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Eta Sigma Takes on the Big Apple!
By Sooin Cho
Eta Sigma - TBΣ Towson University
On November 11, 2022, the Towson University Marching Band marched down the streets of the trips, not only did it mean service to help alongside the band, but it was also a trip where we could bond and share our love for music all together.

The day started with a stroll in Central Park, one where the beautiful landscape of New York City can be taken in and bits of history can be learned. Upon arrival, we made a coffee stop and took a stroll into the park, where we admired the fallen leaves, the smell of fresh air, and the sounds of the city. From Strawberry Fields, where John Lennon’s memorial is located, to the bridge where Home Alone was filmed, there was just so much to explore! Of course, we couldn’t forget to complete our service to help serve lunch after a long stroll in the park. A nice sandwich to eat while sitting on a bench in Central Park in NYC definitely was a memorable experience.
As our time to perform drew near, the excitement and thrill among the band members was growing. Slowly changing into our classic uniform and preparing ourselves for the one and only parade ahead, it was hard to predict what was to come. Certainly not the rain. If anything, we made sure to prepare ourselves to not let anything rain on our parade. As the sprinkling rain started to let thick droplets fall onto the streets, we pulled out our emergency ponchos to pull over our slightly drenched uniforms. With the waiting time growing longer, our staff escorted us under a roof in front of the building, where other bands and participants complimented us and showed us their love. Perhaps this was the start of our Tiger spirit warming us up on the inside.
Especially with the rain and various factors affecting the start of the parade, the waiting time lengthened. However, being a band of passionate musicians, we were not going to stand there and wait any longer. Soon enough, the proud and clear sound of the band was resonating into the streets, where heads of spectators turned to look at us. Slowly, but surely, our Tiger spirit was sneaking its way out, yearning for the band to show why we were “World Famous”. From excerpts of our battery’s warm-up sequence to the winds’ playing parts of our season’s show, “Timeless”, our colors were gleaming with pride. After playing and waiting some more, it was finally time for our grand performance in the parade.
As we made a turn into the street of the parade’s start, it almost felt like we were at the top of the rollercoaster awaiting the big drop. Soon, members of our band, including our Sisters, got into the zone and performed our military medley, where wind members played their instruments and color guard members spun their flags. We were greeted by warm smiles of veterans, spectators, some of which included our Alumni and supporters from Towson University. Occasionally gusts of wind and rain did greet us, and we greeted back with our playing and smiles.
“Band, halt!” Our band director commanded. We all came to a halt and were told to look and face our left. In front of us stood the Empire State Building. We all marveled at the tall, powerful presence of the building. Something about standing together in front of the building felt unique, but special. Perhaps it was the idea of being in the midst of a moment together and supporting each other as we fulfilled our moment. After our sweet break to admire the historic building, we were soon back on our path. However, the aura was different. Everywhere, all the band members were gleaming with pride and living up to the “World Famous'' title. The gold buttons and black sequins shined brightly more than ever before, and the charisma sparked from our determined eyes as we marched on.

They always say that the most significant and happiest moments fly, which was the case for our performance. After reaching three–quarters into the season, we had accomplished something that seemed so unreal. As part of the TUMB, we always strive to achieve greatness, as well as an accomplishment that would leave a unique mark in our legacy. After fighting through a day of obstacles and unideal challenges, we had successfully and proudly marched together on the streets of New York.
Especially as Sisters of the Eta Sigma chapter, we couldn’t have been more proud to support and be a part of such a unique, yet powerful ensemble. More than any other event, we felt more united and more strongly bonded. For some, it was their first time in the Big Apple, while for some, it was their second to last performance with the ensemble. Even as there were a variety of emotions ranging, from ecstatic to bittersweet, our love for music and performing made our bonds even stronger than before. Aside from the service to be completed and the long journey we still had ahead, performing at the Veteran’s Day Parade marked a meaningful milestone for us.