The Slate 10-18-22

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SU paradeHomecoming returnsafter 12 years

Shippensburg University’s Homecoming Parade made a triumphant return on Sat urday, after a 12-year hiatus. The parade started in town at 10 a.m. at Fayette and King streets. The parade traveled along King Street, then onto Prince Street and made its way up to Old Main and around the fountain.

There were several clubs and organizations featured in the parade in addition to the Homecoming Court. The Shippensburg Marching Band gave a performance all through town, and locals in attendance enjoyed the floats and music. The organizations present had vehicles deco rated with gear suited to the theme of Viva Las Ship. Big Red made an appearance in an Elvis outfit as well.

“It is great to see that the parade is back after so long. I really used to enjoy it. I would take my kids out to watch and we would go to the football game afterward. It really set the mood for the whole weekend,” a Ship pensburg local, said. Her grandson said his favorite part of the parade was the big drums.

There was also a viewing party hosted in front of the Clarion Hotel on King Street where there was a panel of judges for the parade. Ship pensburg campus buses shuttled people into the town to attend the party. Sever al students in attendance watched the parade and some followed along onto campus where the parade reached its conclusion at Old Main. The Homecoming Parade was a fun event that kickstarted Saturday’s festivities.

2022 Homecoming royalty announced

William “Bill” Hoffman and Olivia “Livv” Faenza are the 2022 Homecoming Roy alty for Shippensburg Uni versity, as announced at the homecoming football game on Saturday. Both seniors were honored and excited to have been selected.

Hoffman is a senior hu man communications major with minors in sociology and criminal justice. Outside of classes, he is involved in the Activities Programing Board (APB), is a technology man ager at the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) and is on the board for the President’s Watchkeepers.

“It is kind of unbeliev able,” Hoffman said when asked how he felt after being crowned. “I am so grateful for everyone supporting me.”

Faenza is a senior com munication, journalism and media major, concentrating in public relations. She also has a minor in marketing.

Faenza is the president of the Shippensburg Universi ty Marching Band (SUMB) and represented them when running for Homecoming Court. Outside of the band and academics, Faenza is the assistant PR director for The Slate, a member of Kap pa Kappa Psi, the National Honors Band Fraternity and a member of Kappa Delta Phi NAS.

“I am so thankful for ev

eryone’s support,” Faenza said.

As part of running for Homecoming Court, all the candidates raised money in support of Big Red’s Cup board. The program provides free food to anyone on cam pus who needs it. Together, the candidates gathered 450 donations and raised $6,000 to go toward supplying the pantry. As the 2022 Home coming Royalty, Hoffman and Faenza will continue to give back to the community in a variety of ways through out the rest of their time at SU.

Congratulations Bill Hoff man and Livv Faenza, and we look forward to seeing you flourish.

Thousands march in Washington in support of keeping abortion rights

On Oct. 8, thousands marched through Washington, D.C., to rally against abortion bans and encourage voting in the upcoming November election.

Participants gathered at 11 a.m. in Folger Park and a rally took place at 12 p.m. where actress and comedienne Lea DeLaria and many other speakers, including Rachel Carmona, executive director of Women’s March, spoke to the crowd about the importance of the upcoming election.

There was also a special musical per formance from MILCK, Autumn Rowe and BIIANCO who showcased their song “We Won’t go Back.”

After the rally, the group of thou sands took to the streets and marched peacefully from Folger Park to Union Square holding many homemade signs and chanting. Participants were in structed to create a “Women’s Wave” after the Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that guaranteed a per son’s constitutional right to have an abortion.

Counter protesters were present, but they did not interfere with the march,

and the group continued. The environ ment of the march included themes of sisterhood, and all were welcome in cluding children, pets and supporters alike.

The Women’s March first began af ter Donald Trump was elected presi dent in 2016. These marches take place all over the United States, and this year there were hundreds of marches that took place across the country.

The Women’s March organiza tion’s mission is to “harness the polit ical power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change,” as stated on the Wom en’s March website.

The organization is committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and re spect.

This year, the Women’s March in Washington focused on the recent abortion bans and the upcoming mid term election, urging everyone who is eligible to vote on Nov. 8. This election is expected to determine the future of abortion access in Pennsylvania and the results will also affect the 2024 presidential election.

Volume 66 No. 7 Reporting truth. Serving our community. Tuesday, October 18, 2022 @ShipUSlate The Slate @ShipUSlate Please recycle Too many jokers, B1 A night on the ship, C1 Artist spotlight: Stone Lampley, D1 Football falls on homecoming, E1 Tuesday 52/36 Wednesday 50/34
Austin Trevino/The Slate Student Ambassadors posing in front of their float. Nicholas Behr Staff Contributor Austin Trevino/The Slate Paige Shope Managing Editor Paige Shope/The Slate Women speaking their voices about abortion rights at the Women’s March on
8 demanded protection for the right. Adam Beam/The Slate William Hoffman, Olivia Faenza, and President Patterson after the ceremony.
vote on Nov.8 for your
to be heard!

SGA swears in new officers during its fourth meeting

The Student Government Association (SGA) held its fourth meeting on Thursday, Oct. 13.

Vice President of Finance Chase Slenker called the meeting into action at 4:03 p.m. Slenker lead the meet ing in place of President Kennedy Holt, who was ab sent for the second meeting in a row.

The meeting began with the official swearing-in of all the newly elected senators. Every senator stood up, put their right hand in the air, and repeated the oath found in the SGA Constitution.

Student Trustee Range line DeJesus shared that Shippensburg University will be obtaining the Chock ablock Clock from Straw berry Square in Harrisburg.

DeJesus said that the clock

may provide appeal for new students who appreciate lo cal history, and provides a learning opportunity for en gineering students, who will maintain and upkeep the clock.

Elizabeth Peters spoke on behalf of the student me dia groups and offered up dates for the various groups. WSYC held its first meeting, and will also be hosting “2 Spooky 4 Me” radio show from Oct 25-31. SUTV has been discussing new leader ship and is planning a Hal loween broadcast. The Slate is offering weekly workshops on Wednesday nights. The Slate is also looking to dis cuss internal officer changes and opening applications for section heads.

Slenker then moved on to appoint the new Vice Presi dent of Internal Affairs, and the new Vice President of External Affairs. Senator

Rashann Henry was unan imously recommended for the position of Internal Af fairs. Senator Matheson sec onded the motion and with a vote of 15-0, Senator Henry was sworn is as the new Vice President of Internal Affairs.

Sen. Harun Pacavar was then recommended for the position of Vice President of External Affairs, seconded by Sen. Ethan Rosenberry. With another unanimous yes vote, Sen. Pacavar became the new Vice President of Ex ternal Affairs. The two newly elected vice presidents were then sworn in by Slenker.

The meeting closed with final announcements about homecoming and other on campus events. On Oct. 24, “Treat not Tricks” event will be held from 5–7 p.m. at Old Main.

The meeting was ad journed at 4:24 p.m. by a unanimous vote.

Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance holds fundraiser event

The Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alli ance (CVBCA) partnered with the Downtown Business Council of Chambersburg for “Paint the Town Pink” on Friday, Oct. 7, 2022 from 5:00 8:00 p.m.

Attendees enjoyed live music from Two Mountains Over, a face painting station, a rock wall, crafts and the Fabulous Flamingo Scavenger Hunt.

Participants hunted for plastic flamingos in participating businesses, including Falafel Shack, Brussel’s Cafe, Mattie’s Hair Salon and Keystone Health Outreach. Once the partici pant wrote down the names on each compa ny’s flamingo, they were entered into a raffle to win a gift basket with gift certificates and products from Milk Bath, Bonfield Collective

and Lotus Moon.

“The CVBCA has an immediate local im pact,” Samantha Logsdon, CVBCA President said. “All funds that are raised stay in Frank lin, Fulton and Cumberland County to help provide aid to newly diagnosed women”.

Fundraising efforts contribute to programs such as Mammagift, which are free mammo grams for uninsured women, care packages, wigs and other forms of financial aid.

Events like this not only fundraise, but they also support local businesses and raise awareness about the disease, exams and mammograms. Many businesses downtown had special deals, giveaways, samples and more.

The CVBCA holds many fundraising events year-round. For more information on events, donations and more, you can visit thecvbca. org.

Commentary: Everybody Goin’ Through Tough Times

things I ever did, and not just physically. I was on a team with another girl from my high school and other girls from the surrounding area. The year I played on that team I was not accept ed by them, and it hurt me emotionally.

in college.

My time at Shippensburg Univerity has not been all sunshine and rainbows. A lot of the painful lessons I learned in high school have come in handy as I deal with these problems as an adult without my parents’ help.

For example, my parents never let me quit something I committed to. I played vol leyball for my high school, and I participated in club volleyball during the offsea son. This meant that while it was snowing outside, I practiced in climate-con trolled gyms and traveled to tournaments on the week end. My skills flourished during the club season, and I know I would not have been the varsity captain for my high school team with out this experience.

And yet, club volley ball was one of the hardest

The other girls got along much better and hung out outside of practices. That is well and fair, but it be came super hard to play with them because I was not in on their jokes. Learn ing they had a group chat without me was the cherry on top of this rough experi ence, and then hearing that my school teammate said I was not on her team. Ouch.

Still, no matter how much I cried or complained, my mom did not let me back out of the club. For one thing, club volleyball is very expensive. It would have been silly to not have me finish the last two months and lose hundreds of dol lars for nothing. But also, this experience taught me so much self-control and re straint. I had to learn to sep arate my experiences with my teammates during club season and during school season. This is a practice that has helped me so much

Everyone has people they don’t like, but for a lot of my classes, we have group projects. I have refined my ability to separate work and personal relationships and can function very well with people I dislike in the pro fessional setting.

There are a lot of situ ations in life in which you cannot back out because of someone else. As a com munication, journalism and media major, I study how to best work with others to get something I need. If some one whom I disagree with has access to something that would benefit my cli ent, it would be silly for my personal issues to get in the way.

By toughing out one of the roughest team expe riences of my life, I have grown. I know the same idea applies to everyone else. At this point in the se mester, burnout is hitting and tensions are rising. It is important to separate work and personal issues and chose what to prioritize every day. You are stronger than you believe and you can weather any storm you encounter.

The article “SU celebrates naming of Milton and Doreen Morgan School of Engineering” was actually written by staff contributor Bailey Cassada, and A&E editor Margaret Sobotta. We apologize for this mistake.

S.U.P.E.R. map launches successfully

The Shippensburg University Pennsylvania Election Re search (S.U.P.E.R.) Map launch party took place on Wednes day, Oct. 12, in McFeely’s Cafe. A class of Wood Honors College students spent the first eight weeks of the semester compiling credited voter data from each county, entering it all into their database, creating the Geographic Information System (GIS) and reaching out to reporters to introduce the S.U.P.E.R. Map to them.

Alison Dagnes, an SU political science professor, came up with the idea for the map over the summer. According to Dagnes, she was approached by a reporter from The Philadel phia Inquirer who asked what she wanted to see in the 2022 mid-term election coverage. She explained to the reporter that she wanted a map with which people would be able to see a variety of data for each county of the state. The reporter had explained to her that a map with all of the requirements she had outlined did not exist. Shortly after, Dagnes realized that she might be able to create the system that she described with the students of the honors college.

“It was unforeseen that I had really no idea what I was do ing and absolutely no skills with which to do it,” Dagnes said. “I thought that it was going to be a lot easier than it was.”

Once it became clear that she could not figure it all out on her own, she reached out to Jan Smith, a retired SU geogra phy professor, to help with the GIS.

“I really thought I could just figure it out — that she [Smith] could give me a 10 point ‘here you need to do x, y, z’ and it was so much more complicated than that, and these guys [stu dents] figured it out. It was terrific,” Dagnes explained.

With the help of Smith, students were able to use raw data to produce the S.U.P.E.R. Map. “It took a lot of hard work to familiarize ourselves with the [GIS] software,” Wood Honors College student Hannah Moats said. “It was confusing, but fun and rewarding.”

The class that worked on the S.U.P.E.R. Map was split into three main groups — the research team, the public relations team and the graphic design team. Jenna Cornell, a member of the PR team, said that each team “put long and tireless ef fort into the work.”

At the launch party, Cornell explained to the audience that the research team spent hours sifting through all the sources


to find verified election voting data. The graphic design team then had to figure out how to take all of the data to make the map appealing, easy to read and easy to navigate.

At the same time, the PR team spent the same long hours finding contacts to reach out to at news sources across the state. The team also prepared personalized emails for each contact, leaving emails open for further conversation. At the time of this publication, that work is still ongoing.

Piper Kull, another member of the PR team, spoke at the launch party to explain the importance of the S.U.P.E.R. Map. She explained that the research largely came from the Penn sylvania Department of State to provide factual data about voters in past elections.

“Partisan politics have caused a divide and distrust in voting statistics. With changes in voting practices come criticisms. As election results are increasingly disputed, our map delivers official data from all counties in Pennsylvania in an effort to provide fact-based information,” Kull explained. “The Honors College has very talented students and this is a showcase of our skills. It is our hope that this research will bring light to the Honors College and its students at Shippensburg.”

The S.U.P.E.R. Map has many maps that show different elections and their data. There is a general map that shows how many people are registered to vote and to which party they are registered.

“It was definitely a lot of work but we have something sub stantial to show for it,” said Ethan Rosenberry, a member of the graphic design team. Rosenberry presented the map and its features at the launch party.

Each county in Pennsylvania can be clicked on and expand ed data will appear. Election to election percentage differ ences are also shown on each map. Dagnes explained at the launch party that these changes align with what is occurring on a national scale.

Other maps included in the S.U.P.E.R. Map track voter data for senate, governor and presidential elections. Each of these three pages of the map include summaries of voting statistics as well as facts about the election years. Each map is also fitted with an overlay to slide across the map to show the differences from race to race.

Honors College students also included a page that shows fundraising statistics for each party so that the public can see what is raised and used yearly in the state of Pennsylvania.

“This [the S.U.P.E.R. Map] is of utmost importance to re

fute the idea that the elections have been stolen — using raw data to show our democracy is sound,” Cornell said.

This importance was emphasized throughout the S.U.P.E.R. Map launch. Dagnes explained that all of the numbers and percentages follow a similar trend and that voting data doubt can be refuted with certified research.

“They [students] can do anything,” Dagnes said. “The big gest takeaway, period, is that Shippensburg University is fan tastic and nobody should underestimate us. Most important ly, we shouldn’t underestimate ourselves — we’re great.”

Anyone interested in accessing the S.U.P.E.R. Map may di rect questions to The Honors class is cur rently working on creating a URL to share the map with the public.

NEWS September 18, 2022A2
Forecast Wednesday 59/49 Thursday 55/35 Friday 61/42 Saturday 69/42 Sunday 69/46 Tuesday 62/38
Allyson Ritchey/The Slate Professor Alison Dagnes addressing the crowd.
News Editor
Edits to The Slate’s October 4, 2022 edition:


Are there too many Jokers?

I really enjoyed Matt Reeves’ “The Batman.” I thought the action was spectacular, Pattinson is the best live-action Batman to date, the di rection was terrific and overall made for a flawed but solid first outing for this new iteration of “The Dark Knight.”

However, one of my major gripes with the film was the runtime. At just shy of three hours, the film defi nitely could’ve used a trim here and there, and one of the things I feel could have been cut entirely is one of the final scenes in the movie.

Once The Riddler’s plan has been foiled, we find him depressed in Arkham, only to be comforted by an unseen prisoner. Anyone could easily figure out that this John Doe is The Joker, even before he giggles like a madman. From this scene, we also learned that “Eternals” ac tor Barry Keoghan is this universe’s clown prince of crime. I remember when seeing this scene for the first time, distinctly asking, “Who cares anymore?”

I understand that The Joker is Bat man’s most iconic villain, and that Warner Brothers cannot make any kind of Batman adaptation with out him in some capacity. Howev er, that’s the problem: they’ve been making Batman movies since the 1940s, and since the Adam West

series, we’ve had over 20 plus inter actions with The Joker. This would not be so bad except for the fact that there is nowhere else for this char acter to go. The Joker has been done to death.

Not counting “Gotham,” how many times have viewers seen vil lains like Mr. Freeze or Poison Ivy in live action? Once. Additionally, both of them were in arguably the worst Batman movie.

Speaking on “Gotham,” Cameron Monaghan essentially played three different Jokers. That’s three differ ent Jokers in one show, do you start to see the problem here? Don’t get me wrong, apart from Jared Leto, the actors who portray The Joker are incredibly talented and bring their own unique attributes to the charac ter. The problem we now face is — as each actor takes a piece of the Jokers before them — how much of the per formance is really their own?

I do not want to blame Heath Led ger, his performance in “The Dark Knight ‘’ is truly remarkable and he stands as the best of the live-action Jokers. However, since Ledger’s performance every other actor has been playing the character in a sim ilar fashion. The Jokers nowadays are not the maniacal madmen like Nicholson or Romero, suddenly The Joker is more of, to quote the worst Joker, “an idea.”

The Slate Speaks: The importance of school traditions

Traditions are a staple of any school, early or higher education. Whether it’s something simple like homecoming, or more complicat ed like school rivalries, traditions are an unspoken but fundamental part of institutions. In many ways, the traditions remain to be the most consistent elements of many universities and institutions.

Most of the buildings at Ship pensburg University have been greatly altered from their original state and in some instances are new additions entirely. However, weekends like homecoming bring alumni back from decades before, and it’s traditions like homecom ing that give that connective tissue between the old and new genera tions of SU.

School traditions provide a link between each generation that passes through the institution. Parents and relatives who grad uated from the same high school or college are able to sing along to the alma mater since it is the same charge that united them all those years ago.

Traditions need to be protect ed greatly to not only keep older generations connected to their schools, but to also remind young er students that they are continu

ing a legacy.

Obviously, most schools cele brate homecoming, but how they celebrate homecoming and other yearly traditions is what makes them unique.

Take Texas State University for example. Since 1967, their institu tion has celebrated homecoming with the time-honored tradition of a Soap Box Derby. It’s as simple as it sounds — students design home made cars and race them for fun every year. If soap boxes do not work for you, try attending Ball State University in Muncie, Indi ana. The races are still there, but this time students are traversing the race track in a vehicle made out of mattresses.

Returning to local traditions, high schools have some traditions of their own. Shippensburg Area High School and Big Spring High School have a legendary rival ry, and it’s all over a little brown jug. As the local story goes, the rivalry between the schools has been around since 1956. Howev er, Howard Strawmyre, a former Shippensburg sports trainer and his wife realized that with the schools being so similar, why not create an annual tradition in which both can partake. Thus, the little

brown jug was born.

As mentioned, school traditions are a wonderful thing; however, sometimes there comes a point at which traditions need to be bro ken. There are a few traditions from high school that were broken because they did not align with the society we are in today, and a lot of people had a problem with it, both parents and students. Even though it is tradition and it has been going on for years, sometimes you need to break away from that to become more accepting of others.

A perfect example of old tra ditions on the way out is also a traditional part of homecoming celebrations. Homecoming cel ebrations usually culminated in the crowning of a king and queen. However, colleges are more di verse, and those gender norms simply do not fit the campus popu lations of the present day. So many schools, like Shippensburg Uni versity, have changed the tradition to Homecoming Royalty. A needed and greatly appreciated update.

College traditions are valuable to all schools, but the ones that tru ly stand the test of time are those that can evolve to the standards of today, while keeping what makes them sepcial in the first place.

Generational Perceptions: Abridging the gap between the old and new

My father is socially liberal. Re cently I asked him to rank the presidents during his lifetime and was surprised by his thoughts, mostly by how he described Ron ald Reagan.

Dad is aware of the ins and outs of the economy, which is what many cite as one of Reagan’s greatest strengths. While he did not care for Reagan as a person, he doesn’t have the strong distaste for him that I and many younger liberals do.

These conflicting viewpoints could be attributed to countless things, but two hold the most weight to me. Being born in the age of the internet, it is painstakingly easy to research things with credi ble sources and learn of things we did not live through.

I needed to research Ronald Reagan to form an opinion on him, so I absorbed a lot of information that can be easily forgotten or nev er learned in the first place without a Google search if you experienced it firsthand.

People in the generations before

us could not do this type of re search as they did not have it at the ready. The other line of thinking is that we do not research things that we lived through because we have that firsthand experience. In 30 years am I likely to research the life and policies of Donald Trump? No, because I lived through his presidency and already have my opinions of him. My father likely has not researched Ronald Reagan since he was a teenager in the ’80s, there’s no reason for him to.

This is not the first conversation we have had where there was a sense of generational disconnect in terms of differing perceptions of reality, and as two passionate peo ple it certainly will not be the last. In early 2020, I told my dad that I fully expected the precedent set by Roe v. Wade to be overturned and he, a smart man with an eye for patterns in the world, told me that I should not waste my time worry ing about that because there was a low chance of it happening.

Meanwhile, I shared these sen timents with my close friend who responded, “Oh yeah, if Republi cans get the ninth seat on the Su preme Court, they’ll certainly take a stab at it.” If two college kids, not

Where’s your voice?

• Shippensburg University students, staff, faculty, administrators and affiliated people are welcome to submit letters to the editor for publication.

Letters must be no more than 300 words and may not contain derogatory language or mes sages of hate or discrimination.

• The Slate may reject letters for any reason. Letters become property of The Slate.

• Letters without a name and title (affiliation to SU) will not be accepted.

Letters should be sent to The Slate one week prior to the day of publication. Late letters may be accepted but published the next week.


• The views and opinions expressed in this sec tion are those of the writer and not of The Slate or University.

The unsigned staff editorial, “The Slate Speaks,” represents the views and opinions of The Slate as an organization. Participating editors help shape the staff editorial.

About The Slate

The Slate is a weekly, independent, student-run newspaper printed by the Gettysburg Times. Its print edition is published on Tuesdays and its web site,, is maintained 24/7.

Weekly editorial meetings are held Sundays in The Slate office. Students interested in The Slate may request to attend the meeting by contacting management prior to the meeting.

Staff positions are held on either a one semes ter or one academic-year term. There are no term limits. The Slate hires new members throughout the year based on its needs. The Slate does not dis

criminate against anyone based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political philosophy etc. Undergraduate and graduate SU students are hired based on skill, dedication and loyalty to the values and principles of journalism.

Funding for The Slate is provided by the SU Student Government Association. A portion of those funds are required to be paid back via the selling of advertising space.

The Slate as an organization does not endorse any products or services advertised on its pages. See our Advertising Media Kit for rules and poli cies on ads.

even old enough to buy a beer at the time, could predict this chain of events why was it so outlandish for someone with so much more life lived?

I was less than a year old when 9/11 happened. Many people on this campus were not alive at all. The War on Terror is what we’ve been accustomed to; an act of ex tremism followed by an extreme act of our own that is still going on 21 years later. The Republican party has been on a heel turn since Reagan’s presidency in an attempt to develop an identity, and in do ing so they have created a political climate that is more polarized than it has ever been.

The older generations may be cynical, but they have faith in the system because it has been run by two groups of people who behaved as if they were in the center of the political spectrum. That is not the case anymore.

Younger generations expect ex treme outcomes because for most of our lives we’ve only experienced politics to the extreme. There are stark contrasts between view points through the generations, and abridging these would help facilitate healthy dialogue.

Copyright Notice

All content in the print version and on is the property of The Slate, unless otherwise stated. No con tent written or visual may be used, copied, downloaded or published elsewhere with out the express written consent of Slate management.

Content granted permission must in clude attribution to The Slate and the ap propriate staff member and creator of the work.

B1Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Reporting truth. Serving our community. Contact Us (717) 477-1778 Mailing Address The Slate - Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Office Location Ceddia Union Building Room 250 Shippensburg University Adviser Dr. Michael Drager Management Piper Kull......................................Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Peters........................Managing Editor Paige Shope.............................Managing Editor News ...................................................................Editor Matt Unger........................................Asst. Editor Seth Turner.......................................Asst. Editor Opinion ...................................................................Editor Adam Beam......................................Asst. Editor Ship Life ...................................................................Editor ..........................................................Asst. Editor Sports Isaiah Snead..............................................Editor Jack Ansley.......................................Asst. Editor A&E Margaret Sobotta.......................................Editor Ethan Cornell....................................Asst. Editor Multimedia Carmine Scicchitano...............................Director .......................................................Asst. Director Copy ...................................................................Editor Connor Niszczak...............................Asst. Editor Public Relations ................................................................Director Olivia Faenza.................................Asst. Director Allyson Ritchey..............................Asst. Director Web .............................................................Director Business/Advertising Katie Huston.........................................Manager General Staff Nicholas Behr, Shamere Briggs, Bailey Cassada, Joel DeFillipo, Lydia Elmy, Mason Flowers, Tyler Hill, Monika B. Lewis, Aaron Milligan, Nicola Puggé, Mady Shively THESLATEONLINE.COM
Adam Beam/The Slate Many of Hollywood’s most esteemed actors have taken on the role of the Clown Prince of Crime including the late Heath Led ger, Jared Leto, Joaquin Phoenix and Jack Nicholson. Read the full story at Aaron Milligan Staff Contributor

Ship Life

Shippensburg University Alumni Spotlights

pensburg University and used to play gold at the 9-hole course that was lo cated behind Mowry Hall.

“I’ve been on top of the field house dome,” Plum mer said. “You are totally not allowed up there. It’s cool up there.”

Greg Plummer received his degree in computer sci ence and is now the direc tor of IT for DLL, a finan cial services company. He was also an SU swimmer during his time at Ship

Many things have changed since Plummer was a student at SU. He explained that he used to live in Seavers Apartments, which no longer exist. The water tower that can be seen from most every where on campus also did not exist when Plummer was a student.

the students,” Thomas ex plained.

The campus has gone over many changes since 1976. Many buildings have been replaced or built up from scratch.

Trisha Tinner, Alpha Omicron Pi sister, met her husband at Shippensburg University. Her husband and son both attended SU and were members of the football team. Tinner re ceived her degree from SU in social work and worked as a social worker in Cum berland County for 25 years.

Tinner started as a children and youth social

tailgating befor the homecoming football game on Oct. 15. Alumni and current students gathered near their own cars or organization tents to socialize before the game. The Slate spoke with some of the alumni who attended this year’s SU tailgate to hear the recounts of the generations of SU alumni.

worker for several years before ending up as a mental health early inter vention social worker. She explained that she was an elementary school-based social worker for a few of the school districts in the area for a while.

“It would be nice to see so much more student in volvement at these games. When I went here, people would be in the apartments and watch the games from there and be on the hill. I’ve noticed that there is way less of that,” Tinner explained. “It is nice to see that a lot of campus orga nizations have grown and socialize now, it’s not just sports and Greek.”

Sarah Houston received her degree from SU in communications. After graduating, she worked for the United States Postal Service in human resourc es for 35 years before retir ing.

Houston is also a sister of Alpha Kappa Alpha and was well-involved in many organizations at SU during her time as a student. When Houston went to SU, she lived in the original Naugle Hall before it was torn down.

“The campus has ex panded a lot and it is still beautiful, we loved it here,” she said.

According to Houston, she and her friends have visited SU every year for the Alumni Weekend for the past 20 years.

“The people we bonded with, we bonded for life,” Houston said.

When he attended Shippensburg University, Allan E. Thomas, Ph.D, was a member of the foot ball team and involved in SU’s radio station, WSYC. Thomas received his bach elor’s degree in chemistry from SU. Afterward, he received a master’s degree in education and a master’s degree in chemistry.

In 1994, Thomas re ceived his doctorate from Temple University and immediately started as a professor at Temple. He was an associate professor of chemistry for 28 years before he retired.

Before he became a professor, Thomas taught high school chemistry af ter receiving his bachelor’s degree in 1976. He also coached high school foot ball for four years and col lege football for six years.

“Teaching has always been my ministry — it’s not a job, being with the students, interacting with

“The nice thing about SU is even though they have the new buildings, the integrity of the buildings have been maintained,” he said. “If you look across the campus, the integrity of the campus remains the same.”

Thomas explained the friends that he made at SU have lasted him a lifetime. He even served on the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

“I’ve always felt that I owed Shippensburg,” Thomas said.

According to Thomas, he had several points in college where it felt like his “back was against the wall.” In college, Thomas lost two brothers and a best friend. Through it, he had to keep his grades up and get at least a B. He explained that many professors support ed him through his time at SU.

“One of the advantages of going to a small school, all the professors knew me as a person — not as an ID number,” Thomas ex plained. “I owe Shippens burg because they gave me an opportunity to get it to gether, and I did.”

that he eventually received a second degree in data processing and then spent 25-30 years in comput er-based careers.

Many things have changed since 1977, Wag ner highlighted that many of the current buildings are new additions since he at tended SU.

Liz Kemmery, a mem ber of the Alumni Associ ation Board of Directors, received two degrees from Shippensburg — commu nication, journalism and media and art.

“My first job was at the Shippensburg News Chronicle making peanuts, but somehow I made it through,” Kemmery said.

After that, Kemmery went into communications and marketing in higher education, and worked for Shippensburg University for a while. She now works

for the PA Food Merchants Association as the director of communications. During her time at SU, Kemmery was a member of The Slate, writing and taking photo graphs for the publication. She also worked in Kriner Diner Hall in a manage ment position.

“Leadership has changed a couple times over the years, so it has been interesting to see the different ideas that come with the new administra tion,” Kemmery explained.

Kemmery also explained that many of the buildings on campus have been re done since she had attend ed.

When she was being in terviewed for a job at SU in 2013, they were taking down McCune and putting up the new building. “I wish I had taken a brick,” Kemmery said.

risburg for the Pennsyl vania Department of Ag riculture as the Bureau of Food Distribution director. Though she is not actively using either of her degrees in her current position, she notes that she still employs the skills she learned with in her job every day.

Even though he grad uated in December 1975, William “Stretch” Bailey, Ed.D, is considered a part of the class of 1976. Bailey received his bachelor’s de gree in history from Ship pensburg University. He also received two master’s degrees, one in education and the other in counsel ing. In 2007, Bailey re ceived his doctorate from Wilmington University.

Over the years, Bailey has held many jobs within the field of education as a teacher, a school counselor and a principal. He retired in 2013 and is now an ed ucational consultant work ing with many different school districts.

During his time at SU, Bailey was on the basket ball team and was a mem ber of African American

Association. He also served as a member of the Alumni Association Board of Di rectors for a period of time.

“The location of the school lends itself for a lot of personal growth for in dividuals that come from urban areas,” he said. “We lived through the transi tion from when this was a farming community not accustomed to minorities. The town had to get used to us, we had to get used to the town. We didn’t even have a fast-food joint.”

According to Bailey, be cause the size of SU has grown significantly since he attended, current stu dents have an advantage over past students. He ex plained that SU now has the ability to improve and offer more opportunities for students.

Many of Bailey’s lasting friendships began at Ship pensburg University.

“Herb Bowers was the chief of campus police,” he explained. “He was very in strumental in keeping me focused, we stayed in con tact for a number of years, I always looked forward to seeing him when I came back.”

Retired web developer Ed Wagner stayed close to his family at the SU tailgate on Saturday. He graduated from Shippensburg Uni versity with a degree in business administration/ accounting. He explained

“The performing arts center wasn’t here, and the hotel and the conven tion center weren’t either,” Wagner said. “They were very smart moves by the foundation to help bring in revenue to the university.”

Caryn Earl, a member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, es sentially grew up at Ship pensburg University with her mom working for the university for about 20 years and attending nurs ery school in Rowland Hall (before GBLUES was in stalled).

Earl received her de grees from SU in English and communication/jour nalism. After graduation, she moved to the Wash ington, D.C., area working for a trade association in communications. She then worked for the Department of Agriculture in public af fairs.

She now works in Har

Earl worked at the Uni versity Bookstore while at SU and is an Alpha Phi sister. She was the philan thropy chair for Alpha Phi for one of her years at SU.

“We used to do the Tur key Bowl, which was a full contact football game with all the sororities, but they don’t have that anymore,” she explained.

Earl and her husband both attended Shippens burg University at the same time, however, they did not know each other while in school. The two met 12 years ago when her sorority and his fraternity were both in the area at the same time.

While Stauch received

his degree in government, the previous name for the political science depart ment, he now works in construction management. Staunch explained that he started in the field the year after he graduated and has been doing it ever since.

“There have been many improvements in terms of architecture as well as overall campus aesthetics,” Stauch said. “It’s beautiful now – not that it wasn’t then – but definitely a more concerted effort at making the buildings more appealing and making the common areas more ap pealing. Certainly, catering to a higher level of appeal.”

Tuesday, October 18, 2022C1
Shippensburg University alumni gathered behind Seth Grove Stadium for another year of Greg Plummer 1986 Graduate Trisha Tinner 1988 Graduate Sarah Houston 1979 Graduate 1976 Graduate William “Stretch” Bailey, Ed.D. 1976 Graduate Ed Wagner 1977 Graduate Matthew Stauch is a brother of Sigma Phi, which is a fraternity that is no longer active at Ship pensburg University. He also played rugby at SU for a few of his years as a stu dent. Matthew Stauch 1992 Graduate Liz Kemmery 2004 Graduate Caryn Earl 1998 Graduate Photo courtesy of Liz Kemmery

SUTV takes home another Emmy

Shippensburg University’s student media kicked off October in a victorious fashion — specifically Shippensburg’s very own TV station, SUTV News. Mem bers of the student-produced news sta tion traveled to Philadelphia to attend the 40th Annual Mid-Atlantic Emmy Awards ceremony.

The news station had highly antici pated the event for months prior, fol lowing their nomination for Best Live Sporting Event/Game in August — their sixth Emmy nomination overall. The piece that had been nominated was for SUTV’s live coverage of Shippensburg’s home football game against West Ches ter in the 2021 fall semester.

The following individuals were nom inated for the award for their corre sponding positions during the broad cast: Patrick Ramsdale, director; Jacob Hitz, play-by-play; Jack Ansley, color commentator; Cole McKowen, graph ics; Brixx Minguez, audio; Marlee Bul man, replay; Adam Beam, camera; Cul len Maes, camera; Stefan Gergishanov, camera; Carmine Scicchitano, camera;

and Sara Cox, sideline reporter.

When asked how he felt about the event, SUTV’s news director Cullen Maes shared that he felt anxious leading up to the ceremony. “I went in with the knowledge that SUTV had won several Emmys over the years, so that helped ease the tension. Still, it was thrilling to have SUTV represented at such a highend event,” Maes said. Eased tension is right: SUTV News is no stranger to the Mid-Atlantic Emmy awards, with three nominations and two wins in 2018, and two nominations and one win in 2019. Still, fingernails were bit.

“There were people from several TV stations across the state. That raised the stakes in my mind,” Maes added, re counting the attendees of the event, “but it also allowed me to talk and network with some skilled and talented people within our industry, some of whom are Ship alum.”

I sat down with SUTV’s live sports an nouncer and sports director Jacob Hitz to ask him about his feelings towards the event. “Without a doubt, the experi ence that I’ve gathered here at Ship had a direct impact on the work we sent in for the Emmys this year,” Hitz shared.

“After we didn’t get nominated back in 2020, we had to go back to the drawing board to improve the broadcasts to be as good as they could possibly be.” And improve they did, as the station took home the Emmy for Best Live Universi ty Sporting Event/Game. “It was a huge victory for all of us,” Maes (’22) stated. “SUTV is inherently a team effort, and that award represents the collective efforts we’ve made leading up to that point.”

When asked what’s next for SUTV, Hitz (’22) shared that his main inten tions are to keep moving forward with a great deal of confidence in SUTV’s new est crew members. “The big thing now is to start working towards next year’s Emmys. We’ve won three out of the last four Live Sports awards that were given out, and I think we’ve got a great crew to continue that tradition,” Hitz says. “I’m proud of this year’s win, and I’m excited for my last two football games for SUTV before I graduate in December.”

SUTV News airs at 7 p.m. EST Thurs days on Comcast Channel 21 and on Facebook Live @SUTVNews.

Residence Life kicks off Homecoming

One of the best times of the semester is finally here — homecoming.

Many students are eager to participate in the many events taking place across campus. This year’s theme for homecoming was Viva Las Ship, inspired by the city of Las Vegas.

SU brought the sinful city to the rural campus with decorated buildings and events that students can spot around campus.

Residence Life hosted its homecoming kickoff on the west side and east side quads on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m. Students were able to step out of their rooms and join the fun of singing, playing lawn games and eating snacks.

On the west side, Residence Hall Association President Adam Beam took students on a classical ride to Vegas with a 1940s jazz performance. One of the songs that he sang was “That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra, while students

gathered around and began to sing with him.

While the jazz ensemble was taking place, students were also able to enjoy many snacks like s’mores, roasted marshmallows, hot dogs and popcorn. Plenty of lawn games were set out for everyone to enjoy like Connect 4, bean bag toss and frisbees.

President Charles Patterson and First Lady Colleen Patterson, along with their dogs Oliver and Sweetie, stepped out to enjoy the festivities with students. They socialized and cheered on the entertainment of the evening and smiled with glee as other students danced the night away to Beyoncé’s “Break My Soul.”

The night was appreciated by many students due to midterms ending and a stressful second half of the semester beginning for some.

“This was something that everyone needed, a chill night to start such a big homecoming,” graduate student Brianna Webb said.

SU hosts a night on the ship

As the crowning of the 2022 Shippensburg Homecoming Court came closer, students enjoyed a “Night on the Ship” in a Vegas-style trivia match.

About 300 students attended the event in the Ceddia Union Building’s multipurpose room and took part in the trivia game that was held.

The game was split into five rounds with each round having 10 questions worth one point and one bonus question worth five

points. The topics for the five rounds were facts about Shippensburg University, Las Vegas, “adulting,” fun facts and slogans.

As a way to keep the competition fair, students were forced to place their phones in the middle of the table so no Google searches were allowed. This encouraged group members to work with each other and talk out their answers.

The team that placed first would split a $200 reward, second place would split $100 and third place would split $50.

Students were not limited

in the creativity in their group names. Some notable group names were Grandma’s Kisses, #WeWillWin, The Bean Team, and Farm Show Milkshakes.

Members of the Homecoming Court were also in attendance, with some even taking part in the game. When speaking with them, they expressed excitement and support for their fellow members of the court.

“This is a team effort and having that sense of community is what’s making this experience truly special for me,” Brixx Minguez said.

In the end, it was a

MSA Step Show Gallery

close game as two teams tied for third place. “The Homecümmers” and the “Patterson Fan Club” tied for third, the United Nations came in second and the group named “The Pretzels Ran Out” came in first.

In addition to the game, and as a way to keep the Vegas theme, playing cards with the words “Viva Las Ship” on the cases were placed on the tables for students to grab. Students were also able to grab mocktails with Vegasinspired names. The drink options included Blue Suede Shoes, Cashout, The House and Royal Flush.

Spirit rally brings the hype for 2022 Homecoming

On Friday before homecoming weekend, Shippensburg University’s student section, the Red Sea, hosted a spirit rally to get students, faculty and alumni all pumped for homecoming weekend and the football game.

Fans were able to enjoy food trucks with a variety of food and games, as well as a DJ playing all kinds of great music. The main goal of the night was to get the Shippensburg school spirit pride going.

The rally was hosted by The Red Sea’s Riley Kendall and President Tyler Olsen who said he “had a lot of fun hosting the event and getting everyone ready for football.”

There were some performances by the cheerleaders who pumped

the crowd up with stuns, cheers and band dances. To keep the spirit going, we got to see the dance troupe give a hip-hop performance.

Fans were also given the opportunity to participate in the contest. The first was an air guitar contest where eight people in the crowd were chosen, picked a song and gave their best air guitar performance. The winner of that contest was a young man whose stage name was “Tank.” The next contest consisted of a large crowd of people divided into pairs to see who can snatch the cup up faster. Once the contest started and the number of people started to go down there were only two people left, and the winner was Michael, who won a twentyfive-dollar gift card to Amazon.

During the spirit rally, there were opportunities for

dance breaks. Free t-shirts were thrown into the crowd. Kendall and Olsen sparked some competition amongst the crowd to spell out “Ship” and see who could be the loudest.

The event was filled with various sports teams, including football, who were amped up and ready to keep the spirit up for Saturday’s Football game.

Senior offensive lineman Markes Cruz said “he’s excited to see his peers come out and show the spirit they have for our school and team.”

Senior cheerleader Naila Mendez shared that “she enjoys being able to get the crowd excited and feeling the energy they give off”.

Overall, the event set the tone for the events that followed later that night as well as the rest of the Homecoming Weekend.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 C2
Photo courtesy of CJM Instagram SUTV members receiving the Emmy: (From left to right) Jack Ansley, Stefan Gergishanov, Jacob Hitz, Culten Maes, Brixx Minguez, Patrick Ramsdale, Marlee Bullman, Sara Cox and Cole McKowen Photo by Carmine Scicchitano SU students enjoy photo-op outside CUB MPR. Photos by Shamere Briggs
of the performers engaging with the crowd on Saturday.

Nore Davis brings the laughs to APB’s Comedy Night

Shippensburg University has seen many comedians entertain students throughout the years. 2021’s ShipFest brought Karlous Miller and Darren Brand of “MTV’s Wild N’ Out” to campus. Years prior the campus has seen Dave Chapelle and “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” alumnus Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood, just to name a few. Now another comedian has made his debut on campus just in time for homecoming.

It should be noted that there was a period in which those in attendance and APB them selves were unsure if the event was even go ing to happen. The Comedy Night was orig inally advertised with two comedians set to

perform, Nore Davis and Shannon Bauchus; however, by 8:50 p.m. neither act could be lo cated. While Nore Davis would eventually ar rive last minute to save the day, Bauchus was nowhere to be found. It was revealed by APB staff that she regrettably was stuck in Chica go. However, Bauchus did tell APB that she promised to return for the spring semester.

Despite a slightly delayed start, Nore Davis still delivered a solid set. When his routine first started, I was worried by the lack of ener gy, but he quickly started to leap off the stage with highly entertaining insights on parts of his life. Davis gave students his thoughts on parenthood, his love life, the current politi cal state of the country and more. I felt that Davis also had quite the interesting point of view on these certain aspects of life given that he is demisexual (someone who can only feel

sexual attraction with another if there is an emotional connection) as well as being the fa ther of a transgender son.

Davis’s best jokes of the night easily came at the expense of the older generation, main ly the baby boomers. Even if some of these jokes fell flat, they were made funny by the awkward tension in the room given that the event was open to alumni as well. Many of those who were in attendance are a part of that generation. While older guests may not have appreciated some of his routine, the stu dents who were present clearly enjoyed them selves. Davis even ran his set longer than ini tially planned since he enjoyed the audience’s energy so much.

If you were unable to attend the Comedy Night never fear; while events for the spring semester have yet to be announced, the Luhrs

Review: ZZ Top Rocks Shippensburg

ZZ Top performed at the Luhrs Performing Arts Center on Oct. 7 as part of their Raw Whisky Tour, which has been run ning since April and wraps up in December.

They had an incredible show, with 72-year-old vocalist/ guitarist Billy Gibbons putting on a very solid, energetic per formance. He was joined by long-time drummer Frank Beard and vocalist/bassist Elwood Francis, who took over last year after long-time bassist Dusty Hill passed away. Francis was a guitar tech for the band for over 30 years. He was a perfect fit, even sporting his own long beard.

The show began with an opening set from The Sedonas, a southern rock group based out of Knoxville, Tennessee. About half of the set was unreleased material, likely to appear on their upcoming album, “The ’79 Session,” releasing in Decem ber. They played for about 45 minutes and had a good perfor mance, especially considering it was their first time opening for ZZ Top.

ZZ Top took the stage at about 8:30, starting their perfor mance with a bang by opening with “Got Me Under Pressure,”

making sure to get the crowd energized right away. They con tinued to tear through their hits, including “Gimme All Your Lovin,” “Pearl Necklace” and “I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide.”

After this sequence, Gibbons talked to the crowd about how ZZ Top has been touring for five decades, and then he grabbed a sign from a young fan in the front row. He read off the sign, which was a completed checklist of “First Concert,”

“First Row” and “First time seeing ZZ Top.” This led to a large burst of applause from the crowd along with Gibbons giving the fan and their sibling a pair of guitar picks he used, which was a heartwarming moment for everyone.

They then continued with their set, including a cover of Merle Travis’ “Sixteen Tons” to add a hint of blues to the show. They finished off their initial set with a great back-toback performance of “Sharp Dressed Man” and “Legs,” swap ping out their guitars in between for fuzzy, all-white guitars for the final song. They then came back on stage about five minutes later for a three-song encore, featuring “Brown Sug ar” and “Tube Snake Boogie” before closing the show with “La Grange.”

ZZ Top absolutely crushed their performance in Shippens burg. It was the same exact setlist they had been playing for the entire tour, so they were clearly comfortable with their flow. They kept the audience entertained for the entire 16song performance and pulled out a few surprises with the gui tar pick handouts and the guitar switches. It’s just impressive to see a trio of artists in their 70s putting on a powerful show like they did, and they made sure to tell the audience they don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Student Artist Spotlight: Stone Lampley

Stone Lampley is a senior art education major with a minor in disability studies.

Working as an intern for professors on campus, he aims to become a teacher who is better equipped with the skills to advise students with disabilities.

“There’s a weird fear among teachers that they’re scared to teach kids with disabilities, and I didn’t want to fit into that little box,” Lampley said. “I want to be able to teach blind kids how to paint if they want or be autistic support if I need ed to be.”

However, Lampley’s pas sion for art doesn’t stop at teaching, as he has rede fined what one may think of as a sculpture by using card board as a material. Using a common material to create sculpture pushes the bound aries of what is fine art. The idea was brought to Stone by professor Steve Dolbin.

Lampley said he felt that a

lot of artists get hung up on themes to their work rather than creating. He said that by making what he felt like making, he could identify the ideas within his pieces afterward.

“Texture was a big factor to these pieces. When you have a lone piece of card board, you don’t see much texture. But when you lam inate multiple together and cut into them, you start see ing different layers of the corrugation, which allows more texture,” Lampley said.

Recent works of Lamp ley’s have been both aca demic pieces and personal projects. For school, he is working on a piece inspired by Pablo Picasso, using bal loons and multiple faces to represent his signature style. In addition to this, he is working on a large paint ing of a woman with a sky line in her head as a person al project.

“I would think memories and family, life really, in spire me a lot, sometimes,

depending on how I’m feel ing, I guess. I don’t know, it just kind of comes to you,” Lampley said about his in spiration.

For a while, Lampley did not expect that he would go to college.

“I’m dyslexic so I always thought, ‘Oh, I’m not gonna be smart enough for college or whatever,’” Lampley said. Now, he serves as both in spiration and a guide to his fellow college students as they navigate academic life.

Lampley continues to pursue his passion while working toward teaching future generations of artists.

“I really love doing sculp ture, but I do everything to keep myself well-rounded; not just for my own personal benefit but also for the kids I want to teach in the future,” Lampley said. He recognizes that students come from all kinds of backgrounds and have a variety of interests. By staying well-rounded and open minded, Lampley will teach others the joys of creating in their own ways.

Easy Solution Hard Solution

A&E Tuesday, October 18, 2022D1
Performing Art Center will be welcoming for mer “Saturday Night Live” cast member Jim Breuer on Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Images coutesy of Stone Lampley Stone Lampley and Professor Steve Doblin with Stone’s sculptures “Anxi ety” (top) and “Gluttony” (bottom). Adam Beam/The Slate Nore Davis entertained the SU crowd during homecoming weekend. ZZ Top played many of their hits as well as some surprises at their Luhrs performance.

Football falls to Kutztown 29-10 on Homecoming Saturday

Shippensburg University’s football team disappointed a large homecoming crowd on Saturday afternoon with its 29-10 loss to Kutztown Uni versity at Seth Grove Stadi um.

SU was down just six points at the half, but its of fense went mute in the sec ond half, scoring zero points and totaling just 16 yards of offense in the final two quar ters.

The Raider’s only touch down of the game came in the first quarter on a 49-yard flea-flicker toss from red shirt-freshman quarterback Sam Johnson III to sopho more receiver Ian Sheehan.

That touchdown made the score 7-7 heading into the second quarter, and in the second frame SU sophomore kicker Jaxson Montross nailed a 39-yard field goal.

Kutztown kicker Dawson

Evitts made three field goals in the quarter however, giv ing the Golden Bears a 16-10 lead at the half.

Evitts picked right back up where he left off in the third quarter, nailing two more field goals from 36 and 39 yards out, stretching the KU lead to 22-10 heading into the final frame.

The Golden Bears would put the game away in the fi nal quarter with a 14-play 80-yard drive capped off by a 1-yard Daryl Davis-McNeil touchdown run, creating the final 29-10 score.

Davis Mcneil and Jordan Davis combined for 191 yards rushing on 43 carries for Kutztown.

The Raider defense had some bright spots in the loss, including redshirt-sopho more linebacker Terrance Peterson Jr. setting a ca reer-high with 12 tackles in his first career start.

Fellow redshirt-sopho more linebacker Matt Feeney

was right behind him with 10 tackles in the game.

Redshirt-freshman defen sive back Rynell Gantt made his season debut in the game after suffering an injury in preseason, and he totaled six tackles with two pass break ups.

Johnson III led the strug gling Shippensburg offense with 113 yards on 13-25 pass ing attempts and a touch down.

Sheehan caught six passes for 68 total yards and senior running back Khalid Dors ey rushed nine times for 46 yards.

With the loss, SU falls to 3-4 on the season and 2-2 in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Eastern Division.

The Raiders will be back on the road next week as they travel to Millersville to take on the Marauders at 2 p.m. on Saturday at Biemesderfer Stadium.

No. 2 field hockey drops first home game since 2019; then gets win over Mansfield


Shippensburg University’s No. 2 field hockey team was defeated 4-1 by No. 4 Kutz town University, ending the Raiders school record winning streak.

SU lost its first home game since Nov. 5, 2019, against Millersville University in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) quarterfinals in double overtime.

The Raiders outshot the Golden Bears 18-8 and had an 8-4 penalty corner advantage, but were still only able to muster one goal in the

KU scored two from penalty corners and got a third goal with just five seconds remain ing in the second period to take a 3-0 lead into halftime.

Early in the third period the Golden Bears scored again to make it 4-0. Senior Merel Hoekstra scored a goal with just under two minutes remaining in the game to create the final 4-1 scoring margin.

The Raiders returned to their winning ways on Saturday, defeating No. 9 Mansfield University 3-1.

SU had to play from behind for the second

game in a row, as MU got on the board first with two minutes left in the first half.

However, 30 seconds into the second half sophomore Tess Jedeloo tied the game on a tight reverse hit thanks to an assist from fel low sophomore Mya Kemp.

Shippensburg took control in the final frame, getting a goal from sophomore Chloe Prettyman and freshman Lilly Cantabene to put the game away.

Prettyman’s goal came first and came off an assist from Cantabene, who drew MU goalkeeper August Lewis away from the net.

Cantabene was rewarded for her unselfish

ness five minutes later when she was able to sneak a shot past Lewis into the right side.

The Raiders turned up the heat on defense in the second half, not allowing Mansfield to attempt a shot after they took 13 in the first half. Mansfield still had a 7-4 penalty corner advantage but Shippensburg finished with a 12-11 shots on goal advantage.

The Raiders will travel to No. 1 West Ches ter University on Wednesday for a battle be tween the top two ranked teams in the PSAC, starting at 4 p.m.

Sports Tuesday, October 18, 2022 E1 Football, E2 Gallery, F1
Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate The raucous Shippensburg University homecoming crowd was disappointed on Saturday as the home team fell to Kutztown University by three scores. Sophomore wideout Ian Sheehan caught six passes for 68 yards and a TD. Photo courtesy of Andrew Miller/SU Sports Info. The Raiders were defeated at home by No. 4 Kutztown, marking the first time they have lost at home since Nov. 5, 2019, against Millersville University. Isaiah Snead Sports Editor

Maya Thompson: Flying High

experiences for everyone in volved.”

Maya Thompson, a local 10-year-old, performed with the Shippensburg University cheerleaders at the home coming football game on Sat urday.

Thompson was drafted onto the SU cheer team by Team IMPACT, an organi zation that matches chil dren facing serious illnesses and disabilities with college teams. According to its web site, Team IMPACT fosters “long-term, life-changing

Thompson has been re ceiving chemotherapy to treat a lymphatic malforma tion, said Martina Thomp son, Maya’s mother.

During the game, Thomp son followed the SU rou tines alongside junior Caitlin Delaney. She stood next to Delaney during cheers, per formed cartwheels and back bends and was top of the pyr amid for a few stunts.

Thompson has been cheer ing since she was 6 years old and has been with the SU

cheerleading team for a year. “She is really great, and we are happy to have her,” said Crystal Collier-Walker, head coach of SU cheerleading. When she was drafted onto the team, Collier-Walker said she was sent videos of the SU routines so she can practice from home. Now, Maya per forms with the SU cheerlead ers at as many events as pos sible, including games and pep rallies.

“She cannot wait to be an SU cheerleader. They all in spire her,” Martina Thomp son said.

Women’s soccer picks up 1-0 win over Shepherd

The Shippensburg Univer sity women´s soccer team defeated Shepherd Universi ty 1-0 in a Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) matchup at David See Field on Wednesday.

The Raiders scored early in the first half and held onto the lead until the end.

Senior Alyse Caffrey scored her first goal of the season 11 minutes into the game, after graduate Alexis Worley intercepted the ball in the midfield and found Caffrey with her pass.

Heading into the second half, Shepherd attempted to start a comeback with strong offensive play, but sopho more goalkeeper Morgan Molyneaux had some im portant saves for the Raid ers. Molyneaux totaled eight saves in the match.

Statistically, the Raiders had seven shots on goal to Shepherd´s eight shots on the goal and both teams had five corner kicks each.

Shippensburg’s women’s soccer will look to extend its winning streak against Saint Thomas Aquinas at home on Monday at 3 p.m.

SPORTS October 18, 2022E2
Elizabeth Peters/The Slate Local 10-year-old Maya Thompson was able to perform with the Shippensburg University cheerleaders at the homecoming football game on Saturday afternoon. Elizabeth Peters Managing Editor Maya Thompson was able to perform on Saturday thanks to Team IMPACT. Nicola Pugge Staff Contributor Photo couresy of Andrew Miller/SU Sports Info. SU senior Alyse Caffrey’s goal was all the Raiders needed to get past Shepherd University on Wednesday.
THIS WEEK IN RAIDER SPORTS Football Saturday at Millersville 2 P.M. Field Hockey Wednesday at West Chester 4 P.M. Saturday at Frostburg State 7:30 P.M. Men’s Soccer Wednesday at West Chester 2 P.M. Saturday vs Lock Haven 2 P.M. Wednesday at East Stroudsburg 7 P.M. Saturday vs Lock Haven 4:30 P.M. Women’s Soccer Friday at Kutztown 7 P.M. Saturday at East Stroudsburg 4 P.M. Volleyball Swimming Friday at. Fairmount State 5 P.M.

SU Homecoming 2022

Spirits remained high for homecoming crowning, despite football losing 29-10

Tuesday, October 18, 2022F1
Photos by Carmine Scicchitano

SU Homecoming 2022

Tuesday, October 18, 2022F2
Photos by Austin Trevino Shippensburg University revives homecoming parade after 12-year break

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