Be a Part of the Legacy of Tau Beta Sigma! T
he Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund supports valuable, long-term programs of our Sorority, including the National Intercollegiate Band, Commissioning Program, Women In Music Speaker Series, scholarships and leadership development. Now is your chance to make a difference! All supporters of Tau Beta Sigma are invited and encouraged to sustain and preserve the mission of the Sorority by participating in the Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund. Each gift will be recognized in The PODIUM.
YES! I want to contribute to the Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund. ❐ Friends Of The Trust (Select your personal gift level.) __ Century Club __ Sisterhood Supporter __ Red Rose Contributor __ Pearl Patron __ Blue and White Benefactor __ Wava Banes Henry Founder
$100-$249 $250-$499 $500-$999 $1,000-$2,499 $2,500-$4,999 $5,000 or more
❐ Tributes And Memorials Mark milestones for your sisters and your chapter by donating in the form of a tribute or memorial. Any amount is appreciated, but donations of $10 or more will be recognized with a special acknowledgement card to the honoree. ❐ Life Membership ($250) Life membership is for alumni or senior members and grants the following privileges: • Serve as proxy for your former chapter at Convention (if actives are not present), • Receive The PODIUM as long as a correct address is available. • Receive a Tau Beta Sigma Life Membership pin, • Receive a complimentary one-year membership in the National Alumni Association. ❐ Bequests to the Sorority You may choose to include the Sorority in your estate planning with a gift of stocks, bonds, real estate, insurance or cash. (Contact the National Headquarters for information.)
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Please accept my gift to the Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund in the amount of __________ . Name: _____________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _________ ZIP: _____________ Telephone: _________________________________ Complete the following if the gift is a Tribute/Memorial: This gift is a Tribute/Memorial (circle one) to/for (circle one) ____________________________________________________ in honor/memory of ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please send acknowledgement to: Name: _____________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _________ ZIP: _____________ Telephone: _________________________________ (Use a separate sheet, including your name, for additional Tributes and/or Memorials and attach to this page.) Method of Payment: ❐ Check Enclosed. Make check payable to Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund. ❐ Credit Card: ❐ VISA ❐ MasterCard Card Number: ______- _____ - _____ - _____ Expiration Date (MM/YY): ____ / ___ Name on card: _____________________________________________________________ All contributions are tax deductible and may qualify for corporate matching funds. Send Trust Fund contributions to: Tau Beta Sigma Sorority Trust Fund, P.O. Box 849, Stillwater, OK 74076-0849 800-543-6505
The PODIUM, Spring 2002 – 21