Volume 65 No. 10
November 13, 2012
S h i p p e n s b u rg U n i v e r s i t y o f P e n n s y l v a n i a
SID EWA vanis LK h e s! Uncover the mystery, A3
A2 November 13, 2012
What’s Inside... News
Celebrating 56 years as Shippensburg University’s student-run campus newspaper. Chelsea Wehking / Editor-in-Chief
Cara Shumaker / Managing Editor
News Colleen Bauer / News Editor William Kauffman / News Editor
Photography Alexa Bryant / Photography Editor
Opinion Samantha Noviello / Opinon Editor Ana Guenther / Asst. Opinion Editor
Talks to update steam system in the works, A3
Why the communication department at SU is best for us, B1
Ship Life
Ship Life Danielle Halteman / Ship Life Editor Anna Seils / Asst. Ship Life Editor A&E Sarah Eyd / A&E Editor Matthew Kline / Asst. A&E Editor Sports Samuel Stewart / Sports Editor Nick Sentman / Asst. Sports Editor
Mail: The Slate Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257
Heartbreak for SU football and field hockey, E3-E4
“The Metal Children” shocks and impresses, D1
Today AM Showers
Advertising Nickolys Hinton / Ad. Director Copy Lauren Miscavage / Chief Copy Editor Lauren Cappuccio / Asst. Copy Editor Ashley Stoudnour / Asst. Copy Editor Adviser Dr. Michael W. Drager
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The Slate is a weekly student-run newspaper printed by The Record Herald. All columns and opinion articles are those held by the specific writer, and not The Slate as a whole. Only unsigned editorials represent The Slate’s position. Advertisements are organized and approved by The Slate, and are not representation of The Slate or its position on matters. Advertising deadlines are the Monday before next publication date at 4 p.m. Contact for more information. Letters to the editor should be concise (no more than 300 words) and should be sent to slate.ship@gmail. com. All submissions become property of The Slate and will not be returned. The Slate will not print anonymous letters, and reserves the right to refuse to print a letter if the Editorial Board feels it is inappropriate. The Slate uses art from King Features and Associated Press Images as well as various art sources which are credited within the publication.
Front cover by Emily MaCoy
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PR & Circulation Christina Pooler / PR Director
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SU Mini-THON raises more than $10,000 to fight children’s cancer, C1
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news November 13, 2012
SU steam system in need of updates Lauren Cappuccio Asst. Copy Editor
Anyone walking by Naugle Hall on the way to class or by Reisner Hall to eat might see a portion of sidewalk that has been torn up. Several days ago, steam was seen rising from the cracks before guard rails were put up to surround the area. The rising steam was due to a leak in the steam system, according to William Lensie, assistant director for maintenance and operations. The steam system that is currently in place at SU provides heat to all the buildings by transporting steam through pipes that run underneath the sidewalks and when there are cracks or faults within the pipes, they must be dug up and replaced to keep the system running efficiently. Every year, there are usually several leaks by the
On the campaign trail 2012 Four more years it is
Giuseppe Macri
Staff Columnist
Photo by Lauren Cappuccio
The rising steam from the sidewalk was due to a steam leak in the steam system. system that need to be fixed or replaced. Lensie was informed about the steam leak on one of his daily rounds and saw steam coming out of the concrete box near Reisner. Those boxes are actually vent boxes for manholes. When steam escapes due to leaks in the system, it comes out through the boxes.
This usually indicates something is wrong. Lensie also said that there is a grant currently in motion that would replace the antiquated steam system used to heat the buildings and make room for a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. It is in the works to be established for the 2013-2014 school year.
Both suspects arrested in stabbing incident off campus Colleen Bauer News Editor
Both suspects in a stabbing incident in Shippensburg are in custody as of Thursday, Nov. 8. At approximately 12:26 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 6, police were called to a fight in the 300 block of East Fort Street. The victim, Nicholas Fortenberry, of Shippensburg, later came to the police department with stab wounds on the back of his head and neck, according to Shippensburg police. The first suspect, Paul Rivers, 21, of Shippensburg, was taken into custody Tuesday while the other remained at large until
Photo courtesy of Flickr
Both suspects in the stabbing incident on Fort Street are now in custody. Thursday. Rivers is facing multiple charges including aggravated assault and robbery. Johnathan Smalls, 18, the second suspect, was
taken into custody Thursday. Both suspects have a set bail of $100,000, according to Shippensburg police.
Election predictions went from close tie to colossal tidal wave Tuesday night after President Barack Obama swept seven out of eight swing states to cement his reelection and four more years with 332 Electoral College votes. The Democratic White House takeaway included battleground states Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, Nevada, Colorado and Iowa, all of which gave the race to the Obama campaign in what, otherwise would have been, a hotly contested race. Gov. Mitt Romney managed to secure remaining North Carolina, finishing with 206 total electoral votes, well behind the president by more than 100 votes. After picking up additional seats in the Senate and stacking its majority by 53 to 45, Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration are calling the victory a political mandate from the American people for their policies and agendas. Republicans maintained their majority in the House of Representatives with 233 seats compared to the Democrat’s 194. That balanced congressional power between the parties for at least the next two years prior to the next congressional elections. “I ran for office because I am concerned about
America. This election is over, but our principles endure. I believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to a resurgent economy and to renewed greatness,” Romney said in his concession speech early Wednesday morning. “I so wish that I had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader. And so Ann and I join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation,” Romney also said in his speech Wednesday. In his victory speech early Wednesday morning, Obama thanked his supporters and constituents for standing by him through a self-admittedly tough four years. The president congratulated the Romney campaign on a hard-fought election and alluded to the two of them discussing solutions to major issues of partisanship facing the nation. Obama went on to address the nation as a whole on the basis of which he was first elected in 2008 — hope. “I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting,” Obama said to a crowd of supporters in his home city of Chicago where he waited out the election results with his family.
“I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggest. We’re not as cynical as the pundits believe. We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are and forever will be the United States of America,” Obama said. The president’s call for bipartisanship could not come at a more crucial time as the nation imminently faces what has been called a “fiscal cliff” at the end of 2012, referring to the expiration of major tax cuts and spending programs all at once. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner and the president have expressed polar opposite views of how to deal with the cliff, with the Republican controlled House calling for tax cut extensions and the Obama administration proposing tax hikes for the wealthiest percentage of Americans to make up federal revenue. The fiscal cliff is undoubtedly the biggest issue facing America’s immediate future with having the potential to plunge the already weak economy back into recession. As the tidal wave of victory recedes, both Republicans and Democrats will have to turn bipartisan words into actions to keep the country from drowning in debt at the start of 2013 — and four more years of Obama as president.
A4 November 13, 2012
South Mountain Speakers Spicka plans to remain discuss water protection active after loss in election Sarah Eyd
A&E Editor
On Thursday, Nov. 8, Patrick Bowling, source water protection coordinator at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection spoke to about 120 people at SU’s Memorial Auditorium. His lecture was part of the South Mountain Speakers series. The event was organized by SU professor Allen Dieterich-Ward. The purpose of the lecture was to educate the community about the “challenges of conserving water quality and quantity in the region.” Prior to the lecture, 10 local watershed management groups, including the Franklin County Watershed Association and Antietam Creek watershed showcased their work in the auditorium’s lobby. Bowling started his presentation with basic information on hydrology and geology. He then spoke in detail about the effects and processes of installing a well and the importance of taking preventative measures such as grouting, against contamination. “Paying a couple hundred extra dollars to get a well grouted will save time and money against contamination,” Bowling said.
“An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure.” Bowling focused his attention on the problems of the Cumberland Valley and surrounding areas. He presented state-wide data and narrowed in on the hazards prevalent in the region. According to Bowling’s data, agriculture run-off is the No. 1 source of groundwater contamination in the region.
“An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure,” Bowling said.
Another source of contamination causing problems on a national level is the improper disposal of prescription drugs, which the Drug Enforcement Agency has taken an interest in. After scientists found levels of pharmaceutical drugs in aquatic life, the DEA started sponsoring drug take-back events, where anybody could drop-off unused or unwanted drugs and safely dispose of them. Although prescription drug disposal is not the
Shippensburg area’s biggest threat to groundwater contamination, Bowling encourages all unwanted prescription drugs be disposed of by putting them in kitty litter or coffee grounds. After Bowling’s lecture, he joined a panel with SU professor Christopher Woltemade and Washington Township manager Michael Christopher for a questionand-answer session. “This is not a new idea,” Bowling said. “Water protection has been around since the Jamestown proclamation.” Bowling encourages students and the Shippensburg community to get involved and take control. “Raise awareness and know where your water is coming from,” Bowling said. The audience was made up of an even mix of students, faculty and community members, including Sen. Richard Alloway. “I think it was a huge success,” Dieterich-Ward said. Bowling’s lecture was the last in the 2012 South Mountain Speaker series. For more information, and for next year’s schedule, visit
William Kauffman News Editor
Susan Spicka of Shippensburg plans to continue involvement in the local community and political process after losing the race for representative of Pennsylvania’s 89th district to Rep. Rob Kauffman, R-Chambersburg. Between the two counties in the 89th district, Kauffman received 18,156 votes to Spicka’s 11,806. It was especially close in Cumberland County where Spicka was just 12 votes short of Kauffman’s 2,821 according to the Pennsylvania Department of State election returns website. A mother of two, she came together with other parents in the community and organized to advocate for adequate funding for public schools after Gov. Tom Corbett announced that he planned to cut funding for K-12 and higher education in Pennsylvania. They wrote hundreds of letters and emails to Rep. Kauffman asking him to make public education his top priority. Kauffman told them there were simply no funds available to restore the cuts. Spicka studied the budget herself and concluded that there were funds available, but they were being spent on other priorities, which inspired her to run for office. “State legislators in south-central Pennsylvania almost always run unopposed,” Spicka said. “This means that they are absolutely unaccountable to their constituents and that they can vote however they’d like without having any fear that they might lose their jobs.” Spicka’s candidacy began in late 2011 with rounding up signatures to get her name on the ballot; organizing a comprehensive campaign; generating name recognition; contacting more than 20,000
potential voters through knocking on doors and making phone calls; creating press releases; writing letters; mailing voters and running radio ads all with the help of volunteers. On the campaign trail, Spicka personally knocked on more than 500 doors, and talked to people from all over the political spectrum. She said most people were kind and she gained a lot of new perspectives on how to address problems in Harrisburg. “I came to understand very clearly that most people want the same things,” she said. “They want to live in a community that is safe and has a good quality of life. They want their children and grandchildren to have opportunities to have a bright future. They want to know that they will be financially secure and not have to worry as they grow older that they will be unable to live independently.” Spicka said people who support the causes she represents can continue to make a difference by staying involved in the voting process; letting their voices be heard by elected officials including Rep. Kauffman through phone calls, letters and emails; writing letters to the editor in local newspapers and simply talking about important issues with their friends and neighbors. “I hope that SU students will continue to stay involved and informed about what is happening in our state and national government,” she said. “Our governor and state legislators’ decisions to fund, or de-fund, the State System of Higher Education will directly impact their pocketbooks and their opportunities for learning in small classes with qualified faculty members teaching them.” Spicka said she was humbled and honored to receive the vote of so many
Photo by Alexa Bryant
Spicka speaks about issues students faced in the 2012 election.
people in the 89th district and that she will forever be grateful for the generosity and hard work of her supporters and volunteers. Her campaign team is regrouping to build on the momentum generated over the last year, but Spicka is unsure about what exactly the future holds for her political future. She is in the process of reconnecting with public education advocates from around the state so they can coordinate their efforts to advocate for the restoration of funding to public schools. Despite the loss, Spicka feels she started an important conversation in the district and she will continue to work for her causes. “We have given people a voice in this area that has never existed before,” she said. “Now, instead of complaining about bad decisions our legislators make, we can raise our voices together and question them. It is exciting to look to the future. I am so very proud of the campaign we ran and of every person who helped us.”
opinion November 13, 2012
Why the communications department at SU is best for us Samantha Noviello Opinion Editor
Joining the communication/journalism department at Shippensburg University was the best decision I have made for myself. Throughout my life I have always wanted to be a writer. Through every hard time in my life I have always turned to writing down my thoughts, poetry or short stories. But when I got into high school, I lost sight of
Ana Guenther
Asst. Opinion Editor
The communication/ journalism Department at Shippensburg, has given me more than I could have ever asked for. While I was once nervous to pursue my career in this field, I now only feel confident and excited to show the print world what I can do. Each major emphasis in this program holds a variety of options for students. Students are given hands-on experience that is incredibly valuable.
that. I thought I wanted to be a music teacher and wanted to attend Slippery Rock University. I wanted to be as far away from home as possible; the one place that held every memory I did not want. But once I started community college the year after I graduated, things became clearer to me. I wanted to be far enough away from home that I was not able to drive home every weekend, but not too far that I could not see my family. Honestly, SU caught my attention because I knew someone who was attending here and it became more appealing to me. Once I visited the school, I was hooked. So choosing my major was the tricky part. Not only did I not know what I wanted to do, but I was also scared to make the
wrong decision. Picking a major is something everyone seems to be pressured into and it becomes a stressful choice in your life. So as I sat down to write one day, I realized, why would I not want to do this for the rest of my life? And from then on it is what I wanted to do with my life all over again. My mom could not say enough positive things about the dean and the department’s faculty and I agreed 100 percent. I have not spent one day with regrets about joining the department. Every class I have taken has benefited me in some way. Every professor I have had has lived up to my expectations and have become role models and excellent mentors in my life. The connection the professors have with the students is special.
For instance, yesterday I attended my very first Public Relations Student Society of America meeting. I felt like I was sitting in a corporate office listening to gainfully employed PR practitioners. The professionalism I observed was impressive, and the work that this organization has done can be found everywhere on campus. Has anyone ever watchedSUTV? If not, you should. Our university’s student television program was nominated and won an Emmy. Imagine being a part of an organization that has won the same award as some of Hollywood’s best actors. Anyone ever listen to WSYC-FM? The We Serve Your Community radio station at SU can now be heard all around campus. Music and ads pertaining to information around SU can be heard over the air daily in Reisner Dining Hall and the CUB. Finally, The Slate.
Now, I am not just saying this because I write for the student newspaper, but I do not think people appreciate the time and effort the staff members on this newspaper really put in. The cover pages are hand drawn, the pictures are taken and edited by staff members and the articles are created with the hardworking intent to educate and entertain. People make the excuse to say they do not like to read. Well, I do not buy it. I think the people who say this are just lazy and too single-minded to care about the student organizations that set their school apart from others. To everyone who does not pay attention to these student media groups, you are missing out. When I sit in classes for my major, something that I love to see is the love my professors have for this profession. You can see the passion they have given, and they are more than willing to
To know how much your professors care about your work, your experiences and the amount of information you learn to apply into the work force after graduation, is amazing. Student media are also impressive at SU.
At the end of my first semester at SU, I applied to write for The Slate. I did not think I had a chance at anything more than a staff writer position, but I ended up being interviewed for the assistant opinion editor. It was such an amazing experience for me to learn, use my writing skills and develop countless skills on page design and running a section. The next semester I became the opinion editor, where I still sit today. Without this experience, my skills would not be put to use and I would be much less likely to get a good job after I graduate. The communication/journalism department really pushes the students to get involved and get experience in a student media branch. And even though I am a print media student, the
other two emphases are well-staffed too. There is at least one professor who is a professional in something you are interested in. Whether it is magazines, newspapers, radio or television, the professors in this department are very intellegent and are experts in what they do. Knowing that I can relate to one of my professors about my upcoming career is so comforting. I cannnot imagine being at any other university or in any other major. The communication/journalism department has given me nothing but opportunities, experience, knowledge and confidence in what I want to do with the rest of my life. Thank you to the department and all my professors for being inspirational and great mentors; I am grateful.
pass some of that drive off to their students. I love the variety of classes I can take and I can unequivocally say I have never felt more certain of my future than I do now. I am not just learning how to write for a newspaper, but for so much more. I am learning how use the English language.
I am learning history and my future profession played a large role in shaping this country. This department lives and breathes hard work and determination, and I love to watch the passion from my professors as they tell me how much they love their line of work. I look forward to the day where I can
put the SU Communication/ Journalism Department on my resumé. I know it will take me far. I know that I have made the right decision to attend SU. I hope other students make the same decision too.
Not only does the faculty strive to make us the best in what we do, but also they want us to learn. They are all excellent professors and are setting us up for what is about to come after graduation in our fields.
“Every professor I have had has lived up to my expectiations and have become mentors in my life.”
Photo courtesy of
B2 November 13, 2012
What Grinds My Gears: Food Lines on Campus
Nick Sentman
Asst. Sports Editor You know what grinds my gears? The food lines on campus. I know we do not have as many students on campus as Penn State or Pitt; however, we have enough to make waiting in lines frustrating. We all love the fact that there are different food options. I know I enjoy my routine stomping grounds. However, for other students they can pick and choose what they would like. It just annoys me to see the way that lines are formed and how things get handled. I probably have a story for almost every place
Sarah Montanari and Ally Oppmann
on campus that involves me experiencing line troubles. The worst has to be Papa John’s. Yes, the newest addition to the campus eateries, Papa John’s is located right inside Kriner Dining Hall. When I was a freshman, I remember Mama Leone’s being there, which had some really great pizza. Yet, for the life of me I cannot remember having a line issue there. Now, Papa’s confuses the life out of my friends when we go there to eat. There is no beginning to the madness. If our pizza of choice is not in the window, we wait and hope one comes out shortly. If it does not,
do we order and pay, wait awkwardly like a moron, or what should we do? I always seem to walk into Papa’s and have some conversation with people in line as to who ordered what and when.
“We need better lines because food is something you just do not mess with.”
If anything, this teaches you how to be courteous and to be observant. You must respect the people who were there before you and also watch
to see if someone who came after you attempts to steal your cheese pizza. Not everyone can be like me and make friends with the people who work there, so you have to follow these rules to insure that while at Papa Johns you do not have a bad time. If you steal someone’s food you are going to have a bad time, and if you cut in line you are going to have a bad time. Lines do not get any better in Kriner. I know that after you order your food at Sub Generation you are in no man’s land. Just wandering aimlessly wondering if you should get a drink, get something else to eat or go pay.
though, the line has been switched around. Now they do have those rope lines that you see in banks, but it is all backward. Now I feel like the lines stretch in the most awkward position; back to the entrance. Before, we could stand along the side where no one would have trouble, but “The Dip” as my friends and I like to call it, is a busy place, almost always filled with people. All I am saying is, SU needs to get with the program. We need better lines because food is something you just do not mess with. We need law and order to go along with our wraps and pizza.
Plus, with the ladies being understaffed and always running around, it causes you to lose focus on where you are in line. The best advice is to get a drink, anything else you need, and mind your manners. Wait in line and be as cautious as possible. It is a tight fit in there and people could get hostile. If they could only find a way to make that work I am sure Sub Generation would be set. The main issue though is the CUB. I eat at Chickendipity a lot. I frequent there a good bit after really taking to the buffalo chicken wraps last year. This year
Pay It Forward
Break free of the cycle of selfishness
Staff Columnists
“Give yourself entirely to those around you. Be generous with your blessings. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal,” a quote by Steve Maraboli About a year ago, I was in a discussion regarding misconceptions about college students, particularly selfmisconceptions. A lot of great ideas were shared, but I only remember mine. Ignore the possible egotistical connotations of that statement because the reason that I cannot forget it is because it was so convincing. My response: “A com-
mon misconception is that college students are poor.” Trust me, this excuse creeps into my life all of the time. It is there when I pass by student groups collecting donations in the CUB. It is there when the Giant cashier asks if I would like to donate a dollar to a charity that will get a bright paper shoe with my signature taped to the wall and it is there when I go to buy my textbooks or make a car payment or pay my taxes. However, that excuse is very rarely present when I go out to dinner with friends. (Though, I can admit to ordering free water). It is rarely there when I feel like grabbing a candy bar while I wait in the tooslow check-out line. It is rarely there when that new
album is released or that new book is published or that new video game hits the store shelves. I do not think that American college students are poor. I think that we, myself definitely included, often choose to be selfish. Please do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with spending money and time on the things that you love. And, I understand that, at times, your bank account may honestly drop to zero. I have been there. But, I have also been in places in which I have had the opportunity to use the abundance that I have been blessed with to pay it forward to someone else. These are powerful and significant moments. What
I love about Maraboli’s quotation is that he urges us to move beyond another misconception. Our society seems to have morphed into an ideology of money-solves-all-problems. Thus, good deeds are often limited to pulling out a wallet to drop spare change in a bucket or mailing a check halfway across the world. Stay with me: These are good things. Yet, Maraboli encourages us to give ourselves to those around us. Material donations are always helpful, but we engage in a deeper service when we invest
our time, our passion, and our hearts. So, this week I have two challenges for you: Take a serious look at your material blessings. Are you poor or are you rich with the potential for generosity? Pursue commitment in
your every act of service. Make it meaningful for both you and the person that you are serving. You have the power and the opportunity to affect life-changing moments. Be bold; move beyond the excuses.
Photo courtesy of
B3 November 13, 2012
Social media changes voter privacy COLLEEN BAUER News Editor
Although I did not pay as much attention to the presidential elections or politics when I was young, I definitely do not remember people being too open on their political stances. Thanks to social media, one can find out another person’s political views by simply visiting his or her Facebook or Twitter. While these outlets are sufficient ways to communicate and get the word out about politics and any other opinion or news, I feel people take advantage of it in some ways. I saw multiple pictures on social media sites of people holding up their voter ballots. This is illegal in some, but not all, states.
Whether this is to make everyone aware they were voting at all or make everyone aware who they were voting for, I feel it is unnecessary. According to a survey done by Pew Research, almost 30 percent of all voters under the age of 50 shared their ballot choices with the world. However, only 17 percent of people over the age of 50 shared their choices. More than half of my Facebook and Twitter timeline during the election was not only political support to favorite candidates, but it was mostly fights amongst “friends” on who the better candidate is and why. I understand people are very opinionated and would like for everyone agree on their viewpoint, but people are always going to disagree when it comes to poli-
tics. Forcing one’s opinion on every Facebook friend or Twitter follower is not going to change the election outcome. It is also, most likely, not going to change another person’s political stance. Obviously, the hype about social media plays a huge role in people’s ease of voicing their opinions but several elections ago, I doubt people were so vocal on their standpoints. It was their personal decision and opinion, and they normally kept it to themselves with the exception of a sign in their yard or a bumper sticker. Ultimately, from now on I feel people are not going to stop openly voicing their political opinions but they should probably leave the debates to the presidential candidates.
Is it really a sincere thanks? CARA SHUMAKER
Managing Editor We are nearly halfway through November and the holiday season is starting to come upon us. With that season comes extra stress and extra…thankfulness? Yes. With the holiday season comes extra thankfulness — especially before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, in case you were unaware. However, I am not sure that the four weeks in November should make up for a year’s worth of gratitude. Currently, there is a trend on Facebook where people list one thing they are thankful for each day. I think that is a great idea. I think people should count
their blessings more often and realize how blessed they are. Although, I do not think it needs to be done only in November before the holiday that tells you to give thanks. When I log into my Facebook account multiple times throughout the day, I am usually bombarded with people’s statuses saying “Day 12: I am thankful for…” It is like reading an elementary school writing assignment. Nearly every post starts the same. I know I could easily solve this problem by not logging in as often, but it is a habit that, quite honestly, I am not willing to break. I am glad people are realizing how much they really have, but I think there are other ways to go about it than posting it on Facebook
for 30 days in a row when the holiday the whole concept is based around is only on the 22nd day. My question is, will people still be posting what they are thankful for or even be conscientious of it after the holiday? Probably not. I see people in my news feed scrambling to make their daily journal entry as if they have some kind of deadline. One friend began a post saying, “I almost missed it today, but…” Really? I mean, I am happy you thought of something you are thankful for, but if you are making a post at 11:55 p.m. about how blessed you feel because you feel compelled to keep up with your posts, how much are you really appreciating things?
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are not the opinions of The Slate, but from the writers themselves.
ship life
C1 November 13, 2012
SVA card drop off supports deployed troops
Anna Seils
Ship Life Asst. Editor The patio of the Ezra Lehman Library was occupied by the Student Veterans of America on Wednesday, providing students with the opportunity to sign holiday cards and drop off care packages for deployed United States troops. SVA member Ed Webb said more than 200 cards and $400 of care package items have been donated by students. Webb also said that even though the SVA provided free cards to sign, many students brought their own cards to drop off. “This is a good way of letting deployed troops know
people care about them,” Webb said. The event was organized by the SVA and Counseling Center and was open Monday through Friday last week. All items donated will be delivered to the American Red Cross. The items will then be shipped next week and will take as long as four weeks to get to the troops. Veteran’s Day was proclaimed by President Barack Obama on The White House website,, to be on Nov. 11, 2012. The proclamation also
stated, “Our men and women in uniform have taught us about strength, duty, devotion, resolve – cornerstones of a commitment to protect and defend that has kept our country safe for over 200 years.” The history of Veteran’s Day, stated on the Department of Veterans Affairs website, states seven months before the signing of the Treaty of VerPhoto by Anna Seils sailles, there was an “armistice, or are members of temporary cessa-
tion of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany that went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.” President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Armistice Day to be on November 11 to remember the veterans of World War I. It was not until 1954 that Armistice Day was change to Veteran’s Day, and was considered “a day to honor American veterans of all wars.” Even though Veteran’s Day was Sunday, take some time to remember United States veterans by signing a holiday card or donating a care package.
Matt Wagner, Ed Webb and Brian Richard the SVA that has received more than 200 cards.
SU Mini-THON raises over $10,000 to fight children’s cancer Lauren Miscavage
Chief Copy Editor The Ship Rec was not just a gymnasium on Friday night. It was a community center for SU students and families to come together for an event called the Shippensburg Mini-THON, which raises money for the Four Diamonds Fund, an organization that gives money directly to pediatric cancer patients, according to Nate Blass, the overall co-chair person of the event. “It’ll cover their medical bills. It’ll pay for their therapists and their specialists. It’s really directly about the kids, so that’s why our motto is ‘for the kids.’ They are most worried about their well-being and making sure they get the best treatment possible,” Blass said. “Any unpaid medical bills that they have, they’re covered by Four Diamonds.” The room was full of loud upbeat music by the student-run radio station WSYC, which entertained people from 6 p.m. Friday night to 3 a.m. Satur-
day. ShipRec transformed from a gymnasium to an enthusiastic dance floor when songs like “Gangnam Style,” “Cha Cha Slide,” “Wobble,” “Teach Me How to Dougie” and more filled the room. From bean bag tosses, to Frisbee throwing, to musical performances, to line dancing, to basketball and dodgeball tournaments and a 41-minute Zumba extravaganza, the amount of energy throughout the night exuded a positive and genuinely fun atmosphere. At random, the participants would chant the three letters to the motto, ‘FTK,’ or ‘for the kids’, in unison, causing each person to become part of the whole. In order to make this night happen and be a success, hard work, time and dedication was put into making Mini-THON come alive. “We started looking for committee members in February or March, and we did a couple events last semester just to get people to know we were around,” Blass said. “This semester, we’ve had about 15 different events in the last two
and a half months or so. It’s been a lot of planning and a lot of volunteer time.” Blass said each student who participated in the Mini-THON donated $15 to enter and $20 altogether if they chose to purchase a red Mini-THON T-shirt. The ShipRec was a sea of red, as nearly every participant during the event purchased a T-shirt. The committee’s goal for the total amount of money raised during Mini-THON was $10,000, according to Blass. However, cheers and tears of joy were expressed at 3 a.m. when the committee proudly revealed that it surpassed the goal and raised a total of $12,737.05 for the Four Diamonds Fund. The Shippensburg MiniTHON success of this year can only bring hope to these children in need, and with the total as high as it was this year, one can only imagine what Shippensburg University will continue to do in order to give back in the future.
Photo by Lauren Miscavage
The SU Mini-THON committee proudly revealed the total amount of money raised for pediatric cancer patients.
ship life November 13, 2012
SU Student Spotlight: Rebecca Mandell Theresa Helwig
Asst. Web Director Every student on campus at Shippensburg University knows what it is like to be given assigned readings and lengthy papers. Few know the feeling of having to complete readings and assignments in a different language. For Rebecca Mandell, a senior Spanish and secondary education major, this is an everyday reality. Not only does she have to write papers and read novels in Spanish, but she is required to conduct discussions about various topics with her fellow classmates. Mandell discovered her passion for the Spanish culture and language in high school where she studied it for multiple years. Upon acceptance to SU, she immediately knew that teaching Spanish was the perfect career path for her. Not only does she have an interest in speaking Spanish, but she enjoys educating children as well. She hopes that teaching Spanish will help children succeed throughout their lives. “Spanish is extremely prevalent throughout the United States in today’s society. It is beneficial to learn the language in order to communicate more effectively,” Mandell said. Learning to excel and become fluent in a second language has presented Mandell with a few difficulties that she has been forced to overcome. The speaking aspect of being a Spanish major has been the hardest challenge to surpass. This includes attempting to keep up with the countless vocabulary words she strives to commit to memory each day. She has perfected a few techniques in order to assist in learning how to speak Spanish more proficiently. “I keep a vocab diary that includes new words I learn throughout the day. I make
speaking Spanish a lifestyle and end up speaking more Spanish than English throughout the day,” Mandell said. Even with the challenges she faces, Mandell would never dream of changing her major. She said being able to learn the different aspects of the language and apply it to everyday life is extremely fulfilling. She now is able to express herself to two separate cultures as well as learn new things from a more diverse group of people. Mandell has also taken on the presidency of the Spanish club this semester. She has learned to balance the continuous stream of school work while coordinating club activities. As president, she is in charge of organizing and presenting events, booking appointments and brainstorming new club activities. The most important part of the club though is its members. “I just like to make sure the members get a lot out of the time they put into the club,” Mandell said. “I want to make it as beneficial, educational and fun as I can so that the members look forward to coming every week,” Mandell said. Mandell is able to balance her schoolwork with her extracurricular activities because her clubs essentially supplement her major. They are all Latino-based so she can apply what she has learned in class. She said it helps her stay in Spanish mode throughout the entire day and gives her the opportunity to explore the Spanish culture more in depth. Amidst her busy schedule, Mandell is also preparing to study abroad in the spring of 2013. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE) almost 3,000 students in the U.S. studied abroad for academic credit during
the 2009-2010 school year. In order to study abroad, there are many steps students have to take in preparation. Mandell is busy completing these steps that include picking a study abroad program, getting a passport, getting a visa as well as mentally preparing to leave family and friends for an entire semester. Although this aspect of studying abroad is often hard to deal with, Mandell realizes that immersing herself in the Spanish culture will drastically help her with her oral proficiency and vocabulary. She said she is not afraid to make mistakes, knowing she will learn that much more by doing so. She had some tips to give to those who are either majoring in a language or hoping to learn one. Mandell said the most important advice she can give is to participate in club events. Many of the language clubs partake in laid back discussions where members can help each other and give advice. As for a basic piece of advice for all students, Mandell had another suggestion. “Students need to learn to approach their professors. It’s extremely beneficial to confront them if you are having problems. They are only there to help. Most importantly, students need to get involved with clubs and activities around campus. It will be very helpful when they try to get a job after graduating,” Mandell said. Mandell has taken on a lot of responsibilities this semester and is excited to have the opportunity to study abroad in the spring. Although many students have trouble becoming proficient in only one language, Mandell is going above and beyond to be able to effectively communicate among two very different cultures.
Photo by Theresa Helwig
Rebecca Mandell is a senior Spanish and secondary education major, as well as president of the Spanish club.
C3 November 13, 2012
The man behind the curtain: Sean McCarthy
Sean McClellan Staff Writer
Sean McCarthy, a Shippensburg sophomore, is currently majoring in history. In his spare time he studies for his classes, longboards (a form of skateboarding) and works on improving his banjo skills. All in all he is a typical college student trying to graduate and have some fun. Oh, and one more thing, he has a weekly radio show: WSYC Punk. Every Tuesday McCarthy leaves his house around 7:30 p.m. and longboards across campus to get to the CUB. Once WSYC Metal, the previous show, wraps up, McCarthy sits down, plugs in his MacBook and gets to work. It has been one year since McCarthy first started running his radio show and two weeks since his last show. Tonight he has something special in mind—the Mighty Return Show. After kicking off his show with “Point/Counterpoint” by Streetlight Manifesto, McCarthy dives into his greeting and tells his listeners to go see the band live as soon as possible. With a flick of the switch he has got more music playing. McCarthy leaned back in
his leather office chair and relaxed for a few minutes, just listening to his music, and leaned over to grab a log sheet for the first half of his show. “We just have to fill out these,” McCarthy said as he held up a log sheet. “And make sure we don’t have any curses on the radio, ourselves or in the music, and we’re good.” As one would suspect with a show titled “WSYC Punk,” McCarthy’s twohour block is full of punk music, but that is not all he plays. McCarthy enjoys playing anything from punk to ska to reggae, or anything else he just feels like listening to. The possibilities are just about limitless. “Punk is my favorite kind of music,” McCarthy said as he faded one track out and another one in almost seamlessly. “Has been since eighth grade.” McCarthy gave his mandatory weather report before switching back over to the music. He got out of his chair and walks over to the opposite wall and begins to look ed at the different albums provided by the station. Every now and then he took one off the rack, looked at the track list and puts it back. Finally, he found what he was looking for. “They put this here just for me,” he said holding up
The Ramone’s self-titled album. He looked at the album a little bit longer than some of the previous ones before putting it back. As one of the founding members of the punk rock movement, The Ramones are a favorite of McCarthy’s, although they are not his absolute favorite band. The Beatles have that honor, followed closely by the more modern Misfits. He let himself get lost in the music again, occasionally singing along or playing in an air band. Another one of his favorite bands, Less Than Jake, starts to play. “I’ve always enjoyed music and thought doing a radio show would be awesome,” he said. “When I got to school I met someone who had a show, went to a meeting, and I’ve been doing it ever since.” The show started to wind down and the DJ began packing up his things. He brought down the microphone, the boom squeaking audibly and talked to his audience. It was time for him to close his show and introduce the next one. “This show is very, very close to being over. So close, in fact, that we’ve only got one song left,” McCarth said. “Here’s Pokémon Dubstep. Have a good night everyone.”
Interested in writing for Ship Life? Contact Danielle and Anna at
Photo by Sean McClellan
Sean McCarthy hosts WSYC Punk every Tuesday for two hours. He enjoys playing anything from punk to reggae.
a&E November 13, 2012
‘The Metal Children’ clang on stage Lauren Cappuccio Copy Editor What is art? Who has a right to determine what is appropriate? How far is too far? Should life imitate art? Most importantly, what rights does an author have over his or her own
work once readers get their hands on it? “The Metal Children,” directed by senior Evan Hallman, asks all of these questions and keeps one searching, whether or not there is just one answer. The play, written by Adam Rapp, focuses its attention on novelist Tobin
Falmouth (Tim Hippensteel) who is in a rut. Or, as he calls it, “artistic impotence.” His novel, “The Metal Children,” is currently being contested in the small town of Midlothia. At the advice of his agent Bruno (Matthew Kline) and after a passionate letter written by
Photos by William Hinton
Matthew Kline as Bruno Binnelli, with his client Tobin Falmouth.
the head of the English department, Stacey Kinsella, (Cory Stevens) he goes to visit and finds himself in a place where things are all too familiar. His novel centers around a city where young women are becoming pregnant and disappearing shortly after. Meredith Miller, the heroine of the novel, becomes a symbol in the town, representing ideals of suicide, pregnancy and inspiring a cult-like fraction to begin forming. At Falmouth’s arrival, he realizes that the young women of the town are getting pregnant, there is a group of people running around in pig masks terrorizing the town (a reference to his own book) and there is a vault in the local church that is holding all copies of his book, as if it were a volatile weapon (many member of the church seem to believe it is). He is aided by the local owner of The Blue Moon Hotel, Edith Dundee (Ashley Stoudnour), and meets Edith’s niece, Vera Dundee (Kimberly MacAlister) who is spearheading the movement to keep the novel in
schools which are obviously passionate about the cause. He is also joined by Otto Hurley (Daniel Lindgren) the head of the school board, as well as performances by freshman Jessica Lavallee in the roles of Lynne, Cooper and Nurse, as well as sophomore Zachary Clark as Kong, Pig Mask Boy and Boy X. The story twists and turns like a play should, eliciting gasps from the audience. I thought I saw several jaws hit the floor at certain scenes along with shocked whispers. Despite the serious plot and subject matter, there were funny and downright awkward moments as well, highlighting a realistic sort of world in a fantastical show. I was impressed by the type of portrayal of realism and especially in the individual performances. Stevens’ performance as Kinsella, an idealistic bibliophile and free-thinker, was heartfelt and lovingly endearing. His comedic timing was also spot-on and more often than not, his expressions were enough to get the au-
recognize the absurdities and mania of the holiday, shopping season. The production features Ethan Goldbach, a senior at Shippensburg in the role of Crumpet, Santa’s sarcastic little helper. His vivacity is certain to charm audiences in more ways than one. The performance also has some brilliant “behind the scenes” support. The scenic design is created and constructed by Benjamin Balutis. The lighting and sound design is handled by Tyler Graybeal, also a senior. Rounding out the ensemble are SU freshmen, Trevor
Taylor, Vanessa Ruffo and Sara Bugh. With this talented ensemble, The Santaland Diaries is sure to be a memorable holiday experience for all. Performances are at 8 p.m. from Wednesday, Nov. 28 until Saturday Dec. 1 and at 2 p.m. for a Sunday matinee on Dec. 2 in Memorial Auditorium. Shippensburg University invites you to begin a new holiday tradition and include “The Santaland Diaries” on your holiday wishlist.
dience to respond. For Hippensteel, what a better way to start his theater career here at Shippensburg, then by taking the lead role of Tobin Falmouth? Honest in Falmouth’s struggle and imperfection, Hippensteel brought life to this quirky and quite unpredictable character. It was a fresh change of pace to have this lead not necessarily be the man you would want to date, but maybe the one you would like to have coffee with on Sunday afternoons. Also, I found Carolyn Webster’s performance of Roberta Cupp and Emmaline Johnson’s performance of Tami Lake to be perfect. The “uppity” idealistic nature of these religious characters was strong enough to portray an entire viewpoint of the town of Midlothia, even with their short time on stage. “The Metal Children” leaves the audience with bigger questions then answers and the realization of just what words can mean and what people should do with the ideas that authors create.
Add ‘The Santaland Diaries’ to your holiday list Alyssa Cassidy Guest Writer When the holiday season rolls around, it is natural for theatre audiences to attend traditional Christmas fare such as “A Christmas Carol” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.” We have grown to love these seasonal performances but we also have seen them countless times in all different ways and they soon grow to be yet another holiday tradition. This year, put something new on your theatrical Christmas list. Please consider an off-beat and unusu-
al holiday treat. After the Thanksgiving break the Shippensburg Department of Music and Theater Arts will present The Santaland Diaries at Memorial Auditorium on the SU campus. You can expect this comic show to be anything but your typical, holiday show. Right out of the gate it delivers a performance full of energy and humor and one belly laugh after the other. The story comes from American writer David Sedaris and tells the riotous account of his experience working as a Macy’s department store elf.
Sedaris first read the story on National Public Radio in December 1992 and it was extremely wellreceived. In 1996, actor/director, Joe Mantello adapted the essay into a one-man performance. At a breezy 75-minute pace, The New Yorker magazine describes The Santaland Diaries as having, “a satirical brazenness that holds up next to Twain and Nathanael West.” This is a holiday performance not recommended for anyone under the age of 13, however, this show is a special treat for parents who
Courtesy of Alyssa Cassidy
D2 November 13, 2012
SU welcomes the legendary Supertramp
On Friday, The H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center continued its concert series, by bringing Roger Hodgson: The Legendary Voice of Supertramp to the stage.
Hodgson brought his music to the stage with a fivepiece band that gave the big sound of a full orchestra. Hodgson was greeted with a standing ovation from the crowd after being introduced. He walked humbly on stage, addressing the crowd immediately. He let the crowd know that
he was pleased to be at SU, and even though he did not have time to see much of the area, he was pleased to be here. He went on to say that the music he was about to play was a journey of his life, and it was made during a time when he was younger and wanted to express himself.
Photos by Ryan Trexler
Shippensburg Universityʻs radio station Top five new albums of the week 1. “Youth Companion” by Mean Creek 2. “Real Fear” by Casket Lottery 3. “Until Now” by Swedish House Mafia 4. “The Pale Fire” by El Perro Del Mar 5. “Transit Of Venus” by Black Forest Fire
Top ten played albums of the week 1. “Twins” by Ty Segall 2. “A Different Arrangement” by Black Marble 3. “Cobra Juicy” by Black Moth Super Rainbow 4. “Lightning” by Matt and Kim 5. “An Awesome Wave” by Alt-J 6. “Information Retrieved” by Pinback 7. “Lonerism” by Tame Impala 8. “Babel” by Mumford & Sons 9. “Former Lives” by Benjamin Gibbard 10. “Toy” by Toy
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Hodgson started the concert by connecting with his audience, and then he started with the song “Take the Long Way Home,” after some technical difficulties with instruments. He paused again and commented on his age and said he was grateful to still be playing and touring around the world. He told the crowd he just came from performing in New Jersey, where people had lost everything and how the people there were a reminder of what was good about life. Hodgson heckled late comers stating, “You missed the best songs of the show, and maybe we should start the concert over.” As the concert continued, he charmed the crowd with songs like “School,” “In Jeopardy” and gave a commanding performance of “Lovers in the Wind” in center stage while playing a
baby grand piano. He said it always impressed him when someone wrote to him and told him his music helped someone in some way. He asked the crowd when the last time they whistled. Hodgson then started with the tune “Goodbye Stranger” and then “Easy Does It.” Hodgson began his next song by taking time to speak to the crowd and make sure the people were in good spirits. He also took time to tune his 12-string guitar on stage between songs. He introduced his keyboard player Aaron MacDonald, who also played soprano and tenor saxophone, and piccolo. MacDonald spoke to the crowd very softly and humbly, saying he was grateful to be on tour with Roger Hodgson so he could share his talent with people around the world. Hodgson continued the concert with
“Breakfast in America,” “Lady,” “The Logical Song,” followed by a short intermission. When the group returned to the stage, Hodgson started the set with the song “Child of Vision” and “Lord is it Mine.” Hodgson told the audience that with all the music he has written over the years, he did not have a favorite song, but each has a special place in his life. He explained how he goes about creating songs playing different riffs from the guitar and then announced the song he was about to play named “The Awakening” was not yet recorded and that it was something he had been working on. He also performed “Death and a Zoo” and the song “Dreamer” which helped to make the night memorable.
A&E November 13, 2012
Sinbad sure to bring laughs to SU ERIN TOWSEN Staff Writer
The H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center will feature Sinbad on Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. Sinbad was born David Adkins in 1956, in Benton Harbor, Mich. He grew up in a large conventional family with a mother, father and five siblings. Later in his life, Sinbad was a part of the U. S. Air Force. During his service, he would spend time downtown and do stand-up comedy at local talent contests. He was almost discharged from the service because of “various misbehaviors.” Sinbad chose his stage name because of his love for Sinbad the Sailor.
His career began to really kick off on “The Redd Foxx Show”, playing Byron Lightfoot. Sinbad found a trick during his career that really helped him to succeed; he would not use much profanity and derogatory statements in his work. Sinbad landed a role on a spin-off of “The Cosby Show,” called “A Different World,” playing the principal of a historically black college and then playedCoach Walter Oakes, in 1987. In 1991, he played alongside Scott Bakula in “Necessary Roughness,” which made over $20 million at the box office. Sinbad was given his own show, “The Sinbad Show,” in 1993 from the Fox Network. In the show, Sinbad played David Bryan, “a
bachelor who decides to become a foster parent to two children after becoming emotionally attached to them.” The show earned him a Kids’ Choice Awards nomination for “Favorite Television Actor” in 1995 and, in April of ’94 the show was canceled. Sinbad has been part of many stand-up comedy acts including, “Sinbad: Brain Damaged,” “Sinbad: Afros and Bellbottoms,” “Sinbad Nothin’ But the Funk” and “Sinbad: Son of a Preacher Man.” His film roles include “First Kid,” “Jingle All the Way” and “Ready to Run.” If you are ready for some great laughs, be sure to check out this comedic legend Friday, Nov. 16 at 8 p.m.
Courtesy of H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center
Interested in writing for Arts and Entertainment? Email Sarah or Matt at
A&E November 13, 2012
Hip-Hop Happenings Who is The Alchemist? Britton Kosier
Staff Columnist
The Alchemist is a California native producer/rapper who has been responsible for some of the best hip-hop collaborations in the past 20 years. Producing for Evidence, a childhood friend, helped The Alchemist gain recognition with other West Coast artists in the ’90s. Before he knew it, Al was producing tracks for Evidence’s group, Dilated Peoples, and the infamous Queensbridge duo, Mobb Deep. After bringing The Alchemist on to the Anger Management Tour in 2005, Eminem signed Al to Shady Records on March 6, 2011, as his official DJ. The Alchemist’s beats are usually heavily sampled, giving off a gritty and raw feeling unlike most other producers’ work. Always paired with some of the best rhymers alive today, there is no question why the Alchemist’s discography can go pound for pound with any other producer. The Alchemist released an album, “Russian Roulette,” this summer that consisted of tracks coming only from samples from Russian songs. The concept album featured heavy-hitting emcees like Action Bronson,
Fashawn, Evidence, Roc Marciano, Boldy James and Schoolboy Q, among others. The Alchemist plans to keep his 2012 pace up like Dec. 21 will mark the end of time. The collaboration frenzy begins with the release of, “Rare Chandeliers.” The project is a free mixtape with Action Bronson slated for release this Thursday, Nov. 15. The highly-anticipated “Step Brothers” project with Al’s long-time friend Evidence is also said to be finished and ready for a 2012 release date. Other projects with Freddie Gibbs and Boldy James have been mentioned by the Alchemist, but not much information about what to expect and when to expect them has materialized. The Alchemist is a modest, down-to-earth type of guy. You will never catch him trying to take more credit than he deserves, only passing all the praise on to the emcee. In other words, the complete opposite of DJ Khaled. The Alchemist has been around to see and has had his hand in the “Golden Age” of hip-hop during the ‘90s, the Nas described death of hip-hop in the early to mid 2000s and his sound is helping to bring the essence of that “Golden Age” of hip-hop back in 2012.
Courtesy of Google Images November 13, 2012
“Like” us on Facebook: The Slate-SU Newspaper
A&E November 13, 2012
Sports Sam Stewart, Sports Editor Nick Sentman, Asst. Sports Editor Contact:
Nov. 13, 2012
Not what they hoped for E4
Field Hockey loses thriller in National semifinals, E3
Sports November 13, 2012
Nick and Sam debate whether Phil Zach Zulli SU Sports Jackson should have returned to L.A. finalist for Upcoming S S Harlon Hill Schedule am
Sports Editor and
Nick Sentman Asst. Sports Editor Well the NBA season has started and of course the top story would surround the Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers fired their head coach Mike Brown just five games into the season after starting 1-4. The Lakers offense could not get anything going with the Princeton offense that Brown employed. The Lakers were thinking of hiring Phil Jackson but ultimately landed on second choice Mike D’Antoni to run the team. We take a look at whether or not Jackson would have been a better fit for the Lakers at this time. Is the triangle offense beneficial to the Lakers or did they make the right choice in hiring a coach who has proven success with Steve Nash and. Kobe Bryant?
I think that the Lakers need to definitely go in another direction. Phil Jackson is a god among men and he will always be considered a basketball legend. Yet, there comes a time where you need to know when to move on to greener pastures. Jackson might have won 11 NBA titles as a coach, five of those with the Lakers, but he is not the right move. The Lakers need to create a new dynasty with the players they have now. Gone are the days with Shaq, Derek Fisher and Robert Horry. Kobe might still be around but it is not the same Kobe we all grew up watching. Lakers president Jim Buss needs to look in the
mirror and realize that even though Jackson is “dating” his sister Jeanie, the retired coach needs to stay retired. Why not go after a young aspiring fast-paced type of coach that could ignite the old Lakers’ team? Mike Brown might not have worked, but I still believe he was not given enough time. The Lakers need to find someone who can communicate with Kobe and at the same time bring a new rhythm to the Lakers and maybe start a new legacy. Buss is trying to compensate for making a horrible decision in hiring Brown. Brian Shaw, who is the associate head coach of the Indiana Pacers, should have been hired in the beginning. Shaw, an assistant in the Jackson dynasty years, was being groomed to take the position but Buss went in a different direction. Jackson is said to be looking at Scottie Pippen to be an assistant coach of his including trying to lure Shaw back over. One of these two guys needs to be looked at as the head coach. I know they will most likely go with Jackson again, but in reality it needs to be a oneyear rental and that is all.
The man has won 11 World Championships including five with the Lakers. Why not bring him in for the two-year deal that they want to sign him for? The Brown situation obviously did not work. Did they fire him too promptly? Sure. He was fired at the equivalent of a college football coach getting fired during the third quarter in his first game. But, if the ownership does not feel this team is improving, why would they keep him? Jackson has worked with this team before and has had extreme success with Bryant and Gasol. His triangle offense would fit in perfectly for this team. Also, bringing in Jackson could do no harm for this team. Mitch Kupchak openly stated in the team’s press conference that this Laker team is built for success this year and maybe next year. Why not bring in an experienced coach to get the title back to L.A.? If the general manager is limiting this team’s championship potential to one to two years, why not hire the “Zen Master” for those one or two years and then move on when that is done. This move makes sense for now. Does it make sense for Sam: Phil Jackson will go down the future? No. However, as one of the best coaches when have the Lakers ever in the NBA, if not the best. thought about the future?
Junior quarterback Zach Zulli of the Shippensburg University football team is one of six regional finalists named Friday in consideration for the 2012 Harlon Hill Trophy — an award given to the NCAA Division II Football Player of the Year. Zulli is the first SU player selected as a regional Harlon Hill finalist since senior split end Mike Harris was picked in 2009. Harris was an AFCA AllAmerican in 2009 and finished his season with 62 receptions, 1,018 receiving yards and 10 touchdowns. Through 10 games, Zulli leads the nation in total offense — averaging 402.7 yards per game. Zulli has completed 274-of-411 passes this season for 4,055 yards, and an all-divisions best 50 touchdowns. Six players were selected from each of the four NCAA Super Regions in place for Division II college football. Joining Zulli from Super Region 1 is Bloomsburg junior running back Franklyn Quiteh, WinstonSalem State senior quarterback Kameron Smith, IUP senior running back Harvie Tuck, Kutztown senior quarterback Kevin Morton and St. Augustine’s senior wide receiver Tyron Laughinghouse. The group of 24 candidates includes nine quarterbacks, eight running backs, five receivers, a linebacker and a defensive lineman. The NCAA Division II Championship Game is scheduled for Dec. 15 at Florence’s Braly Municipal Stadium at noon. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information
Content uploaded frequently on our website
home games in caps Football Nov. 17 vs BLOOMSBURG noon NCAA Playoffs Men’s Basketball Nov. 16 vs CHESTNUT HILL 8 p.m. Nov. 17 vs SALEM INTERNATIONAL 8 p.m. Cross-Country Nov. 17 at NCAA Championships Joplin, Mo. Volleyball Nov. 13 vs WEST CHESTER 7 p.m. PSAC Quarterfinal Women’s Basketball Nov. 16 vs DAVIS & ELKINS 6 p.m. Nov. 17 vs WEST LIBERTY 6 p.m. Wrestling Nov. 14 at Waynesburg 7 p.m. Nov. 16 at Rider Lock Haven 5 p.m. at Lock Haven 6:30 p.m. Swimming Nov. 15-17 at Patriot Invite 10 a.m.
Sports November 13, 2012
Not what they hoped for
Field hockey loses thriller to West Chester in NCAA Semifinals on Friday Nick Sentman
Asst. Sports Editor The Shippensburg University field hockey team completed another terrific season, but not how they would have liked. SU’s NCAA semifinal game against No.1 West Chester University saw the Raiders come up short, as a crushing last - minute goal ended SU’s season with a 3-2 loss. The Raiders, who were facing WCU for the second straight season in the NCAA’s, played the semifinal game at University of Massachusetts - Lowell where they played in 2003. This time they were hoping to come off with a better result, but saw a heart wrenching goal by WCU’s Kayla Gutchowski end SU’s
run in the NCAA playoffs. The Raiders started out well, getting on the board first just over five minutes into the game. Senior Emily Kohlbus scored off of an assist from junior Lauren Taylor to build some momentum for SU. Junior Katie Shoop turned in one of the most impressive defensive plays on the year when she stopped a game-tying goal by raising her stick and blocking the high-flying shot from sailing into the net. However, WCU tied it up 1-1 about three minutes later. As the intensity in the game grew, WCU managed another goal to lead 2-1 for the rest of the first half and into the second. SU, which ran into a fair share of scoring chances in the game, finally scored with about eight minutes left. A combi-
nation of senior Jamie Levy to junior Bre White finally saw junior Megan Jett push it through to tie things up. Yet, as time looked to be running out, WCU finally ended things when Gutchowski scored the game winner, ending SU’s season. SU finished the season with a respectable 17-3 record with two of those losses coming in the first games of its playoff season. The Raiders lose seven seniors, who greatly impacted the team’s success for the last four years. SU has a lot of underclassmen who played important roles this season, including White, its leading scorer. SU might have lost a great chunk of its squad, but should be able to rebound heading into the 2013 season.
Photo by Sam Stewart
The Raiders could not protect a 1-0 lead that they had early in the game.
Photo by Sam Stewart
SU ultimately fell short of a national title with a 3-2 defeat on Friday.
Did not see that coming
E4 November 13, 2012
Raiders succumb to IUP in PSAC title game 41-10 on Saturday afternoon SAM STEWART
Sports Editor Zach Zulli just did not see him. Trying to stage a miraculous comeback late in the fourth quarter, Zulli tried to throw an out-route pass near the sideline — it was just too bad that IUP linebacker Carl Fleming was right in its path. As Fleming rumbled down the sideline in front of a roaring crowd at George P. Miller stadium on Saturday afternoon, he sealed a one-sided demolition of the Shippensburg University football team and obliterated SU’s hope of a PSAC title. Not only did Zulli not see Fleming, but the Raider squad also failed to see the
Crimson Hawks steal their perfect season until it was too late. The 41-10 dismantling left SU looking tattered and broken down — a feeling that it has not had to go through all season. IUP demonstrated its No. 1 defense from the get-go disrupting Zulli early and making him uncomfortable in the pocket. The Crimson Hawks forced two interceptions, including a critical one that ended a long SU drive. Zulli finished the day with 210 yards, his lowest of the year. The game was a misrepresentation of the way SU played all year. SU made costly mistakes on defense and failed to establish any rhythm on offense. The Raiders were outgained 465-291 in the contest —
the first time they have been held under 300 yards of total offense all year. SU’s defense was blistered on the ground as IUP’s De’Antwan Williams scurried his way to 135 yards on 30 carries, including a 59-yard score that gave the Crimson Hawks their first touchdown of the game. Montay Green and Terrill Barnes torched SU for another 145 yards on the ground. Crimson Hawk quarterback Mike Box also caused SU fits. The junior threw for 176 yards and three touchdowns on the day. With the victory, IUP won its first PSAC title since 1987. The Raiders will host Bloomsburg University on Saturday at Seth Grove Stadium in the NCAA playoffs.
Photo by Sam Stewart
Bryan Barley gets a ball knocked out of his hands in the end zone.
Photo by Sam Stewart
James Cooper tries to haul down De’Antwan Williams late in the game.
All eyes set on Bloom SPORTS November 13, 2012
Sports Editor As the players trudged toward the sideline after a demoralizing defeat in the PSAC Championship game to Indiana University of Pa., the Shippensburg University football team stood devoid of any emotion as the band played the alma mater. Expressionless. The Raiders stood in front of the band, but, in reality, they were not there. This squad was completely different from what they have demonstrated all season. They were slow off the ball. They were subject to stupid penalties. They were dropping passes and forcing errant throws. No. This team that stood on the sideline at IUP was not the Raiders at all. Luckily, SU will have a chance to redeem itself when the Bloomsburg University Huskies travel into Seth Grove Stadium in Game 1 of the Raiders’ national championship dream. The Huskies come into the game looking to avenge the 49-42 loss to SU just two weeks ago — a game in which BU fans and players stood in disbelief as Bryan Barley raced like a
child on Christmas morning to the sidelines with the game-winning catch. It was a win that brought the PSAC East title to SU for the first time since 2009 and cemented a season in which the Raiders have torn up record books and stat sheets. The Huskies fought valiantly, relying on Franklyn Quiteh’s 270 yards to make a 35-point comeback in the second half. It ultimately fell short, but BU and many others learned a lot about this Raider team after its loss to IUP. First, SU can be exploited on the ground. The team came into the contest against IUP letting up over 120 yards per game — 27th in the nation. The PSAC title game did not help out its average as the Raiders let up another 200 plus yards on the ground. The defense has been known for making big stops, but the last month has shown that it has been porous at times. Second and most importantly, getting pressure on Zach Zulli is critical in ensuring a win. Zulli looked completely off target in Saturday’s loss, throwing for only 200 yards and completing only 17 of his 42 passes. He was sacked
twice and had numerous instances where he was pressured to force bad throws. But, what will we see from the Raiders this week? Will we see the 10-0 team or will we see the one that struggled mightily this week? For the second time in a month, the Raiders will host its biggest game since 2009. It is “Game of the Week” part II. Head coach Mark Maciejewski stressed staying in the same routine this week. That routine has led them to 10 wins and a gaudy stat sheet. The loss may be good for the Raiders. Under Maciejewski, SU has come back from defeats and pummeled its opposition the next week — including a 49-7 thrashing of Kutztown University after a loss to LIU Post last season. Also, SU still boasts the No. 1 offense in the nation and with a gut-check under its belts, the SU campus should see a team that is back in form. The Raiders have seen what can happen when they are not sharp. They have tasted the bitterness of defeat and should rebound against the Huskies. SU rebounds from last week and wins 35-27.
Photo by Samuel Stewart
SU’s Mike Frenette needs to have a big game against Bloomsburg this week.
Photo by Sam Stewart
Tyriq Kershaw will be called upon to step up on Saturday afternoon.
Gearing up for the playoffs November 13, 2012
SU geared up for the playoffs by winning its last two regular season matches The Shippensburg University women’s volleyball team had a busy weekend finishing the regular season on a positive note dispatching Cheyney University and West Chester University. SU defeated CU in straight sets on Friday night from Cope Hall to improve its season record to 25-10. Set scores were 25-12, 25-5 and 25-15. Freshman Lauren Hess led the Raiders with eight kills and also provided two solo blocks and four block assists. SU had 10 blocks against the Wolves, with freshman Faith Athey contributing three solo blocks and four block assists along with two kills. Junior Samantha Edwards and senior Erin Flick each provided six kills, with Edwards hitting .545 without an error and Flick swinging to a .417 percentage. Freshmen Cristen Harris and Jessica Waldeck each served up three of SU’s 12 aces on Friday. Harris had six kills and 13 digs while Waldeck added five kills and 11 digs.
Defensively, freshman Laura Plank led all players with 15 digs. Freshman Natasha Gibble chipped in with a team-high nine assists and also had eight digs. On Saturday, junior Jill Edwards became the fifth member of SU’s 1,000 kills/1,000 digs club as SU wrapped up its 2012 regular season with a 3-1 win over WCU. Set scores were 25-21, 24-26, 25-20, 25-19. The match was the first between the two teams over the course of a four-day span, as the No. 2-seeded Raiders will host the No. 3-seeded Golden Rams at 7 p.m. tonight from Heiges Field House in the quarterfinal round of the 2012 PSAC Volleyball Championships. SU has achieved its second-most wins in a season in school history, trailing only the 2007 that finished 30-12 overall and remains the only SU squad to qualify for the NCAA Tournament. Edwards led all players Saturday with 16 kills and also recorded 10 digs, resulting in her 17th double-double of the sea-
son. She was one of two Raiders with double-digit kills, as senior Jenny Pry chipped in with 10 kills and hit .129 from the floor. Freshmen middle blockers Athey and Taylor Gottshall continue to play extremely well for the Raiders. Athey had nine kills, two solo blocks and four block assists while hitting .316. Gottshall had eight kills and four block assists while hitting .333. Senior libero Lauren Murphy was outstanding in the back row, leading all players with 18 digs. Rachel Smicker entered the fray with four block assists to go along with four kills, four assists and five digs. Tonight’s PSAC quarterfinal matchup will be SU’s first home playoff match since 2007, a year the Raiders hosted the PSAC Tournament. The Raiders fell to Clarion in the ’07 semifinals, 3-1. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information
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Erin Flick will be a critical force on the defensive side of the net on Tuesday.
Off on the right note Sports November 13, 2012
SU’s womens basketball team trounced Washington Adventist 85-50 on Sunday Sam Stewart
Sports Editor The Shippensburg University women’s basketball team got its season started on the right foot as it routed visiting Washington Adventist University 85-50 on Sunday afternoon at Heiges Field House. The Raiders, opening their season without injured guard Sarah Strybuc turned to their post game early. SU dominated the post throughout the game as Stephanie Knauer and Caitlin Bamberger both scored in double digits and wreaked havoc on the boards. Bamberger had a solid game despite an injury
plagued preseason. She posted six points and shot 100 percent from the field in five minutes of play. SU’s backcourt also performed well in its first game. Jen Kalinowski had a terrific game, dishing out a team-high eight assists while scoring six. Dana and Shawna Wert created chaos on defense as both had two steals in the contest. The Raiders raced out to an early lead and took advantage of WAU’s horrific 25.9 shooting percentage in the first half to build a 25-point lead. SU built that lead to a gamehigh 39 in the second half. The Raiders had 11 of their 13 players score points in the contest. Lauren Barnett led the team off the
bench with nine points and three offensive rebounds. With the loss, WAU keeps its losing streak alive on the road. The Shock have lost 15 straight on the road, extending the streak from last year. They will have a chance to end that streak when they travel to Kutztown University on Nov. 20. The Raiders host Davis and Elkins College on Friday at Heiges Field House at 6 p.m. DEC was picked to finish seventh in the West Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic Conference this year. The Raiders will then host West Liberty University on Saturday night at 6 p.m. The Hilltoppers are 1-1 heading into Saturday’s contest.
Photo by Sam Stewart
SU’s Dana Wert draws contact as she goes in for the lay-up on Sunday.
Photo by Sam Stewart
Kasey Long drives into the lane during Sunday’s game against WAU.
Photo by Sam Stewart
Caitlyn Deeter looks for someone to pass to late in the second half.
Sports November 13, 2012