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The Three H's of National Convention by Mattie Awtrey Alpha - ΚΚΨ Oklahoma State University
ational Convention 2019. There are no words, but if I had to try and put it into words it may go something like this: hectic, humbling, and an incredible honor. I do not think that anything or anyone could have prepared me for the incredible experience of National Convention and the Centennial Celebration.
HECTIC. As the Alpha Chapter President, Delegate, and an Intern at National Headquarters, National Convention was hectic to say the least. I can’t even calculate the hours spent planning, prepping, setting up, working, and running back and forth the week of. So many amazing people had spent years, yes years, planning this one single week for brothers and sisters around the nation to finally get to come home to Stillwater and celebrate what began it all and how far we’ve come. So much happened that week, that sometimes it all blends together in my mind. Not only did we get to spend time celebrating the rich history of the fraternity but we also got to work on some important business as well. Each day, brothers and sisters got to attend workshops and talks about leadership, service, being there for each other etc.… At the same time, many others were hard at work in numerous committee meetings passing constitutional revisions, reviewing programs, working on money issues and more. Each day was filled to the brim with wonderful activities and opportunities to learn, grow, and bond with others in the organizations. My days were filled with
22 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma
work, committee meetings, host chapter duties, ritual and ceremony rehearsals, listening to wonderful speakers, and having a great time with all of my favorite brothers and sisters! (Okay, maybe there were some tears being shed in there too – mostly good) Although Convention week was hectic and completely threw my sleep schedule for a loop, I wouldn’t change it for anything.
HUMBLING. I think sometimes we forget what a privilege it is to be involved in the fraternity at such a special time in our history. One hundred years, one HUNDRED years this