6 minute read
Who ARE Those Guys??? by Ken Corbett
Who Who Who Who Who ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE Those Guys??? Those Guys??? Those Guys??? Those Guys??? Those Guys??? (pt.1)(pt.1) (pt.1)(pt.1) (pt.1)
Meet the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees Meet the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees Meet the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees Meet the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees Meet the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees
by Ken Corbett Chairman
So you’ve always wondered who and what the Board of Trustees is?
Kappa Kappa Psi is legally chartered as a Corporation in the State of Oklahoma. The Corporation has jurisdiction over all component parts of the Fraternity through the Board of Trustees. It is the Board’s job to consider matters which are referred to it by the National Council. These can include national policy, alumni or public relations issues, legal matters, or internal problems within the Fraternity. Except in cases where there’s a ruling by a court of law, decisions of the Board of Trustees are final.
The Board of Trustees is made up of volunteer leaders from within the Fraternity who serve without pay. Four members are elected at large. The Immediate Past National President and the National President round out the Board’s membership of six. Each member of the Board of Trustees must be a member of the Fraternity in good standing and at least 29 years old at the time of election.
Board members participate in National and District Conventions, chapter visitations, chapter installations, professional meetings, National Council meetings, and any other capacity needed to conduct the business of the fraternity. In recent years, national officer responsibilities have increased, and the national council simply does not have the time to tackle all the issues and projects before them. The Board has stepped in to support the Council with many of the projects because we all feel the crucial need to move this fraternity forward. As board members we have had the time and the commitment to work on many projects for this Fraternity. All of us are very passionate about the fraternity.
Recent and current activities of the Board of Trustees include: mentoring and advising the National Alumni Association, the Archives and History project, investing the Kappa Kappa Psi Trust Fund and Scholarship Fund, strategic planning with the National Council, providing input and acting as resources to the National Council, university administrators, college band directors, and all members. Our most important role and activity is to support the ideals of Kappa Kappa Psi whenever needed.
The current Board is comprised of members from varying walks of life, including three University band directors, a University administrator, insurance claims advisor, and a corporate attorney. The board members are Chairman Ken Corbett, Vice Chairman Andy Mullin, Robert Fleming, Melvin Miles, Scott Stowell, and Mike Golemo.
Ken Corbett, Chairman
Ken Corbett is the Assistant to the Vice President for Business and Finance and the Director of Special Projects at the University of South Carolina. He has been with the University 20 years. He graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1981 with a B.S. in Accounting and in 1992 with a Master of Accountancy. Ken works and volunteers his time with the University of South Carolina Band coordinating registration activities for the Marching Band, Spring Band Clinic and Summer Music Camp. He serves as Secretary/Treasurer of the USC Alumni Band. He is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and an honorary member of Tau Beta Sigma.
Fraternal experience includes: Chapter Treasurer 19791982; Southeast District Secretary/Treasurer 1980-1981; Chapter Co-Sponsor 1982-1991; National Member-at-Large 1983-1985, 1985-1987; National First Vice President 19871989; National President 1989-1991; Board of Trustees 1989-2001; and a Life Member since 1982.
He is a member of the National Band Association, National Association of College and University Business Officers, Association of Fraternity Advisors, and the American Society of Association Executives.
Ken lives in Columbia, South Carolina, with his wife Maribeth and two children, Jason and Sarah.
Robert Fleming, Board Member
Dr. Fleming is Professor of Music, Associate Director of Bands and Director of the Sun Devil Marching Band at
Arizona State University. He has degrees from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie-Mellon University, and Southern Illinois University (Doctor of Philosophy in Secondary Education). His Arizona State University Sun Devil Marching Band received the 1991 Sudler Trophy distinguishing it as one of the most outstanding marching band programs in the country. Dr. Fleming also conducts the ASU Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, and the Sun Devil Basketball Pep Bands.
Prior to his arrival at Arizona State University in 1974, he was Director of Bands at the University of Tennessee at Martin for seven years. In addition to his duties at Arizona State University, Professor Fleming is an active marching and concert band clinician, adjudicator, and a member of numerous professional organizations.
He served on the Board of Directors of the American Bandmasters Association from 1990 to 1993. He is past President of the PAC 10 Band Directors Association. In 1989, Dr. Fleming was installed as an honorary member of Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Mu, the International Bandmasters Fraternity. In 1993, Dr. Fleming received the Bohumil Makovsky Memorial Award to Outstanding College Band Directors from Kappa Kappa Psi and in September of 1994, he received the Professional Fraternity Association’s 1994 Faculty Award of Excellence.
Fraternal experience includes: National President 19871989, National First Vice President 1985-1987; National Secretary/Treasurer 1983-1985, District Governor, Board of Trustees 1987-2003. He also holds membership in ABA, MENC, CBDNA, and ABODA.
Dr. Fleming lives in Tempe, Arizona, with his wife Brenda. He has a grown son and daughter.
Melvin Miles, Board Member
Melvin Miles is the Director of University Bands and an Instructor of Music at Morgan State University. He is the conductor of the Morgan State University Symphonic Band and the MSU Jazz Ensemble. In addition, his responsibilities include directing the Morgan State University Marching Band, the “Bear Band” (MSU’s Pep Band), the MSU Jazz Quintet, and the Morgan State University Brass Ensemble. As an instructor in the Fine Arts Department, Melvin teaches Applied Trumpet, Instrumental Conducting, and Instrumental and Brasswind Methods.
A native of Baltimore, Mr. Miles was educated in the Baltimore City Public School system, culminating with a Music Diploma from the Frederick Douglass High School. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees in Music Education from Morgan State University. He has attended The Catholic University of America for doctoral studies in Music Education.
Mr. Miles is an active arranger and maintains an energetic performance schedule, performing (trumpet) with local chamber groups, wind ensembles and with many local and national recording and show groups. Mr. Miles has written numerous arrangements heard throughout the football and basketball seasons performed by the Morgan State University Marching and Pep Bands. For the past twelve years, Mr. Miles has written, adapted, and arranged musical scores and has performed as the Musical Director for the “Encore Dinner Theater.” He has arranged and performed several selections for Barry Levinson’s movies “Diner” and “Avalon.” A conscientious music educator, he is always guest conducting, rendering clinics, leading workshops, and adjudicating concerts, jazz combos, and marching bands for the public schools throughout the region
In addition to serving as a member of Kappa Kappa Psi’s Board of Trustees, he is also a member of the Board of Directors for Community Arts Project, Inc., and the Immediate Past President of the Council of Higher Education in Music. He is also a member of the Music Educators National Conference, the Maryland Music Educators Association, the College Band Directors Association, the Maryland Band Directors Association, Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, Promethean Kappa Tau, Alpha Psi Omega National Honorary Society, National Association for the Study and Performance of African-American Music (NASPAAM), the International Association of Jazz Educators, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Mr. Miles lives in Baltimore with his wife, Cathy (ΤΒΣ/Epsilon Omega, ΤΒΣ Board Member) and daughter Erin. He also has four adult children: Nichele, Melvin III, Jarrett (ΚΚΨ/Eta Gamma), and Jermaine (ΚΚΨ/Eta Gamma) and five grand children Jasmine, Mia, Morgan, Devin and Jermain,Jr.
(to be continued)