The Slate 11-10-20

Page 1

America must come together, B1

Dating in the COVID-19 pandemic C1

Musicians entertain outside CUB, D1

Graybill runs into SU record books, E1

@ShipUSlate Tuesday




The Slate @ShipUSlate

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Reporting truth. Serving our community.

Volume 64 No. 12

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

America elects 46th president ShipVotes reflects on election season Noel Miller News Editor

Noel Miller/The Slate

Thousands of people filled the streets of Washington, D.C., Saturday celebrating president-elect Joe Biden’s projected win in the 2020 election. People waved flags and signs at Black Lives Matter Plaza and H Street.

Voters celebrate in nation’s capital Noel Miller News Editor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Washington, D.C., held its breath Saturday as the city – and the rest of the nation – waited for the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election to be announced. Around 11:30 a.m. at the Voters Decided Rally in McPherson Square, Congresswoman Eleanor Norton was giving a speech of encouragement to attendees and voters when the week-long struggle for the White House finally ended. The crowd’s attention shifted from Norton as a CNN live-broadcast began

to play on the screen behind Norton. People nudged those standing next to them and began to point. Time paused as people read the banner at the bottom of the screen which said, “Joseph Biden Jr. elected 46th president.” There was a split second before the crowd was hit with the full realization of what they had witnessed. Voices rippled through the crowd saying, “We won.” That moment, when the finish line was finally crossed, would be the last bit of calm many attendees and the nation’s capital would have in the coming hours. Several speakers came to the stage but within the hour the rally was ready

to march to Black Lives Matter Plaza. An event organizer walked up to the stage and addressed the rally, instructing them to organize and pick up signs at the starting point, “Let’s do what we do best, let’s march. Let’s show our power,” he said. With that, the crowd surrounding the stage in McPherson Square began to disperse, as reporters struggled to get to the front of the river of people beginning to march. It was a sunny day in Washington on Saturday, but the sun seemed to shine even brighter as joyous people marched through the streets. See “WASHINGTON,” A2

From dawn till dusk on Nov. 3, ShipVotes volunteers worked to help Shippensburg University student voters get to the polls to cast their votes. ShipVotes, a non-partisan coalition, worked to get students registered to vote and inform students of their options for Election Day. Student and faculty volunteers visited University 101 classes to talk about voter registration, registered students at tables in the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) and raised awareness about mail-in and absentee ballots in preparation for the 2020 presidential election. On Election Day, ShipVotes set up tables to greet students at an on-campus bus stop to help direct SU students to the Vigilant Hose Fire Co. polling station. The coalition worked with SU Student Affairs Vice President Barry McClanahan to coordinate their efforts at the bus stops on Election Day, according to Eyoel Delessa, a ShipVotes faculty lead. Michael Duignan, CUB executive director secured a bus from

Wolf’s Bus Lines, a private transportation company, which also provided transportation in the evening. Delessa said officials provided transportation from 7 a.m.-8 p.m., with around 100 students riding the bus to the polls. Fewer students took buses to the polls than in previous years, however, Delessa said this is because many students drove themselves, went home to vote or used mail-in and absentee ballots. In 2016, 68% of the student population got out to vote and ShipVotes expects this year’s turnout to be much higher, according to Delessa. He said the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) from Tufts University will provide the statistics of SU’s student voter turnout. The information will be made available on the ShipVotes’ website shipvotes/. A table outside of the CUB had ShipVotes volunteers — both students and faculty — throughout the day. ShipVotes provided hot chocolate, water and snacks for students on the windy, brisk day. See “VOTES,” A2

Coming together after the election Community honors veterans Political science professor explains polarization

Jacqui Cavalere Copy Editor

The 2020 Presidential Election has people all over the world guessing what might happen to the United States now that a president has finally been announced. Multiple news organizations are projecting former vice president Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election, after gaining Pennsylvania’s electoral votes Saturday. Biden’s projected win comes after months of division prior to the election including uncivil debates, harassment of campaign officials and supporters and many demonstrations — both civil and not civil. For many, the 2020 election season was a sign of a nation and a people, that needs fixing. As Biden prepares his administration to take the White House in 2021, some are asking, “Will it get worse?” Even before the election began, people had resorted to boarding up store windows as the world anticipated what might come. Shippensburg University political science professor Alison Dagnes felt very strongly about the future of America as the nation anticipates a potentially dangerous aftermath of the election. “The 2020 elections proved that America is more divided than we have ever been in modern history.” Dagnes said. “Our divisions run deep and feel powerfully personal. We take our political beliefs and wind them so tightly around us, we cannot extricate ourselves from our partisan team.” Between the division driven by the Black Lives Matter movement over the summer, to people choosing whether or not they would

wear a mask during the COVID-19 coronavirus, 2020 has been filled with historical events that some interpret as meaningful change and others as uncontrollable chaos. As both parties choose to ignore and harass each other rather than accept and respect each other for their own political belief, Dagnes said the members of the nation need to step up. “Our polarization will grow and worsen as long as politicians and media figures gain from our division,” Dagnes said. “We can slow the progression of our discord if we chose not to take the bait.” Dagnes said this means actively choosing to not click on emotional social media content that makes one angry and hateful toward neighbors or others. It also means choosing not to watch “loud” cable news programs that further enrage and divide. She added that to ignore that bait means choosing alternatives such as talking with people with whom one may disagree and choosing to understand that those with a different opinion should not be considered the enemy. As Democrats and Republicans collectively fear about what the future will look like in the opposing party’s control, Dagnes said Americans need to try to willingly come together. Dagnes thinks it is a possibility if the entire nation agrees to step up. “We can see that we are more than just one thing and find common ground with others,” Dagnes said. “Mostly, we need to unplug and move away from the hostility that serves very few, if only to remember that what makes America special is our political system that allows fairness, representation and compromise.”

Hannah Pollock/The Slate

A field of American flags stands next to the Shippensburg Rail Station in honor of Veteran’s Day. The Rotary Club of Shippensburg organized the display, with community members and businesses also sponsoring flags. There are 100 flags just off Earl Street in Shippensburg, according to the Rotary Club’s website.


A2 From “VOTES,” A1

At the polling place, Katy Clay, retired SU history professor and founder of ShipVotes, along with other faculty volunteers greeted student voters and helped student voters with questions or concerns. Clay had training from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Election Protection Program “just to make sure students who were voting, if they faced any issues or had any problems, had a resource at the polling site to talk to someone to get information and get help,” Delessa said. ShipVotes also had student volunteers helping out on Election Day in which students could connect. Siara Gutierrez, Ian Coyne, Kristin Zellner and Ninal Mitchelle were the core group of student volunteers for ShipVotes and did “tremendous work” on behalf of the coalition, Delessa said. Coyne and Mitchelle are two of the fellows for the Campus Election En-

gagement Project (CEEP) and were student leaders and organizers for ShipVotes, Delessa said. Gutierrez and Coyne set up at the CUB and attended it in the morning with Delessa. Nina Mitchelle, although working remotely, led their online social media campaign to prepare for Election Day. When asked what the student volunteers bring to ShipVotes, Gutierrez said it is the student perspective. “We know what’s going on, we know what students are struggling with when it comes to voting,” Gutierrez said. Even in non-election years, ShipVotes works to get students registered to vote and spread voter information. By looking at the statistics they receive, people will be able to show the impact ShipVotes work has had on the campus, Delessa said. “We went all out, and hopefully it had a positive impact,” Delessa said.

November 10, 2020

Your World Today

Commentary: Students must continue to maintain efforts through end of semester

Hannah Pollock Editor-in-Chief

Noel Miller/The Slate

Eyoel Delessa and his dog, Nike, sit at the ShipVotes’ table outside the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) with voter transportation and election information.

First-generation college students share experiences Jacqui Cavalere Copy Editor

Four Shippensburg University first-generation college students talked about their unique experiences in a panel held Nov. 6 during the First-Generation Celebration Week. Luke Blank, an English education major, Cassidy Keiholtz, psychology major, Regina Yeung, political science major, and Dee Dee Floyd, an English education major, answered a series of questions about their experiences as first-generation students. “Being a first-generation student comes with its struggles, but it goes to show how we can still persevere and go over that hill of struggles with the university backing me up and showing their support for me,” Yeung said. Yeung and the other students shared how being a first-generation student definitely comes with its challenges but getting through those challenges is what matters. All the students listed types of challenges they faced, and praised the people in their lives who helped them overcome their struggles. Blank talked about how his parents were against the idea of him going to college. “My parents did everything that they could to tell me that the decision I was making was a horrible decision and that I was going to regret it,” Blank said. “On the other hand, my grand mom constantly calls me to let me know how proud she is of me, and that has done a lot to get me through my college exFrom “WASHINGTON,” A1

The crowd walked into a new America — with hopes of improved political and social atmospheres. A group of activists led the march while holding a sign that read “Immigrants are #heretoday,” one of the many activist groups that joined the march. Police were on the street corners helping to direct marchers and traffic as the crowd rounded corners before reaching Black Lives Matter Plaza, where others had already gathered. The celebrations ranged from people climbing onto concrete road dividers trying to capture videos, the popping of champagne bottles and homemade signs bobbing above the crowd, held by proud supporters. American flags, Pride flags, Biden flags, BLM flags were worn or waved all down the plaza. Drivers honked car horns and cheered out their windows as the majority of the

perience.” Blank said his high school guidance counselors greatly impacted his decision to go to college. According to Blank, they supported him through every decision and encouraged him to do what he feels is best for his life. The student-panelists also discussed where they would see themselves had they not chosen to attend college. Keiholtz said she would probably have either gone to community college or would have been stuck working at her hometown grocery store. Floyd, who had always wanted to join a great marching band, said she would have gone to a Historically Black College or University. She has been accepted into several HBCUs but ultimately decided to go to SU instead. The stuents also discussed what characteristics they were searching for in colleges. For Floyd, her main priority was finding a university that could provide her with the “home away from home” feeling. She felt she needed to be comfortable with the school she chose to have a good college experience. Keiholtz said she looked for a college closer to her home, while Yeung focused on a college with a strong program for her major. All the students also collectively agreed that cost was another major priority while college searching because they are all paying for their own tuition. To close the panel, the students spoke about how they were proud of themselves and the journey they are on.

city beamed with joy. District residents held signs and flags out the windows of their homes cheering on the crowd from above. People of all ages — teenagers, young adults, college students, children on their parents shoulders, older people and even dozens of dogs — swarmed the streets in celebration. Amid the celebrations in the city, were also those who were disappointed with the election results. Supporters of President Donald Trump were also in the city, waving flags and holding signs. Some were quiet, while others chanted in support of their favored candidate. For many, the last four years were filled with anxiety and trepidation. The nation held its breath between the closing of the polls and when officials finally projected a winner. As Americans sat in the grass of the National Mall, it sounded as if the city let out a sigh of relief.

As the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to impact communities, schools are seeking out ways they can assist their students while maintaining a quality education. Officials recently announced the opportunity for Shippensburg University students to choose the pass/fail grading option for the fall 2020 semester According to an email sent last week by Provost Tom Ormond, the option will allow students to replace any grade, “A, A-, B, B-, C+ and C” with “Pass.” “D” will be replaced with “Pass*.” A follow-up email also announced the extension of the withdrawal period for all fall 2020 courses to Dec. 8, which is a few days after the end of finals week. Students can save their GPA by withdrawing from a course, receiving a “W” instead of a failing grade that drives down their average. Personally, I think officials offering this grading system again is mostly beneficial. However, (this is not going to be popular with my peers) I have some reservations with the option. In January 2020, SU students returned to what they thought would be a normal spring semester. Little did we know we were all in for a wild ride. After leaving

campus for spring break, our classrooms changed from a room in the Dauphin Humanities Center to our living rooms. Regulations created to contain the coronavirus uprooted any sense of routine we had. Students were thrown into less-than-ideal academic and personal situations halfway through the spring semester. While some remained in local off-campus housing with consistent internet connection and little interruptions, others went home where family members gathered amid the shutdown. A student’s home may not always offer a quality learning environment. Perhaps it is a lack of technological resources, a colicky younger sibling or going to work as an “essential worker” to help support one’s family. The conditions last semester were difficult; there is no discounting that fact. There were a lot of elements factoring into a student’s ability to complete work last semester. We did not have a choice to attend virtually — it was the only option. Students who did not want an online education found themselves logging into Zoom instead of sitting in a classroom. The pass/fail option was necessary because students did not know what they were getting into at the beginning of the semester. But in June, when officials said students would have the opportunity to return to campus, we were given an option. Granted, we would not be returning to the campus we once knew. We would return to a campus filled with tents, temperature checks, hand sanitizer and limited capac-

ity classrooms. Nonetheless, we had a vague idea of what the semester would look like. My concern with the pass/fail option this semester arises from those who will choose to abuse the opportunity. For many students, this year has been difficult. From academics to our personal lives, we have had to endure a lot. These students, who are continuing to try to succeed in their classes, deserve the opportunity to save their GPAs if their best right now is not equivalent to their best last year. Students must give themselves a break and understand that things are very different now than last year. The ability for students to choose the pass/ fail option gives them a little bit of control in a world filled with uncertainty. But we as students must also keep trying. I do not think students should rely on this option. We have to work hard and make the best of what we are given. The pass/fail option should not be a “free pass” to skip classes and do the bare minimum. Most of our professors are working hard to offer a quality educational experience in these uncertain times. We must maintain our efforts through the end of the semester. I, like my peers, am grateful for officials to extend this opportunity. But I will also continue to work and attend my classes in efforts to earn the best grade I can under these conditions. I urge my fellow students to treat the pass/fail option as an “in case of emergency” option; do not soley rely on it.

Weather Forecast Tuesday












Noel Miller/The Slate

People marched down the streets of Washington, D.C., Saturday celebrating the announcement of Biden’s 2020 presidential election win. Thousands of people gathered in the city like other cities across the nation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020



The Slate Speaks

Biden calls for American unity after divisive election Americans set records in turnout for the 2020 Presidential Election. The Washington Post is reporting the highest voter turnout in a generation, with 62.3% of the voting-eligible population participating in the election. And officials are expecting the number to continue to grow. This is a step in the right direction — to see our fellow Americans playing an active role in democracy. It is important for citizens to be involved in selecting our national, state and community leaders. After a few days of counting ballots, officials announced Saturday that former Vice President Joe Biden was the winner of the race. Following a very divisive election, Americans must now come together as citizens of one nation — not members of opposing political parties. President-elect Joe Biden called for Americans to band together in a speech Saturday night.

“We are not enemies. We are Americans,” Biden said. He then referenced the Bible saying there is a season for everything, including healing. “This is the time to heal in America,” Biden said. In previous appearances, Biden has said he will be a president for all Americans, not just the ones who voted for him. While some may be disappointed or upset with the outcome, this election proved that Americans do care about what happens in their government. Whether you voted for Biden, Donald Trump or any other candidate, it is time to come together and work together to make America better. Let us not throw away four years of potential progress just because one’s candidate won or lost. Reach out to one another, neighbor to neighbor, to work together to create a better society for us all.

Give it a thought:

COVID-19 exposes government mistrust, individualism problems

Chase Slenker Staff Columnist

Chaela chats commentary: “You’re so white”

Chaela Williams

Asst. Ship Life Editor

For the majority of my life, people have told me how I should act and speak. Growing up in a somewhat strict Jamaican household, speaking the “Queen’s English” and being respectful were extremely important. Maybe it was my parent’s disgust with stereotypical African American behavior, or perhaps it was going to a boujee (bourgeoisie) elementary school that heavily impacted my personality and how I would act in order to be as posh as possible. I had no idea how different my fam-

ily acted from the other Black families in our community until people kept asking me and my family if we were military. In middle school it became more prevalent as the Black kids would just stare at me every time I spoke with my friends as if I was a science experiment. What made things worse was the fact that teachers took notice of my difference and treated me better than my other Black peers. My “friends” would randomly say things like, “I’m so glad you don’t act like them,” and my personal favorite “Chaela, you are such an ‘oreo.’” With my interests in writing, marching band and anime and manga, my blackness was always questioned. My hobbies were labeled as “white” by both white and Black students. People became bolder and more ignorant, confused to why I didn’t talk in AAVE (African-American Vernacular English), wear urban clothes and care less about school. The stereotypes were heavily pushed and reinforced by my peers. I was praised and ridiculed by my white peers for “acting white” — a cod-

ed reminder that no matter what I was still a “Negro.” Of course, I was never afraid to put my problematic white peers in their place. However, I also felt isolated from the Black community for not being “Black enough.” To its standards, I acted like a sellout more than anything. A couple of people have asked me why I never went to an HBCU (historically Black college/university) or joined Shippensburg University’s Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA). To be honest it is because I faced a lot of criticism by my own people on my mannerisms and interests, so I decided to spare myself from the chance of more isolation and insults by staying away from such institutions and groups. As I continue to grow, I am not afraid to be unapologetically myself. I am Black, and that does not mean I have to act stereotypically. Just because I speak properly and dress nicely does not mean I am trying to assimilate or disregard my culture, ancestry and family. I am more than my skin color.

Where’s your voice? •

Shippensburg University students, staff, faculty, administrators and affiliated people are welcome to submit letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be no more than 300 words and may not contain derogatory language or messages of hate or discrimination.

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Letters should be sent to The Slate one week prior to the day of publication. Late letters may be accepted but published the next week.

Disclaimer •

The views and opinions expressed in this section are those of the writer and not of The Slate or University.

The unsigned staff editorial, “The Slate Speaks,” represents the views and opinions of The Slate as an organization. Participating editors help shape the staff editorial.

America has been known as a country of devout individualism since its foundation, with Alexis De Tocqueville commenting in 1835 in “Democracy In America” that the country breeds the dangers of “rugged individualism,” leading to majoritarian politics. That individualism has become a core value to our nation’s social norms and our values with many positive aspects; however, as of late, the adverse effects of this individualism have been shown in light of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Our society’s individualism and distrust of government has grown worse, creating an atmosphere in which Department of Health mandates are seen as totalitarian attacks on freedom and liberty. Across the country, protesters have come out to defend their “right to a haircut,” in the words of a protestor interviewed at a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, protest in April, believing the stay-athome orders infringe upon their personal liberties. Regardless of personal opinion on the constitutional extent of stay-at-home orders and capacity limitations on businesses, it is simply fact that a recognizable portion of our population views the stay-at-home orders as authoritarianism and massive government overreach. In a way, it appears many are appearing to defend their right to contract the virus, saying the government shouldn’t

Management Hannah Pollock...................Editor-in-Chief ........................................Managing Editor News Noel Miller....................................... Editor

THESLATEONLINE.COM Reporting truth. Serving our community. Contact Us (717) 477-1778 Mailing Address The Slate - Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Office Location Ceddia Union Building Room 250 Shippensburg University Adviser Dr. Michael Drager About The Slate The Slate is a weekly, volunteer, student-run newspaper published by the Gettysburg Times. Its print edition is published on Tuesdays and its website,, is maintained 24/7. Weekly meetings are held on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in The Slate office. All are welcome to attend, but we ask you notify management ahead of time. Staff positions are held on either a one semester or one academic-year term. There are no term limits. The Slate hires new members throughout the year based on its needs. The Slate does not

Opinion Tiana Thomas.....................Opinion Editor Chase Slenker...........................Columnist Maria Maresca...........................Columnist Adam Friscia..............................Columnist Noah Steinfeldt..........................Columnist Matthew Unger...........................Columnist Ship Life Chaela Williams......................Asst. Editor Morgan Barr............................Asst. Editor Sports Isaiah Snead...........................Asst. Editor Christian Eby...........................Asst. Editor A&E Ryan Cleary......................................Editor

discriminate against anyone based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc. Undergraduate and graduate SU students are hired based on skill, dedication and loyalty to the values and principles of journalism. Funding for The Slate is provided primarily by the SU Student Government. The Slate is required to payback a portion of its funding via the selling of advertising space. Ads do not represent the position of The Slate in any manner. See our Advertising Media Kit for rules and policies on ads.

dictate their actions to prevent the spread of a global virus. The argument against this is that the expression of one’s right to contract the virus does not just impact the one individual making a choice, but infringes on other’s ability to make that choice, otherwise this would be a much simpler debate. This whole situation represents American society’s distrust of government at a time when trusting institutions is essential for a cohesive response. Distrust in government has always been part of what makes America what it is, but public distrust has grown to a dangerous level, certainly worthy of being addressed. COVID-19 has exposed a whole slew of problems within the American value system. A 2019 Pew Research Study found that 74% of Americans feel the country distrusts the federal government more than two years prior. That trend has continued to grow, according to the Gallup Historical Index. This pandemic has caused man to turn against man and has fueled partisan debates, distrust in government and divided the nation in a time when we are in dire need of unification and a cohesive plan to address the pandemic and its economic fallout. Yes, individualism is an essential component of the American Dream and is an important value leading to free choice and self-determination, but that individualism in today’s COVID-19 world has left person against person, a patch-work collection of health policies and procedures and a nation pitted against itself. We need unity and cohesiveness in these challenging times of unprecedented government mistrust and rugged individualism to recover the economy, protect the vulnerable and move on in a post-pandemic world. As the saying goes, united we stand; divided we fall.

Multimedia Carmine Scicchitano.....................Director Heather Ross...............Staff Photographer Copy Jacqueline Cavalere.........................Editor Public Relations Olivia Faenza................................Director Paige Shope.........................Asst. Director Brady Cannizzaro.................Asst. Director Business/Advertising Nathan Farr..................................Manager General Staff Emma Tennant.................................Writer Bailey Cassada................................Writer Adam Beam.....................................Writer Julianna Vaughan.............................Writer Blake Garlock...................................Writer Austin Trevino..................................Writer Robyn Klawitter................................Writer Jack Ansley......................................Writer Grace Gilfert.....................................Writer Hiring in all sections -Asst. editors -Writers -Photographers -Asst. directors Copyright Notice All content on and in the newspaper is property of The Slate, unless otherwise stated. No content may be taken, copied, retrieved, used or published elsewhere for any reason, unless where the law dictates it is acceptable. A signed and dated agreement must be made for Slate property to be used elsewhere, and attribution to The Slate and the appropriate staff member(s) must be given.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Ship Life

4 helpful tips for staying afloat during finals week Tyler Bachik

Guest Contributor

Chaela Williams / The Slate

During this time of uncertainty and isolation, many have used dating apps like Tinder to escape, trying to obtain a relationship during this tough time.

Finding love during COVID-19 The ups and downs of gaining a partner

Chaela Williams

Asst. Ship Life Editor

Months have passed since the COVID-19 coronavirus quarantine began and establishments are still implementing social distancing causing many to continue to self-isolate and cut themselves off from social interaction. For many students, college is the time to explore new romantic relationships but with coronavirus not going away anytime soon, many are struggling to find love at Shippensburg University. SU senior *Rebecca has been single for a long time before COVID-19, using dating apps like Tinder, Hinge and Bumble on rotation. “I have always been trying to put myself out there. I find that nowadays with our generation it is just harder to find a relationship, general pandemic or not,” Rebecca said.

According to a report from The Today Show, dating apps such as Bumble and Tinder saw a 19-26% increase in usage in mid-March. Vice Magazine reported that Generation Z (people born after 1995) have less sex than teenagers in the 1990s and are less likely to want a serious relationship. With a mix of Generation Z’s supposed lack of commitment and almost no social events, many are losing hope on ever finding their “person” in college. “I think it would be nice to have someone so it would not be so lonely and stressful,” Rebecca said. “[To have] someone other than family & friends to lean on and share life with.” Other students in preexisting relationships before COVID-19 had to figure out how to keep their love healthy and alive. “Me and my girlfriend maintain our relationship

during coronavirus by spending as much time together as we can, since we can’t go out as much, we have more at home dates,” said senior Sam Kelk. Grace Lippert, a West Chester University student, already had trouble maintaining her long-distance relationship with her boyfriend before COVID-19 made things worse. Lippert started to date her boyfriend eight months ago before quarantine, skipping the traditional dating style. They tried to text and FaceTime as much as possible and keep each other updated on one another’s lives before calling it quits in early November. “It was rough because we didn’t have a strong base before the long distance so that definitely didn’t help,” Lippert said.

With the end of the school year fast approaching and finals just around the corner, it is now crunch time for many Shippensburg University students. Assignments are beginning to pile up and with deadlines right around the corner and it can seem like you are in over your head. Add in the massive amount of studying needed for exams and it can be overwhelming. However, by following these simple tips to become a more efficient student, you will have an easier time dealing with the stress surrounding finals and be successful with your exams and assignments. Create a to-do list As cliché as it sounds, making a simple list of all your assignments and up-

coming exams can really help. Not only will it help you visualize what needs to be done but it can assist with organizing your schedule to complete each task.

Use an agenda There are online resources that you can use to better plan out your work schedule. Sites such as mystudylife. com and are created specifically for students to manage their calendar and can link up with other programs to create customizable alerts for your classes. Not to mention they are free to use. Set aside break times It can be easy to get sucked into the endless void of studying, reading and typing but setting aside time for breaks can help immensely. It gives your brain time to reset and allows you to go back to work with a fresh set

of eyes. A common strategy used is 30 minutes of work followed by a 10-minute break. This ensures that you have plenty of time to complete your work, but also some rest to pull yourself back together after. Communicate with others During these stressful times it is important to have a friend group or family members to reach out to if you are feeling worried. Sitting down and having an honest conversation to air your feelings can seriously help your mental state this time of the school year. Parents, siblings and other students have been in your shoes before, so they can calm you down and provide the support you may need to power through your last bit of work.

APB hosts ‘Rage Room’

Read the full story at

Recipe of the Week: Pumpkin Bread

Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate

SU students smash a car to let go of frustrations from the semester and COVID-19 at the commuter parking lot on Nov. 6.

Ingredients: -11/2 cups all-purpose flour -1/2 tsp baking soda -1/2 tsp baking powder -1/2 tsp salt -1/2 tsp ground cinnamon -1/4 tsp pumpkin spice -2/3 cup granulated sugar -2/3 cup brown sugar -1/4 cup milk -1 egg -1 cup canned pumpkim puree Recipe and photo by Chaela Williams/The Slate

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Preheat the oven to 350º F. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, cinnamon, salt, baking soda, baking powder and pumpkin spice. 2. In a large bowl, combine the sugar, brown sugar, milk and egg whites. Add in the canned pumpkin, and mix together well. 3. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the pumpkin mixture, stirring until everything is combined. Thoroughly spray a loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray. 4. Pour the batter into the loaf pan and bake for 55 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Question of the Week: What are your plans for winter break?

Kerrisa Williams, sophomore “Probably work [and] hangout with the family.”

Casey Wood, freshman

Khael Matias, sophomore

Hailey Wilcox, freshman

Taylor Thomas, freshman

“I’m going to Virginia because my

“I’m gonna go home and me and my boyfriend are going to bring our families together.”

“My mom made reservations for the

“I’m going to do friendsgiving with my friend Hailey and spending time with my family.”

sister is going off to the army and I will visit her for a little bit.

Capital Grille so her and I will be going there on Thanksgiving day.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Photos by Hannah Pollock/The Slate

Members of the SU-Community Orchestra performed Sunday afternoon.

Musicians perform unconventional concert String, flute groups play

Hannah Pollock Editor-in-Chief

Shippensburg University and community musicians filled the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) Ampitheater with music Sunday afternoon. This was the second Sunday concert event by SU students. The string ensemble, led by director and SU music professor Mark Hartman, per-

formed music from “Don Quixote” by Georg Phillipp Teleman, and Gustav Holst’s “Jig.” A socially distanced audience of family, friends and students sat in the afternoon sun to listen to the music. The SU-Community String Orchestra also performed, playing a number of pieces, including selections by Edvard Grieg. Members of the flute choir also performed later in the afternoon.

Billboard Top 10

Commentary: Feel-good songs to brighten your mood Bailey Cassada Staff Writer

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has been stressful for everyone. While I have also been stressed, there is one thing that never fails to lift my spirits — music. The music we listen to is a constant reflection of our emotions. Not only that, it is also very therapeutic and can have the ability to change our mood. I realized that despite the stress, sadness and anxiety, music will always be there. Here are a few songs that never fail to cheer me up: “Put Your Records On” by Ritt Momney This is a popular song on the social media platform TikTok. Originally by Corinne Bailey Rae, this cover by Ritt Momney allows for his style to shine by adding his own effects and slowing parts down. It gives a summertime vibe and is a great song as it reminds listeners to relax and enjoy life. “I Just Wanna Shine” by Fitz and The Tantrums “‘Cause I’m sure good things will happen / If I get out of my way.” When I hear this song, I am instantly put into a productive and cheerful mood. Many things are out of our control at this time, but Fitz and The Tantrums reminds us that life is what we make of it. “Bummerland” by AJR I wrote a few weeks ago about this song because of the impact it had on me. Written this year, AJR sings about the feeling of being

at rock bottom, but in a hopeful and upbeat tone. The song shares the message that when you are at your lowest, the only direction to go is up. I think that is a message all of us need to hear right now. “I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’” by Scissor Sisters Do not be fooled by the title. This catchy tune is wonderfully ironic. For a song about not wanting to dance or have fun, it happens to be one of the most upbeat songs I know. It is hard to resist the urge to tap your toes to the beat. Fans of the “Just Dance” video game series may recognize this tune as soon as they hit play. “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World Are you a fan of early 2000s music? This song gives me the nostalgia of listening to the radio as a kid. The cool guitar solo and driving beat makes this song an instant mood-booster. Its great lyrics remind listeners that “Everything, everything will be just fine / everything, everything will be alright, alright.” “We Got Us” by Brandin Jay For those looking for a hidden gem, I highly recommend this song from the NBC competition show “Songland.” In the show, aspiring songwriters get the opportunity to pitch their song to popular artists in hopes that theirs will be produced by them. This song did not get picked by the guest artist; however, it is a great song about friendship and sends good vibes to listeners about the joys of life. All the songs are available on Apple Music and Spotify to stream and listen.

1. Positions - Ariana Grande

6. I Hope - Gabby Barrett feat. Charlie Puth

2. Forever After All - Luke Combs

7. WAP - Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion

3. Mood - 24KGoldn feat. iann dior

8. Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat) - Jawsh 685

4. Laugh Now Cry Later - Drake feat. Lil Durk

9. Lemonade - Internet Money & Gunna

5. Blinding Lights - The Weeknd

10. Holy - Justin Bieber feat. Chance The Rapper

The Music Corner What has the A&E Editor Ryan been listening to this past week?



1. Because We Can

Bon Jovi

2. Come and Get Your Love


3. Keep The Faith

Bon Jovi

4. Soul Vaccination

Tower of Power

5. These Days

Bon Jovi

6. Whisper Not

Benny Golson

Artists and Musicians: How has COVID-19 impacted you? Email for a chance to be featured in the Arts and Entertainment section!


Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Inclusion, E2

Basketball, E2

Graybill on pace for historic SU career

Photo submitted by Leah Graybill

Leah Graybill shined in her freshman campaign by breaking school records in the 60- and 200-meter events and earned the 2020 PSAC Women’s Indoor Track and Field Freshman of the Year award. Christian Eby

Asst. Sports Editor

Shippensburg University track-and-field runner Leah Graybill has already left a legacy here at SU — yet her collegiate career is just taking off. Graybill’s freshman campaign was nothing short of historic. The Lititz, Pennsylvania, native smashed two school records in the 60 and 200-meters and on the way received the prestigious honor of 2020 Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Women’s Indoor Track & Field Freshman of the Year. She was the fourth Raider overall to earn the nod and the first in the last seven years – previously awarded to Megan Lundy (2013).

But the accolades kept pouring in. She piled on 2020 U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) All-Academic Team honors. And to round things out, she was a three-time PSAC place winner, added two All-PSAC honors and one USTFCCCA All-Region honor to her growing resume. In lieu of all the feats, Graybill credits the people around her for her continued success. Graybill’s parents, who were both track and field runners themselves, have been an inspiration for her throughout her young career. Additionally, she said her high school coach, Robert Rhoads, helped shape her into the runner she is today. But SU still has not seen Graybill’s full potential. Despite the decorated indoor season, Graybill never got the oppor-

tunity to showcase her speed on the outdoor track. With the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic surging back in March, the outdoor track-and-field season was another sport to fall victim to the pandemic. And with the upcoming season still uncertain, it could make for two years in a row. However, Graybill does not see it that way, as she continues to push forward and prepare for her sophomore campaign. She is not only priming for next season though – she wants to be better and break more records. For Graybill, goal setting is another key to her success. It is something she has done since her days of running track in high school. “I’ve always been a goal setter,” Graybill said. “Last year, I had goals for the indoor and outdoor seasons. But with our outdoor season getting cancelled, I never got the chance to achieve those goals. So, going into this year I have goals of breaking more school records and qualifying for nationals.” And an outdoor season would be a huge difference maker for her. She said she has always felt that she is at the top of her game in an outdoor setting. “I like the indoor and outdoor track in their own certain ways,” she said. “They’re definitely different from one another, but if I had the choice, I prefer to run outdoors.” Going into year two, Graybill is not only excited to reach her personal achievements but see what the Raiders as a whole can accomplish. Last year, at the Gulden Invitational at Bucknell University, the Raiders tied for first with East Stroudsburg University at 39 points. A month later, at the PSAC Championships in Edinboro, they placed 5th and 7th over a two-day span. Graybill led the way in the 60 and 200-meters. She also contributed in the 4x4 relay. “I think we have a really good opportunity for our women’s 4x4 this year,” Graybill said. “We have a lot of new girls coming in and some that are returning. So, I think that’ll be really fun, and I’m just excited for it.” Even with the 2020-21 season still in question, Graybill is keeping her head high and is focusing on what she can control. She said, if anything, the ongoing pandemic provided her with some life lessons. She appreciates running track now, more than ever before. “Our world is crazy right now, so who knows what’s going to happen,” she said. “But I think the pandemic made us all realize that we can’t take sports for granted. We never know when we’re going to have our last race or last game. So, the best thing to do right now is stay motivated and keep pushing forward.”

Seifried reflects on noteworthy sophomore season

Photo submitted by Hannah Seifried

Seifried led the Raiders with 19 goals and 24 draw controls last season. Blake Garlock Staff Writer

Hannah Seifried was having the lacrosse season of her life last spring. Seifried had a six-goal game against Lock Haven University, and four hat tricks. She also led the team with 24 draw controls and 19 goals, putting her on track to break the school record for single season goals. Then the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic hit and canceled the season. “I was crushed. I cried, I felt terrible for the seniors,” Seifried said. “We worked hard to have that good season. Selfishly I was upset because I felt that I could do a lot that year.” For Seifried, her journey to have a season like that started long before she came to college. The junior accounting major began playing lacrosse in elementary school. However, she said she never developed a passion for it until high school. “I’m one of six kids, and lacrosse was the only sport no one else played,” Seifried said. “I wanted to be the odd one out.” Seifried, a Springview, Pennsylvania, native attended Sacred Heart Academy in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. After deciding to pursue college lacrosse during her freshman year of high school, Seifried started working to ensure she reached her goals.

Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/ SU Sports Info.

Seifried notched four hat tricks, and a six-goal game against IUP in just six games last season before the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic developed.

“We were a small school that wasn’t too competitive,” Seifried said. “So, I did a club team every summer to get recruited and constantly worked out.” However, when Seifried arrived at college, she said that she had to adjust to collegiate lacrosse. “I definitely wasn’t ready for the speed of the game, it was a lot faster than high school,” Seifried said. After her freshman season, Seifried was not happy with her game performances. She felt that she did not perform to her best ability, as she battled a shin injury. Seifried said she felt some pressure to do better her sophomore year, and her coaches helped her with that. “I had to get out of my own head because I’m very hard on myself,” Seifried said. “My coaches helped me practice positive self-talk, and all summer I practiced shooting drills. I was really hopeful for the team during my sophomore season, so I made sure I was doing extra work.” The work paid off. Seifried’s sophomore season easily her topped her freshman campaign. During her sophomore season, Seifried’s teammate, junior Alana Cardaci, was second on the team for goals scored with 14. Seifried said that Cardaci’s success helped her perform better. “There was a lot of friendly competition between Alana and I,” Seifried said. “We messed with each other and pushed each other to be better.” Just when Seifried and her team started feeling good

about their season, the pandemic ended it early. Although that season was cut short, Seifried is optimistic about next season. “I think there will be some added pressure because we were doing so well,” Seifried said. “All the girls are very supportive of each other, and they’re the ones that make me want to do better.” The women’s lacrosse team, like other teams, is limited on how they can practice and gather in groups. Seifried said that despite the restrictions, she has been working out and practicing on her own. “On my own, I do what workouts I can because we’re limited to what we can do as a team,” Seifried said. “I’m a visual learner, so I watch old film every day and pick something new to work on.” Although the fate of the upcoming lacrosse season remains unknown, Seifried has an idea of where her own future is headed. As an accounting major, she said she will probably become a certified public accountant (CPA), and she is sure that she wants to continue playing lacrosse. “I don’t think I’ll do anything professionally with lacrosse, but I don’t want to stop playing,” Seifried said. “There are some leagues around my home that keep going, so I’ll probably play there.”

November 10, 2020



Sleva copes with suspension of regular season Christian Eby

Asst. Sports Editor

Former Shippensburg University forward Dustin Sleva recently embarked on his third season with Paris Basketball, but after one regular season contest, his season has already been brought to a screeching halt. Paris, which is part of France’s second division, Ligue Nationale de Basket Pro B, announced the abrupt suspension to the season on Nov. 3 in a press release on the league’s website. However, with Pro B regular season games on hold, teams can still take part in Leaders Cup games, which is a separate group of matchups prior to the normal season. Regular season games are set to resume sometime in December. According to the press release, the decision to postpone the championship season stems from the economic needs of each team. With limited capacity at home events and franchises having television deals, some teams have struggled financially and were forced to take out loans to ensure staff and players would be paid. The transition to Leaders Cup games are meant to allow teams to continue to play, and at the same time, not place a significant financial burden on each squad. In addition to Leaders Cup, teams are still permitted to practice on a normal schedule. But without the regular season, Sleva’s days have vastly changed.

Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/ SU Sports Info.

Sleva is in the midst of his third season with Paris Basketball. Sleva’s regular season is currently on hold but teams are still permitted to take part in Leaders Cup games and host a normal practice schedule. Sleva said his basketball routine has been going to practice, coming home and then going back to practice. With this schedule, Sleva said he still had six hours of the day in which he needed to find something to do. Sleva graduated from SU with a marketing degree. With the extra time on his hands, Sleva began working with a marketing group

in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Additionally, he continues to work on his French by taking lessons throughout the week. “I wanted to make sure I was keeping myself busy,” Sleva said. “I consider COVID as an opportunity to do something else and gain some experience in the field. I’ve figured out a good routine and I’m just sticking with it.”

Despite the new opportunities to grow outside the game of basketball, the sudden halt of the championship season did come as a bit of a surprise and disappointment. Paris had growing momentum. In their first matchup, Paris stomped their opponent, Lille, by a score of 80-57. Sleva totaled 12 points, shot 4-10 from the field and hauled in five rebounds. But with Leaders Cup now at the forefront of the pandemic-ridden season, Sleva said he is soaking in every practice and “cup” game. And last season, Sleva was coming-off a brutal ankle injury, so he knows the importance of each and every opportunity to step on the court. “At this point, I can only control the controllable,” Sleva said. “I take each practice as a game and I just love playing basketball. So, when we compete in practice, I see that as my game for the week.” He continued, “It’s hard to judge how long you think COVID is going to last. You’re going to hurt yourself just thinking like that. It’s easier to take it day-by-day and make it as fun and enjoyable as possible for yourself and your teammates. That’s what it’s all about.” As of now, Paris does not have any scheduled Leaders Cup games for the remainder of November, according to the team’s website. Their next scheduled regular season game is marked for Dec. 12.

Dustin Sleva Career Stats

* Sleva started all but one game in his four-year SU career totaling over 2,000 points and over 1,000 rebounds. He is one of just three SU players to do so. * Sleva was a two-time All-PSAC Eastern Division member and was named the 20162017 PSAC Eastern Division Player of the Year. * Sleva was named to the 2016-2017 NABC All-America First Team and was a two-time NABC All-District Team member.

Student athletes participate in NCAA Inclusion Campaign

Photos courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.

SU student-athetes hold up signs describing either themselves or the Shippensburg community. Each sign in the photo is different from every other. Isaiah Snead

Asst. Sports Editor

Shippensburg University participated in the 2020 NCAA Diversity and Inclusion social media campaign two weeks ago. Each year the campaign spans three days with each day taking after a different theme. The three themes this year were: “My Story Matters,” “I’ve Got your Back,” and “Together We Rise.” During the campaign student-athletes take a picture with a sign portraying a different theme of the week. COVID-19 coronavirus protocols were applied during the campaign as students wore a mask and were socially distanced. Day 1, “My Story Matters,” focused on student-athletes’ stories and experiences that represent them as an individual. This allows students to show that they are more than just an athlete and that their stories can make a difference. Day 2 of the campaign was labeled “I’ve Got Your Back” and the focus was placed on the power of teamwork in inclusive environ-

ments. Students are allowed to prove that they can use teamwork off the field or court as well. “Together We Rise” was the final day of the campaign and it was used to highlight the importance of togetherness and action in the community when faced with adversity. SU gathered student-athletes from all different backgrounds to participate in the social media campaign for the first two days. On the third day of the campaign, SU uploaded a video with members of the Shippensburg University Student Athlete Advisory Committe (SAAC) coming together to show its support for diversity and inclusion. The video was posted to the SU Athletics FaceBook and Twitter page along with the SU Athletics website. After the campaign ended student-athletes were encouraged to take these themes and implement them in their everyday lives. The themes will hold until next year when the campaign will roll out three new themes and attempt to challenge even more student-athletes.



November 10, 2020

Fall colors fill Shippensburg Fall is in the air at Shippensburg University. Colder temperatures, colorful leaves and the end of the semester are just around the corner. To see more fall photos, visit Photos by Heather Ross and Carmine Scicchitano

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