December 9, 2011
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The Exchange Classified Ad Deadline: Wednesday 2pm PUREBRED SHELTIE puppies in time for Christmas, males $250, females $300. Call Seth 509-9393992 Spokane Valley
“THUNDER IN THE Desert 2012�. American Indian World’s Fair, 187 tribal nations, 10 days, 1 location. December 30th, 2011- January 8th, 2012, Everyone welcome
WANTED: NEWER Honda jet ski for Christmas present. 509-2354081 Cheney
NEW PANTRY CABINET Oak doors, 82� tall, 24� wide, 24� deep, regular $289, only $175. 509-3891946 Loon Lake
YORKIE BOY, 1 YEAR, 5 lbs, all shots, micro chipped, neutered, serious inquiries only; call for price. 509-242-3119 Spokane
ABETTA CORDURA & Nylon trail saddle, black, 15� seat, square skirts, semi-Quarterhorse tree, and made in the USA, like new $225. 509-238-4562 Colbert
2 LA-Z-BOY RECLINER Chairs, good condition, $100 each. 509-448-2355 Spokane BROWNING STAINLESS steel, 30-06, Leupold scope, case & ammo, excellent condition, $700. 509671-2821 Cusick
4x4 ROUND BALES, Grass $35, clover $40, oats $40, cash only. 509-2762685 Deer Park NEW WINDOWS, Milguard brand, tan in color (wrong color for our home): 1 slider; 3 - 36�x36�; 3 - 72�x36�. 509-9285862 Spokane Valley
JEWELRY COLLECTOR: Paying fair & honest prices for vintage, estate & costume jewelry, ladies or mens. 509-328-3589 or 509-995-8422 Spokane
MINIATURE Pinscher pups, family raised with lots of love, 8 weeks, tails & dewclaws done, vet checked & 1st shots, ready now to good homes, $250. 509-845-9331 Connell
$119 GAMING Package, reserve a 1 night’s stay in a classic room & $20 in Match Play. for more details
304 W. 3rd Ave. Spokane, WA | 509-922-3456 | 800-326-2223 | Place Ads Online at 2009 POLARIS, 800 RMK, 144 track, 659 miles, excellent, $6500; 2005 Polaris, 550 RMK Trail, 136 track, very good, 3300 miles, $2500; 1996 Polaris, 480 indy trail, 4973 miles, good, $1100. 509-570-6893 Liberty Lake 4 SPEED DANA Brownie transmission, model 8035, worked when truck was scrapped, $500., 509-284-2357 Tekoa, WA
AKC SIBERIAN Puppies $700, red/ white & black/ white, some blue eyes, 1st shots, wormed & ready for pick up or delivery after 12/17, parents on site. 509393-9263 Twisp WA
WANTED: COMPLETE Extra cab for 1998 Dodge Cummins diesel, my truck has been rolled. 509-4475293, 509-953-3606 Newport
2 DOBERMAN Pinchser Puppies, 6 weeks, 1 black & rust male $700, 1 red female $800. Call Molly if interested 509-535-0374 Spokane Valley
MOSSBERG International Model 75411, over & under 20 gauge, LNIB, never fired, perfect condition, include 5 chokes & box, $425. 509-220-6513 Medical Lake
LOOKING FOR LIQUID Mercury, paying $10 lb. 1907-322-4353 Curlew
MINIATURE COW & Calf, $800; mini pigs, $50 & up. 509-258-8974 Springdale VERMONT CASTINGS Vigilant wood stove, $600; cute 1950’s Frigidaire refrigerator for your man cave, $150. 509-533-9944 Spokane
Time to Pump Your
FFu O when yo
this ad
A trusted name since 1951
CHRISTMAS TREES, cut your own! Blue Sprue & Douglas Fir, 4’ to 15’, $39-$59. Only 10 miles South of Spokane, call for directions. 509-4489306
Cold Weather Special All 10x20 units
Call now before snow flies and prices rise!
Price increases coming in 2012
(509) 924-5372
Secure, coded entry, free lock, easy access West Spokane area
" , n™™ ÇÊÊUĂŠ ³Ê ĂŠ,>ĂŒÂˆÂ˜}
Low Rates Senior Discount
+#$ 5PXJOH t 509-218-2190
Fast, Courteous Service
509 217-1697 SPOKANE LAWN CARE Lic. & Ins.
42� SNOW THROWER, Fits riding mower frames with 38-54� decks, 2 years old, $950. 509-276-2996 Clayton
ORCHARD GRASS OR Timothy hay, small squares of either type, $100/ ton; 1000 lb round bales of orchard grass, $90/ ton. 509-590-6381 Newport area
No long term commitment needed
Gobers LLC
1984 GMC 22 ROLL Back bed, new engine, 60,000 original miles, 14 outriggers, excellent condition, $12,999. 509-280-9957 Deer Park
ROCKS & GEMS: turquoise, Ellensburg Blue, Navajo jewelry, petrified wood, Indian artifacts, star garnets. 509928-5881, 10422 E. 15th, Spokane Valley
JEWELRY COLLECTOR: Paying fair & honest prices for vintage, estate & costume jewelry, ladies or mens. 509-328-3589 or 509-995-8422 Spokane
WANTED: MILITARY Collectibles. German, Japanese, Canadian & US - knives, swords, medals, insignia, patches, guns, flare guns, documents, holsters, flags & bayonets, police badges, helmets, photos & caps, field gear & more. One piece or an entire collection. Cash for your quality items. Call the Military Collector, 509939-3699 Spokane
2 Months Free
4.3L ENGINE OUT OF GMC 1500, 140,000 miles, original owner, comes with transmission and transfer case, $500 or best offer. 509-220-9318 Spokane
02)6!4% ,/!.3
Timber or Timber & Land
N. Idaho • E. Washington W. Montana • Quick Closing Edward F. Anderson, Broker 509 994-2557 IS EBZT t TQPFGB !ZBIPP DPN
In This Issue Christmas Gift Guide...............2-4 Auctions..............12-14 Dave Smith Motors......................31 PAYING CASH FOR: Costume jewelry, Rhinestone jewelry, Turquoise jewelry, all vintage jewelry & watches. 509-701-6296 Spokane BORDER COLLIE x Aussie pups, from excellent working cattle dogs, blue eyes, vaccinated, wormed, ready Christmas week, males $250, females $300. 509-738-2648 Kettle Falls PARTING OUT A JOHN Deere 540 Skidder, 18.4x26 tires. 509-486-1316 Republic ELEGANT DEPRESSION glass & Fostoria, Emperial, Fenton, Westmoreland, Royal Ruby, Forest Green, Coronado & more; also, antique furniture & kerosene Aladdin lamps at The Price Tag, 618 Bank Street, Wallace, Idaho. 208-556-1500
Been Denied Social Security/ SSI Benefits? REED LAW OFFICES
Former Administrative Law Judge Social Security Administration
Call for FREE Consultation
Fresh Cut Christmas Trees Alpine, Noble & Grand Fir All Sizes 2’ to 16’ ... starting at $25 Delivery Available ALSO, LIVE POTTED TREES & WREATHS
5 OFF Any Tree
Barker Rd & I-90 509 953-8259
Next Day Service Choose & Cut Your Own Christmas Tree!
OwitFh adF 3 tree r you
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Open weekends 10-4 Handmade Holiday Wreaths 7iĂŠ Â?i>Â˜ĂŠ 1ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ?ĂƒĂŒiĂ€ĂžĂŠĂŒÂœÂœt
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FREE Hay Rides! FREE Cider & Cocoa!
3808 N Sullivan Rd, Bldg 10 • 509-535-9517
The Trent and Valley Habitat Stores9am are merging Monday - Saturday - 6pm and moving!
1/2 mile north of Trent at 9105 N. Idaho Rd. (Newman Lake area)
NEW & USED Building Materials Discount Prices Doors • Windows • Appliances • Paint Tile • Furniture • Much More