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Transferring Chapters A frightening journey made easier through brotherhood
By Savanna Perry Alpha Sigma & Gamma Nu - KKΨ Florida A&M University
When I was first initiated as a brother of the Alpha Sigma chapter back in Fall 2018, grad school wasn’t even a thought on my mind, let alone going to a completely new school and chapter. Now sitting in the thick of it, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. When I decided to go to grad school for my Master’s in Higher Education, one of the most important things to me was that I could continue playing in ensembles and being an active brother of this fraternity. I knew I wasn’t ready to give up Kappa Kappa Psi. This brotherhood got me through some of the toughest times and was there for me in the happiest moments of my life. Many were ready to move on, but I was not. Thankfully, Florida State University was able to offer me all of those things, and thus began my second journey as a brother in the Gamma Nu chapter.

Months go by over the end of my senior year and into the summer of me lurking in the chapter slack, liking messages here and there, but staying silent besides my first introductory message. I remember finally moving to Tallahassee in July and brother’s constantly sending messages about pool hangouts or cook-outs and wanting to go but being so terrified to step out. I had only met one brother of my new chapter at the Southeast District Convention last year as I advised the committee she was chair of and the thought of hanging out with all of these new people scared me. So I stayed home, alone, for the first couple of months living here.
Finally, it comes time for our first committee and chapter meetings. I got to the college of music super early and just sat in my car freaking out. I had no idea why I was so nervous, they were all brothers after all, but I was shaking. Just a couple of minutes before the meeting starts, I head over. My first few times with the brotherhood were spent talking to pretty much everyone, trying to remember 30+ names, and sharing my background story with psi over and over again. I was still a little nervous, but after that I knew I would be okay. The biggest help with my transition was thanks to my new big and family. They helped me figure out how Gamma Nu worked (even though we have the same foundations, Alpha Sigma and Gamma Nu run very differently) and helped me build a connection with the brotherhood.
Looking back at this time now feels crazy to me. Just a few months ago I was terrified to even talk to any of these people. Now, I can’t imagine my life without them. We have inside jokes (I’m a national spy), we tease each other, we’ve gone on road trips to visit my old chapter, stayed up way too late just talking about the most random things, gone camping, and so much more. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t interact with one of my new brothers. I genuinely don’t know if I would make it through grad school if it wasn’t for my brother’s here.
If anyone reading this is considering going to grad school and debating whether to stay active, I encourage you to do so. I have learned so much about myself and this fraternity through my new chapter and have been able to teach them with my knowledge from Alpha Sigma. This was by far one of the scariest, but most rewarding