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Friday, Oct. 7, 2016 | TheFranklinNews.com
Security sends alerts on case-by-case basis ASHLEY SHULER
Campus security sent its first-ever wasn’t believed to be in danger. alert concerning a student’s whereTwo hours after security received the abouts last week. initial report about Mansfield, the offiThe focus of the message was a first cer on duty notified the Franklin Police in Security Director Steve Leonard’s Department in an effort to “err on the 19-year career at the college. It came side of caution,” Leonard said. after campus security received a report “Someone can go to a movie and have from a student concerned about the their phone off,” he said. “Or go to dinway sophomore Simina Mansfield left ner. Or whatever they want to do. So it her residence hall was very easily on Sept. 26. determined, at Leonard, the that time, it’s primary decision If situations warrant it, not an appromaker in sending priate measure campus alerts, I will send one every day. to [send an asked people to I will send one every hour alert].” contact security But concerns with “information if I need to. If it’s detergrew the folconcerning the mined it’s something all of lowing day whereabouts” of when ManMansfield on Sept. campus needs to know about, sfield didn’t 27. show up to I wouldn’t hesitate. The Franklin is class. identifying ManThat’s when – Steve Leonard, security director sfield because she Leonard conwas named in both ferred with the campus email and text alert. Man- campus officials and made the decision sfield did not respond to requests for to send the security alert. an interview. It was sent at about 10 a.m. Sept. 27. The message to campus came hours The student was located less than two after security was first alerted to the hours later. situation on Sept. 26. “It’s a very conscious decision to not Students told security that Mansfield over send [the alerts],” Leonard said. screamed and left her personal belong- “I want this to be for true emergencies ings in the stairwell shortly before or serious situations that people will leaving Hoover, her residence hall. pay attention to when I send them.” One student identified this scream as The college adopted the text system one of frustration, not danger. in the fall of 2008. Security held off on sending an alert, Security uses Rave Mobile Safety, Leonard said, because the student a system many college campuses use
across the nation, to send the alerts. Security pays each year and has unlimited use of the service. “If situations warrant it, I will send one Zoie Richey | The Franklin every day,” Leonard said. “I will send one Students who are signed up for the emergency text alerts received these mesevery hour if I need sages last week: “Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of to. If it’s determined Simina Mansfield, please contact FC Security at 317-738-8888” and “Simina it’s something all Mansfield has been safely located. We appreciate the support of the campus of campus needs and Franklin communities.” to know about, I wouldn’t hesitate.” The texts and emails are also useful Leonard has 11 templates preloaded in snowy or icy weather, when classes into the alert interface so he can fill in or evening campus events are canceled. the gaps and customize the messages Leonard says they use the messages to quickly before sending them out. disseminate information quicker than Above all, Leonard said the protocol through the local news. for sending alerts is on a “case-by-case” In the past, the system has been used basis and is about using resources and to alert the campus to dangerous sitthe advice of his emergency manage- uations like area armed robberies and ment team, rather than a by-the-book a student assaulted and robbed on checklist. campus. Leonard has mostly used the sys“After situations like this, whether tem to warn the campus about severe it’s formally or informally, the key weather. players touch base to review,” Leonard When the Johnson County sirens go said. “How did everything go? What off, Leonard and Physical Facilities could we have done better? Should Director Tom Patz become short-term we have done something differently? I meteorologists, checking the radar and would agree that everything was done deciding if the weather is close enough appropriately [in Mansfield’s situaand severe enough to warrant sending tion].” an alert. To receive future campus emergency The idea is to send out a message messages, log into myFC.franklincolwith enough notice but not too far in lege.edu, expand the “departments” advance for students, faculty and staff tab on the left side, click “security,” to get to safety on campus. and fill out the “emergency text registration” box on the right side.