franklin Friday, Nov. 8 •
Kiley Lipps: The Franklin
Blood drive >> Page 2
Stephanie Rendon: The Franklin
School spirit >> Page 8, 9
Kelly Marcelo: The Franklin
Campus organizations give back to community By Erika Brock
Kelsie Williams: The Franklin
Senior Connor Houston (left) hosts as junior Hayley Kemp (center) and senior Jacob Evans (righ) answer questions from various categories Wednesday night in the Branigin Room during Lambda Chi Alpha’s new philanthropy event, ‘Are you smarter than a Chi?’ (top left). Senior Shawn Fogleman (right) throws a water balloon at sophomore Kevin Goen on Sept. 17 during Lounging 4 Life, an event sponsored by Tau Kappa Epsilon and Delta Delta Delta (bottom left). Sophomore Kelsey Cross works to complete a challenge during Curly’s Quest, a new philanthropy event put on by Kappa Delta Rho that took place last Wednesday (center). Freshman Jackson Shafer dances his way down the stage during the formal wear portion of Zeta Tau Alpha’s annual Big Man on Campus last Tuesday (right).
Last year, Greek organizations raised and donated approximately $17,831 and spent 3,343 hours serving in the community. Franklin College’s mission statement shows the school’s priorities, such as preparing students to think independently, lead responsibly and serve with integrity. Keri Ellington, director of student activities, said another component includes serving the community. Students who are involved in clubs and organizations at Franklin College, have the opportunity to give back. “The first step to giving back in the community is to find something you are
passionate about,” Ellington said. “Then, see how your passion ties into service.” There are 60 campus organizations that prepare students to give back. In addition to Greek organizations, Habitat for Humanity, Omicron Delta Kappa, Passion for Paws, Grizzly Pride Alliance, Student Athletic Advisory Committee, St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn and others all complete community service. “Greek organizations are founded on giving back,” said Natalie Brewster, coordinator of Greek life. “It is one of their core values. Each Greek organization gets support nationally with their philanthropy See “Philanthropy” on Page 10