September 16, 2010 | Issue #217
y o u r. i n d y @ g m a i l . c o m
editor-in-chief: Ri l ey Ken ny s mith
Bicycles are a nearly universal bonding factor. It’s rare to find someone who has never ridden a bike because it’s one of those childhood rites of passage; think back to age 5 or 6, when you begged your parents to teach you so you could be the first of your friends who didn’t need training wheels. Taping Pokemon cards between your spokes and using your allowance to buy the perfect stickers to sticky-up your frame, and then getting insanely jealous when one kid on the block showed up with those handlebar tassles. What’s more quintessential than memories of speeding down the street on your brand-new “big kid” bike? My bike now is an obnoxious yellow vintage Schwinn that I found for sale on the side of the road, for $20 and I rode the half-mile home with the world’s biggest grin on my face. That feeling of rocking a new bike past your neighbors never goes away, and I’m always amazed to climb back on in Spring to find that I can still keep myself upright. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a car and probably won’t get my license until I’m long out of college, but I’m extremely attached to my World Traveler. It appeared in my life as a golden roadside beacon of independent mobility, and I’ll ride it until the frame gives out from decades of love. Not everything in this bike issue is bicycle-related, but I’m pleased to present this vaguely themed segment to you with two opportunities for on-campus repair and an interesting story of a family bicycle that’s finally getting some road time. Hopefully this issue will spur a resurgence in bike culture on our campus. There’s still a few weeks of warm weather left, so grab some friends and take your two-wheeled companions out for a spin.
layout editor: Ta r a C on n elly writers: H i l l a r y An d er s on A da m B reid b art M a da me Q u er y copy editors: E r i c a B as co A l ex Pros cia print manager: Ro byn Wilk in s cover photo by: K ate McCor mick artwork by: To ny Was h in gton web editor: D a n i elle Lemp p
The Purchase Independent is a nonprofit news magazine, paid for by the Mandatory Student Activity fee. We welcome and encourage submissions from readers. The Indy is a forum for campus issues and events, to give students the voice they deserve. Letters, articles, comics, ads, event photography and event listings are welcomed. The deadline for submissions is every Friday before midnight, and accepted pieces will be published the following Thursday. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed, but subject to the discretion of the editors. No anonymous submissions will be considered, but we will accept use of pseudonyms on a case-by-case basis. Send all submissions and inquiries to Send questions to Madame Query at madamequery. Back page quotes can be submitted to or put in the Back Page Box that hangs on the office door. Our office is located on the first floor of Campus Center North, room 1011. Staff meetings are held in the office every Monday night at 9:30; anyone is welcome to join.
BIKES! There’s not much of one anymore. They were good at organizing and getting people together to do stuff, and now, not so much. Do you have any memorable bike experiences?
Having a bike for me is utilitarian. I live in Manhattan and Brooklyn, so I use my bike to get around everywhere- it’s my main mode of transportation. I remember one group bike ride we took to CT Liquors though, there were tons of people and it was a really pleasant atmosphere. I like riding to Port Chester too, you can get there and to CT by the “road closed” by the new, then following King Street.
THE INDY: How long have you been working
How would someone go about getting their
on the bike shop?
AIYANA: I helped out two years ago and worked on it last year. I’m doing it this year too, but so far it’s been unofficial, like people asking me to work on bikes who remember me from last year. How did you learn to fix bikes?
I worked at a bike shop for two years, doing sales. I picked up some things. I know how to do basic repairs. Beyond those, I can usually diagnose bike problems that I can’t fix myself, help with how to fix the problem, and give cost estimates. How and when did the bike shop originally start?
It was four roommates in an apartment who started it together in 2003. At least one of them would usually be there, which was nice. How has the bike culture changed a Purchase since then?
bike fixed or learning more about bikes?
We want to run some bike workshops on basic bike repair, like changing flats and stuff. That will probably be in October. Until we get up and running, which should be in the next two weeks, we’re doing repairs unofficially.
BIKE SHOP CONTACT INFO: AIYANA: People can email me (aiyana.knaur@ or come to my apartment in the Olde at G6-2. If I’m not there just leave your bike with a note with your name, number, combination, and your problem. DAVE: Facebook is a good way to contact me, or purchase email. ( You can also leave your bike with a note at my apartment, G5-1. COST: Unless you need a part, labor is free.
DAVE: I transferred here last semester from Pratt in Utica. Is that the same Pratt as in the one in the city?
It’s a sister school. It only has like 150-200 kids; I was a Fine Arts major there. They didn’t have much in the way of photo, so I transferred here. What do you think of the bike culture here?
I wish there was more of one. I think everyone uses their bikes to get to class. I wish there were more people who rode together. A group bike ride to White Plains would be cool. How long have you been working on bikes?
I’ve been working on bikes as long as I’ve been riding them. I really liked Legos when I was a kid – I sort of think of bikes as big boy Legos. This summer I took my ten-speed and made it a single speed – I took two chains and put them together, but that broke so I’ve been riding my moped. What’s different about riding or working on a moped from a bike?
A moped is built around an engine instead of a bike frame. They’re really fun to work on – you might get a broken moped, and with a week’s work it’s like brand new. They always break but they’re easy to fix. Where do you even get a moped?
Mostly Craigslist, there are other places like in
the city but they’re kind of sketchy. If people are interested in mopeds they should go to Also, they should talk to me because I want to ride with people. Where do you like to bike?
In city areas. Pepsico is nice too. Why the city?
I really like the grid layout of the streets. There’s a danger element, and I like the feeling of passing cars on a bike. It’s an adrenaline rush. Do you have any memorable bike experiences?
Riding down the main street in Utica and not stopping at any green lights until I hit the bottom.
He’s got like a billion trophies. I can show you sometime. What rules the most about riding a bike?
It makes me feel powerful and I don’t have to stop and make small talk with people. Do you like to take the loop or cut through campus?
I don’t really know how to take the loop; I’d probably get lost on it Would you ever ride to Pepsico?
I plan on riding to the farmer’s market on Tuesdays with my good friend, Adrien Behn. I like going on 2 a.m. bike rides around campus. Well, they’re not always at 2 a.m. They vary. It’s really calming and the campus at night is very beautiful Any qualms with the bike?
Yeah the brakes sound like a fucking turkey. Do you approve of drunk bike riding?
Yeah, it’s just not for me. Why not? PHOT O B Y H I LLA RY A N D E R S O N
Cause it’s challenging enough sober. There’s so much to visually take in but at a rapid speed it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So you’re a new bike rider?
No, I just get distracted. Have you ever seen Now & Then?
No. Where’d you get that bike?
My nana, Eileen Harrington. My nana actually never rode it. The only time it was ever ridden was when my papa took it the grocery store once. What was he getting?
He was probably getting tomato soup and wonder bread. Or he could’ve been going to the bowling alley because he was like a champion bowler.
In it they have a boom box on their handlebars and they blast Motown music.
That rules. I’m in the market for a basket because all I have right now is two bungee cords my dad gave me, so if anyone reads this that knows where I can get one for cheap they should tell me. But they’ll only know you by your bike and you’ll be going too fast for them to tell you.
Adam Breidbart: What are the latest happenings going on at the Purchase Garden this year?
Jonathan Andrews: There are going to be a lot of new things happening with the Garden this year. One of the most important changes that will be going on is that I want to change the Garden from being a place where we produce vegetables to more of an educational space. I plan to keep it really open this year to volunteers; we are currently setting up a schedule that will allow a lot of people to potentially participate at least twice a week. My goal is really to have people be able to come to the Garden with no previous experience. Even if it’s only for one day a year they can come, get their hands in the dirt and learn a little something. AB: For students who are new or don’t know about the Purchase Garden, where is it located?
JA: The Purchase Garden is located behind the Dance building and is surrounded by a tremendous amount of construction. AB: What is the best way for students to get involved in the Purchase Garden and what kind of roles would they be able to play?
JA: In my mind, the best way for students to get involved in something like gardening is really just gardening. In an academic environment like this where you spend so much time in the intellectual realm it’s really nice to go out and do something with your hands. When I think about the things
I want people to be able to get out of the garden experience, one is to show up and get their hands dirty and say things like, “Wow, I know how to harvest carrots now. That’s pretty cool.” AB: Is it true that you are trying to get an orchard tree planted this year at the Purchase Garden?
JA: It’s going to be really dependent on the input of the interns and volunteers as to what we are going to be capable of doing. I am only facilitating this garden, not leading it. I am leaving the leadership and the direction it goes to people who participate, so it’s going to go as far as people want to take it. My idea though is to make an orchard outside Outback where we would have fruit trees, raspberry/blackberry bushes and maybe some other stuff. AB: I’ve seen you running around campus with no shoes on. Considering that in this day in age people are generally crazy about finding the perfect running shoe, so how do you justify running with no shoes at all?
JA: There is a lot of information and research floating around right now about the benefits of barefoot running in comparison to wearing traditional running shoes and apparently you’ll be strengthening different muscles and you’ll be getting a lot more tone definition. Running barefoot works out entirely different muscle groups and research shows that in the long run, it will make you a stronger and more balanced runner. The truth is, I am acquiring a lot of this
Q&A information from first-hand and second-hand sources and it’s not something I’m very well read up on but it’s more so something I keep experimenting with and trying out. Lately, it has been really quite enjoyable. AB: I was told that if I ever went running with you I would be told lots of stories.
JA: Yes, I like to tell stories when I run. I’ve enjoyed doing that for a very long time. Hang out with me any Saturday night and you will hear a lot of stories. AB: You recently came back from a trip to India, right?
JA: Yes, I had been in India for six months; I came back on July 10, which was a little over two months ago. AB: What were your experiences there like and what did you set out to do on your trip?
JA: I had gone to India with the goal of doing some independent studies and I had also done a mountaineering course while I was there organized by NOLS, the National Outdoors Leadership School. Essentially I was given a lot of academic freedom to do whatever and I really spent most of my time just sort of traveling. That’s sort of what my initial project was; I wasn’t going with any real project or any real plan and didn’t really know what I was going to be doing. AB: What would you say you learned from the trip?
JA: That could be a whole other conversation itself.
AB: Do you have any other major involvements around the Purchase Campus this year?
JA: Not really. I have been really trying to consolidate my activities this year to work with the Garden. I’ll be peripherally involved in a lot of different side projects and stuff but I’m at a point right now where I’m really trying to prioritize what’s important to me and gardening is it. AB: Any idea what your senior project is on yet?
JA: I have most of it written, actually. I’m a double major in Sociology and Creative Writing. I will be assembling a book of poems for Creative Writing and for Sociology, I am 40 pages into a thesis discussing mediation and social justice. AB: Many people have said that you love talking about food.
JA: I do love talking about food. I might love eating food more than I love talking about it, maybe. AB: I was told that when you were a Resident Advisor in a single in the dorms, you had found any way possible to conserve food.
JA: Yeah, you get really inventive with a very limited amount of material when you want really good food and you’re tired of eating Dining Hall and Hub food every day of your life. AB: Thank you for your time, I hope the Purchase Garden is very successful this year.
JA: Cool, I hope people come down. Check it out and get involved. Thanks.
@ 9:30p m in CCN 1101
My boyfriend has been hounding me to get busy with him, however it’s that wonderful time of the month for me. What should I do?
Put some newspapers down and go on with it. Seriously though, assuming your boyfriend knows that aunt flow is visiting, you should be happy that your he wants to have sex this week! Sex on your period doesn’t have to be a shameful deed. Of course someone may be caught red handed, but not in an entirely bad way. There are ways to deal with it. Try the shower, instead of a mess you’ll be squeaky clean. This sounds simple, but since you’re most likely living in a dorm sharing a bathroom with who knows how many girls, there will have to be some maneuvering. For sex in the shower I suggest you use the handicap stall, this way you’ll also have the sink area to use. Timing is also a factor that needs to be taken into consideration. Try to go later in the night so that fewer people will catch you. To be completely honest though a shower isn’t necessary (yes, it is, but not for this particular reason). Having sex on your period doesn’t mean you’re going to unleash a running red river all over his sheets. When his penis is inside you, he is acting as a human tampon. Yes, I just compared your boyfriend to a wad of cotton and I don’t care because it’s true. The only thing that should really get messy is the condom, so your boyfriend shouldn’t get freaked out because there will be no blood on him. If he complains, remind him that it was his idea.
I woke up the other day with a note saying how cute and good of a dancer I was last night with a phone number. My girlfriend is no longer talking to me after she found it. What do I do?
Us ladies don’t like to admit it, but we are very jealous creatures. In this cruel world it seems as though we can only be one of two things: bitchy or stupid. All women are aware of this and if we have to be one, we’ll all side with bitchy. When your girlfriend saw that note she didn’t want to be fooled by you. She probably doesn’t want to hear your side because she’s afraid that if she believes you, she’ll later come to find out something else like you were out grinding up on some random chick against a wall of a scuzzy apartment in the Olde. Your girlfriend should hear you out, but right now she doesn’t want to because she is confused. If you really like her here’s what to do. Talk to one of her friends. She or he may be able to give you insight into what she’s been saying about the whole situation. Your girlfriend could be legitimately upset or she could just be using this as an excuse to break up with you, thus making you waste your time and worry. But hey, if she does break up with you, you still have that other girl’s phone number, right?
A DV I C E Any advice on one night stands?
Madame used to go down that dark path. You know the one I mean: the Alumni path, early Saturday morning, in yesterday’s clothes. No one really realizes it, but before we take a walk of shame, we make our walk of fame; the strut we take to get to the room where we’ll be getting laid. Ah yes, we glide to that room with a shit-eating grin on our faces, knowing just what is about to take place. In reality, we really don’t know. One night stands on this campus usually happen on a Friday night when everyone has a few too many in them. Who knows how that will make us act in the bedroom: will we get kinky or go limp? A lot of people have the thought in the back of their heads that they’ll take what they can get. This is not always the best idea. If you’re around some friends when this guy/ girl is trying to pick you up, just ask them what they’ve heard. I know rumors suck and they hurt people’s feelings, but come on! If there is word going around that this person has mysterious bumps on their taint, it’s safer to stay away than see it first-hand. Rumors or no rumors, wrap it up no matter what. You find out this person is clean and you are about to be whisked away to their room. You guys do your thing and now it’s time to cuddle and all that stuff. If you know this is just a onenight stand, like you will never talk to this person again, don’t bother sleeping over. Say you had an awesome time, thank them and be on your way. If you leave at night, you won’t run the risk of bumping into people the next morning on the Great Lawn asking why your breath smells and your clothes are still the same.
FIRE SAFETY New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control will be facilitating several campus demonstrations showing the dangers fire can cause on the college campus. Student will also be able to get up close and personal and be able to learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher, try on full firefighter turn-out gear, and feel what it’s like to escape a smoke filled hallway. At 12:45 a sprinkler demonstration will be conducted showing how effective this device is. Residence Life will be conducting raffles for prizes throughout. Thursday September 23rd 11:00am-1:00pm in the Hub courtyard
*some quotes have been rewritten for legibility or to preserve the anonymity of the submitter