The Past Is Alive and Well! Dixie Mosier-Greene caught up with many ΚΚΨ and ΤΒΣ alumni at National Convention. Here is her report: Hiram Henry was invited to the 2001 National Convention by the ΚΚΨ National Council. He started college at Oklahoma A & M in 1936, working summers to pay his tuition. His room and board totaled $20 a month; his parents contributed $6 and he made $15 at a job. When he lost that job, he knew it meant dropping out of college. He went to Boh Makovsky to explain leaving school, and Boh created the job of music librarian on the spot and offered it to Hiram. The new job just happened to pay $15 a month! Richard Worthington was invited to the 2001 National Convention by the ΚΚΨ National Council. He was initated January 14, 1940 into the Nu Chapter at the University of Michigan. He was District Governor in what is now the Southwest District. Delta Sigma Chapter at University of Louisiana at Monroe made him an honorary of ΤΒΣ in 1971. The Lambda Chapter at the University of Arkansas bought him a Life Membership, back-dating it to 1940. “Doc” served as President of the “Grand Chapter” of Kappa Kappa Psi 1971-1973. He was Director of Bands at Northern Illinois for a year, and for fourteen years at University of Arkansas. He retired as Director of the School of Music at the University of Louisiana, Monroe, after seventeen years. He conducted Monroe Symphony for twenty years and the South Arkansas Symphony for fourteen and played clarinet in a community band for many years. He was also made an Honorary of the Beta Nu chapter at VanderCook College in Chicago (now defunct). Just ask him to see all his membership cards! He is now Chief Flight Instructor at the Monroe Air Center. Carla Robinson, past National President of ΤΒΣ, was initiated into the Alpha Gamma Chapter at Kent State University, the first black woman in her chapter. After serving as Chapter Treasurer and Chapter President, she lost out in a race for District President to Bonner Schuler (who would become a National President.) She stayed involved after graduation and ran for National Council in 1979, being elected to the position of National Secretary. She was National President from 1987 to 1989. She will never forget having to go back into separate session after the banquet at the1989 National Convention – the discussion of the Ritual went on and on and on and on!
38—The PODIUM, Fall 2001
Timothy Greenwell, Jr. , past National President of ΚΚΨ, was initiated into the Eta Zeta Chapter on October 23, 1983, at the University of Kansas. He was President of the Midwest District 1987-1988 and District Governor 1990-1991. He was elected to the National Council at the 1991 Convention at the University of Maryland. He was elected National President at the 1995 Convention in Orlando. Tim was privileged to bury the Time Capsule located at the National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Despite torrential rain ending less than an hour before the presentation, a crowd of 200 participated in burying the items, not to be opened for 25 years. Jean Newman, past National President of ΤΒΣ, was initiated into the Zeta Xi Chapter at San Diego State University on May 8, 1982. She majored in Liberal Studies and played the bass clarinet in the Wind Ensemble and alto sax in the Marching Aztec Band. She was District President of the Western District in 1985-1987. She ran for National Council in 1987 at the University of Michigan and became National President in 1993 at Purdue University. Jean presided over the first National Convention at a hotel site. The weather was impressive: NIB rehearsed in a tent by the swimming pool in Florida heat. Everyone survived the hurricane although the Disney All-American College Marching Band spend the night on the floor at Disney World to ensure they could open the Convention marching in, led by Mickey Mouse.
& Elsewhere… Casey Blankenship, ΚΚΨ’s first Chapter Field Representative, is now the Residence Life Coordinator in the 850student Bragaw Hall,at North Carolina State University. Casey, his wife Tracey and their two children, Macy and Casey II, will be living on campus in Raleigh. Casey will be starting work on his doctorate. Casey was initiated into the Eta Omicron Chapter of ΚΚΨ at James Madison University and served as Chapter Sponsor for the Iota Phi Chapter at the University of New Hampshire.