The Franklin: Apr. 15, 2016

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Friday, April 15, 2016 | TheFranklinNews.

Dream turned reality for new president BY SHELBY MULLIS

In the years leading up to Thomas Minar’s presidential inauguration, Minar grew up with a desire to educate and to lead. “‘Of course he wants to be a college president; as a boy he was bounced on the knees of college presidents, provosts, deans,’” Minar quoted his mother in his inauguration speech. Fast forward from Minar’s childhood to the day before his inauguration – to the exhilaration and anticipation of what was to come the next morning. The weekend started with a symposium to celebrate the value of a liberal arts education, an event Minar called a “remarkable and transformative” experience for the college. Mark Shields, syndicated columnist and political analyst for PBS NewsHour, was one of the symposium’s speakers. Scott McCorkle, CEO of Marketing Cloud, Salesforce in Indianapolis; Debra Humphreys, Senior Vice President of Academic Planning and Public Engagement at the AAC&U; and Franklin College seniors Khadijetou (Atama) Abdourahmane and Ian Mullen also joined in on the discussion. Hours later, students gathered in the Fitness Center to celebrate Minar’s presidency with a festival, which featured live bands, food trucks and a

special appearance by Minar himself. And now, rewinding back to Saturday, when Minar’s boyhood dream became a reality as he entered the Spurlock Gymnasium to the “Sounding of the Jubals,” only moments away from being installed as Franklin College’s 16th president. Delegates from 50 institutions near and far filed into the gymnasium, accompanying the many faculty and staff members who joined in the cele-

I was pleased to come to an institution that has so much potential to do so much. – Thomas Minar, Franklin College president

bration of Minar’s presidency. Minar’s family and friends, who traveled to Franklin from all over the country, filled the front row at Saturday’s inaugural event. But for Minar, no guest compared to one who he said has supported him throughout his entire life: his 89 and a half-year-old mother. It was these guests and many more who Minar said drove him to the position he is in today.

“People – it’s always people,” Minar said. “It’s mentors; it’s family members; it’s family friends. As a student, myself, you’re then inspired by your own teachers and faculty members though college and graduate studies. And I was always influenced by wonderful presidents. It really is about the people.” For the last nine months, Minar has walked side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder with people – faculty and staff members, students, Board members and community leaders – to not only grow as an individual, but to Nicole Hernandez | The Franklin grow as an instituThomas Minar became the 16th president of Franklin College tion. As Minar reflects last weekend at the official inauguration ceremony. back on the inauguAnd moving forward is exactly what ral weekend, he said Minar is doing. he wouldn’t change a thing. As a candidate for the vacant pres“It’s been wonderful to be welcomed idency spot in early 2015, Minar by so many peoplehere and to start to make a difference,” Minar said. “The worked countless hours with planning emotion after it was all over is great. committees searching for ways to plan for the future of the college – one of Now we get to move forward.” See “President” pg. 5

video feature

online exclusive

Inauguration ceremony: A look at the new president’s inception into the college

Web exclusive: Passion for Paws hosts Kiss the Ferret contest

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