The Franklin: Feb. 17, 2017

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new on campus


President Minar speaks out: Thomas Minar addresses Muslim ban in campus email

Diversity center opens: Former quiet lounge now Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Pair of professors: Erable and Wasielewski share their love story




Police called after KKK fliers found on campus ASHLEY SHULER

Friday, Feb. 17, 2016 |

Barnett replaces McGuinness as Franklin mayor ABRAHM HURT

At the end of January, Steve Barnett was selected as the city of Franklin’s new mayor after former Mayor Joe McGuinness was selected by Gov. Eric Holcomb to serve as the new commissioner of the Indiana Department of Transportation. Republican precinct committee members voted 14-7 to make Barnett the new mayor, securing the win over former Franklin clerk-treasurer Janet Alexander. Barnett brings eight years of experience to the position. He worked as a member of the City Council and served as president for five years. He will serve out the remainder of McGuinness’s term through the end of 2019, then will be eligible for re-election. Barnett said this previous experience has provided a smooth transition into his new role.

Photo submitted by Julie Brashaber

Former Mayor Joe McGuinness (right) congratulates newly elected City of Franklin Mayor Steve Barnett (left) after the Johnson County Republic Party caucus results were announced on January 30, 2017.

“I’ve been on the Council for eight and a half years and five years on the Board of Works, and the Board of Works is right there with the mayor,” Barnett said. “I was pretty much up to speed, and I haven’t really found anything that was surprising.” Much of Barnett’s focus in office will be on infrastructure projects around Franklin. He said he would like to finish projects in the downtown, as well as the installation of roundabouts and work on south Main Street. “In the next five years, I would like to spend up to a million a year on repaving streets, not just what we’re doing with the construction, but with middle and overlay on city streets and out in our subdivisions because some of the streets are falling apart,” Barnett said. In the long term, he’d like to see more work done to make areas around U.S. Route 31 pedestrian-friendly. “Our long term plan that we’ve already started putting together is once we’re all done out on the east side, and we’re done in the downtown area, we want to go out on 31 where it’s building up with some stores out there,” Barnett said. “We want to make that more traffic-friendly and more pedestrian-friendly.” As for former Mayor McGuinness, he said his major accomplishments during his five years as mayor were the transformation and development of the Franklin downtown area. Part of the reason for this development was to strengthen the relationship that the town has with Franklin College, McGuinness’s alma mater. “I saw there was a possible dis-

connect between the campus and Franklin, specifically the downtown,” McGuinness said. “So my vision was: Let’s break down that barrier. Let’s create a downtown that’s walkable, that is inviting to outside people. It’s inviting to Franklin College students, professors and staff, and let’s work really on trying to redevelop what we have, and a lot of that was focused on infrastructure.” McGuinness said his goal was to strengthen the community Franklin possesses. “I wanted to build a community that my kids, and their friends, and their classmates and the kids that I coached were proud to grow up in,” he said. “So when they went off to college they bragged about Franklin, and when they graduate from college they want to come back to Franklin and make it their forever home.” As the new commissioner of INDOT, McGuinness’ biggest task is determining what transportation will look like in the future. “If you look at Governor Holcomb’s pillars, the second one there is: provide a sustainable funding source for our infrastructure for the next 20 years,” he said. “So, what is that going to look like in the next 20 years?” McGuinness said he will be doing a lot of research with automotive partners to understand the vehicles they’re designing and how these vehicles will effect roads so Indiana roads can be ready for the needs of people 20 years from now. McGuinness continues to reside in the city of Franklin.

Fliers with Ku Klux Klan-related rhetoric were found scattered in Franklin College parking Zoie Richey | The Franklin lots early Tuesday morning. Campus security found KKK fliers in parking lots around College security officer campus Tuesday morning. Raymond Price called the Franklin Police Department after discovering the fliers at 2:40 a.m. in the Hamilton, Park Avenue and Forsythe lots. Price had just checked the lots at 1:45 a.m., meaning the individual or individuals who placed them on campus had about an hour window to do it. There were 18 fliers found in total in the lots, most of which were on the ground. Others were placed on parked vehicles. None were found in buildings or posted on bulletin boards. The fliers referenced the beliefs of the Loyal White Knights KKK group. Phrases like “love your own race,” “stop homosexuality and race mixing,” and “God’s laws don’t forget” were printed on the fliers inside heart clipart. They also said, “Join the Klan today,” and listed a contact phone number and website. Security Director Steve Leonard said they may have been a recruiting tool for the organization. These exact fliers — with the same design, wording and information — were found in driveways along one street in Cinnaminson, New Jersey, Tuesday. Similar fliers were also found in See “Fliers” page 2


Minar addresses travel ban, professors speak out SHELBY MULLIS


OUT & ABOUT 2/17 Murat Movie Night Hockey fans rejoice — Old National Centre and Indy Fuel are teaming up to bring sports lovers two movie showings for $10. Catch “The Mighty Duck” and “The Cutting Edge” at 7:30 p.m. tonight. 2/18 Indy Winter Farmer’s Market yoga Love yoga, beer and fresh food? Bring a yoga mat and your I.D. to the farmer’s market downtown Indianapolis for a wellness session at Centerpoint Brewing. The event runs 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.

2/18 Love Letters gallery opening In alignment with Valentine’s Day, head to the Franklin Department of Public Art for a love-filled exhibit opening with a variety of local artists on display. Wine, snacks and shopping will be available.



Issue 12, Volume 113

Executive Editor Leigh Durphey Opinion Editor Christina Ramey News Editor Ashley Shuler Sports Editor Quinn Fitzgerald Copy Chief Shelby Mullis Photo Editor Zoie Richey Web Editor Nicole Hernandez Ads Manager Jonna Kauffman Adviser Chelsea Schneider Publisher John Krull

@TheFranklinNews @TheFranklinNews

The Franklin

The Franklin aims for accuracy and clarity in all articles. We take errors seriously and regret any mistakes. If you find an error, please send an email to


FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2016

In a campus-wide email, Franklin College President Thomas Minar said no students, faculty or staff, to his knowledge, were affected by an executive order placed by U.S. President Donald Trump that would suspend the entry of all refugees to the country. The email followed less than a week after Trump declared a travel ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries around the world: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Schools across the country, including Franklin College, notified students of their commitment to recognize “the importance of a diverse educational environment that welcomes people of all backgrounds.” Minar also urged students who could be affected to not leave the country until further guidelines from the federal government are released. While the ban has since been barred after U.S. District Judge James Robart issued a temporary restraining order against the ban, several people are taking action to ensure the safety of Muslims in the country. Early last year, philosophy and religion professor David Carlson created signs that read, “We stand with American Muslims,” and since the executive order, Carlson has received requests for signs from Virginia to California. “What’s going on with Trump is causing a lot of people to wake up and say, ‘I can’t rely on other people to solve this. I have to become more active, myself,’” Carlson said. Carlson’s sign campaign was one way he took action to support American Muslims, a group he says is receiving the most pressure during this time. Since the campaign took off in 2016, Carlson said he still receives

requests for the signs. Following Trump’s recent executive order, more than 40 requests for signs were sent to Carlson within a three-day period. “It’s 180 degrees in terms of the wrong direction,” Carlson said of the ban. “The truth is the people that most need to come to Europe and the Jordan Brodner l The Franklin United States are those that ReligionandphilosophyprofessorDavidCarlson’ssigncampaignlaunchedin2016, are escaping the andhassincereceivednationwidecoveragefollowingPresidentTrump’stravelban horrible situation placedonsevenMuslim-majoritycountries.Carlsonsaidthesignsareneedednow in Syria and the more than ever. camps they’ve been put in. They want what every scheduled to go on as planned. “If you want to see Cuba, now how it human being wants. They want a is, now is the time,” she said. decent place to live, they want to not And while the future of Cuba have their lives threatened, they want lies ahead, Colburn-Alsop said her opportunities for their children.” current concerns are for the Muslim Spanish professor Sara Colburncommunity. Alsop agreed. “I have a lot of friends either in stages “I feel for the people who just want of working on getting their citizenship what you and I want. They want to or are not documented that live be able to have food on the table, not here,” Colburn-Alsop said. “They’re worry day-to-day what they’re going to extremely fearful—not just Muslims, be doing the next day,” she said. “Those but immigrants in general.” are the people affected by any of those Carlson also continues to meet with kinds of bans. People in war-torn areas Muslims in the community, specifically are not coming here because they hate during programs held by the Shoulder their country, they’re coming here to Shoulder in Interfaith Witness because they’re fearful they’re going to campaign, which dedicates itself to die. The ones coming are desperate.” spreading national freedom and peace. Colburn-Alsop is currently planning “The fear within the Muslim a college-sanctioned trip to Cuba, community here has gone through the which is set to take place in August. roof,” Carlson said, “And I think that’s Despite concerns of closed borders why the signs are more important than to Cuba in the future, the trip is ever.”

FLIERS continued from page 1

Bloomington last week. Leonard said there’s “no reason” to think the fliers were distributed by someone locally in Franklin or were targeting any particular person. “We just don’t have any information that would make us think it’s connected to someone on campus or in the community,” he said. In an all-campus email sent by President Thomas Minar, Minar said the college values its commitment to a



diverse and inclusive campus environment that respects all members. “This institution will not tolerate behaviors of racism, prejudice or discrimination on its campus and remains committed to upholding an environment where all feel welcomed and valued,” he said in the email. Leonard said faculty, staff and students should follow the “see something, say something” philosophy with reporting racist or otherwise inappro-

priate actions, signage or language that violates the college’s nondiscrimination policies. Minar encouraged campus community members who are aware of violations to contact Ellis Hall, vice president and dean of students. At the time of publication, no one had been identified as a person of interest for placing the fliers on campus.

Diversity center opens in former quiet lounge ASHLEY STEEB

Franklin College’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion moved into a new space earlier this month. Terri Roberts-Leonard, the director of the diversity center, said the center has been in the making for several years. Increasing diversity across campus and the opening of the center were two of the topics President Thomas Minar focused on in his State of the College address last Novemeber. The new center was designed specifically for students, staff and faculty to explore identity and culture. Ann Gilly, who graduated from Franklin College in 2015 and was the president of the Student Association in Support of Multiculturalism, attended the center opening on Feb. 8. “Spaces like the Center for Diversity are pretty standard on college campuses, so it made sense for Franklin to create one,” Gilly said. “These spaces make visible that a

campus is committed to diversity and inclusion and offer students a safe space that they can claim and use to meet, do homework, or whatever.” Gilly said she’s excited the school has finally received a center like this. “I’m a little jealous I’m not there to use it,” Gilly said. “But I hope Franklin — meaning students, faculty, staff, administration, everyone — is encouraged to continue furthering its commitment to education of issues of diversity and inclusion and making campus a welcoming and safe space for everyone, particularly in terms of minority students who need the support.” The center is located on the second floor of the Napolitan Student Center where the quiet lounge was located in previous semesters. When no events or programs are scheduled in the space, students can use the center for studying — just like they did in the past.

Sophomore Austin Kitchen said he has high expectations that the new center will help the diversity office reach students more easily. He also said he thinks the center will help students, as well. “I would love to see students, who may be intimidated at the thought of becoming involved, reaching out of their comfort zone and opening their hearts to more diversity related issues,” Kitchen said. New programs and events are planned to be held at the center throughout the spring semester. Some of the new events and programs include weekly study tables, extended “crunch time” study tables throughout finals week, and collaborating with the career services department to create an event that focuses on helping underrepresented students with job searching.

Brazil, Ireland among list of J-term destinations BRITTNEY CORUM

As the spring semester moves into full swing and everyone looks to graduation and summer plans, there is one part of Old Main that’s looking to book students’ schedules for January 2018. It’s the board outside of the study abroad office, boasting the college’s new Winter Term classes offerings. For Winter Term 2018, the college is offering three travel courses: Brazil, Ireland and Japan. Jennifer Cataldi, Global Education office director, said her office works with faculty course proposals to pick “safe and affordable” places for students to travel and learn. “Going on an international January term can help introduce a student to a different culture and world from the one they live in,” Cataldi said. “It’s also a safe and cheap way for students to get an experience in a different country.” For junior Lauren Kinneer, this was his first time out of the country. He went to Guatemala this year. “It gave me the chance to practice my Spanish and gave me a chance to stay someplace warmer than Indiana for January,” he said. Kinneer said he’d love to go on another Spanish-focused trip in the future to improve his language skills. “I also want to immerse myself in

another culture again after having the seed of wanting to travel being planted after this experience,” he said. K i n n e e r ’ s favorite part of his Guatemala trip was the dynamic between the men and the women in the country, as well as between the tourists and the natives. Senior Courtney Sonner decided to wait until her Photo provided by Office of Global Education senior year to travel JuniorLaurenKinneerandseveralotherFranklinCollegestudentsposeforaphoto abroad, but wishes she had explored inGuatemala.Morethan100students,includingKinneer,traveledaroundthe the world earlier in world in January for the college’s J-term program. her career. “I thought that it would be a good which I enjoyed for a little while,” she way to round up my journey here at said. “But found that I missed being part of the hustle and bustle of my Franklin College,” she said. On her trip to France, she learned busy life.” Applications for the January 2018 she likes having a busy lifestyle — trips to Brazil, Ireland and Japan more than the laid back style French can be found outside of the Global people have. “France values more of the time Education Office on the first floor of spending with family and friends, Old Main. They are due March 15. @THEFRANKLINNEWS

IN BRIEF: COLLEGE NAMES DIRECTOR FOR NEW MASTER’S PROGRAM Thomas Meehan has been picked as the director for the college’s new Master of Science program. Meehan is moving to Franklin College from Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island. He has seven years of physician assistant experience, as well as orthopedic urgent care and orthopedic surgery experience. Although the Master of Science program is currently awaiting approval and accreditation, the college plans to enroll its first class of graduate students in fall 2019. This is the college’s second master program, following exercise science. “Franklin is known for its excellent preparation of students in the health and sciences professions,” said Franklin College President Thomas Minar in a recent press release about the new hire. “The addition of this new program helps expand upon the transformational and highly personal opportunities we offer our students.”

NEW VANS, SUV’S GET POSITIVE RESPONSE When the old college van fleet came up on the end of their lease last semester, Tom Patz did an analysis. Patz, physical facilities director, said the college was “paying a premium” to have vehicles stay on campus just in case. The college used to have 10 vans and one SUV. Patz said the SUV was “by far” the most requested vehicle. The fleet is now made up of six vans and two Nissan Pathfinder SUVs, to try to remedy the excess requests for the smaller vehicle. All of the vehicles are 2016 models and have updated safety features, such as back up cameras, blind spot mirrors and seats that can be configured for a variety of passenger trips. They each have Franklin College wrapping decals on the outside, which were included in the price of the lease package with Nissan. Athletic programs use the vehicles the most, but various student groups and classes take them to go to programs off-campus, as well.


FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2016


love at first



FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2016



It’s the classic love story. Boy’s mother meets girl’s sister. Boy’s mother arranges meeting of boy and girl. Boy takes girl on a breakfast date with boy’s mother. Well, maybe it’s not that typical. English professor Richard Erable and French professor Kristin Wasielewski’s relationship had unusual beginnings. “We were set up, basically,” Erable said. “Yeah, like it’s the 21st century, right?” Wasielewski said. Erable’s mother was on the same flight to Milwaukee as Wasielewski’s sister. The two began talking and realized their kin had something in common. “They said, ‘Oh yeah, my sister knows some French. Oh, my son speaks French. Oh, maybe they can get together,’” Erable said. Wasielewski laughed heartily as Erable told the story of their meeting, adding details and making comments. “Tell her your impression as you were walking up at the airport,” she said. “I see my mom waiting for me surrounded by five women, all different ages,” Erable said. “I’m like, ‘Who’d she bring with her? Does she think I’m desperate?’ My mom was not a social butterfly.” “No, she was very reserved and very French in that you don’t really talk to strangers,” Wasielewski said. When he got to Mitchell Airport, Erable was introduced to not only Wasielewski, but also her mother, aunt and two sisters. “I’m like, ‘OK. Wow. Yeah. Hi. Nice to meet you,’” Erable said. The two talked for a few moments as they walked out of the airport, then parted ways. The next day, Erable’s mother urged him to call Wasielewski. “I said, ‘All right, but if I call her, you’re going to come with me. I’m sure she’s more interested in talking to you than to me,’” Erable said. Sure enough, the next day the trio went to breakfast, where they ate and spoke French together. “Technically, our first date was with my mom,” Erable said. Four days later, after his mom had left Milwaukee, Erable called Wasielewski and gave her three options for a “normal date,” or as Wasielewski called it, an “un-chaperoned date:” going to see an experimental play in

Milwaukee, attending a Monet exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago or going apple picking “She picked apple picking,” Erable said. “Of course,” she added. The couple’s first official date consisted of a champagne lunch under apple trees in the orchard. Later, they went back to Erable’s apartment and baked apple pies. All of this happened in 1995. Seven years later, the two married. “I needed to make sure it would work,” Erable said, as Wasielewski laughed and shook her head. One year after they married, Wasielewski joined Erable at Franklin College where he had been working for two years. Now, Wasielewski said, their funniest stories and best memories come from the trips they take students on. This past Winter Term, the pair took a group of 18 women to France. On this trip, Wasielewski had a wild goose chase with one student’s missing bag. She tells the story actively, with passion. Her eyes get big as she explains her late night train trip to the north side of Paris, and her arms gesture enthusiastically as she describes how happy she was to finally get her hands on the bag after a five-hour excursion. As she talks, Erable nods along fairly quietly, adding comments here and there, correcting mistaken details and finishing Wasielewski’s sentences. After almost 15 years of marriage and 22 years of being together, the couple falls in an easy rhythm of speaking, almost as if they share the same thoughts. Although they do share the same workplace, they rarely see each other during the day. But they admit that they do take their work home with them. “When we get home, most of what we talk about is Franklin College,” Erable said. “One of the really nice things is that we really like our work, so talking about it is not complaining about it all the time.” Wasielewski said they always have positive things to share with each other every day. “We love working together, talking about these courses and these trips,” she said. “I will take talking about the same subject a lot if that subject is something you’re really passionate about.”

s t o r y, p h o t o & d e s i g n



FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2016


Celebrities should use their voices to encourage, not force


EDITORIAL Everywhere we look, celebrities are trying to influence our lives — how we dress, what we listen to, what we watch. We don’t realize how much celebrities influence us, but they do. Most recently, celebrities have started to influence, or try to influence, the way we vote. That begs the question of whether they should. From Katy Perry to Beyoncé to Kanye West, several celebrities made their voices heard for fans to hear throughout the 2016 election cycle. Many people believe that celebrities should use their platform to encourage people to vote, not who to vote for. Celebrities have thousands of young and impressible viewers who may not be political buffs but would rather vote or follow someone supported by their favorite singer or actor. During the election season, several celebrities used their platform to campaign for certain candidates.

While it’s great to see these famous and make educated decisions. People people get involved in politics, it’s not need to realize that their favorite ideal to see their fans vote or support celebrities do not hold all the answers a candidate just to every question. because Beyoncé Just because they supports them. believe one way OUR POSITION Celebrities does not mean face the difficult The opinion staff believes you should, too. task of balancing People need to celebrities should only use their make sure they the line between voices to encourge people to vote, take being too vocal matters or not vocal into their own but not who to vote for. enough. Many hands to educate fans weren’t themselves on a very happy topic or person. when Taylor If they see their Swift didn’t say or mention anything favorite celebrity supporting someone, about voting until Election Day, instead of making the rash decision to while some people berated and jump on the bandwagon and support scolded Misha Collins for being that person, they need to consider their so vocal about his political views. policies and learn about the person. However, all consumers of the While it may be seen as important celebrity product must also be aware for celebrities to use their platform

around campus:


to encourage people to vote, it is also important for people to do their own research and make informed opinions on their own. Celebrities should use their voice and platform to inform their fans on important issues, but not on how to view those issues.

OUR BOARD The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors in the opinion section do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the entireThe Franklin staff. Opinion editor Christina Ramey moderates the board and its members, including Brittney Corum, Adrianna Pitrelli, Matt Thomas and Ashley Steeb. Leigh Durphey, the executive editor, sits on the board. If you have an issue you would like the board to cover, email


Annalise Lowry, junior “Well honestly no, because [celebrities] get paid to 11% of people think celebrities can make a large difference act, not to tell people what to do, but it’s also okay if theyinfluencepeopletodotherightthing.Thatisright in my mind and is good for the country and people.”

33% of people think celebrities can make some difference

Kawaii Canada, freshman “Yes and no. Yes, because [celebrities] have a lot of power, and no because you don’t have to be a social warrior for everything.”

27% of people think celebrities can make a little difference

24% of people think celebrities make no difference at all

4% of people aren’t sure Source:


FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2016



the last word Wings Etc. gives hometown-feel, BDubs can’t take the heat


As a 20-year-old man that is a sophomore in college, chicken wings have essentially become their own food group to me. Ask me which night a certain chicken wings restaurant has a special, and I can probably tell you without hesitation. What are halfprice-apps? Only the greatest business idea Applebee’s has ever implemented. Recently, a new wings restaurant has flown into the city of Franklin. Wings Etc. is a chain of restaurants offering

various “bar foods,” consisting of burgers, sandwiches, wraps, just about any kind of fried food and — of course — chicken wings, specifically their trademark “jumbo” boneless wings. Although there are more locations popping up across the country, the restaurants themselves seem to be more “small-town” than the wellknown Buffalo Wild Wings, a huge competitor that is expected to invest Franklin in the near future. Wings Etc. has a smaller restaurant, which creates a cozy atmosphere, and the staff is extremely friendly, making it appear to be locally-owned when it is actually a franchise. In terms of price, both restaurants seem to be somewhat similarly priced – with Buffalo Wild Wings most likely the more expensive option. While both businesses also offer various specials each night with the goal of bringing

in more customers in mind, it seems that Wings Etc. offers more meat for their money. The wings are almost twice the size as the wings at Buffalo Wild Wings, and they’re essentially the same price or cheaper. Flavors of the wing sauces are very important, and both Buffalo Wild Wings and Wings Etc. do an exceptional job at offering a wide variety of flavors for their wings. Each restaurant offers about 20 flavors each. Where Wings Etc. has the advantage in this area, however, is that you can mix up your flavors as much as you want. You want 10 wings with 10 different flavors? No problem. At Buffalo Wild Wings, however, there is a minimum amount of wings that must be ordered just to get two different sauces. Either way, I will gladly support both wing businesses, and I’ll see you at 59 cent wing night Thursdays!

‘Rogue One’ takes viewers to a galaxy far away


In a galaxy far, far away, a young and vindictive Jyn Erso joins forces with resistance fighters and others in order to steal the station’s plans for the Rebel Alliance. After being taken away from his family when Jyn was much younger, Galen Erso, Jyn’s father, is the Empire’s main engineer for the Death Star. “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is just that — a “Star Wars” story.

It’s a story “Star Wars” fans needed as they have nearly two years to wait between “Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens” and “Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi.” From armored combat vehicles to aerial fights, “Rogue One” takes viewers through the formation of the Rebel Alliance and their strategy to steal the plans of the Death Star from the Galactic Empire. Although “Rogue One” falls between “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” and “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope,” viewers can enjoy the new “Star Wars” story without seeing any other movie in the franchise. And if you haven’t seen any “Star Wars” movies, but want to after watching “Rogue One,” don’t worry — “Rogue One” does not spoil “A New Hope” in any way.

Of course, with every movie, there are negative parts. While some enjoy the amount of action that happens right after the words, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” hit the screen, others say there is too much going on. Within the first half hour, viewers are taken to different planets, time periods and bases while being introduced to quite a few characters. The bouncing around makes it difficult for the audience to remember where they’ve been once reaching Jedha. Overall, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is a must-see for “Star Wars” fans or for someone who wants to see a good film with a lot of action. The movie as a whole will leave you with a desire to run out of the theater during the credits to buy a ticket to the next show — not that I would ever do such a thing. @THEFRANKLINNEWS



On Feb. 10, the night sky was ablaze. Lit by a full moon, an eclipse and a comet, that cold winter night turned out to be a rare sight to see. The full moon was most visible of all three. However, it was no ordinary full moon. This moon had a name. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, this moon was referred to as the “Snow Moon.” The name derives from the idea that February brings heavy snow fall, which is ironic when thinking about the spring-like weather Indiana has seen this season. Stargazers and night owls could also witness a penumbral eclipse during the early evening hours of the night. The eclipse started at approximately 5:34 p.m. in North America, and ended at 9:53 p.m., according to CNN. The climax of the eclipse occurred at 7:44 p.m. While the Snow Moon and the eclipse were both seen fairly early in the night, the comet came later. The comet passed by the Earth at approximately 3 a.m. The green comet, dubbed 45P, was the most difficult sight to see. Those with camera capabilities and precision may have witnessed the passing. It is rare to have three events like these in one night, but with the phenomenon comes a question: Has technology destroyed the marvels of such events? Technology gives us opportunities to experience wonders, such as the comet 45P. However, many watch these events days after on YouTube, rather than spending the evening outdoors that night. The problem with relying on YouTube is that the website takes away from your personal experiences. Sure. Anyone can hop on the internet and watch a multitude of videos on eclipses, comets and full moons. But nothing beats laying under the night sky to witness the rare events with the naked eye.


FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2016



IN BRIEF: G R I Z Z LY S W I M M E R S BREAK RECORDS, WIN CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES Last weekend, both the men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams won championship titles at the Liberal Arts Swimming and Diving Championship. This is the men’s fourth consecutive Liberal Arts Championship and the women’s first. Eleven women’s teams and nine men’s teams participated in the championship this year and accounted for nearly 300 swimmers and divers. Overall, the women won 10 of the 20 possible events and broke 12 team records. The 400 medley relay team of Mackenzie Dwyer, Kaitlin Mans, Karlee Demsey and Regina Solik won first place, as did the 800 freestyle relay team of Dwyer, Sarah Taylor, Haley Blaich, and Amy McCormick in new team record time. In the night’s final event, Solik set a new record time of 23.58. Along with getting gold for her time, Solik is the first Franklin College female swimmer to achieve a national time standard. For the men’s team, Artur Schneider, a two-time NCAA National Qualifier and two-time NCAA Academic All-American, won all three of his individual events (200 individual medley, 100 backstroke, and 200 backstroke), putting him in the top 25 in the nation for each event. Schneider was named Liberal Arts Swimmer of the Year. This is the third time in four years Schneider has won the honor. Four other Franklin College swimmers and one diver have provisionally qualified for Nationals, including Solik. Along with the swimmers, Dee Woods was named Men’s Diving Coach of the Year and Andy Hendricks was named Men’s and Women’s Swimming Coach of the Year. The men scored 750 points and the women scored 635 points total. Source: Franklin College Athletics


FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 2017

the last stretch Hannah Grow juggles lacrosse, academics, more in final semester In her final semester of college, senior lacrosse player Hannah Grow adds getting ready for the real world to her already busy schedule of academics, student teaching, lacrosse and other clubs. Grow has been playing lacrosse since her sophomore year of high school. She decided to play when the school added lacrosse to the sports offered at the school. Lacrosse also runs in her family. “I grew up just messing around with my cousins, and then when it came to my school as a club, I just decided to give it a try and ended up falling in love with it,” Grow said. Knowing she wanted to continue playing in college, Grow started looking for schools where she could pursue an education major and play her favorite sport. “I saw that [Franklin College] had a really good education program and that’s my major, so then I could do both here. I could have a great education and be able to play the sport that I love,” Grow said. In addition to lacrosse and academics, Grow is involved in Education Club, Pi Beta Phi, and student teaching. Grow said the biggest challenge

with juggling lacrosse and academics has been time management. She said school always comes first, but she tries to give as much as she can when it comes to lacrosse. “I want to make sure that I give it my all, and when I’m there I try to give 100 percent of what I have that day, even if it’s not very much of that day,” she said. For Grow, being in a sport actually helps her de-stress from everything else going on in her life. “It’s nice to just shoot a ball into the net as hard as you can. Nothing like a good stress reliever,” Grow said. Although she’s played lacrosse since high school and learned to balance school work with a sport simultaneously, Grow said it is different in college because there is more independence and responsibility on her part. “Here, there is no one to tell you how to do it,” she said. “In high school, I had my parents help a lot. They’re great, and they were always there for me. Here it’s just completely on your own. You have to figure it out on your own, and you’re an adult now.” With this being her last semester of college, Grow reflected on some of the things she will miss most, including the



people she has met playing lacrosse. “I’ll miss lacrosse,” Grow said. “I’ll miss the people here, my teammates and my friends. I’ll miss how everyone’s in one place here. Next year, we’re all going to be in different places and it’s going to be sad.” Grow does not plan to attend graduate school after this semester, but has not eliminated the option completely. Regardless of her decision, she plans to continue her lacrosse career by coaching one day. “With being an education major, that was another thing to help me pick that major because I could coach lacrosse,” Grow said. “I want to move to either the east coast or the west coast because that’s where lacrosse is really popular. Being able to coach at any age level would be really cool.” Even though it can be stressful to manage a sport with daily life, Grow said it is doable, especially when she remembers to stay positive and work hard. “I always try to think that it’s all going to work out in the end,” she said. “If you work hard and you’re giving it all that you have and you’re doing the best you can, then everything will work out in the end. That’s how I try to look at it.”

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