ΚΚΨ Capital Development Program by Ken Corbett ΚΚΨ Board of Trustees
he Board of Trustees is pleased to make this report to the membership and alumni on the status of our new Capital Development Program aimed at increasing the communication with our alumni and providing a formal avenue for alumni to give back financially to the National Organization Based on these giving levels, the Fraternity has received the following donations since the program began April 2001:
Up to >> Friend of Kappa Kappa Psi Jim Bleil, Alpha Omega Raymond Cooke, Alpha Iota Craig McClure, Eta Pi Brent Morton, Zeta Epsilon Greg Wilson, Alpha Tau
Jack Davenport, Zeta Alpha William Welch, Alpha Beta Peter Murray, Epsilon Xi Walter Schilling, Sigma
E33 4 A?> Century Club Gayl Doster, Alpha Zeta Norman Sanford, Upsilon Richard and Cheryl Whipple, Delta Omicron
Timothy Greenwell, Jr., Eta Zeta Dan Strinkoski, Omicron Herman Ziemer, Delta
A23 4 ?>> First Chair Club Andy Mullin, Epsilon Nu
Rick Albani, Delta Omicron
233 4 >>> Director’s Club Chris Haughee, Gamma Nu
E 333 4 ? >>> President’s Club Richard and Nancy Worthington, Nu, in honor of Lambda and Psi The activities and service by our chapters across the nation is what makes Kappa Kappa Psi what it is. The local chapter is the driving force for the dedicated service we so proudly provide our band programs. Donations are accepted in support for the National Programs of Kappa Kappa Psi in these areas: Scholarships, Leadership Education, Recruiting Activities (Video, Materials), National Intercollegiate Band, Archives Restoration, and Unrestricted Gifts. Donations for Kappa Kappa Psi Programs can be made by any of the following giving options: cash gifts, bequests in wills, life insurance, stocks and bonds. Please send your contributions, gifts and comments to: Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters, PO Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849 Please contact Alan Bonner at the National Headquarters, 800-543-6505 or Ken Corbett, 803-777-7313 if you have any questions about this program.
26—The PODIUM, Fall 2001