Summer 2022 Link

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After making the difficult decision to forgo selecting a winner last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee for the Outstanding Service Award for Dairy Women chose to announce two deserving women to bestow the honour upon in 2022. “We had two nominations that rose to the top,” says Heather Parkin, who was the inaugural winner of the award and has since served as the coordinator on the selection committee. “And we wanted to be able to recognize them both for their tireless and ongoing work.” Parkin delivered the exciting news at Holstein Ontario’s Summer Social, held at the GrandWay Events Centre in Elora on June 23. The two deserving winners were Diane Jarrell-Ray and Jessie Weir.

DIANE JARRELL-RAY Diane Jarrell-Ray has been a 4-H leader for many years, offering calves to youth for over 20 years, often to kids with no farming background, and mentoring them with showmanship pointers and closely following their progress. Provincially, she is a passionate supporter of the Jersey breed in Ontario, evidenced by her strong involvement with the Central Calf Rally, the Quinte-Trent Parish Show, Belleville Championship Show, Summer Show, and the Royal. Nationally, Diane was a board member of Jersey Canada, and only the second female president of that organization. Her passion and forward thinking is seen in many positive changes that she has initiated on different committees, specifically at shows, which she seems to have a great love for.

Before presenting the winners with a framed print and a bouquet of flowers, Parkin spoke to the merits of each of these accomplished women. Diane has shown sustained engagement and leadership in dairy “The committee looks for someone who manages to find the balance activities over a time frame encompassing more than four decades. between the passion for this business, the dedication she has for her Her family’s farm, which began in the early 80’s, has welcomed family, and the spirit to serve others within her community,” Parkin scores of international and domestic visitors and developed some very notable champions who have influenced the breed. said. Both of this year’s winners fit that description well.

“The committee looks for someone who manages to find the balance between the passion for this business, the dedication she has for her family, and the spirit to serve others within her community.” - HEATHER PARKIN




Having always worked full-time off the farm, Diane raises the calves and looks after all the farm books, and yet still finds time to volunteer in these many positions. Those who know her will say she is determined to achieve all that she sets her mind to. “Diane is never one to shy away from adversity of difficult decisions, whether it be at her home farm or serving on one of our industry committees,” wrote one of her nominators. “Her passion and enthusiasm for the dairy industry has encouraged not only her daughter to become involved in the industry, but also countless other youth in the community.” Congratulations Diane and thank you for your contributions.

JESSIE WEIR This year’s second winner, Jessie Weir, has an uncompromising passion for excellence in her work that has made an impact on those she has worked with over the past 37 years at EastGen. Jessie held the role of Secretary Manager for the Canadian Brown Swiss and


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