y o u r. i n d y @ g m a i l . c o m editor-in-chief:
Ró i sí n McCarty layout editor:
To m D au er
writers: Laura Meltzer Noelle Moore Jake Mur phy Josh Myer s Alyce Pelleg rino Madame Quer y Tommy Roach Mike Reluzco Ste phanie Spencer
Beginning next Thursday, each issue of The Indpendent will include a correc-
tions page for the previous week. We are also hoping to introduce a spread of four columns, each on a specific topic such as business, politics, world news, etcetera.
I would like to again thank my wonderful staff for all of the support they’ve
given me, and for all of the fantastic content they’ve provided me with in the past two months.
I’d also like to thank various service heads, and the campus community in
general, for giving us constructive feedback and helping us move closer to being your Indy.
print manager: Tony Pontius
cover photo by: Tyler Dawson
10:30 pm. Come fully clothed and with any questions you have for us!
copy editor: Rachel Margolin artwork by: Madeleine Bergman Nicolas Sienty web design by: Danielle Lempp
The Purchase Independent is a nonprofit news magazine, paid for by the Mandatory Student Activity fee. We welcome and encourage submissions from readers. The Indy is a forum for campus issues and events, to give students the voice they deserve. Letters, articles, comics, ads, event photography and event listings are welcomed. The deadline for submissions is every Friday before midnight, and accepted pieces will be published the following Thursday. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed, but subject to the discretion of the editors. No anonymous submissions will be considered, but we will accept use of pseudonyms on a caseby-case basis. Send all submissions and inquiries to your.indy@gmail.com. Send questions to Madame Query at formspring. me/madamequery. Back page quotes can be submitted to formspring.me/ indybackpage or put in the Back Page Box that hangs on the office door. Our office is located on the first floor of Campus Center North, room 1011. Staff meetings are held in the office every Monday night at 9:30; anyone is welcome.
The long awaited Naked Issue is coming up in just a short few weeks! We
will be holding a general interest meeting in the Food Co-Op on Monday, the 19th, at
Stay drunk safe this weekend!
y o u r. i n d y @ g m a i l . c o m
kalladeen’s corner BY Jake murphy It isn’t rare that we find people who give their lives up for their country. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken many American lives since 2001, including Purchase student Anthony Kalladeen. Anthony N. Kalladeen, born May 30, 1979 in Brooklyn, New York, was a hero who gave up his life for America in 2005. Kalladeen attended Purchase College and was an RA in both Big Haus and Crossroads. A former Marine, Kalladeen was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq in the Army National Guard, when in August of 2005 his Humvee was struck by an IED (improvised explosive device) and he received wounds which took his life the next day. He was only 26 years old, and had planned to return to Purchase to finish his college career, but the fact that really caught my eye is that he only had less than a month until he returned. Kalladeen was described as loving and extremely brave. I have never met him, but one day as I was walking in Crossroads a plaque on the wall caught my eye; Kalladeen staring at me with gleaming eyes wearing his Marine Corps uniform. I was quite interested, not even thinking that Purchase College would be home to many heroes and military personnel. I thought to myself, “How many people walk past this corner each day without knowing that it is dedicated to a fallen Marine who was an RA in this building?” His story is inspiring to say the least and
the more I stared at his military profiles, the more I felt as though I knew him. He had great pride in serving, and believed that if he did die, he would die a glorious death on the battlefield. His motivation for his military service was to be admired. Yet, today all we can do is remember and honor his life and know that he gave it up for our freedom. If one day you are walking down the hall in Crossroads and find Kalladeen’s Corner, remember that he gave his life for the lives of others, and that he will always be the soldier of Purchase College. Kalladeen was a specialist in the 1st Battalion, 69th Regiment, 256th Combat Team of New York City. He died in Baghdad on August 7th, 2005. He will always be remembered at Purchase College in the Crossroads residence hall, Kalladeen’s Corner.
SANTORAMA BY NOellE moore Rick Santorum is a Republican Party politician who served as a senator for Pennsylvania and now wants to be the President of the United States. He is a conservative who is very clear about his disapproval of homosexuality, birth control, opposition to the separation of church and state, and anti-choice status. Whether or not you support Rick Santorum, it is clear that the man is certainly creating conflict in America. And with every conflict, the Internet will find a way to combat it. Making a mockery of Santorum is nothing new. In 2003, he made waves by expressing his belief that homosexual sex should be government regulated the same way bestiality, child molestation, and polygamy are. Naturally, this offended all sorts of civil rights groups, in particular Dan Savage, who held a contest for people to propose a definition for the word “santorum” that would offend the senator. The winner coined the definition as: “santorum (san-TOR-um) n.1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.” Thus the Santorum smear campaign was born. Since Santorum has gained more prominence in politics recently, a flood of new memes havs popped up. Several new Tumblr blogs have taken off, such as the blog titled “Fear Rick’s Vest” ,in reference to the array of sweater-vests that he is known for wearing. There are also “I Hope Rick Santorum…” which contains various inconveniences
that people hope befall him, “Rick Santorum on People’s Nipples”, which is exactly what it sounds like, and “Scumbag Santorum”, which is a play on the popular meme “Scumbag Steve”. Several image macros have developed due to his pledge to rally against same-sex marriage and pornography. A mosaic of Santorum composed of hundreds of pictures of gay pornography rapidly spread across Internet hubs such as Reddit, Buzzfeed, and Tumblr making light of Santorm’s vehement stance against homosexuality. A second mosaic image followed, depicting two men kissing, composed of hundreds of photos of Rick Santorum himself. Alongside the humor that memes provide, they raise awareness about what this man wants to do to our country should he reach a position of higher power. This is a man who wants to outlaw premarital sex, take away contraception on the grounds that “it’s license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be,” throw doctors who perform abortions in jail, and revoke the rights of women to serve in our country’s armed forces. This is a man who thinks that when a woman gets pregnant from rape, that “we have to make the best of a bad situation”. It is comments like this that have so many people up in arms against the threat to many aspects of our country, and what better place to voice these views than the Internet?
santorum satire
captain santorum By michael reluzco On a largely liberal campus, mention of the name Rick Santorum is often met with either groans of disgust or furious laughter. Santorum’s current platform seems to be run upon the fundamentals of fear, hatred, and homophobia. As such, it’s easy to see why so many view him as a threat to intelligent thought across the country. To scrutinize Santorum, however, is to find much more than a depraved lunatic. For the time which I have your attention, I beg you to suspend your disbelief and entertain this idea: Rick Santorum is not only an absolute genius, but the best presidential candidate for liberals across the country. To fully analyze this man, one must turn back the clock two decades to Santorum’s beginnings as a politician in 1991. Santorum was elected to represent Pennsylvania’s 18th district, and during his four year tenure in the House of Representatives, he had no problems stepping across the aisle. Santorum was one of the few Republicans to oppose the permanent hiring of scabs. He opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement, a movement which had the potential to destroy the economy in both Mexico and Canada. Indeed, he even helped to uncover those representatives involved in a serious banking scandal. Did I mention he also successfully lobbied for the legalization of anabolic steroids in the World Wrestling Federation? Because he did that too. Due to these very clear victories that Santorum helped lead for the United States, I will no longer refer to him as Rick Santorum; this man is clearly the next Captain America. But don’t look
at me funny yet, I’m just getting started. Upon the Captain’s election to the Senate, something happened. Not only did Captain America seem to forget all that he worked for during his time as a representative, but he even seemed to have forgotten that Democrats existed. He was turned into the perfect Republican machine, nearly overnight. What happened? Well this is where we read between the lines. When one looks at a picture of this modern day hero, one thing is abundantly clear: his head is a really strange shape. This leaves me with only one conclusion; Captain America, in 1995, suffered severe head trauma and entirely forgot the purpose for which he was originally engineered into the political super-soldier that he was. Now the noble Captain is bidding for the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency. His platform is largely based on war; fighting the war on religion, fear-mongering for a new war in Iran, and most notably striking out in a war against homosexuality. This penchant for ignorance and intolerance easily makes him one of the front-runners in the Republican primaries. So, with this champion of freedom so clearly debilitated, why should any sensible person support him? The answer is clear. If allowed into presidency, the man now known as Rick Santorum will make an unholy mess of the Union. Luckily, we can bring Captain America back. All we need is a baseball bat. Yes, my fellow residents of the United continued on page 17
THE WAR ON WOMEN BY stephanie spencer Stemming from recent bills and amendments set forth by conservatives as ways to exercise their “religious freedom,” women are finding themselves once again fighting for basic rights over their bodies and integrity. This has left many women and supporters scratching their heads in awe and asking how this country could possibly find themselves in the midst of a war on women, yet again. In January, the Obama administration announced that under the Affordable Care Act, contraception was to be covered under most insurance policies, the same way Viagra is, essentially causing outrage among conservatives saying that their freedom of religion was being infringed upon. Initially, the reform demanded that religious organizations pay for insurance that covered contraception as well. After consideration by Democrats who agreed that this imposed on religious freedom, however, the reform included an exception to church organizations themselves, but not to hospitals that do not rely solely on employees associated with the church, according to The New York Times. Therefore, the reform would technically not be infringing on the beliefs of churches being that many of the doctors and staff involved are not under the church’s payroll. Senator Roy Blunt continued to bombard the Senate with additional bills that would allow insurance companies and employers (religious or not) the right to deny any medical coverage for activities they deemed a threat to their religious
beliefs, i.e. contraception. The bill was unnervingly vetoed by a slim margin. In an interview with the Washington Post, Smith College assistant professor Carrie Baker believes that religious organizations are using Obama’s amendment as proof that he wants to weaken religious freedom. “At first the church appeared to accept this compromise,” said Baker. “But then Catholic Bishops came out in opposition to it. Republican candidates are using this controversy to portray Obama as anti-religion and in violation of the First Amendment free exercise clause.” When a religious panel in Washington chose to respond to the health care reform, many were surprised when the panel consisted solely of middle-aged Clergymen and Rabbis, prompting Democratic Representative Carolyn B. Maloney of New York to beg the question, “Where are the women?” Conservative commentators such as Rush Limbaugh have taken to more “below the belt” tactics in regards to the fight for pro-choice. In a recent radio show where Limbaugh discussed law student Sandra Fluke, who spoke to the House of Democratic Steering and Policy Committee opting for health coverage for contraceptives, he said that she must have had so much sex she was “going broke.” Limbaugh continued to humiliate Fluke, 30, by saying that in order for contraception to be covered by insurance, she should be obligated to videotape herself having sex for everyone to see.
war on women These misogynistic statements not only attacked Fluke, but inadvertently attacked women around the world who use contraception for sexual and non-sexual purposes. Obama seemed personally taken aback by Limbaugh’s harsh comments regarding Fluke and expressed his support for the Georgetown student. “I don’t know what’s in Limbaugh’s heart, so I’m not going to comment on the sincerity of his apology,” said Obama. “What I can comment on is the fact that all decent folks can agree on, that the remarks that were made don’t have any place in the public discourse. And the reason I called [Fluke] is because I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about—even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way, and I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they are being good citizens.” Aside from shameful tactics on the part of Republicans to stop women from having control or family planning, conservatives and religious organizations continue to advertise contraception as an abomination to the country, leading many politicians influenced by these groups to adopt new bills that will degrade and pose a great danger to the privacy, human and bodily rights of women in this country. One of the most jarring instances of depleted liberties for women came in the form of the Virginia bill, an amendment that would require women choosing abortion to endure a transvaginal ultrasound, where a long probe is inserted into the vagina so the fetus can be seen. Conservatives advocated for the bill, say-
ing that “personhood” begins the moment of conception, and therefore ultrasounds would be giving the patient closer glimpse at the fetus. What they have neglected to mention is how transvaginal ultrasounds are not required for abortion procedures, and that really what these women will be subjected to is vaginal penetration without consent. Even more unsettling is that there are already seven states in the country that have passed this bill. According to Irin Carmon of Salon.com, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell was surprised of the backlash the bill received saying, “Virginia will now join nearly half the states in America that have some kind of ultrasound law. You wouldn’t know that from the coverage; you would have thought Virginia was doing something that had never been done.” This bill doesn’t even cover the women and young girls who were raped and looking for the most dignified solution to an unwanted pregnancy. In addition to their bodies being defaced by their perpetrator, survivors would also have to endure unnecessary penetration in the name of religion. In response to the upheaval towards the bill, Gov. McDonnell recommended that the transvaginal ultrasound be amended to an abdominal ultrasound instead, however many still fear their human rights are being stripped of them. In an interview with the Washington Post Joyce Arthur, the executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, advised American women to have their voices heard being that this is a very serious threat to women’s rights. “Reproduction is extremely important to human society,” said Arthur. “The idea of women controlling reproduction, that’s very, very scary for a lot of people.”
“TROjan women” REVIEW BY laura meltzer The Purchase College Repertory’s innovative production of Euripides’ Greek classic, “Trojan Women”, only proves that anything old can be new again. Playwright Ellen McLaughlin has taken Euripides’ tragedy (where the women of Troy suffer the vicious aftermath of a brutal war), and updated it to the end of 1990’s Bosnian War. Just like the women of Troy did, the former female citizens of Yugoslavia and Albania suffer from losing friends and family, and the destruction of their homes after the war. Director Rachel Dickstein uses song and dance to communicate the mournful cries of the women of Troy when they become refugees of what was once home. She also cleverly adds hints of the modern world into the production, such as dressing the male characters that play Poseidon in businessman attire. The seniors and selected sophomores of the BFA Acting Conservatory work very well and play off of each other very well when performing dance, musical, or acting pieces. Within the company, there were also some fantastic individual performances. Le’Asha Julius commanded the stage with her powerful presence. She played the role of Hecuba, a woman who desperately tries to keep the women together during the dark days after the battle. When playing Helen, actress Sayre Fox fully committed to playing the defiant woman, who is “rescued” by Menethus, and then runs off
with him after Hecuba has labeled her a traitor to the women of Troy. Jennifer Loring’s interpretation of Andromache is wonderfully performed, especially when her husband, Agamemnon, her baby, and the last of her family are taken away and murdered by the Greeks. Though the production discusses Troy and the Greek soldier’s invasion, the script is still written in enough of an open-ended fashion that the audience can easily relate these characters to other women who live in war-stricken countries. The production team’s set is filled with rugged looking wicker folding doors, a chaise, a sand covered floor, and metal bars and barbwire upstage. The lighting designs are several singular steep angles of fluorescent light, resembling prison floodlights. The clever combination of the barbed wire and fluorescent lights give the impression that the Trojan women are prisoners of the Greeks. The modern costuming for the male soldiers is another way the audience can relate this post-war story to other war-stricken countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and other Middle-Eastern countries. Upcoming productions in the Acting and Theatre and Performance Conservatory include “Rock ‘N’ Roll” by Tom Stoppard, directed by Sarah Grace Wilson, performed April 20th – April 28th, and “Vendetta Chrome” by Sylvan Oswald, performed March 22nd – March 25th. Come out and support the conservatory!
REAL NEWS ABOUT FAKE NEWS BY alyce pellegrino Many females have been pushed past the breaking point when news broke on the Internet that the next move in the war over contraceptives was an attempt to ban tampons. The article, titled “Newest GOP Attack on Women: Just Say No to Tampons,” was published on February twenty-ninth on the website www.freewoodpost.com. Here lies the problem with blogs, and the Internet in general. Many people tend to take things they read seriously without checking a source. People read something and immediately begin to talk about it, post about it, tell anybody that will listen what they have just read. The original article that has been spreading across the web and infuriating so many is a fake, and there is no actual attempt to ban tampons. The Free Wood Post is a “news and political satire web publication.” It has both a Creative Common License and Satire Disclaimer for all of it’s readers to view. The website itself, presents this information for it’s readers. “Free Wood Post is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within FreeWoodPost.com are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental, except for all references to politicians and/or celebrities, in which case they are based on real people, but still based almost entirely in fiction.
FreeWoodPost.com is intended for a mature, sophisticated, and discerning audience.” The good news? No one is trying to use the excuse that “it is unnatural for a woman to insert a foreign object into her body for the sake of stopping the menstrual flow…Women should let nature take care of itself the way that our Almighty Creator intended” as an excuse to once again infringe upon a woman’s rights. The bad news? The story is still being spread as fact. We all fell victim to this article’s authenticity, myself included when I first heard about it, because a majority of us get our news these days from blogs, or doing a quick Google search. So remember kiddies, always check and double check your sources, and never take something for fact until you do some investigation. You never know who has actually written or said what you scroll past in the news section after you check your daily horoscope.
Friday, March 15th The D-Hall at 6pm
MOVIE NIGHT: Autism Spectrum Disorders Program Thursday, March 15th Southside at 7pm
Natural Science Building 1002 at 10am
Friday, March 16th Campus Center South at 3pm-2am
March 14th-16th
The Stood Wednesday/Thursday: Food & Art at
6:30pm Friday: (just plays) Milk 6pm Poona 7pm
Sunday, March 18th Southside at 6pm
O.A.P.I.A’s Soul Food Sunday First Speaker For Women’s History Month: Karen Beltran Lecture
Monday, March 19th The Red Room at 7pm
Tristen Napoli Jazz Recital
Friday, March 16th
Monday, March 19th
The Stood at 6pm
Music Building 0081 at 7pm
ARTS MANAGEMENT CLUB: That Fuckin’ Festival
BFA Senior Project Dance Concert Friday, March 16th Dance Lab 0029 at 8pm
Saturday, March 17th Whitsons at 8:30pm
• • • •
Mystery of Color and Aesthetics and Judaism Lecture Tuesday, March 20th
The Red Room at 5:30pm
Tuesday, March 20th The Stood at 6pm
Wednesday, March 21st Southside at 12:30pm
NYPIRG PRESENTS: Higher Education Program
Wednesday, March 21st
Campus Center North at 2pm
Wednesday, March 21st Humanities 1064 at 6pm
Wednesday, March 21st The Stood Cinema at 8pm
Wednesday, March 21st Big Haus A-Side Lounge at 9pm
Classic Movie Night what you might have missed...
Thursdays Open Swim: Gym 1021 at 12-2pm Fencing Club: Gym 0003 at 2:15-4pm Gamers United: G-Street Lounge at 6pm AMG: Witsons at 6:30pm RPGA: Hub Basement at 8pm Green Team: Co-Op at 7pm PEMS: Southside at 8pm Trans*Action: LGBTQU at 10pm
Mondays FORTH meeting: Southside at 8pm The Indy: CCN 1011 at 9:30pm Brick Meeting: Red Room at 10pm
Tuesdays Anthropology: SPARC room at 8:00pm PUSH: Hub basement at 9pm Complexuality: Hub basement at 10pm GRIOT: Fort Awesome 0136 at 9pm
Wednesdays Hillel: Hub basement at noon Purchase Comics United: Commuter Lounge at 2 Senate: Southside at 12:30pm Gamers United: G-Street Lounge at 7pm Chess Club: Commuters Lounge at 8pm Anime: Commuter lounge at 8pm Nerf: Humanites at 10 pm WPSR: WPSR Office at 10pm PTV: Hub Basement at10pm LGBTQU: Red Room at 10pm
photo by David Grimaldi
Monday, March 5th A s t r o n a u t a l i s The Stood
LIMBAUGH IN LIMBO BY josh myers On February 29, 2012 Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown law student, Sandra Fluke, “a slut” and “a prostitute” simply because she testified in front of Congress in support of a contraceptive coverage insurance requirement. Limbaugh later went on to say that Fluke was asking “you and me and the taxpayers” to pay for her to have sex. On March 1st, Limbaugh kept his misogynistic rant going. “Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex? ... Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?” He suggested the women at Georgetown put some aspirin “between their knees” as birth control, and said, “So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I’ll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.” The comments made by Limbaugh obviously offended Sandra Fluke, but also many others. Within hours, countless advertisers and sponsors withdrew their products and commercials from Limbaugh’s time slot. As of Wednesday morning, 43 sponsors have withdrawn their association with Limbaugh, including Geico, Netflix, and Capital One. Many of the companies that are withdrawing their advertisements claim that they were only placed during the time slot of Limbaugh’s show because of “run-of-station” advertising that is placed at the studio’s discretion. One company, Regal Assets, made a statement that stated “We cannot even begin to
understand how Sandra Fluke feels regarding the recent attacks by Rush Limbaugh, but everyone at Regal Assets wants to let Sandra Fluke know that we stand by her side in full support.” Advertisers aren’t the only people rushing to remove themselves from the association of Rush Limbaugh. Two television stations, one in Pittsfield, MA and the other in Hilo, HI, both removed Limbaugh from their schedules. Musician Peter Gabriel’s song “Sledgehammer” was featured during Limbaugh’s rant against Sandra Fluke, however after Gabriel found out about this, a spokesperson for Gabriel released this statement: “Peter was appalled to learn that his music was linked to Rush Limbaugh’s extraordinary attack on Sandra Fluke. It is obvious from anyone that knows Peter’s work that he would never approve such a use. He has asked his representatives to make sure his music is withdrawn and especially from these unfair aggressive and ignorant comments.” Due to the obvious backlash, Limbaugh was forced to apologize. In a short statement, he said, “For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week,” Limbaugh wrote in a statement appearing on his website. “In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.”
Created by Nicolas Sienty
ABOUT THAT KOOL-AID stream... BY tommy roach It’s no secret that the students at Purchase absolutely love to explore the woods surrounding campus. At this point, a love of the outdoors is essentially a requirement to attend this school. As it should be, considering the campus is surrounded, no, engrossed by woodland. So it’s no surprise that when the stream surrounding campus became polluted, students, including yours truly, noticed. This is not some little “oh people are throwing trash into the river” bullshit. This is a stream that smells like anti-freeze, looks like blue Kool-Aid, and has an orange sludge-like film that builds up on top in areas where the water pools. This is absolutely disgusting. One student, Nick Bruno, started a petition to stop the airport from dumping the anti-
freeze. Unfortunately, he was unavailable for comment. “When I found out about it, it was because Nick Bruno told me,” said Brittany Ziems, a freshman. “We would go exploring in the part of the woods closest to the airport, and he told me that when he went to go back to that area, UPD had stopped him to tell him that he couldn’t go exploring over there because of the anti-freeze. So this is obviously an issue that’s being ignored.” I asked around quite a bit, and saw that no one was really doing anything that had any sort of major effect, and decided to take action. I contacted Mark Dannenberg, a personal acquaintance and Remedial Project Engineer at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I explained the situation, the color of the stream,
environment and the odor it produced. “That blue stuff is probably ethylene glycol,” Dannenberg explained. “That is antifreeze. The airport sprays it on planes to de-ice (it melts the ice off the wings) so that the plane can fly ok. “They should probably be collecting the rinse (water and ethylene glycol) after they spray it on the planes. Then they could either reuse it or collect it in drums and cart it away. Instead, it seems that it’s running off the runways (like rainwater would) and into the creek.” The airport that already pollutes Purchase’s atmosphere with loud noise is also polluting Purchase’s stream with anti-freeze. “If they have de-icing fluid (antifreeze) flowing off of the airport, then it is considered a ‘discharge’ so they should have a permit,” Dannenberg stated. After further investigation, it turns out that Westchester County Airport does have a permit for runoff into the stream. This means a few things. Firstly, the air-
port is legally allowed to harm an eco-system by dumping runoff into a stream. Secondly, although they have permission to do this, they’re doing it far too much. Antifreeze is one of the most dangerous things to allow into nature. It smells sweet and apparently tastes sweet, but is relatively toxic. Animals will not realize what they’re drinking. Fish have no choice. While this pollution poses little to no threat to any students (unless, of course, they decide to drink from the neon-blue stream which has an odor so strong it feels as though the hairs inside one’s nose are being burned away), the large population of campus wildlife is at a serious risk. “If the creek looks that bad, then they may be violating their permit,” Dannenberg said. “It sounds like they are discharging at way-toohigh concentrations, though, if the creek turns blue and you can smell it so strongly.” Students who are aware of this issue are
continued on next page
not pleased. “When I saw it [the stream], it was really disgusting to me,” said freshman Cara Nuzzo. “But what was really disgusting was that the airport knows exactly what they’re doing is bad and they’re still doing it.” She was not the only student were genuinely upset by the pollution. “When I saw exactly how polluted the area was, I just felt sad,” said Jackson Napierala, a freshman. “I almost cried. The airport has little to no consideration about the environment. They should be punished for their lack of care.” Officially, a formal complaint has been filed. Within the next few weeks, the EPA will be sending up field agents to test the water and see exactly how bad this pollution is. However, the process will take time. Cleaning this stream up
won’t just happen overnight. If any students want to help, it is reccommended that they sign Bruno’s petition. Unfortunately, the stream isn’t President Schwarz’s concern, so contacting him will prove futile. The stream is just barely on school property as it stands, and this is really an issue the airport should be dealing with, not Purchase. Thankfully, the issue is now in good hands with the EPA. Things can only clean up from here. Check back in the coming weeks for more updates and any news concerning the stream.
entertainment continued from page 5
States, I am suggesting that we beat the future President of the United States of America in the head with a baseball bat. Repeatedly. Whatever it was that caused Santorum’s head trauma was incredibly powerful, and in order to return him to the right state of mind and allow America’s hero to reclaim his former brilliance, we must beat sense into him. Once this is done, Captain America will, once again, save the United States from evil. Vote Santorum/Cudgel 2012.
Madame, I was told recently that I
Can I eat my boogers or is that not
am fashionably challenged. How do I
change my look to fit in with the Pur-
Madame does not know if she can be the judge of what is “okay.” Can anyone really? I don’t think I will ever really be able to make the clear line of the normal and abnormal. I can say that attending Purchase for the past three years or so, eating your boogers is definitely not the strangest thing I have ever heard of. Again I cannot make a scale of oddness, but in my personal experience that is not the strangest thing I have heard of. Something to keep in mind: At the end of each semester, students with meal plans go through one of the following two options: run dry for the last week of school or have at least sixty meals and one hundred flex left in the last week. Why do I bring this up? You might have a meal plan that you’re putting to waste. Put down the finger and take out the More Card.
chase scene?
Never change your look to fit in with the Purchase “scene.” Wait until you graduate and see how people dress in the real world, then you will know what is “appropriate.” I am not going to tell you to ditch sweatpants for leggings and an oversized poncho sweater. Wear what you want and fuck the students here who think you’re the crazy one. Who seriously had the right to call you fashionably challenged? The person who wears all black everyday, or the guy who wears cardboard boxes to act like a robot? These are the last few years where we can be lazy and look it. Don’t forget that. Not only that, but its the last few years for extreme exploration. Explode on the colors in your closet. Throw on anything without thought. What is it to the guy next to you? Tell them to stop staring if they are really so “bothered” by it. Now just because I said you should take advantage of these last “lazy years,” know when it is appropriate to wear what. If you have a job interview, don’t wear the sweatpants. Nor should you wear rainbow bright colors to a funeral. I’m going to trust you enough to know that. And if you didn’t know that, well then, now you know.
TO MADAME QUERY http://www.formspring.me/madamequery
What is the reason of your untimely death?
Madame is dead? How can she be writing if she is dead? Is it possible she is writing to you from another universe. Madame is not dead. She would like you to elaborate on why you would think this. She is very much alive. If anything she is a walking zombie because of the workload senior year puts on a person. Don’t you worry, there is still a pulse to this lovely lady you know as your “Madame.”
interested in
7th annual naked issue
Come to our general interest meeting! Everyone is welcome! Monday night at 10:30pm The Food Co-Op (D-Hall Mezzanine) Bring yourself and your ideas! We’re always interested in what you have to say! email us with questions,
*some quotes have been rewritten for legibility or to preserve the anonymity of the submitter