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COPY Early
August 7, 2009
Regional Print Distribution: 304 W. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 CAMPER/ RV Parking space available, with power, water, sewer. Quiet Seven Mile area. 509-467-1053 WIN M70 XTR .30-338, Sheland barrel, glass bedded, with reloading dies & extras, $550. 509-9959445 Valleyford INVESTOR’S BARGAIN Deal: 4 lots, one with remodeled home with renter, Spokane Valley. Only $199,000 cash out. 509-999-9613 SPOKANE VALLEY, E. 14015 Wellesley, Friday/ Saturday, gate opens 8am3pm. All kinds of antiques, farm implements, collectibles, rare wind mill, woodworking tools, lots more. 509-990-0723 SHETLAND SHEEP, Reg. quality ewes & rams, $200 & wethers, $45. 509276-5362 Deer Park
2004 FREEDOM XL270, one owner, twin 3.0L Merc cruisers, kitchen & bathroom never used, sleeps 5, set up for serious fishing, $26,000. 509-981-7724 Airway Heights WANTED: YOUR JUNK Cars & repairable vehicles; Cash for some, free tow, prompt service. 509251-2469 2 MALE YORKIES, 9 months, potty trained, can be registered $250 or best offer. 509-439-9676 Moses Lake LIKE NEW, SET OF tires, with alloy Jeep wheels, P225/75R15, $250 cash. 509-448-8905 Spokane GIGANTIC SALE, Friday, August 7th, 8am-5pm, guns tools, homeschool things, kid’s stuff & lots more. Follow signs from 395 to W. 6833 Dahl Rd, Deer Park
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Complete AC SyStem
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We Will Beat Any Written Estimate for Heating & Cooling Systems - Guaranteed! Also 24 Hour EmErgEncy rEpair SErvicE
River City Heating & Cooling, Inc. Free estimates
Problems with...
Workers’ Comp? Social Security? Call TODAY!
Michael G. Thompson Attorney At Law 328 -2040
short on Cash? -Willing to Trade! RIVERCH9280P
CHESS PIECES, BRAND new, paid $137, asking $100 or best offer. Call Kevin 509-290-6246 Spokane
13 TRUSSES, 2x4 Construction, 22’ long, 12x12 pitch, originally bought for garage, $300. 509-2587105 Springdale
Exchange Print Deadline 2pm Wednesday
Fax 509-455-7940
Toll Free 1-800-326-2223 2001 FORD TAURUS, Excellent condition, runs great, PB, PS, 80,000 miles, includes winter studded tires, $4250. 509990-2588 Deer Park
6’ TANDEM DISC $250; Farm tractor loader $100; (2) hydrostatic drive units $100 each; miscellaneous fuel tanks & tool boxes. 509-995-4627 Medical Lake
SPOKANE VALLEY Garage sale, 722 N Burns Rd, Friday, Saturday, August 7th, 8th, 9am-5pm, corner of Broadway & Burns. Many good items left from estate auction sale, come, make offer, it’s yours
ROLEX, CROWN ROYAL, brand new, must sell, health problems, retails at $15,500, asking $1095. Call evenings please, 509235-2411. Cheney AKC REG. POODLE, Female, 8 weeks, Toy/ Teacup, apricot $500, 1st shots, personality plus, pee pee pad trained. 509523-6553 Rosalia
ALFALFA OR GRASS hay, small bales, $150/ ton, $5 each. North Spokane 509-467-3162
Reliable Hauling
& clean-up seRvice 7 Days a We Do It ALL! Free Week 509 638-9573 estimates
Wheelers Farm 21005 e. Trent • 926-7369
peaches! apricots!
CRAFTSMAN ATLAS Metal turning lathe, 12”x46”, $895; 90 lb anvil, $150; very large mechanic’s vice, 6” jaws, more than 12” opening, $150; large acetylene welding torch, $400. 509-926-7412, 509-280-8218 Veradale FRESH DILL. Already picked & bundled, large bunch, only $2.50. Chattaroy area, call Gary, 509435-1308 NICE AQHA YEARLING Colt, registerable, Coys Bonanza breeding, needs to have someone who has the time to work with him. To good home, $125 or best offer. 509-921-0486 leave message, Spokane GONNA GET HOTTER! Mobile Mastercool Swampblower, great for garage, workshop, etc., new $600, like new, $300. 509-9247337 Spokane
for a Specific Tool? Call Us! 509 327-5544
Walla Walla Sweets 5 lbs ...... . $299 10 lb Spuds ......$199
PARERGON ELECTRIC Residential & Commercial Services New Construction • Remodels
BOXER PUPPIES, 1 Male, 1 female, faun, $600, 1 male white, $500. Call 509-684-4110 Colville 400 WATT MULTI Voltage indoor overhead lights, $25 or best offer. 509-720-4625 Spokane WANTED: MILITARY Collectibles. German, Japanese & U.S.- knives, swords, medals, insignia, patches, guns, documents, holsters, flags & bayonets, helmets, photos & caps, field gear & more. One piece or an entire collection. Cash for your quality items. Call the Military Collector, 509-939-3699 Spokane
Uncollected court awarded judgment?
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Mobile Storage “The Original Storage Building Guy” All $ OptiOns Buildings 50 off ! e GalOr
Peaches • Zucchini corn! Beets • Wapato Tomatoes Pickling Cukes • Dill • Garlic
luscious!! Hermiston cants & watermelon • lots More! Huckleberries • local FresH raw Honey
WANT TO BUY Arrowheads, single or collections, authentic only. 509953-6385 Colbert
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276-8220 www.mobilestorage.cc
Call for information Cell Number 425-530-1332
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Log truck loads, delivered most areas
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Quality Steel Buildings, Inc. General ContraCtorS
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IRS field auditor 20 years • Bachelors, Accounting Masters Degree, Business Administration Enrolled Agent, U.S. Treasury # 31878
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