5 minute read
The 2001 NIB Wants You! by Al Sergel and Debbie Baker
The 2001 NIB Wants You! The 2001 NIB Wants You! The 2001 NIB Wants You! The 2001 NIB Wants You! The 2001 NIB Wants You!
by Al Sergel National VP for Professional Relations Kappa Kappa Psi
and Debbie Baker Vice Chair, Board of Trustees NIB Coordinator Tau Beta Sigma
qq qq q Are you looking to work with one of the country’s
finest professional band conductors?
qq qq q Are you looking to perform the world premiere of
a work by one of our finest band composers?
qq qq q Are you looking to join with your brothers and
sisters from all over the United States and make great band music together?
Then the NIB is for you!
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters! As your National Vice President for Professional Relations (ΚΚΨ) and National Intercollegiate Band Coordinator (ΤΒΣ), we are excited to serve as the organizers for The 2001 National Intercollegiate Band (NIB). The NIB is one of our most significant national level projects. The 2001 NIB begins on Sunday, July 22, with registration, chair placement, and the first rehearsal. For the next two days you will the have the opportunity to work with eighty to eighty-five outstanding college band musicians from around the country. What a thrill and experience of a lifetime! The NIB opens our 2001 National Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas. Imagine performing for 600 to 700 of your brothers and sisters. TALK IT UP and SPREAD THE WORD to get our best performers to audition. Why? Because this is the opportunity for our finest college band members to get together and MAKE BAND MUSIC. Those who have been a part of the past NIBs will tell you there is nothing better! (It is important to note that you DO NOT have to be a member of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma to audition).
Our 2001 NIB Conductor will be Colonel Bryan Shellbourne, Director of the U.S. Army Field Band in Washington, D.C. He has selected an outstanding program for the NIB including the premiere of our 2001 national commissioning work by Dr. Timothy Mahr, a noted composer of many fine band works and the Director of the St. Olaf College Band. In addition, the NIB will also premier a new work by Julie Giroux, the result of a special commissioning project of Tau Beta Sigma. These people are among our very finest, and we are thrilled they have agreed to share their talents with our 2001 NIB members.
We have made the audition process an easy one. You can send in a cassette tape recording directly to the National Headquarters (with the audition form) or audition at your district convention (form will be provided). Every chapter will be sent the NIB promotional flyer and the audition application form or copy the one in this issue of The PODIUM. TAPES ARE DUE TO THE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BY APRIL 20, 2001.
During our recent July summer meeting in Stillwater, most of our six districts indicated they had already established or planned to create scholarships for NIB members to help with their transportation costs. Those concerned with finances should realize that all of the housing costs are covered (three nights). And we will also provide a luncheon for our NIB members to get acquainted and socialize with our conductor and composers. In addition, each NIB member receives a CD of the performance and a 2001 limited edition NIB polo shirt.
Please realize that there are other sources of financial support and assistance in addition to the district awards. Check out your university student government, ask your band director if there are any college or band funds, or ask your chapter. Also seek help from your community and service organizations like Kiwanis, Rotary, Elks, and Lions. Every contribution will help! You will be representing your fraternity/sorority, your band program, and your university. This is a prestigious event, and you can be recognized for being a part of the NIB. You have nothing to lose by asking but everything to gain!
We are very excited to be organizing this outstanding national program. We want the 2001 NIB to continue the tradition of excellence set in the past. This is our NIB and we continue to STRIVE FOR THE HIGHEST in all our endeavors. Don’t miss a chance to be a part of the 2001 National Convention and the musical heritage of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.
Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma 2001 National Intercollegiate Band 2001 National Intercollegiate Band 2001 National Intercollegiate Band 2001 National Intercollegiate Band 2001 National Intercollegiate Band Registration Form Registration Form Registration Form Registration Form Registration Form
INSTRUCTIONS: This registration form and your audition tape [standard audio cassette tape only] should be postmarked no later than April 20, 2001. Tapes should be clearly marked with your name, school, instrument, and etudes selected. Only one audition may be submitted per tape.
(Last) (First)
(M.I.) SCHOOL ________________________________________________________ ❐ ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ❐ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ
(City) (State) (Zip) (Phone)
(City) (State) (Zip) (Phone)
E-Mail _______________________________________________________ Major_________________________Instrument______________________ Classification Fr. So. Jr. Sr. Gr. (circle one)
National Intercollegiate Band chair auditions will be held on Sunday, July 22, 2001, on site in Corpus Christi. The NIB rehearsals and convention concert will take place at the Omni Bayfront Hotel, Corpus Christi, Texas.
Winds: a]Full range chromatic scale (tongue up, slur down) b]Major scale (choose one with at least 4 #s or 4 bs) c]Two contrasting etudes *Percussion: a]Timpani Two contrasting etudesÜ F major scale on two drums, up and down b]Snare drum Two contrasting etudes (one may be multiple percussion)Ü Long concert (buzz) roll, soft to loud c]Mallets Two contrasting etudes (one may be four mallets)Ü Chromatic scale, full range, up and down
* All percussionists must submit at least two of the three areas to be considered Ü Five-minute limit per etude
ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ & ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ATTN: NIB 2001 Auditions National Headquarters P.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK, 74076-0849