Federal government fails to help Puerto Rico, D1
Women’s Center prepares for Vagina Monologues, C1
Dance troupe performs annual recital, D1
Sleva captures points title, E1
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Tuesday February 13, 2018
TheSlate @ShipUSlate 60 years strong
Volume 61 No. 15
Reporting truth. Serving our community.
Wolf gives budget address, discusses education funding Jenna Wise Managing Editor
Photos by Shannon Long/The Slate
The SU Investment Club hit a record high return rate of 26 percent last year. Members of the club get together to discuss the stock market, their portfolio and the economy. Anyone is allowed to join the club to learn more about how to manage money. It meets Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. on the second floor of Grove Hall.
Club sets $20K record Shannon Long News Editor The Shippensburg University Investment Club hit a record return of 26 percent last year and has grown their investment to more than $20,000. The return was the highest the club has ever seen and means that they received 26 percent of their original investment. Club Vice President Jose Polanco said the return was so high because of the bull market in 2017. The club made good stock selections and beat the Standard & Poor’s 500. The club beat its benchmark, which is what any portfolio manager aims to do in order to see how well he or she is doing. The S&P 500 is what people often compete against. The investment club beat the S&P 500 benchmark by almost 10 percent, which means members did well and selected good securities, according to club President Andrew Crum. The investment club is student-run and helps students understand the stock market, and leads discussions on what is happening in the economy and how that will affect certain indicators with sectors and industries in the stock market. The club has its own portfolio with real money that members use to make investments, according to Crum. “Students do presentations and we vote. If [the] majority votes ‘yes’ then we pass it and we go ahead and buy the selected company,” Polanco said. The money comes from the Shippensburg University Foundation, and is a donation that has grown over time. The original investment was $2,000 and has now grown to about $20,000, according to Crum. The club is helpful for finance students because it also allows them to learn both inside and outside of the classroom. The Investment Management Program (IMP) is a class that se-
lects 15 top seniors to manage a portfolio of nearly $200,000. Polanco and Crum were both in the investment club and are now in the IMP and said the investment club is a gateway into the program. “The biggest goal for the investment club, especially now that the IMP class is starting to become more competitive, is to get these students to understand how to manage the money at a younger freshman or sophomore level so then by junior year they are able to go to the IMP class and run the endowment fund for the college of business,” Crum said. The endowment fund from the class helps give scholarships for students. It starts off as donations and the goal is to create scholarships from the investments, according to Crum. The club places donations into a portfolio as a school-run scholarship program. People such as alumni donate toward the fund and students run it. They give about $1,250 to four students in need every semester. Although it may not seem like much, Polanco and Crum agreed that the scholarship made the class matter even more. “I would say the most important part of the class is the fact that we provide scholarships from the money that we make in the stock market to finance students that are in need, which is a great benefit to have,” Polanco said. Students with all different majors from the college of business are currently in the club, but they are interested in growing the diversity of students. “I think it’s really a good opportunity for people to understand how to manage money,” Crum said. “The biggest thing too [that] we found is a lot of people that have kind of diverse backgrounds and understand things, not just the finance side of it, really help, too.” The club meets every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in the stock room on the second floor of Grove Hall.
HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf delivered his annual budget address on Feb. 6, highlighting an increase in funding for public education in the 201819 fiscal year and pushing state legislators of both parties to approve a severance tax. Recalling his inauguration, Wolf compared his intent upon being sworn in as governor to what he has been able to accomplish during his term. The component connecting the last three years, he said, is a “political paralysis” that has prevented past governors and legislatures from working together to accomplish common goals. “When I stood outside this building on that Tuesday afternoon and took the oath of office as Pennsylvania’s governor, I talked about what made our commonwealth a place we are all so proud to be from,” Wolf said. “I believed then, as I believe now, that the people of Pennsylvania have what it takes to restore those values and rebuild our prosperity.” The state’s rebuilding process included an examination and reorganization of Pennsylvania’s public schools after Wolf took office. Today, Pennsylvania’s school districts have an 86 percent graduation rate and enroll more than 100,000 children in full-day kindergarten programs.
Pennsylvania is also second in the nation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, according to Wolf. He said the number of technical education students has increased in the state by 33 percent, and will help to fill the positions that employers have been struggling to fill. “Rebuilding our schools is the beginning of rebuilding our economy — but it’s just the beginning,” Wolf said. Wolf tied Pennsylvania’s strides toward improving education to the state’s flourishing business investments, and said strong education programs are what led Amazon to consider establishing a second headquarters in Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. “Businesses don’t invest in states that don’t invest in education, infrastructure or job training,” he said. Throughout the approximately 20-minute address, Wolf tackled subjects ranging from the state’s declining crime rates to the opioid crisis that continues to affect a large portion of the state. “Harrisburg works better — and Pennsylvania works better — when we work together to make it work for everyone,” Wolf said. Prior to his conclusion, Wolf stressed the value of Pennsylvania’s abundance of natural gas and the importance of creating a state severance tax. See “WOLF,” A2
File Photo/The Slate
The SU Investment Club uses real money that originated from a $2,000 donation by the Shippensburg University Foundation. Last year, the club made good selections in which stocks they were going to invest. This allowed it to grow the original investment to about $20,000 and beat the benchmark.
Ship Life C1
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39/29 Wednesday
During Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget address on Feb. 6, he discussed an increase in public school funding. Wolf also brought up the subjects of declining crime rates and the opioid crisis during his address.
A2 “WOLF,” from A1 He argued that a severance tax would allow Pennsylvania to have additional revenue to use toward improving roadways and school districts while keeping tax rates low. A severance tax, which would be paid mostly by the residents of other states to use Pennsylvania’s natural resources, would force other states to become accountable for their usage of natural gas, he said. According to Wolf, severance taxes are utilized in Texas, Alaska, Louisiana and Oklahoma — all of which are known for their roles in the oil and gas industries. Democrats overwhelmingly supported the address, praising Wolf for his intent to increase spending on education. He plans to fund that section of the budget by improving tax collections as well as taxing on the collection of Marcellus Shale natural gas, according to Pennsylvania Legislative Services. The party was also pleased by the governor’s focus on decreasing crime rates in the state, but wished Wolf had honed in on issues such as gun violence, minority inclusion efforts and mass incarceration. “There is very little that he said that is controversial, other than the severance tax,” said Sen. Art Haywood, a Democrat representing parts of Philadelphia and Montgomery County, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. “I think he and the legislature have learned how to work together.” Immediately following the address, Republican legislators gathered for a press conference in the Capitol Building that included numerous critiques of Wolf’s proposal. Rep. Dave Reed (R-Indiana County) thanked the governor for his efforts to relieve financial burden from Pennsylvania’s working-class families, but said he is concerned about the repercussions of a proposed increase in state spending. “There are questionable components that can lead to increases in the future,” Reed said. “We are willing to look outside the box to re-envision what our government should be.” Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman said “the governor has a nice agenda,” but that it is impossible to as-
sume that Wolf and the Republicans will not have any areas in which they disagree. Corman refuted Wolf’s intent to increase government spending in order to generate state revenue, claiming it is “highly unlikely” that there will be any increase in revenue next year. Republicans also took issue with the fact that Wolf did not address a number of state entities that are responsible for a considerable amount of the budget, including higher education, according to Corman. “We’re going to have to find a large number of reductions,” Corman said. Corman estimated that the finalized budget for next year could be finished by as early as May or June, but not without strife in the capital. Sen. Pat Browne (R-Lehigh County) compared Pennsylvania’s $1.5 billion deficit of last year to this year’s $40 million surplus and described Wolf as aggressive with what he intends to spend next year. “The only thing that can put us at risk is overspending,” Browne said. “We have to continue to keep our spending rates at where they’ve been. Based on his proposal, we would be $7 billion higher than we are now.” House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny County) said Republicans once again bear the responsibility of creating a realistic budget proposal. “I find it interesting that once again, Republicans are the adults in the room,” Turzai said. “Clearly, [Donald] Trump’s agenda is having a positive effect nationwide.” Turzai mentioned the debate between Pennsylvania Democrats and Republicans while creating last year’s budget proposal, and described the situation as unnecessary conflict. He blamed Wolf for not holding himself accountable for the struggle to finalize the budget. “[That was] inexcusable — we won’t go through the same shenanigans with this budget,” Turzai said. He emphasized that the focus of next year’s budget should be creating new jobs and an environment where Pennsylvania residents can receive as many opportunities as possible. “Our citizens deserve no less,” Turzai said.
February 13, 2018
Photos by Meghan Schiereck/The Slate
Luis Melara shares his experiences from when he traveled abroad in India to teach students at the Indian Institute of Technology. He was able to travel and teach due to a Fulbright Scholarship. He taught about 80 students at the institute which only had four majors, and all of them were related to engineering.
Professor shares stories about life, teaching in India Shannon Long News Editor
Math professor Luis Melara shared his life and teaching experiences during a lecture Tuesday evening about when he spent seven months in India. Melara was able to teach in India because of a Fulbright scholarship. He said it took a while to get ready to travel because he was not sure how to prepare. Fulbright gave him a handbook that advised him about his trip and outlined many diseases. Melara said he and his wife spent about $1,000 on vaccines. They also had to request visas and documents that would allow them to travel. After a difficult trip to India, Melara found that communicating was much more interesting than he imagined. Even when some people spoke English, it was hard to understand since they spoke British-English and words and phrases were different. When Melara visited Hyderabad, he was surprised because people thought he was from India. “I think being in India has opened up my eyes to who I was, how did people perceive me, the dynamics between my wife and myself,” Melara said. “Because I look Indian, they actually thought I was a tour guide at times or the driver.” He was also surprised by the news in India. Most stories were focused on the presidential election because it was 2016, and they were also focused on what Indian-Americans were doing in America. While in Bhubaneswar, he was surprised that there were so many stray cows on the roads. They would sit on the side of the road, and if they were in the middle of the road drivers would simply drive around them. While in Bhubaneswar, Melara taught at the Indian Institute of Technology. Students at the school were supposed to be elite, but he found that some of them struggled in his class. He taught about 80 students, but there are only four majors at the school and they are all strictly engineering. Classes were two hours long and in most classes there were more men than
This Week on Campus Special Dinner
Paint Nite
Act V Meeting
• Kriner Dining Hall is hosting an Anti-Valentine’s Day Dinner on Tuesday from 4-7 p.m.
• APB is hosting a paint nite on Feb. 16. Tickets are $10 per person.
• Act V will be having a general meeting from 9:3010 p.m. on Feb. 19 in the Orndorff Theater.
Valentine’s Bingo
Inclusive Basketball
• APB is hosting Valentine’s Day bingo on Thursday at 9 p.m. in the CUB MPR.
• The Luhrs Performing Arts Center is presenting “America” on Feb. 16 at 8 p.m.
• The social work department will be hosting inclusive basketball from 1112 p.m. on Saturday in Henderson Gym.
Guest Panel
• The Women’s Center is presenting “The Vagina Monologues: Intersectional Feminism” on Feb. 15, 16 and 17 at 8 p.m. in Memorial Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for faculty, staff and the public.
• The Political Science Department is hosting an “American Foreign Policy Bureaucracy” guest panel from 6:30-9 p.m. on Feb. 19 in Grove Hall Room 101.
• Eric Rothschild will be hosting a lecture for the 10th annual forum on science and religion on Thursday from 7-9 p.m. in the Orndorff Theater.
women. Melara found it strange that the students would stand up when he entered and left the room. If a student was late, he said they would stand at the door and wait for him to acknowledge them and tell them it was OK to enter the classroom. Melara was able to do a lot of traveling while in India, and he and his wife spent a month in South Korea and Japan to end their trip. He said he found out a lot about who he was and who he was not during his time in Asia. “If you can [find] an opportunity to spend some time abroad, I would strongly encourage you to do that,” Melara said.
Melara recounted many of the different cities he encountered on his 8-month trip. Eventually, he began to think of Bhubaneswar as his home away from home because it was where he taught.
SU named a preferred college by The Pittsburgh Promise Hannah Pollock Asst. News Editor Shippensburg University is now a preferred college partner by The Pittsburgh Promise, a foundation in Pittsburgh aimed at helping local students. The goal of The Pittsburgh Promise is to “provide college scholarships to transform the lives of children and vitalize the region,” according to its website. “The Preferred College Partners Program is intended to strengthen relationships between The Pittsburgh Promise and certain postsecondary institutions that provide additional financial aid and robust services for Promise Scholars,” its website states. As a preferred college partner, SU will provide grants for room and board, as well as textbooks, beginning with the high school class of 2018. These students will receive up to $5,000 per year for four years of postsecondary education. “The Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship is a ‘last dollar’ scholarship, meaning The Promise pays for eligible expenses after all other grants and scholarships, such as Pell, PHEAA, FSEOG and institutional grants have been deducted. Loans and work study are not included in the calculation. The
Promise pays the remaining balance up to the student’s maximum award for each of four years of education,” according to The Pittsburgh Promise website. SU, and other preferred colleges, will also provide additional academic support services to further aid students to promote retention and success. To be eligible for the scholarship, The Promise requires students to: live in the city of Pittsburgh, continuously, without interruption, for at least the four years of high school; attend Pittsburgh public schools, continuously, without interruption, from at least the beginning of 9th grade, and through to graduation; graduate with a cumulative, unweighted GPA of 2.5 or higher; maintain an attendance record of 90 percent; use the scholarship at an accredited college or university or trade and technical school in Pennsylvania and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and PA State Grant Form. Other Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education schools included in the list of preferred colleges are Slippery Rock and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. More information is available at https://www.pittsburghpromise.org.
February 13, 2018
Your World Today
Thick fog raises travel concerns
Electric cars are the future to reducing our carbon footprint Commentary
Troy Okum Editor-in-Chief
As global climate change continues to threaten coastal communities and change regional weather patterns, people around the world are asking, “What can I do to stop it?” Unfortunately, the modern-day green Earth movement is not as simple as making sure you recycle and pick up trash in your local park. To create real change for the direction of the climate and the fate of the human race, large-scale revolutions must be made in how energy is produced and consumed. Perhaps the best energy sector to transform is transportation, which is responsible for 29 percent of energy consumption in the U.S. — most of which is based on fossil fuels, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. One of the rising industries that can have a major impact on climate change is electric transportation, specifically with cars. American car company and energy innovator Tesla is one of the primary leaders in this industry. Founded 15 years ago, Tesla has remained focused
on its mission “to prove that people [don’t] need to compromise to drive electric — that electric vehicles can be better, quicker and more fun to drive than gasoline cars,” according to tesla. com. But Tesla was not just trying to create a new type of car as a marketing campaign. The company’s website states that at its core, it “believes the faster the world stops relying on fossil fuels and moves toward a zero-emission future, the better.” Mission and vision statements can sound inspirational and promising, but they mean little if the vast majority of consumers cannot take part in them. Tesla’s first car, the Model S, had a price tag starting at about $70,000, making it unaffordable for most Americans. While Tesla worked to introduce a more affordable car, European car companies such as Volkswagen unleashed a rebuttal to electric and hybrid cars. Millions of diesel cars rolled off production lines in Germany and in the U.S. that promised ground-breaking fuel efficiency while emitting little air pollution. Though diesel fuel is more efficient to burn than conventional gasoline, it is known to release high levels of nitrogen oxides — a main contributor to disease-causing smog, according to The New York Times. Many of the diesel cars produced were products
of a conspiracy. Exposed partially by the California Air Resources Board, along with numerous other researchers, journalists and government agencies, it was found that Volkswagen executives and engineers were responsible for lying to the public about how bad the car emissions were. As the scandal was unfolding, Tesla unveiled the Model 3. Coming in at about $35,000, the Model 3 became the first low priced, all-electric vehicle that maintained the performance and range of a conventional gasoline or diesel engine. As Tesla continues to make more affordable electric vehicles, with increasing range and battery storage limits, the traditional combustion engine is now beginning to see its spot in a museum, right next to steam-powered locomotives. It will take years or maybe decades before the electric revolution will be in full swing, but it is inevitable. Where Volkswagen failed, Tesla succeeded and proved that it is possible for everyday people to own a car that produces no emissions, while not sacrificing on endurance and performance. The technology for high-capacity battery storage and renewable energy generation is available. Now it is time to introduce it into the global market to reduce humankind’s carbon footprint.
PA Republican Party endorses candidates associated with Trump Associated Press HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania’s Republican Party on Saturday endorsed candidates who are closely identified with President Donald Trump to run in contested primaries to challenge the state’s two leading Democrats, Gov. Tom Wolf and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey. The endorsements of gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner and Senate candidate Lou Barletta came a month before the deadline to file paperwork to get on the May 15 primary election ballot. The endorsements at
the Republican State Committee’s winter meeting were expected after both men performed well at regional caucus straw votes in recent weeks and come with the party’s financial support in the primary. Barletta is a fourth-term congressman from Hazleton and known most for cracking down on immigrants in the country illegally. He has backed Trump’s agenda and co-chaired Trump’s 2016 campaign in Pennsylvania. Trump also has spoken glowingly of Barletta. His most prominent primary rivals are former energy executive Paul
File Photo/The Slate
Scott Wagner and Lou Barletta were endorsed by Pennsylvania’s Republican Party. Both are associated with supporting President Donald Trump.
Addis from suburban Philadelphia and state Rep. Jim Christiana of Beaver County. Wagner, a state senator from York County and founder of the $65 million waste hauler Penn Waste, is endorsed by former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon. Wagner is rated by the American Conservative Union as among the Senate’s five most conservative senators. House Speaker Mike Turzai, a leader of anti-tax and social conservatives who has helped drive austerity in state budgeting, announced suspension of his gubernatorial campaign. The lawyer and former county prosecutor has been in office since 2001, became majority leader in 2011 and assumed the speaker’s office in 2015. “We’ve been on a mission, but we did start late,’’ Turzai said in an emotional speech to the gathering, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. “(Y)ou enter into competition and sometimes you don’t win. ... I came in second, and that’s all right.’’ Wagner, who got into the race more than a year ago and is largely self-financing his campaign, beat former health care systems consultant Paul Mango in the first round of voting. Also in the race is lawyer Laura Ellsworth. No GOP-endorsed candidate has lost Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial primary in 40 years. However, the party’s endorsed candidate lost the U.S. Senate primary in 2012.
Troy Okum/The Slate
Thick fog set over Shippensburg University on Sunday evening. The dense fog causes road and walkways to become hard to see. Warm daytime temperatures and cold nighttime temperatures cause fog to settle in the evenings.
Shannon Long/The Slate
Shippensburg University posted on Twitter and Facebook to inform students about using caution in the area of the water tower. The posts stated warm weather was causing large pieces of ice to fall off the tower. Safety barriers were erected to prevent students from using the surrounding sidewalks.
Proposed congressional district map agreed upon Mark Scolforo Associated Press HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republican leaders of the Pennsylvania Legislature said Friday they reached internal agreement on a proposed new map of the state’s 18 congressional districts to replace the one thrown out last month. House Speaker Mike Turzai and Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati said in a statement that their map “complies fully’’ with directions from the state Supreme Court. The court declared the 2011 Republican-crafted map unconstitutional on Jan. 22 and directed the General Assembly to propose a new one and send it to Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf. Turzai and Scarnati said they would provide it to Wolf on Friday night, but the precise timing was unclear. A House Republican spokesman said the map also would be made public late Friday. Under the Supreme Court order, Wolf has until Thursday to tell the justices if he supports it. If not, the Democratic court majority said the court would develop its own map. Democrats hope a new map will help them flip enough seats in Congress to retake the majority. Wolf issued a statement earlier Friday that raised doubts about whether the Republican leaders’ proposed map would suffice.
“While an ideal scenario would be a consensus map that can garner the support of both chambers in the General Assembly and meets the standards for fairness, it remains unclear, at this time, if the entire General Assembly will be engaged in such a bipartisan process,’’ Wolf said. “If not, I will evaluate what options are at my disposal.’’ The House Democratic leader, Frank Dermody, said his members had no role in producing the plan. “To be clear, this plan was conceived by a couple of Republican leaders,’’ Dermody said in a statement. “It is not a product of the entire General Assembly. Nevertheless, we will review and evaluate the plan to see if it meets our understanding of the Supreme Court’s instruction.’’ The 2011 map has been an electoral success for Republicans, getting them a 13-5 majority in the congressional delegation for the past three elections. The court’s Democratic majority said the plan violates a provision of the state constitution that guarantees “free and equal’’ elections, subverting redistricting objectives such as compactness and minimal municipal splits to the goal of gaining partisan advantage. The court has said a new map will be in place by Feb. 19. It will be used for the May 15 primary, but not for the March 13 special election to fill a vacant congressional seat in southwestern Pennsylvania.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
The Slate Speaks
FEMA denies hurricane victims food access The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been negligent toward those in dire need of food, medicine, housing, improved infrastructure and electricity in disaster areas. To be more specific, the residents of Puerto Rico have been denied resources due to Hurricane Maria that damaged major parts of Puerto Rico, Texas and Florida. FEMA had a mission to provide food for the residents of Puerto Rico — 30 million meals to be exact. For several months, people have been living without food, proper running water and electricity, and FEMA is supposed to rescue them from this disaster. Out of 30 million meals, 50,000 meals were delivered from Atlanta entrepreneur Tiffany Brown, who is the owner of Tribute Contracting, LLC. according to The New York Times (NYT). FEMA knew Brown did not have natural disaster experience and still awarded her $156 million to provide meals for Puerto Rico’s residents. Brown has expertise
in the contracting system and “hired a wedding caterer in Atlanta with a staff of 11 to freeze-dry wild mushrooms and rice, chicken and rice, and vegetable soup,” according to The NYT. The problem with the meals is that they were shipped by a non-profit organization, which affected the quantity and quality of the meals delivered. The meals were also packaged separately where heating the meals was required. Where are the residents who are already without electricity going to heat up their frozen catered meals? This is absolute carelessness on FEMA’s part, because they gave an unprepared Atlanta entrepreneur, who only has expertise in contracting, the sole responsibility of providing 30 million meals to starving residents. The problem at hand is that the poor pay more than anyone and always get the short end of the stick. Out of Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico, which are all controlled by the U.S., Puerto Rico gets the least amount of cover-
Photo courtesy of FEMA
Residents of Puerto Rico stand in line with water pails waiting to fill with fresh water from military men. age and support based on its needs. Is it because Puerto Ricans are minorities? They are well within the poverty line and are being treated as less than human. FEMA’s neglect of Puerto Rico and its residents’ rights sets back years of education and access to health care. It is an embarrassment and a national tragedy that people are fleeing Puerto Rico for the U.S. mainland,
only to still experience prejudice here. FEMA is not the only organization at fault — the government and the Trump administration is also at fault, because failing to assist a U.S. territory containing residents who do not look like the majority is a problem. There is no excuse for this type of treatment. Puerto Ricans pay their taxes just like the average person, and in return their rights as citizens
are not being fulfilled. Puerto Ricans have been suffering without proper food and electricity for months, and elderly people have to risk losing their lives because they do not have proper health care. All of this stems from the fact that the Trump administration is fostered by ignorance. Because Puerto Ricans are different, the Trump administration is not fulfilling its obligation.
Months of tragedy occurred and people are still suffering. The fact is that people do not have what they need, including proper infrastructure, unlimited resources and respect from the U.S. It is more than just Puerto Rico suffering without proper food and electricity — it is a systematic problem of neglect that will only get worse if it continues.
RAM truck Super Bowl commercial proves Rev. MLK Jr. right
Erica McKinnon Co-Opinion Editor Super Bowl Sundays are known for families gathering around the television anxious to see their favorite team win. Between the anxiety, buffalo chicken dip and family members yelling at the television screen, the
commercials normally keep the crowd sane during the brief intermissions. In this case, the commercials caused a bit of controversy and confusion, specifically the RAM truck Super Bowl commercial. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s voice was used from one of his famous sermons, “Drum Major Instinct,” as a voiceover in the commercial. In the sermon, King spoke on how commercialism has taken over the mindset of consumers of 50 years ago. King raved about how consumers believe in the necessity of buying a $6,000 car while maintaining a $5,000 mortgage to appear more appealing to society. King expressed in his sermon that everyone had a “desire to be out front, a desire to lead the parade, a desire to be first,” according
to The New York Times (NYT). The problem with commercial-
“People tend to get so caught up in the materials of the world that they forget about what is important, which is being a drum major who is using their instinct for real issues.” Erica McKinnon Co-Opinion Editor
ism in 1968 does not seem that much different in 2018. Everyone wants to be a drum major for all the wrong reasons, whether it is to flash their latest
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THESLATEONLINE.COM Reporting truth. Serving our community. Contact Us slate.ship@gmail.com (717) 477-1778 Mailing Address The Slate - Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Office Location Ceddia Union Building Room 250 Shippensburg University Adviser Dr. Michael Drager About The Slate The Slate is a weekly, volunteer, student-run newspaper published by the Gettysburg Times. Its print edition is published on Tuesdays and its website, theslateonline.com, is maintained 24/7. Weekly meetings are held on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in The Slate office. All are welcome to attend, but we ask you notify management ahead of time. Staff positions are held on either a one semester or one academic-year term. There are no term limits. The Slate hires new members throughout the year based on its needs. The Slate does not
clothing brand, their latest business project or even their latest car. People tend to get so caught up in the materials of the world that they forget about what is important, which is being a drum major who is using their instinct for real issues that affect the entire world. King’s message was to compare worthiness with being a service to others and apparently the RAM commercial believed to be providing the same message. What is ironic about the RAM truck commercial using Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s voice as a tool for better advertisement is that he is still proving his point. “The goal is to sell trucks and use King’s voice as pitchman,” according to The NYT. Using King’s voice was another way to attract the audience, because not only does his strong, powerful
voice adhere to the benefit of Black History Month, but it also adheres to the blatant ignorance of commercialism. What people get confused with commercialism is the idea of persuasion and self-control. “They have a way of saying things to you that kind of get you into buying. In order to be a man of distinction, you have to buy this whiskey. In order to make your neighbors envious, you must buy this type of car...” King said in his speech. Consumers are often persuaded into buying things they do not need, similar to the RAM truck Super Bowl commercial persuading consumers with King’s voice. It is a part of their strategy to make consumers believe they need an appealing truck, when what they really need is a reality check.
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February 13, 2018
Day Zero approaches for Cape Town water Three-year drought forces citizens to deal with water restrictions
Cape Town, South Africa Population: 4 million Founded: 1652 Brianna Petitti Co-Opinion Editor If you had to estimate how much water you use in a day, what would be your guess? In the United States the average person uses between 80 and 100 gallons of water a day. Using the United States Geological Survey, I found that I personally use about 91.24 gallons. Can you imagine only being able to use 13.21 gallons of water a day? Well that is the reality for the residents of Cape Town, South Africa. Due to a drought that has lasted three years, the city is on the verge of chaos. Other reasons for the water crisis include a growing population of 4 million residents and a rapidly changing climate. In 2014, Cape Town’s water levels were considerably full at 87.9 percent, but since then they’ve declined to a level of 24.8 percent. Tourists and residents have been limited to 90-second showers and a one-time-a-day toilet flush. “We are allowed to have showers, though not every day. You literally feel guilty when flushing,” said resident Wayne Ronne to CNN. I personally can’t fathom feeling remorseful for flushing a toilet.
Located on Africa’s southern most point.
Photo courtesy of the CIA
Due to a three-year drought, climate change, and a rapidly growing population Cape Town is forced to impose water restrictions. The drought is not only affecting residents’ personal lives, but the city’s economy. Many businesses where the use of water is essential are not able to function normally due to lack of water. Businesses including tourism, car washes, hair salons and florists are affected the most.
“Tourists and residents have been limited to 90 second showers and a onetime-a-day toilet flush. ” Brianna Petitti Co-Opinion Editor The bright light at the end of the tunnel is that most of these businesses are adapting to the new water restrictions. For example, car washes are using “grey wa-
ter,”where instead of using new water for each wash they reuse it, since the chemicals have not been removed in the treatment process. However, local authorities disagree with the reuse of water and have fined car washes that continue to use it. How can businesses continue to operate if they are not permitted to adapt to the water crisis? Thankfully, rain fell on Feb. 9, causing jubilant cries of joy throughout the city. Residents had not seen rain since Jan. 22. Many were able to fill buckets with rain water, using it for laundry, showers or their small businesses. Unfortunately, officials say they are not sure if the downpour delays “Day Zero,” which is still set for May 11. Cape Town receives more than 99 percent of its water
supply from dams that depend on rainfall. The city is racing against time to upgrade the water systems that are currently in place, reconstructing desalination and water recycling projects. On “Day Zero” the drought-stricken metropolis will be forced to
turn off taps to all homes and many businesses, leaving nearly 4 million people without running water. Each day citizens will then have to visit one of the 200 collection points that are scattered throughout the city to pick up their 6.5-gallon ration. Cape Town’s population is
terrified for “Day Zero,” but some say that it is avoidable. It is possible for citizens to prevent water levels in the dam from dropping so low that the water needs to be entirely cut off. But that would mean that the population must drastically lessen its water usage.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Ship Life ❦ ❧
What are your plans this Valentine’s Day? Drew Lovett Asst. Ship Life Editor
As children we may recall the wonder and anticipation that came with Valentine’s Day. Candies and chocolates were specifically taped onto an expressive valentine kit that featured a cartoon or intricate design. The meaning of the holiday changes as one ages, with some people opting out on the holiday while lovers plan wholeheartedly for it. Shippensburg University students have varied interests when it comes to how they will spend Valentines’ Day this year. File Photo/ The Slate
This year’s “Vagina Monologues” offer women a chance to speak on important issues concerning the intersectionality of feminism.
‘The Vagina Monologues’ will entertain, educate students this weekend fied individuals on campus an outlet, to have stage time and speak about the things they care about,” Laughman said. Some of the themes addressed in the Looking for an immersive experience into monologues are difficult to face, according to the intersectionality of feminism? Look no Erdice, who believes it is important to considfurther than Shippensburg University Me- er why certain themes make us feel uncommorial Auditorium this Thursday, Friday fortable. and Saturday at 8 p.m., where the Women’s “My advice to people that are viewing the Center is showing “The show, especially for Vagina Monologues,” the first time, is that written by Eve Ensler. if there is something Shippensburg Unithat makes you feel “There are pretty versity has featured uncomfortable or you intense themes in “The Vagina Monohave a strong reaclogues” annually on the monologues that tion to it, is to look campus since 2003, inward,” said Erdice, evoke thought and according to Stephanie who added that an Erdice, director of the aspect of your identiconsideration, and Women’s Center. “The ty, your childhood exthe point is to feel Vagina Monologues” perience or even your is a series of speeches current experience uncomfortable.” concerned with womcould be contributen’s experiences with ing to your reaction Ali Laughman their vaginas. to certain themes and “She [Ensler] realissues in the monoDirector ly used talking about logues. vaginas as a lens for While some asthe whole woman’s experience. Women get pects of the monologues may make you feel angry, women enjoy pleasure, women have uncomfortable, Laughman explains that it children and women are abused. All of those is important to continue talking about these themes are in the show,” Erdice said. topics. Erdice explained that this year’s directors, “There are pretty intense themes in the Kayla Bethea and Ali Laughman, decided to monologues that evoke thought and considfocus on the intersectionality of feminism for eration, and the point is to feel uncomforttheir theme. able,” Laughman said. “It’s to break down the “They’re [the directors] trying to bring at- boundaries and to open up about topics we tention to some of the unique experiences of normally don’t talk about.” women of color, women with a disability and Tickets can be purchased with cash in the the LGBTQ community,” said Erdice. Ceddia Union Building or at the Women’s Laughman believes the monologues can Center. Advance tickets are $3 for students work as a platform for students who may not and $8 for faculty, staff and the community. normally be given an opportunity to voice At the door tickets will be sold at $5 for stutheir feminist views. dents and $10 for faculty, staff and the com“It [“The Vagina Monologues”] also gives munity. an opportunity for women and female-identiMadeline Walsh Ship Life Editor
Alexandra Adams – Junior “I’m hoping to sleep through it.” Liana Culbertson – Freshman “I actually have three dates. One at 9 a.m. with Professor Edwards then Professor Dietrich-Ward at noon and Professor Keely at 3:30 p.m.” Ryan Boone - Sophomore “I’m single and ready to mingle for Valentine’s Day!” Iva Shoemaker – Junior “My advice to all (of) the men out there is that every day should be Valentine’s Day between you and your woman. And girls (should) remember to never let a made up and overly commercialized holiday define your relationship!”
How to make mini king cakes Drew Lovett Asst. Ship Life Editor Let the good times roll, or “laissez le bon temps rouler,” with mini king cakes for Mardi Gras. King cakes are made and eaten to mark the end of the Christmas season and reflect on the last time to eat sugary foods prior to fasting for Lent. Traditionally, the cake has a small plastic baby baked inside and whoever gets the slice with the toy will receive prosperity and luck. I tried a 40-minute recipe for mini king cakes which complies with the hectic schedule of a college student and satisfies one’s sweet tooth with a celebratory treat. Happy Fat Tuesday! What you need: 1 can Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls with icing 2 tablespoons yellow sprinkles 2 tablespoons green sprinkles What you do: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease cookie sheet. Separate dough into 5 rolls. Unroll 1 roll into a dough rope; fold rope in half lengthwise. Twist dough in a spiral and shape into a circle. Place on cookie sheet. Repeat to use up rolls, placing 2 inches apart. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Spread icing on warm cakes. Sprinkle with colored sugars.
Photos courtesy of Denice Lovett
There are perks to being A Raider’s View single on Valentine’s Day A Raider’s Muse Staff Columnist Being single on Valentine’s Day does not always have to be a complete disaster. No matter the bombardment of jewelry store engagement commercials, marriage proposals on Facebook, sappy Valentine’s Day cards and the multiple display cases that picture two happy people having, what looks like, the time of their lives. There can be a silver lining to being single on this over-commercialized day. For instance, there is no pressure to take your significant other out on a sitcom-worthy date, buying them over-priced chocolates and the cherry on top, a bouquet of roses. All in all, you are saving your fair share of money. On another note, saving money doubles when candy goes on 50 percent off sale, which means 100 percent of the chocolate is for you. Stuffed animals are another key concept of the price of Valentine’s Day. But if you are single, you no longer have to stress about whether or not your significant other will like their fluffy companion.
Inviting your other single friends over to make fun of romantic comedies that always find their way onto television is another perk of spending Valentine’s Day single.
“Watch some horror movies in the safety of your bed or a comedy with your other single friends.”
Valentine’s Day can be a fun day to bask in your freedom to do what you want without having to please someone else. It also saves you money if you’re single, unless you want to treat yourself, which I would highly recommend. At the end of the day, just remember Valentine’s Day is just another day of the week.
A Raider’s Muse
Instead of watching the new hit movie in theaters featuring the typical story line where boy meets girl, girl does not want anything to do with boy, they fall in love anyway, watch some horror movies in the safety of your bed or a comedy with your other single friends.
Madeline Walsh/ The Slate
Single this Valentine’s Day? Lucky for you, you can give your wallet a rest this holiday.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Annual dance troupe recital honors old memories, builds new memories
Amanda Mayer/The Slate
In-Motion Dance Troupe members showcased a semester’s worth of hard work and talent in a variety of dances, which ranged from hip-hop, lyrical and jazz to tap. Molly Foster A&E Editor Friends, family and In-Motion Dance Troupe alumni entered Shippensburg University’s Memorial Auditorium this weekend, bearing bouquets of flowers and departing with warm sentiments and nostalgia. Troupe members took the Memorial stage to perform a series of 18 dances last Thursday, Friday and Saturday during their 32nd annual recital. It was a passing of the torch scenario for four freshman members, who as new additions performed their first recital alongside four senior members who pirouetted, krumped and tapped on stage as troupe members for the final time. While honoring the growth of graduating members and the memories that they made during their time with the troupe were a focal point of the performance, they shared the tribute with former tech crew technician, Frank Detweiler, who died unexpectedly in August. The tech crew provides technical support for various events and performances on campus, and works closely with troupe members to prepare the stage lighting and effects featured during their annual recital. Prior to the recital’s commencement, Elizabeth Yoder, assistant director for technical and event services, took the stage to speak of Detweiler and the impact he made on the lives of his fellow crew. As a token of empathy for his family’s loss and to express their appreciation of the lasting memories that Detweiler built with many tech crew members, Detweiler’s family was invited on stage to accept a commemorative gift. “We want you to have something to remember that while Frank loved the tech crew, the tech crew also loved Frank,” Yoder said. With stiff smiles and dewy eyes, the Det-
weilers returned to their seats with a frame filled with a picture collage and other tech crew memorabilia. Following the tender words conveyed in celebration of Detweiler’s life, troupe members began their recital — dancing in tribute to him. The first dances of the recital were “Thumbs,” which was choreographed by senior Megan Marquart and junior Angelina Stewart, followed by a more contemporary dance titled “Work Song,” choreographed by Reilly Bedesem, a sophomore at SU. To fill the time needed to switch outfits and prep between dance routines, each of the 15 members was filmed giving shout-outs to the individuals attributable to their lives successes, followed by a video compilation of pictures that captured who they are as individuals. As the recital progressed, the style of dance pivoted toward hip-hop with a solo piece performed and choreographed by sophomore Jaya Watty to the Cardi B song “Bodak Yellow.” Watty hit the moves in her solo with authority and vigor — setting the tone for the troupe’s hip-hop spirit rally routine, which was the final performance before a brief intermission. Before resuming for the second half of the recital, Detweiler again took the spotlight with a video that assembled various photographs of him participating in tech crew tasks and highlighted some of his friends’ favorite memories through stories. Once the video ended, the auditorium was flooded with darkness before it was brightened with brilliant light beams that accompanied throwback tunes, in what the tech crew referred to as “the light show Frank always dreamed of.” When the troupe returned to the stage for the second half of its recital, dancing merged with acting in the “Wizard of Oz” performance when dancers took on characters and
movie scenes projected in the background, underscored the theatrical choreography. Breaking from the traditionalism of the original “Wizard of Oz” movie screened behind the dancers, troupe members incorporated modern songs into the skit that maintained a coherent storyline through the lyrics. Some of the standout performances at the tail end of the recital included “Castle on the Hill” and “Back Home.” “Castle on the Hill,” choreographed by sophomore Breann Scheckells, challenged dancers with the detail and precision that tap dance demands, and succeeded with its ability to highlight the tempo and key aspects of the song with the tap of feet. Urging the troupe’s seniors to soak up as much of the center stage glory that they could before the last few grains of sand fell from the hourglass of time, reality sank in for the four seniors during “Back Home” — moving one to tears. The finale of the recital was a dance routine choreographed by Marquart and Stewart to the Jordin Sparks song “S.O.S,” and each dancer made an appearance in the closing piece. Once the dancers trotted off the stage
upon the conclusion of “S.O.S,” they were invited back on stage by class for the curtain call. Adhering to tradition, the underclassmen presented seniors Marquart, Cassandra Price and Carly Smakulski with a bouquet of flowers, but Marissa Moore stood as a flowerless outsider. Answering the murmurs in the crowd, Moore’s boyfriend appeared from behind the stage’s curtain and crossed the stage with the missing bouquet of flowers, a question and a ring. Moore said yes.
Molly Foster/The Slate
Molly Foster/The Slate
Frank Detweiler, a former SU tech crew member who recently died, is honored in a spirited light show following the Dance Troupe recital intermission. At times during the show, the stage lights resembled beams of light that were shining down from the heavens — a touching visual for the many who knew Detweiler.
Get in your feelings for The Reflector’s Comedian O’Shea ‘Post-Love’ open mic event at SHAPE
performs at SU
Meghan Schiereck/The Slate
Comedian Eric O’Shea owned the stage, complete with a standing ovation, during his performance in the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) Multipurpose Room (MPR) on Thursday night. O’Shea cracked jokes about growing up, strict parents and school pictures that pinpointed the universal experiences every kid had. The audience cackled with laughter when O’Shea did his famous Elmo impression and his well-known bit that he calls “Songs for Commercials,” in which he comes up with funny new promotional songs for popular products.
Molly Foster A&E Editor No Valentine’s Day plans? No worries — Shippensburg University’s undergraduate journal of the arts, The Reflector, has you covered. After hosting a successful Halloween-themed open mic at the Shippensburg Arts Programming and Education (SHAPE) Gallery in October, the gallery’s board of directors invited The Reflector back for a similar poetry event tailored to the upcoming holiday — Valentine’s Day, said Amber Pound, who is a senior at SU and The Reflector’s editor-in-chief. The event is titled “Post-Love” and will take place on Friday at the SHAPE Gallery from 5-7 p.m. Getting to the heart of February’s lovey-dovey nature, “Post-Love” will free the feelings of love, longing and loneliness that Feb. 14 brings by encouraging at-
tendees to vocalize how they feel through poems, dramas or prose. While the event focuses on the emotions that Valentine’s Day evokes, The Reflector is not limiting the open mic topic to love in its unequivocal sense, because everyone experiences and writes about love differently. “The event will be a good opportunity for students and community members to have their voices be heard,” Pound said. “For some, this may even be the first time they read their work out loud for a group of people to hear, but it’ll be a welcoming crowd.” Extending the event’s appreciation and celebration of creative writing onto other art forms, The Reflector will encourage individuals to observe local artist Ashley Coover’s eclectic “Ionospheric Creations” art exhibit that is currently on display at the SHAPE Gallery. “Below the individual artworks will be writing
prompts that will get people thinking about the art and how they can use it as an inspiration,” Pound said. Tyler Michael Law, an SU student and indie-folk musician, will also be performing a short set list to keep the gallery in lively spirits be-
tween heart-wrenching poetry readings and refreshment breaks. “It’s going to be a great night of celebrating the arts,” Pound said. “And did I mention we will have chocolate? Lots of chocolate.”
Photo courtesy of The Reflector
Decked out in Halloween costumes, members of The Reflector celebrated the spooky October holiday this year at the SHAPE Gallery with poetry. “PostLove” stemmed from this event, and The Reflector hopes to continue its holiday open mics annually.
February 13, 2018
LPAC hosts throwback for Motown tunes
Poetry Corner “Writing for you” Courtney Putnam Staff Writer
I hide behind ink and paper that allow my words to spill onto There is no reaction, no criticism, or even praise They take what I give and create what my voice can’t I don’t want to write for you anymore
Photos by Kayla Brown/The Slate
The vocal performers in “So Good for the Soul” end the number with passion. Jonathan Bergmueller Asst. A&E Editor A warm, bluesy piano intro beckoned the crowd’s attention in Shippensburg University’s H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center on Saturday night. The audience came to travel back in time – the performers, to send them there. A group of experienced performers from renowned bands and Broadway alike performed “So Good for the Soul.” The repertoire was a mashup of various pop songs from various Motown groups. The group was composed of a pianist, a guitarist, a bassist and a drummer who supported the main singers: Four men and three women. Director Gary Kupper led the ensemble from behind the grand piano. The group’s dynamic was unique to its identity. While the concert jumped between
The Motown show was filled with witty acting that meshed with the songs.
B eautiful words of support and faith That paint pictures of fairytales and happy endings This life isn’t meant to be lived on paper Or read in an instant and stowed away for your convenience
different artists, it had a very cyclical nature to its arrangement. The male and female vocal parts had a call-and-response rhythm and shuffled on and off the stage to give each other a chance to take the stage alone. The singers all had high-pitched and lofty voices that gave way like angels. Sometimes the men led the show, while the women supported them in a manner reminiscent of the “Muses” from Hercules. In other spots, the men took a backseat while the women shone in the spotlight. The cast was energetic and driven — each member sang with conviction and emotion. During one of the numbers, a male lead dropped to the ground in a split during a pause in the music. His fellow singer called down to him, “Get up, man!” in a humorous exchange. The crowd roared in laughter. “That’s not in the act,” one audience member remarked jokingly. The concert was also a strong focal point for the community. During the intermission, people got out of their seats and talked to others that they knew. Some even struck up conversation with strangers. Few SU students attended the concert, and many of the seats were filled with an older crowd that had grown up with Motown. Some people stood up and grooved to the music mid-concert, while others sat back and enjoyed the blast of nostalgia. Perhaps the most heartwarming part of the evening was during the mushier numbers. Couples everywhere grinned fondly and sought each other’s hands in the dim auditorium. Read the full story at theslateonline.com
It’s meant to be shared To have memories Embraced Cherished Together My words are powerful and have you ensnared But they can’t conjure those emotions I’ve once felt Emotions you forgot to respond to Did you forget that this is your story too?
SU senior brings Italian typography to Huber Jonathan Bergmueller Asst. A&E Editor Shippensburg University senior Christy Digiandomenico saw her art exhibit, “Italia Tipografia,” put on display in the Huber Art Center last week. Digiandomenico said she enrolled in the university as an exercise science major, but switched her major to art during the second semester of her freshman year because of the influence her art appreciation professor, Ben Culbertson, had on her. She has since submerged herself in the art major and the opportunities that the art department offers students, including the ability to display artwork in galleries. Digiandomenico took several pictures for her digital art exhibit currently on display in the Brindle Gallery during a trip to Italy last spring. The exhibit focused on typography in Italy and showed off several aspects of Italian culture. Typography is the creative art behind the arrangement of letters to make them aesthetically pleasing. The exhibit included street signs, shop signs and even graffiti to highlight the unique typography behind them. The only picture in her exhibit that excluded typography was “Colosseum,” which was a picture of the deteriorating Roman construction of the same name. The project took Digiandomenico about 15 hours to complete. “You can’t just do it all in one day,” Di-
giandomenico said. It took her three hours to filter through the hundreds of pictures she took during her trip to find the right ones for the project, 30 minutes to process and edit the photographs using Adobe Photoshop, and only 5-10 minutes to print. Digiandomenico also added detail to her photographs to catch the eye of viewers. “If you look at [one of my pieces], there’s a 3-D anaglyph effect,” Digiandomenico said. “I added it to the prints to add a different look to it.” The effect pulled the words off the paper and gave them an extreme sense of dimension. There are a total of eight pieces in Digiandomenico’s exhibit. These include “Cinema,” “Caffe,” “Bar,” “Always Positano,” “Spagna,” “Colosseum,” “Auto e Moto” and “Sorrento.” “Caffe,” which means “coffee” in Italian, shows the sign to a coffee shop. Another piece, “Bar,” shows the white letters indicating a bar. “Spagna,” which means “Spain,” is a more rustic piece that explores a gritty yet aesthetic view of a wall decorated by graffiti and posters. Digiandomenico’s “Italia Tipografia” exhibit will remain on display in the Kauffman Gallery through Feb. 15. The exhibit can be viewed during gallery hours from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday through Thursday, or by appointment.
Billboard Top 10 1. God’s Plan - Drake
6. Bad At Love - Halsey
2. Perfect - Ed Sheeran
7. New Rules - Dua Lupa
3. Finesse - Bruno Mars & Cardi B
8. MotorSport - Migos, Nicki Minaj & Cardi B
4. Havana - Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug
9. Say Something - Justin Timberlake ft. Chris Stapleton
5. Rockstar - Post Malone ft. 21 Savage
10. Thunder - Imagine Dragons
Movie Showtimes Showtimes for Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 13 and 14 at AMC Classic 7 in Chambersburg
Molly Foster/The Slate
The piece shown above, “Spagna,” or “Spain” in Italian, is a rustic piece that explores a gritty yet aesthetic view of a wall decorated by graffiti and posters.
1. Fifty Shades Freed
7:30 p.m.
2. Peter Rabbit
7:15 p.m.
3. The 15:17 to Paris
7:45 p.m.
4. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
7:00 p.m.
5. Winchester
7:40 p.m.
6. Maze Runner: The Death Cure
7:10 p.m.
7. Hostiles
6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Raider overcomes injuries, E2
Wrestling uses three pins to down Hilltoppers, 24-21 Courtesy of SU Sports Info. The Shippensburg University wrestling team got its third and final pin Saturday at heavyweight, as a victory by fall for sophomore Derek Berberick completed a comefrom-behind, 24-21 victory for the Raiders at West Liberty in Super Region 1 competition from the ASRC. SU (7-8) overcame losses in four of the first five bouts Saturday with its three pins — all of which were achieved in the first period. It was the second straight year that the Raiders survived a close match with West Liberty (57), as SU triumphed last year on criteria with the third tiebreaker (match points) after a 19-19 score. Pivotal victories by fall came at 133 pounds from sophomore Cole Rush [2:00] and at 174 pounds from sophomore Ryan Narber [2:38]. Before Narber’s pin, senior Abner Thompson scored three takedowns and used a late escape to score a 7-5 decision at 165 pounds. After trailing the whole match, SU had rallied to tie the score at 15-15. The 184-pound match was interesting, to say the least. Redshirt-freshman Alexi Castro scored three takedowns into the third period of his bout against Chris Cook, the No. 8-ranked wres-
tler in Super Region 1. However, Castro was called twice for stalling in the first period, a third time in the second period, and a fourth time in the third period — the last one while maneuvering on the side of the mat — resulting in a disqualification. Despite scoring three different times offensively and never yielding any points to his opponent, Castro was forced to take the disqualification — yielding six points to the Hilltoppers. Overall, the Raiders were called for stalling eight times in the match, compared to just four for the Hilltoppers. Undaunted, Shippensburg rallied with exciting wins at the final two weight classes to claim the match victory. At 197 pounds, redshirt-senior Evan Ramos posted a 2-0 decision over Logan Kemp — ranked No. 4 in Super Region 1. Ramos escaped in the second period and rode Kemp the entire third period. In each of his last four matches, Ramos has defeated a wrestler ranked among the Top 6 wrestlers at 197 pounds (Kemp (No. 4) on Saturday, Niebauer (No. 2) on Tuesday, Phipps (No. 3) last Saturday, and Budd (No. 6) last Friday). See “WRESTLE,” E2
Kayla Brown/The Slate
Boxing club home show delivers knock out punch The annual Shippensburg University Boxing Club show was held at Henderson Gymnasium Saturday night. The club competes in events all across the state, hosting one event each season at SU. There were 14 bouts in total, five of which featured Raiders. Eight different schools were featured, along with two gyms. Among the schools competing were Penn State University, Army, Navy and the University of Connecticut. There were several intense bouts throughout the night, the highlight most likely coming from Derrick Silva from Nye’s Gym against Adam Tidball of PSU. The only event to not end in a decision after all three rounds, Silva earned the result with a technical knockout (TKO) in the second round. Both fighters were going
hard from the beginning, but Silva began to gain the upper hand at the end of the first round. It got to the point when Tidball could not defend himself anymore against Silva’s onslaught, forcing the referee to call the match early. The majority of Shippensburg’s bouts came in the second half of the night. The club’s two victories also were in the final few bouts. Threetime Nationals qualifier Tylik Guilford was the main event, fighting in the last match. He picked up an exciting win in a decision to continue his impressive domination. “Overall, I was happy with my team’s performance. The guys dug deep,” said SU boxing club coach Travis Wylie. He also said the losses the club did have were very close and it was disappointing that the decisions did not go their way. See “BOXING,” E2
Women’s track and field, E3
Kayla Brown/The Slate
Senior sensation
Senior forward Dustin Sleva broke SU’s all-time scoring record Wednesday night at Millersville University.
Sleva breaks SU scoring record William Whisler Sports Editor
The SU boxing club held its annual home match inside Henderson Gymnasium on Saturday night.
Nate Powles Asst. Sports Editor
It is no secret that much of the Shippensburg University men’s basketball team’s success over the past three seasons has been based, in large, on the efforts of its All-American senior forward Dustin Sleva. On Wednesday night, Sleva cemented himself in SU lore, as he caught a pass in the low post, turned and drained a hook shot over a smaller defender as he has done so many times in his career. This time, Sleva’s two points gave him 1,826 for his career — and enough to pass former Raider and current SU assistant coach Chuck Davis as the university’s all-time leading scorer at Pucillo Gymnasium against Millersville University. Sleva entered the game needing 23 points to break Davis’ record and nearly set the record in the first half, as he had 21 points at the intermission. He finished the night with 27 points and 11 rebounds. He currently has 1,852 points after Saturday’s 81-68 win at Lock Haven University. “If we won three games this year the record would mean nothing,” Sleva said. “But to be where we are at and with everything we’ve accomplished and hoped to accomplish, along with scoring that many points and being the leader of this team really validates it as a legit record. It’s very humbling and I’m very proud, I just hope we have a strong season ahead of us.” After a sophomore season in which the Raiders followed up a 13-14 campaign with a Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Semifinal appearance after winning 20 games, Sleva has turned himself into one of the best players in the PSAC. During the 2016-17 season, Sleva’s stardom burst onto the national scene, as he was named an All-American — SU’s first First-Team All-American in school history — while averaging 21.7 points, 11 rebounds and three assists per game. He set an SU record for points in a season with 674 last year. He also led the Raiders to their first NCAA Tournament win in school
history over Virginia Union University last season. Career milestones have come in bulk for the senior this season. Sleva grabbed his 1,000th career rebound on Feb 3. against Mercyhurst University. He passed Davis’ points record on Wednesday, while also recording his 300th assist against the Marauders. “I couldn’t be more happy for him,” SU coach Chris Fite said. “The amount of time I’ve coached and the amount of players I’ve been around as a player and a coach, he is probably the best player I’ve been able to work with. For him to choose to come here and help us build this to what it is now, I am indebted to him and I’m pleased he’s achieving the things he is.” For Sleva, passing Davis was a special moment, as he has built a strong relationship with his assistant coach. “As great of a player as he was, to be able to pass him is special,” Sleva said. “Chuck was a special player and the way he shot the ball and the things that he did is similar to what I’ve been able to do. To personally know the person I passed is extremely special and I’m extremely proud.” The Pittsburgh native was also able to share the moment with his family that attended the Millersville game. “My family is all really supportive,” Sleva said. “Obviously my one brother [Dom Sleva] is here. My other brothers and sisters couldn’t make it, they were at the Cavs game since they had the tickets in advance, so they got to see the LeBron game-winner. My brother was on the phone with my dad when the game was happening wondering about me. I’ve got a tremendous amount of support from my friends and my family. Everyone is hitting me up about it and that means the world to me.” The Raiders currently sit at 18-4, 14-3 in the PSAC. SU can control its own destiny with victories over Kutztown University and West Chester University down the stretch. The Raiders hold a half-game lead over West Chester and a two-game lead over Kutztown.
Eagles celebrate championship with historic parade Nate Powles Asst. Sports Editor An estimated 2 million fans, according to ESPN, came out Thursday for the first-ever Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl championship parade. The event kicked off on a chilly morning at 11. The convoy started at the stadium complex on the corner of Broad and Pattison Streets, and traveled all the way down Broad Street to the Philadelphia Museum of Art where the ceremony took place. Fans were packed in on both sides of the street along the route, clamoring to get a look at the fabled Lombardi Trophy, carried on the first
bus by quarterbacks Carson Wentz and Nick Foles, as well as coach Doug Pederson. For more than four hours, dedicated fans braved the weather and waited patiently to hear their players give their victory speeches. The famed art museum steps were the site of the ceremony and people had claimed their spots at the base of the steps hours before the parade had even begun. At the beginning of the season, tackle Lane Johnson promised the city that if the Eagles won the Super Bowl, he would get everyone a free beer. See “PARADE,” E2
Nate Powles/The Slate
Backup quarterback Nate Sudfeld hoists the Lombardi Trophy, joined by Nick Foles, Carson Wentz and owner Jeffrey Lurie at the front of the parade.
February 13, 2018
Perzan perseveres over injury history William Whisler Sports Editor
Shippensburg University senior Sofia Perzan will not go down in the record books as an all-time great at SU. Perzan did not set any records at SU. But one thing she did do is persevere. Two significant knee injuries kept the forward off the field for most of her career, but on Oct. 13, Perzan had her moment. With the SU women’s soccer team leading California University of Pennsylvania 6-0, Perzan returned to the game in the final 10 minutes. While the next moment may not have determined the outcome of the game, it was monumental for the senior. Perzan pushed past one Vulcan defender before ploughing over another, fired a shot off her foot and into the back of the net to score her first — and only — goal of her career in the 90th minute. “Everyone was scoring goals left and right including all of these freshmen, and I was so excited for them,” Perzan said. “It is 6-0 but I don’t know what came over me, but I was just ready to do something. It was awesome. If that is the only time I’d score I’m fine with it because
I really worked for it. That’s all you can really ask for.” Entering her freshman season at SU, Perzan would be a player that the Raiders would count on for offense after she put together an outstanding high school career at Perry Hall High School in which she tallied 21 goals and 18 assists. Injuries changed that. Perzan suffered her first injury in her sophomore year of high school, when she dislocated her kneecap playing for the Pipeline Soccer Club during the summer. The injury sidelined her for three months and foreshadowed what was going to become an ongoing issue. “It was hard for me because I had to get ready for soccer since I played for a club team. High school and club are two different things, so when I wasn’t doing one I was doing the other,” Perzan said. “It didn’t hit me until I was going into my high-school season and I was sitting on the sideline and couldn’t play. It was easier though because it was only a three-month recovery.” Perzan came to SU in August 2014 and began preparing for her freshman season. Perzan ended up redshirting in 2014 before earning playing time for the Raiders
during the spring season. Perzan finally felt like she was in the right state of mind and was ready to begin playing at the high level she had ever since she began playing at the age of 6. She then suffered another injury — this one far more significant. Perzan tore her ACL during a spring game while attempting to score a goal, forcing her to miss her entire sophomore season. “I felt really happy and then in one of the spring games I was getting ready to go for a goal and I stepped one way and my knee went the other way. That was really frustrating for me mentally,” Perzan said. “Once the trainer told me it was my ACL I didn’t believe her because she couldn’t do the MRI on the field, so she couldn’t actually tell me that. “I tried to deny it and block it out, but once I got the MRI results back that’s when reality hit me. I would need surgery and I was probably going to be out for another year, so that was tough for me. I really thought my sophomore year was going to be my year.” The recovery process proved to be extremely difficult for Perzan, as she was not progressing as planned. She was not able to bend her
knee like she was supposed to be able to after her surgery, requiring another procedure. “Your surgeon usually has an itinerary of where you should be at a certain time, but it’s all based on how your body reacts to it. After the first month you’re supposed to be able to bend your knee at a 90-degree angle and I wasn’t anywhere close to that,” Perzan said. “I had to go in for a second operation which was a knee manipulation. They put you under anesthesia and they just bend your knee different ways to get it loose and break up the scar tissue. Photos courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info. “That held me back for a couple weeks and then I had Senior Sofia Perzan struggled with injuries in her a blood clot in my leg and I collegiate career, but returned to score a goal on had to go on blood thinners Oct. 13 against California University in a 7-0 win. for three months. I had a lot of pain in my knee as well as where the blood clot was in my calf. My whole leg just felt like it wasn’t even there. I had a very difficult recovery compared to the typical ACL injury. Typically, after three months you would be running and from there you go to more intense things like agility training. Usually it’s a 9-12 month recovery but I was over the 12-month mark.” See “PERZAN,” E3 Sofia Perzan poses with her family on Senior Day. From “WRESTLING,” E1 Ramos, ranked No. 1 in Super Region 1 (No. 3 in Division 2), has now defeated each of the six wrestlers ranked directly below him in Super Region 1 this season. The Ramos decision made it 21-18 in WLU’s favor, bringing the match down to heavyweight. Berberick pinned Ronnie D’Amico in 2:22 to give the Raiders the victory, marking the third time he has recorded a pin to give SU a comeback win (this year vs. LIU Post, last year vs. Messiah). West Liberty held leads of 15-6 and 21-15 in the match. The Hilltoppers opened with a pin at 125 pounds and got an 8-2 decision at 133 pounds from the nation’s No. 1-ranked wrestler, Darius Bunch. Shippensburg will complete its regular season at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday with a PSAC Division II dual meet at Kutztown. Shippensburg 24, West Liberty 21 125: Steven Slack (WLU) pins David Reagan (SU), 6:23 (0-6) 133: #1 Darius Bunch (WLU) dec. Dante Steffenino (SU), 8-2 (0-9) 141: Cole Rush (SU) pins Josh Talbot (WLU), 2:00 (6-9) 149: Tanner Sutton (WLU) dec. Cody Blankenship (SU), 5-2 (6-12) 157: Josh Cornell (WLU) dec. Brady Mentzer (SU), 7-1 (6-15) 165: Abner Thompson (SU) dec. Miles Mazik (WLU), 7-5 (9-15) 174: Ryan Narber (SU) pins Chance Morgan (WLU), 2:38 (15-15) 184: Chris Cook (WLU) def. Alexi Castro (SU), DQ (stalling) (15-21) 197: #3 Evan Ramos (SU) dec. Logan Kemp (WLU), 2-0 (21-18) 285: Derek Berberick (SU) pins Ronnie D’Amico (WLU), 2:22 (24-21) Records: West Liberty: 5-7 Shippensburg: 7-8
Photos by Nate Powles/The Slate
Estimates of attendees vary anywhere from 700,000 to 2 million. Regardless of the actual number, the fans showed their love for their team all afternoon. From “PARADE,” E1 Bud Light supported that promise and said it would supply the beer. The company confirmed after the Super Bowl that it would be keeping that promise at the parade. At taverns and bars on Broad Street, fans could claim their free beer. As players passed on the buses, they called out to the fans to toss them beers. Cans were thrown from every direction, often falling just short and spraying on the sidewalk. Fans were climbing trees, street lamps and traffic lights to get a better view of the passing parade, reminiscent of the celebrations in Philadelphia the night the Eagles won the title. The infamous fight song was belted out at every opportunity and was a surefire way to get others in the crowd involved. The highlight of the day was the ceremony at the museum. With legendary Eagles radio announcer Merrill Reese sharing master of ceremony responsibilities, Eagles players, as well as owner Jeffrey Lurie, general manager Howie Roseman and Pederson, took to the podium and shared their emotions and feelings after the biggest win of their careers. Some players only spoke for less than a minute, while others, like center Jason Kelce, went on for several minutes. Kelce, dressed in a traditional Philadelphia Mummers costume, delivered the most unforgettable
speech of the afternoon, emphasizing the underdog attitude the team carried all season. He mentioned almost every starter on the team by name and the criticism each had received at one point. He talked about how Pederson was rated as the worst coaching hire of the offseason two years ago, and how Roseman had been demoted from his general manager responsibilities during the Chip Kelly era. Both played huge parts in bringing the team to where it is now. Kelce was losing his voice the longer he went and got most excited when he talked about the fans. He said no one likes the Philadelphia fans because they are mean, going on to say he gets mad when he does not get breakfast in the morning. Only he used profanity to emphasize his point. Closing out his speech, Kelce started a chant that had become popular with Eagles fans as the season went on. The chant is full of profanity, forcing news stations, both national and local, to censor almost an entire minute. Kelce’s rant went viral and fans cheered him off the stage. A common theme throughout the ceremony was the promise that this was the new norm for the team. Wentz and Pederson both said the city should get used to this feeling, because it would not be long until the parade would head back down Broad Street.
Nate Powles/The Slate
Tylik Guilford, left, captured a Raider victory against Army in the main event of the SU boxing club’s show Thursday night at Henderson Gymnasium. From “BOXING,” E1 Thomas McIntyre started for the Raiders in the match immediately following the intermission. He went back and forth with Zubair Taalibuddeen from Cameron Street Gym, and the two seemed evenly matched going into the final round. The round seemed to go in favor of McIntyre, as his opponent did not put up much of a fight and was held against the ropes for the majority of the round. It was not enough for the judges, however, and
McIntyre narrowly dropped the bout. Cameron Hines was the next Raider to step into the ring and he picked up SU’s first win of the night, with an impressive decision over Mike Roberts from PSU. Hines had the advantage almost the entire bout and did not give Roberts many openings to get back into the match. Guilford took on Moses Sun from Army in the final bout. The two were highly touted at their schools and Sun kept pace with Guilford
for the entire bout. Army had won almost all of its bouts up until that point in the event, but Guilford did not let it have the same success. “This is just a stepping stone. I’m hoping to send a bunch of these guys to nationals. That is the ultimate goal,” Wylie said. The club will travel to Navy for its next show, and then on to Army and other schools in Pennsylvania before competing in regionals and then nationals.
February 13, 2018
Men’s basketball claims road game at Lock Haven, 81–68 Courtesy of SU Sports Info. The Shippensburg University men’s basketball team used a 13–2 run late in the second half on Saturday to pull away from Lock Haven and post an 81–68 victory over the Bald Eagles in a Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) road clash from Thomas Fieldhouse. Shippensburg (18–4, 14–3 PSAC) never trailed in the second half against Lock Haven (7–15, 5–13) but played within two possessions of the Bald Eagles for much of the frame. SU did reach a 10-point lead with 11:22 remaining, but LHU countered with an 11–4 run over the next 6:18 of play to make it a three-point game with less than five minutes remaining. The decisive Raider run included a 3-of-4 proficiency from three-point range and limiting the home team to just two points in 2:57 of play. SU led by double digits the rest of the way. Senior Dustin Sleva re-
corded his sixth straight double-double (16th of the season, 52nd of his career) with 22 points and 10 rebounds. Sleva made three three-pointers on the day. Senior Justin McCarthur delivered 17 points, including a pair of three-pointers, to go along with five assists and two steals. Junior Antonio Kellem scored 13 points, including three three-pointers, while sophomore John Castello contributed 11 points and seven rebounds despite some second-half foul trouble. Senior Clay Conner scored nine points, going 3-of-3 from the field and 2-of-2 at the free-throw line, while tying a career high with eight assists. Conner also did not commit a turnover, marking the 10th time this season that Conner has finished a game with one turnover or less. The athleticism of sophomore Na’Quan Council came into play down the stretch, as he grabbed five offensive rebounds in the game and finished with a
career-high seven boards in the game. Council also hit a three-pointer in the second half, finishing with five points in the game. Junior Manny Span added four points, two rebounds and two steals off the bench. Shippensburg committed just eight turnovers, marking the first time in the last 11 games that the team has not committed double-digit turnovers (seventh time overall this season). The Raiders made 10 three-pointers — five in each half — and made 13-of-15 (86 percent) from the free-throw line. Lock Haven got 22 points from Tarojae Brake and 17 points from Ra’eese Hunt. Amir Hinton, the conference’s second-leading scorer, came off the bench in the game and finished with 13 points. Shippensburg heads to Kutztown on Monday for a makeup game with the Golden Bears. Tip-off on Monday is at 7:30 p.m. from Keystone Arena.
Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Clay Conner tied a career-high in assists, with eight, in the crucial win against the Bald Eagles Saturday. He added nine points, providing a push to the offense.
Women’s track grabs new season bests at Staten Island Courtesy of SU Sports Info. The Shippensburg University women’s indoor track-and-field team had 10 athletes travel to Staten Island on Friday to compete in the prestigious Fastrack National Invitational, achieving multiple PRs and several season bests in competition from the Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex. Redshirt-senior Danielle Sciremammano qualified for the finals of the 60-meter hurdles by running 8.65 seconds — a new PR by .02 seconds that puts her even closer to Caitlin Stuetz’s 2013 school record (8.61 seconds). She ran 8.71 seconds in the finals placing seventh. Sciremammano also competed in the long jump, placing fifth in the invite event on a top mark of 17 feet, 11 3/4 inches (5.48 meters). The fifth-place finish came on one successful jump, as she rotated between the track and the sand on the day and had to pass several attempts as a result. Senior Kiana Tucker posted a three-second season best in the 400 meters, running SU’s fastest time of the season in the event by crossing the finish line in 57.74 seconds for a third-place finish. Also on the track, senior Jill Bertino com-
pleted the 200 meters in 26.31 seconds. Tucker ran the opening leg on the SU 4x400-meter relay that posted a four-second season best of 3:57.77, finishing sixth overall. She dropped a strong 57.87-second split that prefaced 59-second splits by Bertino and senior Lindsay Sheehan. Sophomore Cirsten Kelly anchored the relay. In the field, sophomore Sarah Bourdon and senior Kali Hepner competed in the invite event of the pole vault. Bourdon tied for eighth place by clearing the opening height of 11 feet, 3 3/4 inches. In the high jump, Kali Dawson cleared 5 feet, 3 inches. Redshirt-seniors Paige Shirk and Ava Bonetti maintained their consistent, strong form in throws. Shirk posted NCAA-provisional marks of 57 feet, 8 1/2 inches in the weight throw (finishing fourth overall) and 44 feet, 11 3/4 inches in the shot put. It is Shirk’s second-best weight throw mark of her career, finishing only behind her school record throw six days ago. Bonetti posted a shot put of 44 feet, 11 3/4 inches and a weight throw of 44 feet, 4 inches. Shippensburg concludes its regular season next weekend with a last-chance meet at the Kutztown Team Challenge.
Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Danielle Sciremammano earned a PR, closer to the SU 60-meter hurdle record. From “PERZAN,” E2
Photos courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Perzan pushes the ball up field against Slippery Rock University on Senior Day for the Raiders. SU lost the game 3-0 while celebrating its 2017 senior class.
Members of SU’s 2017 senior class pose with family and coaches before SU’s Senior Day contest against Slippery Rock University at SU’s David See Field.
The setbacks were challenging for Perzan. “It was tough. Especially since I was transitioning from my physical therapist back home to the one here since they were kind of on different pages,” Perzan said. “My doctor at home was really rushing it, but when I got here things were a lot slower, which I think may have been the better option anyway. I also met another person who was so much farther ahead of me with the same injury and that just made me mad and wondering why I wasn’t there.” Perzan returned to SU and pushed her way through physical therapy and finally, one year later, was cleared to return to play in May 2017. While she was able to play when called upon, she had not yet mentally been able to get back to her normal self on the field. “It was really hard transitioning back into it because I came into preseason not having anything to go off of. I hadn’t been on the field, I hadn’t practiced, I hadn’t done anything except run by myself,” Perzan said. “I think I also went in with bad thoughts in my head. “My cutting wasn’t very good, and I was really hesitant with the ball, and I couldn’t run full sprint because I was nervous something would happen to my
knee. I had to wear a brace which obviously helped, but my first game back was against Kutztown in a home game. I felt really good. I was a little rusty, but my coach even told me during preseason that my head was somewhere else, which it was. I was always afraid of what would happen if I did this or that, which took over for the first few weeks.” Entering her senior season, it looked like things were finally going to be normal. Perzan was excited that she would finally be able to play a full season and that the injuries were behind her. Then, her knee swelled up during preseason workouts. “That was very frustrating. That was all from the knee surgery too. It’s very common, it’s called patella femoral syndrome. My knee started swelling up, so I had to get it drained and I needed a cortisone shot,” Perzan said. “Since then it has been smooth sailing, so they just think it was overworked from the summer and getting back into the preseason and all of the physical contact that irritated it.” Perzan was cleared to play and returned to play minutes in games down the stretch for the Raiders in 2017. She finally scored her goal at home against Cal. “It was awesome, honestly. Granted, I know we were up 6–0, and not that they’re an easy team to play because
they are one of our toughest competitors, but it was a relief,” Perzan said. “I always wanted to just show my coach that I can do it. “The point of my position is to score goals. You can do everything else but at the end of the day, you’re supposed to be getting balls into the back of the net. I felt like I was the only one at my position not doing that. I wanted to show that regardless of my injuries I could score a goal and I could play soccer. It definitely lifted my spirits up.” Perzan will graduate with a degree in communication/ journalism in the spring of 2018. While she is unsure of where life after graduation will take her, she knows that she will look back on her time at SU with friendships that will last a lifetime. “I’ll definitely look back on all of the relationships I’ve made and the friendships I’ve gained,” Perzan said. “I’m a big believer that playing a sport is one thing, but having that bond with the people you play with is so much more enjoyable. I have the sport I’ve played all my life, but I also have these girls who are going to be my friends forever.” While she may have been limited on the court, Perzan’s character and ability to stare adversity in the face and overcome it will prove to carry her forward in life.
Carter to be inducted into Clarion Univeristy ‘Sports Hall of Fame’
Courtesy of Clarion University
Shippensburg University President Laurie Carter will be inLaurie Carter ducted into Clarion Univeristy’s Sports Hall of Fame on May 4 SU President at 7 p.m. in the Gemmell Center Multipurpose Room at Clarion. Carter, a two-time national qualifier, was 100 — second only to her sister. The duo led an outstanding hurdler, athlete and leader Clarion to a fourth-place finish at PSAC’s of Clarion University’s women’s track team as a team, another school record. In 1982, from 1981-84 under coach Bill English. A Carter placed second at PSAC’s in the 100 native of Rutherford, New Jersey, and a hurdles, third in the 400 hurdles, qualified 1980 graduate of Hackensack High School, again for the D-II nationals and earned all Carter came to Clarion in the fall of 1980 to PSAC honors in the 4x100 relay. She placed join her sister Taryn Carter (2014 inductee) third at PSAC’s in 1983 in the 100 hurdles. and made an immediate impact. As team captain for three seasons (1982Carter placed second at PSAC’s in the 84), she was unable to compete during the 100 and 400 hurdles and qualified for the 1984 season due to an injury. The Golden 1981 AIAW Division II National Champi- Eagles did not lose a dual meet from 1981onships. She ran a school record 1:05.43 in 83 with Carter and her sister, Taryn, leading the 400, setting a school record that lasted the way. They are the first sisters elected to for 26 years, while also running a 14.5 in the the Clarion Sports Hall of Fame.
February 13, 2018
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