The Franklin: April 11, 2014

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franklin Friday, April 11, 2014 •

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Kiley Lipps: The Franklin

Tau Kappa Epsilon members lip-sync while performing an exercise-themed routine (left). Members of Delta Delta Delta celebrate the sorority’s first Lips for Literacy win in recent years (right).

Pi Beta Phi has full house for philanthropy event Delta Delta Delta wins lip-syncing competition with “Willy Wonka” routine By Darian Eswine

Pi Beta Phi’s annual philanthropy event, Lips for Literacy, raised approximately $1,600, double the amount raised last year, for a nonprofit that provides books to children in need. The lip-syncing competition started at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Branigin Room. “I think just great publicity (helped fundraising) and all the teams put in effort and told their friends to come watch them,” said Paige Clark, a sophomore and vice pres-

ident of philanthropy for Pi Phi. First Book, Pi Phi’s official partner, donates books to children in need across the country. Last year’s event raised approximately $800. The fundraising totals come from both the $4 admission fee and the team registration fee. Eight teams competed this year – Zeta Tau Alpha, resident assistants, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Delta Delta, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Delta Rho and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

ZTA kicked off the night re-enacting scenes from the movie “Mean Girls,” followed by the RAs who had recorded their own music and rap. Lambda Chi chose a hypnotist theme, Phi Delt went country, TKE held a workout session complete with Richard Simmons, KDR played Space Jam, and SAE also recorded a narration for a SAE/Pi Phi love story. The winning team of the evening, Tri Delta, brought Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory to the stage. Junior Allyn Pearson said

their team has been rehearsing since the beginning of March. “The hardest part was coming up with the choreography,” Pearson said. “But once we knew the theme, it was easier.” To pick a theme, Pearson said the team members looked on YouTube to see what other people had done with lip-syncing. After finding several, they decided to use Willy Wonka and adapted it with their own twist. See “Pi Beta Phi” on page 5

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