3 minute read
National Intercollegiate Marching Band French Riviera Tour
The National Councils of ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ and ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ are pleased to announce the 1st Biennial
French Riviera Tour June 26 - July 5, 2002
Members of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma are invited to participate in a musical and cultural extravaganza. Participants in the National Intercollegiate Marching Band will have the opportunity to perform on the French Riviera. Current accomodation plans are to stay at the Eurovillage, a condominiumstyle resort outside of St. Paul de Vence. Our brothers and sisters will tour Nice and stroll along the famous Promenade des Anglais. They will likewise experience the beauty and wonders of Cannes, Grasse, St. Paul de Vence, and the Principality of Monaco! As a matter of fact, a performance in Monaco is being planned.
The tour will be managed by Performing Arts Abroad, Inc. and we estimate the cost to be under $1600 per person, payable in 5 installments. The exact fare will be determined by a number of factors including the economy and the cost of airfare 15 months before departure. Participants will receive:
- Roundtrip, economy class air transportation from a choice of 5 gateway cities to Nice, France - Private motor coach transportation to and from the scheduled events - Accommodations at the Eurovillage [or equivalent] on the French Riviera for 8 nights, dual occupancy - Daily breakfast and three dinners - Excursions to cities included in a to-be-announced itinerary - Blue and white NIMB wind suit
All members will be responsible for obtaining their own passports before the trip. More information on Performing Arts Abroad, Inc. can be found at www.paa-net.com. Please call the National Headquarters at (800) 543-6505 for questions and information regarding the trip itself. Active members will be given first priority, however if openings still exist after November 1, 2000, a limited number of alumni will be accepted. It is possible to extend your stay in Europe beyond the dates of the NIMB tour.
French Riviera Tour June 26 – July 5, 2002
Complete the following information and return this form. If postmarked by June 1, 2000, it must be accompanied by a non-refundable installment of $100. If the application is submitted at a later date, the full payment plus the deposit must accompany it. Active members will be given first priority; however, if openings still exist after November 1, 2000, a limited number of alumni will be accepted. Applications will be accepted until the National Executive Director declares otherwise. It should be mailed to: National Headquarters, Post Office Box 849, Stillwater, OK 74076-0849.
Name _______________________________________________ Chapter _________________
Instrument _______________________________________________ ❏ Male ❏ Female
School _______________________________________________ ❏ KKY❏ TBS
School _______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________ ❏ Fr. ❏ So. ❏ Jr. ❏ Sr. ❏ Gr.
Phone _______________________________________________
Status [at time of registration] Permanent _______________________________________________
❏ Active ❏ Conditional Address _______________________________________________
❏ Alumni ❏ Honorary Phone _______________________________________________
Jacket Size ________________ E-mail _______________________________________________
Pant Size ________________ All participants will receive a blue and white NIMB Wind Suit! Roommate Preference (if any) ______________________________________________________________________ ❏ I desire to remain in Europe at the conclusion of the NIMB Tour (costs to be determined by PAA).
Payment Type:❏ Check [payable to KKY/TBS] ❏ Credit Card Amount $ _________
Credit Card Orders:Name on Card __________________________________
❏ Visa ❏ Master Card Card # __________________________________ Expiration Date _________ ❏ I would like the National Headquarters to make automatic deductions on the payment due dates. ❏ I will contact the National Headquarters by the due date to verify the next payment.
Headquarters Use Only Deposit 1st 2nd 3rd Final NHQ Authorization ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ NHQ Receipt ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ NHQ Initials ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Payment Schedule Deposit $100 Due June 1, 2000 1st Payment $300 Due October 1, 2000 2nd Payment $300 Due March 1, 2001 3rd Payment $400 Due October 1, 2001 Final Payment $500 Max Due April 12, 2002
Cancellation Penalties Between June 1, 2000 & February 28, 2001 $100 Between March 1, 2001 & August 30, 2001 $200 Between October 1, 2001 & April 11, 2002 $300* Between April 12, 2002 and departure $500* * In addition to any non-recoverable deposits and payments made to suppliers
Individual travelers may purchase insurance for an additional fee. Contact the National Headquarters for details. In the event the tour must be cancelled due to insufficient participation or inadequate instrumentation it will be done before April 1,
2001. If this occurs, all monies will be refunded. The tour is hosted by Performing Arts Abroad, Inc. www.paa-net.com