain Construction & Drilling, Inc., licensed, bonded, insured, greenmc972jq. Call Jeff 509-9941234 CASH FOR REAL Estate Contracts, convert your notes & contract payments into cash, private buyer-lender, Brokers welcome, R. gunning & Associates, LLC. 509-9985208,

URBAN REBOUNDER power compilation pack, by JB Berns, Inc., platinum DVD collection. 17 work outs in all, excellent condition, $125. Call after 7am. Lisa, 208-765-5111 or leave message

HOME AND 5 ACRES, 2600 sq. ft. with 3-4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths in Oldtown/ Priest River area. Open useable acreage in scenic area. $174,900, may consider lease option with good down. Call Bill Shine, 208699-9120, Real Team R.E.

DO YOU HAVE A disabled person in your household? 1997 Dodge grand caravan SE, silver, wheel chair van. Fully automatic/ manual entry with remote, electric ramp, excellent condition. Call for details. 208-6830902, 208-660-5449 Diana

All the features you’ve come to depend on plus: Weekly Auctions Gallery Picture Classified Uploads Auctions & Sales Map Housing Rentals Map Live Traffic Cams Games, Puzzles, Articles & Lots More to come!

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20 ACRES, SOUTHERN Bonners County. Good access, views. $54,900 cash. South of Clagstone Rd., borders state land on 2 sides. 208-255-9673 20 ACRES FOREST Land west of Springdale, out Allen Road, remote, quiet, big white tail bucks, walk to State land, good easement road, camping site with amazing views, almost touches Chamokane Creek, second seasonal creek, $29,950; add a small cabin for $3000. 509991-2277 10 ACRES, NEW on Market. Gentle sloping pasture with Valley & mountain views, just $69,000. Randy Love 509-993-9422, Remax Inland Empire

Health & Beauty

FORECLOSURES, OWN 20 Acres of land now! Near booming El Paso Texas, never been easier, $0 down, take over $159/ month payment, now $12,856, was $16,900, no credit checks/ owner financing. 800-755-8953

Fresh Ads... Fresh Website...

k your ad c e h c to t e rg fo ’t n Do

WATER WELLS! Don’t Drill Until You Talk to Doug

THANK YOU FOR Reading The Exchange!

LIKE NEW “POWER chair” (As seen on TV), red with grey seat. Also an older manual type wheel chair with deluxe pad, and various other physical therapy aides. Call for details, 208-683-0902 or 208660-5449 Diana

DENTAL CROWN OR Bridge- Do you need to restore cracked or broken teeth or have 1-2 missing teeth? Schedule today & receive 35-50% savings for a limited exam, X-Ray & porcelain to metal crown at $560 for each crown. Our office is located just off I-90, Maple St. exit in Spokane. Call Dr. Simon Prosser DDS 509-744-3244 ATTENTION Caregivers: Like new “Sabina Sit-To-Stand” life with remote. Call for details 208-683-0902 or 208660-5449 Diana VIAGRA/ CIALIS: Save $400, 40 pills, $99, free prescriptions, lowest prices, order now 888-7290700 Meds for Men BOWFLEX EXTREME SE, 2 years old, used 4 times, paid $1300, asking $800 OBO. 208-682-3191 or 208-512-3697

Personals MATCHFINDERS OF Eastern Washington. 509242-0159; 877-604-6519 WIDOWED & LONELY 80+ Senior, seeking 7080+ senior female for companionship. Let’s keep each other warm this winter, no smoker or drinker. Write Box GG, c/o The Exchange, PO Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210 SWM 57, CARING, Healthy, honest, polite, lonely. Looking for lady any age. Looks & age not important to me. Open minded. Send your phone number to: PO Box 10671, Spokane WA 99209 SINGLE MAN, Employed, college student, honest & sincere, seeks female 2540 for companionship. Please respond to Charles: Box NN c/o The Exchange Want-Ads, 304 W 3rd Avenue, Spokane WA, 99201

SLENDER, SENSITIVE, sexy, senior, suitor: seeks special woman, who is physically active, emotionally sensitive, (loving) intellectually honest, spiritually seeking. Maybe into organic gardening, recycling, ideal personal relationships, Christian & Jewish bible interpretations, Etymology, humor, health & political issues. 165 pounds, 5’10”, 65 years old in some ways but younger in other ways. Jerry, PO Box 1542, Mead, WA. 99021 CHRISTIAN SINGLES Of Eastern Washington. 509230-1671 THE EXCHANGE- Advertising made easy WIFE FOR HIRE! Relaxation massage, relieve your stresses! Lulu 509362-5444

Green Mountain

ConstruCtion & DrillinG, inC 15 per ft .........6” Drilling $ 14 per ft. ........6” Casing $ 4.50 ft. ............Liner $

Jeff (509) 994-1234

Serving Spokane & Surrounding Areas Lic. Bonded •Insured greenmc972jq

Acreage 20 ACRES, Bordering Conservation land, located on pavement, 15 miles south of downtown Spokane, $109,000. 509-220-8407 5 TIMBERED ACRES, surveyed, minutes to Suncrest, Wa. & Long Lake, great home site, $32,900, $500 down, $355/monthly. Frontier 509-468-0483 20 ACRES Overlooking Eliola Lake, easy access, drastically reduced to $110,000. Call Jeff, 208255-6588, owner/ agent 5 LEVEL, WOODED acres on paved road, good water area, power at road, beautiful home site, 1/2 hour north of Spokane, $54,000. 509-936-0221 or 509-258-9146

CASH for Timberland WA • ID • MT (509) 447-3686 ext 1122

STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY 20 OR MORE ACRES, $2500 per acre, North Pend Orielle County. Good water table, beautiful views, good access, excellent hunting, very near to Pend Orielle boat dock. Owner may carry contract. 435-760-0686 or 435563-0189 NEW FIXER UPPER home on 10 treed acres, with 2 year round creeks, county road frontage, close to Davenport, WA., $79,900, $2000 down, $852 monthly. Frontier 509-468-0483

130 ACRES, Elk. Zoned rural traditional, borders state land, Blanchard Creek runs through. Amazing views, listed at just $499,000. Teresa Jaynes 509-714-5248 Coldwell Banker Northwest Group YEAR ROUND Crashing creek, on 20 timbered acres, tucked away in the back hills of Colville, Wa. great seclusion, $49,900, $500 down, $541 monthly. Frontier 509-468-0483 40x100 SHOP, 16’ concrete walls, concrete floor, on 5 acres of Big Sky subdivision between CDA and Post Falls. Water, electric, and gas. $180,000. My loss, your gain. 208-2556973 BEAUTIFUL 40+ Acres near Lake Roosevelt/ Hunters, southern exposure, easy access, power, creek with water rights, irrigation, mostly pasture, great for home or orchard, $140,000. 661-589-1015 10 ACRES WITH Beautiful views of Lake Coeur d’Alene, off Stott Rd north of Harrison, well, power, deadend driveway, knock out homesite, $149,000, owner financing. 509-9985208 or 509-994-5494, FIVE ACRES, OLDER fixer upper 2 bedroom, 1 bath single wide, horse fenced, well and pump, septic. You clean the yard, $650 down, $650 month. We clean, $1000 down, $650 month. 208-255-9673

Computers &

Business Equipment LAPTOP MAN, Refurbished, like new, Dell C610 laptop, CD-RW/DVD combo, 14.1 display, 40GB, $275. 509-850-1672 Spokane DEER PARK Computers has re-opened! Offering service repairs, tech support & more. Free diagnostic service available. Call us for your virus & hardware problems, and upgrades. Laptop service & used computer sales. Speedy repairs, most times same day service! Deer Park Computers, 509-276-1550 COUNTLESS MILLIONS Of great people can read your ad across the globe on the internet. FALL SALE! 10% OFF All used computers, laptops & LCD Monitors. 50% Off Used CRT Monitors. 30% Off all used ink jet & laser printers. Recycle Techs, 12928 E. Indiana Avenue, Spokane Valley. Located between Spokane Yamaha & I-90. 509-926-1605,

GET YOUR Independence for only $24.95! Break the bonds of your internet service provider! Now available, or & your internet access for one low monthly price. Never be forced to change your email addresses, 100 Megs of web space & nationwide high speed internet access with 24/7 tech support! Call SISNA at 866-Go-Sisna, 866-4674762 SAVE MONEY WITH A high quality yet inexpensive security system that alerts you to intruders as soon as they try to enter. Starting at just $650! You own the equipment and there are no hidden fees or contracts. Great for home or business. Call Cyrus 208-699-6866 GEEKS IN ROUTE & ON Site Computer & computer networking services by A+ & Microsoft or CISCO certified technicians. If we can’t fix it, it’s free! MC/ Discover/ Amex/ Visa. 866-661-GEEK (4335)

HALFWAY TO HEAVEN. 3 1/2 acres adjoining government land, near Sasheen Lake and shore drive north of Spokane, Washington. Good access, utilities at hand, very nicely forested with big whispering pines and varied terrain including rock bluffs together with hidden hollows make this parcel quite special. Only $44,950. Easy owner terms. Sundance Realty, 208-683-1602 TWO CREEKS, Meadow and pond. Nicely located 13 1/2 acre parcel south of Sandpoint, Idaho. Mostly lush, sub-irrigated meadow land with just the right amount of evergreen trees and setting in a little valley surrounded by lush, forested mountains. Good access via well maintained country road. Only $129,950! Sundance Realty, 208-683-1602 20 BEAUTIFUL ACRES in Kootenai County in Bentley Creek area, private, new. Rock and gravel road into property. Approx. 550’ from East Canyon Road. Can be subdivided into 5 acre parcels. Property is 1/2 timbered and 1/2 fields. Wildlife abundant. Serious inquiries only by appointment. $240,000. 208682-2227 or 208-512-1202 20 ACRES WITH Multiple possiblilites, Seven Mile area. Wildlife, trees, views. Call Lily Brown 509-570-2872 KW Realty 20 ACRE PARCEL fronts Hwy 41 in Blanchard, ID. All usable, flat, treed, subdividable into 2.5 acres, easy well potential. $119,000. More available. Possible owner contract OAC. 208-659-8857 FANTASTIC HUNTING Property, abundant wildlife, private, northwest of Newport, great owner terms, stunning homesites, starting $19,900. 509-445-3715 20 BEAUTIFUL ACRES, located 5 minutes from Cheney & 18 minutes from downtown Spokane on quiet paved road, nicely treed, pastures, pond, surveyed & area of excellent wells. Near the Turnbull Wildlife Refuge, abundant with elk, deer, turkeys, waterfowl, etc. Peaceful country setting with great access to shopping, schools & hospitals. Additional acreage available, $109,000. 509-993-6686 WANTED: SMALL Acreage in Colbert, Chattaroy, Green Bluff or Mead area, and/ or a country fixer. Call 509-4684001 or 509-710-0696 5 ACRES WITH STATE Hwy access, community water, approved for septic, next to National Forest, lots of trees & privacy, chipped sealed interior road, Covenants protect your investment, easy commute to Spokane or Coeur d’Alene, great contract terms, all for a low $114,900. Twin Lakes Realty, Don at 208-818-4767 WINTER SPECIAL: Owner must sell his 10 acres, treed with Hwy 41 access, in great hunting & fishing area, north of Spirit Lake, may be split into (2) 5 acre parcels for family compound, super price at $35,000. Twin Lakes Realty, Don at 208818-4767

40 ACRES, GORGEOUS views of Pend Orielle River, Newport, $130,000. Call Jeff, 208-255-6588, owner agent 20 ACRES, CAN BE Split, good views, no rocks, West of Moses Lake on I-90, $80,000. 509-989-7326 11 ACRES (MOL), Large shop/barn, great horse setup, creek, fenced, road frontage, view, owner contract, $101,000. Neil at Fitzgerald Realtors, 509922-9100 10 TIMBERED ACRES, with county road frontage, fixer upper mobile/storage shed, close to Ford, WA., $39,900, $500 down, $431 monthly. Frontier 509-4680483 REPOSSESSED 7-1/2 Treed acres with county road frontage, minutes to Springdale. Great homesite! $35,900 ($500 down, $387 monthly). Frontier 509-468-0483 FROM THE BIG City to the country in a few moments. Nice 5 acre parcel a few minutes south of Spokane, Washington, bordering on farm land and forest. Seasonal creek, good year- round roads and plenty of wildlife. $59,950 with owner financing. Sundance Realty, 208683-1602 66 ACRES Repossessed, Must Sell, Lost Lake, Okanogan County WA, 3 parcels, $90,000 takes all, includes lake waterfront, great fishing & hunting, borders National Forest. 509-951-3771 HUNTING RETREAT On 5 acres, overlooking Curlew Lake, borders state land, end of the road, great seclusion, $19,900, $500 down, $212 monthly. Frontier 509-4680483 DEAL FELL THROUGH fixer upper mobile home/ storage shed, on 20 timbered acres, minutes to Lake Roosevelt & 2 Rivers, bring your boat. $49,900 ($500 down, $541 monthly). Frontier 509468-0483

102 ACRE HOMESITE Located 2 miles northeast of Harvard, Idaho. This property consists of 60 acres of farmland & 42 acres of timberland, the timber ground has been professionally cruised to hold 300,000 board feet of merchantable timber, about $70,000 worth of timber with today’s log prices. I intended on building a home on this property, so there is already a driveway installed, a well has been drilled yield 6 GPM of excellent water, & electricity has been installed through Clearwater Power Company, there are also 2 different easements existing to access the property. This homesite is ready for a home! The property has several hunting stands that provide the best hunting North Idaho has to offer, as well as excellent trout fishing in the Palouse River, just minutes away. The U of I & WSU are located just 45 minutes away, as well as 2 different school districts for K-12 making bus routes to the area. Please call 208-669-2222 with any questions

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 33


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LOOKIN’ OVER THE world. Nicely located 25 acre parcel with southern exposure overlooking the Spirit/ Hoodoo Valley near Priest River, ID. Nice trees, rock bluffs and hidden valleys. Power, phone, and almost at the end of the road. $149,950, terms. Sundance Realty, 208-6831602 MUST SELL 25+ ACRES, Newman Lake, very private, 900’ off Thompson Creek Rd, driveway in, beautiful natural building site with views south & east, large area for barns, corrals, great setup for livestock, combination subirrigated pasture & gently rising Cedar, Red Fir & Pine trees, not steep, small spring, moose, deer, elk, turkeys. Owner contract, $169,900. 509-9013035

HUNTING RETREAT on 20 timbered acres, tucked away in the back hills of St. Maries, ID. Great seclusion, bordering timber company land. $69,900 ($500 down, $759 monthly). Frontier 509468-0483 NEED LAND? WE Have Home sites available from city lots to 10 acres. 509468-1750 BEAUTIFUL 970’ Lake Creek frontage on 10 acres in Troy, MT. This is a sacrifice price of $169,000. We have already put in well, cleared perimeter of entire property, cleared area for shop and home. This was to be our dream home. For sale by owner. Wonderful trees including huge cedars/ firs. Call Howard or Addie Griffiths, 208-683-0520

Waterfront BEAUTIFUL 970’ LAKE Creek frontage on 10 acres in Troy, MT. This is a sacrifice price of $169,000. We have already put in well, cleared perimeter of entire property, cleared area for shop and home. This was to be our dream home. For sale by owner. Wonderful trees including huge cedars/ firs. Call Howard or Addie Griffiths, 208-683-0520

10 MILES NORTH, Upper Pack River Rd. 750’ of river front, $20,000 owner terms. 208-597-3031

CALL US- 509-922-3456

Tamarack realTy

80’ OF BEAUTIFUL Waterfront, on Deer Lake, with 10x30 deck out over water, new dock & ramp, sewer, water, electric- all installed, can park motorhome or this lot is buildable, I want it sold between now & September 30th, $145,000. 509-9519044, 509-468-7633

80 ACRES NORTHWEST, Boundary County, Smith Creek frontage. Old growth cedar, waterfalls, stunning! $342,000. 208597-3031,

509-999-6354 EIGHT MILES NORTH, Priest River. 15.5 acres, new 1200 sq. ft. home, 660’ frontage, West Branch, Priest River. Private, outbuildings. $299,500. 208-597-3031

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34 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE





South Hill Heights Apartments

815 & 831 S. Lincoln MICA PEAK MANAGEMENT Pam 509 218-1297

Rentals NICE 1 BEDROOM, Large kitchen, in secure building, 1 mile from downtown Spokane, $425. 509-468-5162 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Reardan, gas heat, $485, 10 miles east of Airway Heights. 509-466-9373

QUIET 4-PLEX 2 Bedroom Apt.

with Washer/Dryer, Stove, Dishwasher & Refrigerator Off Street Parking month plus $ deposit


On Site Manager 509 509



TOP OF SUNSET HWY, 5 minutes to downtown Spokane, on busline, close to I90, FAFB, SFCC, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, new carpet, paint, $800/month, $500 deposit. 509-838-0164 2 BEDROOM, MOBILE on acreage, covered porch & wood storage, forested “park like” setting, very private, Elk, WA. area. References & deposit, $650/monthly. 509-2766100 1

2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH House, fireplace, garden spot, outbuilding, no pets, no smoking, $650, 1st & last plus utilities, damage deposit, references, 13 miles south of Newport, easy access to Hwy 2. 509292-2601 3 BEDROOM RANCHER with access to Long Lake, $800, some pets accepted. 509-954-8879

Spokane Valley

1 Bdrm AptS. 2 Available – $380/month $380/deposit $30/application fee

SpecialS offered please call

509 863-4505 STUDIO, IN MANSION Style building, $425 includes heat, pets okay, 1827 W 9th. Studio, large kitchen, $395 pets okay; studio $405, pets okay, 1302 W Boone, Spokane. 509-924-0059 NEWLY REMODELED 2 bedroom, 1 bath, new carpet, washer/ dryer, Rent $675 includes water sewer & garbage, Deposit $400. Credit background fee $30. 509-276-8662


CDA - BRAND NEW • 3 bd, 2 bath duplex......................................$750 POST FALLS • 3 bd, 1.5 ba 4-plex.......$650 + $75 (heat & util) • 3 bd, 1.5 ba 4-plex.......$675 + $75 (heat & util) • 3 bd, 1.75 ba 4-plex.......$695 +$75 (heat & util) KWI, LLC 208-292-2198 STUDIO/ SHOP space, perfect for artist/ craft person, small business owner. Has 3/4 bath and water. Walking distance to Gonzaga, perfect for students. $350 month. 509-838-3684

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, Large fenced corner lot, pellet stove, garage, non smoker, $800/ month, $500 deposit, 417 N North Ave, Deer Park. 509-2763939

2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, Whitworth area, double car garage, laundry hookup, family room in basement, application required, credit check, 8217 N. Howard, $725/month. 509-389-7226 NEWLY REMODELED 3 bedroom house, CDA. Single car garage, downtown, range, refrigerator, WSG paid, no smoking, no pets, close to school. $850 month plus deposit. 208664-8067, 208-699-4706 LOON LAKE 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, washer/dryer, jetted tub, walk in closet, 1 year old, first, last & deposit, $850/month. 509280-2681 TWO 2 BEDROOM Townhouse style triplex’s, 2922 & 2924 N Hamilton. 2922 available now, 2924 available November 1st. New appliances, nice on the inside, 950sq.ft., washer/dryer hookups, AC, dishwasher. Some storage, 1-carport stall. Must pass background, credit, rental history checks. Will work with the right person, $600/deposit, $600/rent. 509-954-6784 FOR SALE OR LEASE: Northwest Spokane, 4 bedroom, 2 bath house, nice neighborhood, clean, safe, quiet area, small pet ok. Sale $124,900, rent $775/month +deposit. 509280-1194 COMMERCIAL SHOP, 1200sq.ft., built in airlines, compressor circuit, exhaust fan, forced air high effiency gas heater, bathroom, shelving galore, $550 monthly, $550 deposit, $35 background check, $500 monthly with 1 year lease, located 1 block south of Market & Euclid on E Fairview, Spokane. 509-939-9806 REDUCED PRICE! 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments in a desirable neighborhood. Laundry facility on site, designated parking, 6109 N Colton, Spokane. $399 & $499/ month, application fee applies. Call IEP Management 509-8931200 or 208-818-4543 FINALLY, REAL HELP! Limited time only: No money out of pocket, zero credit score okay, to purchase brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, only $624/ month! Restrictions apply, call or see store for details. American Home Centers, 14525 N Newport Hwy, Mead 509-468-1750

OLDTOWN, ID. 2+ Bedroom, 2 bath country home, large garage, carport, 2.25 acres. 509-4475922 VACANT RV/MOBILE Home lot available, $255/month, includes water, sewer & garbage, $255/ deposit, $40/ application fee. South side of freeway, across from airport; park model camper for rent or sale, approximately 35’ long, small (queen size) bedroom, small (full size) bath, small kitchenette, small front room. $350/month rent, or $400/month lease to own, or $2800/cash price; small studio for rent, $400/month, includes all utilities. 509209-6963 NORTHSIDE Spokane, clean 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. Completely remodeled 2 years ago. $725 month, includes water, sewer & garbage. Call Dennette, 509-939-2753 for more information 12706 E. 31ST, 4 Bedroom 2 bath, finished basement, (across from Univ. High) duplex, $850, includes water/sewer; 3000 Block of N. Argonne, (in Millwood) 1 bedroom, #8 (Plantation) off street parking, water/sewer/garbage paid & laundry facilities, $425; 11723 E. Mansfield, (just off Pines Rd., north of Freeway) New townhouse, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, small garage, $850 including water/sewer; 6311 E. 6th, 1 bedroom loft apartment, $425, month to month, $500 security deposit. Call All Management 509-9225500 on any of these HAYDEN DUPLEX, 9744 Eileen Ct., 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, single garage, pet possible, WSG paid. $725 month, $700 dep. 1st 2 weeks free. Call Aabco Management, 208-6760361 REDUCED RENT! River Walk area near SCC, large 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. Spacious & private, fenced backyard, $850/month +utilities with a 6-month lease, OR $800/month +utilities with 1-year lease. 509-990-7653 BASEMENT Apartment, horse setup, female, N. 3913 Willow Rd., Spokane Valley, $200. 509-9283880, ask for Dallas 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Mobile Home for rent, new carpet, clean & quiet, in Deer Park. No pets, No drugs, $475/month. 509465-4493 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, mobile, kitchen, $575/month, located at East Trent Mobile Home Park. 509-218-5892 Ask for Deb


WEST OF SPOKANE, Exit 254 near Fishtrap Lake, 1 bedroom farmhouse, mostly furnished & most utilities paid. $450/ month plus $300 damage deposit, no pets or smokers. For more information call 509-239-4420 if no answer please keep trying 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH House for rent in Oakesdale WA (45 miles south of Spokane). Rent includes water & sewer, pets okay with approval. $565/ month. Small, familyfriendly community. 509981-2847 BLANCHARD, ID. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath custom home, 2+ car garage, golf resort. 509-447-5922

spokane valley

Large 2 Bed/1 Bath & 1 Bed/1 Bath apts New Carpet. DW, AC, Patio/Balcony. Separate Dining Room. Extra storage & covered parking. New paint. Walking distance to U-City shopping, medical & other services. Pets OK, some restrictions. Excellent Spokane 13th Ave. Location. Owner managed 1 Bed/1 Bath $535/mo – 2 Bed/2 Bath $625/mo (plus deposits) Mention Ad for Special $200 Discount!


5 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HUD, $326/ month; 3 bedroom 2 bath $199/ month; 5% down, 15 years, 8% APR. For listings 800-5794086 ext T183

1200 sq.ft. 3 BEDROOM, $850 heat included, large living & dining rooms, bookshelves, chandelier, porch swing, 1827 W 9th, Spokane. 509-924-0059

DEER PARK AREA 424 E “D”, 1 bedroom home on 2 lots, with large carport, r/r, $375/rent, $300/deposit. Ericks Realty 509276-2121

HOUSE FOR RENT. Cute 1 bedroom, 1 bath, with large laundry room & attached garage. Central location, 729 W Dalton, Spokane. $450/month, $450/deposit, application fee applies. IEP Management 509-893-1200 or 208818-4543

1 & 2 BEDROOM Apartments located at 1714 W Gardner, Spokane. $375 & $450/ month, application fee applies. Call IEP Management 509-893-1200 or 208-818-4543 FOR RENT: STUDIO, $350/month; 1 bedroom, $450/month; 2 bedroom, $600/month. New paint, carpet, mini blinds, A/C, laundry facility, off street parking, security. Call 509362-5046 for more information MOBILE HOME LOTS for single & doublewide units. Will consider older units, we’re located 15 miles north of Division Street “Y” on Hwy. 2. $210/ month. Call 509-292-2350; 509-292-8414 evenings, or stop by & see us. Riverside Village Mobile Home Park, Chattaroy WA

NEWER POST FALLS duplex, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D hookups, garage. WSG paid, $600 plus deposit, no pets. 208-6650089 LARGE 1 BEDROOM Townhouse $495, A/C, lots of storage, dishwasher, patio/ balcony, on-site laundry. Call for your personal tour. South Hill Commons, 509-448-2140, Equal Housing Opportunity & Handicapped Accessible HUGE 2 BEDROOM, close to SCC, washer/ dryer included, dishwasher, balcony, forced heat & a/c, $644 per month. 509-928-5885 Spokane

FOR RENT: STUDIO home, great studio home, recently remodeled, good northside location, close to town, schools, shopping, $500/month, includes water/sewer/garbage. Call 509-939-2753 Dennette for more information

CHENEY/ TYLER area, Singlewide mobile in country, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, electric heat with wood, clean, close to freeway, optional horse setup, $575/ month, or $600/ month with pet. 509-239-4404, 509-995-4826

SOUTH HILL Lovely 1200 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, large living & dining rooms, bookshelves, chandelier, porch swing, $795. 1827 W 9th, Spokane. 509924-0059

AFFORDABLE 2 Bedroom, only $199/ month; 4 bedroom 4 bath, only $420/ month; won’t last, 5% down, 15 years, 8% APR. For listings 800-5462934 ext T291



Senior Housing BEDROOM openings $ 425 & up (HUD Subsidized)

1/2 off First Month’s Rent

Clean & quiet Near Bus & Shops • Section 8 OK

Call Angel


217-2376 Spokane

ne spokane Area Spacious 1 Bedroom, AC, Elevator, Utilities Paid Non-Smoking Building

Sharon (509) 489-7271

Roommates ROOMMATE WANTED: your own room, plus full bathroom, smoking ok, no pets, lovely Valley home, heat & A/C paid, $300/month. 509-920-6993 ROOMMATE WANTED. $385 month includes all phone & long distance, cable, wireless internet & all utilities. $410 for room with private bath. Share clean, newly painted Northside rancher. Great location, close to town & everything, bus routes, schools. Call Dennette, 509-939-2753 for more information LARGE BASEMENT room for rent, $400 month, in Post Falls area. Call Matthew at 208-7042336

FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. Live in a very nice large, newer custom rancher on 5 acres. 3 miles north of Silverwood. Must be neat and clean. No drugs. Rent $275. 208-6606835 ROOMS FOR RENT, Large home on 5 acres in Elk, must be responsible, $400/ month including utilities. 509-991-3825 SHADLE. Large private room, serious minded students or professionals. $440 month inlcudes all phone & long distance, cable, wireless internet & all utilities. Share large furnished rancher in great location. Close to bus routes & schools. Call Dennette, 509-939-2753 for more information

IF YOU ARE TIRED of renting call James at 208640-0448 and find out if you qualify for a no down payment loan! Over 10 years experience at helping homeowners get the best loan program with the lowest cost IHFA, USDA, FHA, VA and more. Mention this ad for a free gift.

spokane valley 4 beDrooM/2 bAth houSe

Breakfast nook, pantry & laundry room with WD. Living room & family room. Corner lot with fenced yard, apple tree & mature landscaping. Great off street parking plus 1-car garage. Fresh paint inside & new wood flooring. Very clean & bright. Terrific split level design w/2 bedrooms upstairs & 2 down. Excellent Raymond Ave. location. Pets ok w/restrictions…let’s discuss. Owner managed. $1,000/mo plus deposit

Mention Ad for Special Discount!


Rentals POST FALLS DUPLEX, 1616 CdA Ave. First 2 weeks free, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, single garage, fenced back yard. Pet ok with approval and fee, WSG paid. $725 month, $700 deposit. Call Aabco Mgmt. 208-6760361

(2) VERY NICE STORE front offices, corner of Illinois/ Crestline, busy traffic, great visibility, $690/ $340 month; (1) commercial on Ash Street, close to downtown, $435 month. 509-990-4424, 509-4685162

SEVEN BAYS, LAKE Roosevelt, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, heat, utilities included, $750/month, $350 damage, marina area, part furnished. 509-325-1555, 509981-0873

DEER PARK AREA, 407 E “H” #12, 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, newer mfg home, $600/rent, $600/deposit. Ericks Realty 509-2762121

FOR RENT OR RENT to own. Clean 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Northside Spokane. Newly painted, covered carport. $825 month includes water, sewer, garbage, central air & heat. Call Dennette, 509-939-2753 for more information 2 BEDROOM MOBILE Home, 2 bath, very clean, no pets or smokers, credit & crime check, $650 month, $400 damage deposit, 509-230-7900. Very spacious clean 3 bedroom triplex, 2 baths, on 1 acre of land, all utilities included, no pets or smokers, $900 month, $500 damage deposit. 509-4672945

POST FALLS, 1624 Plaza Drive, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, large yard. $1185 month, lease includes WSG. 509-869-6131 LOON LAKE. Spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. Garage, huge fenced yard, lake access, pet considered. Only $1000 month. 40425 Park Lane. Call Bill Cogan for more information, Real Estate Marketplace, NW Inc. 509-4810649 HAYDEN DUPLEX Near golf courses. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, new carpet, fenced yard, single large garage, wood burning stove, W/D hookups, pets considered with deposit, $795. 208-651-6656

SPOKANE VALLEY- Nice 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Townhome. 2-car attached garage with opener, large kitchen with island. Water, sewer & landscape maintenance provided. 2324 N Wilbur, $1000/month. Call IEP Management 509-8931200 or 208-818-4543 LIBERTY LAKE, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 kitchen, family room, 1/2 acre with in ground swimming pool, 2 fireplaces, double garage, fenced, $1275. 208660-0403 HAYDEN DUPLEX. 9744 Eileen Court. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, single garage, pet possible, WSG paid. $725 month, $700 deposit. First 2 weeks, free calle Aabco Mgmt. 208-676-0361 ADVERTISING GETS Results. Advertise in The Exchange. 509-922-3456 NORTHTOWN Spokane. Spacious, remodeled 2 bedroom, 1 bath triplex. Lower front unit, stove, oven, refrigerator, AC, washer & dryer, fireplace & private patio. Only $600 month. 6125 N. Addison, Spokane. Call Bill Cogan, Real Estate Marketplace NW, Inc., for more information & appointment to seel. 509-481-0649

CHATTAROY/ Deer Park. Custom 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath rancher. Open floor plan with 2900+/- sq. ft., upgraded throughout. Oversized finished 2 car garage, huge shop all on about 10 acres. This home is a Super Green home & highly energy efficient. Only $1395 per month. 520 E. Owens Road. Call Bill Cogan, Real Estate Marketplace NW Inc. for more information & an appointment to view. 509481-0649 RENT or RENT TO OWN! 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, with new 24x24 shop. Home has new carpet, full basement, & new vinyl windows. $895/month, with $200 credited to purchase each month. Requires first, last, & deposit. Address is 41 E Princeton. Call Seth at 509-879-6732 SPOKANE VALLEY, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, corner lot with fenced yard, laundry room with washer/ dryer. Fresh paint, new wood flooring, very clean & bright. Great off-street parking & one car garage. Raymond Avenue, Spokane Valley. Pets okay with restrictions, $1000 plus deposit. Owner managed, 509-842-2322 LIVE ON THE LAKE during the winter! Homes in Kidd Island Bay on the water, all fully furnished. Available now through June 1, 2010. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage plus carport, fenced, $900 month, $900 deposit. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, attached RV garage, large yard, $850 month, $850 deposit. No pets, no smoking. E-mail: or 509-5907776, ask for Todd

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 35

Clean & Bright apartments

Quiet, friendly, quality apartment community. Excellent location behind K-Mart and Grocery Outlet East Sprague. Half block to bus stop. A/C, balcony, BBQ area, new flooring & fresh paint. Pets OK with approval. Owner Managed

1 Bed/1 Bath $495/month, 2 Bed/1 Bath $595/month (plus deposits) Mention Ad for Special Discount! 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Duplex, great location, with fireplace, close to Northtown Mall, garage included, $625/month +deposit. 509-936-0125 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, 800 sq.ft. log home, Colville area, $640/ month, $450 deposit, smoking & pets okay, additonal non refundable deposit for pets. 509-6846996


LARGE 1 BEDROOM, washer/dryer, all utilities, new carpet, paint, northside, no smoking, no pets. 509-995-6880 MOBILE HOME IN Sprague, for rent or sale. 509-979-3539

4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Duplex, hardwood floors, country living, close to town, $825/ month, $800 deposit, no pets, no smoking. Call for an application & appointment 509-6245737

LARGE CEDAR HOME built in 2004, on 3 acres, 6car garage. Lease/option purchase available, $1200/ month plus deposit. 7193 Hwy 291, Tum Tum, WA.Call 509-688-5262

DEER PARK. Spacious 2 bedroom, 1 bath singlewide. Approx. 1000 sq. ft. Stove, oven, refrigerator, laundry hook-ups, carport, no pets or smoking please. Only $595 month. 36410 Missile Site Road. Call Bill Cogan, Real Estate Marketplace, NW, Inc for more information & an appointment to view. 509481-0649

CLAYTON. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath rancher, with 2 car garage on 5.82 acres (MOL), huge shop available. This home shows real pride of ownership, only $895 month. 39110 N. Spotted Road, Call Bill Cogan, Real Estate Marketplace NW, Inc. for more information & an appointment to view. 509481-0649

NICE 2 BEDROOM, 1 Bath duplex, located at 717 E Broad, Spokane. $575/month, application fee applies. Call IEP Management 509-893-1200 or 208-818-4543

CLEANER THAN the Board of Health. 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex in Post Falls, extra large fenced back yard, $795 month. Call Don, 208-6915799



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Cover the Border • Washington & Idaho Tri-Cities ~ Spokane ~ Coeur d’Alene ~ Lewiston ~ Internet

20 WORD MAXIMUM Weekly $2000

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Use Credit / Debit Card or Mail Check or Money Order Payable to: EXCHANGE PUBLISHING, P.O. Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210-0427

Expiration Date___/___

Deadline is Tuesday, 2pm • All rights reserved. Questions? Call: 509-922-3456 • 800-326-2223 or FAX Credit Card Orders 509-455-7940

36 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

QUICK CASH FOR Your Used mobile home, 1977 & newer. Call Larry 509-2205429

27x48 – 3 Bdrm/2 Bath



40# Roof Energy Star Open Great Room

4805 E. Sprague 509-535-8881

BY OWNER, 3 Bedroom, 2 full baths, all appliances, 2 sheds, large carport, home has 1456 sq ft, excellent condition, located in 55+ park, asking $45,500 or best offer. 509-220-7415

Manufactured Homes

5 ACRE MOBILE LOT, conveniently located, Otis Orchards, water, sewer provided, $350/month, $500 damage deposit. 858761-1981, 858-539-6754

Other Plans from $37,700

Closed Sundays

GOVERNMENT LOANS, easy qualify with $8000 cash back, if you hurry. Call Clayton Homes 509891-9996

$99,967* SITE BUILT 2140 sq.ft. home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, turnkey on your permitted & prepared lot. *Some restrictions apply, see store for details. American Home Centers, 14525 N Newport Hwy, Mead 509-468-1750

Great 55+

HousinG Community

Sonrise Place

1997 CHAMPION 26x40, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, gas & electric, good condition, in Airway Heights park, $32,500, may take trades. 509-434-6922; 509-3268562

Close to Shopping, Bus & Hospital

2000 Doublewide

3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Carport, storage shed Space #7 .............. $39,900 Off Montgomery between Pines & Argonne, Spokane Valley

PALM HARBOR HOME, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 40# roof, $59,900. 1-800709-8278

WILL PAY CASH FOR used mobile homes. Call Robert 509-994-2430 or 208-771-1288

DiSplay Home

Bedroom #2

Dining Room


Model 2004



Master Bedroom

Benefits of a


60 lb. Roof Loads Hardwood Cabinetry Upgraded Insulation Packages All Appliances Full Tape & Texture Glamour Bathrooms 2x4 Int. Walls, 16” OC 2x6 Ext. Walls, 16”OC with 90” Sidewall Height Bedroom #2

Dining Room


$ Master Bedroom


Morning Room

Bedroom #3

Living Room


Model 2018

Living Room


Master Bedroom


Site-Built Quality in Manufactured Housing & The Strongest Warranty On The Best Built, Most Energy Efficient Homes In The Industry


1493 Sq. Ft



1600 Sq. Ft


Family Room


Model 2031


Prices include COMPLETE Set Up & Delivery

Bedroom #3

Living Room

3 Homes Ready to deliveR tHis Week to youR site at tHe loWest pRices of tHe yeaR! or lock in youR pRice foR spRing deliveRy on a custom oRdeRed Home!

We are Dealing!

1280 Sq. Ft


E-Z LIVIN $34,500! Mint condition doublewide, furnished & loaded with extras. On beautiful lot with attached garage in quaint economical 55+ park. Call Tamara at 509-389-9060 RH Cooke & Associates

Free Everything


Morning Room

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 14x70, new carpet, paint, mini blinds, tile in bathrooms & kitchen, $9850, possible owner contract with $2500 down, in beautiful Hilltop Mobile Home Park, W. 5314 Sunset Hwy, call now! 509-3625046

www. Spokane

11303 E. Jackson 509

WANT A PICTURE WITH your ad? Mail it to PO Box 427, Spokane WA, 99210; bring it in to 304 W. Third Ave, Spokane or 20 N. Pines, Spokane Valley; or email it to $20 for 30 words

Bedroom #3

Bedroom #2

• Certified Sealed Air Ducts in 2x8 Floor Joists • Cathedral Ceilings Throughout • 25 Year Class A Rated Fiberglass Shingles • Pex Plumbing & Water System • OSB Under Sheetrock Walls on Marriage Line • OSB Reinforced Doors & Windows • 16” Overhang Both Ends


19117 E. Broadway Off Barker Rd. Exit in Spokane Valley



24x52 DOUBLE WIDE on 1/2 acre, owner contract, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 6418 Lakeview Drive, Nine Mile area, $129,000, may lease to own or trade for? 509-993-1089 MEAD. 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide in prestigious Manufactured Home Park, only $39,500. View details at & then call Dave Atherton, Real Estate Marketplace. 509-216-8589

Hayford Village

Mobile Home Lots For Rent

mobile Home lot Placement ready


5,000 sq. ft. Home Sites

Triple Double Available Single 7800 E. Alki, Spokane Valley Quiet, Peaceful Community Close to: •Freeway Access •Downtown •Medical Facilities Spokane

10 min. from Downtown Spokane Power, Water, Phone, Cable & Natural Gas Available


For Terms, call renee 509 455-8310 linda 509 979-1733

509 926-2119

VALLEY CIRCLE (J) Senior Park, 14x70, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large carport, plus 2 sheds, extra nice, drive by #7, Was $10,500, Now $8950. 509701-4820

NEW 2008 GOLDEN West, 2 bedroom, 2 bath singlewide, in Valley Breeze Senior Park, 6300 E. 2nd, #96, Spokane Valley, $40,000 with terms. 888-815-7434

MOBILE HOME STEPS, all metal including handrail, 35” tall, $100 each. Come & see them at Spokane Home Center, 4505 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley

SPOKANE DAM 1 Block, on lot- Beautiful double wide, 1994, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, deck, new flooring, all appliances, $105,000. 509-483-1334 MUST SEE! Come & check out our new 2009 Marlette homes. Save big on last remaining 2008 model homes, 37 years in business! Spokane Home Center, 4505 E. Sprague Ave. 509-535-1793

3 BEDROOM IN Awesome Shenandoah Park. If you are looking for low maintenance living - look no further! $65,000, lot rent includes water, sewer, garbage, snow plow, grounds. Call D. Hunter 509-599-7412 Tomlinson North BEAUTIFUL HOME Shenandoah Forest. Super Good Cents Marlette 28x48, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, like new condition. Large rear deck, central air condition, updated appliances. 2-car carport, on quiet cul-de-sac. Asking $41,500, make an offer. Financing available on approved credit. Pre-Owned Homes 509-979-4157; 509326-3070 37 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Come & see our new Marlette Homes, all of our display homes are equipped with Energy Star or Ecorated Energy Star insulation, 40 or 60 pound roof load, 2x6 exterior walls, 2x4 interior walls, range, refrigerator, dishwasher & much more. Spokane’s only Marlette Retailer. Spokane Home Center, 4505 E. Sprague Ave. 509535-1793 IN-PARK SALES of Mobile & Manufactured Homes. Curt Chumbley Homes. 2 very nice double wides, one, 1120 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bath Marlette, in Valley Breeze, space #90, $19,950; and a 1344 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bath Lancer, a must see in Indian Canyon, space #23A, close to town, $37,500. Phone Dick for information or to see, or list, 509999-3473 DON’T MISS THIS! 1997 Marlette double wide manufactured home; beautiful, many extras, very well kept, storage shed, nicely landscaped, in northside Senior Park, Must See, asking $82,000 will negotiate. Please call either 509482-0214 or 509-482-7481 SANS SOUCI 55+ PARK doublewide, covered deck overlooking Spokane River. Family room with gas stove, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, updated kitchen, all appliances included. Double carport, 2 workshops, AC, RV parking available, $39,900. 509-326-0227 WOW! 5 ACRES WITH 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile. Barns, pasture & lots of outbuildings, all in great condition, Lakeland School District, $119,900The land is worth the price. Twin Lakes Realty, Don at 208-818-4767

$50,000 MISTAKE! DID You know there are 3 different construction methods to build your home? Not knowing all 3 options might cost you $50,000! Only American Home Centers presents all 3 to you in a side by side comparison. Free consultations, 6 locations to serve you, open 7 days a week. 14525 N Newport Hwy, Mead 509-468-1750

huge SavingS!

SeniorS! owner ContraCt

in Cascade MHP, pool, clubhouse, very private, #37, drive by. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 carports, large porch, AC, appliances, shed, only $38,500, $20,000 down, 7 Years at 7.5% interest ........only $310/month



SeniorS! owner ContraCt

10 mins. to Spokane & 5 mins. to FAFB

SINGLE OR DOUBLEWIDES Available starting at $20,000

at Indian Canyon MHP, 28x48, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, like new, all appliances. $20,000 down, balance at 7% for 10 years ...............................$465/month

MORTGAGE & SPACE RENT Approx. $500-$600/month Water & Sewer Included

owner ContraCt


North Spokane, Evergreen MHP, 8 minutes from the “Y”. 1990 Skyline, 14x70, 2 bed, 2 bath, extra nice, #3. was $24,500, now $18,500! Hurry! $7000 down. Balance at 7.5% interest, for 7 years ...............................$190/month

' 9 9 M o d u l i n e , 14 x 6 6 3 bed/2 bath ........$28,000 '02 Palm Harbor, 56½x27½ 3+ bed/2 bath .....$60,000 ' 9 4 A r d m o r , 14 x 5 6 2 bed/1 bath ........ $19,000



Private corner lot, off Barker Road, 1 car garage, ready to hook-up, drive by. 19203 E. Montgomery, river across the street ............only $320/month

Darrell 509-294-6437 Lisa 509-294-6566 Office 509-244-3469


14x57 REDMAN Mobile home, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, good to fair condition, $3000 or best offer. 509209-0091, 509-292-2087 Chattaroy

TRIPLEWIDES? WHY? We’ll site build your floor plan on your lot & include a free 2 car garage for less. American Home Centers, 509-468-1750


$ $

You’ll Fall in Love With This Home! Bedroom 3 Wardrobe

Bedroom 2

Family Room



Master Wardrobe

Master Bath

Bath 2

Kitchen Dining Room

Foyer Master Bedroom

Living Room

40# Snowload - Built for the Northwest! • Energy Plus Pkg. • 40 Yr. Shingles • Appliance Pkg. • 50 Gal. H20 • Knotty Alder Cabinets • Fireplace Plus Many More Options!

2430 W. Seltice Way — Post Falls, ID

1-800-332-0508 • 208-773-0508

30 Years Under Same Owner!

Manufactured Homes


LOVELY 1995 Manufactured home in Mead Royale Park, 2 bedroom, in great condition, on lot near spacious open field & community pool, fenced yard, storage shed, great location, only $20,000. Call Mary Ogle 509-9993949 Exit R.E. North

$28,500! MAKE OFFER! Meticulous manufactured home, Morgan Senior Park, Spokane, very clean 1998 2 bedroom low maintanance home, vinyl siding & skirting, storage shed. Call to See! Mary Ogle 509-999-3949 Exit R.E. North

40 POUND ROOF Load! Beautiful late model 3 bedroom, 2 bath Nashua in beautiful condition. Gas heat, appliances included, also huge decks and stairs. Move to your property before the snow flies! Only $41,500. Call Hal at 208-660-9121, or Lois at 208-651-4302

A STEAL! 1100 sq.ft. home near Liberty Lake, 2 bed, 2 bath, open floor plan, extra large kitchen with side-by-side refrigerator, 8x8 covered deck, 8x8 storage shed, heat pump, extra storage, $34,950. Won’t Last! Call Shawnee, Pleasant View Family Community, 509-9284300, 9-5pm

BY OWNER. Open house. Where: Sonary Crest, 2015 6th Avenue, Clarkston, Washington, Space 306C. When: 9am-12pm, Monday- Sunday, or call for appointment. What: 2008 doublewide, three bedrooms, 2 full baths, like new, very clean. 208816-2437.

1973 MARLETTE Single wide, 2 bedrooms, 1-3/4 baths, double wide tipouts, newly remodeled, quality blinds, all major kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer, central AC, large carport, storage shed, 2 separate covered decks, easy access to Government Way, 5 minutes away from shopping, downtown Spokane & hospitals, 55+ park, treed, level corner lot, provides privacy, inside pets ok, $16,900. 509-290-6122 or 509-936-0422

NEW PLUSH Carpeting throughout- Price Reduced to $65,000, only $2000 down. Newly Remodeled, large 4 bedroom, 2 bath, oversize tub, Moduline mobilehome, Super Good Cents insulation, & AC, huge back deck, big covered front porch, new 2car carport, in quiet Greenacres Senior Park, near freeway access & shopping, seller will carry contract. Call 509-8798192

YOURS TO FIX & ENJOY sweat equity, a great Hauser Lake location. 1973 double wide. Creek, mountain and lake at back yard. First, $7,000 owns it plus $3000 per month lot rental. 208-8191038

START NOW, EARN Extra income assembling CD cases from home, no experience necessary. Call our live operators for more information. 800-405-7619 ext 2181 WANTED: 29 people to work from home with computer, $1500 to $5000 a month. www.anewealth 208-255-1212. CHEWELAH Bakery and Cafe. Building and equipment for lease, 5000 sq. ft. on Main Street. 208-6403037 TRY OUT the latest hottest, most profitable home business in the booming kidswear industry. Out multi- million dollar national corportaion will set you up in the business with absolutely no financial risk. If you have 23 hours a week to spare, we guarantee you’ll make at least $1500 a month (but probably much more). No selling. No inventory to stock. No deliveries to make. It’s a completely automated program you operate from home. All the exciting facts sent free but you must respond immediately! Openings are limited! Rush name & address to: Magic Kids & Company. Attn: Isaac Mizrahi Suite AF83049, 8235 Remmet Ave, Canoga Park, CA 91304 or email code: AF83049 to affiliate@magickidsusa. com Make sure to include your name & address in your email so we can rush you the free report.

l a u n n a Pet 4 2Submit th

unique Photos of You & Your Pet,

GRACE TREE SERVICE is looking for an employee with a passion for landscape and tree related work. If you have a drivers license, a strong work ethic and a high sense of urgency to get things done please call us at, 208-762-5800 21 PEOPLE Wanted: Earn $1200- $4400 weekly working from home assembling information packets, no experience necessary, start immediately, free information. Call 24 hours 1888-255-2802 EARN UP TO $30/ Hour, Experience not required, undercover shoppers needed to judge retail & dining establishments. Call 800-742-6941 BEST PRICES PAID FOR R.E. notes & contracts. 509-535-6818 WANTED: 100 SENIOR companions. Senior companions are healthy older adults who help homebound adults live independently. They support caregivers, assist with such jobs as grocery shopping, and offer campanionship, too. Senior companions are older than 55, have limited income, their own transportation, and have time to volunteer 4 to 40 hours each week. Senior companions earn a small stipend (for those who qualify), mileage reimbursement, the joy of helping others live on their own and more! If you are interested call 208-4155177 or 208-415-5169 for more information

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 37

Now You Can Own An Affordable Franchise! AVAILABLE IN CDA, SANDPOINT & SPOKANE

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Start Your Own Business Today!

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509-922-1499 NOW HIRING! The “Julia Sells Homes” Team is looking for an energetic Buyer Specialist to help buyers find homes. We have a full time position open for the right person who is willing to get their Real Estate License. Contact us by email at Keller Williams Realty Spokane EARN UP TO $30/ Hour, Experience not required, undercover shoppers needed to judge retail & dining establishments. Call 800-720-3708 ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & Crafts from home, year round work, excellent pay, no experience, top US company, glue gun, painting, jewelry & more. Toll free 1866-844-5091 code 5 (not available MD) WORK FULL TIME/ Part Time with a natural health company established in 1975 with long history of success & high credit rating. You educate & refer people, products shipped to customers, commission checks to you. Many incomes exceed $10,000 monthly. 208-8821653

WORK FROM HOME, Earn up to $3800 weekly working from home assembling information packets, no experience necessary, start immediately, free information. Call 24 hours 1877-224-0207 ACTORS, MODELS, Extras! Expanding to Spokane market, $15-$165 hour, all ages, experience levels. 208-4339511 AFCP IS SEARCHING For an executive director, access more inf concerning this job posting at EARN UP TO $500 Weekly assembling our angel pins in the comfort of your home, no experience required. Call 813-6994038 or 813-425-4361 or visit FOR SALE: ALL CASH Vending Business, grossing, $20,000 per year, sale price, inventory plus 1 years net, $17,500. 509722-3381 Inchelium LOCAL TYPISTS Needed immediately, $400+ part time, $800+ full time weekly, flexible schedules, work from home, training provided. 800-757-2304

Photo Contest


or Just Your Pet

Be Creative!! 1ST PlACe $100 CASh PriZe from the Exchange

See NexT Week’S AD for oTher PriZeS!

Bring this coupon along with your photo to any of the drop-off locations listed on the left or Mail To: The Exchange - P.O. Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210-0427 Name _________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Photos Can Be Submitted to Our Office or E-Mailed

Address __________________________________________________________________

304 W. 3rd • 922-3456 or Mailed to P.O. Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210-0427 or E-Mail Digital Photos - including info at right - to

City ___________________________________ State _______ Zip __________________


Deadline: Monday, Dec. 21


• 5pm

Brief Description of Submitted Photo_________________________________________________________ Standard rules apply. No employees connected to The Exchange are eligible. 1 entry per person. Judging conducted by a private organization with emphasis on individual creativity--not professionalism. Win, Place, Show and (2) Honorable Mention photos (5 photos total) will be published in the December 25th issue of The Exchange. We will do our best to return all photos safely.

The Largest RV Parts Store In The Area Special Orders SHIPPED DIRECT To Your Front Door

We have over

. . . in RV Parts 0 $250,00 &InveAcntceorssyory

RV’s Northwest Inc. E. 18919 BROADWAY I-90 Barker Rd., Exit 293

509-891-5854 • 800-776-3675

Recreation Vehicles 2001 TERRY fifth wheel. 2 slides, very clean. Queen walk around bed, large living area. $13,990. St# 090242. 1-877-297-5117.

SNOWBIRDS: 2004 Damon 30’, Chevy work horse engine, 17,000 miles, non smoking, very clean, $40,000. 509-8381321 Spokane

2002 CATALINA travel trailer. Large slide, great front kitchen floor plan, all the goodies. Move ‘em out price, $13,432. St# 090263. 1-877-297-5117.

NEW WINNEBAGO Class C motorhome. Slide, queen bed, 32” LCD TV. Was $82,324. Now $61,466. St# 088246.

2006 ITASCA Sundancer Class C motorhome, 30v. double slide. 7101 miles. Automatic satellite dish, HWH jacks, CB. Generator inverter. Ford V-10 chassis. Reason for selling, lost wife. $54,500. 208-486-7461, Peck. If no answer, leave message. 2002 NASH 23’ travel trailer. Front bed, AC, microwave. Won’t last. Move ‘em out price, $8990. St# 090314. 1-877-297-5117. 1971 OPEN ROAD Camper, 11’, good condition, $875, 4013 Hwy 395 South, Loon Lake, WA. 509-233-2870 RV/ BOAT STORAGE. Store your summer toys, 14’x60’ and 16x60’units only $199 month. West Spokane, easy access of I90. 509-999-4546 SALE PRICED $11,975, 2009 Truck campers, long & short box, fiberglass exterior, dinette slideout, trades accepted. Orchards RV 800-749-5741




NASH TR AVEL TR AILERS 2009 2009 2009 2009

19 25 26 26



$24,488 $31,713 $31,713 $33,102 $59,277 $31,598 $42,263 $46,964 $33,411 $39,714 $41,305 $42,265 $20,699 $26,977 $32,873 $29,483



FUZION TOY HAULERS 2010 FZ 302 (2) 2010 FZ 322 (2)

$24,051 $26,712 $27,580 $38,064 $40,158 $59,417 $61,742

NORTH COUNTRY TR AVEL TR AILERS 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010

20 26 26 30 32

FS (1) BH (2) SRL & 27BHS (3 EACH) BHS (2) BHS (2)


$51,131 $51,873 $49,682 $56,302


$40,160 $56,373 $54,869



$14,999 $19,999 $23,874 $20,999 $15,615 $19,563 $20,179 $26,999 $28,999 $42,999 $46,999 $13,999 $15,548 $19,741 $21,799 $23,999 $32,999 $33,999 $33,999 $37,999 $26,536 $38,997 $37,997 $14,999 $15,999

WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD.. PERIOD! JUST ASK! OVER 30 used travel trailers, 5th wheels & motor homes! NO reasonable offer refused!

Road 100 • Exit-7 in Pasco

• 1-888-343-8800 w w 545-4776 VINS posted at dealership *Statistical Sur veys, Inc. April 2009.

RUSS DEAN FAMILY RV. The #1 volume dealer in Eastern Washington and Oregon. Always over 150 new and used RV’s in stock. DIESEL PUSHER, 2004 Mandalay 38’ with 330hp cat diesel with Allison auto transmission. Pack brake, 3 slides, 11,000 miles, premium leather, corian countertops, 7500k diesel generator, Queen bed, real wood interior, power awnings, power jacks, 2 flat screen TVs with surround sound, extra sink in bedroom, large closet, washer/ dryer hookup, polished nickel fixtures, Alcoa aluminum wheels, large underbody storage. Call for a full list of options, asking $111,000. 509-981-9567 Spokane

The one set of sticks that does it all! Rifle, Shotgun, Handgun or Bow Take your best shot with BIPOD Shooting Sticks!

Free Shipping until Christmas!

Call 864-375-9999 2001 MONTANA fifth wheel. 3 slides, TV, microwave, AC, lots of storage. $18,991. St# 090292. 1-877-297-5117. 1978 40’ SUNFLOWER trailer with double tip outs, $2800. 509-276-9148 1996 KOMFORT 29’ “Little home on wheels” deluxe pull trailer. Back bedroom with exit door, queen walk around bed, great bathroom with skylight, cozy living room with pull out sofa bed, stereo system, swivel chair, and fully loaded bright front kitchen with oak table and chairs, AC, FA heat, awning, outside shower, $6000. 208-6830902, 208-660-5449 Diana 2010 GEORGETOWN 35’ triple slide Class A motorhome with full paint, jacks, camera. Was $116,078. Move ‘em out price $92,916. St# 098220.

1984 35’ FIFTH Wheel with W/D, living room tilt out, clean, in good condition, live in camper. Will take trade for small trail Honda’s in the 70’s, Harley’s or best offer. Can be seen on Craigslist in RV section, go to October 13th or call 208-755-3300 or 208-755-1946, Rathdrum 2003 SHAMROCK 22’, expandable trailer. AC, lots of storage. Now $8781. St# 090111. 1-877-297-5117. 2000 ARCTIC FOX 1150 camper. Generator, AC, slideout. Won’t last long at move ‘em out price, $12,299. St# 090283 STORAGE UNITS for sale, unique opportunity, 48x16 and 96x16 with electric 12x14 door. Security monitoring and on site management, 24/7 convenience to local lakes, recreation and Highway 95. Payments as low as $230 month, financing available. 208-762-3494


*With Service Agreement

2010 2010 2010 2010

$19,164 $20,966 $30,224 $30,667 $33,808


$17,999 $23,999 $24,999 $25,999 $40,999 $21,967 $29,799 $32,919 $24,999 $27,987 $29,569 $29,999

TRAVEL TRAILER, 1969 Coleman, great shape, 24’, full kitchen, tub/ shower. $1750. 208-640-1571, Rathdrum



6 $5 /O W

2009 2009 2010 2010 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

1996 CLASS A 30’ Monterey Cobra. Why pack and unpack each time you want to travel. Great for camping with the kids or hunting. Sleeps 6, back center queen bed. Nice large bathroom with shower. Couch, chair and dinette table seating. Teal interior and light oak cabinets. Carpet and hardwood floor. Central air and heat. 4.0 Onan generator, 400 hours. 454 fuel injected. 3 holding tanks, 6070 gallon fresh water tank. 3 awnings. No pullouts. 56,500 miles. Used for recreational purposes. Non smoker. Price for quick sale: $13,500. Call 208-746-4739, Lewiston.

$1 W 0* ith

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38 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

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NORTHWEST I-90 at Barker Rd. 509 891-5854 1-800-776-3675

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Travel Trailers Fifth Wheels

1 per ft. 509-926-8169 $

MUST SELL 34 1/2’ 1996 Hitchhiker Premier 5th wheel, fiberglass exterior, lived in 2 years, 2 winters, non smoker, no leaks, triple slides, shower, 10 gallon water heater, suburban furnace, 2 air conditioners, central heating & air, stack washer/dryer, refrigerator-freezer, microwave/hood vent, oven/cooktop, ceiling fan, Oak cabinets, pantry. Everything works, bedroom over hitch, living room in back, awning, electric front jacks, 2 new deep cycle batteries, 50 amp service, 2 recliners, new futon, hitch tripod, septic hoses, water hoses, plus. NADA low, $15,495, will sacrifice, $11,500. Jodi 509-3279805 Spokane 1999 WANDERER 22’ fifth wheel with slide, $6450. Come on down. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I-90 on Hwy 95, CdA. 800-335-7634 or 208772-7634 2005 ARCTIC Fox 1150 truck camper. This camper is loaded & in exc cond, slide out, ac, generator, shower, microwave, etc, used 4 times, $18,000. 509-528-5268. 1985 ROAD RANGER 20’ Travel trailer by Kit, TV antenna, AC, awning, dual deep cell batteries, big propane tanks, everything works, $3250. 208877-7787 Deary MOVING MUST SELL! Nice 27’ Nomad camp trailer, no leaks, recently remodeled inside, great to live in. $1150 OBO. 208930-4618 WANTED: BUYING Older Motor homes & RV trailers. Greenacres Motors, Inc 509-892-6825



Campers, Travel Trailers & 5th Wheels

INDOOR RV/ BOAT Storage, safe/ secure on 10 acres, value priced, $70 & up monthly with free month. Space limited, reserve now. Colbert 509238-6945 1991 CLASS A 34’ Pinnacle by Airstream, like new inside and out, new tires, sleeps 6, 460 Ford, 44K, must see! $20,000 or make offer. 208-457-9303 1991 PACE ARROW, 31’, good condition, $8000. 509244-9415 Medical Lake RV PROPANE refrigerators, repair, sales and service, 2 year warranty. 208777-1759


HUTCH SET UP for manual trans. to tow car behind motorhome. Brand new, paid $1500, sell $800 OBO. 208-777-1626 TRUCK CAMPERS: New, used, pop tops, at money saving prices. Financing OAC; trades OK. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I-90 on Hwy 95, CdA. 800-335-7634 or 208772-7634


LOOKING TO market your used RV? 99% success rate buying or selling consigned motor homes, travel trailers, 5th wheels and campers. Call Bill at Broadmoor RV and turn your unwanted rv into cash! 888-343-8800.

Recreation Vehicles COME ON DOWN TO see the all new Palomino Pop Top truck campers for short box trucks with furnance, refrigerator, and more. $8995. Mounted on your truck. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I-90 on Hwy 95, CdA. 800-3357634 or 208-772-7634 SECURE INSIDE RV & Boat storage, 34’x12’. Call Heidi 509-276-3322

2008 MALIBU QUAD bunk house, exceptionally nice trailer with white interior. Financing OAC; trades welcome. R&L RV, 10 minutes north of I-90 on Hwy 95, CdA. 800-3357634 or 208-772-7634 5TH WHEEL tailgate: Black louvered 5th wheel truck tailgate off late model Ford F350, $250. 509-438-8145. TriCities.

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 39


Protect your RV from the weather. Call us with your size requirements today!

winterizing your rv? Check with us for • Winterizing Supplies • Bypass Kits • Anti-freeze • Blow Out Plugs Or Call Us & We’ll Winterize For You!

40 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE

Don’t Shop for A Costume - Just Open Your Closet

Locally ted pera Owned/O 1961 Since

I bet you didn’t even know it, but you probably already own several Halloween costumes! Just open your closet. Here’s a list of five costumes that most people can put together using items they already have on hand. Or if there’s an item you need that you don’t already own, you can probably borrow it from a friend or pick it up with a quick trip to the thrift store. Tourist: Just about everyone owns a Hawaiian shirt. Add some Bermuda shorts, a visor, a camera (or two) around your neck, and sandals on your feet (socks optional). For a funny effect, stuff the butt of your pants for that extra-dorky look. Find or make some brochures and tickets to stuff in your pockets and you’re good to go! Gypsy: Wear your funkiest colors. Girls: layer two or three skirts on top of each other, with a peasant blouse and lots of jewelry. Guys: wear loose pants tucked into boots, with a shirt unbuttoned to reveal several gold necklaces (plus a vest if you have one). Wear a scarf around your head and another around your waist, and boots on your feet (or just go barefoot). Pirate: Start with a bandana around your head. Boots are very helpful but you can make boot tops by wrapping dark fabric around your lower leg flapped over at the top. Women--wear a skirt with a ragged bottom. Men--either tuck some loose pants into your boots, or cut the bottom into a ragged edge. Wear a loose shirt unbuttoned at the top, with a vest (it’s easy to make a vest by cutting up an old shirt). Wrap a piece of fabric around your waist for a belt. Cowboy: Everyone owns jeans, and chances are good you own some kind of western or plaid shirt and boots. If you can get your hands on a cowboy hat, that’s great. Accessories like a gun belt, lasso, bandana around your neck, chaps or vest add to the look. Nerd: Easiest ever. Just wear your clothes a size too small, with your shirt buttoned all the way up, and pants pulled up too high, over white socks and Grandpa shoes. Add a pocket protector, fake zits, and gel in your hair to make it look extra-geeky. Service Our Specialty Since 1961

Commercial Truck, Light Truck, SUV, Tractor and Bus products

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Limited to stock on hand

Auto Services

Parts & Accessories (4) 205/60R15 TIRES Needed Right Away. Good tread, All Season or Snows. Inexpensive, or will trade for sprinkler work, or ? Please call Ryan 509-499-0398 Spokane SET OF FOUR AURORA 215/70R15 studded tires mounted on factory Jeep aluminum spoked wheels. Tires are 85-90%. $325. 208-660-7575 4 SNOW TIRES, 215/60R15, Cooper Weathermaster steel belted radials, mounted on 5 hole rims, used only 3 winters, lots of wear left, fits Nissan Maxima, Honda, or Toyota, etc, $160. 509-4670821 Mead

350 Turbo Rebuilt Transmissions

LIKE NEW- STUDDED Snow tires & wheels, used 1 month while student at Eastern, 195/60R14 Glacier Grip, sacrifice $275, cash only. 509-4482025, 509-270-2616 SEVERAL SETS OF excellent used tires for auto, SUV and pickups. 13” through 18”. All season and winter treads. Some mounted on wheels. Also some sets of extra snow rims. 208-660-7575 SNOW TIRES, mounted, 4 Hankook size 175/65R14, excellent condition. $300. 208-651-3469 SET OF FOUR 245/65/R17 Wintercat studded tires mounted and balanced on Dodge pickup 5 hole factory aluminum wheels. Tires are 90%. $450. 208-660-7575

FOUR CADILLAC Wheels, excellent condition, $125 OBO. Call 208691-6778


60 Rebuilt Units in Stock Standard Rebuilt....$450 Exchange High Performance or Heavy Duty .....$600 Exchange


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P195/75R14 STUDDED Tires on wheels, excellent condition, 5-hole wheels, $200 or best offer. 509-4838078 Spokane

2 SEARS ICE & SNOW, P215/75/15 studded tires, on 5 hole Chevy rims, 85% tread, $90; 2 same caps, $60. 509-466-4755 Spokane

(most cars)

1517 E. Sprague


plus filter


WANTED: Transmissions for 1991 190 series & 300 series Mercedes, will buy complete wrecked cars. 509-892-6825

PARTING OUT 2001 Toyota Tundra extra cab. Mike, 208-659-3611 FOUR P205/75R15 studded snow tires, like new, mounts on wheel for 2000 Subaru Forester, with hubcaps, $300. 208-683-1710 (4) STUDDED TIRES, P185/75R14 on 4 bolt wheels, fits Mazda & Hyundai, $125. 509-9915987 4 STUDDED P215/60/R16 snow tires mounted on fancy wheels, very good condition, fits late model Honda Accords, $250 firm. 509-233-8840 leave message Loon Lake

We Sell

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• New & Used Parts • Housing Straightening • Housing Modifications • Complete Posi Service • Gear Ratio Change • Bearing Installation • 4WD • New Axles Steve Witting 509/487-4797 1517 E. Rosewood Ave - Spokane, WA 99217 4- 9.50x16.5 TIRES ON 8 hole 1T Bud wheels, 50% tread, $300. 509-292-9443 Elk CANOPY, RED Fiberglass, all tinted windows, fits 1986-1996 Ford F150 short bed; also chrome brushguard with KC lights, best offer. Jay 509723-7894 4 STUDDED MUD & snow tires, fits new Beetle, used 2 seasons, great price, $160. 509-483-8078 Spokane TREX P215/75R14 Studded snow tires on 5 lug wheels for Toyota Tacoma pre 2005, like new, $200 or trade for firewood. 509590-3993 Spokane GET THAT CLUNKER Running! Cheapest auto repair in town. 509-9247639 Spokane

DODGE 3/4 ton truck box. New 8’ 2008 box, white, complete with chrome bumper, lights, brakets, etc. for pictures. $995/ offer. 208-435-4713.


455-6666 2 YEAR, 24,000 Mile Warranty available on all transmissions, FWD or RWD, also custom built transmissions for extreme performance: Dodge, Ford, & GMC, diesel trucks, 2WD & 4WD, street rods & race cars. 31 years experience. Ask for Jan, 509944-1131, 208-699-3269 Spokane

AMERICAN MACHINE & Hot Rod with an in-house machine & sheet metal shop, I can build nearly any part for your hot rod. Sand blast, paint & assembly available. 509-9374444 Valley WA (4) HANKOOK SNOW Tires, good tread, 225/60/16, $150 or best offer; also 2 brand new 205/70/15 snow tires, $125/pr. 509-701-1271 Spokane Valley WANTED: 2 TIRES, 285/75/16 and/or 16x8 hole wheels to fit 3/4 ton Ford. 509-292-9443 NEW TIRES: Goodyear Wrangler AT/S, 275/65R20, $500. 509-4388145. TriCities. 100 GALLON ELECTRIC fuel tank for bed of pickup. $600 OBO. 208660-7932 BRIDGESTONE Blizzak snow tires on rims, 5 lug, (4) 215/60R16, $200. 509276-8857 Deer Park NEW 350 HIGH performance motor, $3500 invested, $1500, 208-7771626 I HAVE 100 GALLONS Of Good used motor oil, free. 509-276-8948 Deer Park THANK YOU FOR Reading The Exchange! TONNEAU covers: 2 Access tonneau covers, one off late model Ford F350 8’ bed, $250; One off Ford F350 6.5’ bed, $150, exc cond. 509-438-8145. TriCities. 1987-1995 383 CHEVY Stroker engine, long block with chrome, tin & Edelbrock Performer T.B.I. manifold, SCAT crank, balanced & higher flow T.B.I. injectors included. Has warranty! $2000. 509-9935111 leave message. Spokane SET OF FOUR 225/60R16 Bridgestone Blizzak studless snow tires, mounted and balanced on factory Cadillac spoke alloy wheels. All in excellent condition, $475. 208-6607575

WANTED: 15” WHITE Spoke 6-hole wheels, also various snow tires for sale at bargain prices. 509-5335316 Spokane 2008 8’ CANOPY, White, mount kit, slider, brake light, carpeting, lockable, $750. Bedslide, carpeted, $300. 208-7738833 WINTER TIRES! Cooper LT265/75/R16, M&S studded with rims, excellent tread, $450. Toyo M&S studless 205/55/R16 with rims, excellent tread, $450. Weather Master S/T 215/60/R15, $175, decent tread. Hayden, 208-8185512


Coeur d’Alene, ID 208-664-1559

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• Established Business Since 1983 • Direct Imports from Japan • Tested & Cleaned • 1 Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty • Guaranteed Emissions Legal • Transmissions Available • Remanufactured Engines Available



& SNOW REMOVAL Commercial & Residential

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Motorcycles & ATV’s

2002 POLARIS 325 Magnum, 2x4, 4 wheeler, full size racks, chains, snow blade, great shape, $2800 firm; 2009 5x8 ramp trailer, wood deck, $950. 509-954-0598 CASH FOR DEAD Motorcycles, will consider any size street or dirt bike, bigger is better, prefer Goldwings or 1970-80s bikes. 509-868-4299 MOTORCYCLE SERVICE & Repair, British, European, pre 1990 Japanese, BMW a specialty, Ducati valve adjustments. 509928-3261 Spokane WANTED: HONDA 50, Honda 70, Honda 90 Trail or similar bike, running or not. Jim, 509-468-4802, 509-993-2132 Mead 1996 KAWASAKI MULE, dump bed, low hours, $4950, might take some trade. 509-994-9022 Cheney TWO NEW 2005 Honda CT 110s, $4800 each, firm. 2008 Yamaha YFZ 450, 4 wheeler, $5000. 208-2452374 HYDRAULIC trailer. Two level for snowmibles, 4 wheelers, dune buggys, etc. Must see, $3000. 208777-1626 Wanted: Old Triumph, Norton, BSA, Royal Infield & other English, BMW also, or old American or Japanese motorcycles, Bultacos, or Europeans, Honda Trail 50’s90’s, small mopeds or scooters running or not, or parts; old leathers; old signs, etc, etc. 509-4840160 Spokane DID YOU KNOW? Empire Cycle & Powersports, your Triumph & Arctic Cat dealer, services all European & metric makes & models. Motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs & watercraft are our specialty. Our service department is top notch. We care. Empire Cycle & Powersports, 7807 E Sprague, Spokane Valley 509-892-6368 2003 YAMAHA RX1 Turbo snowmobile, Lightweight extras: Holtz rear skid, 159”x2.25” track, Bender rear mount turbo at 280 HP, NGK AFR and more. $11,000. 208-791-9276, Lewiston.

Want A Purebred Dog?

When purchasing a purebred puppy look for a reputable breeder & avoid “puppy-mills”. Remember, most breeds also have rescue organizations and many purebred dogs can be found at shelters.

2000 HONDA TRX350 4x4 ATV with new plow & winch, $3500. 1987 Honda 250 ATV, $1000 or best offer. 509-842-2122 Loon Lake 1983 GOLDWING Interstate in excellent condition. 31K miles. Runs perfectly. New tires, rear brakes, valve adjustment, safety inspection and full service at CdA Honda in February 2008. Great transportation or fun bike you can be proud to ride and own. $3200. Contact Jim at 208-765-5834 AWESOME 2005 BMW Dakar 650GS, only 2300 miles! This is an incredible machine. All stock purchased at Beaudry in Post Falls brand new, must sell! A steal at $6500. 208660-6182 CAN-AM RENEGADE 800 ATV 4x4, 202 miles, yellow and black color, like new. Cost over $9600, asking $7999. 208-6518770 110CC YOUTH ATVs, $495. 110cc youth utility ATV or sport, full auto with reverse, $695. 110cc sport midsize, 19” tires, full auto with reverse, $795. 125cc sport or utility, full auto with reverse, $750. 150cc full size utility, $1095. 250cc sport, $1295. 150cc scooter, $1049. Affordable Motor Sports, 5317 N. Market, Spokane. 509-482-ATVS (2887) HONDA FORMAN ES 4x4, 170 miles, green color, like new, asking $5899. 208-651-8770, Hayden 1995 POLARIS ATV Explorer 400, 4x4, 4100 miles, good condition. $1700. 208-687-0408 POLARIS SPORTSMAN ATV. Under $2500, 208263-3555 2004 YAMAHA PW80 dirt bike, $425. 208-667-4555 2006 GASGAS 300TXT trail bike, $3800. Extra capacity fuel tank, gauge cluster. Only ridden a few times. Serious offers/ ?? 208-476-4820, Orofino, 9am-7pm. PUBLIC NOTICE, Suzuki inventory arriving daily from a recently closed dealership. Empire Cycle & Powersports has been commissioned to sell the remaining inventory of the recently closed D & B Powersports. Merchandise arriving daily. 7807 E Sprague, Spokane Valley 509-892-6368

www. Spokane Free Everything

Automobiles DO YOU HAVE A disabled person in your household? 1997 Dodge grand caravan SE, silver, wheel chair van. Fully automatic/ manual entry with remote, electric ramp, excellent condition. Call for details. 208-6830902, 208-660-5449 Diana 2000 OLDSMOBILE Mini van, extended, power doors, new tires, new tie rod ends, transmission serviced at 98,000 miles, current mileage 105,000. Good running, nice driving, asking $2850. 208-687-9694, 208771-0012

NEW 1966-1967 DODGE Charger trunk Medallion, $225. 509-263-9345 or 509624-7455 Otis Orchards 2006 HONDA CIVIC Hybrid with Navigation, fog lights, all weather 4 ply Touring tires. Mint condition. $14,500. 208-7557717 or 208-755-6752 1971 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door, 3000 miles on rebuilt, 400 cu engine, heavy duty tranny, front end & rearend, new battery, other parts also, $3500 or best offer. 509926-0995 Spokane Valley 1997 GEO METRO, We’ve Had smart cars for years, this car gets 40+ MPG, come drive this wonderful little car & see, excellent condition, 2 new tires in front, 4 studded tires, 2 on wheels, only $1600. 509288-0368 Rosalia WA IN SPOKANE VALLEY, Greenacres Motors, Inc., we have over 400 cars, we finance anyone with a Drivers License. 509-8926825

1988 TOYOTA TERCEL. Runs, engine replaced, passenger front side damage, $700; 4 Isuzu rims with tires, 1 rim damaged, make offer. Please leave message, 208-818-7904 2008 FORD TAURUS, 36,000 miles, leather, $16,000; 1994 Holiday Rambler, 29’ 5th wheel, 1 12’ slide, $11,000, new tires, brakes, etc. 509-7252323 1992 BUICK REGAL, Super nice, $200 down. Greenacres Motors, Inc 509-892-6825 WANTED: TO BUY 20072009 Chrysler Limited van or Nissan Quest SL, body damage ok. Please call 509-924-9824

922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 41


Car Clubs!

Planning your 2010 shows? Contact Jennifer Johnson at Jennifer’s Auto Sales to reserve your date for 2010. Jennifer’s has acres of space & welcomes ALL car clubs for NO FEE. Jennifer’s will consider providing bathrooms & prizes for your show depending on the size & will make a donation to your club’s charity. Please Contact Jennifer Today to Reserve Your Show!

15020 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley • 509 NEED A GARAGE, WE have them. Valley Self Storage 509-924-8467, ask about our specials


1985 BUICK SOMERSET, 4 cylinder, auto, $1295, $200 down. Greenacres Motors 509-892-6825

1994 TRANS Am, 15k mi on new motor, t-tops, pw, ps, ac, runs great, $4200 obo. 509-551-3301. TriCities.

1966-1967 4 DODGE Spinner hubcaps, good runners, $150. 509-2639345 or 509-624-7455 Otis Orchards GAS SAVER, 2006 Chevrolet Aveo, AT, AC, low miles, $4995. Odyssey Sports, Hayden, Idaho, 208-762-4662

Featuring Spokane’s Best Cars For Under $10,000 WE FINANCE MOST ANYONE! 5602 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, WA

888-873-8244 • 509-534-5757

DONATE YOUR CAR! Free Pickup • We Do ALL Paperwork Higher Tax Deduction on Running & Repairable Cars We need your donated car to help train the homeless and feed the hungry.




DAMAGED 1995 Honda Prelude, front end damaged, most parts to fix included, just don’t have the time, $1350. 509-534-1111 Spokane 1996 MITSUBISHI Spyder, turbo, 89,000 miles, top condition, teal green with black convertible top, AT overdrive, power everything, low profile tires. A very hot car, $4995. 509937-4206 Valley, WA DONATE YOUR CAR, Help children with camp & education, quickest towing, non runners/ title problems okay, free vacation/ cruise voucher. Special Kids Fund 1-866-4483865 AAAA- DONATION: Donate your car, boat or real estate, IRS tax deductible, free pick up/ tow, any model/ condition. Help under privileged children. Outreach Center 1-800928-7566 2002 HYUNDAI, loaded, 85K miles, 39 MPG, $4395. 1995 Blazer, rebuilt transmission, $2950. Cofield Bros., 208-7621401 or 208-661-0227 1977 MERCEDES 300, 4 door with 289 Ford engine/transmission. New starter, tires, 155,000 miles, runs great, $700 or best offer. 509-768-2116 Spokane

DO YOU NEED TO SELL YOUR CAR? Stop by our office & we will be happy to take a photo & help you write your ad!

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42 - 10/30/09 SPOKANE


4x4’s & Vans 1997 DODGE GRAND Caravan, loaded, 7-passenger/ 8’ cargo, new tranny & torque converter, hydrogen from water fuel assist. KBB $3500, 204,000 hwy miles, synthetic oil, $2500 or best offer. Frank 509280-1442 Deer Park 1994 DODGE, 3/4 TON, 5.9 Cummins diesel, 5 speed, 2WD, $3500. 509466-3514 Spokane 2001 FORD Expedition XLT. One owner, nice, $6000. 208-777-1626

www. Spokane Free Everything 1988 CHEVY Suburban Silverado, 3/4 ton, 4x4, 5 ton winch, new tires, 3rd seat, low miles, rebuilt engine, many extras, runs good, looks good, $2100. 509-315-9443 Spokane

1994 FORD Econoline Van, extra nice inside & out, just turned 100,000 (very low for its age!), comes with custom removable vinyl window covers, top air vent, rear wood removable bench, complete inside insulation with paneling, Pioneer audio system, 2 captain’s chairs, 4 studded tires, brand new brakes, has been extremely reliable & trouble free, I’m only selling it because we now have a motorhome, it’s really an awesome van, $2500. 208-6600011 Hayden 1969 3/4 TON Stepside Chevy, parts or restoration, fairly straight, 4 sp., $495 or trade. 208-267-7770, please leave message

1998 TOYOTA TACOMA 4x4 pickup, 144K miles, runs excellent, very dependable. $4950. 208-6610426 1989 FORD F-250, 2wd, automatic, runs good, asking $900. 208-667-0184 2005 GMC SONOMA extended cab, 4x4. Very nice with matching canopy, new Michelin tires, brakes, just fully serviced for winter. Adult owned. Under 100,000 miles. This is a must- see truck! $5500/ offer. Cash talks, no trades. 208-503-0105, Lewiston. 2004 JEEP Wrangler, 5 spd, 4 cyl, 4” Fabtech lift, 33x12.50 tires, soft top only, 54k, looks & runs great $11,500 obo. 509949-2599. Selah. 2003 CHEVY TAHOE LS, 4x4, Z71, black, sun roof, seats 7, 68,500 miles. $12,000. 208-245-6792 WANTED: CHECKER Car parts or complete car. 509-484-3478, 509-9998852 2000 FORD F-350 1 TON crew cab with utility bed and lumber rack, 4WD, diesel. Very good condition. $11,500 OBO. 208683-9123 or 209-747-7269, please leave msg. 1999 FORD Super Duty, extended cab, short box, 4x4, 3/4 ton, loaded, automatic, 75,000 miles. $13,895/ offer. 509-8433616, Pomeroy. 1992 MITSUBISHI Mighty Max, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, runs good. $1500 OBO. 208-773-4328, 208277-7330 1986 JEEP Commanche, $500. 509-209-9790 leave message DONATE YOUR CAR TO The Cancer Fund of America, help those suffering with cancer today, free towing & tax deductible. 800-835-9372 www.cfoa. org

1998 F150 LARIAT, auto, 5.4 liter V8, tended cab, matching per, asking $7300 or offer. 509-994-9520

4x4, extopbest

2001 FORD RANGER Edge pickup, 5 speed, AC, new tires, 90,000 miles, excellent condition, $5250 or best offer; 2004 Pequea car utility trailer, 8x16, excellent condition, full width rear ramps, $2350 or best offer. 509-991-8187 1994 FORD ECONOLINE van. Extra nice inside and out. Just turned 100,000 (very low for its age!). Comes with custom removable vinyl window covers, top air vent, rear wood removable bench, complete inside insulation with paneling, Pioneer audio system, 2 captain’s chairs, and 4 studded tires. Brand new brakes. Has been extremely reliable and trouble free. I’m only selling it because we now have a motor home! It’s really an awesome van. $2500. 208-660-0011, Hayden 1999 FORD F250, Super duty, 4x4, super cab, pickup, Tritan V8, auto with overdrive, new brakes, new u joints, new 10 ply tires, 168,000 hwy miles, truck is in excellent shape, dark green metallic with silver strip on bottom, running boards & receiver hitch with electric brakes, $6500 cash or part trade Jeep or older pickup. Call 509-648-4295 1992 CHEVY 3/4 TON 4x4, PS, PB, cruise, tilt, 5 speed, 113K miles, good interior, great work truck, $2800. 208-267-6366 1994 CHEVY ASTRO Handicap accessible van, rear wheelchair entry, new brakes, recent frontend work done, $3000 or best offer. 509-291-6681, 509-291-6322 HUNTER’S SPECIAL! 1986 Mitsubishi Montero, 2 door, 4WD, runs and drives great, $1500 OBO. 208-704-6446 1979 3/4 TON 4x4 Dodge truck, $700; 1987 Dodge Dakota, $500. 509-8693550 Deer Park

1965 FORD F600, 330 V8, 13’ bed with hoist, new rear tires, 4 speed transmission with 2 speed splitter. Excellent condition. Gravel, grain, cattle racks, $2400 OBO. 509-863-7500

Vintage Autos 1966 FORD F250, 300, 6 cylinder, runs, drives, looks good. $3500. 509-7583528, Clarkston.

WANTED: CHECKER Car parts or complete car. 509-484-3478, 509-9998852

1952 FORD 2 DOOR hardtop street rod. Big block 454, $2800. 208-777-1626

1948 DODGE POWER Wagon, $2500; 1959 Dodge Power Wagon, $1500; 1941 Dodge military, $1000; none of these run, ready for restoration. 509-660-0318

1967 CHEVROLET Impala race car, $225. 208755-9270 2005 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLT Crew cab, auto, leather, power seats, rear DVD, running boards, hard Tonneau, PM, CD, OnStar, bedliner, PW, PD, 63,633 miles, excellent, $18,995. 509-466-0109 Spokane 1998 3/4 TON CHEVY, 87,600 miles, excellent condition, new rims & tires, $3200 or best offer. 509280-2681 1986 DODGE 3/4 TON, 4x4, hubs, 360 engine, 8 ft. box, standard transmission, CB radio, am/fm radio with CD player, good upholstery, looks good, runs good, $1600. Bill 509258-7351 Springdale CANOPY, WHITE, Fiberglass, lined, fits long bed pickup, $350. 509-2440834 Medical Lake 1980 GMC GRANDE Sierra 4x4, not running, no dash or bed. $500 OBO. Call 509-447-3866 1984 FORD F150, 4x4, $1995, $400 down. Greenacres Motors, Inc. 509-892-6825 1995 MAZDA 4x2, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, $3495, $500 down. Greenacres Motors 509-892-6825

1917 MODEL T Ford Depot Hack, older restoration, in overall good cond, runs good, original engine with an electric starter installed. Ideal parade or family car. Washington Title, $4950. Call 509-3741682. TriCities. 1965 OLDS 4 door, 425 rocket engine, AT, was a driver. Needs restore. Body 95% straight. Very little rust. $995 or trade. 208-267-7770, please leave message 1962 FORD GALAXY 500, V-8; 1964 Dodge Polara, V8, hardtop; 1955 Chevy, 1 ton dually, V-8; 1978 GMC Caballero (ElCamino), loaded, 350/ 350. 509-6807690 Valley

VINTAGE GAS PUMP, late 1940s, M&S model 80 white porcelain face, body is nice and straight $400. 509-926-9266 Spokane

1966 GTO Convertible, PHS tri-power, AT, $9400. 1970 Skylark GS 455 convertible, $9400. 208-7559270

Boats &

Fishing Equipment

2005 FORD ESCAPE, AWD, 4-cylinder, loaded, 10,050 miles, $11,500. 509758-6823 Clarkston

14’ ALUMINUM boat for sale, $350. 509-588-4518.

“Spit in the eye of the recession”


1916 to 1980 LICENSE Plates, mostly Washington, some Idaho, Montana, & Oregon. You can register your vintage year license plates to same year auto & pay only a one time fee. 509-926-9266 Spokan Email 1972 PORSCHE 914, new tires, battery, low miles. See at 3403 15th St., Lewiston. $4000. 208-7435904 or 208-790-1109, Lewiston.

QUALITY OUTBOARD Repair, 22 years experience, new & used parts, outboards for sale. Randy 509-535-4395 Spokane


WANT TO BUY 1965-70 Mustang Fastback. Call Andy 509-924-9824 Spokane Valley

1947-54 CHEVY/ GMC trucks with titles and lots of parts. Or buy all of them. Near Silverwood, 208-683-2393

1986 FORD F-250 4x4, 300 6 cylinder 4 speed, $1950. 509-244-6389 Spokane

1990 FORD RANGER, 4WD, extended cab, looks and runs good. $1500 firm. 208-265-9596

1957 PONTIAC SAFARI, Super Chief 4 door wagon, PS, PB, factory air, roof rack & spotlight, not running, no glass, rusty floors, restore or parts, $2750 or best offer. 509982-2530 Odessa

14’ CRESTLINER, 45 HP Mercury outboard and trailer. $1000 OBO. 208267-2924 or nights 208267-3356 WANT A PICTURE WITH your ad? Mail it to PO Box 427, Spokane WA, 99210; bring it in to 304 W. Third Ave, Spokane or 20 N. Pines, Spokane Valley; or email it to $20 for 30 words YAMAHA Waverunners, two fun boats! 2007 models, can seat up to 3 people, only 31 hours on each boat. Tandem Carnai trailer, all in great condition. Paid over $18,000, asking $10,500. 208-7555420, after 4pm or leave message

LOOK! TWO 2005 SeaDoo GTX wave runners. They look identical, but one is supercharged. Both with 60 hours. Adult owned and professionally serviced. They come with a 2005 Carnai 2 place trailer, covers, vests, all safety hardware, etc. License good through 2010. $12,000/ offer. 208-5030105, Lewiston. 1992 24’ BAYLINER Trophy, 5.7 Mercruiser V-8 engine, I/O, 80+ gas, Express tandem trailer, Mercury 15hp kicker engine, $17,500. Call for e-pictures 509-276-6540 LINCOLN SAW MILL Storage. Boat storage at Lincoln Washington, next to boat ramp. Inside or outside, small units also available. 509-636-3642 BOAT/ RV STORAGE. Store your summer toys, 14’x60’ and 16x60’ units only $199 month. West Spokane, easy access of I90. 509-999-4546


NEW PRICES - MAY 2009 ERECTED MONTHLY SIZE PRICE PAYMENTS (OAC) $ $ 24’x24’x10’..... 7,335...... 99.00 OAC 120 Mos 24’x30’x10’.....$8,455....$114.12 OAC 120 Mos 24’x36’x10’.....$9,194....$124.09 OAC 120 Mos 30’x30’x10’.....$9,475. . . .$127.88 OAC 120 Mos 30’x40’x10’...$11,279....$152.23 OAC 120 Mos 30’x40’x12’...$12,116....$163.53 OAC 120 Mos 36’x48’x14’...$17,212....$232.31 OAC 120 Mos 40’x60’x14’...$21,923....$295.90 OAC 120 Mos

Satisfied Customers

Call Today for an Estimate

HYDROFRACTURING Finance Officer On Duty Now! Most Approvals Within 24 Hours

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922-3456 EXCHANGE WANT ADS - 10/30/09 43

100’s of Quality Pre Owned Vehicles To Choose From


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2006 DODGE 1500 SLT 4X4 MEGA CAB


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