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Are You Answering the Question? by Kathy Godwin
Are You Answering The Question?
by Kathy Godwin National Vice President for Communication and Recognition Tau Beta Sigma
Amember of your chapter comes to you with a simple question. Being a busy student dealing with school, band, chapter activities, district events, job, life, etc., you answer the question and finish the conversation. But did you REALLY answer their question? Every member has the potential of this situation arising. Please don’t think that because you are not a chapter or district officer that you don’t have the valuable knowledge to assist someone. Each of you possesses leadership qualities and has the potential for more.
The suggestion in the situation is not that the member answering was rude. The concept to look at is the real reason for the question.
Yes, sometimes a simple question is just that. Something requiring only a yes or no. A brief opinion is all that is needed. However, the question may be just the first step in opening up much more.
For example, a member comes to you and asks how many weeks the membership education program lasts. True, all they may want to know is that your chapter’s program takes 8 weeks. You can ask a question back to them as to why they wanted to know. Maybe they don’t know the guidelines set up nationally for membership education programs. They may have a reason why it should be extended/shortened. You may find through your further communications with them from the initial basic question that they would make an excellent person to lead the membership education process. Take the time to encourage them.
The questions may come from all facets of the organization. They can lead to great growth personally for you and the individual asking. In addition, they may lead to growth throughout the entire Sorority. Take advantage of each opportunity you are given to encourage and help your fellow sisters and brothers
In turn, you also should think of all the questions you have regarding how your organization works. It is through your questions that we all open up to new ideas. Communicate your thoughts to members of your chapters and districts. You have many outlets to choose from for voicing your questions: in person, letters, e-mails, phone calls, or list servs. Your questions and everyone’s answers are what will help us not to stagnate but to grow and strengthen.
ChapterChapter ChapterChapter Chapter DirectoryDirectory DirectoryDirectory Directory NowNow NowNow Now On line!On line! On line!On line! On line!
Need a Chapter address? A Sponsor’s telephone number? A Band Director’s e mail address? For the most up to date list ings consult the on line edition of the National Chap ter Directory available in PDF format for download at the Na tional website (www kkytbs org)
Colonization Colonization Colonization Colonization Colonization HandbookHandbook HandbookHandbook Handbook NowNow NowNow Now On line!On line! On line!On line! On line!
Want to start a colony? Want to learn more about the pro cess? The latest edition of the KKY/TBS Colonization Handbook newly revised and expanded has the answers to your questions Download your copy today from the national web site (www kkytbs org) or call the National Headquarters at for a copy
Upcoming Kappa Kappa Psi Award Upcoming Kappa Kappa Psi Award Upcoming Kappa Kappa Psi Award Upcoming Kappa Kappa Psi Award Upcoming Kappa Kappa Psi Award DeadlinesDeadlines DeadlinesDeadlines Deadlines
December : Fall Activity Report Deadline (On time submission could keep your chapter eligible for National Awards such as the Chapter Leadership Award and Service Certificates!) January : Distinguished Service to Music Medal (preferred deadline) A Frank Martin Award AEA Scholarship Stanley G Finck Memorial Award J Lee Burke Student Achievement Award
Other Awards which are available anytime: Silver Baton (NEW AWARD!) Top Scholar Award Academic Achievement Award Chapter Certificate of Excellence in Academics F Lee Bowling Musical Excellence Award (secondary school students) Citation of Excellence (summer band camp)
Make certain that your chapter is doing its part to honor outstanding band members by nominating them for awards More information on national awards can be found online at www kkytbs org www kkytbs org www kkytbs org www kkytbs org www kkytbs org in your Chapter Operations Handbook or contact your National Vice President for Programs Mike Osborn at osbornmi@pilot msu edu osbornmi@pilot msu edu osbornmi@pilot msu edu osbornmi@pilot msu edu osbornmi@pilot msu edu