The Podium - Spring 2005

Page 33


Official Publication of the National Alumni Association


reetings to all actives, alumni and others from the NAA 2005 National Convention Programs Committee. Following the close of the 2003 National Convention, our committee was formed and tasked with planning alumni activities for the 2005 convention in Lexington to make it the best possible convention for alumni. Using verbal feedback from the Norfolk convention, as well as an extensive survey of alumni, we hope that we have put together a convention that will be enjoyable for all persons present within the NAA. (Note: As the press schedule for this article was November 1, 2004, many items discussed were not entirely finalized. However, all NAA members will be receiving a packet in the spring providing final details for the alumni plans at National Convention.) First and foremost, we are proud to announce the newest musical event at National Convention, the National Alumni Concert Band. Just as involvement with Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma does not have to end with graduation, neither does the joy of performing music. Many of our alumni perform regularly in community bands and orchestras, help with high school or college band programs or practice their love of music on their own. With the National Alumni Concert

Band, the NAA hopes to showcase the musical talent present within the alumni, as well as highlight the continued importance musical involvement has with alumni. In keeping with this theme, all performers and directors will come from the ranks of alumni. In order to encourage maximum participation, no audition is necessary. The only requirement is to have a desire to perform with the band. Music will be selected from that which is commonly played in community bands and will be mailed in advance to participants. The National Alumni Concert Band concert will also provide a venue for the public announcement of the Community Band Award during its informal lunchtime concert. We are very excited to present this program and hope the participation is significant enough to make this a future tradition at subsequent National Conventions. As in past years, one major goal of the NAA and the NAA convention programming is geared towards supporting the National Intercollegiate Band program. Following the NIB concert on Tuesday night, the NAA will be hosting a reception where there will be the opportunity to mingle with other alumni, NIB participants and others.

In conjunction with the NIB reception, the NAA will be hosting a benefit luncheon where all proceeds will go directly towards expenses encountered with the NIB. This is another opportunity to show our support to the active chapters and one of the most important ongoing missions of the organizations. The NAA will also be holding a silent auction at convention to raise money for the NIB and other programs. The Silent Auction always has unique items available and over its history has raised nearly $10,000 for the NIB and associated programs. Donations to the silent auction are gladly accepted and are tax deductible as allowed by law. Items which have been highly successful in the past include personalized craft items related to Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, unique items from past District and National Conventions (shirts, bags, candle holders, etc.,) and other memorabilia. For further information on the NAA Silent Auction, including making donations and helping with the auction, contact Marci Jones ( Going beyond the NIB and the related fund raisers, the NAA

...involvement with Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma does not have to end with graduation...

Continued on Page 34

The Podium, Spring 2005 - 33

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