The Revolution Is ON!

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Warning Label: This book is not Christian candy. It is not written to comfort whiners. It is nuts and bolts, real deal, hard core Christianity from the trenches. This is a book about Spiritual Revolution at the highest levels. The assumption is the reader most likely identifies as a Christian or as a seeker of Jesus Christ. This is a book about Spiritual War and Spiritual Warriors. In it the curtains are pulled back on the invisible world and the reader will be brought face to face with spiritual realities and the cause of Jesus Christ in a way not frequently taught in mainstream churches.

This is an unfortunate tragedy, and we have lost our moorings as a people because of this. Here the ancient power of the gospel is restored. If you are a hungry seeker of Jesus then step behind the curtain and see into The War now being conducted behind the scenes on a global scale. If your desire is to gain fresh understanding of the mission of the human race and become a person of consequence in the arena that really matters most, then this book is for you but be forewarned: Once the information is yours, you will be responsible for what you do with it and how you engage the world around you. Other than that...Enjoy!


This book is a: Street Jesus Publication You may learn more about Street Jesus at Street Jesus is an armory of tools and resources for the equipping of spiritual warriors whose intent is to fill the earth with the splendor of Almighty God. Street Jesus is dedicated to the 'Free Jesus Movement' (If you let Him out of the box, things will get crazy) We also wish to thank eCCo Publishing for their help in publishing this book. You may learn more about eCCo Publishing at © Copyright 2010, Street Jesus Publications ISBN is 1450550975 and EAN-13 is 9781450550970 Materials contained in this publication may be used freely for the purposes of discussion and promotion of the Gospel of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the understanding that proper honor be given to the writer of these materials whenever used or quoted in open, honest and heartfelt compliance with the instructions of Paul as in Romans 13:7, “Repay therefore to everyone what is due to them, tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom is due, respect to whom respect, and honor to whom honor is due. Be under obligation to everyone you meet to love them, for whoever loves another has in fact fulfilled all the law” Note: All scripture references are drawn from the original languages and the utmost care has been taken to convey the actual intent of the words.


The Revolution Is ON! A hard hitting look at spiritual warfare and the global intent of the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Rand Swift


Special thanks to all who had to live the life lessons in this book: To my wife and children, It's not over until it's over.

To my lifelong friends who know what being one means, It's not over until it's over.

Billy and Esther Schuetz, For protecting me with your prayers in the beginning. For feeding me with bits of manna that still makes sense. It's never over.

Ern Baxter, You have no idea what you did.

Charles G. Finney, You are a rebel after my liking.

The Acts Church, Wherever you are now, Believe in the power of the resurrection. It's not over until it's over, world without end, Amen.

The Lord Jesus Christ, You understand perfectly what You have done to me. I owe You everything. Eternal Thanks! I'll see You when you get back. 5|Page

“Beginning with the appearance of John the Baptist, and continuing on into the present, the Kingdom Realm situated within the heavens has been experiencing the force of violence like the violence of a raging storm and those applying the force (zealously extending the power of their life) eagerly take possession of it and carry off the spoils located there by the applied means of this force� (Matthew 11:12).



Table of Contents Chapter One - “The Revolution is ON” …......................................... page 12 • How I came to the Revolution • Joining the Revolution • Un-joining Revolution #1 • • Joining Revolution #2 • Un-joining Revolution #2 • A Demon Spirit Comes To Take Me • • Something Pleasant This Way Comes • Wait! Is That A Miracle? • •Mom! I'm Going To Get Saved • I Find My Revolution •

Chapter Two - “My Life Begins As A Subversive” ........................... page 22 • Daily Subversive Training • We Start Taking New Cities • I Get Spiritually Ambushed • • Weary In Well Doing • How Deadly Ambushes Work • Death Came and It Was Painful • • I Get Raised From the Dead • The Third Time • Again • If There's Any Way Out • • The Revolution is On! • What's Next? • War Is Hell •

Chapter Three - “The Revolution of Jesus Christ”........................... page 36 • Understanding the Mission • It's A Global Program • Adam s Program • Noah‟s Program • •Abraham‟s Program • Moses Program • Isaiah‟s Program • Daniel‟s Program • • Jesus Global Program • The Apprentices Global Program • The Secret Mission Of All Time • He And We Are Teamed • The Promise Of His Power • The Triumph Of Christ Replicates • •I Saw Satan Fall From Heaven • High Stakes Warriors •

Chapter Four - “Christ The Zealot” …............................................. page 52 • Pharisees • Sadducees • Essenes • Zealots • Was Jesus A Zealot? • • The Fervent Prayer Of A Righteous Man •• The Zeal Of Your House • Revolution Life!• • Who Is Your Daddy? • Everything According To Kind •

Chapter Five - “War And Contrasting Spiritual Cultures” ............ page 72 • Let There Be Mud • The Tree Of Mixture • Heightening Of Spiritual Capacity • • Abundance Is Never Ending Expanding Life • Moses Is Sent To Egypt • Yasha Or Sarar? • • The God Who Saves • Communion Of The Holy Spirit •Ferrari's And Speed Limits • • Why God Honors Heart Over Behavior • The War Is Raging • • When Does Jesus Come Back? • Stop Tantalizing! When Does Jesus Return? •

Chapter Six - “What Is Man?” ....................................................... page 88 • What Is Man? • The Foundation Of God's Power On Earth • Oops! We Have A Problem • • On Being Off Target • The Meaning Of Sin • Created Purpose • Because Of Our Enemies• • There Was A War In Heaven • Expressions Of Our Highest Values • • To Execute The Judgment Written •

Chapter Seven - “Spiritual Wars Fought By Spiritual People” ... page 104 • The Sorting Out: The Sad Truth About Foundations • Stone One • Stone Two • Stone Three • • Why It Matters • Neither Were They Thankful • The Warrior Is A Child • The Warrior Way • • The Creation Forming Catalyst Of Christ • The Voice Of God Is The Re-Polarizing Power • • Of Commands And Military Campaigns • Harmony And Power • God's Echo • •Watching Patterns • The Offshoot Of God? • Show Us The Sound Of God • •His Sheep Hear His Voice • Paul Got It •


Table of Contents, Continued Chapter Eight - “The Hierarchies Of Power” …............................ page 124 • Our Upside Down-ness • It's About Choosing Sides • Emerging Into • • Transforming Our Polarities • Geographies And Principalities • Daniel's Encounter • • Proficiency Of Measure • To Be Blessed One Must Bless • In The Name Of A Disciple • • The Glory Of God • The War Within Your Metron •

Chapter Nine - “Commanding The Battle” …............................... page 142 • The Acts Initiative • Spiritual Aggression • Displacement Of Dominant Spirits • • Keys Of Heaven • Identifying The Problem • Loosing The Joys Of Heaven • •Faith Puts Us On God's Level Playing Field •

Chapter Ten - “King David” …...................................................... page 158 • Purpose Interrupted • The Key Of David • The Heart Of David • • How God Finds His Warriors • The Eyes Of The Lord • The Seven Spirits Of God • • Letting God Penetrate • Seven Times Pure • The Seven Times Process • David Had It! • •The Book Of Ruth • The Book Of Revelation •

Chapter Eleven - “To The Seven Churches” …............................ page 180 • Judgment Begins At The House Of God • Trust • Getting Ready To Polarize The Planet • • Discovery Within The Churches • The Parable Of The Sower • The Seven-Fold Examination • • Who Is This Jesus • The Rewards That Wait • The Dangers • Seven Trusts Of The Heart • Ephesus • Smyrna • Pergamos • Thyatira • Sardis • Philadelphia • Laodicea • Your Invitation Has Arrived •

Chapter Twelve - “Identity Crisis” …............................................ page 216 • You Are The Called Of God • You Were Not An Afterthought • • A Covenant Has Come To You • The Part You Keep • The Structures • Where You Fit • • The Will Of God • The Name • Enforcing By Demand • No Other Option •

Chapter Thirteen - “Increasing Your Threat Level” …................ page 236 • Praying With All Prayer And Supplication • Increasing Your Offense • • The Nature Of The Front Lines • Introduction To Some Great Weapons • • Your Loins Girt About With Truth • The Breastplate Of Righteousness • Get Your Shoes On • • The Shield That Stifles • To Maximize The Damage, Don't Forget Your Helmet • • The Sword Of The Spirit: It's Time To Slice And Dice •

Chapter Fourteen - “David Takes Jerusalem” …............................ page 258 • The Difficulty With Canaan • There Was A Place • What's So Great About Jerusalem? • • And Then There Was David • Jerusalem Is Calling • Jerusalem, Jerusalem • •Heavenly Jerusalem • We Have Come To Mount Zion •

Chapter Fifteen - “Polarity” …......................................................... page 272 • What Spirit Are We? • What It Looks Like • Shutting Out Evil • What If? • 10,000 Shepherds • A Closing Thought •


“And the seventy returned again overflowing with joy while saying, „Even the devils are subordinate to us through the use of Your name (application of Your rank and power).‟ And He (Jesus) said to them, „What I saw was satan falling down from heaven like a bolt of lightning‟ (Luke 10:17-18).

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Chapter One “The Revolution Is On” The only thing any of us really has to share is our own experience. It's the places we've personally been, the things we've personally seen and handled and our own perception of those things that in the final analysis are the only truth any of us really knows. No one can ever live someone else’s story or say another person’s story is exactly what we experienced. You might come close, or even have somewhat of a shared experience, but only the individual, sharing their personal experience, can really tell precisely what it is that has happened to them. The writers of the New Testament understood this well. Something phenomenal had happened to them that turned their lives upside down. The impact of it was so monumental it altered everything in their personal world, but the force of it also spilled out from them impacting countless lives, not only in the time in which they lived their own lives, but the ripples of their experience have continued outward to effect the landscape of the earth even up to this present hour. One of those speakers and letter writers was just a kid really when he met Jesus. His name was John and he wound up writing four letters that people all over the world still read with reverence and awe today, one of them being the Book of Revelation. Here is what John had to say about his writings; Those things that were from the beginning, which we ourselves heard, which we saw with our very own eyes, which we have personally looked upon, and which our own hands have touched and handled of the Word of life, for the life indeed was manifested, and we did indeed see it, and now we bear witness, and show to you also the infinite, unbound and unstoppable life which is with the Father and has been openly shown to us. Only what we have seen and heard do we now openly make known to you too and this is so you too might come and participate together with us, because what we are participating in truly is the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ. And so we are writing these things to you so that your joy in life might be as full, complete and total like ours has been (1st John 1:1-4). This is a book about a Revolution. Like John, all I can share with you is my own experience with things I have come to know and am coming to know more clearly every day that they are true. I have met Jesus, the same Jesus that John was talking about above. I felt it best as we open up ideas related to the topic of His Revolution on planet earth that I begin with my own story. It's a good story, it's a bad story and it's a good story. 12 | P a g e

As you will soon find out for yourself, my story is a story of pain, suffering, redemption, success, failure and healing. It is a story of being lost and being found, failing miserably and getting found and rescued all over again. It's a story of triumph and tragedy, death and resurrection, darkness and illumination. It's a story about the grace of God and how my own real life experience has intersected with that grace. Some people will be inspired. Some will find new hope for themselves and by the end of the second chapter some will have their reasons for not reading any further. But please read at least through to the end of the second chapter and then decide if there is reason for you to continue reading the rest. How I Came To The Revolution I am a Revolutionary. It started a long time ago when I was a child sitting transfixed in front of the television. There was a man named Walt Disney and he had a show called The Mickey Mouse Club which I watched devotedly every chance I had, which was about every single day back then. Mister Disney also had a show on Sunday evenings called “The Wonderful World of Disney� and I could hardly wait each week for it to come on. Without fail, every week some amazing thing would appear designed to stir the imaginations and the dreams of a child. In those magical days it seemed like Walt Disney was as close as any friend. I had the honor of knowing through the television mind you, the real Walt Disney who was the man and genius, not the cash cow Walt who has become a brand name sold by marketeers (not Mouseketeers) over and over again. Walt is dead now, leaving us in 1966 and I sometimes think if he were alive today he would not be happy with what has been made of his dream. You see, Walt was a man who believed in things and these things spilled out everywhere in his work. Walt believed in little tiny mice and little tiny crickets, who in spite of their size had big important things to say. Walt believed there were magical powers in the world and if you were responsible, these powers could cause great good, but if you were irresponsible, even one little mouse could cause a lot of trouble in a very short period of time. Walt believed clearly that there was good and there was evil and that good was where a man wanted to be all of the time because evil always loses, and so do all those who are its associates. Walt believed there were strong men who were born princes doing mighty and honorable exploits in the earth and there were beautiful, breathtaking princesses that needed them and inspired them to be the great men that they were. Walt believed in love, that it could overcome all odds and that real love would destroy dragons and witches and bring the dawning of new days and hopes into

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oppressed worlds. Walt opened the door for me to believe that I was made to be that kind of a boy. And maybe most important of all, Uncle Walt believed in Revolution, and because of that so too did I. Week after week I sat transfixed as Walt taught me right there from the T.V., right there in my own living room, sitting there with my faithful dog Shanty (he was Irish), all about The Revolution and the sacrifice of men and women who went above and beyond comfortable living (or would that be called cowardly living?), putting their whole lives on the line for a visionary dream of a more beautiful future in which people would live free and realize their potential. Uncle Walt took me into the lives of simple everyday people, allowing me to watch as they formed thoughts and plans to throw off their oppressors and change their own fated future as they offered on the altar of sacrifice their lives, their fortunes, and maybe most important of all, more than anything else, their sacred honor. As Walt brought me into their lives, I became these heroes taking on their causes and their spirit of sacrifice. I watched George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson and in my imagination became them. I became a valiant Son of Liberty. I was there at the Boston Tea Party. I rode with Paul Revere. I was Johnny Tremaine. I daringly crossed the Delaware in the middle of winter in an overloaded row boat. I was in the swamps with my commander, that crafty old Swamp Fox as we gave the British fits. I wore a Revolutionary soldiers Tricorne hat. I fought next to the legendary Daniel Boone. I owned a replica coon skin cap and a long rifle that shot corks. These people of all people were my people. These were my heroes and the blood of their Revolution was he the blood of my revolution. How could it not be so? Time passed and I was living in the 1960's. The war in Vietnam was stirring the headlines and the nightly news footage. My uncle was a United States Marine fighting for the cause of liberty, finding himself and his companions surrounded on a hilltop outpost in a faraway place called Khe San, fighting the Chinese and some Viet Cong too. I wanted to go there, be there and fight too but was only 15 years old and in High School, but there was plenty of stuff brewing here at home for me to get myself in trouble with. It seemed like a revolution was going on around me and the spirit of it drew me like a magnet. I wasn't one of those attracted to war protests because I considered myself to be a warrior. After all, I had a slight strain of American Indian in me and was certain I came from a long line of Braves and was proud of it. My European roots in America went all the way back to pre-revolutionary Virginia and the inventive idyllic farms I perceived to have been there. What attracted me was the need for change. Though young and mostly stupid about what was really going on I entered the fray of the social revolution I saw happening around me. I looked at my world and though admittedly naive, it was plain to me the American Revolution 14 | P a g e

that my mentor Uncle Walt had taught me about on those Sunday nights around the T.V. campfire, was not the America that I was seeing, or the America I had believed in. To a teen aged boy who someday might be a man if he lived long enough, I was struggling to see the freedom. What kind of a world was I going to have to live in? Joining The Revolution Change was needed, so I joined “The Revolution” as it was. I got tuned in, turned on and started growing my hair, but my parents wouldn't let me drop out of High School. For awhile I fancied myself as a Communist, though I really had no idea what that was. It just seemed bad and contrary and as long as it wasn't “The Establishment” it must be better, right? After all, The Establishment people were the ones responsible for the demise of freedom and what they didn't like just might be what I did like. The Establishment was my villain. They had short military style haircuts and very proper business attire and were highly disciplined, regimented and motivated. Even gas station attendants wore crisp uniforms. But the Revolution had things like The Beatles, Rock and Roll and the awesome “nonestablishment” music. It was Bohemian in style, unconventional like creative people, artists, writers, musicians, great thinkers like Einstein or so I thought, and revolutionaries always seemed to be cool. It was change. Un-Joining Revolution Number One Yes, I had fancied myself a young bold communist, but one day I was absentmindedly thinking about the whole theory of communism and because my mind works mechanically by nature, I was putting together the organic tapestry of all the pieces and how they would work and was startled to realize, it won't work! I suddenly saw the gaping holes like Swiss Cheese as it dawned on me while I, or others, were busy tuning in, turning on and dropping ourselves out in Bohemian bliss, someone was going to have to grow the food, harvest the food, make the meals, build the houses and do the work! A disturbing set of inconsistencies appeared that really began to bother me at the wise old age of 16. As the jagged pieces started fitting themselves together it dawned on me, in order for one person to be completely free of all responsibility another person had to work and produce something not only for themselves, but also for the person who was getting to do all the freeloading. I found myself staring into the future face of a severe class distinction not at all unlike that of owners and slaves. In my simplicity I could see an all out battle, possibly even a bloodbath occurring to decide who gets to live for free on the labor of others and who would become the workers required to support the elite. Then it became even 15 | P a g e

more clear the only way to have workers to support the freeloading elite was to make them workers by force, under penalty of severe punishment, imprisonment or even death. Staring into the face of slavery I wondered, “What kind of a misleading, garbage revolution was this anyway?” My infantile paradigm came crashing down as I saw in my mind that Communism (heartless killing) and its near identical twin by another lie named Socialism (murder with a smile), was the worst model ever created for anyone interested in freedom. What was being promised was a smooth sounding deception for the masses that would be realized only for the privileged elite. It was not about Utopia for all but only for some and it was about serfdom and absolute despotism for the many. I'm no math genius, but if you just run the simple numbers, you'll find they always work out that way. I knew then that Communist Socialism could never be my revolution. It was an awakening. So, now what was I going to do? Revolution Number Two Peace, Love and Woodstock, but not stupid Communism became the new revolution for me. We could still change the world and make things simpler and lives more enjoyable and free, like in the old days when the nation was young and new and people weren't constantly policed. People could live according to conscience and do what seemed right and good in their own eyes and for the people they loved. We already were exploring outer space, so that gig was taken, so maybe the next great frontier truly was the “inner space” of destinations in the mind. Rock festivals were everywhere blossoming into near instant communities of alleged loving and kind people, except for the thieves, the junkies and the truly twisted perverts. We had The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, Bob Dylan, Janice Joplin, The Animals, Sly and the Family Stone, Arthur Brown who used to light himself on fire on stage, Moby Grape (there you go Don Stevenson), the legendary Jimi Hendrix, groups like Cream, The Grateful Dead, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Jefferson Airplane, and so many more. We were doing something. We were people in motion and making some sort of thing happen, but mostly partying. But then, the love and peace that we all came for started getting ugly. People were being murdered over drugs or the failure to pay for ones fronted to them by the dealers. The likes of Charles Manson emerged. It became a dangerous world not only because of that, but the drugs themselves were killing people. A friend of mine who was a young gifted bass guitar player was found one morning by his parent’s stone cold dead because he shot up some stuff and overdosed. At seventeen years old everything was gone but cold lifeless flesh and glazed dead eyes. We used to ride to school together. 16 | P a g e

One night while staying with some friends I realized it had been a long time since we had seen one particular couple, close friends of mine and heroin addicts. I went looking for them as I knew they had gone to shoot up. There was no answer as I called, so wandering the house I finally found them nodded out on a bed, laying in their own vomit. They were both blue and were near death by overdose. The group of us began working them over and finally getting them to the bathroom we iced them with cold showers, slaps, shouts and loud noises until they slowly began to respond from wherever it was their spirits had gone. Fortunately they lived. It wasn't pretty, but the prospects of death didn't stop them, it couldn't. I had a friend who would throw parties and thought it great sport at them to take a walk on the spiritual side, calling out on satan to appear. The stories of those who were there regarding the strange phenomena that occurred outside of their capacity to control were frightening. I had never gone to one of those spirit gatherings. For that I was glad. There was a girl I knew who professed she was a witch. She could make things move around rooms by the spirits she befriended. These spirit powers she was familiar with led her to believe she was in control of them. They convinced her they were her friends and would protect her from people who would want to harm her. Later when Jesus saved her she had demon spirits cast out that had possessed her. She wasn't the one in control after all. My own situation was deteriorating rapidly. I had seen too much of what was really going on in both the physical world and in the spirit world. Everything I had hoped for as my life was just getting started was turning dark on me and doing so very quickly. One of my most important relationships was rapidly falling apart and dying. The dark cloud that had already attached itself to me became more than I could bear. I purposefully started thinking about suicide and started practicing. Un-Joining Revolution Number Two Making sure there were no actual bullets in the chamber, I began to see if I could sit on the edge of my bed, put the barrel of my rifle under my chin and reach the trigger (for some reason I wanted to be sitting, because if I made a mistake, only wounding myself and fell I didn't what to get hurt. I know, it's...crazy). It turns out I could do it, I could make that reach. This second revolution was turning out very bad for me. Then something terrifying happened. A Demon Spirit Comes To Take Me One night very late it came for me. I woke up with a feeling of absolute terror. Actually, it was more of a knowledge of absolute terror with horrible feelings attached to it. Something non-human was at the opening to my room and 17 | P a g e

I could see it moving back and forth with piercing eyes staring at me. In its gaze I could feel its personality. It was about the size of a large man, powerfully built and pure evil. I lay in my bed not knowing what to do. I was frozen, not moving or even breathing for fear it would know I was awake and I could see it. What I clearly knew however, was that it had come for me to take me, or to take over me. I watched as it continued moving back and forth and then step squarely into the opening and stare at me as if the time had come. Silently in my own mind I began to pray as best I knew how. Fortunately for me at that moment, I had an early religious background in which I had learned a certain respect and awe of God. The truth is that I had given my life to Jesus for the first time at six years old in a dark movie theater watching “The Miracle of Marcelino” about a lonely little boy, abandoned with no mother or father, who had been taken up in the arms of Jesus. I knew that boy. I was that boy. God was my only hope now and my prayers were rapidly and silently ascending to Him. There was no skill or expertise in what I was doing, only sheer desperation and crying out to God. As I engaged God in prayer there was a noticeable loosening of the terror that had gripped my soul and disgust on the part of my visitor. With frightened urgency I continued to pray and the more I did the more the powerful grip of this thing began to weaken and dissipate in the strength of its hold on me. Finally as the tide was reversing and my courage grew, I began to whisper my prayers out loud and as I did the thing stepped back as if in disappointment. And then like it was wounded at my refusal, it left my room and the area completely. Nothing quite like this had ever happened to me before. Something Pleasant This Way Comes I had friends who had turned to Jesus. From time to time when we met they told me about the love of Jesus and said they would be praying for me. I wasn't sure precisely what that meant but didn't think it would hurt and felt really quite pleased that they would actually care for me that way, though I would have never let them know that. But now that I knew first hand and face to face that the spirit world was more real than I wanted it to be, I had to give the whole idea some fresh consideration. Logically, unless you were a total idiot (to which I claim only partial immunity) it would make perfect sense for me to cry out to God to save me and take this experience of Him rescuing me further. So, after reviewing what had happened in the middle of the night I prayed this prayer exactly this way, “God if there is any way out of this mess I've gotten myself into, if You will make a way, I'll take it.” Before we move ahead with this story, I need to help you understand something. Because of a desperate need for approval and acceptance in my life 18 | P a g e

while growing up (what can I say? I was a middle child with preoccupied parents along with other serious mitigating factors), probably more than many other people I had a real problem being a prisoner to what other people think of me. Acceptance or rejection from others were critical factors of consideration, and the deep hunger was for approval. When you are locked into a need for affirmation from outside, instead of from internal affirmations of your value, you tend not to act from a foundation of personal confidence and freedom, always looking outside your own truth for a sense of approval. In partner with this need, a person often finds themselves choosing the lowest common denominator when it comes to the, “Who will accept me?” equations of day to day living. It's easier and less risky to the wounds inside that you are protecting from further pain, or so you are led to think. I say that to let you know that one of my immediate fears right after my prayer was what my friends would think if in fact God did do something and I wound up being a “Jesus Freak” as we called them. As soon as I prayed it dawned on me that if I had to face their rejection, I honestly wasn't sure how I would react to that possibility. I desperately needed approval. I wondered, “Did God care?” At the time, I was involved with a family of drug dealers. The parents both worked in executive capacities for a very large worldwide manufacturing firm and had an appreciation for money. The oldest son was a drug addict and loved drugs of all kinds, the second son was my close friend the heroin addict I told you about that overdosed and nearly died on the bed and the youngest one, the daughter who was my age, was the witch I already made reference to, and then there was me. I spent a great deal of time there with that family as they “approved” of me and made me feel welcome. Wait! Is That A Miracle? Over the course of the next two weeks after my prayer, I watched one of the most amazing things happen to this group of people. First the oldest son came to Jesus at a concert that had been held in a park several hundred miles away from us in Richland, Washington. He called his parents to tell them about his conversion. Then the parents figured they had to go save their drug addicted son from this religious Jesus cult and set off to the rescue taking the daughter with them. When they saw their son, saw his friends who they knew and who had also met Jesus, and then spoke with some of the leaders of the Jesus group, they gave their own lives to Jesus. They quit their jobs and never came back. The parents had taken their witch daughter with them on the trip because the alternative was to leave her home with no adult supervision and her boyfriend lurking around in the picture. It turns out she too gave her life over to Jesus and in the process, as mentioned, had several demons cast out of her. The impact on 19 | P a g e

her was transformational to say the least. The influence a new Spirit inside of her made her, in the most remarkable way, a new person. Meanwhile I'm back at the ranch. The daughters’ boyfriend and I are sitting in the parent’s living room one afternoon during their rescue trip, when the now spiritually changed daughter suddenly walks in the front door. It immediately strikes me before she says a word to us that the atmosphere around her is strangely different, it's happy. As I look more carefully at her I see with my own eyes this is not the same girl I thought I knew, her eyes are sparkling and it's coming from inside of her, expanding out. Her boyfriend and I look at each other to see if we're both seeing what we think we're seeing but are speechless. Noticing our puzzled looks she begins to tell us the most amazing story of her brother’s conversion, her parent’s conversion, her own conversion and exorcism and how God told her to come back and get us. But before she got to the part about coming back to get us my prayer came back to me as if someone was speaking it inside my heart, “If you will make a way, I will take it.” I knew my opportunity had come and God had done this. Mom! I'm Going To Go Get Saved! I excitedly drove my '51 GMC Panel Truck home to pack some things and head out to get “saved”. What I wasn't ready for was my Irish Catholic mother's reaction when I explained to her where I was going and what I was going to do when I got there. “Mom”, I said excitedly, “I'm going to Richland to get saved!” Well, according to her, “I had another think coming” and as my parents were paying for the insurance on my truck at that time, taking it would be, “Over her dead body.” Although we hadn't gotten along for some years, “Over her dead body” was not the way I thought I should start my life with Jesus. It may not have mattered at that point if I had said NASA had called and wanted me to be an astronaut, she might have still reacted in the same vein. Sometimes when people develop default positions with regard to another it doesn't matter what they are saying or what they are doing it's just somehow irritating. As the default auto pilot “gut response” to that person kicks in it clouds everything they have to say or do and how they view the other person. But, it didn't matter anymore. I stunned myself with my response as I simply handed her the keys with a smile and walked away with only the clothes on my back. My little brother cried at the top of the stairs, knowing this was significant and I was gone. With all I had seen and been through, and what had happened and what God had done to make a way for me, no one was going to stop me from getting saved. I was on my own and I didn't know when or if I would or if I could ever come back again. I was getting saved and nothing was going to stop it. 20 | P a g e

I Find My Revolution I had exactly $110.00 in my pocket and I was on my own forever. It was the last of my money from our most recent sales venture. I was going to use it to get the three of us to Richland so two of us (the boyfriend and I) could get saved. But as I was walking now away from my house, it occurred to me that a car could come up behind me, accidentally careen off the road and kill me and I could die right then and there and not ever be saved. How tragic would that be? My sense of urgency grew. I was born into Catholicism. I didn't know how to get saved the way people get saved. No one ever taught that there. Remembering vividly the spirit that had come for me in the middle of the night, I knew I didn't ever want to see that again. My concern kept growing so I explained it to God as I walked along and asked what I should do? I couldn't have told you how it happened at the time, but immediately it became clear to me, and I knew precisely what I needed to do. Right there on the side of the road with just myself, God, and no one else, with no peer pressure, no one to follow but Jesus, no group, no crowd to be approving or disapproving, I told Him I was sorry for all the things I had done that had hurt Him and caused Him to have to go to the cross to die for me. Then I thanked Him for dying for me and I gave my whole life to Him, asking Him to come into it and show me His way because mine wasn't working. The exact formula probably didn't really even matter. The Savior of the universe was hearing my heart and all of my words and expressions were true. I wanted to be on His side and live my whole life for Him. Then suddenly from everywhere, both inside and outside of me, I was surrounded by a peace and a love that to this day is hard to describe. It just was and I knew I was safe, everything was going to be alright. I bought my three one way train tickets into Pasco, Washington and was on my way to “officially” get saved. Miracles occurred on the way there. I had finally found my Revolution!

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Chapter Two My Life Begins As a Subversive” There was no middle of the road for me. I was in this thing with Jesus all the way. In more ways than one, Jesus had saved my life and now mine belonged to Him in a trade I certainly had the better end of, so I entered immediately into a lifestyle of subversive Revolutionary activities. The concept of being saved and then not serving Jesus with your whole life was completely foreign to me. It wasn't something I thought could even exist. I relished every moment of life with Him. We took the train to Richland and I got “officially” saved. As the custom was, we went immediately to the Columbia River where a short message on water baptism was given and I was the first one in the water. They baptized me, immersing me completely and raising me up again into the name of Jesus. I found my way back to the riverbank and turning around it hit me. The experience was so profound and the spiritual presence around me was so incredible that I had to either sit down or fall down. I nearly passed out. Everything was different. Even the colors were suddenly more alive and vibrant. Things began to happen quickly. First of all we went back for my two heroin addict friends. We told them our story because that's all we knew, what we had seen, what we had heard, what we had experienced for ourselves. They not only heard our words but they saw the miracle shining in us. The life of Jesus own Spirit was in us and flowing out of us and reaching into them. They heard it, they saw it and they felt it. When they came to the Lord Jesus they were instantly delivered from full on heroin addiction without any pain of withdrawals, in fact they had just shot up no less than an hour before they came to Jesus and after prayer were completely cleansed. Jesus had extricated the heroin from inside their bodies and I had watched as a visible bright light came over them when a man of God laid his hands on them. It was phenomenal. Others came. Friends, acquaintances and family members. My former girlfriend came when we (the now former heroin addicts and I) appeared on her doorstep one day under the guise of a wedding invitation. We told her we had met Jesus and given our lives to Him. She had heard the rumors as word spread fast, but now she not only heard our words but saw and felt the transformation in our spirits. She reacquainted herself with the Jesus she once knew but had lost along the way. We got married about six weeks later. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

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Daily Subversive Training I soon entered into daily subversive training, learning how to pray, learning how to study the scriptures and to speak the words of God with Holy Spirit delivery. I learned how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, like working the communications channels between the command center in heaven and the soldiers fighting here in this sector of the universe. Things were moving fast. We spent our mornings in prayer, worship and training. Then we hit the streets looking for strike opportunities and telling our stories. Eventually we started going door to door under the guise of selling Peanut Brittle to help “get kids off drugs” (which was true), but that was also cover for our real work. Our real intent, whether they wanted to buy or not was to tell them our story, how Jesus had altered the course of our lives and to pray for any needs they had. We called it “putting God on them”. God was showing up on people's doorsteps and touching them with His love. Plus we were earning money because now we had to support two houses for boys, one for girls and one for married couples who were all dedicated to the training and the mission we had been called into of spreading the Realm of God everywhere we were. People were being helped, healed and they were coming to Jesus. The plan of the Revolution was working. We were re-polarizing the world around us. We Start Taking New Cities We soon realized there were other cities we must also begin to invade. Invitations were coming from all over requesting we come to one city or another and open up a subversive cell. Our work shifted and we began sponsoring small groups of semi-trained (as best we could anyway) servants of Jesus to send out with instructions to do the work in new areas. Before the first year was up, I became part of one of these cell groups, moving with intent from the work in Richland to The Dalles, Oregon. We secured a house across from the High School and our cell went to work, turning things upside down in that sector of the community. We held nightly information meetings and plied the local students with Jesus music and miraculous signs and wonders performed among them by the Spirit of Jesus that was with us. Those young people who were experiencing problems in their lives and homes (what teens aren't?) began coming to us for counsel, prayer and solutions and we would put God on them. We soon had a boy’s house located on a cherry orchard and a girl’s house in town and a growing group of older, cool, gray haired adults who remembered the days of the early Pentecostal meetings and joined together with us in The Revolution. 23 | P a g e

Many of those people we reached were then sent up the Columbia River, back to the training center in Richland. Before long we had a network of seven cells established throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Legends were being formed in those days as daring men and women did daring things in high stakes skirmishes with the supernatural. Opportunities opened and many of us found ourselves traveling the nation and the world exporting the seeds of The Revolution into new places and new cultures across the globe. I Am Spiritually Ambushed, Beaten to a Pulp And Left To Die In the twelfth year of the Revolution, I was taken out by the enemy. I had moved from The Dalles, Oregon to Lewiston, Idaho where we had established another outpost of the cause. For nine years we had worked and labored there establishing a church, a Christian school, the beginnings of a fledgling ministry training center, had begun reaching into other surrounding towns, had traveled across the planet, assaulted the spirits in Washington, D.C. with a million other revolutionaries, touched the State of Idaho and had by the grace of God gathered a group of the best people on earth in our Lewiston outpost. I was in a quandary though. There was a conflict rising in me regarding church and church models. On the one hand I was inspired to try and create a huge mega church in Lewiston with what I envisioned to be five to ten thousand people, I didn't know how but I was driven to try it. This was the flavor of the day in church modeling and the kind of vision everyone in churchdom was applauding then. You could say it was what all the guys were doing or dreaming of doing. On the other hand before I left The Dalles, I had been given a puzzling plan that was radically different from anything to do with the mega church idea. I had placed it on the back shelf of my brain and there it stayed, churning. While I was busy harnessing the strength of the people for the status quo mega church building idea, the Lord kept coming to me in my deepest prayer times and surprising me with the phrase, “Let My people go, so they can serve Me” straight out of Moses statement to Pharaoh. I was confused by God. Here I was in the process of building for Him a great thing or so I thought, according to the way my mentors were teaching me, and He had the rudeness to tell me it wasn't really what He had in mind. The first time He came and said that I remember being clearly offended and shocked that God was not pleased with my offering. But, this same thing repeated itself three times over the course of three months, almost like He had set His watch and had put it on His calendar. I kept pondering this and wasn't sure how to make the adjustments He was asking me to make. It was genuinely foreign to the status quo church model of the time. It was scary and untested, except maybe in the scriptures of course and it was not the way “church” was done. Besides, and I'm very serious about this 24 | P a g e

part, I was concerned about what my friends and mentors would say if I broke rank with what was normal and went “contrary to the standard?� One would have hoped I had gotten past that. I Get Weary In Well Doing The pressures grew intense and I grew tired. There were other unresolved flaws in a few critical foundations of my life that were about to be tested for the sustainability of their enduring strength. Up until this time I had experienced a fairly unbroken chain of successes year after year. Then for the first time, one of our projects ended several thousand dollars in debt. We had taken on a lot and money was tight already. I didn't understand this as God had always provided before in many miraculous ways. I had wanted this certain project that encompassed our entire State and took it on thinking it would elevate the opportunities for the group, increasing our influence. I would pray over this debt expecting a miracle and nothing happened. Then people within my larger extended family started having troubles and I couldn't pray them away. A brother and sister in law got divorced and I was powerless. Then a sibling made some choices that I couldn't understand and again I felt spiritually powerless to make any difference. Was I supposed to? I thought so, because I was the man of God. Could I make any difference? Apparently my power of influence couldn't extent that far and I wondered why not? Then my own parents got a divorce after 30 years of a tangled marriage and my faith and prayers couldn't seem to stop that either. What was happening? My right hand man in the work of the Lord who was like a brother to me had a business fail and we (in retrospect, now stupidly) decided he couldn't be a leader of the people any longer and function as my own confidant and counselor – oh, and I couldn't pray his troubles away either. When that happened I had lost an important two way sounding board and I had very much needed that. Then the leadership of our group of churches back in Richland started having troubles and began to disintegrate and scatter. This meant I lost another sounding board to counsel with trusted outside voices regarding spiritual needs or conflicts of my own. I started the process of looking for another affiliation but I was unsure how to replace the voices of those that knew me with new ones who would know us and whose opinion could matter on a personal and church level. In retrospect once again, the men I needed were probably already around me but our model didn't allow the demigod leader to show their human imperfections to those they were leading. Tragic. Foolish. Deadly. It was then and it is now. And then it happened, and I don't even know how, that the young unmarried woman moved into our house. I don't know why, but one day I came home from somewhere and there she was moving in with us. I couldn't recall having been consulted by my wife or being part of the decision. She was a K-1st grade teacher 25 | P a g e

at our school, was pretty and had a dark rhythm in her soul that already scared me with warnings. The quarters were too close. I hated her at first. I had to hate her as a matter of self defense and it went on for months that way in our house. For survival I had to resent her presence and everything about her. I was disturbed every time I saw her. I walked around with an undercurrent of simmering anger in my house for a long time with only small respites of peace when she or we were gone somewhere else. My attitude began to weigh heavily on me. Then one day after what I felt was an unusual bout of unkindness on my behalf, my conscience convicted me about my ungracious attitude toward her. My spirit had been nowhere near the Spirit of Jesus Christ and here I was purporting myself to be a servant of the Most High God, violating the very essence of my faith and the tenants of my revolution in my own home. God is love, God is kind, God is gentle and I repented and vowed from that day on to change my ways and be kind. The atmosphere in our home changed dramatically. The tension was gone and it started to become fun and enjoyable again. Kindness truly was better and all of us were relieved by it, and she responded so much better now that the dark cloud of my constant displeasure had been lifted. Peace returned and it was even better than I remembered. It became refreshing. My wife's pregnancy was a difficult one. She was sick most of the time it seemed, and so out of necessity the teacher and I spent more time together doing things around the house like cleaning, fixing meals, occasional shopping trips, I helped her pick out a car to buy, things like that. I was working out every morning at a local gym so she bought a membership and we would go there together. It was great having someone to work out with. A couple of friends lent me their motorcycles and I loved to go riding alone just to see what I could see. Then for fun we started going on rides together and I'm sure you can see where this is heading. How Deadly Ambushes Work This is how the ambush works. Find the weak point in everyone's defenses and take advantage of them with the intent to hurt as many people in as wide a swath as possible in as few moves as possible. If the enemy came announcing his presence and purpose straight out in the light of day then it wouldn't really be an ambush would it? And our defenses would be ready in response, right? But it doesn't happen that way. It is a long slow process of intelligence gathering and covert probes at first to test for flaws and soft spots in order to understand the opponent’s greatest weaknesses. Then a process of planning and execution begins to exploit the weaknesses of all the parties involved at their most vulnerable places. The attack is multi-layered. It's a long practiced skill that predates mankind. 26 | P a g e

We're told about the first temptation, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field...” (Genesis 3:1), and then the serpent appealed to a genuine need Eve had, pointing out all the fine, positive attributes of the fruit she was seeing. It seemed harmless enough. To all observances it appeared good, and in fact seemed even to be nourishing and beneficial. But in it, in fact just under the surface, was the poison, and the deadly poison was the objective all along. Death at first bite. And so I walked into the proximity of the serpent’s capacity to strike. I didn't realize that once uncoiled he could reach that far and so the poison of death was injected deep into my veins. Then it was like a whole pit of serpents swarmed out, striking en mass to bite like adders, lashing out at all whom I stupidly led to the valley of death. Death Came And It Was Painful I died. And everything I had wanted and everything I had lived for and given my life for up to that point died. In one moment the poison was injected and all was gone. I had met my enemy and became a casualty of the wars, an empty carcass left slowly dying and gasping unbelievably for air on the battlefield. “He that thinks he's standing strong, take heed that he doesn't fall” (1st Corinthians 10:12). It was as if everything I had ever done suddenly became non-existent, like life on a chalk board suddenly being completely erased without any traces. The words and the healing in others and the salvation that had been taking place was now all suspect. The legitimate questions filled the air, “How long had I been evil after all? How long was I walking on the side of darkness? How far back do we have to go to remove every vestige of him from us? How quickly can the memory and the evidence that he was here be disposed? Whether these things were true or false I don't know, but they were true in my mind now. The poison was effective. There is no doubt that I had failed people. There is no doubt I had failed my family and that I had failed myself too. But most important of all I had failed my God and the cause I had been saved to. Alone. Fallen off the edge of the world. No one my wife and I had known and fought with from the early wars in the early days called with a word of hope or a word of healing or life. Maybe they were afraid for themselves. Maybe they didn't care. Maybe I had been just that insignificant after all, a figment of my own imagination. A few from the congregation reached out but I had difficulty hearing them. They were the ones I had betrayed. I should have died for them and didn't. Death came though and I knew that I deserved it. I had no right to ask for anything or expect anything. I tried looking into the future but it was blank now. 27 | P a g e

This time I had ended the Revolution and the old spirits that had come for me before started coming back, testing the waters, taunting me. Within a few weeks of leaving I had come down with pneumonia. I felt like death was there for me to walk into if I wanted. It was a tempting possibility of relief, and I was so deserving of it. After that I just tried to do what I could do, hoping to reclaim some sense of meaning. I tried poorly I'm sure to put my family back together, not doing a good job of it. I tried poorly to create a new career in the world (or should I say careers?) not doing a good job of that either. I had never really done anything else besides the work of the Revolution. I hadn't had any other aspirations, goals or plan. I joined churches but it only reminded me of what I once thought I was and was supposed to be in life, and now wasn't. The beautiful things of the Kingdom of God were a garden closed to people like me who had failed the way that I had failed. So, I helped friends start churches around the area we moved to, but it would always reach that point where leaders needed to be determined and in my heart then, I always had to step away. There was nothing I wanted more than to return to the call of God, but there was nothing that was further away from me than that. Eventually I stopped going to churches altogether and observed them from the outside. Watching. Praying. Wondering. Years passed, over twenty of them. Every new career or business I would start with great enthusiasm and energy, and then down the road it would dismantle itself, sometimes for the oddest reasons. Maybe I was killing them, I don't know. Maybe I needed to kill them as part of my punishment. Either way, it seems it didn't matter what I did. Sometimes I would enter into an industry and the entire industry would turn upside down soon after I got involved with it. I have friends that can attest to this. It became a joke to them or a predictor of what worldwide industry was about to fall apart next. Just watch where I landed and you would know. Each time it was like Jonah stepping on another ship. My lifeline was worship but after some time worship seemed empty, without any joy in it. I fell back on just speaking in tongues and praying out my confused heart to God with words that the Spirit gave me. I didn't know what I needed or if I was even being heard but I figured if I was being heard the Spirit would know best what I needed. That God would hear my spirit praying was my hope and that He would tell me through the haze of confusion what to do. Silence. Then one particularly dark day I was on my way to the office in the latest career I had joined in with, when I realized it had been days since I had prayed in tongues and I hadn't even been aware of it. I began to weep over the distance between who I had thought I was at one time and who I was now. But I vowed that if all I could do was pray in the Holy Spirit, I would not allow another day to 28 | P a g e

pass where I did not make this my priority and so the 30 to 45 minutes each way to and from the office every morning and every afternoon I spent praying in the Holy Ghost. Maybe God would hear me. By the way, as an aside for those wanting to know what business I was in at that time, it was the mortgage business in the U.S.A and the year was 2005, just before the whole thing came completely unglued. I'm not sure you can pin all that on me though. I Get Raised From The Dead Nothing happened at first but I kept my vow. Then one day a little tiny drop of life came. I wasn't actually sure what to make of it. Someone from my past had in a very roundabout way made contact with me and let me know the foundation laid in their heart through our association together had sustained them through some of the most difficult periods of their life. Not feeling any better about my own life really, I dismissed it at first but something inside of me just prompted me to acknowledge it and be thankful I had helped this one person. This was in the spring of 2005 I think, and then about three months later the same thing happened to me again and the person with whom I had contact with at that time said the same thing almost word for word about the foundations that were laid in them. Another little drip. Another spark of life. A reminder that I had done a good thing now for two people at least. My life hadn't been a total waste. What I should help you understand here is the idea of foundations and laying solid foundations for growth in Christ and His mission was core to the message I had been given to share (seems silly to say that now). We taught the concept of the Revolution and the invasion of the Realm of God into earth in a time when it was a pioneering truth as far as most of the Christian world was concerned who were still waiting around in fear, hoping to be raptured out of here before the devil took total control. The concepts of the war and the foundational teachings that empower success in the mission of Jesus Christ were heart and soul of what I was given to do, and though my own operational method and foundation still had some obvious and unworkable holes that had clearly been missed, something in fact had taken root in these precious people and it had carried at least a handful of them on through some horrible storms. Failure doesn't always mean failure. Sometimes it means there's something more. The Third Time Again But it was the third time this thing happened, about three months after the second like it was somehow again scheduled on God's clock, that I finally began to hear what the Spirit might be saying. I was in New Meadows, Idaho having gone there at the invitation of a good friend of mine from “the day� to visit 29 | P a g e

another good friend of mine from “the day” who had been one of the men I could have trusted my life to back then and likely would have survived and lived, in fact both of them probably were those kind of men along with some others too. Some of the best people I've ever known. We had finished dinner at the infamous New Meadows Kahili Club when my host leaned over and said over the noise and loud music, “There's something I have to tell you...” and then proceeded to discuss his impressions of the gift I had been given by God and the impact on his own life. As I attempted to downplay what was being said the Holy Spirit startled me, speaking quite clearly saying, “Listen to what he is saying! I'm speaking to you” and so I did listen. Not only did I listen, but I listened as if God was speaking, and I was thankful. If There's Any Way Out... Late that night as I was getting ready for bed I realized there was business needing to be tended to and much like the prayer I prayed that got me into the Revolution, I prayed, “God, if there is any way out of this mess I've gotten myself into, if You will make a way, I'll take it.” Then, I went to sleep and in another day or so we headed back up the highway toward home. Something had changed. I wasn't sure what, but something had changed. I was ready to hear whatever it was God might want to say. About a month and a half went by and nothing really happened. I kept letting my spirit pray to God in whatever language it wanted so my heart could speak and not my mind (it's better that way). Then on the 9th or the 10th of December, 2005 the prayer I prayed in New Meadows caught up to me in what was a spectacular fashion. It was the middle of the night when suddenly I'm wide awake and in an instant the ceiling in my bedroom rolled away and I was staring directly into heaven. While looking, I see Jesus and there are angels and so many other incredible things, or maybe it's just easier to say I saw it all, I saw everything and it all made perfect sense in an indescribable way. Though I can slow it down in my mind, the whole experience took place in a single flash of brilliant light, like the flash of a camera or an instant burst of some kind of radiation, all taking place in what I can only refer to as a billionth of a second. But like a flash of light bursting on your retina and leaving an indelible image there, this flash has left a permanent image etched inside of me. As the window was closing again a penetrating voice spoke saying the words, “It is finished!” Then there came into me the words of Isaiah the prophet regarding the work of Jesus saying, “HE was wounded for your transgressions...HE was bruised for your iniquities...the chastisement of your peace was upon HIM...and with HIS stripes you were healed” (Isaiah 53:5). And I saw in that instance that Jesus had already done everything, completely and entirely for me for my complete salvation start to finish. There was nothing new or additional I could ever add to 30 | P a g e

it and nothing I could ever take away from it. What He had done was an eternal act, total and complete. All I could do was accept to myself the kindness and healing already provided, electing to accept the invitation and enter into the incredible wonder of it all. Whether I was worthy to receive or unworthy to receive had no bearing on anything. The only thing that had any bearing was the fact of what Jesus had already provided for me. My only choice was to receive and say, “Thank You.” The Revolution Is ON! Life from the dead. That's what it was to me. The continuing love of Christ. That's what it was. The power of the finished work of Jesus. That's what it is. Honoring the full measure of what God's only begotten Son has done for the reconciliation of the world, and me. That's what it is. The global Revolution and the total re-harmonization of the spiritual heavens and the earth in a cleansing and return to the sweet song of the Father and Creator of all things. That's what it is! And I'm part of it and we are part of it. There is a Revolution and a repolarization taking place that only stands to become more pronounced as His return draws nearer. Every person who comes to Jesus, believing in the Father's authorization of Him as the Son of God, being the second creation of man or as He is called “the last Adam”, who by His own work has single handedly opened the pathway for the transformation of the whole creation from death to life, from dark to light and from the power of satan to God, is enlisted into His grand global cause. There is a war on and we of the race of Jesus, the last Adam, are responsible for this sector of the universe and the power of the resurrection is at loose among the redeemed. God will have His entire plan fulfilled and the earth will be full of His splendor. Things are moving and shifting now as you read this. The Revolution is ON my friend! Are you ready? I've learned that men get wounded in wars. I've learned it is my job, our job, to heal them when they do and bring them back from the dead, not leaving them cruelly out there on the battlefield gasping for air. I've learned the spiritual enemies are so very real and they are cunning and skilled and their intent is to destroy, but damned if we should let that happen. I've learned again the importance of foundations and the true nature of what it is we need to build upon, first and foremost being the person and Spirit of Jesus Christ and who and what He represents into our sphere, and then second is the people surrounding us right now. The two great values of Jesus commandments. I've learned there are two things, not a confusing mass of things we need to follow to be effective and they are both matters of the heart: 1). Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength and, 2). Love your neighbor to the same degree you love yourself, 31 | P a g e

doing for them in their current status precisely what you would long for someone to do for you, if their status was your status. Do you hear the sounds of the Revolution in the wind? Are you ready to be stirred and to stir some things up? Are you ready for the battle? Are you ready for the fight? Are you ready to take on the death defying mission of Jesus? Are you ready for the Jesus Revolution that is fast moving toward its clearly promised crescendo? Get up! Run! The Jesus warriors are gathering over by the wine press. You can meet them there if you go now. You'll find Jesus there too and that's where you'll find me. The apostle John wrote; “And I saw heaven opened and beheld a white horse and the One who sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in perfect harmony with God, He selects, chooses, thinks and directs everything in the prosecution of the war. His eyes flash with the intensity of fire and on His head are many crowns of conquest, and He had a name written (an authorization of power) that no one knew except Himself. And He was clothed in a vesture saturated in blood and His name (power) is called the Word of God and the band of soldiers which were with Him are of the side that is heavenward and they followed Him on brilliant white horses, clothed in the finest and most costly linen, dazzling in their brilliance, white and pure. And out of His mouth goes a precision sharp sword that with it He should subdue the nations and He will rule over them with unbending and unbreakable power and He treads them all out under His feet in the wine press of the ferocious movings of the indignation of the Almighty God who rules and holds full sway over all things. And He has on the cloak of His mantle and on His thigh a name written graphically, 'KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS' (Revelation 19:11-16). What's Next? This is my story up to the present moment. Every reader will have a different response to it. I have given you enough information about me for many of you to stop reading right here and not go on and this is fine. It simply means you are not the ones this message is meant for and the sorting on this basis is in fact a very good thing. It streamlines. In my Lord Jesus Christ I have nothing to hide and we both know it would be wrong for me to do so though the temptation to do so is always there. I've come to know the depth of the wars, I know the bleeding, the severity of the 32 | P a g e

wounds and the deaths we can die, and I know the hateful gravity of the enemy in this all too serious of spirit fought contests. But I also know the power of Jesus resurrection and the saving of a life from death, and His faithfulness to His servant warriors and those He loves, and I also know this from the words of God; “A just man (a man aligned in heart with God) may fall seven fold times and yet he will rise again, but the wicked are overthrown in their calamity (and do not rise again)” (Proverbs 24:16). I believe in the power of His resurrection. I bear its marks in my soul. It's taken me a long time, but I know it's not the falling God is interested in, nor has he ever been. It is the getting up again that most interests the Father. God is the Redeemer of the fallen, a Light to those in darkness, a Healer of the sick, a Savior of the lost sheep, a Giver of Hope to those without it, and a Magnificent Raiser of those who were once dead. I am His witness, His convincing proof and living evidence of these things. So be it. Thank you God. You are my Father. War Is Hell “War is hell” is a phrase originally attributed to General William Tecumseh Sherman, a noted soldier, businessman, educator and author who served the United States of America under Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant during the test of the American Civil War. I have ancestors that left the South and fought under his command. He was right about war and the cruelest of all war crimes are those inflicted on the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ as they lay down their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor in a cause of which most likely none of us fully grasps either in the immediate or long range significance. I've introduced you to my story. These are the things that I've seen with my own eyes and handled with my own hands of the Word of life. The next chapters of this book are for those entering the Revolution, for those who have been faithfully fighting and stacking up wreaths of victory and for those who are out there still bleeding from unattended wounds among the dead or near dead out there on this all too real battlefield. To you, this is an invitation. Come back. We need you. The hour calls. The healing waits. I've got your medicine. Call me, and I'm deadly serious about this.

The Battle Hymn of The Republic: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LORD, He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored, He hath loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword, His truth is marching on. 33 | P a g e

I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps, they have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps, I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps, His day is marching on. I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel, “As ye deal with My contemners, so with you My grace shall deal, Let the Hero born of woman crush the serpent with His heal, since God is marching on. He has sounded forth a trumpet that shall never call retreat, He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat, Oh! Be swift my soul to answer Him! Be jubilant my feet! Our God is marching on . In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me, As He died to make men holy let us die to make men free, While God is marching on. He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave, He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave, So the world will be His footstool and the Soul of Time His slave, Our God is marching on . Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Our God is marching on! Note: in later years the phrase “let us die to make men free” was often changed to “let us live to make men free”. The Lord Jesus said, “No man can have any greater love than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). You choose your verse. Walk with me into the next chapter.

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Chapter Three “The Revolution of Jesus Christ” I was in Taiwan, the Republic of China. I was there with a couple of other people I knew and we were traveling and speaking in local churches. We were making our way toward a conference that would last for several days in which we would be speaking to young Taiwanese leaders about Jesus Christ and the things concerning the Realm of God. It was a great honor to have traveled there and be among them as it is everywhere I've been and all the people with whom I've had the honor to interact. The Republic of China then was referred to as free China. It is an island formerly called Formosa that sits not very far from the mainland of communist China. The mainland in essence is one large slave labor camp. The people and everything within a country that is forced to live under dictatorships like this are the servants and property of the masters of the state. They are not allowed to own their own lives and destinies in any form of self determination. This is the philosophy of socialism/communism. Being that close to so much oppression to human life was deeply disturbing to my spirit. Under communist totalitarianism there is no free thinking and no free speaking and no free press promoting the free flow of ideas. Religion, and particularly Jesus Christ is a threat because if you are to acknowledge a Divine power that supremely rules over the hearts of individuals that is greater than the state, which by the way translates as the privileged “ruling class” of the state, it is a clear threat to the scam of totalitarianism. You cannot enslave people whose commitment in life is to walk to the voice of a higher power and Jesus Christ is the King over all the earth, respecting no mans wealth, degree, title or person no matter how great he/she thinks himself to be, and never allowing the oppression of others. The very idea of God and people responding to their world in conscience to God messes up the best laid plans of totalitarian governments whether in mainland China, Cuba, Venezuela or in the once formerly grand and free United States of America. One of the primary things one must do to institute the totalitarian rule of an elite class over other men is destroy among them the freedom of worship. This was understood by the American Constitutionalists in the once former grand and free United States of America, who had banned by law the government from having any voice whatsoever when it comes to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion, among the other rights, creating a never before known structure of liberty in which men would be living

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face to face with God and one another and not in subservience to man as epitomized by despot or state. As we traveled around Taiwan speaking about Jesus Christ, I was struck by the odd way in which we were introduced everywhere we went and in which the people joyfully received us. It puzzled me at first, but the more I thought about it the more I realized how true it is. Wherever we went we were introduced as, “International Freedom Fighters.” How true this is of the sons of God. Understanding The Mission of Christ There really is no point in beating around the bush and mincing words. The people who call themselves followers of Jesus for the most part have no idea what they have joined themselves to as weak and confused leaders have lulled the masses into a state of deep sleep, preferring to entertain than to equip spiritual warriors who can take down strongholds of darkness in the name of their King. But I suppose they are simply replicating what they themselves are and no more. Everything reproduces after its own kind is the understanding we have from Genesis the first chapter. But what kind is the real Jesus Christ? If He indeed were your Lord and Master, that should be the prime question should it not? Or do you just like the catchy way His name sounds? In many cases if the professors of Jesus Christ knew that this life involved more than nice feelings on a Sunday morning, and a good cup of coffee, a few songs, a little message maybe about “post modernism” or some other meaningless thing and then a potluck afterward (kind of like treats after a kids soccer game), they might just go away and not come back. I'm not against treats mind you, but what of the revolutionary zeal of men and women who hunger to lay down their own lives in the cause of the One who laid down His life for us? Of course, that kind of zealous emphasis would put so many churches out of the business of religion. But, would that be a bad thing? More than any other man who ever lived, the Son of God sent down from heaven to create a new breed of humanity was indeed the greatest revolutionary leader who ever set foot among us. In both the way He lived among us, in the words He spoke to us, in the demonstration of His defilement and blatant disrespect for all that is of hell and death and His subsequent ascension to the pinnacle point of administration over all the Creator's Realm of power and substance, and in the apprenticeship training of His revolutionary Zealot followers, and in the weapons of power He has transferred to them, and in the message and mission He has catalyzed upon the earth, He stands alone. Is he a prophet? Yes, but so much more than a prophet. He is the Son of God and is seen reclaiming triumphantly from the jaws of death everything that belongs to His Father and by subsequent right that which belongs to Him too! Nothing will be left in the hands of His enemies. They will come up empty. 37 | P a g e

It's A Global Program This Jesus who has initiated His work and is now seated at the right hand of God, we are told is waiting in retention there until all of His enemies are made into His footstool by means of the communication of the Holy Spirit, directing now into the lives of His trained band of Revolutionaries. This Revolution is to be a real time phenomenon according to the holy scriptures, not some ethereal poetic nuance giving us good feelings about a mystical day far into the future. He is now the King of all kings and Lord of all lords and every tongue of all things spirit and all things material and all hidden and secret things rooted as deeply as the core of the planet will confess this fact, that Jesus is the Christ of God and sole administrative Lord of all the Father's creation, including you. It's inescapable. WARNING: Please fasten your seat belt. We are about to go on a wild ride into God's eternal plan. If you are afraid, it's best for you to get out now. The Revolution in which we are engaged is a global revolution, and nothing can or will escape it. If you doubt my words regarding the global nature of it then listen to the words of it in the second Psalm; Why is it that the unaligned with God rage and the swarms of them imagine such useless and empty things? The ruling powers of the earth (principalities/kings) set themselves and the rulers take counsel, forming a joint conspiracy together (always) against the LORD and against His chosen anointed One saying, 'Let us break apart the bond they have over us and cast away their chords that bind us.' But the One who sits at rest in the heavens simply begins to laugh, the LORD laughs and mocks in ridicule over such a useless doomed and worthless plan. And then He speaks out in the breath of His wrath that goes fuming out His nostrils, flashing across His countenance as He brings great terror on them in the heat of His fiery displeasure! Yet for me, I have established my King upon my holy hill, the highest of all places in Zion. And I will now declare what has been decreed, for the LORD has said to me, 'You are My Son. It is the time now for My generation of You. Of Me you have asked and I have also granted to You, all the places of the unaligned for Your own inheritance, property and possession and also all the farthest reaches of the whole of earth for Your own land and possession. You will dash them with an iron rod (the unbendable, unbreakable rule), and they will be broken, shattered, pulverized and dispersed (like chaff) as easily as a potters earthen vessel. Consider this very carefully all you who think you are 38 | P a g e

ruling powers (principalities/kings), learn something all of you who are responsible to hear the pleading of any causes on the earth, you who think yourselves to be judges. Come under the administration of the LORD in deep awe of His power and fear that you might be found on the wrong side of it, rejoicing with great gladness while still being aware of the trembling. Equip yourself with His kind and gentle touch instead of His hard breath of disgust so you are not consumed as chaff along the way at even a small and tiny stir of His anger . But there is highly advanced happiness given to all who trust, putting themselves under His refuge of protection and beautiful care (Psalm 2:1-12). This is a prophecy of the Messiah, Jesus who is God's only begotten Son and His sacred anointed One who has come to do His loving Father's will toward us all even if it meant His own death to open the channel of God's streaming love in the full reclamation of earth. He would follow His father anywhere, knowing always in Himself that all things work together for good to those who love God. The Father's love will never leave a man in shame at the hand of his enemy and so we see this truth in Christ who was raised from the dead and crowned with the triumphant crown of life as the Lord of all. This is the same Spirit He now places in all who come to Him as their refuge. There is not much that can or should be built on a single reference of scripture, and if this were all there was on the topic of Jesus and His work being a present and active global program I would have to hang my head in embarrassment. Fortunately this is not the case for the scriptures are rich with the global prognosis of God's intent beginning with Adam and seen again in Noah, then in Abraham, then Moses, the Prophets and culminating ultimately in His only begotten Son, Jesus the long awaited Christ and His people. With the appearance of Jesus the Christ, the game elevates to the true mission of man. Adam And The Global Plan: So God created man in His own image. It was in the image of God that He created him. He created them as male and female. And God blessed them and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and refill the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1:28). Man in union with God, acting as one in His image and likeness was to fill the earth, thus filling or refilling it (however you want to look at it) also with God's own glory, for in mankind God placed the replication of His own image 39 | P a g e

and likeness and with the Seed Giver and the seed receiver a continuation of the process was set in place in which the kind that is God would also be the kind that was in Adam. But notice carefully if you read again, in God's initial commission of purpose for mankind there was a strange statement made addressing some element that needed to be brought into subjection. Why do you think on the one hand God tells man he has been given dominion yet on the other hand tells him he must be ready to subdue something? What do you suppose it was that needed to be brought under subjection by Adam? We will get to that later because the Revolution we are engaged in is very much about what Jesus has now empowered His apprentices to subdue and if you are one of them that's you. Noah And The Global Plan: And God blessed Noah and his sons and said, 'Be fruitful and multiply and refill the earth (Genesis 9:1). We see once again with Noah and his sons, after the rest of mankind had rejected the salvation being offered them and that slow and patient train did indeed come around the bend in the form of the flood, that Noah and those with him emerge from the saving ark to inherit the earth. The blessing of Noah and the judgment on earth was global in nature, but sadly the flood brought no actual change to the heart of man as the mystery of iniquity (2nd Thessalonians 2:7) emerged immediately in his own son. Abraham And The Global Plan: Now the LORD had said to Abram, 'Get out of your country, and your family, and your fatherâ€&#x;s house to a land that I will show you. And I will make from you a great swarm of people, and I will bless you and make your name (power) great and you will be a fountainhead of blessing. And I will bless everyone who blesses you and all who curse you (treat you lightly) will be cursed (bitter and abhorred) by Me. And by you all of the kindredâ€&#x;s of the whole of earth will be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3). God's promise to Abraham was that he would be as a fountainhead and by him there would be a global effect which would ultimately be the cause of all families on earth being blessed, not merely Ishmael or Israel. This theme becomes a repeating message as Abraham's promise passes forward. But let's pause and talk about Abraham for a moment and see also what the apostle Paul had to say on the subject of what it was God promised him;

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For the promise that he (Abraham) would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or his ensuing seed through the means of the law (of Moses), but it was through his harmonious alignment with God that took place when he believed the promise...Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was given to him by faith in God's promise but for us also, to whom it also is given if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was given into the hands of death to settle out to zero all the debts incurred by our offenses, and was raised again for the purpose of our adjustment and harmonious alignment (to God) (Romans 4:13, 23-25). What we learn is Abraham understood the promise given was that he would be heir of the whole world. The beginning point of this promise (which is like the down payment on the remainder) was the physical land of Canaan and most importantly, the city of Jerusalem and the secret treasure that lay there. It is over these natural and earthy lands and cities conflicts continue to rage even today. But what we really learn is the physical and natural land and city are a mere illustration of something far higher and far greater and even more important and powerful. And though the two streams of the natural seed of Abraham (Ishmael and Isaac) may continue in conflict over earthly kingdoms and places, the spiritual seed is the actual focus of the prophecy and brings to the forefront the idea of a spiritual revolution over a spiritual realm and a divine spiritual city and a new creation catalyst. We will talk more about this later; For he (Abraham) was looking for a city that had foundations (beginnings, origins) whose builder and maker was God (Hebrews 11:10). But now their longing is for a better country, what I am talking about is a heavenly (spiritual, supernatural) one, and because of this God is not ashamed to be called their God because He has indeed prepared for them just such a city (Hebrews 11:16). But you have come to Mount Zion, and right into the city of the living God, the heavenly (spiritual, supernatural) Jerusalem, and to a host of angels that cannot even be numbered (Hebrews 12:22). What happens with the appearance of Jesus Christ is the platform upon which the conquest of the earth sector is fought elevates to its true, always intended dimension, having nothing to do really any longer with physical lands and cities, because it never really did. These natural lands and cities and temples were merely shadows of the real conquest that was always God's plan which is spiritual. The Creator had hidden this secret from all prying eyes until the appearance of His Son, but now that the Son has come and opened the way to the true temple in heaven, the real nature of the game has come. 41 | P a g e

Moses And The Global Plan: And the LORD said, 'I have pardoned according to your word, but as truly as I live, the whole of all the earth will be filled to overflowing with the rich splendor of the LORD (Numbers 14:20-21). The prophecy continued under Moses as God invites the children of Abraham into a unique relationship with Him as a special treasure and a nation of priests to Him. Even though the people who came out from Egypt rejected that incredible offer, it did not alter the original purpose of God that by a people of His purpose all the earth would one day be filled to the overflowing with His splendor. With this in mind, Jerusalem was the ultimate goal, but we will discuss the significance of Jerusalem later and what particularly the meaning of the heavenly Jerusalem is all about. Isaiah And The Global Plan: At the end of times the mountain of the LORD's habitation will be established at the pinnacle head of all mountains, and be lifted high above all hills and all nations will flow into it (Isaiah 2:2). They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the whole of the earth will be filled to overflowing with the knowing of the LORD in the same way and depth with which the water covers over the sea (Isaiah 11:9). Arise, shine because your light has arrived and the overflowing splendor of the LORD is sprung forth and appeared out from within you. Darkness had spread over the whole of the earth and thick darkness was upon all the people, but the LORD will spring forth and appear out from you and His overflowing splendor will be out from within you. And all of the nations will walk to your light and kings to the brightness of your shining dawn (Isaiah 60:1-3). And the people will harmonize with God and they will inherit the whole of the earth forever, by the branch that I planted and by the work of My hands, that I may be honored (Isaiah 60:21). Isaiah knew what it was about. The plan that he saw in his visions is not a small plan, it is a huge plan. It is a global plan in which the light of God that comes only from intimate and personal knowledge of Him in the realm of His Spirit shines into and through those who are His, spreading out into all the earth, drawing nations and powers to them/Him until they together (God and His Son 42 | P a g e

and the harmonized men and women) possess the whole of the earth for His honor. Isaiah saw in his visions a re-polarization of the earth as the result of the Christ fulfilling His mission as Head of a realigned new humanity. What the repolarization actually looks like we will get to later. Daniel And The Global Plan: In the days of these kings will the God of heaven set up a kingdom which will never be spoiled and will never know decay, and the kingdom will never be left to another people, but it will break in pieces and bring an end to all these other kingdoms and it will stand forever and ever (Daniel 2:44). And I saw in the night visions and one like the Son of Man came with clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given to Him dominion, and overflowing splendor, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will never remove and His kingdom which cannot be hurt or destroyed (Daniel 7:14). Daniel saw the mountain cut out without any hands, made supernaturally and said the mountain was a kingdom and that kingdom would break in pieces all other kingdoms and then fill the whole earth. He saw the Son of Man come before the Ancient of Days who gave Him dominion and all nations and tongues served Him and His kingdom would never go away or be hurt. It was a global plan. Jesus Christ And The Global Plan: The people who sat in darkness saw great light, and to those who sat in the region and shadow of death, light has sprung up. From that time Jesus began to announce and say, 'Alter the deepest source of your thoughts, for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived among you� (Matthew 4:16-17). And Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their scripture study groups and announcing the incredible happy news of the Kingdom arrival, while healing every sickness and every disease among the people (Matthew 9:35). The twelve (apprentices) were sent out by Jesus and He instructed them saying...'And as you go announce, saying, 'The Kingdom of Heaven has arrived here among you. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. You have been given all these things for free, so freely give them out in return (Matthew 10:5-8). 43 | P a g e

And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, 'All the power of existence has been granted to Me in all the heaven and all the earth. Because of this, now I am sending you to go and teach every one of the nations, baptizing them in the name (under the power) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, you will be teaching them to observe all the things that I have commanded you and look carefully and see that I am with you always even into the end of the world (Matthew 28:18-20). And He (Jesus) said to them, 'You now go into all of the world and announce the incredible happy news to the whole of the creation. All who believe and are baptized (in consecration) will indeed be saved (spared), but whoever doesn't believe will have the curse remaining upon him (Mark 16:15-16). The Son of God knew why He came. It was to enact global conquest in the re-polarization of this arena of the creation into harmony with the Father. He came to perform His Father's business and was the true culmination of what Adam's mission, Noah's mission, Abraham's mission, Moses mission and what the missions of all true and genuine prophets was and is all about. He was and is what every single prophet that has ever lived has pointed to, if they were indeed true prophets. Out of their shadows they pointed to the true and genuine substance. Jesus Christ and His rule by the Holy Spirit is the substance. The Apprentices Of Jesus And The Global Plan: Then He (Jesus) opened their understanding that they might understand what the scriptures were saying, and He said to them, 'This is the intent for which all was written, and this is what made it critically necessary for the Christ to suffer all He did and then to rise from the dead on the third day, and that total change of mental paradigm and the nullification of all sins should be announced in His name (authorization and power) among all of the nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are the legal convincing proof, the voice and evidence of these things. And watch carefully, for I will send to you the promise that My Father has made to be upon and over you, completely clothing you, but wait patiently in the city of Jerusalem until you have been clothed upon with the powerful ability and the force of dynamic influence that only comes from the very highest of all places (Luke 24:45-49). To whom (the apprentices) He showed Himself alive after His completed suffering by many absolutely indisputable proofs, being physically seen by them 44 | P a g e

forty days while He spoke to them of things pertaining to the Kingdom (the Realm) of God. Then being assembled together with them instructed them clearly that they should not leave Jerusalem, but wait there for the promise that the Father had made, which He reminded them they had heard about from Him. 'For John (the baptist) certified (and sorted out) by the baptism in water, but you will be baptized, immersed and saturated (and sorted out) totally with the Holy Ghost just a few short days from now.' When they were together they asked Him, 'Lord, are we on the verge of seeing the Kingdom restored to Israel?' And He said to them, 'This question of yours cannot be answered in detail at this time and in this present hour for the Father has reserved this question by and for His own power and discretion. But the thing I can tell you is this, you will be receiving the might of dynamic ability after the Holy Ghost arrives upon you, clothing you, and it is then you will be the legal convincing proof, the voice and evidence of Me beginning in Jerusalem, and then in all of Judea and then into Samaria and then out to the very uttermost part of the whole of all the earth (Acts 1:3-8). And when they could not find them (Paul and associates) they drew Jason and certain brothers to the rulers of the city shouting out in panicked tumult, 'These people who have turned the world upside down have now come here too! (Acts 17:6). The Secret Mission Of All Time We are merely scratching the surface on the global nature and the power of the Jesus Christ mission which stems back in time even before the first sentence of the Book of Genesis. Once you begin to see it you will see it everywhere. There is an invasion of this sector of the universe by the Infinite God, taking back what belongs to Him for He alone is the Creator and therefore the Possessor of all heaven and all earth. All that came before, from Adam until Christ speaks entirely to this unfolding mission and it comes to its fullest measure as it appears in Jesus the only begotten Son of God and the many other sons and daughters that genesis from Him, joining in the grand mission of His ordained quest. A world that has been under the power of darkness, manifesting itself in devouring, oppression, hatred, bitterness, murder, demonic interaction and possession of souls, lying, concealment, stealing the life increase and joys of others, jealousy of others good blessings, and so much more that is the anti-thesis to the love of God and the healing, reconciling, saving mission of Jesus, is now in a state of insurrection and it is the servant soldiers of Jesus who under Him are 45 | P a g e

the administers, promoters and the on earth prosecutors of this fantastic overthrow of dark oppressing powers. Jesus has come to take what is our Father's and has shined to us His skills of triumph when appearing here among us, being tried and examined by the evil in every conceivable way possible, yet in the onslaught of their fear and their hatred of the Christ, this beautiful Son of the Spirit of God maintained His steady trust in the supreme and gentle voice of His Father, the Divine and Highest of voices that was alive within Him, inside the very DNA of His blood. Under the power of His eternal and limitless Father's counsel, Jesus triumphed over every conceivable element of the darkness, proving the inferiority of their essence. For it isn't as if we had a High Priest who can't be moved with compassion over the exact same challenges and obstacles we ourselves might ever face, but was in every imaginable and every possible way, maliciously challenged in an attempt to ascertain His true quality, exactly like it happens with us, yet He continued always precisely on target with God (Hebrews 4:15). To be fashioning ones life in perpetual disharmony with God is to be flowing out from the false and slandering spirit of the devil, for the devil disharmonized with God as witnessed from the very beginning. This is the reason why the Son of God was manifest, that He might be the One to completely undo, dissolve, subvert, overthrow, destroy and cast down all of the works of the devil (1st John 3:8). And seeing that the children (the little boys and little girls) are themselves partakers of flesh and blood, He too joined them in the exact same experience, that by means of His own death, He might then completely undo, dissolve, subvert, overthrow, destroy and take out of the grasp of the one who had up until then held the power of death in possession, and I'm talking about the devil (Hebrews 2:14). And having spoiled (disarmed and stripped naked, humiliated and left defenseless) principalities and powers He made an open public display of them with bold and fearless confidence, having in every way triumphed completely over them by the means of it (the cross) (Colossians 2:15). He And We Are Teamed Together The catalyst has been ignited. This Jesus has led the way for us into a status of total triumph. He came, showing us what humanity in harmony with the Father looks like. He showed us the nature of the re-polarization and He as a living prophecy of what the future looks like as the Realm of God expands out into all sectors of the earth trampling over the darkness wherever it might appear and 46 | P a g e

taking the former dark and evil spirit captors, those torturers and enslavers who are of the realm of darkness, and turning them and the whole polarity of the world they have created upside down in which they are then the captives who are bound and reserved in chains waiting for the Judgment of the Great Day. It is my responsibility then to remind you of this, though you may think that you already know it, how the Lord, having already provided salvation for the people out of the land of Egypt (enslavement and bondage), afterwards allowed all those who would not believe to be removed because of their unbelief. And even angels that did not fully value their principalities, but left their designated dwelling places, He has reserved in chains under darkness to the judgment of the Great Day (Jude 1:6). That Jesus Christ has started the process of total global conquest it is absolutely certain. But how will it end? How will the ultimate expression of what He began on the cross work its way out into the actual, historical fulfillment? Who are the key players in this unfolding drama? What do they look like? What do they act like? What makes them so different? The Son of God has already made the way for everyone to exit their own personal Egypt and the collective Egypt of the spiritual darkness destroying this world. He has provided a clean break from the past by canceling out everything that brought us into our slavery, but that's only stage one. Beyond this He has done even more by providing us the very means by which He achieved the heights of His own triumph as our model, and by what He has given us, we not only are given the promised means to joyfully re-polarize our own existence into harmony with all the goodness of the Father, but we are also empowered as His direct agents to extend the very Spirit of heaven into all our surrounding world. The Promise Of His Power There is the promise that the Father has made to all who will come and all who will receive. The promise is the secret. Jesus spoke to His apprentices and forbid them to do anything until the promise arrived, telling them to wait for it in Jerusalem, then He ascended into heaven while they stood there and watched it happen. Ten days later they were all together in an upper room and it was the historic celebration of Pentecost, the day Moses received the rules of what became known as the Old Covenant. Suddenly there is a sound like wind rushing into a vacuum. The atmosphere of the room becomes electrified and as they look around at one another it looks like their fellow Jesus followers have fire falling on them. They are burning and yet the flames singe no ones body. What is happening? What is this? Next, these Jesus men and women are overwhelmed with the power of what is happening to them and as they attempt to speak, no one can form their words. 47 | P a g e

Instead of understandable words and sentences, each one is babbling out words and phrases in ecstatic exuberance that are not like any words any of them have ever heard, learned or known before. It must have been hilarious to them because as other people from all around that area of the city come rushing to find out what all the noise is about, they mistakenly think they are witnessing a room full of drunken people. All of the evidence is there that would lead them to conclude it to be true. What must they have been witnessing in order to come to that conclusion? And then finally it is Peter who is able to compose himself enough to speak to the crowd and he explains to them and to the whole of creation for that matter, what is happening; All of you men of Judea, and all of you from Jerusalem, listen to my words and it will become clear to you. These people here are not drunk in the way you are assuming they are drunk seeing it is only nine o'clock in the morning. But this is that exact thing the prophet Joel spoke about saying, 'It will certainly happen, that toward the conclusion of times, says God, that I will pour out MY SPIRIT on all flesh and your own sons and your own daughters will prophesy (become the oracles of God), and your young men will see visions (inspired visionary insights) and your elders will dream dreams (have elongated revelations) and on everyone who is My own servant and everyone who is My own handmaid I will pour out in those times MY SPIRIT and they will prophesy, and I will demonstrate and unveil wonders out from heaven above and signs out from the earth beneath... Therefore being raised up on high by the right hand of God, and now having received and procured of the Father THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, He has poured out THIS which you see and hear right now (Acts 2:1439). The Triumphant Christ Replicates And so it begins. The one warrior Christ, trains up a band of subversives and then as He ascends to the Father, the Origin of all creation, the Father gives the great weapon of power to the Son who opens up the armory of heaven and pours out on His band of Revolutionaries the greatest force known. Jesus gives to them the Holy Spirit of God Himself, and the One now appears in the band of the 120. It is nothing less than the replication of Christ in those who have joined His band of re-harmonized spiritual men and women. He has raised an army of Revolutionaries who will not stop or slow down until the gates of hell, which 48 | P a g e

mean the very councils of satan and motions of all the evil spirits, are destroyed from off the earth. The Lord Jesus said this of His dedicated warriors; Upon this foundation stone I will establish My company of the called out ones, and the gates of hell will have no strength nor have any power to deter it (Matthew 16:18). I am writing to tell you, the power to deter the fire Jesus has kindled upon the earth can no longer be stopped. It has begun and the flames in our day are only just beginning to be blown into their mighty firestorm. In the context of Jesus teaching about the nature of His Kingdom, and the total life focus required of His apprentices relative to their success in the mission, He has this to say; I have come to pour out a flaming fire on the earth, and indeed by My intentional pleasure it is being kindled into a flame already. Furthermore, I have an all encompassing and clothing baptism to submerge you with and I am pressed upon and channeled with this business until it has been accomplished, completed and finished . Are you of the opinion that I have come to give peace and tranquility to the earth? I will say to you I have come to do nothing of the sort, but instead I have come to bring divisions on it! For from this very moment on there will be five in one house divided among themselves, three will be opposed to the two and the two will be opposed to the three. The father will be opposed to the son and the son will be opposite the father, the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother, and the mother in law against her daughter in law and the daughter in law against her mother in law (Luke 12:49-53). Don't even begin think that I have come here to send peace on the earth. I haven't come to send peace, but I've come to send a sword (to start a war) (Matthew 10:34). Jesus is talking about the contrast that happens when spiritual opposites collide. The polarities between light and darkness create scenarios of spirit conflict. He tells us this constantly throughout His ministry to us. I Saw Satan Fall From Heaven I hope you see my intention is to stir you out of complacency. We have been lulled to sleep by our ingrown teachings and forgotten we are at war and the greatness of the mission calls for the sacrifice of our lives, our fortunes and our 49 | P a g e

sacred honor not only to our enthroned Lord Jesus, but also to one another as cowarriors in the cause of eternity in our generation. Having been given all the sacrifice of Christ and the tools of heaven to succeed and re-polarize our own lives, our families, our own neighborhoods, our cities, our nations and the world, God will hold us accountable for what we have done with what we were given and no one will have an excuse for what they have not done along the way either, myself included at the head of the line. Like Samson, though I sadly gave away like a fool what I was given for a time, not even understanding the power I was privileged to carry on His behalf. But the grace of God would not let the vows of covenant that I made with Him die, but slowly, steadily they began to grow again until the day of my restoration came and the day of my second chance. I aim with His grace, to finish strong. I will be remembered and you will too. If nowhere else than before Him and all His holy angels, I will be remembered. Not as one who failed, but as one who rose and then finished the course he was given to run. If I die on the way to my final triumph, let it be for Him and let it be a spectacular death! High Stakes Warriors Jesus is a trainer of high stakes warriors. After a period of time He sent out seventy of His apprentices to see what they had learned in His school. It was like a mid-term exam and so they went out to the towns and villages, and as they went He told them to tell the people, “The realm of God has arrived here among you�, and then they were to heal the sick people that were there. Listen to the dialog as His happy band of raiders returned to camp; And the seventy came back again effervescent with joy saying, 'Lord! Even the devils come under us by means of (speaking) Your name.' And He said to them, 'What I saw was satan like lightning crashing down from heaven. (Luke 10:17-18). Jesus and His apprentices saw the same thing, only from different vantage points. The seventy saw the healing miracles, but the excitement went beyond that when they saw too that devils were subject to them as they spoke the name of Jesus. Once the devils heard that name, they had met their match. It was game over because higher power always rules lesser power in a spiritual conflict. To the Jesus apprentices out there battling in the streets, having devils subject to them was like an extra surprise. But Jesus vantage point allowed Him to see things at a different altitude altogether. As His in training subversives returned with their reports of peoples bodies being healed and demons being tossed out of folks, what Jesus saw was satan, the highest ruling power in the world of the dark system being cast down 50 | P a g e

like lightening crashing down and smashing to the ground. What an electrifying vision! The choice of Jesus words are not accidental because the occurrence of lightening takes place as the result of warm air ascending into cold air and a process of clashing between positively and negatively charged particles happens. In the upheaval between the clash of the two is literally a re-polarization of things within the atmosphere. Jesus knows science? What would you expect from the Son of God, or the sons of God as well. Spiritual warfare can be a frightening and a noisy thing. And beginning with the days of John the Baptist, continuing on into the present, the Kingdom (the Realm) of the heavens has been under the force of violence (violence carried by a storm) and those who apply force (zealously extend the power of life) eagerly take possession of it and carry off the spoils by the force (Matthew 11:12). We are at war whether you like the idea or not. The question is are you being trained to fight it and fight it successfully with the tools Jesus has given, or are you being lulled to sleep while the enemy walks the streets of your neighborhood or even the hallways of your house unchallenged? Maybe it's time for some supernatural thunder and lightning. What do you think? Jesus Christ wants to re-polarize the atmosphere of the earth around you from darkness to light, from the power of satan to that of the Father God in all His amazing splendor. But remember, the war is a spiritual war and engagement is a spiritual engagement and the weapons of success are also spiritual. To this we are called as the apprentices of Jesus to enact on a global scale. It is the reason this thing called church exists. It is the purpose of mankind and the mission of the redeemed. Are you up for it?

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Chapter Four “Christ The Zealot” Before we talk about the zeal of Jesus, we should define culturally what that word Zealot means. The idea of the Zealot was not foreign to either the Jews or the Romans at the time of Jesus manifesting Himself and the Kingdom (the Realm) of the Father whom He represented. In that time, the word Zealot was a term used to describe an actual group of Jews who held very radical, revolutionary views. The Jewish historian Josephus writing in the time of Jesus indicated during this period there were four main sects of Jews. These sects were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes and the Zealots. Knowing this historic setting can help us understand many of the background dynamics and of many of the things Jesus did and said in their actual historical context. Here is a very brief breakdown on the four active groups; Pharisees: Took their name from the Hebrew word parush meaning the set apart or pious ones and appear to have roots stemming back to the scribes and sages in the time of Ezra. One of their distinctive beliefs was that there would be a bodily resurrection of the dead and an afterlife and those things now in this life would have an effect on things in the resurrection too. They also believed very much that all Jews needed to follow at all times priestly purification rites whether in the temple or out and about in their daily lives. This really emerged during the time of captivity when there was no temple and the religious traditions and study were carried out in what became known as the Synagogue. This was also associated with their idea that all the people were to be priests and live as priests whether the temple existed or not. They believed in a two Torah concept that relied heavily on the original Torah (the law) as given by Moses but also what was called the Oral Tradition as opposed to an absolute and strict interpretation of things. This meant in their view the written Torah was incomplete in itself and in fact required “further elaboration” by a process of ongoing analysis and argument. In their thinking the Torah was merely a beginning point for an ongoing revelation, not a static one. The Pharisees were of course then responsible to be Rabbi's or teachers of these things. The Pharisees also felt one's merit and advancement was to be based on scholarly grasp and understanding as opposed to birth like with the priesthood. Paul the apostle was a Pharisee before his conversion to Jesus (Philippians 3:4-7). 52 | P a g e

Sadducees: The Hebrew word for Sadducee was taken from the name Tsadoki and their roots are traced to the teachings of Tsadok (Zadok) the priest which means “righteous one” and formed of the base word for righteous or righteousness. The Sadducees were a sect of priests who felt they replaced the previous lineage of priests. At odds with the Pharisees, they rejected the idea of an afterlife believing that this life was it and you only had now to get any blessing and then pass it on to your children and children's children if you had done things right and were blessed enough. As one of my own heroes of the faith, the legendary Ern Baxter once jokingly said, “The Pharisees believed in a resurrection so they were fairyou-see, while the Sadducee's did not believe in a resurrection so they were sadyou-see.” (Okay – moving on). Because the sect of the Sadducees was of the priestly line of Zadok (not Aaron) it was very much to their benefit to emphasize the superiority of their ancestral lineage as priests. The Sadducees were literalists with regard to the Torah and rejected the very idea of an Oral Tradition like the Pharisees promoted. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, these legalistic literalists seemed to have a bad attitude toward everyone. One of the best contrasts between the Sadducee's and the Pharisees could be seen in the way each might approach the interpretation of the following passage; And if a man causes a blemish in his neighbor, what he has done will be done in turn to him. A broken bone will be answered by breaking the same bone, a lost eye will be answered by taking away an eye, a lost tooth will be answered by taking away a tooth. In the same way he has caused a blemish in a man, it will be done exactly the same to him (Leviticus 24:19-20). The Sadducee would require the law to be fulfilled just exactly as it is written above whether the problem was caused purposely or by accident. If you damaged a man's eye now yours would have to be damaged just the same as his or there was no precise equaling of the scales of justice. The Pharisee on the other hand would say repayment in something of like value would do just as well, much like our insurance companies would hand over what might be the equivalent of the injury in cash money. Essenes: These were somewhat separatists, often living apart in private communal settings so as not to pollute themselves with the surrounding world. The Essenes were mystics who lived lifestyles dedicated to poverty (anti-materialism) and often abstaining from anything considered a pleasure of the world as they worked 53 | P a g e

to be spiritual and not material people. Some trace them to the priesthood of Aaron. They believed strongly in frequent, daily ritual washings of the body and invented ways to catch rain water and store it for these purification rites. Their separate monastic type lifestyle would likewise take the form of forbidding marriage and any sexual stimulation along with commandments to abstain from certain foods, most often any kind of meat. There is some thread of proof to indicate the Essenes broke off from the Sadducees at some point in order to be even more holy, serving as channels of peace and showing little to no emotion, especially anger or other passion. The Essenes believed in the immortality of the soul. They were true ascetics believing that spiritual liberation was by means of separation from mind/body stimulation, as indulging the senses in any way was a detriment to the spirit. Leaving the world meant lessening the likelihood of temptation to indulge the flesh. Paul at least alludes to this or something like this when he wrote; If you are already dead with Christ from the effects of material elements of this world, why as still living in the world do you subject yourselves to opinions of thought (dogma) as though they were relevant commands (don't handle this, don't taste this, don't touch this which all perish [decay, digest] after they are used) after precepts and instructions that men have made up? These things do have an exterior show of wisdom in spiritual desire, in humbling yourself and in gaining control over the physical person, but they do not really stop and prevent the indulgences of the body (often they are just taking a different form) (Colossians 2:20-23). Now the Spirit is speaking very expressively that in times that are coming some will depart from hearing God's voice and believing in His power, and instead give heed to roving, vagabond spirits and instructions that emanate out from devils. They will speak with a pseudo-spiritual voice and will be pretending, having had their inner capacity to discern good and evil somehow scarred to insensitivity like having been branded from a hot iron. Forbidding to marry (sexual intimacy) and to eat certain foods, all of which God has created to be eaten while thanking Him and having confidence in recognition of the truth. For everything God has created is beautiful and approved, giving blessing, and nothing need be considered unclean or to be rejected if it is accepted with gratefulness to Him, for all things are made sacred to us by the word that God has/is speaking and our meeting together with Him in prayer (1st Timothy 4:1-4). Zealots: The Zealots were something else all together. Groups of Jewish Zealots came and went and were the kind of people whose spiritual beliefs were 54 | P a g e

radicalized to the point where they were political subversives and willing to lead armed assaults against the ruling oppressors of their country. Often these were stealth or guerrilla warriors who cloaked themselves in disguises in order to reach their strike objectives. These were the sold out radicals willing to lay down their own lives and die for their cause. Josephus the Jewish historian talks about “Judas of Galilee” who was a very familiar figure to the people in Jesus time. In the year 6 A.D., Judas led a violent armed uprising against the Romans that was at the time suppressed by them in a horrible and brutal fashion utilizing crucifixions. They were fiercely committed to liberty believing that God alone was their only Ruler and the only Ruler of Israel and their purpose was to overthrow the ungodly Roman rule in armed revolution. It appears historically the Zealots were aligned with the Pharisees. They were also by the way, tax protesters, believing that no taxes should be paid to Rome to support the infidels (hence the thought behind the Pharisees questions on whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar or not – Matthew 22:15-22). Jesus had among His 12 hand selected apostles one of these Zealots (or former Zealots). Part of the accusation of Jesus before Pilate was that He was “stirring up the people”, telling them not to pay taxes and that He was a King. Because of the way the apostle Paul used this same Greek word “zelotes” in reference to his own self, and what we know about his persecution of the believers in Jesus whose faith was threatening the political/religious power structures of Jerusalem, there is speculation that Paul too may in fact have been one of these Zealots before his incredible conversion to the Christ on the road to Damascus. Then as the council was being held a man stood up, he was a Pharisee by the name of Gamaliel, a doctor (master) of the law and held in high regard among all of the people...and said to them, 'Before these days there was an uprising under Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody and about 400 men joined themselves to him, but he was killed and everyone who had followed him was scattered and it came to nothing. Then Judas of Galilee rose up because of the taxing and drew a large group after him, he also was killed and all those that followed him were scattered (Acts 5:35-37). And when it was day He called His apprentices to Him and from among them He selected twelve and He named them apostles; Simon (who He had named Peter), and Andrew his brother, James and John, Phillip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes (the Zealot), and Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who was also the traitor (Luke 6:13-16, see also Acts 1:13).

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The the whole group of them rose up and led Him (Jesus) to Pilate. And they began to accuse Him saying, 'We discovered this man plotting against the nation and telling people not to pay taxes to Caesar, saying that He, Himself was the Christ (the anointed) and King.' And Pilate asked Him, 'Are you the King of the Jews?' And He (Jesus) said, 'What do you think?' Then Pilate said to the Chief Priests and to the people, 'I find no fault in this man.' They more fiercely protested saying, 'He is stirring up the people through all of Jewry stretching all the way from Galilee to here (Luke 23:1-5). Now there was a man who was bound together with those who had led an insurrection by the name of Barabbas, who had committed murder in the insurrection...Pilate answered them saying, 'Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?' because he knew the Chief Priests had only delivered Him (Jesus) because they were jealous of Him. But the Chief Priests incited the people to have Barabbas released to them instead (Mark 15:7-11). I (Paul) am genuinely a man who is a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet I was brought up in this city (Jerusalem) at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of our ancestors, and was zealous (lived as a zealot) before God as you all are today. And I persecuted this way, killing people, binding and delivering to prison both men and women (Acts 22:3-4, see also Galatians 1:13-14). I don't know about you, but when I read through the various sects that were around in Jesus time I realize the preacher in Ecclesiastes was right on when he said, “There's nothing new under the sun.” It seems like all of these groups are still around in religious and political cultism everywhere. But in the socio-Jesus culture groups we have today, these various characteristics are everywhere up and down the line all calling themselves by the name of Christ. Nothing new under the sun indeed. We'll all answer for our use of His name, of this I am sure. What you or I need to grasp is our own role and the genuine, naked flavor of our own hearts before God. But as you can see, tensions were high in the times Jesus appeared, in which He performed the catalytic act of initiating the new creation. When you look at the life and teachings of Jesus you find Him addressing quite often each of these sects and sometimes none of them as He just went about His Fathers work of healing the people. With regard to the Pharisees though He said to His followers, “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you can't move about in the realm of the heavens (the Spirit)” (Matthew 5:20). Addressing the Sadducee mentality He said, “I'll tell you this, till heaven and earth pass, there is not one jot or one tittle that will pass from the law until all of it has been completely lived out in history” (Matthew 5:18). 56 | P a g e

Touching on the philosophy of the Essenes He said, “My meat is to do the will of the One who sent me and to finish His work” (John 4:34). And finally as to touching the Zealots He says, “The Kingdom of the heavens has been under the force of violence and those who apply force eagerly take possession of it and carry off the spoils by that force” (Matthew 11:12). Was Jesus a Zealot? Yes! Jesus was a Spiritual Warrior and a true Zealot, continuing to be one even now in this present moment, as He is seated at His Father’s own right hand in the heavens as the chosen and truly qualified Administrator of all things God, and having poured out the Holy Spirit upon those who set themselves apart to His cause, He is waiting for something very distinct to happen before His actual, physical and permanent bodily return to us. This something distinct involves all He has started and oversees and what we as his apprentices in the cause are supposed to finish. Read what was written about His return; Repent (alter the paradigm of your perceptions and transit to a new point of origin), that your misaligned actions may be entirely wiped out so that times of refreshing may appear to you coming out from within the presence of the LORD. And He will send at the appointed time and place Jesus the Christ, whose coming was previously announced to you, and whom now the heaven must out of necessity continue holding back until the time in which all things lost have been taken back in restitution (restored to proper measure and rightful owner) exactly as God has been speaking by the mouths of all His holy prophets since the world began (Acts 3:19-21). What we learn from this and other similar passages is Jesus wants to return physically and bodily to earth, but the heavens are holding Him back, waiting...waiting...waiting. And what are they waiting for? What is the trigger that will allow His return? What is the time line or indicator that signals His rerelease to come back here again? It is when all things lost have been taken back and restored to the proper measure and rightful Owner. Think again for a moment about the implications of the following words; All of the power in (all of) heaven and (all of) earth has been given, granted and rewarded to Me. Because of this, you go and teach all nations... (Matthew 28:18-19). The legal right and possession of all of the heavens and all of the earth has been given to Jesus. It is His. It is all His, everything spiritual and everything natural, all material, all lands, all substance all seats of principality and power, all 57 | P a g e

kingdoms, everything. And in response to this He gives us our work saying, “You go and inform all things about the power transition.� There is a reconciling that is to be taking place. This language of restitution in Acts chapter three comes to us from the prophet Moses who was given a glimpse into heaven and saw there secret things that God then told him to build earthly models of, representing what he saw there. One of those prophetic insights Moses saw in the heavens had to do with divine restitution. The things we read in the passage below were in relation to the thief, whom in Jesus language is identified as satan. What was it Moses saw in the Spirit? Did he see things that only apply to men or did he see something in the realm of spirit that he then translated in application to men and human relations, just like everything else he did? If a man steals an ox or steals a sheep and kill it or sells it into the hand of another's possession, he will restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep. If a thief is found breaking in and is attacked and killed in the process, no restitution is needed and no one will be held liable or be guilty for this death. But if he gets away and is discovered, his life blood is required, he will make the full restitution and if he has nothing to repay with, then he himself will be sold in payment for his theft. If he is found with the property he stole still alive and in his hands, whether an ox, an ass or a sheep, he will restore double. If a man causes another's vineyard to be consumed, having put his devouring beast in a field belonging to another, then he will be required to give the very best of his own field and the very best of his own vineyard, and make restitution. If a fire breaks out and catches in the thorns and the sheaves harvested or what is still in the field is consumed because of it, whoever kindled the fire will be required to make restitution. If a man delivers to the care of his neighbor money or things to keep and it is stolen away out of that mans house, if the thief is found he will have to pay double. But if the thief is not found, then the master (the ba'al- the governing power) of that house will be brought to the judges and examined to see if he is the one who put his hand into his neighbors goods, for every manner of trespass, whether it is for an ox, an ass, for sheep, for clothing and mantles, or for any kind of loss of anything, if another speaks up and challenges that the thing was his, the cause existing between the two parties will come before the judges, and who the judges condemn as the wicked and offending party, who has caused the vexing and the disturbance of the others peace, well being, increase and prosperity, will pay double to the one he has offended (Exodus 22:1-9, see the entire chapter). 58 | P a g e

Somebody has to pay the price when a wrong has been committed. Justice is the process of reestablishing the scales and the equilibrium within any kind of social structure. But what Moses saw he saw on a supernatural scale and translated something of the Spirit into earth, but the true nature of everything the prophet saw was spiritual and was speaking directly to us about the Christ, as the law of restitution is first and foremost a spiritual truth existing in the heavens over us. It is the equilibrium of justice that Jesus Christ has enacted, but if you noticed in the passage of the prophetic writings above, unless the offended party speaks up and challenges the offense before the judges, the situation need not change. It is the voice of the party who has been wronged by the thief that brings the judgment on the thief! Please be clear on this point that the judgment bringing back the just and proper balance of ownership cannot come on the thief if the party wronged is complacent about being wronged. The Fervent Prayer Of a Righteous Man I was in prayer one day and I went on a journey. I found myself in a courtroom setting and it was a supernatural courtroom. On the judgment seat sat the Judge. Though I couldn't actually see God, the One there was clearly known to me as God. There were attendants and court officers and most of these officers it seems were angels. Then there was a man who had come to present a case to the court. The man was dressed in an expensive and appropriate professional looking robe (not gaudy, just appropriate) and there was a mantle over his shoulders designating something about himself, but I wasn't sure exactly what, just that it was some kind of representation of who he was and his position. Somehow I knew this man was a prophet. He had come to plead a case before the court and his clothing indicated that he had this right or honor. I watched as the court came into session and when it was his time to speak the man began an impassioned, truly heartfelt plea regarding the issue at hand. He produced knowledge and evidence of his cause and why it was a just cause for the court to consider and render a favorable verdict on behalf of his plea. He was not arguing with the Judge but was arguing in favor of the cause and then against a situation standing in the way that was preventing justice, and pleading according to his supporting facts and evidence. It was very apparent the man and his pleading were critical to the court. Then suddenly it was as if the Judge had heard all He needed to hear and the moment He moved there was absolute silence in the court and everyone in it froze, waiting. The man had pled the cause in an emotionally stirring and masterful manner and now the Judge rose and made His pronouncement regarding the situation with what I can only describe as unquestionable authority. 59 | P a g e

Once He had spoken someone near me, I'm not sure whether angel or human, whispered in my ear saying, “That was an eternal judgment.” I knew instantly then how true this was, for God had just given verdict in association with the prophet's case. As soon as He had spoken, the court came alive and there was movement and beings hastily coming and going, grabbing instructions and court documents then heading out to see to it the judgment spoken regarding that exact situation was performed accordingly. As I stood there pondering this whole scene the words came to me, “The fervent prayer of a man aligned with God, causes much to happen” (James 5:16) and then, the scene was over and the intended message delivered to me. I wondered if the man I saw was Elijah the prophet who the apostle James had referred to. I don't know and it's probably irrelevant, but he was good. He was very good. The Zeal Of Your House Jesus is even more passionate about the Fathers grand cause than any Zealot you could ever imagine alive today or that has ever lived. And what is it that Jesus is a radical Zealot about? He is a Zealot over the respect of all beings in relation to His Father’s business which is the whole of His creation and particularly how all beings, spirit or material in this arena, relate to His Father's house. But it is not a physical building or temple Jesus cares about because the physical temple, even when it existed, merely represented as a shadow something far greater and of a higher purpose. The Temple being only a model of the genuine heavenly truth, His zeal is rooted in what was supposed to be represented by the temple. Jesus passion and that of the Infinite God and Father is that the presence of the One who is the forming cause of the all, might dwell among men in blended relationship, governing together with Him as His own sons and daughters, His own offshoots and extensions of Himself. The Temple was merely a symbolic prophecy of God walking with and communing with man, and man hearing His voice in a relational dynamic way, guiding, teaching and instructing humankind in His own wisdom and knowledge, His understanding and mannerisms. Moses told us the purpose of the earthly tabernacle was that God might dwell in the midst of His people; And this (offering) will be a perpetual, entirely consumed offering of ascent at the passageway into the tabernacle of our appointed meeting time and place with the face of the LORD, where I will meet you and I will speak with you there...and I will dwell within the children of Israel (children of the purpose), and be their God (Exodus 29:42, 45). When the apostle Paul brings this Old Covenant scripture into the context of the New and even better Covenant, he takes the idea into an even deeper level of 60 | P a g e

intimacy that is in fact consistent with the deeper message of the prophets regarding what would happen with the coming of Christ saying; And what mixture can the temple of God have with idols? For you, in yourselves, are the very temple of God, just as God has said, 'I will dwell IN them (as the root power of core influence) and walk about IN them, and I will be their God and they will be My people (2nd Corinthians 6:16). This is the same precise dynamic we see operational within our Lord Jesus as we are told, “It was God IN Christ” (2nd Corinthians 5:19) acting, speaking and performing His mighty and wondrous works. When it comes to the zeal expressed in relation to God's business, we hear King David, the man who was “after God's own heart” (Acts 13:22) and who also was a prophet speaking about the passionate disposition of the Christ saying; For the zeal (the intense consuming passions) of Your house have completely consumed Me. The blatant, disgraceful taunting, the disregard of those who disregard You, have fallen on Me and they have gripped me (Psalm 69:9). One day Jesus and His apprentices headed up to Jerusalem. It was the time of the Passover feast, that solemn yet celebratory feast commemorating the deliverance of Israel out of the hand of their Egyptian slave drivers and torturers. Earthly Israel represents the noted people who were considered under the Old Covenant to be the people of God's purpose, the people of the relationship who would fellowship with God, listening, hearing and then being His trumpeting voice in the earth, though this was rarely the actual case with them because they were completely unable to sustain the relationship, primarily due to the weakness of that covenant in being unable to change the hearts of the people. As Jesus and His group reached the Temple they find preparations for the feast taking place. It seems like business as usual to the disciples. It looks that way to all the other people too and to all the Priests, the Levites, the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Doctors of the law and to everyone. Everyone that is except for Jesus who sees the entire scene precisely as His Father sees it and Jesus becomes enraged, suddenly showing all the heated passions of a Zealot, only it is not towards the Roman occupiers, but it is toward those who were supposed to be the protectors of divine things. Jesus is driven to the extreme behavior of a Zealot by the horrible preeminence of the cause He sees at hand. It is interesting to note the subtle historic language change surrounding the Passover feast. When it is instituted at the time of Egyptian deliverance it is called, “The LORD'S Passover” (Exodus 12:11, 27; Leviticus 23:5) but over time it becomes known instead in scripture as “The Jews Passover” (John 2:13, 6:4, 11:55). It speaks very directly to the heart of the matter Jesus saw as He 61 | P a g e

came into the Temple that Passover day and saw mankind desecrating the very sacred meaning of the Temple; And the Jews Passover had arrived, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and discovered inside the temple pitchmen selling oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the money changers (cashiers, bankers, merchandisers) sitting at comfortable ease there, like it was all normal and they belonged. And after He had constructed for Himself a scourging whip out of cords, He then attacked and began violently driving all of them out of the temple along with the sheep and the oxen, and then He turned and scattered the changers (cashiers, bankers, merchandisers) weighted coins of all values, and they went flying everywhere as He attacked their tables and tossed them upside down. And to those who were selling doves He said, 'Get these out of here. You've made My Father's house into a business.' And his apprentices remembered it was written in the scriptures, 'The zeal (the fierce passion) of Your house has completely consumed me, eating me alive.' Then the Jews responded to this outburst and said to Him, 'What sign of authority can You show us to prove You have any right to do any of these things?' And He responded to them saying, 'Destroy, dissolve and cast down this temple, and in a matter of only three days I will raise it up again.' Then the Jews said, 'It took a full forty-six years to build this temple, and You think You can raise it back up again in only three days?' But He was speaking to them about the temple (of God) that was His own physical body (John 2:13-21). Certainly Jesus was enraged by those who were supposed to uphold mankind's personal, intimate relationship with His Father and didn't, just as I'm sure He is enraged today. But Jesus is not a Zealot in the same way as someone who would take up arms against the Romans, or firebomb an abortion clinic, or fly airplanes into buildings killing thousands of their fellow man. Those are people who don't have the first clue regarding the One and only True God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is not a Zealot who is a killer and a destroyer of life and in this you can begin to glimpse the true nature of our vast international, revolutionary conspiracy. Revolution of Life! The Revolution of Christ is not a revolution of death, it is a Revolution of Life and there is no more passionate man alive today than this Jesus who has laid down His life on the cross for the cause of life, being moved to this act of total personal sacrifice by passionate love for His friends and the cause of all mankind's relationship with God and whom the Father in response to this act of 62 | P a g e

passion raised again from the dead, as yet one more sign of His validating approval of His only begotten Son. Was Jesus a Zealot? Absolutely, and one of the highest possible degree. But His war, His enemy and His battleground was not on a mundane and unremarkable scale of petty dispute among jealous, tiny thinking, fearful and therefore power grabbing men and women with tiny thoughts and tiny concepts of the workings of life in this, the earth sector, for all these tiny things of men mean nothing and they will all come to an end some day, sooner rather than later. The Son of God saw as His Father saw, that the happenings within the creation and among the nations and face to face between people are mere effects controlled by influences that are outside the capacity of the visual spectrum and light waves the human eye is capable of seeing. But just because the higher realm, the realm of spirits, is outside the visual capacity of our eye to see, does not mean they do not exist and they do not in fact exercise influence and control in the humanly visual world that our eye is capable of registering. Jesus was clear regarding His purpose as the direct offshoot of God, as opposed to that of those under the influence of satan and his lesser minions. Jesus made bold statements in reference to the line differentiating what activities are born out of the expression of the Father of all creation and what is opposed and therefore of the evil. The Christ left no doubt about the nature of God saying; The thief (satan and those influenced of him) comes only for the purpose of killing, stealing and destroying, but I come for the purpose of possessing and echoing forth life, and possessing and echoing it forth in extraordinary, massive and preeminent, overpowering measures (John 10:10). The one is life and the other is death. The God of Abraham is not a killer but a Creator and multiplier of life. We see this in sharp contrast when Jesus is speaking to His own natural people the Jews, about who their real father is. He cut to the heart and core of the power of influence and spirit in men. But what Jesus says to them is not just true of the Jews, it is true of all nonJewish and Gentile nationalities too and everyone in our entire sector. Jesus in His appearance here and in His statements elevates the game that is being played and the battle that is being fought beyond the issue of natural, physical lineage from Abraham to one of true spiritual lineage, emphasizing the fact that the proof of lineage is in ones heartfelt behavior and response to His words; Then Jesus said to those Jews that believed His words, 'If you will continue on in the instructions I have given then you truly are My apprentices, and you will increase in your ability to know by means of deepest personal intimacy with it, what the truth is, and it is the truth alone that will open for you the passageway to your freedom.' 63 | P a g e

And in response to this statement they (the Jews) answered Him back saying, 'We've been formed out of Abraham's sperma (germination, semen) and we've never, ever, at any time been in bondage to any man. So, how can you say, 'You will be made free?' Jesus answered them in return saying, 'Listen very, very carefully to what I am about to tell you. Whoever the person is that practices what is discordant with God, is the slave who is owned under that power or bondage of discord with God. And know that the servant is not allowed to live inside the house as family, but the Son gets to stay there forever. And if the Son offers you your freedom from slavery, you will indeed have opportunity to be genuinely free. I know you are Abraham's (physical) seed, but I know you are seeking out an opportunity to kill Me too, and this is because My word has no lodging place, no echo or positive response from inside of you. I express only what I have seen with My Father, while you do what you have seen with your father.' In response to this they said, 'Abraham is our father.' Jesus said to them, 'If you actually were Abraham's children, then you would do as Abraham would do and did, but instead you seek to destroy and extinguish Me, a man that has told you the truth as it has come directly by Me to you from God. Abraham would never have acted like you act. What you do are the acts of your own true father.' Then they said, 'We weren't born through illicit sex with other nationalities through idol worshiping temple whores. We only have one Father, and that is God.' And Jesus said, 'If God were actually your Father, you would love Me completely because I came directly out from God Himself. I didn't create (and send) Myself, but He is the one who created (and sent) Me. Why do you think you have such trouble grasping what I say? It's because there is nothing inside you that allows you to hear or relate to anything in My words. You are in fact of your father the devil, and the exact things your father desires, you do those same things too. He was a murderer from the beginning and wouldn't abide in truth because there is no truth inside of him (truth void). When he speaks a lie he is speaking what is congruent with his own being, for he is a liar and the originating source of it. Because I tell you only truth, you therefore consider Me to be unreliable and don't trust Me. Has any one of you actually found in Me a single error? And if I am telling you the truth why don't you settle your lives on trusting Me?

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Whatever man/woman is of God will hear the expressions of God. It's obvious isn't it? You don't hear them because in fact you are not (your life basis is not born) of God.' Then the Jews answered Him saying, 'We sure had it right didn't we when we said You must be a Samaritan possessed of a devil?' Jesus answered, 'I don't have a devil. The only thing I do is honor My Father, and in doing that, what's inside of you in turn dishonors Me (John 8:3149). Who Is YOUR Daddy? I was walking one day and praying. I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit growing more and more intense as we walked and talked. Finally, in a way that seemed almost like the Spirit was so excited it couldn't possibly contain itself any longer I heard the words, “Everything in life is spirit!!” This was puzzling to me because it seemed completely out of context and unrelated to anything we had been previously discussing. So, I paused and said, “What?” which I find myself doing a lot these days. And then it came back but very slowly as if maybe if it were said more s-l-o-w-ly my addled earth bound brain might be able to grasp what was just said. Well, it worked because just as soon as it came more slowly the second time, “”, my eyes lit up with a picture. In the picture I saw a movie set with a man and a woman being filmed on the sound stage. I was focused on their acting and the drama they were involved in but then the picture began to draw back from them and I started seeing all of the people who never in their life make the cameras. There were directors, producers, writers, make up people, camera operators, lighting technicians, set designers and on and on even down to the food catering staff and the security guards at the door. It was fascinating. Then as I watched it came to me that the picture we see on the screen is only a result. There would be no movie on the screen were it not for the influence of all the things that were happening behind the scenes. Even the lines the actors spoke and their movements were all results of what could not be seen in the invisible places off the stage. The actors themselves were merely animating according to all of the activity no one would ever see. The scene ended and as I stood there contemplating this I was directed to look at the big trees around me. It came to me that a tree is a tree and even a specific kind of tree because that was the life represented by its motive force. It was a Poplar Tree because its motive force was that of a Poplar, just as an Apple Tree is what it is because of the life force that is at work in it, forming its expression. It started making sense, that everything, virtually everything in all of existence is what it is, in its unique expression, because at some core level of 65 | P a g e

existence there was a life force at work, and the thing becomes the expression of whatever life force is at the deepest core level of the heart of its existence. God strikes this theme for us in the first phase of the restoration of earth when He says; And God said, 'Earth, shoot forth grass, seed (virile semen) scattering herb, the fruit tree scattering fruit after its kind whose seed (virile semen) is in itself on the earth, and it happened just like that. And coming out of the earth then was grass, herb scattering seed (virile semen) and fruit tree scattering fruit whose seed (virile semen) was in itself, after its kind and God saw and distinguished by judgment that this was harmonious, good, excellent, happy and prosperous (Genesis 1:11-12). Everything According To Kind All reproduction is according to kind. This is true in creation, but is it only true of natural things? No, not at all because the natural things are merely physical representations of divine, spiritual truths that in fact are the behind the scenes animating influence of what creation expresses. Jesus took this idea and applied it to the expressed animations of people when He taught; Beware of false prophets (false oracles saying they are expressing the life of God) that come to you looking as though they were sheep on the outside with all the right adornments of appearance, but on the inside they are devourers who seek control, dominance and power for themselves like bloodthirsty wolves . You will know them by their fruits (their progeny, the essence that remains behind them). Can you receive grapes from a thorny bramble bush, or figs from a damaging wild prickly plant? According to the same manner every good, pleasant, excellent, joy filling and life imparting tree fashions good, pleasant, excellent, joy filling and life imparting fruit. But a tree with poison in it (corrupted in life flow) produces evil (what is poor, troublesome, oppressive, painful, diseased and full of labor). A good tree has not the power (life force) to bring forth evil fruit and neither can a poison (corrupted life flow) tree produce good, pleasant, excellent, joy filled and life imparting fruit. The trees that don't produce the good fruit are the ones that are all cut down and tossed into the fire. With this in mind understand, that by their fruits you will know them. Not everyone who says, 'Lord, Lord is coming in and going out of the Realms of heaven, as it is restricted to those who do the will, the 66 | P a g e

wishes, desires, purposes, choosing, and impassioned things My Father in heaven loves (Matthew 7:16-21). Just as the actors in the movie, the expressions of our lives are all the result of other things, these invisible life forces or energies that don't show up in the visible range of our eyes, of which we come under the influence of their sound or frequency and vibration if you will. They not only may influence certain behavior and words and ways we choose to express ourselves, but they may even influence the way we look, actually altering appearance. We'll touch on it later, but the fact is, if you can change the spirit of a thing, you can change the outcome or expression of its life as well. The concept of father is the concept of origin or the seed (virile semen) that is the causative life force. You are who you are in so many ways because of the source life, or literally the life in the seed that created you. This is why it can be said that through Adam's deviance from God all the race was directly affected because literally the entire future of the human race was contained in the seed that was in him when he lost the purity of his connection with God and instead became corrupted. The power of the news flash called the Gospel (I've got good news!) about Jesus Christ is the offer to human kind to alter themselves at the most fundamental level which is the core, central animating power of Spirit. But by Jesus who is called the second or last Adam (there won't be a third), a way is open to be born of God's Spirit. It is literally a re-parenting of the person. This is why the conversion of a person to Jesus Christ is referred to in the ancient writings as being “born again� because that is exactly what the spiritual experience is (John 3:1-21). Listen to the apostle Paul discuss this; Just as it is written, 'The first man Adam was made a living soul', the last Adam made a life giving Spirit...The first man is of the earth and therefore earthy (materially, physical world oriented). The second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthly, so also are those who are themselves of the earth/earthly, and as is the heavenly, so also are those who themselves are of the heavenly. In the same way that we have born the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly, that which exists and originates within heaven (1 st Corinthians 15:45-49). In the exact same way that by man came death, by a man also has come then the resurrection out from death. For as in Adam all are gripped by what dies, even so all in Christ are in turn then made alive (1st Corinthians 15:21-22). He was in the world and the world was made by Him but the world didn't not relate or recognize Him. He came to His own people (family, nationality) and His own people rejected and dismissed Him. But whoever it was that did receive 67 | P a g e

Him, there was given to them the power (right, privilege, and honor) to enter into existence and appear into history as the sons of God by placing every confidence of their lives in His name (power, life energy). These were not born of human life blood, or of the will of human flesh, but they were (born, fathered) of God (John 1:10-13). Everything we do in the outward expression of our life is, at its deepest foundational core, at that deepest recesses of all levels, in the spirit at the inside center of our being, the result of an invisible yet animating influence of one type or another. The way is open for your Father to be God and your source of animation into life to be His Spirit and to be so all the time. The life of our Revolution is not a life of entertainment on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings isolated in a four walled building somewhere. The very beginnings of this way, the foundations on which this life are formed all speak of separation of life actions to this divine DNA that has entered into our central life animating core. The life is a clear transference out of the species direct fatherhood of Adam we were born into as flesh and blood, earth encumbered men and women, and into the generation of a new force of life in the genesis point of our very life existence. The sum of the total is in the seed. This is true whether we are talking about plant seed, animal seed or human seed. The full measure of the 100 year old oak was all there in the seed that at one time, the seed was all that it was, just pure Oak Tree life emerging in continuous Oak Tree power. But not only was the pure Oak Tree life in that one virile seed, but it was in every preceding seed stemming all the way back to the one, original created seed that began it all. So it is with the life seed of God and His sons and daughters. By the insemination of His very Spirit into us as we accept Jesus as the Christ, the last Adam and the point of the new generation of a new God fathered humanity of which Jesus is the beginning point, all of the eternal potential spanning all of His eternal existence and power is now present within us too. The God seed has come into the earth. Listen to the first four elements that make up the starting point of this life as told us in Hebrews; Therefore, moving forward from the origin points of the instruction of Christ, let us be borne forward toward our full measure, not having to repeat the action of putting into place the foundation of repentance (turning from) actions energized of death, and of faith (full persuasion, animation) over to and of God, and of the instruction of baptisms... (Hebrews 6:1-2). Four things are at the start of the start and beginning of the beginning of the Jesus Revolutionaries believing life (with seven total). But the first is our turning away from and abandoning the works or expressions into creation instigated by 68 | P a g e

elements of death. In the falling away, man became spiritually mixed or “mixed up�, having lost discernment, with no capacity to distinguish between good and evil. But repentance from dead works instigates within us a process of turning away from the spiritual influences whose actions produce death because they are of the influence of it, being fathered by it. But the turning from is only the first move, and if we only make the first move we create as it were a spiritual vacuum that must be filled and will eventually be filled with something. We're not just turning from death, but the turn must be complete as we turn toward a living experience in which our life source is drawn from the animating seed of God that has entered into us. Now we become attentive hearers of the new resource of our life. We seek to it, we are instructed by it, and it is our pursuit. The new life source is there to be our all in all so that we, like the mighty Oak Tree, can move onward toward our full measure to be just exactly like our Christ/Last Adam/Mentor, the second and last Head of what turns out to be a whole new race of humanity, the children of God. The offshoots of God. But then there is the third true critical element, which are actually two elements called together the instruction of baptisms in the plural because there are two of them and they fit hand in glove together as key foundations of this life. The first of the two instructions on baptism is water baptism. The second of the two is Holy Spirit baptism and I think we have as the offshoots of God, missed the point often on both counts and therefore have huge masses of people who profess Christ who are anemic. In water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism, before God we are sealing the deal. In these immersions, the one in water acts as a demarcation and death to all that has gone before in our lives and the other in Spirit as an embarkation into all that we are to be in mission and administration of our Father's grand and amazing business. If understood correctly and taught with the strength of their meaning, these become the point of no return for the man or woman entering into the new Spirit generated way of life. These four things become the Zealot's immersion into the Revolution. It is a baptism into the eternal purposes of the Almighty God whereby we become His vessels, His very sons and daughters, His offshoots and the very offspring of Himself, the princes and princesses of a Divine Rule and a Divine Realm called the Kingdom of God and the Head of us all is the One, this Jesus, who already has triumphed over all things darkened with the negative polarity of the death and is now seated at the highest place of all administration of all things in heaven and in earth and is directing the activities of the children in the conquest of this discordant sector of the creation. The meek will inherit the earth and this is our Father's infallible promise. Ah, the Revolution!

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The LORD will go forth as a man of great might, He will stir up passions and zeal just like a man of war. He will cry, yes even roar and He will prevail against His enemies (Isaiah 42:13). With all of this in mind there is only one question remaining to be answered. So, who's your daddy? Your point of origin, the life force actively permeating you, will determine your kind.

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Chapter Five “War And Contrasting Spiritual Cultures” In the Book of Genesis, as the story of the invasion of God into the earth sector begins, we see the very core of our Father's Being revealed with His incredible first statement, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). In the invasion of God, the power of darkness is clearly set at naught and shown to be the lesser power to the light, and then a separate place is made called a firmament which has its own spiritual connotations and it is puzzling at first as to why the firmament was not pronounced “good” by God like everything else that is formed in the first chapter of The Book. Why is that? The dry land appears in harmony with the Word of God. Then by the Word of God the earth begins to bring forth abundantly the grasses and the herbs and trees. After this the waters are filled with living creatures at the Word of God and into the sky go an abundance of birds. Then on the dry land living creatures appear at the Word of God. And the ultimate crown upon it all is man, made in the image and likeness of God Himself, created to live in perfect blended spiritual communion with Him, then God looks on it all and says, “It is VERY good” (Genesis 1:31). In the record, we find the repeating expression of God toward all the living things is; And God blessed them saying, 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill... (Genesis 1:22). And God blessed them and God said to them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it (Genesis 1:28). Life and expansion, Life and expansion, or should we say expansion of Life? In this Grand Opening, the stage is set for one of the most remarkable things we need to know about our Father. We see from the start of the amazing saga of His eternally emerging purpose that in the wake of the movings of God there is always life flowing and expanding out in incredible abundance, in extraordinary, massive, preeminent, overpowering and unstoppable measures. Life and expansion is the God effect. We find further as the story progresses, it is when things withdraw from God that the death and darkness, and oppressions and the judgments occur by natural consequence. The withdrawal or the misalignment is what is traditionally called sin which means: To miss the mark, to be incongruent with an intended purpose. Withdraw from light and the consequence is dark. If one chooses to

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withdraw from the Central Generator of Life, the consequence is death. It is a clear cause and effect sequence. Let There Be Mud? The apprentices of Jesus are encouraged by the apostle John to “test the spirits to know whether or not they are of God” (1st John 4:1). The things of the Spirit are not some befuddled mess that can never be understood. There are very clear lines of demarcation that tell us when one “kind” ends and another “kind” begins. From the beginning we are allowed to see, everything replicates according to its kind. It was in the falling away that Adam and Eve lost the power of discernment when they became spiritually “mixed”. Prior to their acceptance of satan as a possible voice of influence to give credence, credibility or belief to, they knew only the purity of the Father's voice and the life expanding influence, as seen in the acts of God we have just described in The Genesis. The nature of God remains the same always. The God of Life, light and expansion that we see in the first appearance, is the same God who will continue to replicate according to the same pattern in your life and in my life today. The nature and effect of the one true God never changes. In this is the mission we are participants in and the distinctive battle lines that clarify what is what and who is who. The Tree Of Mixture But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is a tree of mixture. It is a tree of cloudiness and confusion in which there are no clear distinctions of the flavors. In it there is a dulling of the spiritual taste buds if you will and without that capacity for clarity comes spiritual susceptibility. God is a God of clarity. We learn this when He says, “Let there be light.” God did not come to the languishing earth and declare, “One is as good as the other. Let's blend it all together. I know, 'Let there be gray!” Nor did God say, “Well, the water and the earth really could just be one mixed entity. I know the solution, 'Let there be mud!” The tragic loss that occurred with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the loss of capacity to discern the spirits with light and dark, good and evil clarity. One seemed as good as the other, but this is not the case. Dullness of discernment leads to pain, suffering and death. Think for a minute about your five senses and what might happen to you without them. What if you lost the sense of feeling for example? You would never know that the fire is hot, so hot in fact that it could burn you alive and you wouldn't know it was killing you. We know there are increased dangers when we can't see or hear, or can't discern whether a thing is a sweet fruit or a bitter poison or if we can't smell a rotten odor of decaying foods. 73 | P a g e

The loss of natural senses puts us at a disadvantage. Our world becomes limited, our functionality is compromised and our fears and difficulties increase. Our ability to know what is really happening around us in our world is diminished and our capacity to act or react within it is disadvantaged. We don't know what might be coming down the road at us because we can't see it. Loss of the most critical sense of all, the capacity of spiritual distinction is the tragedy of the fall of man. What is true in the natural regarding the physical senses is true in the spiritual also. Heightening Of Spiritual Capacity As a person comes to Jesus the Christ who is the first man of the newborn humanity (the sons of God), by the forgiveness and cancellation of all the sins (the mud, the dullness, the blindness) that held them in bondage, combined with their choice to set themselves apart strictly for sacred uses as a vessel of God (the clarity, the sensitivity), then the Holy Spirit is released for that person to saturate and immerse them inside and out to awaken their spiritual senses for themselves first but also for the whole world to see and know the distinctions between life and death by observing the son or daughter of God. By the divine immersion of life under outpourings of the Holy Spirit the person receives the capacity to become dramatically re-polarized in their person from the influence of darkness to the influence of pure light, and every good thing and good work emanates from that new paradigm. As the “re-Spirited person� then grows in their personal capacity to hear the voice of God in the guidance of their life, the individual’s ability to discern spiritually what is going on around them also increases. At the foundational core, everything in life is spiritually based. The person begins the process of balancing the components of their eternal soul back toward the original created purpose for humanity in powerful, perfect blended harmony with God. It ultimately affects every awareness and expression. Identifying the active, living counsel of the Spirit of God in us becomes a continuing and enlarging exercise and as we head toward a status of total congruence as we see demonstrated in Christ, we begin taking on increasing measures of God's own reflection of Himself within us. Jesus Christ set the precise tone for the rightly polarized human condition and it is by that standard all men will ultimately be examined, compared to and judged (Acts 17:31). There is no other standard but the norm of Jesus. Abundance Is Never Ending, Ever Expanding Life We have already discussed the nature of God, that it is an expanding power of eternal, never ending life spreading everywhere without end. There is a Hebrew word relevant to the name and therefore nature of God truly indicative of 74 | P a g e

His expanding splendor of life. The word is “yasha” and means: To make wide, enlarged, make spacious, open, free, unrestricted freedom of movement, freedom to breathe, unbound, released from all that would limit, to be greater than what is, unlimited expanse, all sufficient and sufficient for all, no end. This is what is referred to as eternal life. It is Life without limit. But Hebrew language scholars say it is still difficult for us to grasp the full meaning of “yasha” without at the same time looking at its direct opposite and its contrasting word which is “sarar”. This word means: To make narrow, to restrict, to bind, to oppress, to make smaller, to make tight, to make inadequate, to make inferior, to make insufficient. Between the two we clearly have a stunning contrast. The interesting thing about this word “sarar” is that it comes from the root “sar”. This root word indicates that it is a power of a type that is the cause of the effect we have outlined. The Hebrew word “sar” infers: a captain, a prince or principality, a general (as in war). What we are talking about in the contrast here is a prince or principality, a spirit being with a reasoning intelligence whose ruling effect causes the condition of “sarar”. Now a power in itself is not evil, but a power whose heart and whose effect is what we are describing is evil in contrast. You could say that one is implosive (sarar) while the other is explosive (yasha). Yasha on the other hand is related to the word “yah” from which we get the word Yahweh most often translated into the word LORD (capitalized) in the scripture writings. It is the Presence and Spirit and the Word of Yahweh or Yaheweh (the LORD God) who appears, invading into the conditions of darkness that the earth creation is immersed within as the Genesis begins (Genesis 1:1-3). Once God appears and speaks according to the consistency of His nature into the dark conditions over which the Spirit has been brooding, things begin to change and change rapidly. As long as we are here we might as well point out that the brooding of the Spirit of God over a condition draws forth the Word of God upon it, and the Word of God being inviolate causes whatever it is spoken over to form accordingly to it. That is power. It is also the point of spiritual prayers, to bring forth the Word of Life over a condition of darkness and destroy it, re-polarizing a condition into life. Moses Is Sent To Egypt God was sending Moses to Egypt. Egypt held the children of Israel captive and had done so for generation after generation spanning hundreds of years. They were used to being slaves and possessed no concept of any other form of life. Their ruler Pharaoh was the most powerful ruler on earth at that time and had the power of many gods (spirits) surrounding him. Whatever Pharaoh said was 75 | P a g e

simply the way it was, no questions asked under penalty of his wrath. When Pharaoh spoke, compliance was the only option. Moses was a little concerned. All he had done for many years after his exile from Egypt was wander around out in the wilderness tending to some other persons business (Exodus 3). Moses knew he was called of God and had tried early in life by his own wisdom and power to save the Israelites from the Egyptians, but in that first attempt of his to deliver Israel, his effort at fulfilling his calling had failed miserably, banishing him into this long exile into nowhere land (Exodus 2). So this once great man who had at one time been a notable prince within Egypt, now having failed and being about 80 years old, was relegated by his failure to long days and long nights alone in the wilderness, thinking often about the past I'm sure. But God, not caring about any of these things is determined instead to restore Moses to his mission, sending this abject failure back to stand before these Israelite slaves, telling them to get ready because they are leaving Egypt forever, and he was to stand before Pharaoh, the most powerful and spirit protected man on earth, and to tell him to let all these slaves go because the God who appeared to him in a strange burning bush, said so. Moses has just one question; “God? When I go back there and knock on their doors, um...who should I say has sent me?” Yasha Or Sarar? God, not being One to withhold any good and necessary thing from His servants says, “Tell them 'HAYA' sent you to them.” It almost sounds like some kind of a Karate shout a person would give just before they try to smash through a stack of bricks. For you and I, if this self revelation of God were not so serious, we might be tempted to laugh, but then that would be extremely disrespectful to the moment at hand. As we scratch the surface of the word Haya we learn that it means: Existence. In this self descriptive name that God gives to Moses the word HAYA is doubled which happens often in Hebrew for the emphasis of the most extreme meaning so in effect God is saying, “Existence of all Existence has sent you”, indicating there is nothing else. He is all Existence, total. This is something very sobering for us to think about. All things are upheld by Him. Remove Him and all disappears. And Moses said to God, 'Let's think about this for a minute. When I come to the children of Israel (children of the purpose) and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me here to you', and then they say back to me, 'Which one is that? What is His name (His power)?', what should I say to them?' 76 | P a g e

And God said to Moses, 'Existence of all Existence.' And He said, 'This is what you will say to the children of Israel, 'Existence has sent me to you.' And God said further to Moses, 'This is what you will say to the children of Israel, 'The LORD God (the God Yah-Haya or Yaheweh) of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me to you. This is My name (power) forever in unbroken continuity, and this is the memory by which I am recalled within multiplied deposits effectively remaining by the ongoing circular and repeating visitations of My abiding and never ending presence (Exodus 3:13-15). God was saying, “The Existence of all Existence has sent this man Moses with a word of deliverance saying, Let My people go so they can serve Me.” What could possibly be done in response to a word like that word? The very Existence of all things that exist was speaking, weighing in with a judgment. Once God had spoken, it didn't matter who Pharaoh thought he might be or who all Egypt thought him to be or the whole world for that matter. Neither did it matter what gods and spirits he had become friendly and familiar with, for the Existence of all Existence had come speaking in the prophet Moses, to give His unbreakable judgment in a word. It is proven in subsequent chapters in Exodus, one may either follow the word and be favored (or at least not destroyed) because of it, or one may harden ones heart to the word that Existence speaks and be annihilated as a result of that resistance. All Existence will be precisely as Existence decrees it to be. What is called the “fear of the LORD” is to find yourself somewhere on the wrong side of that word, like Pharaoh did. It's a living hell out there. The God Who Saves But if you note carefully what is being said, the name God reveals Himself to the people who set themselves apart for Him, is actually two names intimately joined to make one compound name and therefore presents a single manifest power in which all people everywhere can put their confidence. It is here, if we miss this, that we miss much of God's own self revelation to us and His intent in us as the human race, created in His own image and likeness for a very specific purpose. To all those who are with, or “on His side”, He is the splendid multiplying power of Yah related to yasha: making wide, enlarging, making spacious, open, free, unrestricted freedom of movement, unbound, released from all that would limit, to be greater than, unlimited expanse, all sufficient and sufficient for all, no end. But, He is also and at the same time Haya, the Existence of Existence, supreme power of all and unchallengeable. He is to the people of purpose the 77 | P a g e

multiplying unlimited power of all existence surrounding them and favoring them with Himself. He is their God. He will be exactly as He is with regard to them just as Jesus explained, “With God, all things are possible� (Matthew 19:26). And then Jesus demonstrated it as He aligned with the Father's will. This is the God who has called us and this is the nature of His Revolution of Life. He has fully known those who are His own and who would choose to be with Him even prior to the moment when the first molecule of the earth was ever formed by a word from Him. The Existence of all Existence, is manifest to us and through us as the Supreme and Ultimate Existence of Liberating, Freeing and Enlarging Power of Abundance and Life to which there is not now, nor ever has been, nor ever will be, any equal rival or end. He is unchallengeable. There is no power beyond the Highest Power. You may call yourself whatever you will, whether Pharaoh, satan, Lucifer, Diablo, the Devil, Baal, Molech, Nebuchadnezzar, anti-Christ, or whatever. There is no rival to Him among all the power structures of the universes whether they are visible or invisible ones. Nothing. He is Existence and the time will come when all that opts to be with the darkness will no longer be, being out of Existence. But wait, there is more! Surrounding this strange and God revealing word Yasha to which the Spirit, the holy angels and all the swarms of God's spiritual armies are inseparably joined is another word we need to know, for Yasha is the root of the name (power) which in Hebrew is Yashua and translated in the scriptures as Joshua. In the Greek the name is translated as Iesous, and in most other languages including English the word is pronounced as Jesus, but the name and power of Jesus is the Yashua. The essence of this name and power means: The central heart and core of the power of all Existence, is Salvation! It is by this name, the very essence of which we see from the beginning scriptures in the nature of His first appearance that He will continue to expand outward in all the earth until it is full to overflowing. The sarar power will have no place in which to exist just as darkness has no place of existence within light. Wherever this name Jesus Christ is spoken (we say Christ to identify exactly which Jesus we are referring to), the infinite power Who is the very essence of Salvation is released in a re-polarizing dynamic capacity. The apprentices of Jesus Christ are in a Revolution that finds it roots all the way back to the first appearance of God the Infinite in Genesis, as He comes to a planet lying under complete darkness and confusion with no delineation whatsoever, for there is no light. Into this God appears as the Holy Spirit broods over the indistinct mess and God speaks unstoppable words and things immediately happen. In that instance a process is begun that even though it is slow and intricate like the workings of all true master works, has been on an ever 78 | P a g e

increasing upward spiral and it will culminate in the not so distant future with the whole of the planet being swallowed up in eternal life! Ah, the Revolution! But the dynamic of this Revolution only finds the release of its power as it reaches into people’s hearts. This is because God has placed earth under the watch of mankind. Communion Of Holy Spirit This is the life of the Revolutionaries under Jesus the Christ. It is a receiving and then a learning of the catalytic Spirit of Christ inside of them and the divine way of conduct that is streaming to them directly from the core creating power of the universe. It is a unification of God in man and in woman. These supernatural things can't be known by external rules and earthly means but only by internal communion of the human spirit with the Holy Spirit. In other words, one can't force their personal transformation into the image and likeness of God from any outside application or enforcement of any set of external rules of behavior but only by inner transforming engagements of the heart to the highest expressions of God in His expansive love toward all the creation. In the conversion of our heart, we begin to love what God loves with the same great passions He loves them with from our inner man first, then to our outside in how we relate to the world surrounding us. It is not by any application of law that the heart is transformed. You can't beat God into me. Paul in closing his second letter to the Corinthians said it so beautifully; Finally my brothers, farewell. Be whole, enriched and complete, overflow with comfort and encouragement, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet each other with holy kisses. All those who have set themselves apart for God's purpose send you their greetings. May the sweet loving favor of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with each and every one of you. Amen (2nd Corinthians 13:11-14). Regarding Ferrari's And Speed Limits This was and is the weakness of the Old Covenant law and any other law that seeks to impose what is considered right by means of an external force. The precepts of law like that of Moses would be similar to setting a speed limit of 15 miles per on the Autobahn and you, driving a Ferrari. The possibility exists that you could obey the speed limit because it is the law, when in your heart you really want to rev that Ferrari up to the maximum capacity of 202 miles per hour and let her roll. 79 | P a g e

What I'm saying is a conflict exists between the two. There is incongruence between what is in the heart of the person and what the law dictates and even though the person obeys the law, their heart is far from it. Of course, just the reverse of this as well may be true where the law is a speed limit of 202 miles per hour and you insist in your heart on only going 15. But when the heart is in congruence with the Spirit of God nothing else matters, the engine sings beautifully and appropriately all the time. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those who look and sound like the real deal according to all exterior methods of evaluation, and Jesus echoed Isaiah's sentiments in His teachings too. Jesus judged no man by their outward appearances, knowing they are mere facades often employed to hide the truth about what was real on the inside. Jesus knew the secrets of what was in man and what they were attempting to hide from the eyes of truth. And the vision of it all has become like words in a book to you that is sealed up which men give to someone with a degree (an educated one) saying, 'Read this I beg you' and he says, 'I can't because the language is foreign to me.' Then the book is given to another one without a degree saying, 'Read this I beg you', and he says, 'I can't because I'm not allowed to know these things.' Looking at this the LORD says, 'For as much as this people draws near to Me with their mouth, and their lips honor Me, yet their heart is far from Me and their alleged form of reverence toward Me is controlled by precepts that mere men have made up (Isaiah 29:11-13). And He (Jesus) answered them saying, 'How accurately has Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites (pretenders, empty actors for the eyes of men), just like it is written, 'This people honor Me with lips, but their heart is far from Me and the instructions they give are the tellings of mere men (Mark 7:6-7). God is a God of the Spirit and a God of the individual heart. Following Him must be a matter of a united singleness of heart, of the inner man that is beating as one in love and perfect alignment with God who is the Initiator of every good, beautiful and wonderfully abundant thing. Sometimes you have to trust, even though you don't understand, though understanding is always available, because His ways don't always make sense to a material minded world. Only Life can create Life and only as hearts align with the Spirit of Life by transformation from the inside out can the polarity of the earth, over which man has been given responsibility, be permanently altered to a “saved� condition if you will. It is the Yasha condition our Revolution is to bring about.

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Why God Honors Heart Over Behavior It has always been a matter, not of external conformity to a rule while the heart stands in defiance, but a matter of the union of hearts, minds and purposes in oneness with the Father. In the eyes of God it is not a matter of the behavior first, it is a matter of the heart first. Though the behavior may in fact be wrong, if the heart is correct God knows with practice the behavior too will align, like a child learning to walk, or learning to talk, or learning to function in his father's trade or business. When God found King David, He found a man whose heart was after His own and He loved him, overlooking his flaws. For if there first and foremost, at the point of initiation, exists a willing (zealous, eager, ready and inclined) mind and heart, it is accepted (received for deep intimacy and blessing) according to what a man has, not according to what a man does not have yet (2nd Corinthians 8:12). The expanding power of life is formed from the power of the Holy Spirit on the inside of a man, in the true Temple of the heart of each individual apprentice. This is the way of the sons of God and the earth is re-polarized by the catalyst that is Jesus Christ, now living and now replicating within the individuals whose heart has been given to Him for complete realignment with the Father; And Jesus answered them saying, 'My Father works here and there, in a certain place and at a certain time and I do the exact same thing as well (precisely what He is doing). Because He said these words the Jews looked more intently for an opportunity to kill Him, because not only did He disregard the (their) Sabbath rules but also said God was His Father, in effect making Himself equal to (on the exact same operational level as) God (John 5:17-18). For every person who is brought along from place to place and destination to destination by the direct exclusive influence of the Spirit of God, these in fact are the ones who are the sons (offspring, offshoots, direct generative extensions) of God. For the Spirit we have been given is not one that binds us up in a constant state of terrified dread, but we have received the Spirit of total acceptance and welcome smiling love, by which we cry out from the depths of our being, 'the Father is my own generative force of life'...for the whole of the creation is right now waiting with excited enthusiasm for the manifestation of these sons (offspring, offshoots, generative extensions) of God (Romans 8:14-19). The War Is Raging The war for this planet is raging and the Revolution is ON! It is war and this war is the mission of everyone who would call themselves a follower of Jesus the 81 | P a g e

Christ of God. It is not a war against men or women or politics or ideologies, it is a war that is a war of spirits, fought with Holy Spirit people and the angels of God, with Holy Spirit expressions, with Holy Spirit weapons and with Holy Spirit means and Holy Spirit directions with the undergirding, authorizing power of the infinite Words spoken by the One who is the Existence of all Existence. When His word comes upon a situation it's not lights out, it's light on, of course depending on which side of the word one wishes to be on. The choice after all is yours to participate in the power of Life or stand in the edges and fringes of the outer darkness. It is the individual warrior’s life to tune their hearts frequency to the voice of God coming through His Son to us in the communion of the Holy Spirit given to us. It begins with the starting of the re-polarization of you and me, and then the power of the initiating life begins its expansion out from us in the effect and realignment into the metron of spheres around us. As the light intensifies the darkness dies. And the LORD said to Moses, 'I have pardoned, cleansed and made pure according to the case you have presented Me. But this I say, My life, My flowing and refreshing, will fill to overflowing the whole of all the earth with the splendor of the LORD (Numbers 14:20-21). And He (Jesus) said to them (the apprentices), 'Who is that men say I the Son of man am?' And they said, 'Oh, some say you're John the Baptist, some say Elijah, some others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.' He said to them, 'Okay, but who do you say that I am?' And Simon Peter answered and said, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' And Jesus answered saying, 'You have been blessed Simon the son of Jonah, for it was not flesh and blood (anything of earth) that has taken the veil from your understanding, revealing this to you, but it was My Father who is within the heavens (realm of spirit). And I will tell you, now you are become Peter and upon this foundation stone I will establish My company of the called out ones, and the gates of hell will have no strength nor have any power to deter it� (Matthew 16:18). And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, 'All the power of all existence has been granted to Me in all the heaven and all the earth. Because of this, now I am sending you to go and teach every one of the nations, baptizing them in the name (under the power) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost and you will be instructing them to observe all the things that I have commanded you and look carefully and see that I am there with you always even into the end of the world (Matthew 28:18-20). 82 | P a g e

The invasion is a reclamation to God of what belongs to Him, what was usurped from Him and is now being restored to Him by His warrior sons and daughters, Jesus being the Firstborn. For this mission was man created, and for this mission Jesus Christ has appeared. And to take it to its final step, to this mission are you and I as the children of God, His offspring, offshoots and extensions, together as one with our Captain and Elder Brother, are called to join. Right now and continuing until Jesus returns here for permanent residence, the reclamation of the earth sector is the Father's business. When Does Jesus Come Back? At the beginning of the third chapter we talked about the reclamation project and the fact that Jesus is being retained in the heavens waiting...waiting...waiting for something to happen. In Acts chapter three we saw what He is waiting for is the “restitution of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began.� (Acts 3:19-20), which as you see from this statement was the pointed meaning of all of their messages. It is clear from this and other statements that He will return once this restitution of all things spoken by the prophets is finished. But what exactly does that look like? There is a phrase repeated again and again regarding Christ, talking about His enemies being made His footstool (Psalm 110:1, Matthew 22:4, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:43, Acts 2:35, Acts 7:49, Hebrews 1:13). The concept of the footstool is drawn from the history of war in which the conqueror placed his foot on the neck of his defeated foe, demonstrating to them and to everyone that the power of life and death belonged to the victor. But it is later in the Book of Hebrews that we find there is a timing trigger attached to the phrase as it is associated with the Christ; But this man (Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins extending outward perpetually, sat down on the right hand of God (the pinnacle place of all administration), from this fixed point in time onward waiting in anticipation until that fixed point in time that all His enemies have been made His footstool (Hebrews 10:12-13). There is a specified time of Jesus reappearance out of the heavens in His physical and bodily presence. When is it? No one knows the day or the hour, but we can know the times and the seasons we are told (Matthew 24:25-39, Mark 13:32-33, 1st Thessalonians 5:1-5). But even more important than that is what is supposed to be happening between the two fixed points in time and most important of all to us as individuals, is whether or not we will be found doing between the points what it is we have been created for and are called to be doing. These are serious issues; 83 | P a g e

Who is the faith filled and wise servant whom his lord has set as an administrator over his household (his own business) and given him provision (sufficiency) in every season? That servant who is found doing his lord's work when he returns will be overjoyed. I am telling you the truth when I say that he will make him ruler over everything he has, all the wealth that he possesses (Matthew 24:47). The things we do know is that the time and the season relative to Jesus return will involve incredible upheaval. The tares (the weeds) will begin to bundle together into groupings (which is necessary for easy disposal – Matthew 13:37-40), the epitome of anti-Christ will appear representing humanity in total disassociation with God worshiping himself/(herself?) as god, and the world system represented in scripture as Babylon will utterly collapse. There will be chaos, wars and rumors of wars, nations fighting nations and kingdoms fighting kingdoms, times of upheaval in the spiritual and physical dimensions. The heavens and the natural creation of the earth itself will begin to convulse, people’s hearts will fail them because of their incredible fears and people will wish they were dead. In all of this, God will still be reaching out to people because He loves them so deeply, all the while giving opportunities for people to come to His Son Jesus and find the expanding safety just as the few did in Noah's day when they found shelter from the storm within the ark. But there will be those who will continue hardening their hearts like Pharaoh did and like him chock it all up to some natural phenomenon with some logical explanation. It is during these times that those who have learned the way of the Spirit and have aligned with Him will then shine their brightest. Lives will literally be saved as He who is at the core of the existence of all things operates through those who are His offshoots in united, singular, creating motion. They will be as saviors in the earth to those who come to the brightness (Obadiah 1:21). The light has always shined its most brilliant in times of the greatest darkness. You would do well to read Psalm 91 as it is a prophecy of that time. Stop Tantalizing Us! When Does Jesus Return? So when will Jesus return? Is that what you were asking? The scriptures are very specific on this point. We already know the heaven is retaining Him saying, “Not yet, not yet”, until the restitution of all things spoken by the prophets from the beginning of time. What is clear to us from scripture is He's waiting for that point in time when all His enemies have been made His footstool. The apostle Paul makes this part of the future very easy for us to understand when he writes;

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It is then that the end comes, when He has delivered up the kingdom (the realm) to God. Yes, we are speaking of the Father. And this will happen when He will have put down all rule, and all authority, and all power. For He (Jesus) must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. The last and final enemy that will be destroyed is death itself (1st Corinthians 15:24-26). Death is the last enemy? This means if death is the last enemy to be permanently eliminated from the planet, then every other enemy will have already been put down, wouldn't it? As it says, all rule, all authority and all other power will indeed have been dealt with and made subservient to His grace. Then once this has occurred, it's just a simple matter of His mortal servants stepping from mortal bodies into immortal bodies just exactly like Jesus Himself has done and the death imposed upon the planet and upon mankind will finally be swallowed up in life, as it was always to be. Reconciliation complete. This final step of mortals becoming immortal without passing through the halls of death is the final act of total congruence. This must certainly mean that everything else within these individuals has already been willingly aligned with Him by the transformation of their own individual hearts. It says of Jesus that His own life was reflected in the fact that He was a human vessel surrendered entirely to the gracious life force of the Father. For this very reason, when He (Jesus) came into the world He said, 'Sacrifice (animal) and offering (animal) You detested, but instead You have prepared Me to be a body. In burnt offerings (animal) and sacrifices (animal) for sin You have zero pleasure in them.' Then I said, 'Look! In the whole volume of the book it is written of Me, 'I come to do Your will Oh God! (Hebrews 10:5-7). In the hearing and the doing according to the Spirit of God residing in us, we are the reflection of our Father, God. Adam left this status and death resulted, passing on all his offspring because all humanity was yet contained within his own body. Jesus restored the way for humanity as the last Adam and Head of a whole new race of humanity, a humanity who seeks to do as He has done in the complete surrender of themselves to the animating Spirit of the Existence of all Existence, the core life force out of which the whole creation has emerged. The apostle Paul writes; Because of this, I beg you my brothers, by means of the mercies of God, that you offer your own bodies of flesh as living sacrifices, set apart strictly to the sacred use and that which delights God at the deepest conceivable levels which is the sacred service spoken of (or into). And don't be molded according to this (present) world, but be transfigured to another form by means of the renewing and reclaiming of your mind (your heart, the inner man and basis of all your understanding and perceptions) that you may prove, being tested and certified 85 | P a g e

with regard to what is that good, that delighting and full measure of the will of God (Romans 12:1-2). Death, the last of all the enemies to go down permanently and forever takes place at a predetermined moment in time, and it happens quickly when it does. Of this moment too does the apostle Paul write; Pay careful attention because I am going to show you a mystery. Not all of us are going to die even though all of us are going to be changed. It will happen in one single flashing moment, like the sparkle in a personâ€&#x;s eye, and it will happen when the very last trumpet sounds, for the last trumpet will indeed sound and when it does all of the dead will be raised up and become imperishable and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on as clothing the imperishable, and this mortal must put on as clothing immortality (1 st Corinthians 15:51-53). For this I am saying to you by the word of the Lord, that those of us who are alive and remaining here until the coming of the Lord will not attain ahead of those who have already died. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a decree, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God and those who have died in Christ will raise first. Then those of us who are still alive and remaining here will be caught up together into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and in this manner we will forever be with the Lord (1st Thessalonians 4:15-17). Between here and there, a lot of things need to be done. There are epic battles to be fought in the spiritual realm and enemies currently occupying the places of influence in our Lords territory in the firmament need to be deposed and brought down. There will be hard fought battles and hard fought victories, and every one of them will be sweet. Remember to pick up fallen comrades along the way. The prayers of the warriors will be a cause of great havoc on the elements that are discordant with the love of Christ in which the evil spirit principalities and powers, the various levels of might and dominions and the spirit names operating by influence through dark hearted, power hungry, fearful men and women who fear the loss of control of populations and resources, all whom belong to the Lord and ultimately our Father, will go through great upheaval and lash out themselves against the Lord and His anointed ones. Everything in life is spirit. The honor of a greater name always dispossesses a lesser. And another angel come and stood at the altar having a golden censer, and there was given to him a great deal of incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all those who have set themselves apart for only sacred uses, upon the 86 | P a g e

golden altar that was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of those who have set themselves apart for only sacred uses ascended up before God out of the angels hand. And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it to the earth, and there were voices and thunderings and lightening and an earthquake, and the seven angels that had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound (Revelation 8:3-6). We must be about our Father's business. We cannot afford to be enmeshed any longer in church as a business with window dressing. If it is anything, it is a training station for death defying zealot warriors who will live and die if need be in the cause of the earth's liberation. It is time for us to stop considering church as if it is a place to go, a place to be entertained, a place to get our ears tickled with pleasant yet meaningless words when applied to the vast cause of our incredible mission. The church that Jesus has built has never been about these vacuous things. I'm sorry about yours if it is not engaged in training warriors and engaging in the eternal purpose. Instead we must grasp what has been true throughout the ages in dens and caves and underground among the remnants of the warriors of Jesus who have altered history by their prayers and words and begin to understand that church is not a place we are to go, but a person we are called to be and a certain type and quality of people we are called to fight together with in this great cause of our Father and our Lord Jesus and to love one another in a real world fight in a real world war with real enemies though they may be invisible and real attacks and real wounds to real people, these children of our Father's love. A planet waits to be liberated and the only ones God is willing to use to do the work are His sons and daughters set apart for the purpose, for in them alone is the power to repolarize.

Now that you know, what do you intend to do?

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Chapter Six “What Is Man?” As a Revolutionary and an International Freedom Fighter under Jesus Christ (the One to whom the Father has given all distributive right to His own power and resources for the purpose of the greatest of all missions to have ever touched the universe), I can tell you boldly that the mission is nothing less than total world conquest. That is it, plain and simple. To this agree Jesus Christ, His apostles, and all the prophets that have prophesied since the beginning of the world and I will prove it to you. The difficulty is, if you haven't been shown it either by revelation in your personal prayer/worship time or by teachers that have received it, you very likely can't see it. But I'm sure if you have a heart toward God you already have this nagging feeling about it, like you know there is something out there and you're somehow part of something really big, but you just can't put your finger on it. The details of it are fuzzy. You keep getting close and when you do you instinctively rise to your feet getting ready, but every time you do it has no place to fit in your present Christ culture paradigm, so you assume you must be wrong and gradually sit back down. This is tragic. My intent is to help you and thousands of others (millions if they're out there) adjust to a Biblical world view of the eternal purpose of God, to which correctly “spiritualized” or “energized” humans are an incredibly integral part. It is my mission to both open eyes of understanding and provide the tools of the quest to ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of spiritual Zealots whose life purpose is to live out this mission as “good soldiers of Jesus Christ” (2nd Timothy 2:3). They are out there beyond any doubt and if these words burn in you, it is very likely you are one of them, and I assure you we will need each other, for the greatest of all adventures has been waiting for our arrival. I hope that I am helping you begin to engage or that I am helping you reinvigorate yourself to this very thing. I hope to God that what is here spreads across the whole planet and rings in the ears of every Jesus loving person as this is integral to the gospel and the reason for His suffering, His willing defiant walk right into the face of death, the resurrection of His cold lifeless body after three days by the power of the Father as His soul traveled from here into hell itself and back to pronounce satan's defeat, and His present position at the Father's own right hand as approved Administrator of all things in heaven and in earth in application to the cause of filling this entire sector with the glories of the Father of all, to the same degree and explicit manifestation of life just exactly as it is in

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heaven. It's a restoring of the order, a reuniting of the pieces that are meant to be together. In the same way you suddenly realize that you like a certain car or certain color, once you do see the grand scale of the purpose, you will see it everywhere. There is an eternal purpose of God that enters the picture in the first statements of Genesis but in fact precedes it and then extends through the temporary passageway of time. It then moves out beyond the Book of Revelation where we read all about the ultimate culmination of the work the resurrected Lamb, in consummated harmony with justified (adjusted, aligned) humans, all to whom God has given the earth to in a world without end. And the angel that I saw who stood upon the sea and upon the earth, then lifted up his hand to heaven, and he swore by He who is Life (All Existence) forever and ever, who created the heaven and all the things in it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that time should cease and that it should no longer be (Revelation 10:5-6). Now, unto the One who alone is able to perform in far surpassing abundance, and in direct response to all that we might ever ask or ever think, in relation to the residing power that is abiding and is become the energizing life force within us, to Him may all the splendor be manifestly shown in and by those who are invited and who have separated themselves apart by the Christ, who is Jesus, in a world that will never end. This is exactly what shall be! (Ephesians 3:20-21). You see! It's simple really. The fact of the matter is, there is an eternal purpose that both precedes time and extends beyond it and it is this purpose that all of the scriptures are addressing. It is to this purpose that all the words of the prophets unflinchingly speak and to which Jesus the Son of God likewise speaks with great clarity of intent. The eternal purpose was also at the pivot point to the clear understanding of the apostles of Jesus. Listen to the apostle Paul again addressing it with such fantastic style; To me, who is less than the very least of all those who have set themselves apart strictly for sacred use has this honor, kindness and empowerment been given as a precious gift to me, that I should express out among all the Gentile nations the vast and never ending, incomprehensible to human understanding, riches of Christ. And to bring enlightenment so that all men everywhere might see what is the embodied communion with this mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hidden, secreted away from the prying eyes of others so as not to be seen, hidden deeply within God who founded a place of habitation like a city, 89 | P a g e

like an island or a region (a geography) for the sole purposes surrounding Jesus Christ. And this is the very intention of it all, that now, in this present time to the principalities and powers in the heavenly (spirit) realm it might be made clearly manifested and known to them by means of the purposes surrounding those who have been called and have separated themselves to divine intent (the persons called church), the multi-faceted wisdom of God, and all of this is in absolute, perfect accord with the full eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ, who is Jesus, who is our Lord, in whom we also now have great boldness and total access with absolute confidence because of His own faith (Ephesians 3:8-12). What Is Man? There is an eternal and a grand purpose. But you've really got to wonder, why is man even a part of this? What is this faulty, frail, fraught with folly creature to whom God continues to pay so much of His attention? If I were the one rolling the dice, I would have asked for a new pair a long time ago because mankind if anything has proven one thing over and over again, he/she does not have the capacity to handle the task we've been given, but then maybe the beauty of it all is to be found in that very thing. Listen to the Psalmist King David, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit as he proffers this same question; Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic, gallant and glorious is Your name (power) in the whole of all the earth! You are the One who has established and given forth Your splendor which is far above the height of all the heavens! Yet You have appointed that out of the mouth of the little boys and the little girls, like those who yet hungrily nurse in dependence upon breasts, is laid the foundation of power, and this because of enemies that would oppress, that You might put an end to the foe (the opposer), and to apply Your vengeance upon them. When I observe the visions of the heights of Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars and their arrangement, what is man that You hold him in Your thoughts or the offspring of man that You visit him, overseeing and caring for him? He is little, very small, and he is very much lacking and diminished in comparison to angels, yet You have crowned him and encircled him with the rich weight of Your own glory and have placed on him great honor. You made him the ruler over the works of Your hands, You have put all things under his feet. All sheep, all oxen, yes and the beasts of the field, the fowl 90 | P a g e

of the air, and the fish of the sea and anything that passes through the pathways that are within the seas. Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic, gallant and glorious is Your name (power) in the whole of all the earth! (Psalm 8). The Foundation Of God's Power In Earth As we explore the thought of God's active power in the earth, we must take note of something that is written in this Psalm. We are told the foundation of His power is laid within mankind and it is laid there for a distinctive purpose. However, before we look at the purpose, let's pause and consider what it is that God has done, because in this is contained a great mystery of which few of us ever seem to really understand the full impact, and I include myself in this. I believe there is a divine secret that has been hidden but now in the end of the age, because of what has to happen in preparing the earth for Jesus return, it wants to be discussed. In the earth God has established an ordered flow of His power, meaning there are channels by which He has promised to work. The foundation of that flow in earth is now and has always been since Adam, mankind. This phrase referencing the foundation of power is repeated by the Lord Jesus while visiting the Jews temple one day. It just happens to be the first of His last two visits there during the final Passover when His own nation was to deliver Him up by false witnesses, and the priests would have Him murdered by the hand of Pilate outside the city of Jerusalem. It is a fascinating series of finalizing events, but among them as He is nearing His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus confirms to us the words of Psalm 8; And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and He healed them. And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonder filled things which He did, and the little children chanting out loudly in the temple saying, 'Hosanna to the Son of David (literally - Everyone turn and praise the Saving Son of David)', they were torn apart inside with bitter anger and said to Him, 'Can't You hear what they are saying?' And Jesus said, 'Yup! I got it. But did you somehow miss reading the part where it says, 'Out of the mouth of little boys and girls and those still feeding from the breasts, You (God) have restored the high and laudatory power of Your words? (Matthew 21:14-16). God, who has the power to give what is His, gave to mankind the realm of earth as his realm to possess under the Father's love and being true to His words of promise, God has never taken that gift back. In the creation of Adam, His intended warrior, and subsequently the creation of Eve to be at Adams side as his warrior princess, God had placed upon earth His solution to the destruction and 91 | P a g e

riddance of the Luciferian poisonous spirit that had marred the beauty of creation. Under the power of the Infinite God, the two (man and woman) would have unlimited divine wisdom and supply for all they would ever need in order to accomplish their satan subduing mission. The scriptures repeatedly support this thought; The highest heaven of the heavens belongs to the LORD (He who is the Highest One of all and the Sole Cause of all Existence), but the earth He has given to the children of men” (Psalm 115:16). Adam and Eve were the vessels of God. In union with Him they were invincible for they would not be coming to this powerful fallen angel and his fallen spirits in their own capacities, but in the capacities afforded to them by the Unlimited One Himself. It would be God acting together in man to rid the earth arena of the spiritual oppression. This is why, once man is created in God's own image and likeness, God can look back on all He has done and say, “Now, it is VERY good! I can rest.” (Genesis 1:31-2:3). Oops! We Have A Problem This is not often brought up, but once Adam was given a gift and a call he was responsible for it before the LORD, and subsequently before the angels and the entire universe too. What he had been given carried with it accountability, just as Eve was accountable for what she had been given to do in her portion. The problem is, when Adam departed from his created purpose, that purpose did not cease to exist and neither did the sacred mission. You may attempt to slice this any way you want, but when God puts a calling and mission on a man it not only rests upon himself but on everyone who is and is yet to be placed within his metron. What this means is the call to one becomes a call to all within that sphere of influence over which he has been made overseer. The ancient writings are rich with this knowledge beginning with the simple idea in the first chapter of Genesis when God talks about the perpetuation of kind in relation to its seed. An apple tree is an apple tree because it was made to be and therefore is. It cannot decide one day to become a cow or a bird because it was made to be an apple tree. Simply because a man has free will and chooses to run cross current to his design does not change the intended designed for purpose. Simply because Adam the first man ceased to follow the plan, it did not negate the plan or whom the call rests upon. The mission of mankind is universal and involves all of us everywhere. If you are human, it's on you. This means it is truly the God ordained design of every person who has ever lived, in its most general sense, to actively enter into relationship with God and function out from 92 | P a g e

that symbiotic communion to destroy the poison of darkness and the spirit of hatred that is devouring the earth, captivating and imprisoning people. No one escapes responsibility to the calling. This is one of the reasons why the apostle Paul is able to make some of the conclusions he makes when he says, “all have sinned and come short of the splendor for which God has created them” (Romans 3:23). Man and woman have an intended divine purpose to which we are all responsible. It was on our father Adam and it was upon our mother Eve. The calling upon them is the calling upon all of us too and this is the unavoidable consequence of being human. It's not possible to change that. We may pick this up again later but suffice it to say, “As goes man so goes the earth”. Because of the structure God has by eternal wisdom put in place, the one given the rule of a thing determines what the condition of that thing will be. In earth as mankind harmonizes with God, the effect is goodness and mercy and flourishing abundance. Withdrawn from God you only have darkness and suffering. One of the interesting things we learn in scripture is that the weight is significantly advantaged to those walking with God, possibly even to the 1,000 th power. Turning to Jesus again we see how the one Son of God brought such incredible influence over the geography of the former land of Canaan and the shock waves are still echoing out into all the earth. We can also see this in Abraham's negotiations with God over Sodom and Gomorrah that, had the angels found only ten people walking with God among the thousands, those cities would have been spared, the weight of power being in their favor (See Genesis 18:1633). Because God has given earth to the children of men, this too explains why the Christ had to be a man. It is only by aligned men and women functioning according to divinely established missions that the reconciliation can take place. Jesus Christ is the catalyst of the newly emerging humanity, in the newly emerging creation under this power structure of spiritually re-polarized people, the saved ones. There is a will of God for you and it rests within the mission. There is a will of God for the person next to you and it too rests within the mission. What are you doing about it and what are they doing about it? And now as the culmination of all things draws closer than it has ever been, the sense of divine mission upon “the hearers” of God is also moving toward a crescendo. Many are being invited, but who will actually choose to come? (See Matthew 22:1-14). On Being Off Target Sin is an archaic word in the languages of religion. We've piled so much into it we've destroyed its meaning and therefore its relevance on the planet. God didn't do that, we did that and mostly because men needed a sinister and 93 | P a g e

foreboding word with which to control the lives of others in the true spirit of the Pharisees. When men no longer have the presence of God drawing hungry souls, they resort to finding new and innovative ways to bind the people to them and having the corner on the authority of what is or isn't of God really helps in that regard (Matthew 23:4). When those who are in the alleged position of godly power tell those who've come to find their meaning in God a thing is sin then of course it is, and eventually everything seems like sin to somebody somewhere until there is no longer any room to even follow the empowering of the Holy Spirit, which is the real mission every instructor in Christ should be dedicating themselves to anyway (Matthew 7:9). What I mean to say is, we've turned trivia into tragedies while ignoring what truly weighs before us, before God and the universe at large. We've fixated on gnats while camels are walking through the front door. We've cried about our flea bites while our brother is lying with his guts hanging out and his limbs severed having been attacked by hell in the middle of a firefight and all we can do is sit back like a spectator and say, “I don't know why he/she would try something as daring as that. It serves them right. Any fool in his right mind knows you don't go out there with those creatures. It'll be a cold day in hell before they get any help from me. What's he trying to be, some kind of martyr? Molly! Where's that bug bite medicine? I'm itchy. Hurry Molly! Darned fool. Hey! Is he/she dead yet?� Though this is not meant to be a treatise on sin, it is meant to be one on eternal purpose and out of necessity the one forces us to at least take a brief glimpse at the other. I say this because the most devastating of all sin is to walk away from an eternal purpose. Streams of eternal, divine purpose run through the life of every person conceived in the womb and for this purpose are we given the gift of life, just like Adam was. In the mind of God there are no accidental people, just ones who may be unaligned with eternal purpose, which is why He sent His Son to live and die for us. The Meaning Of Sin The ancient word sin has a consistent meaning in all languages in which all the scriptures were originally written. By definition the thought conveyed within the word is; to miss, to miss the way, to miss the mark, to miss the goal, to be misdirected, and then also, to forfeit or miss the reward, to be left without a share of what was given. As you see there are two sides to this equation, having missed the intended way and consequently also the reward that was waiting there for you pick up. The idea of sin finds one of its strongest illustrations in its relationship to the world of ancient archery competitions among hunters and warriors. In the competition there was a purpose and the purpose was to flush out the most highly 94 | P a g e

skilled champions by means of various tests and often these would have the honor then of being recruited into the Kings armies to stand among the mighty ones, and of course there were always other prizes to be picked up for the rewards of excellence. A target or series of targets would be set (kind of like golf) and the object of the competition was to shoot your arrow with such skill that it would strike the target dead center. However, if an archer’s arrow missed the intended goal the term used to identify the misdirection of his aim was the word sin. This told the archer his aim was off and rather than being a terrible thing, someone dedicated to excellence of the art instead learned, as it allowed him to adjust the direction of his aim and draw closer to the prize. It is only by the improvement of aim, strategy and understanding of the target that we can be effective in the eternal purpose that has been laid out before all mankind. Men often compete for earthly and material reward, but they pale in comparison to the glory of the divine; And every man who is striving for the mastery is singularly focused on that one thing to the exclusion of all else. Now they do it to obtain a reward that is temporary, it disintegrates, is consumed and eventually disappears, but the one we champion and fight for is incorruptible, it is eternal, it can never disappear and it can never disintegrate (1st Corinthians 9:25). Engaging God means engaging the eternal purpose for which you have been uniquely made. To engage Him means to enter into a rigorous training program designed to make you a highly skilled champion with the capacity to be a winner within the realm that truly holds what is real effective power and the capacity to influence the circle of earth around you with the energy of the divine polarity of Jesus Christ. The value of the rewards that are there already waiting you are beyond capacity for either of us to imagine. In real terms, sin is not about the misses themselves because they are points of correction as the Holy Spirit uses them as opportunity of instruction and adjustment in the aim of one’s life. God is a Master Teacher if anything. But the tragedy that looms over mankind is to waste life apart from the very reason God has put you here. To not even be on that path is to not even have an opportunity for the reward God has set aside for you. Paul writes about the culmination of our mission; That as the totality of time is finally disbursed, He might gather together as one every single thing that exists into Christ, this includes everything that is in heaven and everything that is in earth, all of it together in Him, in whom an inheritance of the whole (all of the treasures) has also been reserved and planned for each one of us, having a long time ago been predetermined in perfect 95 | P a g e

harmony with the purpose of Him (God) who works and arranges and energizes every single thing after the counsel of His own will (Ephesians 1:10-11). Created Purpose You and I in our created purpose are made to be warriors and to fight for causes. We are indeed a warrior race which shouldn't come as any real surprise if you look at our history. It was this way in the beginning and it remains this way today. Why are we confused by this? But, we are not made to fight for just any cause, we are made for the sole purpose of the eternal cause established for our kind by our Father and in this cause we are made to be champions with Him. Now I say, 'Let thanks be given to God who at all times and in all ways triumphs in triumph within us by the Christ anointing and demonstrates publicly and in clearly recognizable ways the sweet fragrance of His deep supreme and superior intelligence by us in the whole of every topography (2nd Corinthians 2:14). The problem enters when our created purpose becomes improperly aligned with the wrong spiritual core. It was in the fall that we lost our base, losing our true ground of being, as Adam and Eve disassociated from God and the singular cause for which they were created. What does this mean? All of us will find a cause, or maybe in most cases one will find us if we don't find one and it won't be the high cause, and we will make our statement within its context, but unless our engagement is with the high cause of our species origin, to fight the spiritual wickedness in high places and war against the spirits of hell to bring the whole of the earth into a re-polarized alignment with the living God and the power of His Son, Jesus Christ, we are missing the mark and the rewards of spoil associated with the highest of all global purpose. For this reason, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all those who have set themselves apart for sacred use, I do not cease giving thanks for you, mentioning you always in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father and origination of all splendors, would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the exact knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding receiving illumination that you may know what is the promise of His calling and what are the riches of His splendid gifts of inheritance within those who have set themselves apart strictly for sacred use, and what is the excessive and overflowing greatness of His power toward us who believe (coming under the power of it) (Ephesians 1:16-19).

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Because of Our Enemies In Psalm 8 we previously read; Yet You have appointed that out of the mouth of the little boys and the little girls, like those who yet hungrily nurse in dependence upon breasts, is laid the foundation of power, and this because of enemies that would oppress, that You might put an end to the foe (the opposer), and to apply Your vengeance upon them. The purpose of God is because of enemies. It is to put an end to the foe and the oppressor whose very essence is corrupted against the power of life that is God. The word enemies is that same word sarar we discussed in chapter five meaning: To make narrow, to restrict, to bind, to oppress, to make smaller, to make tight, to make inadequate, to make inferior, to make insufficient, and if you remember, the word is linked to a power or spirit principality that is the causative force of the oppression. We must be able to clearly conceptualize the distinction and not allow a muddied view of these things. We must observe the language of these things very carefully for this is the purpose in mankind that precedes time and for which the Saving God who created all things appears among us and has in fact made us to partner with Him. Check and see if you are human. If you are, this is your cause. There Was A War In Heaven The history of the earth is a record of the war within the spirit realm. This is the story of scripture. What we see visually in earth is merely the effect and not the actual cause, nor can one alter the cause by trying to alter things at the level of effect. At the effect level all you can do is rearrange the furniture. In other words, permanence of real change is affected within the visible dimension only as the causative spiritual force or power is altered. Change the spirit, change the future. What is of the Old Covenant, we'll call it for now that period from Adam up until the appearing of Jesus, is illustrative of this and was very much necessary during its relevant time to teach us this all important lesson. The Old Covenant was the imposition of what were divinely related things given among men by God, but their application existed within the physical and material arena as an attempt to alter spiritual conditions, which by the way was designed by God to fail. It was an instructional tool in order to help us all grasp the fact that law and things imposed at the physical world level is not how the spiritual and causative force of creation works. You can't alter the cause by altering the effect. The repeating lesson is you cannot make the alterations effecting the necessary re-polarization while working from the wrong end of the spectrum. Acting merely upon the material world may create a temporary illusion of change but it is very short lived as illustrated time and again with Israel and not with 97 | P a g e

Israel only but with the entire human race. Israel just happened (by the grace and election of God) to become the chosen focal point on earth of this illustration for all of humanity to watch, to observe and to learn about the relationship between God and man and things in earth. I say this a lot but it bears repeating that with the coming of Christ in the person of Jesus (the second and last Adam), the game was elevated and exposed for what it truly is, a war of spirits. Very early in Jesus ministry as He was teaching in a synagogue among what appears to be good religious people, a man is there who is under the animating power of an unclean demon spirit, who in the presence of Jesus begins manifesting publicly as the spirit in the man begins crying out; Leave us alone! We have no part (corresponding) with You do we, Jesus out of Nazareth? Have You appeared here to destroy us? We understand who You are, the Holy One of God (Luke 4:33-34). It is apparent from the onset, even in Jesus examination by satan in the wilderness after His water and Holy Spirit baptism, that the issues involved in what is happening are not issues that will be understood by any means but those of the spirit world. What is clear is that everything prior to the moment of Jesus appearance was in preparation for this moment when all things are suddenly elevated to the level of their true significance. And what is that significance? That only by means of a change in dominant, animating spirit, can one change the outcomes taking place within the physical creation. And starting from the days of John the Baptist and continuing up to the present moment, the kingdom of heaven (the realm of spirit) is suffering violent conflict and upheaval and the stronger and more forceful are seizing it by application of greater force. For all of the law and all of the prophets actively spoke and were in effect up until the appearance of John. And if you will accept this, he is the Elijah that was to come. If you have ears that can hear then listen carefully (Matthew 11:12-15). Within this man who has the spirit of an unclean devil, no amount of scripture reading, church attendance or any other religious practice or discipline of any type was going to save him. After all, he had been around all of that stuff all of his life. What would change him was exactly what Jesus did, hitting the very cause and source of the man's inwardly animating power. Only by an alteration of spirit could a subsequent alteration of expression take place.

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Expressions Of Our Highest Values We are all the expression of our highest spirit influences on which we have placed our value. We unwittingly say, “I will trust this voice”, and it becomes the one we listen for, tuning our hearts to hear because it allegedly gives us something in which we find comfort. That voice has become our best refuge. We believe in it. The question is though, “What if that refuge is in fact a lie?” Only the Spirit of Truth can produce a life that is true. Only the Spirit of God can express the replicating image of God in ever expanding, unstoppable, eternal life. Below is another example of Jesus transforming the life of a demon possessed (demon limited) person; And they arrived in the country of the Gadarenes, which is on the opposite shore of Galilee. And when they got out of the boat and onto dry land, a certain man from the city who was owned by devils (he echoed them) for a very long time confronted Him with military like hostility. The man went about stark naked, wearing no clothes at all and he didn't live in any house but instead lived out among the dead in the tombs of the graveyards. When he perceived Jesus, then he cried out and fell down at His feet and with a large voice said, 'I do not have any corresponding part to you now do I, Jesus, You Son of God the Most High? I beg You, don't torture me in pain.' As the case stood, He commanded without any option the unclean spirit to come out of the man. Very often he had been seized by shear force and though the man had often been bound with chains and shackles, he always broke the bonds and was driven by the devil into the desolate places... And when the devils were out of the man...they (local pig keepers) fled into the city and country and told everyone what had happened. And they all went out to see what had been done and came to Jesus and found the man who had the devils come out of him sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind, and they were terrified. And those who had seen it told them the method used to heal the man possessed (owned) of devils (Luke 8:28-36). Again we see the issue in the transformation of the man was a change of spirit. No amount of externally imposed restriction could alter the situation. It was only by an encounter with the Christ and the application of that superior dynamo of spiritual power in the greater imposition of it over inferior, weaker, unclean and defiled spirit that alteration could come to the expression of the man's life. Good trumps evil all of the time, always. The name (power) of Jesus Christ is the highest of all names. 99 | P a g e

The Book of Revelation is quite clear about the nature of the war. It is not among men but spirits; And there was a war in heaven (realm of spirit). Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels, and they had no power to wield that was capable of prevailing, neither was their place (those portions previously marked off for them, their topographies) found any longer in the heavens. And the great dragon was cast out, that ancient serpent called the devil and satan which deceived (led away to wander astray in disharmony) the whole world. He was cast out into the confining limitation of earth and his angels were cast out with him (Revelation 12:7-9). This is the same theme the apostle Paul brings to our attentions in his writings. Everywhere we turn Paul is speaking to us in the language of contest and conflict and the Zealotry of militaristic warfare. To those men and women who were separating themselves to the cause in the city of Ephesus he writes; Finally my brothers, be endued with perpetuating strength that you may be bold and undaunted in the Lord and that by means of the power of dominion that is of His own ability and force. Be clothed upon with the panoply (the entire array) of all armaments and weaponry made available to you by God, giving you the advantaged power of sustained force pressing hard against the deceitful, cunning arts of the devil. For the contest, the wrestling and thickness of battle in which we are engaged to the overthrow of the one against the other with intent of destroying (to kill or be killed) is not against (human) flesh and blood, but it is against causative spiritual magistrates called principalities, against spiritual governors exercising influence called powers, against spiritual lords of the darkness of this world called rulers, against spiritual enslavers to hardships and cruel toils of wicked intent and desire whose locations are in the unseen and elevated realm of the air and the heavens� (Ephesians 6:10-12). To the Corinthians the apostle writes; For even though we walk about within the physical and material dimension of men, we do not engage in the conflicts and expeditions of our warfare according to means of the physical and material dimension of men, for the instruments and armaments of our militaristic campaigns and strategies are not of the material and physical dimension, But their mighty power and excellence is through God for the overthrow and demolition of entrenched fortifications, throwing down and demolishing by 100 | P a g e

the power of superior force the calculating determined hostile purpose and the whole of everything that would lift itself and rise in prideful arrogance opposing the intelligence and the deep intimate understandings of God, Thus leading away bound in captive subjugation the whole of every mental perception and expression of every evil thought out purpose, into compliant subjection to the Christ, and being always at all times in ready preparation to bring vengeance upon all their unwillingness to hear (the words of) and comply as soon as your own compliance is fulfilled (2nd Corinthians 10:36). To his young apprentice Timothy, the apostle writes; Therefore, you must be ready to endure hardness, difficulties, discomfort and contrary circumstances as a choice and excellent warrior of Jesus Christ. No man who engages in military expeditions binds himself up with the distraction of civilian life and engagements so that he may give full attention to pleasing and elevating the cause of the one who has selected him to be a warrior (2nd Timothy 2:3-4). To Execute The Judgment Written For very high reasons God has ordained mankind to be His own representative in the earth. But mankind apart from the power of His own life is powerless against the Luciferian spiritual power structure in the earth that currently exercises its lies, oppressions and deadly visions over geographies, whole nations and people. But Jesus the Son of God has appeared and the Revolution is On! The days ahead of us will see an increase in the outcomes of this spiritual war culminating in the demise of satan's Babylonian world system. The kingdom the prophet Daniel spoke of (Daniel 2:44-45) has come and will become everything the prophets have envisioned. The saints are the warriors in harmony with the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ that will be instrumental in bringing all things under His feet not by any wrestling against flesh and blood powers but by bringing the superior spiritual power of the Infinite Father to bear against the inferior powers of darkness. For the LORD accepts His people with great favor. He will make those who are under the power of His power beautiful with salvation (Yashua). Let the saints rejoice in this splendor! Let them sing loudly from the places of their resting. Let the heights of God be in their mouths and a double edged sword in their hands to execute vengeance upon the unaligned swarms and punishments 101 | P a g e

upon those nations. To bind their kings with chains and their noble ones with fetters of iron. To execute upon them the judgment that has already been written. This honor has been given to all His saints. Give praise to the LORD (Psalm 149:4-9). We have a land to possess in the realm of the spirits. To dispossess those who are there and then to possess the inheritance of the earth as the Father ordained in the beginning. You were made for this. Will you get yourself ready to go the distance?

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Chapter Seven “Spiritual Wars Are Fought By Spiritual People� You cannot move spirits of evil out of occupying a geography, whether it is the geography of one single person, or the geography of our entire planet with any material and physical weapon. The only means of success is by the application of superior spiritual force against inferior spiritual force. It remains then that the only people who can adequately utilize spiritual weapons are spiritual people. I will tell you right off, this is a frightening thing to realize. This is because the life that a spiritual warrior of Jesus Christ is called to live is a life whose central moorings are not rooted within the visible, material world. The fact of the matter is, unless you are willing to re-center your whole life in separation to the values of the invisible world of Spirit in association with Jesus, you cannot engage in the genuine article of His kingdom, the eternal purpose of the Father, and the war for planetary re-polarization that is being fought by those who are engaging in it at this present hour. Spiritual things may only be spiritually discerned. Their superiority to the physical, material world is such that to grasp them one must be willing to alter the entire operational paradigm of their life. This means your orientation to the world in which you live must elevate far beyond the bonds of physical perception and into spiritual perception. Your reality must become spiritually, God dependent. Seek out the LORD while He may still be found of you. Call out to Him while the distance is still short and near to you. Let those who are contrary and hostile toward God forsake that way, leaving it behind them, and the man who is not in harmonious alignment desert his own thought, the invention of his own way and own purpose. Let him turn instead to the LORD and He will receive him with great love and compassion, with open arms of merciful tenderness. As he turns himself to God, He will overflow him with forgiveness and pardon for all transgressions that are lining up against Him. 'For My thoughts, inventions, ways and purpose are not at all similar to your thoughts, inventions, ways and purposes, neither are the direction of your journeys anything like the direction of My journeys', says the LORD. 'For as the heavens (realm of spirit) are higher than the earth (physical, material) so are My ways than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:6-9). 104 | P a g e

The Sorting Out, Or: The Sad Truth And Glorious Truth About Foundations If the goal for leaders is to make good soldiers of Jesus Christ as Paul was with Timothy, then we better get around to doing it. The difficulty the Christian churches have in global transformation, or even transformation of the two block geography immediately surrounding them, is directly related to the way their members are brought into what is alleged to be the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ. The seed of error lies in the first three foundation stones of the instructions of Christ and this is not to downplay the second three foundation stones, but the first three set the tone for your relation to the second three. The truth of the matter is, if you miss these foundations (any of them really) you miss the catalytic power of Christ and what Christ is all about from beginning to end. The fact that you will be deficient because of this, there is no doubt. Though we have already touched on these in chapter four, it bears repeating here again under the eternal purpose of mankind. They are critical and deserve a deep study all their own but maybe in a few short sentences I can stir you with their flavor. Why would I want to belabor this point about foundations? It is because the beginning of anything sets the tone for everything that follows. If the beginning point is set correctly all that follows will align with it. It is the “cornerstone rule” that says the accuracy of the first stone laid determines how true all the remainder of the building will be. Why are the people of God not walking the earth as mighty warrior princes and princesses? The answer should be obvious. The stones of foundation are not being laid with an accuracy that flows out of the heart of heaven itself. If we believed the gospel precisely as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit believe it, I'm certain what we refer to as church would be far different than what men have made it out to be. We need a revival of foundation layers whose deep desire is the success of others. Pray for it. Stone One The first stone of foundation on which the life is to be built is “repentance from dead works” (Hebrews 6:1-3) and is far more than what is classically called “the sinners prayer”. Repentance from dead works is the acknowledgment, not that we've made a couple of mistakes in our life, but that one’s entire spiritual premise of life has been completely in error in its relationship with God, the Creator of all existence. Repentance is the turning of the heart and therefore the entire life engagement basis from all actions whose root of influence comes by stimulus of any spirit other than God. Only God is true, all else is false. 105 | P a g e

But what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faith of God ineffective? God forbid! Let God be true and every man in falsehood (Romans 3:3-4). It is very clear cut. It is an either or equation. One is either on the mark or off the mark of His Spirit. If one cannot say in the affirmative that the expressions of life emerging out from them are born out of a reliance on the stimulus of the Spirit of God, then the entire premise of those actions is incorrect. God only is life. God only is good. Apart from God who is the Fathering Spirit of the universe as the single stimulus of my actions expressed into the creation, what am I left with? I am left with something else of course and this is what I have to resolve. Turning from all other possible sources leaves me with a single option. The influence I have “listened to” in my inner man that is forming my world has either enhanced the beauty and harmony of His creation, adding to the influence of His Spirit here, or left a terrible and unsightly mar upon it. The causative source from which the expression emerges is the totality of everything. There is no “half good spirit” intercourse. Though much of our lives may be mixed as our spiritual interactions are being sorted out and learned, we are looking for a singular relationship with the One Spirit. Repentance from dead works as a foundational, cornerstone way of approaching our life, sets the tone of our spiritual guidance system. It doesn't mean we will never get off track, but if the tone is set within us it means we will go back to the place of misalignment and get it fixed and on track much like a GPS system tells us when we missed a turn on the way to Grandma's house. We are told many times in the ancient writings that the “fear of the LORD is the beginning point of wisdom”. The fear of the LORD is the realization that there is a distinction between He and everything else. The fear of the LORD is the continual awareness of Him and knowledge that what is “born of God” is eternal and blessed with all the delights of His amazing splendor (it is “of” the polarity), and what is not born of God is entirely outside of the canopy of the salvation offered to us and the healing polarity we are to be bringing to the planet. Furthermore, what is “of Him” lives forever for within it is His own being, what is not dies outside of Him somewhere and the fear of the LORD is the fear of finding one's self and actions perpetrated from outside of Him in another influence where there is no protection or salvation. It is like wasted movement and here we've lightly touched on the two later foundations that deal with our future lives in the stones of the Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgment, which are also part of Hebrews 6. God's love is building for us now what can be expected to be an amazing eternal experience. Turning from what is dead is important on both the present and the future plane of living. 106 | P a g e

Stone Two The second stone of foundation on which the life is to be built is “faith toward God”. Closely associated with “repentance from”, faith toward God is nothing less than total abandonment of one’s life in an entire trust relationship to what originates exclusively in Him. It is definitely trust because what He, in His creative supremacy is, does not mesh with the smallness of man capacity and man's locked in relevance to the security of the physical and material world. God is transcendent, and so are His ways. If you are to walk in His transcendent power that forms material creation any way He sees fit in His goodness, you must meet Him in the arena of Spirit. That's His playground and yours too. This is the very concept of God as “Father”. The Father is from whence you've drawn the very origin and expression of your life. Father is the cause. It is the “image” of the Father within us which is like the DNA, forming all of our expressions and characteristics. As is the Father so also is the son or the daughter and what is born of Him, and only what is born of Him lives forever, as He does. (1st John 4:7, 1st Corinthians 3:10-15). In the abandonment to living by faith which is trusting reliance on the DNA of the Spirit He has placed within us, we are transforming alliance from all that we've known previously by earth bound alliances and alliance with satanic and dark spiritual stimulus, to the single stimulus of God, the Spirit Creator of all existence. The impulse of our life changes. This is what you and I were made for and we will expand on this more as we continue on, but how many of us who claim to be “of Jesus” are actually building our entire lives according to even these first two radicalized precepts? Stone Three In laying these initial roots, I'm sure you've noticed there is an incredible dynamic of “from/to” that is begun in repentance and faith and continues into the third of the foundations on which this life is to be built, “the instruction of baptisms”. In the life of those called, water baptism is the end of all earth bound, material orientation of life and is a separation to the life of the God realm, the realm of His world which is spiritual first and foremost. It is not as if we deny the existence of the material world, it is just that our relationship and expression within it is being formulated from a new location which is heaven. As we go down into the waters of baptism it is a cutting off, as in a death and burial, and casting away of all we have ever known previously of life stimulus. “What has been will be no more”, is what we are personally saying, and it is a personal choice. What has ruled us will rule no more as we have been called to participate in Him (Romans 6:4-9). In the symbolism of the Old Testament, one of the purification rituals involved “the waters of separation” (Numbers 19:9, 13, 20-21) and it is an apt 107 | P a g e

picture of water baptism, in the same way as the waters of Noah buried the old world forever and the waters of the Red Sea cut off Israel from Egypt. Jesus talked about being pure in heart, meaning “unmixed” (Matthew 5:8) or singular. How sad that our teachings of Christ have not evoked this separation of lives in genuine single hearted purity of dedication to Him. We are weak because of it. Water baptism is a meeting place of separation to God. What we knew of Adam, the former root of our humanity and all history of man apart from God, is buried in the water. The water is a vow and powerful faith act of separation we are making to spiritual life with Jesus Christ. It is like transference of ownership of all our life influences from the first Adam, the earthly man under the influence of dark spirits, to Christ the new man of the new humanity whose total life influence was and is the Father. Our life origin and history by which we live is shifted. This is a very critical thing for us to grasp because until a man knows what he will die for, he will never know what he is to live for, and in these critical foundational instructions of Christ, the “to die for” is addressed at the beginning where it belongs. Don't bother coming if you don't intend to take up your cross and follow Him (Luke 14:26, 27, 33) were Jesus instructions. Jesus brand of following Him as one of His disciples and much of what we see today among those who say they are, seems different. And of course, the second half of the baptisms which actually could be considered a separate stone itself is the “to live for” directive which is our resurrection into a new life. The second half completes the first which is why it is called the doctrine (singular) of baptisms (plural). This new life resurrection includes the saturation of our whole existence in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This too is integral to the vow we are making in the baptisms, opening ourselves up to the immersion of our entire person, every molecule in our makeup, every faculty of our being, to the anointing power of the Holy Spirit. We are being raised up to the power of Jesus resurrection to be people of the Spirit by which means alone we can even begin to understand the things given to us by God for the effective and highly successful decimation of the anti-Christ stains that satan has marked the earth with in dark, earth bound, material existent, downward dominant, oppressive, restricting, narrowing, insufficient, negative, damnable polarity. We read; For those ones who are in league with the physical and material dimension set their mentality and affections on what is of the physical and material dimension, but those who are in league with the Spirit (of God) set their mentality and affections on the things of the Spirit (of God). For to harmonize the mind and affections in seeking the advantage of the physical and material dimension is formulated directly out of that which is dead and what will decay in meager fleeting temporal impermanence, but to harmonize the mind and affections in seeking the advantage of the Spirit (of God) 108 | P a g e

is of the absolute, real and genuine fullness of life and everlasting vitality causing joyful tranquil concordance with God, resulting in safety, prosperity, abundance and triumph over all enemies and foes of any opposition. This is because the mind and affections that are set in seeking advantage through the physical and material dimension is at complete odds and actual violent, reactionary hostility toward God, for it is not capable of being subject to the divine instructions offered by God, neither can it or will it ever be. So those being on the side of the physical and material dimension cannot be on the side of symbiotic enjoyment and rest with the empowerments of God (Romans 8:5-8). Why It Matters God has placed the earth sector under mankind, people fraught with weaknesses and frailties and not all that brilliant really when compared to other intelligent entities. We're not mighty and powerful like the Lucifer spirit, the demons or the holy angels of God. It seems that in the chain of free willed creatures we are the tiniest, the smallest, the weakest and most frail. We were placed somewhere down at the end of the line when power was being handed out and we were made last of all. We have been made a little lower than the angels but God is giving us, the tiniest and the least likely of all, the opportunity to take the earth, purge out the darkness and fill it all with His pristine glory, to literally make a divine, perfect blend of heaven and earth together right here in this place and every place we find ourselves. It is ours for the taking if we will engage the Christ and take it. According to the form by which God always does His greatest wonders, we look around and see, among those of us who have heard the call and are responding, that He hasn't even invited the most dynamic of us humans. If you had a job of this magnitude wouldn't you go through the crowd and pick out maybe the strongest and the smartest and the most powerful people to recruit? But I guess the wisdom of God sees something quite different than we do. Remember the spirit that brought to the creation such pain in the beginning was the haughty spirit of pride as satan became self enamored, thinking he had the tools to rule in the place of God. It was a jealousy over power and rule which he had no capacity to possess or handle even if he had succeeded. It is a poison and a bitterness that continues to eat and devour with an insatiable appetite for death. It was that spirit of bitterness, a thinking something was missing or being withheld, a mistrust of God's love and goodness that was at the root of Lucifer and man's fall too when satan deceived the woman, appealing to her own dissatisfactions. The serpent merely drew out what was already there and offered her a solution based on a lie (James 1:13-16). 109 | P a g e

The apostle Paul tells us the demise of humanity into the worship of spirit idols and ungodly energies hinged upon one very tiny, yet very incredible thing called being thankful or not; For the indignation of God is revealed out of the heavens in opposition to all that is not of the energy of God and that which is disharmonious with Him among men, who push away what is accurate and true with what is not harmonious, for the things that could be known about God is not hidden from them, God has made it clear and has made it plain to them, for the things that are spiritual and invisible about Him from the very creation of the world are clearly seen and can be understood plainly by the things that He has made, including even His eternal power, His very nature and His supremacy, and so no one anywhere has a single excuse they can offer in their defense. But the problem is, that when the awareness and the knowledge of God was brought before them, they did not open themselves to be in awe of Him as God (the Supreme) and they were not thankful to Him for the gifts given. Because of this they became empty in their imaginations, and their dulled hearts became numbed regarding real intelligence and they became dim and void of illumination. They walked around telling others how wise they were when in fact that flavor was long gone from them. Then they took the splendid things of the eternal and imperishable God and twisted them into images like finite, temporal and material men and birds and four footed creatures and beasts that creep along the ground. So, God let them have what they wanted, releasing them to mixed up expressions and the things they worshiped most in their hearts and wanted to be like, and they began to act toward each other just like the animals and the physical, material things they worshiped and they dishonored even their bodies among themselves in the same ways as the things they worshiped. They changed what was true from God and perverted it into a lie, and worshiped and served the created things as their gods, putting themselves under its power, more than the Creator of all things, who is blessed forever. Amen (Romans 1:18-25). Neither Were They Thankful My, my! What large fires a small little spark can cause. Un-thankful, ungrateful, getting the short end of the stick, being cheated, being owed, not being recognized for your true self, jealousy, taking what has not been given, 110 | P a g e

thieves, robbers, rapists, murderers, malice, vengeance. These are all different manifestations of exactly the same thing really. I'm owed something and I'm taking it! Out the back door if need be. Within the economy of God, in order to bring to pass the surrender of the earth to the warriors of His choosing, there is no room for the poison. The time of day cannot be wasted on the proud spirits who believe they are owed something more than all the rest because they are so much smarter, so much stronger, so much more powerful, so much prettier, or so much richer than the others. The apostle Paul once again is our teacher; But to those who are called, whether they are from among the Jews or from among the Gentile nations of the world, Christ (only) is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the foolishness of God is way wiser than the wisest of mans wisdom, and the weakness of God is far stronger than the strongest strength of man. For you see our calling brothers, how that not many wise men after the physical and material world are called, and not many mighty men, and not many noble men are invited either. But God has chosen the most foolish things in the eyes of men to completely confound the wise, and God has chosen the weakest things of the world to completely confound the things that are mighty. And those with the least reputation and fame, and the things that men think are the most despised of all has God chosen, and things that are absolutely nothing (to men) to bring to nothing the things that are, so that nothing of men, of the physical and material world can stand up in prideful boast of their own power. But by Him, you have been made an integral part of Jesus Christ, who Himself of God is made to us all wisdom, all that is perfectly synchronized with Him, all that is completely set apart to Him purely for divine uses, and all that is redeemed and bought out of bondage and possession of any other, that just like it is written, 'If anyone is going to make any boastings around here, let him make his boast in the power of the Lord.' (1st Corinthians 1:25-31). It is not strength, or intelligence, or power of a position, or beauty, or riches and things in themselves that might be a problem. Do not misconstrue what I am saying here and assume wrongly that I am putting a premium on stupidity or unattractive conduct or appearance. We are not saying God places a higher premium on being an idiot and a slob as if that in itself is the key because it's not. What I am saying is it is the heart that lies beneath everything within the individual that is the true measure of the person. For the eyes of the LORD move perpetually in every direction over the whole of all the earth to show Himself strong and prevailing on behalf of those 111 | P a g e

whose heart is perfect (in full peaceful harmony) with Him. If in this you do foolishly, the wars will continue and you will not know triumph and their end (2nd Chronicles 16:9). If there is any boasting to be done, let it be over what the Lord in His mighty power and loving grace has performed within those who have placed themselves under the stream of His incredible wisdom and His might. The Warrior Is A Child Let's take one more look at Psalm 8 where we read; Yet You have appointed that out of the mouth of the little boys and the little girls, like those who yet hungrily nurse in dependence upon breasts, is laid the foundation of power. (verse 2). Why would God bypass the strong and the mighty and lay the foundation of His power instead on little boys and little girls and those who must hungrily depend upon the breasts for sustenance. There is a reason why those words are there. It is because the power to prevail is not within the power of the individual, but it is a derived power in exactly the same way the very sustenance of an infant’s life and survival is completely reliant on drawing its life out of the mother’s breast. The little boy and the little girl cannot fend for themselves but are in complete dependence upon the provision of all sustenance for life, shelter, protection and care from the greater power of the parents. They are dependent upon love. The same is true of us in the Spirit. God is telling us in His wisdom that the secret to our mission is not now, nor will it ever be found within our own independent capacity, but rather in our dependency in everything on the power that He alone can provide to us. The challenges and the personalities and powers we are to face, we are in fact no match for in battle. But this is good, because it means our power in fact then is unlimited for God takes up the station of our Savior and from His infinite resource supplies to us His power of success. This is the way that Jesus taught us and showed us in His own way of operation. The Son of God did nothing of Himself, but all of the works and all of the words Jesus expressed came out from the Father and they were mighty. The Son was the receiver of the Father's wisdom and power and as a vessel in surrender to the One who is Tried and True and Tested, and the Sole Cause of all Existence, the Son just did what the Daddy was doing. Like Father, like Son. What is the Son but the offshoot and extension of the Father? So too is it with all the children who have come under God's care. 112 | P a g e

Then Jesus spoke to them and said, 'With pinpoint accuracy I tell you, the Son can do nothing that is of Himself, but only what He sees the Father do. For whatever it is that He sees the Father first doing, then (and only then) does the Son do the same thing too (John 5:19). And He (Jesus) said, 'With pinpoint accuracy I tell you, unless you turn backwards and become exactly like little children (infant little boys and little girls) you will not have the means to participate, coming in and coming out, back and forth within the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever then shall diverge themselves of haughtiness in this regard and come entirely under the power as this little child (infant boy or girl), the same is the most honored and of highest significant value (the sought out treasure) in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoever it is that receives one of these little children (infant boys or girls) in My name (power) will be receiving Me, as in My own personal visitation (Matthew 18:2-5). For whoever then is led by the Spirit of God, these then are the sons of God (Romans 8:14). The Warrior Way I know it's confusing! Power is found in our acceptance that we have none? What kind of craziness is this? But this is the warrior way. It is taught and shown by Jesus and it is taught and shown by His apostles. It is the way of reliance. It is the way of dependence upon the ministration of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's not the force of your force, but the force of His force. Then he (the angel) answered and spoke to me saying, 'This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel (the foundation layer) saying, 'It is not by might, it is not by power, but by My animating Spirit, says the LORD of the vast triumphant armies of heaven. Who are you Oh great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain, and he will bring forward the foundation stone (the cornerstone) saying, 'It was all grace! It was all grace! (Zechariah 4:6-7). It is the world of opposites. It's not your personal power God requires, it is your surrender to the Supreme power that is far higher than anything you may ever imagine. It is not by your might it is by His might being received by you and expressed through you. This is the way of the spiritual warrior; He said to me, 'My grace (what I provide for you) is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect, finding its highest expression in weakness (where there is recognized need and dependency).' Most delightedly therefore, I would rather get excited about where I am void of personal power and capacity so that the power of Christ can fall down on me instead. 113 | P a g e

Because of this I will delight myself in weaknesses, in reproaches from others, in my needs, in persecutions, in narrowing distresses, restrictions and calamities for the sake of Christ, because when I am weak in myself, that is when I am becoming the most dangerous and the most powerful of all (2nd Corinthians 12:9-10). The Creation Forming Catalyst of Christ Part of the concept of Christ is that of a catalytic, energizing dynamic spiritual power that is the pure force of an entire new creation, given freely to those who believe (bring reliance of life) upon this Jesus who has passed into the holiest place in all the universe, and is at the right hand of the throne of God. We are invited in spiritual union to join Him there. He is the Christ and therefore the sole distributor of the Holy Spirit, the very energizing power that is God. The word Holy with regard to The Spirit means the same as it does everywhere else in the writings which is completely set apart for nothing else but sacred use. This means you will get nothing else from it, and the life essence that it is or the “kind� that it is will energize and create in you, through you and around you accordingly if you are indeed in reliance upon that Spirit. Through feeding in constant contact, the transformative power is actively transformative in you as the energy feeds into you and through you to replicate Christ. Many are invited to participate in this divinely rooted way of living, but who will actually come? Hear the apostle Paul calling out to the called ones; If it is true then that you too have been co-jointly raised up with Christ, search out with all your deepest cravings (your hungering) those things that are far and high, waiting for you in the place where Christ is now seated (a state of permanence, fixed and at rest) on the right hand of God. Draw all understanding from this highest of all locations, this pinnacle point of perception, and not over and against the things of earth (the material)� (Colossians 3:1-2). It is only when we turn our hearts from being rooted in material awareness, locked into a five senses state of low existence, and instead turn to spiritual awareness and specifically to Jesus the Christ, the Forerunner (Hebrews 6:1920) who has shown us the way, that we can begin to see the mathematical distinction of powers and the superiority of spiritual things that Origin in God; Now we have not received within us the spirit of this world, but we have received the Spirit that is of God, that we might know (perceive, conceptualize and see) the abundant, free and pleasant things given us under alignment with God. 114 | P a g e

These are the things we speak to you about, but not in the words that man's wisdom can teach but in words that the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing (interpreting) spiritual things with other spiritual things. But the natural (naturally oriented, material rooted) man is not able to receive the things of the Spirit of God because they are a confounding puzzle to him (he cannot orient the pieces) and he can't gain any first hand direct intimacy with them because they can only be interpreted and understood spiritually. But he that is spiritual is capable of interpreting everything at all times, all the while puzzling everyone else (who are not oriented in this way). For what man can know the mind of the Lord and be in a perfect symbiotic status with Him? But the fact is we indeed have been given as an inheritance to possess (to explore to the fullest, possess and be possessed by), to wear upon us and to echo out from us, the mind of Christ (1st Corinthians 2:1216). The power of the spiritual warrior is in their capacity to be in intimate communion with the mind of Christ by the Holy Spirit, seeing the world as He sees and interacting with it accordingly. The Voice of God Is The Re-Polarizing Power The most important thing any one of us can ever do is learn to hear and distinguish the sound of God. It is this sound, or as it is called “the voice of God”, that is speaking into the universe at all times and to which the universe (other than satan in his pride and mankind in a fallen status) listens for and coordinates itself in harmony. It is as though there is a grand symphony being conducted involving the many unique parts of the whole, making one of the most beautiful concert Aria's imaginable. Except that is, for the discordant spirits of the darkness and bitterness that not only are diseased themselves, but emanate their variant diseases into the hearts of mankind as well. At one time mankind was in tune with the sound of God and knew the voice intimately. Perfect harmony with the sound of God is the picture of Eden (Genesis 2:4-25) and His voice is key to the prosecution of spiritual warfare within our personal metron of influence. It was from Eden and through the man's harmonious association with the voice of God, that the discord satan had administered into the creation by his own jealousy, was meant to be overcome and subdued (brought to a state of silenced influence). This is why we see in man's creation that he is assigned the mission of “subduing” the discordant sound. We've mentioned this already but this commissioning of man is found in Genesis where we read; 115 | P a g e

And God blessed them (endued with power for success, flourishing, fertility, creativity, perpetuity) and said to them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill to the full all the earth, and subdue it (tread down the violation, to bind and bring it into subjection, to silence) (Genesis 1:27-28). There is a bad sound walking the earth and the results of it are destroying to the creation. Death and destruction and misery are in all its ways. Who will silence it so peace may return? For anything to subdue another thing requires the power of a superior force or intelligence to act upon a lesser one. Maybe we can speak to it more later, but in the spiritual realm this is done by words or commands emanating from greater versus lesser powers. The word of a higher command from a higher power rules a lesser one, always. This is why yours and my ability to hear the voice of God and pass it forward in speaking as He speaks, and commanding what He has commanded are so critical in this process. Of Commands And Military Campaigns This is the amazing revelation of the Centurion in the gospel, who is a military man and understands the “greater over lesser� flow of power. His interaction with Jesus unveils a spiritual truth; Now when Jesus entered Capernaum, a Roman army officer met Him, who bore the rank of Centurion and summoned Him earnestly saying, 'Lord (Possessor and Dispenser, note: the same title used of Roman emperors), my servant is lying at home in bed paralyzed and horribly tormented.' And Jesus said to him, 'I will come and I will heal him.' The Centurion said, 'You are Lord, and I am nowhere near sufficient rank that one like you should step into my home, but if you would simply speak a command then my servant can be healed. For I too am a man who is under the authority of higher authority, and I have warriors under my own power, and if I say to one, 'Go and do a certain thing', he goes and does what it is that I have said. And if I say to another one, 'Come to me from where you are', then he comes to me from where he is, and if I say to my servant, 'Do this', then he does it.' When Jesus heard him say these things, He marveled with great admiration and said to His apprentices, 'With pinpoint accuracy I will tell you, I have not found such incredible faith anywhere in all of Israel. And I will tell you now, that many people will come from the far reaches of the east and the west, and they will sit down right next to Abraham, and Isaac 116 | P a g e

and Jacob in the realm of the heavens. But the children to whom the kingdom could have belonged will instead find themselves left in the outer edges of darkness where there will be nothing but sorrowful weeping and distraught gnashing of teeth.' And Jesus said to the Centurion, 'You may leave here now and go to your home. What you have believed to be true has now been brought into existence.' And his servant was healed in that precise moment” (Matthew 8:5-13). The secret of power in the warriors of Jesus is this very thing. It is flow through power resulting from our humbling ourselves under power that is way above us in the heavens. Success is in hearing His voice and acting within the earth according to it. Our power is in our dependent smallness not bigness. Harmony and Power Mankind when in harmony with God is acting as one with Him and is therefore the superior force with the power to bring any other lesser force into subjection because the earth sector has been given to him. But the power is not resident within the man, it is a derived power that is “flow through” power. The Centurion's power was a flow through power and those under him who didn't wish to follow would be answerable to an even greater power than he. Jesus could do all the things He did and does because of the same thing, flow through power. In turn those adjusted or “justified” in alignment with the Lord Jesus also experience flow through power, all stemming from the core fractal upon which all created matter, whether visible or invisible to our eye not only has been, but continues to be formed. One word flowing out from God may alter any and all substance it chooses, visible or invisible. There is no higher counsel or will. There is no higher word. It continues to create its own realities. God's Echo I want to give you here a very delicate scripture. I do so knowing that some won't get what is being said, some will not believe what is being said is what is being said, and some will take it and abuse it. But, I am going to share it anyway and remind you the power we are given is a “flow through” power. Remember that Jesus warned us against those who would do wonderful works in His name but step outside His intimacy of relationship when they did them (Matthew 7:2123). With this warning, let's read the prophet Isaiah; This is what the LORD (the Highest One of all, and the Sole Cause of all existence) says, the Holy One of the set apart people, their Maker, 'Ask Me about 117 | P a g e

things that are still to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, then you command Me. I have made the earth and created man, My hand stretches out and bends, turns and inclines the heavens and the host of the warriors gives forth the orders (the commands). The awakening and the rising up comes as righteousness (what is aligned with God). Straight, upright and seamless is his direction on the road of triumph. He will build My city, he will release My captives and not for personal gain or reward', says the LORD of the swarming warriorsâ€? (Isaiah 45:11-13). This is frightening really. Notice the pattern: Ask about what is coming with regard to God's sons, and regarding the work of His hands, then once He has spoken, issue or echo the commands. In other words, we pray and commune with God, hear and receive the words of instruction which is our authorization to act on behalf of the Highest Command, and then we, being the agents of the Father to whom He has given the charge of the earth, engage the application of greater force, commanding the resources of power God has already provided with the words. Scary, very scary. Don't be stupid. Watching Patterns But let me illustrate this for you further with the prophet Ezekiel's vision. Please watch carefully the pattern shown as God speaks, Ezekiel hears, then Ezekiel speaks and a creation takes place; The hand of the LORD was on me, and carried me in the Spirit of the LORD and set me down right in the middle of a valley overflowing with bones and caused me to circle completely around them. And as I looked there were so many in the valley I thought they couldn't ever be numbered, and they were all very, very dry. And He said to me, 'Son of man, tell me what you think. Can these bones live?' And I said, 'Oh, Lord God...what do You think?â€&#x; Then He said to me, 'Prophesy (under the influence of My Spirit, speak) upon these bones, and you say to them, 'Oh you dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. This is what the Lord GOD says to these bones, 'Pay careful attention, I will cause breath to enter into you and you will live, and I will lay sinews on you, and bring up flesh on you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you will live, and you will know, I am the LORD.' 118 | P a g e

So, I prophesied just like I was instructed, and as I spoke under the influence of His Spirit, I heard a musical sound (a singing sound) of lightness and joy, and a frightful shaking as things began to move and rearrange, reorder and take new form, and bone (pieces of physical substance and structure) became properly associated with bone. Then I just watched it happening, I saw sinews (connective threads), and muscle appeared on them and skin spread over them, but there was no breath (animating spirit) in them. Then He said to me, 'Prophesy to the wind, prophesy son of man, and say to the wind, 'This is what the Lord GOD says, 'Come from the four winds, Oh Spirit, and blow upon these dead, giving (and restoring, causing) them their life. So, I prophesied just like I was instructed, and the Spirit came into them and they lived and they stood upon their ground, upon their feet and were an overwhelmingly great, valiant, efficient, powerful, and substantive army” (Ezekiel 37:1-10). Did you see the repeating pattern? The hand of the LORD is on him, he is carried to a place by the Spirit of the LORD, a dialog takes place between the two regarding what the Spirit has brought to the man’s attention in which Ezekiel wisely defers to what God has to say regarding the situation. The LORD then tells him what words to speak and a literal substance transforming miracle takes place as the son of a man speaks as one with the words he has received of God. How beautiful is it that a joyful sound is heard as he speaks and how frightening it is when the whole world in front of him begins to shift in response to the words as all the right pieces miraculously find one another, and at one point all Ezekiel can do is stand in awe and watch as the words do the work. The Offshoot Of God? Man was created to be the offshoot of God upon the earth. His power was and is a derived power related to whatever spirit energies one is aligned with. In his creation he was in purity of being with God who is the highest point of all that is good and beautiful, life giving and abundant. This is what the apostle James is telling us when he says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness or shadow (darkness) cast as He turns” (James 1:17). Jesus emphasized this exact same truth when a man approached Him and addressed Him as the “Good Master”. Jesus reply to this man was, “Why do you address Me as good? There is only one source of good and that is God” (Matthew 19:17). And, what by the way is God? According to Jesus, 119 | P a g e

“God is a Spirit (energizing force), and those who would worship Him must do so in spirit (in the same context as He is) and in truth (absolute sincerity, not pretense, no faking) (John 4:24) . In Adam, the fall subjected all future generations of his offspring to “good and evil� and mankind became mixed spiritually. No longer was he set apart to only the Spirit of God but he was now open to the mixture of all spirit energies regardless of their nature. The impurity of the mixture would prove to be a curse repeating its pattern of devouring over and over again up to this present hour. Except for the grace of God we all would have been entirely destroyed a long time ago by the consumptive nature of evil and the cleansing away of it when the scales reach their tipping point and the code written into the fabric of creation begins the inevitable work. But God's own love to us has always kept alive throughout the ages a remnant of hearts that would listen and hear His voice. Above the din of noise filling the earth with ever increasing discordant sounds, here and there would appear a person or persons who heard another sound. They heard the sound of God and embraced it. These are His apostles. These are His prophets. These are all His holy people who have come and set themselves apart, first by gracious invitation and then by personal choice to the sanctity of the sacred priesthood of heaven itself established after the eternal order of Melchizedek as revealed in Christ, those are the people of the high order of the high magic and the high power that transcends earth and all substance who seek the Lord, listen for His voice and speak His repolarizing words of creation over a world gone bad and infected with the bitterness of satan the destroyer, the sarar. Show Us The Sound of God And this is the point. It is the voice of God speaking to individual hearts that alone holds the power to re-polarize the rest of this sector of the universe, however small or expansive it might be, baptizing it completely in the goodness of God as originally willed. This is the purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ, to demonstrate the sound of God and show us what that looks like, to triumph over the death and the cause of it and then act as the doorway of reconciliation to God for any and all that want to become partakers and instruments of the incredible re-sounding (re-polarization) of this entire arena we inhabit. It's as if Jesus destroyed the illusion that the material world is the power and then single handedly reset the power structure, allowing aligned men to become the son's, literally the offspring or offshoots of God the Origin and Father of life, into the earth sector of the universe. Listen to Paul's words to the Roman believers who had gotten this good news message; For every person who is brought along from place to place and destination to destination by the direct exclusive influence of the Spirit of God, 120 | P a g e

these in fact are the ones who are the sons (offspring, offshoots, direct generative extensions) of God. For the Spirit we have been given is not one that binds us up in a constant state of terrified dread, but we have received the Spirit of total acceptance and welcome smiling love, by which we cry out from the depths of our being, 'the Father is my own generative force of life'...for the whole of the creation is right now waiting with excited enthusiasm for the manifestation of these sons (offspring, offshoots, generative extensions) of God (Romans 8:14-19). It is the voice of God that is at stake here and it is your heart and my heart in focused love, hearing it and combining real time response to it in continual motion that becomes the very voice of salvation to all our fellow creatures, once again causing the passing through of His power and splendor. It is the hearers and followers of His sound that are His ministers, His extensions and offshoots into the earth. And as the promise is that His splendor will fill the earth in all its fullness it is also promised that these “hearers and followers” will be the very inheritors of the earth; He said to Moses who heard His voice like a man talks to his friend, But just as certain as I am alive, all of the earth will be filled with the splendor of the LORD” (Numbers 14:21). He said for the sake of Solomon king of post war splendor, Abundant, fruitful, powerful and creative be the LORD God, the God of Israel (the set apart people), who only does things that are stunning and extraordinary. And abundant, fruitful, powerful and creative be His splendor filled name for ever, and all the earth will fill with His grand splendor. This will be! This will be! (Psalm 72:18-19) . He said to the prophet Habakkuk a prophet of the restoration, For the earth will be filled with the deep and personal intimacy of the splendor of the LORD to the same degree that the waters cover up the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). And He said to King David, the man after His own heart, For those who follow evil will no longer be found. But those whose life is drawn out from the LORD will inherit the whole earth. For there will be a little time and then the un-harmonized will disappear. Yes, you will even go and carefully look for them in their place, and you will not find them. 121 | P a g e

But those who have humbled themselves (the meek ones who look to God for all things) will inherit the whole earth and they will delight themselves in the overwhelming peace, soundness, safety and prosperity (Psalm 37:9-11). His Sheep Hear His Voice The passing through of His splendor is taking place among those who are hearing and harmonizing their own expressions with His sound in the earth and the process happens particularly within them as individuals. Though God may often speak out in the context of groups, hearing and response are entirely individual choices. It is not a group that will save you, it is His voice resonating in you personally in one on one relationship with Him. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is lying to you. The Lord Jesus said, When he (the Shepherd) draws out his own sheep, then he leads them, and the sheep follow him (only him) because they know his voice. They won't follow a stranger (or enemy) but will turn away from them because they have no perception (no echo, no resonance) of that other voice, that of the stranger (or enemy) within them... I am the door through which the sheep must pass. Any placing themselves ahead of Me are thieves and robbers but My sheep do not hear them. I am the passage. If any man enters in by Me he will be completely safe, nothing perilous will trouble him and he will go in and out and find all the increase he will ever need for life...I am the Good Shepherd and I know My sheep, and am known of those who are Mine (John 10). Is the ear of your heart trained or being trained to hear His voice? The responsibility is ultimately yours and not another's. The point of any ministry is to enhance your personal ability to hear Jesus as He alone is the Head of all the church, which are individuals in love with Him, loving their neighbor as themselves and living out together their divine purposes in Him. He is speaking and singing His song into the earth and hearts tuned to hear it are following it. Is yours? Paul Got It! The apostle Paul understood the paradigm and this one post-Christ man may have done more for the spread of the incredible news of Jesus throughout the earth than any other. To our known record he started more enclaves of believers in more cities than any other of his day. Wherever he went heaven itself visited earth. Continually he faced insurmountable odds in the physical and natural 122 | P a g e

world yet the energy at work in him altered the circumstances he found himself in from death to life constantly. As we approach the next chapter I will expand on the concepts of warrior power in the Kingdom of God and the nature of it, but let's close with the words of James; But He (God) gives us even more grace. It is because of this He says, 'God resists and sets Himself against the proud and haughty and instead gives sweet loving favor upon the humble. For this reason then place yourselves completely and entirely under God. Then set your own self in opposition, as the one applying pressure against the devil, and he will move quickly away from the danger represented by you. Draw near to God, joining and attaching yourself to Him and He will draw near and join Himself to you too. Cleanse your hands (your works) from being misaligned, purify your hearts from being double minded (uncertain, split in two opinions) (James 4:6-8). Your Father is ready to make you a transformative force on the earth. Are you ready to become one?

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Chapter Eight “The Hierarchies of Power” I don't know if you realize this or not, but we are right in the middle of forming in conjunction with the Lord Jesus what is going to turn out to be an entirely new creation that winds up being restored in perfect harmony with the beauty of God in the universe. The Father is going to dwell on earth among the children and we, the children, are preparing the way for this very thing to happen. I know that many might find this to be a radical and outlandish statement, but it is no more outlandish than what the Lord Jesus, His apostles, the prophets and the Father have stated from the very outset. Jesus the Christ would come and there would be an amazing thing emerge from among mankind called “the church”, which isn't at all what we in our minds tend to refer to and think of as the church. Jesus warned everyone about this saying; Upon this foundation stone I will establish My company of the called out ones (My church), and the gates of hell will have no strength nor have any power to deter it” (Matthew 16:18). Everyone has had fair warning and everyone has been given ample time to take His words seriously. This train is rolling and there is no stopping it. The only real question is where you will be when it hits its final stretch of track and picks up steam as it rolls full speed. By that I mean what side of His mission and calling will you be on when the Grand Finale' starts happening and the books start closing? If you're one of those who are trying to time it so you can wake up and just sneak in under the wire, good luck. That's a risky venture that Jesus already warned us about. The evidence says that is a loser’s proposition. Hope it works out for you but I have my reservations. And I saw a new and refreshed heaven and a new and refreshed earth because the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer a sea (dividing). And I John saw the heavenly (spiritual and true) city of Jerusalem that had been set aside for sacred use coming down from God out of heaven itself, having been prepared as if she were a beautiful bride made ready for her husband. And I heard a voice of great majestic ranking say out of heaven, 'Look very carefully and consider this, as the permanent dwelling place of God is now

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with men, and He will live with them and they will be His people and God Himself will be with them and He will be their God. And God will wipe away all tears from every eye, and death will no longer exist there ever again, neither will sorrow, or crying, neither will there ever be pain felt because all of the former things have now passed away (Revelation 21:1-4). Nevertheless we, in precise accord with His exacting promise, look for the new heavens and the new earth in which the harmony and blessings of God will perpetually remain. With this in mind my brothers, as you look for this, make it your business and occupation to be found always by Him in the tranquility of triumph, unspotted, and with the ability to hold your heads high without shame (2 Peter 3:13-14). And while they (the unprepared) had to go take care of this business, the bridegroom appeared and those who had prepared themselves went in with him to the celebration and the door was shut (Matthew 25:10). Our Upside Down-ness In the mind of man there is often an “upside down-ness� in comparison to what is known to be superior by God. Maybe it's because we were made from dirt (earth) that we are so earth oriented in a material dependency and comfort. We feel that the material world is the real world and the spiritual world is the not-soreal world. But, just the opposite is true. This material orientation fails to consider that everything began in Spirit (God) and flowed out from that point of origin. It is vital that we keep this in mind, that material is formed out of spiritual. Spirit is the cause of material and not the opposite. In our quest to know God we must become spiritual people, developing a spiritually minded basis of orientation as the first cause of all things that are and can be. In reference to the material/spiritual orientation difficulty, Jesus one day blew His followers minds when He told them, people whose paradigms are materially rooted cannot experience in any easy way the things of God (Spirit). This is because their entire polarity of life is based completely in error, being oriented to the wrong side of the equation. Just after Jesus explains this idea to His apprentices we hear this exchange of words; And the apprentices were astonished (amazed, frightened, even terrified) at His words. But Jesus, following up said to them, 'Sons, those whose confidence is in the material world and its material riches find the way into the realm of God 125 | P a g e

(Spirit) to be a near impossible thing. It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a person whose faith is in material things to move about within the realm of God (Spirit). And now they were even more astonished beyond measurable capacity, saying among themselves, 'Is it possible then that anyone can know the safety and salvation?' And Jesus, turning His eyes and gazing at them said, 'On the human side (material) is impotence and impossibility, but not with God. But at the side of God (Spirit) the whole of all things are made possible (mightily in effect, empowered, in play, alive and excelling) (Mark 10:24-27) Jesus statement says it all, “On the side of God all things are made possible.” There is a reason why within the commandments relating to our relationship with God, one of the first statements made is, “You must NOT make any graven image or any likeness of anything in heaven above or in the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You will NOT bend over to them or place yourself under their power” (Exodus 20:4-5). The reason has to do with limitation. God has no limit. Expand your mind. When the material or the “created” side is the dominant side, we inhibit the possibilities that exist in manifestation of the Infinite God. We weaken our position and capacity of engagement. When we engage God in the realm of Spirit we engage Him as He is, in limitless splendor, entirely unbound. At that point, anything can happen. All the fullness of God is out there to explore, and no one can imagine the vast power and splendor of it all. This is part of the concept of eternal life. It is life that no matter what direction you embark upon, that direction can never be exhausted because with God there is always more. He is infinite and inexhaustible. There is no end forever to the wonder of Him. Jesus told His apprentices that what they were seeing in Him was only a sliver of what was available; Believe Me, that I am in (with, at the side of) the Father and the Father is in Me. Or else believe Me because you have seen for yourself His very works (the product of His energy). With the utmost accuracy, I tell you right now, whoever believes towards Me (together with, along with, in union with Me), the same works that I am doing, he will do too, and even greater works than what you have already seen will he do, because I am leading and transferring to My Father (Origin).

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And you will see that whatever you ask for in My name (the power of My person) that very thing will shoot forth and be formed, so that right along with (at the side of) the Son the renown of the Father and all His own splendor and luster will be openly viewed. If you ask any specific thing in My name (the power of My person), it will shoot forth and be done. If you love Me follow My instructions (John 14:11-15). It's About Choosing Sides Jesus was “at the side of the Father”. One of the fascinating, but I find little talked about things regarding Abraham, who is the one that seemingly quantified the life of faith in Spirit (God), is that he is the first one with whom the word “Hebrew” is used as a description of a man or type of man. The name actually comes from an ancestor of Abraham who was called Eber meaning “from the region beyond” and the meaning of Hebrew came to mean one who is from the other side. The power of our salvation by Jesus Christ is not just in what we have been saved from, but as one single conjoined thought it includes what we have been saved to as well. Who can possibly describe it better for us than the words of the apostles of Jesus Christ? Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom (the realm) of His dear Son” (Colossians 1:13). But you are the offspring that has chosen the regal bloodline of the order of the priesthood, a tribe and family set apart only for sacred use, a people for and of the possession of the territory (the realm), that you should show forth in demonstration the splendors of your invitation to come out and away from darkness and into His dazzling, stunning, even frightening light. And to think that at one time you were no people at all, scattered everywhere, but now you are the tribe, the root and stock and persons of God. No mercy, kindness and love had been previously extended you, but now it has all been extended you (1st Peter 2:9-10). Emerging Into The transference out of is just the first opportunity in our vast expanse of new life. It is merely our emergence from the confining, limiting womb of darkness that held us restricted in and bound in a rather small sphere of existence. But by the life energy powers of our God something told us there had to be more 127 | P a g e

than that dark place. How could we ever be what we were meant to be if we stayed there? We heard sounds and voices from the other side and they were calling our name, welcoming us to the truth and encouraging us to come into another world. And through what often is a great struggle and a narrow passageway that seems to squeeze us in on every side, we are guided to the moment of our spiritual rebirth into this new and unbelievable world. We were called out of darkness and into light. Many never make it out, preferring to feed themselves in the familiar of the darkness, but sadly, they will die there. Only on the other side is there life. When God calls, you must come out of the one, cutting off the energy that formerly fed you in that dark place, but you must also breathe in the new, fully embracing what you did not even know was there. And the world God calls us into is big and it’s vast and you are welcome here. God calls us to be people of “the other side”, the Lord's side of Spirit. Transforming Our Polarities The opposite natures of these orientations, of darkness versus light, you may have already noticed I like to refer to as polarity. It's easy to understand it in these terms. There is a polarity or orientation that harmonizes with the polarity that is God. We use odd and archaic words to describe the status of this orientation like “righteousness”, “uprightness” and being “justified” which means to be aligned. But if one can be aligned, one can also be unaligned as well. Unaligned is a polarity that is opposite of God who is Spirit, and instead is earthly or materially dependent. It is a negative polarity which is exemplified in the spirit (energizing influence) headed by the moniker called satan, who is a real spirit entity or energy and the lead power exercised over the demonic, which are the opposite and lesser pole of spiritual energy to that of God. The demonic spirits emanate consistent with their head and chief. The darkness is a downward, anti-Christ drag. The apostle James tells us the wisdom offered by the downward polarity is, Not from above, but is earthly (material, focusing terrestrially), sensual (relating to what can only be physically known by the senses) and devilish (emanating out from dark spirit energies disjointed from God and therefore are only capable of death) (James 3:15). That seems simple enough doesn't it? It is these spirit polarities we choose to traffic and trade with as the soul is always searching for a supply and stimulus but is not always so smart in its 128 | P a g e

selection process. Whatever ones we choose are the energizing power in our lives causing in a very direct manner the physical results we see forming in the world around us. Each kind of energy produces a kind of effect. These can be good or evil, they are life or death, spiritual powers of dark or light, of the side of satan or of the side of Christ. Not only individuals, but entire cultures and geographic regions can be affected by the emanation of these things. Geographies And Principalities It was in the first year of my conversion to Jesus that I began to understand the nature of spiritual influence over geographies. It came to me in a very strange set of circumstances but it happened to be by an insight from the Holy Spirit nevertheless. My Jesus subversive group was going about door to door and from city to city witnessing for Jesus and selling peanut brittle to support the houses we had started (I know, sounds illustrious doesn't it? Good peanut brittle though – the people ate it up!). Getting things going in a new city or sometimes just a different part of a city always seemed to be a challenge so as I went from door to door or business to business I would pray for guidance and what I should say. It had dawned on me that no matter how hot my approach and presentation worked in one area, whenever we transitioned to a new area or city the former approach just fell flat. But as I would pray and refine my approach there would come a point where suddenly something just clicked and fell into place. From that point on it was strange if someone didn't listen and end up buying peanut brittle. I would even have people say, “I don't eat candy, but there is something about you I just like” and they would buy peanut brittle and listen to my conversion to Jesus story. On one of these occasions we were in a strange city when the approach suddenly kicked in and I knew it because the same impact in speaking with people had appeared. As I was leaving one persons house I finally thought to ask the Lord why it was this phenomenon could repeat itself so amazingly over and over again. No sooner had I asked than the following words came back to me; “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” As soon as the words came I saw a picture of a spiritual hierarchy. On the lower level were spirits that afflicted individuals and smaller groups like couples, families and such, but then as the chain of command increased and as the power of the spiritual entity at each level increased so did the region of literal geography over which that power held influence all the way to the top. I wasn't expecting this. 129 | P a g e

Once the picture came it was just understood that what was happening was like a cracking of a secret code. As we transitioned from city to city or sometimes neighborhoods within a city, we were actually encountering a different spiritual influence within that geography. But what was most interesting was the realization that these influences exercised a level of control over the way the people within their domain perceived the world around them. They influenced thoughts, points of view and actions. This stuck with me and became one of those evaluation points you begin to examine for further supporting evidence. What had been happening was God's all knowing wisdom was allowing me to adjust my speaking to the mindset of the people according to the “flavor� of their world. The spiritual influence over an area causes the thought processes of the people living under it to run along a certain course as it literally forms their belief system, informing them of what they can and cannot do, what is acceptable and unacceptable by what in fact is a spiritually based system of rewards or punishments within the context of the influenced social structure, and the rewards or punishments might not have anything to do with what is actually true. The whole culture could be operating under a deception. Daniel's Encounter The words I shared above regarding wrestling against principalities and powers comes from the Book of Ephesians where the apostle Paul is discussing spiritual warfare and what our true mission is really all about. But a careful study of this idea proves that scripture (being a spiritual book) is replete with the portrayal of spiritual powers ruling over geographies. Daniel the prophet had an encounter with an angel which serves as an excellent example of this very thing; I Daniel had been fasting three full weeks...Then I looked up and saw a certain man clothed in linen and his loins were girded with the fine gold of Uphaz, his body was like beryl and his face was as bright as the appearance of lightening, and his eyes were like lamps of fire, his arms and his feet were like the color of polished brass and the voice with which he spoke words was like the voice of a roaring multitude. And he said to me, 'Oh Daniel, you are a man who is deeply loved. Understand the words that I am speaking to you and stand up on your feet, for to you I have now been sent.' When he spoke this word to me, I stood trembling. And I alone could see the vision for the men that were with me couldn't see the vision, but a great trembling and awe fell on them and they ran and hid themselves...Then he said to me, 'Stand in awe Daniel, for on the first day that 130 | P a g e

you set your heart to gain insight and to humble yourself before God your words were heard, and I have come out, appearing, because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia held his station and ground against me twenty-one days, but then Michael, one of the first and foremost princes came to help me and excelled beside the ruling power of Persia...And now I will return to fight, make battle and wage war against the prince of Persia, and when I have proceeded beyond, then the prince of Greece will attack. But I will unveil to you what is noted in the scripture of truth, and there is none other with the strength to prevail in these things but Michael, your prince (Daniel 10:5-21). This is a fascinating encounter in which Daniel in the middle of a time of prayer and fasting, receives a vision containing an angel, who you should take note looks like a man. Many times in scripture there is no differentiation made between what appears to be an angel and what appears to be a man. This should be kept in mind when reading about certain powers and kings or idols as behind every visible power there is an invisible power and at times which type being addressed is not delineated. Many of the Psalms are this way as well as the writings of the Prophets and most have dual meaning. In Daniel's encounter we see the interaction of angelic beings. Daniel had prayed and from the moment he had done so activity started in the realm of spirit without any delay. However, as the dispatched angel drew nearer there was resistance to him entering a geographic territory from a spirit entity that apparently had by some right a form of control over the topography. It is a battle of powers. We are allowed an insight into what the prophet Daniel saw for a reason and it has to do with the cause and effect between the heavens and the earth and the interaction of powers. There is something else to understand about this and it has to do with the respect shown to the powers and the position they have been granted within the schematic. In the same way that God has given a position to mankind within the schema of the creation and continues to honor that position, it appears that within the invisible arena similar respect is also granted even though an entity may not be in cooperation with the harmonies of God. What finally allowed the messenger dispatched with Daniel's answer to get through was the appearance of Michael, noted as one of the “first and foremost princes”. With the appearance of Michael the principality of Persia was required then to allow passage of the original angel bearing the answer to Daniel's prayer. This is because, in terms of a simple math equation, a “greater than” appeared. The “lesser than” must always give way to the “greater than” spiritual power. What we are not told here, but are taught in other passages of scripture, is that had Daniel abandoned his quest to receive an answer to his prayer, the 131 | P a g e

outcome may have been different. But due to his continued assault and undaunted refusal to quit, even though it caused him a great deal of personal discomfort and even physical pain (hunger), his long-suffering, undaunted participation in the cause brought into play a greater weight of glory to prevail and open the lanes of traffic for the solution. And He (Jesus) spoke an illustrative story to them (His apprentices) whose intention was to demonstrate the necessity for men to be in perpetual ongoing prayer, and not to lose spirit and then becoming weary and exhausted, saying, 'There was in a city (a geography, a zone of battle) a judge and arbiter of decisions, which did not fear God or regard any man. And there was a widow (one with no power or protection) in that city and she came to him and said, 'Avenge me, vindicating my rights against my opponent.' And he wouldn't for awhile but as time passed he said inside of himself, 'Though I don't honor God and have no regard for man, yet because this widow keeps pounding away on me, I will avenge her and vindicate her rights so the toll of her unrelenting pressure as she keeps appearing everywhere will not continue to beat me black and blue.' And the Lord (Jesus) said, 'Do you hear what this unaligned judge said? And will not God then vindicate the rights of His own hand selected ones, which cry all day and all night for the same advantage while persevering bravely in misfortune and trouble against the same? I tell you, He will vindicate their rights and do so in a shortened time frame. Nevertheless, the question remains, 'When the Son of Man appears again, will He find this kind of faith on the earth? (Luke 18:1-8). Do you see all the pieces in this illustration of spiritual realities? There is a power that doesn't honor God or man. There is also what was considered one of the weakest of the social classes in Jesus day, the widow who represents you and me. The widow however knows she has rights even though she has no personal power to enforce them, but the poor woman is also victim of an opponent seeking to deny her rights and take by force the possessions that legally belongs to her. He is a thief and a robber! The unaligned power ruling the city, which the word city contains the idea of a battle zone in the Greek etymology, could actually care less about what is right. But it is the relentless pounding of the widow possessing the knowledge of her legal rights, in unrelenting pursuit that produces a devastating effect on the power. The word pictures tell us she was literally beating him black and blue with this. 132 | P a g e

Jesus is pulling back the curtains on the invisible world so we can see what happens inside of it. The power was being beaten into submission by the weakling’s relentless demand for justice, and Jesus point is to illustrate that men should be in continual prayer over the divine rights the New Covenant enacted in His blood as the offspring and offshoots of God into the geography. Not only should we be in continual prayer, but faith in the correctness of our cause ought to be a force in us by which we pound and pound and pound away at the spiritual resistance until it collapses under the unrelenting beating. I know this sounds violent, but Jesus said it would be. The violent nature of this battle into which we have been enlisted by accepting His invitation of salvation leaves no room for complacency. It is life and death as we do the work we are assigned to by our Lord Jesus within the context of the measure we have been given. The mission is nothing less than to crush the spiritual powers that resist the invasion of the saving, healing, life giving Christ who owns the rights to all the heavens and all the earth. Your following of the instructions has been voiced far and wide. This makes me glad for you, but I still instruct you to be wise regarding whatever is good and not so knowledgeable about evil. And the God of peace and tranquil enrichment will bruise satan under your feet shortly (Romans 16:19-20). Proficiency Of Measure The Lord never asks us to do what we're not called to do. But by the same token, we are taught to fully engage what it is we have been given to do. To each one of us is given a “measure” and whatever is contained within that measure is ours to manage before God and with the anointing of His power in the earth according to the grace we are given, which is always sufficient for complete success. God's grace to do, always accompanies His call to do. The measure that I have been given and the measure you have been given may be complimentary but they will always be as unique as each and every person who is drawn to Jesus and the wars of this global re-polarizing Revolution. What is imperative is that each of us helps the other to be effective; But by speaking the truth in love, we may mature in Him in the whole of everything, who is the Head (the sole governor), and I am speaking of the Christ, from whom the entire body being framed together and lovingly coalesced by the whole of what every connection supplies, blending in the efficient measure (the metron) of each individually destined part, formulates the active multiplying enlargement of the body causing it to build itself up, expanding by means of love (Ephesians 4:15-17).

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The idea of being effective in the grace we are given, or as it says, “the efficient measure of each individually destined part” may be one of the most important things any one of us can learn. I say this because of history stretching all the way back into the pride of Lucifer, the fall of mankind and the numerous debacles we've witnessed in church history since it began. There is a lot to be said about staying in your place and on your given assignment and not comparing what you've been given to do with what someone else has been given to do and envying it. Become highly efficient in your measure. The Book of Jude speaks of the angels that left their “first estate” (Jude 1:6). In the description he goes on to say these beings “left their own habitation”, both of these terms speaking of an established place from which they departed because they wanted something different, which he indicates in this instance was “strange flesh” (verse 7, see also Genesis 6). The language in the entire Book of Jude circles around and around this concept of stepping beyond a given bound and entering into an area not reserved or given to the person, which if we were to discuss early church history we would conclude this was very much at the core of the elongated demise of that dynamic visitation of God. This pattern of overstepping ones measure began in Lucifer when he decided it would be better to be God instead of be just one of the chief princes established within the splendor and beauty of God, and so he stepped out of his measure (Isaiah 14:9-14). The consequences have been devastating. This is the same poison that infected Eve as well. Within the triadic relationship between God, Adam and Eve the woman was the one satan came to and offered her a shortcut solution to something that was stirring in her already. I say this because James explains to us we are tempted when we are drawn away by a desire already in us and then enticed (James 1:14-15). The consequences of her departure from the measure given have been devastating as Adam follower her, not in deception but with eyes wide open for other reasons, but not because he was deceived, he loved her (1st Timothy 2:13-14). The issue is so critical within the economy of God that Canaan, the son of Ham, Noah's son who had survived in the Ark with him, was cursed and ultimately the land of Canaan was taken from him and given to Abraham because Ham (Canaan's father) messed with the divine order of husband and wife, usurping the place of his father in relation to his mother. Ham assumed a role that was not his to assume, stepping out of the place of his measure as a son (Genesis 9:20-26, Leviticus 20:11). Respecting the God gifted measure of another man or woman, and not usurping it whether in regard to their work, spouse, goods, etc, is what a great deal of the instructions revolving around the scriptures “to love our neighbor as ourselves” is all about. This is even woven into the instruction to children to honor their father and mother so they not disrespect the measure that has been given to either one of them and both together (Exodus 20:12, Leviticus 20:9), do not usurp what God has given to another. 134 | P a g e

To Be Blessed One Must Bless Trust me when I tell you that I am not a huge authority guy. I lived through the error of the so called “Shepherding Movement” of the late 1970's and early 1980's, so do not even begin to think that I am going to launch into a promotion of abject submission to a leader or leaders. Please remember that I am the guy the Lord came to three times and said, “Let My people go so they can serve ME” and I wasn't even close to making demands of blind obedience from the people I was called to serve. But there is something else in the secret spiritual things and that is this, in order to be blessed by the gift within another person, you must first be willing to accept and bless that person. This shows up first of all and most profoundly in our relationship with God. It is true that every good gift and every perfect gift comes out from Him (James 1:17), but if you reject Him you likewise cut yourself off from the splendor that is in Him. If you honor the vast and infinite wonder of who God is and come under the force of the splendor that He is, then all that He is becomes an open possibility to you. The Lord Jesus has died for the sins of the whole world and every man, woman and child may come to Him and receive wholeness and union with God that is provided by Christ. But John the apostle makes it plain that only those who receive Jesus can actually participate in the fun; He appeared to those who were His own and His own did not receive Him. But whoever it was that did receive Him, to those ones He gave the power, the right, the honor and the privilege to appear in history and walk about as the sons of God, even to those who came into reliance upon His name (power) (John 1:11-12). In the Book of Hebrews we are being taught about the importance of the Priesthood of Christ and how it is a superior and eternal Priesthood beyond that of any earthly priesthood. But in making an important point about the eternal priesthood in its relation to the great patriarch Abraham we read; For this Melchizedek, the king of Salem and priest of the Most High God, met Abraham as he returned from his triumph over the kings and blessed him (Abraham)...Now consider how great this man must have been to whom even Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils (of war)...But this one whose descent is not counted from them (the earthly priests) received these tithes from Abraham and then blessed him who had received the promises, and without any contradiction the one of a smaller rank is blessed by the one of a higher rank (Hebrews 7:1-7). You see, between Abraham and Melchizedek there was a divine exchange taking place of a highly spiritual nature. But in order for Abraham to receive a 135 | P a g e

blessing from the priestly measure that rested upon Melchizedek from God, he first had to acknowledge the gift in Melchizedek which he did by offering him a part in the spoils of victory. Once Abraham honored Melchizedek as priest of the Most High God, he then became a candidate to be blessed by the gift of that ranking. In The Name Of A Disciple Jesus taught this exact same thing but expanded significantly on it. When Jesus taught it He drew the circle in a way that it included the empowerment of God within every one of His followers. Within every person who comes to alignment with the Father, the very DNA of the Father deposits something decidedly unique and therefore highly significant within the person. Within the Kingdom of God every person is honored meaning the measure you are given is to be blessed by all if all intend to receive of it, which I might add, all do indeed need to receive of it (see again Ephesians 4:15-17) because our total mission requires the “efficient measure (the metron) of each individually destined part.” Here is Jesus; Whoever receives you, in fact is receiving Me, and whoever receives Me in fact is receiving the One who sent Me. Whoever receives a prophet in the name (the power/gift/rank) of a prophet can receive a prophets benefit. And whoever receives a righteous (harmonized with God) man in the name (power/gift/rank) of a righteous man can receive a righteous man's benefit. And whoever will give to one of these smaller of measure, even a cup of cold water in the name (the power/gift/rank) of a disciple, I tell you with pinpoint accuracy he will not miss out on any benefit (Matthew 10:40-42). In the Kingdom of God among the fellow warriors of Jesus Christ we find that the power of God is likely to suddenly appear anywhere from within any one of us or maybe many of us on any given day. Of course we learn the unique and specialized ways of God in us individually as we seek to excel within our given measure and become efficient in it, but the exciting thing is that any one of us can be the hero among us at any moment in time, as it so often happens to be. My measure may have been perfect for yesterday's mission and whatever the need was whereas your measure may be perfect for today’s mission. This is the beauty and part of the thrill of this life with Jesus. All of us are being honored by the Father all of the time in one way or another as we honor Him. Listen to the apostle Peter share his wisdom on how this works; In the same way, you less experienced ones subordinate yourselves to the more experienced. Yes, and every one of you subordinate yourselves to all of the others too and be clothed in a sense of your own smallness (humility, need), for 136 | P a g e

we know that God will resist the proud (those thinking they ARE the power) but will always give sweet loving favor to the humble (1st Peter 5:5). The Glory Of God Within Your Metron With the idea that God has given the earth to the children of men comes another concept and that is the idea of the measure, or as the Greek word calls it, the “metron” individuals are given which is like a personal sphere of responsibility into which God gives you grace and power to exercise His influence as a son or daughter of God. There is an awesome beauty to this. I coached athletes for years. One of my personal areas of expertise became baseball pitchers. But there is something within the success drive of athletes and the commitment to the sport that can become a huge detriment to them and that is to press their drive way beyond their ability. A great training session takes the individual athletes to their peak efficiency, pushes them slightly past it and then backs off again into their effective comfort zone. A bad practice keeps driving to the point of collapsing the ability to even function at a normal peak level. Normal is relative to each athlete. Very often if a player enters into a slump, rather than doubling efforts and trying harder they need to step back a little bit into their natural rhythms. They need to reset themselves into their fundamentals and reawaken to their easy strengths. In sports vernacular it’s called “staying within yourself”. Don't do what you're not able to do, but do better than anyone else what you alone have the unique talent to do. In sports, in life and in the things of the Spirit of God we are always pressing for higher levels of excellence or as the scripture says, the efficient measure of each individually destined part. But like the athlete, when we press beyond our current ability, or beyond the current grace we are given, we actually lose our effectiveness. God never asks us to do what we're not called to do, but we are taught to fully engage what it is we have been given to do. With our calling comes our enabling. Listen to the apostle Paul with regard to living within your “metron”; But to every one of us there is given sweet loving favor in perfect blended harmony with the measure (metron) of the gift of Christ” (Ephesians 4:7). But we will not push to dominate and subdue things that are outside our measure (metron), but in perfect blended harmony with the measure (metron) of the bounds established which God has distributed to us, our measure (metron) has now extended even to you. For we have not stretched ourselves beyond any prescribed bounds when we reached you, for we already anticipated we would come as far as you with the stunning news of Christ. 137 | P a g e

We are not pushing for things beyond our measure (metron), entering into other menâ€&#x;s work, but we are possessed of the hope that when your own faith is increased, we will also be enlarged by you in perfect blended harmony with our bounds that have been established in overflowing abundance. We intend to express the stunning news even in regions beyond you and not push for things belonging to some other mans dominion and what he has been given to subdue as that is prepared for the readiness of his hand. Anybody who wants to boast about anything, let him do his boasting about the Lord. For there are those who want to establish and approve themselves, and then there are those who the Lord establishes (2nd Corinthians 10:13-18). For I say this through the sweet loving favor that has been given to me, to every man that is among you, that they should not come along thinking outside the bound of what is appropriate to cherish, but to direct oneself to the advantage of what is solid and clear, in perfect blended harmony with God in His dealing out to each and every one the measure (metron) of faith (Romans 12:3). This last verse of scripture is in context with the apostle’s instruction to offer our bodies as living sacrifices in service to God and to undergo personal transformations by the catalytic renewing of our minds so we may demonstrate into the world around us the excellence, the favorable acceptance and the wholeness that always accompanies the will of God. What an invitation! Stay within your measure. There are more positive benefits within it than you can possibly imagine if you are willing to explore the incredible vast measure of its un-limits. The War Within Your Metron The fact that God has given you a metron is without doubt. The metron you have been given is a combination of things to which you have been personally and wonderfully assigned. It involves your current calling, the equipping with appropriate gifts and graces from God, the works He preordained for you and provided for before the very first molecule of any substance was breathed into existence (2nd Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 1:3-11, 2:10, Hebrews 4:3), and the encompassing geography and sphere of influence in which you currently are placed. I want to focus in on your current sphere of influence and geography because it is into these immediate circles you have been set to exercise the repolarizing power of the Kingdom of God as one who is a child of God, literally a direct offshoot and extension of the Father and His very life expanding and 138 | P a g e

saving essence into that metron. In exactly the same way that the children of Israel, as they entered the land of Canaan to possess it were given geographies, so too have we been given varying sizes of spheres of influence and geographies in which to war and possess, subduing things to the love of Jesus. But please do keep in mind that nothing regarding our warfare has anything to do with human conflicts, though opposing spirit forces may show up by means of influencing people. Though we may go to war and should against these influences, our commission also requires us to be like our Father, loving even our enemies and allowing the blessings in us to flow to the deserving and the undeserving (Matthew 5:44-45). The minute you make it a conflict of people (which you will be tempted to do), you undermine your spiritual edge. It's okay to take a “hit” in the natural to maintain power in the spiritual. The reason why Paul the apostle could go to the places he did and effect them the way that he did was because of the distribution of the grace of God or the “measure” he had been given. There was a time where Paul attempted to move into the geography of Asia and also Bithynia but the Holy Spirit forbid it (Acts 16:6-7). But later the Holy Spirit did open up the geography of Ephesus in what was a marvelously successful campaign that spread the word of the Lord into all of Asia (Acts 19). Paul worked in the metron he was given, living in the fullest power of Christ within it but not taking above and beyond what the Lord was not giving to him yet. In fact for many years after his conversion he simply disappeared into the background, he was a non-entity. But over the process of time he was learning the lessons on a smaller scale that would lead to the enlargement of his metron of influence. A metron is a designated measure or space. It is into this space you are given the honor of announcing and doing war for the Kingdom of God. Through the learned lessons of success within a smaller measure, God may well see to it that our capacity to successfully engage a larger sphere of influence is granted. But the point is, that is His doing and not our doing. The wisdom in proverbs has the equation of it all completely correct; A man‟s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men (Proverbs 18:16). Success breeds success. In the things of God, promotion of one’s self is not required. What is required is serving Him with your whole heart within the measure He has currently allotted you. Polarize what's around you and once you subdue one measure to the Kingdom of God, you will likely be given more. Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth. Lets it be someone other than you and not your own lips (Proverbs 27:2). 139 | P a g e

Don't lift up your own horn to announce and elevate yourself. Don't speak with an arrogant haughty neck. For promotion doesn't flow forth from the sunrise, or from the sunset or from the wilderness, but God is the governing judge, examining deeply ones humility and then exalting them (Psalm 75:6-7). Be proficient in your measure. What is your real and immediate circle of influence? For most people it is their immediate family and the people they are living with. That's your first measure. How is the polarity there? Is there a battle to be fought? Are there triumphs to be won? From there it extends to your most direct circle of relationships. How's the war going? Are there people under affliction? Are there spiritual influences that need to be changed? How's your next door neighbor doing? I am for the real and genuine transformation and spiritual upheaval beginning in our own nearest geography. If the earth is to be filled with the glory of the Lord as the prophets have prophesied it means the upheaval of spiritual powers in identifiable places. We have a tendency to want to wander all over the globe thinking the good stuff is somewhere else. It's time to do the real work of bringing the good stuff into our homes and into our immediate circles of influence, our families and neighborhoods, our villages and workplaces, our cities, our counties, our regions, our states or provinces, our nations and the world. Only when you can alter the spirit of a thing can you change the outcome of a thing. I think it's high time we stop going off somewhere to pretend at something we may well faultily call church and instead it is time to be church in the Jesus way, which is a radicalized and revolutionary lifestyle that takes seriously the things taught by Jesus, the apostles and all the prophets who have ever spoken beginning with Abel. We must re-polarize our metron with the power of Christ with the zealotry of supernatural Revolutionaries! Bring the war to your metron and fight like...heaven. And when they couldn't find them (Paul and company), instead they drew Jason and certain brothers to the rulers of the city, crying loudly, 'These who have turned the world upside down have now come here too (Acts 17:6). Within your metron all power in heaven and earth is ready to come to your aid. I'm not saying it won't be a war, I'm telling you it will be. But know your cause and know who you are and you must begin the beat down process on whatever is hindering your metron from being a carbon copy of heaven. Gather a friend or two and partner as co-warriors if you can. Are you ready for impact?

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Chapter Nine “Commanding The Battle” I am a fan of Charles Finney, the great revivalist of the mid to late 1800's. People still to this day rail about his doctrine, but I don't really care about his doctrine. What I love is the methods employed and the incredible results that surrounded his work in the conversion of untold thousands to Jesus Christ. When I was young, for awhile I thought maybe I should become a Hell's Angel. It was the motorcycle thing. I knew guys that had awesome Harley Davidson motorcycles and were living on the edge. It was almost like they were living the dream of freedom, except for the heroin addictions. One of the stories I remember being told, and I don't know if it were true or not, if it happened a lot or even just once, or was just an ida out of the movies, but there was a story about the biker practice of “treeing a town”. As the story went, a group of bikers would ride into a small town somewhere and pretty much take it over and do anything they wanted to do. The locals including the law were incapable of stopping them. At the time I thought, “Wow! How cool would that be? Own the town.” Charles Finney didn't work alone. He had accomplices. The method they employed involved waiting on God for directions to specific places, cities and towns. Once they knew where they were being sent, Finney's accomplices, one named Father Nash and the other Abel Clary would head out. When they arrived at the designated site they would rent a cheap room and then disappear for days on end. Often they would not eat, sometimes someone else would join them, but usually never more than three, and they would pray and pray and pray, engaging in direct spiritual warfare with the powers over the city until they knew in their hearts that the heavens were open and the city had been given to them. Then Finney, the spokesman would come and so would the splendor of the Holy Spirit. It may not have mattered what Finney actually said as long as he was honoring Jesus the Son of God, because the conversions were conversions of stunning power as the Spirit of God was poured out on the people. Incredible manifestations of spiritual force took place as God gripped the souls of people. And all the while Father Nash and Abel Clary were hidden in their room pouring out their own souls in prayer over the city. With the power of God, they “treed the town”. Wow! How cool would that be?

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The Acts Initiative There is something about the Book of Acts that I just can't get out of my mind. It seems like everywhere you turn there is this repeating pattern. It opens with the upper room scene on the Day of Pentecost and the 120 in the room are praying. The Holy Spirit shows up, His power is released, demonstrations of God are manifest and 3,000 people have their lives re-polarized to Jesus in one day. As you keep turning the pages the pattern never stops. Prayer is made, the Holy Spirit is poured out in overt manifestations and lives are re-polarized out from under the oppressions of satan and into the effervescing life of Christ. What do you think? Do you suppose there just might be a connection here? Is it possible to pray into a situation and know that you know that the heavens have been cleared and what you have asked has in fact been done? The answer to this question is...absolutely! And this is the fearless courage and assurance that we may grip and possess within Him, that whatever case we crave, call for and require specifically in perfect blended harmony with His will (His choosing, joy, delight and pleasure) He will hear and attend accordingly to us. And when we have the inner knowledge that He has heard and attended accordingly, whatever it is we have asked, we know within that we have now gripped and possessed the request we craved, called for and specifically required from Him (1st John 5:14-15). There is a knowing point in prayer where a fearless courage and assurance from the Holy Spirit will tell you what you asked for is finished and done. It is a point of possession. I've been there. I know what the walls of the place look like, how it smells and how it feels spiritually speaking. It's real and there is nothing else like it. You can't conjure it up on your own. It's a place of total absence of anything else but the realization of faith. It's that moment of total, indescribable confidence. When you are there, belief in any other possible outcome has no place to exist. Spiritual Aggression Without tying you down, I've tried to give you pictures of the nature of God so you could use that as a guide to what life in your metron ought to look like. By knowing the difference between “sarar” and “yasha” you will be able to evaluate encroachments against your metron, whatever size it is right now. As a warrior of Jesus Christ, a child of the new humanity of saviors (Obadiah 1:21) whose mission is to fill the whole earth with heaven, it is up to us to be the aggressors. When Jesus described the nature of those He would call, He 143 | P a g e

painted a picture of a spiritually aggressive people united with Him in life or death who would boldly and confidently launch assaults against the gates of hell, not being intimidated by them, but being the cause of intimidation. Subordinate yourselves therefore under God, setting yourselves firmly against the devil, and he will flee in an attempt to escape to safety from you (James 4:7). Upon this foundation stone I will establish My company of the called out ones, and the gates of hell will have no strength nor have any power to deter it (Matthew 16:18). When you read the above verse carefully what emerges is a picture of aggression. The picture is one of the gates of hell being on the defense with no power to deter the company of those called into the battle by the Lord Jesus. Jesus knew who He was and what force He operated by. Did you ever see Him intimated by an evil spirit? What you do see is the enemy spirits crying out in fear of Him. You believe that there is one (Supreme, over-all) God, emerging into beautiful excellence. The devils also believe and are struck with horrified fear (James 2:19). I am NOT saying that you should ever disrespect the things you cannot see. I've done that before and have paid a very high price because of it. But who is with you and who you are with, are far superior to any of the powers represented within the annals of hell. Be respectful but do not fear. If anything fear the awesome power of God that is to be released in response to your repeated pounding of the heavens with requests for divine justice. And the seventy came back again in great joy saying, 'Lord, even the devils are subject to us through Your name (rank, power)!' And He (Jesus) said to them, 'I beheld satan as lightning fall down from heaven in a ruin (Luke 10:1718). There is no doubt we are the aggressors. It is we who bring the battle to them in the same way that Israel when possessing the promised territory of Canaan was the aggressor against those who were occupying what God had already given them by promise. As they entered the land it was a simple equation, “This is what God promised us, this is what is occupying it. Take them out! Then possess!� An interesting thing to note is when John the Baptist appeared to prepare the way for Jesus, his ministry took place in the wilderness and his baptism was in 144 | P a g e

the River of Jordan. This is no accident by any means. Mentioned before but worth mentioning again is the thought that when Jesus appeared the game that had been hidden from ages and from generations was finally revealed and was elevated from the physical dimension to its true intent all along, the spiritual dimension. This is why John the Baptist message was preached in the wilderness and his baptism was in the Jordan. God was pushing the reset button for Israel, giving them the first chance at entering into the high calling. The assault was to begin all over again, only this time it would take place in spirit realms. The law and the prophets were in force until John, since that time the Kingdom of God (Spirit) is proclaimed and each and every man will inflict violence upon it like the fury of a mighty swirling storm (Luke 16:16). Paul told us about this very same thing in his writings. The war, the conflict and the battle for supremacy is engaged entirely within the realm of the invisible. He too spoke to us about the intense aggression of the saints in the mission of the overthrow and displacement of powers of evil that are suppressing mankind and the whole of the earth creation; Regarding our outlook toward the future my brothers, be endued with the strength of the Lord and the dominating force of His abilities. Clothe yourselves with all of the implements of warfare from God (Spirit) that you may be empowered to set yourselves firmly in superior high advantage over the cunning deceits and false impressions of the devil. For the contest, the wrestling and casting down (kill or be killed) has no reference in flesh and blood persons but is in superior advantage over principalities, and in superior advantage over powers, and in superior advantage over the rulers of the darkness of this world, to the superior advantage over spiritual wickedness in unseen, invisible high and heavenly (spirit) places. This is the reason to clothe yourselves with all of the implements of warfare from God, that you may be empowered to firmly establish yourselves in opposition against the time of trouble and achieving all this, to sustain the ruling supremacy upon the ground in question� (Ephesians 6:10-15). Displacement Of Dominant Spirits If you begin from the standpoint that everything in life, at the deepest formative level, is in fact caused by the influence of spirit, then it remains that if the spirit of a thing can be altered the entire expression of life through it will also change. This after all is the entire premise of the stunning news about Jesus 145 | P a g e

Christ, that by faith in Him and what His love has already accomplished on our behalf, we might be the sons and daughters of God, the single Source out of whom all creation has and continues to be formed. As the sons and daughters of God to whom He has given dominion of the earth, we are co-participants with Jesus in making it to be consistent with what the Father loves and wants it to be. The will of the Father is clearly stated and that is that His glory fill it to the full to the same measure and degree that the water covers over the sea, which is to say, completely (Isaiah 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14). What this means is any wrongly polarized spirits, called evil spirits, will have to be completely removed from the equation in order for the earth to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The two don't mix. The work of our warfare requires the displacement of all unaligned spirits. Without their complete annihilation from our metrons of oversight, they will simply continue to do what they always do. The ultimate battle of the spiritual Armageddon is a result of continued displacement of these spirits in which they are finally gathered together into a single entity or body. It doesn't matter to me if Armageddon in scripture is physical or not. What I do know is there will be one in the spirit realm. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils fashioning events and occurrences which then issue out to the kings (ruling powers) of the earth and of the whole world to gather them together to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Look carefully and observe, I will be coming as a thief. Those who have kept their eyes open and been alert will be very happy that they did, and that they kept the status of their mantle with which they were clothed upon, so they are not found walking and moving about naked and unclothed upon so their shame (their vulnerability) is not exposed to everyoneâ€&#x;s view. And he gathered them together into a place which in the Hebrew tongue is called Armageddon (Revelation 16:13-16). Jesus told us that one of the signs the end was approaching would be the gathering of the tares into bundles. It simply must be that all things on a world level gather together into globalist bundles. The move to collect all the nations under a single monetary and governmental system shouldn't really surprise us. The fact is, it may be a sign that we actually are doing our work. The saints of God will not be part of these things and will find themselves somewhere on the outside of these systems.

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Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house, and His apprentices came to Him and said, 'Unpack for us the illustrative story about the tares of the field.' He responded and told them, 'He that sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world and the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, but the tares are the children of the evil one. The enemy that sowed those ones is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and then burned in the fire, so will it be at the end of this world. The Son of Man is going to send His angels in advance and they will collect together and then carry out and away from His Kingdom the whole of everything that traps and impedes along with them who produce the pride of iniquity and will cast them into a furnace of fire, and in there will be the wailing of deep grief and the desperate, hopeless, anguished gnawing of teeth. Then will those aligned in harmony with God shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Whoever here that has ears and can hear, had better listen (Matthew 13:36-43). This is why the foundational instructions of Christ as outlined in Hebrews 6 are so vital to embrace and have functioning in our lives. The essence of these things gives us the immovability of being when the shaking of everything begins and all confidence in the physical material world and the wisdom of man completely unravels. Without the foundation, you will seek shelter in the next best thing and unfortunately all that is left is what is slated to be eternally removed. You'll be standing in a fire zone. Those who are adjusted and living according to the same measure as Christ will be living divinely, with all their need and supply coming right out of heaven itself. The wall of separation that exists because of unbelief will no longer exist among these ones. When it says, “the just will live by faith� it is prophecy that will really come to pass. All of God's goodness now is allowing you to exercise that faith into the metron over which you have currently been made overseer in practice for what is coming. For the realm of heaven is like a man traveling into a far country, calling his own servants and delivering to their oversight his own goods. To one he gave five weighted measures of treasure, and to another he gave two and to another he gave one. Every man received according to his personal rank of ability and then he took his journey. 147 | P a g e

Then he that had received the five weighted measures of treasure made them his business and they increased into an additional five measures of treasure. And the same thing happened with the one who had received two, he gained another two. But he that received the one went and dug into the earth, concealing in secret his lord's treasure. After a long time the lord of those servants came to settle his accounts with them (Matthew 25:14-19). The the first one came and said, 'Lord, your weighted measure has increased to ten measures.' And he said, 'You've done well my good servant. Because you have been faith filled in a little portion, I give you authority over ten cities.' The second came saying, 'Lord your weighted measure has increased to five measures.' And he said, 'You've done well my good servant. Because you have been faith filled in a little portion, I give you authority over five cities.' And another came and said, 'Lord, here is your weighted measure that I kept safe and hidden. I was afraid of you because you are an intense man. You gather up what you did not directly lay down and you take a harvest from what you did not directly, personally sow.' And he said, 'You will be examined by the words of your own mouth you blind and dull servant. You knew already that I was an intense man, gathering up where I did not directly lay down and harvesting from what I did not directly sow. Because you already knew this, why didn't you at least give my treasure to traders to use so that at my return I received what is my own along with the increase earned by them?' Then he said to those that were standing by, 'Take away from him the weighted measure and give it to him that already has ten weighted measures, for I'm giving an important message to you all, that everyone that has to him will be given more, and to him that doesn't have, from him will be taken even what he has been given. And those hostile enemies of mine that would not even accept any of my rule over them, bring here and eliminate them entirely from me, never to appear again (Luke 19:16-27). 148 | P a g e

The Keys Of Heaven Immediately after Jesus spoke in Matthew 16 of His called ones assaulting the strongholds and gates of hell, He made us a promise. In conjunction with His words regarding spiritual aggression based on the revelation that He is the Christ, He promised to place into our hands the “keys” of the Kingdom of heaven, the realm of the spirits. This is significant. The idea of a key in scripture is rich with meaning. On the one hand it is an instrument of opening or release and on the other hand it is an instrument of confining, all depending upon justice of course. The language of the key is the language of power, for whoever is authorized and entrusted with the key is also trusted with the power. Jesus promise is to put into our control as His co-warriors the power of the Kingdom of heaven, the realm of spirit. In other words we are given the power to effect things within the animating spirit realm. What I am telling you is you can't have any higher power on earth as a man or woman than that, because it means you and I literally have power to effect what the creation is going to look like. Though others may learn to traffic at high levels with evil spirits, it’s nothing near the same as those given the keys to the spiritual Kingdom and engaged with the highest of all power. All else is subservient. We are of a priesthood that is of the highest order, the non-earthly Melchizedek priesthood. Upon this foundation stone I will establish My company of the called out ones, and the gates of hell will have no strength nor have any power to deter it, And I will give into your advantage the keys of the Kingdom of heaven and whatever it is that you bind (forbid, restrict, prohibit, make silent, cause to cease) on earth will come to pass as being bound (forbidden, restricted, prohibited, made silent, caused to cease) in heaven (realm of spirit), And whatever you loose (release, set free, allow to increase, free to speak) on earth will come to pass as loosed (released, set free, allowed to increase, freely speak) in heaven (Matthew 16:18). There is an interesting pattern we should recognize whenever the subject of binding and loosing comes up and that is in the fact the order is always the same. Just like repentance from dead works always goes before faith toward God, even so binding always goes before loosing, until Revelation. In our prayers and spiritual warfare it is important to first restrict the influence of the “voice” of the lie, demanding not in our power but in the power of Jesus Christ, which is the highest name of all names existing in heaven and earth, that the lie cease emanating influence. We are given the authorized power to forbid, to restrict, to prohibit, make silent and cause the dark polarity to cease 149 | P a g e

all further activity. No matter who it is or what its rank, it must bow in submission to the highest name of all. Because of this (humbling Himself) God has also highly exalted Him and given to Him a name (rank, power) that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee must bend including all things in heaven and all things in earth and all things underneath the earth, and that every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and this is to the splendor of God the Father� (Philippians 2:9-10). When we know that our cause within our metron is rooted in the promised guarantees of God we have both the right and the full backing to demand the evil be silent through our authorized use of the name of Jesus. By silence we mean that it stop any and all further expression. We may call for the judgments of God to come upon this invisible enemy almost like calling in bombardment on an enemy position within an assigned war zone. Your current measure or metron is your assigned war zone. But if I (Jesus) expel and deprive one (a devil) of power and influence by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived upon you. Or in what other way is one enabled to enter into a mighty beings house in which his goods, possessions and treasures are held, and plunder all his containments entirely, unless he as a first matter of succession bind, forbid, silence and restrict the mighty being? Only then will he be free to plunder all his goods, possessions and treasures (Matthew 12:28-29). On the real battlefield, before you enter to take possession there is often a process of softening the targets. This is along the same line of what we discussed before with the widow in her relentless pursuit of the unjust judge, who was at least being mentally beaten black and blue by her. The binding process is much like softening the target, weakening its hold and grip, pounding the daylights out of the occupied ground. The silencing and limiting always precedes the release. It is a clearing of the heavens. Remember the words of this Psalm? For the LORD accepts His people with great favor. He will make those who are under the power of His power beautiful with salvation (Yashua). Let the saints rejoice in this splendor! Let them sing loudly from the places of their resting. Let the heights of God be in their mouths and a double edged sword in their hands to execute vengeance upon the unaligned swarms and punishments 150 | P a g e

upon those nations. To bind their kings with chains and their noble ones with fetters of iron (unbreakable restrictions). To execute upon them the judgment that has already been written. This honor has been given to all His saints (those set apart strictly for sacred use). Give praise to the LORD (Psalm 149:4-9). Identifying The Problem It takes prayer and Holy Spirit discernment to identify the “behind the scenes� problem. You will never get so good that you don't need the Holy Spirit's help, in fact just the opposite is true, that the better you really get in the things of God it means the more deeply you have been able to draw into the help of the Holy Spirit and access the mind of Christ. Spiritual maturity is a maturity in deep dependency on the power by which the Light polarity of the universe pulsates. The more surrendered or humble you become to it, the greater measure of that power can be safely transferred into and through you. Maturity is the opposite of becoming independent of the power. Independence is what led to the fall of humanity in Adam and the darkening. Just as Canaan was an occupied territory for Israel to dispossess and possess, the New Covenant takes us into the global mission with the understanding the earth realm is a spiritually occupied territory and that we are dispossessing the powers within it with the ultimate mission that the meek (those under the power of Christ) would inherit it. Canaan had its giants and we now have ours. Just as the attackers of that territory were in fact weaker than their opponents and dependent upon the power of God, even so are we. Out of heaven He allowed you to hear His voice to instruct drive out nations from before you that are greater and mightier than you are and to bring you into their places and give you the whole of their territory for the portion of your inheritance, now in this time (Deuteronomy 4:36-38). That prayer is a creative, creating power there is no doubt. It is a spiritual thing invoking a clash of powers that no one can see, yet so real we anticipate what is happening there in the spirit realm to translate into tangible manifestations here. In spiritual warfare the first step is always clearing the cluttered air of the contrary forces. Jesus Christ is the power of catalyst, triumphant already over hell, triumphant already over death, and the total Victor. We are enforcing a triumph already secured. And it just so happened as we were going to prayer, a certain young woman who was possessed with a spirit of divination (python) met us who 151 | P a g e

brought her slave owners a great deal of money through soothsaying (fortune telling). She followed Paul and us around crying out loudly saying, 'These men are servants of the Most High God who will show to us the way of salvation.' And she did this for quite a few days. But Paul who was feeling grieved from this turned and said to the spirit, 'In the name of Jesus Christ come out of her.' And it came out within that same hour (Acts 16:16-18). This is a great example of identifying the problem. Often at the first you can't quite put your finger on it but you know what is happening is not coming out from God. As Paul was grieved in his spirit I'm sure during those days he was praying about it and waiting to see what the Holy Spirit would show him about the spirit possessing her and what and when to do something about it. Sometimes there is a process in the restricting mode of the battle. As you pray against the dark matter you may not at first have a clear idea of what spirit you might be dealing with but keep praying. As you do further clarity will often come as the Holy Spirit takes you from the surface level of the resistance and begins to peal it back to the true essence. You will get clearer on its identity. Keep praying and keep invoking the name of Jesus Christ and the judgments of God against it, restricting and silencing it, remembering it is not against people but spirits we war. The unrelenting pressure will bring the breakthrough. In what time frame we don't always know. I personally alternate between requesting the judgments of God against His and my enemies, binding and silencing in the name of Jesus Christ and calling out for the opposite release of the power of God, binding and loosing. There are different gifts, but they all come from the same Holy Spirit. And there are different missions of service but they all come from the same Lord. And there are diverse effects but it is the same God who is energizing all within all, but the open manifestation and exposure of those things belonging to the Spirit is given to every one of us to benefit all of the rest of us of these gifts given is the discernment of spirits...but every one of these is a product of the energy of the one and selfsame Holy Spirit dispersing several of them to each man exactly as He chooses (1st Corinthians 12:4-11). Loosing The Joys Of Heaven Once again there is the other side of the equation and both are needed to effect the reconfiguration that is desired within our metrons of influence. The warrior also has the backing of power to loose into their metron the splendor of heaven. This is that part taken from The Warriors Prayer that Jesus taught us saying, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, here in earth – the material and physical realm, exactly like it is in heaven”. 152 | P a g e

The will of God is that which delights Him at the highest levels. What is it that He wants to see here flowing out from His abundance and His love into the measure of earth you are given to oversee? What freedom and expansion must come into the metron (or person) consistent with the sweet loving grace and kindness of God? This is where you must learn the rights of the Covenant that Jesus has purchased with His own blood. The rights of the Covenant are the unbreakable promises guaranteeing the “Yasha” expression of life into your sphere of oversight. Believe the Covenant, for God will never be contrary to His own agreements. Because there was no one greater to swear by in making promises, He swore by Himself that in blessing He would bless you and in multiplying He would be the power that multiplies you. You may rest assured that whatever is opposed to the Spirit and promise and the Covenant in the earth, is not of the Christ but is of the anti-Christ. Go to war, prosecuting aggressively over this and don't relent. The Covenant is already established in heaven at the highest possible level and there are an innumerable company of angels to come to our aid whenever needed (Hebrews 12:22). What you are authorized to loose and call for is what is true already in the realm of God for a promise with God is not like one with men, for what God has promised is already given in the invisible Spirit, ready to become manifest in earth. Picture within you the completed divine picture of the will of God and what it will look like when it is fully translated into its beautifully corresponding material and physical presence, rejoicing in it and thanking the Lord for it in your own heart. It begins there. Picture as James says what would be “the good gift and the perfect gift” and let the Holy Spirit paint into your imagination by means of His illustrations, dreams and visions what the expansive longing of God is that is to be created in the space you are presenting. God loves this stuff as dreams and visions and pictures within the imaging part of our created mind are His kind of language. Oh LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel our fathers, keep this forever in the imagination of the thoughts of the hearts of your people, and prepare their heart for You (1st Chronicles 29:18). You will keep him in perfect peace and richness whoever has their imagination resting on You because he is trusting in confidence and security in You (Isaiah 26:3). Faith is our bridge into the realm of the Spirit of God and is what makes those invisible to the naked eye things real and true and see-able within the spiritual spectrum of our inner man. Faith is the pipeline of transference. It is the material by which the invisible things are turned visible. 153 | P a g e

Faith Puts Us On God's Level Playing Field From Abel onward there have always been those who believed God and took His word to be the true measure of what exists. But when it comes to quantifying the life of faith, Abraham stands out as an example. We are privileged in Abraham to see a man who did not allow, in light of God's statements to him, room for any other possibility other than what God had said. In the apostle Paul's writings, he explains there were two sides to Abraham's grasp of God's promise; And weak faith not being part of him (Abraham), he didn't even consider the conditions of his own body now dead (not able to generate seed) when he was about 100 years old, nor did he consider the deadness of Sara's womb (not able to generate an egg). He didn't stagger around like he was under some unbearable, impossible weight, but was strong in faith, giving happy proclamations of the splendor of God. And he was fully persuaded that what He had promised, He certainly also was capable of performing. And because of this, it (faith) was counted to him by God as what is righteousness (Romans 4:19-22). There were two things that Abraham rested on. The first was the promise of God, that God could not nor would ever have a need to lie. The promise of God is in fact a divine guarantee of a thing that God has already willed and is completed in the realm of heavens. It is there waiting in reserve from the moment it was spoken. It is not as though God has to go make it, because the word has already made it. The second thing Abraham rested on was the power of God. He believed, not in his own power to make the miracle happen, but in God's power and ability to make happen what He had promised and this is the way it is with God. Our faith needs to rest in the same two elements as Abraham's that the promise of God is a finished product and that He has and will do exactly as He has said by His power. When the scripture says, it was counted to him as what is righteous, what this means is God considered at that point that Abraham was on the same exact operational level as Himself. You see, this is what the Father is doing with His sons and daughters. The word “righteous� finds its meaning in the idea of balancing or equaling two things like a scale so they are at the same point and position. When we believe, we are arriving at the same point that God is already at. When Abraham believed God and God counted his faith as righteousness, He was saying now Abraham and I are at the exact same level of operation. As 154 | P a g e

Abraham arrived there, the miracle promised was able to become active because he was now at the same place were God was. The wall of separation between Spirit and Abraham had disappeared. (Jesus said), 'I and My Father are one.' Then the Jews started picking up stones again to stone Him. Jesus responded to them, 'Many good works have I showed you that have come from My Father. Which one of these works are you going to stone Me for?' The Jews responded back to Him saying, 'It's not for a good work that we're going to stone You but for blasphemy, because You being a man, have made yourself equal with God.' Jesus said to them, 'Isn't it written in your law, 'I (God) said you are gods (John 10:30-34). So, what is going on here? The suggestion is not being made that all of us become God on our own. This would be absurd. There is only One and there is none other, nor will there ever be. But the idea of the child, and particularly that of the son is that the individual be at the same functional and representative level as the Father. When we take God at His word, believing His promise and His power in fulfilling it, this faith brings us to a meeting point where we are as He is, on the same ground. We have joined Him in harmony at the supremacy of His power but not as independent gods of our own will. The child is the offspring or literally the offshoot and the literal extension of the Father Himself. To be righteousness is to be “at the same as”. It is only when we hear His promise, believe it and walk with the confidence of His own power to fulfill it that we are “at the same as” the level our Father is. We are seeing with unveiled face, eye to eye. In between accepting the promise of God and waiting for it to manifest itself, or re-mold creation by His power, there is always the temptation to take a short cut just like it happened to Abraham. His son Ishmael is the result of the short cut that Sarah in impatience had suggested to him. Sarah apparently thought Abraham should be doing more to make this thing happen. She wanted him to maybe help God out a little in the process, but this seems to be a common problem among even the greatest servants of God. Moses too had his short cut moment when, knowing in himself he was called of God to deliver Israel, in his first attempt in his own power to do so, killed the Egyptian, sparking his long exile, while the second time around God did the work. You and I do the same things in our impatience sometimes with similar devastating effects, but God did not stop His plan because of it. His gifts and callings are without repentance. Try again but try it different. 155 | P a g e

In the equation of binding and loosing as you and I exercise the authority of the keys we've been given in prosecuting the war, while you are restricting the one (the anti-promise) by choking off its influence, you are making way for the enlargement of the power and influence of the other (the Christ, the promise). In prayer do both, and keep pressing it remembering that Daniel was heard and the answer was sent as soon as he began requesting, but in the time lapse a weight of power was building in his favor in heaven and when it arrived the release of it scared everyone it was so incredibly intense. God has given you a metron of influence. Whatever the scope, re-polarize it!

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Chapter Ten “King David� I probably don't have to tell you that king David was a warrior king. As far as champions go he was one of the greatest champions in all the history of Israel. Though Solomon built the temple and brought Israel for a very brief time to the fulfillment of a destiny, it was David the warrior who made that even a remote possibility. Israel had stumbled in their mission to possess all the land of Canaan and it was not until the reign of David that the earthly side of the mission encased in God's promise to Abraham to possess the Land of Promise was finally fulfilled, for David took Jerusalem. As the time came for Israel under Moses to leave their wandering in the wilderness, it was because a new generation had been born that was a generation of faith. Except for a small remnant who had believed God's word ever since they first came out of Egypt, this new generation was a people who knew nothing but faith and living by the miracles of God while the unbelievers among the ranks of the people of God died off. As they approached the time to posses the promise, Moses had this to say; When the LORD your God enters into the land you are going to seize, to dispossess and to possess, and has cast out many and greater swarms of nations from before your faces, face to face, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you. And when the LORD your God will deliver and repay them before your faces, face to face, you will strike them (beat upon them and wound them), entirely destroying them, prohibiting them and exterminating them. You will make no agreement, alliance or treaty with them or show them any mercy. Nor will you make any affinities of marriage with them. Your daughter will not be given to his son, and his daughter you will not take for your son. For they will turn your son away from following Me that they will serve other gods (spirits), and so the hot, passionate jealousy of the LORD will be kindled against you too and exterminate you quickly. But this is how you will deal with them, you will destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people, a people set apart strictly for divine use to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you to be a special people, 158 | P a g e

His high treasure, a people that are at the front of all people on the whole of all the earth. The LORD did not affix Himself in love to you because of your own greatness or number, but because you were the smallest, weakest, the least valued and the least respected of all people (Deuteronomy 7:1-7). It's just like God isn't it? To take the weakest and most troubled and show the world how much He values them. He alone makes us a special people, treasured and at the forefront of all the earth, calling us to Himself to share His unending love with us. Purpose Interrupted But the generation that began the invasion did not complete the work. It sounds like a familiar story doesn't it? Adam began the invasion but did not complete the work and so the work continues needing completion. Noah gave us a new start and another chance to do the work. But within the very people emerging from the Ark, the mystery of iniquity is right there, spoiling it all over again. Because of this malady, we watch the see-saw history of the rising and falling of Israel under the Judges (and later the Kings). Their enemies push them around until a revival comes under a Judge and there is a temporary reprieve in the land. Then the Judge dies, Israel backslides away from God, the enemies return again and back and forth it goes. Had they completed the work as they entered the Promised Land, it would have been a different story altogether, other than their heart problem. And an angel of the LORD came up from Gilgal (the place of the rolling wheel) to Bochim (the weeping place) and said, 'I caused you to ascend and go up out from Egypt, and brought you into the whole of all the land I swore by My own oath to your fathers and said I will not be the party who breaks My covenant with you. And said, 'You will make no alliances with the dwellers set in their places here, but you will throw down their altars, but you have not fully followed and consented to My voice. Why have you done this? Because of this I have now said to you, I am not going to cast them out and drive them away from your face, face to face, but now they are going to be like thorns (adversaries) in your sides and their gods will be a snare (a bait, a lure, a trap) to you. 159 | P a g e

And it came to pass when the angel of the LORD had spoken these words to all of the children of Israel (people of the purpose) that the people lifted up their voice and wept (Judges 2:1-4). Much can be said about this and how it applies to us and our history as people who are called “church� (people of the purpose) because we see in our history, even as the days of the early apostles was coming to a close, warnings that the mission for which Jesus came was already being abandoned. Beloved ones, when I determined it was my business to write to you of the salvation common to us all, circumstances and my duty pressed heavily upon me to write and exhort you all to earnestly contend for the faith that at one time had been delivered into the hands of the saints (Jude 1:3). The Key Of David There is something about the key of the Kingdom of Heaven discussed in the previous chapter that has been left unsaid and that is the fact that the key is a specific kind of key with certain characteristics associated with it. The power of binding and loosing is not an indiscriminate power but is one of high degree and deeply respected. The seven sons of a man named Sceva learned this lesson all too well; Then certain ones of the wavering, uncommitted Jews, exorcists they were, took it upon themselves to utter over persons that had evil spirits the name (power, rank) of the Lord Jesus, saying, 'We demand of you by Jesus who Paul preaches.' And there were seven of them together, the sons of a man named Sceva, a Jew and a leader among the priests who did this thing. And the evil spirit answered them back and said, 'Jesus I am deeply acquainted with and Paul I am aware of, but who are you?' And the man in whom the evil spirit resided sprang on them and overpowering them all, showed extraordinary force against them, so they fled for their lives out of the house stripped naked and with bleeding wounds (Acts 19:1317). It's not a good idea to play with spiritual things you don't really understand. It never seems to turn out quite right and this I know for certain. It is a strange thing though, that it is possible it seems to accomplish some things by the use of Jesus name and the exercise of the laws of faith without deep and intimate engagement with the Holy Spirit. What I am saying is, you can use what has been given, and use the sacred things of God in a self willed way. But 160 | P a g e

God does not give His true power to any but those who enter into the deepest of intimate relations with Him whereby His Spirit is both the initiator and the power, stimulating and creating. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, didn't we tell the future in Your name? And in your name cast out devils? And in your name done many wonderful works? Then I will speak plainly and freely to them, 'But I never knew you (was intimate with you at the most secret and deepest possible level). Go away from My face, you who energize, do business and trade according to your own iniquity, pride and self will (Matthew 7:22-23). In His Revelation to the apostle John, the Lord Jesus spoke again of the key that He possesses empowering the binding and the loosing of spiritual forces. Jesus called the key, the key of David; Whoever has ears that can hear, then let him hear what the Spirit says to the called out ones. And to the angel of the church (called out ones) located in Philadelphia write, 'These are the words spoken by He who is holy, by He that is true, by He that has the key of David, He that opens and no man shuts, and shuts and no man opens (Revelation 3:6-7). Do you notice the elements? The words are proceeding from the One who is holy, being completely set apart for only the sacred use of God, the Spirit. He is also true which refers to pinpoint accuracy, no deviation to the right or the left regarding what I believe refers to the will/desires of God for God alone is true and all else is a lie. Both of these things are matters of the heart in relation to God and as consequence, He holds the key of David which we will talk about more, but this affords the real and genuine power of opening and closing, closing and opening the heavenly and spirit realm in harmony with all that is just the same as the Father. But this is not the only place the key of David is spoken about. When Jesus used the term in the Book of Revelation, it was being quoted from the prophecies of Isaiah; And the key of the house of David will I lay upon His shoulder so He will open and no one will shut, and He will shut and no one will open (Isaiah 22:22). Isaiah's prophecy if you read the context is one discussing removal and replacement of powers. As it unfolds it speaks of One coming to whom the key would be given, but it is more than being given, because it is also first being taken away. What we are viewing in Isaiah is a prophecy of power change. The idea of the shoulder, and the key being laid on His shoulder has to do with ruling. The shoulder speaks first of a yoke or mantle of commissioning for a 161 | P a g e

task. It reflects the idea as it did with Elijah and Elisha of a mantle to do a thing (2nd Kings 2:7-14). This key is a key of rule, the one holding it having the power to prosecute in binding and loosing, but in this case the doing is after a certain manner and that manner is according to David. For to all of us a child is born, to all of us a Son is given and the government (rule, dominion) will be placed upon His shoulder, and His name (rank, power) will be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His rule and enrichment there will be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it (set its direction) and to establish it (sustain it) with judgment and what is just (aligned, to be the same as God), from now until forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts (the swarming armies) will perform this (Isaiah 9:6-7). The Heart Of David There is no doubt, the power of David was his heart toward God. It is David's heart toward God that became the emblem of his rule called “the throne of David”, and what is also called “the house of David”, and what is called “the city of David”. From king David onward the standard was set for all of the kings of Israel that were to come as they either did what was right like David or they did what was evil and not like David, all referring to the results of one man's heart in relation toward his God. When Saul the first king of Israel failed, the prophet Samuel was instructed by the LORD to replace him, who by the way was “head and shoulders above all Israel” signifying Saul's outward stature in the eyes of the people in comparison to other men and also inferring he was full of man's intelligence and will (the head) and man's strength (the shoulders). But as Samuel is searching for the one the LORD has chosen, he keeps looking for the wrong qualifications. He is directed to the house of Jesse; And the LORD said to Samuel, 'How long do you plan on being depressed about Saul, seeing I am the one who has rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill up your horn with oil and go as I am sending you to Jesse who lives in Bethlehem. I have provided Myself a king from among his sons.' And Samuel said, “How can I go? If Saul hears of it he will kill me.' And the LORD said, 'Take a heifer with you and say, 'I've come to sacrifice to the LORD.' And call Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show you what to do, and you will anoint to Me the one that I tell you.

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...And it happened that when they (the sons of Jesse) came, that he looked on Eliab and said, 'Surely the LORD's anointed is standing right in front of me.' But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have refused him, for the LORD does not see things the way man sees things, because man can't look past the outward appearance, while the LORD looks directly on the heart.' Then Jesse called Aminidab and made him pass in front of Samuel and he said, 'The LORD hasn't chosen this one either.' Then Jesse made Shammah pass by and he said, 'The LORD hasn't chosen this one either.' And Jesse made seven of his sons pass in front of Samuel and Samuel said to Jesse, 'The LORD has not chosen any of these.' And Samuel said to Jesse, 'Are these all your children?' And he said, 'There is still one we left out. He is the youngest and all he does is care for the sheep.' And Samuel said to Jesse, 'Send for him immediately, because we will not do one other thing until he has come here.' And he sent and brought him in. Now he appeared rosy over all and had a fair countenance and was pleasing to look at. And the LORD said, 'Rise up, anoint him, this is the one.” (1st Samuel 16:1-12). Aren't the patterns of God amazing? Israel had rejected Samuel the prophet from governing them so they were given Saul who was all human brain and brawn, but ultimately proved to be rejected by God because of the hardness of heart. When God sends Samuel to Jesse to choose a new leader, he sees the stature and power of Jesse's firstborn son and thinks he found the next king. “Wahoo! Good choice! Way to go God!”, he must have been thinking. But none of the progression of sons were God's choice and even the prophet can be fooled by appearances if he isn't listening. Finally they are out of sons and God has not chosen any of them and Samuel discovers there is one that is considered so insignificant he wasn't even invited to join the party. He is the youngest, the smallest, the weakest and the least likely among the brothers to do anything but tend to sheep. This is the one God had chosen to Himself and sent the prophet to acknowledge the Divine selection. The spirit of Saul is the spirit of pride and arrogance. Ultimately as it proves out, the spirit of pride is one that traffics with the spirits of witchcraft (1st Samuel 15:23). This is another subject altogether, but the spirit that usurps God, traffics 163 | P a g e

with forces that are contrary to Him. A condition of neutral does not exist no matter how flowery the package may appear to be. David's brothers looked like kings and warriors. David on the other hand doesn't appear to exactly fit the family mold. But where his brothers may appear to other men as warriors, David at his young age in fact has already demonstrated that he is a true warrior and that before God and not man, for not long after his anointing by Samuel we find this exchange; For Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in array, army against army. And David left his supplies with the keeper of supplies and ran into the army and greeted his brothers. As he talked with them they looked and saw there come up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name out of the armies of the Philistines and spoke according to the same (defiant, discouraging) words, and David heard them. And all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from him and were terrified...And David said to Saul, 'Don't let any man's heart be frightened because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.' And Saul said to David, 'You have no power to prevail against this Philistine and to fight with him. You're only a boy and he's been a champion of war since early in his life.' And David said to Saul, 'Your servant was caring like a friend for his fatherâ€&#x;s sheep and there appeared a lion and a bear and they took a lamb out of the flock. And I went out in pursuit of him, attacking him and beating on him and stripped it from his mouth, plundering his spoils, and when he rose up against me, then I grabbed him by his beard and beat on him until I killed him. Your servant killed both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine will be just like one of them seeing he has reproached, defied and taunted the armies (forces) of the living God. And David explained himself further saying, “The same LORD that saved me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, He will also save me out of the hand of this Philistine (1st Samuel 17:1-37). David was bold and confident, but it wasn't a phony self confidence of fake it 'till you make it, but a confidence in the power of God to fight, deliver and save based on known experience from real life situations. He wasn't new to fighting in the name of the LORD. David had been in battles against insurmountable odds already and knew that God saves those who love Him and that He would save again when the cause is His just cause. 164 | P a g e

As part of the downfall of Saul, his pride led him to step out of his ordained place as leader and usurp the role reserved in Israel for Samuel the prophet (1st Samuel 13:5-13). In response to this Samuel had this to say even before he knew that David existed and would be God's choice; But now your rule of the kingdom will not continue. The LORD has searched out a man like His own heart and the LORD has commissioned him to be the leader of His people (1st Samuel 13:14). God searched out a man whose heart was an echo of His own. This one statement more than anything else in his life, epitomizes David. A man who was not out to do anything but entwine his entire existence with that of God and echo into the world the vibrations of His Creator and because of this God made this shepherd boy the heart standard by which all hearts of all people and leaders would be judged and compared. Paul in his teaching at Antioch spoke these same words about David; And afterwards they had desired a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man from the tribe of Benjamin for forty years. And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David to be their king, to whom He also gave His own personal witness saying, 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will fulfill all My will. Out of this manâ€&#x;s testicles has God, in perfect harmony with His promise, raised up to Israel a Savior, Jesus (Acts 13:21-23). Notice the family stock that was chosen according to the humanity of Christ by which Jesus came. When God impregnated Mary the mother of Jesus, He chose a woman who if not of the direct line of David, had at least come under the house of David by means of espousal to Joseph, who would have been king if the succession from David had continued. She represented the line whose heart was as the very heart of God leading to the fulfilling of all His will. When the angel came to her and announced that she would be the woman that had been promised long before to Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:14-15), that would bear the child who would crush the head of the serpent (satan) and destroy the curse resulting from the fall, she had only one thing to say; Look carefully and see, I am the servant girl of the Lord. Let it be done to me in perfect blended harmony with your word (Luke 1:38). This woman gave her present life, her reputation, her natural hopes and dreams and everything to become a living bodily sacrifice to the will of God. It was the only response her heart would allow. 165 | P a g e

How God Finds His Warriors God is not playing games with the eternal destiny of the universe and I hope to God you aren't either. As calls from Him go forth into the earth He always follows the same process. Out of respect I guess, the first opportunity to come and draw near to Him always goes to those who have most recently been the closest to Him. He alone sees within human hearts and sees those who are seekers of God, searching Him out with all their hearts, willing to do anything, be anything, and go anywhere just to be with Him where He is, doing what it is He is doing. The Spirit of God finds those who seek His will. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever draws near to God must possess a reliant belief that He always rewards those making it their life business to seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). And you will desire and seek and attain Me, finding Me where I am, when you seek with deep care of heart in full, resolute determination. And I will be found of you and turn away every one of your enemies (Jeremiah 29:13-14). David was made a champion warrior and a ruler by God. His secret was one thing and that was the focus of his heart toward his God. Repeated throughout the Psalms of David is the phrase “with my whole heart� have I sought You, praised You, longed for You, etc. God is not a God who invests much in those who are willing to engage Him on some level lower than what He is willing to engage them. When God invests Himself in us He goes all the way, as evidenced so clearly in Jesus Christ. After the call goes out to those who have been most recently closest to Him, and usually only a remnant respond to His invites, then the Lord begins to fan out giving others opportunity to hear and to come to the event He is hosting. But always there is the call, the examination of hearts, the excuses people make, the response of the responders and then the search expands until God has a full house of ready initiates (Luke 14:16-35). We're told, many are invited, but few are selected out and the inference is the selection process has everything to do with our choosing God and God's choosing us together in a mutual agreement. David had the key that unlocked everything. He knew that nothing else mattered in the entire universe except the One treasure worth having, the Presence of God. What gain would it really be to have the whole world and not have your heart in perfect blended harmony with the true value, God. There is nothing else of any worth but that which is in Him. These are the teachings of Jesus.

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The Eyes Of The Lord God is searching right now all over the earth for hearts that are ready to go all the way into the heavens where He is. Jesus talked about the sheep “going in and out” of the pasture (John 10:9). This is the invitation of God to His sons, that we may be those who go into His secret place, hidden from hearts too busy with other things, commune with Him, receive whatever it is we need for our joint mission and then come out with it all to express it into our metron. The key that unlocks all is the heart; The eyes of the LORD sweep back and forth throughout the whole of all the earth to prevail in power, showing Himself strong for the heart that is whole, complete and in richness toward Him (2nd Chronicles 16:9). That God's eyes are searching hearts it is true. In all things, at all times, in all places and spaces within us, nothing is hidden, nor should it be. There is nothing in your heart that is going to be a new surprise to God so going totally naked with Him, not seeking to hide or cover up anything, is the best mode of transportation in travel. This is part of the honesty of David, to let Him be part of every part. The scripture does not say God only blesses perfect flawless hearts as we know that David had his share of mistakes, although a heart in total adjustment with Him is a heart that is “the same as He is” at all times, and what could be better? But what it says is a search is on for those whose heart is perfect toward Him so He might show Himself strong for them. For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He ponders all of his goings (Proverbs 5:21). All the ways of a man seem clean in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirits (Proverbs 16:2). The Seven Spirits Of God Zechariah the prophet knew something about the eyes of the LORD and said there were seven of them. This is interesting as the theme of the seven spirits or eyes of God is picked up in the Book of Revelation too where much is said about them. In Zechariah's vision he first sees seven eyes set upon a single stone and these eyes are associated with the cleansing away of iniquity whose root is pride and hardening self will (that point where we say “no” to God). Jesus is the Rock of the New Covenant and His redeeming work is to bring you and me into full abandon out of the way of Adam in departing from God and 167 | P a g e

into the way of Christ which is alignment with the power of God. It is an initial act and an ongoing process with a fantastic goal in mind. For if you will look carefully you will see a stone I have laid before Joshua (Yashua). Upon one stone will be seven eyes. Look carefully and see that I will do the engraving of the carvings on it, says the LORD of the swarming armies of heaven, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day (Zechariah 3:9). But the vision of the eyes of the LORD and their power to adjust and align things only begins there with Zechariah. In a second vision what the eyes are about becomes even more defined as he says; “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house and his hands will also complete it and you will know the LORD of the swarming armies of heaven has sent me to you. For who is it that despised the day of the seeming small and insignificant starts? For they will rejoice and will see the engraved cornerstone stone in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven. They are the eyes of the LORD which sweep back and forth throughout the whole of all the earth” (Zechariah 4:9-10). If we begin to link the language patterns together we start to see the combination of the Seven Spirits of God, the Seven Eyes, the Cornerstone by which all other stones are aligned and searching by God for hearts that are aligned toward Him with whom He may show the full power of His salvation. The seven concept also plays a prominent role in the Book of Revelation as there are:           

Seven Churches – the church being the called cleansing agents of reconciliation in the earth. Seven Spirits before the throne. Seven Candlesticks which are the Seven Churches. Seven Stars which are the Seven Angels. Seven Lamps of fire burning which are the Seven Spirits of God before the throne. Seven Seals. Seven Horns of the Lamb. Seven Eyes of the Lamb which are the Seven Spirits of God. Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets. Seven Thunders which haven't been known yet. A dragon having seven heads. 168 | P a g e

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Seven Last Plagues in the hands of the Seven Angels. Seven Vials in which the Seven Plagues loosed by the Seven Angels are contained. Seven mountains which are the seven heads of the dragon on which the whore sits. Seven kings associated with the seven heads and the whore.

Is that enough sevens for you? All of these sevens are interconnected in the book. But the Seven Spirits of God are key as they first come in a cleansing manner to the seven churches examining their hearts, to align them and then extend into the earth, doing works that are meant to cleanse and align the earth. But the consistent theme is men and their hearts and how all the things that are happening are so that men will turn their hearts toward God and be saved instead of hardening their hearts toward Him. The Book of Revelation is a book of the ultimate examination of hearts and cleansing of earth. There are the seven heads of the dragon and if you remember there were also seven nations Israel was to cleanse from the Promised Land. Another element often missed is the opening of the seven seals and the judgments, whose purpose is to turn hearts, are initiated in response to the prayers of the saints; And when had taken the book, the four beasts and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb, every one of them having harps and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the saints... And I saw as the Lamb opened one of the seals and I heard what sounded like the noise of thunder, and one of the four beasts saying, 'Come and see (Revelation 5:8 & 6:1). And another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given to him a great deal of incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God out of the angels‟ hand. And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it into the earth and there were voices and thunders and lightening and an earthquake. And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound (Revelation 8:3-6). Much is said in scripture under the heading of the word saints, but one thing is certain and that is the saints are ones who are set apart solely for the purposes 169 | P a g e

of God in the earth, which I thought was the point of coming to Jesus Christ, but apparently some people aren't getting that message. For those whose hearts are in that state of existence there are a myriad of what one might call “ultra”-promises God gives to the saint. But there is something else that emerges in the idea of saints and that is that they are considered in the economy of God to be a “warrior class” of people. And Enoch, the seventh from Adam prophesied regarding these saying, 'The Lord appears with tens of thousands of His saints, that He might execute judgment on all that are in opposition to God among them regarding all their opposed to God deeds which they have opposed to God committed in all their harsh speeches which opposed to God violators have spoken against Him (Jude 1:14-15). And the LORD will appear and fight against all those nations like He fought in the day of battle...and the LORD my God will appear and all the saints with Him (Zechariah 14:3-5). I looked carefully and saw that the same horn was able to make war toward the saints until the Ancient of Days arrived until judgment (legal right enforced) was given to the saints of the Most High and the season was reached that the saints should possess the kingdom (Daniel 7:21-22). To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with bands of iron, to execute on them the judgment as it is written. This honor belongs to all of those who are His saints (Psalm 149:8-9). Letting God Penetrate David welcomed the presence of God into His heart. There was nothing more vital to David than having his own heart in perfect blended harmony with God and His own purposes. David was a man seeking to be led through life by the Spirit of God. This cry of David resounds in his Psalms and the purposes to which he invested his life. The cause of God was the only cause to David. David had a hunger for God to be the center of all life, not just in himself but over the entire metron God had placed under his care as the king of Israel (the people of the purpose). He wanted God to be the stimulant center of all his thoughts. He wanted God to be the director of every word and every action of expression that showed itself in him, knowing that this alone was the real key to life and any mans highest possible value. David begged for God to penetrate into him and probe the depths of his heart with hunger and passion, purifying, cleansing and aligning. 170 | P a g e

Search me, explore me and examine me Oh God, and perceive to the roots the depths of my heart. Examine me, scrutinize me and test my thoughts and observe to distinguish any idolatrous trail leading to anguish and guide me instead to the trail that leads to perpetuating life (Psalm 139:23-24). Examine me Oh LORD and prove me (like an assayer of purity of gold), refine as in a smelter the reigns (the guidance system) of my heart (Psalm 26:2). Create in me a clean heart Oh God - unmixed with any other thing, and repair within me a restored and harmoniously adjusted spirit. Don't let me be cast off at a distance somewhere from Your presence, and let me be seized upon entirely by Your Holy Spirit. Restore and refresh on me the glad mirth of your salvation (yasha) and lay me to rest within your high, willing, eager and generous spirit. Then will I have the power to teach those unaligned all about Your ways, and those opposed to You will be polarized to you in their conversion (Psalm 51:10-13). Seven Times Pure The number seven in scripture indicates a work that is completed. It has to do with enjoying the benefits of a job well done (Genesis 2:1-3). When it comes to the topic of purity, and particularly a pure heart, the theme of “seven times� enters the picture. There is also a tie in with the sevens related to the purification of the churches and the heavens and the earth in the Book of Revelation and those Seven Eyes of the Seven Spirits of God that search the earth for the heart that is perfectly set toward him. All the words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in an earthen furnace, purified seven times (Psalm 12:6). But He knows the pathway that I am following. When He has tried me, I will proceed forth as gold (Job 23:10). In the symbolism of the cleansing of a leper the priest was to take the blood and sprinkle it on the person seven times. Leprosy is symbolic of an unclean spirit; And he will sprinkle (the blood) on the one who is to be cleansed of leprosy seven times and pronounce him clean... (Leviticus 14:7) On the Day of Atonement the High Priest would perform a ceremony symbolic of the re-polarization of the people of Israel with the energies of the 171 | P a g e

LORD. In the realignment process, bringing the nation back at one again with God, the blood was sprinkled on the Ark of the Covenant seven times for the cleansing and atonement; And he will sprinkle the blood on it with his finger seven times, and this will cleanse it and restore it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel (Leviticus 16:19). Part of the illustration we are given regarding Israel wandering in the wilderness has to do with the adjusting of their hearts. They needed to transition from the hearts they labored under as Egyptian slaves under Egyptian powers, including the spiritual filth of their ruling gods, to hearts that were purified exclusively to the voice and influence of the one and only LORD God. Only in this way would they have the power of the Infinite God among them in sufficient majesty to terrify their enemies in the land and overthrow them as they first dispossessed then possessed the land; And remember all of the way which the LORD your God led you these forty years in the wilderness whose intent was to humble you (bring you under the power of My power), and to assess you like a refiner refines gold, to expose what was in your heart, whether you would listen to and treasure, guard as precious and watch carefully over the instructions and commissions of His voice, or whether you would not (Deuteronomy 8:2). Notice the purposes of the wilderness wanderings. It was all about a purification of the hearts of the people in relation to God. It was an assessing to see if they really would listen to His voice because what they were about to do in dispossessing their enemies would require humbleness of heart. The Seven Times Process I often wonder why it sometimes seems so difficult for me to learn a lesson from the Lord. It's like my life is on this revolving circuit where I find over the course of time that I keep revisiting the same places and challenges again and again. Much of this has to do with the uniqueness of our messages into the world, but I will find myself going through seasons where certain issues are emphasized all over again in my life by the Holy Spirit. My heart toward what is happening will have a measure of response and during these times I will be made aware of some deeper adjustment required in my heart if I'm going to the next level of intimacy with God. Each time we visit these places, what I learned last time is the basis for what I am about to learn. While it's happening, at least in the discovery phase of, “Oh great! I'm back here 172 | P a g e

again?�, I can feel a little discouraged and a little irritable at having to revisit what I thought was old territory. Usually these seasons involve some level of repentance on my part, a dying to my old way and a new faith embrace of a deeper experience. As these things revolve around their circuit forming my life message, I am allowed to see in myself new and deeper levels of Gods work in me. In other words, what I thought I took care of in the last round, I find that it actually extends into an even deeper connection with the Spirit of God in my own heart and spirit. I would love it if everything were all fixed up all at once, but apparently that is not Gods way, for in His wisdom He knows the depth of the process is just as important as the ultimate goal. Who will He teach knowledge? And who will He allow to understand the instructions? Those saturated with the milk of the full and ripened bounty, those drawing out their life from the breasts. For the voice of expression leads to the voice of expression, and the voice of expression is to the voice of expression, and the line that measures leads to the line that measures, the line that measures to the line that measures, a quantity is given this time and a quantity is given next time. For with what sounds like a foreign language, and what sounds like a strange sounding babbling tongue, will He commune in all conceivable ways with this people (Isaiah 28:9-11). The picture we are given is like a baby waiting at a very full and ready breast. But just as a baby can't eat everything he or she will ever need at a single feeding, so it is with us. God gives us a quantity this time and a quantity the next time and each time we are nourished and imparted the energy to grow a little more. We draw from God the sustenance of life. David drew from God the sustenance of life. The idea of the breast also speaks to us of the instructional intimacy, because just like when the dependent infant feeds, there is a communication and learning that is taking place during the process. As the mother blesses with the rich overflow of her breast she is talking to the baby, comforting and maybe even singing to the baby in what to the infant is a strange language, but the point is the baby is in an educational time where eventually these sounds will take on clearer meaning, and he/she will eventually mimic. The power of what becomes love based communication sets a tone within the child for maximum learning potential throughout life. But on the other side, the baby's tongue is also making his or her own sounds in cooing, gurgling and sometimes crying if there is a need. This intimacy is a powerful time of child development. All this begins in unintelligible languages bathed in love that grow 173 | P a g e

in clarity and detail over time as the connection points and communion between the two continue to take place. I don't know if we ever grow away from the concept of the breast and what it represents in way of love, care, comfort and enjoyment as much as our relationship to it changes as we grow. I've spent some time on this because of a vision I had in prayer one day that I wasn't quite sure what to do with. But let me just say that one of the illustrated pictures God gives to us to help us understand spiritual truth is the revelation of God as El Shaddai, referring to God as the breast(s) of heaven. David Had It David had the heart God sought after then and still seeks today. God hasn't changed and neither has that for which the Seven Eyes are searching. It is that heart that was (and is) in David that wants, needs and requires nothing more than intimacy and union with the Infinite Power that is at the heart of the formation of all things that are past, the power that can alter all things present, and the power that is altering all things right now toward a predestined future in which you and all the earth is filled with the visible splendor of the Creator who is revealed by the apostle John as love (1st John 4:12-16). This is the destiny. We are moving toward a world that is saturated in pure love between God and mankind, all inter-human relations and the overflow into all created things (Isaiah 11:1-10). This is the creation that is waiting and over which Jesus Christ will triumphantly reign together with those who have come into His depths as liberators from the spirits of evil on earth. For the intense excitement of the whole of the creation is waiting for the unmasking and the unbound, unhidden, total expression of the sons of God. But the creation also was made subject to the depravity, and this was not by any personal choice they made themselves, but by the council that subordinates it now to the exact same hope we share in. For the whole, entire creation will also be delivered out of the bondage of decay and corruption and into the same splendid freedom of the sons of God. For we know that right now the whole of the creation is groaning and travailing in pain together, even in this present moment. But not just them, as we right along with them also participate, we who have received into us the first fruits of the Spirit. We ourselves are groaning within ourselves waiting for the final, full and complete result of the adoption, I am talking about the redemption of our physical bodies (Romans 8:19-23).

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It is a groaning and panting of the deepest possible kind. It is a panting of the spirit inside the depths of our being, longing to touch the unfathomable expanse of eternity, present in the One in whom we live and breathe and have our being. In salvation, the power that is Creator and pulsating within the living creation on the outside of us, becomes also the power that is inside of us as well in a divine congruence. This is the Christ. This is the Christian. This is the news that is good news, and ultimately the permeation of life will swallow all mortality, overcoming it in a grand crescendo of ultimate, finalized triumph, but in the meantime the power of it all is alive right now inside of us, moving toward a destination that was determined even before the world began. When the union happens, it makes you a warrior in the mold of King David but even more importantly, in the mold of the One he foreshadowed, the real true Lord and King of all, Jesus Christ. If it's not in you, the passion, the fire, the zeal, the readiness to join His cause and take on the wars, then I can tell you in all truth you must examine your heart. Harmony of your heart with His heart will make His zealous passions burn within you to the point no one can tell where He ends and you begin or you begin and He ends. The Book Of Ruth There would be no David had there been no Ruth. Much can be said about the Book of Ruth and should be, but had it not been for the heart of Ruth, David's great grandmother, then the rich heart of David we are so blessed to glimpse shining into the history of the world, would not have been. It is the heart of Ruth that appears again in David causing a renewal in the paradigm of relationship between man and God. I will give you a brief summary of the prophecy the Book of Ruth gives us. The characters in the play and what they represent are important in the Old Testament scriptures as nothing is done by accident and all of them point to Christ. Because of this they hold a wealth of spiritual instruction for those with eyes to elevate them to their Holy Spirit level. The characters in the play are important. In the opening two chapters all of the main ones are introduced and they all represent certain truths. Here it the list;  

Elimilech – whose name means “God is my King” and as such represents the idea of the Kingdom of God. Naomi – whose name means “My pleasantness and delight”. Naomi is under the power or husbandry of Elimilech. We don't have to go far to realize she represents that which gives God the greatest of delight and pleasure. The Kingdom of God and the will of God are married together. One does not exist without the other (Matthew 6:10). The very meaning 175 | P a g e

of the word “will” is: that which is desired, delights and gives joy and pleasure. 

The two sons – 1. Mahlon – whose name means “weak” and whose definition is associated in one tense with the concept of prayer, the idea being strength comes from God not man. 2. Chilion – whose name means “pining” as in pining away for something as in a complaint and is often associated with that which leads to destruction.  The two wives of the sons 1. Orpah – whose name means “gazelle, or the neck” and is associated with being stiff necked, a term referring to being stubborn toward God. 2. Ruth – whose name means “friendship, to be close, welcoming” and speaks for itself.  Boaz – whose name means “fleetness” and is a picture of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Boaz by the way was the son of Rahab, the harlot. The story comes down to Naomi, the two daughters in law and eventually Boaz. The women represent three hearts. Naomi sees herself never being married again to anyone other than Elimilech (the Kingdom of God). She therefore continues to represent the hearts delight of the Kingdom of God which is the will of God. On the trip to the Promised Land, Naomi speaks to the two daughters in law about leaving her. Orpah, the stiff necked, decides to return to her mother’s house (original heart) and the gods of her people, then kisses the delight of the Kingdom of God goodbye. But Ruth has a different heart in her. In response to the test of going forward or returning to her original people and gods Ruth says; Don't lean on me to leave you, to return from following after you. For wherever you go is where I will go, and wherever you lodge, is where I will lodge. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Where you die is where I will die and that is where I will be buried. May the LORD allow horrible judgments on me if anything but death separate me from you (Ruth 1:1617). Is it any wonder where David got the attitude of his heart toward God? The surprising thing is, God had to go outside of Israel to get it and inject it into the bloodline of the Messiah. The eyes of the LORD search the hearts. He doesn't care about your human pedigree, your church affiliation, your Bible College, your race, your country, your family, your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your friends or any of these things (Luke 14:25-26). 176 | P a g e

With a deep and longing eye, right now as you read this the Holy Spirit is searching through your heart, looking through every archive and into every corner, behind all your hidden doors to see and probe with the question, is your heart perfectly toward the Lord Jesus? Will there be anything in your heart that could cause you to return from following Him? Will you allow it? Will you go wherever it is He goes? Will you live wherever it is and under whatever conditions He is willing to live? Will the people He loves be the people you love? Where He is willing to die, are you willing to die on that same battlefield too? Is there anything but death that can possibly separate you from the will of God? King David wrote these words; You had no interest or delight in sacrifices and offerings. You opened my ears to You. Burnt offerings and sin offerings never really were what you required. Then I said, 'Look! In the whole volume of the book it is written regarding me! I delight as my own pleasure and joy, to do Your will Oh, my God. Yes, Your expressions are written inside of my heart (Psalm 40:6-8). The Book Of Revelation I will close this chapter with these thoughts, that the Book of Revelation in the Bible is aptly called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.� It is a book of war. It is a book that peels back the curtain on the heavens. It is a conflict of spiritual principalities and powers vying to maintain control of what they have already lost on that one great day in the city of Jerusalem, at a place called Golgotha where Jesus was not murdered though that was the intent of His persecutors, but rather where He willingly gave Himself as the first sacrifice of the new and elevated war. And in it He proved the power of supremacy existing within the Spirit of God and those who trust it by rising again from the dead and breaking forever the backbone of death and all that is of it. Where once the keys of hell and death were in the control of satan, they are no longer. They are now the possession of the Lord Jesus Christ and the warrior saints whose hearts are fully engaged in the life and death cause of purifying the heavens over us and throughout the earth. Now anything is possible under these conditions, isn't it? The purpose of God and the power of God always find a meeting point. The Book of Revelation opens with an examination by the One who holds the key of David. It begins with the heart of the churches in deep examination and then it spreads. In the Seven Churches the Seven Spirits are searching for those whose hearts are perfect toward Him because the passion for perfect toward Him leads as always to what is perfect with Him. I suggest you read about the heart of these churches and search your own heart in light of their blessings, their rebukes, their correctional instructions and the rewards that are waiting for the hearts that align. 177 | P a g e

As the horned ram pants desperately for the brooks of refreshing water, so does my soul pant for You, Oh God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When will I enter and appear before God? (Psalm 42:1-2). Are you panting after God? Is it time to?

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Chapter Eleven “To The Seven Churches” I wrestled with myself over whether or not I should write about the seven churches of Revelation, but the more I prayed the more it seemed the examination of the Seven Churches as stated really ought to be presented, at least in an initial format. The tests of the hearts in these churches open up the remainder of the future as revealed. You cannot eliminate an enemy power with which you are in league. My concern is whether what needs to be said can be said in a single chapter, but I must at least present to you the seed, because all that is contained in the examination of the churches are matters of the heart within the Revelation of Jesus Christ. As the apprentices of Jesus, we are called to conquer in the name of the Lord of Power the entire spiritual and physical plane of what I like to call the earth sector. It is a mission of the heart and an infusion of the Spirit. What is out beyond the earth sector? I haven't a clue. But what I do know is this is going to be the habitation of God and of His Christ and of the saints at the very least. I know all of the principalities and powers ruling in heavenly places and exercising influence over people and entire geographic regions are now to be disinherited and cast down from their “places” by the prayers of the saints and that the suppressive powers will be replaced with whoever it is the Father has selected from among His offshoots (Matthew 20:21-23). This is the point of the parable we talked about involving the faithful servant receiving authority over ten cities (Luke 19:12-27). What are the details of this? In short form it has to do with two things. The first is one's faithfulness toward managing your personal measure or metron, bringing it under the loving power of God. The other part of the short form answer is related to the first but has as its core motivation the heart of a servant toward those within your metron. The power God gives is the power to set people free. The more effectively you serve in bringing life to the lives of others, has a great deal to do with everything. Jesus called them (the apprentices) to Him and said, 'You know the princes of the tribes and nations hold the people in subjection under them and their mega-leaders exercise power over them. But this will not be the way things work among you. Whoever will be a mega-leader among you will be your high level attendant, exercising commands and orders to benefit you. And whoever will rank at any higher place than you will be your servant, extending and advancing your own critical cause. 180 | P a g e

This precisely matches the pattern of the Son of Man who has not come here to be benefited by your service, but to exercise commands and orders to benefit you, and to give up His own life to pay for the release of others who are being held bound in slavery (Matthew 20:25-28). The re-polarization of earth involves the hearts of people becoming just like the heart of the Son of Man. This is the new race. This is the new reality where it is not what you can receive from any other, but what gift you hold from God that might be utilized to make all those in your metron as great as they can possibly be, and they in turn those surrounding them. The point of the five ministries in Ephesians chapter four is to bring the saints into their own greatness, or as Paul said, “the effective, efficient working in the measure of every single part.â€? We are creating a splendid machine of God's own expression. It is the spread of life on a massive scale across the earth. What this really means is the adjustment of hearts into such an alignment with the infinite power of Christ and the personal measure each one is given, that the fullness of heaven is being marvelously manifest in you. Apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers mission in one sense is all the same and this is what you should be experiencing as they hang out with you, loving Jesus, loving you and the mission you've been blessed to experience, a constant improvement in your own hearts mission. Judgment Begins At The House Of God Jesus gave an illustration as to how the process of re-polarity works. But before we go into that let me say you can only go as far as your guide has gone. Once you reach a place beyond your guides actual experience level, you have just entered uncharted territory as they can take you no further than their own experience. At that point you need to either figure out who has already been on the trail you are about to enter and get a new guide or get ready to embark on the adventure all alone and face the learning curve and the pitfalls you will find there without any experienced person to help. The apprentice is not beyond the journeyman that taught him, but everyone who has become what was intended, will be just like the journeyman. And why do you focus all your attention on the flake of chaff that is in your brotherâ€&#x;s eye but are mentally blind to the huge beam lodged securely in your own eye?

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How can you say to your brother then, 'My fellow, allow me to remove the chaff that is in your eye when you can't even discern first the huge beam lodged securely in your own eye? Your entire premise is faked (hypocritical)! Cast out, and drive away as your first order of business the huge beam lodged securely in your own eye, and then you will have clear vision with which to cast out and drive away the flake of chaff in your brothers eye (Luke 6:40-42). Sometimes I think if professors of Jesus could get just this one thing down we would be well on our way to global transformation. The truth of the matter is, you can only impart experience. I can take you only as far as I've gone. After that I'm guessing and selling you on empty theory of which there is far too much. Theory doesn't move around spiritual wickedness in high places. The spirit world deals in facts, even though adverse spirits lie about them to us because they fear us connecting with the truth. See that you do not decline and make excuses regarding Him (Jesus) when He is speaking. For if those who declined and made excuses to the one that spoke from earth did not escape, how much more us, if we turn away from Him that is speaking to us directly out of heaven? Whose voice in that other time shook the very earth, but now He has promised saying, 'Yet one more and final time I will shake not only the earth, but also heaven (realm of spirit).' And this, yet one final time has made it clear and understandable, there will be a removal of all those things that may be shaken of all things that have been created, that only those things that cannot be shaken may remain then in their places. Because of this very thing, we having received a Kingdom (a dominion) which can never be affected by any disturbance, storm or onslaught, let us accept to ourselves grace, the sweet loving favor of God, by which means we may perform the service of God with the deepest of all respect and God-ward fear (of being outside His canopy of safety), because our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:25-29). What is genuine is immovable. Temptation is a process of assessing sincerity and what has become fact inside of you. If you say you believe a thing I can assure you a test will follow to assess the sincerity of what you just said or what you just experienced from God. Does it stand up under pressure? For the time has arrived that judgment (examination, assessment) must begin within the household and family members of God. And if it begins here 182 | P a g e

with us, what will be the final, terminal conclusion on those who harden themselves against harmony with the astounding proclamations of God. And if those harmonizing with God find their safe places by passing through examination, where will the hostile toward God and the unaligned with Him rank in appearance? For this reason, let those who define their experience in harmony with what delights and rejoices God, entrust to Him the security of their souls and express what is harmonious, even as does their faithful Creator (1st Peter 4:17-19). After the heavens opened on Jesus at His water and Holy Spirit baptism, where the voice from heaven proclaims Him to be the Son of God, the first thing that happened is He is led into the wilderness. While in the wilderness the devil comes and performs an examination regarding what God had said to Him. The truth outside Him in the Fathers statement was the truth inside Him as well and after the test, the devil fled from Him at least for a season, having found no responding echo of his voice sounding back from inside the heart of Jesus. (Matthew 4:1-11). What is in you becomes integrated within you only as you hold ground under stress. What good is a bridge that can't support the weight of the traffic it is designed to carry? If the materials from which it is constructed cannot bear up to the weight in the stress phase, those materials that fail need to be adjusted or replaced with new and stronger materials. Jesus taught us success comes from hearing His words and doing them and the doing isn't just a onetime thing, it is continual, under all circumstance. Because of this, whoever hears My instructions and fashions according to them, I will compare him to a man who has secured his habitable spaces upon a rock (an immovable foundation). And the rains fell and the flood waters rose and the gale winds blew and beat on those habitable spaces and it could not be moved from its place because it was founded on a rock. And everyone that hears My instructions and does not fashion according to them will be like an empty headed dim-wit who secured his habitable spaces on the sand (movable, erode-able). And the rains fell and the flood waters rose and the gale winds blew and beat on those habitable spaces and it collapsed, and the collapse of it was huge (Matthew 7:24-27). Following the instructions of a master journeyman is a matter of trust. Sure, you can mistrust what he is saying, reject his instruction and do it your way, but it will never match the master’s craftsmanship. Only the master knows how to create the masterpiece and he will teach you his way. In things of the spirit arena, there is no Master Instructor other than Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We do well 183 | P a g e

to listen and of course then adhere to the instructions regardless of the challenge or temptation to take shortcuts. Trust Every point of faith is a point of trust. But what is it that we are trusting? On the one hand it is God, right? And that's our first hurdle because God is Spirit. How do you trust a Spirit? How do you trust what you cannot see with the current visual, spectral capacity of your eyes? You of course will have to get spiritual eyes to see spiritual things. This no one else can do for you as God calls individual hearts. But what is it about God that we are trusting? What is it we can cling to when all we have is an instruction and the storm that we see is breathing out some serious threats? Into what can we root ourselves and grasp onto when all hell is breaking out against us and everything looks contrary? Surely he will not be shaken, fall or overthrown at any time forever. The one harmonizing with God will not be forgotten but is continually remembered at all times into eternity. He will not fear the assault of malignant distresses. His heart is fixed (securely founded), trusting in the LORD. His heart is sustained and revived. He will not be afraid for he will see in his eyes the narrow, stringent binding and destruction of his enemies. He has dispersed what he was given. He has given strength to those in need. His harmony of expression is now eternal. His rays of light will be raised up on high and honored. The wicked will see this and will be grieved. He will gnash in anguish with his teeth and melt away. What the wicked intended will be blotted out and caused to vanish (Psalm 112:6-10). In these times of examination we face a decision of the heart. In times of testing the temptation is always to seek relief in the shortcut and believe me the shortcut will always be provided, but it won't be from God. No one doubts the fear is real and the storm is real and the battle you are facing is real. But during the height of the conflict, you will always be offered a shortcut that seems so close to what the instruction said and if you just take this one shortcut, you can stop the pain. Wouldn't that be a relief? Isn't this what the serpent offered Eve in the garden? A shortcut to wisdom? And what of Jesus in the wilderness being so hungry after 40 days of fasting. A 184 | P a g e

shortcut to a meal? Then a shortcut to the angelic powers of heaven? A shortcut to ruling the world? In matters of the heart there is always the way of trust, even though it leads through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. The shortcut with which we are enticed and lured to turn to in order to find comfort in another god (spirit) will short circuit our own doorway to greater capacity to influence our metrons for the splendor of Christ. But what is it that we're trusting? Is it the fact that God cannot lie? Yes, it is that. But there is something more, something deeper and more subterranean. It is the knowledge of His love; That He would give you the gift, in perfect blended harmony with the riches of His own splendor, to wax strong in influence of power by means of His Spirit within your inner man, What I mean is, that Christ may settle into the habitation of your hearts by means of faith, so that you being rooted and being grounded in love may be able to comprehend along with all of the saints what is the full breadth, what is the full length, what is the full depth and what is the full height, And to perceive with full feeling at the deepest and most intimate degree what is the love of Christ for you, that frankly exceeds all conceivable ability for us to fully grasp, so that in purpose, you might be filled to overflowing with the with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:16-19). If at some point you doubt the love, you're likely to take the shortcut. It really is that simple. The shortcut will become your refuge of faith, the place you run to for comfort and to make the storm go away. I can tell you that it will not work because the shortcut is a lie and comes from the father of lies (John 8:44). How many times have I short circuited a powerful miracle from God I can't say? I can think of some major ones I never saw though, but now I can't get those moments back. For in Christ who is Jesus, it doesn't matter if you have been circumcised or if you have not been circumcised. What matters is faith, which is made operational by the energies of love (Galatians 5:6). No, in all of these things we are far beyond mere conquerors by means of Him that loves us. For my persuasion is in this, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present in this moment, nor things that are yet to appear, nor anything in the heights, nor anything in the depths will be able to separate us from the love of God residing within Christ who is Jesus (Romans 8:37-39). 185 | P a g e

Getting Ready To Polarize The Planet The Book of Revelation begins with a deep examination of those who say they are of Jesus. The Seven Spirits of God that Jesus holds in His hand (meaning He gets to direct them) are first unleashed upon the church, because the purification of the hearts in loving trust with Him is the first cleansing of the dedicated that leads to the power of cleansing the heavens and the gift of our planet, which is to become our Fathers “footstool of triumph and rest� (Isaiah 66:1). Only an eye cleared of beams can see clearly to remove chaff, casting it out and away from obscuring the visions of others. It is the heart that is toward God in all things that the Seven Spirits before the throne are demanding and examining. God is calling you and me into the most holy of all places. It is the place of the single mind. It is the place of the purest and most undefiled purpose. It is the place where what we are within our hearts and all that our Father is, are one and the same. It is the purpose of the Seven Spirits that roam the earth searching the hearts to bring you and me into this place of perfect integration. Who will ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or, who will stand in His most sacred and singular place? The one who has clean hands (works, expression of business) and a pure, singular heart, who has not lifted up and exalted his soul in what is empty, void and what lays waste, or allied himself in agreement with what is not according to true (Psalm 24:3-4). Let me state again that God cares about the heart of a man and not about his behavior. Now let me qualify that statement by saying this is because behavior is incidental and always the outcome of what the heart trusts for comfort in its present state of enlightenment. The heart that is joined in perfect love with the Father simply expresses that union as an effortless matter of course. As is the Father, so is the child. His seed in us is His Holy Spirit. It is a cause and effect relationship; For it is out of the heart that there proceeds binding, oppressing and pain inflicting thoughts, also murders, adulteries (possession of another's spouse), practices of sexual idolatry (oppression), thefts, false witness, and speaking against the splendors of God. These are the things that make man common or profane (below the dignity of their purpose). But eating without washing your hands first does not make a person common and profane (below the dignity of their purpose). (Matthew 15:19-20).

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Discovery Within The Churches One day Jesus told an illustrative story about being able to finish what it is you have started. It is in the context of us being willing to take up our cross and follow Him. The cross was a familiar symbol to the Jews as it was a favorite punishment the Romans used on Zealots participating in insurrections against Roman rule. Jesus was telling them, “If you aren't willing to go the distance, don't start.� But there is more to the wisdom in the parable than that because He is saying to us if you have a job to do or a battle to fight, make sure you have what you need to finish before you engage the project. If you don't, you've lost before you've even begun. It's like being in a race that will require ten gallons of gas and you only having five gallons in your tank. As the Book of Revelation opens, we see Jesus going through a discovery process. There is a task at hand which involves the cleansing of the heavens and preparation of the earth for the real Jerusalem which is the heavenly one and not an earthly. But in order to start the project and prosecute the war and finish it, He is first assessing the materials at hand; For which one of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost in order to know if you have everything you need to finish the job before you start it? This is so it doesn't happen that after you've laid the foundation (beginning the project), you are not able to finish it and all those watching closely, begin to mock, considering the man to be of trifling consequence, saying, 'This man began to build and was incapable of finishing? Or, what king going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and examine in counsel whether he is able with his ten thousand to match in military campaign one that is coming against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other one is still a great distance away he sends ambassadors desiring conditions of peace. With the same thought in mind, whoever of you that doesn't leave all that he has behind him, cannot be My disciple. Salt is a good thing, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, what can you do to re-flavor it? It's not fit to season the earth and it's not even fit to suppress the dung hill. If there are ears on the side of your head you better listen to what I am saying (Luke 14:29-35) The examination of the hearts of those comprising church in Revelation is this very thing. Do we have in the hearts of those invited what it will take to go all the way and finish what we've started? The foundation was laid by Jesus 187 | P a g e

Christ and the apostles and prophets of the early called ones He had chosen. But does the heart exist within professed followers of Jesus today to take this baby to the end? So far in history, the answer seems to be no. Nothing sufficient of heart has appeared yet in enough significant quantity and so the Seven Spirits of God who are before His throne continue their search under the hand of the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords. He who is the Head of all principality and power keeps knocking on doors to see who will share the communion meal with Him in the true meaning for which it was meant, a commitment to the exchange and mutual sacrifice of each life. Who's going all the way? That is the question at every celebration of the Last Supper as the meal of communion is a covenant meal in which the heart is examined carefully as to the “remembrance” of our Lord Jesus Christ, what He has done, and our alignment with the vision of His throne. The Parable Of The Sower The Parable of the Sower has always fascinated me. One reason is Jesus said if you understand this parable, every other one will open up to you (Mark 4:13). That is a pretty big statement to make. But what is the illustration all about? There are several ways to approach it, but one of the clearest is to say the parable speaks to, “At what point will it be that your heart says, NO to God?” Is the person’s heart so hardened that right from the beginning as God speaks to them they say no? Or, is it down the road a little where as soon as the voice of God probes more deeply it finds hardness and you say “No” to Him? Or, is it that the cares of this life and things of the material visible world become more important to you than His voice? Or, is it the fourth scenario with you, where there is nothing that can separate you away from the most valued treasure of all which is His eternal voice being transmitted into you by your loving communion with the Holy Spirit? How deep can His roots penetrate into you? And when He was alone, those that were near to Him and touching Him along with the twelve asked Him about this illustrative story. And He said to them, 'Unto ones such as you (those drawn close, near and touching) it has been granted that you should know in the most intimate way the secret of the Kingdom of God. But to those at a distance, all these things exist only as parables. This is so those ones upon seeing will not see and will not perceive, and hearing they will hear but not understand. At any time that they do they will be converted, their whole direction turning, and every one of their misses (sins) against the plan will be forgiven, wiped out and no longer existing.' 188 | P a g e

Then He said to them, 'Do you not see this parable? How then will you see all of the parables? The sower is sowing the word (the expression, speech of the living voice, the concept and idea, the mind of God). These are those on the wayside (the hardened impenetrable ground) where the word is sown. But when they have heard it, satan (the adversary, the opponent, opposite one) comes immediately and carries off the word that was sown upon their impenetrable, hardened heart. These are the ones who very similarly are sown on the stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it to them with happiness, but they have no room in themselves for roots and so they remain with it, continuing for a time but it is only temporary in them. Later on, if there is any pressure and distress, or harassment (persecution) rising up because of the words sake, they immediately stumble, distrust and pull away. These are those that are sown among thorns. They hear the word but all of the cares rooted in this world and the lies about its riches, and cravings for things other than the word enter into them instead, crowding out and choking off the breathing of the word, and they appear in history then as unfruitful. And these are they that are sown on good ground. It is those who hear the word and receive it as if it were their own expression, and then it brings to the forefront fruit, some thirty fold in measure, some sixty fold in measure and some one hundred fold in measure (Mark 4:10-20). It is always about the heart and is has been from the beginning. Don't let people make it about changing behavior because behavior is merely the expression of what is within the heart. Until the inner man is saying, “Yes!�, to the Spirit of God, surrendering to God's voice, receiving it as if it were their own expression of person, no form of behavior modification will cause transformation of life. Prisons are full of people whose external behavior has been modified. But until a man or woman in prison accepts Christ into the fullness of every measure of their own inner man/woman the repeating pattern of their life will continue. Only by the heart surrendering to the energy of a new spirit can any one of us find our freedom to be as Christ is, and whoever the Son sets free has found engagement with the freedom of the universe in infinity. Wherever you are you may travel the universe in exploration of all the wisdom and knowledge of the inexhaustible wonder and splendor of God, without limit.

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The Seven-Fold Examination Consider the spirit of those you follow, because their spirit will eventually become yours if you are in fact following them. And when their spirit becomes your spirit you will be as they are and do as they do. This is why ultimately we all must choose for ourselves to have Jesus Christ as our head and with Him held in place, receive His own wisdom and power to begin the transformation of our own sphere of influence, bringing it into balanced equality with the Holy Spirit. We are called to be as Christ is. World changers are those whose world has been changed and this is the point of the examination of the hearts among those being invited to the feast in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 19:9). Many are called but few are chosen. Many are “invited” which is the meaning of the word called but it appears that few are “eklectos” meaning to choose or be chosen out. An invitation is in no sense of the word a guarantee of attendance, and I am not talking about salvation here, I am talking about moving from infancy to adulthood in which you and I, the individuals, walk worthy of the call we have been given to be good soldiers of Jesus who is the Christ of the world and the catalyst Rock of the new creation. The word chosen or in the Greek, eklectos is a double edged word subsequent to calling. By double edged I mean there is both being selected on the one hand but also our selecting on the other hand. It is we who first select or elect to set our own hearts apart to the selection. The mission is a volunteer mission in which the Lord Jesus has said, “This is the mission, and people might die” and we in our hearts say, “Here I am, send me” as Isaiah the prophet responded to his calling (Isaiah 6:8). So, in the Book of Revelation is an invitation to come to a feast that we might say is similar to an awards banquet at the end of the judgment of Babylon and Babylon's spiritual lover the Great Whore. None of these things are the point of this book so we won't even go there now because the point of this book is the invitation and our response. All of the rest that is in the Book of Revelation is incidental to these two critical things. If you don't get this part nothing else matters except terror from what comes. All we can do here is introduce thoughts and ideas about the call and response. At this time it will be up to you to say, “Yes, I'm going there” or “No, I'll take my chances on the outside of the mission.” But I can say this, that your own heart’s desire and what you love and trust the most will lead you into the thick of the wars or away from them, but you will find the safest place to be is always at the side of the Lord Jesus. Things have a way of working out for Him and when you're with Him, for you too. In the message to the churches there are seven things (surprise, surprise). This is too much to cover here but the seven things include:

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1. The city in which the church is located, its nature and the gods worshiped there. 2. Who Jesus reveals Himself to be to each one. 3. What He commends in them. 4. The flaw He finds in their hearts. 5. The remedy He gives. 6. The penalty or danger they face if they don't adjust. 7. The reward they will receive if they do adjust their heart. What we will do is combine some of these things and focus on the conditions of heart surrender the Holy Spirit is inviting us to, because success in the battle that looms is relative to the beams we remove first from our own eyes. Only then can we see clearly the vision we are invited to engage. Who Is This Jesus? Let's start by combining who Jesus the Christ is revealing Himself to be; (Ephesus) These things are being spoken by He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst (at the heart of) the seven golden candlesticks...(Smyrna) These things are being spoken by the First and the Last (the beginning and the end, the start and the finish, the initiator and the completer), who was dead, and is now alive...(Pergamos) These things are being spoken by He who has the sharp sword with two edges...(Thyatira) These things are being said by the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and feet like fine brass...(Sardis) These things are being spoken by He who has the Seven Spirits of God, indeed the seven stars...(Philadelphia) These things are being spoken by He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the key of David, He that opens and no man can shut, and shuts and no man opens...(Laodicea) These things are being spoken by the Amen (that which is what is to be), the always trusting and true witness (evidence), and the beginning point and commencement of the creation of God. This would be the first point of trust of course. To agree with the revelation of whom it is that He is with our whole heart, rightly placing Jesus in His position as Lord and thus enter into the same plane on which the Holy Spirit is with regard to Him. The Rewards That Wait God clearly gives rewards to those who make it their business to seek Him. It's a perfect combination when the Spirit of God is seeking hearts that are toward God and there are hearts that are seeking God. As the apostle James 191 | P a g e

indicates, this puts God and the seeker on a collision course (James 4:8). At the meeting there is always a dynamic explosion that takes place. The Book of Acts is a perfect example. There are incredible rewards for those that seek with all their heart, leaving nothing back from Him; (Ephesus) The one that overcomes (prevails, rises triumphant) will receive privilege to eat of the tree of life that is in the heart of the Paradise of God...(Smyrna) The one that overcomes will not be harmed by the second death...(Pergamos) The one that overcomes will receive privilege to eat of the secret, concealed manna and will receive a white stone and in the stone a new, fresh and never ever before used name (rank, power) written that no other man can know at the deepest and most intimate degree except for the one to whom it is given...(Thyatira) The one that overcomes and tends faithfully to My business to its completion, I will give him power over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron (unbendable measure), like the vessels of a potter they will be broken into pieces just as I have received of My Father...(Sardis) To the one that overcomes, the same will be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name (rank, power, expression of person) but will joyfully honor and proclaim his name before My Father and before His angels...(Philadelphia) To the one that overcomes I will make a pillar (permanent weight/responsibility bearing fixture) in the temple of My God, and he will no longer go out of it, and I will engrave on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God which is the new, fresh and never, ever before known Jerusalem, which appears out of heaven from My God, also My new name...(Laodicea) The one that overcomes I will grant to sit with Me in My throne, precisely the same way I overcame and am set down with My Father in His throne. The operative phrase in all of these specified blessings is “to the one that overcomes”, who faces a challenge and rises above it, one who takes the test and passes it successfully. These tests are the tests of the warriors’ heart and they are critical to the warrior attaining the greatest efficiency in triumph. So what if you don't overcome? What if you face one of these challenges of the heart and decide you don't want to go the distance? What if you say, “No, I don't think so. I'm changing my mind. That's not for me.” There are two things that seem obvious. First, the associated reward can't be imparted to you because the associated reward is linked to the associated permeation of trust in Christ within your heart. The mission we are embarking on is critical. Passing grades cannot be given out without a passing score. The second thing is as we have said, power to adjust things is according to the adjustment we ourselves have experienced. There are seven heads associated with the dragon which are seven powers similar to the seven nations Israel was to drive out of Canaan. The adjustments within, to the sameness of the heart of David (the heart of Jesus Christ), allow the flow of power to prevail over them. 192 | P a g e

Jesus went into the wilderness led by the Spirit, He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit. The Dangers Jesus explained to the churches the rewards of heart alignment that await the warriors, but He also explained to us the dangers resident in what was coming if we decide to opt out of heart alignment. What He says is not a threat as much as it is a matter of fact. He's giving you all the details so you can be informed and make an informed choice about your life. Salvation is like a protective canopy over the life of the individual person electing to place themselves under its power. In the exact same way the children of Israel were protected at the first Passover so the death could not touch them, so it is with the canopy of protection we are provided. The armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6 is about the canopy of protection. Within it there is safety while outside of it is exposure, much like the concept of the fear of the LORD. The watchers, those who are the aware ones because they choose to seek out the mind of Christ, foresee the approach of danger and are given wisdom to prepare against it (Proverbs 22:3, 27:12). (Ephesus) Otherwise it will happen to you rapidly that indeed your candlestick will be removed from its place (topography, designated space)...(Smyrna) To not receive a crown of life (triumph) and exposure to a second round with death...(Pergamos) Otherwise it will happen to you rapidly that the sword of My mouth will fight against, among and in opposition to you...(Thyatira) Every one of you will be rewarded in perfect accord with their works, the business and whose business you have conducted...(Sardis) I will appear to you in stealth and you will not perceive the time of My visitation to you...(Philadelphia) Vulnerability to season of global distress designed to examine every heart of every person on the earth...(Laodicea) To be vomited out from within Christ entirely and your nakedness (exposed vulnerability, lack of protective covering) exposed and inability to perceive things of the Spirit. It is the love of Christ that calls out to us for the full trust of our hearts within the canopy of salvation. There is no other place of safety as the things within the Book of Revelation begin to unfold. That an army of true worshipers will emerge and war with Him to take this current age on to its full conclusion there is no doubt. And the truth of the matter is, He doesn't need proportionally a whole lot of them along side of Him to finish this task, but it's better to be wherever it is He is. Call/response, call/response; And Jonathan said to the young man that carried his armor, 'Come with me and let's go over to the outpost and standing placement of these uncircumcised (undedicated, unaligned with the covenant). The LORD will 193 | P a g e

accomplish and create things on our behalf, for any possible restraint and opposition to the LORD doesn't exist, He can save with the use of many, or with the use of few (1st Samuel 14:6). Seven Trusts Of The Heart This is what the examinations are all about. How deeply will you or I trust His love over us? The mission our Lord was sent on, required Him to trust the Father's love into, upon and beyond the cross. The magnitude of the mission for the saving of humankind meant great sacrifice would be required. Jesus could have opted out on the eve of the highest battle the universe has ever known and even said to the Father, “If there is another way…” but there wasn't, and as the battle inside of Him for the salvation of the world raged, and He could have opted out at any point, deciding you or I weren’t really worth it, but His heart finally found that place it had always been set for, and He embraced the Father's will in perfect trust even though it meant a horrible set of personal circumstances. In advance, the Father had already given Him a prophecy and promise. It was all Jesus had to go on at that moment, just a word from God; I have set the LORD always before Me, because He is at My own right hand (most trusted place), I will not totter, shake, be dislodged or slip. Because of this My heart is glad and all My strength rejoices as My body also will lay down in excited anticipation. For You will not leave My soul in hell, neither will You allow Your Holy One (Your saint) to see any corruption. You will show me the way to the highway of life, in the smile of Your face is immeasurable joy, at Your right hand are sweet, lovely delights that go on and on forever (Psalm 16:811). The Heart of Ephesus, Examination and Trust of Love: The first examination is our love, but it's not just any love, it is our first love, first meaning both highest and initiating. This is the love that birthed the relationship. It's the excitement of that first glimpse, that first approach, that first moment when your eyes met and you realized this thing was mutual, it's the energy of that first conversation in which we realized, “Oh my God! I have found them. This is the One!” Then there is that first touch and the electrifying feeling that you never want to be away from this person and so the power of the love becomes a covenant to maintain this incredible experience forever. “You can't live on love”, I've heard them say, but they are wrong. Under the power of that energy, the world can be conquered. It must be kept alive, run to and clung to, letting nothing ever deter it. 194 | P a g e

The Ephesians were busy people. Four times Jesus commends them for their works and labor and for the load they are bearing, but something is wrong. It appears that life has taken the place of love, and so Jesus knowing what the war to come is all about comes to warn them that above and beyond everything else is the maintenance of what was there at the start. What was it that energized the relationship in the beginning? You have borne, you've had patience and for My names sake you've labored and haven't given up. But yet there is something now holding onto you, keeping you from the future because you are no longer discussing, but you are leaving behind your initiating love, the love that caused everything at the beginning (Revelation 2:3-4). The relationship between Christ and the invited (the church) is likened to the marriage between a man and a woman. It is called a mystery and the likeness is stunning to say the least. The attraction dynamic is of prime importance both between man and woman as well as in things of the Spirit. Between the two, when the mystery of first love is sacrificed for any reason whatsoever, deterioration sets in. Jesus has helpful instructions, and they are the wisdom of God; Remember, bringing back into your mind therefore, that initiating place that authored your state of existence, from which you have now fallen away, having lost its powerful effect, and go back to that beginning and refashion those initiating energies and arts” (Revelation 2:5). Notice Jesus is not saying, “Rekindle the old flame. Get some wood and see if you can work hard to get something going again.” Instead He is saying, “Remember. Bring those days and those moments and the passion of them back into your mind. Don't think about the future now, go back to the start.” Life and things and activities and work and labor and kids and mistakes and responsibilities have gotten in the way, but Jesus is saying none of those things matter, not a single one of them. What matters is living in the energy of our beginning. Forget everything else and go back to our first love. Live there. Don't leave it. The beauty contained within the first love is the power of the union and the salvation of the future. But there is one other thing Jesus finds within the heart of Ephesus that He commends them for and we will pick it up a little later. They are commended because they hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans. Remember too that the Ephesians had also tried those who say they are apostles and were not, but in fact were found to be liars. We ought to do the same.

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The Heart of Smyrna, The Examination and Trust of Truth: The people of Smyrna are a people right in the middle of deep examinations. They are under trouble and pressures. Poverty is pressing in on them. False believers are telling them to cash it in, undermining their faith in the words God has given them. They are being laid to the core as everything they thought God had promised them is under complete assault. The devil is oppressing them severely, restricting and fighting every move they try to make, questioning constantly, assaulting with doubts. But there is hope and there is purpose and we are assured the onslaught does indeed have an end to it. The number ten is a number associated with affliction (Leviticus 23:7), and affliction has to do with humbling, and humbling has to do with coming into a status of reliance upon the voice of the Lord and not the wisdom of man and the wisdom of this world. The trial of ten days does not necessarily depict a literal period of time as much as it does a season and period of affliction intent toward humbling under the mighty hand of God and under exclusivity to Him and the loving grace of truth He empowers us with. A perfect illustration of the ten day trial deposing of the wisdom of this world is in Daniel; And the king (of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar) appointed them a daily provision of the kings meat and of the wine which he drank, nourishing them for three years so at the end of that time they (the wise) might come and might stand before and serve the king. Now, among these there was Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah to whom the prince of those who were set apart gave names, Daniel being Belteshazzar, Hananiah was Shadrach, Mishael was Meshach and Azariah was Abednego. But Daniel purposed in his heart not to degrade and pollute himself with the portion of the kingsâ€&#x; meat, or with the wine that he would drink. Because of this he requested of the prince of those who were set apart that he might not degrade and pollute himself. And the prince of those who were set apart said, 'I am afraid of my ruling head, the king, who has determined what you can eat and what you can drink. For why should he see your faces different in appearance than the others of the circle? If I do that my head will be in danger before the king.' Then Daniel said to Melzar, whom the prince of those who were set apart put in place to oversee Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 'Prove, examine and assay like one who determines the purity of gold your servants for ten days. Let them give us vegetables, herbs and seeds to eat and water to drink. Then let 196 | P a g e

our appearance be examined by you and compared to those who eat the portion of the kings meat, and then according to what you see deal with your servants.' And he consented to them in this matter and proved, examined and assayed them like one who determines the purity of gold for ten days. And at the completion of ten days their countenances appeared more prosperous and firmer in flesh than all of the others who fed on the portion of the kings‟ meat. Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat and wine and that they should drink (according to the king of Babylon) and gave them vegetables, herbs and seeds to eat. As for these four God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams...And the king communed with them and among them all there were none found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, therefore, they are the ones who stood before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king sought out, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were within his entire realm (Daniel 1). What the enemy means for evil and our debilitation, God means for good. One of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is a thing called “long suffering”, which means undaunted pursuit of the purpose of God. Yes, I assure you there will be obstacles and as we mentioned already, the enemy will offer you his version of food and wine and a shortcut solution. Yes, you can be just like all the others the spirit of Babylon wants to form. After all, they had a three year degree program, and then you became a graduate. An education is highly valued if that is the joy of God over your life and useful to your life in fulfilling your eternal destiny. We can use it but not be under it (1st Corinthians 7:31), but we must accept also that God has His way and His way is not the way nor by the wisdom of this world. The meat of Babylon is inadequate for you. You may eat the world's wisdom or choose to feed on a higher food. If you feed on the higher food chances are you will excel under the onslaught of affliction, becoming ten times more formidable that those who don't. The reward is the crown of life which is taken from the idea of the victor in a contest receiving the laurel crown as reward to wear. This is a crown of mastery like a certificate declaring you have graduated and now own this element. In other words, when that spirit appears again those who have attained to triumph will maintain the triumph they have won having learned to master it in Christ. Just like your Lord and Mentor, Jesus, hold to the words of the Father you have received in spite of any and all contrary onslaught. The word of God is the power of creation, bury your heart in it and no matter what present creation looks like, trust and keep on trusting in the love of God over you and the power of His 197 | P a g e

words to you because His word is at work and His wisdom will make a ten-fold increase. We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the power that exceeds all measurable capacity may be rooted in God and not in ourselves. We are troubled on every single side, yet we're really not distressed, we're puzzled but we're not in a state of despair, persecuted but never feel we are forsaken, cast down but we are never destroyed. Always we bear about in our natural physical body the dying (sentence of death) of our Lord Jesus, in order that the life of Jesus might likewise be openly manifest in our natural physical body. For we who are alive are continually being exposed to death for Jesus sake, so that the life also that is of Jesus can then also be fully exposed and completely unsealed in our mortal flesh. (1st Corinthians 4:7-11). Here is a final word about Sardis. As you read the words of Jesus you will find there is no rebuke for anyone in the middle of the test. The thing that is most important to the Lord is that you pass it and He will be there in the toughest of times with available grace to help you through. This is an important point. And it came to pass after ten days the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 42:7). Forget the wisdom of man. It cannot help you in the place where we are going. Only the wisdom of God will be able to assist you. Tap into it and let your heart be completely toward the LORD and His answers because the trial is a transition point as to which wisdom your heart will trust, so be faithful and you will see the death of the one while receiving a triumphant crown of life by trust in the other. The Heart of Pergamos, Examination and Trust of Motive Force (Serving): What is represented in Pergamos is interesting. The heart of Pergamos shows that they had embraced faith even under pressures that are very difficult. The hostility and onslaught was so intense that one of the Lord's servants named here as Antipas, meaning a father who opposed was martyred. Antipas gave his life for the high mission. God bless Antipas. But though they had believed even through the heat of trials there was something else within them that was not going to allow their long term success and Jesus lovingly addresses this for them. Jesus first addresses the teaching of Balaam that was a flaw among them and it is a serious flaw. 198 | P a g e

First the name Balaam means not for the people. Right away this should give any heart seeking Jesus reason for concern, because Balaam was considered a prophet, even having connection with the LORD, capable of hearing Him. But Balaam was not for the people but for his own gain and his own reward. Both Peter and Jude address the heart error of Balaam in the following verses; These are those who have forsaken the right way and are turned toward an error, following the path of Balaam the son of Bosor who loved the wages and payment of unrighteousness (2nd Peter 2:15). Woe is upon them! For they have gone in the way of Cain (who murdered his brother) and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward... (Jude 1:11). The problem is both these statements are written regarding people who are associates of the church, fellowshipping among the saints and not about hearts outside of fellowship. But the heart of the matter is they are not for the people but for their own gain. The people are a means to a personal end. In the same letter the apostle Peter speaks of false prophets, the actual Greek term meaning pseudo prophets. The word pseudo means counterfeit, fake and impostor, while the word prophet is about one who speaks as the mouthpiece of God. But the error is in that they are not the mouthpiece of God but use the hunger of people as a means of manipulation for their own ends. Power and heart must match; And many will follow after their devouring ways and because of this the way of truth will be spoken against as some evil thing. And through their covetousness will their cleverly formed words make merchandise of you, turning you into their own profit center (2nd Peter 2:2-3). There is a Holy Spirit attitude of heart that directs the warrior to watch out for the good of everyone around him or her. This heart is most clearly to be exemplified among all leaders and instructors and it understands the gifts of God within them exist for one purpose and that is to make the people of God successful. It is to the benefit of others that all of us live. The self consumptive spirit that sees the people and the gifts of God as a means to be utilized toward a personal end is the spirit of Balaam. This is not to say God does not reward and prosper His servants, but it is an effect of the cause, not the cause itself. The life of Christ is the offering of our lives for the salvation and enrichment of others. This is a dramatic difference. The error of Balaam also is found in the heart that wants to weaken others and tear them down with the same end in mind, that they might gain the 199 | P a g e

advantage or position. Jesus addresses this error of heart when He talks about Balaam advising Balak to cast a stumbling block in front of the children of Israel. When God forbid him from cursing Israel (or He would kill him), he found another way to weaken them and advised Balak to send Moabite women to lure them into idolatry (Numbers 25). In most of these cultures the idol worshipers understood they received the infusion of the spirit of the idol by eating the foods offered to it and through engaging in sexual rites with the temple whores (priestesses or males) dedicated to the demon spirit. This last part is the meaning of the word fornication. But the point is the heart behind the behavior. It was not for the people but against them and the purpose was for personal gain. God will bless His servants as they serve Him and all of us as we serve one another as within the economy of God, serving others and enhancing them initiates a flow of perpetuating increase and enlargement on every side. Your enhancement of others opens the doorway for you to be enhanced. You gain by investing in the success of others so we're not talking about some virtue attached to the poverty of God's servants, we're talking about motive. For brothers, you have been invited into liberty, only do not use liberty for an occasion to serve your own physical and material desire, instead by love serve one another, because everything spoken of and addressed in the law is entirely fulfilled in this one single word, 'You are to love your neighbor as yourself (as if they were you), but if you bite and devour one another, realize then that you will be completely consumed by one another (Galatians 5:13-15). But there is a second warning Jesus gives to the hearts at Pergamos that is a close cousin to the doctrine of Balaam. The second error is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. Jesus is very clear about this teaching and makes no bones about the fact that He hates it! The word Nicolaitan in the Greek means to take dominion of the people. This is a heart that again wants to dominate others as opposed to serve others, however it seems to be an error that is specific to concepts of leadership. The doctrine of the Nicloaitans is the reappearance of the sarar spirit that seeks to keep others under control and take possession of them for one’s own causes. It enslaves people. Any attitude of heart that seeks to gain control over other people is an error. God is not an enslaver but a liberator, releasing His sons and daughters to explore the heights and depths of His splendor in a constant encouraging manner. This is again an error of heart we are talking about that exists within the ranks of people professing Christ, and for us to engage the enemy successfully it has no part among the apprentices of the Lord Jesus. On a global scale this cannot be among those who will alter nations. 200 | P a g e

There is only one Head of the church. No man on earth can take that role, but the power of Christ is to reign within the heart of every saint, and not men. What the mega-leaders of God do, those who are called to one of the offices of either apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher is bring each one into the harmonized alignment not with personal purpose, but with the purpose of Christ residing within each of those individual persons who have joined the cause, training believers for personal success in the wars. The apostle Paul understood apostleship and all ministry service very clearly; Moreover I call God as the witness over my soul that to spare you I haven't come yet to Corinth. Not that we have dominion, acting as lords and rulers of your faith, but we are the helpers of your joy, because it is by your own faith that you stand (2nd Corinthians 1:23-24). A spiritual heart that seeks to make demigods out of men over other men, as opposed to leadership that seeks the advancement and effective release of all people it touches, comes from the world of darkness and Jesus takes a strong, opposing stand against it. You must beware first within yourself for any of these hated attitudes (by Jesus) of competition, oppression and self serving dominance, and then beware of them within the community of faith if your own heart is aligned. The oppression of life is what we are warring against and destroying. It is a spirit that needs to be cast down wherever it is found. It is rife within the systems of men and is anti-Christ. Within the community of Christ it is not a matter of rulers and subjects, but ministry is a matter of journeymen and apprentices, the skilled and those becoming skilled under the tutelage of fathers, those with experience. The Heart of Thyatira, Examination and Trust of Source (The Holy Spirit): Thyatira had a serious problem. Jesus comes to them not just as the searching eyes of the heart, but as He views what is in the heart of Thyatira, His eyes are aflame which indicates the ardency of the impassioned zeal. Also we read that His feet toward the condition He sees are like brass which has to do with judgment and the closing off of the heavens (Deuteronomy 28:23). Not often does the Lord Jesus get angry, but when He does it is usually against the same thing, the mask of false spirituality. I call it motion addiction as if the motions of religion and worship have anything to do with the power of the Holy Spirit. Or, we could get fancy and call it spiritual actualization disassociation syndrome. When I came to Jesus in the summer of 1970 we had a term for this disease of the heart. We called it dead religion and we applied it to all those in so many churches that kept going 201 | P a g e

through the motions, investing in the same rituals as if the rituals and routines of religion in themselves were the power, the same liturgy, the same traditional enactments year after year without the governing effusive power of the living breathing Holy Spirit being the initiator and power of every intent. I suppose we could call it motion sickness. It usually doesn't occur to people that during the earth days of Jesus, the temple in earthly Jerusalem did not contain the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark had been taken from the earthly temple when Israel was overcome by their enemies when the people of the purpose were taken into captivity because they turned away in heart, and the Ark of God, which was the causative power among them, the place of the living God among them, never, ever, returned. And so as Jesus appears, who is the very embodiment of the voice of God, the spiritual leaders and shepherds of Israel and all of the people following them were merely going through all of the motions of spirituality but without the Spirit. When Christ appeared, the power of God walking among them caused an incredible backlash while it exposed their complete emptiness for everything it truly was. Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You are the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to you. How often I would have gathered your children together like a hen gathers her chickens under her wings but you would have nothing to do with it! Look carefully and you will see, your house is deserted and desolate, having been left empty (Matthew 23:37-38). But nothing is ever static. Jesus also told us nothing emptied remains a vacuum (Matthew 12:38-45). If a house is cleaned out but then left empty it will be filled again seven fold by that which is spiritually foul and unclean and its last state will be worse than the first. Except for those whose hearts were seeking out the kingdom of God, the empty and heartless, Holy Spirit void traditions practiced in Jerusalem during the visitation of Jesus Christ stirred together to oppress and strike out at what truly was of God, leading both to His crucifixion and the persecution of His Holy Spirit anointed followers. Jezebel could not stand the genuine prophets of God and went about a murderous campaign to silence them and the voice with which they spoke. It was these prophets that exposed in her the flaws and called the people of God to a higher standard of relationship. The voices or prophets that she instituted were prophets of Baal and the people were allowed the worship of idols in spiritual idolatry instead of a clarification of their life to the One true God and single purpose for living. All of these things have one thing in common. They have the show of worship in their external form but are empty of the singular unfolding power that is the causative dynamo of the apprentices of Jesus; 202 | P a g e

You should know this too, that in the culmination of days a troubling, fierce and difficult season will appear. In it men will be dedicated in love only to their own selves, they will be covetous (looking to possess the things of others), self promoters, proud (self idolized), blasphemers, disobedient (diminishing, disrespecting) to parents, ungrateful for what's given, separating from dedications to God, disposing themselves of even natural and nature given affections, breaking their word in treaties, covenants and agreements, willing to accuse others falsely, un-streamlined in life purpose, fierce like untamed animals, opposed to good hearted things, betrayers of others, reckless, concealing truth in a smokescreen, loving earthly stimulus more than loving God, and having an external form of what appears to be of God but denying the very power of it, from this withdraw yourself (2nd Timothy 3). Are you going through the motions? Is your heart far away from the very essence of a life separated to Jesus Christ and the voice of God? You may say in your heart, “I let the priests do that”, but Jesus says you are My priest and you are My prophet. You might say, “I go to church”, but Jesus says you are My church. You might say, “I give to missionaries”, but Jesus says you are My warrior and My missionary. Do you seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is considered to be the anointing of God (1st John 2:27). It is this anointing that is at the heart of the word Christ and the word Christian. It is the anointing that is the single Source pulsating at the heart of this life. Are you seeking it? Are you seeking to be filled with it to overflowing so everywhere you are the living power of the living Christ fills every space into which you are sent? Or, like Jezebel do you mock, hate and seek to hinder things of the Holy Spirit of God. This is dangerous territory my friend. If you don't understand it, then I beg you not to speak against it, war against it, mock or belittle what is of the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-29). The consequences to you could be devastating as the Spirit is the life of Christ. The triumph that awaits the Jesus apprentices is not rooted in themselves, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is men and women of the Spirit, the same Spirit that was poured out on the 120 apprentices in the Book of Acts that clothes the warriors too. The scriptures record both positive and negative apparel clothings; + I will rejoice in the LORD exuberantly, my soul will tremble in happiness in my God. For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation (Yasha), He has covered me over in the robe of righteousness just like the bridegroom decked himself with his ornaments and the bride adorned herself with her jewels” (Isaiah 61:10).

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- And it will happen in the day of the LORD's sacrifice, that I will review the princes, and the kings children, and all such of them that come clothed in strange (whore's) apparel” (Zephaniah 1:8). + And look carefully so you can see, I will send the promise of My Father to be upon you, but you must wait until you are clothed with the power that only comes from on high” (Luke 24:49). + But you will receive to yourselves your power (wealth of supply, strength of armament) only after the Holy Spirit has overwhelmed (covered) you. Then you will become the convincing, undeniable proof of Me in Jerusalem, and also to Samaria, and then to the ever farthest reaches of the whole earth” (Acts 1:8). + Finally my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Be clothed upon with the entire armor and armament of God, that you may have the power to firmly stand in advantage directed against the craftily formed lies of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10-11). Among the soldiers, the pretend ends. There is no lip service here and mere empty religious ritual. Only the clothing and armament they accept are what is real and coming in continual flow from the Holy Spirit, for the Spirit is an ever flowing stream constantly renewing all things in fresh living waters coming out from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Ezekiel 47:1-12, Revelation 22:1-2). There is so much more to say about Jezebel and the comparison between male and female spirit and the effect of one over against the other and what happens in transferred reversals of the two powers, and the high cost of what happens when men are weak, but what we have here is sufficient. It is enough to get us pointed in the right direction as far as our hearts are concerned. The Heart of Sardis, Examination and Trust of Walking in the Spirit: The heart of Sardis belongs to a people who have given themselves up into the purposes of God and they are living in them, sort of. Jesus says, “You have a name, a rank and noted reputation, that even though you live, you are dead.” This is discipleship language. They are dead to this world and are now separated to the Kingdom of God. But still, as the Lord Jesus searches on their behalf, the Master Journeyman finds a major flaw in how they are going about their projects and He advises them so they can do better. You see, Sardis seems to get a good start on their projects, but they are having a hard time completing them properly and in the way they are supposed to. 204 | P a g e

For after examination it appears your works are not found completed before God” (Revelation 3:2). The heart of the Sardonians starts well but finishes poorly. They are walking in God initiated acts but it seems after they hear and go to work, they just to work. What they are failing to do is check the instructions as they proceed through each segment of the project. Sardis is like the church or ministry program that could run all on its own whether such a thing as the Holy Spirit or living power of God existed or not. The initiation of a project by the Holy Spirit has more than one part to it. Because of the artistry of the work we are involved in and the depth of the detailing, we can only handle instructions in phases. Though God will often give us a full overview or vision of the project and then a starting point, we do ourselves a disservice as well as the whole creation (golly! not to put any pressure on you) if we just take off from there thinking, “I got it! Thanks God. I'll handle it from here.” No. You won't. All that the Lord does has an intricate weaving of designs and patterns as well as intersections of timing and people. There is an awesome symphonic coordination of things often on a global scale because the piece that you are excitedly given to create with Him in His workshop may also either be a key element for someone else or yours may need a key element from someone else. Time and distance between the two workers are irrelevant to God and somehow He will arrange a crossing of threads and a mutual exchange enriching the both of you. Who will He teach knowledge? And who will He allow to understand the instructions? Those saturated with the milk of the full and ripened bounty, those drawing out their life from the breasts. For the voice of expression leads to the voice of expression, and the voice of expression is to the voice of expression, and the line that measures leads to the line that measures, the line that measures to the line that measures, a quantity is given this time and a quantity is given next time (Isaiah 28:9-10). Today we live in a hurried, pressured world. If you will look around though you will discover God moves at a pace that is often a little frustrating to us tiny little ants that are prone to seeing only what is in front of us, and not much more. God not only has a global view, but a universal view and a timeless view. It is far more important to God for things to be well done as opposed to quickly done. After all, what is being built is going to last forever. Why take shortcuts when time is irrelevant?

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Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now going to complete it in the flesh? (Galatians 3:3). Here is the idea of Alpha and Omega. The Lord Jesus as Chief Administrator of all things God, is the Initiator and the Completer and the One who fills with the Father's wisdom all pieces in between. The joy we have is to be intimately involved in creating as apprentices, a part of the master work that we can someday sit back and say to all the angels and saints, “See that! That's my part�, and everyone will respond with appropriate ooh's and aah's. It's a beautiful plan really. The remedy Jesus gives to the good starters, poor finishers is this; Remember because of this how you have received, and how you have heard and attend carefully to that and repent (go back there) (Revelation 3:3). You see, the problem was not in the initial instruction. They clearly heard the voice of the Lord with regard to that. Their poor finished product is in the subsequent instructions they were supposed to be receiving along the way. It seems they got too busy and caught up in the work to listen any further. In a war zone that just isn't going to do. Things change and adjust constantly. Bob or Greg's team might get temporarily pinned down. That means my team or your team may either have to go to their help or take on some additional duties while they get free. It's a constantly changing environment in need of constant communication. God is not dead, He is alive and so is the battlefield. His voice is available to us right now. This is the miracle of the life of anyone who believes in Jesus, that we through a process of linkage and divine communication by means of the One and same shared Holy Spirit of God, like a radio inside our hearts, may as mere mortal men and women tap into the vast, incomprehensible mind of Infinite Power; For who has been so deeply entwined with the mind of the Lord that he may coalesce with Him? But we have the mind of Christ (1st Corinthians 2:16). Coalesce, what a beautiful word. It means to commingle, to fuse, to unify into one element, to grow together into a single entity. My spirit drools just writing this. The blended harmony is what it is all about. We are invited to coalesce with the God of the universe, to move with Him and within Him as if he were the tree of Life and we are the integral branching offshoots of the exact same substance. Jesus is telling us the initiation of a project is only that. It is only the first step in an ongoing set of instructions for which we need to be in constant communication. The details can't be delivered all at once because they are more than what we can receive in a single sitting or even many sittings, so as we come 206 | P a g e

to the completion of one phase the next phase will be given, if we are in communion with our headquarters by means of the Holy Spirit transmission system. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot carry them all in your hands right now. However when He (he/she/it), the Spirit of truth appears to you, instructional guidance will lead you into all truth, for nothing will be spoken of His own initiative, but whatever is first heard, that is what will be spoken. He will show you what should happen next (things coming). My splendor is what will be shown, for what is received is only from Me, and it will be rehearsed to you. The whole of everything that the Father possesses is Mine. This is why I can say, He will take what is Mine and rehearse it, delivering it to you (John 16:12-15). So let's finish this up because Jesus addresses the how and what a person should do in order to keep the process unfolding in their life; Be watchful and stabilize the things that are at rest (what is on solid footing), that are ready to dry up and fall over as dead...Remember how you have received and heard and attend carefully to that and repent, turning and going back (Revelation 3:2-3). What a great plan. To watch is a prayer term (Matthew 13:33). There are various watches in scripture which have to do with the watchman being there for the safety of the city and also to look out for approaching visitors. The Holy Spirit is one of those welcome visitors our spiritual eyes need to be seeking for expectantly because we know, if we are praying, communication is happening, things move. With this in mind, Jesus says to remember how you have received and heard and then He says to go back there. What brought the voice of God will bring the voice of God back to you. The rules aren't in a state of constant flux, they are consistent and stable. Usually it is by establishing our hearts in a state of humility, seeking the Lord's voice intently and diligently not giving up until we know we've heard it, and sometimes it takes getting apart in the quite, or fasting in order to quite the noise of the body and soul in order to hear His voice more clearly in our spirit. The danger is, if we don't incorporate this heartfelt attitude into our relationship with Jesus we may miss the hour of His visitation. He may come, not necessarily in the final sense as when He physically returns, but in the spiritual sense in that an important point in time comes, He visits, and we weren't listening. That usually means someone's need went unmet or because we weren't 207 | P a g e

carrying our load another person had to pick up our slack. Not good. Too much gets placed on too few causing burnout. If therefore you refuse to watch (take your watch), I will arrive as in stealth, secretly to you and silently to you, and you will not perceive what point in time I came to your location� (Revelation 3:3). The Heart of Philadelphia, Examination and Trust in Success (Humility): There are two of the churches that receive no rebuke from Jesus. Smyrna is one and Philadelphia is the other. Smyrna is the heart that is right now undergoing testing and it may be severe testing and the Lord has no rebuke for those in the middle of great trouble, only remember the throne of grace is open so you can find mercy and grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:15-16). During these times it's much like we have an open book test and Jesus is there with all the answers if we will see through the onslaught, noise and confusion to the throne. Philadelphia is our other one in which there is no rebuke for an error, but there is given some very important positive instruction. Thought it may not appear so, Philadelphia is at a critical point of juncture in their experience. Why is that you ask? This is because they seem to have progressed to a point where an amazing door of success has been opened to them. These things are being spoken by He that is completely set apart for sacred purpose, He that is true and accurate, He that has the key of David, He that opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens. I know the things you have made your business and to what you have applied your energies, now look carefully and see, I have set before you an open passageway...(Revelation 3:7-8). You may have noticed as we went through the previous church examinations that there is a progressive nature to them as if each one led to the next one. At each stop along the way there is an incredible lesson to be learned that becomes a stepping stone to a higher level of experience in faith. In His kindness, the Father does not allow us to pass beyond any certain stage without a passing score on the test because that is not in your best interest or of the eternal purpose you are participating in. My son do not refuse the correction of the LORD, or become weary, distressed or discouraged at His coaching, because it is who the LORD loves that He examines and brings sound reason to, like a father does to a favored son he most deeply cares for (Proverbs 3:11-12).

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But now Philadelphia faces a brand new challenge as a heavenly portal of favor opens up over them. In my own experience I can honestly tell you that your breakthrough, when suddenly things seem to accelerate and you have begun to reach a certain pinnacle and the rough road starts to feel smooth, that you have entered into a place maybe more dangerous than any of the others. This is the place, where in the sudden exhilaration of success you must continue to press forward, and never stop to admire what's been done until everything you were sent on your mission to accomplish has been completed. This was the mistake that cropped up in the hearts of the children of Israel as they were sent to possess the Land of God's Promise. In doing so they had reached a point of success, but their success became their stumbling block and they settled into the benefits of what they had already possessed instead of continuing to prosecute the war until all the land had been cleared of enemies and the greatest prize to them of all had been taken, the city of Jerusalem. Deuteronomy 6, 7 and 8 are all about the possession of the Land of God's Promise. But we find the Lord addressing the danger of success in chapter 8; You must consider this in your heart, that as a man chastens his son, so also does the LORD your God chasten you. Because of this, you must keep (guard, treasure, watch over) the charge of the LORD your God to continue proceeding in His ways and to fear Him, not finding yourself to be on the wrong side of Him. For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks and water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills. A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey, a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity and you will not lack anything in it, a land whose stones are iron ore, and out of whose hills you can dig brass. And when you have eaten and are full, bow down and bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given to you. Beware that you do not forget in any way the LORD your God in not keeping (guarding, treasuring, watching over) His charges, and His choosing, and His prescriptions and remedies, which have been given to your charge in your time. So that after you have eaten and are full and have built nice houses and are living in them, and your herds and flocks multiply, and you silver and gold multiplies, and all that you have multiplies, then your heart is lifted up and you forget the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of your bondage, Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness in which there were fiery serpents and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water but who (Himself) brought forth water out of the Rock of flint (a flourishing dream), 209 | P a g e

Who fed you with manna in the wilderness which your fathers had never known before, that He might humble you and that He might examine you so that He might do you good in all joyful, pleasing things in the end. And you say in your heart, 'My power and might has gotten me this wealth.' But you will remember, bringing back again and again to your mind the LORD your God, because it is He who has given you power to get wealth, that He may lift up, carry out and give full effect to His covenant that He swore to those who went before you, your fathers and progenitors which have been given to your charge in your time (Deuteronomy 8:5-18). As the people of purpose came into the land and began possessing it they became victims of their own success. They forgot why they were there and why they had gone through so much and now that the good times had seemed to arrive they began to lose sight of the whole vision. It seemed like a nice place to rest at least for awhile. Maybe they thought a vacation was due them and they would hit it hard again later, but that isn't what happened. Having obtained a comfortable measure of success, they stopped prosecuting the war and what was meant to propel them forward became a snare to them. Because of this, let the one who thinks he is now standing firm, continue to watch carefully so that he does not fall (1st Corinthians 10:12). Pride (self satisfied arrogance) goes just ahead of destruction and a spirit of oneâ€&#x;s own grandeur just ahead of their fall (Proverbs 16:18). Before his crashing, the heart of man is full of his own grandeur, and before honor is humility (Proverbs 18:12). Success is nothing but the opening of a portal. It is a gift that has been given to you to aid you in the real task that is in front of you. The fact that the portal has been opened is something to be grateful for because without the Opener of your divine portal you would be nothing. Remember where you came from because had you not been rescued to begin with you would have died there, a slave. This explains Jesus heartfelt words of instruction to the Philadelphia hearts who are at such a precarious point as the future is ready for them to possess it; Look carefully and see, for what is coming will happen rapidly. Hold firmly to what you have and do not let any man (nobody, no one, no thing) take away your crown of reward from you (Revelation 3:11). 210 | P a g e

Before moving on to the examination of Laodicea, let's hear one more quote from the apostle Paul; Brothers, I do not consider myself to have attained yet, but this is what I do. Forgetting what has already been achieved and reaching forth now toward those things that are ahead, with great zeal I fight towards that mark, that destination and goal where the prize of the highest calling of God awaits me in Christ Jesus. Let as many of us who understand destiny have this understanding and if by any single thing you are distracted, God will reveal it to you. Nevertheless, the place to which we have already arrived, let us continue walking by the same rule and minding the same thing (Philippians 3:13-16). The Heart of Laodicea, Examination and Trust in Abundance (Mammon) : I wonder, who in Christendom does not know about Laodicea and the seriousness of the defect found in them as He who holds the Seven Stars in His right hand probes them. I don't know what needs to be said, other than to help you understand the gravity of the situation. Are they believers? Well, at some point they had a Jesus encounter because they are included among those who are considered the called. There was a point in time they were invited to the war and to be counted among those who are the people of the purpose. So, what happened? In a way, Laodicea represents the triumph of Solomon. Remember though what happened to Solomon as his heart became full of all the prosperity God poured out on Him. There is a fascinating side note here because the name Laodicea in Greek means justice of the people, or the rule of the people. In my country, the United States of America we have experienced in our history some of the greatest bounty and wealth ever known on earth. Inadvertently or by divine providence our founders understood the power unleashed when the people are the power and our governments are out of the way as a tiny servant. The founding documents of our country were meant to make the tyrant of government the footstool of the people. Right now as I'm writing this part in January of 2010, the government here has become a monster and the enemy of the people's own self determination. Without dramatic change and soon, we will collapse under the unsustainable weight of this out of control monster whose insatiable appetite has caused it to insanely lose touch with the reality of first grade economics. If you have one, and you take away two, the game is over and you just lost. We’re on the verge of losing if we haven’t already because deficits precede ends. The people know how to manage the reality of pluses and minuses while the blind and mindless governors only see in the people resources it has not yet 211 | P a g e

consumed and schemes constantly of new stealth ways to steal it from its creators. If we can't repent, we disappear. But while Laodicea experienced such incredible external wealth, their pursuit of it exacted a horrific toll on their inner lives where God communicates His mission to the hearts of humankind. The pursuit of wealth became the god of these who had been called with such a noble call. Jesus addresses their cavernous distance from the new creation and the new wealth that is being formed by saying; This is what the Amen says (that which is what is to be), the faith filled and true and accurate convincing evidence, the commencement and origin of the creation of God. I know your works, that you are not cold (totally inert) and you are not hot (fervent, a zealot). You owe Me either cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm (tepid) and neither cold nor hot My choice is to vomit you out through My mouth. The reason is you say, 'I am rich and abounding in all things, and overflowing with all goods and am in no need or lack of anything at all, but you cannot even see how wretched you are, having been weighed in the balance and found lacking, and how miserable and pitiable you actually are, or how destitute and empty you are, or how completely blind you are, or how naked and exposed and vulnerable you are (Revelation 3:17). It's a strange thing, because God promises us if we put His concerns at the forefront of our hearts and lives all that we ever need will be provided for us and it will be done so abundantly (Matthew 6:31-34). I'm not talking about sometime later at the wrap up of all things, but right here and right now (Matthew 19:29). All the heavens and all the earth belong to God along with all the gold and silver and precious stones and all wealth that can possibly be measured. And we can also clear our consciences about our participation in wealth because the nature of God as revealed in yasha is that of perpetual expansion, multiplication and increase. In fact part of our mission of bringing all things under the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ includes all the wealth of all the nations. The problem comes in when the pursuit of wealth or the material world becomes the key focus of one’s heart. God loves blessing and enriching those partnering with Him (Psalm 35:27) but wealth is given as part, with the greater purpose. Wealth divorced from eternal mission is mere consumption and if that is the goal, shortcuts and compromises will be taken to get. Instead of receiving abundance through our interaction with God and as His blessing coincident with mission, we have to find a way to go take it away from someone else in order to have it. I hope you see the difference. When wealth instead of God becomes our pursuit, our hearts have lost their direction on the compass. There are indeed spoils to war, even in spiritual 212 | P a g e

warfare we gain as we decimate our spiritual enemies, but they are consequential to the advance of the rule of Christ over the geographies of the earth. To reverse the two, putting accumulation in first position and the mission of Christ anywhere else in priority is the equivalent of idolatry (Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:5). Without a doubt, Jesus understands the pull between the two can be incredible, but what is being asked is that you once again trust the love the Father has for you; For wherever you treasure is, that which you value highest of all, that is where your heart is also. The illuminating splendor of your body is the eye (the colorful visual focus). Because of this, if your eye is singularly focused, all that pertains to your body will be full of and guided by its illuminating splendor. But if your eye is upon what is poor and beggarly and what in fact impoverishes, if it is divided between two things, all that pertains to your body will be clouded in darkness, incapable of seeing. Because of this, if the light that you imagine is in you is in fact darkness, just how incredible to you think that darkness actually is?! No man can be the servant of two masters (powers), for it will turn out that he will hate one and love the other, and he will hold onto the one while disrespecting the other one. The point is, you cannot serve God and also serve Mammon (treasures offered by the god of this world) (Matthew 6:21-24). There is no temptation taken any person that is not in fact common, even thought it seems unique and personal to you. On top of that we are assured that the Son of God in His humanity was tempted in every conceivable way that we ourselves can be tempted in satan's desire to lure us out of our effective missions (Hebrews 4:15). When it comes to enrichment by pursuit according to the darkness methods, or according to the outflow of God, Jesus is familiar with the experience; And the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and all the splendor and riches of them and said to Him, 'All of this I will give into your hands if you will bow down and acknowledge and reverence me (as the power).' Then Jesus said, 'Leave Me satan (adversary, opponent to purpose), for it is written, You will worship the LORD your God, and He alone will you serve. Then the devil left Him and angels came and ministered to Him (Matthew 4:8-11). 213 | P a g e

What I am bringing to you is not some defunct call to poverty. This is a call of the heart to pursue God and the realm of the Spirit with everything within you. In matters of provision, God has many ways to deliver His overflowing abundance into your life, including creating it supernaturally out of nothing if that is what is best served by the need at the moment. He may also guide you to ideas, inventions, businesses or any number of things by which you can then trade His divine ideas into things that can enrich you and all those around you too. A blessing from God always has a purpose spreading out way larger than you. So Jesus has counsel for the heart trapped in blinded, bound pursuit of the treasures offered through the ways of the dark and material world. As a child of God you cannot run by those methods; I counsel you to buy of me the gold that has already been tried in the fire so that you may really be rich, and the brilliant shining clothing that you may really be clothed, so the shame, the vulnerability of your exposure, your nakedness, is not revealed and put an anointing on your eyes (colorful visual focus) as an eye ointment that you really may be able to see (Revelation 3:18). Your Invitation Has Arrived The invitation from the Lord Jesus Christ isn't in the mail to you, it has arrived. The call is going out now into this generation of young and old, male and female, to everyone within every family, every tribe, every nation and every language. An invitation to the most incredible banquet feast that has ever been thrown is in your lap and now the universe is watching you, wondering what you will do to help. I Jesus have sent my angel to bring convincing, convicting proof to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and shining morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let everyone who has heard say, 'Come!' And let everyone who is thirsting, 'Come!' And whoever chooses for themselves to do so, then let him take of the water of life without any reservation� (Revelation 22:16-17). What do you think? Are you ready to go the distance?

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Chapter Twelve “Identity Crisis� If you have given your heart to the Lord Jesus you have already become an offense to the spirits that have dominated the earth for ages. You have become an object of interest, for you have become a threat to the system that has been. It remains to be seen now, what you will do with the power you've been given to share in. You, along with your new family, have become a family of warriors and an invading force whose mission will not end until all things are brought under the power of the Christ. I have taken some time to lay the groundwork for what we need to explore next by telling you about the heart of David. As a Foundationalist, not to be confused with a Fundamentalist, I would be remiss if I had not done so. If you have begun to apply the things already shared, now it's time to pull back the curtain a little and help you understand who you have become in the structure of the universe. What I am going to do in this chapter is lay a basis of what I think are important things about who you are in Jesus Christ. These things have been seriously eroded over the years and it's time to do some repair work on the foundations and the walls of our identity. Please consider carefully the following. You Are The Called Of God You didn't get to this point by accident. You didn't arrive here at the side of Jesus by your own choice, though your choice was involved in your acceptance of the invitation, staying here in it, and will be involved in your continuing to stay in the heart of it as the Holy Spirit moves to permeate into all the reaches and corners of your being. You are here now because the Holy Spirit drew you here; No man can come to Me unless the Father who has sent Me draws him. And he will be raised up on that last day (of time). It is written in the prophets, 'And all of them will be taught of God.' Because of this, every man who has first heard and then followed, has arrived at Me (John 6:44-45). Jesus taught us that we didn't do the selecting but the Father did the selecting. This is consistent throughout scriptures. There is something going on here that is bigger that any one of us or even all of us put together. Regardless of the true status of your hearts alignment right now, the fact that you are reading this tells me the motions are alive in you and you are at least hearing something, 216 | P a g e

though you may not be fully engaging it yet. If not, it is most likely because you fear losing part of yourself. Call, response, call, response, that is the pattern. He who has, is given more. He who doesn't have eventually loses the ability to, if the response hardens itself into enough permanent “No's�. The time of visitation and invitation doesn't always last forever even though God is very long suffering with us. You haven't chosen Me, but it is I that have chosen you and in this have ordained you, that you should go and create fruit and that your fruit should be forever kept, and so that whatever it is that is required from the Father, in accord with My name He may give it forth to you (John 15:16). The one who is frequently shown, yet stiffens his neck (against turning, following) will unexpectedly be quenched, the cure passing by (Proverbs 29:1). Invitations from the Most High God to participate in saving processes are weighty matters not to be trifled with but received and honored as highly as their Source. Of all the people on the earth, God has seen to it that a unique, specific invitation has come directly your way. Now it's a matter of the heart, your heart. You Were Not An Afterthought I want you to think for a moment about time. Even more directly though, I want you to think about timelessness, as if what would it be like if it didn’t exist? Time is a thing only relevant to the physical, created world. To us time is like a barrier, limiting us to a beginning point and an ending point, and then it marks sequences in between the points. And God called the light, 'Day', and the darkness He called, 'Night', and the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1:5). Time is an invented, created thing and in a very real sense we measure everything by it. It defines our distances and spaces. It under girds all our calculations, breaking everything into a measurement and a rate of speed that really tells us that it will take so much time to get from one location to another, from one point on a certain scale to another, whatever that scale happens to be. Not to get too far out there, but in the physical world time itself has a set value to it related to the reward at the destination. But in the realm of God time has no existence. Because it doesn't exist it presents no barrier to anything or any knowledge or existence. Being unbound by the concept of time, God at once is in what we call the past, He is now in the present and is likewise in the future too. There are things that happen in the realm of spirit that happen on a timeless scale and these events then bleed over into the 217 | P a g e

earth realm and at certain points become manifest within the scale of time. God invites us into this arena. For example, Jesus is said to be the Lamb that was slain “from the foundation (conception) of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Yet there was a point in the “fullness of time” where this event bled into the material and visible realm and we all saw it, though in fact it had already been finished eternally; But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, formed within a woman, appearing in history as under the law, to release out of captivity those who were under the law that we might receive instead, full inclusion and acceptance as sons (Galatians 4:4-5). At a point in time, an eternal event became manifest. From the dimension of unbound timelessness, comes to you or I the call of God, bleeding out and into time in which we have appeared and in which the call now appears too, but the invitation is to participate in that which has meaning on an eternal scale which stretches far beyond our comprehension. The apostles discussed this phenomenon addressing it as the foreknowledge of God; Elect ones (chosen and choosing) according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through your setting apart to the Spirit to follow the path of the power and the sprinkling (distribution) of the blood of Jesus Christ, sweet and loving favor to you and abounding peace (wholeness, flourishing) be multiplied (1st Peter 1:2). Foreknowledge is a knowing of something or someone before anything was that is. Before anything was that is, God already knew you vividly in Himself. You are not some kind of an afterthought in the mind of the Father which He is now trying to figure out what to do with, but quite to the contrary, you were and are a forethought of the Father for whom in eternity He has already designed amazing things for you, but also before the world came into existence made every conceivable provision for all of those things that might ever be needed; And He who is the One that searches all the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because He causes intercessions to be made for them in perfect blended harmony with God. And we perceive and know at the deepest and most intimate part of us, the whole of each and every thing has been synergized together into what is delightfully good because of God's love, we being invited to the banquet overflowing within His purpose,

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For whom He did foreknow, He did also predestinate, fore ordaining, pre-appointing and decreeing into their destiny, that they should be formed to be in the exact same image as His Son, that He might be the firstborn among a vast multitude of brothers/sisters (Romans 8:27-28). The Father has foreknown you in Himself even before the first molecule of even the tiniest fleck of creation, and isn't just winging it, making things up about you as we go along. His foreknowledge means He also foreordained and preappointed, literally having already decreed into your destiny the full measure of every single thing you might ever require to be a replication of our Firstborn brother, our Lord Jesus Christ who is the transitional Head of all creation. This is the foundation Jesus laid initially within His disciples. He was teaching them to do and to be as He was. He was replicating the eternal measure of what is in Him into them. Jesus expressed the Father because who the Father is was transferred into Him. The disciples expressed Jesus because who Jesus is was transferred into them. Jesus and the disciples expressed the Father because who the Father is was transferred into all of them. Jesus is as the Father is, as the Father is as Jesus is, as the disciples are as Jesus is, as the Father is as the disciples are, as the disciples are as Jesus is. Does that make it clear enough? Or, does this do a better job; I pray...that they all may be one and the same as, in the harmony of You Father in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one and the same within us, for the purpose that the world may attain to the confident persuasion that You have appointed Me. And the splendor You have given Me, I have given them so they may be one and the same as, even as we are one and the same as. I within them, and You within Me, so they may be formed and finished out completely as one and the same as, and this is for the purpose that the world may have the deepest possible awareness that You have appointed Me, and have loved them in precisely the same proportion and way that You have loved Me...You loved Me before the foundation of the world (John 17:20-24). This is the meaning of righteousness, to be the same as. There is only One God, and you are not Him, just as there is only one Lord Jesus Christ and you are not Him, and there is only one Holy Spirit and you aren't the Spirit. But the invitation is to come, become one and be as He is at the same functional level, in a symbiotic perfect blended harmony, becoming the offspring or offshoot of God. Neither you nor the masterful purpose you have been given is an afterthought. In the foreknowledge of God a mission was created for you that is so unique, only you can accomplish it. It is in this mission the power of God rests 219 | P a g e

in unlimited measure. The invitation is to walk continually in the power of a mission and works that have already been completed, finished and provided for within the dimension of eternity. There is a success that has already been granted. There are works unique to you that have already been completed in their entirety. Works were prepared for you walk in. There is a stream flowing out of the throne of God unique to you and every time you touch it fascinating things happen. God conceals these things from men until their hearts within them hunger to know the high meanings of their own created purposes, and as they seek, it begins to open up to them; It is the glory of God to conceal a thing (a business, an occupation, an utterance, a work), but it is the wealth and dignity of a king (one given a measure of rule) to search the work and business out. The heaven for height and the earth for depth and the heart of kings for searching (Proverbs 25:2-3) There is a place of rest that God has given us where we engage the works already completed for us. This is that place Jesus spoke of where we are no longer floundering around and chasing one new idea after another in the pursuit of the next Christian fad, but we have found that place uniquely carved out for us and engage the works prepared before the world began. It is there we find the yoke easy and the burden light because we are walking in the power of what has already been finished; For those who have believed enter into rest, according to what He said, 'As I have sworn in My indignation, they (hard of heart, unbelieving) will not enter into My rest, even though the works were finished completely from the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3). There remained because of this a rest for the people who are of God, for the person who has now entered into His rest is the same one that has ceased from his own works, just like God did from His. Let us make it our occupation then to enter into that rest so no one falls after the same example of unbelief (Hebrews 4:9-11). For we are His workmanship, His handiwork and examples of His highly skilled craftsmanship who have been created within Christ Jesus to the position of good works, which God has previously ordained that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). Come to Me all of you who labor and are heavily laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke on you and learn from Me and you will find rest for your souls, because My yoke is easy and My burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). 220 | P a g e

Remember how the apostle Paul kept trying to go into Asia. He knew his calling as an apostle to the nations and had a burning passion to see the word of the Lord spread all through that region, but Paul also knew to work according to the work of God. Because the Holy Spirit forbids him from entering Asia he did not do so. It turns out the Lord had a higher plan in mind that would propel the work through Paul into an entirely new dimension. Instead of heading into Asia, Paul found himself in Ephesus at the school of Tyrannus for two years. Because of this work that God had planned, all of Asia then heard the word of the Lord in a streamlined efficiency. It was here that the Lord also did something else unusual that would appear to be prophetic because it says special miracles were done by the hands of Paul. He would pray over cloths and when these cloths arrived at a sick person or a demon possessed person, they would be healed and delivered. What was happening was a multiplying effect as it became apparent that Paul did not have to go in person for the work of the Lord to progress, but instead it became clear that Paul could impart what was in him into others and they would go out multiplying the effect. Many of the churches that were planted as a result of this Paul never visited face to face, but he walked in the works God had prepared before the foundation of the world and it worked with incredible impact. And this continued by the space of two years so that all of those living in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, including both Jews and Greeks. And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that from his body handkerchiefs and aprons were brought to the sick and their diseases left them and evil spirits went out of them (Acts 19:10-12). Your highest effectiveness in offending the darkness is to walk in the power of those works the Lord set aside with all power and provision before a speck of dust was ever created. This is the rest that has been provided for you that supersedes all created things. It is your part, as one who has been given the rule of a certain measure to seek out those works and walk in them. You will find amazing grace there. A Covenant Has Come To You What does it mean when God makes a covenant? What are the nature of His covenants? In knowing what the strength of His commitment is to us, understanding the nature of God's covenants will be very important. How powerful are His words of promise? What is it you have been given to receive? A covenant is a pledge of agreement or loyalty usually between two parties in which each one declares what benefits they will offer to the other. Let's use a typical real estate transaction for example. Two parties come together and each 221 | P a g e

one of them has a benefit they bring to the table. One person has a house or piece of property and the other one has money, whether cash or cash in the form of a loan, it doesn't really matter. The one brings the benefit of the house and the other brings the benefit of the cash and they make a legal binding contract to trade with one another the benefits they bring. There are usually witnesses to verify the signatures are valid and from the persons actually making the commitment. There is also a penalty if either one of the two parties violates the agreement and does not perform according to their pledge. This is called, keeping your word and is an extremely important element God has established in the dynamic of the universe. But there is something very different about God's covenants and the nature of them. The very first time the word is used is when God comes to the prophet Noah and begins to explain to him the pending destruction coming to all the earth. We'll pick up the story in Genesis; And the LORD was in deep sorrow over what man had produced on the earth, and it tortured Him at His heart. And the LORD said, 'Obliterate man created from the face of the earth, both man and beast and creeping thing, and the fowls of the air, for what man has produced, deeply sorrows.' But, Noah (meaning: a resting place) encountered grace, a smile, favor, mercy, good will and an encampment in the eyes of the LORD (Genesis 6:6-8). Though all the hearts of all mankind had gone so far from the LORD their perversions had infected even the creatures it seems, changing around the natural uses of everything and moving them out of their places, as the eyes of the LORD scanned them all, suddenly they stopped. They found Noah to be a resting place and Noah suddenly encountered grace in the eyes of the LORD. The apostle Peter tells us this one lone man continued to tell everyone about righteousness, being as God is and getting on the same operational plane as God, but no one is listening to the prophet. And then it gets interesting. The ancient writings tell us the LORD doesn't do anything on the earth until He shares it first with His servants, the prophets (Amos 3:7). So in light of what the timeless God already knows is about to bleed over into time, He speaks to Noah; Look carefully and see, a flood of waters gather to the whole of all the earth destroying all flesh in which there is the breath of life under the heavens, and everything in the whole of all the earth will die. But I will raise up the setting of My covenant on you, and you will be brought within the Ark, you and your sons, and your wife and your son's wives with you (Genesis 6:17-18). 222 | P a g e

These are very important words in several different ways and they set the tone for the other times in the writings we see God establishing His covenant upon a man. The first thing to notice are the words, I will set upon you My covenant. In the conversation, we have God and we have Noah, but notice whose will is being established and whose covenant it is. Noah is not a party to the transaction to establish covenant but merely a recipient of it, because the covenant itself belongs to God. Listen to the words again after the flood as Noah and company emerge from the Ark into a new and glistening world. They emerge from the Ark as the only humans alive now; Look carefully and see, I will establish My covenant with you... (Genesis 9:9). And I will establish My covenant with you... (Genesis 9:11). Fast forward to God making covenant with Abraham in Genesis fifteen and the language repeats; In the same day the LORD made a covenant upon Abram saying, “To your seed I have given... (Genesis 15:18). And I will make My covenant, multiplying you in abundance, upon abundance (in double abundance)... (Genesis 17:2). With Me is the covenant, you will be father of a multitude of nations... (Genesis 17:4). And I will establish My covenant over and upon your seed after you...� (Genesis 17:7). This language repeats over and over. The covenant is God's covenant. It begins with God, it belongs to God, and is applied according to the sovereignty of His own selection process. We know that when it is present over anyone, incredible things occur to that person. What happened to Noah was nothing short of astounding. What happened to Abraham was nothing short of astounding. What happened to David was nothing short of astounding and it is all because God willed forth His covenant on them. But what was really happening was a continuation of the Father's will over the creation of man in the beginning. The eternal purpose which originated in God was being transferred forward along with all of its attending blessings and benefits so that the ultimate goal of an earth eradicated of evil and filled with the full measure of God's splendor would become the reality here. The covenant and 223 | P a g e

the agreement to bless, resides with God and is His promise that He swears by Himself to fulfill. He revealed the covenant to mankind and proclaimed it upon him before the fall; So God created man in His own image, in the image of God did He create them, male and female did He create them. And God honored them with the blessing, God said, 'Increase and bear this fruit, branch out and multiply excessively, fill the earth as an armed mass and subdue it, causing it by force to be subservient, treading down the opponent. And have dominion, subjugating and taking the rule over...every living thing that moves upon the earth (Genesis 1:27-28). God made trees and herbs after their kind with the seed of replication in them. God made living creatures after their kind with the seed of replication in them. And then God created man after His own image with the seed of replication in him, and He placed upon man the „Yashaâ€&#x; blessing which was the empowering for the purpose He subsequently identified, to force subservience upon an opponent, treading that opponent down. And so throughout history God has confirmed what in fact is His covenant with select individuals and people, and now it has come to you. You must know, the certainty of the promise is not based in you, it is based in Him and His own righteousness after the sovereign dynamics involved in the counsel of His own will. It is His covenant that has now come upon you and it is His word of promise that makes it effective and it is His power that stands, fully backing His word of promise. See that you aren't dull and sluggish about this matter or fail to give it the honor it deserves, but are imitators of those who through faith and undaunted determination receive all the pronounced blessing promised and allotted them. For when God pronounced the blessing and promise allotted to Abraham, because there was no One greater that could be sworn by, then He swore by the power of Himself saying, 'I certify this, that in bestowing the blessing, I will bestow the blessing, and in multiplying, I will be the cause of your multiplying.â€&#x; So as he (Abraham) was undaunted in adherence and would not let go of what God said, the promise then appeared, materializing upon him (Hebrews 6:12-15). And now it is on you. God has put His covenant upon you. The blessing of His word that He has sworn by Himself to fulfill is your portion. It is certified by God and God only. Whether you believe or not does not invalidate the promise or 224 | P a g e

the full power of it. The promise continues to exist in its entire splendor because it is not rooted in you it is rooted and sworn into effect by the oath God made upon Himself alone. By which God, willing deliberately in excessive manner to show to those allotted the promise, the inalterable nature of His purposed counsel, validated it by swearing an unbreakable oath, so that by two inalterable, already accomplished facts in which it was impossible for God to lie in either case, we might have at our grasp a mighty, persuasive legal summons who have fled into Him for the refuge of power in relation to the heightened expectation of hope that lay directly in our path (Hebrews 6:17-18). It is God's covenant, certified according to His eternal purpose by Himself and now given to you. Your inclusion into Christ has made it as alive and active over you as it is in Jesus, whose power in the universe we have placed ourselves under; Remember then that there was a time in the past where you were considered racially to be Gentiles, and you were called the uncircumcised by those who called themselves the circumcised at least according to racial identity in a circumcision performed merely by the hands of man. That at that time you didn't have Christ, and this caused you to be alienated from the common, shared wealth that had been given to Israel, and you were estranged from the covenant of the promise, there was no positive future hope among you and you were without God in this world. But now that you are in and part of Christ, who is Jesus, you who were before so far away instead appear in present history as being one in position and access by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:11-13). The Part You Keep God places His covenant on whomever He chooses, and we have already explored His choosing process. Noah became in his generation the resting place of God and thereby fulfilled the mission of the LORD in his generation. And now the eyes of the LORD search this generation for a resting place. Is it you? This is what the LORD says, 'The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. So where is the house (place of dwelling, feasting and family) that you would build for Me? Where is the place of My rest? My power formed everything by an utterance', says the LORD.

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'I pay attention to this, the humble one who understands the neediness of their spirit and trembles in awe at My word‟ (Isaiah 66:1-2). Your blessings and the power of the covenant are in God. He has declared them over you and because you are in Jesus Christ they are activated to you as a legal right. It is the power and the covenant of God by which you wage war, for apart from that you have nothing to enforce upon the enemies. With it, you have everything. But there is something in relation to the covenant that you must fulfill that keeps its power in continual effect on your behalf. Whether you do or not, does not change the covenant or the nature of it. Whether you do this or not does however determine its creating power of effect within your metron; And God said to Abraham, 'You will keep (guard, treasure, observe and celebrate) My covenant therefore, you and your seed in you, proceeding out from you, in their generations. This is My covenant that you will keep (guard, treasure, observe and celebrate), every man child among you will be circumcised. And you will circumcise the flesh of your foreskin. It is the distinguishing mark, it is the signal of the covenant (Genesis 17:9-11). On man's part there is a signal of the covenant. It is a sign that you are treasuring it, you are watching over it and you are celebrating it. It is when God sees the signal that He knows you are engaged in it. If the signal is not present then the covenant promise will simply pass by. It is the signal that says, “Here I am Lord. Send me! Include me! I'm active! Don't pass me by!” Circumcision was to be applied to the participating males’ reproductive organ. It was the dedication and setting aside of all the present and future issue of his life to the covenant of the Lord. It meant that everything generated out from him would be according to that covenant. It is the surrender of all life issue, the surrender of the person’s power of reproduction. In the New Covenant we are told that physical circumcision was merely the shadow that pointed to the true circumcision. This generated tremendous upheaval among the early believers particularly among the Jews. It undermined the whole premise of an exclusive, nationalistic corner on God and threw the idea of covenant open to anyone, Jew or Gentile, bond or free, and even male or female. This true circumcision was clearly spoken of by the prophets. It has nothing to do with a physical cutting of the insensitive penile flesh, and everything to do with a spiritual cutting of the insensitive reproductive flesh of the race of Adam within the person’s heart toward God; 226 | P a g e

Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart and no longer be stiff necked (Deuteronomy 10:16). Circumcise yourselves to the LORD and take away the foreskin of your heart (Jeremiah 4:4). In the New Testament, water baptism is that point in which we covenant to the Lord that our hearts are being separated to Him and only Him. It is the point of no return in which our hearts, out of which all the reproduction of our life flows, will be forever engaged with the covenant He has proclaimed over us by the grace of His love and His will. We will live to the covenant and we will die to the covenant and our choice is permanent and forever as our dependence upon flesh is cut away, that dullness that has hindered our sensitivity to the things of the Spirit of God is to be a thing of the past. For he is not a Jew (one to be honored or praised, or whose praise is to be honored) who is one outwardly, neither is the circumcision that is merely outward in the flesh, but the one who is a Jew is one who is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit and not according to a physical engraving (graphic symbol), whose praise is not from men, but from God (Romans 2:28-29). In whom you were also circumcised with the circumcision that wasn't made with man's hands by putting off the overshadowing of the deviation of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, when you were buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the operating work energized by God, who has raised Him from the dead (Colossians 2:11-12). The wonders of the covenant fall freely upon the circumcised heart. This is also related to the weapons outlined in Ephesians where our loins, which cover our reproductive parts and what is considered the strength region of the body are to be girt about with truth. What comes out of the heart that is circumcised to the Lord is what is true, not according to the world, to the naturally minded man, to unbelief or evil spirits, but what is true according to God, His covenant and His sacred , powerful, creating words on us. The Structures You need to know about the spiritual structures because it is in the spiritual structures that the battles are fought and won, or lost by us. Within the spiritual structures are various powers capable of influence and influence is precisely what the war is about. The scriptures give a peek at these various levels of structure; 227 | P a g e

For we are not in a conflict involving flesh and blood, but one taking rule over principalities, over powers, over the rulers of the darkness of this world, over spiritual wickedness in high and heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Far above every, and all principality, and power, and might, and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but in the one that is also now emerging (Ephesians 1:21). That through Him (Jesus) is the transformation of all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible whether they are thrones, or dominions, or principalities or powers, all things are transformed through Him and according to Him (Colossians 1:16). There is a hierarchy in these spiritual things with greater and lesser powers. Some of them have higher levels of influence and some of them have lesser levels of influence. Whereas some may have the power to influence individuals, some have power to influence groups and other topographies, as we've already mentioned. It is the right and the power of influence that is at stake in our battles. Whose will prevail? If you remember back to the man who had devils and wandered about naked in the tombs that Jesus delivered, though the devils were in him, they in fact influenced the whole region of Decapolis (Mark 5). When Jesus demanded the spirit identify itself it said its name was Legion, because they were many. But the fact is the whole area was terrorized by the spirits in this man and when Jesus delivered him, the entire region also benefited by him being in his right mind. The peace of the whole land increased. The apostle Paul alluded to the fact that there are three heavens, the highest one being called Paradise. Consider that the higher you go, the greater the power of influence. This would mean things in the first level would have one power of influence and things in the second level would have an even greater power of influence. Being higher or greater than the first they would have ability to influence things not only at the second level but also in the first level as well. The third and highest would then have power over the other two lesser levels. The idea of the right hand of God is the pinnacle point of all levels; I knew a man in Christ over fourteen years ago, (whether I was in the body I don't really know, or if I was out of the body I don't really know, God knows though), this particular man was carried up into the third heaven, and I knew this man (whether I was in the body, or if I was out of the body I don't really know, God knows though), how he was caught up into Paradise and heard words that are so sacred it is not even allowed for a man to speak them (2nd Corinthians 12:2-4). 228 | P a g e

If you will recall, Jesus spoke of this place on the cross when the repentant thief who was crucified with Him asked to be remembered when He came into His kingdom. Jesus told him, “This very day, you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). I will also say to you that this structural hierarchy is the reason why the seven sons of Sceva when attempting to cast out a devil from a demon possessed person got the worse end of the bargain (Acts 19:13-17). This is because they were unbelievers and only attempting to use the name of Jesus without any authorization to do so. The level they themselves were on was inadequate. The demons level was higher. In binding and loosing what we are commissioned to do within the measure we are currently given is apply superior power against lesser power. But in order to do so you must be planted at a level that is indeed superior, otherwise no one has to follow a single one of your directives. On the other hand, if you are indeed at a higher level then there is a clear obligation of the lower to give way to the higher. It doesn't matter if the spiritual element is good and cooperative with the blessing of God or evil and resistant to it, the power structure set within the heavens is the determinate factor. Where You Fit So where do you fit? What confidence can you have that anything you would suggest into the hierarchy of spirit influences will have any effect at all? We are told to be on the offensive and to take the battle to the enemy and to possess the gates the enemy currently occupies, but has God set us at a disadvantage in this battle, or will it be as Jesus said, “the gates of hell will not sustain?” Let me take you on another quick trip to the beginning. Remember God made Adam and Eve and placed upon them His covenant and divine mission. Adam and Eve in turning their hearts from the covenant came under the power the darkness whose head is satan and the result was and is this thing we spiritually call the world or spiritually speaking also call Babylon. It is the world of spiritual whoredom in which man is wrongly deceived into thinking he is and will be his own god when in fact his emanations into the world are inspired by his father whose influence he has come under, called the devil. Into this muddied mess appears the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He is another man or as it says the last Adam who comes among us exercising complete power over the enemy because His operational base is of the Father, the very highest level, God Himself. Jesus terrorizes the darkness and all that is discordant with the realm and rule of the Father. But He goes even further than this, following the Father in perfect alignment all the way into death, then in rising from the dead, 229 | P a g e

defeating its power too He is raised up and seated permanently in Paradise at the right hand of God, the highest elevation over all. In all of heaven and in all of earth there is none higher than this man and this name but the Father. Thus we see mankind in Jesus the Christ, brought to the place which the original covenant destined humanity to be. With Jesus at the right hand of God, the plan can now move toward its completion. Restoration has occurred and humanity may move toward their mission, if they adapt to the new paradigm. And Jesus came and said to them, 'All power in heaven and in earth is given to Meâ€&#x; (Matthew 28:18). But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for all sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that point on waiting in excited anticipation until all His enemies are made His footstool (Hebrews 10:12-13). So what does this mean for you? As men and women come to Jesus Christ, it establishes their position within the structure of powers. When we confess and acknowledge our deviance of heart from our true eternal purpose, we receive forgiveness and cancellation of the power of our errors over us and as we turn our hearts to God, a powerful transition takes place. We are translated from the lowest and last position in the hierarchy structures to the highest position at the level of our Lord Jesus Christ. For you have all become the sons of God by means of faith in Jesus Christ, for as many of us who have been baptized into Christ, have become clothed upon with Christ. There are no longer Jews or Greeks, there is no longer bond or free, there is no longer male or female, for you are all one and the same in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christâ€&#x;s then you are the seed that had been promised to Abraham and heirs who are now blended as one with the promise (Galatians 3:26-29). Through well meaning but misguided instruction we have been under an identity crisis within the fellowship of the saints, or maybe it’s been doctrines of devils. As a son or daughter of the Most High God we are elevated into the high region of the high throne and the high magic if you will let me use that word in relation to spiritual powers. We are priests within the universe of spiritual and physical creation after the order of Melchizedek. There is no higher force or power other than that of our Father and the Champion and Head of our band of warriors, Jesus Christ the son of David, the Son of God. Therefore, if any man is in Christ he is in and of the new creation. Old things have passed away, having been entirely nullified and no longer valid. 230 | P a g e

Look carefully and see, all things are become new, and all things flow to us from God who has reconciled us to Himself, and has committed to our care the ministry of reconciliation (2nd Corinthians 5:17-18). If you have been raised up together with Christ, search out those things that are above from on high, where Christ is now seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1). But God who is rich in mercy, in the stunning measure of love by which He has loved us, while our being was destitute of life because of our falling away, has germinated life in us by Christ (by sweet loving favor are you rescued out of danger), and has raised us up together and sat us down together in the existence of heaven in Christ who is Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-6). We are ambassadors of the power. The word ambassador means more than a secondary emissary but has everything to do with an advanced rank and power enabling one to exercise justice as one who is blessed by the higher power of the throne to do so. The ambassador is invested with the power to prosecute according to the higher kingdom that has triumphed over the one in defeat. It is flow through power. The Will Of God It is the will of God that we are authorized to prosecute. What is true in both the nature and function of heaven, we have been given power to prosecute on earth calling powers to submit to the will of the highest of power. On the one hand the will of God is most clearly shown in Jesus Christ. If you want to glimpse the Father and the realm of Paradise then you will find it in the face of Jesus Christ. For God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, has shined into our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the splendors of God in the face of Jesus Christ� (2nd Corinthians 4:6). But there is also the unfolding will of God, that living word of instruction streaming to us directly from the living Jesus by the Holy Spirit, guiding and directing our moves according to divine wisdom. But as many as are led, guided and directed by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God (Romans 8:14). Whoever it is that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22). 231 | P a g e

While it is said, 'Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts (Hebrews 3:15). With this in mind we would have come to you, even me Paul, once and again, but satan hindered us (1st Thessalonians 2:18). The battles are real and hindrances can occur as we move toward the will of God. But the power is with us, having been granted to us in Jesus Christ, to prevail against them all in spite of any hindrances. You are of God little children and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1st John 4:4). And keep this in mind, that if it does not fit the Spirit of Yasha but rather seems to fit the spirit of sarar then it ought to be taken to the Lord in prayer for wisdom and discernment as to what it is and what should be done. Our God is a Savior and an ever expanding life giver. What hinders this splendor will need to be brought under the superior power and the will of Yashua, the ever expanding power of life. The Name And so in the wars, you have been given a name to work with. The name signifies the power and the rank of the person to whom it belongs. It is in the name of the highest of powers in heaven and in earth that you come. Jesus Christ is Lord, there is no other lord. When it comes to matters of the kingdom of God and the knowledge of His will, no power may defy the name above all other names. The power of the name of Jesus Christ when applied, brings a bondage and demand of obedience upon all resistant forces. Use it with wisdom and in application of His will, but by all means use it, bringing all into subjection to that name what has appeared discordant with the known will of God; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father (origin) of the splendor may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, with the eyes of your understanding enlightened that you may know what is the confident expectation of His invitation, and what are the riches of the splendor of His inheritance given to the saints, and what is the far surpassing greatness of His power to us who have believed, just like, and according to His mighty power, which He operated in public display in Christ when He raised 232 | P a g e

Him from the dead and then set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, And He is now far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world but in that one that is arriving. And has put all things under His feet and has given Him to be the Head, the lead and living power over all things to the called out ones who are the same as His own flesh and blood body and the fullness of Him that fills all things in all places (Ephesians 1:17-23). And being found in the same fashion as a man, humbled Himself and became obedient in following, all the way to death, and that being death on the cross, and because of this God has also highly exalted Him and given Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee must bow itself down and every tongue is obligated to agree that Jesus Christ is Lord to the splendor of God the Father (Philippians 2:8-11). Enforcing By Demand I had been in a time of intense prayer over a period of days seeking answers and probing deep into my own heart. I had decided to rest my mind and take a break and as soon as I had relaxed myself the Holy Spirit spoke and said, “Demand that it be so!” and I knew immediately what it meant. I saw that God had given His servant’s power and that I had actually been on the wrong side of the equation of many things in my prayer life. I would ask and ask and keep expecting things to alter because I was continuing to ask and seek and sometimes they did, but it seemed like a very long process. Often the things I was praying and asking about were undoubtedly the will of God but the resistance against them happening was strong and nothing moved without great and long effort. I always wanted to be careful not to overstep my bounds and push things that were not supposed to be. But in light of the clear knowledge of the will of God, He was showing me a different tactic altogether. In a word, He was moving me from a position of weakness to power and now I get to share it with you. Remember Moses as he stood against the Red Sea and the armies of Pharaoh were coming to retake Israel into slavery? As Moses cries out to the LORD, the LORD says something unusual. He says, “Why are you crying out to Me?” In effect the LORD was saying, “Look, you already know what we're doing here. We're taking them out of Egypt and into the wilderness. So you have an obstacle in front of you. So what? Take what I've given you and stretch it out over the obstacle and speak to the people that they go forward.” Moses at that point didn't need a new revelation of the will of God, he needed to exercise the 233 | P a g e

rod of power God had given him already and apply it to the obstacle foaming in the way of progress. When we know the will of God we must transition from “hope so” to “be so”. In fact, real hope is based on an undeniable expectation rooted in a single hearted assurance over a word God has spoken. When we move into the status of “be so” it is a stage of commanding the lesser heavens and the material creation to conform themselves to the word that God has spoken to us through the authorized power of the Christ. Our Lord Jesus, and we in Him, are given a height of power in the hierarchy of powers that supersedes all else. We don't act independently we act in harmony with it, from the top position not the bottom position. We are the authorized enforcers of the known will and peace that God has proclaimed. We are then to be relentless against the darkness, having no mercy upon the sarar spiritual kingdom. No disobedience to the life giving words of our Lord will be tolerated by us. No evil will be allowed to stand but instead the greater power will be forced upon the lesser, binding and restricting any influence of the lesser power. This is what the LORD, the Holy One of Israel and his Maker (He who has fashioned, formed and pre-ordained) says, 'Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, you then give the commands (Isaiah 45:11). No Other Option We will close this chapter with this regarding warfare: Leave no other alternative. He has spoken His word and the universe has no other option but to conform if we, His servants on earth, demand that it be so maintaining our own clarity of mission and conscience. God has placed the earth under the care of mankind, but the high power rests in the saints, those of the aligned spiritual class of warriors whom He has called out to and who have willingly come to Him that they might serve the eternal purpose. Our Father who is in heaven (the highest of the heavens), sacred is Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in the earth, that it might exactly match what it is in heaven (Luke 11:2). Leave no other option.

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Chapter Thirteen “Increasing Your Threat Level� What I am asking you to do is engage with things that will affect your life in ways right now that you may not be able to imagine. In the last chapter I began to tell you, the fact you have given yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ means you already pose a threat to the darkness that is in the world. No one else can bring the kingdom of God into the earth but you and me. We were born again for this mission. It is our turn in our generation now and it is my hope we can take this thing to its final conclusion. I believe it can be done. And though the polarity we are commissioned to bring to all the earth is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit manifest in a continual river of love, joy, peace, undaunted pursuit of eternal purpose, gentleness, goodness, faith, freedom to let God act in His power, and the streamlining of lives to greater and greater efficiency in eternal callings, taking the world to that place we are seeking is spiritually violent business. We are healers and deliverers. We represent our Father who in so many ways is revealed as pure love. We seek an earth that is abundant to all people, where disease, pain and suffering have no room to exist, where the Father is loved to the maximum by every heart, and every person is free from all their inner debilitations and may love their neighbor as themselves. We are ushering in a world without fear and without tears, one that is filled with joy and laughter, a world of safety, security and peace. We are bringing in a world whose entire polarity and relation to life has been changed at the deepest root level. The upheaval and overthrow of powers we bring with us has only one method of success and that is to bind what has bound, to overthrow what has overthrown, to imprison what has imprisoned. It is such a dramatic alteration of the core operational fractals that have been in place since the fall of Adam, that a back lash can be expected. History shows power struggles involving thieves, liars, cheats and bullies who have usurped power and rule by fear and intimidation can be intense, but our God will beat them at their own game. He is already in the future, having provided all we need now, and is waiting to greet us there. In the last chapter and in this one too, we are touching on two important foundational doctrines being the Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgment. The effect of Jesus resurrection and ascension is the dramatic shift in our own position as believers from the low scale to the high scale of position and it is from the position of this position of resurrection life that we are given the power to execute upon the enemies the judgments that are already written. Their demise has been prerecorded in history. 236 | P a g e

Let the heights of God be in their mouth and a two edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the swarm of unaligned and chastisement upon their gathering, to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, to exact upon them the judgment written, this honor is given to all His saints (Psalm 149:6-9). Praying With All Prayer And Supplication Where the apostle Paul wrapped up his writing about the armor of God by discussing prayer, I feel I need to start with it. In the trenches, prayer is the power release point. I will admit, we won't do the topic justice because prayer is a book in itself, not to say it's complicated, it's just so beautiful and so powerful. It is when I am in prayer that I know things are being moved and changed. We're taught that things are not what they appear to be. Jesus turned water into wine. Dead people were brought back to life. Lepers were cleansed instantly. Blind eyes were opened. Deaf ears heard. The lame walked. Bread and fishes were multiplied to feed thousands out of what appeared to be, thin air. Water became a walk able substance. Prison doors opened. Philip dematerialized and rematerialized somewhere else miles away. It is what I call liquid reality. We learn the material world is not as solid as we might think it to be, that in fact it is very mold-able, changeable and shapeable when you believe in the power of God and that faith can interact with invisible things to cause those things that are not to in fact, become. Into this we have come, and we don't even know what we really have, but it is coming. I see it forming now and the world we have been invited to create with our Lord Jesus, will indeed be created, first in the realm of spirit, then in the realm of earth as the alterations and battles of powers in the invisible world bleed over into time, ultimately bringing time itself to a close while ushering in the never ending, ever expanding. Prayer is crucial. As an apostle, Paul was in a state of nonstop prayer (1st Thessalonians 5:17), not to say that all prayer warriors are apostles, but that all apostles are prayer warriors. The other apostles were cut from the same cloth, read the Book of Acts and their writings. Our Lord Jesus, the Son of Man/Son of God was given to long bouts of prayer sometimes lasting through the night (Luke 6:12). I cannot emphasize to you enough the vital nature of prayer. It is in this state of communion with the infinite power and throne of the universe that words are expressed in a two way dialog between you and the Highest of the heights of all creative power. Words from God are the tools of creation, both in the past and in the present. They form and transform all substance, visible substance and invisible substance. 237 | P a g e

Because of this, I say to you, 'Whatever things you require when you pray, believe, placing confidence that you have received them and it will come to pass that you have them (Mark 11:24). This characteristic is so dominant among hearts seeking God that it will become one of the most noted points of our identity among all nations of the earth. When we go into prayer, spirits of evil and those in love with them should become frightened; Also, the sons of the stranger that join themselves to the LORD, to serve Him and to love the name of the LORD, to be His servants, everyone that celebrates and treasures the sabbath (the rest) and does not pollute it, and who takes hold of My covenant, these I will bring to My sacred mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on My altar, for My house will be called a house of prayer among all people (nations) (Isaiah 56:6-7). Rooted in the concepts of prayer is the idea of justice and bringing to pass the judgments God has pronounced. It involves of course seeking the thoughts of God on matters, but once He has shared His words the matter is settled. We are now touching on the doctrine of Eternal Judgment; And another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and he was given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar that was before the throne. And the smoke of that incense with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God out of the angelâ€&#x;s hand. And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it into the earth, and there were voices and thunderings and lightning flashes and an earthquake, and the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound (Revelation 8:3-6). In the check list of equipping the apostle Paul gives us for prosecution of the heavenly war, is this all so vital instrument of prayer. He tells us to use it all, in every form and to use it at all times, watching constantly and persevering and to draw upon the power of it like an infant sucking the sustenance of life out from heaven itself. He tells us to cover all our fellow warriors and those fighting at the forefronts of the battles and that the word of God can go forth with boldness and revelation; Praying always with all prayer, drawing out your sustenance from within the Spirit and keeping your eyes in continual watch toward it with all prevailing and unshakable courage, and for the drawing out of sustenance for all the saints (the warriors of God), and for me too, that utterance may be given to me, that I 238 | P a g e

may open my mouth and speak boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:18-19). Prayer is the lifeline of transformative power, bringing to us the triumph of our Lord Jesus in His resurrection and ascension and victory over all the power of the enemy. By it we draw out all life and the victory that He is we too become partakers of as the Holy Spirit takes from what is His and the treasures of His triumph and imparts it directly into us and our metron of oversight. And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made an open spectacle of them, celebrating in triumph over them in it (in His death, burial and resurrection) (Colossians 2:15). Now let thanks be given to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and publicly shows forth the essence and flavor of His knowledge by us in every place (2nd Corinthians 2:14). But you are a select generation (of beings, kindred, persons), a royal kingly priesthood, a nation set apart to the purpose, a people who have been uniquely obtained so you can show forth the excellencies of Him who as called you out and separated you away from the darkness and into His stunning, shining light (1st Peter 2:9). We are showing forth, not our own excellencies, but the triumph and excellencies of our Lord Jesus. It is His power and His work and triumph we are given privilege to enforce. It will cover the earth. Don't stop. Don't quit, and when it looks darkest of all keep prosecuting the judgments of God upon the spiritual enemies because they cannot prevail. They don't have the power or the right to do so. Their greatest resistance is just before their total collapse. Stand, and stand firm. The triumph of Christ will become your triumph too. Pray without ceasing. Increasing Your Offense When Paul begins to share with us the armor of God, the setting in which he does so is in relation to our power to oppose and set ourselves against the spirits of darkness. The picture is from the Greek word anthistemi which is actually a compound word using anti and histemi from which we get our medical word antihistamine. A histamine can be related to immune disorders and an antihistamine attacks it. It is a fascinating study of pharmacology if anyone is interested it following it. You get into the world of agonist's and antagonists. An antihistamine it has been discovered is an inverse agonist. Because of its nature, the inverse agonist 239 | P a g e

actually binds the agonist and reverses receptor activity. This is very interesting, and a very good illustration of our mission as extensions of our Father into the earth arena. What is offered in the armor of God is the spiritual equipment necessary to reverse receptor activity. As we stand against the spiritual wickedness meeting them at, but from above their level in the heavens (because we are seated with Christ in the third heaven, the highest one) we not only stop the activity but reverse it thus turning the world that is, into the new world. This is what James said would happen; Submit yourselves because of this to God, resist (Greek: antihistamine) the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). When we research the words of James and Paul further, it appears their revelation on these things are remarkably consistent with those of the prophet Isaiah; For a breastplate He put on righteousness and for a helmet salvation (Yashua) on His head, and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was wrapped with zeal as a robed mantle. According to what they have done, accordingly He will repay, fury and enraged burning anger on His adversaries, those who oppressed, distressed, tightened and troubled, retribution to the whole enemy nation, into all their coasts and borders will He repay with retribution. And so will they be terrified by the name of the LORD from the west and His splendor from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes near and gathers like a stream, the Spirit of the LORD will fly to the attack, driving at him with fury and putting him to flight (Isaiah 59:17-19). In the armor of God we are afforded the opportunity to increase our threat level. In the prosecution of the supernatural war we are engaged in it should be each of our goal to wreak as much devastation on the strongholds of the enemy as can possibly be done. The enemy is the usurper of that which belongs to our Lord and belongs to us as our inheritance also. It is ours by the covenant of God and it is our privilege to bring it all under the feet of our Lord Jesus. The Nature Of The Frontline Before getting to an overview of the armor itself let's take a quick tour of battlefield conditions. We can find at least a partial list in Paul's writing to our brothers and sisters in arms who were living in the city of Corinth;

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Even though you and I are walking about in human physical bodies, our military expeditions are not conducted by any physical means, (for the tools of war implemented in our military campaigns are not of any material substance, but they are mighty, coming to us through God for the pulling down and utter demolition of strong holds). Casting down (bringing into subjection) imaginations (purposed reasoning) and every heightened thing that has hoisted itself up, opposing in reference to what is the knowledge of God and leading away as a bound captive every thought, philosophy and thought process instead to the counsels, and submission of Christ (1st Corinthians 10:3-5). The first thing to obviously point out (again) is our war is not fought on a physical plane but on a spiritual plane of existence. A good soldier understands their most productive course of action is to apply pressure and attack where it counts the most. At the level of the spiritual dimension is the nerve center, the headquarters and communications center that instructs and projects its influence. If you destroy the spirit communications and command center and silence it, you have gained supreme advantage. The second thing to notice is our weapons come to us from God. They are powerful and you need to trust that power and as such they are spiritual and not of any material substance. Think of them as our invisible death rays against evil. You may not be able to see the invisible death ray but it is definitely doing its work whenever you turn the switches on and fire it up. The glory of God radiates a frequency. The third thing is there are strong holds and these are what the weapons are set to demolish. A strong hold is just what it sounds like. It is a fortified position the enemy has dug in on and is not planning on giving up. It has to be taken away in pitched battle. This is where you come in and your refusal to allow it to exist any longer as mentioned in the last chapter. If you or I allow it to remain it will stay. We have to make that choice and stay with it until the full measure of the triumph of Jesus Christ eradicates it. When we reach the second stage of this passage of scripture on our weapons, we get into some details regarding what we are attacking and this is important. Spirits are communicative beings that emanate something like a wavelength or radio signal broadcasting skillfully, emotionally charged pictorial thoughts according to their kind. A lying spirit for example will convey out emotionally charged pictorial thoughts designed to convince you the way to appease a situation would be to lie about it. And the lie, or whatever spirit you are dealing with, will provide in the picture the suggested solution. So we are told what we will be doing and what we will be bringing into subjection, whether we are dealing with individuals, families, neighborhoods, villages, cities, counties, provinces, states, regions, nations or whatever, are 241 | P a g e

entities who take the form of imaginations (Greek: logismos, from which we get the word logic and meaning, reasoning, speech and discourse, conceptions and ideas, types of consciousness). We will find these things are heightened things as in a top of mind awareness with a person or geography that is the predominant center or centers around which thought processes revolve that have exalted themselves above what is the knowledge of God (which in its basic definition is the spirit of Yashua life versus sarar implosions). We are in fact resisting then reversing thoughts and entire thought processes by striking boldly and with the power of the Holy Spirit the root thoughts within a location that has caused oppressions, fears, and other maladies against the richness of God. It is the war of the worlds. But it's not as simple as going in and giving someone, “a darn good talking to”, because until you have bound up the evil spirit and stopped it, the emanation of emotionally charged pictorial thoughts will continue and the truth is, until that stops they will not be able to hear you clearly. You must first apply superior power in silencing the one by forcing its subjection to the name (rank and power) of Jesus Christ so you can then feely spoil the enemy and turn entirely the heart of the geography, whatever its size. I hope that is helpful in letting you see what is going on behind the scenes and why we know until we change the spirit of a geography or person, we cannot get to the root of things. But on the other hand, if we can change the Spirit that is communicating the emotionally charged pictorial thoughts from darkness to light then we can indeed alter the destiny of people and nations. Change the spirit change the product. Introduction To Some Great Weapons We're going to go through quick snapshots of each of the offensive weapons. We won't do them justice because each in itself is so rich, but I'm planting seeds that should give you enough to meditate and expand on making you more offensive yet to the darkness in increasingly larger, upwardly mobile spirals. I want you to be great and I want you to have the requisite tools to take down strongholds. I've often heard that the weapons outlined by our brother Paul in Ephesians were all for defense except for the Sword of the Spirit. That kind of made sense at first, but given the nature of the very aggressive start to this passage of scripture, I've changed my mind. I think they are all offensive to the enemy spirits because each one of them gives us power to be even more effective. Your Loins Girt About With Truth Let's be right up front about it, your loins speak about your reproductive organs. We could say, “Oh yes, the loin‟s are the whole region from the middle 242 | P a g e

section of the body including the thighs, the hips and the stomach. If the trunk of the body is strong then you are healthy and strong.” Okay, but then we would be missing the point. This is not to take away from the loin region as being the source of strength but the most significant thing about the loins is the reproductive region. What God has given to us as human beings is the power of replication. Because of mankind's position within the order of things, whatever it is that we send forth from us carries reproductive power. This is part of being made in the likeness of God, as our words carry a creative power when we speak them. With pinpoint accuracy I tell you, that whoever will speak to this mountain and say, 'Be removed from this location and be cast into the sea', and will not hesitate (doubt) in his heart, but believe that what he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he has said (Mark 11:23). But I will say to you, every barren word that a man will speak, he will give an accounting of it in the day of examinations, for by your words he will be justified (found to be on the same level as God), and by your words you will be found lacking in what is necessary (Matthew 12:36-37). This is very much highlighted when it comes to the power of our words as Jesus said, “it's not what goes into a man that defiles him but what comes out” (Matthew 15:11-19). Words in themselves as they are spoken carry tremendous creative power, maybe more so than we even understand. Jesus said of His spoken words that, “they are Spirit and they are life”. The Proverbs have much to say about it; A man‟s stomach will be filled by the fruit of his mouth, and by the enrichment of his lips will he also be enriched. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and what one loves will produce the fruit he will consume (Proverbs 18:20-21). The man of adversity and wickedness is taken captive by the violations of his own lips, but the just (those aligned on the same plane as God) will come out of trouble. A man will be enriched with all that is excellent by the produce (the offspring) of his mouth (Proverbs 12:13-14). A wholesome, healing and profitable tongue is a tree of life, but a tongue of ruin, speaking perversely is a shattering in the spirit (Proverbs 15:4). Thoughtless, rash and angry speech is like the deadly slashing of a sword, but the tongue of one who is wise is healing, curing and brings profit (Proverbs 12:18). 243 | P a g e

The seed of our mouth is an important seed and it is something we can control. What the effective warrior knows is how important the power of his speech is and uses it as a tool to his or her advantage. It pays for us to slow down our response rates in conversations and when situations appear and think about the words we are going to use in reference to them. They should be a tree of life. It is true that your words can create conditions concurrent with life and the intended results of our God or they can undermine the results you are looking to see. The apostle James told us about the incredible force the tongue carries; If any man among you appears to be honoring God, but cannot guide his own tongue, he is deceiving his own heart and his honoring God lacks any depth or weight (James 1:26). My brothers, I don't suggest you seek to be in charge of too many things, knowing that we will be examined on a greater scale, for in many things we make mistakes and fall against the whole of all things. But if any man doesn't fall down with his words, the same is a mature, whole and healthy man and capable of guiding the directions of the whole body (the larger mass). Look carefully and see, we put bits in horseâ€&#x;s mouths and so they will follow our guidance, and we turn about their whole body (their entire mass). Consider also ships and even though they are so large and even driven by fierce and harsh winds, yet they are turned around by a very small rudder in whichever direction the governor chooses for it to go. In the exact same way the tongue is a little tiny member and can expound very lofty things. Consider how large of a forest can be set ablaze by just a tiny little spark. And so the tongue is a fire, a world of judgments. This is the tongue among our members that it can defile the entire body (the larger mass) and can set on fire the course of nature and can also be set on fire by hell. Because every kind of beast and bird and serpent and sea creature can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but the tongue no man of himself can tame. With it we bless God, even the Father of all creation, and with it turn right around and curse a man who is made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth flows blessing and then cursing. My brothers, these things should not be happening (James 3:1-10). What we need to pay attention to is that our powers of reproduction are geared to life. We should gird ourselves with truth, not as man says or as the enemy says in his lies to us, but according to what God says about you and about the triumph of the Lord in any given situation. Speak according to the Lord. 244 | P a g e

Speak as God speaks and you will be the same as He is which is what He wants for you. The Breastplate Of Righteousness The breastplate protects all your vital organs. When you know that you cannot be hurt in your vital organs of the heart and the liver and kidneys, stomach and intestines and the like you can move confidently ahead into the attack. Your vital organs are protected. Nothing can harm you there. The wicked (the unaligned and guilty) flee when the pursuit is upon them, but the righteous (the same as God is) are as bold, confident and secure in their power as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). There is a correlation between the breastplate and your compassion. How often are references to the vital organs linked with our compassion and mercy? As we follow Jesus around through the gospels we find Him so often moved to miracles and healing and teaching because compassion was a moving force inside of Him; Jesus...saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them, and He healed their sick (Matthew 14:14). Jesus had compassion, and touched their eyes and instantly their eyes receive sight, and they followed Him (Matthew 20:34). When He saw the multitudes He was moved with compassion over them because they fainted, growing desperately weary, having given up from exhaustion and were scattered abroad, being tossed every which way, like sheep who had no shepherd (Matthew 9:36). And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said, 'Don't weep.' And He came and touched the funeral couch and those who bore it stood still. And He said, 'Young man, I am telling you, „Arise‟, and the one who was dead sat up and began speaking (Luke 7:13-15). The word righteousness has gotten a bad rap, besides the fact the word is outdated and therefore not always so culturally relevant. We don't know what the word means and we have loaded it with so much unfounded garbage that we have destroyed the word. The garbage comes from the religious spirit and most likely we will be binding the deviance of that spirit over the people of God before long. It will be a terrible backlash I’m sure. 245 | P a g e

The concept of righteousness finds its root in the word justice which finds its own root in the word just. And of course, the word just has everything to do with the adjustment of something. The picture in conjunction with justice is that of a scale being balanced and equal on both sides, or out of balance and unequal. For a thing to be righteous or just and in adjustment, means that both sides are balanced and on the same level plane. When the scale is righteous, or rightly aligned, the one side has become the same as the other, in other words, becoming equal to it. To be clear, I am not suggesting we become God in the sense that Lucifer was attempting to make himself god. What scripture does teach however is, as we adjust to God, we become as He is, functioning as one with Him and operating as one on the same plane of existence. But God is still God and is always the standard to which all things about us adjust. You will do no unrighteousness (Hebrew, 'evel: injustice) in causes, in measures, in weight, or in liquid measures. Just balances (scales), just weights, a just dry measure and a just liquid measure. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt (Leviticus 19:35-36). To have a dishonest scale or measure of any kind was considered a terrible thing. The first time the word just is used is in reference to Noah who is called a just man who walked with God. To be a just person who walks with God means you have adjusted to where God is at, but how does this happen? The answer to this question is found in the Book of Hebrews; By faith Noah, being warned of God of things never before seen, moved with fear and a sense of awe, prepared an Ark for the saving of his house, by which he brought judgment on the world, and became the heir of righteousness which is by faith (Hebrews 11:7). There is a great deal in this verse but the main thing is he received from God the gift of righteousness because he heard God and believed Him. Noah went to the side where God was. When he believed what God had said, Noah entered into a level of existence that was the same as God, and therefore benefited from it as well as his whole house. This is the righteousness or adjustment that comes because of faith. This becomes the repeating pattern as we soon see in Abraham too; And He brought him outside and said, 'Look toward heaven and count all the stars if you can put a number to them.' And He said to him, 'That is how abundant your seed will be.' And he (Abram) believed the LORD, and He (God) esteemed that to be righteousness (Genesis 15:5-6). 246 | P a g e

Because Abraham and Noah believed the words of promise God made to them, God esteemed their belief as them being one with Him, functioning with Him on the same level, them having come to His side of things. In both cases God said they were adjusted to Him because they believed the promise, which was precisely what God had showed them was pleasing to Him. In a God sense, they were well adjusted men. In prosecuting the wars the enemy will attack you repeatedly regarding your status in the eyes of the Lord. If your faith in the Fathers heart toward you can be undermined you will experience doubt instead of bold confidence to continue to press and prosecute against the darkness. It is when we lose this confidence in the Father’s favor upon us, that we are approved of Him, that a withdrawal process begins. It is then our sense of inadequacy in Christ starts to affect our vital internal organs and the motions of compassion begin to lose their footing in us. Where before we were protected by the breastplate of righteousness and could take bold risks with loving God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves in the true righteousness of the New Covenant, now we feel we can't, even though nothing has changed. Compassion is the ring tone of God's servants. It is one of the great signs of our spiritual health. It comes out of our own sense of approved adequacy and sufficiency in the Lord. It allows us to be aggressive and bold at attacking the enemy and releasing those people and territories being held in captivity with the righteousness of our Fathers love poured out through Jesus Christ. Righteousness is a gift from God given to you because you have done the highest thing that can be done by a man or a woman, you have believed on His only begotten Son. Because you have believed on Jesus, that He is the Christ of the world and the voice of God (Hebrews 1:1-3), the Father says that now you too are at the same place He is regarding His Son. You believe and you confess exactly as the Father does, making the two of you as one and the same, releasing all of the associate benefits to you. Don't let anyone beguile you out of this reward. Righteousness is not a state of sinless perfection it is a state of oneness with God based on hearing His voice, listening to His promise, and coming to the place He is in believing what it is He believes. When you agree with God you are on the level where He is and the miracle of integration starts. Then they said to Him (Jesus), 'What must we do that we too might work the works of God?' And He said to them, 'This is the work of God, that you believe on Him who He has sent (John 6:28-29). Don't ever listen to the voice of condemnation. Run to God, confess mistakes and refresh yourself in love. You have believed His word about His Son 247 | P a g e

and nothing can ever separate you from the love of God though it will certainly try. Don't believe it (Romans 8:1-4). Because those He foreknew, He also predestined that they be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn Son among a multitude of brothers (and sisters). And even beyond this, those He predestined, these He also called out to, and those He called out to He also justified (placed the same as), and who He has justified those He also poured splendor upon. What can we say about these things? If God is for us, then who can be against us? He who would not even spare His own Son, but offered Him up for us all, by what reason would He refuse now to benevolently and freely give us along with Him every other thing too? Who will lay anything as a charge against God's elect, His personally handpicked ones? God has justified them (aligned them). Who would condemn them and seek their punishment? Christ has died, more perfectly, He has risen again who is right now at the right hand of God continuing to converse and dialog to our favor. Who then will separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But just like it is written, 'For Your sake we face death all day long just like sheep headed to the slaughter.' But no, even in all of these things (swirling about us) we are more than conquerors, gaining surpassing victories through the One who has placed His love upon us. For I am persuaded completely that neither death, or life, or angels, or principalities, or powers, or things present in today, or things coming tomorrow, or anything in the heights, or things from the depths, or anything in all the creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ who is Jesus, who is our Lord (Romans 8:29-39). Protect your vital organs with this breastplate. Bless yourself and let compassions loose to move you towards delivering others. There is a miracle in compassion waiting to be let out. It will lead you to places you may never imagine you might be, but it is a power indicator of the purposes of God. Get Your Shoes On The place for shoes is on your feet, but what about your feet? Well, your feet are at the end of your legs, right? War is an athletic contest. Spiritual warfare is more like hand to hand combat in close quarters with supernatural weapons and the intent to apply enough pressure against an opponent to push and move that opponent from the place that you intend to occupy and possess. But you 248 | P a g e

must dispossess an occupant before you may take the territory and become the steward/ruler of it in the others place. If we took the concept of war out of the picture and just dealt with it as an athletic contest, we might better understand the importance of feet. In every athletic endeavor I know of that involves starting in an upright position, the feet are one of the most important elements. This I know is true in wrestling, in American football, in basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball and in tennis at the very least. All of these sports require a firm foundation in order to support the quick and powerful athletic movements required for success. In building athletes in these and many other sports you most always begin with the foundation of the foot positions and the balance that a proper stance provides the athlete. In military endeavors with warriors, this same thing holds true today just as it did in Paul's day. This is particularly true in close combat situations with opponents. The foundation you have beneath you is critical and so the apostle Paul tells us what we need is to have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Good shoes help in any endeavor and spiritual warfare is certainly no exception. The word shod means to have them bound on securely. Because this is so important, you don't want any slop in your understanding of the Gospel of Peace. It is my personal belief that the majority of the Christian church has no idea anymore what the actual gospel of Jesus Christ really means. It is a point in this hour that must come under the restoration power and is part of the theme of this book. In the midst of the conflict you want to know your footings are not going to slip because if it does you lose your stance and your advantage and then are in danger of not taking the objectives assigned. The instruction to preparedness is also interesting because it indicates two things. First of all that you have taken the time to be prepared in relation to the Gospel of Peace, but the second thing is the reason you prepared is your eagerness and zeal to engage the fight. The Holy Spirit is telling us to be eager in looking for places where the enemy has established a stronghold and where you can engage the fight and apply the Gospel of Peace. It is a call to aggressiveness and zeal and to dispossess enemy spirits. The opposite of eager is more like foot dragging. We've all been there before where we really don't want to do something and so we procrastinate, or we’re simply lazy about our spiritual condition, or we’re weary and this too is a problem. What is being addressed here is an attitude we need to have in the contest if we are to have maximum advantage. I can tell you, in a sporting event the reluctant athlete is at a distinct disadvantage when compared to an enthusiastic one. It was the legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi who said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Take this to heart. Much of what I've been writing about in this book is the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. It is my directed purpose to stir you, open your eyes to the 249 | P a g e

mission and get you excited about entering enthusiastically into the fray. But when we come to our footing, there is something more than eagerness. The Gospel of Peace is not a namby-pamby, milk toast, girlie man proposition. To the contrary, it is a message of power that highlights the total triumph of Jesus Christ over all the power of the enemy. The peace that is spoken of in scripture has many facets to it, but one of them is the peace that comes only after an enemy is eradicated and destroyed. It is the peace that comes from victory. King David was a man of war, ultimately taking the city of Jerusalem that was considered to be the power city of the earth. Solomon who followed David was a man of peace (1st Chronicles 22:9). He was a man of peace because David destroyed the enemies, making peace and its prosperity possible. Our Gospel of Peace is rooted in the triumph of Christ and in the middle of the conflict you need to have your feet under you knowing that regardless of what gets dished your way, you win, not because of your great power, but because of His great power. We must remember that we have given ourselves no other option but to know His triumph in every area of challenge we are sent into. It is holy ground that we stand on. The triumph of Christ is ours to apply; But this man (Jesus) after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God, from that point on excitedly anticipating until all His enemies are made His footstool (Hebrews 10:11). He that descended is the same One then that ascended to the highest rank and power above all heavens that He might cause to abound and carry into full effect all things (Ephesians 4:10). And you are complete in Him who is the Head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, „All power in heaven and in earth has now been given to Me, because of this you go and make a journey, carrying this and teaching all nations, baptizing them into the name/power of the Father, Son and Holy Spiritâ€&#x; (Matthew 28:18-19). ...the Ancient of Days arrived and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High, and the time came that the saints possessed the Kingdom (Daniel 7:22). And the God of peace will bruise satan under your feet with quick speed. The sweet loving favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. This shall be (Amen) (Romans 16:20). 250 | P a g e

The Shield That Stifles You will notice that the power of the weapons interweave with one another, covering with a subtle overlap and empowering back and forth. So it is with the shield of faith. Its thread runs through everything. Faith is one of the three great powers that run through the heart of our polarity in Christ. These three great powers touch in one way or another everything we have been brought into by our Father's loving covenant over us that will soon fill the whole of all the earth; And at this very moment, we are given the reference points of faith, hope and love, these three, but the one overshadowing even the three is love (1 st Corinthians 13:13). Faith is one of the permeating truths. From beginning to end it is present in everything relating between God and all the splendors He so wants to freely give us. Among the weapons of our offense against the spirit thieves, the apostle Paul says, “above all, taking the shield of faith.” The term above all is not necessarily meant to say, “If you've got to pick and choose then take this one” instead, it has to do more with the idea of overshadowing all. Overshadowing everything about us and all of the work, weapons and the attack we press against the death energy is the God equating power that is infused within faith. When we in our hearts agree with the promises God has spoken and equate with Him, it becomes a protective canopy or shield around us that makes ineffective any other voice. A PSALM OF DAVID: Listen with interest and make proclamation regarding my voice Oh God as I am in my trouble. Watch over me, preserve and shield my life from the dreaded objects of my enemy. Conceal me from the council that took place in the secret assembly of his advisors to evil and harm, the scheming insurrection of those who practice disharmony against You. They sharpen their tongue like a sword for slaying, they bend their bows to shoot their arrows, for the purpose of shooting bitter, poisonous, chafing, angry, enraged, vexing and discontent words, that they may shoot them from a secret, hidden and invisible place at those who have been made whole. Suddenly, without announcement or warning they shoot at him to make him afraid, to intimidate and make him fearful. They pride themselves in any evil, harm, sadness, pain, misery, calamity, adversity and unkind utterances. They consult about laying secret snares and say, 'No one will be able to see them.' They disguise what is unjust. They exhaust themselves with hidden plots. The inner thoughts of every one of them and the intent of their heart are kept secret. 251 | P a g e

But God will make His own arrows rain down on them. In sudden surprise they will be slaughtered.Their own flaming tongue will stagger, totter and bring all their injury back upon them, chasing them away screaming out in terror. All men will fear then, and proclaim out loud the works of God, expounding on what He has done for they will very wisely consider what has happened. Those aligned with God will be so happy within the LORD, and will put all their trust in Him, confiding completely in Him, making Him their only shield. Those polarized in heart will shine forth as brilliant flashing lights (Psalm 64). Paul told us the Shield of Faith would quench the fiery arrows the enemy would conspire to shoot at us from secret, invisible places. The word quench is a great word meaning to put out the flame, to stifle, nullify, suppress and to extinguish. When our heart equates with God in faith the effect of the bitter words the enemy shoots at us are made ineffective. The truth of the matter is, they would have the same effect on us as they would on Him, because now we are equated with and within Him. We are as He is. To Maximize The Damage, Don't Forget Your Helmet If you know anything about American football you will understand that the aggressiveness of any player diminishes when they lose their helmet. You have 22 athletic men on a field of battle whose bodies have become defensive and offensive weapons that are flying aggressively about fulfilling their proscribed missions. Without a helmet, you could get hurt. On the other hand, the protection provided by the helmet turns the player himself into a human weapon on the clashing field of play. There is a great deal to say about the confidence afforded by the protection received from a good helmet. There is no need to hold back now. You may throw yourself fearlessly headlong into the battle. An interesting thing in Paul's writing about the Helmet of Salvation is the use of the word take as in take the helmet of salvation. The word translated take here is not the typical grasping and gripping of a thing, but instead is a receiving of a thing. What is painted by the picture here is that a granting of an access point has been given to something and we are encouraged to receive it to ourselves as an important gift. The truth of the matter is, salvation is not something any man can conjure up, for it only comes from the LORD; Oh God, the LORD, the strength of salvation (Yashua) covers over and encloses my head, the highest place and sum total of my being, in the day of battle (Psalm 140:7). 252 | P a g e

God has granted to you an access point to salvation. This salvation is what we discussed early on as the nature of God and His effect on those aligned with Him. It is the Yasha that is upon you, enclosing the highest place and sum total of your being. A portal is open to you because you have believed in Jesus as the Christ and from this portal the effect upon you and your spirit is to make wide, enlarged, make spacious, open, free, unrestricted freedom of movement, freedom to breathe, unbound, released from all that would limit, to be greater than what is, unlimited expanse, all sufficient and sufficient for all, no end. You have been baptized into Jesus Christ (I assume). And with Jesus as the Head over your head a portal of access has been opened because He is Salvation. His very name is attesting to this and the Father speaking out of heaven is attesting to this and His resurrection out from and over death also is attesting to this. The Holy Spirit being poured out upon you in power is the seal of the testimony of God about Jesus (2nd Corinthians 1:18-22, Ephesians 1:13, 4:30, Revelation 7:4). It is the power of the Son who is Yasha or Yashua the Father has called and invited you to believe in. And now upon the pinnacle point of the universe it is Salvation that is the Supreme power to which the creation of all spiritual and all physical existence must submit. When we go out we carry with us salvation, when we speak we speak according to salvation, when we pray we pray the prayers of salvation, when we encounter spiritual warfare we invoke over it the name we have been given that is over and above all names, the name of Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ (The Pinnacle of all Existence, and Generation of Life is Salvation). He is the power that is unleashed. This is the mentality and the power over you that you are given as a gift for having received this Jesus. It is the Divine Portal of the heavens to which you have been graciously granted access. It is not because you are perfect but by interaction with the saving power, who knows what might happen to you and to the entire world surrounding you. Through you comes the transference of the power of Jesus the Christ into your metron and into every sphere in which you find yourself. Go ahead, read the Book of Acts! There was a particular man who was lame from the day that he was born that was carried every day to the gate of the temple which gate was named Beautiful, so he could ask for gifts of money from the people who went in and out there. When he saw Peter and John about to go in he asked them for money. And Peter intently fastened his eyes on the man along with John too said, 'Look at us.' And he did what they said thinking he was about to receive something from them. Then Peter said, 'I don't have any silver to give to you, and I don't have any gold, but what I do have I will give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ who came out of Nazareth, rise up and walk.' 253 | P a g e

And he took the man by the right hand and lifted him up, and instantly his feet and his ankle bones were made firm and filled with power. And the man went leaping into the air and stood, and then he walked, and then he went with them into the temple walking, leaping up and down, and loudly shouting out praises to God. ...and all the people ran together...And when Peter saw it he a murderer to be released to walk among you while you instead killed the Prince of Life, whom God raised from the dead and we are personal eyewitnesses of that fact. And it is His name, through faith in His name that has made this man now strong whom you see and all of you know. The faith that is released through Him has given this man this perfect soundness in the presence of you all (Acts 3:2-16). The world awaits you my friend to bring the enlargement of Yahsua the Christ to bear against the oppressions of thousands of years of darkness upon the piece of the territory in the world you are given today. The power is in Him and in the administration of His name and rank. The portal has been offered to you by the Father who has given you this great invitation because He loves you. Paul, a servant to Jesus who is the Christ, having been called to be an apostle and set apart to nothing but the stunning news of God, (which He promised beforehand by the mouth of every one of His prophets as recorded in the sacred writings), Concerning His own Son, Jesus Christ who is our Lord, who was made of the seed of David in relation to His physical lineage, but openly declared to be the Son of God with all the appropriate power in conjunction with the Spirit of holiness (that sets aside to only sacred use), and by the resurrection from the death. By whom we have received our grace and our apostleship to bring to pass subjection to this faith within the whole of every nation, all for and by and because of His name. And in this too were you also called of Jesus Christ� (Romans 1:1-6). The Sword Of The Spirit: It's time to slice and dice. The fact that God speaks to man is a settled issue. It has been the intent since the first human was created out of the dust of the earth and then, the substance that is known as woman, was extracted out from him (Genesis 2:2125). Together then, the two would reunite to function as a powerful team, 254 | P a g e

bringing into subjection the suffering causing and destructive, discordant spirits in the firmament of the earth. It wasn't man and woman’s mission then or their mission now to be part of that destructive force and create more suffering, crying, sorrow and pain within it, but it was and is their purpose to deliver creation from it. Whereas God spoke in times past by His servants the prophets, now since the appearance of His Son Jesus, God communicates to us through His only begotten Son. This is a living, close and immediate communication not a distant and static one. If Jesus had come and died and just died, we could say that all we have to go by are the things He once said two thousand years ago, but this is not the case. We know that eyewitnesses then and now have seen Him. He lives. He loves. He appears. He speaks. And when not in a visible appearances then He does so by the Holy Spirit with which those who believe Him are sealed. God who at different times and in different way spoke in previous days to our forefathers by the prophets, has in these most recent times and days spoken to us by His Son, being the One appointed as the heir of the whole of everything, and for whom all of the worlds and their times have been made (Hebrews 1:1-2). The fact is the Son of God is alive and continues to speak to those whose hearts are humbling themselves to His splendid position as Lord and Savior, having been removed from the bile of darkness. Those who are seeking to hear can hear, and they can follow His lead. By following His lead, the amazing triumphs resident within His own life, are imparted into us and we too live as He is living now. How cool is that? For whoever it is that is being led and directed by the Spirit of God, these are being the sons (offspring, offshoots, extensions) of God (Romans 8:14). However, when He, the Spirit of truth arrives, He will guide you like an instructor into all that is true. This is because He will never speak of anything that is out from or of His own self, but whatever it is He is currently hearing, that is what He will speak, and He will show us future things that will be happening in advance of them ever happening (John 16:13). What an advantage! It is for the reason of live communication with the Father of all creation sent to us by means of His Holy (singularly sacred) Spirit. This is the Spirit set apart to only Divine use, who is all God all the time emanating according to the present mind of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the Holy Spirit is the Promise of the Father that is the beginning point that opens to us the full inheritance resident in Christ, existing within the third and highest of all heavens. The third heaven is the ruling heaven. 255 | P a g e

In whom (Jesus) you too, after you heard the accurate words of the stunning news regarding your salvation, in whom you also then believed, were marked with the authenticating mark, the Holy Spirit that had been promised to us, which is the beginning and first part of the pledge guaranteeing our access to the entire inheritance, guiding us toward the complete release of the whole possession of all the wealth and territory that has been purchased. This is all leading toward one single thing, the praise of His wonder and smiling loving kindness toward us (Ephesians 1:13-14). The Sword of the Spirit is the living breathing word of power, coming into your situation, giving divine, living and eternal words of life and judgments from God into the battles with which you are engaged. Our God is not distant but has told us incredible treasure has been place within our frail and fragile, delicate earthen human vessels. He has told us that our own bodies have now become His sacred habitation and that He is literally walking the earth inside of us. By speaking with the Holy Spirit’s voice we are uttering the very utterances issuing forth from eternity. If we but listen to the Holy Spirit, we speak the very words of God as His own mouth, His voice, His tongue. Our voice and His voice will be one and the same speaking precisely what He has to say. His voice will slice and dice to the true core any situation, setting everything is its proper placement; For the word (speech uttered by a living voice) of God is a living breathing thing, and is an active force of energy that is sharper than any double edged sword, piercing its way deeply into cleaving apart what is of soul and what is of spirit, of what is of the primary associated power, and what is of the very blood within the veins and it examines and probes, judging with regard to favorable and unfavorable thoughts and motive intentions hidden within the deepest secrets of the heart. And there is nothing in creation that is hidden or can ever hide anywhere or in any place from His line of sight, but everything in all its entirety is utterly naked and openly vulnerable, unable to be covered or protected from the eyes of Him with whom our discourse rests (Hebrews 4:12-13). You can probably see how this could be helpful to have the words of God and speak as His own mouthpiece, even though you may not fully and completely understand the words and how they are doing their supernatural work in your world. I have had these experiences where I was with someone and praying and the Holy Spirit said “Say this” or “Start a conversation about this” and then sit back and watch as the floodgates of heaven open up on the person. I would never have thought that sentence or conversation would have such power, 256 | P a g e

but then I didn't know the depths of the heart and the secret things hidden in the life of the person I was with, but Jesus knew everything about them; Whoever speaks, then let him speak as if he were the divine oracle, the very utterances of God. Whoever ministers as a resource for enriching the lives of others, let him do it in the capacity that God has given, that God in all things may be honored through Jesus Christ, to whom let there be praise and dominion forever and ever. This is what shall be (Amen). (1st Peter 4:11). In closing this thought, the gifts of the Holy Spirit as outlined for example in Corinthians are outward expressions of these sacred, direct communications. Don't despise any of them. It's ridiculous for you or me to tell God how He may or may not speak. You need all the help you can get. Seek Him. Now there are different distinctions between the (spiritual) gifts, but it is all the same Spirit. And there are different distinctions of administrative expressions but it is all still the exact same Lord. And there are different distinctions in the effect of what is wrought by the way these things operate, but it is still the One and the same God who is the energizing power of it all within it all. But the visible expressions of the invisible Spirit are gifts given to each of us so we can gain an advantage in things that can serve to contribute to the good of everyone else. For that which is certified by the Spirit is the gift of the word conceptualizing (Gods) wisdom, another is the word conceptualizing (Gods) knowledge by the exact same Spirit, another is faith also by the same Spirit and another is the divine power graces of healing by the exact same Spirit, another is the effective operation of miracle flourishing, another is prophecy, another is the distinguishing of spirits, another is the generative offspring of tongues, another is the explanation interpreting tongues. But each and every one of these is energized by that one and the selfsame Spirit, distributing personally to each person in agreement with His affectionate will (1st Corinthians 12:4-11). My job as a servant of Jesus is to equip you and to train you to be a well grounded, efficient and effective warrior of Jesus Christ, bringing the full measure of His salvation to yourself, your metron and out beyond you into the nations of the earth. There is much to do for the equipping of Gods people and all I've been able to do here is sow to you a handful of seeds. I pray the word of God flourishes inside of you. Did this chapter feed your spirit? Should you consider giving something back? Click Here. Or Visit the „Street Jesusâ€&#x; website 257 | P a g e

Chapter Fourteen “David Takes Jerusalem” Thoughts on Jerusalem are always a hornet’s nest. I wasn't sure if I wanted the trouble this brings but whenever you talk about spiritual warfare you're already in trouble up to your ears anyway, so what difference does one more thing make? The possession of Jerusalem holds tremendous vision for us so I hope the following greatly helps you; that it sets you on your spiritual edge and serves to further clarify our current mission. The battle we are in will see its way to a fantastic, splendid end, and we will be amazed at what is waiting there for us all. Don’t anyone stop until we’ve reached our Jerusalem. _________________________ It was David's heart that made him such an incredible warrior for God. It is like the laws of nature in a cause and effect scenario. Any person drawing near to God becomes infected with the same infection as His passions are stirred with and they begin to see as God sees, understand as God understands, and are energized with God's energies to engage the cause of the Father's own passions. I have always loved David's statement when Goliath appears and intimidates the armies of Saul. But of course the first time it stood out to me was under the preaching of Ern Baxter. Is it any wonder? And David spoke to all the men that stood around him saying, 'What will be done for the man that kills this Philistine, taking away the shame of Israel (the people of the purpose)? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should reproach the armies of the God of Life? And the people answered different things saying, 'This is what will happen to the man that kills him.' Then his oldest brother Eliab heard what he was speaking to the men and Eliab's anger was set blazing against David and he said, 'Why did you come down here? And who did you leave that little flock of sheep with in the wilderness? I know all about your pride and your willful heart of mischief. You came down here to gaze at the battle.' And David said, 'What have I done that is out of line? Is there not a cause! (1st Samuel 17:26-29). There was a cause and no one among all of Saul's army had the faith based courage to take it on. In fact they were confused about the reward involved, just like we are today with our mission. But after all, Saul was their king and all he 258 | P a g e

had to impart into them was his head and shoulders capacity of human wisdom and human strength (1st Samuel 9:2). But the truth is, neither human wisdom or any human strength will be of any value to you when it comes to the spirit giants you will face in the battlefield on which the Lord Jesus is arrayed together with us. Human wisdom and human strength is a recipe for our deaths. The Difficulty With Canaan There was a difficulty in Israel, the people of the purpose, from the days of the Judges up until David. Israel had not fulfilled their mission in the land of Promise when the possibility for them to fully possess all that God had called them to was first given them. They were told their mission was to eradicate the enemies completely and that no one was to rest or slack off until they had not only secured their own allotted possession, but also the possession of their brothers too. Only when all the land had been subdued and every enemy overcome were they to take their rest, but the land must find its rest first. But we discover, after their initial successes, they reached a comfort zone where they were certainly better off than they ever had been before in the days of their fathers, or in the days of Egypt, or the days in which the LORD proved them in the wilderness. And so they began to settle into the victories they had already won and the fullness of the mission was set aside. Prosperity does that sometimes, fomenting the curse of complacency like we learned about in the churches of Philadelphia and Laodicea. The will of God and the freedom of all the land from the enemies became a secondary issue because after all, the people were getting theirs now, who cares about the rest of it? War is hard, we all know that, and that is why objectives must be made clear and they must be kept. Half victories are not victories at all. The people of the purpose settled for far too little because that is what was in their hearts, to only go until they were comfortable, until they had gotten theirs. It is not the warrior way. As Israel’s distance from the life of Joshua grew, so did their complacency toward the cause. They lost their edge. There Was A Place In the plan of God there was a place. It was a special place that God had chosen to place His name there. It would be the most splendid and spectacular of places, and from there, with the right people, He would rule and reign, extending His blessings over all the earth. He had spoken to the people about it. Abraham knew of it too. The place was a city and the city was Jerusalem and the people who had started out as the last and the least of all people on earth would become the first. It waited for them in Jerusalem;

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But the place (the city) the LORD your God has chosen out among all your tribes to place His name there, this will be His habitation to which you will seek, and there is where you will appear (Deuteronomy 12:5). We are told that Abraham was looking for a city with foundations whose builder and maker was God. Along the trail of Abraham's life he met a man from that city he was seeking named Melchizedek, and this Melchizedek was the priest of the Most High God. When you are the Most High God, there isn't one any higher. When you are the priest of the Most High God, there isn't any greater priesthood. The background of their meeting is this: Abraham went to war against an array of kings who had taken Lot, called his brother, captive. One of these kings by the way (all of them are significant) was named Tidal and his designation is king of nations and he is an enemy. The victory of Abraham over these rulers had stirred an excitement so deep that it warranted a special meeting with this priest Melchizedek that as you read, looks an awful lot like Jesus bringing bread and wine in celebration of the New Covenant, but that would be a different point so we won’t go there now. And Melchizedek, king of Salem brought forth a meal of bread and wine, and he was the priest of the Most High God. And he blessed him (Abram) and said, 'Honor upon Abram from the Most High God the possessor of heaven and earth, and honor to the Most High God who is the One that has delivered the foe, the enemy and oppressor into your hand.' And he (Abram) gave this man tithes of all (Genesis 14:18-20). We are told in the Book of Hebrews this was a very significant event for this is a priest and a priesthood that is not only greater than the priesthood of Aaron and natural Israel but it is clearly a priesthood that is greater than Abraham. We are told this is so because the lesser is always blessed by the greater (Hebrews 7:1-8). Abraham tithed to Melchizedek indicating the honor by which he was personally receiving him and as we all know, the only way to receive a blessing from another is by acknowledging and receiving the gift of God within them for what it is (Matthew 10:41). What's So Great About Jerusalem? But one of the things to realize about this picture is the priest of the Most High God was from a place called Salem meaning peace and all of its ramifications which are many. This city or place called Salem is the same city later called Jerusalem. In a prophetic Psalm that sounds like it could have come right out of the Book of Revelation, the place Salem and Jerusalem are linked by 260 | P a g e

the common place known as Zion. This of course is David's Zion in the city of David which is in Jerusalem; “In Salem is His tabernacle and His dwelling place in Zion (Psalm 76:2). Jerusalem was considered the city of the Most High God and the priest of God ministered from there. It is a city of great mysteries and in many ways a city of very great power. There is some little discussed history regarding Jerusalem and its significance as a location on the earth. The belief of the ancients in their cultures is, “Whoever possesses Jerusalem possesses the world.” In this meeting between Melchizedek and Abraham there is a prophetic message saying that the goal of the promise would be complete when Jerusalem was ultimately taken. Consider this statement from the Jewish writings: “As the navel is set in the center of the human body, so is the land of Israel the navel of the world, situated at the center of the world, and Jerusalem in the center of the land of Israel, and the sanctuary in the center of Jerusalem, and the holy place in the center of the sanctuary, and the ark in the center of the holy place, and the Foundation Stone before the holy place, because from it the world was founded.” The Jewish Talmud focuses attention on this rock, as the place from which the whole world was founded, as being the first part of the earth to come into existence. It was the rock first and then the world expanded around it. The idea is also written in the Talmud that from the dust of this rock Adam was formed and many more of the happenings of history involving the patriarchs, and ultimately the placement of the ark of the covenant all center upon this rock which is referred to often as the Foundation Stone. You can see why it is believed Jerusalem holds such significance and throughout scripture as well the city is highlighted with our first direct reference being Melchizedek, king of Salem meeting Abraham after the slaughter of the kings, those nation ruling powers. Interestingly enough, the place where the rock is believed to be located right now is under the Arab/Ishmaelite/Muslim Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem near the Wailing Wall. The wars for earthly Jerusalem have meanings most of us don't understand. Because the rock is considered the center from which the earth was formed, then whoever possesses the rock in Jerusalem is considered to have great, far reaching global power. The unfortunate thing is that Israel stalled after the days of Joshua in prosecuting the assault against their enemies and failed to take the city of Jerusalem. This was that place where God, the Most High God, had chosen to place His name. 261 | P a g e

And Then There Was David I get here, and I want to weep because suddenly a new dynamic enters the scene. For approximately 275 years the people rode a roller coaster of ups and downs due to their own making because of the fickle nature of their hearts in worship to God. Their enemies, who they had not eradicated, take power over them because the people’s hearts turn to follow the gods of the non covenant nations. But God sends them Judges/Deliverers/Saviors when the oppression they have brought on themselves through the hardening of their hearts gets so severe they cry to Him and He is a faithful God who always keeps His covenant. Then people know freedom again but only temporarily until their hearts turn back to worshiping the spirits of the idols, then of course the sarar of darkness comes back upon them yet again. And for all those years Jerusalem waits to be liberated from suppressing powers of the Jebusites who have come to tread her soil, but no one has the ability, which translates into the heart, to do it. That is, until David. ...He raised up David to be their king, over whom He also gave this testimony saying, 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will fulfill all of My will (Acts 13:22). The heart of David. The heart of David is as the heart of God, acting in one accord, desiring God's desires, feeling God's feelings, seeing God's visions, thinking according to God's thoughts. Giants? Who cares about giants? A minor obstacle on the way to somewhere else. Hear what true hearted Caleb and Joshua had to say about giants in the days of Israel's unbelief and refusal to possess the land under Moses; And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh...spoke to all the swarms of the children of Israel saying, 'The land we crossed into and have seen with our own eyes is a doubly exceptional good land. If the LORD finds what is delightful in us, then we will attack the whole of this land and it will give itself up to us, a whole land flowing out the richness of its milk to us and the sweet softness of its honey. Only don't harden yourselves against the LORD and don't fear any inhabitants of this land because they are merely bread for us, their shadowy hiding places have been removed from them and the LORD is with us to make them terrified (Numbers 14:6-9, see also Numbers 13). But where elsewhere in scripture does the treading down giants occur that we can learn from? What is it that resides both in the heart of God and in the heart of David? Where are the two of them going as they walk through the land 262 | P a g e

of God's promise, destroying the enemies that Israel, or you or I, without the heart of David could never overcome? There is an interesting statement made about David after he cut off the head of Goliath that requires our attention. No one seems to be settled on when the event took place but the fact it appears in the account directly associated with the act of David defeating the giant is curious to say the least; So David prevailed over the Philistine...and slew him, but David had no sword in his hand. Because of this David ran and stood on top of the Philistine, took his sword (the Philistine's) and drew it out of the sheath it was in and slew him, and cut off his head with it, and when the Philistines saw their champion (strong man) was dead, they began to quickly flee in panic...And the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines and they spoiled their tents. And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it near to Jerusalem, but he kept his armor in his tent...And as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand (1st Samuel 17:50-57). This is unusual because at the time of Goliath's slaying the Israelites did not possess Jerusalem, the Jebusites did. King Saul was reigning out of Gibeah, so there is a common misunderstanding among many that David took the head of Goliath to an Israelite palace in Jerusalem and stored it there, but he couldn't have. It wasn't until David was confirmed as king of Israel that Jerusalem was taken. There are no other statements in scripture that I've found to indicate either that David at some later time brought the head of Goliath to Jerusalem. So, what was happening? It appears that David had in his heart all along the city of Jerusalem, and after he slew the giant Goliath, as Israel was pursuing the Philistines, David went to Jerusalem, held up Goliath's head, and indicating with this grim warning to the Jebusites that he was on his way, he would be back. Then he took the trophy head back and brought it before Saul. Jerusalem Is Calling David was on his way and God was on His way, their two hearts beating as one toward the liberation of Jerusalem whose name means, the casting forth and effusion or instruction of peace. And the peace itself is far more than mere tranquility, but this casting forth of peace includes the fullness of all that is good which is all that is God. This peace is the shalom or salem meaning to be whole and complete in every possible sense (spirit, soul and body), to be rewarded with fullness and abundance in each and every endeavor and purpose, to have mastery over all 263 | P a g e

that is adverse, to be completely satisfied, to be wholly enriched. It is not the enrichment of one at the expense of another, but the enrichment of all for the good of all, unless of course you happen to be an enemy of the peace. Jerusalem, the navel of the earth, and within it was to be the sanctuary, and within the sanctuary was to be the ark of the covenant of this peace, and the ark of Gods covenant was to be resting upon the Foundation Stone which is the catalyst of the creation and the dust from which man was formed, and high over it all, the name of the LORD would stand as the hallowed, sacred Source. But it is the Jebusites that occupy the holy city and the name Jebus means to thresh, to tread down, to desecrate and trample down. For the goodness of God in all the earth, for His glory to fill it all to the full, then Jerusalem must be free from the power of those who would suppress. And so it says; And the king (David) and his men went to Jerusalem to the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the territory, and they boasted confidently against David saying, 'Remove and abolish from among you all of the blind and the lame, or you cannot come near to this city.' They were thinking, 'David cannot come near this city.' David, regardless of this, took hold upon, seized and captured the strong hold of Zion. This same place is the city of David, that which is his excitement, what rouses and incites, moves and motivates. And David said on that day, 'Strike at the fountain of their heart, smiting the Jebusites on behalf of the lame and the blind, the anguish of David's soul.' The reason they had said this, boasting so confidently is because of the words, 'The blind and the lame will not come into the house (2nd Samuel 5:6-8). This is a phenomenal story. The oppressors of Jerusalem knew something about the rules of religion and were using them against David who was coming to take the city for the habitation of God. They were quoting from Leviticus chapter twenty-one which said no one with a blemish, and particularly the blind or the lame, could come near the sanctuary of the LORD and Jerusalem was that sanctuary city. David's response tells us something also about the true heart of God. David had made a covenant with his friend Jonathan (1st Samuel 18) because their hearts were the same and in the course of David becoming king and prior to the taking of Jerusalem, Jonathan's son had become lame (2nd Samuel 4:4). Just as we see in our Lord Jesus, David operates by a higher law that over-rides everything else on earth and that is the law of love your neighbor as yourself and in this instance love was higher than Moses law. The religiously oppressive, which satan is, for he often comes appearing as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15), will always seek to use what 264 | P a g e

appears religiously correct to keep you from doing what is spiritually correct in the eyes of God. It is possible to be legally correct according to religious rules which men love to employ for their own power and self aggrandizing while being spiritually in error. This is what the parable of the Good Samaritan is all about (Luke 10:25-37). In response to this idea of the blind and lame, in Jesus day and the apostles, the blind, lame and others who were imperfect were not allowed in the temple by the religious powers, who of course were operating in the temple without the Ark of the Covenant. You had to be perfect in order to play in their world, at least to the appearances of man. So, here is Jesus response to it all; And Jesus said to them, 'It is written, My house will be called the house of prayer (intercessions for mercies), but you have made it a den of thieves.' And then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them (Matthew 21:13-14). The oppressive spirits will always fill you with reasons why you cannot inherit the wonders of your Father's kingdom. They will fill you with lies and doubts, “You're not good enough, you're not perfect enough, you can't come in you know, because you have flaws. You sinned, you made a huge mistake, you're sick at the core with your wicked leprosy”, they will say. But Jesus says, “What better place to come and find your healing but in the presence of your God. Come to Me all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you the resting (the peace).” Like the Lord Jesus and just like the Father, David's heart was in anguish over the lives of those in need. He was just a boy watching over a small flock of sheep when the God of the universe found in him a heart that yearned desperately for his God, and this boy was anointed king over Israel and the warrior who would take Jerusalem. One of the great stories of David's life revolves around those he picks up along the way as his troubled life moves toward its destiny, just as it is in the life of the Lord Jesus and with His apprentices. And then, of course there is you and me somewhere in this mix. And everyone that was in distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was in deep anguish of soul, gathered themselves to him (David), and he became captain over them (1st Samuel 22:2). There is something about David, and there is something about everyone whose heart is aligned with God that leaves behind them in their wake a certain commodity. It a commodity of one of the three great powers in God's universe. It is a thing called hope, and there is something beautiful and highly miraculous 265 | P a g e

about hope and that is the fact that hope destroys over any soul the depression of their shame. Lift me up just exactly as You have promised and my life will be sustained. Hope will swallow up my shame (Psalm 119:116). Because of this, being aligned with God by means of faith, we have received the advantage of peace within God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we right now have access by faith into this smiling loving favor in which we now stand in an immovable stance and exult in the hope of the splendors of God. And not just in this alone, but we exult whenever trouble appears too, knowing that a little trouble causes an even deeper durability and power of perseverance, and a deeper durability and power of perseverance enlarges our hands on experience and therefore our value, and our hands on experience and increased value simple leads us to even greater hope. And hope will never allow our head to be cast down in shame, because the love of God is poured out in overabundant measures into our hearts by the Holy Spirit that has been given to us (Romans 5:5). Jerusalem, Jerusalem There are two Jerusalem's. There is the earthly Jerusalem and then there is the one Abraham was anticipating. Abraham had seen something transcendent. The Book of Hebrews tells us he was looking for a city that God had built, not man. This means he was not looking for an earthly city whose foundations and walls were of physical materials or a thing the nature of an earth bound man would appreciate. His heart was searching for a spiritual city because his God is Spirit; By faith he (Abraham) dwelt in the land of promise as if he were living in an alien land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob who were heirs along with him of the exact same promise, for what he was waiting for and expecting was a city linked to foundations whose craftsman and artisan is God... ...confessing they were strangers and pilgrims to the earth, and people who say things like that are declaring openly that they are still seeking a country. And it is true, if they had been holding in mind what they had already been separated from they might have found opportunity to go backwards, retracing their steps in that direction, 266 | P a g e

But now they desire a country of much higher advantage, I'm speaking of a heavenly one. And this is the reason God is delighted in them and is thrilled to be called their God, for He has indeed prepared for them just such a city (Hebrews 11:9-10, 13-16). The apostle Paul is very bold when discussing the difference between the earth bound covenant and the covenant that is higher and greater, whose foundation is in heaven, the realm of Spirit; Consider what is written, that Abraham had two sons. One was by a woman who was a maiden in bondage as a slave, while the other woman was a free woman. The child who was of the bond woman was born by normal human intercourse and human effort, but the child of the woman who was free was created by the promise God had spoken. These things are an illustration, an allegory and a living parable and they represent to us the two covenants. The one was from Mount Sinai which generates and fathers in you only bondage and earthly enslavements is related to the woman Hagar. For Hagar is relevant to Mount Sinai which is among the Arabs (Ishmaelites) and stands in parallel to Jerusalem that is in time and is in bondage along with all of her children. But the Jerusalem that is from above, the higher one within the heavens is freeborn and is unrestrained in movements, and this is the one who is the mother of all of us (who believe), for it is written, Rejoice now you barren one who had not previously born, break forth in your convulsions and cry out loud you who had not previously travailed with a single child, for the one whose womb had been lonely and neglected, having not been filled, now has more children than the one who had been visited by a man. Now we brothers, just exactly like Isaac was, are likewise the children born because of the promise God has spoken. But just like it was then, you will find the same thing is true now, those born after the flesh (in bondage to earthly things) give trouble and even are hostile toward those born of the Spirit. But what is it that the scripture says? Cast out and send away the bond woman along with her son, because the son of the bond woman will not be an heir alongside of the son of the free woman. So my brothers, we are not the children of that bond woman, we are the children of the free woman (Galatians 4:22-31). Heavenly Jerusalem There is a Jerusalem whose beauty and abundance is far beyond anything ever known. The Jerusalem on earth and of earth and bound by physical nature 267 | P a g e

has been only a shadow of one that is true and eternally real and it is not the very substance. There is a spiritual city, and a spiritual power that rules not only earth but the heavens too, for this city is above all cities. The level of its function and it power is the level of the third heaven which is over all and to this Jerusalem we can say; Whoever rules the heavenly Jerusalem truly rules all heaven and all earth! “As the navel is set in the center of the human body, so is the land of heavenly Israel the navel of the universe, situated at the center of the universe, and heavenly Jerusalem in the center of the land of heavenly Israel, and the heavenly sanctuary in the center of heavenly Jerusalem, and the heavenly holy place in the center of the heavenly sanctuary, and the heavenly ark in the center of the heavenly holy place, and the heavenly Foundation Stone before the heavenly holy place, because from it the new creation has been founded.� There is a Foundation Stone and a Rock and His name is Jesus and He is the Foundation Stone and catalyst from which a whole new creation has been and is being formed, for the creation in the heavens is to be the creation in the earth, as the whole of all the earth becomes exactly as He is. He is the supernatural dust from which a new mankind has been formed after the image of the Father who will go forth in the heart of David, whose heart is as the heart of Christ in God and remove every enemy that withholds and seeks to restrain the glory of the heavenly Jerusalem from shining into all the earth. And Jesus said to them, 'Didn't you ever read in the scriptures, The Stone that the builders rejected, this same has become the head, beginning point and foundation of the corner? This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes (Matthew 21:42). Listen to Me, those of you who seek to equate with God, those of you who seek the LORD, look to the ROCK from which you have been crafted and engraved, and to the well from which you have been excavated and dug out (Isaiah 51:1). Upon this foundation stone I will establish My company of the called out ones, and the gates of hell will have no strength nor have any power to deter it (Matthew 16:18). What the earthly mankind rejected (i.e. - Jesus the Son of God) because they just didn't get it now has all power in heaven and in earth. And He has raised a swarming army of like hearted and like Spirited and like connected men and women who have been uniquely called, and there are those who are responding. 268 | P a g e

These who hear and receive what God has said and is continuing to say today are set to assault the spiritual Jebusites who tread down the peace that is to be cast across the heavens and the earth. They receive what He says and are as He is, coming into adjustment with the supernatural. But whoever has received Him, taking Him as their own, to them He gave the power, the right and the honor, to walk about and to appear in history as the sons of God, even to those who believe upon (come under the power of) His name (John 1:12). But you are drawing near to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to a such a company of angels they cannot even be numbered, to the gathering for the feast, and those called to be of the firstborn whose names have already been recorded in the records of heaven, and to God who is the Judge of the whole of all things, and to the spirits of adjusted (equated) men who are become complete, and to Jesus the Communicator of the New Covenant, and to the blood that emits the sounds of voice that is to an even greater advantage than that of Abel (Hebrews 12:22-24). We Have Come To Mount Zion David took the strong hold of Zion, not because that was all he could take, but because that was where everything would begin in the unfolding living prophecy. Much has been said about Mount Zion, particularly since the 1970's when the idea of David's Tabernacle really began to come to the forefront. Many new, exploratory and scripture based expressions of worship have emerged into the community of Christ since those days. Many, most, if not all of these are good as our expressions of worship have expanded into new and marvelously creative (like our God) dimensions, but they aren't the point. Before anything else, Mount Zion and the Tabernacle David pitched there is about the heart of one man in face to face relation with His God. The eyes of the LORD went searching the whole earth looking for a man in whom God could form His resting place. “I have found David”, He said, “A man after My own heart who will fulfill all My will.” It is about the heart that hungers to do the will of God that longs to equate as one with the core fractal out of which all life giving existence has emerged. But David's longing was far beyond his solo, face to face relationship with God. Growing out of that his passion was for the whole nation of his people and better yet, the whole earth beginning from Jerusalem to know God face to face. We hear the cry of David's heart as he sits in the city of David while the Ark of the Covenant of God is in a location far from the center of life on earth;

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And let us circle around the Ark of our God, for we did not resort to it and seek it with care in the days of Saul...And David went up and all Israel (the people of the purpose) to Baalah (the “marriage place of spirits”) that is to Kirjathjearim (the place of the rooted trees) in Judah (the place of worship/praise) to ascend on high from there the Ark of God the LORD, who dwells between the cherubim, whose name is called out upon it (1st Chronicles 13:3, 6). And though they had some initial trouble in ascending the Ark on high out from the marriage place of spirits, it did not deter David, it only made him dig deeper into the how’s and the whys of what it takes to bring the splendor of God to the Mountain of Zion, the heart of Jerusalem and the joy of the whole earth. Great is the magnitude of the LORD, and with equally great magnitude is He to be boasted of in praise, in the city of our God, in the mountain of separation to Him. It is the most beautiful of all elevations, it is the glad joy of the whole of all the earth, this Mount Zion (the open, naked, uncovered, and unhidden) to the extremity of the secret treasures, the place of meeting with the great, bountiful and overflowing King. God is revealed in her palaces as the height of safety, rest, peace (Psalm 48:1-3). This story is our story. It is my story and your story and the story of every heart who seeks to be one with our Lord Jesus Christ and the glory of His Father and the life of resurrection power streaming to us from within the Holy Spirit. The heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of all of us who are the believing children of the promise, waits to be manifest in all her beauty in the earth. Her glory is being blocked and suppressed by the spirits in the firmament of the heavens here in the earth sector. They dread her and what her beauty will mean. We have work to do. Let's do it. And I, John, saw with my own eyes the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride embellished for the honor or her husband. And I heard a high ranking voice out of heaven saying, 'Look carefully and see, the tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying and there won't be any more pain, for all of the things that were before this time have all passed away (Revelation 21:1-4). The wonder of David's Tabernacle on Mount Zion is that it had no veil of separation between the mercy seat of God and the face of man. It's face to face 270 | P a g e

without shame or fear because the one sacrifice has taken away all sins forever for those who receive the Son of God as the Lamb of their Zion (Revelation 14:15). And to this agree the words of the prophets just like it has been written, 'After this I will return and will build once again the tabernacle of David that has fallen into disrepair, and I will build it up again from the ruins and I will set it up that the men who are remaining, the remnant, might seek after the Lord and all of those among the nations over whom My name is called', says the Lord who is the One that does all these things (Acts 15:16-17). And many people will go and say, 'Come on! Let's go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the dwelling place of the God of Jacob, and He will teach us all about His ways and we will move along in harmony with His travels, because out of Zion will the instruction go forth and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And He will govern over the nations and rebuke many people, and they will beat their swords (instruments of hurt and destruction) into plowshares (instruments of productivity), and their spears (thrusting instruments) into pruning hooks (productivity instruments), nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore (Isaiah 2:3-4). To this place we are invited. It is the place of David. It is the place of Christ. It is the place of face to face knowledge of God and His power. It is the place of influence whereby the hearts of the nations come to see the reality of God. It is the place of the re-polarization of earth by the re-polarization of the hearts. It is the place of the new creation. Come Zion. Come Jerusalem. Come nations of the earth and worship Him, learning the ways of eternal, unbound, inexhaustible life.

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Chapter Fifteen “Polarity” I have written about altering the polarity of our planet, of transformation on a global scale and of engaging in a dedicated warfare as serious as anything ever known to man. I have talked about the beginnings or our mission going all the way back to the origins of man and I have talked about the establishment of a government of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of mankind that would rule over all nations and all peoples. These are serious words for serious Revolutionaries. These are not words for the faint of heart, cowards or those unwilling to make sacrifices for the greatest, most noble cause to have ever touched any man or woman. Jesus was up front with us about the commitment that must be made for the success of this Revolution that He has started and that will ultimately fill the whole earth, being evidenced not in some ethereal state, but in very real and practical manifestation within very identifiable geographies. Once the momentum starts and the stretch drive begins toward the finish line, no one or thing will be able to stop it. However, lest there is confusion over what this new polarity in this global Revolution is, let’s finish with some clarifications, though I’ve tried to instruct on this throughout this book. One of the great lessons of history and the great lessons of Moses is that you cannot get where we are going by passing some new law. The Revolution we are talking about does have a law, but unless it lives in the hearts of men and women, and is taught as a way of life in relation to God, it will fail. We are talking about a law of Spirit. Men from the beginning have tried to organize humanity into mass cohesive forces to achieve purposes of united effort, and every one of them has ultimately failed. The first overt attempt began with the tower of Babel with a man who was purported to be mighty by the name of Nimrod whose grandfather was Ham the son of Noah who violated the covenants of his father’s house. What was the tower of Babel really? It was mans attempt to circumvent God because of unbelief in His covenant. God had given the sign of the rainbow to Noah to whom He had confirmed His covenant saying in the rainbow was the guarantee the whole earth would not be destroyed again by a flood. But Ham found himself outside of the covenant blessing when Noah became aware of Ham’s disrespect for him, his father, and his son’s usurping of Noah's place in relation to his bride (Genesis 9:18-29). So Nimrod is described as being a mighty one, but it goes further and describes him as a mighty hunter, which can also be termed predator and the beginning of his kingdom is Babel (Genesis 10:8-10). And this kingdom of Babel 272 | P a g e

became the location in which a tower would be built to the heavens and by it mankind could be his own savior. This spirit has never left the earth. It was in the garden, deceiving Eve as it violated Adam's role and usurped his position with his bride. The tower of Babel was one of the first demonstrations of the spirit of human collectivism, and in mercy God confused the languages. And this is the way it always is when predator spirits take control of the masses for their own means. The children of Israel went to Egypt for food but once Joseph their protector was gone the Pharaoh's became alarmed at the power of the people and because they were afraid they would gain in power and take their place, manipulated the people into slavery. Death, destruction and enslavement always follow this devouring spirit. In our own most recent history we've seen this spirit enslave and murder masses of people through the lies of Marxism. Stalin murdered somewhere near 23 million under his brand of collectivism. Hitler who supported socialist communist principles bent his human rule along racial lines and murdered 6 million Jews and countless others totaling around 12 million. Mao Zedong under the same spirit murdered in the neighborhood of 75 million Chinese. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro on the tiny Island of Cuba murdered around 30,000 humans who disagreed with their totalitarian collective. Does anyone see a pattern here? Jesus Christ murdered no one. In fact for His cause, He laid down His own life so others could live in one on one, face to face relationships with His Father, each one freely acting out their own unique divine purpose for the good of their fellow man in free conscience before God. Everywhere this leader went people were healed of their afflicting diseases, people had life wrecking demon spirits of all kinds cast out of them, the poor were given opportunity, the downcast were lifted up and every life He touched was enriched. The hungry were fed, the weakest were cared for, and the dead were raised. This is the Christ. When they came for Jesus in the garden, in an attempt to be helpful Peter grabbed a sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. What did Jesus do? He told Peter to put the sword away because that isn't what we're all about, then He picked up the man’s ear and reattached it to the side of his head, I'm sure it was in the right place too. Then after they had arrested Him and falsely accused Him, beat Him and spit on Him, tore the beard from His face, scoured Him and tore His flesh with their whip, smashed a crown of needle like thorns onto His head, stripped Him bare naked and nailed Him publicly that way in humiliation to a cross, as He is there absorbing all the wrath and bitterness of men who hate God, and the religious leaders are shouting out their own insults against Him, He lifts His eyes to His heavenly Father and says, “Father forgive them, they don't really know what they are doing.”

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What Spirit Are We? There is a difference you see in the polarity and purpose of our Revolution compared to any revolution of human origin. Men seek their own benefit to the exclusion of God, while God seeks your benefit by the inclusion of Himself, the very essence of life power, setting aside His own comfort for your blessing. One day Jesus and His apprentices were passing by a village and the people living there didn't openly rush out to receive Jesus. Some of His apprentices were offended and thought maybe a little fire from heaven would teach this city a good lesson, but hear instead the words of Jesus, the Christ; And when His apprentices James and John saw this they said, 'Lord, would you like for the two of us to command that fire comes down from heaven and consume them like Elijah did?' But He turned to them and sharply rebuffed them saying, 'You have no idea what kind of spirit you're of, because the Son of Man has not (does not) come to ruin, destroy and make men's lives useless, but to save them (Luke 9:54-56). This is the polarity of our Revolution. And I repeat again the words of Paul; For the contest, the wrestling and thickness of battle in which we are engaged to the overthrow of the one against the other with intent of destroying (to kill or be killed) is not against (human) flesh and blood, but it is against causative spiritual magistrates called principalities, against (spiritual) governors exercising influence called powers, against (spiritual) lords of the darkness of this world called rulers, against spiritual enslavers to hardships and cruel toils of wicked intent and desire whose locations are in the unseen and elevated realm of the air and the heavens (Ephesians 6:10-12). Our war is in a higher plane. Our violence, because it does exist, is against spiritual wickedness within the realms of the invisible and our weapons are spiritual and supernatural weapons of the high realm of the third heaven. Advantage us! To engage men as men and not the spirits that are manipulating them will cause no genuine change, but when the spirit of a thing changes, everything changes. Spirit is the core of life, determining the like kind that is expressed through the words and actions of the person(s). What It Looks Like We have talked about the three great powers God has placed in the universe. They are faith, hope and love. This is a good description of the polarity into which our planet is being re-Christened. But among the three powers there is one that weaves itself into all things God and the flavor and fragrance of that divine polarity is love. 274 | P a g e

Everything about our Revolution begins there with the love of God, and His love fills all the middle parts and His love is also the culmination of all things God. Love is the invitation we are given to come and join together with. Love is the power upon which all creation has been founded. The Fathers love is the link to knowing Jesus Christ, the depths of Himself and the Holy Spirit. In relation to all living things, dark and devouring spirits excluded, if it isn't love at the purest and deepest core element and motive force, then it isn't God. Without love we have missed the mark (sinned). No matter how we wish to justify it, if love is not the Spirit of the heart and expression it is discordant with creation. Because God loved the world so much He gave to us His only begotten Son, so that whoever it is that believes on Him would not be lost in ruin and the destroying but instead receives to themselves as their own possession, the same everlasting, unbound and unstoppable life. Because God did not send His Son into the world to be the one condemning it, but that the world might instead through Him be saved, finding their place of rest, care, wholeness and safety (John 3:16-17). The love of God towards all mankind in an ever enlarging, effervescing expanse upon each individual is the eternal never ending life being given. It is life free of negative, downward dragging, and grave digging oppressions. The doors begin to open to this life when we actualize through the words of faith, the incredible love God has for us. It is the actualization of the absolute love for us that initializes love toward God in turn back out from us; Fear ceases to exist within love, but entire, complete and whole love scatters out and away from it all fearing, because fearing grips as a tormenting thing. Whoever fears has not perfectly received the love. The reason that we love Him, is because He first and foremost, from the highest possible position and rank over all, has loved us (1st John 4:18-19). Jesus said the highest instruction of all is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, our entire mind, all our soul and all our strength (Matthew 22:37-39). But the fact is He has made it one of the easiest things to do. The darkness wants to make it difficult so you don't go to Him, because then when you do, you become dangerous. To love the Lord your God with everything in you is to literally fall completely head over heels in love with the Spirit of love, because according to the apostle John, God IS love;

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And we have known at the deepest possible level of intimacy, and we have believed the love that God is possessed and gripped with toward us. God is love, and whoever it is that lives their existence continually in love is living their existence continually in God, and God within him (1st John 4:16). To step outside of love is to step outside of God, but to be saturated entirely in love is to be polarized according to the polarity of Jesus Christ. This is the Foundation Stone upon which the new creation is founded. This is the divine dust from which the new humanity has been formed. It is the seed of God Himself and the core fractal of the whole of all existence, love. God moved and creation appeared. But the power goes beyond our oneness with Him in love and in true overflowing, effervescing status and runs like a river of living, refreshing, and life giving water out from us into everything surrounding us in streams of refreshing, unless of course they are spirits of darkness, bitterness, hatred and diminishing; No one has seen God with their eyes at any time. If we love one another, God is living out His existence inside of us, and His love is being made whole, complete and perfected within us (1st John 4:12). You see Jesus told us after loving God with all our heart, the other instruction of the simple two He left us was like a carbon copy of the first, only directed outward toward our neighbor. The polarity we are implementing on the world first by example is, love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40). The apostle John said it this way; If any man at all says, 'I love God', and hates, detests, wishes illness or any diminishing at all on his brother, he is a liar committing double talk and breaking faith, for one that does not love his brother who he can see with his eyes, how can he love God who he can't see with his eyes? (1st John 4:20). We know that we have passed over from death to life because we love our the same way, whoever has this worldâ€&#x;s goods but then sees that his brother has a need and turns off his feelings of compassion towards him, how is the love of God dwelling in continual existence within him? My little children, let's not love just in words and in speeches, but in actual expressed deeds and in truth (1st John 3:14-18). Shutting Out Evil Without a doubt evil is the weak power. In the same way that light is greater than darkness so is even the smallest flake of grace, power and the love of God 276 | P a g e

greater than any or even all evil. Light a match in a dark room and see which power wins out. Do it again and see which one wins. Do it a thousand times and see how many times even the small light proved to be superior to the darkness. Here is a lesson. The power that evil holds is only an illusion when compared to light. It keeps people bound by fear of some pain of a sort. But those that fear reprisal or whatever form the threat of pain comes in are already bound by it. Like a bully in the neighborhood filled with threats of reprisal on whoever doesn't pay him in blood, so also are the spirits of oppression. The mere suggestion of an unpleasant consequence sends most earth only people running to serve the bully spirit. What other option do they have without Jesus? But the person whose life is rooted in the heaven with Christ, seated as one with Him in His throne of power, has an entirely different perspective. They know the threat of pain or reprisal is meaningless. Our Lord, and we in Him, have already faced not only the pain of reprisal for breaking the bully spell but have passed through death itself and come away more powerful still, having put even that intimidation under foot. The Book of Hebrews says it this way; Seeing then that the children (the offspring) are participants in a flesh and blood reality, He also of Himself and in the exact same manner became a participant in the same thing, and this was so by means of going right through death, then death might become entirely inactive, inoperative and unable to be deployed as a threat against them, taking away its former meaning entirely from him who at one time used death as a threatening power, I'm talking directly and specifically about the devil. And instead, He set everyone free, removing forever and entirely the fear of death that had kept them bound up their entire lifetime (Hebrews 2:14-15). Jesus exposed the game of intimidation and proved it a lie. In fact His entire lifetime, and particularly during His public years he proved the falsehoods of the lie we have been intimidated into believing. The power of Christ is the destruction and exposure of the bully’s myth. Light is greater than darkness and love is greater than fear and life trumps death. The apostle Paul wrote about the power of shutting out evil when he wrote to the Roman believers; Don't pay back any man, no matter who they are, evil for an evil done to you. Instead foresee in your mindâ€&#x;s eye what is more eminent, surpassing, magnificent, honorable, more shapely and beautiful and opposite to the views seen by all men. 277 | P a g e

That the power resides within you, cultivate the peace (in all its richness) with all men. You are esteemed highly in love, so you have no need to take revenge or vengeance into your own hands, but instead put any punishing response where it rightly belongs, because it is written, 'All vengeance belongs to Me not you. I will determine any time, place and method of pay back,' says the Lord. Because of this, if someone who has made himself your enemy is hungry then feed him, if he is thirsty then give him something to drink, for by doing that you are in fact heaping great coals of flaming fire from God upon his head. So, don't be overwhelmed, dominated, ruled or conquered by any evil, but overwhelm, dominate, rule and conquer evil by prevailing over it with good (Romans 12:17-21). Written into the secret code of creation is a system of divine economics. It is a divine, God created system of invisible (to us) weights and measures and it is flawless. The increase of kindness, love and the grace of God puts into motion automatic judgments upon evil. It is the inevitable consequence as certain as light causes darkness to flee away in terror. Why? It is because the darkness can do nothing against it. This is a powerful lesson from the opening statements of the scriptures (Genesis 1:1-3). The apostle John knew about this power and wrote about it in his gospel record; In the dateless, ageless past was the Word (the expression, the voice, the sound, the tone), and the Word was with God, and the Word was in fact God. The same (the expression, the voice, the sound, the tone) was in the dateless, ageless past as the supremacy of God. The whole of everything was fashioned, formed and made by Him, and without Him was nothing made that was, is and shall be made. In Him (the expression, the voice, the sound, the tone) was and is all life and the life is the illumination, the lamp and guiding star for man. And the light shone into the darkness, and the darkness had no comprehension, no capacity to respond, no ability to capture, grasp onto or assimilate and absorb (John 1:1-5). This is what Jesus taught His apprentices. This is the force that He placed within his apostles and ignited into the 120 hearts who received the saturating immersion of the Holy Spirit on that first day of Pentecost after He rose from the dead, destroying the illusion. The new Foundation Stone had started the catalytic 278 | P a g e

process of the new creation and the new humankind to which now you too are invited. Will you come? Will you come all the way? What If? I've have a recurring vision. It has permeated my time with Jesus. It haunts me, coming back again and again with new pieces, here a little, there a little. It has confused me over the years, it has inspired me and it has at times scolded me severely, now it draws me like a beacon of destiny to which I am bent on arriving at. It is the geographies of earth filled and overflowing with His glory. It started in 1970 when I realized there was a hierarchy of spirits ruling people and geographies. It was stirred in the summer of 1972 when I saw a vision of strange churches, if you could call them that, scattered in neighborhoods all over our city, but I was confused because what I saw didn't fit my forced fed mold of proper Christian church. It seemed to be confirmed by the Holy Spirit around 1973 under the preaching of Ern Baxter when he began to talk about the vision of small Quonset Huts and people in locations wondering, questioning and saying, “Where are the people of the anointing?� But we are mega-church builders, still trying to build according to a model that came to us out of the horror of the dark ages in which men became gods within the guise of Christianity, where power was centralized in the hands of the few at the top in isolated towers and offices, instead of the many on the streets intermingling with real life, healing real pain, real need and real suffering among people. And we didn't learn our lesson because the same centralization of power under the banner of religion then, had the same effect on humanity as other forms of despotism has had as the unquestionable, pious religious leaders became the enforcing power of the inquisition and the false religious become responsible for the murder of masses of people who were threats in the way of the elite machine men had built. But what if? What if that is not the direction we are to go? What if the power to fill the earth with the glory of God is not in the creation of demigods of Christianity and massive centralized power churches in which the power oracles can speak to their audiences of thousands of worshipful adherents, commanding the billion dollar empires men have built? What if the power to fill the earth with His glory is instead found in the impartation and release of those masses to become God hearted shepherds over little flocks, just like David had been when God chose him to be king? Then his oldest brother Eliab heard what he was speaking to the men and Eliab's anger was set blazing against David and he said, 'Why did you come down here? And who did you leave that little flock of sheep with in the wilderness? (1st Samuel 17:28). 279 | P a g e

What if the real giant killers are found taking care of small flocks, shepherding, caring, healing, killing the lions and killing the bears and other predatory beasts that come to destroy people’s lives in small scale, truly “hands on” real life power encounters with salvation? What if the glory of God filling the earth means the glory of God touching a life and a home then spreading out to a next door neighbor? What if it means the real Jesus, coming to bring His resurrection power into a neighborhood and then jumping the fence to a neighborhood adjoining it? What if, instead of drawing the believers out and away from their immediate geographies and into our mega centers, we empowered them and gave them the tools and love to be effective and actual ministers of Christ and release them to become real shepherds within their immediate metrons. What if the repolarization of the planet were to take place by means of powerful, focused, concerted spiritual warfare taking place within measurable, manageable geographies? I remember Father Nash, Abel Clary and Charles Finney bringing individual hearts under the power of the stunning news of Jesus and treeing whole villages with the glory of God by effective spiritual warfare. I remember our Lord Jesus treeing villages too when He sent small bands of raiding parties two by two, and coming back to Him with their reports He said, “I saw satan fall from heaven.” Could it happen again? Will it happen again? I think so. I won’t be satisfied until it does. What about you? Are you going the distance? I see something on the horizon and it is concerning and exciting. It is concerning because I see God dismantling some things and reversing their flow. It is exciting because I see the power of His unbound life being released within shepherds of small flocks. Now let me share with you a vision I was given. 10,000 Shepherds I was in prayer one day and I went on a journey. In the journey I saw a man and he was praying in a house. He was praying over his neighborhood and for the glory of God to be poured out. And then there were two praying together and there was a golden glow about them. The two warriors became three and then they were four. Four warriors were praying for their neighbors that the splendor of God would be poured out on them. Then a crisis came up at one of the neighborhood houses and the four reached out with the grace they were given, pouring out the love and care of the Lord Jesus and that house was added to their number. And then it began to spread through the neighborhood and there were ten houses. After this I saw the golden flow from one of these houses jump the back fence to a house on the other side and that house was joined. But then that house became a center of grace on its own reaching out to its relative neighborhood. 280 | P a g e

Soon there were two hearts there and then there were four and then there was a crisis in that neighborhood and the shepherds poured in the love and care of the Lord Jesus, and that neighborhood also began to glow with the golden glow. But it didn't stop there. It kept spreading in the exact same way until a whole community began to glow, and then the city began to glow and it kept going like an infectious disease was being communicated from house to house and neighborhood to neighborhood. And then I saw sparks of fire from the blowing of a gentle wind spread one spark here and one spark there to new places, and the process would begin in a new geography, and new neighborhoods and new cities began glowing with the golden glow. As I sat watching, into the pictures came words similar to those of Jethro as he spoke to Moses saying, “Listen now to my voice and I will give you counsel and God will be with you. Some will be God-ward for the people bringing causes to God, and teach them the decrees and directions, and show them the way to move about and what to do and provide enabled shepherds, true ones who will not take advantage of others and there will be shepherds of tens, and shepherds of fifty and shepherds of hundreds and shepherds of thousands, and if there is a difficult matter among the tens, it can be moved to ever increasing levels until the answer appears meeting the need.” As the words were spoken I could see them being modeled. An issue came up that could not be handled by the neighborhood. It then went forward, bringing to bear a greater force of prayers by a greater number of people. This need handling went through three stages until the issue was resolved (See Exodus 18:14-23). This process happened twice, once in reference to a spiritual matter and another in reference to a natural, provisional matter. The vivid nature of these pictures was resting in me. I was trying to understand them and what they might mean and then the words came, “Ten thousand shepherds.” And as usual this made no sense so I said, “What?” (He always puzzles me into asking the next question). Then it came again but slightly different saying, “Then thousand times then thousand, and thousands of thousands” only this time it made sense as I saw a picture of ten thousand shepherds being raised up and doing an exciting work. The raising of the shepherds was not in the context of our usual pastor mentality, but in the context of there being shepherds and pastor callings upon people, vast numbers of people, who had been overlooked. People were becoming shepherds to their neighborhoods and their manageable metrons of influence with as much power and backing of the Holy Spirit as anyone we might traditionally see with a calling from God. Then I saw the shepherding spread out across the earth again as shepherds began spawning other shepherds and soon there was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands, so many 281 | P a g e

in fact that they couldn't be counted, and God was geographically touching the earth through their hands and their words. A Closing Thought There have been many restorative moves of God since the period of the dark ages. As each move has come, a deposit of truth has been left behind, often hidden in the smokescreen of peoples over reactions and mans tendency to abuse and attempt to control (monetize) what God has done in a generation. When humanity usurps the power of Christ, He leaves us to our own devices as the eyes of the Lord search for a new resting place. In the last fifty years we have seen some amazing things take place within the Kingdom of God, but each new wave has appeared and disappeared in response to men’s attempts to gain control or we could say, “Get their hands on the Ark of God” in order to control its shakings (See 1st Chronicles 13:7-10). But, there is a theme in scripture regarding the word of the Lord coming a second time. We see it in Moses as he knew his mission and tried to deliver his brothers but wound up in the wilderness until the word of the Lord came to him renewing his call a second time. We see it in Israel as they missed their first approach to the Promised Land and God later gave them a second chance. We see it in Jonah as after a period of time he calls out to the Lord and it says, “The word of the Lord came a second time to Jonah” (Jonah 3:1). We see it in Peter after his denial of Jesus and in failure he returns to fishing, but Jesus meets him on the beach of Tiberias and renews his call (John 21). I believe the word of the Lord is coming a second time to this generation and the moves of God we have seen over the last fifty years are coming again but as they come the second time to us the pieces will be put in their right places, the way they were supposed to be at the start. We took the short cuts when the word came the first time as Abraham did with his word and wound up with Ishmael. But it’s coming and as it comes again we will possess the promises, not by our power but by His power so no flesh can boast of its own greatness in His sight. I see a decentralizing shift coming in which power is released on a massive scale among large masses of believers in relevance to all geographies with millions of shepherds caring for millions of people in face to face relationships. We’re currently not ready for this and so I sincerely beg your prayers. I can't tell you anything more really, other than my purpose for certain is to stir the pot. The structure of the church as we know it was formed in the dark ages and we haven't really changed that model, we've only adapted it. Could it be time to rethink both our mission and our methodology? I began one day just in my region to consider all the churches that exist and of course all the ones that every other week start up and those too that are going away every other week. And I began to calculate just the material resources in way of facilities and heating and cooling costs and parking lots and overhead and 282 | P a g e

etc, etc, etc, and it became mind boggling very quickly. The numbers were out of control before you scratched the surface. It’s sad really. I'm not saying what I think will happen in any way is an economic issue because our Father has no lack for resources or for provision. I truly believe the wealth of all the nations is at the disposal of our Lord Jesus and it is meant to be in the stewardship of His love. But I do encourage you to stretch your concepts along the lines of the mission and efficiency of resources in reference to it. What impact would a streamlined approach have? And what would of course be the reasons associated with not creating a more streamlined model? Have we undermined our own mission by a strange and weirdly skewed, possibly overloaded concept of what being an official pastor must look like in order to be a legitimate ministry? Food for thought. I will end with this: In the paradigm of Christ, the value measure of any ministry is weighed by how effectively one can release those around them into their own greatness in life and mission. As ministers of Christ none of us are the lord's of God's heritage, but helpers of the joy and faith of His people. May they all become marvelous in the earth!

Thanks and may your life be blessed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, Rand

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