Color Correction (Levels) Here goes a (hazy looking) picture of Heidi that Leah posted yesterday.
Go to the Layers menu. Select New Adjustment Layer. Then select Levels. (Shown below)
Color Correction (Levels) Click OK
Notice the Levels box that opens. From the drop down menu, select red and to the red channel.
Color Correction (Levels) Grab the left slider and move it to the waveform as shown below.
Note how the image color changes as slider is moved.
Color Correction (Levels) Now go back to the drop down menu and select the green channel.
And again, adjust the right or left slider to the waveform (note the image color change yet again- it’ll get better, I promise)
Color Correction (Levels) Almost done. Now go back to the drop down menu and select the blue channel, and adjust left or right slider to the waveform. And look at the difference we made.
Here goes a side by side comparison.