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Helena College Program
This Program was initiated in 1996 by John Fawcett and Mr Chris Brown, who was a teacher of Indonesian at Helena College, Perth, at that time. The plan was to select one or two Balinese students who had just completed their secondary schooling in Bali and send them to Helena College for one term to experience life in Australia and to learn English and Computing, as well assisting in the Indonesian language and culture classes. Diva Ayu Maharani was selected in 2019, and she returned to Bali in late December having benefitted by the new experiences of living and studying in Australia. Diva is now studying Sociology at university in Bali and working as a swimming instructor.
Since 1996, 40 young people have participated in this program, returning to their island community enriched by the experience. The past students in Residence of Helena College
have formed an alumni and get together each year in Bali to share stories of their experiences, careers and families. The alumni gathering for 2019 was held in May and members were very pleased to welcome Mrs Danielle Horne, the manager of this program for Helena College, who was accompanied by her family.