The Hoya: April 7, 2017

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Georgetown University • Washington, D.C. Vol. 98, No. 42, © 2017

FRIday, April 7, 2017


Cherry blossoms have become icons of D.C. and the continued friendship between the U.S. and Japan.

EDITORIAL The university can promote safety on Georgetown Day through resources.

AWARD RECOGNIZES STUDENT A junior received Glamour magazine’s College Women of the Year award.




Metro Calls Ebell, Symons Contest Future of Trump’s EPA Attention To Sexual Assault Darius Iraj

Hoya Staff Writer

Isabelle Groenewegen Hoya Staff Writer

For Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority police officers hosted outreach events at five Metrorail stations Tuesday to raise awareness about sexual harassment on the Metro. In collaboration with Collective Action for Safe Spaces, which is a D.C.-based organization focused on ending public harassment and sexual assault in the area, and Stop Street Harassment, officers spoke to commuters at the Gallery Place, ShawHoward, L’Enfant Plaza, Rosslyn and Silver Spring train stations during evening rush hour to encourage riders to report incidents of sexual harassment.

“Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and have the right to travel without being harrassed or intimidated.” RON PAVLIK Metro Transit Police Chief

Reports can be made via WMATA’s text message system, hotline number and web portal, as well as reporting directly to an employee or sending an email. These efforts follow the launch of WMATA’s anti-sexual harassment public service campaign last fall, which encourages victims and witnesses to speak up. According to WMATA, this day of spreading awareness is part of a multi-level campaign that began in 2012 to combat sexual harassment on Metro services. A January 2016 WMATA online survey reported that 21 percent of transit riders in the D.C. region have experienced sexual harassment on public transportation. Following those results, WMATA has worked to improve employee training and raise public awareness on the issue through anti-sexual harassment advertisements. According to the survey, verbal harassment was the most common at 75 percent, with women nearly three times more likely to experience it than men. Twentysix percent of responders said they had been touched in a sexual way and 2 percent had experienced sexual assault. Metro Transit Police Chief Ron Pavlik said despite Metro reporting a 32 percent decline in reports of harassment last year, those experiencing harassment should be discouraged from reporting incidents to police. “Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and have the right to travel without being harassed or intimidated,” Pavlik See METRO, A6


The Environmental Protection Agency is no longer serving its purpose and requires budget cuts, according to climate change contrarian Myron Ebell, who oversaw President Donald Trump’s EPA transition team Wednesday. According to Ebell, who helped appoint senior staff and develop environmental policy as head of the transition team, the EPA has become oversized. During the event hosted by the Lecture Fund, alongside Jeremy Symons, associate vice president of Climate Political Affairs at advocacy group Environment Defense Fund, Ebell spoke out against the need to immediately address climate change and transparency in the EPA. “The agency has largely accomplished its mission for clean air and clean water,” Ebell said. “This is an agency that has gotten fat and lazy, and that there is room to cut, particularly when you look at the freelancing that the agency has started to do beyond its statutory responsibilities. There is a lot of room to cut the budget.” Trump appointed Ebell to head his EPA transition team last September. Ebell currently heads environmental and energy policy at Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian think tank funded in part by the coal industry, according to The New York Times. About 200 members of student advocacy group Students for Climate Security protested Ebell’s appointment by marching from Red Square to Ebell’s offices on L Street on Nov. 18.


Associate Vice President of Climate Political Affairs Jeremy Symons, left, and Myron Ebell, who led President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency transition team, discussed climate change Wednesday. Ebell said immediate action is not required to address climate change. According to Ebell, most polling that indicates Americans want action on climate change is misguided, as many supporters of policies targeting climate change do

not consider the cost associated with such programs. “The public does not agree with those proponents, those promoters of global warming alarmism, who say that we have to take immediate and very expensive action which will im-

poverish people for no benefit,” Ebell said. According to Ebell, action to address climate change can often end up hurting those it is supposed to help. See EBELL, A6

Housing Costs to Include Laundry Fees Quinn Coleman Special to The Hoya


Room and board charges for the 2017-2018 school year will include the cost of 24 loads of laundry, the result of a joint effort between the Office of Residential Living and the Georgetown University Student Association.

The university plans to include the price of 24 loads of laundry in room and board charges for the 2017-18 school year to reduce the economic burden of laundry costs on students receiving financial aid. The Office of Residential Living collaborated with the Georgetown University Student Association on the program, which will consider one load as both washing and drying. The program will allow students to do 1.5 loads of laundry per week on average without using additional GOCard funds. The laundry fee will not be included in the room rates for townhouses. Students currently pay $1.75 for each separate load of washing and drying, following a fee increase from $1.50 in September 2016. According to Speaker of the GUSA Senate Richie Mullaney (COL ’18), the inclusion of laundry costs will be offset by the elimination of other fees. “They adjusted other costs to offset the new laundry cost in this trial run because the university is not looking to profit off of laundry,” Mullaney said about the university administration’s efforts. The inclusion of laundry in See LAUNDRY, A6




Ewing Introduced Patrick Ewing was officially introduced as Georgetown’s 18th head basketball coach Wednesday. B10

Security Costs Scrutinized The GUSA senate passed a bill to address concerns on security costs at events hosted by student groups. A5

Food for Thought Trying cuisines from different cultures provides a gateway to multiculturalism. A3

SPORTS Leonard Silences Cornell

NEWS Segregation in DC Schools

OPINION Case in Point

Behind seven strong innings by senior pitcher Nick Leonard, Georgetown defeated Cornell 3-1. B10

A report from earlier this year shed light on segregation in the District’s public and charter schools. A5

Published Tuesdays and Fridays

Pressure to pursue lucrative consulting careers stifles students’ potential. A3

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