Chapter News The First Annual Goin’ Band Golf Classic by Andy Epperson ΚΚΨ Alpha Omicron Chapter$ Texas Tech University
ue to recent and ongoing renovations to Texas Tech’s Jones SBC stadium$ we were left without the UIL Marching Con; test and$ equally as important$ the Texas Tech Marching Festi; val# The Festival was a great source of funds for Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma who in turn gave thousands of dollars back to the band in the form of scholarships$ instruments$ com; puters$ etc# As a result$ Alpha Omicron and Beta were presented with a challenge to find adequate funding for the upcoming year# Some ideas were tossed around$ and a golf tournament was mentioned# The idea was almost thrown out due to the fact that there was only two months left for a tournament to take place# The reason it stuck as a new tradition for the Goin’ Band was because of the enormous fund;raising potential# We had our idea$ now we had to make it happen# We set up a committee and got to work# The first thing that had to be done was to find a golf course and set the date# To help ensure players for the tournament$ we chose a date that didn’t have any other conflicting tournaments$ and we made sure that there wasn’t a home game for the Red Raiders# We decided on Sep; tember > at Meadowbrook Golf Course in Lubbock# After look; ing around at many of the golf courses in Lubbock$ we found that they had the best facilities and were willing to work with us# They charged D< per golfer# J&M Bar;B;Que charged C per golfer for a lunch that included a barbecue sandwich$ a bag of chips$ a slice of pie$ and tea# Some of the other costs included hole signs with each sponsor’s name$ winner’s plaques$ and goodie bags (including a Goin’ Band golf towel$ tees$ snack items$ Double T stickers$ and Texas Tech koozies)# To show our appre; ciation to our sponsors$ we had a dinner for them the night be; fore the tournament at a nice upscale restaurant# We also gave them an Acrylic Diamond plaque with their name on it as a to; ken of our gratitude# The only cost that we faced before we be; gan receiving money from hole sponsors was a >== deposit at the golf course# One thing that made our tournament a success was our advi; sory committee# We created a committee of business owners from the surrounding area that are avid Goin’ Band supporters but who are not a part of Kappa Kappa Psi$ Tau Beta Sigma or the band# The main purpose of this committee is to establish relationships with contacts in order to benefit our program# Through the tournament we have met many people that are big fans of our band program and show an interest of helping out in any way possible$ and with some of these new people added to the past year’s committee$ we now have some fresh and different ideas to consider# In addition to developing committees$ another important key to a successful fundraiser is organization# When we began this past year’s tournament$ we had a list of >== companies to ap; proach with the information about our tournament and spon; sorship$ and we paid a personal visit to each one$ making sure to be very personable and dressed in proper attire# More people are willing to give if you go to each company personally instead
28 – The PODIUM, Spring 2002
of just calling# While most of the money you will make from a tournament comes from the sponsors themselves$ publicity will help bring in more# Be sure to publicize your tournament as much as pos; sible# Aside from posting signs and other information sheets$ we spent B== on radio ads# We also sent out a mass mailing to all of the alumni from the Texas Tech Goin’ Band about helping sponsor or even playing in the tournament# The only downside is that it is difficult for a student to attain the consideration from a prospective company# This is why you need to also set up a committee of business owners# They will have more pull with other businesses and know more people to contact# The more people you know$ the better! We had around six weeks to plan and throw together this past year’s tournament$ and with almost a full year to plan next year’s$ we feel that the possibilities are endless#
Members of Alpha Omicron/ΚΚΨ and Beta/ΤΒΣ relax on the course during the recent Goin’ Band Golf Classic#
<C Hours of Founders’ Day by Brodie W# Smith President$ ΚΚΨ Alpha Chapter$ Oklahoma State University
hen you think of November <H$ what’s the first thing that comes to mind? No$ not Thanksgiving# Geez$ you were way off# I’m talking about Founders Day$ and what a day it was for the ALPHA Chapter! Things started pretty simply for us# We met at the Seretean Center at >> p#m# Monday night$ a full hour before the special day# We needed to prep ourselves and did just that by playing hangman and other small games to pass the time as we waited for more members and candidates to arrive for our special Founders Day Ceremony# Fifteen minutes prior to the stroke of midnight$ the mem; bers$ candidates$ and distinguished guests lined up for the cer; emonial parade to the Shrine just west of the Classroom Build; ing here at Oklahoma State University# The candlelight proces; sion was quickly snuffed out by a biting north wind$ but we continued on our course toward the celebration!