From the editor’s desk Dear Readers, As with so many things at this stage, the arrival of this magazine — whether you found it pushed under your door in a rather stalker-esque fashion by one of our staffers, or in a newsstand somewhere on campus — may be a little confusing. What is The Hoya, you may ask, and why has it given me this? It is the newspaper of record on campus, and every year our staffers produce this magazine to try and assuage concerns about your new life on the Hilltop. Through New Student Orientation and any pre-orientation program you were a part of these past few days, you will have seen a great deal of what this university and this city have to offer. Hopefully, you are even more excited to be here and get started on your Georgetown career. If, however, it has left you feeling a little daunted, do not panic. You have now joined a class of hundreds of students from around the world, and everyone adjusts differently. But we believe that the anxieties about the small details of exactly how life at Georgetown works should be and are entirely avoidable. So consider this your cheat sheet on how to speed up the process of making this university feel like home. Trust me, it won’t take long. Confused by the meal plan system? Desperate to know how to find a good party? Heard someone say DFMO and are mid-frantic search of The right page has the right answer. In your hands is the wisdom of students past and present, cultivated by generations of students on our staff who have made endless embarrassing mistakes and many fortunate discoveries. I sincerely hope it proves itself to be useful. I also hope that seeing the result of the all the work our tremendous staff put in over this summer will inspire you to pick up a copy of our twice-weekly newspaper from one of our newsstands, to visit and maybe even come to meet us in person at our information session Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. We would all love to meet you, and perhaps even welcome you to our team. For more articles to guide you through Georgetown life, be sure to check out, where you can find the articles in this magazine and more. The Hoya team and I wish you all the best. Welcome to Georgetown.
Jess Kelham-Hohler Editor-in-Chief
ABOUT THE HOYA The Hoya is the oldest and largest student newspaper of Georgetown University, serving as the university’s newspaper of record since 1920. It is published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year, and each Friday issue also includes a weekly lifestyle magazine, The Guide. The Hoya publishes two blogs: The Fourth Edition and a sports blog, Hoya Paranoia. It distributes free copies to various locations across campus and the Georgetown neighborhood during the academic year, and continues to publish online during summers and between print issues. The Hoya has been a central part of the university community since its first publication in 1920. Although not financially independent from the university, The Hoya is produced, managed and edited entirely by students. Over 200 students are involved in the publication of the paper as reporters, photographers, designers, editors and business staff. To find out more about our staff, check out our #HoyaHumans posts on our Facebook and Instagram.
table of contents Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Four Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Residence Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 On-Campus Dining . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Campus Resource Centers . . . . . . . 9 Hidden Gems on Campus . . . . . . . 10 Errands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Study Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Social Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Part-Time Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Hoya Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 DC Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 DC Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Getting Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 District Neighborhoods . . . . . . . . . 22 Nature Outings . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Hoya History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 News to Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Student Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Georgetown Dictionary . . . . . . . . . 30 Bucket List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Follow @thehoya on Twitter and Instagram, and find us on Facebook for updates on special issues, contests and breaking news.
JESS KELHAM-HOHLER JESUS RODRIGUEZ Editor-in-Chief Layout Editor TOBY HUNG Executive Editor
MATTHEW TRUNKO Managing Editor
PHOTO: Instagram contest winner Leonor Morrow (SFS '19)
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS Elizabeth Cavacos, Jinwoo Chong, Kristen Fedor, Shannon Hou, Yuri Kim, Meg Lizza, John Miller, Syed Humza Moinuddin, Aly Pachter, Katherine Richardson, Paolo Santamaria, Kshithij Shrinath, Daniel Smith, Emma Wenzinger, Sarah Wright
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the four houses
or the majority of incoming Hoyas who grew up reading "Harry Potter," one of the most #basic Instagram choices during those first weeks on campus is a picture of Healy Hall with a caption alluding to Hogwarts. Beyond the walls of our own “castle,” though, is another striking similarity to the magical world: four schools that act as a Muggle version of the four Hogwarts houses.
Much like Gryffindor, which stole the show as the obvious star of the series, the College is the most popular of the four schools. Many of its 43 majors and 49 minors are even housed in Healy Hall, the Hogwarts of campus itself. From philosophy to physics and everything in between, the College encompasses the widest range of students and represents the greatest variety of Georgetown. With a diverse set of requirements, the College encourages its students to be well-rounded. Freshmen often enter the College undecided on their majors, proving their Gryffindor-like bravery in the unknown.
Clearly the Ravenclaws of the university, students in the School of Foreign Service earn degrees from one of the most prestigious schools in the world for international affairs. The school is home to eight majors and 18 certificates, many with complicated, long titles with a worldly air. Students pride themselves on their academics, surviving a 17-course core curriculum, achieving language proficiency and passing the infamous “Map of the Modern World” test. Classes in the SFS are where you are most likely to be seated next to a future world leader, or at least someone with a dream of becoming president.
Known for its pristine building and “MSBros” in suits, the McDonough School of Business students are living in style. As the Slytherins of campus though, these Hoyas sometimes draw jealousy from the other three schools for notoriously having no classes on Fridays. Additionally, to truly thrive in the MSB, one needs to be especially smart and cunning. One needs to beat the curve and survive accounting requirements, along with copious amounts of group projects. Business students are ambitious, driven and often the epitome of professional success.
With an overall focus on health and bettering lives, whether or not one pursues nursing, the School of Nursing and Health Studies students are caring and thus quintessential Hufflepuffs. The smallest of the four schools, the NHS includes four majors and six general courses all students complete. While it is sometimes referred to as “the nursing school,” the three other majors include international health, human science and health care management and policy. Due to the size of the school, it is known for fostering the closest sense of community.
residence halls
ou’re moving onto the campus of Georgetown University for the first time. Questions abound. Will you have a cool roommate? Are the bathrooms really that bad? Unfortunately, having a cool roommate is something we cannot predict. On other details, we can offer some help. As new students, you will most likely be living in one of the four freshman residence halls — Village C, Harbin Hall, New South Hall or Darnall Hall — each with its own unique layouts, amenities and floor culture. Here’s a rundown of what to expect.
village c
Split into two wings, the 100 percent freshman West Wing and the freshmen-transfer-upperclassman East Wing, Village C is the only residence hall on this list with private bathrooms — an attractive offer, if you happen to be a germophobe and the thought of communal showers gives you hives. The tradeoff is that Village C rooms run smaller than small, distributed evenly among doubles and a few rare singles. The floors are moderately sized, with around 30 to 40 students each. Nearby, you’ll find easy access to O’Donovan’s Hall –– better know as Leo’s –– Dahlgren Quadrangle, the Healey Family Student Center and the wind tunnel leading to Cooper Field. Life in Village C can be closed-off compared to other dorms, given its relatively small floors. Its position on campus and its bathroom situation, however, make it one of the more sought-after residence options on campus, even if the selection process is random.
Harbin is a different story. President Bill Clinton (SFS '68) lived in Harbin in 1965, which is an interesting piece of history yet also a testament to the building’s age. You’ll notice it pretty easily. Harbin is the only freshman residence hall on campus with its double rooms arranged in clusters according to gender, which are nests of three or four same-gender rooms throughout its spiraling hallways. You’ll find some of the closest floors and clusters in Harbin due to this unique floor plan. The building’s elevators are among the fastest on campus, an asset considering that the nine-floored dorm is one of the taller buildings on campus. Its student-to-floor ratio is similar to that of Village C, and its location puts it relatively halfway between the Leavey Center and the front lawn, providing a short and manageable walk to most places on campus. The New North staircase leading up from the building’s patio will almost certainly shave minutes off your travel time crossing campus.
new south
You’ll find the most state school-esque dorm room in New South Hall. With long, straight hallways, almost 100 students per floor and a reputation as the party dorm, New South makes for a polarizing arrangement. It is almost always loud and, depending on your proximity to the communal bathrooms, may set up some unfortunate encounters, like running into a group of kids on the other side of the building that you’ve never seen before wearing only your towel. New South rooms also feature a sink, mirror and medicine cabinet, which will make your before-bed routine far easier than in any other dorm with communal bathrooms. With so many people on each floor, the residence hall’s social culture can be overwhelming, with large packs of people from each floor usually forming throughout the beginning of freshman year. But don’t be discouraged! For every impossibly friendly social butterfly on your floor, there are five other perfectly friendly individuals still trying to figure out the tumultuous first few weeks of college alongside you.
As the only residence hall far north of the other three, closer to the medical school and the hospital than anything on campus, Darnall Hall gets a bad rep. You’ll hear students complaining constantly about the fact that they live there, even if they’re afforded things like easy access to the Leavey Center, the upperclassman social hub of Henle Village and 24-hour food at Epicurean and Company. Darnall’s location is a virtue and a vice in this way. In terms of its rooms, Darnall is the only residence hall with twin beds instead of twin XL, so plan your Bed, Bath & Beyond shopping spree accordingly. Its floors are slightly larger than that of Harbin, and boasts large hallways with a spacious, central common room. Its floors are also fitted with full-length mirrors allowing you to ensure your classroom and late-night outfits are always on point. You’ll find some of the closest communities in Darnall, afforded perhaps by its isolation in relation to the rest of the freshmen on campus and the opportunity to take late-night conversation downstairs to Epi.
on-campus dining
s you made your way down M Street to campus for the first time, you probably imagined spending every day grabbing lunch at Sweetgreen, buying groceries at Dean & DeLuca and dining in style at Cafe Milano. But soon enough, your bank account will be drained and you’ll have to return to closer and cheaper pastures to keep yourself fuelled. Make the best of your on-campus options with this handy guide.
O’Donovan Hall, known as Leo’s, is not that bad of an eating experience, despite what you may hear. But as Georgetown’s only dining hall, its selections might start to feel monotonous after your first few months. Leo’s has tried to spice things up for variety’s sake, though, especially with its themed cuisine days. Sometimes you’ll walk in and be surprised by a seemingly random reshuffling of things or a new offering. They also have some great fixed themed days, including Mac Attack Mondays, Taco Tuesdays and Chicken Finger Thursdays, a crowd favorite. Many things in Leo’s can be considered “build your own,” such as the pizza, sandwich, salad and omelette stations. Most would say the breakfast and brunch options are pretty good, as it’s hard to go wrong with scrambled eggs, pancakes, French toast, cereals and a waffle maker. For your lunch and dinner considerations, the stir-fry, burrito and pasta stations all offer consistent, quality meals, while the home station — which has new meat, vegetable and starch options every day — is hit-ormiss. Even for those of you who will find the food really unappetizing, you will find comfort in the experience of dining here — there is no better way to bond with your fellow freshmen than by bemoaning the state of the food on your plate and sharing a stacked pile of cookies at Leo’s.
This campus pub is perfect for a lunch or dinner out with friends when you don’t feel like walking too far. Located in the Healey Family Student Center, it has a menu filled with delicious pub fare including nachos, burgers, bread-bowl soups, wings and a signature Nutella shake. In addition, the restaurant is stocked with a full bar, a takeout window and a solid brunch menu on weekends.
Feeling a desire to be healthy? This storefront of Students of Georgetown, Inc. –– better known as The Corp –– offers hundreds of salads, smoothies and acai bowls. With its location in the Healey Family Student Center, it’s easy to grab a salad or smoothie while you’re studying. The establishment has plenty of delicious salad options for between $9 and $12.
hours. Uncommon Grounds, also known as UG, is in the Leavey Center and is definitely the most comfortable and roomy storefront, regularly featuring student artist performances. The Intercultural Center Galleria’s More Uncommon Grounds, known colloquially as MUG, in contrast, may be nothing more than a cart, but its importance to surviving that 9 a.m. class defies its size.
If you’re really in a bind and need something quick to get you through the day, Grab n’ Go offers sandwiches, salads, chips, fruit and yogurt at two different locations: immediately inside Leo’s and at the end of the hallway beyond Hoya Court inside the Leavey Center.
Corp-run convenience stores are the go-to places on campus to pick up some basic dorm snacks. Need a bag of chips or a slushie? Hoya Snaxa, located underneath an archway in the Southwest Quadrangle, is your best bet. Looking for more substantial groceries like cereal, yogurt, pints of Ben & Jerry’s and toothpaste? Vital Vittles, located in the front of the Leavey Center, has a more expansive collection of goods to suit your every need. It even has ping-pong balls and Solo cups.
These three Corp coffee shop locations have all the essentials to get you your caffeine fix. The prices are low — at least lower than those at Starbucks — and their drinks are solid. The Midnight MUG is the busiest and most important of the three for its prime location on the always-bustling second floor of Lauinger Library and its late
Located on the ground floor of Darnall Hall, Epicurean’s excellent sushi and extensive salad and buffet options offer a nice change of pace and a seemingly higher-quality option compared to Leo’s. Pizza and made-to-order sandwiches are also available. The stars of Epi, though, are its gooey quesadillas and hearty fries, which always taste better after 1 a.m. — it’s a scientific fact. One of its main draws is it’s open 24/7 during the academic year, closing only for a brief period from Sunday night to early Monday morning.
Hoya Court offers some of your main, classic types of food: burgers, sandwiches and salads. There’s an Elevation Burger, a Subway and a Salad Creations for any cravings, as well as a Cosi and a Starbucks down the hall.
Another good snack option is Einstein’s, which has a temporary kiosk between the Grab n’ Go and Starbucks in the Leavey Center, and a full store on the second floor of Car Barn. If you’re in the mood for a good, warm bagel, it has great options, and it also offers other snacks like muffins, fruit cups and yogurt parfaits, as well as decent coffee.
campus resource centers Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service: (202) 687-4357 Georgetown University Police Department: (202) 687-4343 SafeRides: (202) 784-7433 Student Health Center: (202) 687-2200 (for appointments) After-hours emergencies: (202) 444-7243 ask for the Student Health Center clinician on call Counseling and Psychiatric Services*: (202) 687-6985 After-hours emergencies: (202) 444-7243 ask for the CAPS clinician on call Facilities: (202) 687-3432 *CAPS provides confidential crisis counseling and therapy for survivors of sexual assault. Other confidential resources in cases of sexual assault include Associate Director of Health Education Services and Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Services Jen Schweer and Staff Clinician and Sexual Assault Specialist Jennifer Wiggins.
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hidden gems on campus
he awe of Healy Hall never really wears off. Sure, the building is strangely asymmetrical, and half of the structure is an entirely different construction material, but the immense stone never fails to impress, whether coated by layers of snow or bathed in the summer glow. It would be easy to imagine that the rest of Georgetown’s campus simply doesn’t measure up to the lofty standards of the front lawn (while pretending, as usual, that Lau doesn’t exist). But sprinkled throughout the 104 acres of the Hilltop are hidden gems that bring to mind similar feelings of wonder and serendipity. Here are a few.
Located at the opposite side of campus from the front gates, the Georgetown University Astronomical Observatory was founded in 1841 by Fr. James Curley, S.J., of the physics department. The elegant observatory is hidden away behind Yates Field House. Join the GU Astronomical Society for one of its barbecues to get a chance to look around inside the impressive structure — and gain access to an impressive view of both campus and the greater D.C. area.
This chilly crypt underneath St. William Chapel in Copley Hall can feel a bit unsettling at first since it resembles a dungeon, but the space offers a quiet reprieve from the bustle of campus and a comforting space to process any overwhelming thoughts.
I am loath to reveal this informa-
tion, as it happens to be one of my favorite places on campus, but this classroom, which appears normal, has windows that open out onto a balcony right above the center of WhiteGravenor Hall — overlooking all of Copley Lawn.
It is difficult to describe how to find your way onto rooftops of the various buildings, but if one of your friends offers to show you, take them up on the offer; the views are almost uniformly spectacular, and the thrill of adventure is exhilarating. All are generally locked, so don’t necessarily expect too much, but keep an eye out: fate guides the fortunate. Also difficult to access but enthralling: the subterranean network of tunnels. Get exploring.
Riggs Library inspires a feeling of envy I never thought I could feel; its el-
egant bookcases and winding staircases are so reminiscent of the Hogwarts library that it is heartbreaking students are rarely permitted to enter and never to study. The bioethics library, however, on the first floor of Healy Hall is a good replacement, with its wooden tables, old spines and ambient lighting. Despite early closures during the week at around 9 p.m., the extended hours for finals are primed for studying and never particularly crowded.
Look, I’m clearly a nerd, but you’re here at Georgetown, so I assume you are too. The Booth Center on the fifth floor of Lauinger Library is filled with fascinating archives of Georgetown’s history to accompany the intriguing glass displays organized by the curators of the center. It is the best place to research the significance of the place where you will be spending the next four years.
There are dozens of these little locations all around campus. Some, like the cupola of the medical school, are hidden in dark corners; others, like the statue of Jan Karski, in plain sight. Rather than reveal them through an incomprehensive list, I’ll encourage you to find them yourself. Keep your eyes perpetually peeled; adventure is out there.
errands SAFEWAY
If you’re looking for food essentials beyond what Vital Vittles can offer, this is your place to stock up on groceries. It has a great selection and also includes an extensive deli counter, a pharmacy and a Starbucks. If you’re feeling lazy, you can sign up on for deliveries to your dorm, with your first one free. Also, because the walk isn’t the quickest and coming back with all your groceries can be difficult, it is a good idea to hop on the Wisconsin Avenue Georgetown University Transportation Shuttle, which you can board in front of Epicurean and Company. 1855 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Searching for something more organic and wholesome? Whole Foods is located up the road from Safeway in Glover Park and also has a wide variety of prepared foods. Included inside is its Whole Body section, which sells a variety of vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies and other natural products. The GUTS bus will stop about half a block down from the store. 2323 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Walk on M Street and turn onto Pennsylvania Avenue and you’ll soon find yourself in Foggy Bottom and right near Trader Joe’s. Emphasizing easy-to-prepare and inexpensive products, Trader Joe’s is an ideal place for college students to shop. The large selection of fresh produce and healthy microwavable meals are great if you aren’t in the mood for Leo’s and don’t want to order take-out. To avoid such a trek, hop on the Circulator heading to Dupont Circle to get there, and use either the WMATA 32 or 36 bus on the way back. 1101 25th St. NW
Household/Dorm Essentials
Is your dorm room looking a little bare? Walk down M Street, past Dean & Deluca to find TJ Maxx. It’s the per-
fect store to find all your miscellaneous dorm essentials for a discounted price. Whether it’s an extra pillow, cooking pan, decorative blanket to keep you warm or that perfect poster to cover those white walls, TJ Maxx has it all. 3222 M St. NW
Just a short walk over the Key Bridge or free GUTS bus ride to Rosslyn, the new Target Express is a great place to get cleaning supplies, toiletries, groceries and other home essentials at a cheaper price than in D.C. It is very easy to get to and is located across the street from a Safeway, so you can kill two birds with one stone. 1500 Wilson Blvd. Rosslyn, VA 22209
When the inevitable colds start becoming more widespread on campus, head to CVS for everything you need to stay healthy. Vitamins, Advil, tissues; CVS has it all, and of course this extends to many other products. Stop by for shampoo, soap, candy or anything else you might need. It’s open 24 hours, while the pharmacy closes at 6 p.m. on weekends and 10 p.m. during the week. 1403 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Dry Cleaning
Quick and inexpensive, GT Quality Cleaners is a convenient way to avoid burning your favorite shirt on the ironing board, and if that suit isn’t fitting as well as you’d like, you can get it altered here, too. 3455 Prospect St. NW
Shipping and Office
Located right outside the front gates, the UPS Store is a very handy place for all your shipping needs. No matter what size box or how much packing tape, should you need to ship something — especially when moving out —
this is where you’ll go. 1419 37th St. NW in Poulton Hall
If you’re looking for services beyond just standard printing, FedEx has you covered. Whether you need flyers, posters, banners or other special materials for presentations or student groups, it has the supplies and staff to help you. 3329 M St. NW
The perfect spot for a more luxurious experience at a cost — women’s haircuts start at $77, the men’s at $52. Aveda products are made from all-natural plant extracts, causing minimal damage to your hair. This full-service salon also offers manicures, pedicures and waxing. 1325 Wisconsin Ave. NW
This quintessential men’s barber shop can be found just two blocks from the front gates. A basic cut is $23, and it accepts both appointments and walk-ins. It’s one of the few places in Georgetown where residents and students interact, and the barber makes a point of trying to learn your name. 1329 35th St. NW
Across the street from Wingo’s –– the local wings joint –– may not be where you’d expect to find a high-quality hair salon, but that’s exactly what you’ll get from O Salon. If you only trust the person who cuts your hair at home, this could be the place that finally causes you to cut ties with your local salon. It may be pricey, but for unbeatable care and different treatment options and services, O Salon is your best bet. 3212 O St. NW *** For information on neighborhood and District restaurants, visit
study spots
he Georgetown campus and wider Washington, D.C., area have many prime study spots to offer. Whether you want to have a finals cramming session in one of Georgetown’s more quiet and secluded study spots or get some work done on the weekend in one of the most renowned libraries in the world, here are some of our picks for where to go.
on campus
The Bioethics Research Library, located on the first floor of Healy Hall, is a beautiful and quiet place to get some studying done. The library houses the Kennedy Institute of Ethics’ extensive collection of research material and is a popular draw to researchers both on and off campus. The space also has plenty of tables and couches for students seeking an alternative to Lauinger Library.
White-Gravenor Hall is a great place to study during finals. You can take advantage of all the empty classrooms whether you’re studying solo or with a couple of friends. There are plenty of open chalkboards to use, and the seminar-style classrooms let you spread out all of your study materials across big tables. With natural light coming in through its windows, White-Gravenor certainly has an edge over the Intercultural Center, another accessible study spot. It might not seem like a huge added perk, but it’s better than losing track of whether it’s day or night when you’re cramming in a windowless ICC classroom.
When Saxbys is packed, the Leavey Center Starbucks is a great alternative. It’s always key to keep your caffeine source close when you’re posted up somewhere to study, and if you’re lucky enough to find yourself overflowed with Starbucks gift cards after the holidays, there are few better places to spend an afternoon –– after the lunch rush, of course –– than the far hallway of the Leavey Center.
When the weather is nice and the front lawn starts to fill up with students during spring finals, the Leavey Esplanade is a great place to stretch out on a blanket and get some sun while you’re studying. There’s plenty of open green space, and getting outside is a great way to break up those long days of studying and paper writing when the first few weeks of May roll around.
The Library of Congress isn’t exactly off the beaten path, but it still is a great place to get some work done and get away from campus at the same time. You can get a free library card to access the famous Main Reading Room of the Thomas Jefferson building by registering in the Madison Building right across the street. Whether you’re there to access the library’s massive collection for research or just do some homework, the Reading Room can’t be beaten. It’s huge, beautiful, quiet and perfect for being productive or –– let’s be real –– taking the perfect Instagram shot.
The Kogod Courtyard, connecting the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery, is a beautiful open space perfect for getting off campus and doing some work on the weekends. The space feels like it is outdoors, but it is actually protected by a huge overhead glass canopy. You can get a bite to eat at the Courtyard Cafe and enjoy free Wi-Fi while you sit, making it a perfect midday spot to catch up on work, enjoy some prime people-watching and take study breaks wandering the galleries of the adjoining museums.
For those of you that need a constant caffeine fix and a fresh view to keep focused on your studies, get yourself off campus and settle at a table at a local coffee shop. If you’re not feeling like taking a long trek, Saxby’s is a good bet –– though it can get competitive for tables and the music can be quite loud. Otherwise, there is a spacious and light Starbucks on M St. that tends to be more pleasant than the one in Leavey. Dog Tag Bakery on Grace St., just off M St., is another great choice –– again, tables can be sparse, but the knowledge that the profits from your purchase will go to support military veterans makes the walk all the more worth it.
Another great place to do some reading is in the row of armchairs located right outside of the stairwell entrance on the fifth floor of Lauinger Library. Whatever the season, you get a great view of Healy and the front lawn –– a good alternative to boxing yourself into a cubicle or one of those private rooms that could be too easily mistaken for a jail cell.
social scene If you’re like the tens of thousands of new students who have come before you, you are likely curious about the Hilltop’s party scene. Surely, questions have popped into your head: Does everyone drink? No. How can I sneak a keg into New South? Please don’t. Should I buy a toga? Make one. Fortunately, we have the answers to your burning questions.
Sorry, but unless you took three gap years after high school or took four years to pass eighth grade, probably not.
If you do choose to drink in your dorm room with your new friends, you probably won’t get caught — as long as you’re smart about it. Resident assistants don’t do random room checks, but making a lot of noise will likely draw their attention — which hosting more than a few people and blasting your impress-my-new-friends-withmy-cool-jams playlist will basically ensure. If people keep coming and going, the RA on duty will notice, and you will get in trouble.
If you are “written up,” it means your RA will document the situation and forward it to the hall director, who will decide what disciplinary measures to take. Assuming your transgression was limited to drinking in your dorm and being disruptive, your punishment will likely include only sanction hours, a fine and/or taking AlcoholEdu®. Repeated violations, however, can end up on your transcript, jeopardizing your ability to study abroad and secure on-campus housing.
Especially at the beginning of the semester, freshmen tend to walk in packs around West Georgetown and on-campus apartment complexes, listening for the faint yet unmistakable sound of a tapped keg. For freshmen, this is generally acceptable behavior, and if your group is not too big
and has a reasonable girl-to-guy ratio, upperclassmen will usually graciously let you crash their party. As the semester progresses, the university will likely begin to crack down on parties, so upperclassmen will man the door to ensure no uninvited guests come in. How to maintain a lively social life, then? Someone on your floor is bound to have an upperclassman friend who will welcome you to a social event. Student organizations also frequently host parties and mixers.
that you don’t need to venture out to D.C.’s bar and club scene until you can actually do so legally.
If your dreams include scenes from “Animal House” or “Neighbors,” Georgetown’s lack of a Greek system — the few fraternities and sororities here don’t stack up to their state school contemporaries — may disappoint you. Even without frat houses, however, off-campus townhouses and on-campus apartments are known to throw their fair share of ragers that will show you why everyone describes his college years as the best years of his life. Also, unlike at other schools, as underclassmen guests you won’t be asked to pay for a cup. Juniors and seniors throwing the party generally pick up the tab for underclassmen, knowing that in a few years, when you’re throwing parties, you’ll pay it forward. It’s the nice, Jesuit way of doing things, of course.
First, we caution you against using a fake ID by stating the obvious — it’s super illegal. Penalties for using one are stiff — you could even get arrested. While your fake ID may work at some places, a place that takes it one night may be strict the next night, no matter how “real” your ID looks. The truth is that all fake IDs fall within the range of bad to terrible, and any experienced bouncer will be able to tell it’s not real. Whether you’ll be granted entry will likely just depend on the benevolence of the stony-faced gentleman in front of you. For places like Georgetown Piano Bar, the earlier you are, the better. If you are set on drinking, however, it’s best to have an upperclassman buy alcohol for you. Fakes also tend to work better for girls than guys. Sorry. Still, we know you’ve got them and want to try them. Here’s a list of places where you really should not use a fake: Old Glory, El Centro D.F. and The Tombs. Seriously, don’t, especially at The Tombs. Only a handful of underage students get in with a fake ID each year. Besides, getting your forehead stamped there on your 21st birthday is practically a rite of passage at Georgetown. Don’t let your impatience ruin it.
If someone seems dangerously incoherent or ill, call Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service immediately on (202) 687 - 4357. Georgetown’s student-run EMTs arrive faster to the scene than D.C. Fire and Rescue does, and the ride to the hospital is free. You or your friend will not get in trouble if you contact GERMS, courtesy of a codified medical amnesty clause. Don’t let the fear of getting an underage drinking violation prevent you from seeking medical attention.
No. Some do and some don’t. The social scene on campus is lively enough
Chinese Disco, Piano Bar and Ri Ra Irish Pub on M Street are popular on Thursday nights. Glover Park’s Mason Inn, owned by alumnus Fritz Brogan (COL ’07, LAW ’10) is known to attract students on weekends, especially if there is an event.
Of course not! Plenty of Georgetown students don’t. We’re not just being politically correct. Some opt out of drinking and partying, and that’s cool. Others choose not to drink but party with their friends anyway, and nobody notices the difference. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
part-time jobs It goes without saying that college is expensive. But after a few months of weekend restaurant dinners with your friends, Uber rides, the constant temptation of M Street shopping and the unexpected dayto-day expenses of living away from home, you may find that your budget is stretched a little tighter than you originally planned. If you find yourself in such a predicament or want to get a head start on bringing in some extra income when you arrive on campus in the fall, there are plenty of parttime job opportunities available both on and off campus.
One of the easiest ways to start your job hunt is by checking out the Georgetown Student Employment Office website: seo. Many on- and off-campus employers, including local businesses and parents seeking tutors or babysitters, advertise job openings through this website. You can filter your search results by a number of criteria, including whether you have a federal work-study award and the type of job in which you’re interested. Some on-campus departments and offices only grant employment to students with workstudy, and students with work-study must still go through the application process and be hired by an on-campus employer to
earn their award amount. All students employed on campus are paid D.C. minimum wage, which increased to $11.50 per hour July 1. Finding jobs on campus eases the transition into balancing work and school. On-campus employers tend to be very accommodating and understanding of students’ responsibilities outside of work. You also have more flexibility in scheduling your work hours, as running across campus to your job after a class or a club meeting is much easier than budgeting in time to walk or commute to an off-campus job. Popular and common on-campus jobs include working at Yates Fieldhouse, in Lauinger Library, as a clerical assistant in an office and as a student guard – swiping students’ GOCards – at the front desk of buildings around campus. Student guard job postings can be found at
The Georgetown area has a vast number of job opportunities available for students interested in working at restaurants or in retail. Georgetown Cupcake, Saxbys, Vineyard Vines, Madewell, Ri Ra Irish Pub and The Tombs are just a few of the many businesses near campus known for employing Georgetown students on a regular
basis. Most of the stores and restaurants in the area make applications available on their websites or in person. You can also find off-campus tutoring and babysitting opportunities on the Student Employment Office website, as well as posted on bulletin boards in Saxbys and around campus.
Jumping into an internship is probably an unwise decision during your first semester, or even your first year, because they often require commutes and can have tighter restrictions on the minimum number of hours you have to work per week. However, it’s never too early to start considering which internship opportunities you may want to pursue later on, either during a semester or over the summer. Talking to upperclassmen and exploring careercenter. are good places to start. The Cawley Career Education Center also offers plenty of resources, including counseling appointments, to answer your internship inquiries. NOTE If you are an international student, and are studying at Georgetown on a student visa, make sure you talk to your international student advisor to discuss the restrictions on your permission to work.
“the first rough draft of history”
join the hoya applications due 5 p.m., monday, sept. 12
POLITICS CAN BE TOO. Like politics? Hate politics? Want to figure out how to make it work better?
So do we. Founded last year, the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service (GU Politics) connects students from across the Georgetown community with some of the biggest names in politics. Our goal? To figure out how to make politics work better for the public good. Through speaking events, discussion groups, workshops, trainings, career chats and field trips, we'll give you the access you came to DC for. It’s up to you to bring the ideas. Because at GU Politics, we believe Washington doesn’t have to be what’s wrong with politics — together we can make it part of the solution.
at the McCourt School of Public Policy
Learn more. Sign up. Online: and @GUPolitics On campus: Healy G-18
hoya sports MEN’S BASKETBALL
After a disappointing season, Georgetown’s flagship sports program looks to rebound this year. At the start of the 2015-16 season, ESPN ranked Georgetown as one of the top 25 teams in the country. That ranking did not last long. After opening the season with a double overtime loss at home to Radford, the team never fully recovered, stumbling into Big East conference play at 7-5. The team floundered to a 15-18 (7-11 Big East) record, missing both the NCAA Tournament and the National Invitation Tournament. While a number of factors contributed to the Hoyas’ lackluster season, the injuries to then-sophomore forward Paul White, then-junior forward Akoy Agau and then-senior center Bradley Hayes prevented the team from having its complete roster of players for the entire season. To bolster a largely inexperienced team, Head Coach John Thompson III added two upperclassmen transfer guards. And to bolster overall talent, New Jersey High School Player of the Year Jagan Mosely joins the team and looks to make an immediate impact. Moreover, the team received a pleasant surprise when Hayes announced his return for a fifth year, thanks to the NCAA's granting him an extra year of eligibility due to missed games his freshman year. Altogether, the Blue and Gray have quietly put together a fantastic offseason, adding tactically sound assistant coaches to complement what pundits are calling a revamped and more modern offense. With a tough slate of non-conference opponents including crosstown rival Maryland, old Big East rival Connecticut and national powerhouse Oregon, the new-look Hoyas will be tested early and often. While the team is projected to finish fifth in the Big East, there is reason to be optimistic, along with some glaring question marks that only on-court play can answer. The season tips off in mid-November.
Often an afterthought in the shadow of the men’s team, the women’s program stormed onto the scene last season under the leadership of then-second-year coach
Natasha Adair. Finishing 16-14 (9-9 Big East) last season, the Hoyas shot and slashed their way to the program’s first winning record in two years, along with a Women’s NIT berth to top it all off. Though the team graduated forward Logan Battle and guard Katie McCormick, all of its young talent remained including its two presumptive best players, junior guard Dorothy Adomako and sophomore guard Dionna White. Both ladies were named to the All-Big East Second Team. In addition to returning talent, Adair has added four incoming freshmen and a star transfer: junior guard Mikayla Venson. Venson was the Virignia Cavaliers’ leading scorer this past season and led the ACC in free throw percentage. Though she is not immediately eligible to play, she will be a cornerstone for the program going forward. Most notably and unlike the men’s team, the women’s team plays its games at McDonough Arena, a venue noted for its incredibly loud atmosphere. The team often feeds off the energy in the arena, leading to high-paced basketball and an unmatched level of hype that only the biggest of men’s games can equal. With the team only improving under the guidance of Adair, the women’s basketball team is possibly the most exciting team on campus. Another little-known fact about the women’s team: it takes applications for practice players, a unique experience to immerse yourself in Georgetown athletics and receive some free Jordan/Nike gear. The season tips off in mid-November with some unmistakable publicity events from Georgetown Athletics’ Director of Marketing Chris Grosse.
Perhaps the most successful team at Georgetown, the men’s soccer team boasts consecutive NCAA Tournament Sweet Sixteen appearances, with a Big East regular and postseason title coming last season. The Hoyas also notched the third overall seed in the NCAA Tournament, before unfortunately falling to Boston College in penalty kicks. Finishing with a stellar 16-2-3 (9-0-0 Big East) record, the Hoyas also sent many players to the pros, most notably Keegan Rose-
berry, who was just recently named to the MLS All-Star Team. Despite losing an incredible amount of talent to the major leagues, Georgetown — under the recruiting prowess of Head Coach Brian Wiese — has stocked up on promising young recruits, finishing in the top 20 of recruiting classes this season, bolstering the fifth-best recruiting class from 2015. With the first game set to kick off August 26, men’s soccer will be fully ramped up by the time everyone gets to campus, and Shaw Field offers the unique opportunity to get as close to the action as possible.
Another underrated team at Georgetown, the women’s soccer team finished an impressive 11-5-4 (5-1-2 Big East) last year before falling in a penalty shootout to Hofstra in the NCAA Tournament. While the team is short on veteran leadership, it boasts an impressive junior class and a loaded sophomore class. Moreover, junior midfielder Rachel Corboz was recently named to the Hermann Trophy Watch List, an award given to the best overall player across both men and women’s soccer. Corboz was named a Third-Team All-American last season and First-Team All-Region Honors. Junior defender Elizabeth Wenger garnered Second-Team All-Region honors. Both ladies will anchor a formidable Georgetown squad this fall. The ladies also play at Shaw Field with the same Hoya Hooligan atmosphere. Catch kickoff for the season August 19.
While other sports may not garner the attention of the aforementioned ones, there are plenty of incredible athletes in every sport at Georgetown. The track and field team is nationally ranked every year, the tennis teams are among the best in the Big East, the lacrosse teams are poised to rebound after down years and the sailing team is arguably the best in the country. Many other sports are also transitioning and improving — from swim and dive with its new coach to baseball with a more experienced roster. Sports on the Hilltop this year are looking better than usual, with free entry for every single event by presenting your GOCard.
DC Sports
.C. is home to a plethora of professional teams, and if your hometown — or state — lacks a professional team, the District is here for you. Check out these upcoming games, and get into the spirit of the ultimate commuter city; every stadium is accessible via the Metro and is also just a short taxi or Uber ride away from campus.
Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St. SE Channel your Natitude and throw your support behind Stephen Strasburg and Bryce Harper as the NL-East-leading Nationals battle for a postseason berth. Sept. 2-4: vs. New York Mets Sept. 5-7: vs. Atlanta Braves Sept. 8-11: vs. Philadelphia Phillies Sept. 12-14: vs. New York Mets Sept. 16-18: vs. Atlanta Braves
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW After missing the postseason following two successful seasons, the Wizards will look to rebound as John Wall and company seek out a postseason berth. The NBA preseason begins Oct. 3 and the
regular season kicks off Oct. 27.
FedExField, 1600 Fedex Way, Hyattsville, Md. After an overachieving season, breakout quarterback Kirk Cousins looks to lead a revamped team to its second straight playoff appearance. Sept. 12: vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Sept. 18: vs. Dallas Cowboys Sept. 25: vs. New York Giants Oct. 2: vs. Cleveland Browns
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW Alex Ovechkin will look to lead the Caps deep into the Stanley Cup Playoffs after the team suffered a disappointing loss — despite a historic regular season — to the
eventual champion Pittsburgh Penguins in the Eastern Conference semifinals. Oct. 13: vs. Pittsburgh Penguins Oct. 15: vs. New York Islanders Oct. 18: vs. Colorado Avalanche Oct. 20: vs. Florida Panthers Oct. 22: vs. New York Rangers Oct. 26: vs. Edmonton Oilers
RFK Stadium, 2400 East Capitol St. SE If you’re looking for a professional soccer fix, hop on the United bandwagon and come out to support the team as it middles through an unfamiliarly tough season and fights for a postseason berth. Sept. 1: vs. New York City FC Sept. 11: vs. New York Red Bulls Sept. 16: vs. Chicago Fire
the first place you went during orientation, the last place you went after graduation, the dance party when there was a dance floor, the dance party when there wasn’t, the Tombs brownie, brunch on Sundays, the milkshake between classes, your 2nd home for 99 days straight, dinner with your parents, a drink with your roommates, the stamp on your hand most Sunday morn� ings, the stamp on your hand some Monday mornings, where you met your wife, where you first heard the Chimes, where you went for help with your bow tie before Senior Ball, where you went after the Hoyas won, the place of so many memories, the place you’ll never forget.
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ne of the phrases you will hear most during your Georgetown years is that you really need to try to “burst the Georgetown bubble.” One of the best ways to do this is to gather some of your friends and floormates and head to one of Washington, D.C.’s festivals. Whether it’s music, food or the absolutely essential Cherry Blossom Festival, it’s a great way to see D.C. and share some exciting experiences. Here are our picks of some of the best festivals the District has to offer.
NATIONAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING This isn’t one of the most popular student go-to festivals — probably because it takes place too close to finals period — but if you want to get into the festive spirit, this is probably the most D.C. way to do it. Early in December, the president and first family lead the tree lighting ceremony on the Ellipse. Free tickets are given out via an online lottery system, and they’re pretty hard to come by, but there are also free performances through January on the park just south of the White House that are easier to access. There is also the lighting of the National Menorah in the same park to mark the start of Hanukkah, and this is repeated each night of the holiday.
RESTAURANT WEEK Held each year in January and August, this is a prized week for hungry but broke students, as numerous restaurants open their doors to those with a limited purse, offering an array of meals, drinks and occasional freebies. More than 200 restaurants offer meals at a fixed price, often allowing you to taste superior dishes at substantially lower-than-normal prices. Georgetown is packed with students who love to taste great food — and photograph it, too — and
if you’re one of them, this is a great opportunity to get to know some of the best culinary offerings D.C. has to show.
CHERRY BLOSSOM One of the most beloved Georgetown traditions, the National Cherry Blossom Festival is the highlight of the year for any Georgetown student looking to get that next great profile picture/cover photo/Instagram sensation. Every March through April, students flock down to the Tidal Basin to walk among the glorious cherry blossoms. The thousands of cherry blossom trees were a gift from the mayor of Tokyo in 1912. The three-week festival begins with the opening ceremony, a free event held March 26 at the Warner Theatre, which includes traditional and contemporary performances from American and Japanese artists. It really is a great spectacle and a good opportunity to bond with your freshman floormates. Take note of different restaurants and bars celebrating the festival with cherry blossom-inspired culinary delights — the cherry blossom cupcake at Baked and Wired is not to be missed.
SWEETLIFE As you will all soon discover, Sweet-
green on M Street is one of the favorite haunts of hipsters, post-workout fitness enthusiasts and pretty much every student. So it seems only natural that the salad bar’s own festival, Sweetlife, is a particularly popular music pick. While no details have been released yet about the May 2017 lineup, last May’s set list featured The 1975, Halsey and Flume. It’s an ideal festival to create some great summer Georgetown memories before the horror of finals truly sets in.
PASSPORT DC This festival has often received mixed reviews from students. Each May, the District celebrates its international culture, and the embassies open their doors to the public. This means you can get some pretty good free food — and sometimes wine — and socialize with some fancy embassy VIPs. Or it might mean you find yourself watching a rather cringe-worthy performance, eating cubes of bad cheese and regretting the decision to leave your bed and Netflix behind. It’s all a bit hit-or-miss, but check what each embassy is doing and risk it if something catches your eye — it can end up being a great way to immerse yourself in the international community beyond the Georgetown gates.
Price: Free Location: 11 on National Mall, six others across D.C. Completely free of charge and open every day, the Smithsonian is a wonderful excuse to go out and explore the city. The best place to first tackle this massive collection of museums and galleries is the National Mall, home to 11 of them, nine of which are currently open. Here you can see the Hope Diamond and an impressive collection of dinosaur fossils at the National Museum of Natural History, or the ruby slippers from “The Wizard of Oz” at the National Museum of American History. The National Museum of African American History and Culture, which will open Sept. 24, will be the newest addition to the National Mall. Beyond the mall, check out the six other locations across Washington, D.C. Next to the Verizon Center are the American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery, which features the largest collection of presidential portraiture outside the White House. There is also the world-famous National Zoo, home to the beloved pandas Bao Bao and Bei Bei and 1,800 other animals. Be sure to check out the Renwick Gallery, which houses American craft and decorative arts. The Freer Gallery, which is home to half the Asian art collection, will reopen in spring of 2017 after renovations.
Price: Free Location: Sixth Street and Constitution Ave. NW Separate from the Smithsonian but along the National Mall is the National Gallery of Art. Another free-of-charge activity, the National Gallery is comprised of the West and East Buildings and the Sculpture Garden. The East Building normally features modern and contemporary art, but it has been closed for major renovations since 2013. Sept. 30 of this year, however, will see its reopening, along with a brand-new roof terrace
and two tower galleries. The West Building houses the gallery’s European and American collection that includes Van Gogh, Rembrandt and the only Da Vinci painting in the Americas. Its collection is currently being bolstered by its acquisition of more than 6,000 works of art from the now-closed Corcoran Gallery. Besides the art, the gallery also offers free concerts throughout the year, most of which occur on Sundays. During the winter, be sure to come and enjoy the ice rink in the Sculpture Garden.
Price: $8 for students Location: 1250 New York Ave. NW A few blocks away from the White House is the only major museum in the world solely dedicated to women in the art world. The National Museum of Women in the Arts has more than 4,500 works dating from the 16th century up to the modern day in various forms: paintings, photos, ceramics, videos and more. Admission for students is $8, but on its Community Day — the first Sunday of every month — admission is free. There are two new exhibitions opening up this fall and one closing in October.
Price: $22.95 (10 percent off for students) Location: 555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW One of the more popular attractions in the District, the Newseum’s seven levels of galleries and theaters make it one of the most unique museums in the city. Some of its most moving and popular exhibits are those on 9/11, the civil rights movement and the Berlin Wall, whose gallery features the largest display of the wall outside Germany. It also has a fun exhibit on the presidents and their pets, as well as “1966: Civil Rights at 50,” an exhibit that explores the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It has an interactive newsroom where you can pretend to be a television reporter working on a news story and a gallery that features 80 current-day newspaper covers from around the world. The admis-
sion cost is steep, but the museum has enough to keep you busy for the two-day period for which the pass is valid.
UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM Price: Free Location: 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW The United States Memorial Holocaust Memorial Museum was established to honor the victims of the Holocaust and promote human dignity to help counteract genocide. It is perhaps most wellknown for its permanent exhibition, spanning all three floors to present a narrative history of the Holocaust through photos, video, eyewitness testimonies and other artifacts. Its focus on preventing genocide is present in an entire room devoted to the cause in addition to its exhibits examining the genocides of Rwanda, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Darfur. Its length and depth means visitors can spend multiple hours exploring all it has to offer. Entry to the museum is free, and it is located right off the National Mall, roughly between the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial.
Price: $10 for students Location: 1600 21st St. NW Set in the home of founder Duncan Phillips in Dupont Circle, this art museum — the first modern art museum in America — features a vast collection of European and American modernists, impressionists and contemporary artists. With names like El Greco, Matisse, Monet and O’Keeffe, any art lover should be sure to check it out. It’s a $10 entry fee for students, but its intimate setting, special exhibitions and changes in the displays of its permanent collections, which are not organized by a category or time period, make it quite a contrast to larger art museums. It also hosts “Phillips after 5” on the first Thursday of each month, mixing art and entertainment and usually featuring live music, food and drinks. Additionally, it hosts Sunday concerts from October through May.
getting around For many students, college is the first time they have to navigate a city by themselves. Washington, D.C., while not very large area-wise, cannot be navigated entirely by foot. Fortunately, there are many options for getting around.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority operates six subway lines in the D.C. area. Although none directly serve Georgetown, they are immensely useful for getting around the city and avoiding D.C. traffic. The closest two stops to campus are Dupont Circle on the Red Line and Rosslyn on the Blue, Orange and Silver Lines, so choose the station based on your destination. Both can be reached by the free Georgetown University Transportation Shuttle buses provided by the university. The shuttles depart from the McDonough Bus Turnaround beside McDonough Arena. Buses run frequently — at least every 20 minutes — on weekdays but have minimal service on Saturdays and none at all on Sundays. To walk to the Metro, go across the Key Bridge to Rosslyn — it’s only a 15-minute walk from campus. Once you get to the Metro, it’s relatively simple to navigate — consult the brightly colored maps to trace your route across the city. Purchase a rechargeable SmarTrip card your first time at a Metro station or at CVS — they cost just $10 and come preloaded with $8 of fare.
WMATA also offers a bus service to complement the Metro, and there are quite a few accessible bus lines in Georgetown. The G2 stops right outside the front gates and runs through Georgetown to Dupont Circle and beyond. It runs every half hour or so and sticks to its schedule relatively well. The D2 and D6 both run along Reservoir Road at the north edge of campus and also go to Dupont Circle. For more bus lines that serve Georgetown, check the WMATA website, Metrobus charges a flat rate for any trip: $1.60 with a SmarTrip card or $1.80 with cash, though some special routes cost extra. In addition to the Metrobus routes run by WMATA, the District has the Circulator bus lines, two of which serve Georgetown.
These buses cost just $1, payable with cash or SmarTrip, and come every 10 minutes. One line, which runs along M Street, shuttles passengers between Rosslyn and Dupont Circle. The other line in Georgetown, which runs up Wisconsin Avenue, goes between Georgetown and Union Station via downtown D.C. In addition to the GUTS bus shuttles to Metro stations, the university operates a few other free bus lines. The Wisconsin Avenue shuttle departs from outside of the Epicurean and Co. restaurant and serves three stops along Wisconsin Avenue, including stops near Safeway, Whole Foods and other shops in Glover Park. It runs at least every 20 minutes on weekdays. The Law Center shuttle serves Georgetown University Law Center’s campus in downtown D.C. The bus departs from the back of O'Donovan Hall at Prospect Street. The Arlington Loop shuttle serves a number of stops across the river in Arlington County, though it is less used by students. Its stop is located at the McDonough Bus Turnaround. Both the Law Center and Arlington Loop shuttles run rather infrequently on weekdays, so be sure to check the schedule posted on the website.
Sometimes, public transportation just doesn’t cut it. Taxis are plentiful and usually congregate around the front gates or the restaurant 1789. Since they are now required to accept credit cards, you don’t have to worry about having enough cash. Even more popular with students are Uber, Lyft, Hailo and other apps that allow you to easily call a ride and pay via your phone. All three offer some sort of promotion for first-time users and Georgetown students, so be sure to take advantage of these offers. For longer trips or day outings, having a car to drive yourself might be the best option. Zipcar has cars on campus both by the Leavey Center and McDonough Arena, and Car2Go has smart cars throughout the neighborhood. Both are relatively cheap to join and charge based on how long you use the car.
Capital Bikeshare offers a fun, if somewhat less convenient, option for getting
around D.C. Bikes can be rented from stations around the city and returned at a station near your destination. The closest station to campus is right outside the front gates on 37th Street, and there are three more along Wisconsin Avenue. Many students bring their own bikes to school for getting around campus or the city. If you do choose to bring a bike, there are bike racks located near the entrances to most campus buildings and a bike repair station in Red Square.
When the time comes to head home for breaks or a weekend getaway, you have a few options for getting home and getting to the airport or train station. Most people from the East Coast take the train or bus home. Amtrak, Megabus and Boltbus all depart from Union Station and go to all major cities. If you purchase Student Advantage with your GOCard, you can get discounts on Amtrak fare. If you have to fly home, D.C. has three major airports: Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington Dulles International Airport and Baltimore/Washington International Airport. Reagan (DCA) is the closest — you can see and hear the planes flying over campus, one of which interrupted President Obama’s June 2013 climate change speech at Georgetown — located across the river in Arlington. Getting there is easy: A taxi will cost you under $20 and the domestic airport has a Metro stop on the Blue Line, which is accessible from Rosslyn. Dulles (IAD) is farther away in Virginia and will cost you about $60 for a taxi. Another option is the 5A bus, operated by WMATA, which runs from the Rosslyn Metro station to Dulles for $7. Going to BWI in a taxi will cost you upward of $100 but is easy with Amtrak or MARC rail service from Union Station. Otherwise, you can use SuperShuttle –– a small bus service that splits a typical cab fare as you’ll share it with around six other people. Make sure you book in advance. Additionally, Students of Georgetown, Inc. usually offers Turkey Shuttles, which provide service from campus to all three regional airports at Thanksgiving break.
district neighborhoods
Just a quick 30-minute walk from the front gates or a 15-minute bus ride, Dupont Circle combines the hustle and bustle of downtown D.C. with the stately architecture found in the neighborhood you now call home. Filled with restaurants, retail and office buildings — as well as the Red Line Metro station closest to campus — Dupont, even as its cachet has faded over the years, is still one of the most exciting places in the District. The park-like circle itself, while perilous for drivers and pedestrians alike, is often filled with people looking for a bit of fresh air or a place to grab lunch. Just off the circle, you can find the city's most storied farmers' market on Sunday mornings, which offers everything from organic produce to ice pops from more than 40 different vendors. Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe, open until 1 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and until 4 a.m. on Friday and Saturday, combines an independent bookstore with a cozy cafe. If you're looking for a book that may be a little harder to find, the nearby Second Story Books specializes in out-of-print and rare works. Dupont Circle is filled with restaurants of all types, whether it's to grab a quick bite to eat (chicken chain Nando's Peri-Peri and DGS Delicatessen) or to celebrate after a tough week of midterms (Banana Leaves, Bistrot Du Coin and Sette Osteria). If you're a hamburger fan, there's nowhere in D.C. like Dupont, which can fill your taste for both the classics (Shake Shack) and the gourmet (Black & Orange, BGR The Burger Joint).
No area in D.C. has grown quite like the
14th Street Corridor, which just 25 years ago was the city's main red-light district and is now the site of a culinary boom. Nearly 30 new eateries opened in this area alone in 2013, and the number is only growing as construction on residential and commercial properties continue at a dizzying pace. The star of the revival is French bistro Le Diplomate, which, after being open for just over three years, has already taken a spot among the most popular restaurants in the city. The atmosphere is nearly as impressive as the food, with the airy yet comfortable interior — complete with an authentic zinc bar — supplemented by generous, cafe-like outdoor seating. Its reputation as both a culinary delight and political hot spot, however, means that reservations need to be made weeks in advance. On 14th Street, quantity has not come at the sake of quality. Pearl Dive Oyster Palace specializes in catfish sandwiches, gumbo and, of course, oysters, while The Pig's menu focuses nearly exclusively on pork. Birch & Barley has an unbelievable 555 beers on tap to go along with its understated New American cuisine, while its sister restaurant, ChurchKey, offers an even larger selection of brews in a more casual setting. Between Q and R Streets is the trendy restaurant and wine bar, Barcelona. There is a no-reservations policy, which can make it tricky getting a table. Show up early, grab a drink, and prepare to be patient while enjoying the Spanish-style cuisine. Logan Circle is the unofficial center of D.C.'s LGBTQ community. You'd be hardpressed to find a local business that doesn't have a pride flag draped outside, and there are a host of gay and lesbian clubs nearby, including Town Danceboutique, Cobalt,
Number Nine and Nellie's Sports Bar, which is also considered the best sports bar in the District. Culturally, the Studio Theatre is the city's premier destination for modern theater and is featuring 10 different plays in the upcoming season.
Located just north of Logan Circle is U Street, a rapidly growing area that is arguably the center of the District’s cultural life. A good time on a weekend night, however, is nowhere near all this area has to offer. The most famous institution on U Street is Ben's Chili Bowl. The only business in the area to survive the 1968 riots that devastated the city, Ben's and its famous half-smokes — a sausage/hot dog combo topped with chili and cheese — are a throwback to a different era. That doesn't mean Ben's hasn't changed with the times as well; a more upscale sister restaurant, Ben's Next Door, opened in 2009. U Street is equally well-known for its high concentration of live music venues. The one you'll most likely head to is the 9:30 Club, which will host popular acts such as Flume, Young the Giant and The Local Natives come this fall. Another popular venue is the Black Cat, known for featuring lesser-known alternative acts and for its Red Room Bar. Other venues in the area include the venerable jazz club Bohemian Caverns, U Street Music Hall, DC9 Nightclub and the recently reopened Lincoln Theatre. The Howard Theatre is also located nearby. Restaurant, bookstore and event space Busboys and Poets is another U Street highlight. Frequently holding book signings and poetry readings, this unclassifiable institution is also a center for progressive politics
and discussion; its founder, Andy Shallal, ran for mayor in 2013’s Democratic primary. The restaurant’s food is fresh but casual, and it offers a number of vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. U Street is a hotbed of D.C.’s noted Ethiopian cuisine — with Selam Restaurant and Zenebech Injera being especially delicious — but its culinary options are far from one-dimensional. The Brixton focuses on British-style pub fare, while Marvin, named for D.C. native Marvin Gaye, is known for its delectable chicken and waffles.
Adams Morgan is the tried-and-true home of late-night Washington, D.C., less stuffy than the occasionally buttoned-up Dupont Circle and more worn-in than what you'll find on U Street. As the murals that line the neighborhood's buildings show, Adams Morgan is culturally vibrant; although soaring rent prices over the past 20 years have caused what was once the city's most diverse neighborhood to gentrify somewhat, Adams Morgan nevertheless retains an aura of multiculturalism and artistry that's hard to find anywhere else in the city. Late-night eating options are plentiful. Pizza Mart provides the prototypical jumbo slice for which the District is known and is open until at least 3 a.m. every night. Amsterdam Falafelshop is the best place to get falafel in the city, staying open until 4 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. And The Diner, which offers typical, if refined, diner-style food, is open 24/7. If you just want to take a walk on a weekend afternoon, Adams Morgan is a solid destination. In the northern area of the neighborhood, Meridian Hill Park contains a number of statues, including a memorial for President James Buchanan, and a fountain with a striking 13-basin waterfall. There are also a number of record stores in the area, including Crooked Beat Records, which specializes in independent releases, Smash Records, a punk- and hardcore-focused store that used to be located in Georgetown and, a little farther south, Red Onion Records. The nightlife options in Adams Morgan are extensive, as well. The main corridor of 18th Street is lined almost entirely with bars, so there will always be some-
where to go.
A proposed streetcar line from Georgetown to Union Station has been in the works for a long time, and it won't be completed until long after you've graduated. But the most exciting prospect of this plan isn't that it will be easier to take the train home — it'll be how easy it will become to get to H Street NE, one of the fastest-developing areas of D.C. Like the U Street Corridor, H Street, damaged heavily during the 1968 riots, was once a cultural hub of the District. And like U Street, H Street is now the home of new businesses and rapid apartment construction, not to mention a front-row view of the positives and negatives of D.C.'s rapid gentrification. While H Street is similar to U Street in that most of its establishments are relatively new and cater to a younger crowd, the locations here are a little more playful and bohemian. Take, for example, the H Street Country Club, which, in addition to serving Mexican food, is home to an indoor miniature golf course. This doesn't mean that H Street completely values style over substance. Sidamo may just be the best coffee shop in Washington, D.C., with standard black coffee as impressive as their lattes. And Toki Underground, although small and often crowded, serves unbeatable ramen. If you're looking for a place to grab dinner with friends or relatives, The Atlas Room and Smith Commons are delicious and reasonably priced; the latter has an excellent brunch, too. As far as nightlife goes, there are a number of options, but Little Miss Whiskey's Golden Dollar stands out as the most fun. The area isn't as music-focused as U Street, but the arts played a central role in H Street's revitalization and continue to define it today. Another name for the area, the Atlas District, comes from the Atlas Performing Arts Center, which reopened in 2001. It offers a number of theater, music and dance productions, from symphonies to mind readers, and the center was home to more events in this summer's annual Capital Fringe Festival than any other venue. The Rock & Roll Hotel boasts a lounge, a rooftop deck and a concert hall where an
impressive lineup of independent bands has played.
Despite a name that suggests a monolithic governmental presence, the neighborhood of Capitol Hill is the city's largest and presents a more diverse visiting experience than the staid name would suggest. That doesn't mean, however, that the building for which the neighborhood is named isn't worth a visit. The U.S. Capitol building is the home of Congress, and the architecture and aura of importance are awe-inspiring even for the less politically inclined. For those more interested in how our government works, many hearings are open to the public, and a tour of the Capitol complex — not just the rotunda itself but the myriad office buildings that surround it — are obtainable by getting in contact with the office of your hometown representative. The Supreme Court building and Library of Congress are also close by, if your interest extends beyond the operations of the legislative branch; the latter in particular is a great excursion if you want to give studying for that important midterm an extra sense of gravitas. Eastern Market, located a few blocks east of the Capitol complex, is the hub of the residential part of the neighborhood. On weekdays, vendors offering everything from filets to flowers sell their wares in the South Hall Market. The area really comes alive on weekends, however, when hundreds of local farmers and artisans set up stands around the market and create an atmosphere unlike anywhere else in the District. If you're looking for a casual bite to eat, deli Mangialardo & Sons, located in the heart of the neighborhood, has been around for over 50 years and is famous for the “G-man,” its take on the classic Italian sub. Ted's Bulletin is a comfortable diner-style eatery specializing in burgers and milkshakes, while Ambar offers bottomless Balkan food and drinks if you're especially hungry. To eat next to a senator or representative, Charlie Palmer Steak is your best bet, though Johnny's Half Shell is also an option if you want to watch your wallet.
nature outings Four years is a long time to stay anywhere, even in a city as vibrant and active as Washington, D.C. When classes are a bit too stressful, campus feels a bit claustrophobic and urban escapes may not be exactly what you’re looking for — relax! Georgetown is perfectly situated near blissful nature escapes. And while many of them may seem utterly forbidding during the winter, the gorgeous color change in autumn and the rebirth of life in spring are perfect opportunities to breathe in some crisp fresh air.
If you keep following the Potomac inland, you will eventually hit the serene little village of Harpers Ferry, located at the confluence of the Potomac River and the Shenandoah Valley right across the West Virginia border. Historically famous for its seizure by John Brown and its later role in the Civil War, when it swapped hands eight times between the Union and the Confederacy, the town now features plenty of little antique and historical shops along its main thoroughfare, while hiking through the national park nearby offers breathtaking views of a cleaner Potomac and superb greenery. Transportation: One hour and 20 minutes by car. For the vehicleless –– i.e. everyone –– a public MARC train runs directly from
Union Station to Harpers Ferry.
Best visited in the fall, when the array of colors is breathtaking, Shenandoah offers hikes up the mountains and down into the waterfalls. Following the 109-mile Skyline Drive, the park is enough of a journey that you may want to devote more than one day to the experience, taking advantage of its lodging or camping options. Spend enough time here, and you won’t be able to stop humming John Denver: “Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River … country roads, take me home.” Transportation: One hour and 30 minutes to the north entrance by car.
Far closer to Georgetown is this small National Park Service site located near the end of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Several viewpoints along an array of hiking trials offer panoramic views of the Potomac River as it bounds and cascades along a drop of 76 feet; for the truly adventurous, whitewater kayaking is available. Transportation: Thirty minutes by car.
Although located in the heart of the DMV
area, the quiet and forested escape of Roosevelt Island drowns out the bustle and noise of the surrounding metropolis. The central monument dedicated to the 26th president captures his love for the outdoors, while the trails throughout the island offer stunning views of Healy Hall and the Georgetown waterfront. Transportation: A 30-minute walk across the Key Bridge and through Rosslyn, Va.
Swimming in the Potomac is generally ill-advised, and D.C. is far enough inland that beaches are not easily accessible. The closest one is this state park along the Chesapeake Bay, which features lengthy beaches. Transportation: One hour by car.
Once you’ve seen the monuments a few times and want to find some other historical landmarks, take a trip to George Washington’s plantation house, which was finished in 1778 and was where he lived until his death. While the history is palpable, the surrounding scenery is gorgeous. Transportation: Thirty minutes by car. On the Metro, take the Yellow Line to Huntington Station and catch the Fairfax Connector Bus 101.
hoya history
When you walked through the front gates for the first time, your eyes were drawn to a giant, climbable-looking statue of a man sitting commandingly in a chair. You didn’t know who it was at first, but soon enough your chipper tour guide told you that the statue overlooking the front gates is John Carroll, the founder of Georgetown. Depending on whether your tour guide was a history major, you might have learned a little more about the Archbishop of Baltimore who secured 60 acres of land to found the nation’s first Jesuit school in 1789. But after John Carroll, you were probably more interested in learning about the food in O’Donovan Hall, called Leo’s in Hoya parlance, the best freshman dorm –– there is none –– or what Brown House actually is, rather than knowing more about Georgetown’s history. Answers to the above questions can be found in this guide too, but Georgetown’s 225 yearlong history has more impact on our present than one would expect. We consider 1789 the official founding year, but can trace our roots back to a school in St. Mary’s, Md., founded by Frs. Andrew White and John Gravenor, S.J., in the year 1634, when they were involved in the founding of the Maryland colony. Carroll founded Georgetown in 1789, with classes commencing in 1792. The 700-seat Gaston Hall is named for the first student, 13-year-old William Gaston. After receiving the first federal university
charter from Congress, the College –– then the university’s only school –– granted its first two bachelor’s degrees in 1817. Throughout the next two centuries, Georgetown expanded its educational offerings beginning with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1820, the School of Medicine in 1851, the Law School in 1870, the School of Nursing in 1903, the School of Foreign Service in 1919, the School of Continuing Studies in 1956 and the School of Business Administration in 1957, later named the McDonough School of Business in 1998. The university further grew with the establishment of the School of Foreign Service Qatar campus in 2005 and, most recently, the McCourt School of Public Policy in 2013. In the 1800s, Georgetown ran into a few challenges — namely, dealing with slavery and the Civil War. Throughout the 18th and early 19th century, slaves worked the campus grounds and contributed to the university’s day-to-day functioning. In 1838, after suffering financial setbacks, the university authorized the selling of 272 slaves to a plantation in Louisiana, an event that our community today is still attempting to come to terms with and memorialize. Because of the school’s location in Washington, D.C., students dropped out to serve in both the Union and Confederate forces. Enrollment dropped to only 17 students between 1859 and 1861, and university buildings served as temporary hospitals and lodging
for soldiers. President Abraham Lincoln spoke to Union troops from the steps of Old North in 1861 — one of 14 presidents, including President Barack Obama, to speak from the venue — and at the end of the war, Georgetown chose blue and gray as its colors to signify unity between Union and Confederate soldiers returning to campus. Fr. Patrick Healy, S.J., served as the first African-American president of Georgetown or any major university in the United States from 1873 to 1882, though his mixed-race ancestry only came to light in the 1960s. During World War II, Georgetown housed the Army Specialized Training Program, a federal effort to recruit junior officers from universities. In 1969, Georgetown became fully coeducational, after the College began admitting women, who until then had only been allowed to enroll in the nursing school. University President John J. DeGioia became the first layperson to lead Georgetown in 2001, becoming the university’s longest-serving president in 2015. Under his leadership and that of his predecessors, Georgetown has grown from an all-white, all-male and all-Catholic local school to the diverse, competitive and internationally recognized university you are entering today. By no means is this a perfect account of Georgetown’s history, yet we hope this serves as a welcome introduction to the rich and dynamic heritage we all have the privilege to contribute to every day.
news to know QUICK SUMMER HITS Bookstore Transition –– As the university bookstore transitioned vendors from Follett to Barnes and Noble College this summer, three bookstore employees — including one who had worked there for 31 years –– lost their jobs. Georgetown's Just Employment Policy writes that the university will prioritize the employment of workers from former contractors "to the extent legally possible." There's a New Dean in Town –– Finance professor Rohan Williamson was appointed as interim dean of the McDonough School of Business, replacing former Dean David Thomas who stepped down Aug. 2. University President John J. DeGioia has charged a committee to search for the school's next dean. Fight for $15 –– Washington, D.C.’s minimum wage reached $11.50 in July. Under a bill passed in June by the D.C. Council, the minimum wage will increase by about 70 cents a year until it reaches $15 in 2020.
Addressing Georgetown’s Slavery History Georgetown began the process of confronting its history with slavery last summer after the name retention of Mulledy and McSherry Halls — named after former University Presidents Fr. Thomas Mulledy, S.J., and Fr. William McSherry, S.J., who were involved in the sale of 272 slaves to a Louisiana Plantation in 1838 — sparked ire. A sit-in outside the president’s office and a recommendation from the Working Group on Slavery, Memory and Reconciliation –– set up by University President John J. DeGioia in August to help address Georgetown’s history with slavery –– prompted the university to rename Mulledy and McSherry Halls as Free-
dom and Remembrance Halls, respectively, in November. The Working Group submitted its formal recommendations to DeGioia in April and the university will formally release how it plans to address Georgetown’s history with slavery later this summer. Earlier this summer, DeGioia met with descendants of the slaves sold by Georgetown, marking the first reported meetings between the president of a university and descendants of slaves who worked at or were sold by the university. Over a dozen universities have acknowledged being involved in slavery or the slave trade, according to The New York Times.
Students Push University to Address Sexual Assault
As the release of the results of the Sexual Assault and Misconduct Climate Survey this summer demonstrated, sexual assault came to the forefront of campus dialogue this past year. Sparked by the publication of accounts of two survivors in The Hoya about the university’s mismanagement of their cases last summer, students campaigned for the administration to address the complaints. The university and Georgetown University Student Association responded, reaching a memorandum of understanding in mid-September following two months of negotiations. They committed to further sexual assault policy reform, increase bystander intervention training and promotional material for survivors, the hiring of a full-time Title IX coordinator and carrying out of the university’s first Sexual Assault
and Misconduct Climate Survey. In January, the university hired Laura Cutway as the its first full-time Title IX coordinator. Soon after, the university invited students to participate in the survey. The results, which were released in June, showed that 1,131 female undergraduate students – 31 percent of surveyed female undergraduates –reported nonconsensual sexual contact. Additionally, of the surveyed students, 14.2 percent of female undergraduates reported experiencing nonconsensual penetration in their time at Georgetown. In his email accompanying the results, University President John J. DeGioia said the university would take urgent steps to address the issue, including establishing a new task force to investigate and propose solutions.
Students Support Workers' Rights In a year replete with multiple student advocacy initiatives, the effort to protect workers’ rights came to the fore. In November, student athletes called for the university to re-evaluate its relationship with Nike, which has been accused of mistreating factory workers, while the Georgetown Solidarity Committee launched its Work With Dignity Campaign in March to better recognize and demand improvements for university workers. DeGioia
penned a letter to Nike in mid-April emphasizing the university’s code of conduct and encouraging the company to cooperate with the Worker Rights Consortium, an independent labor rights monitoring body, following months of advocacy efforts by Georgetown athletes and workers’ rights advocates. When Winter Storm Jonas hit D.C. in January, the Georgetown Solidarity Committee accused the university of violating the Just Employment Policy — established in 2005
DC Leaders Cry, 'Statehood or Else'
Campus Construction Advances
Washington, D.C., made several steps to advance its ambition of achieving full statehood. Currently, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), the District’s nonvoting member of the House of Representatives, is D.C.’s only representative in Congress, and any piece of legislation passed by the D.C. Council must undergo a 30-day congressional review, during which Congress can prevent the legislation from becoming law. Washington, D.C. Councilmember Vincent Orange (D-At Large, LAW ’88) launched his “Statehood or Else” yearlong petition in July 2015, with the goal of earning 1 million signatures to present to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in July. The District joined the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization in November, becoming the first North American territory to be represented by the UNPO. The District saw some of its most significant demands for statehood in April and May. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) called for a November citywide vote on statehood in April, before she released a draft of a provisional constitution in May, outlining the steps for making the District a state.
As parts of Georgetown continue to be under construction, two projects came to an end this summer with the completion of the new 225-bed Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Hall and the John R. Thompson Jr. Intercollegiate Athletics Center. Last fall saw the opening of the Freedom and Remembrance Halls, located in the Former Jesuit Residence. The quality of housing and other campus facilities remained a hot topic, however: The university closed Kehoe Field in February because of dangerous field conditions, severely reducing field space for club sports, and students complained of housing selection difficulties after the university introduced a new selection system in the spring. The Georgetown Community Partnership –– a group consisting of university administrators, neighbors and three student representatives, including GUSA President Enushe Khan (MSB '17) –– released a draft of the 2017-37 Campus Plan in June. The plan, which guides Georgetown’s development and enrollment numbers over the next 20 years, prioritizes student housing renovations and continues the 2010 student enrollment cap at 6,675 students.
to maintain fair labor practices and create a safe working environment — after workers were given the choice of staying on campus or staying home without pay during the blizzard. Some of the 200 workers who chose to remain on campus did not have a bed to sleep in overnight. Following the storm, GSC submitted a series of demands to the university to help improve workers’ rights and held a rally in Red Square in March.
With Historic Race, GUSA Executive Takes Office President Enushe Khan (MSB ’17) and Vice President Chris Fisk (COL ’17) won GUSA's first-ever single-ticket executive election in February, succeeding Joe Luther (COL ’16) and Connor Rohan (COL ’16). The election was also notable for electing Khan as GUSA’s first Muslim president and Fisk as the second Georgetown Scholarship Program member to serve as an executive officer. Khan and Fisk’s “Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges” platform focused on making GUSA and Georgetown more inclusive and empowering student advocacy. As part of these efforts, the GUSA senate passed a restructuring bill early on in its term to form policy teams consisting of GUSA senators, executive members and students to develop and advocate policy.
student ACADEMIC
College Academic Council (by election) Georgetown Medieval Club Georgetown Parliamentary Debate Team Georgetown University Debate Team Georgetown University Journal of Health Sciences Georgetown University Quiz Bowl International Relations Club (includes Model UN) Mock Trial and Law Team MSB Academic Council (by election) NHS Academic Council (by election) Philodemic Society SFS Academic Council (by election) Tocqueville Forum Undergraduate Bioethics Society
AIDS Coalition Amnesty International Animalia Breast Cancer Outreach Cups for Campus Diversability EcoAction Educating Students About Social Equality Georgetown Conservation Corps Georgetown Donors Georgetown Israel Alliance Georgetown University Women of Color Girls for Change Global Zero Grassroot Hoyas GUPride (LGBTQ group) GU STAND H*yas for Choice Hoyas for Troops Invisible Children J Street U Men of Strength NAACP Relay for Life Right to Life Students Helping Honduras Students for Justice in Palestine
Students Stopping the Trafficking of People Take Back the Night Truth and Human Rights in North Korea United Feminists
The Anthem The Caravel The Fire This Time Georgetown Journal of International Affairs Georgetown Public Policy Review GUTV The Georgetown Voice The Hoya The Independent Spoon University WGTB Ye Domesday Booke
African Society of Georgetown Armenian Student Association Asian American Student Association Black Student Alliance Caribbean Culture Circle Chinese Students and Scholars Association Circolo Italiano Classics Club Club Filipino Club Singapore Cuban American Student Association European Club French Cultural Association Georgetown Arab Society Georgetown Chinese Students Alliance Georgetown Hawaii Club Georgetown Irish American Society Georgetown PorColombia Georgetown University Signs German Club Hellenic Association International Students Association Iranian Cultural Society Japan Network Jewish Students Association Klub Polski Korean Student Association
Latin American Student Association Lebanese Student Association Mexican Student Association Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Atzian Muslim Students Association Native American Student Council Riqueza Dominicana South Asian Society Taiwanese American Student Association Thai Society The Brazilian Club Turkish Student Association Vietnamese Student Association
Alpha Epsilon Pi (fraternity) Alpha Kappa Psi (co-ed business fraternity) Alpha Phi Omega (co-ed community service fraternity) Delta Phi Epsilon (fraternity and sorority) Kappa Alpha Theta (sorority) Kappa Kappa Gamma (sorority) Sigma Alpha Epsilon (fraternity) Sigma Phi Epsilon (fraternity) Zeta Psi (fraternity) NOTE: None are officially recognized by the university.
A Cappella The Capitol G’s (all-male) The Chimes (all-male) Gracenotes (all-female) GU Harmony (all-female, international music) The Phantoms (co-ed) Resonance Essence Live (coed, R&B) The Saxatones (co-ed, community service) Superfood (co-ed) NOTE: Most require audition.
Ballet Folklorico Mexicano de Georgetown Ballroom Dance Team Black Movement Dance Theatre (for credit) Georgetown University Dance
Company (for credit) Georgetown University Step Team Groove Theory (hip-hop) GU Bindaas (Bollywood/hiphop fusion) GU Jawani (South Asian dance) Hoya Break Squad Rangila (annual dance show, through the South Asian Society) Ritmo y Sabor (Latin dance) Tappin’ Jacks (tap dance)
Black Theater Ensemble Children’s Theater Georgetown Improv Association Mask & Bauble Dramatic Society Nomadic Theatre
Chamber Singers (for credit) Chapel Choir (performs for 9:30 p.m. Sunday Dahlgren Mass, for credit) Choir, 7:30 p.m. Mass Concert Choir (for credit) Gospel Choir (performs for 6:30 p.m. Sunday service, for credit) Jazz Ensemble (for credit) Orchestra (for credit) Pep Band Wind Ensemble (for credit) World Percussion Ensemble
Georgetown Anime Club GU Art Aficionados Georgetown Gastronomes Hoyawood (documentary films) Performing Arts Advisory Council (oversight group for performing arts)
Georgetown Aspiring Political and Policy Leaders Georgetown University College Democrats Georgetown University College Republicans
clubs Georgetown University Roosevelt Institute Georgetown University Student Association (student government, by election) Hoyas for Liberty (libertarian) Women in Politics
Black Pre-Law Association Compass Fellowship (social entrepreneurship) Futures in Science and Humanities Georgetown Advertising and Market Association Georgetown Aspiring Minority Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs Georgetown Entrepreneurial Organizations Georgetown Opportunities for Leadership Development Georgetown Pre-Law Society Georgetown Speechwriting Advisory Group Georgetown University Accounting Society Georgetown University Minority Association of PreHealth Students Georgetown University Pre-medical Society Georgetown University Pre-Dental Society Georgetown University Real Estate Club Hilltop Consultants McDonough Global Student Association Smart Women Securities Startup Hoyas
Brothers for Christ Campus Ministry Campus Ministry Student Forum Catholic Chaplaincy Catholic Daughters Catholic Retreats Georgetown Buddhist Meditations Sangha Georgetown Orthodox Christian Fellowship GU Catholic
Hindu Students Association Ignatian Retreats Interfaith Student Council Jewish Chaplaincy Knights of Columbus Muslim Chaplaincy Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy Protestant Chaplaincy Secular Student Alliance Sisters for Christ
Advisory Board for Club Sports Club Badminton (co-ed) Club Baseball (men’s) Club Basketball (men’s and women’s) Club Boxing Team (co-ed) Club Equestrian (co-ed) Club Field Hockey (co-ed) Club Golf (co-ed) Club Ice Hockey (men’s) Club Lacrosse (men’s and women’s) Club Rock Climbing (co-ed) Club Soccer (men’s and women’s) Club Softball (women’s) Club Squash (men’s and women’s) Club Swimming (co-ed) Club Tennis (co-ed) Club Volleyball (men’s and women’s) Club Water Polo (men’s and women’s) Cycling Team (co-ed) Fishing Club Georgetown Aikikai Georgetown University Chess Club International Georgetown Cricket Club Georgetown Fencing Club Georgetown Figure Skating Club Georgetown Gaming Georgetown University Ping Pong Club Georgetown University Triathlon Georgetown Running Club Hoya Blue Intramural Sports Outdoor Education Rugby (men’s and women’s)
Tae Kwon Do Club Ultimate Frisbee (men’s and women’s)
Active Minds After School Kids Program Alternative Spring Break Best Buddies Georgetown Caring for Children With Cancer Center for Social Justice Advisory Board for Student Organizations CSJ Global Immersions Programs Circle of Women Cristo Rey Tutoring Dance D.C. D.C. Reads D.C. Schools Project Dreamcatchers First-Year Orientation to Community Involvement Georgetown Development Initiative Georgetown Individuals Vocal and Energetic for Service Georgetown University Math and Science Hands-On Enrichment (GUMSHOE) Georgetown University Medical Brigade Georgetown University Mentors and Tutors Georgetown Solidarity Committee (workers’ rights) Georgetown Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Georgetown University Young Scholars GirlTalk GlobeMed GU Melody Habitat for Humanity Hoyas Global Initiative Hoyas for Immigrant Rights Hoyas for RBI Hoya Outreach Programs and Education Leaders in Education About Diversity Male Development Association (Guy Talk) One World Youth Project Organization Assisting the Homeless Student
PeaceJam Prison Outreach Program Project Sunshine Georgetown St. Elizabeth’s Outreach Strive for College Sursum Corda Literacy Program Turning the Page UNICEF Georgetown Urban Debate League Your Classroom, Your World
Bakers at Georgetown Big Hunt Blue & Gray Tour Guides Breaking the Bubble Community Garden Club Computers and Electronics Club ESCAPE (retreats) Georgetown Admissions Ambassador Program Georgetown Collegiate 100 Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service Georgetown Program Board Georgetown Sports Analysis, Business and Research Group Georgetown University Astronomical Society Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union Georgetown University Grilling Society Georgetown University Lecture Fund Georgetown University Peer Counselors Georgetown University Student Investment Fund Georgetown University Women in Leadership Hilltop Tacos InterHall Net Impact New Student Orientation Residential Judicial Council Social Innovation and Public Service Fund Student Activities Commission (oversight group for clubs) The Corp Thinking Beyond the Beltway The Triple Helix
Georgetown Terminology ABP
n. Alternative Breaks Program, in which students spend their vacation on service-oriented trips run through the Center for Social Justice; used to be called Alternative Spring Break, and many still refer to it as ASB, which does not stand for Associated Student Body, you student government nerds.
n. Arguably our most precious alumnus, the School of Foreign Service ’68 grad returns to campus pretty often and is sometimes spotted by students at Tombs or Dahlgren.
n. A delicatessen on Prospect Street that serves a variety of sandwiches and pitchers of beer, making it a popular eatery among students.
n. A student house that is brown on N Street, notorious for throwing huge parties, that just escaped being taken over by Georgetown faculty.
n. The neighborhood to the north of Georgetown’s campus, located near the hospital and the medical school. Home to many upperclassmen in off-campus housing, a fair share of townhouses and cranky neighbors.
n. The largest intercollegiate a cappella festival on the East Coast, put on annually by the Georgetown Chimes in February and featuring performances from the hosts as well as groups from Georgetown and other schools.
n. Students of Georgetown, Inc., the student-run business that operates The Midnight MUG in the library, Uncommon Grounds and Vital Vittles in the Leavey Center, More Uncommon Grounds in the ICC, The Hilltoss in the Healey Family Student Center and Hoya Snaxa in the Southwest Quadrangle, among other services.
georgetown eas. A great spot for picnics and a good shortcut to Yates Field House.
n. The stairs next to Car Barn that connect M Street and Prospect Street, made famous by the climax of the film “The Exorcist.” Frequented by runners looking for an extreme workout.
n. Short for Syracuse University, Georgetown’s old Big East rival, whom we will once again face in the 2016-17 season. We still hate the Orange. Juice ’Cuse.
n. The neighborhood in which The George Washington University is located, about a 20-minute walk from Georgetown. Home of good food, fun bars and the nearest Trader Joe’s.
n. An affectionate term for Darnall, one of the four freshman dorms.
n. D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
n. The popular nickname of the Georgetown University Police Department, which formerly went by the dystopian moniker Department of Public Safety.
n. The area that comprises the Nevils Apartment Complex, the LXR dorms, the Walsh Building and Car Barn. Its RHO now services Village B.
n. The buffet-style restaurant and sushi bar in the basement of Darnall Hall that is open almost 24/7. Quesadillas and the buffet are student favorites. It sometimes moonlights as a nightclub and hosts private events.
n. Located on the second floor of the Leavey Center, the outdoor area and popular study spot offers good views and seating ar-
n. A campuswide celebration that takes place on the last Friday of spring classes. The front lawn is transformed into a giant party with free food, inflatables, an outdoor concert and much revelry.
n. The student-run Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service acts as the ambulance system on campus. Call when you sprain an ankle, break a bone or are having severe alcohol-related issues.
n. A theoretically wonderful part of a meal plan under which students can get food to go as one of their weekly meals. There are two locations — Leo’s and the Leavey Center. The Einstein Bros. Bagels location in Car Barn also functions as a Grab ‘n’ Go with meal exchange.
n. Possibly the most complicated of Georgetown acronyms, the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union, a student-run bank, is most commonly referred to as simply “the credit union.” Pronounced “gw-ah-Ph-scoo.”
n. Pronounced “jugs,” this abbreviation stands for the Georgetown University Grilling Society. Can be found grilling its signature burgers in Red Square on Fridays throughout the school year.
n. Georgetown University Transportation Shuttles. Its most popular routes run to the Dupont Circle and Rosslyn Metro stops. Other routes go to Wisconsin Avenue, Arlington and the Georgetown University Law Center.
n. Officially the Edward J. Bunn Intercultural Center, the brick building in Red Square where most language, SFS and other government and economics classes take place.
n. The nickname for men’s basketball Head Coach John Thompson III.
n. 1. Joseph Mark Lauinger Library, the main library on campus. An ugly building where fun goes to die. Derivatives: Club Lau, n. The quiet room on the third floor of Lauinger Library transforms into a freshman-filled nightclub at the beginning of first semester for a scarring night of debauchery.
LAU 2,
n. The second floor of Lau, and the only floor on which talking is allowed. While theoretically perfect for group projects, productivity slows to almost nonexistence when on this level. Also home to The Midnight MUG, one of The Corp’s coffee shops.
n. Short for Leo J. O’Donovan
dictionary Hall, the on-campus dining hall. Say its full name, and you’ll sound like a high schooler touring campus. Derivatives: O’Donovan’s on the Waterfront, n. the technical name for the upper floor of Leo’s. Use when feeling #fancy.
n. The time after dinner but before the dining hall closes when Leo’s serves up the day’s leftovers. Frequented by athletes and those with very busy schedules.
n. Nickname for “Map of the Modern World,” a pass-fail course that every SFS-er must pass to graduate. You’ll learn every country and every capital in the world, in addition to a surprising amount of plate tectonics. Sporcle quizzes make for great study tools.
n. A male undergraduate student in the McDonough School of Business who fits the stereotypes associated with the school. Often doesn’t have class on Fridays and gets the most out of his threeday weekends. Spotted in button-downs, polos or bro tanks.
n. The act of travelling up and down Prospect Street in search of parties. Most frequently performed by hordes of freshmen.
n. Residence Hall Office. Place where all your packages will be delivered and where you can go if you're locked out or need to rent a blue cart, vacuum or other helpful room-cleaning appliances. Usually serves multiple residence halls.
n. The term used to describe the topmost Village A apartments
that enjoy large rooftop balconies. They’re a frequent spot for parties in warmer weather.
n. A uniquely Georgetown tradition, this annual show organized by the South Asian Society brings together 500+ Hoyas for a weekend of dancing in Gaston Hall.
gym, is located at the top of a hill, leaving students with a small preworkout workout.
General College Terminology ANDRE
n. Cheap champagne popular when making mimosas for brunch.
n. Georgetown’s van service that will pick students up in West Georgetown and Burleith from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. on weekdays and to 3 a.m. on weekends. Be warned: The service is safe but slow.
n. Student Neighborhood Assistance Program. A volunteer group of university officials and private security officers who patrol the neighborhoods surrounding the campus on weekends.
n. A drinking event often hosted by a club or organization in which members split up into “countries” and hold their own in a series of drinking games. Often features fantastic costumes.
n. Cheap vodka available in a mind-blowing number of flavors, from citrus to hot cinnamon.
n. A day party. A party during the n. The night before your 21st day. Fairly self-explanatory. birthday in which friends gather to toast your existence up until DFMO the stroke of midnight, at which n. Dance Floor Makeout, a makepoint they escort you to The out session that occurs at a party Tombs where you can have your in the middle of a dance floor forehead stamped by the bounc- rather than in a private room. er and enjoy your first-ever sip of Typically, the participants are alcohol. not dating, and they may even be strangers. Whether or not this WATERFRONT constitutes a “hookup” is subject n. The area on K Street down by to contentious debate. the Potomac. Good for runs and romantic walks. Adjacent to the FLOORCEST movie theater. n. A pejorative term for a hookup between two floormates, WISEY’S making floor meetings awkward n. 1. What most students call and tension-filled for both parWisey’s is actually Wisemill- ties. Due to the close-knit nature er’s Grocery and Deli, the deli of most freshmen dorms, these and convenience store on 36th relationships are typically fodder Street. 2. Its second location, ac- for floor gossip. tually called D.C. Wisey’s, is on Wisconsin Avenue and is usually FROYO referred to as “Healthy Wisey’s.” n. Slang for frozen yogurt, which is a way of life at Georgetown. YATES Get it at Saxbys Coffee, Pinkbern. Yates Field House, the campus ry or Leo’s.
n. A homemade fruit-flavored punch with questionable ingredients, usually served in a plastic bin. A batch can be deceptively strong, causing you to become drunk without realizing it.
n. A party where (cheap) beer is served from kegs. These tend to “tap out” early, sending droves of freshmen off to the next “kegger.”
n. A morning party where beer is served with breakfast. These gatherings are most common before basketball games as pregames.
n. Colloquial for Natural Light, a low-cost beer of exceptional quality.
n. To drink before you go out, ensuring a baseline level of drunkenness.
n. To hang around with your friends after the party and continue to drink. May include cheap pizza.
adj. 1. The state where you are exiled from your room due to it being occupied. “Sexiling” is usually signaled via a late-night text from your roommate asking if the dorm will be free that night.
n. 1. Teaching assistants. Graduate students, or sometimes undergraduates, who assist professors by grading papers and leading discussion sections. It’s in your best interest to get on their good side.
oFficial Bucket List Line up for a guest lecture at 4 a.m. Tailgate and root for thE Hoyas during Homecoming Weekend. Get your head stamped at The Tombs on your 21st birthday. Eat at Ben's Chili Bowl. Learn thE fight song. Get drenched in thE fountain in Dahlgren Quadrangle. Go to thE monuments at night. Catch concerts at thE 9:30 Club, Echostage, Black Cat and MerriweaTher Post Pavilion. Order a Chicken Madness or Hot Chick at Wisey's. Take a course taught by a Jesuit. Go to thE White House on election night and attend tHe inauguration on tHe National Mall. Watch "The Exorcist" on Halloween. Organize a huge snowball fight with your friends or floormates. Get involved with tHe Center for Social Justice: tutor with D.C. Reads, D.C. Schools or go on an Alternative Breaks Program trip. Trick-or-treat on Embassy Row. Get to know a chaplain or one oF The faculty-in-residence; Go to tHeir weekly events –– if only for thE free food! Stargaze at Heyden Observatory. Visit an exhibit at thE National Gallery Of Art, The National Portrait Gallery or anoTher D.C. art gallery or museum. Write a viewpoint for The Hoya. Get a Library oF Congress Reader Identification Card. Go on a tour oF tHe White House. Take a selfie with a politician. See a production put on by one Of tHe many performing arts groups. Find your way into tHe worst-kept secret tunnels. Sit on John Carroll's lap. Watch tHe sunrise over tHe monuments. Go kayaking on tHe Potomac –– but do NOT jump in; that water is nasty. Enjoy tHe finest Of O'Donovan Hall on Chicken Finger Thursday. Go to tHe Verizon Center for a basketball game. Lounge out on Healy Beach with a book and some friends. JINWOO CHONG/THE HOYA