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Technology Transfer and Volunteers

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Our Team

Our Team


JFF’s priority is to maintain the highest possible quality of treatment it can to all recipients of its assistance. Surgeons and other medical personnel working in our programs are assessed and if necessary given training in the special surgical techniques we use.


This is possible through the invaluable contributions to JFF’s humanitarian work that are made by volunteer medical specialists from Australia and the United Kingdom who travel to Bali at their own expense to pass on their skills and knowledge to the Indonesian medical personnel who work in our projects.


JFF’s consultant ophthalmologist from the United Kingdom Dr Tony made two visits to JFF in 2019. In February Dr Tony joined our team in village programs in Bali, an offshore program in East Java, and gave guest lectures at the Udayana University. He also gave our team helpful suggestions for maintaining a high quality of service into the future. In December he returned and joined the team for another program in East Java. He gave a symposium on Setting up a Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service to ophthalmologists and general medical practitioners at the Rumah Sakit Bina Sehat, Jember East Java, and also gave a talk to JFF staff on recognising and treating eye infections.

Dr Jean Louis deSousa

Ophthalmologist from Perth WA In June Dr deSousa gave a lecture on a specific area of oculoplastics

Professor Bill Morgan

Ophthalmologist from Perth WA and Director of the Lions Eye Institute In November Professor Bill Morgan, gave training on Diagnostic and Management of Secondary Glaucoma to the young ophthalmologists at Udayana University. (orbit and eyelid surgery) and performed two demonstration surgical cases at the University of Udayana in Denpasar.

JFF holds a key link in the relationship between RANZCO (WA) and PERDAMI Bali that enables technology transfer and exchanges between these two organisations. RANZCO (WA) members attended the 7th National Glaucoma Meeting (Indonesia) held in Bali in November in conjunction with the 4th Indonesia Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery meeting.


This meeting was jointly held by the Indonesia Glaucoma Society, PERDAMI Bali, the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Bali and the John Fawcett Foundation.


We would also like to acknowledge the following Indonesian medical personnel who are of invaluable assistance in our projects:

Bali Perdami Ophthalmologists

Dr Wayan Gde Dharyata, SpM(K) Dr Cok Istri Dewiyani P, SpM(K) Dr Deasy Sucicahyati Mendala, SpM DR Dr AA Mas Putrawati T, SpM(K) DR Dr Ariesanti Tri Handayani, SpM(K) DR Dr Putu Yuliawati, SpM(K) Dr I A Putri Kartiningsih, SpM Dr I Gst Ayu Ratna Suryaningrum, SpM Dr I Made Agus Kusumadjaja, SpM(K) Dr I Wayan Gede Jayanegara, SpM(K) Dr IGAM Juliari, SpM(K) Dr IGN Anom Supradnya, SpM Dr Ni Kompyang Rahayu, SpM(K) Dr Ni Made Ayu Surasmiati, SpM Dr Ni Made Lienderi, SpM Dr Ni Nyoman Sekarsari, SpM Dr Ni Nyoman Seri Sukmawati, SpM Dr Putu Budhiastra, SpM(K) Dr Siska Takarai, SpM, MKes Dr Wayan Karya, SpM

East Java Perdami Ophthalmologists

Dr Soemartono Samadikoen, SpM(K) Dr Alissa Devi Agustina, SpM Dr Armanto Sudihutomo, SpM Dr Bagas Kumoro, SpM Dr Dewi Sekar Tanjung, SpM Dr Erwanda Fredy Purliawan, SpM Dr Fardian, SpM Dr Fitria Kusumastuti, SpM Dr Gst Puspajaya, SpM Dr H Aswin A Nugroho, SpM Dr Heni Wijayanti, SpM Dr Ifan Romadhan Lukmana, SpM Dr Iwan Dewanto, SpM Dr Joko Triono, SpM Dr Ki Ajeng Winda Ninggrum, SpM Dr Lutfi Zein, SpM Dr Lystya Dyah Rihardini, SpM Dr Neni Daniati, SpM Dr Nikke Indriasari, SpM Dr Siswi Hapsari Wahyuningtyas, SpM Dr Wahyu Endah Prabawati, SpM

NTB Perdami Ophthalmologists

Dr Endro Pranoto, SpM Dr Gunawan Effendi, SpM Dr Endro Pranoto, SpM Dr Iva Aryani, SpM Dr Sri Subekti, SpM

Klinik Mata Utama Ophthalmologists

Dr Danti Ayu Irawati, SpM Dr Diaz Alamsyah Sudiro, SpM Dr Dini Dharmawidiarini, SpM(K) Dr Evy, SpM Dr Fitria Romadiana, SpM(K) Dr Irma Suryani, SpM Dr M Muammar Habibi, SpM Dr Nuke Erlina Mayasari, SpM Dr Ruchita Ranti, SpM Dr Sahila Ermawati, SpM Dr Uyik Unari Dwi Kaptuti, SpM

Central Java Perdami Ophthalmologists

Dr Agustina SpM Dr Awang Wimbo SpM Dr Liana SpM Dr Lintang SpM

Malang Perdami Ophthalmologists

Dr Dina Wahyu Wibawati, SpM

Air Force Ophthalmologists

Kolonel Kes Dr Djonny Djuarsa, SpM Mayor Kes Dr Sukirman, SpM Dr Monica Ratnasari, SpM

Anaesthetists (Bali)

Dr I Ketut Wibawa Nada, SpAn, KAKV Dr I GNA Putra Arimbawa, SpAn, MBiomed Dr Putu Agus Surya Panji, SpAn, KIC DR dr I Putu Pramana Suarjaya, SpAn, MKes, KMN, KNA

General Surgeon

Dr Ketut Anom Ratmaya, SpB, MARS


Special mention must also be made of other volunteers who have generously given their time and expertise to the Foundation through the year:


Gede Wirya Dana IT Consultant Wayan Sudiarta IT Consultant Suriko Tirto Website designer Viddi Danta Yante, SH Legal Consultant


Mark Thornton Auditor

United Kingdom

Roger Shaw Independent Examiner

United States of America

Michael Holstead Program Manager/Donor Advisor

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